University of South Carolina Libraries
agg?agggg i iiiii il. c am?1,1? ? - * '? ' ? ?-.?m< *T . ; ^ \j. ,t*d carpet ltwct^^n^ ?? *? j>r ' ' V^KrttK^hRfr'fHdbo/ltobaoya'Orlriaai <!? iP( Mlflip ?im).^U* tisrnian Jaly* . 4T y .? .If ^ T.IMJ5 FOR SALE. rPJlX wWrlMr hu for sale -? quantity of JoljrMf ' ' W,4' ' tf ' "'* **y; v '* j ?* v 3. POWELL. /\H mlc-dty In August, I aliall offar ail jny ^ jftfifery throo yoanvwitb intoroit. CircumAtapuew eounaotod with both my- Interest amA-wtfoottoiu, make tt-tapetfW that I V AMMmy fiaidonae, that I may bo baMer abU ta Aooowplish'ohjocts of uaofblnoas in aitnfbrr flrld, that the-peculiar organisation tn Mtlrty yeaw baa printed. -it Z*td SriVnv, &lo? Lemons, &o. "XT0 1 rUIUJ UBAb'-LARD Mi estateiksss Finn T^rpt Qrain Uloo, 16 lbs fbr $1.00 * ,^lr1?y'Chol<+"Layer lttrtrths " %" . : Vreah Citron, Currant* and Almonda - TrwuwM, lfruxil end Walnhts ^ ' j, . Popninjj Ktaics, Pon-mitH, Candy, Ac N .Vri r-h Lemons?Tuarrivo on Krhrtjr. j"- AH for spJehy . JUtVCE i^UTH. Opposite T. B. Roberts' Kow S>ore. , July 19 ll . * If ' d?.-h.. .. .J... ,??J NOTICE. J A .peraonv indebted t? tho Bstnto of * JTL UATKH, Ar-censM, arwtnqndstod ?,- to innke pAjrn?<i)t forthwith; and those, to vrlivtn the sapl Estate is ituUdttod, will present their elnhns, property attested, to cither of tho ? undersigned. ? > W. IE CAMPBELL, 1 f i joiiw Bates, f Bxccutor*. July 19 ,11- tf 'nmfflniuBttn. CHARLOTTE, 1st July, 1M0. Amount Property Inaurod, .t...'.$705,1*8, lit. SI Is 11. Prciu. Notes, well secured, 135,771.50 lis *. <*U,....... ' d,t?W.?8 >r hnnthor-A^ents- 1)87.18 , |o*A ikOMmfr CharlAttn i"" - . * .? 512.0(1 Loans unadjusted and los*e\ not duo, - none. W. Jl.'TAY LOR; President. K. N'yk Hi'TcitrsHt*, S- cretary. ....f ' Tbcflnlc o< North rorollna, MEOKLl^nUllO CCfaNTV. PftKSON^LL"^"*i>r??Ted hcUjr* ore C. OrcMnin, nn Aetiiifr <1 us tire of the Feaoc, in and (or enid County, Will. TayloV,^ Prosi tent, ?n<hK. Nye Untehison, -Pqervtiiry of' the Charlotte Mutual Firo- InRurnneo Company, nod made oath in duo form of law, tjiat the bWo^ueport of the eondilton Company 4* tmc. to the heat rtf I heir knowiedjre and holier. <). J. P.JOHN W. 0RAD?, Agent, Crvcnvillo, 8. C. July 19 II 4 .SOUTII CAUOLINA CAMIKY OF ART. s C. H. LANNEAU, of onenpfVjfj.E.?. c. RESPECTPrLLY announces to tbo Ladlo* ana Uoptleuicn of U rounvllle,' and (ho surrounding country, that ho has returned ttnmo for the summer. and may ho found at Ms BOOM, IK MoBKt'S BUILDING, where . be will bo happr to soc all who diuiro to have ne or mote of nU Unrivalled Pictures, . Call and boo bis BEAUTIFUL SPECIMENS ambml^ypi^, ??HK?E0TT1TL, YtElJLlNOTYPES, AND PIIOTQG R A PI IS, . . JPttt&iiJtY AiMSd um Prlcoa to aoit the tinea and ciremastftnccs f all. Pictures can bo taken bqnally good lb all kind* of waatbof. July T! 1? leow8 MATtRBSS MAKIN G. Wm. Langston ^ lltTdttl) Infbnu the eitiaane eff CkoatIUo V* tliaflic U now permanently located in this place for the purpose of MANUFACTURING MATTKRWiW, and would earnestly solicit ? share of public patronage. All , work warranted to l>e substantially: made, "and as cheaply as .can be furnished anywhere. He III a\ he fon ad at liia rosidance/ four hundred ysrda sooth of Furinan University. lie also manufacture* WHIPS ef all sorts. Whtra Mattresses may be found. " Those wishing U> pnt?hase M?ttrc.?Bos, eau find a supply at Mr. I,,. Williatna' Warcboaso, at Mr. Kvtelmiia's, and at Messrs. Long;. Uoodleit A Co.St, where they will b? kept 90*1stautly for falet May 10 1 tf \ The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Jhj Jt. MeKoy, ?>}., Ordinary nf ?aid Di'triel. "VIT HERJ5A8, Juaci M. lionaon hM ikxla TT jmtltton in my offleo,praying that Letiw of Admlntetrntidn, with the Will annexed, on all and Macular tho yoodr and ehattoikrlghla and credit* of Mies t'l.ARIBSA liKJS' ftoit, lata of the Tilatrict bforeRaid, dcreancd, . iImiiIiI bo granted to bin., Tbeaa aro, therefore, to oita -and athnnninh all and alngulnr the ereditofa of the Raid deaaatcil, ta be and appear in the Court of Ordi nary for aaid Diatrict, to be holdcii at (Ircen lllo Cowtt Honao, on tbe 811 day of AugtiM next, to ahew caaaa, if any, why the aaid Administration ahonld not he granted. ' , j i - ROUT. MoRAY, 0. O. D. Ordinary'a Oflaa, July 10th, 1*6*. 11-2 ^?H1CRIFP%8Arm "BY rlrtae ef aandry WTltx of Fieri Paeiaa, m r- ttrattfc sszsr Ob wKitfiiit next. All of OHinr BmI'i in t' *?? *' >hj&pr< forty .of filivo?-K..?p, p?j ,r jMMPf ** ??0 IwA of 9, 1*. R<m<W. JOO A?fm of Rmnd, more at le??. lying In tttMMVlU* VMrict, ndjol^w of J. K. AltIMM, J? Rl?i>A#?Uon, ?t wg?tho property of ntmu Com, M th? ?uk <flQj|r B. Dun-m, AiifMt Actm of Lm< more ?v to* tying in OtMprUJ* Dif irlot, i4(oliip| tgndii of B. F. firry?4f Jli'm. Iho |#^r?y^Mrinjgn Pi.ther,.. ffM\QAHfl. Fwrcheger topny fortltlm. i> f> wjnmiiL. ?. i. d, 1 0f*9,Ju+ nil, tM*. . i*-a ' J ' *" , * " . v' ' - - 'L J... 1-^. . . .. 1?v'-jr 38b .. ,6 .wk? Wmi -: " "ra^11-17 ~~v M "" r The State Of South Carolina, OftmSNVlLlil! DISTRICT. ' JL X?BXAND$R GRI8HAM, who is in the J\ emRxt.v of the Sheriff of Oreenrille Dl*' Mot, by rlrtn of a writ of capiat ad ?a<?yViriMiiiiM, at Iks. suit of Nsthsaial 'Smith M)4 Michael U. Smith, Exceptors of W04 limn Smith. <ioecas<?3, having fllod in ui/ <?flice, together with % schcdulo, oa <>hth? ' of hiw .efVlM and (fleet*, bitf petition to tho t'Aart of Comtgnn Pleas, prhying that he maf he'admitted to the hynefit oi tho Act of tho Qeiieriki Aseombiy, made for the relief of insolvent debtors: It is Ordered, That the Mid Nathaniel Smith and Michael M. Smith rpd all others, the creditors, to whom tho said Alexander Otlsbunt if in anywise indebted, , be, and they are hereby, summoned, and hgvo . notice to appear before tho said Court. At , Greenville Court Housemen >ho Fourth Jfue- , day <* h?j-c, to show cause, it any tlicy ( pani why-the prayer of the .petition aforesaid ( ehnyld aot' be grAgted. , > . W. A. McDANIEI.; c. c. r. A o. i. Olhfca Court of Ooiumou Picas. Grectiville pistriot, Jn|y W,?18?0. II 3m The State of South Carolina, . ' 'GHEKNVlLt.E DISTHICT, % ] WK. POWERS, whp lb in tho custody of the Sheriff of Greenville District, , by vfc-tne of a wjjt of ritfiiin md tatirfacirntlum, ( at tho suit of Freenan A UofttsUm, having tiled j iu toy oflicer together with a sehedulo, on oath, ( of his estate and effects, Wis petition to the | Court ot Common Picas, praying that ho may l>e admitted; to .{be benefit of Uio Act- of the General Assombly, mado for tho relief of in hoi vent UoMorj: It in Ordered, That the Snifl < Frocnan A Hcioslon, and nil others, tho creditors, to wboin thu aid' W. K. Powers i? in onywiso indbbtod, l>?, and thby nro hereby, summoned, ju\d have notice to appear before the said Court, at GrtonviUo Court House, on tho Fourth AfoHtltijf in October next, to shew causo, if any they enjt, why tho prayer of tho petition afore mi i<l should not be granted. W. A. MvUAXrEL, o. c. r. a n. ? Offleo Court of Common Picas, Greenville , District, July 18, 1860. 11 3m , The State of South Carolina, OREF.N VIT.l.E DISTRICT. JEREMIAH RLDRLDGE, >vho U in the PUBtoily of tho Sheriff of Greenville District, by virtue of ? writ of <-upi<i? ml mnlir/a > rlciifium, at tlio ?uit of F|t'en:Hi A Hoinston, having filed in my office, together with a soliadule, on qrvth, ef his estate and effect*, his petition to tho Court of Common Pleas, praying that ho may be admitted to tho benefit ol the Act of tho General Assembly, made for the relief of iixolve&t debtors : It is Ordered, That j tho said Freonan A Ilcmslun, and all others, < tho creditors, to_ whom tho said Jeremiah Eldridge is in jury\vise indebted, be, and they are hereby, summoned, and have notice to appear before tlio said Court, at Greenville Court House, on the Fourth'Monday in October next, 1 to shew cause, if any they can, why the prayer of the'putition aforesni/l should not be .granted. W. A. MollANlED. c. p. Ac.k. 1 Office Court of Common l'lens, Greenville I'l-tr. t, duly 18, I860. 11 8m Till! diatv cl Soutli Cttrnliiia. ( GREENVII.LE DISTRICT. . 'In Ordinary. NALIJ UF UK.VL ESTATO. I 1Y VIRTUE of un Order from the Court <?f II 0;dliiivry, for Greenville District, I will expose, lor Palo, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, before the Court IIouso door of raid I)iqfriot, oil tlio First Monday cf Auprnst Next, > All that Piece, Parcel, and Tract of 1,ANI?, situated in Greonvillo District, on Waters of Hnludn Hivcr, adjoining lands of Tench Carson, N. A. Feastcr, arm others, coiitainiu|r tine Hundred Acre*, inore or less : sold as the Prol>erty of DAVID fSdlVDKN, deceased, for Partition amongst the legal licirs and representatives. * 'J'tUlMS Of SALE: A credit of twidvts months, with Interest from day <>l ?h1o, for nil, except so inueh as will pny the costs, which will be ruijuircd in Cash. Purchaser to give bond with good security, and a mortgage of the premises, if dociucd necessary, to tlio Ordinary, to fccuro (ho payment of tlio purchase money. Purchaser to pnv for titles. J. T. McDANIKL, s. n. n. Orteavilllo, S. C., Shrrij)~? Ojjicc, Jufy 4 th, mo. 0 5 State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Princo A Greer, vs. J. Duncan, Jr.?Declaration in Forci; u Atfacluiient. WIIERF.AS, tbo Plaintiffs did, on the 22d day of March, lfiflO, file their declaration against the Defendant, who, it is said, is absent from mid without the limits of this Plate, and has lei tin: r wife nor attorney known within tlio same, upon whom a copy of tbo said declaration might l>? served. It is, therefore, Ordered, That the said Defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration, on or before the 23d day of March, which will be in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-ono, otherwise Anal and absolute judgment will then he glvvn and awarded against him. W. A. Mr DANIEL, 0. C. P. Clerk's Office, Greenville, 8. C., March 22, I860. March 22 4(1 !. 3 inly The Stat? of ?cmth Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Court of Ordinary. Tamaa H.WW.O A^r,li?a?? Tit.. r> K.W.I r? VHHtnan, huir* at-law of Solomon Chapman, deceased, William Chapman, Lcnmlcr Caldwell and Jolin Caldwell, Rebecca Chapman, Caroline Chapman, Carter Chapman and Flew let Chapman, Defendants.?Sunnnont it i , Partition. > IT appearing; that I.eandor CitMwcll, and John Calilwcll, her husband, Carter Chapman, and Hewlet Chapman, Defendant*, m side beyond this Statu fit is ordered and decreed. that' they do appear and object to the division Irt sale of the "Ileal Estate of Mr*. M BLIND A' CHAPMAN", on <rr boforo the 2I*t day -of September next, or tholr conseuts to the tame wIM bo entered of record. ROBERT JO-KAY, 0. O. D. Ordinary's Offleo, 4th July, 1860. 0-11 Stale or South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. By It. McKay, K?q. Ordinary of said /Jintrict. WHEREAS. WILLIAM M. THOMAS, Esq.? Commissioner in E<;uity for Greenville District, lin? filed a Petition In m>" Oitice, prnj'inr that Letters of Administration oa all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credit** of VIOLET AS1JMORE, lata of the District aforesaid, deceased, should tye granted to liiin. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular tho kindred and credlt ti.? :.t - j , i . ?i vik vi vnc ruiu UTCi'BVtl# IU I"' IUIU H|?|MSUr ,in tj?e Court of Ordinary f"r said District, to be holdsn at Orcein ille Court House, on Lite third day of August ne^t, to shew cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. KOBEllT McKAY, O. O. T>. Ordinary's Oftioe, 201 li June, I860. 7-7 State of Mouth Carolina. dUEEXvn.LE niHTititrr. In Lquity. Wii.f.Tam M. Thomas, Administrator of Taira noy Nelson, doe'd, rs. M i.tox IIubt, ot ux., ct al. Til IS creditors of T.draney Nelson, anrw. T,ufatiaT T.antt'ton, aro itoMllcil to filo their claims with mo within three inoiTTV from this date, MM. M. THOMAH.C. K. It. D. - May 111 S Sin ^ " XIif NT AI f!A?fl ' J/Uil lllli Ua&III/I rpjIR ndertignod would t**paetfull;r bring J. to tho notice of Oroon villi- nn.I vicinity, hla friand, KODEttT A. irAlUlIS, Surgeon Dentist, who liu, (hiring tbe lurt ikrev yrtirt, given bia clnea and undivided' attention to Dnntiatry, and who tb'ocw prepared to attend tb bU ProfaMton la U>?h ita braneboa. Ua aayba found *1 say Uooaia. JOflN AKDERSOW. July ft 0 tf \ Surgeon Iftulut . 'JL. ' - ..JL.? ?JL. _8_0 ITJP-3B SPRING GOODS FOH ^O. # April 0 4*-u' * - Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. JtTHT received, A Bill of Dnw GooM, for ladle* %u(f gcoUem.h, embracing aN Cittdef, from ? very Cohtmod U> tor best l'n>>rlca kept in tlila market, omoug wbioU U many if tho noveltie* of the day. Also, a good lint >f Wbito Good#, Emhroiderie*, Luce Good a, kc.; Jlnudkcrchief*, Hosiery, Ac; Blenched ni<l Brown Shirtings and Sheetings, Drilling*, Ticking*, Ac. For ?a!o hy April 5 4H?tf JOHN W. GRADY. wr .a a ixaxuwaro, uuuory, occ. fA GENERAL assortment of Table and Pocket CUTLKItY, tojcethcr with all descriptions of Shelf HARDWARE kept in this ir.nrkrt. Also, Axes, Grain ind U rites Eeytkea, Sncalhs, Cradles, and Honphookt, Spades and tfhovols, Rnpjng, Tvaou ?baiue, Nails, Ac. Just received atfd for auk) >y JOHN W. GRADY. April ft 43 tf Ready-Jin ?lc CloUiin?. A FULL Assortment ofStMSfKU CLOTII. I NCI, Coats, Vests, Pudta, Shirts, and Under Garments, Collars. Cravats, Stocks and Ties. Just received aud for salo by April 5 4S-df JOHN W. GRADY. BONNETS. A FULL Line of Trimmed nrt?l ITutrimmed RUNNETH and FLATS, Rnclies, Flowers, \V,re:SU>*f Ribbons, Ac. Just received :i?d~lor sale 1>V April 5 48-tf ' JO}!N W. GRADY. xx-ATTS. AVERY lurjro Stock of Drcr*, Pofl and Summer HATS, fof Men and Boy*. Just received and for sn'o l?y April 6 4S-tf JOliN W. GRADY. CARPEfs, MATTINGS, Cil Cloth.3, &c. DOMR handsome Carpets, Mattings, Oil O Cloths, ltnpS, At tomans, Aff. "Just re rcivcti mul lor sale by April 5 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. WALL i?APER. Q ?>Ol V 1'IEGKS ni'viiiul lianilnome pnt"? ' lortiKof AYall I'epor. Borderiuj*, Window Shades, Firc'-plnce Screens, Jto. Just received ruul for sulo by April 3 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. wood ejTwa r e. CIRDAH, v r.rbisdi painted Ducket*. Well j Duckets, 1 ubsmid Kecior*, Corn Brooms, tc. Just reecivod unci for ratis by April 5 4S-tf JOHN W? GRADY. DRITOS & DYE-STIFFS, WINDOW GLASS. l'uttr. l'uint*, Oil*, Yif ?te. Just recurved mul for sale by ?JA JOHN W. UUADY. April 5 43 tf WR1TINGPAPER, ULANK BOOKS. &C. rliTTDR and Cnp Ibipor. Dlnnk and Men)'. J ormulmn Hooka, Spelling Hooka, Ink*, Hold utuI Steel 1'cu*, Donuot Hoards, Ac. Just received nud for sale bv April.5 48-tl' JOHN W. tlKADY. ROOTS AND H1IOES. L A WHIiL assorted Stocked' Ladies', ^g5S*ik.5Misses and Child's Hoots, (1 niters, ltuekskio nnd Slippers, heeled and unheeded. Men's, Hoy's, uinl Youth's Hoot* und Shoes of every variety. Just- rescivod nnd for sale by JOHN W-GitADY. * April 5 43 . tf J. groceries. ' ? JAVA und Rio Coffee*, I.onf, CruskI 'ftfoijf'd* mul llrown Sugars, No. 1 nud ASfififl* West India Molnsses, Teng, Caudles, Cm.die*. Mnckercl, Ac. For sale l.v AprilS 48-tf JOHN W. UUADY. Crocliory and Llasswafc. AFFLTj assortment ut China, Granite and Common Ware, Glassware, Ac. Just received and for rale l>v April b JS-tf JOHN W. ORADY. UM SODTBERN COMMICE! Long, Gocdiett & Co. T^ESI'EOTFUIjI.Y inform tho citizens of XV1 Orconvillo District, that they nro now receiving a Full STOCK OF GOODS in their line, all of which went PURCHASED IN CHARLESTON, AND WHICH VIII.Y WIJ.I, SKI.I. AT Lowor Prices Than Usual! Tbo Stock consist*, in part, of nicaehcd and Brown Shirtings and Shootings A largo variety of Print*, of direct importation, from rt (h, 12 J cent* per yard Linen and Cotton Diapers, I.iticn Drills Fancy G'asaiincres and Oottonades, Plain White Swis* and Dotted Muslins Solid Bareges, Moliair Lustre* Black Bilk Mantilla*, Embroidered Collars llaregu Mantillas, white and colored Hoop Skirts, of various kinds, utaong which will he found souio of 7 Springs, Ci> cents ; 30 Springs, $2.&0 And nil the other Article* necessary to comprise u general stool, of Dry Goods. AI.HO, A EPWJIWIi 6W1P3?H,'2? @:i' lints, laps, Roots, SIioch. GROCERIES. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Ac.. Ac. Wo aro confident of the fact thnt we con ?f. ford to sell our tloods nt prices that will Command the attention of tho public, and we rorpoctfVdly solicit an examination of our Stock. LONU, GOODLETT A CO. March 8 4 t tf WATCl WORK RJS 8\fi7I?aiRa<?Rl S^^ifoJSy AND ALL JOBS WAR AN1ED. riviiK sunscrinor takes this opportunity tc .JL xay to the citizens of Greenville ?n?l curjoundihg country, that Mn.'MFJVK, n Herman Watch-maker, and, of course, skillful .is a Re pairer, is with hitn, and whose dispatch in th? line of his business is wonderful. The most difficult and delicate jobs on Ladies and'Gcntlomcn's Watches, U by tbo said geiitleihnu most faithfully done. Other Work finished cU at shortest notice. VIIA HOES MOPKHATK. h'tan<P, three doors below (loodlcti Hons?, Greenville C. 11., fc>. C. J. II. UANDOLPJT. Jaly ? il J. A. PEARSON 8c CO., GltEENVnjiE, S. C., "Tijf ANUPACtUBKRR of, and Wholeaolt II I ntiil llfitA11 T^nnlnra In Tin Ware, Sheet Iron, Zine, &o, tin hoofino^oiitthhino, rkpair. yNtl, nml nit other Work in on*, lino U6n< cheaply and promptly. J. A. PEARSON A CO. Jnly T3 . 10_ NOTICE IS HEREBY yivon that nil persona having demands upnirmttbe Rata to of william JACOBS, Ht., an mjieiM to pre sent Ui?ir demands legally autbeulieaUKt; un< nil persons owing tho Estate, arc rci|neelcd tr come forward and nettle by Return Day next aa P art determined t? rue on all Kutta bac Accounts, If not settled by Return Day. BDWAT.D O. JACOBS, Kxaautw. Jnno 2L T tl A CHAHCS BOB |m? 0BB. PREMIUMsT^PBElillllMS !j \ ^MAKE.rTYOWR CLUBS #ittgjfflmi For every clhb of new suiiscai IIE11S wo receive between this nn>l (he tint day of December noxt, wo wilt award either . of the A rile lee fnentiohod as a Premium there-' with : provided toe Money (Ono Dollar for each Subscriber) aceotnpnnloi tile List, which,in every Instance, will be required. Read tho List below, and sec If (hero is not an Axtiole appended to some ono of the Clubs worth working for: FOR A C LU B 0 F. F IVE. i (i hkmu m worth (1.00.) - n unuy 3 IJreast-Piu, a small "Medallion, a Collar Mutton, or a Gent's Breast-Pin. FOR A CLUB OFTEN. (pREMIRM WORTH $2.10.) A 80tt of Eur Drops, a Finger Ring, a llreastPin, n Mold Cross or a Quid Pen. FOR A CLUB OF FIFTEEN. * (t'HKMt U tt WORTH $.1.20.) A Oold Box 1'ih, a (l<>ld Wttrli Key, or a sett of oitlier Oold or Silvcr'Slocve Buttons. FOR A CLUB OF TWENTY. (ritEMiCM woR-nt $4.25.) . A selt Oold Cuff Buttons, a sett Oold Studd I Buttons, n Oold Watch llook, a Thiiublc, a ] dy's Oold llolt Buckle, era Octtt's Oold Fob liable. FOR A CLUB OF TWENTY-FIVE. (rnKUtl'M WORTH $5.50.) A Oold Medallion, a Revolving Box Pin. a Oold Pre art Pin, a Lady's Oold Belt lluokle, , a.pair Oold Framed Spectacles, a pair Silver . Pinicd Candlesticks, or a ?ctt Silver Plated ' Forks. i FOR A CLUB OF THIRTY. (PRKMH'M WORTH $0.75.) A ftno Silver Plated Cup, u puir Silver Butler Knives, or a pair Silver Platiul Candlesticks. FOR A CLUB CF THIRTY-EIGHT. (riuuii'M 'worth $8.15.) A Lady's Oold I5rcast-Pifi, a Florentine or Mosaic Pitt set in Oold, nactt Box Enr Drupe, for likeness, a Silver Plated Castor. FOR .A C L-U B OF FIFTY. (prfmi'LAT WORTH $12.0(1.) A Silver Plated Cake Bnakct, a Oold Neeklace, a Oold Medallion, a Lady's Gold Bracelet, a Lady's (large sine) Oold Bolt Buckle, a sett Filter Teaspoons, 1 dor. Silver Plated Forks, or a pair Gold Frniucd Spectacles. FOR A CLUB OF SEVENTY-FIVE. (riKVII'M WORTH $18.60.) A Silver l'lnted Cake liubket, o Silver Plated Castor, n Jet sett I'iiir Drops and Pin tipped with Gold, a Silver Cup, a Silver Hunting Case Watch, n. Gold Vest Chain, or a Gold Necklace. FOR A ClUB Of ONE HUNDRED. (rifnuiUM ^vohtii Sv!6.ou.) A good Silver Hunting Cased Detached I,cver Watch, a Silver Plated Ieo Pitcher, (new article, patented this year.) n Jet sett RrcastPin and lipr-Drops, set iu Gold, or a Gold Bracelet. From the above it will he ceen that WO offer a fair per cent, for the time employed in our behalf. As regard' the Premiums, wo would say that tboy will hq'furnished from tiro establishment of a responsible Jeweler in Gfeenvillc?:Mr. T. Vf. Davis?which is ? sufficient guarantee of the genuineness of the difturcut articles. Thegetter up of n Club can take choice of any Article mentioned with tho Club. We areiu earnest when \ro say wo; will eheerfiilly award a Prctniuui to cvxry one'entitled to it? no.mutter how large tile number. J&er- Bead along your Claba. McJUHXIH & BAILEY, Proprlotote. Oremrillo, 8. June 4, IStiO. Drugs & Medicines ma I WOULD inform my patrons* and the public generally, Hint I have recontly Ia':<l in a fresh supply of DltUUS, MEDICINES, nmi all other Articles usually kept in a Drug Storo. Having made luy purchase* in person, 1 hnvo a select stock of the best qualities of Drugs, <te., that ruulil be obtained in Market. I intend to 5121*1* Jit CASH,11,1,10HI I bought ou good terms, I oiu enabled to sell on such terms us caunot fail to (dcose purchasers. I would invito Physician* of the country to givo uic n call whuu they, visit to buy their Drugs. I will iusuro satisfaction, both in rognrd to prices and qualities of Drugs. . I hate coiistiintly on hand all the most approved 1'ATJfiNT MEDICINES. A Select Stock of DRUGS & MEDICINES. Castor Oil, by the ltot tie or (lullou. Sweet Oil, by the lfottlo or tiullon. ltcst Salad Oil. A select stock of the best Soaps. Concentrated I,yo, for making Soap. A fine collection of l'erlutuerios. Hair. Hrttshes, Shutiug lirushos, Tooth Drusbes, Ac. Shoulder Hrace? for Hoy*, Oirls, Gents and Ladies. Flavoring Extracts?fresh* Cooncr at id Cox's OcUatine. Bt.irch, Bluing, ,Vo. Window (Huso and Pnttjr. One hundred Trusses?all sorts and sires. No. 1 article of Alcohol. Schnapps, host London Porter, Brandies, Wines, Gin, Rum and Whisky,Of the best qualities, for Medicinal purposes. A good assortment of l>onl*l Forceps ; I.snccts ; every variety of Syringe ; Breast l'ipos; Nipple Shields; Nursery Bottles, Ac., .to. All 1 Low Fuu Cash, at J. II. DEAN'S lL:t;<> Sroar, |?T CALL AND 8F.E FOR Y0UK8KLVES. Feb 2 80 tf HAIR BRAIDING Of Evory Style and Pattern. MRS. M. Ta. ORSON RESPECTFULLY informs tho Ladies and Gentlemen of Greenvillo, that she has returned. nud can bo found immediately beyond the Old Baptist Chureh, nt tho same house she formerly occupied, whore she is prepared to execute orders for her ue(G aud uui.|tio stylo of of every description and pattern. [ GOLD MOUNTING ( of all kinds, always on hand. June 21 7 tf fjj V T) THE atibeoriber roopect fully invito* Uio intention of bin friend* *HkaJj )j am! I ho public generally to hi* , well-??lee ted s????:& ?y ???m - CALL AT TriK HEW 11 H I C 14 MTORE, 0t?? dtjot nhovo the Hook Store, hefnr# liwiklnp your purebnaom You will find flood* nud prion* to suit. T. B. ROBERTS. July 5 0 tf FOR HALE, . A DBS IK A 11LB LOT, in the town of Greenville, within 126 BTt4w*ijt. yard# of the Court Bou?e. Hahl Lot 1m on It 7W Cnm( fortnlilr I lit fifing Tt-?nr? nxtt rt ifnnil .T/<( W?. Hereon# d#ni?ou? of examining the J.ot and I Premier*, will pleaae call on Mf. W. H. HAR> RISOM, residing otr the place, for parlieu, lara, ioqalfe, by letter or in y>or*on. of I AUO. AyDHliA, Sandy Flat P. 0.. , Greenville Liatrtct, H. C. j July a . , ? ti I If ' Hk-IEK^B.B-1 DRS.W&BLTOHAH THANKFUL for the kind ^ff^^^l>atronajf? of their fHend* tbr tbe NT ptal year, %ouM wpeotfully solicit Hf Uu> M>m? for the SruaenU l'oreona wUbjiif to buy *'j GENUINE ARTICLES, wo?hl do ??U to call and examine our 6 took of DHVQ&, MED1CTKE8, *: FA ISIS OILS, VARFlAURS. DTjfSTUFFS, PER VUMKR Y, ' BRUSHES,. FANCY ARTICLES, Jtx. ONK IK>OIt BKLOW HARRISON & LONG'S SHOE STORE. if touTwant Fine Shaving Soaps, Washing Soaps, Gl.vceriuo Soap, Brown Windsor Soap, ^Colgate's Soap, Vronnli Si.inui J ? c ? . v?.vi* iuvt?|/oj v/ OUHj^ Cnstilo Soap, Thompson's Soap, Lnbin's Soap, or any other kind of Soap, or a Box of Potash, to mako your own Soap, YOU WILL FIND IT AT LONG & BURN HAM'S DRUG SjJOKE. if yolfwant Fine COLOONFS, Fine TOILET WATERS, or Gl.nV EXTRACTS AN1> ESSENCES, llnir POMADES, Iloir ()II>t, lltthr LRU SITES, Or nnjr propnrntlon for improving the Ilair, Tooth or Hkin, CALL AND LOOK AT LOACi A uns ft HAITI'S ASSOHTMKNT. if ymhvayt 1 .my pffist sm mffl, You can pet it. nt the flmkft'ii price, from LONG A no UNII Ail. if yotmvayt A GOOD ARTICLE OF Bread Soda, Cream Tartar, Starch, Indigo, Madder, Saffron, Borax, Whiting, Glue, Sulphur, ai.i.? t\ t: -i /*:t jiiiuii, v>'|)i)v;i .ijlJltseCU UII, White Lead, Train v)il, Lain]) Oil, Sweet Oil, Sots. Turpentine, Alcohol, Soidlitz Powders, Yecwt Powders, Largo WimloSv Glass, Putty, llottcn Stone, Path Bricks, OR ANYTHING EISE Usually kcj?t inn PItUU can buy it at a FAIR 1'UICK from our Establishment. Wo call Particular Attontion To nil Preparations made l>v ns. Wc make tUvin of uti uniform .strength, and from the j l'UKKST MATKP1ALS. 1 Country P|)y?icwns will And it to their advantage to call luid exnminc trar Stoek ami 1'rices. LONti & 1JURN11AM, Osk Pooh Anovts 0. Jdunuicu's Stork. June 11 * -39 tf GROCERIES! fpiIOSE wishing to pureliaso GROCERIES .1 cheap f?r CASH; wi^pUnxe call ou the undersigned, who ban jnst returned with one of the largest stocks ever ?>tTero?l in the market. - TIIO.MAS ST KEN. Wholesale and Retail Grocer, AIoLice's llall. 1/"A HHPS, of Cuba, Mnaeovoflo and Trini.*/ <lu<l MOlasscs; 10 llbls. New Orleans Molasses. These cannot lot surpassed iu qual ity. Selected and for aula !>v THOMAS 8TEEN. 8I11IDS. Choice New Orleans, Cuba ami Muscovado .Sugars. Selected ami for sale liy THOMAS STEEN. BEES. Refined A. B. ami C. and Croshi4v/ cd Sugars, and 2 Bids, superior Sugar llasse Golden Syrup. For sale by THOMAS BTEEN." 4C BAGS Rio, Java, Mocho, T.eguyra and **J Suntoc Coffees. Theselutvcbeencarofuliy seleeted, mid are for sale by THOMAS STEEN. 7 CHESTS Tea?Hyson Skin, Yvunaytyy. son, Imperial Gunpowder, Super, Oorong Onolong and Sotichong. Tiro above Toa#carcfully celcctcd and for salo by THOMAS STEEN. Q C BAOS Buckwheat?12} lb*. ("h fin cents per Rag, from New York, nud for rale by THOMAS STEEN. DRUMS FIGS, jujt received and for OU sale liy THOMAS 6TEEN. PIE FRUITS, Jollies, I'inc Apple, Prunes, Pickles in pints, quart* half gallon and gallon, English Pickles, Ocrkins, Walnuts, Piccnlillu, Onions, Wnrccstshiro Sauce, and n large variety of English Sauces, selected and for sale by THOMAS STEEN. OAEMON, Oysters, Spiced and Fresh Lobiters and_Clnros, Plcklcd Salmon, very fine, Haddock and Codfish, extra No. 1 Mackerel in kits. Wooden Ware of all descriptions, and Cutlery. For idile by THOMAS STEEN. Q(\ KEOS Nails sujicrior rpinlity, assorted i?\J sites, cheap for cash. For salo by THbMAS STEKN. riTIIK larfrrnt and boat assorted Stock ol X China tUu*cwi;ro aud Crockery of every description. For sale l>y . THOMAS STEEN.. CONFECTIONERY of every variety. Foi gale by THOMAS STEEN. CURRANTS, Citron and Raining. For salt by THOMAS STEEN. BAKERS Rroma, Chocolate, and Cocoa, the very boat. For aalu by TllOMAS 8TEK.V, May 10 1 if forfTentT f?i UNTIL the Aral day of Jonnary j',j next, at $2f>0 per annum, lii THE STORE HOUSE on Main street, Uroenvilln, 8. 0'., recontly occurred by fl?iii.?n A Lo.?n. C. A, MAULDIN, A'lm'x, dc bnuit no*, of 6. Mauldin, dec'd. March 1 A3 f T. A. LA FAR, Si* Crj^ Doctor of Dental Surgory, am a 0YPTtK8 tai?|Wofe*aional ssri -^aii S vices to his frh?nils and tlio citi*0"* Ofcenrtllo for ? few week*. ?n<i will wait on parties at their raaideuro If preferred ll? can In found at the Cookatojg of i. C. P. Jotcr, Esq, June. SL T . ft i*.aM. ICE CMA1 TTAB <H?EK*D J LI 8 ICB CHKAK BALO XL l??noni48, 8?r6*p?rllJn, 8tr?v>U fcyrup, majr bo bud ?t nil bourn of tbo day au<l i AD Phfladelpkla Lager Boer, Ale and l'ort?i Oyetera CALiti A GREENVILLE C( OI'IWKtiik M MnyS M spr inland summer goods, TOR 1660. 1MIK Rulxoribcr respectfully inform* lils .' friend* and customers, that ha is now receiving AN ENTIRE NEW (STOCK OK SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, connistiso or Fancy and Staple T)ry Hoods, Hon net a and Flats, Hats and Caps, Iloot* mid Shoes, and Lota of Clothos, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Ac., All or which will be soli at the iO?X?r PRKJEH. ?*T I'leaao call and examine beforo purchasing elsewhere. CI1AS. MERRICK. April 12 tr Mil!! o <? Wo baro JUST RECEIVED a Cno Stock of STAPIJANDFANGf DRY GOODS, Which, for Qwliifl Cheques* (wo tliink.) n I >'VA^ OTTT^T\ nr.rtrv vwvrsiM^A 1>H. iauiU'ABiSi'iJJ. o - | If yon wish to scctiro tlio greatest BAIt- j GAINS wo have ever ofl'ercd, CALL EARLY. I * We do not consider it necessary to cnuincrnto Articles or Prices, as e\-rry body knows that we keep always n LAltGK AHD SELECT STOCK OF GOODS in our line, at ns MODERATE PRICES as. can beaflorded. Therefore wo sn v, (GOMiaorOM MM1SAIML2 And examine, and sec if what wc say be so. O Wo have also for sale, A 8 Octave Jffelodroiij in perfect order {A 5 OCTAVE PARIS MADB ALEXANDRE PAH LOR OK CliURCll GROAN, and two good second-hand PIAN.OS. W. H. HOVEY. April 5 43 tf EMPORimr OF ' : * * - ' lt& .a nwa' NOW IS THE TIME To Fit Out vour Wardrobe with French AND L.'.\(il.lSI[ (joOIIH, OE DlKECT Importation i :o: THESE Goods were purchased hy one of our Finn, from Direct Importing Houses in Charleston, S',^0., null h?vs> lieeit selected with grant care. TljejrctutGot ?iil to pleaac the most fastidious,. . *< ' Tito assortment comprises n full variety of GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Goods, SPCIt an mffranch and English 11 lack and Colored Cloth? mid Casniracrc*. Silk Mill Marseille? Vesting?, Drap d'Etcs, Linen?, Water Proof Tweed?, It;,, Ac. All of which wo will ninko up to order in the best nutl latest style?, nnd in a nionner that will compete with any work manufactured here or elsewhere, either as regards./sa/i'fy, neutnm, rfKiuW/iVy or chrtijiHtim?f.-oai a Shirt to the finest Preach Cloth Coat, and warrant all work done by us, Jfl3f?~ All wo ask Is to give us a trial. IVw also offer a neat Assortment of Ready Blade Clothing1, SIC It as Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts atul Collar? Cravats, Ties, Gloves. Susjiendors, Hosiery, Ac. Dress arid Busltiess Hats. All of which we will sell at prices to suit tho times. DYER & FICKLE. April 2ft 51 tf Modicinos, &c. T11E Subscriber keeps on bnnd a Superior Assortment of imcis, purlins, sips. Most of the popular PATENT MEDICINES. BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKY, RUM St GIN, (For Medicinal purpose?.) A? lie purposes selling for Cash, ho offers bis r Articles at I.ow Prices. Please call nnd examine for yowrsclvos. J. II. DEAN. Jan 2ft 38 tf ^ . uom paot1ng7 TIIE fuhnoribor l? prc|?nrod to EXECUTE promptly nil orders for HOUSE painting: upon tliw most reaeouablo terms, r T. C. GOWER. April 1? 50 tf PR IV ATE BOARD1NG7 THE Subscriber is prepared to accommodate Several YOUNG GENTLEMEN with BOARD and LORGlNtE Kin usidefloo is within 100 yard* of the Theological Seminary, and convenient to the'lmeiness portion of town, being about 200 yard* oast of tlid Court Ilou*e. families jlcsiring Hoard can ult-o bo accommodated. Raton reasonable. Feb 9 40~tf R. W. STONE, CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURK! I ."'Oil the euro of all PiscMiot* arising from i A ' *' impure state of iho Wood. It cures all flkiu Iiisasocs, such na fS'mjdi?, /Ifbtmhm, /lilt?, llimj or Trlfer Worm, .VviW f/i-od. Old fforrt, Cutffr.M, flj/'pr/min, J'utpitntioM if the Ifritrt, //? ' ? TVrilhurun, I'.uni in the rtuel nr Mr ltd, luflanmation of Kidnty, d-f. ^Pi-km $1. Try a BoUla.-'sftfci only l.y i,ONU Jl llt'BSfTAM, Dealer* in Pare Drags' and Medicine*. Tan 2f> 4ft lticew 4e * \ itSB >: ON FOll THE SEASON, whoso f*? Crrom, ?rtj, Ginger Mid Pino A|H'J* i'OP, nil Lemon evening. . ' . , SO, ; Frvah OysUr#; Spics<l Ojr?i?p; tfcU??l T THE * )NFKCTIONEEYr ANaiON HOU8R. ' . ' ' ?ft ~~ "?(EW e0NPB6TI0NB?I. . f6c^ . T'lK subscribe* has pdt op ? /WCJ^lAiliV'B^l'lOJiiEliV oue door bofi^-iow IX 0. NVoiilCol.r.K Tin Shop, W vi*l SUws?and opposite the t'urriags Ftrt.iry, i biflr ''* whiro ue vjoubl bo pleaasd to meet his former-friends -and paAron*. He n ill keep on hand all Articles usually kept in Confectionery Stores. Ho 'VIII havo on hand,-in a few days, a well-selected stock*af . Cirocor*??. Tho hlghcKt cash prices will b? paid for Country Produce. . . :r He b?p* also o|>cnod ail ICE CREAM SAXOOJT, and will stipuly this article every itav. May 14 3-tf A. 11. OUKBTON. SP?RE$ kmLUfiteta WANTED. T1IE Subacidbers want 100,000 best White Oak and llj'koi v t>KOK EH, for which they will pay a liberal 1'iico, U delivered by the first of May next, ' ALSO A largo lot of Ash. Htukvrv, White Oak, and various oilier kind* of i'LANK, all of the UGSF <iUALTTV, waotfd. for, wUth vVs will liav a fair pried for all that afford. SEASONED LUMBEKi.tefei-fcd. * UOWFlt, OOX, MiVltKLKY A.CO. Jaii 1 a lib . . If ^ ,. sanforivs * livsp. nrriTOSJMsOR Never Debilitates. T T TS COMVOliNl>i:t)-EMIi(ELT from I OHMS and lias berntnc nn established fact, *a Standard Medicine, known and approved jjjjdiy nil that have used it, and is n??w rcsorti d to with confidence in nil the diseases for v^wliicji it isrecommended. fe"j It hascurcd thousands witliin the last two years who liud given up all hope* of relief, .:n? tlis nnniorniu - w* fir - - ? - .UW111.H.U cv.liucai '.8 1u ?*ttny possession chow. The doso mutt br ndapted to tho temperaof the individual taking it, and used w in such quantities ns to act ireutly ou tho J"*jHowel*. ' J.ct the dictates of your,'udfjiWent ?riT1deyou VgSin tlio use of tho Is vuioiia run, and ^tit will euro hirer ('"Hiplaint*, h'i/ioii* .11.tachu, ])ti*prj**iit, Chronic Itiarrhwa, Snmpj-mcr CollljUaillt*, Ihfcntrrifi limp*!/. Sour t^tStomuch, Habitant (loetirruett, Qknlic, t'hol< / ?, Cholera Jhulnm, Cholera li\f"utn*n,l'lnt-_ I K.|?/fwr<, Jaundice, J-cmalc IPcstin<**c*. and ""^tnuy bo utMd aticecaiiftilly as an Orrlinan/ /'/imt'/y J/rilitine. It will euro Sick Mea<l|b3 ucAc (as thousands cau testify) iu: tieruty initiate*, if tir or Taenpooufnl* arc taken at commencement of attack. All who uso it arc giving their testimony in ita favor. Mi\ water iu the mouth with the Iuvijjorator, and sw&lhryr both together. 11UCE ONE DOLLAR PER DOTTLE. SANFOHD'S FAMILY C ATH ABTIC PILLS CUUBOUNiiKO KUOM Pure Vri/rtahlei Ej-trarti, and fint vp> in GLAStf OA )>??<', Air Tijht, n?<iirill hciji in *1 climate. T1IE FAMIIA' CATHAHTIC PII.L IS A gentle, but active Cathartic, which the proprietor has used iu practice more than tacn*jt v .years. ** ': The constantly increasing demand from those who have long used* tho 1'n.e.s, ami -,jthc satisfaction which all express in regard "'ito their use, has induced me to ph?ce thciu " jwithiu the reach or nil. The Profession well know Chut different jCnthnrtiea act on different portions of tho 1 jyi bowels. ' ? Tho Family Cathartic PiU ha*, with duo ,reference to this Well established fact, been ^compounded from a vuricly of thepurest Veggsj'etablo Kxtraets,which oetai'kcdn every part :of the alimentary canal, and are ynod and ^5<m?/?: iu ell ewes where a Cathurtig is needed, M:sucli as Peramjemente of the .Stomach, Flf/i./'(lifts in the Hack awl ~f.oln', Cattirei^4 nc?s. Pain and ftoi.nee* orer the irhole body, I .from sudden ovld, which frequently, if ncgI Elected.end in along course of Power L?*? of" | A)>pi~titc, a feciJiini/ Nintuition of Cold ?t I \er lilt body, Htetl, Urailache or ireii/ht I ? > the head, all'Inflammatory ]Ji?ea*r?, I For mis 1 in Chihtem or Adulle. lllietntuitimc, a great I'v rt/icr ?'/??/ mood, nu. launy diseasou, te which flesh is heir, too numerous to mention in this uTertisement." ?1 to ?. nuos thbee dimfs. a M wlsanford, M. I>., UUiT;^tcr *** Hropriotor, *. . . _ ?!ro*?lw?y, iiew York vZ" ' tLU * ,n:Jfc*K, si- h ? jlTi*" a" It fip| sJIhS!'!5'! ??aS? lli^e tr?8""S?? ?ssS"i W fc-Pri? re Ci ^ Jw *? bat V4|" & 1 PH ? Z (0 ^ r s 'f'.fg sfet2 f w 3 *2 = *** ?~ ** c S a A t; 2 c ?vt -?j ? S"^i' g* ** J CK9 FOR KAl,K, Throe Houses and Lots, WH<CU aro eligibly ritual A'Vff ~ .V od, and paying* good Interest f* i yfijit."?X1-Ii f'EW?w?y In had on rem ontlilu dorms, if applied for soou. Tho owner wishing to invest iho ptneoods of sale in of liar business ?,e is engaged fn, is lha only rtasort irliy bo b*x a dWpoaitinn t? dUpou v( *bo Piojxfrty* Also, for silo, a VACANT LOT. Elniurrc nt thin Office l">r piirtlcularffe March ? < ? WfLL BK KKT, flAO the lowest bidder, on Snturduv, the YtU July, at fO o'clock. A M.,tho'UKPAll<1N0 ofCOVjUiKIDGK. on* Handa Klver.Tb? present I*Klgc is unsnfe. H. P. TUVJNE. H. C. ItKTC.GlV I Jux> 2A ? W -* r?