University of South Carolina Libraries
? - ^ ? *-:- yi.*-a^r -*?-^: A Monument to Mr. Cilhonn. The ChaHeston Mercury ffrroa the *\ fbllowtng description of a design for?; i monument to be erected to the niertio- rj of lion. John C. Calhoyn, under the auspices of the Ladies' Cnlboun Mouument Association : u It is to be about ninety feet in height, and consists of a double flight of six stairs each, rising from the ground to a platform. On the ground,- the jfccjt oocupied is a fitly feet rectangle.?* Midway the steps H a fence, oq. the * corner posts of which aro placed statues -emblematic of Liberty, Justice, J51o? quence, and the Constitution. On the platform U erected a cenotapbic or Wsausoleuui chamber, tweho feet square inwardly,* aud surrounded outwardly <frtrt>y a-colonnade "of Iwclve Coriuthian columns fifteen fefet iu height. ^Tliis. chamber presents glass doors on each ' \ *ide, 6Jer which is an'Inscription panel. * A parapet crowns this little house, from -the centre of wliieh the ooluran proper rises. A rectangular die.-Woek, tei\ (bet " wide, first attracts attention from tho beauty of its ornamentation. "One faco presents an elegant, carved representation of the coat of arms of Routb Carolina; a second, ihosqof tho ^ United States; a third, the emblems of \ Odd Fellowship. The Cylindrical col nmn, Jorty feet in height, springs from the top. The Jowcr half i^ plain, savp the funeral wreaths which tastefully euwrap-it: tho upper half is fluted. If terminates in a corintJiinn> capita! of ex " richness, which is surmounted -* l>y ft -parapet, from which rises a colos Ml statuo of Calhoun, on ft plain podes-1 Ud. The statue is an original conception, twelve. feet in height, and represents Mr.~Cidbeuu, in classic robes, with his right arm extcbted upwards, and the right Laud poinliug aloft." 3vx-T'K5fiinf:j;T Pjcrck FOR "RftnoKitr* iup6R fivv hansv?It has nlrendv been stated (bat this distinguished gentleman -has pronounced- the nomination of JDomrlas sectional; but it has been strcntsottsly denied that Jio would support Breckinridge and Lane. We find in the Boston Post the highest evidence on tlie<\e points. A fetter addressed l>y the ex President " to Mr. IJallof h therein published, and wo irinke the following * extract from it. Mr. Pic fee writes: . , ' M It was vain to hope for harmony af ter the action of the majority upon the report of the committee on credentials. It could hardly have failed to be understood generally that such action must terminate" the existence of the Convention as a bode representing the- IVnrocracy of the Union, and eventuate in the present condition of the powerful and . patriotic organisation, which has so long upheld the equal rights, and vindicated in peace and in war '.ho common honor ^ of these confederated Slates. There has been, io fact, no nomination made in confoiniity with the established and fecognizcd usages of that organization, and hence sound and faithful ntcn will find nothing in the proceedings, so far as the nominees are concerned, to hind their party fealty-. Under these circumstances, it would gratify me cxeeedinglv .if-our fiends in all sections of tlm land tvouKl tiftitc earnestly ?n<l cordially in tlic support of Mr. Trreckriniidgo nnd Con. Lane, and thus insure for our cause signal victory." Now ifo V11F.K.?The editor of the Darlington Southerner, a distinguish' d graduatecf the Slate Military Academy, commands a fine company* They l^nd w shooting niatcli receutJy, of ?Licit the Captain speaks thus: Wo think we piny he allowed , to brag n little on the shooting done l?y our Company on (lie 28th : we will do it any how,- The target was threo feet in diameter ; onehundied and sixty-one , shots were fired at a distance of fifty six yards; one hundred and forty shots struck the target, sixteen were within the 'bull's eye,' which was six inches in di am ft or. and seventy-four were within eight inches of the centre. Our guns -ara smooth-bored muskets, nnd were loaded with curltidges made in Charles0 t ^ ton. ** If any Company in the fctnfe, armed with the same kind of guns, can heat this shooting, we would bo pleased to bear from them.'* I'lio Georgetown Time* fay*: That was admirable shooting, certainly. ] >arlington has improved woudcrfully. Fif. if years ago, in the Sparrow Swamp country of (bat District, Cnpt. A , wishing Ids men to t?ke a certain position and fire, cried out : " Men, turn yonr face towards Cousin Suckey'* tator -v- patch, and shoot." . Indian N amis.There is great beauty in Indian names, if we are to judge.them by what little acquaintance we have with them. Thev are beautiful and sublime, and this is owing to their simplicity and npproprinlertess.? Our own Mack Ifiver ha* not become I more attractive in it* beauty, or mors redolent with it* jefamine bowers, in a charge Cf name. W-eenee ha*" more Sweotfie**- irs^ira oimlmnu on/1 ?? ?, . J prop;iatono$9. than the present harsh name. The Indians have given many - names t?- fivers, especially, in our eoftn, , . try. . Minnesota gets ife naiprf from fLem, and means M?ky tiotod water," Mississippi ?"Ffuhdr of Waters." Ida- i ho, one of thft now Terriforiea proposed , tp ho ofpnnlz'd, means "Gem of the i Mountain." Theorgan of Tderdity must ( le well (fcreloptd in the "ho:ids of the i IIA] men cf th# Forest, as there is so , much ptfetiyin their proper names. ( [Orong< burg Southron. t Tijs Fuma.^ The New York Herald ( elassilies the papers which have dictated , for lheak'ii idge and Lane.a* follyjo) : , l\r> > kiii?i'l?S.' Donjrhta. Jimihfcon. J Worth ifto . m : 3 Uoutli. . .?.,310 75- a *Totftl....\2?rt lift! ft A great many Denaoeiatlc paper* at I ttio Nfcrlh have not yet declared ihom- "i mIvcs for ticket. The greater j i part of these, the Now York Journal <f j , Con niorce'taya, pixfer Bieck5iii?fge. I' t * V 'r ^ 1 ' Ir-"*?****** a? tfjlt ^nnljmn fntirjnfflt. O. K. M^UNkfN1,1 A i ?i s ta n t. Our Motto?""Equal Rights to All." GREENVILLE, S. C. Thursday Morning, July 26, 1860. FOR PRESIDENT. , HON. J. C. BRECKINRIDGE.! OF KENTUCKY. FOR VICK-PRFSIPENT, GEN. JOSEPH LANE, OF OPKOON. Firo. Just as we were going to press Inst niglit? about 12 o'clock, tl?c alnrm of fire wns giv. On, and in a very few moments the whole town seemed to La out find, moving. Upon proceeding to the fire, we found it to he the stable on the lot of Col. IX IIokk. By timely and energetic exertions, it woe prevented from spreading, notwithstanding the proximity of oilier buildings. It is fortunate, indeed, that this vns the ease, for if the flames had be?n communicated to either of the oilier buildings on the same lot, the of his dwelling, with all the out buildings, and perhaps even more than these, would have been the inevitable result. The cause of the fne is unknown. Two horses and n cow wore burned with the building, logcttv ??: villi a lot of omvond. r. ? ' "T'.T.T" ' Federal Court. This honorable Court commences its session in Greenville on Monday next?llie Honor A. G. Magratu to preside. Of the amount of huaimss to come before the term we have not hoard. Extra (j^;rt. Tlie Extra Couit for this Ttisfricf adjourned on Saturday afternoon lift, having die patched all the unfiuiidied business upon the docket, with the exception of one or two cns< s, which wore continued. The week pifed off quietly, and with not so large ati attendance as we usually have during court. Enr'y Cotton. . Wo have been presented w ith a sample Of cotton, picked from the plantation of Mrj. E. 11 Strwart, Florida, on the 5th inst. It appears to be of a good quality of lint. We understand that there is a.prospect of a fine yield of the cotton crop in Florida this year, and early picking is rntieipnled. The sample before us is of the Sen-Island spruits. Jtcfrcshirig. _ We are glad that we enu announce that since our last issue wc have been favored with ? rain that w?s indeed refreshing. A 1 very hard rain fell here on Monday afternoon Inst, It washed all the dust away, cooled the atmosphere, and revived the almost burnt up crops roneidt ral ly. We heard that none hail fell with the raiii in the neighborhood of town, but not enough to do any damage. Commencement Week. Next week will be Commencement week in Greenville, and present appenannces in* diente tbat an unusually interesting time will l>c had. We append below a m-iu of programme ot the cxcreie?? wlA ^re to take jilnee in our midtt during tins an^0?he coining week, f>o fur us we have been able to obtain the items: BAPTIST CONVRTTTKm. The Baptist State Convention will eonimenee its annual session, in Ibe Baptist, Church, on to-morrow (Friday) morning. M Rev. J. J. Branti.i y, 1 >.T>, will preach tbo Convention Sermon, at 11 o'clock. The Charity Sermon w ill be preached by Iter. K. T. Winkixk, Sunday itiorniog, in the Baptist Church. PUBLICATION FOCfF.TV. Tlie nnnSal meeting of thoSoutbern Dap tist Publication Society will take place somo time during the session of the Convention. Of the exact time wc are not advised. Fl'IlMAX UNIVKH8ITT. Tlic Board of Trustees meets Fi idny morning at 8 o'clock. Commencement Sermon by Rev. James C. Fcbman, Sunday night. Sermon before the Young Men's Missionary Society, by Rev. E. A., 1). D., MohJny night. Address before the Alumni, by .Tames P, Moomt, Esq., Tuesday moralt g. Address before the Literary Socitioe, by rion. A. (I. Maghatm, Tuesday night. Presentation of Oipluiuas, by Literary Societies, Tuesday night. Commencement, Wednesday. Commencement party, Wednesday night. TEMALK COl.l.ROE. Commencement, Thursday, Aug. 2, and an address hy Rev. J. It. TCuwrick; Concert, Thursday night. Nowborry. Wo paid n visit to the village df Newberry on Monday last-. It has much improved i linee wedast paw it, which va> in tho summer of 1862. Thisincinr was rnther brisk, notwithstanding the iliermometer wija ranging in th<i neighborhood of A gentle rain fell in the nftcrnoon of Monday, which jreatly revived the people. It cooled the atmosphere and laid fh?*-dhef, wlrich was almost, intolerable. We learn that, the rain ?xtended from Creenville to Columbia.? Fbe corn, we fear, ha?_been too badly injured by th<? T<>ng drought fin be mneli benefited. Much that we sow along the line of the Ile.ilron<T, wiwa literally Imrnt'tip. Tlia cotton crop looked better after tho lain. We stopped at the Farmer'a Hotel, kept bj Col. iV. B. TVOti.*T. A large briek addition has recently bee* mndt to thie hat el which affords increased facilities for the ae wnmodation of travelers and ardors.? riiis bote! is unusually w?H keiit. We k 0 SOtrKBE ,? ,1 I - * I ? f '.'.'f found lh?1|bl? wpytted *M verytlilog tho.eonntry afford^ whilst the mono Br* neat, oonfortablo, and truly inviting. Wo rt?otnmend Cpl. D'Otlet and his hotel to th?? consideration of th^ traveling public.? We ord^uiobted to him for many kind attentions, which we will long remember, and for which he has our sincere thanks. We fell into the Sun office Tor a few moments, dud found Super engaged ia the delightful task of addressing " ?\j>gle packogee." We have no idea it is the first time he wis ever caught In a similar predion uieut. We hope that his labor will not prove one of 11 lore " altogether, but that some fair " single package," will some of these days lighten and brighten up liis bachelor home. An editor has no right to be a bachelor, and if he persists in remaining one, it is good for him if evils overtake Mm. Super, as everybody knows, is a candidate for tho Legislature, and is striking right ?nd left for the cause of progress I and improvement. Time will tell whether' | he is to reach that place from wlicno " nohonest traveler ever returns.*' The Cotuervatitt office was likewise visit ed, hut we failed to meet nnd. make the acquaintance of its talented editor. Greenville Baptist Female College. Wo call the attention of our readers to the ndvertisemcnt uf the Greenville Baptist Female College, which mny he found in an. oilier column. The annual examination, which closed last week, wns'hlghly crcditable to tlieyoitug ladles, and reflected highly upon "their teachers. It will he seen that an additional teacher lias been employed; nnd no efforts will he spnred, by the Board, to make the G'ojlego equal to any similar instl-1 lution in the State. Tho ItisinR Bun. A neat little weekly newspaper of this title has boon received. It. is published in Livingston, Polk Go., Tcjcas, and is edited by J M. CltossoH nnd "1\ A. Watts. The former ws? ? - one time eonnected with the press of this State, nnd forsomctime conducted the A'fstwg Sun At Newberry, S. C. lie is an able and experienced editor, nnd will, no doubt, moke the Suv shine brilliance, lie seems to be enamored witli tlio name - of bis paper? KliUfl f,mn II1V Bfllllt! Iimni" IO two JOU nals. We gladly place it upon ottr exchange list. The subscription price is $2.00 per annum, in advance. ctr Hon. John Henry Lumpkin, r. distill- I grished Georgian, died of apoplexy, at llotne, in tliat Slate, n short time since. The Vanmy or liicu'ett.?How vain are all the trainings of this world ; as lias been certified l>y thousands. Mahniumrd. a ca lipti among the Mnhnnimedans, it is said, quitted life with sueh extreme regr<M that when ahout dying, he ordered his troops, his court, and all his tronsuros, to . pass before him, as it. were m a view ; and nfter he had considered nil these objects, I observed, "how is it possible that a power so formidable as mine, is not able to diminish the weight of ir?y disorder one single grain, nor-to prolong my life for n single moment." And'then concluded his reflection with the following words : " Unhappy is-the person who spends his time in amassing those things which lie must leave ninl dyes not rnnlio the principal object of his regard, I lint being ia whom all arc to be found." Jt uvMF.N.?They nrc rapidly progressing towards " tlic largest liber-' ty '' in Massachusetts. The board of Aldc-raien of Worcester, in that Stale, have placed tip"ii the jury list for the present year Ibo names of two negro barbers, William 11 .Jennings and Fran* eis A. Clough, the former a runaway slave fiom lb* South. The negroes bold offices and sit on juries ; and white men who cannot stoma li negro equality will, apparently, have to emigrate from the ] Slate ere long. Adopted citizens are ; made to stand two years from the )k>1!s, I and negroes' itn iled tip. Flack lieptibJiortniniij is in full bloom. . [ Wathington States. ^ Amono the novelties which the scientific world has lately heatd of. is the invention of an Italian?a Florentine monk, it is said?who has devoted many years to the study of electricity and telegraphic matters. He has some extraordinary inventions which he is submitting to the Emperor of the Fiench. It is stated that among thein is a disooVery of thermeansof transmitting far simile handwriting and manuscripts from station to station, so thfet a telegram may become a legal document, lie can also transmit a likeness by this agency to bo reproduced at tlio other end of (lie wire. Proposals have been made to the man of scicuco to come to England. ~ Hjoiiebt rKirnn Cow is titk Unitvd ,Statk?.?The Montgomery, Ala., Mail records the following.* A citizen of Montgomery, in giving his return to the census taker tho Other day, estimated his cow nt fifteen hundred dollars. This vill t>c the highest priced cow that will he contained in the census for this county, if not of the State. Her owner acknowledges a weakness with regard to his estimate of her; indeed, ho would not part with her at any price. We've heard him say that she will give twelve hundred gallons of milk year. No art excepting that of photography, has progressed and improved so rapidly as that of dentistry. Forty years agce it was not a disrinct profession, for all doctors men cmciaiea ns toatn pullers, with turnkey level's of the the most rude description ; and ws tor supplying the place of old teeth with new ones, it was never done at all. In 1820 (here were only thirty practising dentist* in the United States ; 1850 there were'2,02.1 ; at present there nro abont-6,000, The invention of artificial teeth has given a wonderful impetus to this most useful and beneficial art. At last accounts Bri 'firm Youb? had '217 child.en. \ & / SK? S3 N51WS ITEMS. . . i f * IUbon Rotmohiid, AetraftPof the great banking establishment, is childless. Wm. fe. Aero a, of .New York, b said to be worth $25,000,000. Tus Metropolitan IK>tel bill for boarding the Japanese is $01,000. ' Among the items are 10,000 bottles Of champagne. ,? ' x Tttk works of Mecaulay are being translated into French by a eon of' the historian Guizot. Tub total amount of guns, now in store in the Springfield United States arsenal, is 100,000. Tub postmaster of Now York has received Notice that the Government will take- into ita own hands the delivery of city loiters at the reduced rate of one cent. No private carriers are to be permitted. ; TiiiRTr-TimEE buildings, comnrising tho best portion of the town of Dallas, Texas, was liurued on the 7th instant. The loss is from three to four hundred thousand dollars-^barely insured. Ma. Buchanan has sol<hhis residence at Wheatland, near Lancaster, Pa., and is about to become a citizen of Maryland, having purchased property in the vicinity of Baltimore. So says the Lancaster Express. A nf.vV pink has lnlely been imported frotn China, with flowers three inches in diameter, color rich crimson, spotted and edged with white, with a velvety appearance, and very prolific of flowers. Tiik United States Agricultural Exhibition will be held at Cincinnati in September, commencing on the 12th and closing on the 20th.* The premium lists amount to *20,000. Mrs. Bkkckinkidqk, the wifo of the J Democratic candidate for President, is spoken of by the Louisville Journal as I being " oiiC of tho most intellectual and I nccoinplbhed women in Kentucky."? I She is a <lanr?l?K-j- of liio Into f'liio.-*. liodcs Buroh, of Georgetown, Ky. Tnn lit. Rev. Archbishop Hughes is to l>e made a cardinal next October. He nvill be the first American ever honored with that dignity, llnd Bishop England, of South Carolina, lived, it is sail, that the Cardinal's hut would have been conferred upon him. Oxn of the recent on ilitt of London is that Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer has become reconciled to his wife, and that they are about to live together again. Tiik first hale of cotton ever hrofught, to market in Liberia, wan exhibited there at their annual fair at Bas?n, -between Monrovia and Capo I'almas, in March Inst. Boston It as caught the Central Talk fever, and is engaged in preparing a public garden at an expense of00,000. The (iovernor of the Stale of Mississippi (Pettu*) is a private in a volunteer military company in Jackson, ai.d drills regularly ami punctually in 'he ranks. An old man in Sod us, New Jersey, who is owing a physician a bill of tiurty dollars, and unable to pay it, has deeded to the doctor his body for dissection, after bis demise. The deed li{w been accepted, and'a receipt given by the I>ti3 Mcian. . . It is said that Lord Falmerstnn nnnually sends qtit twenty young men, and the same number of young women, from his Siigo ostnle to Canada, at hi* own exjwnse. All their legitimate wants are piovided for, not only as far as Quebec, but to the end of their journey. T?k first bale of new cptton was re eired at Mil con, Ga., on the 2lM iitst. Thu cotton was from the plantation of Mr. J. G. I loll, in Houston county. It will class fair. Tiir Louisville Democrat proposed a i bet of flpOOO that Kentucky would not go for H rue kin ridge. It was promptly taken. Capt. Davidson, a conductor on the North Carolina Central Railroad, vyaa shot in the abdomen, at Raleigh, N. C., Saturday morning, by Alex. Ilerbcmonl, of Columbia, S. C., a passenger, with whom aii uITair occurred about his bagg*K? A Germ ah child, who had been very ill with scarlet fever, in Ashford.N. Y., seemed to be dead last Sunday. On Monday the funernl look place, and the collin was lowered into the grave, when n feeble cry of " mother" was heard from the collin. The child was iniiani. ly taken home again, anil is said to be in a fair way of recovery. The Prince of Wales was to sail for the United States on the 1 Otli inst. * The Republicans of the Thirteenth 1 >istrict of Ohio have renominated John Sherman for Congress, by acclamation. Six convicts attempted to escape from Sing Sing. New York, on lire 18ih inst.. by running past the guard. One of litem, named John Itn)im> was shot through the head, killing hint instantly., I and another was knocked Insensible be fore ho would yield. A meeting had been called at Wilmington, l>el., for the )4th inst, but when the time contc nobody was present, and so it was a failure. Skdastopoi., which, before the siege, had a population of 40,000 souls, now numbers hut 20,000 inhabitants, of wtinm ft Ann ... fer- ! .. WjVVV Ml O IHCM. 1 UO TUHlS 8T6 sll cleared away, nod the reconstruction of .the city lies been commenced, providing for 46 highways, 17 streets^ and 12 squares. Capt. Wai.trr M. Gmsojr, who has "'done something in the fi)iba>tering Tine in the East Indies, propose* to lid ns of the Mormons by taking them ont to some of the Inlands in pie East Indies ; or Polynesia. I Tub Ouiitrr Fr?e Ma?o*.?Col. I Jobn Johnson, of Cincinnati, has been a member of the Masonic order, in good standing, for sixty-five years. lie ie ifow in his eighty-sixth year, and is attached to McMillan Lodge, No. 141, O. He is probably the oldest Free Maeoa in tho United States. lie aat in the I?dgo presided over by George Washington more than forty yean. > I pSSll I. T- ,r. , ,, =f U, S. Senate.?lb* Senator* who* terra* expire itt 1861, ami - whoee SioM are to be fillecLby the next 'Legattires of tbett States, ere } Filepatrlck, of Alabama; Jolinsod, of Afk?nmm; Gwin, of California; Fosior, of Connetticut; Yulee, of Florida; Irurson, of Georgia; Truuabull^of Illinois; Fitch, of Indiann ; Harlan, of Iowa; Crittenden, of Kentucky ; 61 id ell, of Louisiana ; Penrce, of Maryland ; Greene, ?f Mi#* souri; Clark, of Now Hampshire; Seward, of New York ; Cliugman, of .North Carolina ; Pugh, of Ohio; Lane," of Or-, egon ; Bigler, of Pennsylvania; Hammond, of Sooth CarolHia ; Collanier, of Vermont; and Durkee, of Wisconsin? j 14 lX'inoccAts, 7 Republicans, and 1 , American, ? ?i.^y ?. imrqrtaat 'Suit 1)scidkd.Tho Mempms Appeal sayst A spit which possessed certain peculiar points, was decided by his llonor Judge Dixon, 6f the common law court, yesterday. A traveler, while a guest at the Worsham House, lost the sum of four lftindred dollars, which was stolen from him whife there. The traveler brought suit against Mr. "Worsham, the proprietor of trie' hotel, for the amouut lost, which Mr. Worsham resisted. A decision was given, yesterday, for the plaintiff, and an amount equal to the sum of mouey lost assessed against Mr. Worsham. . A Genkaloot.?John Knox, the Groat Reformer of Scotland. John Wilherspoon-, D. D.? ono of the ! Signers of tho Declaration of American Independence. John Breckinridge, a member of Jefferson's Cabinet. John C. Breckinridge, Vice president of tho United States, 1857?'01. John C. Breckinridge, President of the United State", 1801-'$. The above (snys the N. Y. Day Book) 14 fi t Mir* r<mnr/l r\f !?/? ? ? . WW. v? VI ?u*. Jj'jiivniwg) Ul 111U next President of the United States. ? Tiik Adler, the old German ""Democratic Bible," nt Beading. Pa., declares for Breckinridgo. New Breckinridge papers are about being slarted at St. Paul, Minnesota, and new dailies of the same stamp, nt Milwnukie and Cincinnati. LIST OF COXSKi Ji EES At Groenvillo, for Wcolc ending July 25. Patten A A, .1 M Blair, A Somors, 11 It Singleton, W Willinms, I. \V, W Blnke, Mcltnvid A- !">, Unrrison &. I,, T Stecn, A K , Cureton, .1 Krnus, A Slioolhrend, "11 K Iloleomti, A M Uiiwkins, A MiJlerA Co., N Daltoti, O W MeMiuu A It, Johnson It Ait, P B Martin, McK Johnson, (tower, C, Bi A Co., J II Lango, P Ilaijtpton, C G Mendnger, Bt It Kurle, K I< Trenltolin, 1) T Burton, It J Alton, H K Kutledge, J Kcteiiuai, (J W Hicks, L Cobb, J A Tbnxton, FA Walter, W, Long A It. McUo.e A 1$, Brooks, S A O, J B Shcrmsn, J W Vahdiver, iH-or A 1*, IJ F Morgnti, J M Crotwell, Gnins D A Co., B Uass, J B Pyntt, 11 F Fawner, S Swondule, TAIeoas," W MThtnnna, Uo'ycauxJ G Brayton. A W Comings, J Ward. O 0 Laaneau, J W Grady. I'I- Nowoll, W Bates A Co., T J Croft, i> G West field, I) Urguhnrt, W Mardock, J A David; A L Levy, G B Tennont, J W Southern, Lt A Ilolconilie, S I. Anderson, W 11 Watson,. W Gold-mith, M Cooper, C F Townsend. ,1 B. T BI Cox. F B t C, E J Aston <t Co., O II ijinticnu, J Mcl'lierann, Xicol ?t I, E W tlnrdtn, J A CJ Clark, F Utiilodgi-, 11 W iY-nlund, J Cathuy, II C Mnulditf, J I' lloyce, "A Jobntiiii, FIllodjrett. IV II Cntlibnrt, V Gnni, .1 W M Ilill, .1 1* I'rlngle, J C/urmnn, b U Lankford, A J Limlsey. M Samuel. JuIlX Mi KAY, Agent. Dikd, In Atlanta, (la., on the 17th of Jttle, JOHN W. HUNTER, son of Joel A, and Jcujm? E. Ountcr, aged thirty-three dayi, . I?ip.j>, at the residence of Ills grandfather, on the HOtb ult., THOMAS EARI.K, in fun t son of Thomas 11. and KtnilyM. C'ole, and grandson of Afaj. A. F. and Alary ltiehnrds. Little Earlo was a sweet child ; ho was In-loved hy all who kuow hiui, and was tho idol of his fond parents. " Suffer the little ones to eomo, The blest Redeemer said', I'll take them to fny heavenly homo, And give tlietn angels' bread. My jirccious blood I'll ahed, to save From sin, from sorrow, and the grave." " Yes, lot them com?; tho poArly gates Wide open to receive them, And the.rc that, blessed Saviour waits, Immortal life to give them. Then suffer little ones to eome, And find in Heaven their blissful home." A FRIEND. For tho Legislature. r-totfTlic friends of J. L. WE8TMOKKLANJt, respectfully nnnounce his name a candidate Tor ro-oleotion to the Senate. f&~ We nre authorized to nn? notincc Col. I". EI>WIN WARE a candidate for the Senate, At the ensuing election. t&T W. J*. PRICE, Esq., is aunoaneed n candidate fur the Legislature. l'#r JOHNW.STOKES, Esq., la respectfully announced oa a candidate fur re-election to the Logiaiaturg. t^?Tho friends of Col. DAVID 1IOKK announce him a candidate fur the Legislature, at the ensuing election. The friends of Dr. J. P. TIILLHOTTSE announce him a Candidate for the legislature, at the approaching election. tWc are authorized to annonnco Con. W. II. CAMI'ltKLL a eondiilate for re-election to the State Legislature at the onauing ejection. |3gf Tho many friends of Dr. J. M. S?LLI VAN, respectfully annoaneo him as a candidate for re-elcctlon to the State Legialnfure at the ensuing election. ^ST" Wo are requostod -by the many frienda of A. ROBERT SMITH, to annoamce him a candidate for the Legislature at the ensuing eloctioo. Tho friends of Col, J AMES McCULLOUOll, rWpcctlLily'Leg leave to annoenee him as a Candidate to represent (iroeftville District in the next Legislature. The Usual Result.?flreen Island, N. Y., Mnfrh S, 185(1.?Mt. M. B. llMg3ii: l have lied your.lie,- Restorative with excellent ef-. feel- It fully restored my hair, which wa? spiite grey, to He natural color, thickening It up rory much. My wi/e baa also used it, and it ha* reetored her hair, giving it new life, nerpwtfally, J. I. UOOPKLT,. flomei^Wr.that tM? remit ?m produced by Hekwlrufi'Inl?ilAbl?, the original and only reliable Date Reiterative. parpriea SO neiiti and $1 a bottle. Sol* by yiaher k Heinitai^ OroenviKa. and fay liraggiit* arar/whore. Jul/ 2# 12-4 4 . - MTs is ....*& : Kumar, , i : . > .1 i i |i,ict *or Tax Collator. . " ' T? JOt We are authority} to ah- i n*on?? W. T. AUSTIN a oandldate for Ti* . Collect***, at the next election." '^1 , . ? UWT We are authorised to. an* Aotrtice J. n..McCULLOUOtt a candidate fbr Tax Ootfbctor, at. tbo next election. i .1 t^T- Wo are authorized to an- i nonncc Con. O. P. POOLS aa a candidate for I Tax Collector at the coming election. , We ate authorized to an- < nounoa-W. I. RlMJMATS at a. candidate for Tax Collector at tho cnauing eluotion, t^** We are requested" fee aa- ?s nouncc Ma. KLIA8 DILL, w a candidate for Tax Collector, at the next Bfocllon.. ^ fc f fc^JAWESB.TEAIlSOtftti*nouncra himsolf aa a candidate for Tax Collector at tlic next election. I. O. O. F. ' MOUNTAIN LODOB, ? cjr* No*-18, 1.0. 0. F.? resets . & "~1\"?"* Wmrtday t,'emti*gr I 7- at8o'clock. 1 . Fob 23 42-ljr* J. BURSBY, Bce'ry. . 1 PBEswetATioH er ' ?a;? a ? aa a e. v< ' * . TUB DIPLOMAS of the Adalphinn aril ' Philosophian 8ooioties of Fumv>. University, will bo delivered pubuici.t,' in the-New Court House, ou TUESDAY XV^fSJ^,' * J VL-Y .81st, immediately utter thp defivcry of the Annual Oration before tha. two Societies, by the Hon. A- <1. MAGRATI1.. ' * 1 The following Gontlcmon will reeclvoDiplo- ' 1 * . . - ."1 IV.A in as: _ 7 1 . Ankbmfaxk" rnn/utomiANo. ' T. *. OA1NR*, O. W*. til t(HBWK, ?. w. IIOKKK, 1' . #. rofu. ' B. O. MAUI.DKf, . n. r. rca'ikk, . : - ' C. A. C. WAU.KR. ~ ' 1 * Joint Committee of A^mvrjtmcnt*.. ^ Atielftfiion Society. Society. Alex. Sb.Townes, {?. ft}. Pringh^ . A. Illy tho, Jr., J. (\ Davant,* L. Golden. C. A. Stiles. * V.? July 26 12 1 . COMMENCEMENT OF TIIE ipwauiRAiiSf TUB public exercises connected with the Coninienocment will occur in the following or' der: Commencement Sermon, Sunday uight, July 29tb, by the President, J. C. Fiinnnn, D." D. Sermon beforo tho Young Men's Missionary Society, Monday niglit, by Rev. E. A Crawley, D. Ib, Limestone Springs. Tuesday morning, address before the Alumnl/Cy J. P.Moore, Esq., Edgefield. Tuesday night. oddrds* before tlio Literary Societies, by Hon. A. Q. Mngrath, Charleston, S. C. ' Wednesday, August 1st, Commencement day. Tlic Full Term will open on Friday, August. Sd, nud continue until the 2oth December. . Jul 26 12 ' . . 1, , ? From tho Louisville Time's.' What is ?t for?this Wood's Hair _Restorative?Is a question asked daily by hundreds. We answer, without hesitation or fear of _pontrndiotion, that it is the only article kuown which will do all it primuses for tho human liuir. It wtil renew I's growth?it will Stop its fulling?>t will restore itc natural color. It is net a llair Dye, but -a speedy and eflioaetbus Restorative. Trial bottles, $1 pin Is, $2 f quarts, $11. CaI!T10!?.?llfwsre of worthless imitations, a M voiiil are already in. the niarhet, railed bv different names. t'sc mmo unless the words (I*rof. Wood's ITSir KestorntlYe, Depot, St. Louis, Mo,, and Now Yofk,)-nre liiouu in thu bottle. Sold by nil Druggisla and l'ntcnt Medicine I'oalers; nlpo, by nil fuitey Toilet Goods Dealersiu the UnitedStates and Caboda. Forsnloin Greenville by Drs. Loxo A Di rtNiiaw. Druggists. lf-4 Ja y 3d Religious Notice. tiowrnsvn.i.w, June Ctb, 1800. THE Ministers' and Poisons' Meeting in communion with the fourth 'Union Meeting of' the Tygcr Kiver Association, will be held with Rocky Creek Church on FniDAr nr. rout tmm riTTii 8addatxi ix July. Rov. S. T. Dill.appolntcd to prciveh tho Introductory Sofmon ; J. L. Westmoreland to write IJssay?subject, Intcmporuneo. Question for Discussion?Should "any able-bodied man he retained hi the fellowship of a church, who refines to contribute anything to tho support of the Gospel A. B. Woodruff to ojten the disnwMion. - * T. J. EAULH, Okrk pro torn. .June 21 4 ? . d To tho Members of tho Medtoa! Profon tion of the U. S. Nkw Yon*. May .1st, 1?G0.?(Jeat; The undersigned, having recently become tho sola proprietors of " l)r. J. Boree Pod's Imperial Wine Bitters," an article which is being extetisively sold in all parts qf the United States, beg leave respectfully to call your uttcution to a list of the ingredients wliirfi compose these valuable Hitlers, via: Solomon's Seal, Spikenard, Bayborry, tyild Cherry-tree Bark, Gention, Camomilb Flowers, Comfrev, end a pure and unadulterated Wine, which Is abont di.u-. hie the usual strength of other Witu**. and is 1mnntlul ).w ?I. ...... II. I.. .1.- IT-1I-.1 r?.?? w?u .iwuw^m IUO l unuLpimri. I Kroin tho beneficial ofTcoU^of (heae Hitters on un, and on many othcrr which we hnvo wit- | (iofhiI, we fool confident that the Phynieifin* of , tb?i country who will givo thein a lair trial, will approve oC them, and n*o thein in tbeir/ practice. Rerpectfnily jfotira, J CHAP. WIJJl>mELI> 4 CO.. . 78 Williuin Street. New York. 1 1'. 8.?"Dr. J. Royoc I >?<!'* Imperial Wine nittof*" are cold by YI8IIMR.A HiflNITKll, | Ureenvillo, 8. C., and by Druggifita general Uy:, July 12 ,10 ly 1 RELIEF IN TEN MINUTE*" nn van's ryi-MONic tv apises ! THE O/iental Medicine UatablliiheA ly 1R87, ami find article of the kiudeyer introduced under the name of'' Rei.Moxn: 'V^ArKua " in ibis or any other coniitry; all other Pulmonic Waffcm are counterfeit*. Tfce genuine Can be kuown by the name of lilt VAN being tamped on each WAPF.R. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relievo Couch.-, Colda, Bora Throe*. llotrauNU BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS . Relieve Art limn, JJro'.ijhiti*. Difileult Dreading BRYAN'S rULiiOXrp WAFERS Relieve Spiffing of Blood, Pain* IP the C'hfai. BRYAN'S I'Ul.MONIC WAFitBS -Relieve braipieut Conimuplion, l<uug IHeciirt*. ' BRYANT PLLMo.vrO WAFERS n?u.,c.. r?-i. .?i~_- _# <l.. ? ?i. j - - Mviiviv uiiuukmi ui mo inniw inin irmillf. BKYAN-H PULMONIC' WAWIH ?i Kcliev* lho above CoiuptaiaU in T/wJiibnteA' BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFER* Aran Ilk-Ming to All Clartea ami PonftPutloM. BR YANTL PULMONIC WAFERS Aro adapted for Voeaii*t??n<l l'ablie MgfVriri BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAfKHuT^ Are in a aiiapic form to I he tante. BUYAS** PULMONIC WAKKRS Sbtonfr relievo, LaVeftretrapid Abutting CW0? BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are warranted to girt *atUfactiofi to trery 0n?. ' No Faml'.y rhOnM h* withoata Brer of BRYAN'S VVLMQNIO WATER* ?!? TUB No Traveler *h?aM La ?llh?mt a wtfrfily of. * BHYAWa PULMONIC WAFSU 1* Hi* I'OI'K RT. No perwn will orcr ohjoot to gjra for I BRYAN'S PULMONIC NAtfiU TW*iTr*-?ira I'KNT*. JOU MoSKri, Bote Proprietor, R?eho*t?f, N. Y. * For ?a1* in flreenvflle kr Prantra A IKi- ' m-ran, and all I>raggt?le ; Vaw Homacii A 1 daiatxoa, Cltarlcetou. Wholcoeale Agent*. I May U I "" Tyoow \ ' ' F-y- i p ?1? ?^s ?n r"jrtrr ' -vm ^ .|yuM|jp-Bii?? yon wen that Big la QM|||^flKBjj^o)(Hnn, boillrxg roots, barka, ftiPlpillAl ORATION BRTOKB the ADELPHIAN and PHILO30PHIAN SOCIETIES of Funnan Universb .j, will be delivered in the New Court House, t?jr the lion. A. O. MAC RATH, of Charleston, >n Tuesday Evening, Ju)y^81st The Exer? olsee'wlll Mgin at 8 o'clock, P. M. The Public are respectfully invited to attend. - AMTX. 8 TOWitBS,). Committee Ju?y;49 U I = " "Gl^ENViLLE Baptist Eemafe College Tt: E. IJXERCJSE3 of tho Fall Soasion of tbeftboVounstttntlonVtll haresumedon Monday, the Sixth ?f ivfMt. It Is iulportaut t^nt fvXI the SuhiSl?r? bo ^ttnc fual tij nUcmloucc. "J * ' ( * The lixjcutfvo-Committee take pleasure in stating fist nmpfo provision h<C* bepn made for tho thorough pursuit Of j*U tbo Btitttles of tho Course. Tup te^viocd.of Mips JUBSOfcf bar* lieou added ti> those herctafofe seeured, by .which ip/truction U lib*'otlbrrtf hi PA1NTISO. m\AAVTXO, V/AX WOJtKandfANCY XBedLK WfflOC, and arrangement! have tuvn iii.iJp f?r Instruction ia kit tab branches [-8T (jfffKrt'rotit>T?c7?srtinonk- It HrnlfO e.ipectcd that n Prosidctft .will be elected at tho mooting of the Board of Trustees on tho 27th of July. The Committee has "been sorry to learn that pqtrons abroad have been appro ben hi re, beciiuso"oF the resignation of the miidmt and one of the Professor* lust winter, that all.the Studies of the Courso have not been pursued. So Car from being true, ample provisions liavo beefl made. A ditffroUy or this kind may oc?r at dthti pJjitaa-lt never .can hera. baeauso of tho number of gentlemen connected wltli other institution#-whoso Nrviwi mm/ be ternpornriijr secured. . i 1'h? jwgition of Pfgf. Sams supplied by the election ofMlas RfftVRN, of" Georgia, and the labor* of the joist 8oS?i?Wi have shown that all the studios of rtinA Hoijprtracot. hare been thoroughly pursued, The superior education of Mi*.i Jlownjt,/ind ber ftnc powers of instruMioh, render acquisition to tho College. * * ' : - ?* " Axrangemcnts'havo also heetl made to givo to the mJtfibAm of th* Graduating Clan*, an-l such ethers aS~may desir? it, a Course of Higher Htmly^tkaa-bas tmstefuro boon afforded. It in hoped tlui.t (his attempt to elevate (he standard of female education will be appreciated, and that the Class (litis to toftmncd will lie a large ens.- . REPORT OF BOARD OR VISITORS, On the Urrrnt Annu-tl Ejaaiinntion*. The undessighod. members pf tht^Committoo requested to attend the Kxaftoinatidns of tho 11 reotfvllle Baptist Femndo CdtWge.'waro in attendance al different times during their progress". Xhoy take pleasure iu expressing their condition >rf Ihe thoroughness and.fuirness of .tho pixamlnftti >BS, as well asthefr gratification lit th? high degree of attainment exhibited'by the Pnpils'iu their .rnspootiso studies. Those of them who bays boon unrein at previous Examinations can rerttry to Uio fact, that tho" Exaniltnt'ons of the prosont Bcssl'-u work fully equal to off/ thai have preceded .tboin. R. MANLY, Jr., . yr?st. vru.trAMs, K. VTBMAI*,Pi. \YIIITM1KH. July M ^ J L, T. W, MVI?> FRACTTCAL Watchmaker an$ Jewelor, TAlbESdh* liberty to inh rm {%& jryV ihe people of OrficnvIHe, an<t-tho 7ry>\ tr'ir.v^whulosurrouodUmA-'ouutrj, tbat^, h? has oa hand, without doubt, tho host stock WATPotoiss & mwvrmihmrxv that has ever been kept in the Town of Greenville, mud- if any one is disposed to doubt it. let hlin or her, come and sop if it is (pit so. His stock coa.prtaM^iii part of the -fallowing orticlo*:' HL Fine O^Hpd Silver Watohes of all ({ualltk^.'^bnd warranted to Imop good mno icuU to giro satisfVotion. ATI goods koM by liira, are warranted to ^?e what tlu-y are represented, or be wiU refund the money and take the artielo back and no grumbling. His Jewelry (rofdbe latest dad best Styles, In his stoek, are fino Da-uoud Goods, Lava, Fear!, Pvral and Garnet, with o{ without acta, and ths flits Chain Arid other TtrhfeTcts'; Watch * Chains of all sty Us; Sold and Hihsr f himbias, Gold; Silrec and gtos), Spectacle,; Concare and -Cotivsxed Glasses, mul also Neckl.recl, with or without' Clasps. Ife has also ? purs Silver and Flatod Ware. "His Articles are too numerous to raantton aH of theru, but some and soe at ono?. " DON'T FOROWT HI DDIS Alt KINDS Of IWAIRINQ Ta WkfeMNKMtisaddlwslty, and that in .a workiyapUk* aaanaef, itch, perto**. as you <Mfeoot gtft dona anywhere aiarta ths up country, fWr l?e does aot fcsl himself inferior to any, so you will do woll to try bits, and seo if his words are not trus. Tie thinks Otero srs ^ many already Who bare Ikied htm, and will M rsrtify to ab of the above, As. ' Hfcdp Any be funnd at Iks Good- J lett House, on Alain tKrost. July 2ft 12 tf CHARLESTON AND LIVERPOOL SAILING PACKETS. * ' ' ~ z*~' S,Tlsl&'$VV& 'pflK nn>H)ri>i^R?tl be* to annovmra that they JL have waik armngt atauta foe * J,in? of )k>,A&\KuHWS between the ahpv'oj?t>luta, l>y which rrrv fx cility iu regularity anil ?p?ud will he jrtvcu to , Stitj>p?nw. <* " * ' FR ASTER, tREICHOLM A CO., ? 10 ROMFORD PtACC, LIVERWl, it1]? at any llijt HfiCTClVJt OWodg intended hy thta liaa, and FOftWAfll) the * mimltf tha Virl .Ht.erfr-Jtnjt /Wa,?n?l will ,h? jtfcwayji prepared to fife any iafvriuuiioii thai may ' Aftwnjrewtaritrlkr J^'a^jBf ar Are wry may Wlaodtu made ia (itanrWtan, by ^w|itieaii<>n to Jwltu. t raaer * C>, Ctntiol \Y}<ir/. ' TheJbruh'UpentlnYted flrttt fl?ll and f.v-t ritilhtg CLdrhwtaa Hhtpe bava fct>eaw<*>wly placed ap..? tint ].iM>,Wd vtbcraAtfU ka titled** noon a rhfititvo'l <*."ttSL'Mr '?h>" - *?,,< 20, igfe*'a55j^S3* *?. ' 4* <**>? ,, 0 *^""^ . m < %> ~ " a