University of South Carolina Libraries
0 tgxn iff vj j.i jJ ^' Tnn in , tinifl linDo jrore, ?it in<_c in ll)? p?rtko of a"*oi!age OYV looking u beSwHfHTbtn* rtteetn *** limMMM, Two other gentlemen were pre:?tgngtNl "in coneernnfion. Ofie of tliem from hi* >1 noon ran r*> w? aoon rutr. oeived to lie a Baptist preacher from the natom 'of his conversation. Being mere traveler, we remained fn eog. Said the preacher to the other gentlemen,' * jDont yOB *Ap[1b*fi Uiat rlrfer w a hoot at large, a* the iiv<r Jot-dan . * I catit say, sir, he replied ; "I have never traveled much in Tennessee : one trip into SoNWan, and another around by Jonesborc', is about all the traveling I've done. In the last'three years, __ I have'-onhr lost two dnVt from , work, intl this is the third.* ' Here-thc Geographical discussion call d k halt tipd we'eaut say whether we kit more ammusement ?t the reply, or more pitjr'for the preacher. , [Religious PntelUgcncer. Rather Gkkkdt.?A sceno occurred 1 at onr depot, writes a Missouri friend, the other day which,for cool impudence, | I have seldom seen paralleled. I was . j Handing there on the arrival of the St. j Louis packet, when a gentleman conies J 1 1.1 l 1 1: *-i 1 i up nuu ?uuivtv>n> ii mini autimiu^ t*uw? bv me'and evidently a stranger to liim with the common Western question? " Do yon use tobacco 1" ( " Yes, air," "he graciously replied, and producing a ph'ff of the highest ditnen- ' sions he handed it to the applicant, who taking out his knife, cut off about one J fifth of it, with tho toraraon observation? * 41 There's tobacco enough for any man, 1 ain't there l" . * 44 Well. I should think thero was," was the indignant reply. 44 Very well, you take .it, ihop,", he coolly observed, and handing him the small piece, ho pot tho phig into his pocket, aud walked away. Too CoMMt"NtCATIVK CjllLD.?44 Soil ny do you love me any 1" 4 Oh, don't J." 4 What fori" 44 Because you always bring mo onndv | when you come to sec Sissy Jane. * Give me ?ome more.'' M And what does Sissy Jane love nie for r v *' Oh, cAusa you take her to Concerts. And give her so many nice things. She says so long as you nre fool enough to bring hpr shawls and bonnets she won't sack you no liuw?now gi' mc some mora caudy." O ? V - * ' - l> Giving IItM Kits.? A Doctor once h returhed a coat to a Tailor because it did not lit him. Tlio tailor afterwards seeing the Doctor at a funeral of one of . hia patients, said to him?" ah. Doctor you are a happy man." " Why so V 2 " Because," said ilia tailor, " you never , have any of your bad work returned on i your hands." , Becentlv in Detroit, when Borneo and Julliet was in the bi Is, a senp? j < grace known as " Kotuco," was in the!', pit. " Romeo, where art thou V, * Here I am, in the pit?1 had only h quarter, and couldn't get into the boxes." Julliet fainted. A lovku once wrote to a ladv who 1 rejected bim, paying that he intended to ' retire to " some secluded spot," and , breathe away bis lifo in sighs. To which 1 the lady inquiring whether J they were to be medium or targe size. We regret to say the man has u6t since been heiu d of. Near Warrenton, Conn., is posted on a meadow fence the following : Nous.?Know kows is aloud in these meddera, eny man ore woman Jetton thare kows run the rode wot gits inter tnr medder8 aforescd 6hel hav his tale cut otf by me. ODADIAII ROGERS. A Scottish nob'eninn one day visited n lawyer at his oflice, in which at the time, there was a blazing tire, that caused the nobleman to exclaim, " Dear sir, your office is as hot as an oven."? " So it should he, my lord," replied the lawyer, 44 as it is here I make nay bread." The old man looks down, and thinks of the past. The young man looks U]> and thinks of the future. The child looks every where and thinks of nothing. And thero aw a great-tunny children in the world. A TJnttep States Deputy Marshal was lately fent to Springfield, III., to summon a Mrs. Tinker, alia* Burnett, to attend court, lie returned, saying he had summoned Mrs. 'Thayer, " but Alias Unmet could not bo found." An exchange tells of a lazy genius up his way, who, being asked as ho lay running himself on the grass, fcbat was the height of his ambition, replied, " To marry a rich widow that's got ft bad ough." It is riot worth while to hear what servants say when '.hey are angry, or what children say after they have slammed the door. At a late militia muster in Kentucky a big keg was used aa a drum.. If there was auytiiii g in tho keg wo guess the men rallied at tho tap. Tiik follow ing notice appeared on the west end of a country meeting' house-*M Any body sticking bills against this, church, will le prosecuted accord tug to |?w, or any <> Kir nuitauee." Anything Midas touched was turned into gold; In these days, touch a man with gold and he'll tmn in to any thing. ** ITnU-O, Bill, lend m? five dollars!"! " You're mistaken in jour man, sir, I'm > not a Give dollar "Bill r Tine great difference between men,! t>* wrest end insignificant, is energy. J ?.zjm 0P ? * ? I ? IMPyKTMl, WHITER. APPEALER IN &U09r FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, ' WINDOW SHADES, ?UR'Uif GOODS OF EVKUT DU3Cim>T|ON, v 'tor?. Mi'wfi jKusjr? swatfrartPg CHARLES TON, S. C., AND* ? J. G. BAILIE & BRO., >0s imoAD.-fcT., T'~'ALr<5tJSTA, OA. N?v 14 29 * / ly I r L , .E-A L K i C (X., WII<5LtSSAtK AND ISKTAll. UKALKRS lit CLOTH mo, A#T> Gentlemen's Furnishing Goo^fl* WO. 205 KJ.NO BTBUJiT,, . CHAttUSTON." S. a . Manufactory and Wholesale Warelouse, 34 1)ky Stb*k-t, New York. Iw All Orders promptly'attended to. NOT 24 29 ly I. P. HKKI> S. D. ^OOODLKTT, reed &. goodlett, A.TTQRNEtSp AT LAW* SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. GREENVILLE. S: O. Otfirr Worth-Eart- Coiiltr Court Houkt S'filtMrt. June 4. 4 *' . , .' ?: -tf "James Fleck. HOUSJB & SIUJT PAINTKR, I*:i??< ! (lander A < lazier, GREENVILLE, S. V. iVlLl. FAITIIKVLUY KXAWTL il.LWOXK B.\TKL'?TKD TO III*. Residence on Augusta ftrwt, near Depot. Fell L':t d2 ly c. F'.Vackson & cfF FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, 4V1K)L1XAT.F AND RLTAIL, KT.% TOO rt-~ Ci ?. Jraw Ai/u uii uci, CIIA It LEST OK, S. C. Nov 21 - 29" ^ ] v-? SHAVINa,, HAIK TRIMMilMQ, DHES3ING, QYIKO, KAZOR SETTING AND SHAMPOOING, AT 11! K Second Door alcove Mr. McPherson's, nv . ' WILSON COOK. Mil J 2 . 20 HANP3QME JEWELRY OIV SALE. u. ' VviniY general as?0tit strive of lino and ?>tlier.fAJH7v'? R Y may ho ltfl? l' th? Kubsoriber, vrhe makes .to order ioiit A'my, and amy oilier nrfielc'Coijaircil in is lino. 111'l'AllllXU faithfully (Tunc Throe Duwr& Wlow the Gondhtl House J U. Greenville, S. C., Sop. 15, 1S50. l'J-tf , S Ai>DLR & If A KNFJSS VIA N UPA'C T O IIYV TMK suhsi rihcnwojild respectfully inform the public ^viiorivUy thnl lie continnos tho abovev 1 Justness, Tim 'Jnorf nf.orc tk? Onmritle U'Htt, ami is promrcil to furnish customers Kith any description I 1I0MK MANI'FAl TUJtKl> SAl>Dr!4S "urriaev. Rcvl'V an 1 IViuruii 1IAUXKS? made i o order. ami ill llio lm.t*L till?)j V HII'S, ii<\, on hand, and fur ^:do <^T1 VTA P. Zlir- Saddles-and Harness REPAIRED at h.-it nodeo. A. M. G1LUUATH. March 21) 17 ly ..WAGON < WAKING AND UEPAIRliTG. rJA IIK subscribers respectfully-infoCm the jiuliJ lie that.tliev intend cafrvinj? on the bu.iufys of IV AG ON MAXrFACTl'RrXO, uiul IVAGON nod HI OOY REPAIRING, in the lown of Greenville, Tltc livst of Timber will he used, nnd the work warranted tope weft done. Mr. POO I*, who wiHi-ftto'tiuteiid the & workman of consttlCrnl !u experience. havirfg learned the business under '' *> best workmen at the Carriage .Fuetovy of tluwer, Cox',. M;irklcy A Co. All work will ho done upon the most reasonable terms, and on short notice. A share of patronage respectfully solicited, WANTED. A Jot of REASONED LIMBER wanted, for which a fair price will he paid. ,f. A. TOWNER. iv. p. poor. W. A. TOWNER. Greenville, February 2, ISfift. 39 If BLACKSMITHING. The eoncrB of TOWNER A 3HWf 1TAWKTNR having Wn .li^oTv-" by mutual consent, the business will !>c carried on at the'tame filiop bv the undersigned, fl. W. HllOf'KR. January, 13i9. J. L. HAWKINS. NOTICE. HTMIE undersigned hnving transferred his ill. .1. terost in the Blacksmith Shop near Williams' Store, to Messrs. Bhooks A. Hawkins, fakes pleasure in .eontimiemHng tltrm Hit share of public patronage. They will be prepared to utlcud promptly nnd sntisi'nctcrflly to all cMf in Iheirline. J hey have experienced nnd skill fit! Smith* iu lI'>rau?ho*tLi)'(- Repairing aVl Ironing Wagcr.ic, .J'lnngh Week, and oil other] ordinary Work of a BlArkMntth'Hhnp. January, 1HS9. -17?U" (1. F. TOWNKS. JAS. M. ALLEN, ; _ HJRR?a,S DEALER, i K BBS HMiEt 8.C. jAll Order# for Mahbi.e Work promptly attended to. 40-tf Feb 9 rnrrr * *wri*r*?r Jiiit X JPAJR'tn <3* QMHtRlpyQVfi HAVE 'returned front Now York with tt large and complete /vl.\u?< mtauitiuorit of^nvnlioltao Goods, JJwjf WILL OPEN ulrfi O.i W?iiHKiftAr,T?ii 11vn I**T. j4n_ ?hd to which they invito fho ff'lfj ' attention of the ladies of Greenville and vicinity. Anions their stock may he f'?trn<T the Clotiido, A'U-lHido and Dove-Cape ITatar a great varietyot Misses' Kaney Hats; Dnrtlia Capes, Head-Dresses; Hair Plait* ancf Curls; Eujjenin Magpie, Pridr.l ami Mourning Veils. A large stock of Ribbon* at rcduee.I price*; linta cleaned and ti iauuvd : l>r?3ca cut aud baated. April 3 J4 * 8?W^^SlNB?, WHICH, t v Tor Beauty. ami Simplicity of Construction, and KOicioncy in Working, aro UNEQTTALLEP BY AMY. A Few of tho many Rcasoui Wb* those Machines ARE fREFEHRED ABOVE AtL OTIJEUls. 1. TlOy *ro so remarkably rinipic it^ their constrvi&ioh. ,A child can op era to thciu and nnilorettinil llinir ntnrtlikiii?m. 2. They, tHe e?ra?ryir.'.Stwiig Mr-hinw mado.. JLt is almost impossible to broak or got them out of order. 13. They nni *>it? in their operation s finishing work in a uniformly perfect manner. 4. They make u tight /oeX* it itch, aliko on both rides of tho work, which eon not bo unraveled. . * %.". 5. Tbey stitch, hem, bind, fell, run and gather, without Mstfhg. 8. They sew equally well the lightest and heaviest fabrics. 7. Tliey sow oyer the heaviest seams without changing the tension or breaking the finest thrend. .' . 8. They use uny No. of Cotton, Thread or Silk, direcllj^from the spool. 0. They use a straight needle j curved ones are liable to break. 10. Xhu needle has a jxrpondicnlar motion, j This is absulutely necessary for heavy work. 11. Tbtjr havo ? wheel feed ; nuDo others arc : m eonstaist.eontact with the work. 12. They run easily and are utmost noiseless, j 13. They arc not liable to ?if tho dress of tho Operator,; . o 14. Tlicy do not rflrjniro a scrcw-drivor to feet the noodle.". . 15. Tlioy ilo not havo to bo'taken apart to oil or clearn' 10. They do not form ridges en the under side of the work, kflr ravel, out,, nor are they ! wasteful, of (breed, us is tbo. cbe<v with aH j yhain-stitftilAg niai bines. ' j t I 17. Thdy arir capable oft tiding h greater rttugc of work, nmMil.n uiyro jiortect luauucr than any other Sewmg M&cuiuo. IVo warrant theso Machines, pud vouch for tho rccouimendutfuu of the above: ?Yi:a Ac fi?0t:Kl?E3, AtiKNTy, . ckj:i;n vihuc, s. ,c. ' A|>ril 1* f I ? 60 ' J ' ; ly Wfcit't'kr & Wilsons J SEWLMi ri^nnPE Miicliinci* have tnkin the premium -1 nt nil Fnt r?i wLcii t lip re lias been any competition, sm?l in Ft. l.oui.-. fact (hll, rocoivetl tile liigUeet pri:.o lbr useful family iuveuU >uc, a Silver 1'ileUer. llgTer lb <J. A- Broadu#, ami Roy. Jaiuo* < I . viiwiivmiv, r. . PRICKS. Sewing Machines, Pltiin OiUrc Tii'iIp,..? 60 00 " 4 " fc\t;a FipUdicd SO 0(1 j " ' " kii)i'(%su lliiisltr>|...' Imi op' " " * Fiill'Sf uho'gnny t' Ihj 'ift | , " " ^K. rewuod *JL I-l "(1 j Hcii'iner*, ' 5 50 j rSits mrffnrin, with ebnryen fur freight J from paries t mm, S. C.,<mly, Needles, Thread, 1 and Molnlio Spools ou luinrt tosnlt f?ir< imsisn KDUlilViON, UICIlAHliS A CO., Ag. juts lor'SOulh Carolina. \V. H. WATSON, cut for (ireenville, S. C. k- April 10 60 1(1 A. SO.MMKUS WOII.I) reaper! tally invite IgSirraTMUic nttontiun of his cuflmnrr? Oh i i f 1 land the public generally to :lie fact that he recently had hi* STOKKenlurgcd, and lias just received and now otlera lor sale, | TUK LA 110ItsT AMI IlKKT SKLlttfTEU $TOCK OF i mmm 111 m I lie lias orer l>eforo exhibited in this' market, J consisting, partly, of I Summer Silk*; French n-fniialci'. < Ii allies | JliiHtii'i .lueonciK. Prints, Long Cloth* holies, liurngcs, Parasols, Posters, Iloops Ilonnucts, Flats,mid Illnek Silk* Anil ? variety of GOODS generally kept in I DryGoods Stores. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GrKN T'S AND YOUT H.'S Rendy-Made Clothing. BOOTS AND SHOT'S, 18 A T S A A 18 CAI??, 8 H TTT\TTr IJHDiPlfiAims (DOTiL'iOT ETC., ETC., K'lC. OUOICHS FAMILY KfiOGEBIES k FiViSK, t3A33 ?8 &&& AT A. SOMMERS'. ?*t- OAS'/I f'A11) POk ALL K'lXbft Of I'll OlJ LCE.-iS^' April 5 ' ' ' ^18 tf Southern Independence ' O ? ? LOOK WELL TO THE SOUTH!! OW ithdr aw your N or them Patron age! A Nl> you effect more tliaii nil the speeches J\. wa'lo in Congress, ami will oim*e Aholit'n>11i -m, I ltrainn, Fanaticism, ami all tlie oilier isms, to feel, ami that seriously, too, tlieir dependence on Southern Commerce. an<l will effect a radical change soon or anil more powurlil than all the political harangues in Christendom. Encourage Southern Industry, Southera Enterprise, Southern Manufactures, and, sTjoto all, Southern Indcpcudcace, anil call on D. F. 'West & Co., And you can get Goods VERY LOW FOR CASH, fin J on vcrv rn.-iiiiiniililn nn?1 ni?r,?r.m,..l?ti.v? torrns from prompt paying customer*. We nro now receiving from Charleston n ' large addition to our present stock, comprising ft general assortment of everything tonally kept in a country store, which wo offer to sell on tho most reasonably terms. Wd will take I'rotkico, as well as Cash, in exchange for our Goods. IV P. WEST A CO. Plain, OreenvlHe, 8. C., April 3. 48-tf PAULDING'S PREPARED at ST UBBTtTIt IN EVBBY QOU8B, Funn, and toady for nso all tho time, and as strong as Cabinet Makers' glue. Price per bcttlo and brush, 25 rents. Kor sale by J. IV 811ERMAN, Agcijt. 1 l W X . o; | .3K-3ft 3K ' a SITM! ;%^V ^>.;,; llV'. CIftSfi IN cousoqueoa* of the IwpaAdinc Crtei# w< have made, withdrawing thoir^mttotteje ft SOUTHERN] and having, with the utmost repugnnnCc.survC; neglecting te teair up that criterion ri>rthe**unn ed up<?n tliera, I have concluded Pi ?bv* tu the of Nar.o'rctb that there it* still some kaltu in < (tie uiucuiiig voudu uud -wiu*y?er ? woru 01 cooeu: Xlaviug Just received the iu6st w STUPENDOUS ST ever exhibited to the pnblic fruxe, or aver Impor them to COUJSTUX J1ERCI1AHTS who arts In IIEADQIJ and the ptiblie nt Ifirgo, at prices Mt"CII LtJW] Fur tlie* conviction of unbclicvors, and the* that, altbougli a prophet Ims no honor iit,liis ov world for Aiinpctitiiiu, is obliged to succeed, c\"v field, is a.den<? halt. The annexed Item's will afford a fulnt 'trial AT CAKE The most extensive, r e jin y mjin Coats, 50 and 73 cctits, nnd no words, l'nnts, 30 - 75 ? -? ' Vests, 40 " 75 " ? " " Shirts, 50 ? 7S " " " " . .Superfine Silk Hats, ... J2.C0 Wo. ! ?? ' . - 40 I ~ Calf Skiu Boots, supcrfiije, - - 2.30 | . HOOP SKI 1ST**, 8 IIoops, - - - - - 50 .. | n - - 70. I " ..... 87 ; I Tflgi'rtiw With n lnrgc etook'of FilU Bon Shawls, Trunk.*, Shirtings, Indigo, X:tils,*Crne1 in unities, Srgai-?, Corn. Flour, Uiwuti, Riec, CO \Vli, liraildy nnd.AViur, and n large lot of i TllO aWv'o alAIutK15 DOhN items, while not n tnoro jibtinftmrof tlio tiiittd?nn'litle j.lian wq)-<1, ocean* in o tunr, anil point*, llko-'tho (incut if/a at a. lower jtrlee than hi tiny Soother CAIlirS STORE Tho lrCMlrprlR CAIllt'S STOKE Mny 10 1 ' ' 1 CH EUOKEE 11E M ED Y, i; rriiw roii m cd ?f a A A\" At.t. lUtKASKH Or TIIM I'RI.NAItV ORC.INA. r IA11 IS Remedy eyres wlidi nil other prepare ] I lions fail.-~lt is cutiroly unlike ev.ory J other compound : eo'maining no mineral imj.: son or lium-coiis drdg ; us it is prepared solely, iron*. Ho ots, Harks ami Leaver, and hos l^iuj handed, down, fuci Mie generation In another, t I.y t!.o Cherokee India::*.' It is uffbrod to tlicj public on it-- own Intrinsic merit*. If perform*^ its duty i;ttlckly nml thoroughly. The itulor-1 tunute, of either sex, will ho repaid by using I this Remedy. instead of liming tlicmsulve* at f tlio mercy ol some tjuaek" or Prbfa.'sor. This lti nie.iy strikes at the very Root of tlio disease ; its tendency!* not simply tosiispc'ud tliepobotj, Ijut to remove the cati.-e oh whicn ft depond*. Full directions in pamphlet Torea, accompany each bottle. The speedy ami permanent relief afforded hy this Remedy, in nil eases of Conorrluea, tlloot. <travel; Stricture, Fluor Albus, (Whites in Fetaftlcs*,) nnd till disease'.' of the I'rinnry Organs, has astonished the most scientific men of the age. This Remedy not*only l eradicates all poison the system, lmt inriKoratmi tlio most ilolieste constitution.' * It does not ulfeef tlie hrentli or interfere with ! any class of business, or ret^uiro any deviation I froiu the usual diet. It rv<itiircs no ussistaneo from any other medicine. And what enhances Us value, is the entire nlisenco of all tiAitx ous tastv, being n pleasant and delieinu* syrup. *** Price l<cr IJottlo. or throe Forties for$5. l?OTTEH A MRItWItf, Pole Prtrprtctors, Pt. Louis, M<?. nl.l In Greenville by Fisher A llclnitsli;Ynn Pohaaek ?t Urlersoii, Charleston, W link-sale Aprttfs, tlrid All responsible dealers in Mcdii'ino* in the South. d'J-ly Ap 12 F. EUS.TY, LOVEWND'S BUILOIM, GREENVILLE. S.C., - J. | IU-lSPKl'II'Li.LY inform* tli? pubr ?? i pcueraliy tLai he hiu on Laud a tine j ? fiv- luomrtnioiit 6f BOOTS, SHOES, BllOG-AKS, AC., WELT. ADAPTED TO TI113 MAKKET. In the assortment \rill ho found Ladies, Misses' urn! Children's or a and Shoes, of innny kinds. Gentlemen's, Youths' and Boys' Bpots, Gaiters Miid Fhocs. Ditcher's Hoots?nn e.xcollont article. Urooans of nil sixes and most durable make. In fact, as fuliaui aMkiu'tiuout of Aitick? in liis line ns can lie' f ount in any estaldlshrficnt in a town of the sniiie si*e. - '? * lie also respectfully nsks nn exsminati<>n?of his 1'rieus for C'a-sli. satisfied that hisGoods are ofl'ored . . / > ?* At the Lowest Possible Figure. T'lov^i .n m in to ant r?f s nr I htrtir .. f tiio I in/t * ? ? ?'V ?M,"6 v* will )>Ic&!<o give him a cull. AIJO, OJf l?A*n, A (?oofl Mtork ol' Leather, AT WHOLESALE AM) KKTA1L. Hoot and Shoe Making. This branch of bin business issUli carried ?u under bis personal supervision, ami every euro will be taken to gunruntoo satisfaction to thoso who pntrnnUo hiin. 27-tf Nov 10 Hair Dm<tiiiK?ud Shaving. BURHIlXiE continues ttic TONSQltfAL business at hi* Old fftnnd, In Iteattie's lirirk Ruildinp. where lie is rendy, daring the day and evening, to Hhave the Heard and Cut llnir and Hhatni>no the Ilend. llo respectfully ask* a continuation of pntronagc. Oct 1 21 tf-f orr St price, ATTORNEYS AT IAW, GREENVILLE, 8. C. jamKa I., oa*...... w. p. purr* M.i', IS 1 t/ fi. P. .vox*:**, attorney at law AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY oukp.nvim.b, a. r. JTif Office Float aide of Court flnunrn, where ho n?ay bo foaud daily, from 0, A. M., t> t, P. M. 9T-ty J?q10 .V" {"" *.1 " jjgg rsTDOOTWi Tim ? XX3 S ?VIlbLE.\.. y.; >: ? .. * . , tho important muroo <*rr Country Merchant* ma tho North and encouraging <5?71HIvKCK, fed tho otagtiMiV.flolda of &<rathoro enterprise, y South whish th? Impoiylihg din*,biw opofdw orhl tlint somothirig good oau tit ill *' como out JilOud-7 that there is yfjt -a phyaicWn to heal lutlon Into tho pora of iny blooding country tueu. OGK OP GOODS te?l from Any fhr^gn Tietniaphoro, I will% offer fay or of making (Jrconvilft their ARTERS, than rim bo proo tired ofthfcr North or South. *> that doubt until tlie.v #r? find/W, I \Vill way iU country, yet a inert hunt who rl,alienors the >n if the whole world, Hkc tho sun <m (iibon's >lance of urliat enn ho dona S STORE. v , > j snporh {tml coroplelo /r: E CIjOWIIJVG. Ladies' Shoes, fine, clastic, - $1.00 ' ' " - ' Slippers*' " ' - - 5l) Children's Shoes. tiincy.and 9ue, 41) .C &0 Men's " ' /njiorfine, - ' 1.5(1**"' Hoys' " lutfsri sizes, - 60 Supt xfin?>/utd?TOId*hofce. with* rJk mMD 00 (Pirsi Qualify.) I If c'~ - ' - -- $lJ56 ".<> eV .... y.OQ . " - _ * ?? , r - - _ - . " " nets. Flats, Rotas, Ran*, RmlfcUnf, Iijnems kiT*. Jowulry, X\'alclivy, wisi'd"# -Honors, 1'iiiV. h'FtiK, ,Sr<i.\'L\ MO/.A.WW, SALT, lUrmi irtii .lea too liuuiLfvuuj to luyutloU. s tiny s'petik lou'lur than Irmnjit toupuvs, arc a loiUtty tluU skunks voltu?< s in u He to the Jiftfp, that tS oViftf be }ntrvha*c(l /## n ot mivV/ * is TJIE FEACE. B raid for l'lU.'M CR. is Tin: i'UOiv . ? .1 .'."ti. 1 nlu. (ft. 1 I t ft* taAuot rlio a and Gic?i Cure* Tttk Vtty best feuihtly irt th/worM for tlio euro of'tionarrhm. Gleet, ??> B cto.. ftf. - v. . ? CS S- Fat nnjl Jrink wluit you ple^Rc. ^ ^ Full <lu'eelLip?. .\vjlJi _ji rhoit acy JKj ^ eount ttf tlte'imi^ats, ucto/upauy.iucli j5i B| Lottie. tgjjj B T. b At tlio anino time " tiik cihk " is u | ^ liuwt axuojlelit JLViueuy iu Cjuvwu; 'J>' Colil^, Ootigha, do. . . fc-1 >> r* It does not produce-Siek Stomneli, or injure tin.* poiuUtutioM in any uay-. rj ^ " Tlio. Cure *' is tuliroly .Vegetable. <T5 Mnnufucltu-ed an<l for saie by 3 r J. D. BRUOiJ A CO., ? . . * p* <{ 51 o 3 For sale in GroenvilU by C, 2 -*..? < ' * ' ' ' W w Atld by gll rcspcclabje Druggists ihmvtjhofct tlio State. 1 . FeUa RL?*?M 40 w : -;ir tf . Ibi $ ? ? tM?*? -i.mi.Mt>.two *?; .. . r ' OU NDEO 1802. CH^T1RLD^854. I.OCATBli Corner of Baltimore aud Charles Streets, BAI/TIMOKK, Ml). r|11!K Largest, M>hd Elegantly Furnished, 1 J_ uml Commercial Collcgo in the I Irnitod Mates, Designed expressly for Young Men iU-ii ti'p to oV-tMn a 'J'horotijh. I.'ructUol llntiittr? Jithtmiibtt in the Ltpd possible time and nt the lcnsf e -A Large ntid DonnflfbJly Ornamented Circular, containing upwards of Sfx frftittrc I'ict, with speeimrr.s of Pfcmhntiship, niuT u I.argc Engraving, (the finest of tho kind ever made in this poirutry,) ropreseiuiug tho Interior View of the Collige, with Catalogue stating terms, ,U'.r w iU he sent to gvorjr. Young Man on np' plication, frtr nf thartje. Write immediately atni you will receive the package mail. Address, E. K. I.OSIER, March 1 43-ly Baltimore, Aid. TIIK WORLDOUTDONB! TIIE MEDICINE CALLED " Iiifluinmufory fcxiii-putor," WJII cTl tVit*?.i.ldQrni' In this pined; is nr*<pfVtl|, j.y .1. W. rillAuV. ol Greenville. ft cunuut no-.v bo lougor doubled hut this Medicine ft the most efficacious rerncijv ever in this plMC, for" Ktdtrty Ititonsre/ l'lle*, Neuralgia, l.ttug Diseases, Dyspepsia A ttheuptntlMa. Numerous ersus of the iihsvo iltvmses linvo been cored this present week. Iimtiftcftc, TouUtaobv, Earache, .Sprwins, and all Hovrcl Affections, di*ap)M)M- I sit ore it, as if hjr the touch of magic. Try it, und keep it in Tout fitttdioa, tor siukutaa gomes when you least e*p?ci it. J. AV. iiRADY, Agent for OrennvHlo, 8. C.j Dr. E. 8LLL, Wholesale Ag'l at Columbia; also hy a'.l uholcsalo Druggists in li ar kltoi) t*. C. (>. W. DAYI8, Proprietor, Bex 4A20, New York Post Offieo. Not 3 2? it HOWARD ASSOCIATION, EH1LAIWJUA. A, . A Renovolont In*liUtlionri,j(itbJi?hoA by apaoial Endowment, fur the Relief of the Si ok and Distressed, n filleted with Virulent aud Epidemic Diseases, uqd cspaeially for the Cure ul . Pisoasoa ef the Sexual Orgna*. "\,T KDIGA L Ad\ ica given gratia, by tho Aot[YI in* burgeon, to ail who apply by lot lor, with a description of their coudition, (age, oocupation, habile of lilh, Ac.,) and In eases of ex tiaiM poverty, Medicines furnished frco of bhatge. Valuable Report* otv> SpettnatTrWa, and other Diaeasoe of the Haxnal Organs, and on the New Retried is* antployed (h ibo Dispensary, sent to tha afflicted in Muled Utter envelopes, .frea of rbarge. Tweer three Stamps for PoS tagc erlll ha eaaaptabU. . Address, DR. f. ?KIM,IN TI0170HT0N, Anting g?gaou, Howard AMoeUMon, Mo. 3 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pe. liy order of tha Jdreetnre. . ' EZRA D. HEAUTWtfLL, President. Gro. FsiRititi.i,, Sorrclarr. Fob 40 1y .-? s r- ffi rr'UU j?iji j v i ?1 '11 -11 CAST STEEL : PLANTATION fiOSt 1 TVfAlit7fAC7tIR?r> ?*Wr<M**:? ItX ., for-at, .and to pattern* for ?< imbed by ourmdVce. They ,'J made, blade and ehank, oatf of eoe g piecfe of. the very'beet quality apd ? wgphr, qf C^st JBwt* *tuP liwra f strength of blade and length of h*n- w die to suit ant Southeast fahning. '* Tho vsuecose of tbia article has f brought various I NUTATIONS In- J to the irtarbet, but the * ? .<* Pennine Cnst Steel Hoc;. \ IS eor.D ON MP BY ^ f J. B. SIIKUMAX, Agwt 3^ GARDENING TQOJ.9^ SPARER HOES) " - 1 HAKES, TROWELS,:. r PRUNING SHEARS, ? \IJNE RLEJ-S) , and everything else in this-lino, ? on hand and to arrivo soon. . . - J f v.J. B. SIIfcUMAN, Agent. J spssaSSsi&j We arc m an u factoring1 IJlMottV , Celebrated Spring Bed. They are \ all that can bo desired. Comfort- 1 able, clicap "and- durable. Call. ?j and lec them, v 1 J. 13. SIIEtvMAN, Agent. . j A Jai ge lot ofrjLose <u>6U'M?<i \roinWiieel" Wheel^jp'ruws, j'uet'f^ coinplettft . . ' , ^ J. ll. SIlliRMAJ*, Agent. 531 THE ORIENTAL HI' CO FFJEE-POT. ' s' AVe arc maanfactn'ring, \iiy dei* authority from the PA' i fesa*-* tentccs, - ( "* ' Sl-i * T?IE QIU^TAi. JuT()PF:BE-I>OT;j which beats llic Old l)omiuUkU all.* otb?i-*?tyJ?sJ 4 cixa 4k clear onfc of sight," wITitd it1 i S^ is" Bold at but little mof&tbaul tlio common coifee-pot. ' * if you love i?OC)D COl^'' l''PE,trr nn Oriental.' 1 j ,1. 11. SI1EIIMAN, Agent. - , PICTUKE FSAMES. . We'are'-prepared to pnfrhp' llUl I kinds and styloS of . \ rw. i Gilt ijd EosowQ'od \ i Picture Frames;.nk cheaply rw they1 lean be nur^hn^cd jh (Tarl(?foti.~* J. il.6HER3^jSL*Atwul,- "1' | _ . j . r c - ^ Wo uro coaatantlj i ^^^:-:'7^ vecui.x^Uia: ttddiUtnta to ^ ^r~ ^fttfair Stock, ?>ik1 1 iiivr effected arratupnncnta wtfh ah extensive Manufactory, which i will enable uh to otiwr it nt much lower yrjees limit ever. ^Ye intend to keep us good "tin assortment, as the'market demand#, rfjhd to soil* rt.lower than-it oatr-be1, ^rpcntHid lrdtn cither CfrttHg#top or ! Columbia.. - r ..f \ i, rt - "-"i. J.KSIIKRMAN, A?ent. ' &SSk?6 urttiitffiiTr it ^ c{ll^m . - >y: Bi ass work's | wa J' : ALA1SM LO K?, ! warranted to keep good tinlej and to wikLo you uj> at any tiino ot- the night or morning that you wiah. I'rice, $1.75. J. li. SHERMAN, Agent. Wall Papering. ' A HANDSOME AKMHTTMENT OF WA LL PA PRTfltfa. , PORDKnrNO: i FJHK SCREENS. WJNP OW SHADES^ Ac. 1 just received a?id f?>r sale'by J. 15. S1LKUMAN, Agent. ' ST EItKOSCOI'K^J.. And Stereoscopic Views. r A good assortment of 6ter&> > scopes, spine an lew as $1.50, end a , '' very large and unusually choiceaelcctiou of Views just received." 4 KE110SEHE LAMPS. i We have just opened a new lot with an Iinnrnv#<l n??????? ??? ) the 1>Cbt wo havo over had. o 4 , Housekeeping Goods. Everything in flio Housekeeping lino, from a $100 Cooking Stove to a five cent Tin Cup, may bo found at the Store of J. B SHERMAN, - AOI3NT gueentiue; s. e. Hovoii kv tT U " Trm1.1 T "'wyww*<?<n>n? f Par* Sarsnparilla, to combined with otbct ib^Mm.aikai *rw**? alteritifift potrwrna ?-a?o?4 an.a&atiro antidotofor ?ha 4MM b ropwted to ?iu?. Itfc batlwd Mauck ? *e?e*y imwrtcd *y Etc** Sammoue ?a?iplaint* andthalMM will aooomplish tbetr ran mwe?tNil neat on many woeal npitaa tt be found t the following complaint*; ?? m - ? 8c*otvul on Scaorcboca. OewUntn, tkuriipifi awn Xaowm Dmlkn, TJ&owna, BUtobw,* Tvmom, Ault Runtnt, ioiLo -awn fimnlrnc Ar* xonotti, Hnovnrii DmaXn, Dbopjt, Navlaixfm. ouTto Dortonrux, 'BPStA AMD IWDlOMtlOM, KHYBIPELA*, R<>Sa in St. Anthony's Fihb, Bad indoCd the wnola lasfl of complaints liking from Lmwjuty op uik BLOOTO. x , . . . ,.1 - This compound will bv found a great pro* noter of hcaltih, when takan in the wring, to ixpcl tho foui' htrfnora rhjeh fbstqr ia tb? .IIO ?. .>11 Nl-Al.ll ziuuu ww uuit rowR m WW yw.. - UK UIU?y expulsion of them many rankling disorders iro nipped in- the bud. Multitudes oan, by he aid of this remedy, spar? themselves from he enduranoe of foul oruptiont and ulcerous tores, through which the system will strive to K itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do s through tho natural channels Of the body >y an alterative) medicine. Cleanse out tho ntinted blobd whenever you find its impurities Mirsting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, sr sores; cleanse it when you find it is obstructed aud.jiluggish in the veins; cleanse it Whenevct it is HJUl,- and )r6ux feelings wilX tsU (rpu when. Ev?n where no particular disorder a felt, petjjdfe ct\joy better health, and live longer, for cleansing, the blood. _ Keep tho blood healthy, and all is well; but with this habulpih of life disorderr 1, them win be no Listing health... Sooner or later something must go. wrong, and the great machinery of l&fcifcaordomd or overthrown. * --Sarsaparilla luis, and deserves much, tho salutation of accomplishing these ends." But the world has been nrrcsriouslv deceived bv preparation" of it, tmrtiy bocaviio the drug ajbnc has not ell the virtu? thnt" is elsirtica for it,<but mora bcasu^ many preparations, preteutliug to i?o~ concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any tiling elaoi - ' "During late years the public have been mlslcH bv largo hotttav prcteudiqg to giv^iUQuart of Extract ofwa^snpartfta fbr'oue'flollar. Most of these nave been fVahda tfpon the sick, fo# tlicjr not rnily codtfciU little, if any, Saranparilla, l>ul mbpfrio'cUtatiyc properties 'whatever Hraice, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the.various extracts of SnrsapdMa ftbod^the market, until tho ntuac itself is justly despised," and hhS"hecO?u? 8ynonvnwtu?fSvith ftiipo*iti*n ttfiffrhcat. ' Still via call this compound SdrsnpaTilla, and Intend to supply "imeh a remedy as Shall rcscud tho ih^mc from the lopd of obloquy which rests upon ir. And yre think wo have ground for believing it has virthtM which mfh irresistible by tho ordinal-v run of the diseases It U intended to euro. Iu order to secure their complete Eidicc.tion from the aystem, the remedy should judiciously token according to directions on b bottle. PREPARED BY ; DB. jr. AVE It SCO,. " iV?^|u? Prito, ?l??ri)0ttl*| ?n i:?tu*. fsr?3, Ayor's Cherry Pectoral has. won for itself such a renown for the cure of every Variety of Thftfat miff Lung Comprint, that it-is tytkcly unnecessary for us to recount tho ovidcncu of its virtuas, wherever it-has boeh employed. As it haf long been in constant uso". throughout this section, wo need not do more than i&ihra the people its quality is kept up to tho best it cvtbjiu been, ana that it tuny be relied on to do for their tcluu* all it has over been found to do. .A _ nil 1. CosHtcness, Jate/idilfe, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Font Stomach, Bry*ipeku, Headache, \ fit< ?, Rheifirurtisht, Eruptions ami Skih Diseases, Jpvcr ttorriplaint, Dropsy, TctteP, Tumors and Sail Rficiim, Worms? Gout, Xcurahjia, 'qs ? Dinner F%S, <tnd for Purifying the Blood. v?Tliey arc augar-cotttcd, a? that the mo?t sensitive can take them plcasafttly, anil they are the heat aperient In tha world for all the purposes of a family physic. Prioo dO cents per Box; Tfro bozea far $1.00. nuqfayyfglgr^ca. 8^lutD, unci ffTiintm ifivc icni tneir name* to cortify the unparalteled usefulness of theso rtrn\ed:cs, but otlr apaoo here will net permit tho insertion of them, 'fhe AO cuts beloW named fitf-, nfsh prsHa otir An MtioA* At,W*?c ac in which thejr/ arc given s sMth- nla? full descriptions of the above remptnints, and the treatngfe that should be followed foe thuir outo. . i.' " * ; I * 'Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they inako more profit on. Demand Ayhr'S. and take no others, fho aick want the beet aid there ia for tlism, and they should . bny it. , All our remedies are * jpB*Por sul? in Uroonvillo A>y J. H>BG^N iu?<t M. 15. EAR LE, and by Druggist!) ami iloulara iu Modivino everywLorc. April 26 51-leowly * thw.t i'.FMK.nY, f that ( i-1' at remedy, tua r great ruikdy, 'that great remedy. that (jurat lojioiy, BANem* snxjarrc. ? kanitbbp specific, (umt1k2* sjitxtkic, -'awsasag' tiik on1.y powtivk cure hus \>\lv IMiMTIVIv (t'ltw rifK <>si;y i35rnvi?*t-? . *' 1 thk owt rawwvrttnl}* ' v > < -?o Tilt u-m.v jusfxlvk utkm .. BW*>IU: TCW PTY1FTM - * f BBUHK HOC I'EoriJt, MDORK THK HtOPIJC, HCKOltK THE PKDHX, Tut raufijs, FOR RON' >'AKH(KA AKD C1JCKT, Fuft GONOHRMOU AKU GUAT, FTifi ?4inor|{vhra AXO JIATf, w)r coxorrwka avt? jtjst, for gonokuucea a.nji cujt 1 v T?i?HSEfv a hig dooiohw uh kavh( a hm? nn.l, BuVVEi A 1UU DOCTOR'S Dlix! b eaftt.y laidt. - * > IH UAfH.Y TARES', ** * * - - T. ? HAbll.Y takl.x, fc kahijf 1 akj.h, u ?ajbu.t tarx; ? . ITAII MO RAD TARTK. * g , JIA8 NO BAD TAMta. " / ims no had tatffe! * < HAS NO HAD TANITt, HAS RO UXD TASTKI wjll kft'm a cure wim. effect a ( due wiii kkmtt a (ttRt i' r ?' ;?> V' Wlli. KFTfeJt I txkr . will jtmjui a cur* * without ijopr of tim* without ix*m of tjm| ; wmiouT um of tim3 without LUtt or ruts without U?8 OF IUM OR 0HANOE or OTCT, OR CHANUK OF MOT, oh crtANOB of o?rr. or (hanok of dtct, Oft CHANGE OF OU.T, with lwb troittw.e, wrni TKoypue, with mm trocblk. WITH UMH YHOUUIJC, mm, NoKK WKFJHLT, k. 'hk 8l-kkj>flf. hox - -?? !? uou. _ ??ukev|f i A WO rmHANWFTLW ? - and naotAsnmr * 1 than ant ?NOWW RmrROT * ? omr any known remedy. 1 than an* know n WAKlHb- / iitiruM oBmtix mw .? - l ? Iir hot Salt in GretnvilU ** -* * " u~, ^ -# ? ~. 6* Arty 1