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i JtoflBtiBf a dWIa. ^ ' ?J' !.*' ? Etbrt body in Indiana knows, of at least knew, Joe M , fpr he is among the "lovei'.apA lost-"' Equally weR known, in ?ti circuit at feast,-wk* Judge T In the course of a trial before' the fatter, in which Joe was ttlorney for one of the parlies, the Judge bad, in one nf tKia atranora raorariaa nn( nnnm Jnn wfttf hirni) ruled against him that he could not be permitted to contradict one of bis own witnesses. The decision was submitted to with a bad grace, but it was useless to produoe authority when old T had once laid down the law. In the course of the afternoon a young man applied for admission to the bar. The practice had been for the judge to relieve himself from the )abor of tut examination by deputing some member of the bar to discharge that duty, and report to the Cop.I upon the fitness of the applicant; and in tliepres* eat instant Judge T requested Joe to make the necessary investigation.? lie left the court-room with the young man, and in about five minutes returned again, and, interrupting the iudge in the middle of a charge he was deliverinor toa jury anounced that he had examined the candidate for legal honore, and found him totally unfit to practice law. " Why, bless my soul, Mr. M aid the judge, " you have not had time to examine the young man !" u I only asked him one question, sir." ** And what was that J" " I asked' him if it was competent /or a party to contradict bis own witness, and he said No. Such ignorance of the plainest principle of law rendered it unnecessary to pursue the examination any farther." * I The young man got his license, nevertheless, that evenitig. Overdoing tub Thing.?The Mobile Mercnrv gives an amnsing account of a negro baptismal scene in Mississippi, Wherein a negro known as Big Will figured conspicuously. Despite Will's ir? reverence we Dublish the Uni-v M The bottom of the creek was of slippery aoapstone, which, just beyond the point where a sufficient depth was ob , tained for a proper administration of tlie ordinance, broke suddenly off into a deep | holo. Big Will attempted to do as directed, but like his race in matters of religion generally, overdid the thing: bis feet slipped from under hiui and down he went into the deep hole, drag ging the minister with him. The as toaislied crowd was horrified as they Doth disappeared beneath the surface. For a few seconds bubbles rose to the surface to mark ihe spot where they event down, and then Big Will came forth, snorting like a porpoise. As W ill regained the shelving rock and made towards dry lund, the minister was discovered clinging to his leg with bull dog tenacity. They were both happily aaved.. As soon as Will's speech return ed to him he was heard to exclaim, M Gosh Gor A'migbty, white folks, some one gwine to lose a nigger wid dis 'ere darn foolishness I" Did you ever study grammar f , I did, sir. "What cai? is Mr,-D f He's an objective case. Bow so! - Because he's objected to pay bis subicripti >n that's been owing for over five years ana a naif. Right. What's a noun f Don't know ; but I know what a renoun is. Well, what is it I Running off without paying the printer and getting on the black list as a de lin orient. Good. What is a conjunction! A method of collecting outstanding subscription in conjunction with tire eonatsble?never employed by a printer until tbs last extremity. That's right. Go to your seat and quit shooting paper wads at the girls. Thi u THlRWOMICllON.,'?Ilere is a reminiscence of former times narrated by Col. B s In ancient times?that is, some twenty years ago?shortly after iks ftlnt*. Dnilta i? ? -- _ _....u ??vrw?7v u niuinun|A/ils wiw built, it was proposed by one of the re preseotatives that a thermometer should be got for the Hell, end at an expense not exceeding three dollars. This motion brought the distinguished member from ?? county to his feet, who eloquently inveighed against "spendin' the hard airnins of the people 10 that ar way; and, besides, Mr. Speaker, if we baa that thtr Hurmomieron, 1 don't believe tbar*s one hete who knows how to wind the pesky thing up." Caught iw Bis Own Trap.?A vain fellow, who commanded a small vessel, but who tried to appear bigger than the captain-of a first-rate man of war, told h? cabin-boy one day that be had company coming on board to dine ; and thai, when be .asked.-for the silver handled knives and forks, he must tell him they were gone on shore to be ground ; and answer in the same strain any olb r question he might ask. He did so. The knivee and forks went off very well. The next question was: 44 Where is mat large uneantre cbeeee, boy I" 44 Gone ashore to be ground, air L" A doctor wm employed by a poor man to attend hi* wife, who wm dan Sroualy ill. The doctor gave * hint at he had (earn of not being paid. " 1 have thirty dollar*," said th< man lo the doctor, M and if you eithei kill or core, you ahall have them." The w< man died on Ibe doetor'i hand*, and after a reaaonable time h< called for hi* thirty dollea. v The rtav asked the doetpr if he bed killed hi* vifcf * No." 44 Did you cure her P 44 No/ " ' then,** raid, the men, "you have no i? gal tleroand." Waaa does a man sneeaa three timet! 'When be eeuot help it. 7 K X ' ' p T> * J IFBiCEBE sTtrPK ?'7 7 X B IN QRCi * ' * "i ^ . f #1 ITT 1^ consequence of the Impending Crisis ant here made, withdrawing their patronage f SOUTHERN and having, with tho utmost repugnance, surrt neglecting to rear up that criterion for the sunt I ed upon them, I hare conoluded to show to the of Nassieth that there is still tome balm in the bleeding wound and whisper a word of eonsc Having just received tho moat I 8TUPBNBOB8 SI ever exhibited to the pabllo> gate, or ever iatpoi them to COUNTRY MERCHANTS who are i. W'-W Trve A -w-*. "w-i ?l.EAJLHj u and the public at large, at prieea MUCH LOW. For the conviction of trti belie vera, and the that, although a prophet has no honor in his 01 world for competition, is pbllged to anoceed, ev field, is a dead bait. The annexed Items will xSwiu a faint Veen AT CARR * . ( The most extensive, READY MAD Coate, ^ 60 and 75 cents, and no words, '' Pants, 60 " 75 " " " " Vests, 40 " ?d , ? " " ? Shirts, 50 "," 76 " " " v Superfine 8ilk Hats, - - $2.00 Wool ? * - 40 Calf Skin Boots, superfine, - - *' 2.50 HOOP SKIRTS, 8 IIoops, - - - - 60 11 " - -- - - - . 4 * 70 15 ~ ^ " 87 Tocether with a laree stoeV ?f .stiv t>? Shawls, Trunks, Binning*, Indigo, N i i s, Crac monaics, Segara, Corn, Flour, Bacon, Rioe, Of) Whisky, Brand/ and Wine?and a largo lot of i The above MARKED DOWN items, whih not a mere phantom or the mind?aa idle phat word, oceans in o tear, and points, like the nee OreenvilU at a lower price than in any Soother CARE'S STORE The highest Cash prict CAM'S STORE May 10 1 Wheeler Sc Wilson's SEWING MACHINES. ^ TIIE8K Machines have taken tho premium at all Fairs, when th ore has bieu any competition, and In SL Louis, last fell, receive* the hlgheet prise fur useful family invention*, a Silver Pitcher. Refer U> Rev. J. A. Broadue, abd Rev. James P. Boyce, Greenville, 8. C. PRICKS. Sewing Machine*, Plain Centre Table,-* 50 00 " " Extra Finished 80 00 " " half Case finished,... 00 00 ? ' Full Mahogany Tase 105 00 Rosewood " 121 00 ilcmnitn . & 60 i rices uniform, with ohargcs for freight from narleston, 8. C.,only. Needle*, Thread, and Mctalic Spools on band to suit purchasers EDGKIITON, RICHARDS A CO., AgonU for South Carolina. - .W.H.WATSON, Agent for Greenville, S. C April 10 50 ' 1# JAS, M. ALLEN, mm n ft w gSBL ,< t <53 <2La & DEALER, GREEN VILLE, S.C. Cr All 6rdeJ? for MarBlcWobk promptly Attended ta. to tf ' ' Feb fr ORR&PR ICE, AT14RHEVS AT LAW* GREENVILLE, S. ,0.x . JAMES L OBS. F. Fit ICE. ... May 11 . 1 tf e7P. JOXEsr ATTORNEY 'AT LAW ANI) SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. AUISVIUA, 8. O. JIM OH Of Best side of Court Roan* Seusre, where he may ha found'daily, from t. A. M.. to 2, P. M. ' 37-ljr jw I. P. RKKD. B. &, OOODLMTT. REED & GOODLETT, . ATTORNEYS AT LAW. AMD SOLICITORS IH EQUITY. GREENVILLE, 8. C. Office Tfortk-Eaet Corner Court Home Square. June 4 4 If 8ADDLlfi HXRNESS ^ MAN UFA OTO RY. TUB rabeertber would reapeetfnlly ihfonn the publio generally that be , eootinne* the above Rueinere, 7W> Dour* abort the (JrmrilU Hotel, and ll prepared to farnleh ouitomere with any deeeriptloa of nOMB MANUFACTURED RADDLKB. I Carriage, Bun aad Wagon H ARNK8B merle to order, end An the beet etylee. BRIDI.R8, WHIPS, Ac., mt bond, and for taie Oil RAP Saddles aad Hameee RRPAIRRD at I efcort notice. A. M. QILRRATH. ' 14 L an " ? 47 ly for RENTT^ Sljpsjwsaf-*-'? ? TlfK STORK HOtrsK 0B *? ?. OfwnrttK ft. C., nmwMj o* onpi?d by If a?j.diji a lar?. i a a. mamjttn, Adm'x, 44 Unit *+n,af 8. MmUUb, **'4. M*Mh 1 a f , *<? r?i WILLI:. I ths Important ?oth osr Conn try Merchants rom the North and edcosragiog conncHci:, L iyed the (UmMttddi of Swdb?& enterprise, >7 Sooth which ti>? Intending Crisis has crowdworld that something good oan still " ootne out Oilcad; that there is yet a physician to heal ilation Into the ?ar? of thy blssdiog countrymen. m on Minns . VVH VB WWW . rted from any foreign hMoi|ph?r?, I wQl offer i favor of making Greenville their ARTERS, ' BR tWh caw bo procured either North or Fontb. se that doubt an til tboy ??? and fetl, I will ??y an country, yet a merchant who challenges the eu if the whole world, like (Die sun on Uibon's V bianco of wl^gt can bo done 'S STORE. superb and complete y E CLOTHIJYG. | Ladies' Shoes, fine, elastic, - $1.00 " Slippers, - . . 60 I Children's Shoes, fancy add One, 40 ft 60 Men's " superfine, - 1.20 Boys' " largo sites. - fcft | Huperflne sowed Kid Shoe*, with heels 1.20 (First Quality.) 18 ?' ... 1 80 44 - t. 00 Duster*, - - - - ,75 met*. Flat*, Robe*, Pan*, Umbrellas, Linens, kers, Jaweiry, Watehee, Pistole, Rasore, PortEfSE, SVGA K, JfOLASSKS, SALT, Rum, ir?lole? im numerous ?o mention, i they speak louder than trumpet tongues, are ttaxce?bat a reality that speaks volumes in a die to the pole, that Goods <as b? yerci>?i?( Vn n or Northern market, and, above all, that IS THE PLACE. m paid for PRODUCE. IS THE PLACE ' tf ... Iadd, Webster & Co.'s llOTINGMGHim trnicH, For Beauty, and Simplicity of Construction, and Efficiency In W orking, are UHEftUALLED BY AFT. A F?W At tie Wfttiy Hctttnn. Why tbaen *i?4an?iT't fSSFSBSFP. A- Ill 1, Thay are so remarkably tiwrpit in I hair constriction, k child can operate then* and understand tholr mechanism.' n 2. They are tka eTrenpee' Sewing Maohines made. It is almost Impossible to break or gat them OUl Of order. 8. They are **re In their operation : finish' ing work in a uniformly perfect manner. 4. They make a tight fork atiteh, alike on LatW alia, ad al ?- - * ' * ~ * uum mux vi mo worn, wmon MOMl k* unr?reM. 6. They Stitch, hem, hind, fell, ran and gather, without hasting. A. They sew equally well the lightest and heaviest fabrics. . 7. Tbey seer over the heaviest seems without changing the tension or breaking the finest thread.-. 8. Thry par any No. ef Cotton, Thread or Silk, directly from the spool. - 9. They nee a straight needle ; curved ones are liable to break. 10. The noedte has a perpendicular motion. This is absolutely neeessary for heavy work. 11. They bars a wheel (bed ; none others arc in constant contact whk tha work."* lf)Jjtg| II. They ran easily and are aim pat noiseless. 18. Tbey ?se net liable to oil the dress of the operblor. i It. Tbey do not require a screw-driver to set the needles. 19. Tbey do not have to ho taken apart to oil or olean. 10, They do not form ridgas on the nnder side of the work, nor ravel oat, nor are they wasteful of thread, as Is the case with nil ohstn?stitching machines. 17. Thsy are capable of doiog a greater range ef work* and h a novo perfect manner than any other Sewing Machine. We warrant these Machines, and vouch for ths recommendation of the jthpre. ' fe-ij, r DIEftAPICKtE,;;: t: V AOENT8, Z'X *QREENVILLE, S. C. April 19 90 . ly BLACKSMITH ING, The concern of T0WNE8 A ^HAWKtlfS having been dlssolr! flBBBsd by matnal consent, the business will be carried on at the same Shop by the undersigned. G. W BROOKS. January, 1859. ' J. L. HAWKTMB. . NOTlCEs THE on dor signed having transferred his Interest In the BUofc Smith Bhbp near Williams'Store, to Messrs, Baooas A Hawks**, take# ateaeure la reooumfndlng them to a share of public patronage. They Wilt he prepared to . attend promptly and satisfactorily to all calls id their Una. Thoy have experienced and skillfbl Smiths In Horseshoeing,* Repairing and Ironing Wagoaaftjftjmgfa Work .and all other ordinary work efVMwksmKh Fhop. January,'1959. 9f^kt O. *. TOWN IS. HAIR TRIMMIN*, DRE8SIN0, OY1NO, AND RAZOR SETTING AND SHAMPOOING, at rum Bsoond Door Above Mr. If oPheroon'a, WILSON* OOOKs Hay t f , ieo,eeeibs.Raa*WMtcS J. A. PEARSON A C0.'S , ' jjrwwviuA s. a Afa * M || IF i >1 ca=.5MC *- .- -Zi.? WWiM .11 ? .I I. I. I? ... ^ I. ^OWIiD respectfully tntU JRgAtk* attention <hie, yuttatirs ^ EAXDsM the- public jsenerally *a Q?e fact tbethe roeently hsd hiiSTOKBenUrgstf, ad km jy?t twlTtdmd now ottfn for ly*, "nfs hs0s?t aVt> irit AKt,KCTKD ,* ' y- stOck OF ' Vv.V" mi m nun Mr He bM erer befogs eshibtted h> tbta market, cod slating, Mrtr, 4t Brtfamer-SlUos, French Organellas, Chillies \ Muallaa, Jnconots Prints, hong Cloths J.obes, Borages, Parasols, Ousters, Hoops Honnasti, Fists, and BUck Silks And s variety of GOODS generally kept In DryUosds Stores / 1/ *M * vttu SUECTM trtcKitl O NT'S AND YOUTH'S Rftady-MadP Clothing:, BOOTO AND {STDES,. *? 1 IS A SB A PS,1 i .ETC* J5TCm ETX3.. ?. / iiiraffi1?* &<?&! &3r5S4i3,5*0^2?s A. SOMMERS'. mrCASH PAW t'OR ALL KINDS OFPItODVO?.*mgxl ... April * . ... 4*, ' *' tf T. W. DAVI3,~ 7" Practical Watohmaker & Jeweler, <i iiioi:n \" i i,i,is a. race - B K calls attention to his splcnjPW^Odid ft0ck or WATCHKS AND fr I M JKWBLRY.trhich is of the Tery quality. !!< ban tho fifceet K2uUi^Artlj? bf Watohns that liM aver been offered for sale in this market, and hU lock comprieea the finest English and Rwies Chronometer, ?pd >l?o the ftne magic Watch, and the celebrated Joseph Johnson Lover, and the Jollas Jurgeneen Wetch, and alt other Ine ? TU_ W-i-l. I- ? ^ an BovTa nMiu mo in nu "OOKJ and Silver Ca^es, Hunting. and Open Km*, all of whiohhe will warrant to keep the beat of time. He ha** greet Variety of JiJWfeLltY, of the lateat stylet. He deems it needless to mention the articles of Jewelry, bat aayi he haa jot everything you aead. He will keep aeon, . ?, Silver and. Plated Ware, Suitable to the nUtket. REPAIRING. All kinds of REPAIRING (tone in Watohee, Clocka and Jewelry in e workmaaliko manner, and at the shortest notice. JB&~ Hi* Shop may be found at the Qoodlett Honae. 4?-tf Fab 88 Southern Independence! ???o LOOK WELL TO THE 80UTH1! WtbAwryi^ciihi^atrtmage> A NIJWou effect niore than all the speeches J\_ made in Congress, and wlIlcaaRe A bollliuniam, UlUaiau, fanaticism, add ail the other isma, to feel, and that seriously, too, their dependence on Southern Commerce, and will effect a radical change soon cr and more powernl than all the political haranguesia Christendom. Kncourago Southern Indnstry, Southern Enterprise, Southern Manufactures, and, above all, Southern Independence, and call on D. P. West & Co., . And yen can get tfooda VERY LOW POR CASH, # an J on very reaaonablo and accommodating terms from prompt paying customerj. We are now receiving from Charleston a large addition to our present slock, comprising a general assortment of everything ucually kept in a country store, which wo offer to sell on the most reasonable terms. We will, take Produce, as well as Cash, in exchange for our Hoods. i>r p. West co. Plain, Greenville, S. C., April 3. 4fl-tf Itllna AS %r a?|'? y % aa at Mil's* t?>?,H|> U Hrmmljr Rllu' n)apr|>llr Hi mrtly Bliss4 OyiMWir ItriawJr Ml ISS1 Dyspeptic ItruicU, Mas lite l.nrgrat Sal* Hm '|Ih Largest Sale lias the Largest Hate lias the I.argt at Hale lias the l.nrgrat Male Of amy UMllrlM In iheAVorld. IX any Medicine In I he World. 1" any HiuieNH III I fill It I. Of (uy Mirilclitr tu thd Wort.I. CM ?tnjr HfdMM- In tK? World. UW.?WI P.icNngea MNI.UW' r?kt|M lUU,OU<> Packaff* lOtMPX) Puskam tOU.uOO leM I* Ckoipa inH SanlhCamllna III In and I'MkUanllua Mot it In 0?rfl? niiH MMilkCtMlto* IIf In OwHf'* ?><1 loalhCarolliiii MM In Georgia ?kd komkCanMua lu Nvrldii Montioo. In Pnarfarn Hoinh*. In PmiImi Manlkc . In PnnrlMn Noutbi. In Ptur1?n Month*. |t li WatranM to Liur* It (a Wnrranlaet to Car* t( la Worronlnt to Com It W v.'arronlod to Cart It U Warrantor! to Oart It INrarlloiit ?r? ItUownt, ! Dlra*Uol|* art Poltownl. If OlraaUont are Pollowrd, If Ohaettont ait Ihllawtf, If IMrteUtni art Vollawnt, infOtMal Dyapepala Any Con of Pyipoixto, Any Cm* t( Dyspepala Any Cota at Dytprpolt j Any Com at Dyapepata r ' fireaasg i Hnr b6>mi, UWf DImam, jUH^ -wa o' ?. KSpGK * w J A n nillr ^ It to R?|Mrl*ll)r ArttptMl la II to toinpto* to KSRKRKfXKSS I It IcJCttMtoll; A<la|l?4 to UmpUlMUi f*aul< Camplalnta K^gfeY y It ProdlWn Hfttumtlly ot Pnrw It IIMaiHllly < K*rtn - It Tafnoft lUltuiMllty of Foim It Pwtimi flotnnalty of Pai nt It PndMf* HttRn?ltjr ml Karm In Ptmajw nt m Thin ?ixi tptto Htlill In KrmitM at * Thin mill Ifnn llabtt i In raUUM nt n Thin and tpa r? llkhlt In PmtalM ml a Thin and Spar* llaltlt InTamalaa ol a Thin nli?t Hpnr* MaMt hod a ro?aga Hump to Uy* i'roprioiorp Trtr thair I'Mpbnt an " DI*m ? K fcuttnaoh ntnl Bowaw. i W.W. Mais* tfc CO*. I'rni fl. I.ita, 3S3 Rrottl tta). Hi* Vinv Pnr (n flfpHfdt, Ang Hilly JOHN W. GRADY. JAME8 FLECK, HOUSE ft SICK PAINTER, ' *?P?f Uha#?T A Olaiier, GREENVILLE, 8. O. wnxumntuTineoTii all voMrrmmo * >?*. ? *,V ' yj** n A?i?,to Bliht, mu OnoL. ?* ; u TiJ ; All i i i I - [h, i ' if j a M 1 ITRKIMl MAtlh?n0 IU WAVaABVtT i ** - w if-f - - ? - - - ? '^i -? ^ ' y ?- > ? V : R BTOTY, LOVE LAN tP 8 IWLDH8, MEENVILLE, 8. Q? . HBSFRCTPtJLLY Inform* the pubF?1 .He ganarally that hebaa on haad a fine T WgiiwoytipcDt of . dOOT8* WB^irADA^ED V>r o'TUiS "MARrfBT.' Ib tfyfs assorOnont will be found Ladle *v Misses' **pd CbBdren'i G altars nod Shoo?, of many' Vin<L*. jQentlcnunja, Youths' an) Bdyt' Boots, Galtef* Dltohcr'g Louts-?ah excellent articl?. Hrogan* of all sixes and most durable make. In faotv aafull an Miortnwnt of Articles in his Una as ap lie found in any establishment In a town of tfea same sire. ?Ms also rexpeotXally asks an examination of bis Price* for Cash, satisfied that his Goods are cfaf^T ?. j' . At th? Lowest Possible Figure. Persons In want of anything of the kind ail) please gits him a call. - ' 1UO, ffl IIATO, _*> A Good Stock of Lenlhcr, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. a Boot and Shoe Haking. This branch of his business Is still Carried on undor tils personal supervision, and every 'care wHl ba taken to gu arable a satisfaction to those wheAnl**bettn? 27-tT Nov U NRVVIIA KPRTSTi IRE ~AVf' ? T JfAllIES G. invui IMPORTER, JOBBER, ASD DEALER U!i alij kinds 6:f ? CARPETING, RUGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN GOODS OF EVERY DKSdRjfflON, 2?9"?o ma lEHI?? S^JRagareP, CHARLESTON, S. C\ * AND J. G. BAILIE & BRO., 205 BROAD. ST., . . AUGUSTA, GA. Nov 84 2V ly f. t. FALK&CO., WHOUESAUC AND VKTAlt, PITAUJCR8 IN CLOTH INQ-, ,, a-- v i . AND, . j, . - > Gentlemtnfe Pnrnislitar .Gfoods, " NO. 200 KINO BTHBET, CHARLESTCfSr. S.'*C5. yar Manufactory and Wholesale Warelioiwa 84 Drr Street, Naw York: w All Order* promptly attended to. Vn> ?i on ' ? C.~F. JACK SON A CO. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, W llOLHSALK AND UKTA1L, Ho- 19a 8tr#et, In' * CII X R L ESTON, S\ <JV Nov t4 ' <? '" Ty* ' WAGON MAKING AND REPAIRING. r |>HK subscriber* respectfully inform the pub_1 tie that (}ioy intend parrying on tho business of WAGON MAJJri'ACTTttlNa, and WAGON and 1IIJGUY REPAIRING, In tbe town of Greenville. Tbe boat of^Tlnibcr will be used, and tbo wy?k warranted to be well done. Mr. POOfi, who wMl superintend the work, 1* a workmnti of considerable experience, having learned tbe business nnder tbe bestarorkmon at tbe Carriage Factory of Meaera. (lower, Col,' Mark ley A Co. AH work will be done upon tbe moat reasonable terms, and on ahort nbuoa.. A share of patronage respectfully solicitod. WANTED* A lot of RRAflONED LUMRF.R, wantcdr for which a laif prioe will bo paid. .1 A. TOWNES. >.-> ' ... IT. P. POOL. ; , , . W. A. tOWNKP. Greenville, Fobmary 2, 1860. 80 tf 1 Of'ATKn Oorner of Baltimore and Uharlns Streets, HALT1MORK, MD. friIIE Largest, Moat Elegantly Furnished, _L and Popular Commercial College in the United States. Designed expressly for Young Men desiring to ohtuln a TAoroupA Practical fluiimtt Education in the least possible time ana attue leant expense. A Large and Beaotiflilly Ornamented Circular, containing upwards of Mix fyuurr I'cet, with apaohuaoa ef Penmanship, and a Large Engraving, (tho lineal of the kind aver made in this country,) representing the Interior View ?>f the Ofrtlege, with Catalogue stating forms, Ac., will be sent %6 erery Young Man on ap-l plication, /r? of chary*. Write immediately and yotr will reeaire the package by return mail. Address, E. K. 1,OSIER, March 1 4,Vly Baltimore, Md. THE; wbRLj^oi TDONK : TilE MEDICINE CALLED " Inflanmnlory l?xtirpator," WHICH #as(?eld during(!eart in i this place, is new on sale, by J. W. uHADr, of OreonrUlc. It cannot now be longer doubted but this Medieiaeta the raost efficacious remedy erer.ln this place, for Kidney Diseases, Piles, oouraigia, i.iing 1IINHN, Dyspepsia & llbcumAlien. Nnmrrous MKI of l|io above disease* have boon cured thin prcaent week. Ifeiul ' arbe, Tootha<Jic, Kurache, Sprains, and alt Bowel Affections, disappear hororo it as if by the toitoji of magic. Try it, and keep it in your families, for sicknof* comes when you least expert it. j ? < J. \V. ORADY, Agent for Greenville, jj. C-; Dr. K. HI LL, Wholesale Ag't at Ollunbia; also by alt Wholesale Draggisi* in Ohaslexten, 6. 0. G. W. UAVI8, Pfoforietor, Box 4429, New York Post Office. tor 3 . 20 f it I HOWARD Ag^ujlbN, ' PHI LADiU.PiUA, A Benevolent InstMutioncstabiished by special Kndowusent, for the Relief of the 8|ek and Distressed, afflicted with Vtruleat and Kptdemio Diseases, and especially for tho Curs of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MHDIOAL Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with e description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of Hfe, Ac.,) and iu cases of extreme poverty, Medicine# furnished free of hargs. Valuable Reports <m Spermatorrhea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the Now Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent (o the afflicted in sealed letter envelope*, free of oharge. Two or throe Stamps for Postage trill he aeeeptabfe. ,* Address, DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, sting Snrgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 Booth Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors.: fe/RA D. IIEAHTWKLL, President, Gao. PAinontLD, Secretary. v Feb t 40 1y .ie*Ms st >********* wwwe OSMS aw Os >i ? enim. The Assembly House, '.thrfl Soulm Wssv or twp Pop* Optics, Phtla Stmt, - . , * Colombia, 8.0. ^pHiH wtll ktc^l lftobliikm?nt imi b#en X <h*N?tt>tr rtf-*t*4 Ud tap#o*?d, Mid to now permancnttv dp mod far tM Monno. dntion of Um Fill. Iror7 attention will bo tiom to onppfr (top Varti a.4 opwfori of P?. MX. / r Mm MtowlU, ?. T MAtoOIf, hopte. 91 ?1 iKf . CAST STKt : PL ANTATI0NH9E8 MiU^UFACrfUWaDr^pr??lj :. focjBA and to-paUehi*,*ur niched by ourselves. They ar< made, blade and' shank, ont of oh4 piece of the very beet quality .jum tetpper Of Cast Steel, tndlmvc strength of blade arid length of handle to suit our Sonthertr farming Tho success of this article hm brought various IMlTATXON&in to the lharltetf but the Genuine Ca?t t eel Bee IS BOliD ONLY BY . J, B. SHERMAN, Agent. GARDENING TOOLS. SPAPESy-JfOES, * * w * HAKES, TROWELS, : : PR UNING SHEARS, : Sum Reels, * * and everything else^. fhis line on hand and to arrive soon/ * J, B. SHERMAN, Agent. sraiiM&s. - We are mannfitotnring Elliott'i Celebrated Spring fted? They arc all that can he desired. (lAmfi** able,. cheap and durable. Oal! and see them. &HERMAN, Agent. A large lot of those Jfii-at-Tati Iron-Wheel Wheelbarrow*, completed. *> v J. 13. SHERMAN, Agent. ^ TH? ORIENTAL' g COFFEE-POT M?q Wo are manufacturing, ftn der authority from the ira atentees, THE ORIENTAL. |H GOFFBB-POT r?a? which beats the Old Demin ion, and all other styles rr-! " el ear out of sight," while i is sold at but little more that 5= , the common coffee-pot. ?3 [ If vbn love GOOD CJOF 525 j FEE,"try an QriontaU J. B. SHERMAN, Agcot. PICTURE FRAMES. We iarc prepared to put up al Kinus ana styics 01 Gilt and Rosewood Picture Frames, as cheaply as the; I can be 'purchased tn CharleetdA- ' J. B. SHERMAN; Agent. wiwmwsL We are constant!, receiving additions t Stock, end bav jnst effected arrangements wit an extensivo Manufactory, whic will enable ns to offer it at muc lower prices than ever. We intend to koep as good a assortment as thetnarket demand and to sell it lower thnu it can b procured from either* Charleston c Columbia. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. ALARM CLOCKS, warranted to keep good time, am to wake yon nj> at any timo of*tb night or morning that you wish' Price, $1.75. J. B. SHERMAN, Agents n an jraperiiiff. | A HANTWOMK AS^HCTMENT OFC WALL rArmura, BORDERING,. > ELBE SCREENS, WIN DO W SHADES\ &< just received and for sale by J. B. SHERMAN, Agont. " (STEREOSCOPE : And Stereoseopio Views. A. good assortment, of Starec copes, some as low as $1.50, and very large and unusually choices* lection of Views just received. KEROSENE LAMPS. "We have just opened a new lc with an IlnprdVfd BUrncr, the best wo havo ever had. Housekeeping Goods. Everything in the Honsekeepihj lino, .from' a $100 Cooking Stoy to a five cent Tin Cap, b fonnd at the JSto^a.of J. B OTTTCttM*??, ? ***h a * n a i 11 1 : a A-sri-sasf'sfitL flj ** "" "' - JflE B rw *' 1 ' tri . At - m cwwi*J? W s ST* ?w*?dy m CkMote^ i m. OoW?, Cough*; Ac. \. ? & ^ *\ B " " * . < ' 5 5 ?d<2*8W>* iH^uii * , <4 or ifijnfe Wm ?oonttentfon Jo mj W?y. ^ a" TJ}* Cor. " b entirely VegnUbb. ft>f*nufiietnr?d ?i?d tor m1? by tj ? OSI J.PvlEyCBAOO, llpmmm * a ja |PI^ ? For mI. fa Qr?envi)U by . ?I * ^. And by ?ll r6*p*tt?bb Drnggisb ^ " ; throughout th? 8Ut?. ? teb 9 T :V 40 - . ', tf ' > wio i??tO pnv ?wq440M|!) )' X'y.^lOJWXl Negroes,, , '10,000 Negroes ? Saved Yearly. Saved Yearly. 1 Planters Take Notice, v Planters Take Notice, Jacob's Cordial } Jacob's Cordial 1 Is The Only Sufjje Is The Only Siue .And Positive Remedy - And Positive Remedy ' Before The People Before The People In Oysentery, , ^ In I)ysentery, liiajraoea, l; ^Diarrhoea, ^ ^ And,Flux, b r ; AM Flux, v It Kfever Fails. * It Never- FailsPackages of Half Doz. i Packages ot Half Doz. Put tip Expressly i Put up Expressly For Plantatiojls. " Fbr'Plautations. * $1 per Bottle. $1 per Bottle. ^ For SaU t* OrttnviUt by 0 ^t?g22!6-ly GRADY. J <:HEROKEK REMEDY^ iX miiUKo ctiRK roll ?<fi)^r?mais?i A AMD AIL DIIIAKf Of, Tilt URINARY ORG A MS. rpHIS Reipedv oures when All other prepare i JL lions fail. It is entirely unlike every " other compound; containing no mineral pei$ ^son or nauseous dn(g ; as it is prepared solely ; Crete Roots, Barks ?nd Iwaves, and baa been r* bandgd dawn, from one generation te another, 0 by the Cbarokoe Indians. It is offered to tba rl pobikf on .Its own intrinsic merit*. It performs * _ its doty auUkiy and thoroughly!- The tmfortunate, or either sen, will be repaid by using i. this Ryoaedy, instead ef niacin* them selves at tha mercy of souje Qnaek or Professor. This Remedy strikes at the very Hoot of tha disease; Ki tendenoy Is not she ply to suspend the poison, but to renfova the cause on whjoh it deponds. 1 Fnll directions in pninpblat form, accompany oaeh bottle. The speedy and permanent relief v afforded bp this Remedy, in all eases of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Grata),-Striatal1*? B?or Albas, (Whites in ^emntea,) and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, hM astonished tha most scientific men of the' age. This Remedy not only eradicates all poison from the system, bat invigorate* the most dalieut* constitution. it does not affhet the breath or Interfere with any class of business, or fequlre Any deviation from the usual diet. > \ It requires n? acelstaaee from any other medicine; a ... ^ - t Ant >.?? ?I--- <- ?> ? - \ ?#bm at ?u bmhmii lotto, being n pUutat and drlloioiu ^ _ . #* Prioto $2 per Motile, or three Bottle* Tor $6. POTTMt ? MKRWIN, 0tk PiipiWtii, 8i Lonto, Mo. Greenville by f inker * Hot. mh; V? Bobmm>k A Orbnoi, CharU?tot>, WbetennU'AgeBte, dint ail re*|x>ntibto 4m)?i in Medicine. in the Booth. 4?-ly Ay IS - V**?" "' * ]KILLINEBYi - *' a JiSDm. IP^MSHO A W5>ntl?xps!f . * HAVE returned from Now >4?IhL York with a Urge and eompbb MQ^H Miortant of kwditM Good*, IgpRB which they Wl! I ftDCM - hivh USV Om WfDIUDiT, TBB ilia war. * to wbJrh thoy in rite th? '* 1/7 Ml?ltam of Us U4i?i of Onn< v>lU iad virinifcv Amonff tbeir ?toc> any be found Um 01?tiM*. Adelnjdn ud Dove-CapHUN} ft TwIiW ot Stakes' Fsncy H*U; ; iuirHaiti aa# K &t . = * . , ., ? HANMOhtt V>EWE>HV VhmtIU*, 8. C., 1IM. IHf fe^'iTi- ? ' , ?J