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_ 'Sh < ' 'Si *m ) Li ' - * W-J*F4 I'd Li^e a Wife. .. . ' > " mx * m. f. ^ . I'd lika> wtt(j, to UcVjj ?i 'arc, And makVitiy hoaah ? koaroit? \ U" U To hrM* hot water who* I share, And oxpeoi mo homo at soron. * * To poor rajr eoffao hot and steaming^ And sweeten ft with kisses? Witt) milk of loving kiuducu teaming, And cup brim full of kisses. n liko n wife, wbo thought me all That heart or soul could wish? ... That loved kj footsteps in the ball, And -most me with a kiss. I'd ltko^rife, to ait. beside me, When buaiuess caret am over; And when I'm erOes, W? gofltly'hhidAm^? Ah ! wouldn't I-dearly love berj'I'd like a wife to m.ond ray shlrU, And keep my stockinge tidy : I'd hove her free from beaux and flirts, And bo what she should?a lady 1 I'd liko a wife, whose heart whs froo _ > Troarthehlon's. vice and fhlly? >, '* Who l&ved herself, her heme, and Me. ' . And tries to make ell jolly. . I'd work and tug from morn till night, And so toll on through life; "? And think my path and hopes were bright, Wtylla blessed with such a with. HutwMHmwumuiuwrii jPtfflionst'0 flMto, A REVOLCTfONAaY PATRIOT. Not itinny years ago an amusing affair is re lated to have occurred ft I n foyrth of July celebration in an interior town in Pennsylvania. Revolutionary vcteratis were becoming very hard to find,-yet a procession with no old soldier in it was not to be willingly submitted to. An honest old German of Revolutionary repute was discovered at the last hour.? \n open carriage was assigned to hitn i i the programme, and a sent at the president's right at the tnhle. When pressed, after dinner, to give his reminiscences of Washington, his recollections were found to be rather indefinite.? Hnt something being said about York town, be remarked : " Yaas* I vash at Yorktown," H Under Washington V asked tho President. *' Yaas, I >*ash >nder Washington ven I surrendered." ' No, you mistake, my venerable friend," 3xclaimed tho President, M Washington never surrendered." "Yaas, hut you ?ee, I vash. one of the Ilcttianx." Sokxe iri ttie HorraK?PuNXino Ex iKAutiuiaAKY.? wane wie 1'ryor-i'otter controversy whs going on in Washington a vote of the House whs called upon some minor matters. When Mr. Potter's name was called nn old Dutch member from Pennsylvania, who D?ver takes iip time unless he has something to say to the "point, rose in his place and excused Mr. Potter thust 44 Misther Spheaker, Pwill shust ash how Mishtcr Potter hash a Pryor engagement."? Doth sides of the House and the galleries united in an uproarous explosion of mirth at the Hon. member's sally of wit, and it was only checked *o be redoubled, when, after the name of Mr. Pryor was called, the same old llans arose and said; 41 Vol, MisUter Spheaker, Mishter Pryor has gone to pe ash clay in te hands of te Potter." For some moments the scene in the House was indescribable, and, for onee, five pound i?t ? -? ? ? * wwro Knives unci snoueu fines were at a discount. * . A DfoIl fellow was asked by an old fadyto read the newspaper, and taking it up began a* follows : Last Yiiglifyeaterdav morning, at>out two o'clock rn the afternoon, just before breakfart^ iw hungry boy about forty years old, bought a fip custard for a levy and threw it through a brick wall made of iron about nino feet thick, and jump ing over it broke his right ankle oft' just above the left knee, and fell into a dry mill-pond and was drowned.? About forty yearn after that, on the rarce day, an old cat had nine turkey gobblers? a high wind blew Yankoy Doodle on a frying pan, and knocked the old Dutch church down and killed an old sow and two dead pigs at Bostin where a deaf and dumb man was talking " ?- l:. -?? ? ft A ICHI.U IV am r*wu* X VOTt The old lady, ticking a' long breath, exclaimed-?" l)u tell I" Aw Irishman-, beinj? very fond of cool milk for hi* dinner, his wife always kepi it in tho spring in a large howl. One day a frog concluded to take quarter* in the bowl, It being just deep cnongh to bide him. Dinner en me on, and the old woman placed the bowl hefore-the old man, not even dreaming of a frog being in it. The old yuan went on enjoying bin milk and bread as usual, until be bad dranis, it so low as to make (Ue frog visible, when be exclaimed : " Faith emi_ he jabers, o)d oraern, wiiBiftumin me mimr " Oh nothing* John, but a mere bit of a mole." , 44 Buggar an' dam your mot^s, wnln it** sitting ob its all fours,, gazing me in the eye*. * ' . ?*>; ev*>^y^yu<. t ' r As okJ follow a lio became weary of hi? life, thought hti might commit suicide, but He did not wish to go without first forgiving nlf hie enemies. 80 cogitating within himself, he at Just removed the noosp'from Iff* n^fclc, raying.? " " Nw-s-'twOu''t go. never ran nor'will forgive old Noah for tatting them eopfwr head sunken into the ark. ?Yhe nasty tar mints Lave killed 2,0011 worth of my cattle, and when he and 1 meet, 1 know tfaete'lkbo a general fus*?- Bets if there won't.'' A rrrfn**, $**^9 Mk>t o! Mr. Tiwserett, eUtn*J Omt his nam< would fie Ae-weil whboft lire T. flow* tingthdtrtos ronrf^i jays that ii rhajvs, llie new etyle of bonnet is a?ro? U ltrcr n a o>?l acwUhi a?d a buggy td^ * icine*' It'i no matter, mi," retorted -the little shrewd urchin v "I've got 'em, bat tliev dop't hurt ifce." " Wjiul, youVe Wen out of'Amej^ icaj did you- see anytning of, our old friend Jones, there ?" **Ycs?gone deranged." ? 41 Gone deranged I Keally crazy I?' Wliat does ho do f"s *' Yes, indeed; he don't know his neighbor's hogs from his own." Titk latest case of absence of mind, is that of a ship-carpenter, woo bit off the oml of a copper spike, and diove a ping ortobacco into the vessel's bottom. He did not discover his mistake until the ohifj spit in his faco. " pOE8 the razor tnfco hold well f' inquired a darkey, who was shaving a gentleman from the countr*. 'Yes," ilj .1-- -.i - - - irpifu me customer,-wiin tears in 111s eyes; -J^it takes hoM firs'rate, but ir don't iet^o wo: th a cent." Ak advertisement appears in a Western paper wliich rends as follows: " Ron away?a hired man named John, "with his ooae tunred up five feet eight inches high, ?nd had on a pair of corduroy pants much worn." At a husking frolic down East last fall, two hundred bushels of corn were husked, forty-eight gi'ls were kissed, one couple married, nnd seven moreengaged, all in the same evening ! Brisk business, that. 44 Fa," enid a littlo fellow the other day f wasn't Job an editor ?" " Why, Sammy !" " Because the Biblo informus that he had much trouble, and was a man of sorrow all the days of his life." It is now fully ascertained that the man. who ate the apple of discord, and picked the bono of contention, is the identical individual who was a passenger on board the train of circumstances. Ak old lady in Ohio, while in the wood*, was bitten On the end of the nose by n rnttlesnako. The old lady recovered but Ibe snake died. Coroner's Verdict?poisoned by snuff. ? 1 I " Comk, Charley* get up; its the early bird wlio catches the-worm." "I know, Sir.botl've liad the worm*, and I don't want 'em any more, you know !* " Warm day, Jones, warm day," said Smith, as they met lately* uYe?, itde,B| said Jones, " it U some warm if uol summer* Aw Irish paper, describing a duel, says hat one of the combatants was shot through the lloshy part of the thigh bone. - Din the man who ploughed the sea and afterwards planted bis foot on his native soil, ever harvest the crops! Tits gentleman who couldn't M stand it" any longer, has taken his seat, und feels quite comfortable, % The barber who dressed the head of a barrel, has been entrant*! to curl il?? , O O " ***" locks of r cnnnl. Some CIilncso in California have watches so large that they use the outside to fry potato?* in. Tiie young lady who couldn't "contain herself," has hjd her hoops en( Urged. I Win- is it e?*y to break into an oltj man's house 1 Ui-catis? his gait is broken and bis lock* are ^ew. * 1 11 .i 1 [ Spatilding's Prepared Glue. USEFUL IN BVXBY HOUSE. IM.l'lD, and rnnilv for um all the time, and ax Mrong a.? Cabinet Mnkc-rn' glue. Price }>er bottle and bruxh, 26 cent*. For mile by J. It. SllEH.MAX, Agent, 1 17 tf fiTiv'jmnm*' ATTORNEY AT LAW . AND SOLICITOR 1* EQUITY, OKtKKVILLI, ti! f. 0 file a Kaatindoof Court Ilouae Snn?ri>. where ho' may bo found daily, front V,. X. AI.' to 3; V. M. 37-ly Jan ] MILLINERY. iPAraas <& ?<3>iaiGXD^/ ^gjs. JTAVK rctnrnod from New Tork with a liirgo and oom|dcte assortnicsit of handsuuia (Joods, MBS WILL OPEN 0^3ri *** 1,Tn i*9T. mJf\l nn'* t? wbieh thoy Invito the Sfwi \atteatlon of the ladie* of (Jrecoville and v etrdty. Among their Mr?ek may ho found tbe Clotilda, Adelaldo and D<>vo-(7ape Hittw: a great variety ot*Mkaes' Fanev Hats; Hcriba Capes; Mr?<l l>rcaeoaj flair l'iaftx and Curia ; Kugenia Magpie, Ttridat and Mournhijf YaH*. A Urge 4 took of Kihb-tu* at rod need price ; llutx cleaned and trlnuacd; 1>i?mh eat and basted. April 5 IK tl (JoaorrtMWt n?i?l illect tirt>. f .* '?' ap ? * TtWlvery best remedy In (bo world for U?o eare of tiwnorihoca, Gl?et, m Wj Ac., *8. 1 2 Entrant drialc what you plows*. jjf rj \Z _ Full direction*, with a short ne- 7 H count of tr>6 dWasc, auaonipauy each jS g bottle. - ,? ?i At U?o same time " tub cvar * is a-tfl pnwt excellent remedy in Chrotric ^ Colds, Coughs, Ac. ^ ?? jPi It does not produce SIcV Stomach, i ^ or injur* the constitution in arty way, ? - The Cure " U entirely Vegetable. C ^ Manufactured and for aal? by - 5* Si. B. BBUCB A CO? ? lfswberrr, S. O. ^ , ^ For talc In Greenrlllehy r S a W And by nil respootabie Dnt|giili ? I throughout the State. . Peb * 40 If . ? ! ~ * V fa.llO )tb>|n PIIV UJ?l|.UOMO^ 4 ' notice. rflTTR ?n*?i**^'nr<t VnViai'AHnufcrrfd his InX/ \l?reat in U>o I>l?oJtsnnflI Shapiicar WiU liama*,ft Ore, to "ftOKsreJ U??OnK<f -VTlAWKl*<, takoj pips suretyft?i'<<n.mditl<<ithem t..ushare of puhflO pntrntitige. Tnhr will he pfcpart-A tb ; M'cwl rp?lMPy e<<d satisfactorily to all call* ! in their lino. Tbcy have experienced and skill-! Oil Smith* tn Horseshoeing, Repairing and Ironing Wagons, Plough Work, and all other ordinary work of a llluvk?i?itb Shop. January, 185#. 37-tf U. F. TOWNKS. M- lO* HANDSOME JEWELRY ON- 8ALR. AVKRY OBNKBAI. ASSORTMENT Of fine nnd other JKWKLK Y may ho had ot Uw Subscriber, who uiaksa. to/w^pr EnqngeiHrltt Itiwj?, ^nd nay nttim" artidhtirefcuirvd in Ma line. ^?-,UKPAnnK<| faithfully done. Three Doors below the UondlcH House. J. ir. RANDOLPH, tlroenrille, 8. C., Sop. 15, 1850. 19-tf Bliss* Drqaptlr Itemed r mi??' (>>'S|M-|Hl<- HmiiWI/ BUm' Dyspeptic Tlriuiily Rlbai I, i- ? _ ?-r*" S1U.' Dyapeptle ltemedy Hu tbe Ur)(rt( Hale Mm Ui? l?rgtil Hal* Mmm th* UifMl Hal* vllu the l.nrgcat Hal* . IIm the Lar||??t 8*1* Of any Mrdtrtnr In the World. Of anjr Medicine la the World. Ol any Medicine In the World. Of any Medicine la the World. Of any Medicine In the World. 1WMWU Pnekagea 100,000 Package* lOO.OUO Pnekngea v . It^UM Package* 100,000 Package* Bold In Georgia and SouUiCandtna 8*ld In Georgia and HoulhCarollna Bold In Georgia and HoulhCarollna Hold In Georgia and Hoal It Carolina Bold In Georgia and HntittiCarolina In Fourteen Montha. In Fourteen Month*. . In Fourteen Montha. In Fourteen Montha. la hMMtten Montha. It t* Warranted to euro It la Warranted to Cure It la Warranted to Cur* It la Warranted to Car* It la Warranted to Care If Olreetlona are Followed, It Directions are Followed. If IHrttllonr are Followed, . If Direction* are Followed. If Direction* are Followed, Any Cut of Dyspepsia ' Any Caae of DyapauMa] . " Any Caaa of Dyapepala I Any (ka* oTDyspepsia A?y caaa ot ??spcpala A. I.|?*r Uteraae, - | rz. wwiw, M , . iiMr DlaMM, - *;; * L .- v. Llrci nimiM, ?V' v., J s and t re, J 'Mm Jtnildlr?, [ " ?f JMndlrc, JtMllilcti . . Janndk*, It U B?Wl*lljr Adapted to It W Rtiwflillf Adapted ta It ta Raueclallv ta It ! Ktptdalljr Adaptad to It U K*pec|ally Adapted ta Female VomplHlnb j female Complaints FeitiaU Complaints i Fsmale Complaints t VWelr Complaints | It Prodncaa Rot uinllly ot Form It Prodncaa Hattmdlty ot Farm It Produced Kotwiutlly of Farm It Prodncaa Ilotnnatty of Farm It Prodttoea ltotnnult y ot Form In Females ot a 'Chin ami Spare HatdC In Females of a Thin and Sparc Habit In Females of a Tbtn and Spare Habit In Females of a Tliln and Sparc Habit In Famalee ot a Tbln and Spare Habit Bend a Postafc Stamp to U?r Proprietors ft?r tlielr Patnplilsl on " Dbssses or bioniauh and Bowels." W. W. mass 6l CO., Proprietors, 903 ilrond ? ay. Near York. For Sale in Greenville ly Aug 2216 If JOHN W. GRADY. JAMSS F LECK, IIOUSE & SIGN PAINTER, Paper Hunger A Gla/.lcr, GREENVILLE, S. C. tll.LfAITlinlLT EXECUTE ALL WORK KTrHUSTKT? TO III*. Residence on Augusta Street, near Depot, Feb 2.T -12 ly The Assembly House, One Sgi-ARK Wast or thk I*ost Orricr., f Plain Street, . . . Columbia, 8. C. '"PlIIS well known Establishment has been I ttw.SA...kU d.?-l * ? ? iuuiuuhiiij ii-Buwi ?nu improved,. and is now permanently opened for the accommodation of the Vohiie. ErWjr attention will ho Kiven to supply the wnnts and comfort of Patrons. Hates Moderate. O. T. MASON, Proprietor. Dee ? 81^ tf t. r. m:ki> a. n. ooodlktt. REED &. GOODLETT, ATTQRNLYS AT LAW, AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. GREENVILLE, 8. C. Ojffire A'ord-A'rut Corner Court lionet Stptftre. June 4 4 tf "WAVINOT HAIR TRIMMING, DRESSING, DYING, AID RAZOR SETTING AND SHAMPOOING, AT Til* Second Door above Mr. MoPhsrion'i. WILSON* COOK. May 3 20 CHiiKOKEE REM EML A* UNKAftl.lNO QVI1 PO* ^ (5>^u>^0i)5a.Jv\2ii(uaA Ain am. ninKAar.H or tub rntvAhV onn.'.v*, ri>ilIS Remedy < arei when nil other prvpnrn1 (inii? fail. It in entirely unlike every other Compound ; conmiuiny no raineml jx.'u 8<Ju or ntUAroiiA lntdhrik* it n prepared nololy I r Ba.i . rx'ti. 4VW1IIr*9 unThP linf I^RVf(?, ftlTfl UllR VHM'Vt handed clown, from one "generation to another, s by tho C'li.Tokoo ii.dbnn. It ia vfeied t<>*iae ' public c>n it* <*wn liVtrmMe fnerltj. n perform* ' it* duty <tnit kly and thoroughly. The unfor! tannic, of either {ex. .ffll b? repaid hy wring ) thi* llamcdy, inatend of plnein;: tlina*elvca *1 j tho mtrey of ?inw Quack or Proftnor. Tfil? , Remedy ictrike* l*t the rery Hoot of the dlacwe ; ' it? tendency is not aiinply 4fmupepd tUApniann, i 'hot to remove thy ret|se on wliieii it depend*. ij-'ull direction* iti paiAyftlet f>mi. acoo*iji?dy itch bottle. The rneeriy andpermanpnt roiiel , afforded i.y thi* lUti*? > ?Jn ati c*eiofJRed?x: rhrea, (licet, Flravel, Stricture, JViaeja Alhn*, * (Whitoa in lYnirilo*,)'tUnf aft of (he i j (Trinaty Organ*, liar nx'.ouiirtied the moat acionj tlflr hirn of tKe age. Thi* Remedy lint only eradicate* al! poi?op froin the ryxUtui, but inj vHt?mtoa tho mwt'rieiferft* *on*Htntfbri. * It docpnot affteft the hredth or Interfere wlfl a any da* Vif lm/int^j.'or rchpilr* any drviatiox * from the ii*u*l diet. 3 ft rnqwifoa no aealxtaAeo from any othor me J diolue, . Arid whn* enhance* it* valor, la tha??ai0 ah J eenee of all nausomn loato, being ?~}4ca*un C anil dohclon* ccyriip. 9 * l*rice f'2 [Kir Il.ittie, or tliroe BoTile* for $j n ' wiw * h^uwkv Pole Proprietor*. St. I.nuia, 1It*. /:&* in (frreuyillo J?y t-'UIief 4 tfel njmh; Vari Pc-fliaek Jt tlrfyr* .h, fTilfloJtwn * -vrfiolcaaio Agent*, and ail ra*p?n*ihte dealer iu Medic^uvJ ill the ,]?utll. i'J Iy , Ap 1J j-ifL 11'. " " mi bobs SLfTA^i UFAOTtTRlIt> expressly. J33L fot its, and to patterns fnfnrehed bSr ourselves. They are made, blade and shank, out of ofto piece of the very best Quality. and temper .of Cast'Stool, and have strength of blade arid length of handle to suit our Southern farming. Tho sacccss of tins article has l^rought varioue IMITATIONS into the market, but the OcntiMTe Cxi?t Steel Hoc IS SOLD OtfLY BY J.'13. SHERMAN, Agent. GARDENING TOOLS. SPADES; HOES, PA Km, TROWELS, PRUNING SHEARS, LINE REELS,. and everything else in this line, on hand and to arrivo soon. T T> O TT T7 l)Hr A \T A U. JL>. ivgonc. | 'SMUSBMBS. We are manufacturing Elliott's Celebrated Spring Tied. They nro all thai cun he desired, Comfortable/ cheap and durable. Call and see them. J. B. SUERMAN, Agent. | A largo lot those first-rate iIron-Wheel Wheelbarrows, just completed. J. B. SIIERMAN, Agent. ZZ THE ORIENTAL g COFFEE-POT. g-=? | We aremannfacttirihg,-nn*=?*-?_ der authority from the Paten tees, SS THE ORIENTAL ? COFFBB-POT. c===> which beats the Old DominU"*"J ion, and all . other styles, M r.loar out df sicyht." wbil? it [ is sold at but littio more than 5? i tho common ccrfleo-pot. ?=5 If you love GOOt) COFj FEE, try nn Oriental. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. PICTURE FRAMES. We are prepared to put up all kinds and styles of Gilt and Rosowood Picture Frames, as cheaply as the}' can be purchased in Charleston. . J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. $mmm\ We are conatantly flMBt receiving additions to Stock, nnd have just effected arrangements with an extensive Manufactory, which will enable us to offer it at much lower prices than ever. Wo intend to keep as good an assortment as the market demands, and to sell it lower than it can be procured from either Charleston or Columbia. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. J ALARM CLOCKS, warranted tukeep good time, andj to wake yon up at any tiroo of the night or morning that yon wish, rrico, $1.7,5. J. 13. SHERMAN, Agont. Wall Papering. A ITANOSOMR ASSOKTJfKNT OF yy A J.L VAVKRINO, BORDERING. FIRK SCREENS. WINDOW SHXD?Nt&c. just received ftiul for sale l>y J. lb SHEliMAN, Agent. I STFUF.OSCOPKS And Stereoscopic Viows. I A - I -?V j;i.Pinl lIMHIllllll'lll CIJ OWI'CO w acopca, *o*r:c as low na # 1.50, and n vcrylarpe tind unusually choicoaolection of View* just received. KEROSENE LAMPS-. [ (i"We have inat opened a new lot 'with an I mi proved Burner, ' the licst wo have over had. o Housekeeping Goods. 'Everything in the Housekeeping lino, from a $100 Cooking Stove to a five cent Tin Cup, may be found at the Store qf ' J, B. SHERMAN, "... AGUBSWT, : ^GREEKTILLE, S. <31 29 47 tf rgiy ,v - W *y?itiinii ' m ^ ?p...<? THANKFUL for tho kind j ^^P^B^prxtrfmkge of. the\r friend* ft>r H?n I punt yf?r, wottld rc.?pcolfuily vdirtt Hf tli??atno for tho present. Persons wishing ft bjyr ' * ' GENUINE ARTICLE8, would do well to enll ami ex amino our Stock of DRUGS, j. r ? ' ? T MEffTQINRS, } * * \ PAIN'JS. OILS. VARNISHES. ' x : : DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY, i BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES, Ac. ONE DOOR BELOW * ' HARRISON & LONG'S SHOE STORE. IF YOl' WANT Fine Shaving Soaps, Washing h. Soaps,. Glycerine Soap; Brown Windsor Soap, Col catena Soap. French. Soaps, QpocTeJdoc Soap, Caatild Soap, Thompson's Soap, Lubin's Soap, or any other kuid of Soap, or a I3ox of Potash, to inako 1 your own Spap, , . " YOU WILL FIND IT AT LONG & BURN HAM'S DRUG HTOKE. IF YOUlYANT Fine COLOGNES, Fine TOILET WATERS, J LnWn or Glen's EXTRACTS AND ESSENCES, Ilair POMADES, Hair OILS. Hair , BRUSHES. Or any preparation for improving tbo Hair, I'miiti or Skin, CALL AND LOOK AT ' LONG A KIT KIN HANI'S ASSORTMENT. if yoTwant TO BTJY AMY PATENT MEDICINE KM, You can get it, at the maker's prico, from LONG A BURNIIAM. IF YOtTWANT A GOOD ARTICLE OF ? Bread Soda, Cream Tartar, Starcl\, Indigo, Madder, Saffron, Borax, Whiting, Glue, Sulphur, Alum, Copperas, Linseed Oil, White Lead, Train Oil, Lamp Oil, Sweet Oil, Snts. Turpentine, Alcohol, Seidlitz Powders, Yeast Powders, Large Window Glass, Putty, Rotten Stone, Bath Bricks, OR ANYTHING ELSE Usually kept in a DRUG /5T0RE, you can buy it at a FAIR PRICK Arum our Establishment. We call Particular Attention To all Preparations made by us. We make them of an uniform strength, and from tho PUREST MATERIALS. Country Physicians will find it to their advantage to call and examine our Stock and Prices. LONG & BURNIIAM, Ok* Doon Above C. Merrick's Store. Feb 2 3D tf JAS M. ALLEN, BP MMLmmi.m ^ j DEALER, GREENVILLE, S.C. fV All Orders for Marbli Wokx promptly attended to. 40-tf Feb 9 Klalr Drosttlng und Sbavlng. BURltllMlK continues the TONSOftlAL business at bis Olil Stand, in Deattie's brick Building, where he ie reedy, during the day end evening, te Hhnvo the Heard end Cut! lletr and Shnmpoo the Head. He respectfully asks a continuation of patronage. Oct 1 21 tf-f 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly. Saved Yearly. Planters Take Notice, Planters Take Notice, _To/?rvl-t'a r^Arrlinl UUV/\JKJ D VU1 U1WI Jacob's Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux, A i mi .auu riux, It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages ot Hall Doz. Put up Expressly j Put up Expressly ^ 1 For Plantations. For Plantations. ' $1. per Bottle. $1 per Bottle. ! Pbr Sale in GrSOipUle by J Aug 2*10-1/ J011NW GRADY. v)A w L '- *+ >. - * : *1 lOVEUNO^BU^LDIN^^f^E^tuE * 8.C., RKgPBOTPULLf informs the pnhVwl ltc generally that ho lias on hand m One , V gft, an mi I inn n| of . BOOTS, 3HQJES, * BROGANS, &C-, WELL ADAPTED TO JHII8 MAJlK^T. j In the assortment will, bo found Ladies, Misses' and Children's .Gaiters and Shoos, of many kinds. Gentlemen's, Youths' and Boys' Boots, Gaiters and Shoos. ? Ditcher's,Boots?an excellent article. ' .' Brogans of. afl siSes and inoet dtirablo make. In fact, as fall an aeeortmeat of.Ai'iclos in bis line as can bo found iu oaf establishment In a town of the svne sines die also respootfhlly **hs On examination of his Prieos for Cash, satisfied that his Goods are offered At the Lowest Possible Figure. Persons in want of anything of the kind will please giro him a call. * ALSO, OX HAVT>, A CJooil Stock of Leather, - AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. V , Boot and Shoe Making. This branch of his business iaatHl earriedkun under this personal supervision, ami evjsry eare will he taken tD guarantee satisfaction to those who patronUe him. 27-tf Nov 10 irrm n t i>m?T ctaud L TT LAl\IJCil OJLUIIL. JAWES G. BAILIE, IMPORTER, JOBBER, AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF 1 carpeting; BUGS, FLOOB OIL CL0TH8, WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, EST?. SS4V 3S3ST? SlflSSSIlBTf ? CHARLESTON, S. 0.t Awn J. G. BAILIE & BRO., 20ft BROAD ST., . . AUGUSTA, OA. Nov 34 2tf 1 j I. L. FALK & CO., WnilLBAI.I AXT? RKTAIt. T>FArt.KR* 1* CLOTH I3NTC3r, AND Gantlemen's Furnishing' Goods, NO. 205 KINO STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Mauufactorv and Wholesale Warehouse, 34 Dav STarrr, New York % tW All Orders promptly attended to. Nov 24 2? , 1/ C. F. JACKSON & CO. * FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No- 199 King Street, CHARLESTON, 8. C. . . HOT zv . iy* WAGON MAKING AND REPAIRING, rpiIK subscribers respectfully inform the pub. _1 lie that tlioy intend carrying on the business of WAGON MANUFACTURING, ami WAGON and liUtiOY REPAIRING. in tlie town of Greenville. The best of Timber will bo used, ami the work warranted tobe well done. Mr. POOL, who will superintend the work, is a workman of considerable experience, having learned the business under the best workmen at tho Carriago Factory of Messrs. (tower, Co*, Marklcy A Co. All work will bo dnno flpon tbo most reasonable terms, and on short netibe. A share of patronage respectfully solicited. j WANTED. A lot of REASONED LUMBER wanted, for whioh a fair price will be paid. J. A. TOWNER. W. P. POOL. W. A. TOWNER. , Greenville, February 2,1800. HO > tf T,OCATF1? oomir 01 liammore and Charts* StTests, BALTIMORE, ML). TIII^|L?rgoil, Moat Elegantly Furnished, and Popular Commercial College in the i United Htates. Designed expressly for Young Mon desiring to, ublam n Tktuouyk Prarlica{ //msmm** Hdvrniinn in the least possible time and at tbo least ex pobsr. A Large and Beautifully Ornamented Circular. containing upwards of JSiJc <SV/w?V? Frtt, with si>eeiseeiis of Penmanship, and a Large Engraving, (the finest of theound ever made in this country,) representing the Interior Viet* of the College, with Catalog? stating terms, Ac., will be sent to every Young Man on application, /rte of ekarr/e. jr Write immediately and yon will receive the package by return mail. Address, JS. K. LOSIEIt, March 1 43-ly , Baltimore, lid. THE WORLD OUTDONP! THE MEDICINE CALLED " Inflammatory Gstlrpatmr," WnfClI was sold daring Coert in this place, is bow on tale, by 3. W." ORADTj ol Greenville. It cannot now he longer donbfed but this Medicins la the most efficacious rctuedy ever in this place, for Kidney Diseases, Piles, Neuralgia, T.nng Diseases, Dyspepsia A Rheumatism. Numerous eases of the above .diseases have boon cured this present wsek. Headache. Toothache, Earache, Hprains, and all flow, si Affections, disappear before it as If by the touch of magic. Try it, and keep it in jroui families, for sickness comes when you loasl expect it, J. W. ORADY, Agent for Greenville, 8. C.] Dr. E. SILL. Wholesale Ag't at Columbia; else by all Wholesale Druggists in Charleston, S. C O. W. DA VIP, Proprietor, Box 4520, New York Pvst Office. Nov 3 2? tf HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA, A Benevolent Institution established by spcoia Endowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, sffkted with VfraloPS and Epl dvmic Diseases, sad especially for the Cars ? Diseases of the ftexnsl Organs. "* t i ivi.'t i ; ? ??u-ua^iu m nS Har|t?ou, to ail who apply by letter with a description of thoir condition, (age, occupation, babiu of life. Ao.,) bad in eaaes of ex twine poverty, JftiUcliyca furnlabed fMo charge. Valuable Br porta on ttportnAtcrrhwa, am other I>teca*s of thb tfnxaal Org on?, and on tip New Rentediea employed in the Dippwiwtry sent to the afflicted in oealed letter errvebtpee free of charge. Two or throe Stamp# for Puo tag* will bo acceptable. .Addrear, DR. J. 8KfT.LIN IIOCOUTON Anting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. ! I Soath Ninth Htfcet, Philadelphia, IV By order of thn Direc t or*. ' JiZRA D. MKARTWELL, President (l*o. Kaikcuild, Beeretary. ' w ? . - vri ,? ' . . Notice. . Thb h. M, R*? - Book*and Ademitvt*. in the foc4* * ? P. JONRB, hie Artnrwo*. PtrMi Wfom* w id please naH and art ik>. m ' v. 7 ALEXANDER ORKENF1ELD 1 Jan. 24 itu tf (J 3* * ,?? ' :-?r? -r bgrad inost cftictual a^enitivo j thaU** y It i* ? ogyw^?twt - *.?&?*. tietottSSLwhlsjh will c?rmpl^r>d^if^curis must prova of Immense -wafYic^to this large ate of our afflicted fcllo#.oiKiWoe."^H<rwfcomfifctety?hi* compound will do It has 1>oco proeen by experiment on tnany of tho worst caaee tojW *>d*d of tho following complaints: ? . 8cworuaa.a?i> ScaQrcLOtri Co*rtAf*T?, 'Earmows vvd Kwfrnr* uisjusbs, ovo??? ^ *??&* , BmtW.TMHW sam'bmxk*. 8cau> frrriuMs a*d Srniurjo lrFEOTIOSS. Kjft? ?.*?.. o. T?a p?r* ?i^vlqtbpsia i? i*siu8?w) ^prj^t'v k St. Ajitkox*:? FiA *P<* iudoci thi ^o*? class of complain te arw?^'*rora !**'?*<** |l*v tu* Bwton. ; .v. - . .-hlv, *' .This compound wfll l)B n groatl>ro|. Ml of healths when "taksn ia xZte"Pc*Hi*^ expel the foul humor* wbioh-foste?~ m 51*blood at that scsaOn of the year. By thfl ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders r are nipped in tho had. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, fcpare themselves freai the endurance of fool erupt; one and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to f rid -itself of corruption^ if not assisted to do this through tho natural channels of tho body by an alterative medtcine. Cleanse out the mated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through tho skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores f eleanfo it When you. find it is obstructed and sluggish ih tho veins ; Clcaiiso it hfiuver it is midland your footings will tell you when. Even Whore no particular disorder is felt, people. enjoy, better health, and lxT<t longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep tho , blood healthy, and all is well; but with this pabulum of Ufa disordered, there can bo ho lusting health, tjoonor or later something must" go wrong, and the grant machinery of life is disordered oi overthrown. .* Sarsapnrilla has, hhd deSprves much, tho reputation of accomplishing those ends. But* tho world lids been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, portly becnuke the drug alone has not all tho virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be ^concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of tho virtus of Sarstpaiilla, or any thing else. * . \ ' 1 hiring late years the public have bean mis- ' led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart j>f Extract of 8arsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have Been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, SarsapariUa, but often no curative properties whatever, Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, 'and has becomo Synonymous with imposition and cheat.. 'Still we call this compound Snraaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests .upon it. And wo think we havo ground for boltevipg it has virtues which arc irresistible by tho orainary 'run of tho diseases it is jutended to cure. In oYdcr to-secure their complcto " eradication from the system, the remddv should be judiciously teken according to direction* uu the bottle. ? vrouxcd nv ,-v > DB. J. C. A1TKB * CO. LOWELL, MASS. Frl??, |1 p?rB?tU.| 111 BottU* for|3. Ayer*s Cherry Pectoral i hu won foe itself such s renown for the cure of every variety of Throat ana Long Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the cridonce of Its virtue*, where?*r it has been employed. As it -hss lung bean in eoastsnt use throughout tius section, we need not do mere than J asshre the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever hss been, ana that it taay be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, VQ&vaai otraa pr Cortiremett, Jattndioe, Dyipepma; Indigestion, Dytentyy, Foul Stomotf, Eryetprlai, Headache, Piteerflheiimati?m, Eruptions and akin Dieemeet, /Jeer Comprint, Dropey, Totter, fWmers and Oalt RKenm, Wormt, Gout, Neuralgia, ps a Dinner Pitt, and for Purifying the Blood. They are angar-ooatod, so that the meet sensitive 'pan take thera pleasantly, and they are the bast qperi^nt in tha world for all the purposes of e family pbysie. V Price 86 oente par gox; Fiee boxes far $1.00. Great nUmbersefClergymen, Physician a, 8t*te?meu, and eminent personages, nave lent their names ta certify the nnperalleUd usefulness of these rsmcdle* but ear space here will not permit the Insertion of thsfen. The Agents below named Am 'f uish ktatls our Awmioav li.stNinin stWitW ? withal*, fhUdeecriptioaa of the abora eomplainV and the treatment (hat a*?M be followed for their cure. Do not be pnt off by unprincipled dealer* with othVr preparation* they make mOjre prtftt on. Demand Atkr a, and take no other*. The tick went the beat aid'there ia for them, and they All our rem edict are * "i** -i' .* /^Fer rale in OroenvlHe by J. H. DBAW a?4 M. B. KARLK, and by Druggirte aud dealer# ia " Medicine everywhere. April 28 5t-leowly , that mtrur. mrvcnr, THAT OIUtAT RKMKHY, 1 THAT ORKAT fUOUEDY, " THAT URCAT RKJODY, ... THAT UtOUX Kt^ULOY, . .. .. > V * * 8AVOBTT ffrtrtlTO, , BAMomof HpKcnc) % RAVCHKZ' ffKDlc; 1 ? bancm**-. tte ONLY mnTTYK njRS - .J THfc ONLY POWTTVK Ol'RK ^ TH* O.VLY mPlTlVk: ClUK ' tbi only roumvK 0;rk TH* un'lt itwrriVK uuhje r , atyJjuK th*. EKS5. FOB OONOBRBOt A AND CUPCT. ? ' >?K OONOrjUNKA AND-GJXCT, ' TCB OONOHtUHKA ANJ) 3LKEX. * ?><* OONOKRHOCA AN It OtKFfc KUlt GONuRRUOA AM) OUU.T > ? nw a no Mourn mix, BAVIN A no OOOXQIPS ?u' AVbH A m DOCTOR* BHx! EJSiPSSgBKSfc ' ; ??Am?.r TAirew, * p* .' 1111.1 itSIll ?yg ' I , v {JSXS****0* " ' more ffr^cn mm I Aub- U i? 7 *y ... -. ?OUH Wf GRADY 'f - * ?* . J