University of South Carolina Libraries
. T. W, Mm j ^ FE<lCTIC4li ]W^ to VyV toe ptofl* of rtroonvlilo, end to* VyV JggjjJwbole mnoudlM cowntrj, mill CT^?k-<..?wd.K WAVtfxao * anewaeMv, <M Im ?o*r ten keei t* tbeTowe. of OrMa wtUs, and If any one to dUpoeed to do?>t U, tat Mm at iw. ?om m4 m? if ir U not i?. H toot och -OMnyrVaM to part of tho Uloftag f3& Qrtland ?Uto Watnhw of alt f HUm, and w?Tut?d to koop good time ai?4 to give MtkMlen. Alt gfcoda told by liito, in Warranted io bo-what they ara repreeented, or ho will wtaM (to money and take the artMe. back and m grwmbllag. IIU dmnkgii of tbo latoot and boot otyloo. Ia bi* took, art Am h?mud Hoods, Ufa, Pearl, Coral pnd larnet, with or withoel oom. wd (to tut Chain and other Mraeeleto; Watok Chahse of atl styles } OeU and Silver Thimbles, OoM; SltYor and Stool Spootaole, > Concave and. Coqvexed Qlaoaeo, and aloo Necklace*, with or witbont Clatpr. He' ha* aloo pur? WIvw and Plated War?. Hhi Articles ore too nnincrono to muntiou all of tlicm, but oom* and ace at once. DON'T FORGET HE DOES Ml KtNOS OF REPAIRING In Watches, Clock# and Jewelry, and that in n workmanlike manner, such, perhaps, as you cannot get don? anywhere eloo in the npeountry, for bo done not feel himself Inferior to ?mv, w tod wiu uo wen te try htm, Mid see if hi* word* are aoi trite. lie thinks there are many already who bare tried biiu, mad will certify to all of the above, Ac. JUT* III* Shop may be (bund at the Goodlett Hnuae, on Main Street. July 4? U ' tf ROBERT MAGEMAN, TTrttOJ'8TKBT3R, MATTRKS MAKER, U PAPER 1IANUEK, and CARPET ' IjAVER, rospectfhlly informs the ritiaena of Oreenrilie, that he U prepare^ to execute alt WTfk in hi* lino with neatness and dispatch, und offer* hit eerrice* to the public. 11a 1 eorved a regular time at hi* business in Oer- i many, and flatter* himself that ha ran pie*jo < customer*, lie may ha found at the Cabinet >1 Shop of Mr. Hahn. < July M 41 . 1 j FREEH TITRBTIP SKFI>. 1 WHITE PLAT DUTCH, WHITE NOR- \ PORK. White UJobe, Robeon's Orlden ItaJI, Shirring** Rata Bay*, and also German Curlctl Kalo. All warren ted genuine, and fbr { sale by TltOMAl? 8TKEX. July M ? t/ ] LIME FOR gALE. . | TUB subscriber has for sale a quantity of LIME, fresh front the Kiln. C*Uearly, il you want any. 8. 1). DKARMAN. i July 36 13 tf Lard SnfRT. Rise Lemons, dee. NO 1 PURE LEAF-LARD Beat Crushed Sugar, 7 lbs for frl .AO T)..t ri._:a. .1 a... a u. _ r? ua viaiibvu i^u^nr, r? HIP | Kino Lu^o Grain Rico, 1 j tt>? for $1.90 Very Choice Layer lliufinr Fresh Citrnu, Cnrrants and Almonds Fresh Pecan, Brasil and Walnut# Piijipinr Kisses, Pua-nnts/Candy, Ac , Fresh Lemons?To arrive on Friday. AH for sale by 1WYCK SMITH. Opposite T. B. Roberts' New Store. July 19 .11 tf a , f ?Bl&iRiSrfOTraa METBAL Fill IIMME OFFICE. CJI AULOT.TK, 1st J?Iy, JNH?. Amount Property Insure J, { 7U6.Hfri.14. ( Dills ft. I'l-cui. Notes, wslLsoeuprd, ' Bills K. L*i*ned<un call ? 4,iKI8.9ft , Cash in hand of Apeuts,.., _ 587.I* Cash in Bonk Charlotte,. 154.11 J. $i 11,512.on 0 Loans unadjusted and looses not due, none, W. II. TAYI.OH. President. , E. Nri IIutchiso!?, Pocrctsry. ThelUtM < Nurtli Cnr?H??i J MKCKLKNIJUUO OOUOTY. PERRON ALLY appeared before mo 0.. , Overman, an Actinp Justienof the Paaoe, in and for said Oounty, W. B. "Taylor, President, and E. Jfye Hutchison, Secretary of the Charlotte Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and made oath in due form of law, that the above report of tho condition of the Company is true, to the best of their kntiwlciipe and be- lief. C. OVERMAN. J. P. JOHN W. GRADY, Apent, Greenville, P.O. ' July 19 11 4 Jj MATTRESS MAKING. ; Wm. Langston I WOULD inform the eitisens of Graeuville 1 thai, he is now Mrinsasntli I<m>*Ui1 in this place for the punosc of MANU FACTORING MATTRKSifS. and would earnest- " ly solicit a share of public pntroriH|*e. All work warrantod to Ho substantially made, and na cheaply as can He furnished anywhere. He' , may bo Ibund at his residenoe, four hundred yard* south of Furman University, lie also 1 manufactures WHIPS of all sorts. Where MattnsiM may ba Found. f Jpgr Those wishing to purchase Mattresses, r can find a supply at Mr. I?. Williams' Waro- ' house, at Mr. Ketchutn's, and at Messrs. Long, * tloodlett A Co.'s, where they will bo kept cos- > stantly for sale. <! May 10 1 tf 100,0001b?.llasraWanted AW J. A. PEARSON & CO.'S TIN SHOP, GREEN VII.LE, & & ~\\TR will exchange Tin Waro, Homestics, yy Prints, Khoes, lists, Ac., flir IIA HS at cash prtoes. Thankful for past paironaj|a we hope to merit a continuance of the same. 1 J. A. PEARSON A CO. t April 1? 50 tf CHARLfcSTOX LIVERPOOL ' SAILING PACKETS. ; r |AH E undersipjnod beg to announce that they 1 have made arrangements fur a Line it flAiowfcSf? rpAO'Sanfs lx>tweeo the above points, by which every fas'ility in regularity and speed will be given to < Shlppon, ' | FRA8ER, TRENHOLM ft CO.. 10 RUMFOM PLACE, LIVERPOOL, \ Win at MJ time BBCBtVK Good* intended ' foe shipment by till* line, and FORWARD tbe " ^ lb* Pirtt Succeedlag Packet, and will , e5- M| "Way* prepared to giro any information ' ' that may bo deaired. Arrangements for freight or Pneunge may 1 also bo made In Charleston, by application to John I'raior ft Co., Oemtrul W'knrf. ( The undorranntloii.'id flrat claaa and faat sailing liwWtun Ships bar* bcaa already placed Upon the Hmr, and other* will be .added U soon %* required I Halting dug* the Ship* of the Line. From TdverpooL CnlWejton. Jun 6'deaaa fl. Own**, Norton, Maet.,Au( 10 . " lt*luiA Boa*ai i., Michael, Ma*L,Aa| 10 WW " U*A?m*, Lebhy, Moater, Bept Jft. m Jil; II llltrlt. Piiaae, Teedtr, Mail wt 11 L Ana 10 Jaw* Faakbr, IlorWrt, Master,Oet M K *Tbeee three date* are made to approximate ML for the oooeenleaae of Importers for the FnU IMS' J cud*. p JfllilT erranremeou will ba duly adrerti*. HI * Mm w ivttt ? s " . T1 ' . =. y _ ?- -v .r ; - t-m .-:i The tit* to of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. ALEXANDER (IRISHAM, who to la the nito^r efjhe 8Wrlff<f (IfMvllh DlsfW, bgr virtue w a writ of ??<m ?m> rirndom, M the rail of Nathaniel Smith Mid NitW M. Smith, Exeeutors of W0Ham Smith, demeaned, b**ing U?d In raj office,* toother with a schedule, on oath, 2bh eotate and effects, bis petition to a CgUrt of Common Plana, pnjto( that he may he admitted, to tho benefit of the Act of the OmwtU Aseemblr, made for the relief of. Imohrtai debtors: It ta Ordered, That the taid Vathaitiel Smith and Michael M- Smith and all other*, Che creditor*, to whom tho said Alexander Ortaham ia in nnywilo indebted, be, and they aro hereby, Htm mooed, and have aotioe to appear before the mid Court, at "Oreenvilte Court H?uoe, on the firarti Monday m Omler nam, to show cause, M any they ean, why the prater of the petition aforoaaid should not bo granted. W. A. McDANlEL, o. c. r. A e. a. J ' Office Court of Common Picas, Uroenvilla District, July 18, 18*0. . 11 3m The State of South Carolina, gu'kknville district. i WK, POWERS, who ia in (he custody ? of the (Sheriff of Oraenrille District, *?/ ? > iuu ui m WAUUI < at tho huK of Preenan ? HeUinton. havingfiled In my offioo, topthnr with a achedule, on oath, ( of bia estate and fffecU, hi* petition to the Court ot Common Plcaa, praying that ho. may he admitted to the benefit of the Aot of the Ucjieral Assembly, made for tW relief, solvent debt-ore: It la Ordered1, Thai, the aaid Frtenan ? Mciniten, and all other*, the creditor*, to -whom the aaid W. K. Powera ia in anywiae indebted, be, and they are hereby, ittmmnnni, and have notice fn appear before tho x^id Court, at Oreenyilie Court liouao, en tho- Fourth Monday in ' October tieSt\ to *hcw cause, if.any they Can, why |ho prayer of tbc petition aforeaaid aliould not he granted. W. A. M. DAKIEL. c. c. p. * o. a. Offioo Court of Common Plena, Greenville : Diatrlet, July 18, I860. 11 3m Ike State of South Carolina; GREEKVJLLE IUSTRK3T. JEllKMIAII ELORITXtE, who ia in the cuatody of tho Sheriff of (Iroenrille District, by virtue of a writ of cajtiai ad eati^/'a- , 'feodum, at the atiit of Preenan A llclnaton, |prta| filed In my offioo, together with a ehednle, -en eatb, of hi* eatata and effect*, bia petition to tho Court of Common Plena, prayin# thai fin mfi* Km n*! >/! * ixl ?* - ?X I he Act of the Oencral AimiuIiIt, made for the ( ivKef of insolvent debtors: It is Ordered, That i tie said Frconan Jt Ileinston, and all others, ( he creditors, to whom the said Jeremiah ElJridge is in anywise imlebtad, be, and they are toreby, sumuionpd, and hare notice to appear tefore the said Court, at Ureenville Court House, on the fourth Mnnfinjf in Or-tab*r aexf, | to shew cause, if any they cen, why the prayer ' if thv pctitiou aforesaid should not be granted. 1 W. A. M. IlAMKL, r. < . e. A o. s. H Office Court of Common riess, Ureenville Mstrict, Jyly.T*, IPC*. ' H 8m the Kale ! Stssslii Carclllta. (iHKKNVII/I.E DISTRICT. ( In Ordinary. J ULR OF REAL ESTATE. BY VIRTTTK of an Order frtan tho-Courtof Ordinary, for Ureenville District, I-will ^ xposo for Bale, at public outcry, to the highest ridder, before the Court House door of said 1 iistriet, on tho First Monday of August Next, All that Piece, Parcel, and Tract of LAND, Itaated In.'Ureenville District, on Wnters of _ >aluda River, adjoining lands of Tench Cstnn, If. A. Fuaater, and others, containing One I ujidred Acres, more or less ; sohl as the Pro- 1 lertr of DAVID StfOWDKN, deceased, for " 'artltion amongst the legal heirs and repreentutires. TSHMS OF SALE : A credit of twelve souths, with interest from day of sale, for all, xecpt so much as will pay tho costs, which , rill be required ha Cash. Pqychascr to give 1 ond with good seenrity, and a mortgage of the I ireralscs. If deemed necessary, to the Ordina- ?' V. to mshl* the navnumt nf Ihn nn. liu.. Ii uolmy. Purchaser lo par for titles. J. T. McDANlKL, s^. n. Qroenvilllc, 8.-C., Shcrijfn Ojficc, July 4th, Sftft. 0 - 5 rh? State of South Carolina. ( greenville DISTRICT; ( In Court of Ordinary. ames Reeee, Applicant, against Ellas Oasp- . man, beirs-at-law of K.domon Chapman, do- * ocaacd, William Chapman, I,onnil<-r Caldwell and John Caldwell, Reltocoa Chapman, . Caroline Chapman. Carter Chapman and J I low lot Chapman, Defendants.?.Viimmuni ?n PnfiitiuH. n j rT appearing that Loander Caldwell, and I John Cnldwell, her husband, Carter Clifcp- 1 nan. and Hrwlet Chapman, Defendants, rente heynnd this State j - It is ordered fend dereod, that they do appear and object to the . lirUion in aate of the Real Estate of Mrs. ifKLlNDA-CIIAPMAX, on.or before the '2i*t . lay of September next, or their consents to 1 he saute will ha entered of record. ' ROBERT McKAY, 0. O. D. Ordinary's Office, 4th July, 18641. 9-11 Slat? of MoMlh Carolina. ^ qjiken ville nisTKitrr. 3y R. McKay, K*q. Ordinary of yaidDistrict. WHEREAS. \V I LEI AM M. THOMAS, Km , Commissioner In Equity for IrcenviUe District, has tiled a Petition in ny Office, praying that Letta? of Admiuisrntioii on all and singular the goods and battels, rights and credits or viltl.kt trtllMtlllE, lute of the District uforesaid, ipcessed, should he granted to him. These are, therefore, to cite and admonsh all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to ho and appear 1 n the Owrt of Ordinary for said District, u he liotdon at Greeurilie Court House, on he third day of August next, to shew cause, ] f any, why the said Administration should lot be grunted. ROBERT McKAY, O. O. D. Ordinary'# Office, 20th June, I860. 7-7 Stale or South Carolina. ' GREENVILLE DISTRICT. J la Eqaltf. Villi am M. Thomas, Administrator of T.tiraney Nelson, deo'd, va. Milton Hunt, at ox., at a). THE rreditora of Laraney Nelaon, mat Luranay Laoyatua, are notified to IM? their iiaiiua with raw within three month* from thia lute. WM. M. TUOMAK.C. E. <1. D. it J Su. , Che State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. ' SHERIFF'S SACKS. ] SY virtus of sundry Writa of Fieri Facia*, to na difeeted, I will soil, before the 1 rt House door, at the asual hours of aula, On tho First Monday In August next. ! All of Oliver Rnaa'i intereat in 12 Acres of Land; as the property of Olirar Roas, per achedale rendered, at the auit of J. R. llowden. < 100 AevSs of Lund, more or leas, lying in Greenville District, adjoining lands of J. K. Stone, J. Kiehardeou, ct ah; as the property of Thorns# Cox, at the auit of K. D. Duncan, As- i lifli. 180 Aerea of Land, more or lets, lying in Greenville [Metriet, adjoining lamia or n. r. Perry, et al.; a? tl?e property of Wllliain Fieher, ; at the salt of Lloyd and John Henson. TEIIM 5f CJLSH. Purrhaaer to pay for titlea. J. 'J^ M. DANIEL. a. a. n. Sltrif, Office, jm, 1 DA, IK60. 10 Ul < Tdental_card. ~ rpDB aod<nl|M(i would reeneetftilly bring I to the notice of Oreeaville and vicinity, hie MetfB, ROBERT A. HARRIS, Surgeon < Dentiat, who baa, during the laat (Area year*, < Can bia oloee and undivided attention to nttatrv, and wbo in now prepared to attend to ata PrefbeeVni la both |ta branebea. He reay be fbnod at My fteoma. *Oj|N ANDKRflON. July b tf Barfoou PenUjt. ^ SO V ?x i?; dp- ? iff ,?1 ?,f SPRING GOODS FOR I860* -f ft-r, fj I AM leoeirfeg ? iW3^^^fl|8toekef 600D8, switaMefor n* taUKi Trade, ; IhIBmhK**^ will k* aoM at Krry | VEiLXj bow Pricbm, An Inspection of the Stock la lariwd. April ft iMI JOHN W. OILADY. Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. JU8T NMln4,r? Ml lino of Drui Goods, for ladles end gentlemen, (uWieHif all grades, from a wrjr common to thtf beat Fab- ' rioi< kept in tbla market, among which la many | of the noreMea of the day. Also, a good lino of White floods, Embroideries, Lace Goods. An.; Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ac; 'Jleached 1 snd Brown Shirtings aud Sheetings, Drillings, J Tickings. Ac. For sale hy AprU ft 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. Hardware, Cutlery, Ac. . . Qflt A GKNBUAL assortment of Table . 'Cf Wand Pocket CUTLERY, together with \taF ail descriptions of Shelf UAUllWARK . esuelly kept In this market. Also, Axes, (train t end OrtM Scythes, Hnenths, Cradles, end ( Keaphooks, Spndys and Shot-els, Roping, Trace j Chain*, Nails, Ac. Just received and for sale , by JOHN W. URADY. | April 5 48 tf ; Rondy-i9*4f Clothing-. A FULL Assortment of HU MM MR CLOTH- 1 IN'l, Coats, Vests, Pants, Bliirts, and 1 Under tlsrmcnts, Collars, Cravats. Stocks and c Ties. Just recpiyed and for sale try April 5 48-tf JOHN Vf. GRADY. 1 ^ . ! c BONNETS. - J /gay A FULL Line of Trimmed and Un- : < I10NNKT8 and FLATS, It.!, *3L? cbes, Flowers, Wh-aths, Ribbons, Ac.- ( Just received and for sale bv April 5 48-tf . JOHN W. GRADY. , HATS. ' Ay sky large Btuck of Dress, Kofi and [ ? Summer II ATS, for Men nud Iloy?. Just received nnd for sale l>y " April i 48-tt JOHNW.UIIADX. 1 CARPETS, MATTINGS, [ Oil Cloths, Ac, SOME handsome Carpet*, Matting*. OH ** Cloths, Rue*, Altomans, Ac. Just re- * wived nad for sal, by *' April * 48-tf JOHN W. ORADY. 1 * WALL PAPER* [ 2C/ Y P1BCK8 new and haadaomo pat trvfU tern* of Wall Pa per.. Bordering, Window Shades, .Fire-place Screens, Ac. Jnst received and for ntl? by April 5 48-tf JOHN W. ORADY. WOODEN WARE. I CEl'A K, varnish painted Buckets, Wall t< Buckets, Tubsand Kaaler*, Corn Brooms, n te.' Jnst received and for sain I<y e< April 5 48-tf JOHN W. QRADY. tl DRUGS St DYE-STUFFS, * pj WINDOW OI,ASS, l'utly. Paints,Oils, T fw Ac. Just received and for sale by v Ul JOHN W. ORADY. 11 April A 48 tf " . tl WRITING PAPER, BLANK BOOKS. &C. rETTER and Cap Paper, Blank and McmJ oraudum Books, SirallinR Books, Inks, old and Bteel Pens, Bonnet Boards, Ac. ' lust received nnd for sale by April ? 48-tf JOHN W. ORADY. BOOTS AND SHOES. A WELL sssortod Sfork of I.A'lies', Misses and Chihl's Roots, (laiters, iuekskin nnil Kliiiien. IimOimI and nnLnali',1 lien's. Boy's, nnd Youth's Boots ntid Shoes j if every variety. Just received nnd for sale J y JOHN W- GRADY. ' April 5 48 tf "j GROCCRIES. I rt' v? JAVA and llio Coffees, I.onf, Crushnnd Brown Sugars. No. 1 soil West India Molnsses, Teas, Candles, bandies. Maekerel, Ac. For.salo hr April 4 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. * Crockrry and Gl?88nnrr. I A FUl.I, srsiirhnvnt ot China, Granite g /V and Common Wnro, Glassware, Ac. lust received and for sale bv >, April 6 JOIINW. GRADY. llCOUMBE SOSTEEBI C&MME1CE! Long, Goodlett & Co. RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of OreeorilU District, that they are now waiving a Full STOCK OF GOODS in their inc. dl of which were j PUBCHA8BD IV CHARLESTON, A*l> WHICH THHV WIEl? MtL AT I Lower Prices Than Usual! The Block oonsists, iu part, of Benched nnd Brown Shirtings and Shootings i large variety of Prints, of direct importation, from 8 @ 12^ cants per yard ,inen nnd Cotton Diapers, Linen Drills fancy Cussiinctes and Cottonades , ? Plain White Swiss nnd Dotted Muslins ^ Mid .Bareges, Mohair Lustres lllnck Silk Mantillas, KinUroidcred Collars ( darego Mautillas, white ahd colored ^ Hoop Skirts, of variiufs Grinds, among which j will lie found some of \ Springs, fto c? nta; 30 Springs, $2-5" And nil the other Articles necessary to com >riao a general stock of Dry Goods. * A I.SO, A H'WIEiIfi S\?n?2?>HVZ? (Dli* llaltt, t'np?, Boots, Shoes. ( GttOCERIES, HARDWARE. CROCKED, 6LASSWAft, _ Ac., Ac. We are confident of the fact that we can afford to aell our Goods at price* that will c? m- *' mm.I ;he attention of the public, and w* re-' I ipuotfuliy solicit an examination of our Stock. LONG, OOODLKTT k ( 0, e March R 44 If WATCH WORK ' IliiM ? AND ALL JOBS WAR ANTED. rfllIE nebaeriber take* thla opportunity to X ??y *? the oitiaem of Greenville and aori own ding country, that Mr. MKVZ, a Gorman Watch-maker, and, of eourae, skillful a* a Repairer, ia with hiui, and whose dispatch in the line of his baaineaa is wonderful. The iao.t diffi- t cult and delicate jobs on ladies and Gentlemen's Watches, la by the aaid gentleman most * faithfully don*. Other Work finished off at hortest notice. CHARGES MODERATE. Stand, three doors below Ooodlett House, t Greenville C. II.. S. C. ( J. II. RANDOLPH. v July S 0 II p J7A. PEARSON & CO.; GREENVILLE, S. C., MANUFACTURERS of, and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ru ?... ok... t... vi.. a.. ( ?ui n mo, ousnt i>uu, wuvi ?? t I TIN ROOPINU, GUTTERING, REPAIR [NO, m>4 all other Work in otor line done ikeaply and promptly. /. A. PEARSON A CO. Jnly 11 10 * SOTICK IS IIKRKJ1Y glvea that all person* harlng drinaiKl* againrtthe Katatoof WILLIAM ' JACOBS, Sr., ieeeaaad, are rcqaeeted to pre- r Mat their demands legally aatheatiealed; and all perron* owing Ut* Relate, are requested to ii cotne forward and rettle by Return Day next, d a* I am determined to ewe ea all No tee aad I Aoeounle, if not MtUod by Return Day. t F.DWAi'D 0. JACOBS, Ixeeuter. Juue21 7 tf K & ft .. 3EM orek>*VILLE Baptist Female College r^HllB KXKRCI6KB of fhe Fall Session of | the above Institution will be rosumad on KtiUj, the lixtk of Aspii [t it Important that all the Scholars bo puncual In attendance. The Kxecutive Committee take pleasure in dating that ample provision has been wade for lis thorough p ,Vsuitof all the Studies of tho woarae. Tho services of Miss HUDSON' have ?ecn added to those heretofore Secured, by vhloh instruction is now offered in I'AIXT1NU. DRAWINH, WAX WORK and FANCY KKDI/K WORK, ivnd arrangement* have umii uiade for instruction i? ?1I ?' ? l--?? if the President's Departtaunt. ft is also cx- I leotcd that a 'President will be olected nt the noctiug of the Board of Trustees en the 27th if July. * The Committed has heen sorry to learn that introns abn ud hnvo been apprehensive, bo nHse ol the-Resignation of tliu President lunl | mo of tho Professors last winter, that nil the ; Studies of the t'ourso have not been pursued. ?o far front being true, ample provisions have iceii niude. A difficulty of this kiml inny oc nr another poiutr?Ifncvcr eun here, because ?f the number of gentlemen connei ted with ither Institutions whose services may be teiu- j lorarily secured.. ' p ! The position of Prof. Sams wns supplied hy ' he election of Miss HOW EN, of (ieorgin, and he labors'of the pnst Session have shown that ill tho studies of that Department -have la-en hor mghly pursued. Tho superior education T Miss Bowks, and licr fine powers of infraction, render her an ac<tui*ition to the 'ollcge. Arrangements have also heen wade to give o tho members of the tlraduating Class, and neh others as may desire it, a Course of Hfghr Study than has heretofore l>een afforded. | t is hoped that this ftttein] t to elevate the tnndarrl of female education witl he nppreelted. and thnt the Class thus to bo formed will ? a large one. REPORT OP BOARD OP VISITOP.S, On the liter nt Annual JSrami'nitlinn*. Tho undersigned, members of the Commit too eijuefteil to attend the Examinations of the Ireeuville Baptist Vein ale College, were In atrndnnee at different during their progpm. They tnko pli-asuro in expressing their nnvietion of the thoroughness and fairness of ?? Kxninlnatinns, a* well c* their grntificn- ! on at the high degree of attainment exhibit- j I by the Pupil* in their respective studies. Iron of them who have been prevent at pre- i ious Examination* inn eertify to the fnet, | lat the Examinations of tbo prevent Session | ore fully cipiul to any that have preceded rem. It. MANLY. Jit , WM. WILLIAMS, 11. FUKMAN. K. W1IITMIUE. Jnly 2rt 13 .1 Drugs (^Medicines I" WOULD informjny patrons,and tho public L generally, thai I have recently laid in a vsh supply of DM U?S. MEDICINES, nn.l all thor Articles usually kept in a Drug Storo. laving inude my purchases in pentan. I have j select stock of the best qualities of Drugs, I c., that could We ohtainud in Market. I in- | nd to SELL FOK CASH, ?nd as bought on good terms, I am enabfed to sell . n such terms as euunot fail to please purcliu- ' srs. I would invite Physicians of the country to ive uie a call when they visit to boy their tnigs. I will insure satisfaction, both in rcartl to prices and qualities of Drugs. I havo constantly on hand nil tho most uprovod "PATENT MEDICINES. # A select Stock of DRUGS & MEDICINES. Castor Oil, by the TioUlo or Otillon. Fweot Oil. hy tho Bottlo or (lallon. Beit Salad Oil. A select stock of llie best Soaps. Concentrated Lye, for making Soap. A fine collection of Perfumeries. Hair llrnshes, Shaving Brushes, Tooth IrusSes, Ac. Shoulder Braces for Boys, (lirls, dents and adtes. Flavoring Extracts?fresh. Cooper and Cox's Uullaliuo. f mri-ii, niinii^, *vu. Window tllnss and Putty. Oni hundred Trusses? :iil sorts anil siscs. No. 1 article of Alcohol. Schuu pps, host Lomlon Porter, ltrandics, | Vine*. tJin, Rum ami Whisky, of the beat ijuul-I tie*, for Medicinal purpose*. A good assortment of Denial Forceps; I.nnete; every variety of Syringe ; li roast Pipoa; ; fipplc Shicldii; Nursery Dottles, Ac., Ac. Ail i ii>w r?n C'asii, at J. II. DfiAN'8 1)KU? STORK. jr CALL ANDSEE FOR YOLUSKLVKR. F?bi Stt . If HAIR BRAIDING >f Every Stylo and Pattern. MRS. M. L. OLSON RK.dPECTFUI.LY informs the Ladies anil | Don tic men of tiroenvillo, that she haa re- 1 uriud. and can ho found immediately beyond ho OM Itaptist Churtli. nt the panic house alio , nrmerly occupied, where alio ia prepared to | xecuto orders for her neat and unhjue style of isi/ium SUE A&roast fe, 4 cvory description and pattern. GOLD MOUNTING f all kinds, always on hand. Jnno 21 7 tf iiW"sroIsT flh^l T) T1IE mh?criber respectfully invite* tbe attention of bi? friend* KhJiXOuod tlio public generally to hie reU-nele Led CALL ATT1IK f EW BHICK STORE, >n? door above the Hook Store, be fore making 'our purchase*. You will find Good* and >rire* to euiU T. H. UOUKHTS. July i t tf I. O. O. P. P ^|lM- MOUNTAIN LODGE, >T Si No. 14, I, 0. O. V.. meet* wit p?x? y' Fob 13 43-ly? J. BUK8KY, Bec'ry. rhe Assembly House, Om Hquarb Wiit or thk Post Orrica, Mais Street, . . . Columbia, 8. C. riII8 well known KiUtblnthnieat has boen thoroughly re-fltted nod Improved, end now permanently opened for the accommolation of tbe Public. Kvery Attention will be [iron to supply the wante end comfort of Paroue. JfM~ Kalce Moderate. 0. T. MASON, Proprietor. 1>?v 9 81 u rw ? A ?.* b a * a CBIlill THANKFUL for kind of their Mends for lbs i pest jeer, would respectfully solicit HV the seme for the pceeuut, Persons wishing to b?j GENUINE ARTICLES, would do well to oall end exensine our Block of VRUOS, MEDICINES, PAINTS OTUS, VARA'/SUES. DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, **>4 mnv A ni'inf ONF. DOOR BELOW HARRISON & LONG'S SHOE STORE. IF Y0U~iVANT Fine Shaving Soaps, Washing Soaps, Glycerine Soap, Brown Windsor Soap, Colgate's Soap, French Soaps, Opoaekloc Soap, Castile Soap, Thompson's Soap. Labia's Soaa, or any other kind of Soap, or a Box of Potash, to make your own Soap, YOU WILL FIND IT AT LONG & BURN HAM'S DRUG STORE. IF YOlTiVANT Fine ( O LOG NFS, Fine TOlf.ET WATERS, Liil-in or Glm'i KXTIlAlT* AND ESSENTIA, I Inir I'OMAlJEd, llnir OIKS. Hair BRUSHES. Or any preparation for improving the Jlalr, Tooth or Skin. CALL AND LOOK AT LOIVCn A BUKNIIAJTB ASSORTMENT. _ IF YOUlVANT TO BUY ASY PATENT Ml SMS, You can jrot it, at the winker'* prica, front LONU A. 111! RXII AM. if yoTwant . A HOOD ARTICLE OF Bread Soda, Cream Tartar. Starch, Indigo, Madder, Saffron, Borax, Whiting, Glno, Sulphur, Alum, Copperas, Linseed Oil^Wlnte Lend, Train Oil, Lamp OH, Sweet Oil, Spts. Turpentine, Alcohol, Seidlitz Powders, Yeast Powders, Large Window Glass, Putty, Rotten Stone, Bath Bricks, Oil ANYTHING ELSE Usually kept In a PRUll 8T0RK, you can huy it ut n FAIIi l'KICK front our Establishment. We call Particular Attention To nil Preparation* mnile by u?. We make tliein of an uniform Mrcngtb, anil from (he PU ItEST M ATERIALS. Country I'liynicians will find it to their advantage (o en 11 nud examine onr Stock and Prices. LONG & BURNIIAM, Qxk Doou Auyvi: C. Mkruick'b 6Ton?!. June 14 H'J tf GROCIYRIBS! rpnORK wishing to purchaao GROCERIES 1 cheap for 0ASI1, will please call on the I Undersigned, who has just returned with one of the large8t block* ever offered in the market. | THOMAS STEEN, Wholesale and Retail tlrocer, Me Bee's Hall. 1 /"A IIITDS. of Cuba, Muscovado and Trinl1 U dad Molasses; 10 Bbls. New Orleans Molasses. These cannot Ire surpassed in quality. Selected and for sula bv THOMAS STEEN. 8 1111RS. Choice New Orleans, Cuba and Muscovadp Sugars. Selected and for sale by THOMAS STERN. \ 1U1LR. Refined A. 11. and C. and Crush/?\f ed Sugars, and 2 Rids, superior Sugar Gulden Syrup. For sale by THOMAS STERN. 4C BAGS Rio, Java, Ifwko, l-egoyra and M Sail toe Coffees. These hnvo been carefully selected, and aro fer sale by THOMAS STEEN. 7 CHESTS Tea?llyson Skin, Young Hyson, Imperial Gunpowder, Stipey Oolong Ooolotig and Soncliong. The above Teas carefully ?elected and tor salo by THOMAS STEEN. Q pi RAGS Ruckwlicat?12J lbs. @ 50 cents ' /W f ) per Rag, from New York, and for sola by THOMAS STEEN. . QfA I>nUMfl FIGS, jnst received nnd for OU aale by THOMAS STEEN. rIE FRUITS, Jellies, Pine Apple, Prunes, Pickles iu pints, quarts half gallon and gallon, English Pickles, Uerkins, Walnuts, PicCulilla, Onions. Worecstsbiro Sauco, and a largo variety of English Sauces, selected and for sale by THOMAS STKJflJ^V SALMON, Oystersi Spiced nnd Freak sters sn?l Clnnts. Pickled Salinow? very tine, Haddock and Codfish, extra No. 1 Mackerel in kits. Wooden Waro of all descriptions, and Cutlery. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. Q/Y KKG8 Nails superior qnnlity, assorted /6\J sires, cheap for cash-. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. rjlHE largest and best assorted Stock of China Glassware and Crockery of every ,i v... ..I. "TH0MA8 8TBEN. COXFEOTIOXERY of every variety. For (Alo by THOMAS STKKN. CI TRUANTS, Citron aixt Raisin*. For sate , by THOMAS 8TEF.H. J irCDd T>J ? taivunn "XMIIH, UIIKI innw, ami tUCUH, 11 the very beet- Kor sale by THOMAS 8TEEN. May 10 1 tf FOR RENT, ?j& UNTIL the first day of Jaodary [,{! next, at $200 per annum, Lil THE STORK HOirSE on Main street, Greenville, 8. C., recently occupied by Mauldix A Lo.vo. C. A. MAULDIN, Ailm'x, rf? 1* on is nun, of 8. Mauldin, doc'd. Mareb 1 4.1 f T. A.LAFAR, Vfi>^ ?1 klAX) iU Sin ??? Doctor of Dental Surgery, 1|.| OFPK118 bis professional services to his friends and the eitiUllHxCr una of Ureenvllle for a lew weeks, and will wait on parties at their rosi* donco if prefcrre I. Ho can l o found at the Bookstoi" of J. C. r. Jeter, Eerj. June 21 7 ft i i 1 ^B9S-? I X 8 IT?J i J. K.F Has opened jiis ice cream salc Leradfcadv, Unui, Ktmputtlt, Ktrawt Syrup, may bm bad at all hour* of Un day and AL Philadelphia Lager Beer, Ale and Port? Oyster*. , AP CALL; UllJiMVlLJLJK C orroeiTK THE I May 8 ? 65 sprin^aTdsummer ooo d s, FOR 1860. ???-. % THK ??t>*crihcr rcspectfnl1y informs his friends and customers, that he is now receiving AN ENTIRE NKW STOCK OF SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, roxsisriwo or Fancy and Staple Dry floods, Bonnets and Flats, Ilats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, and Lots of Clothes, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Ac., ATI of which will bo sold at the LOWEST PRICES. p. iT' Please call and examine beforo purchasing eHtewhcrc. CHAS. MERRICK. Aprft 12 AH tf LOOK HIE! o Wo have JURT RECEIVED a fine Stock of 8TAPBB ANDF ANCT DRY GOODS, Which, for Quality and Cbcppi)t'3S (we think.) CANNOT BE SURPASSED. ! If yoa wish to secure the greatest BAROA INS we hare ever offered, CALL EARLY. We do not eonsider it necessary to enumerate Articles or Prioes, as every hody knows that wc keep always a LA ROE isisu wmnnvr nn nnnnn AM SALMI SUA OF MS in our line, at am MODERATE PRICES a? ran beaffordcd. Therefore wc f?v, (CDITM ?Ktfc ! (B-DSfllE AU! And examine, and reo if what we any bo ao. O RTe have aUo for dale, A -6 Octave IfVelodeon, in j.crfc?i order : a i OCTAVE PARIS MADE ALEXANDRE PARLOR OR CHURCH ORUAX, and two good aobond-band PIANOS. I W. H. HOVEY. I April 5 4S if EMPORIUM OF NOW IS THE TIME To Fit Opt rorn Waiiihiobk with Fiikxch amu Kmoi.isii (loons, or Uihicot imPOIITATIOM ! :o; TIIKFK floods wore purchased fBflHSSn hy one of onr Firiu, from Direct I to port in ? Houses in Charleston, v C., and have boon seloefod with (treat care. They cauuot fail to please the most fastidious. The assortment comprises a fttll variety of GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Goods, sl'or as Frcnoti and English Black and Colored Cloths | and Ciissiuieros. Silk and Marseilles Vcstings. Drnp d'Ktss, Linens, Water Propf Twoeds, Ac., Ac. All of which we will make up to order in the best and latest styles, and In a~manner that will compete with any work manufnetured here or elsewhere, either as regards quality, ucnlttrmm, tin nihility ?r drnjiii???froui a Shirt to the finest French Cloth Coat, and warrant all work done by us. Jtff- All we ask is to give us a trial. We also offer a iveat Assortment of Beady Made Clothing, srcit as Coats, Pants, Vests, Hhirts and Collars Cfiavnts, Tie*, (llovcs, Sus|<cmlcrs, Hosiery, Ac. Dress and Business llats. All of winch we will aell at prices to suit tho times. DYER & FICKLE. April 2ft 61 11 Medicines, &c. Til B Subscriber kw|>< on hand a Superior Assortment of memeiies, mnnim m Most of the popular PATENT MEDICINES. BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKV, RUM St GIN, (Por Medicinal purposes.) A* ho purpose* sellingforCAHH, he offers his Articles at Low Pnicus. I'lense call and examino for yourselves. J. II. DKAN. Jan 2ft 38 tf KOtSB PAINTING. THE subscriber is prepared to EXECUTE pwimptly all orders for HOUSE PAINTING upon the most reasonable terms. T. C. GOWKIt. April 19 60 - tf a* w ra *. m\* u\f a % mra ? w? T1IK Subscriber is prepared tonocomiuodati several YOl'Nd flK.VTLKMKN with HOART> and I.ODlilNll. II in residence is within 1?I0 yards of the Theological Hcmtliary, and convenient to the business portion of town, being about 201) yards east ?f the Court House. Families desiring Board can also be accommodated. Kates reasonable. Feb 9 40-tf R. W. BTONR. CARTER'S 8PAN18II MIXTtREl' T7*OR the cure of all Uisouais ttrisiuj; from an impure state of the Blood. It cures hH Shin Disasees, such as I'ini/ile*, FlhUrKe* Hit**, Hi*!) or Tetter Worm, Srnid, Head, Ohl Sore*, Career*, Ifypi/,*ia, I'nlpitation of tht Heart, Lirer Oomjdaint, Wtakae**, I'aiat i* the Hart- or Held, Inflammation nf Kidney, if(. 1 Prioe tl. Try a Boftle.-IH Bold only Wy LoNtl A HI UNII AM, l>ea)trs Ut l'ure I'rugs aud Melblsei. Jau 26, 40 lfcoew t u % e UilOT. tAUS K)K FOB TUB BtiABOJT, where Ire Creen, >?rrj, Q lager ud Pum Apple POF, *ad Leama even lag; so, r; Freeh Oystere; Spieed O/eteea; Wdihil IT THE ONFECTIONERY, MANSION HOUSE. L tfNEW CONFECTIONERY. flC^v THB Snheortl?er bta put up a /^rT^V'CONPKOTIONERY.onf. dour JwI 'ow ?* Weetfield's Tin Shop, '\3mwB^ "" Ul' opposite tho Carriage Factory, ** where ho wwuld be pleased to muet hie former friends and patrons. IIo Will koop on hand all Articles usually kept in Coafeetpmory Stores. Ho will hare on hand, in a few days, a well-seluct<?H stock, of Groceries. The highest cash prices will be paid foS C?>untry Produce. lie has also opened an ICE CREAM SALOON, | and will supply this article every dav. _ Mny 14 3-tf . A^H. CUHETON. SPOKES AND) tUttlBtR WANTED. TIIF, Subscribers want 100,000 best While Oak and Hickory SPOKES, for which they will pay a liberal iTice, if delivered by the first of May next, ALSO A large lot of Ash. Hickory, Wldta Oak, and various other kinds of PLANK, all of tho BEST QUALITY, wanted, for which wo will nay n fair price for nil that offers. I SEASONED LUMBER preferred, GOWER. COX. MARlvLEY A CO. J mi 12 86 . If SAN FORD'S LIV3?. INVIOORATOPNever Debilitates. TT IS COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY from X OP MS anil has become an established fact, : u Standard Medicine, klidwn and approved ptf by all that havo used it, and is now resort?' od to with oonHdencc In nil the diseases for which it is recommended. It has cured thousand* within the Inst two ^djycars who had given up all hopes of relief. JUs the numerous unsolieitod cc.tificut s m PSjtny possession show. ^ The dose must be adapted to the temporavajtiicnt of the individual taking it, and used **iin such quantities as to act gently on tho JJjBowals. "" Let thodictatcs nfyour judgment guide you ^pin tho use of the Livitn Inviuoiiator, and :it will cure Liver Complaint*, II Hi on* At;tnrke, Thetpepeia, Chronic Diarrhoea, Sumpgiiirr Complaint*, Dy*entOry, J I ropey, -Sour **4\Stetma<h, HahiUtal C'oHirene**, Okalie, Choi^:rm, Cholera M or hue, Cholera Infantum, ClntK. jii/mw, Jaundice, female Weakut****, aud ' uiay bo used successfully as an Ordinary .Family Medicine. It will cure Slrk HeaaHW'k Ac (ns thousands can testify,) t?i? t*r<uty minute*, if tieo or three Taeepooitfnl* are tee ? < < HI i-oulllicucvmcut OI Attai'K. AllWliU USO it arc giving thoir testimony iu its favor. Mix water in the mouth with the Invigorator, and swallow both together. J'lilCE ONE DOLLAR PER DOTTLE. t, SABTFORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS COMroiNllED FROM Pure Vegetable Extract*, and ]>ut up in GLASS CASKS, A ir Tight, and tcilf Let]> in any climate. THE FAMILY CATHARTIC PILL 18 A gentle, but active Cathurtic, which the proprietor has used in his practice uioro than twou ity years. &e\ xhc constantly increasing demand from ^Jithoso who have long used the Pills, and ?llho satisfaction which all express in regard Mjto their use, has induced mo to place them wjw ithiu -the reach of all. Qj The Profession well know that different iCathartics act on different portious of tho rj: bowels. The Family Cathartic Pill has, with duo r -reference to this well established fact, been P^icotn pounded from a variety ofthepurest Vegsyj I'tablc Extracts, which act alike on every part :of the alimentary ranal, and arc goad and ^nt'e in all cases where a Cathnrticisnocdod, iwsm'll as Derangement* of' the Stomach, SI rep I'ain* in the Hack and I.aine, Cottice^g nrai, Pain and Sm ene** over the ichale body, Jfrom sudden cold, which frequently, if neg*!ected,cnd in along course of Fever La** of Appetite, a Creeping ScUHatinn of Cold Icr the bally, Ke*tle**nc**, Headache or freight i i the head, all Injlammatary Di**a*e?, IIoiim ill Children or Adult*, Jlhcuuiatiem, a great Purifier of the lllaoil, amlinuny diseases, to which flesh is heir, too nuinoroos ??? ih?i>i1a? ?-c. advertisement. Uo*e?1 to 3. PRICE THREE DIMES. The Liter htriyuratnr and /'nmi'/y Cathartic fill* lire retniicd by Druggista generally* and cold whole salo by the Trade in all tliu large town?. *. 8. T. W. SANFORP. M. P.. Manufacturer and Proprietor, 335 llroadway, New York. For wdVs by FI11UK & 11K1NITU, Greeu*3 * 2 5' a. I 9 & g - Ea J s-S-pg (|S S g-5. * ?i C g ? SMs^S&JlO ??|s-8-^? S8BeS?f3g?iX^W fissip B||r| = kg? TO j; I ? *> ?, r- 2.-5 or ^Sr r?i^?? f||S* h ?~-f 9? C*T Seflf StegS ^ j: rir y - I c^# FOR SALE. Three Houses and Lets, A aaa WHICH are < liirih! v Mitimt cd. and pay In* a fcood internet fe'?lfi?j3L ?ALL *KW?nmy ho had ?n very reasonable term*, if >pplied for nooM. The owner wiahitig te invent the proceed* of ante in other buaineaa he ia en framed in, ia the only reason why he he* a dineoaitio* to dispose of the property. Al??, for aele. a VACANT LOT. Knr|uire at this Office for particular*. March x U WILL BE LET, r|"10 the loweat ladder, on Sntuniny, the 7th 1 July, at 10 o'clock, A M., the HKI'A IKING of COX'S BKTOOK, ever Saluda Hire*, fhe present Bridge ia unsafe K. 8. invrxr* U. C. ltlUUOS. Juu? 23 8 ? v