University of South Carolina Libraries
i miimiiu ii 11; GmlfllOOl, OR^VlLLfi, Hi G. . ^ THIB SCHOOL fHIl fcotaihane? Ita &KCOND SESSION on ?h? HBflR WxtMath J^ly *Mt . thick fata altendcd - Ea IVfa Bcnlun?<b? nombar ?f PtafalTbelbg krght^ fivcWprohiVta lbTrtt?tab* to bringing thtR BCHutJl Uot? particularly t? tfeftoauaa t>f the public.. Tha SCHOOL will oontinne nndtr the tbb rfllW. J. SfWILLUANKS, 4n PribMpd, who will WwUM by Hiu M?uKN M. KOSTHR, in the female Department, Ml by Hiu CA8ILPA blLLKNSTFJlN, reo?Uy of Richmond, Va^ in the M?le Department. Hr*. A. T. WfLLBAif KS- will <<eutiiiue e? IneWtreeala Kuik. . ^ RATES'(MP TWTKHt. PER QUARTER, C?-TKN WEEKS. ?I Prinutry Department,!) $ 4 00 The above, with KpgUAl^ Grammar, UUtvry, *rr*t Artthi* metVe, t 00 The Higher Branches of KngUab, in- . lading.Leila end U feet,......... 10 00 MmI?, with Uao of Instrument,..,,.. 10 60 Modern Languages, eanh,6 00 Incidental Expense#,...., ?5 lloard end be obtained in the vicinity of the FCnOOL. for Pdpits; at *12 per Month, Including Vf ashing, Vuel and Lights. AN ADDRESS^ I Will )m del ire red in the r?Mh? *mn? ' I the Gai*la?? HcnoOi., on AfonAny turning, Jul, Ifitf. by Rare. t.U. ARTIUJH, ?f Ureanrrllle. The public are reepoctfnliy invited Jo altand. -I" -J ' It EPWjlf yARE/- Chairtnrtn, >V. K. E>8L?Yr BKNJ. GA88, ? . ? ' i A. McBKK, - . . | T.C.OOW**, ^ ' ' ' * WBTtttrOOW) 8MITH, J '? 3. V. KfciARNf . . H V. ?>. TB?^, SfcerfeUry, Jane Si 2. 8 \ tf EXECT^iwSAWE. WlLT. be sot*. AM .S\tt*<ln,, I f|e IbrA o/ JWy ee-ct^ at the .iatoteaidunc* of AWIfcAM <"0\, lib I Iflna% deceased, all ttje rtrtonol VVoj>cfy Mongbtg to Mid doaeased, VUv* One l?e* Bog# One H<ysb Ss -v .. Six Heed o/CafUte V> - . * 1 Twenty HwtiefCjtfiyi. One LttCeie, foliUr, who^t, YChealA/aw, Oat*. Kjostrnw , Five Hod Meeds, Beds ao<4 Bedding ' ^ One TAl b'lio| , One Let Beeoe . , . I OotWsjfTO ?K ' ' SHaatatNM.XqoU, ' * . Householdeutd Kltebeo Fnnutntd The^jresent urtwiiiRiTon of Corn end Cotton. TERMS.1?A credit until the la^.tAwen). Iter next, for ail, niau St Dve dollars and orrr this amount, and *11' miate/under Ire dollars the raah will be required ; the notes t<> bear iatcreat from date, with ep|>rovo<l security. '. / jlX HOKE, "Executor. June 28 8 -J T 11AVF. placed tbe fcotesuKie the Estate of I 'HENRY B. PR*VClS;dccefcsed, and the KMate of JASl'tUi L PlUNtK, doeeosed. in j|bo hands of MuJ. 8. D. (loodlptt, any Attorney, -for tcolleotipn. All those indebted are hereby fairly indited* to ootno f..r*rerd and inakv payiusut. W. F. I'RlNC'E, Faur." Jane 21 r $ HAIR BRAIDING T Of Every Stylo and Pattern. MRS. M. I-. OIJBON "|? KSFKOTPUtXY Mbniiy the l**lh* and Ibj of tireenvtBc.that sin ban re turned, and eau bo fotrad Watted iafety be^on.l the Old Baptist Cbtfrcb, ?t tiineanie Ubywt she formerly vr'boro abe ia prepared to tirrute brdcr* for nor neat and nafqac dyk *f iuasia of ercty description and pnttern, , 001? XOUXTIKOI or all lcind^ always on hand. June 21- V ; 7 \ tf Distress Sale. Witt bo aoM ai the r*a\d*ne? of X*. K. POWERS, Cork-of tbe Anderamt and Pendleton Road', o*> Tifk- riuat MyxoaY ia July mixt, at 12 oWlock,. M., A Lot Of Household ftpd Kltehen . . frurhftttto. ** Tarai Caah. %. M AUXIN, fialtlT. Juno 21 7 2 " NOTICE! T8 HKKKBY given that*11 peHohtt baring X domanda agHiucttbe R?l*le?of Wlt.t.I AM JACOBS, Sr., daeeaacdt are requested lo pre eat Uielr demands log*!Jya?*theiilto*tu.l; end all persons owing the EiUU, aru reoueatcd to com# forward and kettle fry Return l)*y next, as I am determined, to hw on mH No tea and Account#, If not settled by He torn tHyr. EDIVAPIMJ. JACOBS, Exseutor. Jatm 2! - _ ft FOURTH OF JlflTVk " THE EIGHTY-FOURTH ANXIVERfiAKY ef American Independence will', be celobrated on H'Wwx/aj. (Jte fourth of Jx'j) Mert, at MILES aoifTilEKN S, soVou Riles north-cast of QroenvUl* C< 4L the Anniversary AddrcsS will be delivered by Maj. S, L. (?0Ol>LKTT. " The Candidates for the Senate and lions# of Representatives, and the public generally, are respectfully Invited to attend. A DINNER will be Ausisbeii to nil who d< taOt . t ' SILSSN ttAwkurk# W, T. 8H0CKLBY, J-ETBR tWH'TilRR*, ALFllKP TAYLOR* Committee of Arra*9*menlA #WR U I , ?. The State ef Sotith Carolina! &ir?ftIFf*f< ?albi. T)T virtue of sundry Writ* o# Fieri Varies, X) to ft directed, f trill sell,, MM toe Court llouso.door, at toe nettal hum of arte, Or tte First Monday in Joljr Mkt, All of Oliver Rossis Interest in 12 Acres of Lsmdf atoo S Kttver WrtihsS) and on Tuesday after Bales-day, 1 fifty gaJto* Still at L H. Jtkewdea'sf a* the property of Oliver Woes, per arlndata wndiisi, at the suit of J..*.JSowdcn. MS Ayme ef Land* more or leas, lying in tmwawJH# AJoinlw* ImxIk Of * K. Rio?*, t. BUMIw, at il^ m tha p*?pertjr of IVmbm Cwt, At tin fait of JL B. DunAa, Ai 1M AerM of hmA, mow *r lyrt, ljf** ?* OrMMrlSte ftUUfet, joining land* bf B. K. TKBM1VASR.,*utAi%* r V? w *4 tftfc. f.Y MrDAinKL. *?.?. XUrif, Of**, Mam Utk, MM, Stale of Sotith * :.,7?itia 6R??y?j^ districtBy R, MtHatf, S*g. Qgdimary of mid Dittrl&t \lTHgRSA8. WiLLLAM IT THOMA*. T $M , CtOHuiiMwiff M Equity fcr OrMnniDb IXff riot. b?* BUd A Petition 1? ipt ?/*iri %n uroiawrr rmt mi hi ujii noi, ?T* - Wdu^>. a lb* - - * ' ' v 1 n 'i1'! '.XT" 1 i i i ,l if/. -- -vf -MR ?eme 3? ..... . r.. ^.... j. A CHAJTCB FOB KTKST OB*. PREMIttMsT^ PREMHJMS!! _ __ 0 MAKE U? YOTJA CLUBS FOR I tie anati mania \ "E*or ivKirr eLtJu of n*w subscIu- BURS we IreceiVe between this turd the flret day of Decetnber fioxt, We Will award either Of tha Artiolea mentioned u k 1'reenlom there- 1 with : prorided the Kbney (One Dollar for ? Mh Ihbacrlbar) wcotapthlM the Jdat, ' whioi, ui e??j jr Isiti^cs, srilt L-s re<j??rra. ' I * tleed the i, iet below, and acq if thcro ia poll ai| Article appended to aomo one of tho L'luba worth workthg fcri * ' * FOR A ClUt O-F'.F IVI. * t (pmjuuh wo am $ LOO.) 1 . A Lady's Breast-Pip, a small Me<laUion> a . Collar itutton, Dr allcttVa llrerist-lMn. . . FOR A C10B OF, TKNi I (racxu'M waaifn $2.10.) ? mim ??r iirtuut. n Finarcr Riur. ftBrcaet- | , Pitff ft tM4 Chies oi ft Hold Pan. i ' F OR A fcUJi OMlftCIN.'. i (pftOIIUM WORTH |4S6.) . . A rtold Bo* Plift ft AoUl Watch Key, or ? Beit ftf ellhot OoW <H Silver Sleeve Button*. for a club of twenty. j (mtr.uiuu Worth $4.25.) < 1 A sett Gold Cuff Button*,? sett (lo|d Btiidtl . Button*, ft GcddWote-h llook, ? Thimble, u I.ft tly'i Goi{ Bolt Buckle, or it tlent'i Gold Fob Buckle. for a club of twenty-five. > (Mtkfcib* wdkni $5.50.) A (kild Ltrdkllkiti. ? UcVolVinp lies Pin. * Gold Fnnit Pin. ft tlolU Belt Buckle, ft pnir Gold Framed Ppoctnelvft, ft pair Silver t"T?tvd Candlesticks, or t Sclt f?ilVer Plated Verk*. , I for a clu8 of t kirty. j (I'RKMIVM WORTH $5,75.) A fine Silver Plated Cup, a pair Silvcf Butter Knives* ot *p4ir Silver Plated Csudlcidieks. fok a cluo of thirty-eight. j (Mthtiltm worth $$.75.) A I^uly'it Gold Breftst-Pin, it Florentine or | ( mot'ii1 i-in ee? in unui, a sett Jio* Ear Drops, for likmicks, * Kilter FJafed Castor. FOR A CLUB OF FIFTY. . (IMOMIIU VollllI ^l2;00.) A Silver Plated Caki> Bosket. a Hold Necklace, a (Jold MedalKon. a Lady's U.dd BraceVcl, a Lady'* (large slxo) Gold licit Buckle, a 1 oil Silver 1 il<>*: Silver Plated ' Ports, or a pair Gold Prattled f?|>oc(aclc?. .FOR A. CLUB OF SEVENTV^FIVE. . (PRnmiy WOKTII $18.50.) A Silver Plated Cake Banket; n Silket Plated Castor, a Jet dctt Kur Drops and Pin tipped With Gold, uSilver Cup, a Silver Jlunting Case Watch, k Gold Vest Chain, or a HUM Necklaoe. FOR A. CLUB OF CNF HUNDRED. . tt-r.KMiVM WORTH S28.00.) ^ good Silver Hunting Cased Detached Lever Watelti a Silver Plated lee Pitcher, (uew article, natetitcd this pear,) a del sett Breastpin and Saf-Drbpe, act in Gold, or a Uold ^Trum the above It Vritl be Scon tiint we offer fair per cent. Air the (im? employed In unr behalf. As regards the l'rrmlhtut, we Wotild say that tbey will lie furnished froin the estkbliahmrnt of a responsible Jeweler In Greenrillo-vMr. T. W.Davis?which is a sufficient guarantee of the genuineness of the different articles. The getter up of a Clult Clin take choice of any Article mentioned with the Club. We are in earnest when we say we Will cheerfully award a Premium to eVe^ one entitled to ifr1? do matter bow large the number. , yr*r- Send along year Clubs, McJUNKIN * BAILEY, Proprietors. U rceii r i He, oY. f*? Jut is 4, 1 KfiO. Stale of South Carolina. (:ki:i'..\ \ lU.K DlSVTlllCTi IN KCtriTV. William M. Thomas, Administrator of t.uranrf fivleop. deceased, vn, Miltox, et u.v., et ril,-*-P*titioH to Sell /.am/, IS obedience to ttu order of iho Cottrt of fwquitv'in this cn$e,..| will sell to tlie higheet N nibr at Greenville Court House, ] On ial?-<lay*4n July ttftxt* Ail that PAftOKL of LAND, situate on both sides of tlie Buncombe road; tin wi|ter? of Enoree river, continuing Kortyofie and Tliree-fourtb* Aetvs, on which Lu.ratiey Nelson, alius Lurancy L:in<r.?tuti, formerly lived. TKKMS.?A Credit of one Jreni, With approved security, altd interest from date, except ho ifiuch as will He necessary to pay cost, which nitift be paid in cash. V Ji. Ml TUUMAS. o. ?L G. D. May l?,Jt8tMt It ' td The Male ?f ttonlh Carolina. GliEKNVtf.t.R DlHTRICTi In Ordinary. SALIC OP REAL ESTATE. BY VlttrtE of all Order from the .Court of Ordinary, fbf Oreenriflc Djrtfllt, I will e spore for Sale, at public outcry, to the highest hidiUr, before the Court llouse floor of said Ittstrlcl, on the Fist Monday of July Belt, All that Mega, PaaCeli and Tract of 1,AND, situated in (1 fee ft t file District^ on Waters of Knuvee River, adjoining laadl of benjamin Bulling, Jansos Johnsoh and Others, and eon taming One H*t>drcd and Thirty Acres, more or less;..sold as the property of ClahIxoa liflvcK,' deceased, for Partition among tho IIm? ..f .?'.a r TEJIMS Oh* SALE: A credit of twelve months, with interest (Vow lUf#! wnle, for all, xecpt so mwch nt will pev lb* onsix, which wtlU* required ib Conk. Purchaser to give bond ftlth g?<Kl security, andartoftgage of the pHmiicn, if dtfjntM neressmrf, to die Ordinary. to K?ur? the payment of the purchase money. Purchaser to pay for tit lex. J. T. McDAN IKL, e. ft. ft; Oreonvillle, 8. Cm ttkcri/Ti O/fice, June 4tk, l806i -# 4 ? .* ' *? - ' ' -?' ? 2 The State of Seuth Carolina, QKKttNVIIjf.K DISTRICT. rrtlfB hnxirtrss Af (1i? Trtin not heiftrdisI |#>xcd of, It I* Ordered, That aft Extra Term of the Cojrrt of Doanoff Vleo* ho hold : at Greonville'Court Ilouxe, for Greenville I)ix- j trtet, an Tunijtiir, the seventeenth day of Jnly negt, to bo continued the remaining day* of; that weel/ and the entire Rook Meeecdlug, if, neceeaarf. It it Orilored, That .farof* he dfa#n at the i present Toon, ta serve at the Kitr* Tern, an.i that reals** Ixwae to e$mpa| thrlf alf ? 1t,n^ in manner abd forne prescribed Try a pane I of forty eight paraep* to mmr. ,ke ar*t *? 'Uy^ MdIilko paftol to se;y? tbeJ?dJg forther OH.ftted, That the Clerk give lP*<T,T W ?oe newspapers of the District of the said Extra Courts by a ^,(0n of least one month preceding ' ^ term. J. N. WH1TNER. March ? 1st, YMO. A true eibset foss the lilrfdUt o/.lhe Court. JT. A. Mi DANIEL, C. C. P. Maylfl 1 D> State of Noiilli Carolina. " tf&EKNVll.I.K DISTRICT, Im Bqnltjr. Wftiuv M, TaoMfts, Administrator of Lura?ey Nelson, dee'd, vs. Miltox IItxt, et ??., Stab orators of Tjnmnry Tfelaotvalls* TftJJl< nan [.tnfltclii m *oliM to lie their cMm wttn lie w iHi In thf* to out IS ?r from (kit dMn. WW. M. THOMAS,?. ?, U, 0. , #??? . > $m irOfTICK. " Tkjnr Wife, /ANIT F08TKB, fevfef Urt?j J*I %M ? ?? , Hvto to lo notify ?ll persona tW I thsU psjr us ttobu of Itor omsmiIi^ , _ *Kfci*U *,?OSXE*. jfcatil- , ' ;T ;,7 ? L 7* V Li A - * */ / " " r 1 Bgfe" so tr * ?3 imn aa,.'?..} |J? -.1 " A, |1.B> I f ''*.? THE rili6H T) Not Yet Dissolved, D A Nl) the trodetataned gibes It m W# opinion ^ /\. tllet before, lis ipeedy dissolution it V wcnud be well fbr tKo (topple to UV ill supplies J ? do them until .they thill be *M? to J tcUft for themselves the fdlUiwlDf Article*, 1 ehich hnvejuat l>een.puri-haSed North- f try oitiys at very. lev. price*, and Which cjui bh ' VEHY LOW FOR CASH I 01 Fine Qold feogllMi Lever-WATCIISS, of tbe >Mt brands ; ahen fine Uold Swiss Mid Algerian Levers, which enhbtit he doubted as tocorcot time-keeping; end iiho a lino lot of Uold ,'iisiui of various-patterns.; and a Sue lot of . JKWELHV. Hreod Fln?i Mar > Drops, Fingjer - Rings. EVntoh Keys. UnhWs. Silver and (iltiii Tblmiles, Steel Chains. silVer anvt gold tVaincd hicctaele*. a fine lot of fltutld* artil RleeVo flit tons. Medntlortl ami llhicclet*, SitVc) and Mated Ware, Wpoons, knives. Forks, Castdrs, "nko Ilaskcts, Candlesticks, and the patent Ice I'ltcbor, Which Is Warranted to keep lea fres* 8 o 12 hours in the hottest weather. Tlie Silver ? ure ik naimnit'q I<> l>e ill Hie Vary beet qual- Oil !r, and warranted to be uk iiuro as tlic silver \\ oiu ; alid the l'latcd is of lite finest I bat it ?, narte*-. *'' You can examine Without coft, ami ran 0j ?ny at a very sinAU cost. An early ins|iection t if the above Articles will Hd yov uo barm. *J All kinds of REPAlRtNt* dotth at short no- DO iCci hinl all kinds of HA ill VftfRK. done antl y0 nountcd in fine liokh ? Old tl.dd and BilVer taken in exchanire ftlt ioods, Ac. Ii "W. DAVI81 1 June 4 6 It* I WILL SKlil. to the high- ' ... est bidder, on /Vn'oy. the bih * " MWSfl rf'iy of July ftr-rt the following ' raa^^^f Proncrty of the Estate <>r MSCaaSai.lAMES NOl.SX, deiaswd, at he plantation trlicreon StUd dccetlScti diet!. niles north-east of UtvcuVillo (J. II., couaint- I f>r UK of Iq, HOUSEHOLD EtTRXITURE, lied*, lledtlltig, 'Carpet* LJuroaU-s SidehOhtda. Tables^ Cbuirs, and Par* lor Ornaments Cooking I'tonsils,-CrocVefjr of all kiuds Farming Toots Cuttle, rings, Horse* Akip'v i Sulkc)', 1 T*u-h?rrt W'mnn Wheal, Corns and many other article* too tedious to mention. ' < TEHMC,?All .sunns of nml under $.1.'rath ; HI ill over 85, a credit of stx mouth* will bo,giv- , en on uotc wilh two good securities with interest froW drtv of (sale. B. D. GOODLfeTT, Executor. JnrB 11 8 |H SPRING GOODS FOR IN GO* I AM receiving a t.argc Stock of COOKS, ehitftble ftir J| spring ^kmmer Trade, 1 . U, WUL,,11 I which will b? fold at IVry 1' JnBldli ''vlc Au Inspection V cf (in Mock ia invited. t April 9 48-U JOHN Vf? CltAKYs ? - . .?= h Fancy and Staple (I DRY GOODS. 1 Jl'ST received, a fit 11 line ?>f Gonna. ! |. for ladies and gentlemen, embracing all grades, from a very cMninon to the heat Fabrics kept in this market, kjnoise which ie many _ of the novelties of the day; Also, a ghod line 1 of White (foods, Kmbr slderiee, Lace Goods. Ac.; Handkerchiefs, Hosiery. Ac; Dlciebed (| ami Ilrown Shirtings and Sheeting*, Drillings, Tickings. Ac. Lor ealtt tvjr Al.rtl 9 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY " ?- t< Hardware, Cutlery, Ac. CEW A OfcNF.RAT. assortment of Tdhld *^pTw:tnd Docket CUTLERY, together With yy all descriptions of Bhelf HAimWAllE Usually kept in this market. Also, A Acs, Oralis / and Grass Brytlwss, Bneaths, Cradles, and y lleophooks. Bpade* and Bhorcls, Hoping, Trace Chain*, Nails, At? Ju?t received and for sale by J011N W. Q11ADY. r, April 5 48 If J Ucnd)'fMa(le ClodiinK. "r AFI'LL Assortment of SUM M KK CLOTHING, Coat*, Vests, I'antS, Bliirts, anil Under Garments, Cottars, Cravats, Stocks nud Ties. Just received and for sale by April 5 48-tf JOHN W. GltADY. I BONNETS. * A Flil.I. l.ine of Triiuuied nnd l'?- 1 /"^j^triinmod ilOSX KTS and FLATS, Ku3K3U* ehos, Klowcrf, Wrcntlis, Ribbons, Ac. Just received and fur aa(e hv S April i 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. ^ tliLTJS. c AVERY large stuck of Dress, f<oft and Summer II ATS, for Men aud Roys. " Just received and fur sale bv April 6 48 tf JOHN tY. GRADt, CAfcPfcTS, MAWlNflB, f Oil Clothfi, &c. SOME handsonio (Carpets, Matting*. Oii ^ t'lutliSj Uug*. Attokians, Ac. J bet re- ^ ccivcii and for sale lijr .. April i - 48-tf JOHN fr. GRAdY; PAPER. 2/r/"\fA PI BCKS new and liau<l?nrfte frfjft- f eAV/vr tcrnt of Wall Paper, Bordering, /? Window Shade*. Fire-place Screens, Ac. Joid bj received aud for ?alo by April S 48-tf JOItN' tV. GRADY. wooden ware. CKt>AR, tarnish pointed Bucket*. ttcfl Buckets, Tubsirnd Heelefff, Corn Brooms, J Ac. J nst received Imd for sale by Kl Aidil * 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. p la J)ftllOS a: DYE-STUFFS, f" W1NDOW OLASB, Putty. I*aint?,ffirt, \V Ac. Jast fcecited and fur vale by S z% john Vr. gra?y. April J 48 "If 1,1 ci whiting papeii, u w.ank books, ac* jKTTKll and Can Paper, Blank ami Mem- ? J orandw^a Bonks, .Speflliiff Book*. Ink*, ^ Gold and r;te?l Pen*, Bonnet Board*, Ac: Justro'.wirod and for *al? by',; ... April 5 48-tf JQHN it. GRADY;. r] BOOTS AND StlOES. * A WELL assorted Bfocb of L?dlCs', and Chttd'a Boots, Gaiter*. Buckskin aid 811})poW,' heeled and iinhrelcd. I Mcn'k, Boy's, and Yoath's Boots and Plioe* of eVcry variety.. Just received and for salo . by JOHN W GRADY. ( April J 48 it * groceries. | JAVA ana mountei, i/w, i/ru?uand Brown Sugars, No. J atwf HlWrit India Uolamva, Tea*, Candle*, Candle*, Mackerel, Ac. Tot aaie by April 5 48-tf Jf)HN W. URABT. Crockery and CIumwum. AfVLT, assortment ot Cljina, Granite and Common Ware, (Jlaasware, Ac. duet received and for tain be -I A,.ril s _ 48-tf JOHN W. <*RADY. l?ai?d Flgt, g?gar, tflce, Luri. JJ BEST dried Fin, ohly 40 cent* per Be* P| Beat dried Figs, only 40 cent* per Box Bert gruahed Sugar, 7 ft* per $1.00 Beet CI a rifled Sugar. 8 (He per 91.00 n Beat Browfl Segar, 9 A It ft* perfl.00 n Beet Large Grain llioe, 15 ft* per $1.?0 a Met Adamantine CaaidWe,'30 e. per ft '' Extra Leaf Lard, Extra Lea/ Lead h Beet Btoftda Porter' and AW, 93.75 per 9 dvwu. Ail for sale k* BKYCB SMfTN. ? Oppoeite T. B. Roberte' Mew flora. ? Juoe 7- $ t M : I*B JBJ IttANKFtfL for tfie kio<t B9p?irdhftff? of their Wend# for tb? WTW j>Mt rrtr, Would rcepeoKalW eollcU K"9 ibt tUhe for the present. feftoM Wlabiitg to buy 3ENUINE ARTICLED, old ?fo woll to ooll oiaji CketoiiM Our Stock of ^klibtcttfkQ) 1 Paints otiA VA#Nt&HK9, DYK-STUfFS, */ v , PuftTtritkftY, jt it us tit's, FA NG'X A hTICLhS, uV, ONF, DOOR DKLOW HARRISON & LONG'S SHOE 8T0RE? IF YOUlVANT F'irto Shaving Soaps, Washing nps, CJlycerinO Soap* ^ihkii iadbuc Soup, Colgate's Jx>fcp, Cncli Soups,, Opodeld->c Sa&p, istlle Sottp, Thompeotvs Soup, ibiti*s Soap, or ahy other kind of >ap, or a liox of Putfts-lij to innke ur own Soap, yog will find it At . LO^fG & ntJitNHAM s l?ULrG STOKE. IF Y0U~iVA-NT ic COLOGNES. Fin* TOILET *ATEttS, Li? 6r OUiiVEXTKAcTS AND BSSKfcCES, llnlr POMAlHSS, Hair OH.S, Ilnif liiltosiiK*. any preparation fur impruTing the Ilatr, uth ur Hkin, call ant> i.ook at long a ntiitnrna.irs assortment. IF YOtflVANT TO BOY IV IUtFBt ia7u?n;r rfffBT* ii nuui Human iflUHH. Vou cm get it. nt the milker'* prioe, frotn LONU ft BL'RMIAM. IF YOUlvANT A GOOD ARTICLE OK Bread Soda, Cream Tartar, arch, Indigo, Madder* Saffron, j oraxj Whiting, Glue, Sulphur,1 lain, Copperas, Linseed Oil, Hutc Lead, Traiti Oil, Llurip Oil, wect Oil, Spta. TUrpentluo, Alctv ol, Seidlitz Powdci's, Yeast Powers, Large Window Glass, Putty, Lotteii Stone, J lath Bricks, OK ANYTHING Kl^E raally kept inn DRl'ti PTORH; you can buy at a FAIR PRICE I'rotn our ErtabtirlituonU We call particular Attention To all Preparation* made hi. We mak< Jem of mi Uniform strength, and front the PUftfcHT MATEHIAlJK. Country Physician* will find it to their advan tj;e to call ami examine our Stock anil Price* LONG ?fc BURN 11 AM, Oxr. Door Aaotrk C. M?:itRiric's Stork. June 14 39 tf jrltO C E K I U S ! pilftRK wishing to purchase GROCtitltKS L cliesp for CASH, will please cail on tlir ulcrsigncd, who ha* jutt returned ftifli one the largest *U?b;s ewer offered iu the luurket. THOMAS 8TF.KX, Wholesale aud Retail Grocer, Ale Bee'a llall. i"v titins ?r rill., ....1 v.u,:. u dad ; lo lllilx. JCcw Orleans olasscsj Thfuc cannot l>o rnrpMetl in quale. Selected and for rain l>v THOMAS ST?ES. ? lllinS. Choice New Orleans, Culm and 5 >1 uscotado Sugars. Selected and for ."ale r THOMAS STEEN. )/\ BBf.S. Refined A. B. and C.itnd Crush /U ed Sugar*, and 2 Bid*, sftpcrior Sugar axso Golden S/rup. For *ale hv THOMAS ST HEN. . * 5 BAGS Rio, .faro, Mocllo, f,cgo/ra and San (ye Coffee*. There hard b'fcen carolly selected, and are for xalo h/ THOMAS 8TF.EX. f ClIKSTS Tea?Hyson Skin. Young IIvsuny Imperial linnpoWdet; Super Oolong mlong and Soochongy The above Tea* carclly efcleOted and ftrt fltle !> THOMAS STERN. ) BAGS Ruck wheal?12$ fb<; (ff. 5fl cent* /tJ per Hag, from New York, ami for sale r TIIM.mas 8TKKN. l/\ DRIjME flUS, jn*l welted and for >VJ sale hy THOMAS STEKN. ^>IK FRUITS, Jollier, Pine ApfHe, Prnnc*. Fickle* in pints, qtiart* half yallfrti and tllon, English Fickle*, (Sorbins,- tfalnnt*, icealilla, Csrtoiia, WoreestShiro Salter, and a rge variety of English Sakey#, selecicd nnd realel.y THOMAS STEKN. 1 AI.M(fSi Oyster*, Spiced and freeh I.ol>^ atcr* and ('lams, FiokleA Salmon, very rie, Haddock and Codfish;erttu No. 1 Miok el In kits. Wooden Tfilte of ail dereripuft*, and Culler/. Pot skip by ' THOMAS STEKN. )(\ U I'.i.S Nsils superior quality, arsortod /U sixer, cUcirt f6f curb. For sale l>y THOMAS STEKN. rllK lafge?f and best assorted Stock ol China Glawwarc and Crockery of every I'Mcriptiou; tvr rak by TTlOXAs StEEN. "^lOR PBCTIONERY of eterv Variety. Poi aale by ' T HO WAS STEE$. WcRRASTS, Cilron and Raisins. ^or salt by THOMAS 8T&KN. BAKERS Rroma, Chocolate, and Cor on May W OT * U THtHHBH KOR ^ALE. r of n.r. Km>? ia store, and offer fitr rale, i [ small lot of the celebrated THiJ&tifc* FAYS. li?fi nr?M thirty or forty of tb?N #ntir, *to? hfj btn, in ?v?y ihitofirt, given complete itinfMtio*/ Alio; Three Mint ?dt Iwtwtif litkiiM, itiiiifVture.i by McMannen, of North Carol! a. Tbm Machine* have lai n premiums a lb (An Stole and County Fair* df Vertij Oarn na, and have ?upa*?eded all other paten ta, aim tuxired of theft being noe -tai we in th? Mia.' Being consigned by an administrator, thei rill (a tdld at a large discount from tb* Win facturar'k pried, ' 1. WILLIAMS. J*a b T- * tT_ r tii? a LOOKHGRE! * r *. ?.?o?u . " We bare J*8f BEOEIVfcD e.ftfc* Sleek ef mPMiAXDPANCT DRY GOODS, Whfcl.; fbr Qtttliijj i}f)8 (Sc fflfifc,) CAXNOT BE SURPASSED. o If j?? wish to ccuro tli?> greatest BA.IltJAINS we have evtr offcrril. UAIjIj Jii AKIj I. W? do not consider II MCMMrv t? enulnorntc Articles or Price*. n* eVery body known t lint wo keep Always a I. A Kill* AID SELECT STOCK 6T MS in our line, at as MODERATE I'll ICES aa tean bcaflnrdedt Therefore wc sdV,' (B0KI1E ?Nl? ! ?DEfll8 AM I And eieainlnc, and see if what wo say l>e so: 0 =? We have also for sale, A 6 OctaVc Iflolodcon, in perfect order : n 5 OCTAVE I'AlltF MAiiK ALEXANDRE PARLOR OR CHURCH OUtlAN, and two good second-bond PIANOS. W. H. HOVE*. April 5 ' ' 4S tf Drugs & Medicines T WOF T<T> inform my patrons, and the pnbUo .A generally, that I have recently laid iti a fresh supply of DRl'ttS. M I-'.IMCIN KS. and till other Articles usually kept in a l>rug. Store. Muring made my purchases in person, I havo a select stock of the beat qualities of Drills, tie., tiint could lie obtained in Market. 1 intend to SELLFOR f A SI and ns I bought uii ^ihh| icrin*, 1 nin cnaultd to mrll on such terms as canuot fail to please purchasers. 1 d&uhl invite PhyiTcian* of the country to rive me n call when they vitit td buy their Drugs. I will insure satisfaction, both in regard to prices and qualities of Drugs. 1 Lavs constantly on hand all the most approved PATENT MKDIClNKrs. A select Stock of DRUfiS & MEDTCINESi Castor Oil. by fht lloftlc or flallon. Sweet Oil; hi? the llottlc or tldllcil. ltcst Salad Oil. A select stock of the hest Snaps. Concentrated Lye, for making Soap. | A fine collection of Porfhtucric*. | Hair Hrushcs, Shaving Drurllcf., Tu*)th brushes, Ac. ? Shoulder Kfnecs ftrr Boys, tllrls, tltnts and Wliel Flavoring Extracts?fresh. Cooper and fox's Uvllatine. Starch. Dining, Ac. Window tilass and Pnlty. (One hundred Trusses?all sorts and site*. No. 1 articlo of Alcohol. Schnapps, ltcst London bolder, Drandies I Wines, tlin, Hum aud Whiakyjbf the best qual 1 I ilics, for Medicinal purposes, t A good .assortment of Dehtal Forceps; Lai ' ccts : every tarie.ty of Syringe : Ureas! Pi|?ci Nipple jiliicblf ; Nursery Dottles, Ac., Ac. A Low run Cash, at J. II. DEAN'S Drug Sroar. HT CALL AJfDSfcEFOR YOUUSliLVK Feb a ?y tr EltflM mi C0MMEBE1 V * - M W? ?* a * -*** long, iyooaiett & uo. RKSPl.t'TKl'I.L V inform the citizens i MrecnVille Ointfiet. that they are no rccniving a Full STOCK OF GOOliS in the , line, all of which Were PURCHASED IN CHARLESTON, xnti tvkirtf Thrtv wtr.t. #Kti. st Lower Prices Than Usual The Stork consists, in part, of Illenchod and llrowa Shirting* and Sheetings A large variety of l'rinta, of direct importatiut from rt fry 121 edit* per yard Idnen and Cotton Diapers,- Linen Drills Fancy Cassimeres and Coitonadca Plain White Swiss ttifd Dotted Muslins Solid llareges, Midtair I.ttsircs Itlnok Silk Mantillas, Kinbroidored Oollafs liarege Mantillas, white nnd colored Hoop Skirt*, of various kinds, among trhiol will he fnuud Sntwc of 7 Springs, Hit cents .TO Springs, $2.60 And all the other Articles necessary to coin prise a general stock of l>ry Uootli., A aTLnr j/. sT?/i?s>iE,,sr ?a* lints, inptt, Bootff, Slioc?( GR()CKRIKS, nnnimnnc, mutator, oirtoomf/tncf Ac., Ac. We nre confident of lilt fart that ire rati *f fori! f? set! o?'ff floods at price* til at will eoM manil t|io attention of the public, and we. rc fpcct/ully solicit an examination of our Stock L0.NC5, r.WODtETT & I'd. itnrdi S l\ , - if EMPORIUM no wis"f heiime To Fit Oit votit W a it niton tc with Fnr.xci asii Kxui.ish Uooaa, or Diiikct isl-ftrtatio's ! MTTSP?! THESE thxxls wcfa ^rirebasei EfzJS* by one of oir Firm, from l)irue | ' I/louses in CharlcsUwi 0-f n?d have heep aclcctc with crest care. They cannot /ail to picas the most fa?iiilhms. I The assortment comfifiseii * full variety of GENTLEMEN^ Furnishing Goods, ' . .. , <?<* * ** French and English Black antf /'olofeiFClotli niid CtwsiFiet'cily ' Silk and Harseillri Vesting, Prap d'Ktci J,incus, Water Proof ^Nfecds, Ac.. Ac. All of which we w ill make np to ordct1 in fh ?' beitt and latest style*, and in a niitnner tba will compete with any work manufactured her nr ?1aA?K?fA. HiAwr Am MiMrJanaii/i/if. Hrninf* dnrdhitity ur cKcnpn***- from a Rhiif to th finest French Cloth Coot, and Warrant all worl done by n?. , p0- All wo aak it to giro as a trial. We alao offer a neat Assortment of , Ready Made Clothing rfvrn aH CoMa, l^anta, Vests, Shirt* and Collar* i Cravate, Tie*, Olovea, Suspenders, Hosiery, Ai Dres* and Hoslneas Hate. All of which w? will sell at prieeft (o aui the time*- .. ? DYER 6 PICKLE. Xpril n 91 tf t ^?. . - ? -.1 . . ; . ... ? : SpauldiUg's Jhropftred Glue. t tfuieruij IN Mvift?Y HOUSE. I.^LUU), and ready for nee all the time', an J as atroQK aa Cabinet Makers' glue. Pric per bottle and bruah, IflVdnta. For aalb by J. B. tSilKKMAN, Agent, b n tf 111 a y- i n . , __ . .1 I X 8 K . ee m? f yyn^ Has oi'ENiri) nts ice cUeam pat/ I<emt1n*d*) I*mun, Parsa[>arill*, Straw! Syrup, tuaj b<> bad at all hours uf tbu'duy and AL Pliiladtjljdila Lagcfr beef, Ala-and Porta Ojater#. CALL I GREENVILLE .0 Ol'lXXHTE THE i May 3 _ 62 ?> B. AUSTIN, 1IMBROTIPI8T, z5^ fa RERl'ECTFUJ.I.Y informs th?i (iiiwnii of; Critnvillo und Burrotiudiug country,! 1 tiiut lie hue taken i rooms Iff Mclltefc'S hall, j Where ho is prepared to take PICTtTRES in every atyle of tin1 Art. ami will he happy to ' I wait on ail who desire to possess one. of hist [ Hcaortfhl B|nci*ilch?. living tnken on French ! j (llass, they arc not subject to rust, and are war- ! | ranted vnrt' to fndo. Cull nt once, and procure a PirTfltK wnrrnntcd to give satisfaction, ns his stay is limited. i Aml>roty|?'S in ltrooches, Mcdullihns, Kings, j Ac., inserted at short notice. Kooin< open at 8 o'clock and close at 5 j ! o'clock, tlsiiv. -45-tf March 15 j jsriu^ifirimMMER OOODS, TOR I860. flMIR snlsteriber respectfully infdrthS hi* ' I friend* nud customers. thnt tip is now ] receiving AN KN'llRK SEVV STOCK CP SPUING & SUMMER GOODS, CONSISTING OK Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Ttonncts and i Flat*. lluta ami Caps, Hoot* and Shoe*, and I.oIk hf Clothes, Hardware, Crofckery, Groceries, Ac., AVI of which will W sold at til6 ~IiO WEST .1 PttWKki Vlearo cull and examine before pur- \ chasing elsewhere. CI I AS. MEKK1CK. April 12 4U tf Medicines, &c. rpilF. Subscriber kcepa On hand n Superior 1 Assortment of i-'iBito. nmrnm, m, ,11 Most of tbe popular PATENT MEDICINES, g BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKY, RUM & GIN (jr?r Molictuil purposca.) As lie purposes selliiigfor CasiI, lie offer* hi I a Article* at Low Pricks. l'lMtrte cull mid ex I amine Kir juurwlTMi J. 11. LEAN, l! Jan C8 58 tf AN ORDINANCE. tf "1 >K I.T <>lil>A IX F.I) hy tlic Jutetidunf am w Wardens of, tl^p TuWn of Crocnvillc, ii ir Council assembled, That, whereas, complain lias been made to the Council agninst the cus torn of bathing in tbo river Within the cor poratc limits: licit, therefore, f fteaolrrif. That from and after this date, al person* are prohibited from bathing in tin river at nny point within view of the t'pperoi LoWcr 11 ridge*, cither in the day or night >/ time, under a penalty, upon conviction of i while tifttn, of hot less than one dollar : am lii. ease of slaves do offending, they shall hi whipped nt the discretion of the Council, Done nml ratified under the corporate sea of the said Town of (Jrceiivillc. on tlx ft,, a.J 2nd day of Juno, in the yoat of oni IsiM one (bofitahd eight hhndred anil 1 ?iit>. . ; ALEX. MIBEE, Inlcndant. . W, P; Pnit-e, Clcrlti .Tune 7 5 4 MATTRKSS MAKING'. . Wm. Langston "AI/"0I*Ij1> inforfn the fitfxcn* of (trrrnville 1 T lliat Up is now permanently located in this place for Iho purpose of .MAXL'KACTVRIXU MATTRKBBE3. and tfouhl earnestly solicit ? slutre W pflblfc patronage. All work wnrruuted to^be substantially made, anil as cheaply as can oc fnmished anywhere, lie may he found al his residence, four hundred ye' pS# south of Furnian University. Re also manufacture* \\'1!I1'S of all sorts. Those wishing to purchase Mallrcfses, can find a supply at Mr. L. Williams' Warehouse, whers the^ Will bs kept constantly for sale, v t, .Hay 16 ., 1 tf tor sale. . Three Houses and Lots, . WH K'N-arc etigibly situated, and pAviltg a good interest fl ?a lt, n k\v ?may be hud on 1 B5l?j5njfcTaXl very reasonable terms, if applied for soon. The ovfncr wishing to invest the proceeds of sale in other business hu is engaged in, is the only ifeasuii why ho has a dis[1 positron to dispose of the property, t Also, for Stile, a VACA XT LOT. i Enquire at this Office for particulars, 'i Imifeh A 44 ff VlIOlSB Plw'TIXe. ffilW: nherriber iiTprepared fo EXECUTE 1 promptly nlT order's fof house paistixc: nn<3? the most roasoiiabld tecAw. IS T. ?. 001VKR. At?ifl' ? w tr CAli t&r's SPANISH MIXTUKK: ' T?OK the cure of all Pisoascs arising front ? Jj an impure state of the Wood. It Cures all fikin Hisasccs, such as I'impttf,' pf"tr/?c?, /tilt., hinq ur Titt'f iT'orm, Scald Head, Old ' s. /, ,i. nom9 yjmrerm, ,isy*l?rjf*tu9 i nijym ! ?. ?y trwr Heart,'er Comploint, WfiknCee, Paine in ike flack e,Y fiend, In/lam'm flinti of Kidney, <f~c f JMP Price Try a BoM only by LONO Jk Ul'llN'MAM, tV^4lij?s'in i*uro Drags stad Medicines. ). Jan 26' 45 * lfceow ' The State of South Carolina qhkf.n ville nrnTuttrr. tS EQUITY. Pepper el nl. n, Moldry rl. nf. ALL jicreoh* having dnhts agAiiml the Este*> ot J A M-K8 PICK KTT, dcoca* d, or d against Mrs. BKhVAKfltA TICK KTT, ?r. o herohy notified to nmhe proof of the sumo before iuC on or by the 20th ln?l??t. W M. THOMAS, C. Id. O. !>. Coamijuom.i t Ofttr, JtUie 6. 1*00. 5-4 9r . v 1 ^<".1 jF ? 11 iimii .1 'i M.I ) ?r. .1* --v*nrUJUOOV. tAUS ; )0N F.OH TUB SEASON, wban Jco Cimb)' Kirry^Uinjjsr mad l'iuo Apple FUl', mad Leiaca evening. SO* r; Fresh Oysters; Spiced Oysters | Pickled IT TIIE OiNFl-CTIONERY, IAN8ION HOUSE. ' if X KXV ~T~ eOmCTIONBRI. THE milmcrihtgr has put up at /jTV^tvCONI'Ti--rnOXEnY one door ui uVAiiflii? lo<f D. ( . AVoirtflold's Tin Shop, - ?nd opposite the Carringo Factory. S.where lio would bo ploaaed M nxft hi* former friends antLputrons. lie'will keep on hand nil Articles usually kepi in Confin^tlouerjr Stores. Ho trill liavo -on Jjand, in a fo\r days, u wvll-aulected stock of . Groceriin. Tito highest cash prices trill ho paid for f'.illl.llv Prolix. - * - - * llr Iih.? altf't opened an iCte CRE AM SALOON, anil will supply Ibis article eVi-rv tlav.' May H 3-tf A. It. CUltETOX. SPOKES ANOj UiPABER" WANTED. rpilF. Pnbseribera want 100,000 beet .JL Wliito Onk and lliokbry SI'OKES, for which" tbey will |wiy a liberal l'tice, if delivered by tlic lii tst of May next. . . . . ; AliSO, . ; . . A large lot of Ash. llickoty, bile Oak., and various oilier kitula of I'i.ANK, all of tlic llliST QUALITY, wanted, for which we will pay a fair price for all that offer*. I SEASON KI> LUMUKll preferred. IHItU'.Ii, IUA, 31 MdVLbl <fc t"U. j Jan 12 30 * _ tf Sl>F()RD'S LIVE?. IITVIGOP.ATOPw Never Debilitatos: ]'T IS COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY front (!1 MS it ml lit'S become an established fact^ j * u Siunuuiu MiiilicisiCf known and JJjJ by (111 ilitit liat-o used it, and is now regortsw,?'d toitith conhilenco in all the diseases for which it is rccominciidcdi j- 1( bus cured thousands within tlio last twrf **< years who bvl given up all hope; of relief) as Uio numerous unsolicited ceriiflcut ,s in R my possession show. 1^. The dose must br adapted to the tempcrark'ineht of tiio individual taking It: and ustii 7<ili sueli quuutitics as to net getiUy on tha I J *-Dowels. Let the dictates of your judgment guido you. >Vin the use of tlic Livkh In viuokator, and ^.it will euro Liter f^onijtlaini>\ Hilinu* At .tuck*, Ihfiftejttia, Chronic Diri^hcca, er Ci'tii/ihiinl', JJi/tenttry, Ih >)>*!(, A'wr I ;.S"|om?ni. 1/aLititttl ('iialiri net ilfutic, t'l.olm rn, I'hittcrn Muri lit, t'hh/rru / J T / ft 'itum, Flatsl n/ence, Amihdicr, >V'no/c llco t rl and ; r* utuy lie ttpvd successfully u3 an (l/dinary Cumii u ilnlicl'ic. It will cure Sick Hcudi 4 'odic (as thousands can testify,) it? tiroity tninulr*. if Itl-O or fftree Tnripnnnfnle arc ta1 km at commencement of attack. All who uso I it are giving their testimony iu its favor. II ^SESl, Mix Witter in the mouili with the In | vigorator, and swallow both together. ?j mien one dollar per doitle. SANPOIID'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS io?iiuf.vM:o ntosr | | J'urc 1 'ri/rliih'r K.rtrart*', nwl put it), in (iLASS ,, % CA HtlS, Air Tii/ht, <t ltd trill kcrp t in a ny climate. THE FAMILY CATUAKTIC FILL IS A - gentle, but active CalbaMc, w Inch tbe prolificitor has tiscd In bis p fact ice more thuntweu1 I *j:y years. e j >? ! The constantly increasing dunaml fYom r tin so who have long used tbo l'ltl.s, and -I vthc satisfaction which nil express in regard i | ^ to their use, has induced ltio to place thinx 1 i within the reach of all. . . ? , s j The l'rofcssiou well know that different 'Cathartics act idi different {tortious of tbo I j ^'bowels; Jin- ofiuiM/ ( / iff nns, Willi ciuo f -.reference to this well established fact, Wen I C^eoinixiunilcd from n variety ol'thepnrcft VcgQjetftl.le K.x tracts, which net nlike on every |>itrt J?f the alimentary canal, ami are fjooti und *s ?fi/'o in all casus where a Cathartic is needed, ka4>uch ?? Deratiarixi Hit of tfir Stumor h, Slerjiinrnt, I'etltl* ih thr Hark and l.oiii*. Cwtire,i< ??, f\tto fttttl Si/rfn**it over the tr hole body, from > widen cold, which frequently, if ueg^Icetcd, end in along eenrau of Fever /.n? 1/ J Appetite, n Creejtintf fictfrftiou. o f (latd or* ier the hotly, l{i*tfe*?neii<, Jltiidaeht or teciyhl i in thr /ifof/, all /n/lttminatory Dietaeett, Wo/ntt Iin Cliitdreu or Adaltt, />/,<uuiotinm, n groat/Vrifirr of the Wood, nndinanv diseases, to which , flesh in heir, too numerous to mention in thir j advertisement- Itbm ? 1 10 3. . . I'KICIi TLlIii/E I The Liver luriyoralor and family Catharj tie fill* aro retailed hy Druggists generally. and nold whole rale by the Trade in all the | large towns. i ft. If. V; PAX FORD, M. D? * Manufacturer an<l Proprietor, .1.15 Rrnadtrai'i X< iv York. For sale hy Fill hit A IIKINITH, Orotn-' VIII'. m #. JS ! ^1.-1 \ hO * 2 I s'.i S I c-a I 7T je-vj W a;5sO " O ' ^ * 1-'^ ~ s ri*5 i ^ P^3 = - " | "= ?$'s | J= S-5 1 ? ? ~H ???*<??> J *? " , aN; ijfit I a SI!" ' H ?s> S S Pvl ? ? c- - s all ^ s-eIss |i^Bi-=i|?Bir I O /TN ** ^ 3.85 ? -J8 p*C^ <5^1*8 if ?' '> . * .2 r, fc*. . ri u <-> * ^ ; *3 | a, ? ] PRIVATE HOAHniBiG. rpilK Sub?rrilMT is projiart il luisri-eimnoitn'o 1 fouxil YOrXtl liUXlf.UMKX will) BOARP iu?d T.OI>flI N< . ilis roiirloiHC !? wlthiit TOO Tarda of the TheelopjV?,il Seminary,' and Convenient to (bo tmsiursx portToirof (adit' tnim^about 2l'U yurd.feust of lb? Court IIos.y,' Families desivirtjf Tloarrfcari a'so be acdntujb-a* dated. Kates iVafconablo. Fvb ? -10-lf M. TV. RTONE. DKNTAIs OPERATIONS. DR.JOilN ANTYRliSONT WQUI.D " espectfuHy inform the rltirn* of tJicen*illo thiit find iakrtii J?r,'* Rooms, Anil is |irr|isrrd trt attend to' bis f'rofcjsiou, in all fHe brain br*, with ill* patrb. Those rrsMinsr in o roonlry Mllt'jji' > ilna nofirf com'"". ?A as fa r.vV'i l.e'rg1disappointed. 2t~U- (VI JP' . ; ,# ?i