University of South Carolina Libraries
~ ; *.if^^f* <+ - -* w f^tthra for iWkiMlvtj tha IM^IMIili J L-II_1_L 55wS'i~S: jH&sEffijst: *w*y " * * w , " " ?* cm 94 VERY LOW FOR CASH i FUm ?Wd Sngfiah Imr WAT H?a,of U, W >r%M'J OoUT Swig, *r)d Atnari ?WM nhatha dim%h< ??to re"t ttaN-k?Ml*| ( u4*Im a Mao lot of Gold Cfcgftp of VpHoha patterns j Mid a&no lot of ^fiWfixarr. Breast Pin*, Km - Droll, Finger - Ring*, W**> Ohnrds, "Ilref god Gold ThiV . Uso, Who* CWtas, sUeer nod gold ftabed P* Oyiulwlii, n Im loi of Studdi nod Sleeve But tuna. KfriaUeae nnd Bracelets, Silver had Plated Wore, MMu, Knives, Porks, Castors, Cake Baskets, Candlesticks, nnd the Potent Ioe i " Pitcher, which la warranted to keep ioe from S L- to 13 boon In the hottest weather: The Silver Wow to warranted to bo or the very t*?t qnal|{y, and warranted to he aa pore na the liver eoin | odd the Plated la of the I nest that ia dr. Tow eon examine without cost, and yon con bay at a eery email coat. An early inapeotion of the above Article* will do yon no harm. a|t kfnds of RKPAJRING done at short notlee, and all klbda of If AIR WORK done and mounted In doe Gobi. (I'd Gold and BUvor taken in txchanre for Oaada,**. t T. W. DATIt. Jane * * - tf f^g Stiato M ImHi Carollm. aBERFtlv1"* DISTRICT. In Ora.^ry. kalh of real estate. By VIRNJB of on Ordor from tba fVnrtof Ordinary, for Uroenvlllo Dbtriot, la4! /<s|)<>h M Sola, at public outcry, to tbo big boot UIMrr, boforo tbo Court llouae door of Mid JlidHit, on tbo fkt Monday of July Hext, at mi Piaco, Purocl. and Tract of LAND, b?ai rid ta Ofaonrilto Di*trM, on Watari of fcuaaao attoor, adjoining Lanilg of Jlcatamip IMHag, law* Jotuiaou and otbcra, and rorfI laManOM ImM and Thirty Acrca, mora at 'lead; aoM ma <he property of Ci.taixna Dwmea. drmaarX, for Partition among tbo lluii i if ni'T 1t :-' V nBUHtnJ#MXLK: A credit of twelra aaonlba, obbiiBtadat Pom day of talc, for all, aiotot ao aaA ma aHR yay tbo ooatr, which wilt bo roqblead la CeA. nadiairr to tiro f?>admtth goof 11 iljty, omda mortgagr of the I If Itmef m imj. to tbo Ordinary. to aocuto tbo pajMmt of tbo pure hate noway, l'urchaacr to paf for tiflaa. JT. T. )W?WII5L, a. o. P. OaiaatTMo, X C, Jfktaig'* Ofi?^ Jtute ft*, 1Mb. I 4 j TMUBBR PAX8 fPt BALE. J STIfX Wo(wmU, * nvxm MIL I hare mU thirty or forty of there Fame, m4 they he* e, ha vmmf hmirny jpre* onpifUtr ?aiirf?(irt?a. Ai/he, Three Smmt ?ad aorooaiaf ?MWm, manufactured by ItoMaaiMa, of North OmoUna Tbeao Mihiiaa here take piaoriiwi at ell the Mate ?U Fnmato Paint of North ComLiea, ae I here aofmeoodod all i*?ptt?ato,ala? haadnl ?f dMaa beiiij a war (a oae ia that State. IMa( wowatgaed hy ae aleinlrtrah*, they will be arfl at a Urje llweant from the muufacterer'a prtoea. L. WILLIAMS. June 7 ? . U I ? Tcmperaice CelekrttkM. rxf ^sSer THKRK will ho* Temperance jD^L^OiUbraUN at Fountain lad, on the PaeHhof July neat. All -peranna who toko an tatereet in Mm dissemination of Temperance, are eordlolty inrlted to meet with ua. Aldreuw are expected from aeverel gentlemen of piety oad talent. Person* attending will be expected to provide' their own refreshment, aa no public pro virion will be made. J. SIDNEY HAMMOND, R. 8. Jane * . 5 7 THE SUBSCRIBER 11AS JUST Ol'ENKl> & & ILKOAXT Gold and Silver Patent Lever 1J WATCHK8 Alio, flu# Gold Brooches, set with Canal Alto, Gold NwklMM, nrlent pattern* Also, hitit and short strands Coral Bead*, With and without loekets. Also, Gold and 8llv?r Spectacles, light and heavy frames; do. Iilaa Steal; do. a flue quantity of Plated Spectacles; da. Ooneoved. for near-sighted pertou*. Among the various laSM eollection of Specks, will b? found the Parri. Focal Glasses, la either GolddtrSilver Frames ALBO, | A floe assortment of Poacy, Gold, Silver, Cornelian and Plain Headed WALKING CANKB. Also, ? neat or Mela of Diaper Pins, Finger King* of all waiwkta, Ac., Ac. ENGRAVING done, as asnal, on Bpoani and Plates of every deacrlptiop. J. H. RANDOLPH. May*! . 4> S ?rl?i rif^ Baffin-, Mice, Lard. T> EST dried Flci, onljr 44 eeata par Bob JD Beat dried Fipa, only 44 Mali per Bo* Beet Or*abed Se^ar. T Be per $1.04 Beet CUrifled Smgrnr, 6 Be per 41.00 Beat Brown flnger. 4 A 14 Mm per 44.00 Beat Large flrahi R tee,-14 hi per 41.00 Beet Adomentlie Candle*. 34 e. per lb Extra Leaf Lead, Kiln Leaf I.anl Beet Blood* Porter ud Ale, $2.74 per doeen. All Br eele br 2 BRVCK SMITH. OppoeBe T. B. Roberta' New Store. Jane 7 4 if ajf ordiTavce. T>K It ORDAINED by the Intendent end Jj Warden# at ,1? * *? *f Oree^TtUe, In Coueell aaeeniMed. TW. w.\.?re*a. OOmnleint bu boon mad* U Un Couuclt egeiaet tlw torn of bathing la the rhrer within the eotp if ill IWU; De It, ttinlbN, finM, That front and after thl? date, all ywwi ate prohibited fro* bethlag in the river at any point within view ef thn Upper of Lewer BiMfU, either la the day or nighttime, ender a neaaliy, ?*on eearletion of a white man, of lothe tlm one dollar r and la eaee of alarm w ilwlj^ they ehali he Bom'iM rattind tmder the artwiL eeal ft the eatd Tew*, of OmonoUU, egr the (h 1.1 tad day of Jane, la the year ?( aar Lord one th on read olght hamdred aad **"*' AtSX. UcBM, tafamdaat. W. f. Pawn, Clerk. June 7 ? 4 The State of South Carolina, UKEKNVILLK DMTfclOT. IX EdCITY. . Piyjnf ?t af. ee. eg, wf. e ^ . 1 i / - ' ' ^ t PREMIUMS! .PREMIUMS!! ''lOtn fou? OUM ? > worn ..... IB BnBUJRBflBL E T?0* * * *T CLT7* or NSW 0UBSOKIi JT BKR8m receive WM? IIIi m<) the t Brat day of December next, w* will award either i of 0?AttMa wHwii ? > > With i amUM the Im*j (Om StlUr Ur v mtk IrtialW) MtMwalM too Uat, wbieb, to it*7 iMtaeit, will be nq?M. Iw4 to* l?Mt below, ud boo if there U not aa Article appended to some one of too Cluba worth working for: t . FOR A CLUB OF FIVE. (rnmitm vro?xn $1.00.) . A Lady'* Breaat-Pin, a (mall Medallion, a Collar Button, or a float'* Broaat-Pin. fen A CLUB OF TEN. (riKMHm woith $$.10.) A aottof Bar Drop*, a ringw Ring, a BroaatPin, a Oold Crosa or a Gold Poo. i FOR A CLUB OF. FIFTEEN. . (pukKium woani $8.20.) A Oold Box Pin, a fluid Watch Key, or a ett of either Oold or Silver Slue to Buttona. FOB A ft I It 0 n c rioriiTu I- ? ? ? ? i i n l n I I (rtsMiUM worth 94.'25.) A Mtt Gold Cuff Button*, ft sett Gold. Stndd Button*, a Gold Watcli Hook, a Thimble, a I?adjr'a Gold Bolt Buckle, or a Ucfit'i Gold Fob Buckle. FOR A CLUB OF TWENTY.FIVE# (ntMiv* wobth $5.50.) A Gold Medallion, a Revolving Box Pin, a Gold Proaat Pin, a Lady's Gold Bolf Bookie, a pair UoW Framed Spectacles, a pair flihrer Plated Caudlealtek*, or a sett Silver Plated Pork*. FOR A CLUB OF THIRTY. (rRKMtim wojrra $0.76.) A fine Silver Plated Cup, a pair Silver Butter Kniveft, or a pair Silver Plated Candlestick*. FOR A CLUB OF THIRTY-EIGHT. (ranncu wobtu $8.75.) A Lady'* Gold Broast-Pin, a Florentine or Motale Pin aet in Gold, a sett Box Ear Drop*, tor *ikeneaa, a Silver Plated Castor. . FOR A CLUB OF FIFTY. (r>urix wobtu 912.00.) A Silver Plated Cake Basket, a Hold Necklace, a Gold Medallion, a Lady's Gold Bracelet, a Lady'* (large slxe) Gold Belt Backle, a *-! Silver Toaspoons, 1 do*. Silver Plated Forks, or a pair Gold Framed Spectacle*. FOR A CLUB OF SEVENTY-FIVE. (nnni'N vroarn $18.5.1.) A Silver Plated Cake Baskcrt, a Silver Plated Castor, a Jet sett Ear Drop* and l'ln tipped i with Gold, a Silver Cup, a Silver Hunting Case | \if_a?k. - ci-u tr?? * I II, m uviu or a Mold MMklMt. FOR A CLUB OF ONE HUNORED. (premium worth *28.00.) A ft004! Silver Hunting Cased DcUeheil Lever Watch, a Silver Plated Ice Pltrher. (new article, patented thin year.) a Jet aett UreaatPin and Kar-Drops, act in Gold, or a Gold BraeeUt. From the above it will be aeen that we offer a fair per cent, for the time employed in our behalf. Aa regard* the Premium*, we would any that they will l>e furnished from the establishment of a responsible Jeweler in Greenrifle?Mr. t. W. Davis?which ia a sufficient gwarauten of the genuineness of the different article*. The getter up of a Club can take choice f any Article mentioned with the Club. We a**s hi earnest when we say we will cheerftilly award a Premium to every one eutitlod to it? ao matter how large the nutnl>er. par Sand along yanr Cluba. aJUHKIN * BAILEY, Prapriatara. ormilh, 8. c., Jim 4, ISM. BRlMillil ,iMpnf THANKFUL for the kind ^^SSSrpairowage of their friends for the fVL ; rear, wonld respectlully solicit HV the same for the present. Persons wishing ta buy GENUINE ARTICLES, would do Well ta call and examine our Stock of drugs, medicines, i'a/nts oils, varnishes, dye-stuffs, perfumery, brushes, fancy articles, <tc. OfcF. DOOR BKI.OW HARRISON At LOWS SHOE STORE. IF YOU YANT Fine Shaving Soap, Washing Soap, Glycerine Soap, Brown Wiiich?or Soap, Colgate's Soap, French Soap, Opodeldoc Soap, Castile Soap, Thompson's Soap, Labia's Soap, or any other kind of Soap, or a liox of Potash, to inako your own 8oap, YOU WILL Fran IT AT LONG & BURNHAM'S DKUO STOKE. IF YOlTWANT Fib* COLOGJfRS, fine TOILET WATERS, Lul>in or OlenV EXTRACTS AND ESSENCES, llair POMADES, H?lr OILS, lUir BRUSHES, Or mi* prrptrttiui for in proving tho II air, Tooth or Skin, ^ ^ CALL AND LOOK AT LONG * BVRflHAl'R ASSORTMENT. if yoTwaIit TO BUY ut path! mm\ 11011. Y? ?m K*t tt, at th? maker'* price, from LOJTO A BURN1IAM. if yoiTwant A GOOD ARTICLE OK Bread Soda, Cream. Tartar, Starch, Indigo, Madder, Saffron, Borax, Whiting, Glue, Sulphur, Alum, Copperas, Linseed Oil, White Lead, Train Oil, Lamp Oil, Sweet Oil, Spts. Turpentine, Alco.hol, Seidlits Powders, Yeast Powders, Large Window Qlftes, Putty, Rotten Stone, Bath Bricks, OR ANYTHING ELSE tfmally k?pt In ? nana STORK, yon cm boy U at ft PAIR PRICK from oor K*l*bli?bu?nL We eaU Particular Attention To oil Evaporation* mad? bjr M. Wo make (Wo of mm tatfMm ttrongth, and (Ww tbo PUREST MATERIALS.' Coootrj Ptyitalpii will ftod W to Utair advaai logo to-ooM oad aiaalianvHUMk and Prteoa. LONG A BURKHAM, tea tea* Aaovs C. Msaatcs'* Srmi. 1m H H tf o mmmarnaaaBSsssmm^mmaammm J. KET6NBM 4 MM mm 9il|V wwwwwj w^wh S* ViStSSS t*KJ5T^S Itef**?p>b>tpu(?f tUAMMIMWti Bllw ptMi4 Fli obm Sllrar Ptotod Walton flOrto Ptetod Oak* Basket. Sttrer Platod Naskte Bin*. Wtoer Plhtod <mM, tnm H to $1? BlUer Plated Twhle and Taa Bp.? Silrer Plated Kb if. Reato Silrer Platod Tea Ball. . SUref Ptatod Batter KairM, ft* canto, toto White Parian Oh in* Van. Whito Parian Cologne Bottle. Oreen and Rom Colored Olaaa Perfume Caekate White and Gilt China Cnndle.tick. China and Hi eh Olaaa Powder Bozo. China Watch and Jowai Bland* China Card Baahata China Motto Oofftrt Whito China and OUt Pntlt Stand.. *?., dr.. With a r.r) ehoiee aad bcnutifhl Araortment of rare eptendid PAWS, at |3.1t each?worth *5?alao aaltaMa tor preaanta. Hay ft vr it , tf GROCERIES! TIIOSK wi.hlng to parchaae GROCERIES rhoap for CASH, will pleaM call on the undereigned. who haa jnat retaraod with one of tlw largest atocka rear ?flerrd in the market. THOMAS 8TBB*. Whole.aU and Retail Orocer, McBee'a Hall. 1 A II1IP8. of Caha, and TriniI O dad MoU.m. ? 1* Bid.. New Orlean. Molaaae*. The*, eannot be mri>aMed in <|iiality. Selected and tor aale by THOMAS 8TKBN. 8 lilt DP. Choice New Orleans, Cnba and Muscovado Sugars. Selected and for sale by THOMAS 8TKEN. ?)(\ BBL8. Reined A. B. and C. and Crash. cd Sugars, and 2 Bbls. superior Sugar Hasse U olden Syrup. For sale by THOMAS BTEKX. A pz BASS Rio, Java, Mocho, Legnyra and 44**/ Hantoe Coffees. These have been carefully selected, and are for sale by THOMAS 8TEEN. 7 ClIKSTS Ten?Ilyson Skin, Young Hyson, Imperial Gunpowder, Super Oolong Ooolong and Souchong. The above Teas carefully selected and for sale by THOMAS STEEN. Q C BAOS Buckwheat?12$ lbs. ^ SO cents A' * ' per Bag, from New York, and for sale by THOMAS STEEN. OA DRUMS FIU8, Just received and for 0\J sale by THOMAS STKKN. PIE FRUIT8, Jellies, Pine Apple, Prunes, Piekles in pints, <|Uarlc half gallon and gallon, English Piekles, (Jerkins, Walnuts, Pieeelilla, Onions, Worcestsbire Snuce. snd a Urge variety of English Knurrs, selected and for sale by THOMAS HTKKN. SALMON, Oysters, Spired and Frrsh Lobster* and Clams, Pirltled Salmon, very Hue, Haddock and Codfish, extra No. 1 Mackerel in kits. Wooden Ware of all descriptions, and Cutlery. For sale by THOMAS STEEX. O/l KEGS Xails superior quality, assorted /C\J sites, choap for cash. For sale by THOMAS 8TEEX. THE largest and best assorted Stork of China Ulassware and Crockery of every description. For sale by THOMAS 8TEEN. CONFECTIONERY of every vmrielv- For sale by THOMAS STEEX. CURRANTS, Citrou and Raisins. For sale by TH0MA8 STEEN. TtAKERR Rroma, Chocolate, and Cocoa, X) the very best. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. May 10 1 _tf b. B. AUSTIN, AMBR0TTPI8T, J - i _J jRH Respectfully informs tb? eitiicm of Greenville and surrounding country. that he luu taken KOOM8 IN Mo BEE'S HALL, Where bo It prepared to take in every style of the Art, and will be bnppy to wait on all who desiro to possess one of bis Beautiful Specimens. Being taken ou French Ului, tboy are not subject to rust, and are warranted not to fade. Call at onee,and procure a Picti n* warranted to give satisfaction, as bis stay is limited. Ambrotypes in Ilrooehes, Medallions, Rings, Ac., inserted at abort notioe. Rooms open at 8 o'clock and close at & o'clock, daily. <4-tf Match 15 MATTRESS MAKINU. Wm. Langs ton WOULD inform the citizana of Greenville that be is now permaueutly located in this place for the purpose of MANUFACTURING MATTRE8HK8. and would earnestly solicit a share of public patronage. All work warranted to be substantially made, and aa cheaply as can be tarnished anywhere. Me may be found at bis residence, fonr hundred yards south of Fur man University, lie also manufacture* WHIPS of all sorts. figt- Those wishing to purchase Mattresses, .an And a sainnlv at Mr I. Willi.....' U'.r. hoitM, where they will In kept constantly fur ale. May IS tf THE WOOL CARDS AND BUR MACHINE, AT McBEE'S MILLS, HAVK Jut been dwi-ij np In Ibe belt BMiiwr for malt lac ROLLS. Perions winhlng to PURCHASE WOOL ROLLS, ran net any quantity at the lame plane, which bare Ju?t bean carded oat uf lome of the most choice Wool in tbo State. llreonvUle, A C., OTth May, Jftftth 4-4_ notice. ALL penoai are eiatloaed not to pay, or negotiate for two NOTES, each for about One Thousand Dofhm, on Hcnderaoa OooAe and O. B. Stroud, payable to my wife, Jam SrHocu, not ret due, or for any other aotei ao payable?the said ante* being my property, and baring been taken from my bouse without my eonsowt, RICHARD F. FOSTER. June 7 ft 3 LIGHTNINGKOm T IttHTNINO CONDUCTORS, with the I A Otis' Patent Insulator, tbo only safo and most available Insulator wow in usa, put up at twenty-five eauta per foot, by D. O. WKSTFIBLD. June T . ft 3 Dissolution. rpiIK Copartaursblp heretofore exlating be JL tweeu JAMBS LOOK k SON, is thb day dkaaolrad by mutual convent May let, 1SS?. JAMR8 LOCK. J. J. LOCK. If'jSl ft | * M 3 iMU ^Wj?r^Tr.j'l April? is-u' ^SaSt WF^?T. Fancy and ItapU DRY GOODS. JCIT wWtm 1fell 11m ?f. lUlt CMoai, for ladle, and gentlemen, embracing all 1111*11, from a very common to the beat Fabrice kept In this market, among which I. many of the noeelties of the day. Also, a good line of Wbito Qooda, Embroideries. Lace Good*. Ac.; Handkrrrhtefa, 11 oeiery, Ac| Bleached and Brown Sbirtiags and Sheeting*, Drillings, Ticking*, Ac. For sale by April & ^ 4S-tf JOHN W. GRADY. Hardware, Cutlery, &c. (2Qf A GENERAL aaeortincnt of Table VV?dH Pocket CUTLERY, together with description* of Shelf HARDWARE ! usually kept In this market. Also^ Axes, Grain iiq urva ocjinof. nntktba, t'rKlles, and Renphooka, Spade# and Shovel#. Roping, Trace Chaina, Nail a, 4 c. Juat rercivwl and for a ale by JOHN W. URADY. April 5 48 tf Keadjr-ilade Clothing. A FULL Aaaortoioni of KUMMKK CLOTHING, Coata. Veate, Pant*, Shirt*, and Under Uarmeot#, Collara, Crarala. Stocks and Tin. Juat received and for #ale by April i 4*-tf JOHN W. QltADY. BONNETS. A FULL Line of Trim mad and UnJ^Plritnmed ROXNKTS aad FLATS. Rn *SL? ch??, Wreathe, Hibboua, Ac. Juat received and for aolc by April 5 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. A VERY larjre Stock of Rrc##, Soft and Summer HATS, for Men and Roy#. Juat received and for aal. by April ft 48-tf - JOHN W. URADY. CARPETS, MATTINGS, Oil Cloths, Ac. CJOMK handaome Can>rt#. Maltinam. Oil 0 Cloth*, Rugn, Altomiuif, Ac. Just received nn?l for uh by April 6 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. wall paper. 2CTW \ PIECES new and handsome patternt of Wall Paper, Bordering, Window Shades, Fire-place Screens, Ac. Just received and for sals by April 5 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. wooden"ware. CEDAR, Tarnish painted Ruckets, Well Buckets, Tuhsand Keelors. Corn Brooms, : Ac. Jnst received and for sale by April 5 4S-tf JOHN W. GRADY. drugs & dye-stuffs, WINDOW GLASS, Putty, Paiwts, Oils, Ac. Just received and for sale by ZS. JOHN W. GRADY. April & 48 If writingpapere BLANK BOOKS, &C. LETTER and Cap Pn|>cr. Blank and Memorandum Book*. S|>elling Books, Inks, Gold and 8teel Pens, Bonnet Boards, Ac. Just received and for sale by April 5 48-tf JOflN W. GRADY. boots and shoes. AWKLIi assorted Stork of I,adlea'. ^RlNiMeii aud Child's Boots, Gaiters. Buckskin and Slip|>ers, heeled and unhealed. Men's, Boy's, and Youth's Boots and Shoe* of ever/ riaiity. Ju;t rc.?'*ed and for sale by JOHN W- GRADY. April 5 48 If groceries. ayaa JAVA and Hio Coffees, Loaf, Crush (UcBed and Brown Sugars, No. 1 and HBWest India Molasses, Tens, Candles, Candies, Mackerel, Ac. For sale by April 4 48-tf JOHN W, GRADY. Crockery and GlaftMwarc. A FI'LL assortment nt China, Granite and Common Ware, Glassware, Ac. Just received and for sale liv April 5 48-tf J0I1N W. GRADY. EMPORIUM OF 1 NOW IS THE TIME To Tit Out voi r Wardrobe with Frexci aid E.i?i.iih nuuDi, or Direct Importation! :<v TUK9B 0??daw*i? purcbMtd by one o! our Firm, from Direr! lmp?rtl*ir Houses in Charleston. 4BHKbB s- autl liavo bean selected with great care. Tbcy cannot fail to please the most fastidious. The assortment comprises a fall variety of GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Goods, arm as French and English Block and Colored Cloths and Cassluirrcs. tilth and Marseilles Vcstlngs, Drap d'Etcs, Linens, Water Proof Tweeds, Ac., Ac. All of which we will make up to order in the best nnd latest styles, and in n manner that will cnta|?ete with any work manufactured here or elsewhere, either as regards yuw/ity, ?<slsr?, durability or rkroftnrf?from a tihirt to the finest French Cloth Coat, and warrant all work done by us. /MP* All we ask is to give ns a trial. We also offer a neat Assortment of Beady Hade Clothing, aim as Coats. Pants. Vests, (Shirts and Collars Cravats, Ties, Ulores, Suspenders, Hosiery, Ac. Dress and Business Hats. All of which we will sell at prices to suit tka time*. DYER & PICKLE. April?* ' 61 tf Medicines, Ac. TIIK PibirriWr keep* on hud a Superior Assortment of mm FiuiMiim m Most of the popular PATENT MEDICINES. BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKY, RUM It BIN, (For Mediriuul purposes.) As he purpoaea selling for C asm, he offer*his Article a at l#ow Psicsi. Ploaae call and examine for yourselves. J. II. DKAN. Jan 26 28 tf fchAf \ \ 19V,ovo im. Kdfi wanted AW J. A. PEARSON & C0.'S WI wfll eiehnago Tin TToro, r>om#?tio?, Print#, 8ho?a, llaU, *?., for It A OS at Icaah prioM. Thukhl for put patronap*, wo bono to morit n odnttnnnnoo of tk? wme. J. A, PEARSON A CO. Aytil If W tf I??l?a WK/^r' ?* A . j H H ' Sg I WOULD Inlbrm aypatrons, and tbe pwMk fane rally, tb%t I hftve nemtlj told to a rash supply of DRUGS, MEDICINES, nudall other Article* ity kept to a Drag Store. Having made my porekaeoe to person, I bar* a select stock of the best qualities of Drags. Ac., that could be obtained in Market. I ior.s o? snob terms as cannot fall to please purchasers. I would Incite Physicians of the country to giro mo a rail when they visit to buy their Drags. I will insure satisfaction, both to regard to prices and qualities of Drugs. I hare constantly on hand all the moat ap proved PATENT JdEDICINKS. A select Stock of DRUGS A MEDICINES. Castor Oil, by the Bottle or Cation. Sweet Oil, by the Bottle or (iullon. Best Salad Oil. A select stock of tke beat Soaps. Concentrated Lyo, for tanking Soap. A floe collection of Perfumeries. Hair Bruahes, Shaving Brushes, Tovti Brushes, Ac. Shoulder Braces for Boys, Girls, Gents an< Ladies. Flavoring Extracts?fresb. Cooper and Cox's Oellatine. Starch, Hlning, Ac. Window Glass and Putty. One hundred Trusses?.til sorts and sires. No. 1 article of Alcohol. Schnapps, best London Porter, Brandies. Wines, Gin, Bum and Whisky, of the best qualities, for Medicinal purposes. A good assortment of Dental Forceps: Lan- I ret* ; every variety of Hyriugv ; Breast Pipes ; Nipple Shields; Nursery Bottles. Ac.. Ac. All Low rou Cash, at J. 11. DEAN'S 1)nim> Sroaie. HT CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. Feb * ?V tfj LDOKHEBE! We have JUST RECEIVED a line Stock ot j STAPLE ANPF ANCT DEY GOODS, Which, for Quality and Cheapo*?* (we think.) CAJNJSUI UK bUitrASShR ' o If yr.n wish to wnpp the greatest BARGAINS we have ever offered, CALL EARLY. We do not consider it necessary to enuniemte Article* or Pricea, an every body knows that we keep always a LARiiK AID SELECT STOCK Of MS in our line, at aa MODKKATK PRICKS aa ean hcafforded. Therefore we war, 8 BIO (DOT 2 (BDMIS A3L12 And examine, aud wee if what we say be so. O We have also for sale, A G Octave ftlclodeon, in jwrrfect order:* & OCTAVK PARIS MADK AI.KXANDUK PARI.OK ?)U CHURCH Oil UAN, and two good second-hand PIANOS. W. H. HOVEY. April 5 48 _ tf IS CHASE SMTHEM COMMERCE! Long, Goodlett & Co. Respectfully inform tho ciuxcns of Greenville District, thnt they arc now receiving ? Full STOCK OF UOOD8 iu their line, all of which were PURCHASED IN CHABLE8T0N, AMU WHICH THKY WTIl.t, SKI,!. AT Lower Prices Than Usual! The Stock consists, in part, of Pleached and Iirown Shirting* and Sheeting* A large vuriety of Print*, of direct importation, from 0 (g) 124 cent* per vwrd Linen and Cotton Diapers, Linen Drills Fancy Cassiinere* and Oottonadcs Plain White Swine nnd Dotted Muslins Solid lluregcs, Mohair Lustres Mack Silk Mantillas, Embroidered Collars llarcgc Mantilla*, white nnd colored IJoop Skirt*, of various kinds, among which will be found soino of 7 Spring*, 65 cent* ; 30 Spring*, $2.50 And all the other Article* necessary to comprise a gctivrul stock of Dry (iood*. ALSO, ipwjt. & m? Hats, Caps, Booltt, Shock, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, An, Ac. Wa are confident of the fuel that we can ?f. ford to sell onr Good* at prieca that will command the attention of the public, and we respectfully solicit an examination of onr Stock. LOXtl, (D)ODLKTT A CO. March 8 44 tf NEW CONFECTIONER!. c. f& i'r. THE subscriber has put up n CONFECTIONERY one door haJv ' 'ow " Westficld's Tin Shop. and opposite the Carriage Factory, where he would be pleased to meet bi* former friends nnd patrons.- He will keep' on hand all Article* usually kept In Confectionery Stores. lie will linvc no hi,ml in .. | few day a, a well aelected stock of 4*ro<'?*rfcw. The highest malt ptficee will be paid for Country Produce. He has also opened an ICE CREAM 8ALOOX, and will anpply Ibin article every day. May 14 ft-tf A. II. crHKTOX. K. P. JOtIRd, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. UMKKNVII.I.R, M. V. Ofhce Eaat aide of Court llouae Aqnare, wbere he may be found daily, from 0. A. M., to 2. P. M. _ - S7-ly Jan 10 FOR RENT, ?|fc l'N'T II. the ft rat day of January jj| next, at $200 per annum, it THE STORE HOUSE on Main atroet, Ureenrille, 0. C., recently occupied by Mailbiw A I.oxo. C. A. MAI'I,DIN, Adm'x, d? boat* aoa, of ft, Mauldin, dee'd. March 1 42 f PRIVATE BOARDING. 1A1IE ftubacribcr i* prepared t?? accommodate . MTeral YOUNO UKNTLKMKN with llOAHD and LOUOINO. Ilia residence it within 100 yarda ef tbe Theological ftentinary, and convenient to tbe biiaincaa portion of town, being about 200 yarda eaat of the Court. Honac. ratuilten rtontiing Iloarricau alno bo ucoouidiodfttfwl. Kale* ruMADnble. Vab# 40-tf R. W. STONE. H018B PAINTING. THK nohtcribor in prepared to EXECUTE promptly all order* for HOUSE PAINTING' upon tho mod roaaOUabin taruin. T. C. OOWER. AfrU 19 60 tf vmi lUIUIWII tt'l'IIUUI iitii U* ?*EI IN conmqmaeo of the Impending Crisis m Lava Uiadv, withdrawing their patronage I SOUTHERN and having, with the utmost repugnance, aarv neglecting to rear up that criterion for th* aua *<l upon tn?w. I hav* concluded to aliow to thi f Naiarvth |* thnt there i* still some balm In Ue bleeding wound and whisper a word of e*M Having juat received tb* moat STUPENDOUS 11 ver eiblblted to the public caw, or ever impo hem to COUNTRY MERCHANTS who are ii HEADQE .ml th* public at large, at prices MUCH LOW For the conviction of unbelievers, nnd the that, although a prophot hits no honor in hi* o world for competition, is obliged to succeed, ev field, is a dead halt. The annexed Item* will afford a fnint 'trm AT CARR The most extensive, REJlDY JflJlD Costs, M and 76 cents, end no words, i'anta, 60 " 76 ** " " Vests, 40 M 76 " ? " " Shirt a, SO " 76 " '? ? " HnficrSne Silk llats, ... $2.00 Wool ~ - 40 Calf Boots, supcrtlno, - - 2.60 HOOP HK1RT8, 8 H<, .... 60 11 ? .... 70 16 87 Together with a large stock of Silk Boi Shawls, Trunks, Shirtings, Indigo, Nails, Crie inonales, Segars, Corn. Ftonr, Bacon, Bice, CI Whisky, Brandy and Wine, and a large lot of The abeve MA11KKD DOWN items, whi not a mare phantom of the mind?an idle pi is word, oceans in o tear, and points, like the ne Orrturillr at a lower price than In any Bouthc CARR\8 STORE The highest Cash piif CARR'S STORE Mar It) 1 larsis aj? HAS OPBNHI> IIIH ICK CItRAM SAL' I<emuiia<l*, Lemon, Snrsaparilla. Straw Syru,>, ma} be bad at all hour* of tbo day and AI rhil*drl|ikin Lager Beer, Ale aiul l'ort Oyaler*. CALL . GREENVILLE C OPPOSITE TIIE May 3 6 SPJ{ i N(TANI)^U M M ER oooos, FOR 1860. rpilE *nl>?criber rv*|?eclftilly informs his I friends and customers, tbnt lie is now receiving AN KNTIHE NEW STOCK OF SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, co^vnTiivo or Fancy nn<l Ftaplc Pry floods, Bonnet* anil Flats, lint* and Caps. Hoot* anil Shoes, au<l Lot* oT Clothes, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Ac., 1 All of which will l>c told al the LOW EST I'll ICES. .7.-tT~ IMmie call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. CI IAS. MEIUIICK. April 12 4U tf ' 8>ARD) tUWMlT WANTED. rP,IIF Subscribers want 100,000 hes 1 White Oak nod Hickory SPOJCBS, f?>i which they will [>ay a liberal Price, if dcliverod by the first of May next. ....ALSO, A large lot of Ash. llickorv, White Oak, and varum* other kind* of PLANK, all of I the IIKST QlTAI.ITY, wanted, for which we will nay a fair price for all that o^r*. SEASON Kl> LUMBER prefevre?l. UOWEll, COX, M\UKLEY A CO. Jan 12 3t? tf The State of South Carolina, t) KKKX V Il.l.K DISTRICT. rpiIK busbies* of the Term not lieiog disI posed of, It is Ordered, That an Kxtra Tcnn of the Court of Cumuion Plea* l>e held at Greenville Court IIon*e, for Greenville Pistrict, on Tuesday, the seventeenth day of Jnlt ! next, to be routinued the remaining day* o (hot week, and the entire week succeeding, ii neee*i>ary. . It i? Ordered, That Juror* he drawn at the present Term, to *erve at the Extra Term, ami that rewires issue to coni|>el their attendance in manner and form prescribed by law : a panel of forty eight person* to nerve the first Av? days, and a like panel to acrro the succeeding week. It i* further Ordered, That the Clerk girt proper notice in the newspapers of the District of the setting of the said Kxtra Court-, by ? publication of at leant one month preceding the term. J. N. WHITHER. March ' I at, I860. A troa extract from the Minuter of th? Court. W. A. MrHANIEL, C. C. P. May 1? 1_ lfl_ ?lalc or Mmh ( nroiiim GREENVILLE DISTHltTT. ! lUaaalty. Wn.t.M* M. Tho**?, Administrator of ncy Nelson, dee "A, ta. M* Hi .at, et ux. et al. 1111K creditors of Luraney Nelson, alia* La raney I.angrlon, are notified to file theii claims with me within three months from thii 'late. WM. M. THOMAS, C. E. ?. D. May 10 S 9m ' SADDLE & lfAftBTEHS MAN UFA CTORY, THE subscriber would reafstlfufl; KM^inform the public generally that h continues the aboee Business, Ttr Door* abort lb* Oretnrillr Hotel, and is prt pared to furnish customers with any descriptio of HOME MAVrFACTURKl>'BADTliKf Carriage, Buggy and Wagon HARNESS mad to order, and in the best styles. BRll>T.K> WHIPS. Ac., on hand, and for sale CIIRAI ^-Saddles aud Harness RKPAIKRH short notice. A. M. GILREATH. March 29 47 J/ p r^?rzrmmmmssa lifn SAL!! m?at**-*? HSOBfi .* ,11188 . SNT1LLE. ;o:? d Ik* iinportaut move* our Country Jierehante from the North aud vucouragiug commence:, ' T.eyed the atafaMit i*KU of Southern enlerprUe, uy Jm.uUi which the Impeudiug^'rUUXan crowdb world that Kbinething flood cun ?tilf*' coino out Uitead; that there Is yet ft phyekrlaii to hoal oletion into the car* of my bleediug ooButryuicn. rock op mm rted from ?py foreign hemisphere,.! will offer a fftror of making Oreenvlllo their * FARTERS, ivit loan can dc prootiron cutter isortn orHoutn. *c thut doubt until they ice and/VtV, I will say wu country, yet a merchant who challonjres tho on If tho whole world, like the tuu bu Uibon's hlanc* of what can be done ? 'S STORE* i sopcrb and eomploto JJ CL O TIITJYG. Ladies' Shoes, fine, elastic, - * $1.00 " Slippers, " - - 60 Children's Shoes, fancy and One, 40 it 60 Men's " superfine, - -1,20 Hoys' " lnrire, - 60 Sui?erllno soweil Kid Shoes, with hocls 1.20 , (First Qualify.) | 18 >?' $1.24 SO " .... 2.00 | Dusters, .... 76 nnets, Flats, Robes, Fans* Umbrellas, Liucns, ckers. Jewelry, Watches, Pistols, Razors, Portof see, sua ah, Molasses, salt, ltum, articles too numerous to mention, le they speak louder than trumnvt tongues, nro kntazee?hut a reality that spent*'Volumes iu a edle to the pole, that (loeds win he jm rr/tuecU t* iru or Northern market, and, above all, that IS THE PLACE. *s paid for PRODUCE. IS TIIE PLACE. i tr I f> rt A T 7\AIT H_M MJU V. lAUS OON F(?R THE SEASON, wboro loo Crosm, berry, (iiuger and l'iuo Apple 1*01', and I.nmu 1 evening. ,SO, or; Freeh Oyster*; Spiced Oysters ; Pickled AT TIIF IONEECTIONEPiY, MANSION II Ol'SE. 2 if Wlieeler A Wilson's SEWING MACHINES. p < w YT1 o H rTnilESE Mwchines hnvo tnkcu-tho premium 1 1. nt idl Fair*, when there hue boon nny I conii>ctiti?n. nnd in St. LituU. l?*t ftdl. rwi irml the hi&heet prize fur useful family Inventions, a Silver ritehcr. Refer to Rev. J. A. Rrnadu?, and Rev. James P. lioyee, Ureeuville, 8. C. t PRICES. r Sowing Machines, Plain Centre Table,..$ .">0 CO " " Extra Finished 80 00 " 44 haif Case finished.... 00 00 " 44 Full Mahogany Case 10a 00 " " Rosewood 121 <10 . llemmors, 5 60 r rices uniform, with charges for freight from narleston, H. C., only. Needles, Thread, and Metalic S|>onla on haud to suit purchasers. EDliKKTOX, RICHARDS A CO., Agents fur South Carolina. Mr*. H. WATSON, Agent for tireenvHlo, S. C. April 10 60 10 XV = r 8 = 3 2 (37 2 I T =- ? f- P tf wy r *? 2 lis* 3c SO, aafaa*'|M R I HIS i t!?jI"3!_i>? ?. ?P i 2 S =8?'w s _ ' S3sS?If1i?8Hs5 ' aSSIfl 8 3|tg S&tfg ! rs??p|ss rfcll?E1?*i?<4* Jj f I'tr* * * ? i DENTAL. OPERATION. DH.JOHN ANDEU^ON WOUI.n r??fw>ptflnU? Infofwt tlio r:t ?< n* of Oroonville that lto lias fik'-n J?r. ? Aiuis'i Hw>k?( mid nrapnrcd to nttoi d I f hia l*rofe*dort, * afl tn*. br?iu-lir?, w 1 d'.e patphj Tbouc residing in the Conntrv ? }';\ o dt? fmfloa bofoM coming. so as to nvo' 1 t? n < b di'Mpfm^tod. 21-tf Oct 2ft [ : ORR Sc PRICE, j. attorney $ at i r; CKKENVILLE, s. ( JAMV* I. OKB r. rKKr. May IS 1 U