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fcSft*? 4 "j*** j|fr- ' ' ' ? ru ftwihift Mtnnv '. ^ Am?QomUg flfM)* tJU ^jrr. If bo^y M* ? W, IWfti* dow? tb? "IT>"-j^'"' If tMytmUM;, mi k.J. kha kli tflJalr? 1 ? w N ' .'i <ru too mek take I, A ad every body cats ma, too, ' > when pouring down the rye. If a body^meet a body Keelingthrough tha town; If & body shea ft body, Bwt a bod? town 1 Krary body, As. . N A bar just by retails the "rye" I dearly love to swill; Hi Inn, It burns ?o?l my bond tarns, * And yet Fll drink to kill. ' Kvery body^ Ac. And when In rag* and filthy tags I lay ma dawn to die, And to my bumble bed of straw No human (bra comes nlgb; < Oh I than, if reason holds ber seat, ' As ghastly forms flit by, 111 curse the day that e'er I took To pouring down the u rye." ' Etomnrifffff ((Win Articling a Dm. A compositor in one qf the deity hewspsper offices, though a good fellow, like mnny of the Fausiian profession, utters from repeated attacks of limited . finances, or revenue disproportional to 1 liis disbursements, lie has no objectiou to pacing his debt*, even to tne Inst penny,-when hehmftlie money; but when he is short, he abhors the idea of meeting one of his creditors, for he hates a dun as bo does the d?1 or a dirty " proof." On one of the few occasions of the pressures upon typo's monetary market, he ' whs descending from the newsroom to the street, when He mot a collector, who asked him if James II. Smith? giving the printer's name?worked in that office. " Why do you wish to see him" asked Smith. "I have a bill against him (producing it) for $20, left by Dr. A., who, you remember, recently died, and his accounts have been placed in my hand* fir collection." * James H. Smith," replied the compositor, repeating bis own name slowly As if it had a mysteriously familiar p?>und and be wero endeavoring to re call it. 441 have heard that name botore, surely?James II. Smith?James ?James II?oh, yen ! (as if with sud den remembrance) ho used to be em ployed here, certainly he did. I remember now ; he worked next to my case, poor fellow !" and the speaker paused and looked sad. " Did anything happen to him t" asked the collector. "Yes. lie died suddenly one morning, of cholera, after attending the sick bed of a friend !" " I >id be leave anything f" asked tbe man of bills. " O, no. Ihe boys had to bury him. 1 gave $5 myself to help in putting the generous creature under the sod. He Uu-d penniless." 44 1 hen there is no use of keeping this bill, I suppose!" - xsone 11 an," s:?ui ?. And as me collector departed, lie continued, to biin rlf, " I guess I've got rid of tliat old l-ore. it wasn't, perhaps, much of a story ; I was only anticipating a little nf ter all?except in the $5 contribution." A Bright Bot.?We never read the Mrone in Henry IV., where FaUlaff and 1'rince Henry exchange characters, with >nt thinking of A similar one, said to hare occurred in an ancient parsonage a great while ago. Kev. Mr. ltegulas was an excellent man, rather eccentric, and somewhat eonomical. Jonas, a farmer's boy, used sometimes to go with prosonts to the parsonage, a sharp eyed little fellow, but tii.c<<iiih in his mann'ers. One day 1 e hi ought in a leg of mutton, laid it down without ceremony, and was making off. u I'll teach that boy a lesson in good manners," said Mr. Regulas to hit wife. " lie needs to have the clown rubbed off a little." " Jonas, come back here a moment* Iton't you know, my fine fsllow, that \ou shonld'nt come into a bouse in this way, without knocking, and with your K.nt An 2 Sit /lAton m ?? - ? I nni ?ri> * uv?? u in Uljr I*I 111 CliniTt* 1 " linnginc yourself the minister, and I'll dime in with the mutton, and show you how a l*>y ought to behave." Jonas sits up gravely in the arm-char, mid Mr. Kegulas goes out with the leg of mutton. Kilter Mr. Regulas in the charactei of Jonas. Me takes off his hat, with a low l*>w. * My father sends his compliments, Mr. Regulas, and asks hi* pas tor to accept a token of his regard." Jonas, from the arm-chair : "I tlinnk you. Mrs. Regulas, just give thai bog a tiinepence F* , The lesson was mutual. [Monthly Religious Magaiine. A k eastern paper gives an account of . a child that was put in a pint tankaid. That's nothing. Our neighbor at birth was put io a tankard, which happened ?to be filled with beer, but instead of bo ^|S|p^,drt)wn6d, ho drank Uio content* at BJjfc jtfoglr p?l'i, and then shouted, with .a IflBg^ty rather astonishing, " give u HM|f pot .of jour ale, daddy." ' mRh*/* said a father to his son one ',0 caught him shaviug the ? down" off his upper lip, u don't throw \ our1 paving-water out where there are p T J Tu.Tm Eai im r?oit>M ?A. Kud of ?ur*? ?bo M lain piUiArNVMlpii in ?M?i!ta|? ?rop of hair on his face, was called homo on business some lime since. While absent ?o inexperienced barber spoiled his whiskers in trimming then*, wbicb so chagrined him that he directed tbe barber to make a clean job of it by sharing* whiskers and moustache off. Tbe barber obeyed, and our friend's faoe was smooth and delicate as when in his teens, lie returned homo in the night.' Next morning his little girl did net recognise him On waking up. Looking over her mother, and seeing, as she supposed, a stranger in the bed, she remaikcd, in her childish simplicity " Mister, get out of here: Ell tell my pa on you uhen k4 comet.?Exchange. Mae. Partington says she would like to ascertain a copy of a paper that sustained a full report of old Potovattomio Brown, whe she had heard was now deranged before tbe court, together with Ills Uook, lor reciting tuo negroes oi Virginia to resurrection. Which causes-a girl the most plea jure?to hear herself praised, or an* Mher run down } Hard to decide. A bachelor friend hazard* the notion thai 4 both casts are about equal," but allows that " much may be said on both sides." An English paper says Con. Dred Scott commands the United States ft my. Spaulding's Prepared Glue. USEFUL ur EVERY HOUSE. FLUID, and ready Tor uso all the time, and as strong as Cabinet Makers' glue. Price fxy buttle and brush, 25 cents. For sale by J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. 1 17 tf rp;7OSES, ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. CRRr.NVtl.l.K, H. V. Jg&T- Office East side of Court House Square, where ho may bo found daily, from 9, A. M., to 2, P. M. 87-ly Jan 19 Notice. rjlHE undersigned has placed his Notes, I Rooks and Accounts, in the hands of K. 1*. JONKb, his Attorney. Persons indebted will please oall and settle. ALEXANDER GREENFIELD Jan. 2? 38 tf MILLINERY. bsees. s>.&suis & ? ass??? HAVE returned from New York with n large and complete >%VtjCrrfc assortment of handsome Goods, \.wSf9iU which they gSSfiW WILL OPLN w# rv 0?t wki?!?esnar,tbk 11th ixrt. ani' ?? whieh they invite the iBrlwV atteution of the ladies of Green* ville and vicinity. Among their stock may be found the Clotildc, Adelaide and Dove-Gape Hats; a groat variety ot Misses' Fancy Hats; Jtertha Gajtes ; Head-Drcsscs; Hair Plaits and Curls: Eugenia Magpie, llridal and Mourning Veils. A largo stock of Ribbons at reduced prices ; Hats oleaned and trimmed ; Dresses cut aud basted. April 5 48 tf (iioai?rrb<ER nud Gleet Cure. * * Tnt very best remedy in the world for the cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, *?, r* Ac., Ac. X 8 -2 Eat and drink what you please. ? V 2 _ Full directions, with a short ac- ev count of the disease, accompany each Jfl W bottle. aw w At the same time " tiir. citbk " is a Q yj most excellent remedy in Chronic ^ _ Colds. Coushs. Ac. H It does not produce Siclt Stomncli, or injure the constitution in any way, Q ^ " Tho Cure " ia entirely Vegetable. C5 8 5 JJ5 Manufactured and for sale ky pj S / M X J. D. BKUCE A CO., Fj Newberry, 8. a ^ O ^ ^ For rale In Greenville by CJ o 50 ^ A nd by all respectable Druggists ? throughout the State. Feb 9 40 tf m. ? ?JU3 )9?nf>'piin uwi|jjoho9 BIIm* nynpriiUf IlenmJr BIlM* OyHprpilr Remedy BIIm* Ryepepttr Remedy IIIIm* Dyspeptic Remedy BIIm' Dyspeptic Remedy Has the (strgMt Hal* Hae the tmrgcot Sal* Haa th* largwt Sal* Haa the Larftd Sal* Mae the Iraryeat Sal* Of any Nedlelne In th* World, or .hv Msdlelne Iti the World. Of mr Medkliw In Ih* World. Of any Htdklnt In I He World. Of rnr Medtrlii* In Ik* World. 1UU.OUO Package# JOU.UUU Packages 100,000 Package* IOO,ooO Package* KM),OCX) Package* Sold In Georgia and So??tl?Carolina old In Georgia and HonthCarollna Sold In Georgia and MoulhCarolIno old In Oeorgla and ontkCorollna old In Georgia and koutkCarotlan In Ponrtceji Month*. In Panrfeen Month*. In Fourteen Month*. In Fourteen Month*. In Fourteen Month*. It I* Warranted to euro It le Warranter! to Cur* It Is Warranted to Cur* It I* Warranted to Car* It le Warranted to Cur* If Directions are Followed, If IMreeUoue are Followed. If Direct I one are Followed. If Direction* are Followed, If Direction* are Followed. Any Caa* of Dyspepsia Any Ca*e erf Dyspepsia; Any Caea of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia A?y Case nt Dyspepsia liter Disease, liter Disease, I<lver Disease, I AVer Disease, Liter Disease, , Jo nu dies. V Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice. Jaundice, It Is Especially Adapted to It Is K*p*clally Adopted to It Is Kspeclally AAaptvit to It Is Kspeclally Adapted to. It Is Rspeclally Adopted to Female Complaints t Female Complaints Female Com plaints | I ?iu il. 11. t Krmalr Complaint* | It Prwlam KataiHtHy of for* It PrMlafri ItolnirtlMl of Karat n Proctmra ItntMnrllt jr of form It PiwtiwM RotNiiflliy of Porta It Piafaa RotaatUtr of Koran laa Krmalra of a Thin nml ?|ior* HaMt In Krmalr* of o '1'hlM oral >|Mtrr Mabtt In Vrwala of a Thin anf I|mta IlaWt la Kr na a Ira of a Thin anal Apart Malta la Praia lor of a Thin anal apnra HaMt flrawl a llMWfn Hump to thr PTnprVlnca for tliafr llBfMM on Uiaoaaar of Hoaaaah and Ihnrala." W. W. Pinnliuw, MU llroaf way, law 1arfc< For Sole in Grrrnriflt Aug 22K, ly JOIUt W. GRADY. . ? - PL.imTI0IVH088 MANUFACTURED exprfewly 1UL for us, and to patterns fut^ imbed by ourselves. They are made, blade and shank, out of one piece of the very best quality and temper of Gaat Steel, and have strength of blade and length of handle to suit our Southern farming. The success of this article has brought various IMITATIONS into tho market, but the Genuine Cast Steel Hoe IS 80LD ONLY BT . J. D. SHERMAN, Agent. GABDEinra TOOLS. XI>An*W TTOKS. HAKES, Tit OWE/A PRUNING SHEARS\ LINE REELS, and everything else jn this line, on hand and to arrive soon. J. B. SUE KM AN, Agent. We are manufacturing Elliott's Celebrated Spring Bed. They are all that can l>e desired. Comfortable, cheap and durablo. Call and 6ee them. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent A largo lot of iliose first-rate Iron-Wheel Wheelbarrows, just completed. J. B. SI1ERMAN, Agent. o Ml the oriental g? I COFFEE-POT. ^ Wo arc manufacturing, under authority from tho I*a* 3 tcntees, SI THE ORIENTAL i3g GOFFKE-POT. I ltonk tlir* Old l)olllin ion, and nil other styles, m " clcnr out of sight," while it is sold at but little more than the common coffec-pot. j=-^ If you lovo GOOD COFFEE, try an Oriental. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. PICTURE FRAMES. We are prepared to put up all kinds and styles of Gilt and Hosowood Picture Frames, as cheaply as the*can be purchased in Charleston. J. B. SIIFRMAN, Ageu>RMpfreai Wc nrc constantly ? 3?slV&receiving additions to 4Jonr Sto?k, and have just effected arrangements witlu an extensive Manufactory, which w/fl enable us to offer it at much Jowcr prices than over. Wo intend to keen as good an assortment as the market demands, and to sell it lower than it can be proenred from either Charleston or Columbia. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. ALSO,' ALARM ( LOCKS, warranted to keep good time, and to wake you up at any time of the nifflit or moriiimr that von wish. Price, *1.75. J. 13. SHERMAN, Agent. Wall Papering. a handsome assortment of WALL PAPERING, BORDERING, FIRE SCREENS, WIN DO W SHADES, &c. just reccivod and for sole by J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. STEREOSCOPES And Stereoscopic Views. A good assortment of'Stereo scopes, some as low as *1.50, and a very large and unusually choicesc lection of Views just reccivod. KEROSENE LAMPS. We liar* just opened a new lot with an Improved Burner, the l>eet we liavo ever had. Housekeeping Goods. Everything in the.Honftckecpinp lino, from a $100 Cooking Stove to a five cent Tin Cup, may be found at the Store of J. B. SHERMAN, AOSOVT. GREENVILLE, S. C, March 2V 47 tf "^^i^^RTiOLes/ would do well to cull and ex ami no our Stock uf DJiUOS, mr\ mkdicinbs* . . , a , . ' paints, brrs, vahnishks, d yk-8t(fpfst | . ' ' ! 'TO / i pa nov a kt1clk8, jtc. ONE DOOR BELOW .: HARRISON & LONG'S 8H0E STORE. IF YOU WANT Fine Shaving Sonpe, Washing finaik _ UMAU*^ oirnpm, w II wi uiv wnpf v?tt ? WiutW Soap, Colgate's Soy? French Soaps, Opodeldoc Soffs Castile Soap, Thompson's 8f^P\ Ln bin's Soan, or any otlier kiifl of Soap, or a Box 6f Potash, to nako your own Soap, / YOU WILL FIND IT A7 LONG & BURNUiM'S DRUG STORK. / if you"yant Flue COLOGNES, Fine TOILET WATERS, LttMn <w Glen'* EXTRA-1* ANl> ESSENCES, llnlr FOAADKS, Ilnir OVin lilr BRUSHES! * Or any prvp.irntion for I m/* roving th? Ilalr, Tvoth or Skin, CALL AND T/>OK AT LONG A BUftNHAJl'S ASSORTMENT. if you want TO BUY my pateit medicue eiqvi. You cau jp-t it. at tlio maker'* price, from LONG A BURNHAM. if yoihvant A GOOD ARTICLE OF Bread Soda, Cream 'artar. Starch, Indigo, Madder, -saffron, Borax, Whiting, Ulno,??lpbur, Alum, Copperas, Li?*ced Oil, White Lead, Train Oil Lamp OH, Sweet Oil, Spts. Tar^ntine, Alcohol. Seidlitz Powder Yeast Pow tiers, Largo Wild'"' ?lnss, Fatty, Rotten Stone, Bricks, OR AXYrmNO EIAE Veualiy kept in* I** PTORK, you can buy it at a FAIR nit'K fmtn oar L?Lab)tohmeiit. / ? ?o We ?art particular Attention To .nCrepimtion* mode hy tut. We inako them ofnn tuifortu *trctigtb. ami from tbo /URKST MATERIALS. (Vtntiy I'hyaieinu* will fiml (t to their advance to call ami examine our Stock and Price*. LONG & BURNIIAM, Oxr. Doon Anovtf C. Mkhiiick'h Stork. Fell 2 lit) tf J AS. M. ALLEN, MJ&BB3LE DEALER, GREENVILLE, S.C. XY All Orders for M arri.e Work promptly attended to. 40-tf Fell 9 Ilnlr brcwInB and Shaving. HUKRI1X1K continue* the TONSORIAL UisineM at hi* Old Stand, in Ileattic'* Mrick liuilding, where he is ready, during the day and evening, to Shave the Heard and Cut llair and Shiini|HM> the Head. lie r*'*pectAilly a.?k* a continuation of patronage. Oct 1 21 If-f 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly. Sn.vftd Yoarlv. Planters Take Notice, Planters Take Notice, Jacob's Cordial Jacob's Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux, And Flux, It Never Fails, Tt. Nftver Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Put up Expressly Put up Expressly For Plantations. For Plantations. . $1 per Bottle. $1 per Bottle. Tor SiU in Grtenvifk by AiiK liNMy JOIIX W (JKADY vn B J Bll^ANsT&C., W8LL -Srt"?D """If*""jn ft wortncnt wUI b? foud I- ju, J*ml sod Chttdren's Wtew mh) m at. ^ of vuuiy kinds* ,* [ T', ,>' Youths' sad Boys* Boots, 0 alters nttrC. > Boot*??n oXSellent artlela. Hrog/a of ^IsUes *"< n?o?t durable make. t2LcI? m full fin in* sort in out of Article# in his as sm bo found In any establishment i? / town of the name rite. ' , . /e also iwspeotfally asks an exainlnsMo* of y I'ricos for Cash, satisfied that his Goods are /. rod At the Lowed Possible Pfrure. Persons in want of anything ?f the kind rill please giro him a coll. /ALSO, OS 11A SI), A Ciood Stock of Leather, AT WliOLKdALK ANUKMaiu Boot and ShosMaking. This branch of bto bMlira* la atlll (trrieuon under his personal superviAon, and every eara will ba taken to guarantee satisfaction to thoaa who patronise htm. RT-tf Nov 10 MAKING AM) REPAIRING. r|THKiubserH>er??speeUhlly Inform the pubJ. lie that Umyhitenil carrying on the business of WAOO/ MANUFACTURING, and WAOON and RJGGY RKPAIRINO, in tha town of Omntll*- The boat of Timber will be used, and tV work warranted to be wall done. Mr. POOL, a*? *IH superintend the work, la a workman of*on*'derablo eaperienea, having learned tba???<nea8 nnder the best workmen at the C arris? Factory of Messrs. (lower, Cos, Markley * Co. All work will be dona upon tha mos'r?Monable terms, and on short not loo. A shar??f patronage respectfully solicited. WANTED. A??t sf REASONED LUMBER forrhich a fair price will 1>e paid. J. A. TOWNER. W.J?. TOOL. W. A. TOWNER. Greenville, February 2, I860. 39 tf BLACK S MIT HIN G. The concern of TOWNES A IIAWRlN8 having Wen di."rtolrby mutual consent, thabusinasi will be carried on at the same Shop hy tha undersigned. (?. W. liROOKR. January, 1859. J. L. HAWKINS. NOTICE. THE undersigned having transferred his in terest in the Blacksmith Shop noar Wil hams' Store, to Messrs. Brooks A Hawkish take* pleasure in recommending thcra toashan of puhlie patronage. They will be prepared t< attend promptly and satisfactorily to all call in line. They have experienced and skill fnl Smiths in lloraeshoeing. Repairing am Ironing Wagons, Plough Work, and all Othe ordinary work of a Blacksmith Shop. January, 185?. 87-tf 0. F. T0WNE8. HANDaOMEJEWELRY ON SALE. Avery usher a i, assortment c line and other J E WEEN 1' may be ha< of tho Subscriber, who inakus to order Emjngt went Nitty, and nny .other article required i his line. feQ . REPAIRING faithfully don< Three Boors below tho Gnodlctt ITi?us. J. II. RANDOLPH. Greenville, S. C., Sep. 15, 185?. l?-tf < JAMES FLECK, HOUSE & SIGN PAINTER ihtjper Hauler 4k dlnxl?r, GKEKNVILLE, 8. C. will fattiikcllt kxkcitk all work entrusts TO HIM. Residence on Augusta Street, near Depot. Feb 23 43 1y The Assembly House O.nk Sql'/re West or the Port Orrici, Plain Street, . . . Columbia, S.< THIS well known Establishment has bet thoroughly ro-fit ted and improved, or is now permanently o|>cned for the aecomnv ilation of (lie Public, Every *1101111011 will I given to supply the wauts and comfort of P trona. Hates .Moderate. O. T. MABON, Proprietor. Dec 8 81 t1 t. T. KKKD. H. D. GOODLE1 REED & GOODLETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW A VT> SOLICITORS IV EQUITY. gkeenville, 8. c. Ojflrr Xorik-Eatt Comtr Court If out Squat June 4 4 . U SHAVING. ' HAIR TRIMMING, DRE8SIN6, DYING, A WD RAZOR SETTING AND RUAMPOQINi AT THE Second Door above Mr. MoPharaoti'a, WILSON* COOK* May S 88 CHEROKEE Kl^lEDY, ? ? w ? ia ? ai oa a All) ALL DIARASRS OP TltB URINARY OROA! fl^llIH Remedy cure* when all other prepa 1. tione fail. It ia entirely hp like tri other com|>o(in<1; containing no mioeral p .'on or nausvoue drag ; a* It la prepared ?ol from Itoota, Bark* and Loarea, and haa b< banded down, from one generation to anotb < %y the Cherokee Indiana. It ia offered to i public on iu own intrinile merit*. It perfor it* dnty quickly and thoroughly. The nl innate, of either aex, will be repaid by ad thi* Remedy, inatend of placing tbeiaaolvc* the merry of eomo Quark or Profeaeer. T Remedy atrikea at the vary Root of the diaea It* tendency I* not almply to augend the pola bat to remove the eauae on whleh It depen Pull direction* In pamphlet form, a room pi nark bottle. The apeedy and permanent re afforded hy thi* Remedy, In all eaaeaef Una rhooa. Gleet, flrarel, Ktrirtare, Fluor All (White# in Female*,) and all dlaeaaea -of Urinary Organ*, ha* aat?ni?bed the moot aei llfle men of the ago. Thla Remedy not o eradicate* all poiaon from the ayatem. but rigomtee the moat delicate eonatitution. It doe* not affect the breath or interfere ? any cla*a of bnaineaa, or require any devl^l from tbe nana) diet. It require* no aaaktance from any other i dirloe. And what enhance* it* ralnr, I* the entire aanre of all uauaeunt ta*te, being a plea* and delielou* iyrup. V Price fX pur BrtUle, or three Itoltim foi POTT BR A MRllWIN, Me Proprietor*. Hi. Loci*, M< fSf g?M hi Oreearille by Picker A I nh?k i Tn Muck A Offeree*, Ohafh* Whofeeele Age*!*, *"A all re?|>?a*IMa 4ee M Metlkiuu* la U?c Hueih. 49-1; Ap I . i*.; . ... Ayer'sSarsaparilla substances of still grater iltmdw puwtt ah to iC^rd an effective antidote for .the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It la believed that auch a remedy la wanted by .thoaa who stiftr boat Strumous complaints, tod that One which will accomplish their cure mud prove of immense service to this lame cfena of oar afflicted JbUow-citjaena. * How completely fids compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of .fee worst coses to be found of tho following complaints: ? Scrofula amd Scrofulous C&mplaists, Baurrtose amd Eruptive Diseases, Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches, Tumors, SjttT Rheum, Scald Head, Stpkius and Syphilitic Affections, Mercurial Disease, Bbopsy, Neukalota on Tic Douloureux. Debility. Dys run ia A wd iwdiobsttow,' BaTHriLU, Bmi or St. AamiowT'sF?armxd ihdcod the whole class of complaints arising from Impurity or tub Blood. This compound will be found a great promoter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel 'the fool humors which Aster fat the blood at that HsKiu of the year.' By the timely expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped fat the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid or fhia remedy, spars themselves from the enduntnee of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do tin- through the natural channels of the body by un alterative medicine. Cleanse oat the vitiated blood whenever yon find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions^ or sores; cleanse it when you find it is obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it whenever it is foul, mid your feelings will teU you whan. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people cqjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all ia well; but with thia pabulum of life disordered, there can be na f - a ca - - t-*.. -a a . | tasting rwnni oomn or awt wiuil-uumu must id wrong, and the greet machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the ituild has hc-cr. cgrcgicusly deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, ? contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late yean the public havo-bcen mis1 led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most 1 of these have been frauds upon tho sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever. Ilenee, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until tb? name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still g we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend , to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the n name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for 1 believing it has virtues which are irresistible r by the ordinary run of the distasos it is intended to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should ~ be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. nUCFAXED BY 1>R. JT. c. AVER * CO. LOWELL, MASS. if Price, |1 per Bottle | Mr Bottles for ?0. n Ayer's Cherry Pectoral (, has won for itself such a renown for the cure of u every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been etn_ ployed. As It has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than man the people it* quality U kept mp to the beet it errer bee been, ana that it may be relied on to * do for their relief ail it haa ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, * TO* THM O VU OP ? Coetireneu, Jaundice, Dytpepeia, Indigestion, Dytentery, Foul Stomach, Eryeipelae, Headache, ^ nice, nheumatUm, Eruption? and Shin Dittoed, Liver Complaint, Dropey, Tetter, Tutnbrt and Salt Rheum, Worme, Chut, Neuralgia, at a Dinner PiM, and for Purifying the Blood. They arc sugar-coated, bo that the moat eenai3, tire can take them pleasantly, and they are the beet aperient in the urorld for ail the purpoeee of a "> fWmliy physic. Price U centa per Box; Ptre boxed tor $100. Orcat numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, State#* a- men, end eminent personages, hare lent their names to oertify the unperaileled useAilneto of these remedies, but our apace here will not. permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur? nish gratis our AwaniCAH A tit am ac in which thej it. ere given; with also full descriptions of the abort complaints, and the treatment that should be followed for their euro, i Do hot be put off by unprincipled dealan with p other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Arsn't, and take no others. The tick want the best aid there is for then, and they should hare it. All our remedies are' '? ^ff'For sate in flreenrille by J; II. DEAN an M. B. KARIJK. and by Druggists and dealers 1 ? Medicine everywhere. April SO M-leowly THAT UHMI nUUII, that oreat remedy, _ THAT ORKAT REMEDY, 0, that orkat remedy, that orkat remedy, banciiw rwifk HANcinst' anairro 8AKCHKZ' arnanc banc! (3z* ancma mwntr imn, thk only rotttti cube thk only pokjtivb cuke thk only powtiyr cuke thk only puhmvk curb * ?-> THK only roamVB CURB v , wtor* thy ranriK boork rac PEOPLE 1 nctore thk pkdhjc j . before ni pr0p1j! j boors tui mdutijc 2 mm oonorrtkka and otjctt, ? tor 0<an<irkh<ka and u1ja.t, 2 tor oon<<rku<ka and 9ukt, 2 tor GONORRHOEA and olket, *3 tor oonorrma and oust 3 BAVIN A BIO DOCTOR's BIU RAVES A BIO DOCTOR'S BIU Sbavfe a wo doctor's nu save} a rm doctok'd biu, saves a bm wxjtor'r bill ? easily taken, r easily taken, ?" m easily taken, r?- k eanii.Y takw, try M kas1l7 takkh, o| has no rad tastt has no bad tasti *v has no bid tasti * " has no bad tastv cr. HAS NO BAD TAST> the wiu ml01 a cork Wil l bwi a cure will tot but a cure e- wnx kpudct a cure ibs will kttkt a curb m wmmuT loss or qm i'; 5SESJKSSK5 " 5S5831SS55S ids. OB CHANQI Of ntTT, * my OB CHANOK OT MST, .Jr OB CHANOB OV DIBT, TT OB CHAM! OT WCT, ,or" ob ouxei or war, *? WTTH LOB MH tbr >v *IT? UMR TftOORU n"T WITH IS TBOUBU Id- ? WITH I ABB TROOHU rlth k^UC S1WJ*i'.y'1 S&rRSS; M AND imMAwnnv m AMU MCRMAKBKTL AMD PMUSAMKMlC ?h- AND PBRMANKNTl. mi and etauuMtam THAN ANT KNOWN RKMTPY. Ki. THAN ANY KNOWN KEMKDY. THAN. ANT KNOWN RKMKDY THAW ANY KNOWN RKMKDY. ) MAN ANY KNOWN ^BUBIY. / BANCHD mmXfK CAN IK IBMT BY MA&. ^ F*r 8*1* M CfrmmeitU ig 19 Aug M lA-ly JOH* W (iEADI t - ,<jJ3^B M?<. JjC i~"" - j|, , ^ ^ xi4 Tho direction* aire almpl*. ?m0/ tradarMood, 1 and aiulljt axptainod ljrtt* TOatryatnr^^^^y H drcd Btltcbat per mlntttlT They rw M?y-~? ?'il^/rr!i?sar2tArit^S_l altering (be length or tightnessof ttl | They win Rfs, JFMf fl.thw, Bind. gltsh en# I " Embroider,' In so superior a manner that we challenge comparison. The Mbm Machine will 1 paw pavilion guase aad ptaataltoa geede. The R. Main U as elastic as Um meat elastic fhbrte, Md ? will not break,.'la Wasbiag or inmlng. T*u | mm MMokiso fUl silk, linen thread and oom- I mon spool cotton with eqna) facility. Ibt one- I dies are shorter, and, therefore, stronger than any other high or low priced Maokine. That they are superior to ail others, b evident from the fact .of there having been thirty thousand i Machines made and sold, la competition with 1 others already In suommAsI operation. The JV question is no longbr which Is the best Maker, but which of the numerous patterns of 0 no van TJ * Banna shall I take. PRICES, >60 to flSt. 1 H. W. KINSMAN, I Agtnt ff (Jts safe of these eeiskralrd Jfsrii'at*, ass isaajflj sikrhcsw, I " CIIARLESTON, 8. C. I D. Ik H A8ELT0N, Manager. Nov Si ' N to _ NEW CARPpTSTORK | JANES ?. tiAILIE, IMPORTER, JOBBER, AND DEALER IN Alala KINDS OF I CARPETING, \ RUGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, * 1 WINDOW 8HADE8, " f AID |V nTTRfP A 1\T riAARC J JjUttlillll UVU1/0 OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, sy?a &?4\ mum? ?'ffauMii',. ft CRARLBSToir, 5. cn r f~ J. G. BAILIE & BRO., 505 BROAD ST., . . AUGUSTA, GA. Nor M ft ly ^nootoeiT THE subscriber*having sold out their snliro Stock of CURTAINS to Mr. H. W. KINSMAN, would mpectlfcUy solicit for him * continuation of the patronage so liberally bostowed on .then in that department. * ROBERT ADDER A CO. chrtidT goods. This Stock i? the LARGEST |N THE SOUTHERN STATES, Comprising Brocatolloa, Baton DeLanee, Lara . r and liiuslin Curtains. Corn loot, PJna and Bands, Drapery Tassel* and Loops. c0 wa?iPAai?B made and put up in tub latest styles. H. IT. KINSMAN, - , 223 Kiao Strbu^ Not 24 20-fem Chasleston, S. C. I .L.FAL X h odTT " H woolkaatu amd utah suum in CLOTEE EMO-, a?i? t "jf Gsntlemen's FurnUhlng Goods, ' NO. EOS KINO BTBBBT, * ? CHARLESTON, ? CL KT Manufactory and Wholesale Warehouse, 34 Dir Strict, Now York. ,'j >IBB?" All i \_1 - **- 4? |<ty nw i/rucri urumpij simiaivm ?in Not 94 98 ly C.P.JACKSON & CO. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING,' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, , Ho. 199 Klnff Street, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Not 24 98 ly* i LMARD Ooraar of Baltimore u4 Obaita* llmM, A UALTIMOKK, MD. n rriHl! Lkrgut, Moot KItnoUr Furnished, X Tnd Popular Commercial College In tb* . United State*. Design** expressly for Young Men desiring to obtain a Thorough /VashW 1 Ru A.u>>. BO-1 1st tka *' A >. .aalkla AI a * " and'attheloaetexpenae. A Large u4 Bwitlfcll; OibmmoM dm tar, containing npwtrtU of Si* Sqmmr* J'tci, ? ' with peeimene of Pouauitib, and a Large , Engraving, (Ik* -Snoot of the kind over made ? la lUKMBtrr,) repreeenttog the Interior View ? of tbe College, with Catalogue * toting term*, Ac., wtH be ?oat la aver/ Young Manon application, /reo o/ charge. Write lei mod lately and yon will receive tbe package by retain mail. Addraae, a *" S. Kr LOS I BR, * . Mareb I 4Ut? Batammo, KdL * TH E WORLD OUTPOKEI TUB MEDICINE CALLED " Inllumbtory Ei>lrp?Ur,H WlllCIIwaa told during Court in thia place, la now oa aale, by t. W. GRADY, of . J Greenville. It eannot now be longer doubled ,, Qui MU B1MICIM M uie moiH ( OlflMlOU NtWiy t ever In thin plwi, for XMm; Di*on*e*, Pfle?, Neuralgia, Lung Vleweee, Drirpepein 4 Rheo' luatlem. Numerou mmi of the abort dleenmm bar* been cured tbi* preoeat woeh. |T~nrt iRtTi "" nehe, T no thee be, leneht, Sprain*, and nil flMMM el Affect tons, disappear before H a* if bjTM p ioneh of mngie. Try It, aad keep it ia yt*TV " UiuilicH, for atekaeM coatee when yea leaet L expect It. . yt. ORADY, Agent for Oreenvllla, Dr. K. RILK, Wholo.ele AgHnt ColuribU by all Wholesale DntttMr ia OhirlutWlS|HL a. W. JMVJfi, ProprWh^^nH t "Box 4520, New York Peat OfflW* > ? ' JyjP 2 HOWARD ASSOCIATIOH, A PHILADELPHIA, A toerto/.lewt Twnilln"-- tilllkfcaJ'W' aMR1 R .. x*vilW vivNP t rtit" ee rP*wtriiwiivve _w Kndowmeat, for thelfoller of the Uefc eod h 1) litre* *ed, sfllkted with Virulent end Bpt" > derole Dtecnoe*, w< eopceinUy for the rare of Dlnenaea of the Pexunl Groan*. ?uA * 7 i k| "II'IPICXL Adrlee giro* jjntU,bjr tWA?U *. iYJL Ug Rirmi, to oil who ?ppl/ by fetter, with ft 4M?f!btinn or UMir cooAKion, (i^ o?cupot'on, bfthtU of life, Ao..) ?)<t la iMwtfti. trwme poverty, fecdioifoa furnfeHod few 01 dbUM. r VjhdA?JR<y?rt? w ^wiMonfcm, amd *f x?w HhmAm employed '! tHoPUpeOOftry.* Milt to the ftffltHM ts ftwfed fetter M??hm few djfeWp. Two or thro? RMftyt fer.ft|fe notflmif Aetjng Burgeon, Howard AMooUtfev,PpH tooth Ninth Buwt, PMUdetptia, Pft. . V KZKA D. IIKAKTWKLL, T|lH>j|jA L 1 Qua. ritfeouwi Nonrotary. -r J r'. - f