University of South Carolina Libraries
_ ?iWlwrr^? -> 1 '1 / * ? ' " na I*. ? Oyrtu tfcaptwr,* . M, */. A.'. U,f^Ap^ly*at thUOfflco. ' >-> Maj^XT I -!kST' - IWitb, ?}; v A PI8T0JU. which the own?r ean hate by ^.'ay If- *>*? 9 ?~~ ^VAIaITABXaE FAMILY MEDICINES, POrf SALR IiY FISHER ft JE1*1T?H. - C?^$2L$?^5^rBd CSW* Dr. Roots' Liverwort ani U - . , Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral _ ' I (Soddard'a New Uur'd Oowerh Bvruti UaysoUfs Yellow Doek end Sersaya."ijl* Physic'* Bnrseyeriila and Qucen'd Dolio*11 Townsend's " ' ? I _ Band's " | Jobs Hall's ? j L A. II. Ball's " ' -\r lauEmjoEs? V McLeno's Celebrated Vcrmifugo B. A. Fahnestockvl <? frtTjr'i Dead Shot " . IToimish'a Sugar Ph?m " * ir nrattHtB1 * Mexican Mustang Liniment .V' Tobias's Venotiau " Kartell's Arabian 44 Little's White Oil Davis's Inflammatory yitlrpator | MISCELLANEOUSDalley's Pain Extractor Jew David's Hebrew Plaster* i Forry Davis's Pain Killer . v Radway's Ready Relief Banford's Liver Invigorator Tamer's Balsam for Diarrhcea Hoofland's Uertuan Dittcre Hostettcr's Stomach " v , Jayaa's Expectorant ,r Lyon's Insect.Powder And all the Patent Medicines of the dny. May 17 a tt ?.. ..? ?. r , , The State of South Carolina. GREBIfVIH.E DlHTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Facias, to ate directed, I will soil," before the Court House doer, at the usual hours of salo, On tb? Pint Monday id June ntrxt, 100 Acres *f Land, more or loss, lying In (Irccnvillo District. iult<?mLi.? Wnrtn nf * v Rtoaa, 4. lUehard*m, i t n!.: M the property of Thomu Cos, at the eult of R. li. Duncan, Assignee. N , 180 Aore* of Land, more or lent, lying in OrcttiTilki piitrivt, adjOiuing lauds ot B. F. l'erry, ?* al.; aa the property of William FUhor, at the MtU of J<loyd i?l John llenaon. TERM? CASH. Parehawr to pny for titles. 4. T. McDANlKL. a. o. d. Sheriff** Office, Mng 1 (Vf*, 1800. , 2-td CHARLESTON AND LIVERPOOL SAILING PACKETS. ; TJ1K undersigned beg to announce that they bare taade arrangements for a Lino of a&ataSK?? sva.cgaos'ses * between tho above point*, by which' every facility in regularity and apeod will be gh'au to hippera. PHASER, TREN^OLM & CO., 10 RUMfORO PLACE, CIVER^OOL^ Will at any time RECEIVE Gnodi intended foi.nblpment by thi* line, and FORWAllDilio fuunc by the Eirmt Jimaeetti ivy Packet. and will he a)way* itrcwared to give any inforrpation that may be Mirid. Arrangement* for Freight or Pu**ngr may ] alio ho made in Charleaton, by application to 1 John Fraicr A Co.,* Central Wlor/. | ~ The undermentioned first class and fast sail-1 ing Charleston Ship* have been already placed u|M>n the line, and other* will be added as soon m required: Sailing day of the Ship* of the Line. From From Liverpool. Charleston. Jun 4*Si sax Q. Ow?n, Norton, Mast., Aug 10 " 1S*Ki.ika Michael, Mast., AuglO, " 25*Uoni>ar, Lobby, Miuter, Hopt 20 July 15 EmIlv St. I'lankr., Tessicr, Mast, Oet 10 Aur UJ?ri Fkader, Herbert, Maxtor, Oct SO These throe dates are mode to approximate for the convenience of Importers for the Fall Trade. Future arrangements will bo dulv advertised. May 10 t 2 NOTICE. TIIE Reward offered hy mo for JASPER PA RHTA, who liroko jail at Edge Hold C. H. on the 2Stl> of May lost, is hereby withdrawn. ' J. 11. CLARK, Jailer. April 18, 1800. 1 S MATTRESS MAKING. Wm. Langston Viy'OVLO inform the citlssns of Orecnvllle W that ho is now permanently located in this place for tbe purpose of MANUFACTURING M ATTRESfiES, and would oarnoetm ly solicit a share of ptiblk) patronage. All work warranted to be substantially made, and as cheaply as can be furnished anywhere. He may be found at bis residence, four hundred _ yards south of Kurmu Univcraity. Ho also manufacture* WHITS of ail aorta. * May 10 * 1 tf SEALED PROPOS A 1*8 "VETIi*l< be received until Tuesday," 22d Inst, TT ' for the KKKCTION of a BANK RUILDING at Abbeville C. II. Plana and Speoifteatioaa can be aeen/and all Information obtained, on and after the Itth inat., from J. D-DALY, the Architect?atioiatea may bo made for tho whole, or a part i bat tbe nndereigned will not bind huo#elf to accept either tlie lowcat or any one of tiionc ANDREW 8IM0NDK. Ahbovtlte C. II., 8. C. May 10 Ut ? .* Order for Extra Court. The State of South Carolina, OUBENVII.LK DISTRICT. ITiHK business of the Term not beiog dis. J. po?od of, It ia Ordered, That an Extra ?. Term of tho Court of Oomifna Plena ho held at Qregnville Court House, for Greenville District, on Tuesday, the seventeen th day of July next, to bo eontinned the remaining days of I that Week, and tbe catire woek succeeding, if necessary. It is Ordered, TUot Jurors l>c drawn at tho present Term, to serve at the Extra Term, and IhateWree issue to compel their attendance In manner and farm prescribed by law : a panel or forty eight persons to serve th# first" Ave days, aad a like panel to eerve the succeeding ti. httt** fWsLneil. TV.?t U>? rn?-V, prnjflt aatlee in the Hwiputn of tbi Dial riot M Ihi letting of tbti aid Extra Court, br a puMkntion of at loaat ooo month pnenUng the tmrn. J. N. WliiTNKU. Mate!h i'lat, 1W0. 4 fro* eXtraet from th? Minute* of the (Conti. W. A. Met)AN IKL, C. C. P. Ma, It 1 10 npticr~ rflH* andaretpTDed fire* notlca Jo all penton? X indebted to him* that hi* XoU\ Bnok* and Aneountf are la tWbaad* of K. P. JONKtt, hUAttoraej, for ooOoetloa. Call and nettle dftbont ?,?(. JAM1JS n. Un.f* H ? $ * ? I ' - ? ' ' ' =aggggg -??;?m aUOQ^Rlfe^! 1 eh?W tot CASlf, will please call on fho VhtlMiliukfi *W hu>it returned with Me of the largest eioeks ever.offered la tkemerfceb THOMAS STEEN, Wholesale and Retell Grocer, MoBee'e llelL i /"h nipS. of Cube, Muscovado and TrinlJL U dad Molasses; 10 Bbls. New Orlonna Molasses, " There cannot be surpassed In quality. Selected and for sale by Thomas steen. 8JfIl1>S. Choice New Orleans, Cuba and Muscovado Sugars. Selected and for salo by - THOMAS 8JHBN. Qfl BBLS. Iteflned A. B. and C. and Crush. /?>\J (Hi Sugars, and 2 Rblt. superior Sugar Basse Golden Syrup. For sale by THOMAB STEEN. A /T BAGS Rio, Java, Moehcn Beguyra and San too Coffees. There navcrboon carefully selected, and are for salo by THOMAS STEEN. 7 CHESTS Tea^-Hyson Skin, Yodne Hysoaj Imperial Gunpowder. Super Oolctftg Ooolonjr and Bottehong. The above Teas carefully eeleoted and for sale by. THOMAS STEEN. A /? BAOE. Buckwbeat?J 24 lbs. 0 50 cents &tJ per Bag, from New York, and for sale ny THOMAS STEEN. Q|"^ DRUMS Pt(l6, ju?i received and for 0\> s-0" ?-y THOMAS STERN. PTE FKTTITS, Jellies, Vine Apple, Prune*, Pick la* in pints, quarts half gallon and gallon, English Pickles, (lerkins, Walnuts, Picoalilla, Onions, Worecslshire Snnee, and n large variety of KngJit'b Sauces, selected and for sale by THOMAS STEEN,. CiALMON, Oysters, Spiced and Fresh Loband Clams, Picklod Salmon, very lino,'Haddock and Codfish, extra No. 1 Mackerel In kite. Wooden Ware of all dcscrlp! done, and Cutlery. For ? alo by I TiTOMAS steen. QA REUS Nails ?a?K)rsor quah'ty. assorted %>\J cites, cheap tor cash. For e'.al? by l" TllOMAS S1.VEN. A TnK largest nnd best assorted Stock China Classwaro nnd Crockery of ?very description. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. Confectionery of every variety. for sale Wy THOMAS STKKN. CURRANTS, Citron and Raisins. For snlo by ^ THOMAS STEEN. BAKERS Ilrnraa, Chocolate, and Coooa, the very boat. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. May 10 1 tf EMPORIUM mij?i NOW IS THE TIME To Fit Oct vhir wannnnap. with tnum and KniM.JSII GOODS, OF DlRXCT IMPORTATION ! :? . dCJ3EQ ' TUkSB Goods were purchased EHBESK by one of our Firm, from Direct Importing I looses In Charleston, ' iiWnuir tB P C., and have been selected wtth groat care. They cannot fail to plousc tbo most fastidious. The assortmont comprises a full variety of GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Goods, si m as French and English Black and Colored Cloths _ and Cassiincres. Silk and Marseilles Vcstingg, Drap d'Ktee, Idncns, Water Proof Tweeds, Ac., Ac.' All of which wo will make up to order in tho best and IsUvit styles, and in a manner that wiU compete with any work manufoctured here or elsewhere, either as regards qualify, nealnrtt, tlnriiOility or rhmpn*"? from a Shirt to the finest French Cloth Coat, and warrautall work done by j?s. p&r All wo ask is to give us a trial. Wo also offer a neat Assortment of Ready Made Clothing, SITCII AH Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts and-Collars Cravats, Tics, Gloves, Suspenders, Hosiery, Ac. Dn? and Business Hats. All of whitili wo will sell at prices to suit (he times. DYER & PICKLE. April 20 61 tr BRIDAL PRESENTS/' J. KETCHUM & SON HAVE lately received a fine Assortment of Articles suitable for Presents. The jmiowing comprise * part ol tliu Assifttmcnt: Silver Plated Pitcher* . Silver Plated Waiter* Silver Plated Cake Basket* Silvor Plated Napkin Iling* Silver Plated Castor*, from $5 to $16 Silver Plated Collapsion Clips Silvor Plated Dinner and Dcftsert Forks Silver Plated Table and Tea Spoons Silver Plated K title Rest* Silver Plated Tea Boll* Silver Plated Butter Kuivc*, 60 cents. AI'HOj * Whit# Parian Chiaa Vase* White Parian Cologne Bottle* Green and Ko*e Colored Glass Perfume Casket* White and Gilt China Candlestick* China anil Rich Glass Powder Boxes China Watch and Jewel Stand* China Card Ba?kot* ' " China Motto Coffer* White.China and Gilt Frnlt Stifmls, Ac., <te., With a vot^ choice and beautiful Assortment of very splendid FANS, at $3.60 each?worth $.>??alsovsuitablo for presents. May S * 62^ tf s S t-<2 v|p? is fOffi ? Si 2# &+* d w *r SS* ?*"3 !h ^ ^ HrH S*> MH TuiOCERJES. IA V A and lllo Uoffbod, TinaC, Cni*h r^i**W,''' Mrnwo HiiK*ri>. No. 1 and India MoUmm, T?#a, Candida, Candi**. M jokrrel, Ac. For <t*l? Ky April* dS-tf JOilS TV. UA.U>Y. i i 3*i-. V 1 J - n ., tTW OFKNKI> JIM 8*i<* 1L UnMni?,W?, ar?ai>*u, ttfcwiM Hyrup, may bo bad at all boar* of t, day and < -A ALi Philadelphia Lager Beer, Ale i# Porter Oyaters. .! CAH, A GREENVILLE W OPPOSITE TllKu May * . ? GRAND UNPREC SXWFB I \ IN CiREC N consequence of tl\jmpending Crisis and have luadc, withdrawing their iistroasre fi | ?4ithi:rn and having, with tha utmoK repugnance, snrvq neglecting to rear up that cttorion Tor the sunn ed upon them, I have oonelutwt to show to the of Nazareth;" that there is stu notne balm in I the bleeding wound and whispcy word of consol Having just received the nyt STUPENDOUS ST ever exhibited to the public gaze, <v>ver iinttor them to COUNTRY MKRCI1 are in and the pnblic at large, at prices MVt^AoM'l For the conviction of unbelievers, iya tbos that, although a prophet has no honor itKis ?w world for competition, is obliged to succce^ evc field, is a dead halt. \ The annexed Items will afford * faint 't\,i AT CARE Tbo most extensive, REJID1T MJ1D Coats. bO and 73 cent?, and no words, Pants, 30 ? 76 " " " <* Vests, 40 " 76 " 44 " " Shirts, 60 " 75 ? ? " " Superfine Silk llate, - - - $2.00 Wool " - 40 Calf Skin Bool*, puperfine, - - 2.50 HOOP SKIRTS, 8 Tfoops, .... 50 11 - 70 15 ? .... 87 Together with a largo stock of Silk Dor Shawls, Trunks, Shirtings, Indigo, Nails, Crac mnnaius, Segars, Corn, Flour, Bacon, Bice, CO Whisky, Brandy and Wine, and a large lot of i The above MARKHD DOWN items, wkih not a-were phantom of the mind?an idle pilar word, oceans in o tear, and points, like the nee i/recnciHe at a lower price than in any Souther CARE'S STORE The highest Cash pric< CAM'S ST011E May 10 1 SPRING GOODS FOR1860. a.arei _ il I AM receiving a Lnrgc Stock of (1001)8, suitable for Spring ?'>d Summer Trade. M. iHWL??B?JI J which will be sold at IVry sf .. ?I r.ntr Price*. An inspection of the Stock is invited. April 5 4S-tt JOHN W. UBADY. Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. JUST received, a ftill line of Drcss (loons, for ladies and gentlemen, embracing all grades, from a very common to the txyt Fabrics kept in this market, among which is many of the novelties of the day. Also, a good lino of IVIiito Goods, Embroideries, Lace Woods, Ac.; Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ac; bleached and Drown Shirtings and Sheetings, Drilliugs, Tickings, Ac. For sale by April 6 4S-tf JOHN W. GRADY. Hardware, Cutlery, &c. QBK A GENERAIj assortment of Table pl'Siind Pocket CUTLERY, together willi tfy all descriptions of Shelf HARDWARE usually kept in this market: Also, Axes, Grain and Grass ScytbCs, Sncaths, Cradles, nnd Reaphooks, Spades and Shovels, Hoping, Trace Chains, Nails, Ac. Just received nnd for sulo by JOHN W. GRADY. April 5 48 tf Ready-Made Clolhing'. A FtJI.Tj Assortment of SUMMER CLOTHING, Coats, Vests, Pants, Shirts, nnd li inter ^Garments, Collars, Cravats, Stocks and Ties. Just received and for sale by April 6 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. BONNETS, /A A FULL Lino of Trimmed and tTntrimmed JIONNK'FS and FLATS, Kux?SC* chest Flowers, Wreaths, Ribbons, Ac. Just received and for salo by April 6 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. HA.TJ3. AVERY large Stock of Dress, Soft nnd Summer 11 ATS, for Men and lloys. Just received and for sale by April i 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. CARPETS, MATTINGS, Oil Cloths, &e. SOME handsome Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Attouians, Ac. Just received and for sale by April J 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. WALL PAPER. PIECES new and handsome patterns of Wall Paper, Rordcring, Window Shados, Fire-place Screens, Ac. Just received and for salo by April 5 48-tf JOHN IV. GRADY, WOODEN WARE. CIKDAK, varnish painted Ituckets, Well / Huokcts, Tubsand Heelers, Corn llrooins, Ac. Just received aud for sale by April 6 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. DRIJOH & PYE-STUFFS, WINDOW GLASS, Putty, Paints, Oils, a Ac. Just received and fur sale l>v J0I1N W. URADY. April 5 48 tf "WRITING PAPER, BLANK BOOKS. &C> LKTTEH an<l Cap l'spcr, Hlank and Memorandum Book*, Spelling Hunks, Inks, | tlold and Steel I'ens, Honnet Hoards, Ac. .Fast received and for salo hy April ? 48-tf J01IX W. ORAUY. BOOTN ANI> SHOES. A WELL asserted Stock of Ladies', Misses and Child's Hoots, Waiters, JInckskin and Slippers, heeled and unbeeted. Men's, Hoy'4, and Youth's Hoots and Shoes of arerjr variety. Just re?eire?' and for snle >>J IOHN WCKADY. April 5 48 a ' r;g ? a ,B B as )VC*iOg. so, ; Fresh Oysters; Spioed Oysters; PickTec T THIS )NFECTIONERY, ANSI ON DOUSE j,'- ' > tf " HID SAIilt 4S3 tU @ mPMi? INVITE. i the irauorlad moves ot>r Country Merchant i rorn the NWthuid encouraging COifinGKCG, yed the stagmm.firlds of Soathcrn entcrjwiae ly South which tjk Impending CriaUhas erewd World that (lomeUirljf good own stilf" c?mc ou Bilcad; that therein yet a phystela? to hca intion into the eara if my blooding countrymen OCK OF GOODS, tod from nny foreign hemisphere, I will offei favor of making (Ireeivilie their jO*. 0Mi? iR than can bo proeaiwdelther North or Srtntli e tiint doubt until they ?r and /eel, 1 will snj 11 country, yet u mcr?ba*t who challenges tin n if the whole world, like the sun on (Hbon'i Inure of what can be done S STORE. "Serb and complete ?j CLOTHIJYG. Shoes, line, elastic, - $1.00 Blippers, f Shoes, fancy and Hoc, 40 A 60 Men's o superfine, - 1.20 lloys < large siaes, - 60 SuiH-rfinKowc,l ?U1 shucg, ^ub becls 1.20 (First Quality.) 18 " \ . . . $1.26 80 " v _ . . 2.00 Dusters, - . 75 inets, Flats, Robes, \ngf CmbroltaS, IJnons kers, Jewelry. lVatcheXj?jg>ll),( lusors. Port >FFKE, SHU Ml, HObKSSilS, SALT, Rum articles too numerous to initio,, s thoy louder than thmpit tongues, an itazoc?but a reality that sp^ks *?lu,Uo? in i dlo to the jiolo, that (loeds omj,, , i t > II or rxorttiorn market, and, ?W,e'ai that* IS THE PLACE, ss paid for PRODUCE. ^ IS TIIE PLACE, tt Ladd, Webster & Go.1 (5l?5 SEWING MACHINES WHICH, For Beauty. nnd Simplicity of Construction and Kfllcicncy in Working, arc UNEQUALLED BY ANY. A Few of llic OTtiuy It.en.soi Wl?y those Machines ARE PREFERRED ABOVE AI.L others. 1. Tlicy arc so remarkably ?imttle in tin const mot ion. A child can operate them al understand their mechanism. 2. They arc the ?tr??</c?t Sewing Machin made. It is almost Impossible to break or g , them out of order. A. They arc ??,-? In their operation t finis ing work in a uniformly perfect manner. 4. They make a tiijhl luck itilck, alike hoth sides of the work, which cannot be \im velcd. 5. They stitch, hem, bind, fell, ran a gather, without bnxting. It. They sew equally well the lightest a heaviest fabrics. 7_ ........ ' 1? -?-? ?1 - out changing the tension or breaking tho Ant thread. 8. They in any Xo. of Cotton, Thread Silk, directly from the spool. 9. They uso a straight needle ; curved on are liable to break. It). The mwdle ha* a perpendicular mntii This is absolutely necessary for heavy work. 11. They hare a wheel (bed ; none others r in constant contact with tho work. 12. They run easily and aro almost noiselc lit. They are uot liable to oil the dress of t operator. 14. They do not rcqulro a screw-driver set the needles^ 16. They do not hare to be taken apart oil or clean. Itl. They do not form ridges on tho un< side of the work, nor ravel out, nor arc th wasteful of thread, as la tho ease with cliaiu-stitching machines. 17. Tln^y are cnpahki of doing n prcn range of work, anil in a more jicrfect mam tliau any other Hewiug .Machine. We warrant theso Machines, and vouch the recommendation of the above. OYER ?V PICKLE, AOK.VTP, GREENVILLE, 8. 0. April 19 60 1j SPOICESi AND UMBER WANTED. rpiIF. Subscribers want 100,000 b J#' White Oak and Hickory SPOKKS, I which they will pay a liberal Price, if i livurcd by the first of May next. ALSO,,... I a larjfc lot or Aon, Hickory, "White Oi i and various oilier kinds of'J'LANK, nil the BEST (JI'Al.lTY, wanted, for wlii ! we will pay a fair price for all that offe BEASONKh LUMBER preferred. GOWEU, COX. MAKKLKY A CO. Jan 12 3ft tl Modicines, &c. ^lilIF, ffuhseriber keeps on hand a Super I Assortment of mediciies, ramus, soai Most of the popular ' PATENT MEDICINES, BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKY, RUM It SI (For Meilieinal purposes.} As he piirp<u*s selling for Cash, ho offers 1 Article* oi I.nw Filters, l'lca?o call and ? amine for yourselves. J. tl. DEAN J i.. 2ft 3ft t tl ,V'2 I eft *I* . t ??. v? rr *? *\ gryiCTyi y jbrugs & |le^ciiieB. IWOUDD tafr^iuvpnlron#,an<ltbe?uh|io. y generally, that I li?v? recently laid 111 < trvsh supply or DKUOB, MKDICTN KS, and all J K other Articles usually kspt la a Drfcg Store. " ? Having made my purchases in person, I have a select stock of thfc best qualities of Drugs, Ac., that could be obtained in MdkcL I ln? tend to sell FOK CASH, ?<?? | I bought on good terms, 1 aui enabled to sell on saeh terms as cannot fail to pleas# purchasers. > I would invito Physicians of tbs country to give me a call when they visit to buy their Drugs. I will insure satislaction, both la regard to prices and qualities of Dregs. I have constantly on hand all tlio most ap- C i iiii-mi'ii ? ro'vu nr.mi.ui,!!, A ^cl^ot Stock of s,s^?,s-uiasse.?Es- ? Rwcet Oil, hy the Bottlo of dullou. . tl Best Sulud Oil. A select stock of the boot Soap,. Concentrated Lye, for making Reap. A tine collection of Porftunoric*. i Hair Brushes, Sharing Brushes, Tooth c Brushes, Ac. v> ri Rlioolder Braces for Boys, (lirls, dents ami v Ladies. Flavoring Satracts?-?frosh. Cooper nn<l C<>*'? Uoliutine. Rtnreh, Dining, Ac. Window disss and Putty. , Ono hundred Trusses?all sorts and sir.os. ' No. 1 article of Alcohol. / Schnapps, best London Porter, Brnndios, I Wines, din, Hiuu mid Whisky, of the best <|uaU , ities, for Medicinal purposes. A good assortment of Dentni Forceps; T.ant eets ; every variety of Syringe; Breast Pipes: " 1 j Nipple Shields; Nursery Bottles, Ac., Ac. All . Low roit Cash, at J. II. DEAN'S < Dmu Stour. . ! tW CALL AND SEEFOR YOURSELVES. Feb 2 39 tf ' | EIC9BRAGISiTMl CtllMEBCE! , Long, Goodlett & Co. I 3 ' "I) ESPKCTFIJLLY inform the cilitcns of ? # jLV drceuville District, that they arc now 5 receiving a Full STOCK OF tlOODS in their J line, nil of which were S PURCHASED IN CHARLESTON, ' AMI WHICH TilKV WILL 8KLI. AT Lower Prices Than Usual! The Stock consists, in part, of Blenched hnd Brown Shirtings and Shootings ' A lurge variety of Prints, ofjiTfcot importation, from 6 (<t) 12i coats per yard Linen and Cotton Diapers, Linen Drills ? .m.vj vmnnim mm nmonam'B 1'laiii White 8wi?? and Dotted Muslins Solid Bareges, Mohair Lustres Black Silk Mnntillas. Embroidered Collars llnroge Mantillas, white and colored lloop Skirts, of various kinds, among which will bo found some of 7 Springs, GO cents; 89 Springs, 92.60 ? And all the other Articles necessary to comi, prise a general stock of Dry Goods., A swipiptt.^ ?i? i , Hals, Caps, Hoots, Shoes, 1 GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Ac., Ac, , We nre.confident of the fact that wo can ?f. ford to sell our Goods at pricey,that will Coininund tlio attention of the public, nud wo ros poet fully solicit an examination of our Stodk. LONG, UOODLEtT A CO. 1 March 8 44 tf T. W. DAVIsi ^*icUcal Watchmaker & Jeweler, GREENVILLE, S. C. C*a 1IL calls attention to his splen- 1 did stock of M ATCHES AND If / S? .111 wKI.UY, which is of the very I ' ^JlV JHI ..until* tl. I... .1- ? * I I Articio" ?f Watchca that hua ever J J been olK-rod fir sale in this market, nml hia stock coihiiriaon \h? finest English and Swiss Chronometer, imii also the fine magic Wnteh, '? nml the celebrated Joseph Johnson li-vcr, nnil tiic Juliua .lorgunsoii Watch, nml all otter fine tnukea. The above Watches are in fino Hold nnd Silver Cases, Hunting, and Open Kne?, nil of whlehhe will Warrant to keep the best of ttye. JBWBLFIY. "He hu* a great variety of J KWELRY, of the | Intent styles. Ho deeina it needleaa to mention the articles of Jewelry but anys ho tins got everything you need. :;r ile will keep soon, od Silvor and Plated Ware, Suitnbl* to the mnrkct. REPAIRING, I,. AUkimla of HEl'AlKINll ilone in Watches, Cloeka and Jewelry in n workmanlike manlier, nn ami nt the shortest notice. rn Ilia Shop mny be found nt the (loodlett House. 42-tf Pel. 23 j/Fiii i vlli HI'JUICATIUWS. 11,1 jp i ji f"! I DR.JOHN ANDERSON or TITOULI) respectfully inform tho citixcus y\ of Orcenville that ho has taken l>r. j ion's Rooms, and is prepared to attend to hi* Profession, in nil the brunches, with dis>n. i'atch. Those residing in tho country will give dnu notice before coining, so as to avoid being in> disappointed. 21?tf Oct 20 ORR 8L PRICET h0 ATTORNEYS A? L AW, to GREENVILLE, S. C. jamka t.. nun p. rntck, to May 18 1^ tf i? SADDliE & HARNESS M A N U E A C T O K V , I d TIIK subscriber would respectfully , r inform the public generally that ho icr contiliaes the above Business, Tiro> oh. ire I In- (/reeuciltc Ifntcl, nud is prepared to furnish customers with any description for of 1IOMK MANl'EACTURKD SADDLER. Carriage, Boggy and Wagon HARNESS made to order, and in tlie best stylos, -BRIDLES, WHIRS, Ac., on baud, and for sale CllEAR. *0!" Saddles and Harness HERA IKED at short notice. A. M. (ilLllEATlI. March 2U 47 ly, i wv,wuw u?s. itag? wanted . AS K J. A. PEARSON &C0.7S TIN SBOP, 0REENV1LLK, S. C. , "\\TK will cxehnnge Tin Wan, Domestic*, of T T Prints, Shoes, lints, Ac., for ft A <W nt icFi cuh prices. Thankful for past patronage, wo ra. hope to merit a continuance of the same. J. A. PKAR80X'* CO. April 19 60 ' tf_ __ Crockery and Ulanware. A FULL assortment of China, Granite and Common Ware, Glassware, Ac. Just received ami for sale hy ior April 5 4H if JOHN W. OKADY. kn SOMETHING NEW. 'X T)l'RE LEMON JUICE, in pint bottle* U? A Fresh Lemons, 40 etc. per doxen f'resh Dried Figs?" very cheap " Champagne, Pirrter ami Alo N Fresh Candies and Popping Kisses 1 New Layor, Raisins, Citron, Currant* Finoked Herring. Nuts, Almonds his All the nbove to be hud VERY LOW. at ,x. liRVCH SMTT11'8, Opposit* T. B. Robkuts' Now Stor??. f May J 611 it m 1 . ? . " liilBiii IMiff lw? j ffe tWo JtST RECEIVED a fine Stock of mPlBANDFANCT DRY GOODS, .. Which, for Quqlity qqO CV)eQpi)C33 ? (wo think,) * ^ CANNOT BE SURPASSED, a o ? ? If you wish to secure the greatest BARIAI&S wo have over offered, CALL EARLY. < Wo do not consider it necessary to fnnmoato Articles or Prices, as every body knows bat wo keep always a LA1UJK ilTlili! ' ii our line, at n* MODERATE PRICES as "1 an beaffordod. Therefore wo say, ** 13 Uixus l ?DIGIE AM,! And examine, iiiul hoc if wlial we ray bo no. O We have also fur nolo, A C Octave IfVelodeon, | n perfect order: a 5 OCTAVE PAIlIR MADE ' iI.EXANRRK PA HI.OR OH CIU'HCH Oili AN,.and two good second-hand PIANOS. W. H. HOVEY. April 5 43 tf Wheeler & WiUon's * t 5EAYLNG MACHINES. THESE Machine* have taken tlio premium J at all Fair*, when there ha* been any competition, nnd in St. I,otii*, last fall, received the iiigheet priso for useful family iuventiona, a Silver Pitcher. ' r Refer to Rev. J. A. Brondus, and Rev. James t P. Royee, Greenville, S. C. PRICES. . ' Sewing Machine*, Plain Centre Tahle,..$ 60 00 J a 44 lv v r?x VSnt.kA^ W? ftrt I 1 " " linlr Case finished,... DO 00 ' " " ' Full Mahogany Case 105 00 ' " " Rosewood " 121 00 ' [Ictutncr? I 50 I'riecs uniform, with charges for freight Vom harleston, 8. C..ouly. Needles, Thread, Mid Mctalic Spools on hand to ?uit purchasers. KDGEUTON, IITCIIARDS A CO., Agents for South Carolina. I W. 11. WAT80N, * Agent for Greenville, 8. C. April 19 50 10 wr -vr SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, roi^iseo. > , r itllE subscriber respectfully informs his 1 friends nnd customers, that he is now receiving AX EXT 1 UK NliW 8TOCK OF SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, CONSISTING OK Fancy nnd Staple Dry floods, Bonnets and Flats, Hats nnd Chps, Boots and Shoes, and Lots of Clothes, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Ac., ' All of which will be sold at tho LOWEST PRICES. jfeff IMoaso call nnd examine before pur chasing elsewhere. CU AS. MERRICK. April 12 4'J it jb^ jn:mi ?.a L^MMO-e fl^TIE rainy season hoff coinc, when it is very 1 unpleasant, indeed, for those that have Leaky Hoofs, Chimneys, Gutters, Ac., and being uwnri that there are a great many Hoofs of Tin. Shines, Ac., that are in a leaky condiI tion in this vicinity, I have taken up iny residence here 01014. you, for the purpose of ear| ryingon a General Hoofing llusincss, with LcNlor'H Sheet Hoofing, An artielo destined to supersede Tin, Shingles, and other material now uied for that purpose. It hns the rescinblanee of sheet lend, with as good qualities as that material, being both fire ami water proof, and very durable, and what is very much needed here, an urticle that is eheaper in all respects. It is not only adapted for Houses, but ltailroad Cars, Cabs, .Steamboat Decks, Ac., and can be used to Walk upon, as when it is put in and finished, ilbcaomes very hard and smooth. It is also fire proof. Wo hare it in use 011 Locomotivo Cabs, Steamboat Decks, Ac., where fire is constantly dropping upon it. It does not affect it iu the least. I warrant nil Hoofs water tight, and not to blow off, or I make no charge. Tho Coinent that is used with the Sheet Hoofiing, is also inadc for old Tin or Iron Hoofs, and when paint cd with t Wll CtlitU rtf tliia mntoriul I ? 4 perfectly tight, or no charge made, mid will last for years after. It is much better than anything else used, as tho contraction or expansion of Tiu or Iron will no* affect it, noither the hent or cold. Those having Roofs to cover anew, or old Tin rr Iron ones to bo made tight, will plonse give ino a call. They shall bo satisfied that what I say is correct. Letter* addressed to mo at Greenville, or or* dors left at the Mansion House, will rnoct with prompt attention. (j. W. CA8TLK. JanJRl 3ft tf e 2 -f fhA| j| b ? S n ? 1*1 < < M iSi ? * s tgw ? 0} I x ' h 8'S |i'53 Cm 3 ? S ?? *3 ? ? ? ? ? s* P " ;3 ? | S g 11 tSsis.a f.i i ? l? & 5 * *=- 1 I * " ? JUST RECEIVED, A GOOD LINK OF White and Red Cheeked CABTi FLOOR MffliSGS. FOIt SALE CHEAP. CALL AT BEATTIE & PULLIAK'8. May) ? 4 / / %4 A. SOMMICKS raussssjis at that ha roeaatly had his STOKE cnlargad, id baa jttat MP**4 aad bow offers for aato, TS^blMBtT A WD BUST RWI.BCTKB minium m * o has aver before exhibited iu Ihie mafkot, nsiaUng, flprtly, of nuoier Silk*, Frenoh Orgitndier, Challioa neUna, Jaconets, Prints, I?onjc Cloth* obee, Parage*, Parasols, l)o?Ur*, llooiis onnnetg, Plata, aad UUek Silks, nd a variety of GOODS generally kept in ryOooda Store*. Z^iTiRt.0p * ? A WELL SELECTED SIOCK nE jENT'S AND Y OTJ1 T'S Ready-Madff Clothing. HOOTS AND SHOES, I ATS ANB CAPS, . mmNTBLs, UBPOAUifts- trawunrir ETC., ETC. ym.i?Imsmo?9 (JJB &MILY HHIES & [IB, 0^33 as as&s 5?o^; AT v A. SOMMERS'. jar CASH PAID FOll ALL KINDS ?/ riiODUCE.-r&C. April 5 48 tf ? ? ".' 1 1 t Southern Independonco l ,OOK WELL TO TIIE* SOUTH!! ro Withdraw yourNortl.ern Patronage! AND you effect more than all the speeches r\ made in Congress. and wUlenuso Aboliiouism, Ultraistn, Fanaticism, and all tho otbr isms, to feel, and that xorionsly, too, tlioir epundcnce on Southern Commerce, and Will Beet a radical change Boon er nad more poworI than all tho political harangues in Cbristenom. Kncouragc Southern Industry, Southrn Enterprise, Boutborn Manufactures, and, bovo all, Southern Independence, and call on D. F. West & Co., ' And you can get Goods VERY LOW FOR CASH, inJ on very reasonable and accommodating erinfl from nmmi?f iiuv!ii? nu??n?..o? Wc arc now receiving from Charleston a arge addition to our present stock, comprising i general assortment of everything usually ccpt in a country store, frhick we offer to soli in the most reasonable terms. IVo will tnko 'rodnj.o, as well as Cash, in exchange for our loodL*. D. P. WEST CO. Plain, Greenville, S: C., April 3. * ,48-tf L B! AUSTIN IMBttOTIPISfr RESPECTFULLY Informs the cliiseiu or Greenville and surrounding country, that ho has taken 1100MS IN' McBEETS HALL; Where lie Is prepared to toko PICTURES in every styki of the Art, and will l>c happy to Wait on all who desire to possess one of hu Beautiful Specimens. Being token on French llloss, they are not subject to rust, and ore warranted not to Tado, ^ Call at unto, oud procure a Picture warranted to give satisfaction, as his stay is limited.. Ainbrotypes hi Brooches, Medallions, Kings, Ac., inserted at short notice. Rooms open at 8 o'clock and close at 5 n',l....V J..Slw U...V li Tinning, Guttering, ?*333 sysearaai?. T1IE subscribers inform the public that they will continue the above Business at tbn Stand lately occupied by LOVELAND A CUAXDLE1L All kinds of , TKVBCHK" WOX?,Ift.9 Hoofing and Guttering, will bo done cheaply and promptly. Tlicy will keep constantly en hand a superior Assortment re.ajss: wAas for Wholesale and Uctail, anj will take in exchange for their Work, Country Produce, Rags, Pewter, Old Copper, Beeswax, Ae. They resprotfully bespeak a share of the public patronage. J. A. PKARSON A CO. (4 Doors below the Ooodletl House.) Mareh 16 7 tf FOR SALE. Three Houses and Lots, iyu*s-~ ?k WHICH are eligibly situatcd, and paying a good interestH'^WtuL?ALL NEW?-may be bad on B*tJBfi?ta&rvcrv reasonable terms, plied for soon. The owner wishing to invest? the proceeds of sale in other baeincss ha is t-n- . gaged In, is the only roasotf why he has a disposition to dispose of the property. Also, for sale, a VACANT LOT. Enquire <at this Oflico for particulars. Mareh 8 t 44 tf YOUNG STEELE. a-A THIS THOROUGH-BRED Awji STALLION will stand the ensuing Scnson at the following p 1 acc s-, vis : Commencing at*81 'Prince A fireor'sStable, Oreenrille C. IL, March 10th, 11th, and 12th; atl>r. Manning Austin's, 13th andlJth; at J. T. Dennett's, 15th and ltlth; and John Charier.', 17th and ISth, and will attend regularly at each place very ninth day. Sec Bills. J. L. A Z. L. WESTMORELAND. March 16 46 tf - FOR RENT, . ??< UNTIL the first day of January jj, noxt, at $200 per annum, ill TUP STORK HOUSE on Main strcst, Greenville, S. C., recently occupied by Mavliiim A Liixo. C. A. MAUL DIN, Adm'x, de honi? no*, of 8. Mawldin, doc'd. Miirrh 1 43 tr PRIVATE BOAKDlTC8 THE Subscriber {(prepared to oocnminodato several YOltN? (IBNTLEMBN with )I()ARI> and LOIX9INU. Ilia rmidnnce it4 within J 00 yards of the Theological Seminary^' and Convenient to the hnalncaa portion of town, ' t^ine about SAO yards east of the Conrt limine. Families desiring Iloardceo also bo dated. Rate* reasonable. Feb 0 40-t/ R. W. STO?**. HOUSE P A IN T I Mi. . _ _ fT^HE subscriber in prepared to KXKPVHf I promptly all ordure for HOUSE PA 1*TJLK6>: ^ upon the most reasonable terms. t. c. qoitpn.. & ; Anvil 19 J9 ,M| ] ?t ,yf?