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' " * >. WW ~ . . I ' I froe fight, had just n?s*r?#d a J?loou)iifg. * and beautiful ooufitfr gW <mtf Sirfteifi * years of ngs, ?j?d the tjrsf* of btfb o %eses store enjoying. fbemaslvfc in the a good old fashioned pawn playing style. b Every girl in the room bad been rimed r oat and kissed except Mrs. B , the a beautiful young bride, aforesaid ; and n altho' there was not a youngster present t who was not dying lo taste her Hps, they t were restrained by the presence of hor t herculean husband, who stood regarding s the party with a look of sullen dissatis- ? faction. They mistook the oavfee of bis i anger, however, for suddenly rolling up c his sleeves, he stepped into the middle s room, and m a tone of voice that atonce ii aeeured marked attention, ssid : "Gentle " men, I hav4 been noticing how things p have been working hero for some time, and I ain't half satisfied. I tfoa't want to raise a fuss; but?*' " li M What's the matter, John !n inqntretl b half a dozen voices. " What do y>u a mean t Have we done anything to || hurt your feelings i" ii H Yes, you have all; all of you liave Ik hurt my feelings, and [ have got just B this to say about it: bore's every gal iu v the room beeu kissed mighty nigh on to r a dozen times apiece, aqd there's my t wife, who I jest consider as likely as any j', of'cm has not had a singlo one to night; ? and I jest tell you now, if she aint bussed as often the balauce of the time as 1 any gal in the room, somebody's got me e to fight?that's ail. Now go ahead 0 with your plays ! I * If Mrs. 13 was slighted during a the balance of the night, we did not f know it. As for ourselves we know that John bad no fault to find with us individually for any neglect 011 our part. |{ An Enormous Lie. v Judge M? , lato of Mississiopi. who was a gentleman remarkable for a i proclivity to exaggerate and te![ hard 1, stories, on one occasion was seated in | front of the principal hotel in Clinton, v amusing a group of gentlemen with his e gecuJuu- nariativcs, when he delivered himself as follows: 44 Gentlemen, in v East Tennessee, where I was raised, I fi knew a man who bad the most astonishing strength in his jaws and tqeth of any a tnan that ever lived. I saw him once w standing on the sunny side of a barn, with his old wool lint under his aim, si filled with black walnuts, and, he just 11 put them in his mouth and cracked them as easily as one of you could crack a chesnul!" The auditors exchanged ? looks of incredulity. A quzzical and *t facetious blade, known as Kentucky li Saebelford, was present, and beard the 1 ...i ?i i--j - i .j~ v uu^j a mury, nuu ruilliliKt'U 41 No doubt. Judge, of thelrulh of all you liave said. Some men arc remark- b able strong. Now, in South Carolina o where I lived, one of inv neighbors was t< noted for the extraordinary muscular strength of his arm. I remember to a have seen him take a hard pine knot, place it in the hollow of his arm at the elbow, and by suddenly bringing his fore arm upward, ho split the knot into " splinters and pressed out all the turpenlino in a stream !" ii; The narrative of Kcnluck was received with peals of laughter. Judge M became indignant, and springing to his |j( feet with clenched fist and tlaming eyes, u| exclaimed: " 41 Kentucky that's an enormous lie /" w A Tiirii.lixq Romanck.?'Twns at in the cioae of a glorious summer day? xi the sun was sinking to rest behind the distant hog-pen?the chickens we:e go- ^ innr 1a yai\ol I 1? I.iiII.IVa/vj fe * uuirui'^3 ncio uuur viencing their evening songs?the pollyWOgS. in their native mud puddles, wore as preparing themselves for tlio shade of Tl night?and Sal and myself sat upon an old and antiquated back log listening to the music of nature, such as tree-toads ; and now and then the mellow music of a distant jackass was wafted to our ears by gentle zephyrs that sighed among the ipullin stalks and came heavy laden with * the delicious odor of hen roosts and pig sc styes. The last rays of the setting sun, P glancing from the brass buttons of a solitary horseman, shone through a knot hole in the hog-pen full in Sal's face P dying her hair with an orange peel hue 9 and showing off my thread-bare coal to bad advantage. One of my arms was " round Sal's waist, my band resting on the sm JI of her back?she was toying ' with my auburn locks of jet black hue '' ?she was almost gone and I was ditto. " She looked like a grass hopper dying *ith the hiccups, and I felt like a mud tujrtle choked with a cold codfish ball, ft Sal,' says I, in a voice as musical as ' the notes of a dying swan, 'will you 'I have me ?' She turned her eyes heaven- fr ward, clasped me by the hair, had an P' attack of the heaves nnd blind staggers, pi and with a sigh that drew her shoe 'h strings to her palate, said?'Yes!'? in Hhe gave clean out then, nnd squatted ft"1 in my lap?I hugged her till 1 bioko ft' toy (^spenders. lo Uoi.v MKN.-rTn the eastern part of Ohio there retide* a wan named Brown, now a Justice of tlio l'eaeo, and a very c' sensible man, but, by common consent, 1' the ugliest individual m the west, being s' long, gaunt, sallow, and awry, with a s( gait like a kangaroo. One day he was hunting, and on one of the mountain " hi|i he met n man on foot and alone, o ii onger, gaunter, by all odds > < f. He could give the Squire at him. Without saying a !'! >i, I- ?n raised his gun, and delib- ' . lately I* lied it at the stranger. "For ' <iwls -??k., don't shoot," snouted the 1 man in alarm. "Stranger," replied Brown, " i swore ten years ago that if 1 ever met a man uglier than I was, I'd a <>j >.?t him, and yon are the first one I've ^ ?ii " The stranger aAer taking a care- ^ vurvoy of his lival, replied: * Well, p( o^i'iain, jf I look any won* than you do, sliest, J don't want to livaany longer !n it III i i I.i, n . , I m anient slip, and awaited patiently the regation. The ervfoes MMtnn, Presently the music # *v full-toned organ buret uptfe his atotoished ear; he oad never heard one ?efQre. At the tame time the gentlenan who owned the slip came up the isle, with his lady leaning upon hia rn. As be approached the door of he slip, he motioned to givo place to he lady. ' The movement tho countrynan did not comprehend, and from the iiluation of the gentleman and Indv, asiociated as it was in his uiind with the nusio, he immediately concluded that a otillion, or a French contra dance, or ome other dance, was intended, iliaBg partly from his seat, he said :? Excuse me, nir?excuse me, if you lease, I don't dance /" Crkdumty.?*A bn^kwoodsman, who md never seen a pair of sugar longs, eing invited to a tea party, requested person who unfortunately snt next itn, to give some information respect ng their use. " It is a verv ingenious instrument," .:4 ik? ...a. ? X. i fi-i.A.. i.._i.. ??v? " };, ?1IU n?1 uycll IHICIJf III enfed fbr-Vbe pUVpose'of Blowing one's lose. It is now in use in genteel sociey, and it is expected that tlie tlispnstiig custom of using the fingers will be Itogetbor abolished." The sugar bowl was handed to him. 'he unfortunate man of the forest seizd the sugar tongs, and the polite part f the assembly were astounded at the trango application of the inKfSment, ,nd the tremendous explosion which ollowed. T>onk Bkown.?A very loquacious ady offered to bet her husband $50 hat slit would not speak a word for a reek. " Done !" cried tlio debgiiled husband natantly tabling the money, which the ady as soon grabbed and put in hm >ocket, observing very naively that sin vould secure it until the bet was decid .1 " Why," said the husbniid, " I have ton it already," and required her to jrk over. " Not at all," said (ho lady ; " you rc inislakeii in the tune?I mean the cck after I ani buriod !'' '1'ho lady **ent a " shopping " thai une afternoon, and the lnubnod?well, uf cod. An eccentric friend Mopped in a store -which shaft he nameless?when line "colored brethren " were doing a Itle trading. " Ah ! ^fr. said onr fiiend, you have your cousins in, 1 s?.e." The young merchant said nothing, ut looked n?ad. Our fii?3nd stepped ut, brtt in n few minutes returned, af t?r the sable customers had departed. " I hope you won't take any offence t what I remarked just now," said he. " Oh, no," said the merchant, I nevei ike ottence at anything you say." "Glad of it," replied our quizzer, the niggers arc H9 mad as the d?II' And then he sloped, narrowly miss ig a Hying yard slick. Leai? Year Sentiment.? At a puliC 44 TOR l^nrtv " ro<?Anilo '? ' "a F our country towns, where " senti tents " were in order, a timid bachelor as bold enough to remind tlie ladies int leap-year was upon them, by oilerig the following : iree long weary years have I waited for this; off, if you'll pop the question, I'll surely say yea. To which a lady promptly responded i follows : lie nran without courage to do liis own wooing : i [ay do hia own washing, and halting and 6 wing* The bachelor looked despair. " Daddy," raid a hopeful urchin to is paternal relative, 4* why don't our hoolmaster send the editor of the news uper an account of the lickings he gives 10 hoys ?" * I don't know, my sen," replied the arent, " bet why do you ask such n nest ion ?" " Why this paper says that Mr. 13. as tanned three thousand hides at his xtahlishrnent during the past year, and know that old Gtiines has tanned our ides more than twice that many times -the editor ought to know it." " Amelia, for thee?yes, at the comtand, I'd tear this eternal firmament ito a thousand fragments; I'd gather io star*, one by one, as they tumbled om the regions of eternal space, and tit them in my trowsers pocket : I'd luck the sun, thflt oriental God of day i*t traverses the blue arch of heaven r.tch mije tic splendor?I'd tear him oin the t-ky and quench his biigbl efigence in the fountain of my eternal ve for thee I" " Dou't llcnry, it will be so very dark !" Marriki>, in South VVfe!l<leet, Mm jusetts, April 25, Captain Alvin F. aine and Miss Kliza F. Foster. ?o foster'd love to conquer pain, But knew not what it was to cost her? ie found she hut became the Peine, For 1 aine was just the thing to Foster! Mr*. Partington told Benns, tbe her day, in confidence, that a young an had committed infanticide by i lowing his brains up in a state of de rium tremendous, and the coronet was olding a conquest over his remnants. Tiir following epitaph is copied from grave stone out West: [ere lies the body of Andrew Leer, 1 hose mouth did stretch fiforu ear to esr ; eadcr, treed lightly o'er h)? head, i>r if he gape, by go*h, you're dead." m? ? A witty man can make n jest, a wise tan can lak$ one. 1 " m 1 I J > m ' II ac Tbe1?0M?fe of TOWN KB * r HAW^IfMBtsving been diwolrrfl'tjin ' the business ?assr??issMP ?"^5r-K".' NOTICK. TBI nndereigned htring twmfairthb interest in the Blacksmith Shop dmr WUhsins' 8torn, to Mcesrf.< BnOaxn A Hdwaino, takes pleasure In recommending them to?ibue of public patronage. They will be prepared be attend promptly end satisfactorily to all calls in their line. They hareexporiettted and skillful Smiths in llorsesboeh>||? Repairing and Ironing Wagons, Plowgh Work, and all other ordinary work of a Blacksmith Shop. January, 185?. ?7-tf G. ?. TOWNBS. H^jP,^^WELRY ON SALE. A VERY GKNKltAI. ASSOHTMKNT of J.V due and other Jfc'lVKLS Y may bo had j of the Subscriber, who makes to order Bngagekteat Jiitufn, and out other article retiuired iu his lino. REPAIRING fntthMl y done. ; a*e Three ltoors below the Uoodtett House, j J. H. RANDOLPH. Greenville, S. C., Sep. 15, 1850. 10-tf Hllaa' Dyspeptic llciaetr Bit's' Dyspeptic Ucmnly Blla' Dyspeptic Ituiinljr Bilk*' Dyspeptic Rciiinly Utlaa' Dyspeptic' Remedy Has the Urgwt Bale Mw Uunwl Sale v Hm tli? Largut Male llmt the l<aiart et Male Hm the Largest Vale Of any Medlelne la the World. . / Of any Medicine In the World. Of any Medicine In the World. Of any Medicine In the World. Of any Medicine In the World. 1UU.OOO Par Kb |{ea 10O.OUU Paekarrea 1UU.UUO Package IIIO,IKK) I'nrktuirt lOO.OOO I'orkutt Bold la Grw^e and SonUiCandlna old (a Utorgln and HoailiUaieilNt i" Seo!l^,, *"*! ""'rthl arDJIna Mold In (Jroryln and South Carol In a Moid Ih Cieiglii and .Nt.ittliCarollua In rjarlnii MgnUts. In Fourteen Monthe. fn Fourteen lie. la Fourteen Monthe. It la Warranted (a cure i It la Warranted to fure It le Warranted to Cure It la Warranted to Cure - i!.u Warrwt.tad to Cure I? Ufreettone are Followed, It Dire*tl*iia are Fullfttved. If Otreetiona are Followed, If Directions ore Followed, If Otreetiona ore Followed, Any Onae ot Dya]mpa1a Any Can of Dyapepida, Any Cam of DysiM-uela Any C-aae ot DyspciMta Any Caae of Dyeitciiela J.lver Dlacasc, Uver Olaenae, Urar Ofaagga, ? Lirer Disease, n ; UNfOlMai, / \ A Jaundice, $ a J t - s . Jaundice, * Jaundice, Jaundice, t la Waamilallar AtUnl.ll to I I it u Ksjntciatiy to It I* Kapeelally ArtnjiUrt to It Is Kspectally Adapted to It t* Especially Adapted to Female CsmplalnUi female Complaints Female Coiuplulnta 5 Female Complaint* ; Female t omplnliit* ; It Prodnces Itotnudlty ot Form It Prodnces ltotundlty ot Foein It Produces Kotundtty of Form It Produces ItolunrUly ot Form It Produces ltotundlty ot Form In Females ot a Thin ami S|?re llnhtt In Females ot a Thin and Spare Hahtt In Females ot a Thin auel Spare llnltlt In Fansales ot n Thin and Spare llnhlt lu Females ot n Thin %ml Spare Rind a IVnuie Stamp to the l"roprlcl?>r? tor tholr 1'ampnUil on " UeoaMl ot btomacb anrt Uoaell." W. W. BUS* & t o. , Propt let ore. 303 Orood way. hew York. For Salt in Oreenii/lt ly Aug 2J!? ly JOHN W. fiUADY. JAMES "FLECK, HOUSE & SIGN FAINTER, 1'uper lluiiffoi' A Cilii/Jcr, greknvilli;, s. c. will faitiju'llv kxbci tk all wokk j:xti!u.stki> TO 1IIM. IJeaiilctice on Augusta Street, near Depot. Kub 23 42 ly The Assembly House, Onf. SgtTAiiR W'kst or tip: Post Omen, PlaiD Street, . . . Columbia, S. C. r|"MIIS well known Establishment hns been [ JL thoroughly re-fitted ami improved, and is now permanently opt-not for the nccommo. 'lotion of the Public. Every attention wilt In* given to euppty tlio wants aud comfort of Patrous. lt:it?-s Moderate. 0. T. MASOX, Proprietor. Dec R 81 tf i. r. ittKn R i>. ooom.wTT. REED & QOODLETT, 1 ATTQRKEYS AT LAW, and SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. GKKICN VILLK, S. (J. OJffrr Xnrth-Knnt Cortirr Court //<?M*r Squorr. June 4 4 tf SHAVING, HAIR TRIMMING, DRESSING, DYING, an ft RAZOR SETTING AND SHAMPOOING, AT TIIK Second Door above Mr. MoPherson'a, J WILSON COOK. Mny 2 20 pil b H(Vk* r w i? wMti nv an i ?faii.ino crn* port cti @> Jiir (i!) hi w i*j am a AND A I.I. DIGRAM KS HP TIIK IHINAKY ORC.ANR. f LIU IK Kviuedy curea when nil other prepnriii fionx fail. It in entirely unlike every < otlter compound ; containing no mineral |M>i| Knn or nnuxcoui" drug ; tin it in prepared eolelv ; from Koota, Jlarkft nn<t I .ear op, and linx been ' linndcd doivn, from otic gourriition to another, hy the Cherokee Indian*. It it offered to the public on iU own IntpD'io inente. It perform!' M duty rpiirklv and thoroughly. Tin- unfortunate, of either *05, will be rcpnid hy wring thin Remedy, instead of placing theniscrivea at the merry of aotne Quack or l'rofcuror. Thie Remedy atrlkea nl the very Root of tho direnre : it* tendency ia not aim ply to auapciid the poiaon, hut to re^XPVO the cauxe on which it dcpciula. iiit oiiccatoii* in piimpnier I?*T!H, IIOIHHIipwiJi eaeh bottle. Tho ?|iecdy and permanent relief affnfricd by thin Remedy, iti all ea**a of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Gravel, Strietnre, Floor Alhna, (Whiter in Female*,y and all riiaeaae* of the Urinary Or^una, ha* aatoniahnd Iho moat arientide men of tho age, Thi* Remedy not only eradieatea all peine* from tho ayatem, hut'invigorate* the moat delieate eonatltotlon. It do<? not afreet tho breath or interfere with any elaaa of huaine**, or reqniro any deviation from the oanal diet. It raquikea no aaaietanoe from any other medicine. And rrhat enhance* it* value, ia the entire ahaoneo of all nauaernis taate, being a plcamiat and delicioaa ayrup. t % I'rlco W per Bottle, of three Kettle* for $3. POTTF.ft A MRRWIX, Sole Proprietor*, St. Louie, Mo. ^T-O" Sold In Oreonrtlle by Fiaher A Kclnit*h;Van Sehaack A Orioraon, Charleston, Wholeaale Agent*. a no all responsible dealer* tu Modiqne* in the .^outh. 4'J -ly Ay U um.h.i i m i in *fp? m UNEftUALLED BY AHY. " ?, Bi A Tew of tlie Matty Reason* m Why theae Machine* L AliE PREFERRED J abovk ALL OTUKIW. h % 1 1 . *"* ' * 1. .yhey art ?o remarkably $imple in tb^IV coiiHtittclibo. A child can operate them' and understand their mechanism. . 2. They uro the ?tro*yeW Sowing Mad&no* ( mado. It ia almost impossible to break angelthem Hut of order. 3. They are #?r? in their operation: 'finish? iug Wtirk In a uniformly perfect manner, "V? * 4. Thev make a liuht lock, tiitcl. alike on bulb aides of the work, which cannot, bo unraveled. f| 5. Thoy stitch, hctn, bind, (bit, run and a gather, without baiting. 0. They bow equally well tbo lightest and 7. They* sew over the heaviest seaWts \^llhout changing tk? tension or breaking tbeflneSt thread. / . R K. They use any No. of Cottoa, Thread or I Silk, directly Prom the spool. 0. They tise a straight needle; curved ones are liable to break. 10. The needle has a perpertdtkuinr motion. This is absolutely, necessary for bwevy work. 11. They have a wheel feed ; nono uthugs arc iu constant contact with the work. 12. They run easily and are almost uoiBclea*. j (j ljt. They are not liable to oil the dress of the operator. ? 1 I. Tltcy do not require a scrcw-drivcr to set the needles. .". 15. They do not have So he taken apart oil or-rlson. IJJ ? 16. They do not form ridges on the under j side of tha work, nor ravel out, nor ate they Wasteful of thread, as is the ease With all ! V ehnin-stitching mnoliiites. jgf ? ^ I 1 IT. Tficy 'hfc etlpahlc of J^inc a ' J range of work,.and in a mere perfect manner ti thau any other Sewing Machine. 1 ei ? fid ?Ve warrant these Machines, and vouch for el tlie recommendation of the above. u I>I I:R & PICKLE, ' ' ACAXTf^el/ 'ft J GREENVILLE, S: C. n April 19 50 ly J FOR S ALE." I Three Houses and Lots, a I jLo..-^. WHICH im? eligibly ?ituat- j, I ed. and paying a good interest ?Abb S'KW?may be had on )? ^X"' vorv reasonable terms, if op- .. plied for soon. The owner wishing to invest j,, the prqreods.of sals in other harinaea he 1* en- nl gaged lb, is the only reason" why be nas a dls- )> position to dispose of tho property. (i Also, for Shlo, a VACANT LOT. Enquire at this Olllee for particulars, Mnridi S ?1 ? Spaulding's Prepared Glue. USEFUL in every hoube. lTM.l'ID, nti'l remly for use.all the time. and as strong as Cabinet Maker.1'' glue. Price H i?r bottle and brush. 25 cent?. For rale by I J. II. FHKKMAN, Agent. Ki 1 17 ' ; - tr c YOUNG STEELE. THIS TllOPortJIl-BRKl) fcTAT.MOS will stand the en- ) J* suing Season at the following ol aces, vli: Commencing nt o! W "I'rineoA Greer's ftablc, flrccnville C. IT., March 10th. 11th. and 12tli : nt f< I?r. Manning Austin'*, l.'lth and 14th ; ut J. T. ej Dennett's, 15th and tilth; and John Charles', I1 17th mul ISth, and will attend regularly ut ?| loch plnM verv ninth day. See Hills. ti J. L. A E. L. WK8TM0KH1.ASD. March 15 45 tf MIILINERY. tame. wjhm&a ? fit A VE returned from Now York with a large and complete assortment of handsome Goods, WILL OPEN fit '\V?:i?ricsi>Ar,TiiH 11th inst. ami to which they invite the attention of the ladies of (Iriscnv ille tuid rleiuity. ~ A in on o their stock may be fouad the Clo- | tilde. Aiislaide and Dove-Cepc Hats; a ^reat \ aiirty ol <rSH*?cf Fancy lints; 0hrtha..Cnp?es ** 1lead-l>ressos ; Hair Plaits and Curls; Eugenia MaJBda, Bridal and Mnamlog VeUs. A large stock orKlbhonsaf rcdueeifprlCrs; Hats cleaned and tr'unmed ; Itresses cut and hasted. 4 April 5 48 tf ^ ^ I2 Oonorrliorn a?id Gleet Cnro. * ; -* | Tun very hest remedy In tlie world i for the cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, < , Sr*-** 5 ' ^ Eat and drink what yon please. ^ ^ Pull direction*, with a short ae X P- count of the diielue, accompany each JS3 W bottle. ffi a S J At the same lime " tiik ci-kk " is n jg ^ most excellent remedy ?u Chronic Colds, Coughs, Ac. ? It. does not produce Sick Stomach, SP{ ?tj or injure the constitution in any way. ^ ^ " The Cure " is entirely Vegetable. ^ I U' Manufactured and for sale by 5*3 X 9. D. BBUOM A CO., 2 j Newberry, S. C. [ ? . O I "X For sale In Greenville by ? is ? I B" w A nd by all reepeetnble Druggists llirnntfhoul the fetnle. I ; p.iro* 40 tf I *9J 11.3 |?uo D?a*(t4Joia<?f> T. W. DAVI8. Practical Watchmaker & Jeweler, , OKKKNVtLf/ft,?. C. ' {JV HE Onlls attention In his splen/K^rjdid stock ofWATcnps AMI (CU JJSWKI.RV.wWch is ..f the v?*v quality. H<- ha# tliu tinext rf^yrfrWW^Artiftc of Watches that ha* ever bocp offered for sale In this market, ami hi* lock ruiupruo* the finest I'ti^lixh and Swi?,? Chronnmetor, and also the fine maj?ic Watch, ki>i1 the celebrated Joxrph Johnxmi Lever, and the .JiiliuftJiir/tupecD Watch, apd alt other fine r makes, Tlie nbovo Wwtehc* are In Ina 'lold L and Silver pmc?. lluntinv. nnh omb .11 ? A whiobtie will warrant l<> kuep I be beet of line. JEWELRY. Jle Iim* great variety of J V. of the latent itylop. Ho dcctnn it needlea* to meptiop the nrltolta of Jeweiry, but s*y? ha bM got trr* eryt htnrjfen need. Iffe wHiVeep edftn, *' ( Silver and Plated Ware, Suitable to the market. REPAIRING. ,1 Allhinde of HKPAIRIIfO done in W a to her, Cloak* and Jewelry In a workmanlike watlber, and at the ebortc*t notice. Mt- Hi* Shop may be found at the flnndlutl lloute. 43-If fob 23 f""U" in imaqkimmpmiumi-JA KntpmtuL. 0 bu 0**r before axbiMbsrt la tiMe fvlut, nsistlng, partly, of jj -. immer Silki, French Organdies, Challles ? *! * JeooneU. Prints. Long Cioth. ^ "? obes, Harages, Parasols, Dusters, Hoops nnnnets, Flats, and. Ulaek Bilks , , J nd a variety of UOODS generally kept is * ryUeods Bbscta. i-i.,.. , . ' : ^55?, A WEIL SELECTED STOOK OF ' lENTSANDYOUWS ? bc?6TSMAND sVtOES, , UTS AH1I CAPS, /wmkmw*. 'UrJ' OHOtCB IIILY GROCERIES & PH0VISI05S. sw^b as ?.?S Sb^c A. SOMMERS'.^ jnrcASN PAtn roit all kinds / rkonres.-n** April 5 - 48 tf k?- ..., .'.I ... >... < ^ *. Southern Independence! Q ,OOK WELL TO TUK SOUTH i<t ,?o ? Withdraw your Northern Patronage! A Nl> you effect more than nil tlio ?|<eichfii fx. made in Congress, tutd will cause Aboilouisui, Cltraisni, hstlntioism. ami all the bthr isms, to feol, and that aerioudy, too, their rpendeneo on 8ontharn Commerce, and will H'ect a radical change soon tr and morepnwerI thbu all the politicivl harfcngtsca in Christensnm. Kncoarsge Southern Industry, South* ra Enterprise, Southern Manufactures, and, bovc all, Southern Independence, and call on D. F. West & Co., And yon ran gut Q cod* YEttY LOW FOR CASH, aJ on very reasonable and nedommodatipg rma from prompt paying customer*. We nre now receiving from Charleston n irge addition to our present stock, comprising general assortment of everything ttsiiallJL lot in a ruunirr store, which we ng'or ?? sell i I ho mast rraeouehle term*. We will take rodiirt, u wull u Cuidi, in exchange for our oode. D. F. WEST CO. Plain, Orecnvillc. 8. p., April 8. IH-lf ,. Tinning, Guttering, I^IIK *ul?ecribcrii inform the pnblle that they I will continue the Above ltuxinexx nt tbo tanil lately leraMM bv I.OYKIjAND-'A 11AX1H.ER. All kind* of sm Roofing and Guttering, ill bo done cheaply and promptly. Tliev will ecp continuity on hand a superior Assortment spaas w A rasa r Wlinlcsalo and Kctiul. and will take in exDihii;* for tlivir Work. Country Produce, Hat?", enter, Old Copper, Beeswax, Ac. They re<f ?eet fully bespeuk a a hare of the public pauiwip'. J. A. I'UAIIKON A CO. (4 Doors ftclow the Good fat t /louse.) March 1 i , 7 tf JAS. M. ALLEN, M ?a ? &S&JRB Zft'S DEARER, >KEGNVJLLE, S.C. JJf All Order# for Wom prompt f altctidod to. 40-tf rob 9 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly. Saved Yearly. Planters Take Notice, Planters Take Notice, Jacob's Cordial Jacob's Cordial Is The Only Sure Ta Til A T? QiI.A xo xIXVv Vllljr UUIU And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy Before The People , Before The People In Dysentery, .. In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, \ And Flhx, And Flux, * It Never Fails. It Never Fails, ^ckages of Half Doz. 'ackagcs ot Hatt Doz. Put up Expressly Put up Expressly For Plantations. For Plantations. $1 per Bottle. $1 per Bottle. For S?U in Grtmvill* by \ Aug 2216 -ly JUil.N W OKADT. U-HJ1 D I I"*. Ill JUM' . ul gr-uertkHj- thiftlto bM un bud m On* ^nm.rnsm9rn WKLi. AOAPTK1) XO XtfW ^AKKJJX..' I*tt?UMrtib?nKwiUb? Ibml *v V . lent!cicon's, Yohtbi' lui'd Boyt' Boot*, Oaton HtfWr^B^tb-an PXo?1Unt nrtir!?. Irogan* of tad most durhbbe m^k?. id nn iwnmrnT 01 awmm in | la line as oh bo fouud in any establishment a a town of the same rise.. Ho also respeetlbUy asks an Examination of is l'rioes for Cash, satisfied that his Goods are He red , T'.1? ' J t At the Lowe*t Possible Figaro. Persona is want wf anything ft the kind rill please give blfo m' call. v ., ?* RAirix ' "*? * I (sood Stock of Leether, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Boot and Shoe Making. Th|s branch of hia business js still carried yn inder his personal sn per vision, and every care *i!l bo taken to guarantee satisfaction to those ahopatronise him. 27-tf Nor 10 NEW CARPETST? JUMFS ?. If AILIE, IMPORTER. JOBBER. AND DEALER IN AIjTj kinds of CARPETING, RTJOS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHE, WINDOW 6HAPE8, CURTAIN GOODS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, EST?. ft&A JHBSa? ?TPIR212BTPg " CHARLESTON, &. a, AX? .1. O. BAIUE & BRO., 20.% DUO AT) BT.. . AUGUSTA, GA. 2V ly I. L. FALK & CO., VQniHatt sxn MAB nitAiKRH IX CLOTH INO, AND Gentlemen*! Furnishing Goods, NO. 806 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. C. . tr Manufactory and Wholesale Warehouse. 31 1>kt Strket, New York. , IP* All Orders promptly attended tot w Nov 21 29 Xj C? F. J ACK80N A GO* FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, "WHOLESALE AX1) RETAIL, No. 199 King Street, - *? CHARLESTON. 8. C. Kov -it 29 ly* WAGON MAKING AND REPAIRING. rillfEimHiirrlberi n'rpeH'fullytnfonn the r?ub1 lie thai thef intend carrying on tka bu*in?M<?r WAdOX .M AXUKAOTl'UlXU, and \VA<if)N and IMUitJV ItKPAlltlN.U, in the town <-f Greenville. The boat of Timber will leased, nod tin) work warranted tobe Wulldonc. Mr. l'OOl>, wuo will superintend the work,lit a workman nf ron.iiderxMa txperhnre, having learned the buaineM under the bout workmen at the Carriage Factory of iMewri. (lower, Cox, Marklcy i Co. All work will l>e dona upon the in oat reaaonahlo terms, and on short lnoUoo. A share of pal rouuge rc.?peeU'ulljr solicited., IVANTED. A lot of FfiAFONKP I.rMnr.R wanted, for which a fair price will lie paid. J. X. TOWNKF. XV. P. pop!.. XX. A. TOWXES. Orce.nville, Febntary 2, 1860. 89 tf XOCATim Corner of Baltimore and Charles Streets, r.a 1.11.Moui:, Ml). T1IK Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished, ttnd Popular Commercial College in the I uited ftalrt. Designed Mpmiljr for.Young Mod desiring to obtain a Thorough J'rucHcal Hminft Education iu the least possible time and at the least expense. A Large and Beautifully Ornamented Circular, containing upwards of <Vi<r Square feet, witli Specimens of Penmanship, And A Large Engraving, (tho finest of tho kind ever made in this country,) representing the Interior View of the College, witn Catalogue stating terms, Ac* win be Mitt to ?mjr Van tig Mm on Application, fret of chary. Write immediately and you will receive the package by returq mail. Address, K. Losr?Jtr March 1 f -tj-ly Baitiiuorc, M(i. THE WORLD OUTDQHE! THE MEDICINE CALLED " Inflammatory CKirpnter," WHICH was poldjlnring Court la this place, Is now on sale, by J. W. GRADy, ol Greenville. It cannot now be lengor doubted bat this Medicine is the raoet'e Aceefous remedy over m thii placo, for Kidney IMse t*?e, Files, Neuralgia, Lung Diseases* Dyspepsia A Rheumatism. Numerous casaa of the above diseases have been cured this present peck. Head uobc, Toothache,.Kitraclic, flpraius, nnd all Dowel Atfc< tl</"?. disappear koforo It as if by the touch of ntagio. Try it, aud keep it in your fatniKcs, for sifktieAf Comes wbeu you Least egnyedkL id' p'^ v,, * - y q , J, W, GRADY, Agent for Greenville, ?. C.j ifr.E. Blt.L. Wholesale Ag'tahColnulbla; *1*5 by all Wholesale Druggists in Charleston 6, C. G. \W D A V18,. Proprietor, Box 4520, New York Post Office. Nov t *24 tt HqWAllOAHioVlATiijs, PHILADELPHIA, A Benevolent Institution established by special KndoFtncqt, for the Relief ef the fsieli and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially far the Care oi Disease* of the Sexual Organs." MEDICAL Advice given gratis, by the Actfng Surgeon, tf> "all Who apply by tetter, with a description of their oouditton, (age. ?BeupaUon, habits of life. Ac.,) and in Wpeea of extreme poverty, Medicines faruishod free of marge. Valuable Reports on flpernaatcrrbeca, and other IMacatea of the Sexual Orgaoe, and on the New Romrdtca employed lit the Dispensary, xent to the aflictod in Mnlud It-tier envelope*, free of charge. Two or three Htarppa for Postage will be acceptable. Address, Hit. J. 8KILLIN IIOUGIlTOlf, Acting Surgeon, Howard AeaociaMoo, No, M Hoe lb if In tlf #tr ee*. Philadelphia, Pa. * k Br order of the Dtseetoes. MZRA D. MBARTWKLL, l'reeldeet Gao. PaiaoaiLn, Beepetary. m * 4<T 1 y fair DreMluf aiiil lharhif. T>U|lin>OK continues the T0N06RTAI. I) hnalnc** at hi* Gld Stand, in tfeatti.'. RrMkHniMlnr, whdre he la heady, during the day and erening, to Shvee the Bee Aft tflfnt Datr and Shampoo the Head. He mspoetftiUy tiki a eontinuation of atronage. l Oct 1 21 tl-J A- - i r?tva* stated . . .*w \ made, blade and sbjudcj *3||l B piece of the very beet ^ohlit?. dHkl temper of Oast Steel, snd..jbaW?:fc_ JBE Tho BUCCC68 of tf?is articl^hil^j^ bwhfeht vfti4obtlMlTATI?NSsitt^ &jfl to the market, bnt the ***** R ' Ucnui?c Cant Steel Hoe .? J. B^SmCKM^VAgent. M GARDENING TOOLS. 1 PRZWT$?B1%?*^'ll and everything else ir^ this line; | on hand and to arrivh sooo. h. * '' ft J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. * SBBSo I ^ We are manufactnrlbirBjlioirs; ? Celebrated; Spring Hed. xhey.are f| nil that can be desired. Ootnfbrt- '| able, cheap and durably ^ QaU- S and see them. ..... I J. 13. SHERMAET, Agent. , . A largo lot of ihose fftst-rat? Iron-Wheel Wheelbarrows, just * completed. X 3. & SHESMAN/Aj#*, f^| THE ORIENTAL ( 5 COFFEE-POT. 4 ?-=* We arc manufacturing, junder authority, from tlfe Pa- - I THE ORIENTAL ) M 0 OFPMHPOT. ? which beats the Old Domin> don, and all other stales, r,?i " clear out of sight," while it 4 I is sold, at bpt-Jittlo more than gS* tho common cofFec-iioti I Jt 135 T^nn inL rirft? ? ? ; -? <y T-v w wv-' vvi, FEfi, try an Oriental. J. B. SHERMAN) Agent. f n u " PICTURE FRAMES, 1 Wo are prepared to put up all kinds and etylee of * Gilt and Rosowood 1 Picture Frames, as cheaply as they cafi be purchased in Charleston. I J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. 1 fyBilTTOS. A , We are constantly fl Breceiving additions to I Stock, a lid wave jnst effected arrangements with an extensive Manufactory, which will enable^ us to offer K at -much lower prices tliau ever. We intend'to keep as good nn assortment as the market demands, and to sell it lower than it can be procured from either Charleston or Columbia. J. B. SHERMAN, A^ent. ALARM CLOCKS, ' warranted to keep good time, and to wake you up at any time of tlic night or morning that you wish. ( SHERMAir, Agis?:J I Wall Paperlay. A HAIJWSOMR A9SOKTMBNT OF WALL PAPERING, '* bordering, t FIRE SCREENS, 4 WIN DO W SHADES, Ac. i juat received and for sale by J. B. 6HKHMAN, Agent. ... . o -?- T? \ i J STEREOSCOPES ;l And Stereoscopic Views. A good assortment of Stereoscopes, some as low as $1.50, and a very largo aud unusually choice so- + lection of View* juat received. KEROSENE LAMPS. We have^jnat opened a new lot fttt$ an ' ' . Improved Bwrner, the lxssfc we hav??ever luuK r Housekeeping Goods. Everything In the Howeekfeepin^ line, from ?S100 Uooklng Stove