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Jtona 10n.?Tk? n^pril| of Ik <olagat? to the Dtmotntit OkHito iiooal CoavMlioa art bow hwa. 8outh Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama art fully represented. TexM, LouiiiaM mod Alter Southern State* will be partially represented. Virginia baa* only two lolegates present as yet. It is supposed rliat delegates from all the seceding -Hates will be here tomorrow. Mr. Yancey has wot arrived yet. The Convention meets at noon to-morrow, in Metropolitan Hall. The general impression now is, that after a short session the Convention will adjourn nod await the notion of the I laltiraore Convention. There ere very lew outsiders here. A mess meeting was held last night u Metropolitan ila!!, which was but dimly attended. Mr. Soott,of Alabama, .rtiwte a speech, in which he advocated lirraness upon the part ofthose engaged in the Southern movement. Efforts are making to obtain a pledge from the Virginia delegation that they will withdraw from the Baltimore Conrontion in case the Southern anti-Douglas delegations are not received. The resumption is that North Carolina, wHvennessee, Kentucky and Maryland would foUow the lead of Virginia in this matter.? Charltstvi* Courier. Tub Richmoico Convkktion.?The ml ?__a \? * Jl it/tiar lesion mercury, or yesteraay, contains the following dispatches : Information has been received from Washington that the seceding delegations will be rejected at Baltimore the succeeding week. If, however, they are admitted', they are determined to take nothing short of a clear acknowledgment of the rights of the South, or withdraw again. A delegation has arrived from the lvnoxville (Tennessee) District. What the Homestead Bill Provides Tor. The Homestead Bill, which passed the Senate on the 10th nlt^ by a vote ?f 44 to 8, provides that any person who is the head of a family,' may, after the act becomes a law, enter one quarter section (100 acres) of vacant and unappropriated lands, or any less quantity, to be located in a body in conformity with the legal subdivision of lands upon making affidavit before.the Register that the applicant is the head of a famiI 1 > ,....11.. tL. IV, Jtnu IS RClUitllV BCIIICU VII IHV imi'l, and that the application is made for his or her benefit, and that of no one else. The final certificate, or patent, shall not be issued for five years after the dato of entry, and not before it is certified by two creditable witnesses that the settler has erected a dwelling house and resided upon the land for five years; whereupon the pntent shall be issued upon payment of twenty five cents an acre. The land thus ncquired shall not be liable for debt until after the patent is is sued. In cases of false swearing upon makhig the entry, or abandoning the land for more than six months at one time, the land shall revert to the government. The rights conferred by this net are intended to inchoate citizens who have declared their intention, as lentiired bv the naturalization laws, be ? fore the issuing of the patent. Nothing in this act shall he construed so as to impair tiic existing pre emptioti, do nation or graduating laws, or to embrace lands reserved to \>e sold or entered at the price of two dollars and fifty cents an aero. The President is required tc order all surveyed public land into market, by proclamation within two years from tfie date of this act, such as are je&erved by the government. Til'rial OF TilK DaL'OIITKR OF SkNA- < tor DecoI.a8.?The bereavement which i has fallen on Senator Douglas is sensi- | lively reflected by the best citizens of | \V hashing ton ; and the sympathy of the fair with Mrs. Douglas in the ssd loss of their little daughter js extended 1 and heartfelt. The funeral took place to-day, at noon. A large number of , ladies and gentlemen wore in attendance, i Previous to tbo departure of the funeral i cortege from the residence of Judge ' JL)onglas, a beautiful exhortation was given by the liev. Mr. Maguire, tbo cininent.preacher. Ilia words of cousolation were beautiful, and the words of J rim Xiiviniir. M suffer liitle children to ' come unto roe, and forbid them not," 1 were applied in the moat Christian, and : consequently the moat comforting spirit. 1 The pall bearers were bachelors, two of 1 whom, in respect to the Judge, were Senators?Messrs. CHngman.of North Varoliua, and Anthoy, of Rhode Island. On arriving at the grave, at Mount Olivet, the new Catholic cemetery, which was consecrated last Sun- I day, the Itey, Mr. Maguire performed i service over ll\e little departedsaud all that remained of the efciWt. on which the fond mother had placed so? many i hopes, was consigned to the last resting place.?Philadelphia Preti, Sad Accidknt.-?We regret to learn of a sad accident, which resulted in the death of Mr. Jss. F. Watson, of the lower part of our District, on Tuesday last, lie had in his bands at the time a loaded gun, and in attempting to strike at a dog upon the opposite side of a fence with the breach, the gun unexpectedly went off, discharging its eoni.iiIr into his bod v. He survived about an hour. The deceased was a young loan of about 23 year* of age, and much esteemed by all who knew him. lie leaves a young wife, and relatives and friends to dcplote bia untimely death.?Abbeville Prett. Raii.road Tax.?The Hoard of Commissionera ??t the Roads for this District net on Monday last, and re considered and reversed their fotmer action in ro lalion to the Railroad Tax '.consequently there will not be a vote taken upon the assessment in October next, as heretofore ordered. We learn this action of the Hoard was brought about by the defeat of the rneaaura in Spartanburg 1 i'nion Prcsn, - t? " TMX *ft frmftt* wxftm. WIJLt-IAM t*. JPRICE, EDITOH. Oar Motto?*" Equal Bighta to All." GREENVILLE, 8. a I Thursday Morning, June 14, 1860. Tha Btehmond Conrentlon. A dispatch from Richmond, dated Jane 12, says: Tha Constitutional Convention today appointed Mr. Kawix, of Alabama, President, and adjourned to tha Slat inst., without debate or further action. wr We ?re under obligations to Senator CnnNor for copy of the Proceedings of the National Democratic Convention at Charleston, in pamphlet form. Also, for copies of the Congressional Globe containing the recent speech of Svmxk* and the cauterieing reply of Mr. Ciiksrvt. Hon. J. D. Aftimoaa will please accept our thauka for various public papers. Masonic. We are requested by the Secretary of Recovery Lodge, A. F. M., of this place, to state that the contemplated celebration at Due West, on the 22<1 June, has been abandoned by the Lodge at that place, owing to unavoidable circumstances. He deems tbla notice advisable, inasmuch as the invitation which hud been extended to the brethren at 1 this place had been accepted. 1 An invitation has been received from ' Spartan Lodge, (at S|>ar1aiiburg Court House.) to attend a celebration at that place, on Friday, 22d June. It is hoped that as many as can will be present ou the occasion. Hon. William L. Yancey. This distinguished Southern orator, accompanied by his lady, arrived in our v 11 lage on Friday last, and were the guests of *'?1. it 1". Jomw, Owing to fatigue and 4 pressing engagements, Mr. Yixrit declined ,, any public reception. He was on bis way m to the Richmond Convention, from which place he will return to Greenville Mr*. Yamcet is left with her friends and relatives in this place. We hope that upon his re- e turn, Mr. Yaxcet will gratify Ills many per- i sonnl and |>olitical friends in Greenville, by a consenting to deliver n speech in some con- 1 venient place, where nil our citlxcns?in- S eluding the ladies, of course, all of whom f are anxious to see and hear him?will have c an opportunity of listening to iiis eloquent i and manly defence of the South and Southern principle!?. Otve Him a Benefit. I'almetto Lodge, No. Itf, A. F. M., ] rensville, S. C., cautions the Masonic frater- * nity, and the public generally, against be- < ing imposed upon by a man calling himself i J. C., a shoetnakcr by trade, lie went to I.aureus some two years ago, repre- j sented himself as a Kentuckian, and by at- ] tention to business, and under the guise of t honesty and the garb ?>f Masonry, worked , himself into favor in that community, lie t left that place about the first of May last, and has not been seen or henr.l of since ?. cept in Columbia nntl Charleston. He ob- j, tnined money from various persona under false pretences, left liis creditors unpaid, and ^ t is now apparent, from various other clr- ' sumstanccs, thai he is n forger, a scoundrel ^ uid a villain. He was recognized by n gentleman in Laurens as one he formerly knew by the name of Clarke. b "Said Stanley, alias Clnrke, is about 35 j years old, weighs about 2*25 pounds, is dark- i r skinned, hazel-eyed, blnek-bnired, rather i fleshy, but very niusciilnr, 5 f?et It) inches j P In height, bald on the top of his head, and j tl he nails on It its fingers run remarkably far j tl >aek towards tlie joints. He dresses well, ' ^ s keen and shrewd, nnd np|>arently a jolly | ellow, and is well calculated to deceive." w Senator Sumner's Speech. "Palmetto," the Washington corrcspon- h lent of the Carolinian, says that the speech of u tennior Stmxr.e. on the 4th inst., was " the J| moat remarkable speech ever beard in the a ricnate." He aays: "Pur deep, settled, b terrible malignity, no speech was ever pro- y aounccd here w hich could c?pinl this one. e Mr. Sutnner seem* to nave devoted the h last four year* to hunting up every imagine- d ble horror and every conceivable brutality to attribute thein to the institution of slaveV ry. During the four long hours the Hon. Senator poured out the fountain of hi* bate j against the South. When lie at length eon eluded, Mr. C'hesnut, In a few scathing words, explained why the Southern Senators could not take any other course towards Mr. Stunner, than to treat him with silent n contempt Mr, Stunner rejoined briefly, 8 and the Senate passed to other business. "I wish every Southern man could liave I heard this speech; they would be ready for 1 1 revolution in the event of Mr. Sumner's i party getting poaaetsion of the Federal Government. And yet this malignant wreteh, | ( it I* Mid, will be sent ns Minister to Great Brilian." ' Btata Agricultural Society. We have received a very neat and attrae- | tive pamphlet of 164 page*, containing the transactions of the State Agricultural Society of South Carolina for 1868. It i* com piled by R. J. Gaor, Secretary of the Society, and printed by Rorert M. St oars, of Columbia. We regard it at one of the moat valuable documents which lias for some time been placed upon our table. It eontaina a vast deal of interesting reading matter. Among other articles of interest is the premium essay on Pomology, by Wis. Sums, of Pomaria, H. C., which should be read by all who take an interest in J?e cultivation of frnita. Mr. Storks will please accept oar thanks for the favor he has done ne by presenting as with a copy of the pamphlet. Sec the Premiums which we offer for Clube in an other eoluma. sows 1 >.i==aapi,,i ^ r mj. * i . v* examined a pi** o# -Htmt, at th? etore of W Boini * Fuma*. few j days ate**, which wOi ItN nothing by nomporlona irt^ -ttfir f'V" if n rmUT, bo MtUr *h?N maaufaotured, ia oar humble opinion. It waomadeot Bate ilia, in tbie District, by the energetio proprfcstoro of that eaUbllabmeot, who havabol , i rooontiy commenced In thU deportment of I manufacturing. They ore joet completing, wo believe, their arrangements for making i eloth, and will aoon bo rightly prepared to 1 maauraetaro shirting* dfce., of excellent i quality, at reaeonable price*. I Wo are glad wo can make such on announcement oa tliio to our reader*. It is an- I other addition to the Hat of 8oulhern man ' ufactoriea, and gives practical evidence of a i growing interest in home enterprise*. Th? I material ie handy, and that it can be worked up ot home, oa well a* anywhere else, then ia no doubt, provided capitalists will give It encouragement. Cannot both the growing J < and manufacturing interests, at least so Car < as cotton goods are concerned, l>e combined < into ?<ne In the South T The qncs.ion. we 1 feci, must receive an affirmative answer. 1 Let both work together?the negro in the ' cotton field, the white man In the manufeo- ' tories. But talk has been " all talk " too 1 long witli theSouth.and the lew theory and 1 the more practice she now has, the more prosperity and independence will she be 1 able to enjoy. Let her met. As regards her I political rights in the Federal league, she ' is arousing, but a general waking up? f?olit- I ically, socially, oommercially-?would do her ' no hurt. * 1 Peterson, for July. We are In receipt of this worthy ladies' magasine, for the month of July. The list of contents is attractive, ami the fashionplate and emliellisltmeuts arc fine. Peterson 1 publishes an excellent two-dollar magazine. Beside# other things, the domestic recipea, 1 medical recipes, hints on health, Ac., are ' alone worth the money, Cuaslw J, Prrr.a* ' on, Philadelphia. I The Union Press. * A paper with the above title has reached 1 us, hailing from Union. It is edited and < owned by Mr. K. A. McKxuurr, and is alto- I i?ether a handsome and neatly printed pa- I per. The editor, we believe, is a practical ' printer, and will no doubt make the paper 1 rqnal in character and tone to any other r areekly journal in the State. The politics ^ ?f the paper is of the States Itighta School, * ind will keep its columns free from nil per ^ onal eensurc and >hnu c! T The Anderson O&sette. ? The last number o( this interesting ex- a 'lmnge contninsthc salutatory of John Prrcn ItnowN, Esq., who has taken upon him- e elf the editorial control of its conlnmiis. ti lis Recession to the corps editorial of the itale brings no discredit to that honorable b ratrrnity, and we wish for him much sue- b less in his efforts to please while pursuing la varied duties. * n\ ... J STATE ITEMS. r The Annual Examination of the U<-idville ^ Female High School will take place the Inst ^ Tuesday in this month. The Commencement I sill be the day following. The School is ?ow iu a flourishing condition. P The Herald reports severe, and, in some ^ torlions, destructive hail storms in l.auretis ^ !>islricL On a few farms wheat was Wat lown and injured considerably. Tbe bark vas knocked off sassafrns and [>ershmnon rees in some localities. J Judge Lonpstreet, President of the ScM Carolina College, has heen npjmiutcilK 'resident -> *" ? ?.......... ... i^i'k-i^-iiv i lie M can GoTernmmt in the Commercial? lat istical Convention, in l.oiulon, nnV 6th July next His associate in to Ion. Jolin A. Dix, of New Vork. The candidate* for the Legislature W tislrict, hnve token the tump. Tlic Hern well Sentinel My* the mrw eating railroad meeting ever held t lnee, was on sale-day last. Morcth.-? tird of the amount necessary was raisfe le construction of a road from that -flr i some point on the S. C. llitilroad. rntinel assures its render* the connect^ ill be made. ^ I>r. F. F Carroll, of Ham well District, as invented a cotton planting machine, said ^ > lie all that can be desired by plantera. I is simple in its construction ; can lie made t a cost of not more than six or seven dob ?ra; is not liable to disorder; will last for *' ears ; is drawn by one horse with as much J nse as a light plow ; and, with an ordinary j * and, will plant from six to seven acres per ay. The inventor has apj lied for a patent. The Union Preaa nays Drayton Wlllanl y. .... , mim III IOIin|(? Ulii r lelfl, tl n the 2d inet, while Attending company p iu*ter. The hell entered hie left, cheek, ltd lodged in the heck pert cf hie heed. A it leet eccouiita he wee doing well. John Peter Brown hee withdrrwn hie d eme from the list of candidates for the Le- I] ;inleture in Andereon District. Hampton Cobb, who wee stabbed liy F. >ech, near Ilonee Path, on the 24th nit., tee since died,end the letter hee been lodged * in jail et Andcraon. Mo anye the Gazette. * The Advertiser gi rea use cheering account |, of the graiu end eotton cro|>s in Edgefield \ Distriet. | Win. Henry Treaeott, F.*q? of Charleston, ii has oeen a pointed AMinUnt SwreUry of t Mate, rice John Applrton, F>q , resigned. h T!ia Orangeburg Southron etatea llitt I Capt. John 8. Jennings had a valuable ne- c gro woman killed by lightning on the SOth I ult., and another severely stunned. t Tl?e Fairfield Herald announce* the death ' of John B. McCall, E?q., a member of the ^ bar at that plaoe. " senator brjuamih's spkrcii.? * Nearly two hundred thousand copies of Senator Benjamin's Douglas scoring speech have already been subscribed for. , [Philadelphia Aryiit. , Prrsonal.?We regret to stale that, i einee our laal issue, Go*. Gist has been i attacked by serious illness. We learr. that ho is npw bettor.? Union Prttt. k :iii a Oar OwiMM eaabaafaa inform m tfcat pt WW? bj ||f mm 9t Muia StrnfrnQm* ?fc* ha* Imb ?ctiaf ae ?m <4 the flni *T? Britlah BMlh|AfM?7<> iU? % idnrtUaf wimy W leu la ht|i or pixll nu, tkiMgiioat thie Stall m! Q?M|U, ?u aireated in that city M Sunday leel, as * ivbdkr. 11 tppMn tUt Ixhu " tokw la " NTtrtl gwrtlMMn la thh State, imtof whom rwld? la Greenville, aad doubtleee some of them recollect him, as we are told that he wee here a few day* since. Whea arreeted a large number of letter* from difrereot portion* of thie State and Georgia, were found among hi* effeeta; alao a act of burglar** loola, ooinpriaing a pair of nlppere, i pick, *orew driver, twenty-two keys of varlou* *iac* and pattersa, three gold watebee, i blank bond*, A*. Ia thl* State hi* memo- I < random ahowe operation* and engagements tt Columbia, Greenville, Spartanburg, Ab- i Seville and Somter. lie conducted lit* ba- J linear?and it appeal* that he had a good t leal of it?on tlila principle: Upon the re 1 nipt of an applieatioo for money, he would i sgrce to forniab it wKhin a eertain length of time, at the usual legal rate of internet, requiring, however, an advance of ona-endi-half per cent on the amount to be borrowed, as a commission for traveling eapen- 1 tes, and, if the liberality of the borrower would allow, another half peracent. as a bo- i mis to the agent ..As n matter of course, he I?t the per cent., and in nearly every Instance, we are told, the bonus too, but hi* part, of the bargain remain* yet to be filled, lie was to have been tried before the Mayor i>n Monday morning. Tli# Attorney Gene-al has bis case now in hands perhaps. * t MISCELLANEOUS IIW XZDLXY. A duel was fought at Serivon's Fsrrv, On., >u the Oth instant, between Dr. Wm. It Holmes and L. A. Nelrns. Mr. Nairn* was i rionrly but not fatally wounded, at the |r?t fire, when nroeeedlrn/e W?? h ?- "? ? Dr. Jlolrae* was unhurt. The difficulty jrew out of the burning in effigy of i porion of the Georgia Delegation to the Charleston Convention who did not secede, ly n portion of the citizens of Burke Coon;y. A female prise fight came off near Concord, N. H., on the zuih ult. Eighteen 'ounds were fought, lasting twenty ininutcs, rhen one "give in." As may be supposed, lie |>artics were "bad eggs.'' Two icw post offices hare been established in Ipnrtanburg District: Thomson's Creek and fountain Ridge. And the post office in lolleton District, called Iley ward, has been hanged to the name of Blue House. he President has sent to the Senate the ame of Wm. M. Church well, of Tennessee, s minister to Guatemala and Honduras. The reason why the Black lie, ub > nns call Lincoln "Honest" Abe, is to dismguish him from the rest of the party. * Letters patent, dated June 5th, have cen issued to Mr. C. E. Rlchter, o( Colum-1 ia, S. C., for an improvement iu ploughs. * There ars now six hundred and six Indents iu the University of Virginia, at ticlimond. Samuel D. Ingraham, Seeetary of the Treasury, under President nelson's administration, died in Trenton, f. J., on the 5th inst. He was in his eightyirst year. Green corn, from Southern ioM?, arc among the luxuries of the MemIt's. Tennessee, market* The Japanese Embassy left Washington ity on the 8th instant, for Baltimore. Hirst, of tiiis year's crop, hns been selling t Memphis, Tenn., at two dollars and fifty ents per busheL Gov. Goodwin, the ?wly elected Executive of New Hampshire, laugurntrd on the 7th inst, aeeomh an unusual military and eivic A man in Karmington, Iowa, ibly bl?spheming God, was struck almost immediately died. r Ex-Presidents of the I'nit.i N. York last week, Messrs ore and Pierce?and ail < f .it health. Mr. Van Buren uore (V??, and Gen. Pierce is ge. A young lady of | >r many years a teacher in t lift that ?.-itjr on the Sd j t journey ??f over 1,000 miles, to ? .<) marry a man she had never seen. (j engagement wm brought about by a ? of a piece of poetry, written by her le residing in a neighboring city, and '.dished in a paper. The article had a ;titions name, and the gentleman wrote to It le address, and the correspondence was ^ ppt up two years, and resulted as above. ? Mr. Cooke, of the Itoya) Ainpliillie- " if, London, has offered Tom Sayer# an en- '' sgement for twelve months, fAO a week nd all txpenecs, to travel with him up aad ^ >wn the country, and appear in some of is publie performances. The St. Paul ^ ioneer says Minnesota has already had this A ear an immigration of In,000 actual set- !r era, and farming interests were never more romislng. Kx-Postmaster Fowler, of ew York, was recently seen in Havana, * nd had |iaid a visit to the American consul. ' * The Philadelphia papers record the ^ eath of Urut James li. MeCauley, of the [nited States navy. The National bledical Convention com tcneef Its session at New Haven, Conn.,on 'nestlay, 6lh inst. There are between four ' nd five hundred delegates already registerd. renresentinu everv r?oi-ti?n !-- ,T--!? "he total number will reach six or seven tindred. In Washington county, Vs., ' Vm. Woodson, who h worth np wards of ! 100,000, wan lately convicted of hog steal tig, and sentenced to one year in the penlentinry. The printeri at Pike's 1'eak ( ave etrnek (or higher wages. They want 10O per month, and they have been re- ' eiving 975. Day labor at the Peak is from i-1 to f ft per day. ? Rarey, the horse- ( imer, hoe been spendi ng some time among he Arabs and their horses. In Jerusalem ie literally "astonished the natives" in uhduing the ferocity of the Pacha's stud, tnd t>y an exhibition of hie power over tbe tone creation before the resident eouiola. Far the Xateryrise. Mr. Editor?I notice in your paper of a reoent date that I have been called opoa aa i aultable pereon to repreeent the District in oar next Legislature; and fully appreri iting the kiadneea of " Many Voters," I will say that oircvwasteases entirely preclude the possibility of my becoming a candidate. JOHN CHARLK8. hmmmhcmmmmatm W ' fcp- wrfBvllW Dlttki I tettis priwH 111 fcuevrn to MMf of toy MltoMWikw liill I did net eipwt to b? oafidato at Ukk time. Having alto reoelved a pubtie waiaaliin to your eolniae, I inn It pro per to make tkie eaaouaown oat la tka nm ohaaoeL la deeHaiag Um pontUaa tlalato to ??, I would toko the opportunity of returning my grateful aekaowledgomoaU to all wko have goaerouely tendered their napport 0. F. TOWKR Tor the falHyriN. Mr. Editor?-la your issue of the 14th ultimo, ? communication, over the (ifnature of "M," appeared, asking pennlmlon to plaee my name in the catalogue of Candida tee for the Legislature, at the next election. I respectfully decline becoming a candidate, and here take great pleaaare in returning my ftineere tlinaks for the proffer* of aopport made to me by many of my friends Respectfully, O. P. PHILLIPS. , Per the latorprtso. Mr. Editor?We propoae to cell the attention of the voter* of Greenville to on* whom we think I* well qualified to represent the farmer* and working men of the District In the Legislature of the Btato? that one ie 1IENRY 11. SMITH, Esq. Hele well known in the District as a thorough business raaa, and possessing qnaHlie* o' head and heart befitting him for this distinguished post of honor and responsibility. If he will permit hi* friends to place hi* name in the list of candidates for the Legislature, he a ll! receive the support of Ma*t Woaxixo Mrs. ?-? , What Kiiymks With Lixcolx.?It is important, npon the nomintttion of a candidate for the Presidency, to And n word, or combination of words, thnt wilt rhyme with hie name, the song* being second only to the stump speechn of i political campaign. Lincoln baa ptiuled the wits, but at last a bard y( the New York Evening Poet has made the necessary discovery. The words are, 44 drink o?," and they are [>eculiarly appropriate, from the intimate connection of Republican politics ind whisky.?Savannah Republican. There are two other words equally k? appropriate as rhymes to the name if Lincoln. Really, we do not know >uL what they are more appropriate in onsideration of the corruptness of his irinriple*. The words are, ** stink oh.1' ?Lttyrange Reporter. !t will be discovered, upon further in 'estimation, that the more this matter s stirred, the worse it will stink. We hall make no effort at rhyming. Rem ark sitlk Occurrence?We lave just heard of one of the strangest ncidents probably known to history.? It seems that a farmer by the name of Francis Massv, living about three miles md a half from Hart well, was in his ield plowing, one day last week, w hile lis wife was assisting in hoeing. The rife left her child, about, thirteen months id, at the end of a row, while she hoed iround. On returning?horrible to teste??ho discovered a large black nake coiled around her child, with one if its hands down the snake's throat.? iVith true molherlv affection, she seised lie child, not curing for the snake, when ho snake uncoild it* hold on the child, tnd dropped off. With a scream the rife summoned her husband, who dispatched his snakeship in short order.? I measured something over five feet in ength. The child's life was nearly ;one, and in a few minutes poa n? ioubt, would hare been entirely extinct; ml we are happy to state that it lias entirely recovered. We havo heard of some men leaving > ack snakes unmolested, because they *lch rats, but wlieu they get to catch ng children, we think it high lime they >ere made short work of. This writer elieves in killing everything in the liape of a snake. [Ilartwrll ( fJxx.) Mexatngtr. A Sramkful Outuaor.?One Chapi, the s|>ecial Artist of Frank Leslie's fewspaper, borrowed the sketch book f the Japsnese Embassy, on tbeir arival at Washington, under (lie pretenee liat he wished to examine it, and then { ?ft for New York, carrying the sketch <ouk wiiii mm. ouch nn net i* unworthy lie character of a gentleman, ami none >ut New York hireling would be ;uilty of it. Frank Le?lie line attained onsiderable reputation as a publisher, >ut such Acts Are well calculated to de ract therefrom, and should meet with a evere rebuke from the employer of the >erson perpetrating it. '1 he Japanese ire highly indignant, and pronounce his the first act of treachery they hare ixperienced in America. Sn* is kot Incmxkd to Tar it \qaim.?A lady subscriber to the Art Union enterprise was announced as liarng drawn an old painting as a prixe.? Vfter long delay, and the payment of several bills for boxing, carting, express, fcc., the wandering picture arrived.? It was about seven inches by eleven, snd represented two very small black sad white pigs in the foreground, and s few rocks and bushes in the book* ground. Moreover the announcement of her good fortune caused her to be flooded with advertisements 6f lottery ncbemes froin all part* of the Union. . Hcmnno a IIki.pi* Colporteur.? A correspondent writing from Buchsnnn, Texas, lo the New York Tribune, says that a. young white man, a colporteur, and supposed to be a Yankea, wbo had a wagon load of books, coaaiating in part of liibles, standard raHgiout works, and a pood supply of Helper's Impending Crisis, was taken op in that place, on the 14th ult lie was stripped, furnished with a suit of tat and feathers, tied to a tree over his own wagon, which was filled with' faggots and tar, and him and his stock ofTsdtndiarj literature burned at-tfce stake. i tiHj oOdal cbobwiUo with jke fthsflBani farts, will have th? effect of making M Hautrd'i FUm * unpopular k the ikn Surtn. Ut wwy planter- take aotloat Mask a tfota.^-Amoog dn Ifal ol Vice Presidents and SnrtUrki of Um Blaok Republican Convention, lata 4H iesaion at Chicago, wa observe (ha name* of R. G. Haaaard and R. R. Hm sard, both of Rboda Island, The object* bad in view by that Convention were declared hi tbdr obarming platform of proeaadnre?laid yesterday before our reader*?High Tariff, Internal Improvement, Abolition. Tbeaa men, I R. G. Haaaard and R R. Haaaard, | father and aon, are tha reawntactarerl I of that article so extensively used throughout tha 8ou'th?M Hpxsardk Plain*.'* These men have become rich through trade almost exclusively with the South, and. herd they are prominently enrolled amongst her organised and avowed enemies. Would it not bewetl that they should be made to feel tbeii treachery, by a general exclusion from the Southern market of all goods coming from their manufactory, by * ritnplc refusal of all the plantar* to buy another yard of " Ilaxxard's Plaits*."? Hand it round. Cvriositiks.?The Charleston Cootier state* tlint Mr. J. W. Mosley, of tb< Branchville Hotel, ha* now in hi* possession, a pig with two bodiaa, eight lege, two tails, and but a single bend This curiosity, or monstrosity, is a tut live of Branchville. and the offspringo a sow owned by J. 13. Morrow, Esq. Post m astro- at Branchville. This will do very well, Mr. Mortow but Barnwell is slightly abend of you as a number of persons can testify.? We recently disponed of one having twe heads, two bodies, eight legs and two tails, an i, strange to say. our's was tb< offspring of a sow but a few mile* abort you. What do you say to engngintr ic the pork trad* t?Barnwell SentineL Ptmaa.?Every man ought to his debts?if he can. Every man ougl I t > h< lp his neighbor?if lie can. Eveiy man and woman ought to get married ?if lltey can. Every man should do ins worn lo sail his CHstoiners?if he can. Every man should please his wifc ?if lie csn. Every wife should sometime hold her tongue?if she csn. Every lawyer should sometimes tell the truth?if he csn. Every men should mind his own business?if he can. Ikdkcrkcv is Danes?At the ball recently given hv the EinprcM Eugenie, st the Hotel d.Albe, s psinful feature ol this gorgeous scene was the totsl disregard to delicacy in the greater psit ol the costumes ; the generality of the toilettes being s complete undress; shouldera-slave and sleeves were discarded, and in most cases replaced by a string of precious stones lightly holding together the scanty draperies of lite corsage, which left exposed the bust and shoulders. " - Singular Coincioskck.?A singular fact occurs in connection with the names of the Republican candidates for President and Vice President. It will lie seen that by connecting the two last syllables of each of their names, the word Lincoln is produced, and also hy connecting the two first syllables of each name, the word HamltA is spelt, It is v?ry retnaikable that two persons, whose names are capable of auch a transposition, should have bevi brought, by accident, in such a connection. [TdtpropK Markup, on the HOth i>lL, i?y K?f. C. J. Ilill. Mr. W. M. HOWELL and Mite ELLEN o'connor, nil of GrcnnvilU. COMMEfaClA I*. Ooumiu, Jhm 11, Cotton.?Hi* mIn to-day ?mu*int to M bale* at price* ranging fnxn 6 (4 1 la. Ear tk* Lagialatara. |3!f" We are authorized to an? nouoc C#u W. H. CAMPBELL a eaatedato for N-tUrtba to Ik* Mat* UfMMu* at Ike oaauing otootion. fy The many friends of Dr. j. m. Sullivan, r?ytikity mmwm Ma a* a eaadMata for ro lUertaa to tk* State La(illltRN ai Ike eRielne aWtUa tigf We ere requested by tbt many friend* of 1. ROBERT HMITH, to ? imM kin cu4U*U for the Legislator* at the nuntlf alaetion. fif- Hie friends of Col. JAMES MtSvLLUl'flM, reepeetfWly bag lyiri toaa owe* Sim u a Candidate |*r*ft<mil Qiaax rill# l>i?lrict in tSa nasi Legidatura. Fat Tax Cailaatar. py We lire authorized to mil' nounce Coi_ fl. T. POOLS aa * aaadiSaja tm Tax Collector at tSa aaaartay aketien. | jff" We are authorized to .an nmumaW. T. SHUMATI aa a aaadUata Jb; Tax C oiler tor at tSa m>?<M rtaaUaa. _ ? tcgr* We are requested to an I Ma. ILIM BILL aa a aarSMali f? Tu OtDietor, ti ft* ?xt KWoUo*. ggTJFAMES B. PEARSON an HUM khudf M k oaodUala fcf Tu M teeter MdwMKt ihiMu. , l?tkli| Mm ?f miIm.?MeehMierrflla H. T-, Marehfr, 1CM. Mr. W. Imm ] bar* iMd H?imtrNt'i Hair Heetoratlre fw tkrw j??r?, and ktrt found It UrU a moat ai Mllwt OrtMe. H ao# ooljr reatored Um mI? of mj hair, firing M now Hie bad etrength Hat it eared eeyaelf and wife of a noat obati note eraplloa anon the realp, which nethinj alao Minii to benefit. I fully holier# it to hi the heat artiele in aee. Yoore, reepectfhilw, KWOWLTON lIOWI?Airf>. Heartaber that tbie reeak waa 'pn land tg Detaotreet't IntwluNd, the original and oaii , tollable )l#tr Roatorativa. ' ptr Moo ft* eenta u4 II a battle Hah laOreeneilie hp Piaher k tlthth a?4 b; Drngfiata everywhere. d?M 1? M '|1>I imij u "* -i. -. . toJiwSit nrii/lilh. M^LU, 1 m4 Iwtm fbr (4? Oiwtn )U*m4 jr f r --**?HrTs?J~"?r i 5Ly5M.^3?SSar? Wbale ly?Iim^i awii^ n^pmm^Jn^^wj* fSss^Egs^^ s? any edrtoe, pa la any Im Mora, and yow wttl 3?4 the- * Great Idm? MMm " <W Venereal IIiimii, " Oiitii Emm<5," a S2?u^k i n^^nyrry man] w t>n# ik^r btoodfo tow -r.ry vein L kdSf M< hnpplncai la beam f?ilhTfttw tki eheek of ydI ?M>. ' -#?14 -X in Mtir *yArt*tit lw Immm id /iiW.' Ptittr Wt*4 tandi npon an eminence no cb?mi?t wboacatM*>IwT>m W**)hm4 to inyentiapa hair tank* ha* ever before mdebed. His female faddee, bat VaM-tkb, Md Utouudi who bare KM^J?S\3J?,tR35 their own tttanl and luxuriant kad-fomiu, 8b much for ohemlstry, tb* chemistry odhamaa life, and the lowe which apply to the fraction? of tba lytUa. Profeaaor Weed ciadicd. oat the human hair, iu character, }? propertlea, ; 'b dtaeaeae, and how It iMtor* the Aaghy vitality of that ornament; ha taw, aa ia hie own ehbe, that gtay hair ia unnatural, enlace the am of the individual had reached focrworr, and ha beltcted that the hair cab Id be natural ly reritalircd. Hb triad hi* own caec?aim Oct bald add quite pray at tba ape of thirty-scran, be raatared hi# own hair In color, atrenpth and luxuriance, and tba article ha did U with ha pare to the world. vUct liW? Bait Jittton** Wee, and hp* nothinp elce. . "/ Cactiou.?Beware of worth lace imHationr, "aa nrMai are already ia the market, called by r different name a. Uaa none unleaa the worda (Prof. Wood*a Hair lUatoratlra, .Depot, ft Louie, Mm, and Had York.) are blown in tba bottle, pit* Sold by all Drwppiet* and fhtnt Medicine Dealer* i alao. by all fancy Toilet ' Goods Dealers la iIm Unltedfetetos ssd'Cuwh. mW For sale In Greenville by Drs. Low b , Rvrkiai, Druggist*. 4-4 May >1 [ MXLixr nr m imw. > BRYANT "PULMONIC WAFERS! ' THE Orieatsri Medietas Established la 1MT, ud Aral article of the kiad ever lalndMtd r waderthe aw* of" Pamoate War use " la this or *qjr other country ; all other Pulmoaie Waferi are eonatorfolts. The fteaaiao emu ho known by the aanaoof BRYAN below h stamped oaeach WAFER. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS 1 RelleeeCnuehs, Colds, Boy* Throat, Iloareeaete i BRYANT PULMONIC WAFERS . FoUctc A* I ha* I, Brohchitls, DIAcelt Breath a* BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS ' Relieve HlHtling of-Blood, Pains in the Chest. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS i Relieve Iuslpient Consumption, Lsaf Diseases. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Toasils. BRYAN'S I*L%MONlC WAFERS Ralieve the above Complalnte la Tea Minutes. I BRYAKS PULMONIC WAFERS Are a Blessta* to all Classes and Constitutions. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are adopted for Yoealieta and Pohlio Basakers. BRYANS PULMONIC WAFERS ' Are in a simple form sad pta*ssat la the taste. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS No< only relieve, but effect rapid A lasting Caret BRYAN'S PULMONIC.WAFERS ! Are warranted to give satisfaction to every oae. No Fsafly should ho without a Box of BRYAN t FTTTJMONIO WiMM IX rn* moi sk. !T Mo Twrdtr boo Id ho without a aapply of HTin roucomo watxm ix poqtir. Mo peraon will arer object to (in for Mnrairs roucoano watu* I TWXSTT-riTO CUT|. r JOB M0SK8, 8oU Proprietor, I Rochester, N. Y. For aolo la Greenrlllo by Fisaaa k H?iHtrea, and all Dr?||UU; vax flex a ac* k i ' OoixjMox, Chorloatow, WboUoaaU AgoaU. May 17 M . lyoow Oyma Chapter, Vo. Si, M.'. A.-. X.'. ' \ M. / A REGULAR CONVOCATION of , \ m/ thia Cwaxtr* will ho hold in tho Iloll jH Monday Evening next, commencing JKAh at 8 o'clock. Cotoaaaieas will attend. 1 r of tba H.\ P.*. Jwwo 11 ' 1 POUKTH OP JU LY. rpilB Kill I1TY-FOURTH ANNIVKRHAJ. HY of American Independence will bo oolobratod oa tie Fourth' */ Ju/jf next, at MILES SOUTHERN'S, aoroa milea north-oaat of Greenville U. 11. The Anaireraary Add re a* will bo delivered by Mai- ?. I>. GOODLETT. Tho Candidates fbr tho Senate and Hoaao of Representatives, apd tba public generally, are respectfully invited to attend. A DINNER wiU ha tarnished (o all who da. ' aire it. h. a. caublr. wilson hawkins, w. t. shocklky, peter southern, iTTbnn wivr Ait AAMHavv AAI UVI\, ConntttM of Anmwwwl*. June 14 ( pm- PiUM 4 XomltiMW *?py 1 H?H. soxxcx. 1 _ ^ ^ I WILL flBLL to the h%hHt UUM, f? Friday, tk* 44 dmm ?/ J*Um k?< (bt followiog _ Property of the LM* of BMM9JAMH SQLBM, deeoooed, ot tfcoplaataUo* wberooe mid d?eeo*rd ilM, 1? wilmoarth-mM of OfMfttH C. 11., OOOtUl h? of HOUSEHOLD rURIOTURK, mda, Beddtac. OorpaU Btwiwi, SifqoudL Tobba, CbtH ?< F?fer OruiMta CooVtofUtfoaUs, C cookery of oil kMl Fmht Toob flR^CtNk, Hom, Jlorm JltJio 1 SuHwy, I Two-Wb Wagon ' *W, Corw, oed mi; other oatteUa too to* Modbm v tniHAAlTiOMif ulultrlk ooeh I oM MtrH^twaiHof lit mootb* will Wglroo oo note with two good OcorHtoe with tatereot Jboordejr of mlo. . 8. ?. OOODLJTTT, Ixtwtw. Jeoe 14 I 14 1U State mt South OwtHna. VUKRirri BALES. TJT rktw of modi/ WriU of VWt faetoe, t? to M d boo tod, 1 will mil, before U?e Oowvt Homo door, a* tho oioei bow* of alio, <W *L. W) WO 4 i_ : mm auuuji tu *uj ?fth . All rf OHrrr H?m'i laltrNt la IS Aaroa af f Lo4} alao S flUror Watehaa ( w4 oft IiiiIm r after wte 4ay, 1 My falloQ SlHl a* J, K. - Bowiaa'if u tba wafily ?f OHrar Rom, p?r r Mbrd^la mtferad, a* Mm rail of J. R. Do*#*. Mrt Arm of UuiA, sora or teM, ljrta? ta OrrravHU DMrM, ad)*tah?c taa*? of J. *. s c*r : gsaaarast at Mo rail af Iter/.m4 'afca IhM, ,, aHr-V-S^Wraa.; -.^ , #