University of South Carolina Libraries
I IS I I?? ' ': "ST*-. A Ubuohtfuc Leoknd.?There is a cUaunir.g tradition connected with the site on which the Temple of Solomon was erected. It is said to bare been oocopied in common by two brothers, ne of whom had "a family ; tLe other had none. On this spot was sown a field of wheat. On the evening succeeding the harvest, the wheat having been gathered in separate shocks, the elder brother said unto his wife, "My younger brother is unable to bear the buojfMi and heat of the day ; I will arise, take of my shocks and place with hisv withourbis knowledge." The younger brother, boing actuated by the same benevolent motives, said, within himself, w My elder brother has a faroi- I ly, and I have none; I will contribute i IA ikotr sitinwl w f *11 arim fair A nf 1 inj shocks and place wilii his, without hw knowledge." Judge of their mutu al astoni-hment when, on the following morning, tlicy found their respective shocks undiminished. This course of vents transpired bfor several nights, when each rciolved in his own mind to land guard and solve the mystery. They did so; when, on the following night, they met each other half way between their respective shocks, with their arms full. , Upon ground hallowed with-such associations as this was the Tehiple of Solomon erected?so eparions and magnificent, the wonder and admiration of the woild. Alas! in these days, how many would sooner steal their brother's whole shock than add to it a Bingle sheaf. Assabstnatios ok the Emperor or Japan.?Tl?e 1'iince Goitniro, who was I at the bead of tho prefcnt Japanese' Government, was assassinated ort the lafh of March. He was going from his house to the palace whh his -train, when ho was attacked by fourteen Japanese, <11essod as traveler*. His retinae had six killed and several wounded. One of the assassins who was wounded, and eonld not escape, had his head cut off by his comrades, and carried off to prevent his being re?ogmzed. Two of the assassins were princes of high rank, and had the privilege given them of cutting open their own abdomens with a sword, thereby preventing their property being confiscated, and saving their families the disgrace which would entail upon them had they been beheaded. Thirty peo- ! pie were beheaded on the 1st of April, having been interested in (be affair. Since the death of the old Tycoon, under whose reign the treaty was made, there has been an entire change in the Government?the present dynasty be-, ing opposed to foreign intercourse, ! throwing every obstacle in the way to interrupt trade unci commerce that tuev possibly can do without violating the treaty. The ojvpoMiiop, at the head of which js l'iifiee Meto, is reported as be ing as strong as ilio present Government, and insurrection ia momentarily expected. Guard houses, with stands pf arms, nr6 numerous, hot It in the towns and along the road to the City of Jeddo. All foreigners are requested not to go out after dark, and are advised by their respective Uoustils to go armed &l all linos,. A Boy Burnt to Death jiy hir Father.? A farmer, living in Liberty township, this County, accidentally burnt his son to death about two weeks since in the following manner : The farmer was encased in nlouerhinnr. His on, a small lad abont seven years old, took bis father Out some water during tiro afternoon, and, instead of reluming home, as his father supposed, be laid down upon n s'raw stack and fell asleep. The father, just before leaving (ho field for the night, and wishing to get the straw out of the way, set it on fire. Upon returning home, and not finding bis son there, he thought of the stack ihat he had fired, and went back just in litne to find his son burnt almost tc a ciisp. So rmvs the Knoxvilie (Iowa) Journal. American Indians Enlisting itf tiik J'tnrisji Army.? It is stated in a Canadian paper that at a dinner given by ti e Chief* of the Six Nations, in honor of the birthday of her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, it was stated that a number of Indians of the Six Nations had enlisted into the 100th, or lloyal Canadian JJegiment, and were t Acquitting themselves as regular sol- | diet* with much credit. This is proba- ' bly the first instance of North Amen- ! can lpdians appearing in the ranks of ; the British t\rmy as regular uniformed New Stamps.?In order to facilitate the pro-payment of postage on letter* addressed to foreign countries, and to avoid til* necessity of affixing thereto a large number of stnmps, which would in some instances so.incrcn?e the weight as to subject letters to additional postage, the Ttepaituient has ordered the issuing of new stamps of the denomin ation of 24, ttO. and 00 rents, respectively. 'Ihe 24 oent stamps will be ready for- distribution next week, the 40?cent stamps soon thereafter, and the 90 cent stamps m soon as' they cau be procured. . Jwokbasr or Tkvbntioxs at tjir Sort*.? We have lately noticed a marked increase in the nnmler of applieAfiona for patents from the Bombers Btaten. Our receipts of money on account of patent business, published weekly. Bears testimony to this fact. The activity of tire inventors augurs yell for the prosperity of asv section oi the couatiy.? Sctrvtifi'i .4nuricuA. ??, ? ? " Dot'ot*a Must he Xossiiyat*?.n Such is ihrf edict of (its Washington Slaters th* metropolitan moutb niece of Bcnatpr itrtnpias and hia Northern B/ioatlM' 8ofei?gtily Freesoil support. Jn an article in jliat paper, a few ** days ago, we find t>e folTowing iarvpetSr tinV?< proclamation : " TV* nomination J/0' qf fj-ilf7"* an absolute necessity ; oitonftwwv ro mu r? thkahon to th* A>y,iQ TM* C'MV?" * Vt at fftt Smtytro CHltrftise. ^ ^ ?'*.' xS^nuir^AMUtaBt. Our Motto-" Dqual Rights to All." GREENVILLE, S. C. Thursday Morning, June 28, 1860. FOR PRESIDENT. HON. J. C. BRECKINRIDGE, OF KENTUCKY. . "*' FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, GUN. JOSEPH LANE, OF OREGON. The Democratic Nominees. Wo hare placed at our masthead the I names of BRECKINRIDGE and LANK, and I shall use our bumble influence to advance \ I their election. It is a ticket which the con- i aervative Democracy throughout the Union i can and wiil support. Nominated l?y the I only party in existence which the South can ( safely unite with, we believe that it will re- ( ceive the vote of every Southern State. < Douglas lias been nominated by the Squat- | ter Sovereign Free-Soil Democrats of tlie , North, and it is from them alone lie can re- t ceive his support. Opposed by a majority of Democratic Scnntorannd lhpreeentativcs i iu Congress, and without the hope of a sin- I gle electoral vole in (he South, how can he ' hope to attain the position to which his am- | bitlon would carry him. lie lias shown, by his pereislentdeterminalion to be nominated for the Presidency?even at the risk of di- I viding the party?that he is unworthy the i support of Democrats. _ I The race is between BarcKmninoK and List- I coi,w. Doi'olam will scarcely he recognlaed < as n candidate hv the time llie country has i settled down in reference to the disturbances r which have occurred at Baltimore. Every r vote that Douglas receives is weakening that 1 much the atreng b of the South, and assist- \ ing the election of a Black Republican Pre- 1 | nuciib, , j I The nnme of John C. Bni-CKixatnca is fa- | j miliar to the people of the United State*. ' < He lias served iiis country upon the battle j i tields of Mexico and in the national conn- j t ells, nod lias every where shown himself to < be the friend of the Constitution and the I rights of the States. The candidate for the Vice-Presidency, (Sen. Joskpii Lank, of Oregon, is one whose noble deeds form a pari of the history of the times. lie was liorn in North Carolina in ]84>1, and his public record is such as to commend him to the confidence and support of the people. If Brkokixridok and Lank are defeated, the friends of the Constitution and the Union ! I may well l>e alarmed. It will he the death j i knell of Constitutional liberty. It will place Lim-oln at the bead of the Government* It will give to the Clock Republican party the control of the country, and who can say what will he the result? In the hope of averting a calamity like this, we shall labor to secure the election of Cbkckinriim)R nod Lank. The safety of the Union, and more especially of the South, is involved in their election. ' Latest News by Last Night's Mail. j 1 We gather the following items from our { I exchanges of last evening. i ' Hon, Hknjamix FrrzrATf.icg, of Alabama, ' declines the nomination for Vice President 1 ti.? ii.t?i n ;iI. rv../.!... mi.. ? - I i Committee liave substituted lltm. II. V. I 1 Johnson, of Georgia. i n Congress adjourned on the 26th instant ' * The South Carolina delegation did not j I participate in the Convention which nominated Breckinridge and J .am;, none of Ihetn j ' being in the city at the time. Breckinridge i and Lame have accepted the nominations, j The foinier was serenaded in Washington ' a on the 26th instant, at which time lia ! ) delivered a most patriotic speech. j , Tiiere was great cheering at erery inter- j < val in the speech, which became loud and | prolonged at its close. Gen. Jjcrr. Davis, of Mississippi, and Roiirrt Too mm, of Georgia, followed, endorsing the nominees. Hon. B. j F., of Massaehnsetts, the framer of ' the Cincinnati platform, spoke. He made a speech, in which sqiiatterism was distinctly repudiated. Gen. Lane was next serenaded at Brown's Hotel. In response to a eall, he said he reeognleod them as the only National Democracy, and was proud to b# placed on a ticket with Mr. Breckinridge. ] There was great enthusiasm among the crowd. * " '-'v . ' ? , A Comet. ;. A comet has been visible for a few evenings past, and is beginning to attract the notice of our citizens. It may be seen in the northwest. Just after dark. It exhibits only a small fail, as yet. So far as we know tbis visitor has not been announced, and, consequently, has not been Anticipated. Equity Court. i Fqnity Court will eommenee at Greenvilla J oa Monday'. 9th July. His Doner ChaneeVlor DorAN^we believe, is to preside , nouinern naptui FnbiiotNov Boefttr. The annual meeting of this Society will 1 be held some time daring the sitting of the Baptist State Convention, which begins at 1 flreenrille on the 47th of July pros. Senator Hammond's Bpeseh. The MIHedgerlhe (Oa.) RMordfr pnblishes the, **TJ ehls *peeeh of Senator llewwoxn, of tbta State, add say* U is a model epeeeh?-Cho epeeeh of the season, lis point of foreo, eKeAraeea, argument and length. The Jferowler says: " VoaM that aajr patdte men ennhl learn the lessen ml eoadenaing their tl^onght*,. apcatlag ho the point ami topping when thoy ha<J sei.J all J thai could V* "hid, .without repetition, ' A SO V* X ' VM QaUlnr* School. The Ant HKioft of this now ius'AiuUon of learning, located at, Greenville, closed on Friday IhL A pubjie e samlneUoa of tha ^ pupils took placa on that day, which woo * ittended by a number of the parents and 01 >y a portion of theBoai^ of Trustee*. The " lucceee which has attended the school ao far n a very gratifying to iti friends, and leada beoi to entertain the liveliest hopea for its fi atare triumplia and uecfalneea. Owing to ei lie short tiin* allotted for each study, it Wan ai mpoesible for the Board to give each a tbo- O ough investigntion, hot it waa evident that * to far aa the scholars had progressed In tha f rarious stadiea, that thair Instruction had A ->?eo thorough and complete. The number lr >f pupils in attendance U>c past session has < Seen eighty five, whioh number includes ti many children whose studies have been con ' Hand to the primary branches. ltwat grat- n ifylrtg ?o pereelva that thi# clam of the pu- || piU had not been alighted. From the cor* * rectnraa of their answers, it waa evident that the teachers had used the utmost care and j( diligence in their instruction. ^ It waa indeed very gratifying to observe I he correctness in the spelling of ail the chil- ti Iren. Correct spelling is one of the moat ^ Important elements of edueillon, and we ^ were pleased to observe that it had been well attended to by the T?acliera in tills ^ School. Tiie examples in reading by a number of the girls and boys, from portion* of * the New Testament, exhibited a knowledge * i?f this important accomplishment which we ^ a-ere not prepared to expect, considering ^ ill* short time the School has been in operaLion, and that many of the scholars learned ^ [o read tinee their atteadanee on the School ^ rommenccd. To read well requires no Utile monnt of practice and instruction?it is in acquisition of no easy attainment, and of the utmost value to the possessor. Tlit examination throughout was highly ^ creditable to the Teachers and Scholars. n We would be pleased to extend this notice fart Iter. Many interesting features in the n examination have been omitted. Sufficient tl has been said, however, to direct the atten- t< tlon of the public to the advantages which the School affords. Tiie School will continue under the management of lie v. J. S. Will- ? basks. Principal, who has so far exhibited Ihe elements of a finished Teacher. "We y sxccedingly regret, Imwcver, the Iocs of the Q| nvnluable services of Mr*. Prick, the late c| icconiplidied Teacher ia charge of the Fe- ^ nale Department of our Scliool, whose earning and skill in imparting knowledge ? a*as only equalled by the gentle amiability with which she won the ?n.l .... n trolled (lie waywardness of youth. The #ei vice* of Miu Hklk* M. Fo?tkw, of Sreemtlle District, a young lady of refine- c< uent and education, have lieen secured for *' lie Female Department. She has had some Experience in teaching, and haa given the ot utmost satisfaction. Tin- Principal will la e assisted in the Male Department by MiaaC*- h Bti.DA lately of Klclimond, Y?. The Depurluient of Music will continue as c heretofore under the superintendence of ? Mrs. A. T. Wii.i.uank*. Under the management of the ahove Teachers, we believe that n the School will continue to receive u liberal ^ patronage, and become one of our moat use- -j ful, as well as popular, institutions of learn ing. T. EDWIX WABB, Chairman, W. K. KA-*I.KY, T. C. C.OW Kit, j J. F. KKAKX, \V. 1'. PitltTi Secretary, Fortlie Board of Trustee*. ?- - ? ? ? - h Bummer Travel. a The summer travel has now comment and we are pleased to see that a portil It ia directed to and through our towBent indications are that Ureenvilli Ccive?as she should?a libeinP\ patronage this season. If assuri> Ecssnry, we can assure all per*"# ;>f health or pleasure during months, that our mountain err.', ndiieements of no mean order ^ f fine scenery, pure, limpid frees to^L ml water of rare im-dicinal propc^L ay nothing of cool nights, bracing aVrnosJiere, Ac., are inducement*, we have them. K hotel accommodations, too, there is no ? ack. Then come to the mountain*?come. Cotton Bloom. Mr. I*. E. A. JIowaiii left a cotton bloom ^ it our office on Tuesday last?the first we ^ save seen or heard of in the Distiict. this ^ iea?on.. He represented the cotton and corn :r?|?e in the lower part of the District as 'j being good?promising a fine yield. -? ? ? ? National Division. The National Division S. of T. met at 0 Portland, Maine, on the 9tli inst. Twenty- I ihree Grand Divisions were represented. ) among the delegates was the Worthy J'a <j iriarch of Great Iiiitain. The attendance naa large. Nashville, Tenn., waa. chosen \ is the place for the annual session of 1861. ( The Asheville, N., CL, Ifewi, t Which, for sonic time past has been suspended, baa again made its appearance. The fc XfKK is Democratic in its principles^ and is j "dead down " on the "Ad Valorem" taxation contended for by the opposition. Th? j canvass for Gorernor of that fltate is grow- j ing warm, judging from the press, and the t Aries pitches into the "free fight" with ( much seal. Crop* in Gordon County, Oecrgfk. A clever subscriber residing in Gordon County, Georgia, writes u?: " We nre jnst reaping otir wheat in this t section. The crop is unusually small, owing , to the frees# of Inst winter. Many of onr beat farmer*.in this and adjoining counties 0 will not reap any. Some sowed their crop* * over again in January, and are making ted- h erahle fair fcrope. It U thouglit there will a not he more Jnade, on an average, tluin the seed that waesown.*In contrast witlr this, we might mention, J1 perhaps, that reports from at her sections in , Georgia, are quite favorable a* to the eropa. t 0mm ? Ter the enterprise. i Jf?nr?. KJUora?-1n yonr issue of the 21st inst., a call is made on me to bewome a can- " dldste br the LegtslaOtre, 1 am very much obliged te " Choree " for the compliment 4 he he* paid see, but ae polities are entirely ! ant of my line of boaineas, I must reepeet- ? fully deeMse eorajdyins wkh Us request, I I feel justified hi IMs teniae, since n- r rieus wenliemear haVb been presented n* ? candidates, ffom whom I have no doubt flu poopli wf tlce District saw eelset h M*4>ie .* ipeeubla delegation AJUCX. XcSJBL ' . *> ' th i ? r| *>' 1?2 *< #*" . in si STATS ITXXS. A Mr. Borrt *h shot by i Mr. Jim, in nion District, on the 20th Inst The former as walking with hit wife, when the letfer ttacked and abet biro, killing him instantly. ' Is then fled, and at the latest advisee had ok been captured. On the 10th lost, two shop-keepers were ned by the Mayor's Court, Charleston, $100 ich for selling liquor to slaves. On the 20th notlier was fined the Mime; ch the 21>t anther ; od the 22d two mure; and on the Id -still another; making an aggregate ot 700 fines for this nefarioas practice within ve dsya. The Aswesaysthat aotwithstnnd>g the rigor with which the taw ia enforced, >mc have to be fined the second and third, me. ft 100 brine added for each offence. Jam** McGnffit, a free man of'color, eomlitted niWJf, In Charleston, on the 18th iet^, by cutting liia throat with a razor, bile tinder the Influence of delirium trrmtn*. Subscriptione amounting to over $2,000 arc been railed forth* Preiton Monument, he work will not be commenced till $5,000 re obtained. Peraona desirous of eontributtg in aid of this neble tribute, may remit i F. W. MoMAatra,Columbia,Secretary and 'rcaeurer of the Association. The Camden Journal la requested by Mra. hsaxtrr, Vice Urgent of South Carolina, to nnounOe that the following Iadica have acrpted the appointment of Managera of the lonnt Vernon Aasociation in the State: Irs. MatY Dawkixh, Union ; Mrs. Fasmk 7. Boon, Jlorry; Mra B*la M. MoCaw, 'ork; Mra. Aun CaAWroao, Lancnater; Ira. W. A. Ali'MCU, Barnwell; Mra. Mabtiia '. Cabk, Colleton; Mra. Qen. P. II. 2s*l?on, 'larendon. The Sumter Watchman Mje that the prooaed railroad from Lancaster to Courdin'e urn Out, via Bisliopville, Sumter and Man iag, is brightening in proa|>cct. There arc four volunteer military compaies in Spartanbnrtr. The Spartan sava that ie Morgan Kiflcs are making a movement ? establish brass band in tbat place. Col. W. J.T. Glksn has been elected Bi'igdier-Genernl of the 91 h Brigade, S. C. M , ice Gen. 3. It. Gist, reaigned. A gin house, belonging to S. 8. Tisdal*, of i'illiamaliurg District, was strnuk by lighting and burned up on the 17th inet. Serai bales of cotton, and two wagons and ar, were also burned. l.oss ftiOO. There is to be a temperance celebration at linton, on the Laurens Uniiroad, on the lit prox. Hon. J. 11. O'Neail and Hev. iiLca rccaicTT will deliver addresses. Most of our State exchanges ment ion early >tton blooms The cotton crop, from all oounts, promises a tine yield this year. Joiix McKar, of Cliester, offers a reward f one thousaud dollars for suflieient proof onocrning a certain mail robbery which nppencd some time ago. T. C. has been elected Clerk of the lourt of Common l'leas for Marion District, ice B*uMtu> Moouv, Ktq., deceased. The Newberry Sun has been favored with specimen of domestic w ine, made from the mre grape, by Mrs. A. Tof>l>. of Anderson, he erlitor says it was sxcellctit. reaches have made their appearance in Ihnrlcston. William Clack died at Clieraw on the 3th inst., from wounds previously inflicted n the the head with a stick, by his brother, amks Ci.sax. The O'lirtte says the latter us been arrested and committed to jail to Walt a judicial investigation in October. * Hie New berrv Sum ssvs a nat-lv is form. I there to go on to Washington to kidnap r!e$ 8umntr, in order to practice liaruwn " They are tight op( (says the Sun,) .ik if he was caged, and they ran get tne that broke his head, show him 1 the Mouth, in the meantime making Usgorge hia two celebrated speechee uitahle occasion, that they cnu raise aitid. (hither np, ye men of Masaachu. u! llo for the rescue ! L<Kik out, ?S'umrr?they intend to put you to some use. Ex-Governor Adams, with hia family, is n liia way to Europe, in quest of he alth. A son of Capt. Tiiounox, of Sullivan's land, was drowned hy the upaetting of a atieau, while out sailing, on the J9th inrt mother son would hare met the same fate, lad not a nolilu and hrave-hearted youth? taster 8ha?u>ck, who is only 18 years old? lunge.I in and pulled them out, which he lid at great peril, thereby saving the life of he elder. 80 we learn from the .Vom. Never leave a caudle burning when you go lit of your room. There came very near >?lng two Urea at Newberry week before nst, from this cause. There are no fire en inee in Siwbtrry, if we understand the Sun. Hy appointment of Prof. A. I>. Bacns, Prof. i'iiusi*, of the 8011th Carolina College, Is o visit Labrador to make observations upon he solar eclipse in Jnly. A negro man, about 80 year* of age, waa ? tiles] by sun stroke, in Charleston, on the list iust The Sentinel says that during a storm in iarnwell, recertify, a daughter of Mr. Ait. Iom had her arm broken in two places by he falling of a limb upon har, as she was >n her Way from the Meld to the house. roe tux xitTgarxias. Kftj. J. xTa Torpln. Mfeurt. J&ktore?KWon us to embody In o a call the feelings of the neighborhood, rhen wa suggest the propriety of the.nanse f the above gentleman as a candidate for he Legislature. To know him is to like lot, end we are sure that no man (with II defereaee to the many good men in it) f the First Regiment has mora ot the pestle's good will than he whose name heads hia article. He la a* educated man. and 1011 Id npraatnt the agricuHdfnl interests of he Iflstrlet with seal and effeat < We bops he will allow the ase of hia isiae to hjs neighbors and. Mentis on Mnan Cwa am Exoaxr. An Aoxb Mcut.?Thero is nt proamt a mulo, saexoitig in good hstellh nod tmngth, drawing milk daHy tp the ialtinglaae Workhouad; for Joeepk Nono* But, of Gonibr?ty, akidi wh onadjyad in iko rpboUtoo of J7dJy ?0rrrlk mtfitnaj' stores to tko jtitif gkUt <***. *oiT5T .? . /..< tJfrs&fcS mSff ? 1 l^^"~***f""gSgggggggggB is tut MiscBLUuqtouu mcwa KXDUSTg. i ' > > J i V <F "The Bancombe Hlfl#roen ".U'lho |?m> p of a dolW military efeppaby at Afbevljte, N. Q( * "V * Tfnbh Carton Coge ih % oandi* data for the Legislature from Mtotligkford j County, 'If. C.' A mole wu recently q track by lightning, near Hilleboro', N, 6., ^ and killed ; but what is most remarkable, a j boy that was on it ht the time was unhurt, ^ s oeiving.only a severe shock. 'The ?j DnhloOog* (C5a-) Signal says the mining |, prospects of til ft (Lumpkin) county were 0 never rapre flattering then at prefenk an* n miners are active. It anticipates wonderful j, results when the extensive preparations e now being rtinde for working shall hare j, been completed. There are now several tl companies operating in that county, on an n extensive scale. Tho hydraulic system of S washing <? being nsad.**t :*? The Legislature of Kentucky offers a reward of ?1 ,000 /or a [ ?1 euro of the lio? cholera now prevailing in a that State. It ia said that a brother of t a nobleman well known on tlie turf, has c been expelled from a London club for strel- t ing candles. The noble delinquent It In the 1 rcoelpt of ?20,000 a year. The Troy (X Y.) Budget understands that John Morrlseey, the pugilist, is to go immediately In- 1 to training at the " Abbey,f with a view of ' fighting lisennn in August. . He has left * New York, and expresses his determination 1 to vanquish the Champion of the World.' ^ notwithstanding he (Morriascy) is threaten^ ( ed with consumption. - The City Conn- j cil of Atlanta, <Jo.,Tec?ntly subset Ibed $200,000, to aid in tlic construction of 'm railroad to Jacksonville, Ala. The voters of j the town of Van Bnren, OIilo, have elected , a negro justice of the peace over a regular j Republican nominee. * . j The first peachca of the season were re- , ceived in New York, by the steamship Co- , lumbia, Tuesday, from Charleston. Two ] boxes from Aiken, S. C., sold for fl6 per j box, and another wat sold for fll. < The widow of Ossawatomio Brown ha* re- | ceived $30,000 from her colored sympatkis- i cr* in linyti. At a recent admin!*- i trator'* sale In liluunt eotwty, Ala., corn old for $2 80 per bushel. Blount should l?? a corn exporting county. " dame* < Redpath, the John Brown ally and incen ' diary, ha* declared for Lincoln for Proet* ' dent. . He proclaim* himself in the same J letter as an insurrectionist. 'V * 'Dr. J. D. O'Brannon, a member of the Barnwell ' Company, in the Palmetto Regiment, under j Capt. Walker, in Mexico, died recently at the residence of hi* sister. Mr*. Mvern, near ' Robinson Spring, in Alabama. * - * The receipt* of e,,rn at Buffalo, N. Y., during tbe mouth of May. amounted to over .9,600,- r 000 bushel*, which exceeds the entire re- ( celpt* of laet year by about 4,500,000 bush- j ela. We learu out the AshevUlo (X. , C.) Advocate, that a vote was taken on the | 7th inst., on the license question. The result was?for license, 4 ; ngninst license, 78. It la Indictable to bring liquor into the town 1 from tbe country. A number of Ilelp- j er's Impending Crisis was discovered passing in the mcil, by tbe mail agent, to James I town post office in High Point, N. C., and j were taken to Charlotte and luade a bonfire of. We did not learn to whom they were addressed. A fellow named Charles Brickel, residing near Paducah, Ky., drank pnllon or tomnlo catsup, n few duys since, ] <>n a wngcr of fiVO. i Thomas R. R. Cobb, Re*]., of Allans, Ga., i lm.? boon appointed lo fill the vacancy in the Supreme Court of tlie United Statin in Georgia, niaJe vacant by tins death of l'cter V. Daniel. Tbc LegisUtare of Missouri lias appropriated ftg,600, on condition that >7,600 shall be raised by pii* ' vnta aubscription, to build a bronze statue < to Thomas II. Ronton. Mr. It. J. Rut- ' ler near Hamburg, seat to the editor of ' the Augusta (Ga ) Constitutionalist a basket of ripe peaches on Thursday, 21*1 Inst., Mr. Lincoln Stetson, who was on l?o?rd the first American ship that over visited Japsn ?the Margaret?is still living in Salem. The trip was made in 1800. lie ia 86 years old, and ia still vigorous aud hearty. Kansas Irelieves in ensy divorces. A mere applieation will sceure it, even without a notice to appropriate parties. A great many husbands will doubtlaes soon be going to the Territory villi tlieir wives. "" A new translation of tlis Bildeinto the Russian vernacular is to be published under the i auspices of the Metropolitan of Moscow. i The London Theatres are crowded every Sabbath on the oeeaeion of preaching of popular divines. There are now in Chili ten gfld. twelve stiver, and about three hundred copper mines. At this time 8*2 newspapers ar? published in forty* six counties of Alabama. A man nam pJ Clarke recently discovered two men stealing hi* horn* in Pine Bluffs, Tex or, nnd hot them both deed. "The London Time* predicts that the present month will end the Bourbon rule In Italy. Judge iteber, In the Court of Common Plcne, at St. Louie, overruled the motion for a new trial in lhe eate of Canrtnng vs. Shew. The U. H. Grand Jury in New York hare indicted late Postmaster Yowler for defrauding the Government. A printing office and a lithographic establishment has recently been formed for the first time in Greenland, and n work published by it , hns just made its appearance. " Mr. William Smith, a worthy planter of Oglethorpe county, Go,, was murdered on Saturday evening, 16th inst., by one of his negroes. The negro was burned to death on Monday morning. - i www*- ?? American Oak.?Ooonld McCnt, Kaq., the eminent ship builder, now io Europe, in n letter to the Commercial Bulletin of BoetOft, speaks of American oak as follows} " I cannot help pronouncing tnr opio-' ion on thie occasi mi, thai the American white oah growing along the coast from New Hampshire southward to Viiginia and Maryland 1? ?he best material for hip building existing in I he world y and I ?ajr thb after having bad na.opporfunky, 10 esamtue the beat stocks of um her fn the ftwvr-jatda of Erijgbiad and France, eat in all parte of the glohe.? {rvFSV. jw i abipa.Mfe with it* beelsuanoaUdAgler- \ loan-while oaF wMJ, on m arsraaa, At- j Intq an age <JT over 80 f Wars, ah n ?rfap Las Ufa pwed bf expoiieneg." II 1 ff-BMEgggsawp X? IK 0 Ad >!'' '?'**1 '.? i ? rg Thb Black Republic ait Nominee:** he Washington correspond*"* of the loluftibia Carolinian says:' "? . * it is a singular fact that npt a. jibie speech has yet been made, in^kbet. ' Louse, against the Chicago nominee.? >n the contrary. Senator penjamlh, fn is remarkable philippic against Senator louglaa, look occasion to compliment fr. Abe Lincoln in the highest terms, 'his speech has been immensely circa* tied by the Black Hepublicans through* nt the free States. Close observersotioe as a fact of some significance, a assage inSeflator Slide!!'* filter, to a'' omniittee of his friends in Louisiana, ft which he appears ihferentially to say ii8t uie election ot L.inooin will not turistli cause of revolution to the Southern itatea. " * Upon the whole, the present coniuoirof politics is the most. curious imginable. When -one hcarsof no enemy n;t the National Democracy, one Is iclined to ask, in the language of Dc. nosthenos, * Is Hilllip deed I" .*! Jnooln dead ! Ay, there is the tub.' Tus * Rail Mawcr^?A Kk*h R? okt.?Mr. Logaii, of Illinois, speaking it the New lork meeting, of the as;ortiou of the Liacolnites that their oan-, lidnte once made rails, replied ' I have only lhi? to say ia reference o making rails : If Abraham Lincoln node rails, it is no disgrace ; hut it-he tMil 110 brains put'in his head by God Minighty, the roakiug of rails will not rut them there, lie would make a roor President, if he had no other than ? rail making qualification. [-Cheers.] However, Stephen A. Douglas was also [ * - 1 1 In * _ - i wurKiuii-man unco UiinKll?a oaoiooi linker. 1 have then, this proposition to nuke : Tli at we no minute Douglas nt IJallimore, nod let the cabinet-maker nil against the rail maker, and -1 prelict we will send them both hack Coheir original employments?Lincoln to usking mils, and Douglas to cabinet naking." [Prolonged cheer*;] v *J Aurkst op Alden.?We learn from ?ur sheriff that the notorious horse thief Alden, who escaped from our jail a fear reeks ago, has been arrested, and is iow in the jail at SandersviUe, Ga. lie in* been at his old pranks, hired ahorse md tmggy, or rather stole it, was purged, arrested in Florida, and brought >ack to .Georgia, where we presauro he r.ill first ** have a showing." | Bamvn.ll Sentinel. A Model or a Texas Dtvixr^^A' Texas pajieraays that Uev. H. P. thoinplon, a native missionary in that Slat^. s "breaking himself of the habit of iwearine, and reads the Saint urea quite luently." The Kepnb'.icnu ticket is exceedingly ippropiiate?true to design. Devoteil o the interests of limns defendants, it logins and ends with its indeft finger, pointing to the colored race; tints Ahrnfuim and Jlam\in I?Bath Timea. I Recovery Lodge, ?. 81, A.'. V.'. . There will he s ' "iiiimiun-niioii oi * v yr KKY LOIXiK on Monday " Evening ncjt, commencing at 8 o'clock. The number* will take aolice and govern tlicmK)lvcs accordingly. My vrdpr W.\ M.'. C, M. MrJCNKIN, Secretary. May St 4; 1 ' ANNIVERSARY QRAT10H. THE FOURTH ANNIVERSARY ORA-. riON of the University Rifleman, will be icllrered by Lieut. T. S. A l> A Ais, of L*kWma, in the New Court llnuae, on \V**fnc*daj, At Fourth ?f July, at lOVelock, A.Jf. * The poblie are reapeeiAtlly la riled to attend. ; ' 'il'um . V ' , Committee of Arrangement* * n. o. .mar i.i<i \. Y. J. MOPE. A. MLYYrtR. Jn. T. P. (1AINBS, S. M. I'KINUI.K. June 28, ISM, 8 1, I. U. o. F. - ^ MOUNTAIN LODOR,. No. 14, I. 0.--0. 1f? aceti Tkurtdny t.'rrttfny at B o'clock. . ' j iW? 42-1/^ ?AS. BROO, tWry, Qrinr.?liar* you aeon Ural Uy Inliu, in another rnlumn, bbiHng root*, bark*, and leave* for tbe Cherokee Remedy ? Tor the Legislature. We are ftuthoH7ied to an' nounce Col. W. II. CAMf^BKI.L a candidate for re-election to tbe State Legislature at the Mining election. pgr The many friends of Dr. J. fi SULLIVAN, reapertfelly announce him a* a candidate for r?-election to the State Legislature at tbe enauipg electiop. pgr We are requested by tbe many friend* of J. ROllKKT SMUT If, to aanounce him a candidate for the Legislatare at the tiuulDg clectioti. t^T TJte friends of Col. JAMES MrOULLOUOH, cesneetfully beg lease to announce hint~a* a Candidate to represent Creenrille District In tbe neat Legislature. Tor Tut ColloeUrf* -e - - % %' t * l-t^T We are* authorised to aailea nee Cot.. O. P. DOOMS as.a candidate bt Taa Collector at tbt taiting election.. |&T* We are 'authorized to iyvnounce W. T. SU UMATK as a ea&4Ma|v fee Taa Collectot at tbe ensoiag sledliea. JS?" We are requested to ahnounr* Ma. ELI/tfl DILL, as a candidate tor tai Collector, at the dezt Kfottfoft. rvT* J AMPi B. miBOKin nod it cm himself M? ikadldste for Tax d?!l* lector at the neat election* . V . Vrom the poet op Waved? Me^ealne. Many of th? mttok nottrt Salr fta* turee are not only. oeelese, but lively tqfn* rion? to the ?celp: but frafT Wood's dp .of tfceh a l.aJiny aad irulriltve nature, that (1 ihr l^rnfc* the skin of the bead and the foflk-Vs* nf heir glands beneath it. It dko removes illtutrsf from the aealp, end mfsatnell? baatsbee ever/ kind Of scald bf*d and entaneonr Watidop, Ifepcc It lo of gredt service to cfilldrto, foe ingredients brtn* Of eo hannleee * hatnre that the moat delicetn reticles cannot be injured bf ks contact* . * .<JatJTioi?.->*Belralb of metflttees (mihUtoes, iia seoeml'are aJ road? In tbe market, eelred b/ - list -none naWa ehetrords iPsof- Wee^e Hair jtUetoretfre, OeJ?i,.flt. rants, Mp., and Weir Tart^J aft blown-in tSt hossteu jar- oWb^aU Dm/aivts and Pe?ene H?M" Xtflarn f-alse, by aU fane/ ?o<U Hoed* Makes la the Caifttfbtw mdC^nia. ^ier^r?rfst^rf?pe^by bw. j^ma A 1 J -r-S5W1: . <% r"- ' ii ^ .-t xjnajttNviLiuE BAPTIST HIALI CIMLitl. % 1 ?0 ?g, %. T AHHtfAl XX A.MJWATIOK. -00 . .tub annual bIamination or tto CUeeee in the QRSYNVILLB BAPTIST PBMALB COLLBUB will mw'mm M o'clock, A, M., on WWnwrfajr, (Ac 1M A(y ??A end continue lb* three deye. The following gentlemen ere leqneeted to ect e? en eke^ing CuftmLwo, tU : XT. w. n. iwtfaum, d,i>. i, w. wrbnw, *wi, OB.-*. fc oBOo*. * weV. eg* via. oun, tct.-t. .' AjraivB, ur. E NMLT, I>J?. m.-tC OIILUM, ? tin. n't!!, no, eiCT. g r. MICE, tlT.W.WiaiAM.D.D, krr. j. e. waunn, ogw. or. ynowrens, **> . J. o. MiipiAM, n. o? indaoiA* ?ooe?, sea, BT. ?. ll'INANpD. th| wit met few, OME, ohm. w. K><Kmn, - pr. r. rmtcm, m<e. lioS. B. rCKnV^ c. KUMD, . " . -wjbb thf, ikcrvtttitlvvmairrsb. A* pfttrvDi.tid friend* of the College u? rc?po?tfellj invited to Jkt^oUd. ' C. R. TOlTtY, Pm. po tetn. Juno 21 ' ? 4 ?: .<; ? ? i I, ? * ? !> . - . .mm, Beligi ou? Notice, i ' 0#*?!??viu?, JWm 6th, f TUB MlnletA*' tul Dbwobi' Mating in connuonioii Kith the Fourth Uniirtl Meeting of the Tjrger Hirer AvoeUtieB, will be held with ll-rky t'nuk Church on- I'iudat bkfohr run wrwr siltetb inotr,- Rer. S* T. Dill appoiated to prweoh the Introductory Stmoa ; J. f?. Weitnteeland to write tfeany?fufcject, Intcmpertuec, Qncteitfti for Pi*cti*?ion? Bhowkt eqjr nhle-hodlcd f**o be retained in the Ifeltowship of e church, who rdfWe to contribute northing to the ?upp?jt of Uw Goepel7 A. B, Woodruff to open. the.vKreutrJof. V; T.i BAR LK? Clerk pro le?Jutoo 11 T v . t - Ji. Vte . en ? ' i ?iMi Hothing Xlee offluilte?Meehtiiicerllle? V. J? Merck 17, 1*A&. Mr. W. K. fieron : I hefe ueed Uvibitr^etV Heir itHMWro fbr three Jeer*. tea hkvo found it to he elpoitexcciient erttvle. It ftof cully'restored the color <>i my nmr, givoii if new hid una- atrengin, hut ft ourvd myself nnd 'wlfe of J* most obitlnsto mpliun upon. Mm ntipi whk-h oothlig 41se NtRKd to bc^eB*. ' I rofiy be Her* it to U the belt article in nee. Yufia, rewwtfiiUT, K?tnr?/rON ItOWfaAND. Remember that ihlt nrtlt ww ptndnced by iLeimstreet'a Inimitable, the original and only reliable 1UW Reitunilin). ' v-V' fri?? 50 eenfs Mil $1 a bottle. MdUk in Ureenvifle by Fiibti. A Heinlteh, and by Ittujcgiata everywhere. June M " 6-4 tap I?Y oung mart,-** yoV ralao your life, age, the boalth of filiate generation*. atop 1 buy bo mare Halaujn cupu&a, or airong.>atrtn*ent injection*- The copaiba debilitates yvar whole ayetenf, catwi a general languor and emaciate* the nxoSl YoVift roprtU ntioo, the'as'ttiOKcnl injections rota you fer H lb/-and unfit . you for the eqjoymMt of ilonteatio bUse. fake our advice, go to any drna store, and yon wilt Inifthe 44 (ire at Indian Medicine " for'-VeneMat diseases, 44 Cherokee Remedy,'- a pleasant deliclons ayrnp ; this will aura yOu iajkiu time than any other preparation known to man, not only gives permanent relief, but eaus*| the bhrpd to now ihmtijth every vein I (wraith and happiness to heaJti forth from the cheek of pallor agufh. See advertisement In another column. June 14 4 * 4' RKLIEFIN TKN MINUTE*. DRV AN "S PULMONIC WAFEUSI TilH.Oriental Medicine Kstabljafied in, and drat article of Mle kind ever introdueed under J be papto oH I'a i.Voxic Wamm" lit .this j>r any other country : all othe'i' Pulmo- m bio Wafer* Are counterfeit*. The genuine can 4>e known by the tiotnc of BRIAN being stamped on each WAFER. . "1 ' imVA^*S l*ITLVfONlC MTAV&RS Relieve Coughs, Colds, Hove Threat, Hoarseness BRYANT J'ULMUKIO WAFR1IS , Relieve Asthma, Brohrhitjs, Difficult Breathing BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFBIW Relieve SpltUof of Blood, Pains in Ike Cheat. BRYAN** ITTLMONIO WAPRIW ' Ral[e?vjn*ipieitt Cofceirinption, Eung Diseases. BRYANS Plir.MQNlO WAFERS ReUere Irrifuthm of Ihr ITynla aod Tonsils. HJsyAjj* pBlRkmq wafeST^ Relieve tho/abotre Complaints in Tun Minutes. BRTAJTS inJLMojnc WAt'KRM Are a'Ble*sjikr toall Chymes andCoiisiitutions. 1 Are adapts fee CocaJ late and rublteRpeakcra. imiy AN ^ wtAtomg w AWJRH A re. hi a simple'form and pleasant to tbo taato. -BRYAN'S lH)LMOXlo WAYEHR Notouly relievo, but cffeetyepiif A lasting ('ant BBY AN'A *FU LMONIC iVAFfSRR - Are warranted In give aatiafactldti U? erery one. Ho Family should A without a Bo* of -RSTA* * lOLMONld Willilli r ' ay *?u *??an- . . No Traveler ?lu>uld hnwithont a supply of ~ IMATI FOIAttjMIO WATBM , M? m* rwm - No p<Wnii wiU ??to gtra for . '; , WJOIMB J OB*8 of" "propr4?t or, ' ' ' * - ' HooH??t?r, N. r. * KorffeU h* JJr^nriU* br' Ft*h * n h Hti?Tlh J***'* Vi* Hcwaack A OxiMiot, Chorksatoii, WholeeMle Agent*. BUy V* f 1 * l;?w ^ ^ * * f V *?' "*T* T ' tj.>!l . * 'J* " ' I !*" . 4\w^nJto?K?(5)Byf << BUTLEK ftVABDS! "XTOf] M* heroby bqU??* to attend tVo lUg. JL Mo?tWy Mooting o< m*mt Corpo, ?t McBKRV HALL,** TuokU/ Evoning next* H TT*ATfc, RwwUry. Af you nro. homKv ordorod to 1 fflS be and an** In #ULL PHlr HP TVft PO^M, *i MILKS SOVTH- 71 ji ' B.C. rVtLUU, O. ?. 3P4 " Von sajLjbT" m a CdflrrOJtTable ooT' flklT TAOB, MW the PeMSMK2I k>s c*? \? boogb* ?p?? m?SO{1?>l? preset ewe- M TTVuZZXT*- to rM)4fe. Oitt ?pol W. P. PB?0?,?%. . /M*1f t, M ' : \ XOWB.. . ' " . TtTlLLbe nM, to *e highest bMrfer, eo W rfeh*, before the Covrt Hoitee,, A I?(rt ?u IUMl T?i^ ?he?44? ye*r?.oW. 8*14 V#?ro le #?? ?. eom,.r PO#IJI A ' >?*** rr- l -1 ; _ fH-L T? j^?>r.p r?r ^ $ K^A * AfMJ of <I0X'8 RlUpWB. 0?rr gtlod* Btee*. *m **.," , ./. " ? - T. A.1AFAR. ^ ^ | *!' *'v '* ^ ^ T'." ^ '