University of South Carolina Libraries
' I1 Washington, June 14.1 Tkt Baltimore Cbnvmtio*--?flhrge number* of MrfMta to the B*Wmoi4 Convention hurt arrived, tod conferring with tlruir friend* In Congree* 'm to the potter to be" mtieued there. The proximity between thr* Capita) and the Convention, together with the direct personal influence which can be , exsreised hy the President and Cabinet, are prejudicial to Mr. Donglae' interesU. Every effort will be made to compass bis defeat, no toatter what eke mav folhrty. Mr. Donglas will suffer moet at Baltimore from the want of some able and influential leader in the South, who ha> position and character enouoh to' oivp ? him weight with Delegates from that section. Mr. Stephens, of Georgia, was expected to perform this pari alvharlestoo, but Could not attend, being then engftgod in- an important criminal case, in A!?law?. lie wtjl now be kept away by illness, thus depriving Douglas of his important aid at the most critical juncture. The impression gains ground that the Convention cannot agree upon any basis of compromise. Both interests are more hostile than when they seperated before, and each cbargo the other with the responsibility of that rupture. The South Carolina Delegates are not i">mni?sioned to Baltimore, but a motun will be ?v.ade for tbeir admission on the same fooling as other seceders, which will necessarily be resisted. Two candidates are now regarded as almost inevitable. Mr. Davis will be urged by the Southern intere-t, but as his name may possibly prejudice the movement, a combination between \(s)<ara 11 iinlor on/1 i iiuao * -> ??" ?? proposod ns the most effective mode of striking Mr. Douglas dowr, at the South. [iV. J'. Tribune. TUt.TIMORK, Juno 17. Items from Baltimore.?The outside pressme in favor of Douglas ii very strong. Tlie general impression is that h large portion of the Douglas Delegates will oppose the admission of the seceding Delegates to the Haltimore Convention, and will favor the admission of the new Delegates who may present themselves. The whole matter will be referred to the Committee on Credentials, who will report thereon on i Tuesday morning. If they report I against the admission of the seceders, or if their re|>ort is not adopted, ilirottpli ' the action of the friends of Douglas, | i ben the secrders will go back to Kic' I sncsd. S voml Notlhern Delegate, who are opposed to the nomination of) Douglas will nlso withdraw. If things ' gr on harmoniously, however, it is believed that a new candidate will be pi t in nomination and successfully earth d through. The friends of Douglas claim 156 votes for him on the first ballot. I Dotli factions are more bitter and excitable than they were at Charleston. I The city is thronged with the Delegates and visitors to the sights of the week. littleiiAM i ouxo.? I lio Alorinon Chief is on ft visit to the Atlantic cities, lie does not travel about in great state, but goes under an incognito. lie is Mr. Smith or Mr. Jonesy or some other alias which will serve his purpose. He is said to have conie eastward for the purpose of obtaining articles needed in establishing manufactories?perhaps, nlso, to replenish his stomach of wives. The Mormons, at present, are vastly indignant at the abuse which is lavished upon their system of polygamy, in Congress. They contend that most of the members of Congress are, practically, pol vgamists, to a greater extent than the Mormon*. It is a slmme to the United States Government that it haB such a Territory as Utah. Either it ought to admit that it is incapable of putting down rebellion, and let Utah te??ve with all the honors of war, or else it ought to crush this nest of vipers under its ; heel.?Richmond Rifpatch. An Ecropeax Conflagration Posrihlk.?The lollowing highly important article appears in the Journal des Dehats : * Every one endeavors to den^' that an European conflagration is possible. and jet it cannot be concealed that every one fears it. Europe has rarely found herself in such a singular position. There are five or six powers which know not whether they ought to -act with a view to war or peace, .to vote railways or armaments. Who holds the thread of so many complications ? Whence can arise this general war, in which no one believes, but which every one appeals to expect ? lietween what adversaries will it first burst foith, if it does so? Who willv be enemies?? who allies ??what is to be fought for ? i This state of 11 loertainty is more par- i ticularly striking in tiiat country of eternul uncertainties?Germany. It is a little amusing that the nominee of the lflaclt Kepublicun party for Pieaidei t has been obliged to wr le a letter to tell the country what his name is. Here is the note: SruiNUfiEtn, In., June 4, 1860. J/on. George .Xehmun? Dear 8ir : Tt e - l . ^ .*! y seema &k u.-ine question wnmner mj 1 llrnt name is 44 Abraham " or M A brain " , will never be settled. Jl ?? 44 Abraham,*4 | and if the letter of acceptance ix not )et in print, you may, if you think tit, I have my signature there printed " Abraham Lineutn." Kxercise y oor own judg Weill about thia. Yours, as ever, A. LINCOLN. . Bian in a Thkk.?At Farmintown, I?>ua, Sunday, a little girl, four years Add, WJUI cm ried by a sudden gust of I , svind imkT l<xlged in a clierry tree a f?w yards do-taut. her doilies having caught in the branches of the tree, where she remained unhurt. The anxious fitrtiter ran to and fro seeking her, when the little in in went, dripping with rain, psejv ad down through tha branches of lim cjnrry Lies cvdufmiog?44 J'tu Iters, ^ ^ < fgB #Jjt SotstJjfmi Cattrfriw. W. P. PRICE, Editor. * C. M. HeJUEKXR. Assistant. Our Motto?" Sqatl Bight* to All." * i. K KKN V1LLE, K C. Thurtday Morning, Jane 21, 1860. Pariontl. '; I It will b? wrn from the card of Mr. C. M. McJuxkix, published b?low. Hint he i* hence i forth to be the Assistant Kditor of this paper. From hi* long connection with the newspaper business, we have no fenrthnthe will fail in the particular branch to which he proposes to confine himself. The article* which have heretofore appeared in the Entcrprite, marked with an asterisk, ( ) hare ; been his, and we doubt not havo been generally read and admired. Our reader*, we think, will be pleased with this announcement. Salutatory. For the past three year* and a half we have been connected with the Kntcrpvit* in | the capacity of publisher and proprietor. During thnt time wc have occasionally attempted an editorinl, and endeavored to assist somewhat in this department, contributing our mite whenever occasion prompted or required. In appealing before the render* of tiie Enlerprine, at this lime, therefore, a* Assistant in the editorinl department, we do so, we feel, with at lenit n small idea of the duties pertainirg thereto. No desire or hop? of \m>rart?lizing ourself. or chinning a world by the effusions from our" gray goose quill " j has prompted this step. Though perhaps | not entirely devoid of vanity, it reaches not j quite that fnr. How much our humble ef- | forts heretofore have contributed towards ! the entertainment of ottr renders, we know ! not.; but if in the future we shall succeed In ! i assisting to furnish from our weekly board ' an entertainment palatable to our patrons, j our aspirations and most sangiue expecta- i thins wi.l bare been realised. Our province | will be principally in the news department? | clipping, condensing nnd framing such items I as we may presume to be of interest. The j arena of politics, with its multifarious and : euuuliontcd questions of right and policy, I j we do not propose to enter, leaving that to I I the Senior, so far us the Enlcrprite is con- ! I ccnied. With the most graceful how we know how j to innke, and our l>est wishes for tliecontin- j ne<l prosperity of our patrons and friends | generally, we salute the readers of the A'w | trrprif, hoping our future intercourse may | be pleasant and agreeable. C. M. McJl'XKIN*. Military Excursion. The Butler Guards, of this place, have I accepted an invitation to spend the Fourth j of July at Mn.r* Hovthkbn**, seven miles i from Greenville Court House. The Crops. Fine rains linve fnllen throughout. llie j District, nnd tlio crops, not already gathered, are doing finely. The wheat erop lias ' proved unusually <*ood. The grain Is very ' large, and almost entirely free from rust, j ' The corn never looked better, and if good j 1 seasons continue, the yield will be very > abundant. , / ' . . | The Baltimore Convention. Nothing of peculiar interest lias yet been j received from Baltimore l*Von? il... ...? ! eeedlngs of the first day, wo are led to l?? lieve that tho delegates from nil the sec-ed- | ing States, who apply, will be admitted.? | Tho oliaiicce of Doiola*' nomination are j growing weaker. The Mf. Y? Delegation ( w.l) not vote for IiU?, *if a new c andidate , it j>re?cnted. O?ikup} *- t-ffi * ' Detention of the Cars. The non-arrival of the passenger train on Monday last, was occasioned by the wash- . ing away of a portion of a trestle below | Alston, in eonie<|tteiice of which the tip and I down train* were detained about six hours. No other damage sustained. The Oatllard School. ~ Tlie first term of this School will lorani nate on to-inorrow, when a vacation, to continue until the illtli July, will commence. A vacancy occurring in the Female Department, by the resignation of Mrs. M. M. Pies, the Hoard ol Trustees have elected Miss Helen M. Foster, of Ibis District, who will commence Iter duties with the beginning of the new term. We arc authorised to state tlint the address which was to have been delivered at the beginning of the School, by Rev. T. 8. Aktiiiir, and which was unavoidably postponed, will be delivered on Monday, 16th Jnlv. Tbo Southern Teaoher. We have received a copy of this hand somely printed periodical, edited and published by Prof. W. H. Balton, of Montgomery, Alabama. Many of onr eitixena are personally acquainted with Prof. Barton, and accord to him the abilities for sncceeefully Carrying out the enterprise he lias undertaken. We copy the following notice of ' The SoHthcm Teacher" from the J'itUbmrg (Pa.) Educator: " We have received the first fotw numbers of thia nldy conducted, and aTready highly pepnlar, uiagaxinf. ft is a model in matter, style ami machanical execution, and is wortlty of liberal patronage, ft cannot fall to elevate 11w standard of education in the Hontli and wherever elae It may b? eirenlated. Much praise ia doe Trot Barton for hie indefatigable lahore in the cause of edncation. We I cine that hia excellent journal, and hia admirable scries of text book*, mav have a wide circulation, and tliat all his educational efforts may be crowned with site esse. Persons wishing to ImMiM yearly I subscribers for the Journaf, should cnchiae a dollar td the address of W.A llarton, A. M.r Montgomery, Alsbame." (9* Attention to eaHcd to the few ad- I rsrliMwat* U this Isaac. i k 8 0 TC8 | "Till li|i nf UnnMMllii" ' T1>U Is the title of sli htfwtlag w?tiiy newspaper, published In the town of Moati?ell?, Draw County, Arkansas, a eopy Of whleb has lately bean reset red. It k edited with considerable ability by GUV, HaMtnowsr and W. F. Bnmn^ who have for tbelr motto: " Opposition to Fadaral Consolidation?The Government Is for the People, and not the People for the Government.* We think we reeognlae ia Mr; BrasvLurc a former fellow-townsmen. With pleasure we place the " Koye of AfoofiVW/e" upon ??ttr exchange list, and hope to receive It regularly. Beientiflo American. We cheerfully eall the attention of our readers to this worthy publication. It Is do voted entirely to the dissemination of scl1 entitle knowledge ; and to the inventor, the i mechanic and machinist, the chemist and architect, the millwright and mill-owner, I.O F?wMoai ?1 * 'L - - a I .?.mi u<i jtinnnr, m? man oi leisure I and the man of aciencc, It raeommend* itm)(. The third volume of the new eeriee commence* on the let of July, and now la a pood time to subscribe. Subscription price, f'2 a year, or (It for six month*. Mi nn Jb CoM publisher*. No. 87 I'ark row, N. Y. Crops in Florida. A friend, writing from Middlebnrg, Fla.? under date of June 8th, snys: " The crop* of porn and cehns, which hnt a short time since gave evident sign* of an abuudnnt harvest, are very unpromixing. particulnriy the former, owing to the excessively dry weather. Never have I seen the ' earth so "dry in so short a time. Should we not be vi*it<d, very soon, by copious show- | t-r? of min, crops will be very snort." STATS ITEMS. Equity Court commenced at Abbeville tbe 11th in^t?Ills lienor Chancellor Ih:xc*s presiding. The Itannrr thought the new and old Inisii.cts would tnte no il.. The Sjxtrlan My?: " Perhaps no wheat harvest lor ten year* h?i turned out more satisfactorily than Hint of this year in thin nmt ndjiiiniiig IHstrictn. The yield :i not only good, hut no rust or blight has touched the heads." The Lancaster ZejJj*r han been presented with a rare drliency in the shape of a portion of very fine watermelon?the growth of 18110. Somebody is ahead of time. Tlir Fairfield Herald learns that a fatal ac ehlent befell Mr. JollX Ti k.m:* on the 7th Inst., by being kicked in tlie aide by his horse. Ilo died on Tuesday. The Columbia fall races will not come off as advertised. Col. I. 0. M?Ki*?ick, of Unionrille, has been elected Brigadier < icneral 51 h Brigade I South Carolina Cavalry, in the place ofUen. 1 llrsr, resigned. The Client w Gax'tle says the very hard rnitis that section has recently had, have nearly ruined the crops. The Masonic fraternity at Cheraw will celebrate the approaching St John's festival. I>r. J. U. Ikvinu, of Charleston, will deliver the address. The citizens of Helena, Xewl?erry IHstriet, are taking steps for the erection of a new rhurch at that place. The Camden Journal says that the stable of Mrs. A. K. 1', in that IHstriet, was struck by lightning, and, together with two horses, huriied up, during a storm cn the SOI h ult. At a meeting of the tax-payers of [own of Camden, on the 7th Inst. ? tolvcd that the Town Council of tiwi 9 uibacrihc $00,000 to the propoaed rr.m connection between that place and ifl tervillc, to connect with the S. O. or W E. Railroad. JT A night-hawk, mraauiing 3 feet ' fr<?tn tip to tip of it* wing*, and * 7 or 8 |K>tind*, was ahot by Mr. li in I.anrcn* Distiict, recently. gun; distance, 70 or 80 yard#. lt< ^ were 1J inehe? long. The Her (A port* good ruin*. The Cheater Slomlaril lenrn* that a negro 1 woman belonging to Mr. Joux I)n Kt.r, of I Fiahing Creek, wax thrown from n mule and killed, n abort time ainre. The young ladle* of the Sunday School* nt Cheiter. together with the Son* of TernIterance, will celebrate the 4th of July by un addrca* and t?ic nic. The benlih of Charleston hi reported as continuing very good, save only in disease* of infant*. Xuniber of Jeitlm last week, 30, of which 20 were below the age of Jo years; n thence to the age of AO; end 3 nhnve that ego. Of there, 11 were whites And I'J colored. More thnn one dial f the dent lis were of colored children. We regret to learn from our Charleatoa exchanges that Mr. John C. Walkkn, of the tirtn of Wai.kkr, Kv.ins A Co., dial in that j city on the l&tli inst., of an ntliictlve diaease under which he had for some days been la lioring. Mr. W. was an enterprising mechanic, of integrity and steadiness of cha raeter, and a useful The citizens of Winneboro expected Hon. W. I* Yawict lo pass through that, place as he went on to Richmond, but it seems wsrc sadly disappointed. A large erowd were at the depot when the train arrived on which he was expected, snd a salute was fired from an srtiHery field piece, in honor of the dis tinguiahed Arrival?hut Mr. Yawcky wa? unluckily not on lioard to witneaa the warm enthuciecin whieh won displayed, having taken another route. Deep mortification followed the disappointment. The Union villa Timet tliinka Fruity t'ourt* ahould be dlapeneed with. It mya: "We remember of a venerable and reverend friend who told u* that he had a caae in lliit court, we forget how many yea re, hut it appeared to be interminable; every dollar of the amount contended for by the ItlaintifiT had been exbauated, and ihe deendant had expended all he xrM worth in reaiating the claim, and yet no deefoion or remedy eonld Im obtain jd. After all the values contended for hod lieen awaHowed ap In cxpeusea. one or both tfco parties (forget whieh) petitioned theaoartto let the matter drop and take the *h?h ewaeem." " ^ t X Both Hoeeeeof Congrees were te edjfrofern on the lStlr iaSt, hot the IIoims hoe re footed the iterate'# reaoletion, extendiag ihe thn? mi adjournment until the Mth, to the 0am | mittea # Ways a*d Maaua j i 'i HHHHH + UN? I |MH HNttfcNM WM Wk 'r-*'jc\ mmssmsBBssssssssmmsasamgBBm <m ?? <*?'. Mi <K A JSl - JK 1 - > wminnwi nw ksplzy. Hon. w. L. Ytn??y irrl*?J In Rlthmotd, V*.. on the iMh Inst. He U nn object of great interest ? political lion. If idmit tod to the Baltimore Convention next week, and ho can got a chanoe, bo will re|dy to Douglas' late speech In the Senate. The National Executive Committee of the Union Party have oetabliehed their Head Quartern at No. 867 D street, Washington City. The house has boon filled up for their accommodation, and they arc actively engaged in preparation for a vigorous prosecution of tlic campaign. " One of the companies under Major Orasebv's command, who were slaughtered by the Indiana at Pyramid Ii*k?, contained, besides the American members, two Greeks, two Austrian*, one Italian, one 8pnniard, sad a satire of Chili. Am Iters*. College line received and acee^ini a dm!!{r.gc frc:n William College. tn play a match game of ball on or before the 4th of July next. l>e Lave has challenged Dlondin to meet him in a series of fetes on the ropes at Niagara and rassaic Falls The sum of f 5,000 is named as the wager of the trial. It is stated that 90,000 Swede# and Norwegians are preparing to embark for the United States, and it Is believed that not less than that numlier will reach the United States before the close of the present year. Secretary Floyd has summoned Gen. Harney to Washington, with a view to the arranging for the campaign against the Shoshone* and other Indiana It la to be planned on a large scale. From the accounts In the California (wipers, received by the steamer North Star, it is inferred that a minister of State, and not Ilia Tycoon of Japan, has l>ecn assassinated. It is stated that private letters from Tarls represent Mr. Faulkner and family as much dissatisfied with their new poeit:onIlis family arc already anxious to return The Artesian well at Columbus, Ohio, linn already renclint the onpweoentd depth of twenty-four hundred feet, or nearly half a mile. It is the deepest well in the world, hut as yet discharges no wnter, nor exhibit* any sign* of it. The House of Representatives have reduced the amount allowed city letter-carrier* for delivering letter* from two to one cent per letter.? Till* amendment an* attached on to the appropriation Mil, and wa* made at the suggestion of the department. The eoet of the New York Central 1'ark tlm* far ha* been $7,500,000. The mm of $1,500,tmk? will 1>? expended on further improvement*. A Mr*. Cha*e, of Wautoma, Wisconsin, died lately, aged 10 year*. 0 month* and SO day*. Mr*. C. was married al>out three year* ago, and has left three little children to mourn a mother's loss?a sad commentary on the error of ?u?th early man Inge*. Let parent* hew arc, and girl* take warning. It i* alleged that the plcuro-pneuuionia I* a disease of the distillery of cow stable*. The report of tho New Jersey Agricultural Society, just nut, says so. A man named Fnsign KM ridge, of Chatham, Mnw , died Friday night, having starved himself to death. IIu hud lived 77 days without fond. A monster Alligator was captured on the 7lh inat., near Itroad Swamp llridge. in Williamsburg District, by I>r. J. S. llroek- i ington. measuring eleven feet ten inches in length, and largely proportioned in every I other respect. His tail was six fec-t long, and Id* tusks two inches. The cele ' brsted bronze doors, modeled by Rodgcrs, I ' snd east in Munich, have arrived in New | " ork. They have cost some $40,0Oft, and ? excited general admiration abroad. . T. Miller, i?f RiiMcllsville, Tenn., ' dnformatinn of his brother, Jacob bo left tliHt part of tbe country in lH.Vft. Anything concerning his nli will be thankfully received by The ('ash mere goat is 1 in Tennessee. John It. 1 prince of temperance lecturer*, en lecturing in Kngland for the j rear*, in to return to tbi* country i * lion. A. II. Stephen*, of la, i* exceedingly unwell front attack* ' 01 .ertigo, with which he ha* been visited, 1 and is unable to attend to hi* business. Hi* professional labor* have been very heavy of late, and his nervous system has suffered from being overtaxed. So says the Washington Statea. Resolutions indorsing Senator Sumner'* course in the United State* Senate, passed the Massachusetts Legislature on the 18th in*h, by a vote of HA to 44. Subscriptions for the Pope have been commenced in biwir Canada. In Quebec mon? it i* proi table (hat $5,000 or $6,000 will lit raised, $4,(NM> having been actually sultecrilied. l>*niel Clark liaa been re elected Senator from New Hampshire to the United Statea Senate. De*|tatchea Ity the last mall from Korope, both official and private, from tourer* entitled to lilghttt credit, repreaent general war ?? probable, and that preparations of a mort extensive character are being made, and ! that great activity alto prevail* in dock | vardt, A a. A child, Ave yeart old, died in Wheeling, Va.. on live lrtth instant, ! from eating dried apples. Tha New Orleans Jtelta, of the 1st inat., publishes a letter from Gov. Houston, accepting the nomination of the people of Texas, for the offiec of President of the United Statea * The Itoaton Post that a disappointed candidate for office, speaking of men who sell their votes, remarked :"Thev are as 'ate aa jKsop, of old, who told hi* birthright for a mess of potash." Ghee, who was arrested in Charleston, is undoubtedly the same who torn* tints ago swindled citizens of Washington of large amonnts under the name of Evans A Co. CapC Bass, of tbs Charleston Police, received a diapateh informing him that the company of Ghee was very mnsh desired at Chiaago, Illinois. f? the Enterprise. Afr. Editor? We most respectfully suggest ? that ALEXANDER M.BKR, Esq.. has all the suitable qualifications for a member to the State Leg Mats re. He ie a perfect gentleman In ?* '? *?" ,L - 1 " * ' , .J m?mv VI un worn, (DO II M ??N p*a*a< am Ui? wute, eo?<ttUoa Md in < 1*1 c*p*bilitiea of thi% Motion of the j Buu me ujr ** . We hop* Iki h? trill l eoneemt to b***oi* i MtdidaU tor til* LogMotor* *4 tli* >iwl>| *l**tioe. ? . . ; ... , nroRRGw i |If Hm. Ma OWmDV <tia*?W ot 1 CWpiii HwwiwirjlinU UiiaJ, . J J i '* '. . . * vo, J ' > J 11xai& . Fnr tka Mwtiin, ? / -i*? - 4 J . # *, -. /* ; Aivcttt, Am., Jan* 4th, 1U0. ' Eprm Enurtat?V+ar Sir. t Presuming iW* you Would lik* to know *on? thing hi regard to crop* and politic* lit tkh SUto, I Hm tl*? opportunity of giving you i bri?f ?count of both: Crop* in thi* county?end other* m for m I ?*n hc?r from?never looked better than nt till* time. The farmer* b*ve hud n moot excellent apring for working their me crop*, nnd torn* of the oldest (inner* teii they never have seen cotton look better in > thi* or any other country at tlii* time of the year. Arkansas hoe, to my certain knowledge, produced abundant crop* for the two last year*, and this year bid* fair?should we have no diouth?-toexceed in abundance the two preceding year*. Health, at pre*- | ent, it very go-xl. The atata ?f polities in Arkinnu. I don't think tli? man ii living, or dead, or ever i ' will live, that conld state the prvelae atnte of politic* with the Democratic party.? Some are for Pnnl, some A polo*, and some for Cephas ; tome for Johnaon?the regular nominee?xinio have got Henry M. Rector to run ae the regular candidate, and have declared J oh neon'* nomination void ; and some would be for the devil liineelf, were he a candidate. The State Convention met first and nominated R. H. Johnson, brother to Bob, the U. 8. Senator of thW State, for Governor.? The first Congressional I>i*trlel Convention met at Dover to nominate a candidate, being a different act of men met for a different pnrposc, took It Into their heads to pase some resolves condemnatory of the way or manner la which tha Gov. was nominated, llrre, for the benefit of tome who might think that I am one of this nnriv 1 it?u that I am neither, hut am a lire Know Nothing in Arkanma?which everliody know*, is a rare thing, n-nrcf'j, or tserer found here. But I state thing* aa are reported of each party by themselves. The cause of ail thia turn up Jack and apiit a horn, waa firat started by one Tommy C. Hind man. a Demagogue of the lowest Mississippi hue, who came to this State, and Itefore he had been in this State six months, canvassed this IHstrict for a nomination to Congress, and after that, did receive It, and waa elected; and ever sioce then, it haa been said, that he dictates who shall hold the offices from township Constable to ('. S. Senator. And the last Legislature did take ? recess of twenty-three days, did meet, and did |wa* a resolution gi?r,tir.g each member |?ay for services never rendered, and milage they were not entitled to ? Jouhson denounces them, and llindman did defend them for it. 1 learn that one of the member* said that they appropriated fSOO for their liquor hill. The Ilindmnn Convention has np|Miinted delegate* to the Richmond and Italtiiuoro Con volitions. Mitchell and Gnntt. are the candidates for Congross in A. Rust's District. 1 am, respectfully, ARKANSAS. - a PriwoxAL.?The letter writer* describe Mr*, Lincoln n* * lady about S5 y?#ri old, and n tmloiM Prtnln Ifri*n. Mr. Lincoln attend* tin* mmc church, l>ut i* not ? meal- | her. lie. however, i* n moral man, and a Irict Ireiotalrr. i Mr*. 11*11 i* a lady of decided character, encrgv, and i* not bitterly Pro-Slavery in principle. Mr*. !>otig1n?? ha* been for a fear year*? ' ever *inee her marriage, in fact?one of the ' quean* of Washington society, Japanese advice* stale that PiinceOo i'airo is not dead, and that every hope k entertained of Ilia recovery. 3 . ! OOMM KRCIAL. CoLl'MMIA, June JA. Cft/cn ?The ?ale* for the week amounted ! to 118 hale*. Extreme*, fi(ri 11c.?allowing , n decline on the inferior qualities from la*! ( week's quotation*. Flour.?Sale* confined to small lot*, at 1 3l(<i 'H per ?Aek. Extra family would com ' maud a sliade higher. Com?Supply equal to demand. Quoted | Rt f*1.12$ |>er bufhel M ll??. in bulk. I , OHEEVILLE j B&FTISTFIMAIE CQLLIGI. j ANNUAL EXAMINATION. ' THE ANNEAL EXAMINATION of th* | Clasae* in the OREENV1LLE BAPTIST K KM ALE COLLKtlK witl comntenre at o'clock, A. M., on Urtlnrrtiiijf, the t Hilt July Hfst, and continue for three day * I Tlie following gentlemen are requested to * act a* an examining Committee, vis : . riv, w. a. jon**ox, o.i>. t. w. ktok ka, wwj., na. a. a. < book, nr. *\m?kl uirn, ar.v. t. a. abtiu b, arv. a. mirlt, n.d. ar.v. ?. a. uaii.i.abi*, alf.x. m'bkk, k*o.. ar.v. a. t. mii.i.. riv. w. william*, o.n., bev. j. a. wii.ravk*. or.*. w. momrao*, ( rev j p ehmri m * ?? - .. I.., IIMIVUI IM) , IK. K l?. !?., N WINTMIBK, *?**., nitM. w. k. kahi.kv, w. p. micr, kmj , MOM. B. r. I-KXKT, U. K. Ki.roRP, WKJ , . amu TUB BXr.CI TIVB COMMITTER. ( The pilTiin* and friend* of the Collage are J respectfully invited to attend. , C. R. TWITTY, Pre*, pre tern. June 21 7 . 4 * Religious Notice. OowbmsVILI.B, June Sth, ISfifl. ' Til* Ministers' and Deacons' Meeting in communion with the Fourth Union Meeting of the Tyger Rlrer Association, will be bold with Rooky Creek Church on Friday bbpobb tii . riptn RabbaTI ih Jn.r. Rev. h. T. Pill appointed to preach the Introductory Sermon ; J. L. Westmoreland to write Kssay?Subject, Intemperance. Question for Dieeaaaioo?Should any able-bodied man be retained in the fellow- , hip of a church, wbo refuse* to contribute i M;ttln| l? lh? uppnrtof (1m 0<wp?i? A.M. ' Woodruff to open the dleeuretea. T. J. KAIU.K, CUrk pro torn. June II Vathing Da# of SOTTiea. -MnchanireTilU, ' S. Y., Mareb 17, ??M. Mr. W. K. Hereto; I * hara BMd lltiuitM't Hair ReetoraUro for J three jrtirs, and bar* found it to , 1 rollout article. It not only until rod the color 1 of my hair, giving H dew lite and otreaath, but H oared myrow and wife of a nod ntid' note eruption upon the eeutp, wbteb aitldpgelre roomed to beaeit, I Ml/ battert t* to bo Ibe boot artiolo In uaa Youta, roopwtMhr, KX?WL*ON HOWWAKD. 1 lUMomber (hat tblo roaull war **edn*ed by j Hotmetraat'e J.lmtfbia, Mm ir%taal dud-euty reliable Halt Hbetnrathre. -r ni n ?t ? Kwti H - 2 81 . 1*' '' y' ' ^ I'I v+i? tt-iy* * J AS. ttida, M*y.,J :, pST Quit ay.?Hm ]r?a aaan that Big Iv>< . dian, I* another eolam, bailing roat*, Write, and learaa far the Cbarokea RomoJy t Far Um Itgiilaltn. |3f~ W A AM on?jwM.U<ol *? ? ? w -- - V |?U1?IVI II^U IO ?!? bounce Col. Wi- II. CAjiPftKJ>L-? caadl- * d?U fur rc election to the State LegislstarO (( J the coming election. . *' , , 1 f3?""The many friends Qf 'I>r. J. fi. HFLLlVAN, respectfully NintNUHtltin) \ as a candidate fj>r re-?lectjj<u> to the Statu Le- .t gislaturc at the ensuing election. We are .requested lw the i many MetiSs of J. ROBERT R3IITU, to'CA- V nouueo bim a candidate for tbt LsfisktkN at the ensuing sleetiuD. IST The friends of Col. McCI'jiLOT(111, NSMsthlly beg loava to announce him ?? a Candidate to represent Urtten. vllle District in the neat Legislature. Tor Tax Collector.. f j f^T" We are authorized to an- 1 nounce Col., fl. P. t'OOI.JJ a* a candidate foa Tax Collector at the ensuing election. We are anthofizod to an- , nounrc W. T. PIII'-MATE as a candidate for Til PnlU-liW .1 I ho 1 |jgT" Wo are requested io anmmiif* Mr. BI.IAH HI I.I., im a candidate for Tti CollwUn, it tb? next Klection.' 1 IW JAMES B. PEARSONannounrc* himself n i candidate for TAx Collector at tlic next election. .' IU> 1?Young man, at you mine your life, age, the health of future generation*, atop | buy no more Balaam copaiba, or strong ulfitgen* intoctloua. The eopalba dehilllatca yewr r whole ay item, cause* a general languor and 1 emaciate* the inoet robin*t constitution, the natringeut injeetiona ruin you for llfc, ami unfit you ft?r the enjoyment of dome*tie Mi**. Take. onr advice, go to any drug afore, and yon.WMI find the " firnat Indian Medicine" for \'eaercal diaeaaea, " Cherokee Remedy/' a plcaaaot delieinu* aymp | thia will cure yoa in leaa time than any other preparation known toman, ribt only give* permanent relief, bqt cause* the blood to flow through every vein ! health apd happineaa to beam forth from the check of pallor again. Sec advertisement In another ml- ,1 M. June 14 0 4 All Hair Dtm Abandon*.? W,~,.r. a rent \ Article Am* hilrtn the field.?Professor M'oml i itanda upon an eminence noefaemiat who** at- < tention has been turned to inventing a hair tonic, has ever before reached. Hla famei*sodden, but world-wide, and thouaanda who have worn wiga, or been bnld for ycitrr, are now, through the use of hi* preparation, wearing heir own natural and luxuriaul iicad-covcrinu. Ho much for chomiatry, thechemiatryof human life, and the lanra which apply to the functions of tho syalein. P ro feasor Wood Mod ted out ? the human hair, ita character, ita properties, ' ita diseases, and how to restore the decaying vitality'of that ornament; be saw, aa iu bir I own case, that gray hair i* unnatural, units* the age of the Individual bad reached foumrqhc, 1 and lie w livvof that the hair omld be natural? I Iv rcvitaliacd. lie tried his own rnae?almost bald and ipiite gray at the age of thirty-seven. ' he restored Ida own hair in color, strength and luxuriance, nnd the article he did It will* h? pivc to I lie world. (Jet II Wi //m> Uctfora tirr, ami take nothing else. Cai'Tiom.?Hewirc of vortklrM imitation*, a* acveral are already in the market, called by different nnmra. Use none unlets the Word* (Hrnf. Wood's llnir Restorative, Dcpnt, 8t? Louis, Mo., ami New York.) are-blown in the bottle. Sold by all Druggists and I'atent Medicine Dealers ; also, by all fancy Toilet (iooda Dealers in tho United States and Canada. For sale in firecnville by Drs. T.oxtJ I RrttttNAM. Druggist!. 4-4 Mey.*l? THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. ! IR JAMF.s CLAHKK' | CELEBHATED FEMALE FILLS I Protected LstDri ly Kayal ffe -) ' Prrprrrrrifrom n prerrriftii'm of Sir J. Cfnrfty ' I M. It., /'iysirisa Kxtru'irdiottry Iv ttkr (Jmsen. Til !8lnvaluable medicine is unfailing in tbf 1 ure of all those paiaful and dangerous Jiseasek lo wbiek tbo female constitution14 subject. I?j. moderates all excess and removes all okstntlions, and a *|?ccdy care may be rolled on.. TO MARBIED I.ADIEB ' [t ie peculiarly suited. It will, in n ib?rt timt, ?ring on the monthly period with regularity. * Ctt'TfO*. Thfg! Pills should not be taken by female* taring the must tnrkr uostiih of Pregnancy, " i* they are mro to bring uti Miscnrrioge; but 1 it any other tlino they are safe. In all case* of Nerroneanjl Spinal AfTeetiorey ' I'ain in the Hack and Limbs, Heaviness, Fa, riguo on alight exertion, Palpitation of the *; Heart, Ttyatcriea and Whites, these PHla will I ffrct a cure when all othsr means hava (MM t I u>d although a powerful remedy, dw not roa, lain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hart- , lul to the eonstitntion. t Full direetiona in the pamphlet around aatb ! package, which should Ita carefully preserved. Sole Agent fur the United States and Canada, 1 JOB M0SE8, (Lata I. C. Baldwin * r...,, Rochester, X. Y. N. II.?$1.00 ami 0 postage stamps eneioeed . to any authorised Agent, wiP. insnra a bottle, containing So pills, by rrtnrn mall. Sold in dreenrillr hy Fisnan k If writs n, "?( snd by all respeetahlo llrngglst*. Var Bcraack k tiairason, Charleston, Wholesale Agents. $-lyeew . May 17. HAUt BRAIDnrd " Of Every Stylo *xid Pattern. \/ri>a Ttr T cvr onvT mtio, itx. aj. . RK8PKCTPVLLY Infonn. the Lndiea and (Jentlesnen nfOremriHe.that *heh** re.. . mrned, ?n<| cm be found immediately beyond I he Old fUplUt i'harcb, nt I be Um bouae eke formerly oeoopled, where *i?e hi prepared U ' ierute order* for her nest nod unique ityli of 1 IHAnjR A\ 7D H hS" (i> , >f ererjr derrrtpllnn end pattern. * i COLD XOVWTIV?l >f nil kind*, tiwtfi on bend. ' June 21 T if | ' T. A. IAFAR, oj ? r?iu^j5UM3MP?<Dayp a. cv*, Doctor of Dontal Burgory, jpnOfo t>KVKRH hlrprofeaeloual *?k j /WfKftjM. viae* to y* friend* nod ike riti^Lirrny rem* pf OreenrHI* tot n foW j ?e?k?, nod Will wnjt on partlee ni their reak. j lenewtf preferred, tfc end be fbnad ni dke , ]?r>dl?lt Unaaa J?h II 7 ^ tf 4 " NOTICR i r HAVR piUm N?dii <t?M (M BakM* of x 1 II K.N IIY *. PRINOK. ?!?! <, MXi A* I ?f JAftPKft, f. I'JIINCK, to I,, hand* ol ?f4. fc IX Uoodlotfc ?y AW S Mp, for MHMtta. AO i?M fiOlfif ?m 4 urAjr fairly untUUd to mm P?rwaM m? 1 Oi* pagv??V W. F.POJXCK, l?ft . I ? ?? .. .* *?* / f;, a ' , Si?tr?M Sale. < WSMttisfegl-A *m4UW P M|> ?p rm?f Jtoppxr i?r?xr ? ?*. at M ' OmIi JL, ^T A11 of ftootifcoM yM giWfc? ..: ^ r;; . 1 MMtlMr^MUlMUUca^lr *? 'h?irti?*te4f WHI ifl|kawM ??^if 'i? M? niqaAMI to ?m mewri and *etO? ly Retnrk D?y Mtt, rfl *M diun^ml itm M^ HMNut Amn>u?u, i/ not wUUd by Retark iHty. RDWAi'D O.JACOBS, Baocator. JdmR 7 if At Pnfclic Auction, fmltan, At the rtrldfiMt S?1 door eottth of tht.PraItjUrton Qfm>oh, RfMiArdron Street. . Sale to eonrmeAee at 10 oVVmIl i" , TRItXIA ntHH-ArtUlM le'U Ilia day of sola '*"7-1 JoM 81 .. ,-.rf j?i| ^ llV ".t ' ?>r i ? mm* "l*y State of Moil lli Carolina. - grkenyu-lk msnurr. By k. He Kay, Krq. Ordinary of raid DUtrict. WIIEREA&, WILLIAM 1L TlfOMAS. ?m, CofflfliM6nff in Equity fc>r QraeneiUto Imriti, ha# tltd a Petition In my- Ofirc*. praying that Letter# of Administration on nil, an a singular fit* woods, and chattel* rights tml cfvdlta brVIOlKT ASflMORK, la* ofdba District nforwoid, d' erased, Should be grVint?1 tfc Mm. THt sa ore, therefore, to *!>? And >dipontfh *\l and singnlnr ll?? kbidred nndxnvnHinn <>( lira mid decease/!, J" Infftnd appear In ttio Clmirt <?f Ordhmry fot' mW TBafriat. to He holdert nt ditch,* itln Conptflonee, on the third day of Angugt nexh-toahcau?c, if any, why the said Administration should not l>e granted. - , V . - RORERT llrKAT. X>. (L D. Ordinary's Office, tfttli June, 1864). 7-*7 State of Sooth Carolina. ' ' GREEN V1LLK DISTRICT.; * . IN WitY.* M. Thomas, Administrator nf-Lnraney Keleon, deeeaacd, ta jiutm ijvk., it hx? *t o\.?rP*tUirm to Sell. JLOhd. * TN nbedl*n<*1o nir order of the Obttrt of i". Eqaitrfl I will tell to the highest bidder il QreetiTifle Court 11 enter. Oft' Bale-day ia July nsxt, . All that TRACT wr PARCEL of LAND. .Itunta on l<oth side# of the Uuncornbe road, on water# of Eftoees river,. containing Forty nno and Ihrae-fnnrtHf Aeree, ou which Lurnno* Nelson, alias JLuraney Laiigston, formrflf "lived. , V / TliltMii?A credit of one yenr,, with approved security, and interval, from date, ex. er|?t ao tn.noh as wiU_l>e ncefafary to pay wtt, vbitk fflwt be j?i<l in cash. / U 31 31. TflOJl A& C. E. 0. I>. 3fay 19, 1K60. > ft kl VOUBTIKOF JULY. KiaiiTt rouRTM ANNJVJJRHA| ., JSY t? As?t??h iBdeftradanoe Viii b? t?|obrslei| an tytdwmloy, tl* F"*rtk' nf July ?er*. At MlLfc* KOVTHJmX fl, pavcu mil*# north-east ot'Ht^ivillC-V. J I. ... Thr Anniversary Address will be tfelirercd l?y ,\lnj. 8. It. Q&OJH.KTT: ' ? The Oin<M<latcs fur lha Hastate anjl House of Ilei>i?senf#ttres. and tl)' |dNlo gene rally, are [e^peethdly invited t?? attend. A mNNEJt will be fA all who Jcdrr it. II. A. CAt'BLE. , . IVII,HON HAW KINS, . ?. r. DJitN hbitY. * 1'KTBR SfHiTHKItX, * ALPMTO TAYLOR, Committee of Arrangement*. June 1-1 ? ' | >" X BOTXCsE'. ^ ^ I WILL 6ELJ, fo III* hlghfiSSSHr ell 'bidder, on Prying, tkr tik HK|mfff ting nf J nig Hurl I he following rfT^wf Property af the Rotate of ?C3SaB?2aLiAMKS XOKJCH, depeaocd. nt the whereon (Aid deoeaac^ dtcd, 1:? mile* north-eu*t of'(Ireenvhie t'/ H., enhaint} , ' '" V, * ; HOUSEHOLD FURXITUBE, Rc<U, DcllihiUi -v , * Uuittut, BhlrhoaHk, Table*, Chair*, and Par lur Ornament* ' Cooking I5ten*fl*, Crockery Of alt kind* Forming Toot* * Cat Ha, Mo**, Hor*c* I ffaHtajr, 1 Two-bora* W?jc?n Wheat. Com, and many other article* too tedtou* to mention. ' ' VTERMK-^AH. *ai*n mt and ander $i, cirah ; ?rt-*iver-$5, a,*r?<tit at aix month* will foe g x a <u> not* With two good aaouritiea with ipter atTrout day oT >nl<\ ' * ' ' 8. D. UOOnLETT, Sxeeotor. Juno 14 ' j", 4. td rho State of SootU Carolina. SHERIFF*# SALE#. BitVtowTHf >tin?lrj FipriFaelai, totw 1 Rill kD, War* the lleurt ljnut daw, ai lii? niaal hour* of *a1?, 9a tha Pint ITqsiday In July next, AH ?f. lUV^thntK In 12 Aorta of [.RQil 1 alio 3 Silver Watcfceay atd on Tturt'lny ifLer Salc?-<lay, 1 Hftjr gn I Tan "Still at J. if. ; aa the property ( Oliver Rot*, per x linlnlc rtniicrml, aLdw anil of J. R. Bbwrten. IOQ Aorta wf, iporv Or loan, lying in dnniHlk Diatrlet, adjoining lamia of J. K. fttoac, A. Ricfoardee#, at mi.; ?a the property of Tbomaa Co?, a* ffoe mi ft of K. *. Dmwuh Ai ?lg?. ?. w ' i 180 Aorta or<l, more or lorn, lying in iriwtnrillto IHntrM, adjoining IdJirta of B. F. Ferry, e? *L) mt tbcjiroptriy of WiHUna Fitber, at tW anil of Lloyd nrxlJobn Qomn. TKJiJJV CASJt. "Purcbamr to-pay for title*. . J. T. MrDANfRl.. a. a.m. BkrnHflQpm,, Jmmm lilt, i*%*, *-j.f Not. Yet Dissolved, A JiD tW uadaraigncd give* Ha* Ma ofolMitti JR fomt before i|? apeedy dt**ehrtfon it Woald be tratl Jbr the people t* lay Mb #*t>piie* to do tknd an til tfoty thall W abi* V man*, faciute for tfoentrltca tfoo ftillowitur Article*, wHIrh bare jwat been purehw-d In the North ey aNiaa at tAy lonr prWa, aod %bl*|i van bo ||g^ A *+ V, ^ < VERY IX)W FOR CASH l Fine Mold Kngltoh L**e? WATCHVg, df the test brand*? *1*0. >Me 0<>?d Stria* and A inert- I >?n I>rw?, whW> ? *?<><*>* m* t? forrrrt r dm4 An An* lot ?T (*>W Ch*U* of v*tTou* p*rt?rn* j ?t><! * Ann lyt of RtmM Pin#, X*r-Dr?p*, flnRet - Rin?*. IT*t?K K*7*> OuAnl*. Kll**r u4 Mold ThUn<le#. JttxJ CbirinJL. alfver imI tuM fr * ).?< Ypactofca, b fluf r?t of AUuiAi an4 Stoat* DoUoft*. MmUIhhw n? bra? (?*,' . ffftvar w<l rtojto4 VbMTffpoMtkr'Mnlraa, F?rka, Cwtf"', 5HS?A?3^jw!: (Tare la wartavfe* t?U */?.. r*jr ha? qnal irirrfMtrcrAiS'cz fc?ifcB?rtaa %l?w| ** **4 *o* ?M nvMi frj **M. A* *arly iMptatton . (f Hioaltova IHMm j?I do y?m moM-*. iiHitifin to U?ld, ? r* ?? V ^ i Hal w : A? . ^ ,, .. t.ttiSr I ? - ' * ?*