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^ JHL '. ..':/ - ? ' ' '' ' ' ,^ "' ^ '^ " ^ijSBS^S . ' iiiES," -"-afc-BEId^ISX OF FOPCLAB EVENTS. 5' ' ^SjtjL:j? .lliL l^ZCi' '' ' il i "* "^^^^WHP&cd to |)ro.gresr>, the ,;Hightr>ojj the ?oeth, and the |?if??ion of ?seful |inou:tc(lgc among all tflassrs of odtorhing |#t*. 'SpP^Er:^,.; ioi.'.^'". V'.'v'-'"- GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY MORNING, -JUNB- t\. W0B. ~"r? NUMBER 7. - <we mmytttsr . nmo torn TkoMjJA* *owwir*. ; | *> ?y \ y W ; I M?^tTNKXK & BAII^, A it. KoJuS' "*..oM&t W. H. -mrf* WHO,. , w . i-?nyt?v StS?*** ? ^iwpViiub-r >0*? tw Wttai i .vXSSS4 publUUU **YhroUW ?*? r***% .**^Vw. V1 ^v7-7~rr~322S Ip -4 ?rW?ii~HLmn Lpni^nViiv ^C * JTprto b <nl?rtnonf |*>?bi#, by I*. ' comftiy of VWhtta, wjb th? fuUo*rtft?'W)(#<?fll!?A.|?'lt..?.l,:n ,. jEg ;li - Let"* w*Ua ltttU longer, TdmL. ^ 3Hfor? wo wort w*r4 * !. -? " wi^t for old"Aunt U?tn?rk?,8%k^- ; ; , '-'V Twoftld bVenk l>*r,benri;''Hn?br.? '<y ^foykV-lWrUW1 .!: H*uj>c?! 1?, trtllte an.tmow/. . ,f , ' Tbe tart leaf of tiui gixnl olS-icec?* )* 2, -* | i1(8k 4-V !* &>* *?< ^ irfv ^ 1" V Kag w^l sU? lOroil uitn^rJ ?U all .*:, 0, lon^-nnd Wng ago K s Be*ido-y?n erqWhMng gnrden wall, Our gajlautf.dluT 11c - t <"Our good, old nioihuk'?V ^jl*? Ajint Ui*!?njtH ojo?od e*o*! eh#u?M'Ui?flftymst<r<n|lieab-botb, * j Some Wji -ycirt V^o? \ , i : - To Vent* doftr Wd grave* behind , 1 tsx - .y* BJ?| trc,u,?^? "grca,t.k?>d ?man,. i Asst. Ua^sh UW wWhi giro %p MOUO,.n, *x - > *, no 'r*?oh?r W^wnlL^ * W? laid hj? good award <*? Breast, [js* ' t j,' for Iwiirt'&atjc&rnt ' ? m,' W hihfl oi4 Auj/l Qanpah knelt Intehra-AU ! Tom ! vrt epnuot go J ^ Tier paddit vW Aon : . * The kindly angel noihe, - ,*x * And JfcadHIh^ good^ohi, 'fnltbfol aoirt, "S " Too4rjr^MMjViA*moAnd wheg freVe marked kor 'imjda grayo, I. And dropped.?ie*r or so, ' **|SiHbf ' W*ll ?nr the tabes at tkm-p***, , ?' <^7 L ! And westwaj-d gajl)- ga ! . --'"i 3a ""SHftrsthig" ,?tonj. T ill HflUSfiK&PliB.^' .*< iXr ' A 1*ABT> fko?*?lemiki'iimt ?f r?r?? j\,. eticcg ** u? winiiea b ?Stu4ltan m a nOU#BKPfK>KlVi? < flraA'aMutly. RofvnsD?Mfc?rfl. A*?1W? > |^<y> ^ fjXITHi Box ism, '1 p,e"^ ^f K BWMy, l.ut T was forty ttve y<*?* old, ?Td ltad n*m arrived *tS?f?gtory way of ?f?n<fcng i?, I condi?U*l. ilial tflj erforw fli?- waol of n borne of my own. ton^ng/a ?udolon dfaguat tor.4}Otyois and boarding I Ipek a . ' htMMlV VdiWo in n ftepectafelfc fuut I . of <h?.towu, and begnif looking tor a IkuImItaMMI1. Tll? AilrariiMni*"' uiKW> i heads this nfttrativa \ h?<l jtmt mo' my gUdcwf'ovariib? "VWHTIU *in' the evening; pfcper. It flensed mo. *' . -f wm rebdfog k for- lift - twentieth t'?m?s JnvcKed ift rny mmm. Attention to,, us care - fcr -isy comfort "SM ntroo.Wthn thom I lending bor pretty Ashler, t-M^t and H -bek "believed of ibe three. $ho *** a. L ? handsome if<mfan,.of wHnin*ndma,-im" , -"pnrtnl order, and she leojtetb bor beat P ; |h*t" Winter ejW^D tn her^-rith fnrt -i ?ad r/r^W?^.?rinj?(2 with ? the dfrctft of tb? kew( frb^y ?Tr, arid the ?h$b?4*beto-taking. ' w, tf I au?>rery fVad ^o >oy, glita,^ RV '-fanto fcgfNHM* WL ilnffMM TwS^^S^BSK |f ; <? **< +m 9?i ih*r? Will U ? V # good diwi of Iroiibl*. I* tb? H?rt j>H*? |B^^^^U?Tfl?Sd?kcto?A6ep?ry^^ 1 nwUM IV P]>MK "VllSinH, Snttdic." -Wild, at Jill, "troubling yon about my aftairs." u-For shame ! ** if j*o?'?r?r bad Beaton to ikihb anyrt?injy"f could <16 for yuuj\f<w!d bo a (roulde. ' yory jn*t rtMnnrfc, consnloriffg tint 4ieK ^pluouifv teryjco on my Uifialf jpitiounteU to, los'klo fre<p>vnt viaiix. n .pair ofuUppers, with a pink-owl (fllBfjV cat on cmditoe, ami u t>inokiug cap. with, a gr?*ri eved,p?<H\lo q^tichwih j '' \o^plnue ba$?re-? bar* l)?c pa par in wbicli T hadJ marked* tbo'iifl?t* linemen vtlmtl liMul* (kWnUiela. } > u Thwe. Elian. that is whirl I -iinvo "been thinking about'. <SotH' briv/ I fhnailio(ri3 lite Mrs. Ni. L.Smlth \ untajVtuo lioi naiiK.' i-. T am , gotag U? wtilo to box 1004"s"? liut aren't 3*x>u acting- ort impubc, . Perhaps bo?1 nUyftve do?r?h1 eflmpbow liiy ventures- have been tolcr but tins m sitcli nu..important tjrfnjfr yu? know," and she unWJM Vnthfr utiensfty. * that 'you wilTie ?ure Uv marry the litdy," ,. '! at-Mnrr* f > 1 'believe every woman bus Vli httf thfe elements of nn- ICve. Hero j whs hd npylp I never should hare seen but far'my hi>v-. 4lt-*as my Hull to lad^lt. " }Y|iv, yo, EHr.n. That ,ts\Aji idea of cuuiJKi i never thought of. I don't jwiHgtHe it would prove to lie ono with ?m not :l marrvin-r mat). Hesides, slie is without doubt a widow will) children, ?nd;? " ?s I pepped, tor I Ycmejnbered my sis- j 'WrV< l>vr?H\Tni&ut nutl incumbrance. | tier face turned crimson.-. \ ilo not think if Impossible ibairv n wUlbvir witb .children, and you nuiynot when Kirs. Smith has kept horse for you si* months; thbrtgh, to ?e*bure, I don't think some women Could-ever tnako up their mind* to luarryngurn." ' * - > 1 Mipi'OMi " some tvonmn " referred lO IMMX'il, ftlMt I fttU gilKl ut tin* him aa to "her'sentiment*, fur poor Kobori Jiu.d'Icf^.Ids' fiuiiilv vt/ry comfortable, ?iul fUivl not. waul lo see. lii? children-, vtehiifet' -to (lie unlentler mcicie? of n After a fctv im?r?rtrilU? tiona. froln Mr.*. Bishop, ami ?v few strouj? cxpreasjons of admiration for \ariom uiti<les of feminine adornment frttn Mule BUV.A. which exlinoti .1 ftnm Vfj>er go0(l nntUu (1 uncle fh? OTWoTOF^aniuuiit of hu h money, anil I wrote my latiar^oMcb. In il I Rtn\pd tyy t&tfehcotfia salary 1 was willing lo pay, iwul the nmuber of iny household. 1 t ga^e her my n:imc and the nam<* of V few. of my fitends who would be ready tt> jtffhfd her whatever informalioittdtu lri)u\r<|(I a? to ;ny..means njid iobarncter. l-ndded a postscript Lu any tbul i pi*H\ctirhrly objected to-children, and should inaku it ft tuijnt with my housekeeper to leave hers bent nil her. If -thedlfced the terms and stipulation*, I H^JfWited llf? .to. call nt my comitim;room the entuiit#.eveuing. I It wf nid bn idle lo say tlmt I atiendO.I thiv' jilmAte IA linaihua it... forenoon. aTlia housekeeper-fever, the Lpmrr lodging*. Iiuii taken full pomjev ?k>n of me- -"I mu.*t con few. l>e?idew, lp no anyiilV curiosity' as to tin? por*onnl appearance of M L. Smith. I wanted ftft ngreenble hoiin*ke?<p?r. Not too y,oOng?Utht wouldn't lork well ?no "tocdbUaw, wrinkled crono to' sit opposite rn? nt my b?v>rd, but n pleMant, oheerroft^otnan, yonnj epupgfc tt> ruako my homo lively. It wh? about 11 n'clock when my young inAn waited ujon the Inrly in. My ptetyous favNiublu i fit prions were ^BinfianpV. l,y apppirauco. i diw-TwR 'Wlh?h-hor handsome, iiitainlv not in tl*.?i>le ot' my sister-in-law. She * small womtn, li<;lit footed and "i.'iul.'t, v. ttli a snnny, pieA??ntface, *.viiich might Lave tCbtifiqd to lib ty-live summer*. Lui no-winter*, surely ; or, if ehrrHHtb wot. stnrih ?twl rliill she had Liprffe th&in"1v!>h aucK.'br Ave nnl?#nce lit fit hot VcfteoU'd onlv li? >?n 'beam*. Ik-r brown hair \\wbut aimply RH^-nlD'toUiiy *way bum licr tr in?firil face. lUif ayou. yore, frank and cheerful. lief mouth was Hot email, "but wirmlnj* and. smiling.. ^\V hen she spoko, lier tmv, pleas n at lonfc endorsed n <T her e6un\(Fnan?o. ' Wr, fti?liop. I believe ; the gentle Hito k*n*kt flit* Iffer&SftV '&tf* drew the *>pl*tl? frdqp her pocket. the ap*fc*. Hutdnm." I' I ca<Q+! fcir, to S?y tU^t'T' *t>h1<1 *cK#f)t your propy?iti?)hH, UJ you till wilb it, no* that wo havtf met. . ! ? wa* about to.any thai. .J wished ,it niore than e*er, J?tn<H) i had seen her, bntfhrttmauly reoo)lfcl?d it) lime, that to. ujjr > tyouackedper hot6 iti part of ^hrf 'prpgramijtc, arid rery (feooroatly eoneUuksd way engagement in i rttatVcr of finH etKl hiahjWh manner. The' riv?x\ week ?i>e eMir?4 Upon her mine*. i.ivru. mw Known what H was, to .?!' comfvrlnbk. Mv liotism was ? mod*) of <wnv?nte^? indiljhple r^TnT5w^S- <*wTreei^g if Wat IMfttWffr 1i :nowtl J^aa^room 1 enough it* all my |><>ssos*i<aj*, a place J to welcome iny friends tor, and a very ayreeaoie companion in tny lioia-ukeep ?r when 1 chtme to talk tn her, mid mi unol>l<u?ivo iniii inlcr to uty com torts when I was silent, ' * > ? ^1'rue, Mrs. Jiishop found, w.bcno.vor t-lio honored mo w.itii n yj.-rit, thnJ.iH>uie.thing or other wjia K.ot< she fiaJ managed ?Lin poor, .dew Kgbert's time. M U?'uselieepers, even tlio bpst pf them,''. sho was wont la sjvp, " r^(|iiije.n little looking after. They .can't ho ?* take so tnuch in(cre*ljn one's atf.iis as one's own iclaUons", tier comments <liil not give me much unejij-iness, however. ' I weul home, one day, a little earlier I than usual. I tfiouglii a ouk'f eliut ! ...hi. ..... 1.: ?-i- - ...hi i.ijt iiwusc ,'Twr nvcr IllO niliTVSj1 i<>r>tn fiio would hot ho n'np!ivflknrrt. I 1i:i<! ho^nn already to take altrijjt'hcr jn'dro Interest' in her llifltt I wHS propnr ' e*T fo MtTynft'lrTrdW"lb ni l so! I. I pfotnrHMfj 'us 1 hurried WUlilff tl 1 e ehenrful mrnVi, the handsomely tfcifi, nbd I Mrs". Sfnirh~<rt herneat, rpdct dre?H, *fttmjr with twiok or wfak 'waiting fin1 dinner to t>e up. As I rest-lied my rrWn door, however, I found it h^n, j im?1 in tliq tinH thr** children 1 of v?*#t i its; "t akin ?y * mott wfiooi i onnfe farewell of' my house keeper. I had never cared enough for hiiv on? before to expeiienea such :?n .emotion n? jeal . mwy. but l.iliink no oilier would adequately describe my feelings a* I walked into the parlor inul fcJuit the door, l'reseutly Mrs. Smith made her appearaucev . , . .. ( I " I am sorry, Mr," hha. began. ' Notnt ?l!, madam." u u.Oh,.but I ?t?? J yomcmber your stipulations <J>otU the children peifaclly. I fcurely,<jid not intend they should annoy von. 1 pioMinied you would have 11 w yiy?-tl|UU> IU IW?jir QOMIing | in your absence, and I liku to see them I ns often as 1 can, Bill they snkfl not Be lier.c ngnin at any hour when you ftrs likely to coinc home, ?hc must have thought ino an tin gracious bore, for I giouieeTout merely : 44 No matter?no matter'at all." I was in r.n ill humor. Thd pleasant anticipation; <*Wi*which I hurried hiSmc lvnd hot been rentl^od. Mbr/eliver!.T 'i? us ported I wsUk becoming too imub iutfcie*tod in my housckeopwr to ' like to .he rutuinded. that others luul stronger claims upon Iter. 'ITiat evening T sal on otie side ot' the bright tiro ? Mrs. Smith on tho other. I abhor furnaces?it is one of my w\)i.o?v I tared, when I was a hoy, lo make picturos in tho fire, anil the linbir and I grown old folfPtl i or., We had sal I silently for horrid time. Pwvns watching I In two embers two little boats sailing on lovingly side' by side. At length I a>k *1 iiliritjiili1;" " 1 r " 44 What wat?Mr 1 SlniUi'e business, madam I" 44 A merchant. lie, MR in a dry good* firm, and nblu to give us every luxiirv until lie died." So that wan it. lie had failed and died, and hi ft her ail ihose children to support. I looked into tho ftfo agMh. The boats had ^lriftedt far * apart and ^ wore sailing du,wn a flamo colored tiv" ITo on one ride?the on^tpe other.44 l lutisid .m, l.ii'.f, fvli>, l,mil nt 44 Perhaps I . co?M 'have stood tho duMroo If it wofeift fwk thinking slir bad lovtd somebody else. She'd he looking hack all tho while, comparing the tfflh No. 1." ? Btr t" My voice had attracted Mi*. Smith's attention from her book, but she had evidently not umlerstood what h said, and wns looking up inquiringly.? Thank frtMlfnrf lor thai 1 Unrrlm.l ? lil'tto nervously, J imagine. " Nutting?- I. was ui't speaking to you. 1. think I was talking in my sleep."' * f-Jlio looked down again, and T watch-* ed her instead ,of tlto (Ti Q. She was pretty?prettier than I had given her .credit for at tiret. 1 thought, too, alio might ho younger than thirty, as I surveyed Iter nor*. . 'there was a delicate penuh blossom on her check, an inuorent, almost giili.-h expres-ion to her face. Well, cj^eek nnd expression were nothiug W me. T got tip and went disconsolately to bed. The ue^t day my sister-in-law came to see nte. . As usual, she hitd plenty of suggestion* to make to Mis. Smith, r which that lady received in s'tlenge, hut with a peculiar inklo in her eyos. At leogtii Mrs. Bishop followed me iu tojnv library. , Well,fcaiijio/* ?ljc romatkod, seating UerftolC " since you do not stein dis* (> I ip fulfill my prudiotiou and marry. Awir houscksepor, I suppose I may peak, 06 her freely. I have thought .from (he first that sho was a vary artful wom?m- ,ui h?re 00 dutabt tha?-wh?n ah# cause here she meant to marry you. Hho is, attentive now, btit of course 8l>ks herj6\iii,tootive. If any trial oldcoffMyjfe*- wen Id find out who year fVtenH* afy?'' V**. , . ' Jftti B?hop was right in litis, for the trial, did- come, sfcd t aaw who my frlemi was, rr 1 only frteiM. i warn Lakes.ill early r* ife* eprinp< My sfekaem eatne en St*l<i*$yb*ul was attacked with sevcto* htoflnc1r&~ and sharp pain* >0 my Wfofc J,TUe tn\. ftrg 1 days Mra Bishop spent in aaasduoUs | care fortune; trough, to eoofoaa the ; truth, h?r .i>Ucmio;q, wefa JVPVii&W iHJ'l.I would far rirli- r lu*yg ilunoij to the tender w^iQty.<?; Sp iiousi keeper, who, yaryly ?Jg? jiUo, toft [mi* % t,1s '111<> llind morning inv Jilivwian pv^noimced rny disea-e miw}1 .. 1 v ' in that moment of tojror T 1 <> k< < 1 at Eliza Bishop. IJer face iialof, ami I' ' couh] ?co n'cr liainl shako. Sin; t-pttke iii a tti'ifiMing voice? " T WfXn I ("til ! -tav n-ftn yon, Snh- j !(Trt| Fwi-h I couhl. if it wow only for myself I won!.I ; lot my oliiMien."' : IwNrttj wotiM not have yci -lay,'' ! an-.i "1 tv atilil" hnVo von iff ay itrr worms; i rrw?ry?rn lihve not ?>tvMn i ! ?fer*d yourself. f Joddtye, sister Ulflb\.n | F 8bo* front out of the room, and 1 ttn+ied to Mrs. Smith, who was stand ing near: * Notr you must go aho ! 'Pho doe- ! lor wilt find some ohu f6 tinrse me, mVd j yon, too, m us I look out for vonrehildrcn." 1 " Jt iniistlock out for you? air mv ^ duly is hero now; 'Livotn nlie; 1 shaM ! stuv with you whifo you fined mo." i Tlio little woman's voice w?s Ihm. j, and her-eycs sJvoue with a clear, rrso- | Into .light. 1 had not llw/iiglit hho pos, aossedfQ much rcsoptic will and courage. " Uouskjer," I v?id r "-do ><>W realise all tlio risk you juu I loatlo-omn du-ense, dhlgluieu)CJil, and perhaps lor lil'lo death {" ' I have con.-iJeicd all, fir, and shall stay." Was I selfi-jh tp allow i^.? Perhaps so, W even in, the hours, of deadly I ireril, I, wljo had nevpr loved a woman 1 >efore, longed to have her at my tide. | t to share my danger?uay. to die if 1 died ; to live for ine, or failing that, for | no oilier. I need not give the details of the I ' sickness thai followed ? the Weeks of ' terrible suffering, when tny soul and ! body coidu scarcely Cling together. I ! look hack upon it, strong nmn'nS I nm, j With shivering dread. It was dwing, under Cmd, to her, Mint ( dentil who stood wnilimr rt:ir atiup I o .* "'V j at my pillow, at hot pa?*e<l by mo. Whnt a nurse who w??, vigilant, slwp- | lows, untiring. IVrftnpw it was owing , to her calm coinage that she did not j take the disease.- tSlie seemed to be nl* j ways netir n?e, anil yet she found time i to mnkc herself look as tivat and oven tasteful fur usual. it very tiling in my room, after i wite nl?l? to notice any* ' thing. V'as in scrupulous eider. IMi calc.tlower*, as fresh and sweet as her* t soil, bloomed oft iuv table ; a pleasant, dreamy, halt'light tlie apartment. Wlpjt u shangu from hoarding hou- ' htjb * . term < I \\9? thinking .of all. this c' *t tire care and tenderness, as I sat up* ,rip,' ? fn,t time at the window. Nfarv to learned to call her.s^ >1 tntny ^ ^ 1 mmw ? was out of the room, *runcti 14 >' ?>f her presence wrc aft fl* w"r" Piesi ntly she caine in andW(UTMIt. la inv sitjo. mil.'.I. of far " Mary,** ttTniorl In *'?*?. "I hnt'6 been tfiinkifjj r <>u^ 5 wep j, ' you fir saving? my ffte. Ai?h 15 pr?p? not know as ! am grateful*." ?f i r" Hot be of much r-ilnlrt 1nril.,cc ? . I I"'' ,f ------ - | (ho t<* inarfe It. With You for iny wile, 4 could be happy ; but if rott cannot love I me, you might as well lt;t inego by the | board."' * I had spoken as I had felt, seriously ( ami sadly, but a ?i"ny twinkle -danced in her ejea. vott think, now. yon could stand ' i not only tho children, but my having loved some one <-h?? I'' " Then ybu hoard that foolish speech, after all.? it wasn't meant for your ear ' T-iurgite it. Von aie too good forme, t tiny-nay. I tv-k nothing hotter^ if yt>u 1 Cat) love I?e, than to tako you just as | you are.'' ... ?x j , , * ^ " idtildrcn and. ad " Childun hiul all i HI try to bo a-i father to lliout. Heaven help ui<\" | " i shall bo anlntiod, t-ir, if you will j bo u brother to lttetur tyin-e they arc uiy , mother's children, not mige,'' " And Mr. hjnitli is i " My father, He failed iu business ( last year, though t apt happy to nay ho ii iir|ii? Rjiu won. i wanteU to Help him, i?nt twenty ijiing I know how to ( ilo was to keep house. It seemed n 1 proper cpough occupation for an old f maid like ino. Yon see Tin not rery young, sir. When 1 found you thought 1 me a widow with children, I determin- 1 ed to furor the odd mistake. I thought 1 it would seem more dignified. ' I am : not Mrs. Smith, though, but Mary I 1 Smith,spinster, at service in your family, If you Hke that way t/f stating it hotter," i < i.4 ?:n .s,i 1 i nnu jY" win unmi|ju juur IIUU IHK1 retain your situation!" ' i Her answer itf nP <nre*a btndnem bnt my dim. Sii-weeka afterwards my Ki*wto-!?w *m ftirlted to my -Wedding. Sho lddlr&f *t)rp^i?od, hut she forbore atiy comment saVe a remainder 'of her prediction that Mr*. Smith would ehnqnet my prejudice* against widow* with Ineumbmmjw.v The langh vm again*th*r when 'f fofd.JhPr that Mrs. 1 Samlia BH<Hop was to gtv to tha tiynic-. | nml altar for that limp. 1 ,<*I have be?a married fla^r yeafy/ Vy j WejiTtUee?i agairtet children hare viewed I to the feseina'tiorn of a hold little Sandie and a wtmarfcefWw s|t. <mj by my own peaceful firatide, I A hie** til* <W aad the Tu?rd??*P th?X |1 firsl made ma known tor my houjpi; keeper. ff ?* 7: --7 ?^ferr!Iiinrnti3 lirnbrng. "-;- .... A Tribute to Hate JrlcHown. A. \ 1 w?r iviw?ri may have seen nn aopoynl of a yotii^s n'jrl, baptized. ill Alb/my, N. \l>v lvov. K. L. Mit"ai>u, ipb}Ui?*h<j was, in a helpless epnditioo. Wojlicre pie>ei}tn fnJbaccount t?f the occurrence obtaitiej.lL l?)' special cones- 1 deiice: - si ?>* ? ! Tun Baptism.?On tho firsl^abiiaili in Apiil, in Dr.AUqpoohs church, then' wens; .eighteen candidates for l>:?pti-in. I Wt4wro llic ordinance was admiiiiMered, the I'ftMOf Mated that I litre was a Y^rthtf fii'l. I>AVI been connyCfWl with tho female Bible class, past the hope of recovery with const) in pi ion. . At lior earnest enUcnlv. ami with the con sen', of her only surviving parent, which she pcr.?i-todvJrt *Gllbitifig until she Could withhold it no longer, lm had con^eiited to baptize her. The lhrstor told hor that he did not (tiiiih, tn lief stale ol 11- -'tli. such an act of Ini wa- ferjnifeTl "bf her, ai:d that it wuS nof a *Rvinjj ordinance. She had been fail ? <?? for etc**en mnniln w as much etna eiated, she tnijVht die in tho water.-? She, with a fidelity that partook of iho I sublimity of faith, nnd the cheerfulness ! of obedience, detoi mined to follow tlie.l footsteps of her byviour, and confess J jJbrjst before the ehimh arid woild.? " Will the church receive tier ilmir I fellowship ?" was the question n><kei1.-? She was received without a dissenting Vbftc. "Obedience is trujy bolter than sacrifice.1' She came in loaning on the . strong" fn m t?f her undo. Tilth o was such love and trust in hot- heart that it gave-otrengih to I for feeblft. footstep. She was literally dressed in her white grave-clot(tea which had been prepared by loving bands as for a bride, tor she might become such by death. As she appeared from that douse mass gathered within,the church, in the stillness, sobs as fioiu one great heart broke forth! 'J lie pastor secured her in his arms frrnn the front of the baptistry. Like a child she lay tire re: lie pressed his forehand on her chest, and when thev rose from the watery grave, titer* were so radiant, L was reminded of the transfiguration. v From the widowed mother a cry j came, vviting fiqm the liwd spiivt. as I she rushed to \l?e haniistry and saw that she was sjjfo, * Gdl bless my child.'' As I marked the groat drops of sweat standing like bends irpon the b'rqw of our pastor, I felt that the martyr Cayiril died not out centuries ago with ?f h* thnnea Which tlie persecutors of kindled. Here was the 0 b?Snt ot Oh list, rendy at all times. ?*k?lnnd*r nil circumstances, fearlessly " ^livUnvge his dntv, "though it led | it Term)"1 tbR easier path which thong- j enire* 1% end.11 1 will pay a jnwl tiihute to ?"cr.*JXrislian heroism of hi* character. 2mA *UpM'd;?l it'll ii). It is arms, how deeply r^jh^hav? been, t?ii 1 ""^Rrepy^ijy of. J he man of QoJ wjio ,^tjrvs Jus ovist or fully, and was aware nii/t the iluihitiula were as ready to cry I rW.nvny with him " and to hurl the first ! stone at defeat, it*. they wero to oiler warmest cnhjjrsttulntinhs at liis'success. Yet he risked the dinners, and giiVo such happiness to that voting believer. ! " Hre was planted ill Jlie likeness of Christ's death'' mid when the hymn aroso V in.' its full volume'of sweetness ! ahovo the rich strains of the solemn { roignn, in its anthem roll,'' " and, see tl>w place whoro .leans lay " died away. ' sjie fell that, sue by faith, had seen, it I jd baptism, and wa> happy,' and that kite pioiuise of the i?j^ui;;cctiou was , - . II rW r- As U,t Sire was removed to the pastor's Mtidv, and several Hours after, ?at down I to the Is>rdV snpp'or, and partook for j the first trtne on earth,'"<Sf tlifc ettlWems ! of the broken liodv Atl'd shod hfood u? j thod vtng lionl;- To her it was emphnt- i ietdiy tho sapper. Tlitm rro snftcf a i iivinn, as mey in null upper room, I centuries ago, did, rind went opt, and i Jctfti*' will eat of (lie fruit of the vino { wftlr her in hi* futherV kingdom. i . 'I'bcy bore her lo her homo "refresh- I ed," and alio whispered to the 1'aalnr. i " I have fought a good fight, I am ready to l?e oft'ored up." Tub Fvkriul.?"When May morn- ' ing dawned, which bnoga delight lo an 1 many young hearts, as they go to cull i tho lovely (lowers, which fade in pluck- : ing, to twino about tho biow of tho i Queen of an hour, she went forth from ( the friends who loved her, from tho j mother who bore her, alone, yet guard- j ed bv an innntnernMe i ed with a dlndnn nnfAdinjj a* the trao of life, with the immortal- blossom* in her hand giverr by-the Sarionr himself. * On thnt day month, she hnd given , herself to thg chtitoh milium, anj her name wm enrolled among iu members, but now, "ho WA*ln the church triumph*nt, apd bef name mscril?ed henenth her Lord, the Lamb's. Ajjein a vast rauhitilde Aro gathered within the trni. pie of the Most High. TWs is woop??f* And lamentation, minglod with runmjseVon of praise. The hand that sitritheth wilV s?ef?in the atrudcrn onea, I As atirefy ah llelivea, whosent thft abaft qniveriwg through rtie 1 deeding heart*. 'Of iHaI mourning mother end ( loved sisters. .laAnS wetl,b*al the w<mrMa . which her ban me'le. Torhaps while | her companions tang the hyiuns whkh rho kv*i% her *pirit, wm tanning her inoltieVa clTc?V hs iinc I sank beside tIimL muuc baptistry and tittered m\Mi another cry of niigttish for bee who lay in Iter coffin with the choicest dowers blooming around her. A month before her child was safe in life, iiilininlv safer now in the life immortal, Well might die angel any, >lu? is not here but is risen." Aud while they -lav that fair young head bciK-atii the sod, from which violets ijiav sjning, it is hut tlio crumbling casket which once coiiUtincJ a jewel.? Jesus needed it fy?r hi} crown, lie ouly lout it to her inolhet. The fltikateef Strvtrranv.?The firo side in u sefniriiirv of infinite importance, h i* important fiecan<o it is universal, and IwCatise the education it bestows being wM'en in with the woof-of 'child iMFtxl, give* rottri ntul color to the wliot* texture of life'. Tlicm nre few who can recoivo the honor* of a college, but nil Hra^rndnntM of the hearth. The learning <M" the university may fade from the rccollection ; its classic hue ntnv monl der in the hulks of memory. Ihit the simple lessons <if home, enumlled upon the lie art of childhood, defy the rust of years, Hiul outlive tho more mature hut less vivid pictures of after days. So deep, so lasting, indeed, are the imjwesaions of early l.ifo, that you often see a man in the imbecility of ago holding fresh in his recollection tho events of childhood, while all the wido space between that and the present?liour is it blasted and forgotten waste. You have perchance seen an old and half obliterated portrait, and in t|>e attempt to have it cleaned and restored, you may Itave seen it fade away, while lybrighter and more perfect picture, painted beneath, is revealed to view. This portrait, first drawn upon the canvass, is no inapt il lustration of youth; and though it may j be concealed bv some after design, still I me original traits will sliinc tlirough tho outward picture, giving it tone while fresh, and surviving it in decay. Such is the fire-ide?the great insti- i tntion furnished hy Providence for the education of man. f CoNTKN'TMr.r.*T,?Some people lta<*e a hnppv knack fnr-puiting in a pleasant way everything (Ifat Concerns thcim selves. Mr. A.'s son gets a poor plaoo as a batik clerk; his father got* annul sf?\ittg that the lad has found a fine opening in business. The young tnitn is ordained, if rid Kyis a etirncy on Salisbury Plain ; his hither rejoices that there never seeing a human face, ho has iibiunlnnt leisure for study, and for improving his mind. Or, the curacy is in the most crowded part of Manchester or Pe'.hnal Green ; the father now rejoices that his son h,as opportunities yf acquiring clerical experience, and of visiting | the homes of tho poor. Such a man's i house is in a well wooded country: the sit| uatioN is delightfully sheltered, lie re| moves to a haro<district without a tree; nh ! tberoho has imrmtiful piiro air and extensive views, It is well for human heiugs when lliev liave the pleasant art of thus putting things, for many, we all know, have the art of pulling (hinge in j jltst the .way. " MoTjiS^sw^^word of undying heauty ! tMtHJr'Ctjlflrtos sound along the walls of Kmc Ym thev crnrrilda at the litohth 0fmtfEt?ri>.i!. Til nil the world therein not rt habitual spot where tho fnttsid of that holiest word has not sounded. Ah, by the golden flow of tho rlWr. by tlie crystal margin of tho rock, under the leafy shade of tho fores; tree, in tho hut'bnilt bf the l>ltmhoo cane, in the' modthnhMied cottage, l?y the peaks of fliekissing mountains, in the wWtf spread valley, on tire hluo ocean, in the changeless desert whore the aflgel came down to give tho parch- j od lips the sweet waters of tho wilder- I rteas ; under the wldto tent of the Arab, I and in the dark covered wigwam of the j Indian hunter; wherever the pulses-of: a human In-art beat rpiiek and warm, i or float* feebly along tho current of I failing life, tliero js that aweet word spoken, like a universal prayer?Mother." Tub mcrchanta of New Bedford hare lately held a meeting (ci dotiso means by which more wlinle oil shall be used'. : hard, earn phone, coal, and lastly, wh- j terraneah oil spring*, make such a vigorous competition with the town, in the ' great interest to whieb it owes ita chief! wealth, that there is danger of it* de- j dine in commercial rank. There is obviously nothing to bo done, bu'. to make a winding pond of one of our mighty lakes. Hy introducing tbo sperm of the whale into it, a source of supply may be Granted to compete with the Western bog, Tho quality of the oil might bo improved by feeding the whales , on hojp; but there is go apparent way of getting rid of iho coal mines an<J springs. ; Tnit u erTtrrs of ihQ,pres$ " apfeaotuoliipes verV annoying?*t oilfcx finite so I irrcei>libly UughsbMi, that doe fa almost that they occur, for th? snke-af the ! heaftt lattgh they occasion* Of this ! fattov kincf ts tt)o nutioonccment "fn * ; Georgia paper, thai '* L. M. I bean appointed Receiver1 of l*uWhoM<m? . keys in Cherokee County, Alabama." . Wo wwb Mr. 9tlff a good time of ilf . Tiiif Auvaxzaoks or -^ovbkty a?j> A l> VUJMtTYVtrr-V/OU waar. out your oiu clothe*. You are not tiouWed with many visitor*." You ate exonerated' from making enlls. Bores 4? l>oru you. .Sj>nngea cannot haunt your Utr hie. luucraiit bamU do uot pUv op,, * site your window. You avoid the-nuisuqcq of serving on juriea. No aiie thinks of presenting you with a taatimqniaJt No tradesman irritate* yt;:: by asking, " la -Uioro any Other little . article today, sit?" Pegging Tetterwriters leave your alone,- Impost era know ijt useWa to bleetl ^.you. Vpu practice terqperanco. Vou swallow infinitely loss poison than others. You are saved umny a deception ? many a heartache. And, lastly, if you have a true friend in llto-woiUl you are euro, iu a very short spaysTof time, to uUo>voi the-agreeabU fact.'' TnouduTS on Papi.w?The paper having the largest circulation? The l'aj per of-Tobacco. Paper for the roughs?Sand Paper. Paper containing many tine points ?The Paper of Needles. , Ruled papor?The French Press. The paper that is full of rows?The Paper of Pins. Spiritualist's paper?( W)rapping Paper. . . *" "* Papers illustrated with cuts?Editorial Exchanges. Drawing paper?The Dentist's Dill. The fnvprito paper on railroaus?Carpet paper. A taking pan^r?Sheriffs Warrant. The paper that most resembles the reader?Tts vou?Tissue?Papor. An* Aixbcobv.?A humming bird * met a butterfly, and being pleased with the beauty of its wing?, made an offer of perpetual friendship. -- " I cannot think of it." ttas the replv, L" as yon once spurned me, and called ine a crawling dolt."* - Impossible!" ?'*elnimftd the humming-bird. "I always entertained the highest respe-H for such beatitiful creatine!* ?s you." " Perhaps you do now," sard the I other, " but when von insulted me I was a eatterpillar. So let me give von ? bit of ndvire. Never in?tiit the humble, as tliuy may Rome day bccouic yom superiors," . . .. Rvi.ks tor Good Haiiits.? 1. Have a plan laid beforehand for every day. i 2. Acquire the habit of untiring industry. 3. Cultivate perseverence. 4. Cultivate the habit of uuneluality. 6. Be an early riser, (J. lie in the habit of learning something from every one with whom you inei-L. 7. form fixed principles upon which to think and act. I 8. Be simple and mat in your personal I habits. 0. Acquire the habit of doing i everything weli. 10. Make constant | eft'orta to he master of your teinnor. | It, Cultivate soundness of judgment. I 12. Olmorvo a proper treatment of parents, fiiends, and companions.?Todd. A KOTHKrt.Vf:RSB.?It,ia o?r honorable privilege (shys the EdgefloJd Adver tiser) to give the world another verse of " Olo Uncle Ned," never before published, but written and rung by the originnl author. It is nn important addon1 dnm to tho picture : " I'nklc Ned's ole dog Imd down by bis grave And'be howl'd in the tight oh *4e m< oa ; j And h<> wonder'd it Ned wouldn't eonjo baok agin i To ouut for de portum anl dc coop.** : ? ' Intekkstino Qurutiow.?At a debating c|tib, the question war discussed, whether there was more happiness in tho possesion pr pursuit of an -object. " Mr. J'resident," said an orator, ** suppose I was courtip' I gal, aud she was to run away, and I was to rtiti after her ; wouldn't I be. happier when 1 cotched | her than when I was running after her." T*rAYRfi draws nil the Chriatinn gra| ccs into its fdcitn. It drnwa charity with her lovely train, repentanco with i her holy sorrows, faith with her elerftt! ed eyea, hope with ber {joly sorrows, , faith with her grasped anchor, beniti I cence with her open hands, zeal looking far aud humility looking at home. [J/annah More. TTkau the heat men," read the heat hooks, and keep the l>fcat company. I J r ^ W /? * 7 . MfL Tnr. wheel a aid jl wm tired% whero upon every felloe ?pt>kn out at onoe and created a groat hub bub.. ? ^ It je a had aign to aee a man with ! hia hat off at midnight, ettplainning the [ theory and principles of true democracy to ft I drop post. / Tnu oM problem is sained. When ftn inesistiblc body, meet* no lmiuo* h ble body, whet ? the cdnseqircnot) ?? : They ?<l)i?Mrn to meet ngain in Haiti: more. ?-w * rnrfticiAKs in Tntlie rslsc 1?!isier> with red Ktft irt.ii*, and dre*s them 5ft-it I ravenno popper. If micIi treatnrm t does not make f>oopto '?amr?rt," w<don't know nhy thing that would. Lqcic.?tlad lock i*?simplyji n>s?i with hie hands irt Ilia bierehe* t*?k<i and r pipe in hi* month, looking <>o < wee hew it will fc"fO? owl, twiojl h i i. i S* ft man with ptlmk W> meet <lifli< ivUi e. and lii? -sleeves lolled lip, vol fobg t? , mako it coine right.