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f" . At, known m a formUlatde opcrato^ in ? free fight, had just married a ^loouaiqg a ad beautiful ooufltfr girl oalf NtweWS years of age, <a?d the twdfr* of *blb %exes were enjoying. themeeMu in the food old fashioned pawn playing style. Every girl in the room had Men called oat and kissed except Mrs. B , the beautiful young bride, aforesaid; and altho* there was not a youngster present _lwv ?, J. t..U t.. Il?? tki. MUV wwmmm MV? ui zsjg IV IMiO W?r HJW, UIVJ were restrained by the presence of hor herculean husband, wbo stood regarding the party with a look of sullen uissatisfaction. They mistook the catfseof his anger, however, for suddenly rolling up bis sleeves, he stepped into the middle room, and m a tone of voice that at once eeured marked attention, said : "Gentle men, I have been noticing how things have been working here for some time, and I ain't half satisfied. I |Joa fc want to raise a fuss ; but?** M What's the matter, John !" inquired half a dozen voices. " What do y>u mean f Have we done anything to hurt your feelings ?" u Yes, you have all ; all of you have hurt my feelings, and ( have got just this to say about it: hero's every gal in the room been kissed mighty nigh on to a dozen times apiece, and there's my wife, wbo I jest consider as likely as any of'em has not had a single one to night; and I jest tell you now, if she nint bussed as often the balauce of the time as any gal in the room, somebody's got me | to flrrht ? tb?t\? nil Nm? rrn nlina.l -a? ""w" bw | with your plays ! If Mrs. B was slighted during ' the balance of the night, wo did not know it. As for ourselves we know that John had no fault to find with us individually for any neglect on our part. An Enormous Lie. Judge M , late of Mississiopi, who was a gentleman remnrkablo for a proclivity to exaggerate and tety hard stories, on one occasion was seated in front of the principal hotel in Clinton, amusing a group of gentlemen with his jjeculiw nuriatives, when he delivered himself as follows: " Gentlemen, in East Tennessee, where I was raised, I lloew a man who had tho most astonishing strength in his jaws and t^e'.h of any man that ever lived. I saw him once standing on the sunny side of a bard, with his old wool hat under his ana, filled with black walnuts, and, ho just put them in his mouth atul cracked them ?s easily as on6 of you could crack a chesriut!" The auditors exchanged looks of incredulity. A rjuzzical and facetious blade, known as Kentucky Sacbelford, was present, and hoard lite Judge's story, and remarked : "No doubt, Judge, of thetrulli of all you have said. Sonic men arc remarkable strong. Now, in South Carolina whore I lived, one of inv neighbor* was noted for the extraordinary muscular strength of his arm. I remember to have seen him take a hard pine knot, place it in tlie hollow of his arm at the elbow, and by suddenlv bringing his fore arm upward, ho split lire knot into splinters and pressed out all the turpenlino in a stream !" The narrative of ICentuck was received with peals of laughter. Judge M became indignant, and springing to his feet with clenched fist and tlaming eyes, exclaimed : " Kentucky that's an enormous lie /" Thkii.ling Romanck.?'Twns at ~i?i i - - \jw n ^iuriuua Miiijiuer fifty?the sun was sinking to rest beliiiul the distant hog pen?the chickens were going to roost?the bull-frogs wore commencing their evening songs?the pollywogs. in their native mnd puddles, wore preparing themselves for the shade of night?and Sal and myself sat upon an old and antiquated hack-log listening to the music of nature, such as tree-toads; and now and then the mellow music of a distant jackass was wafted to our ears by gentle zephyrs that sighed among the ljiullin stalks and came heavy laden with ' the delicious odor of hen roosts and pig styes. The last rays of the setting sun, glancing from the brass buttons of a solitary horseman, shone through a knot hole in the hog-pen full in Sal's face dying her hair with an orange peel hue And showing off my thread-bare coal to bad advantage. Oue of my arms was round Sal's waist, my hand resting on the tin J1 of her hack?she was toying with my auburn locks of jet black hue ?she was almost gone and I was ditto. Sb? looked like a grass hopper dying trith the kiccups, and I felt like a mud turtle choked willi a cold codfish hall. 4Sal,' says I, in a voice aa musical as the note* of a dying swan, 'will you have me V She turned her eyes heavenward, clasped me by the hair, had an attack of the heaves nnd blind staggers, and with a sigh that drew her shoe strings to her palate, said?-'Y e-s !'? She gave clean out then, and squatted in my lap?I hugged her till I bioke lay opspenders. ? Uonv Mkn,?In the eastern part of Ohio there reside* a tna? named Hrown, now a Justice of tho Peaoo, and a very sensible man, but, by common consent, the ugliest individual >u the west, being long, gaunt, sallow, anil avfrf, with a gait like a kangaroo. Olio day J?c was Imnting, and on one of the mountain ut|s lie met a man on foot and alone, >\a onger, gaunter, by all odds i.i rf. lie could give the Squire at him. Without saying a >1, I. ur> raised his gun, and delib ixielylb Ued it at the stranger. M For < ?ods ink.-, don't shoot," shouted the man in alarm. " Stranger," replied Jhown, " I swore ten years j^jo that if I ever met a man uglier than I was, I'd shoot him, and you are the first one I've ... -a " The stranger after taking a carevHrvoy ofliin rival, replied : " Well, ofymmi, jf I look any worsa than you do, shoot, I don't want to livaany louget 1" _.. _*MLa 1 l? ... ! *1 | j a ** * enietot $Iip, and awaited patiently tbe assembling of the Qongregation. Tbe erytaet Rnmitnea Presently tbe music of a full-toned organ buret upo**- bis aaioiMsbed ear; henad never beard one before. At tbe tame time the gentleman who owned the slip came up tbe aisle, with bis lady leaning upon bis arm. As be approached tbe door of the alip, be motioned to give place to thd lady. Tbe movement the countryman did not comprehend, and from tbe situation of tho gentleman and Indv, as sociated as it was in bis mind with the music, he immediately concluded that a cotillion, or a French contrn dfinoe, or sonoo other dance, was intended. Rising partly front his seat, he said :? rt Excuse me, sir?excuse me, if you please, I don't dance /" CrkdumtT.-^A biiikwoodsman, who had never seen a pair of sugar tongs, being invited to a tea party, requestcd a person who unfortunately sat next hitn, to give some iuformation respect ing their use. " It is a very ingenious instrument," said the wag, jhul fi*? b?fen lately in vented' fhrAhe pifrpose'of Blowing one's nose. It is now in use in genteel society, and it is expected that the disgustitlg custom of using the fingers will be] altogether abolished." j The sugar bowl was handed to him. The unforlunnte man of the forest seized the sugar tongs, and the polite part of the assembly were astounded at the strange application of the inHfttnent, and the tremendous explosion which followed. Done Bhown.? A very loquacious lady offered to bet her husband $.">0 that she would not speak a word for a week. ? > % Done !" cried the delighted husband ' instantly tabling the money, which the !adv as soon grabbed and put in her pocket, observing very naively that sin would secure it until the bet was decid ed. " Why," said the husband, " I have won it already," and required her to fork over. " No t at all," said the lady ; " yon are mistaken ill the itjjie?1 mean the, week after I ana buried !n ( The lady went a * shopping " that same afioruooti, and the husband?well, nuf cod. An eccentric friend stepped in a store ?which shall he 'wwnwless?when some "colored brethren " were doing a little trading. " Ah ! Jfr. said our fiieud, " you have your cousins in, I sec." The young merchant said nothing, but looked mad. Our fiiond stopped oui, i>m in a lew minutes returned, af tor the sable customers had departed. 44 I hope you won't take any offence at wlmt I remarked just now,*' said lie. 44 Oh, no," said the merchant, 1 never take offence at anything you say." "Glad of it," replied our rpiizzer, 44 the niggers are as mad as the d?I!' And then lie sloped, narrowly missing a tiring yard slick. Leap Year Sentiment.?At a public " Tea Party," recently held in one of our country towns, where " senti inents " were in order, a timid bachelor was bold enough to remind the ladies that leap-year was upon them, by offering the following : Three long weary years have I waited for this ; Now. if you'll pop the qnestion, I'll surely say yes. I To which a lady promptly responded as follows: The ninn without eourngo to do his own wooing May do his own washing, and baking and j sewing. The bachelor looked despair. " Daddy," said a hopeful urchin to his paternal relative, 4* why don't our schoolmaster send the editor of the news pa|>er an account of the lickings he gives the hoys ?" * 1 don't know, mv son," replied the parent, " bet why do you ask such a question I" " Why this paper says that Mr. B. has tanned three thousand hides at his establishment during the past year, and 1 know that old Giimt-s has tunned our hides more than twice that many times -?the editor ought to know it " Amelia, for thee?yes, at the command, I'd tear this eternal firmament into a thousand fragments; I'd gather the stars, one by one, as they tumbled ! from the regions of eternal space, and pnt them in my trowsers pocket : I'd pluck the sun, that oriental God of day tliat traverses the blue arch of heaven in inch maje tic splendor?I'd tear him from the sky and quench bis blight effulgence in the fountain of mv eternal love for thee I" " Don't llcnry, it will beao verj* dark 1" Marhiko, in South Wei J fleet, Ma#*a-' chusetts, April 23, Captain Alvin F. Paine and Mis# Eliza F. Foster. She forter'd love to conquer pnin. But knew not what it wn? to cost her? She found she hut became the Paine, For 1'alne was just the thing to Foster! Man. Partington told Denns, the other day, in confidence, that a young man had committed infanticide by blowing hi# brains up in a state of de lirium tremendous, and the coronet was holding a conquest over his remnants. Tiik following epitaph is copied from a grave stone out West: Here lies the body of Andrew Leer, Whose mouth did s* retch hforn ear to ear; Reader, |r?ad lightly r.Vr hU head. For if lis gaps, ny gosh, you're dead." i ? ?? A witty man can wake a jest, a wise man can tal$ ote. I I II ? ? w I?< I iMU'imif I ?M? BLAGKjj^THINQ. \ Tbt^ooMn of TOWN E8 A m boon di?OIT- ' ? will U om at tao ?wn? ' iowtated. rr> 7J 9. w. BROOKS, l Jwatj, 185?. > J. L. UAWKjifS. NOTICE, TUB ondmiiud hairing (ranifnnd hi* intMMt In the Blacksmith Shop near Wil. i tiaras' Store, to Mcear*- BMou 8' Uiwtiiii, takes pleasure in reoonimending them toe share of peMlo patronage. They will be prepared to . attend promptly and satisfactorily to all rails ' in their line. They haeeexporieneed and si "M- A f?l Smiths in Horseshoeing, Repairing. .A Ironing Wagons, Plough Work, and alio er ordinary work or a Blaokeinitli Shop. January, 183?. 87-4f G. ?. TOWNKS. HANDSOME JEWELRY 1 inni ON SALE, A VERY GENERA I, ASSORTMRNT of jCX Bne and other Jti R'A'/. Jl Y ntr be had ot' the Subscriber, who makea to order |, wnil /lotos, nt?d onv other article r*?<|iiirotl in his Rne. REPAIRING fnlrhfhllv done. b i Three Doors below the Goodlett limine. .. J. H. RANDOLPH. Greenville, S. C., Sep. 15, 1860. H> tf g Bllaa' Dvspfpltc lltmwlr . Bit's' Dysprpi le lttmnly f h BIIm' Dyspeptic Itrnsedy BIIm* Dyspeptic o Ullaa' Dyspeptic' IlrniMly . las the lsW||Mt Kale Haa tbe largest Salt lias the Largest Kale ? lias the largi it Bate Una Use largtal Bale ' Of any MmIMM la file World. ' Of assy MesUelne In Ike World, _ Of any Medicine tss tlse World, 1 Ot any Medicine In the World. Ot any Medicine In the World. ii lOO.OOO Pschaws 100,000 Packages lUO.IMMt Paekouss 100,000 Psrkngts ? _ 100,000 PstrUaacs Bold la Ururgln and SoaUtCavtdlna a Bold In timrgla and Soalliliarwilna Bold In Georgia and Xmith Carolina Bald lis Oeorwln and SnutlsCarollisa ? Sold Ih Oraigln HiA M>fHlCu?lla* V Ik Pmrtaeit M4ntl?. s Bis ronrfcrn Months. ' v In Fourteen Month*. I In FVsartffn Months. In Fourteen Month*. It le Warranted to cure r , It la Warranted to Cure I It la Warrnnlnl t? ( use It le Warranted to Cure au Warranted to<7Ore M.tks.1 kw tr?i ? It DtrrflloiK art fullntvnt. It Ulrrctloii* are t%llArrnl, If Direction* are Fill lowed, If IMtaeUoue are Fullewrtl, Airy Cme of D)ri|iepila Any Caae of Dysp?|Mla; Auy Cms of Uyapcpala Any Crue of Dya|><-|Mta A?y Cam of D> >|tri>iU IJrtr Dlwair, f Uver Dlrtiur, Liver Dlwaaa, ? ? Liver IMiibm, V j UyayPiMue, I \ f ? "r Jadiidlee, r / , , Jaundice, I ' Jaundice, ' Janndlre, | Jniuutlre, ( It I* Hopoelally adapted to t Is Kapeelally Adapted to It It Kepeelally Arlapklt to It I* Kipeelnlly A(fa|t1oef to It (a Btjteelally Adapted to Keitaolo Complaint* t Female Complaint* Female Complaint* ; Kernnle I'omplalnU; Female Complaint*; It Prodncet Itotulirllty ot Form It Produce* llotundlly of Form If Produce* ltotimdlty of Form It Produeee Hot uueally of Form It I'roducet Itoluiirflly of Form In Feinalee of n Tlrln and S|wrr llnhlt In Female* of a Tlrln and !l|are Hahlt In Femalet of a Tlrln arid 8 pure Hivlrlt In Fauaalca ot a Tlrln and Spore Ilaltlt fu Fentaleaal a Tlrln ami Spare Habit Bond a IHjatogo Stomp to the l*roprictor? for thotr I ampnioi ou ** LiUHMiaea o? {Hoiuhcu ana ncweis." W. W. BUH? ? t'O. , PlD|H lrl?ir?, 303 Dro*d w?)', Ntw York. For Sale in Greenville 'v Aug 221 rt 1 v JOHN W. <J 11 ADV. ] JAMES FLECK, ! HOUSE & SIGN PAINTER, ' r Hanger Sr. iilaxicr, C.UEIlNVILLK, S. C. WILLFAITIUTLLT KXKCI TK ALL WORK KXTRU.STK1I TO IIIM. Residence on Augusta Street, near Depot. Fob 23 42 ly The Assembly House, Oxp. Sqi-aihi Wkst or ?ii?: Post Okpick, Plain Street, . . . Columbia, S.C. '"I'MIIS well known Establishment hns been I. thoroughly re-llttcil ami improved, and is now permanently opened for the neeotnmo. dation of the Public. Every attention will he , given to supply the wants nud comfort of Patrons. Kates Moderate. t 0. T. MASON, Proprietor. \ Dee ft 31 tf J 1. r. nr.Kn *; n. ooohlictt. | REED 4. GOODLETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. OliEKNVILLK, 8. C. (tflt'-r Knrth-Efwt Corner Court Houte S'jonrr. June 4 4 tf i SHAVING, : HAIR TRIMMING, ORESSING, DYING, ; m? C IIA7.0II SETTING AND SHAMPOOING, . AT TIIK Second Door above Mr. MoPheraon'a, ^ a wilson" cook. Mny 2 20 ; C' 11 LI I^C) Iv 1C f an rjrAiLixo ?tnk rnn r (0- @>liif ? 1& lii ill Uil A and am. wpkakkft ?k tftk i binakv okuaxs. flMIIrt Uviuedy cure* when all other prepara1 lions fail. It is entirely unlike every | utlHsr compound ; continuing no iniii.ral potJ aon or nauseous drug ; as it is prepared solely [ from Roots, Rarks and Lessor, and liar liccn j handed iloivn, from one gourration to another, | l>v the Cherokee Indiana. It U offered to the j public on it* own intrinsic merit#. It perform# i?A duty <luieklv and thoroughly. Tin- nnf.r: tiinnto, of either sex, will he repaid l>y using I thia Remedy, instead of placing themselves at 1 the merry of aotno Quaek or I'rofcaaor. Thia ! Remedy strikes at the very Root of the d isease ; its tendency i# not simply to suspend thepninnn, t ; but to reprove the caitsp on which it depends. I Fuil <iire#U?ni* in pamphlet fdrni, accompany ? cash bottle. Tho S|>ecdy and permanent rciisf < K? Iki. s.. -il ?J ? ? f <11 nil CII?M Ol minor- M rhrrn, (lleel, tlravel, Stricture, Plnor Alhna, t (Whitoa in Female*. I"1 and nil riiaraae* of the n Urinary Orgnna, ha* aatoniahed the moat *cien- a tide men of tho age. Thl* Ritnedy not only e eradicate* all poiaon (Von* tho ayatem, htit* invigorate* the moat delicate cooalltutlon. It doe* not affcet tho breath or interfere with any elna* of hu*ines?, or require any deviation ' from the gimal diet. * It raquilrca no aaaiatanon from any other mo- ? dicine. And What onbaneea ite value, ia the entire ahaenco of all naiiaeoue taate, being a ploaaoat and delicto** ayrup. * % I'rlco $3 per Bottle, or three Hottlea for $3. POTTER k MKRWIK, Sole Proprietor*, St. Ionia, Mo, Sold In OreonrHle by Fiahcr k Mel- < nitah : Van Schaack k Orioraon, Charleaton, I Wholeaalo Agent*, ana all reoponaible dealer* iu Modiqner ia |l?o South. 4'J-ly Aj> IJ I M?III UP? will IT"'." ,*??! <mf <J<|* J which, ^SKOS^^OKt , UNEQUALLED BY ABY.f J <* li , II Few of the Many Reasons : Why these Machines ARE PREFERRED * ] AUOVfi ALL OTI1KK3. " 1. fhfij sn 10 remarkably ?it?plr in, theftjnslmctibn. A child can Operate them and ndurstand their mechanism. . __ 2. They ivro the *tro*?r*t fftftrlMg Mddttnes ( iado. It U almost impossible to break mh wm uut of ordor. f 3. Tbejr are ?w? in their operation: finishir work In a uniformly perfect manner, V*7 < 4. They make a liyhl lork. alike on oiu siues 01 uio worn, wmcn cannot, oo unruoled. 5. They stitch, . hem, 'bind, foil, rob and utbcr, without basting. 6. They sew equally'well tlio lightest and CIIV left ("abaka. 4 h _w_,. . 7. They sew ovet tfib cenvlert seams with ut changing tho tension or breaking theflnest iI. / i. ' H. Tkey nse any No. of Cotton, Thread or ilk, directly from the spool. 0. They hue a straight needle; curved ones re liable to break. 10. The noodle has a perpendicular motion, "bin in absolutely necessary for heavy work. 11. They have a wheel feed ; none others are ii eoustant contact with tho work. 12. They run easily and aro almost noiseless. 13. They are not liable to oil the dress of the perntor. 1 1. They do uot require a screw-driver to et the needles. .* ' .k. i 16. Thc.v do not base to he taken apart ?> il or clnau. i J \ 16. They do not form ridges on tho under ide of the work, nor ravel out, nor ate they raatefnl of thread, as is the case with ail j lung-stitching machines. ?"'. <tTt It. Thoy \rc enpnhlo of itoipg n "^ffeotcr ange of work, and in a more perfect in miner ban auy other Sewing Machine. AVe warrant these Machines, and vouch for , he rccotnmondaUon of tho above. ?1?K \ PICKLE, AOl^KTt^ f* GREENVILLE, S! C. .? . V April 19 60 . ly ~ FOR SALiE. " rhree Houses and Lots, i Asi?w, AV11ICII are eligibly sitnated. And paying a good interest ,lyjBmJr ?ALL fihW?way bo had on tthA'OQSfcdJ''very reasonable terms, if iq>ilied for soon, The owner wishing to invest tie prgniwiii 01 .mi' ?n oiner iiuiiicm ni u en nged rV?, id the only reason wdj he has a dlsosition to dispose of the property. Also, for Sale, a VACANT LOT. Enquire at tliis Office for particulars, March 8 "44 1 - :if Spaulding's Prepared Glue. USEPUt. IN EVERY HOUBE. IT'I.ITD, nnd ready for nscatt the time. ati<| j as strong as Cabinet Makers' glue. Priea ?r bottle nud brush. 25 cents. For sale by J. It. SHERMAN, Agent. 1 17 ; ? tf YOUNG STEELE this tiioraUgiuri?p' TL2t\ fcTAT.LTOS will aland the en- j siting Season at the following j nlaccs, via: Commencing at |M "I'rinceA Greer's Stable, Greenille P. If., March 10th. Ilth. nnd 12th; at >r. Manning Austin's. I.'lth ami 14th ; at .T. T. iennutt's, loth and 10th ; and John Charles', 7th nnd ISth, and will attend regularly at ach place verv ninth day. Sen Hills. . J. l. a z. l. Westmoreland. March 15 45 tf IfTTTTirtiijV JUXUJJXH ?i?b X JPjftSlfis <f% <JK3>5RSPX?)TW f IIAVE returned from Now York with a large nnd complete axaortmcnt of handsome Uooda, which they WILL OPEN ft* IVKt!htlllAr,tiii 11t? INST, and to which they invito the attention of the ladies of (i risenillc fuid vicinity. Among their atook may ho found the doihlc. Adalaide and Dove-Capo llaM; s gmt arirty ot Mih.oV Fancy lJata; Jffcrtha Cape*: lead-brexxos; Hair I'laits and Curia; Eugolia Magpie, Hridnl ami Mourning Vetlx. A argc xtoek ofFiblmns at reduced prlfce: I lata leaned nnd trimmed ; brcssea cut and basted. April 5 48 tf Gonorrhoea n*?d GicctCnro. # ; -* Titr. very beat remedy In the world for the cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, m. fl| Ac., Ac. g Si 3 d Eat nnd drink what yon pleaat. ^ j * ? Full direction*, with a abort *C 96 "* eoitiil of the diicaxe. necoiiMinuv each S Ml bottle. " IS A , S At the snme lime " rtnt era* ' i* n pfl ? ino*l excellent remedy hi Chronic Cold*, Coughs, Ac. 31 M It doe* not produce Stok Stomneh, Sj 4j or injure the constitution in nny way. * ) " Tlie Cure " is entirely Vegetable, ft 3 ~ c Manufactured and for sale by Jfj S J. D. BBUOS 4 CO., 2 g Nswberry, S. C. ^ 5 ^ I ? For sale in Greenville by ** 6 * k M 3 And brail respectable Druggists throughout the htute. I ; 'Fet? 9' 40 tf I ajii,) 1 >i?|r> puts rusqjjoiiof) T. W. DAVI8r Practical Watchmaker & Jeweler, GKKKNVlLf/K, H. C. 1'F eaTIs attention to bis splenjK7KjT)di.l stork ofWATPHKS A.Nil [? -! 7KnJ-**''FIJtY,lrM?kl? of lhavery -eV ,.-JajB,best quality.- Me hoe tbo finest iCMk^tiW^^Artii lf oMVatrhes that lint ever >oen offered for sale In this innrket, ami his tock comprises tile finest Rngllsb and Swiss 'hronome'tor, and nlsu the fine maris IValrh iy<l the celebrated Joreph Johnson Lever, and he .JuliuaJurgourcn WatcJ>, apd alt other fine naker, The above Wotehc* Are In floe 'Sold md Silver Cose*, Hunting, and Open Fare, all if whiobhe will warrant t<> kuep the beet <d' time. JEIWE3IL.R.Y. i le baa a great variety of J KWJiWtY, of the ate at Stylet. lie deem* it mediae# to meptin? he articles ?T Jewelry, bnt ray* he ha* get evrythfnwv** need, lib wWVoep Kixin, ,* ' Silver and Plated Ware* ta itable to the market. REPAIRING. All kind* of RKPAIRfNTO done in Wateher, Moek* and Jewelry in a workmanlike marfher, md at the shorter! notice. jWr- Hi* Shop may b? found at the flood utl lloute, i'i if Fob 23 m * i vi i ui TUK UR?UT i? BMMT ?|H,KCtSD ' STOCK OF 'mn-nuB., la hu oTir Mm* uSOlS tJWemwW, _ onalating, partly, of . > , , Jammer Silka, K re nek 0rr*&4i?ai Ohallica , Inehga, Fewneta. 1'riuU, Long Ciotka _ F.sbei, B?r?|{N, 1'aranoU, Dustorf, Hoopa . [ion n net a, Hlnta, and It lack bilk* ' And a variety of tAOODS generally kept in J DryUooda Storea. I Jft&Sb, a :K " 1 A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF * GENTSANDYOUOTS ( asssife , HATS AAfD CAPS, ciichc'i: FAMILY EBI51U PEOViSlS1 ?iL53 as m.?& aoTjy, AT A. SOMMERS'.tit-cash PAtn for all kikqs OF PROni'O/t.ft^', April 5 48 tf Southern Independence! , o? LOOK WELL TO THE SOUTHW 1?o ?* Withdraw your Northern Patronage! AND you effect more than nil tho in title in Cangrcas, imil trill cauto Aboii. . tiouimn, Ultraiem, KnO.itiuiam. nml all the toth. * er ianin, to feol. autl llint aeriuu.-ly, too, tlrolr | dcpundenco on Southarn Commerce, and will (fleet a radical change soon er and more powcrul then all the political harangue* in Christen* dum. Encourage Southern Industry, South* era Enterprise, Southern .Manufactures, and. above all, Southern Independence, and call OH D. F. West & Co., And you can gat (1 coda " ? VERY LOW FOR CASH, ani On very rratonuhlo and neoomraodattsg terms from prompt paying customers. We are now receiving from Charleston n large addition to our present s* ,elt, comprising a general assortment ol everything usually kept in a country store# which we offer to sell on tho meat rciMonnHle terms. We will take Produce, as well as Ctish, iu exchange for our Hoods. I>. F. WEST CO. Plain, Hreenvillc, S. p*, April 8. 4.S-tf Tinning, Guttering, fTMIK suhscrihcrs inform the pnhllc that they 1 will continue the above business nt the Stand lstelv Occupied bv LOVKLAND A Cll AXlHiEK. All kind* of "jmrmimL mmrOMML9 Roofing and Guttering, will bo done cheaply and promptly. They will keep constantly on lunula superior Assortment spaas WAJsss for Wholesale and Retail, and will take in exi change for their Work, Country Produce, Rags, Pewter, Old Copper, Rocswax, Ae. They re*" speetfully bespeak a share of tho public patronage. J. A. PEARSON A CO. (4 Doors below the Goodleft 11 wise!) > March IU 7 , If JAS. M. ALLEN, ^ i i ' i If a lite??? DEAT.EU, '' GREENVILLE, S.C. J3r All Or<lrr? for Marm.k Work prompt ly nttebJcS to. 40-tf Feb ft 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly. Saved Yearly. Planters Take Notice, Planters Take Notice, Jacob's Cordial Jacob's Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People In Dysentery,' * J In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, \ And yifl^ * j 4 | And Flux, It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages ot Half Doz. Put up Expressly Put up Expressly For Plantations. For Plantations. $1 pet Bottle. $1 per Bottle. For ShU in QrttnviiU by Aug '2210-lj JOHN W GKADY. % * A* fctSrtBWfflmrnlfw^t tWpdk- V FBI Ue mtnllf tiilito ha on kaad IM * J 7W8R,%mfcM A liROQATxS, &G.,rWKL4. A?ABT?DIO TSto*A*k.M^* . *r>'4 laOeaasertrnentwilltoftomd ** V P*' lentlertenV Youths' aa'd Boys*-Boots, a Utters Mid Shoo?. ^ *' v ditcher's Booth?an excellent article. A? Irogans of nil sites and Doit durkbVr m^Ve. bW In faot, as full mi asSertmont of Artiolos in i. ill llun u can to found in any establishment n a town of tho i?m? sine.. * .4 Ho alio respectfully asks an IxtttnlnaHoto of lis Price* for Cask, satisflod tbat hla Goods are iffcred ' ?, At the Low?rt Possible Figure. Pw*h# is want of anything ff The kind rill ploase giro btta a oall. / - *, Oir nAXTH -* 4 - ' A Good Stock of Leather, ^ AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. __ Boot and Shoe Making. This branch or bis businesses still oarriod gn af under bis personal snporrlslon, and erery care will be taltcn to guarantee satisfaction to those who patronise him. 27-tf Nor 10 NEW CARPET STOifE. ?"" 3 MURKS 0. PAILIB, IMPORTER, JOBBER, AND DEALER IK fp ALT, KINDS OF :J CARPETING,BUGS, PLOOE OIL CLOTHE WINDOW 8HADE8, CURTAIN GOODS OF KVKRY I?K8CRIPTION. T EST?, S&A Jisaica? fflTVaUBSTP,, 11 CHARLESTON, S. C., Q{ *_ -? AXD -- > J. G. BAIIJS & BRO., 20.% ItROAD 8T? . . AUGUSTA, (1A. Nov :u 2V lr c _ ' m I. 1. TALK A CO., I Wllolt?AI.B *Nf? KKT.Mt, ?RA(.K?S IN E OLOTHUVO, g AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,, NO. 200 KINO 8TKKET, S CHARLESTON, 8, C. pT Manufactory and Wholesale Ware- Ij house. !HJ)ky Strket, New York. g ty All Order* promptly nltcndcJ to. )p ^Nov 21 2# }y Cv F. JACKSON A CO. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, | \vrtOLE3AI.E AND RETAIL, ? No. 199 King Street, * B CHARLESTON, B. C. Nov *J1 2'J * ly* i% WAGON MAKING AND REPAIRING. k rpHK mitisr rlbori respertfulljrtnformilWPnb_1 lie that ther intend carrying on the business of WAGON MANUFACTURING, and Tj WAGON ???1 BUGGY UKl'AlUINtf, i* the 4 town of Ortx-nvillt. The b?#t of Tlmbor will Ci tbo work warranted tobe *roll done. Mr. POOL, who will superintend the work, in a work in ?u of considcrabla experience, Leviu^; learned the buiuneM under tbe host workmen at tho Carriage Factory of Messrs. Gow?r, Co^, Marklcy I Co. All work will ba dona u^on the must reasonable terraa, and on sborl nnljgo. A share of putrnuage rc|?<U>illjr solicited. WANTED. 4 A bd of PfiASONKP LUMBER wanted, fl for which a fair price will be paid. J. A. TOWNRB. I, AV. P. POOL. Jo W. A. TOWNER. R Orccnvillo, February J, 1860. 3D tf V lociW Corner of Baltimore and bharlaa Streets, HALTl.MoltK, MD. HTMIE Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished, 1 und Popular Commercial College in the I isited Hi ate*. Designed expressly for.Young Men desiring to obtain a Thorough I'radical //Nefoiei Etl urn torn in the least possible time send at the least expense. A Large and Beautifully Ornamented Circular. containing upwards of Si* Square I'eel, with specimens of Penmanship, End a Large -J Engraving, (the finest of the kind srer made 1 in this country,) renruaonting the Interior View ' of the College, with Catalogue stating terms, I A-c?' will he Milt to eWsry Voms r Man an an. plication, frrt <>J chary., , Write immediately and you will receive the package by return mail. Address, Match 1 ' 41 -1 v *" ^a^itnorc^hfd. I T1IK WORLsD.OUTPONE! t THE MBblCINK CABLED * " Inflammatory JGxtirpntor," WHICH was soldjluring Court la this place. Is Bow on sale, l>y J. Vf. (1RADY, of flreenrille. It cannot now bo lonjror doubted but this Medicine is the most ifltouelou* remedy over m this place, Cur Kidney lXm teee, Piles, Neuralgia, Lung Diseases, Dyspepsia A Rheumatism. Numerous rasee or the above diseases hays been cured this present peck, llradiwdic, Toot Imebe, Karaehe, Hprain#, h nd all Bowel A tfc <th;n|. disappear before it .as if bp the touch of magic. Try U, and keep it in your families, for sidkneSrf comes wheu you least jTW, UHADY, Agent for Greenville, I). C.j i ttr. rc.'l*!* L.Wholesalc'Ag'tatf^dftiurfblaf glib ^ by all Wholesale Druggists in Charleston, 8. C. 0, ff, DA VIA,. 1'roprietor, Box 4o40, New York Poet Office. Nov t M tf H q\VAHl)AS?6c'fATldj*s ' I'll It A tlVf I * Lf I f A Benevolent Institution established by special g for the Relief ?f the dick and DifttrvKiM-rl, afflicted with Virulent ana Epi- * demle iMoeanee, ?nd especially for the Can of 1, Disease* of (he Sexual Organ*.* MKItlt'AL Advice giveja gratia, by the Actfng flurgenn, tb ait who Apply by letter, witb n description nf (hair condition, (agd, McupaUon, habile of life, Ac.,) and in epeea oifaxtrcne poverty, Mcdioincs faruiohod frco of charge. ' ** a Valuable Report# am 9p*rnaaUstb?e?, and * other Disease* of the Sexual Organ*, and on (ha New Rcroedle* employed ia the Dispensary, , tent to the afflicted iu Malod letter envolopes, t free of charge. Two or three SUuppa for Postage will ba acceptable. Address, Pit. J, 8KILLIN IfOtfaifTON, Acting Burgeon, Howard Association, No. A Son Ih Ninth Street, Phliadefphta, Pa. By erdor of (he Dtawetoe*. , KZRA b. HBARTWBI.L, President. Il Oao. pAiaowii.i?, Seoretarjr. t, Pch P ly Httlr Drmiug ui lh?vin|. T>U*HDOB eortt'nMes (hu T0MMRTAI, I I? basines* at hie Old Rtan.l, in Baattie'e Brfhk iioiWIng, wbiflra he fa raaify, daring the day and evening, U> Shire the Head! antffut Hahr and Shampoo (he Head. He reajmetfally ark* a continuation of atronage. Oct I 21 tl-f ide, blade and shank, out of otm ?ngfh of blRde^an^lin^^ofh^^Bj o success of tfiis article has onfeht v ariocft IMITATIONS^Kf- Jg the market. bnt tho ^ -? *? ? J Senni?e Cast Ste? R<X* i j 18 SOX.T) OHl?Y BY ^ J. B. SHERMAN, Agent, 1 ^AMlS<T TOOLS. J - PBTfNmO^EASB^ ' Jj > ' : ZlJfP BEEZXL^^l 5 id everything else in tW? din?? i liand and to arrivfe soon. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. Wo aro nmaufactnribj? ISlliotrs elebrated:Spring Hed. xhoy aro 1 that can be desired. Oomfbrt>le, cheap and durable.. ^ <J$li id 6eo them. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. A largo lot of those first rat? rot)-Wheel Wheelbarrow*, just? jmpleied. * **-"' X R. SHERMAN,""Agertt. ^ THE ORIENTAL g COFFEE-POT. We are manufacturing, un? der authority from til'? Papgj tenteea, ' ' " ? m THE ORIENTAL a OOfPlB-POT. ? which beats the Old Domini j ion, and all other styles, .a ; " clear out of sight," while it S | ia sold at but little paore than 5 tho common eoffee*pot. s' If ycu love GOOD COFFEE, try an Oriental. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. i QLaJi ff - PICTURE FRAMES. \5(e are. pcopured to., pat up. all iuds and styles of Qilt and Rosowood 'icture Frames, na cheaply as fchoy ah be purchased in Charleston. J. B. SHERMAN, AgeuU. F9M9TIBBS* We are constantly tereceiving additions to ^^^Four Stock, end have nst effected arrangements with n extensive Mauulaetory, which nil enable us to offer K at much jwer prices than ever. . . We intend to keep as good an ssortinent as the market demands, nd to sell it lower than it v*n he rocured from either Charleston or kriumhia. J. B. SHERMAN, A^ent. ALATMI CLOCK'S, varrnntcd to keep good time, and o wake you up at any time of the liffht or morning that you with. Vrice, $1.75. J. B. SHEBMAIT, Wall Paperinf. A HANPROMR ASSORTMENT OF TVALL PAPERING, BOUDERIR G\ -*, EIRE SCREENS, WIN DO W SHADES, Ac. uat received and for sale by J.B.SBLEfiMAN, Agent. v\ STEREOSCOPES ;* And Stereoscopic Views. A good Mgortinent of Stereooopcs, sbme as k>w aa $1.50, and a rory large and unusually choice aoection of View* jnat feeehred. KEROSENE LAMPS. We hare^ust opened a new lot irlth an - "? Improved Burner^ he l>eat we hav?.ever hadN Houflokcnpfng Qoodc. r Etorything in the Housekeeping ne, from a $100 Cooking Stove