University of South Carolina Libraries
Thk Library or CogOR^sa.?Thin institution now contain* about 60,000 vo'umeA exclusive of a large number of pamphlets, and about 60,000. public documents; the annual appropriation is $5,000 for miscellaneous and. $2,000 for law books. It was established during the administration of Jefferson, at his suggestion and by bis exertions. It at first contained about 2,500 volumes, and was destroyed bv fire when the Britisb burnt the Caoilol in 1814. In the sameAeejFA resolution was iutroduced intoTVinpress Co purchase Mr. Jefferson's pi ivate* library, which was parsed, tho books bought and brought to Washington and the library of Congress again organized. Various valuable additions being made from timeto lime, the library contained, in 1831, 35,000 volumes. During that year it accldenlly caught fir#, and 35,000 Tolomes were destroyed, and the room"very much injured.? This accident finally resulted in the room bein^ made'perfectly fire proof, by constmclftig the alcoves and shelve* of cast iron. &oon after an appropriation of 875,000 was made by Congress for the purchase books. This fund was judiciously laid out, and a most excellent . Mection rnnde of standard and rare >ork?. During the recess of Congress 1 librarv is open thrice a week for the MfMtCW fiiK National Attitudk ok South t a'rolina.?Tlie position assumed try f?< Otli Carolina in the Presidential contest is one wlucli, if followed br the V hole South, could not fail to result in lite election of Breckinridge and Lane. 1:> that State are to be found no divisi hs. The sentiments of the people and of the press seyn to be unanimous ?not a paper is to he found supporting 1 touglas Or Bell, nor do we believe that since the adjournment of the Baltimore Couvention has a voice been heard from I the hustings or elsewhere, in advocacy of the election of other than the nominees of -the / National Democracy. If such were the case in every Southern Stale, if the vote of a united South could he made absolutely certain for Breckinridge, and we do not doubt that it is, what an immense moral weight would it exercise upon the Democracy of the North. They would then see rendered iimost certain the election of their candidates by the people, or at least the ceriaimy or ueieanng l.rncoin and Ills Mack Republican crew, |?v throwing the final decision of the contest upon the House of Representatives, wherede feat might be considered a foregone conclusion,?1'cnnsylvanivn. Mll.LEDCEVI.lK. August 0. Political.?The Iheekinridge and T.ane Democracy have ended their labor*. The Convention held here was like the handle of a jug, all on one side, and was, therefore, quite harmonious. Hon. Chat. J. McDonald and Ilenry II. Jackson were chosen Klectors for the State at large. Robt.Toombs was piesont and made a speech. The llonora luo secretary 01 ttie treasury uiu not mnko his appeal ance. 1 he Douglas and Johnson Convention will assemble here on the 14tb, and tiie ] ?? 11 and Evciett Convention on the 15th inst.? There litis been some talk about a union between the friends of Douglas and Hell, but the indications at present are that straightout tickets will bo tun all loiind. Fkakk T.ayton, who was waited on a few weeks ago by about twenty of our citizens, and oidercd to leave here forthwith, took advantage of the occasion, and landed in our midst, on Mon day last, hut was not permitted to tarry longer than sundown, at which time he was escorted beyond the limits of the town, and again ordered to leave, lie barely escaped a coat of tar and feathers, and if lie should ever visit us again, he will not only get that, but a ] ickie that is in soak for all such cliar Meters.? Jburnwcll Sintincl. A Pen Broken Up.?The Vigilance Committee of Allendale and Erwinton, (us we sic infoiraed by a subscriber.) ft on the 2d inst., and proceeded to In house of the notorious Melvins Niuht, (mother of Bob Night, who was >|?fl'ed from this place a few weeks air?) The committee numbering 54 of the test men in tlie lower part of the District, inflicted severe corporal M-hment on every rduli member of i < dark family, but one, threw down ev. iv building on the premises, and oriiervd tliein to leave within ten days, or a one hundred fold -dose would be go en. The old woman received, on her bare back, as ber portion, 25 laslics, her daughters 80 each, and her son a jtr.mber loo great to be counted.?liul. Severe Accident.?This morning, w htle the T'almetto Eire Engine Cumpunv were in Calhonn Street, rntining with all possible speed to the fire, a \ipious dog from tlie pavement made an .attack on Mr. T. Casey, the second Director, who, in kicking at him to prevent being litten, slipped and fell, v hen ilif weighty engine run over him. lie was immediately eared for by his brother firemen, and medical aid was caiiy in attendance, but bis wounds are vciy -evere, and bis situation is ijow j-'iiv ^?v\(mivw?i vivni lonrs lire en* t.-rtaiited that he i* severely liurt interi : iiy. ma lie complains of great pnin in i!.'1 I it-Hki, ami his fiiends,. who are h< l? inl, nie doing everything in their power to >imeliorate his suffering*. [ Charleston Niwn. hhkai. r> vs.?'I lie grain statistics of t'ln? ?w jimt made up, of the rceipts of tlonr a grain since January 1st, compare i li the receipt* during the mom- pei i of last yenr,1859, show an iorrease <>f 13,000 bbls, flour, 550,000 buJiela wheat, 7,550,000 bushels corn, Increase in khipinenls, the same time, 4)3,000 U>Ih. flour, 450,000 bushels w heal 0,200.000 bushels corn. In store there me at the present time, 2700 hbla. flour, 0 100 bushel* wheat, 1,500,000 bushel* corn. o???????? * ." 1 1 1 " * ? * 3K ? Cjlt lantern Cnttqreat. "t; ' < .> ! *- . ?... r - W. P. PRICE, Editor. C. X. McJUNKIN, Assistant. Oar Motto?" JSqusl Bights to All." GREEN V4LLE. 8. tt ? Thursday Morning, August 16,1860. FOR PKEStPENT. HON. J. C. BRECKINRIDGE, OK KENTCCKV*. FOR VICE-PKICSIDEKT. GEN. JOSEPH LANE, OK OKKOOK. car .By reference to nnnouncenient will be-eecn that the n?m? of Or>l. A. Ij. r>RAniN?? h%* been added to the list of candidate* for the Major Generalship. TIic thanks of the office nre hereby temfcrcd to our friend, Mr*. G for repeated fuvora in the way of%frui?. Such reinetnbrnnoe is hiylitv n|>prccinted by ua? wc like both the kindness and the fruit. C3T We return our thank* to friend R. I \V. U., for the lot of uice ripe peaches he sent us the oilier day. We have had ore* won to go to llie "ling " several times since they arrived, and can testify as to their luseiousnes*. tfT Attention is called to the- advertisement of B. F. MAUt.nfN, Kxecntor. In this issue. Several town lots, and a tract or two of land, will he sold sale <lny in October. The Weather and the Crops. Our District has-been visited throughout with copious and reviving rnltie. It began on Friday, and continued to fall until Monday afternoon, and 1ms been of immense service to the corn and cotton cropa?onus ing the late corn to grow finely, nnd the appearances arc favorable for an average yield. We spent, the whole of last week in the upper part of the District. The corn was ionising remarkably well in the mountains, ami farmers informed us that, notwithstanding the drought, they would make fair crops. The rains which hnve since fallen huve no doubt improved tilings wonderfully, and should the present seasons continue, an unusual corn crop'may l?e expected in the upper part of (ircenville District. U. 8. Court. This Court, after dispatching a large amount of htisinesSttffcdJoumed on Monday afternoon. .Judge Maghatii, by his kindness and affability to the members of the bar. the jurors ami witnesses, has won the erood opinion of nil, Iliis able deei.-ions on some of I In- most important questions which l-nv? ever been brought Li fore the Court, linve placed him in the front rank of jurists The sentence of the Oouit in the ease of the Inked States vs. YTji. McMaiiax, for rulliiiiK the mail, convicted in two cases, was, for the first, ten years' imprisonment in jail; for the second, three months imprisonment and a tine of otic hundred dol lars. The sentence of UoUoui.ii, convicted of citteby to a sen man, was postponed until tin- Court again nut at CliailcsU.ii. Bailey's Varieties. We are not in the habit of "puffing" shows, ns tin-re are so many *purinn* concerns traveling through I lie country, deserving in it her the patronage of the people or the notice of the press. To all show-going people, however, we can recommend "iSni* 1 ley's Varivtiff." Tliey have been giving entertainments here each night this wok, ?u?l so fur /is wo have heard, these have bo'ii ?piile pleasing and entertaining. " Yai ietv is tilt* spice of life," and the variety which this troupe gives, in stings, dances, farces, Ac., makes its entertainments quite spicy. The " Dissolving Views" are very pretty and plrni-ing. If you feel like going to a show, go to Buile\ The Blue Ridge Railroad In North Caroline. A barbecue and Indian Hall Play will come off at Franklin, Maoon County, X. C., on Saturday, the 8th of September next. AiTsiigemeiiU will he made to necommo- | I date all who nit. ml,-and an invitation to lie present is extended to everybody. Several distinguished gentle men will !>% present and address the people in bcliulf of the Blue llidgc Kailrond enterprise. An nbnndine* of provisions will burden the tnldes, and the Barbecue will bo done up in very good stylo. The Indian Ball liny will ha conducted bv twentv-fuiir stalwart Indians, dressed Turkish oust time, and the intervals of I lie play will be enlivened by Appropriate musicThe Texas troubles. We have failed to give accounts of tbe late Texan troubles nt|tlrc proper lime. We now gather up n few of I be accounts of tlie disturbance*. Two Abolitionists were hung aince the excitement began, charged with distributing abolition documents among negroes. Also two negroes were hung iii Waxahatchie, who were in some wnj- implicated. We hwre the particulars of a f.-at fill attempt made about the 22d ult. to reduce Austin to a heap of ashes. Tlie daring ex' periment was made to set fire to some twenty five of tjie principal edifices of the city ; I fortunately, however, the flames were discovered and extinguished, before sny serious damage had been sustained. Throughout the whole region, embracing Dallas, Kills, Tarrant and Dentou counties, tho testimony of the negroes has been the same. Tliey have all agreed in aayiug that they wore to burn the houses and murder the women on the first Monday in this month. Tliey wers then to attack the |>eople at the polls, Hided by the reinforcement of the expepU-il abolition hand, and having got possession of arms, proviso*, "e''1 their way U? Mexico, 8 O V. Bj. 4h?W MM* io>W MM l?4 this most ioiereettog occasion ^waa nnnptie#* it was. in reality,* moat happy finale to th? ?xenlia of the University C6nm?d?8aNl It being the drat in order, the young g, ntle men of the University was doubtless desir ous that everything should puss off pleasant ly and successfully. Certainly their tnoe! Aanggiine liop?a and best wishes wore etu tsiawtly realized. At an M?1y h?* vw found the vjtacious and elegant front parloi of fhV Sfnnsion House crowded to ftreesi dining, room* were then cleared and opened. The U<U of beauty oontlnhed tc pour in until the halls were tilled to thch utmost capacity. This even did not suffice and.the extensive enclosed piazzas and ,pro niiiuides were resorted to in great numbers Although tho crowd was great, we tJilnl every one present niust have hid a full niea sure of enjoyment. There was neither dane i l...s is ?Ll *12 mg ur uiuiMiig, i'ui* i? miumni fcumoi where nil could meet untraifunvled. W< wore plotted to ?oe the President, Rer. l>r Fiiul, and lfls associate in lho FacnTly nud to meet the venerable and dUlingulshet Cider Justice O'JCrAix, in'tlie full enjoy men1 of the occasion. We had the pleasure f*b< to meet Hon. A. G. Macratij. Hon. J. I) Wilson, niul oilier distinguished gcntlcuiei from abroad. This was, we presume, on< of the largest and most brilliant afTuirs o the kind ever given in South Carolina.? There warq present fair maidens from everj part of the State, and we have never oeet a greater di-play of beauty. The niuubai present lias been variously catimnUd fron five to eight hundred persona The Colmn bin lluud, whidi had been in attendance ii|?on all the exercises of Commencement .discoursed sweet music throughout the eve ning. The supper, which wna provided hj the host of the Mansion House, was n mnal elegant affair. Indeed, it would be invidi ous to notice any special feature of the oc cm-ion, si) successful was it in all iloap|H>int meuts. We will only congratulate all |?ar t ii>a AnitiiAUna.1 ? * ? ? 41 ' WW . '.rwviHVM, mum IIIMPV rnjircmiiy IIU young gentlemen of (lie Graduating Olaes, in honor of whom this party was given by the young gentlemen of the Ciiiversity. ? -?-? ? * ' i.i. Oowenavil*. Thin place is located in tiia nortli-rnilm part of Greenville District, about twentyfour mile* front our village. We had tli? pleasure of spending ?. few hour* there a short time dace. We visited the flourislJ ing School of our frtend, Rev. T. J. Kam.k, and were highly pleased with the exeroiacs | of hi* school, *o far an their progrvraed dunlug eur stay- The Gowcnsville Academy 1 hint about eighty scholar* in attendance, and has advantage* which are possessed by few, nnd surpassed by no other fcchool in the country. Tht tencher is a gentleman ol finished education, of polished manners, amd witluil a Christian. Parents need not be afraid to place their children under Ida Insiruation. lis will not Only educvit'e the mind, but the lieart?the moat important ol nil tilings to lie looked at in training tin young?will be properly cared for. Mr C.11H.K has recently procured the services ol lliss Mary Fi.kck, who will t?'ke charge o| the Mnsic Department, niul also assist tin I., -i? ... . in iiic in.-iiiiciion oi scholars in tlie Literary Department. AVe cheerfully commend tin- (towenavillc Acn<l?iny to tlie patronage of parent* who desire to soul tlieir duuglitets and boy# to a first eW? School in the country. Hoard can lie ob tallied in excellent families near the School, upon very reasonable terms. Mr. J. It. Howimcn, whose kind ho?pita]i ties we enjoyed during our atny at (ioweiisville, has iu very successful operation anestnblisliinent for manufacturing wagons, bug. gies, etc., and finds ? ready sale, we learn, for all work made at hi* shop. Wo wish liim great success in his efforts to build up Southern and home enterprise. ( oweiisville |H>Meases, beside an cxecllent School and the manufactory of our friend liowuui, two well-stocked stores, one kept hy Mr. McMakix, and the otlier by tlie Mreri I'eue > lw?.t .... A -I..-* -1 ? 1 ? ...... oiiur 0UU|I, m-rrrni enrpeiitor* and other workmen. Should the effort to make n Judicial l>i*trict out of a portion of K|*rlHiibnrf{ and Greenville succeed, Gowenaville, from it. location, will heroine the capital of the new l>islrict. The movement i. inurli talked of in thnt section. How fnr it will succeed hcfore the Legislature, remnin. to he wen. Exchanges. Tin: N aws John Cunningham, line withdrawn from the editorial control of the Arte*. lie ??j* tiuit. various unii.ideraliona | ertaiuing | exclusively to himself induce him to do so. ^ The proprietorship of tho pu|>cr remains as heretofore. Tuk Soinirux (Ji auioax: Win. 11. Johnston Efq., one of the oldest ami ablest editor, ill the State, has resumed his post a. one of the editors of the (Juardi an. K to* kk Covin m : Thin valued eaehnnge haa entered upon ?ta twelfth volume. We are glad to hear ol its continued proepeii'y nnd stirrers. It h well edited, hy It. A. Thompson, l'laq. Ko?w 1111.1. ('nr.oNN'i.w; A nouvellette, entitled " Fred and T," hnt been announced to commence in thia ps|n-i about the middle of August. It is writtei hy flint popular w riter, "Willie Y.ighthcnrt,' and those who would rend M Fred and T,1 should subscribe immediately. Addresi ChroHiSt, ITock Hill. 8. C. TUB Fasmkr axi? 1'i.axtek: This agricultural monthly continues ti maintain its reputation for neatness and In terest. The August number has l>e<-n on ou tnblo for several days. It ia filled wRI choice selections mid origionl articles. I any of our rentiers nnnt nu agricultural jon? nal, let them subscribe f<?r this one. R. il Stolcca, publisher, Columbia. Price, $1. " Major General A. M. Hami and Itrig Gen. W. K. Kaslbt, it ia said, are about t. resign their respective commissions in tli State Militia." So writes a cor?espon?lent of tjie CJtarlei ton Afrrmiry, from l'undleton, under date e August 2. The commission of Drig. Gen KanLitr, we hnve understood, waa tendered but the Governor declined accepting it a present. Ilia reasons for ao doing we tliinl quite complimentary to the General, exhibit | ii>g uiuch confidence ia lum ae ao officer. r&. , Judge LoKosTtot, it will be nnpeinbered, 7 . Jrti appointed by the President tor represent ,* fbe United Statcp la the HUlUllce) Cong rem " ,' which met In EdMotf en the Idtfc utk Tbe Congress was opened byhiefcoya) Higbneee ? - the Prinoe Contort On the flrtt day of the ^ conference Lot^i BtovtUAUtook occasion to t atep aaide from hie duties far enongh to eery I . unoourteoualy remark to Mr. Pallas, the ;d ? American kfcnlstar at the Court df England, a r that there area in that body, and participate r . ItagTtt fM*?tttb?rflttona, one Dr. /fcJSemey, ? I from Canada, ^rho is a na^pro. To this out- t > of-the-trkj/uncalled for, addjiiuligulficd re- ,9 r mark, Mr. Dallas made no reply, treatingit n , with silent contempt. Considerable inngh- a; # trr, it l^aaid, followed tfie rCmdrh. boNusTRKET, (very justly, we think,) took r ; unibrnge at The discourtesy, ami immediate- i| - ly wiwnrew m>m toe iimgreea. runmg ?* j j, forts wore made to induo* Mm to return to I i' his seat?apologies were made for tl?e apaeeh I- at whioh lie took offense? still he rrm*in?<1 . firm. The apologies wcro flfmsoy ami h?suthelent, besides, the laughter among the I delegates, at what some one has been pleased t to e*H Mr. Dau.AaVti iaeoihfi t ore. was as dls) courteous as the remark of Lord hkovotia*. ,, Judge Lomiairkkt has written an article in ? justification of liis coorse, which meets gens eral approval. None of our readers, we feel f sure, but ndmlrO the dignity and patriotism wlii^h lie displayed in the course lie took. f The Congress ndjourtied, 6aj*s n 1 otidou correspondent of the Angqsta Dts/wi/eA, without accomplishing any' visible benefit to mankind individually or collectively. " " Chicka* Springs. Among the several very complimentary notices these Springs hove received, within the past month or so, by posons who have l_ chosen the mouniains of South Carolina, in the pursuit of health and pleasure, to Northern watering places, we take the following. from the Suut/urn G?<irdio?, binned " Visitor," and dated (lie Stli inst.: "1 have spent some ten daya nt thi* place ^ and find it one of the tnnst delightful c'i' mates that I have met with in any place in ' our country. Notwithstanding the contin- 1 ued drought, which increases the natural heat of the tun during the day. the morning! and evenings are delight fid, and we find it coinfortnhle to sleep under cover, 1 and to rise in the morning refreshed, loom ' joy the balmy atmosphere vrhieli bring* life, i health and comfort* Tho water* are tine; the three piiucipnl springs are Free Stenc, Chalybeate, ana Sulphur, 'pic numerous persons wiio have come hn account of l?ad neallli, this season, without a single cxeep- ( tion, arc improving, and some of litem beyond their utost sanguine anticipations," Tlte death of I>r. Moxfield C. Co'd?, ot Helton, is auuuuueed iu the Andersen G?actte. lie died of typhoid fever, Tlte Gazette aaya there has been a great religious awakening throughout Anderson District.! in the i??et few weeks. Tweutc- 1 ihrce hnye beon added to the Yurenuea ihres byteiian Church, <md forty Mvcn to the I llopewell Baptist Churck , Ynrkvllle w-na lighted with gaa, for tire ISiyI tiini>, on tiie Hi H The light was ( excellent, nn?l entirely ntlbtMtarr. f The Kcdwco Courier say?the residence of ? Mrs. Jesse P. Lewis, near IVinlleton. was dci strayed by fire on the 2d inst. Most of the furniture was saved. The fire originated in i the kitchen by nceident, it is suppos*d. I . The Edgefield A<laerti?rr regrets to learn > that Maj. M. N. lIol?tein was throw n from his horse, on Saturday, nod considerably in> jurcd ; also, tliut Mr. Jacob Wilghft, in returning from a parade, was thrown from his buggy and had hia leg broken. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS MEDLEY. " The Vbluuteer" U t1i(> name of a new ' , campaign pajier just started lu Xow York * city. It a lvocatefl t||e election of Breckln* ^ ridge nud I^aue. A negro boy, who had killed n white man, war* burnt to deuth on the ] I (It iiwt.. c at btatiou N<>. 11, oil the South western ^ Railroad, Ga. Twelve person* took liitn from the Sheiitf, giving bond* for hie re-del ivory-, and then tiled, sentenced nn<l executed the p murderer, returning the aahes to the officer. t) A Georgia paper say* that, when especial \ Iv ?pie?lioned on the point, by an elector of n his own party in Alabama, Mr. Everett now n refuses, us he always has refnsed, to utter ^ J one word of apology for, or recantation of, j I hi* abolition platform of 18X9. I The population of Baltimore, Mil., a* de- 1 teruiined l?y lli? new censua, i* nbout three | hundred thoti.-nnd. Georgia lut* l?een itn potting food. A ^ largo train of forty car/, freighted with j corn, wheat tod bacon, arrived at Nadivil!^ 1 Tenn., on the 20lii ult., on iu way to Geor?* I One hundred of the firat men of Now York are to give Boron Itothat-hihl a mag- " niticent entertainment at Del mimical*, on hi* " return from I^ike George. James T. Braily C * 111 preside. The ticket* will l>? Bold fcr 0 |20 each. ^ A four hundred pound hear, which l?a* ? ^ lately troubled the people of fb>dc?bor<>', ( Vt., a few day* nince got hia foot caught in 4 a Btci'l trap, act by Mr. William Sumner, of ( ^ Scnrdnsrg, hut w i?Uing to escape, he gnaw- j f cd hi* leg off. and left the foot ia tha trap, ( , Home or the new denomination of pmtag# , e *tarnp* have been sent out, making the liet aa follow*: 1. S. 6. 1*. 9i The color? of Hi* new isaooa are 11 Meek, 14 Ul*c, 80 light rod. Tho V0 cant eUtnpe ( are eoOn fo ha sent out. ? One of the eeneu* taker# in KeW linden County, Conn., report# having fonad It r pnir# of twin# In a population of about ') 8,0tM>, f Among the curiosities disoovercd hy (he eenaus Inker, i? a pretty little girl of fifteen, , L in the southern part of Monson, Mum,, who has a It unhand fifty-seven year# of age. lion. Kenneth ltnyner, #o long the Whig 0 ChevalieT llaynrd in North Carolina, is out b for Breehhi ridge and Lane. Two girls, cousins, aged 16 and 1A, lning ^ themselves In Jarksnn county, Iowa, recently, on account of loving the same men. |f John 0. Base the poet lecturer .and Wag, t has been nominated by the Democracy of 1 Vermont a 'candidate for Governor, lie woe defeated a year or two oince for that santg office. ? A " ir* 4 eu, within a fa* jatj^Mr1at tWbrXT re and t*re of tha aisUif hare cownittad I uieide. i * HM Kariblk ^afwrs say that the" reeeipts < f the ship Great Eastern, whilst on exhi- 1 ition in lianipton ltoada, were over $5,000. Mayor Wood, Jndge Kueeell, Mr. J. G. ( iennett, Gen. Webb, J. G. Saxe, aud son- , ry other celebrities, litre been i ustiesting f t Saratoga. Mrs. Uaaneti has a. suite .if ; oom? at Union Hall, and somewhat astonoyn by her dally drives in her, Victoria., ailjdwy^, J |v>ir of handsome and spirited ponies with pecial grace and #rItU. Tbe Allgemeinr *clt nng, o{ *0g?knrg, ( ports by way of Uupsm, lb:it it was bo leved In Chinese official ctrrlee, tfiat tt?C hnperor 1 lien-Pith# had<*<!letl; or win dyr?g, of an olif1 trouble ifr nnc of his legs. Unifilfl this report be Confirmed,Jit Is quite ?o4ible thnl the nH1es>ney receive propoetions of jx?aee fr?>ht lV kln. The Isew York correspondent ot the l'hili?lo)|>hU 1'rcea eaya that among the. recent ;rndnatea from West t'uint wee si eon ?f Commodore Vanderbllt, and that the fitlber. iromUcd the youth fcloo.OOO if he would (ring himself among the first five, or KMi if he eomjdeted U?? course at alL .The on wee not the winner oi the former prise, *ut received check tor the Utter, The Supremo Oowrt of New York has de idod that all marriages that have been perbrmed by a Notary* Public are Illegal. riimiMnde are thue divorce*!, without exwnee of e suit, A fine time for tho dieiordante of IhnPdiecordnut city. *' Tor the Southern Enterprise. ArwiTi, A**., July 8'Uh, 1800. Milort h'ttttTfmrii*?Crops still look well, lotwitlistaading there were several weeks ?f dry weather. Cotton will yield more linn last yenr'e er.vp. Ci?nt will he. very jood, yielding (vw ean sufely say) from sit o eight?petli?pe?ten barrels per acre.? Hie wheat trop was a very amnll one?not ncrre than seven or eight boehel* per acre, lood fruit In abundanee. AP I have anid to-lliu contrary, Teak not legtcct to give your readers a notice of some if the'nilrice fn this State. The that Is, a-e teed some enterprising men anil capitalist! o take hold of three great of wealth, rith a determination to develop them; to Irnw from the hosom of the earth that reftlth whieh the God of Nature has so hundnntly bestowed on us. The first in inportanee among tlu-se localities, are the vellogg lead mines in l'ulaskl county. Tlio xtent of those mines are unknown, hut the ire liasbccn analysed. Report* of theannitls cnn l>e found in tIto State Geologist's re- j oris. The ore i#.?ot only r?eh in .load, biR n silver.. One.hst yielded,239 ounces of ilver to the too ; another, 224 ounce* The innucr in which llu-se two metal* arc eep mted : Tliplcnd isfused nu<l then rcincltcd | mil isllowcd to cool sfuwJy ; thoeilver will col- j vet in the middle, mostly, mid remain fused i long time. It i* then token out nnd subjected to cu|xdlnlion, by whiuli the lend is ixyidisod and converted into minium?the end remaining pure. lite operation in :Ucap?very little load lost?and, indeed, >rc worked in this wny does contain but ive ounces to the ton hi England. The ost inincs in Knglaud contain about forty unce* of silver to the ton. Those in Rotlia and Saxony, contain only nhout eighty v.tnee* to tliu ton; though sometifiW'S the Upper llaitz, contains 1*0 ounces to the s>n. These arc considered very rich miner, nit none can eompnrc with Arknnsst initios: ixcept the I>>xtire mine in France, wliicli lontains 230 ounces of aiiveh to the ton.? I'he. only extensive bed of good coal, west i." the Mississippi, feet thick, runs near rort Smith, through Scl a-tlnn. Franklin ind Johnson counties, which will l?c of grent lonsequviico when tho l'ueific Railroad >n*ses through this State?as |>erbnps I; kill. We are on the eve of nn election for Govnor, Congressmen, Legislators and county fiiccrs. A good deal of excitement nnd enliusiarm are manifested by the contestants ?ul their respective friends, lioth |>?rties rc vociferous in their profession for the ;ood of the tkar ]>evple. One party swenrng snd protesting that they nre the Biinon ure, invincible, no vr flinch, iron-ribbed hrtiiociacy ; the other, they are the Hiinon mre, invincible, nevcr-fliuch, iron-ribbed iectifivd. They will turn out to be the /inJinan. - f Douglas will stand but a j?oor show in <ii9 oiuir , ii m in oe very uouniiui whether e lift* a ticket here. Jloo. A. Hurt ig or i-iII. Mump the felnte fur him, but b? won't ui t much, lh'll and Everett lute e a ticket, nil 1 doubt not but they will get a very ood vote. J<rrckii1rid)t? and liana will arry tli? State?1 judge. Hurrah for good 111 llamirae. ARKANSAS.1 Cut off Him own axekanga mya: ' \V? warn yesterday informed that a man itgagcd in mowing near Km m irk, Ohio, mi lie linu of th? CratMl OMo Keihund, it < uipleil to laiD a anaka with the handle of it reythe, ami in an doing etruok the hark mrtof hla neck with the point of lit* blade, levering the head from the body. Shock of ?a Karltfjualc in Kentucky.? hiepiitehca from llendcreon and Louuvllle, Kentucky, dated Auguet 7, aay that the ibock or an earthquake waa felt la apek ot Llio'c plaoci that uiorning. Scutari"t Tour.?Mr. Seward'* epcaking lour in the Noi thwivt U announced to commence in Michigan, September firet for Breckinridge.?Hon Kenneth Rayner, ao long the Whig Chevalier llaynrd In North Carolina, ia out for Drcckinridge. Bitting in Kentucky.? The editor of (he Paria (Ky.) Flag any* he ia authorised to bet any amount from $1,000 to $10,000, that Breckinridge will carry Kentucky next No vumwer. xu? i^ouiaville Courier offer* the following beU, but |liere are no taker*: $1,000 that Iireekiuridge beat* I>ougla* in Keotackjr 10,000 votee; $l,0ou that lie l?eat* hire 15,000 vote*; $1,000 that he beata him 20,000 rote#; $1,000 thatllreokinridgecarries the Stale. All to b? takes U>gath#r, and the aiuounta to be increased or Jiotls* itltud, at tbo pleasure of the ajflieauU. kt e. - ' Marshal Kane^j^pf jonr ntt ^ ponc^ filft peen, and is smoking out ? *? the whole gftng. lie has already arrested several of the rogues, and nn q( eretfin<j.piJ>cr snva lA has caught several nrfn in Alabama and Virginia, pj whom he will embark ou n requisition Mi Horn ih? Governor. : Several of the W f KfiSX"*: ir?n&r tip these bandits ugainsC the lights of a Parinh race." ' * * * ti fo ti+imu low Suutherrwr Afurdt rtd by o, ftferp. ? n?i A tpuidcr wiy*: contiai^l," 1nst( iijglit^ T< in rear of the Moutroonth House, in tfiis place, Pistol shots and cites of umr- ?< dcr were Inajd by die bar keeper. A clulv hesnieaied with ' uloo)d find l?fir, was fpiind otijhq ben^, and the..bodjr \] wns evidently conveyed out to sea in a^ boat, which had been pulled duw* Co1!-, 4...f x * ' ' " '* f<? t ?m vi wt* wet*1 PfiiLAbELriiiA, .August 8,??Jl i* W ), moretl that (I)<) victim oif 4he..Lon.g n< Branch tragedy was a we^fylty Southern . T planter, and tlio murderer negro u ai'lcr, who dechrcd insulted by ii< llic remarks of'the f.rriner. i *... e n . f s V ?f?y ? _ . ""^T "71 r+u y- sr--f t'BINCKI.r l^MJflLTTK.?Jn.tbetlane<?, it is said, the Prince ohty gives the lady hRhfl hnnd, apd site is not- pera?U??l to take liis lignt, tt being contrary* to the etiquette due from a subject to llie heir apparent to tl?e-throne, the next in 1 rank to the reigning' 'sovereign; Tills may answet in tite British CotoYlifcv ? where all a^e " subjects," itut, here, |? where the'Indies are sovereigns, as Ww as their lords, sttVh etiquette 'Vfty tnif {' answer. It was contrary fo etiqueffe for the Japanese Ptince to give either x iiand to k lady, Imt tW Indfe* flW not tnhid etiquette, and Seired Jus dexter ? band Whenever tbey hnd an ^ lJ* .-t. , - i - '' . v. Im ? . I 11 >|*> tT A " Fim it'ATa NoTicr"* or A Bums- ? grooh.?*A Wester* exchange paper '*1 pulilhhtw t he following marriage ntAioc : " Married, in Seymour, on Sundae, the' '' 4th iimt., by Ksqnlro Carter, Mf. Oorf. * Wolfrowt (better known asohi Wt-Hrom .. the tsnner.V to Mr?; K>. Mil'?\ a charm lug widow of twentt tr o <!Hd Wo'? from i* the nglieet Mid flhh'e*t-mn? in *" the United Sroten, without nwv ? ceplion, nnd how, with nil life wglwiesn f. lie got the widow'* consent to have liini v in n mystery to us. We cnn rvuih the' bride that ehe ifftetl not WenfrHid ofntly * women running nwny wMi Wolfrotn. for f, sho in the only wnmmi thnt has been W in ten feet of him for twenty tears. J. * f>KN. Sam 11 ovbtow has written In his liicnhr in New York, nwler date of duly IS, thnt the movement favoring j , liiii election to the Presidency hoiui: , s Mric'Jy independent and poiuifhr, 1;6 Jul I * in no case decline. R. Ik Minor, of l{icl|inopdx Va, 1iq* been tendered the I'lesideticy of the., Missouii University. Juto his now p<>? .t rtition he chj'iies the gixul witdicg of " who esteem purity of life and nppiepi (ft ate extraordinary cultivation of supciior ? intolleet.. t . i' LIST OF CON81GN??S j At Greenville, for Week ending Aug. If. i F A Wnltcr; V McUcc; J Cethey A" S?i R .1 Allen; J t* I.nnge; Snntm.y. M A:' l\c .' Fuller ?t II; .1 Viuwey A Son; T Steeii; 3 1 Foul; 15 K lVrry; Mrifnulrin 6t i<; 1? Kltngfc- n n; # i luiurv; x\ic4M#?v i-Cvau; + J C KiUjitirn; A 8(iuinui|rl u muialr; AL B Knrl. ; (' <; Mi-minlngcr; O, f, M it C?: T> llofcc; J M lllnli-,*S K P?nltind; WfiTttc.! A ' , Aln ?.?!*; H U Lowndes; Miiw -OrWitli; II Smith; C II Lnwieati; S.iddutW A Stnll; L li i Csillqtd; A Mov/; C 1'ljs'tiirton; IV 11 Wnleon; S Cnrpent?*r; .1 Wunl; K i Aston ?tCn; J Krone; J K O <fc W 1) Dickey, S HcOtillv; .1 1* lloyce; J B Shetnvtn; A V lllnek; 'it-1? Morgue; T J Smith; ? W WlkiiiK Alexander ill; A U Smith: P-O K lwnrdi>; Sliuumte; Stonhoiise A Co; ll U Kutle.lg.-; II, II A Co; T B IIoIhmD; A Johnston; K It.-I.I; T 1j K'.wlcr, Rolx+t* A R T llurto.M [I.]; II Kwhnnk*; W K Robinson; J L i leevlatnl; T 11 \Vhrtiiiir<r; K A Irvine; Miss Mu thews. J NO. McKAV, Aft. For the legislator*. S^TTlio fricmu of J. L. WKST- " MOREL AND. Km., rcuprctfally 1?U * uuino a lor re-etcHlon to the Senuto. ' jtlr Wo ftre, authovizcti Jto nil- 't. amine* t'ol. r. Ml)WlPf'VAltlf i rfifxTxtift* a I'mr tl>? HwnaU, at dM caaahir Wet ton. t *jr W. IV PRICK, BM\k * t Umiiicuil a candidal* lt>r tha ' . |5gr JOHN W.STOttHB$ K*q.< r! iii ri'upMtflilljr rniimunifii u a ciuuli<Ufc for * ro-oUvti<>n.lo ilia lo>uirliO*ire, ,?> iH^-ThefVionris oiCok ?A VLD t )KikK annmiuoo hiui a raodklato for Ik* I*- ? gi.Uturc, at tl?? unmiuf election. ? . _ Jj&f'Tlio frimuio of l>r. i. P. * III l.l.lfOl'.SK announce Iiim a Caa<tWlule Ike. y tlio *!o'gi*laiiiro( at the u|>i>roaclilDg election. ' t&T'WcHro ftutlinrized to on- < nortucu for,. TV. IT, CA ??i I'ilKLL a < ainli- . Juts for r?-oK-rrtoii to tUc Hi ate Leglelatatv at the oaeitirijr emotion. . w. /? V tf t*?jfrTlto tnnny Xk\ J. M. FUM.lVAN.trcapeetfeUy lutnounr* bia? M a raiuliilata for r>- dci tum t<> iliu LegUlaturc nl the ensuing electi m. I, Wc oro roqu^fttocl ,Uy titer manjr fricn^U of J. itOlTKKT HMiTtf. to an- I rnootim Mm a ramllrtatc ft?r Che ImftrUtafv at I 4lic nautaff tertlmi. [ %S0~ 'Hio fVieml* of Oof". J AWtfil f M. PUMAPOH, mtportfafl.T ? mil bp i iiuumro to > villo DUtrlct in the not LugUUUiro. I XW Qv**v.? 1 111 v.- yon thftt Biff In <ii?in, in another colmnh, boiling rouU, Urki, uixi Imvm for tiv* Cherokee Remedy? Cjmii Chapter, if#, ft, B. A. M. A TIIK Reenter Convoealhm { this f'haptor will In) i ** 11*11 ?n Momtay Rye*. OK*--, P iny next, Augwl 30ib. AU lite C oapnniun# are r?nuc?Uil to attend. 3. M. RlXIOX, Seefefary. Aug 1# 13 1 I. O. O. P. MOmrrAINLODOR, J if*, u, 1.0. o. w? mm*M " %f^R>v7^^ A'r?ry TkMrtdtf.Vetting, * . I* II M-V* > J- it Vim.?, fM/yr' * ***-..& V iSw*el< mfiiiftHy *? ito for Major-Qoaoral, * | ~ B3T Tro^nende of Mnj. 8. D. )ODM?TT nipectMlT annottnt* him a m> Into for the offire of Major General of tha rat Division of Poftth Carolina Militia, to Ml vacancy occasioned by tho resignatioa of in. A. M. Smith. &3T 'J ho friends of Maj. EMMET ilBBLS, annouiico him a Candidate for njor General of tho 1st Division Booth Car*sasaauLtdiAs:1'1'" T fltt ' I* t * * ? """WW*. The friemlft of IJ?y. J.*M. R UNIX, reepetfolly tnnui^^llktMiAO?piHd|W ^ r Thx Collector, at tint ejuwlhyyi mkco EDMUXIj HOOKER a candidate for ix -tWMtocto^yt tfai.??>i> ilnttw. ) fiW Wo are curtborisod to ?n- ogfo* W.X.AVBTIN J illcetor, at the next eleettoo, nj Wo Rro attlhortred Hh Rn- 1 Bf* w??tmMriSa "to inmure Col.. (S. P. PO<il,B.m a candidate far T SlillViATKaa * candidate for itx ('i?llect?tr;nl tfee.ciuiuiflg elaathw. K^'W-e nne rewncetod % ? ?nlunfr M?. fef.f AH Wl.T^ a* a fcahdtfelHtr * iix t\,ftectnt; at the next Election, ' ' 1 &rJAMES in^AflSGHW. ounce* himnclf no a taw did aid for T?t Cde* Otnr at Ihe^Woxl clrctioa. -er-t t*' > r ? :*' .. ' 1 - '*? ** W ojeaaAwPf^anxf d :a tba Eemben of 1I1 Vrrtlril rrtt? ??? t<u*~. aioiv of Ahe U. . ? ,?*? K?*r Yutnt, ?->fay Ml* 1M9.-0**: *W" injcrei~ncd, having recently bccoaae the *d* ru??rta??ra^?toV !>*? J, Jbrt^a i)a4a Mil., I'ino MIt tern . all attfeTe wtilelt 1* being exinnivelv all yartn uf tbu.L'oited.Htatea. rK ionve redr^HW* to call roar at tan Hon to llat of the inrrritiMln which cotnpnee tbaaa IIInM>lc Bittern, ris: Polouioa's Cwl. 8pike- * ard, Baybcrry, W*#n6korry-Ire* ltark, Uw- * imii, Camomile Fluwtn, Coinfrey, and a para Hit iiiimlultcruUiU Wise, ahitKit .about dnu|e tlic niiuu] ntrcngth of other Winea, and ia l?- ? I'Vtcil by truly oao llnaso in the Uuikttl States. From tlio beiicflelnl cffectji of IImm Bitter* n im, nml ou many ofberif which we havs'Witennod, we firet confident that tliu Physicians ?f be coautry who frill jpve them .a l?U trial, rill approve of tUejn, nml uno them in their ractieir. ' ItcnpoetfWUvyonrii, riJAS. WIIUJIKIELD JfcCO., "H William Street, Ncif York. , P. P.?* Dr. J. Hovcw flmt'if TpijH-riar Wina lit tern " an- n.d.i l.y PIS HER Jt-ltKIV IT8II, h-cenvlllc, S. C? ami liy Druggist* generality. July 12 " 10 From the liMwriil* Times, * What ia it f..r~~tfcia Woods Hair Kcstarnve?in a qmnliop asked daily hy h an deads, fc nmwer, Without hesitation or fear sf cwnradiction. that it in the only ar?Je4o~tiaoiWn 'hieh will "la uH it prouiinr* for the human air. It wtll rent nf ha'growth?It will'*topit* illing?it will n store itn upturn! Color. "It i not u lluir. Al.vts i/ut n speedy nnd ellioaioun Restorative. Trial bottles, Jl) pint*, 2: quarts, $:t. * CXi'Tio*.?Beware of worthless imitations, n several arc nlrcnity in the iiiiirket, railed by rile re lit million. I'ne linno unless lite Words Prof. Wnnifii Hair ItonWrratlTo.-Doptifc 81, ,nnin, Mn., uml N'otv York.) are blown in the (title. Sold by nlj Druggist* aiifl Patent ? (udioiutT fhtfoft : a1sb. W ull -fancy Toilet loodf Dealers to the I'uited States ?ad Canada. y*' rnrKAloln Orecnrilte hy Drt. Uvt M g li'tNiux, Driigthh* 1?-V. Jwy 'M The Ysual Result.?tlrcen Inland, X. Y., lurch 0, ixnH.?Mtv IV. K. flagon: I have soil your Hair Itestaralivo with excellent ef? at. It fully restored my hair. which was tutu grey, (< iti* tinliXrnl cofbr, thickening it p very mHt'h, My wilt' tar A Howard M, and I' Iiiik rmtorod her huifywiviujt it new Hfo. ifarur, s5ss??it?a?a v I-'UIwt A Ihniiitrh, (Jrocnville, and by irujuiaUi^;.)?'f>. *,Jl#fl HE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. '" kmr *OT >a&Litunfs ** " ' CXIitBBATtlD TE1TA.I.E T1XOM Protoctad La tier ly Royal PiUit. ?? <"<from +j*f?rripiia>> V" Afe Ji&prtr, H'Dn I'hy*i*(au E* tr?nt <(iHnrj h> <hr Qmeim. Tllif ju altiaWf nirilicine i?rmfa?tiiiR in the ur??f?ll th<i?A )wlnfill am) dangeAoaii diaaaAAa ? ' j wlduh the female i<m?tUnUon U nldoet, It valerate* all emetp and rcwovci all obnttaelortr, and n ?|H*edy etfre may be feli^d.un. TO MAdBIXD XjADISS t in peculiarly nailed, ft will, in a ?berAIbn, ring uu the uiuutbly period with regularity. _ cat'Tioa. / Three Tflft* afionld nathe taken by Mnlit ' ; uriiiRtliA riawT I?am? of 1'regBarry, a they urq-AMca to hring on ,M bcarYiage; hat . I ,t any dilicr time they arc lit nit < * *? ofrfltrtdMrtAndHptiiarAfcetiAB* ^ 'uiw in lb# liiurk an11 l/iinbavHeeriaeea,W?* true on alight exertion, Palpitatine gt the ml attbaugfc A M>a%, do nnt WA' tin iron, aaIoAicI, *utiutwny,or Anything hart ill to the rhiiatttutien.. Knll ilirwtioim Iii Mir f?atnp?iTcf nrownrf each ia?k?tre. which clmaM he earefhUy pfnetimt M? A*?"l fur Uw UuM?tm#a?rnlti?uw4e, I JVI K( M>, (Lute i. . K, .rtfl m<l | pnftn> itaaafM u ??r ?< h?rlee<l Agwnt, wlttteffH* * beitte, rmr oulttiuiuK W>-?.ilU Igr r?Jt*rn ?*#. v,? t4A Va? Pciiten A ' Orimrso*, theelute*, ? 1Tl,<4 ?hi ? J-lJHy ^ *W17 SASII & BLINDS lTSTA, ? .?: wa V t . U A*f I 'fa U ** iff ' J?r- OJicf tw ./?*- o/. f. r<0t*mh "oj Aimc In lb ~ -I 1 ' I.. ..... . i, ?Q? ...A .J if at Hecclre4 hh4 f?r Ittle, t*'' A I.OT of j.nro Bo?iTh ftt+ollno miol* (V WHWULAAlAM* * ?>>? ?, BMC liiiMed OiL of tlittK^ ir*pottelio*,iiptiitoZ?rAn* 1? 1* "If ? no MI: madk HHOMRT? piIP. ntti ntluu of too publioia invited to ?? _ I ?tij>*rior mi3 frtfh Btoof of MoSw l.l/tt* .sftO&M. Tbey will Mtetetee tohw* * to motoiCnfonitowMfctoto* wtoiyti Angl? nw?b ' -*w? * CM ; : ? W4 ,fc9^ ^ *