University of South Carolina Libraries
" V. ; ? .* - %""UI X-< nwme-.-KJr? mmmmmtmrnAmmmaammmm ^ f * : .? FOt . avast amou Can be Saved March 22 &s1p ? *? CA SSI I nxAiN s< OPPOSITE JOH1 ALL Klj GrROCX AT LOW PRTC3 I1T THANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, I SOL M*rnh IS I ?i. i ' ... ... JACK AND JEANNETTE; H ?*wr tflETirY (BDXO T D WS? * WITH THE OLD MAN'S ADVICE. BY L. OARR Author of " R?mi>tijWr Wh?r?* Ac., Ac. T I sir ([ for away, for awn?, my dear Jeannette, And ?Mre-U no one to remember, and you too may forgot; Ant If you'll seloet for tnc a suit of Clothing, at OA KH'S Store, It will .i"?. cat ore to remember, and forgot you never mor.. It will hssDl ma to :e anler, and forget yon noTor more. 2 ' Ynn'd better, my dear Jack, gn to Carr'n gnurtr/f, And soleCt for n?j that pretty Dress I saw upon his alioir; And when you have wandered far?gene to a foreign shore. It will assist me to remember, and forget yon never more? It will assist me to remember, and forget you never more. 3 Yon'd better, my dear Jeannette, whom I so much adore, Pntnn iinrl ? mw ?!.!? ?b *- ** uvnu MJJ ui i niuu, Will to ruling 10 ine store. 80 with tho gangers in their pockets, the jag by thoir side, They were closely jiimmed together, while to Curr'i they took a ritle? Phey were closely jammed together, while to Carr't they took a ride. . :.;4 When to areenrillo they did come, they hoard a tremendous yell A little monkey shunting, "Any thing to sell?" How wisely they did answer, " With yon wo trade . no more, For the only place to get bargains, la atCarr'a Cheap 9 Cash"Btore. For the only place to get bargains, is at Carr's Cheap Cash Store. 5" ..... rf nan m? mijiiviM nor ISonnrt. ?nl tar his Cravat, They embraced each other-"-hut why rpcak of that? At the next corn-shucking there wax rumor from afar 'Th>U Jack and Xetta got spliced in the Cloth they bought of Cnrr? That Jack and Xettc got spliced in the Clpth they , bought of Carr. . 6 I>aya h?Tc parsed, and runk Into decay. And Peter's growing old?his hair is turning gray : Ills parting admonition will be, when Jordan he parses o'er, Whene'er you go to Greenville, stop and trade at Carr'a Store? Whene'er you go to Greenville, stop and trade at Carr'a Store. Greenville, P. C., March 31, IPflO. 4IMf % ajr csrmtso cmr. rott '?> o jar o 5a 5n iw ca a, A^.D /tl CISrASESi.F THE URINARY ORGANS. ' I''Hiss Remedy cnrcs when nil other preparations | I fail. Tt l? entirely unlike every other mmp?;>nd ; containing no mineral poison or nauseous .!' !? ag it in prepared *<>|ely froir. Hunts, Barks v.d Loaves, and been handed down, frotn one rjpciitaou to uu tb- r, hy the Cherokee Indians. It i- 'I.T.d in th. putt lie-on its own intrinsic merits. It perforins its duty quickly And thoroughly. The ui.f climate, of . ithcr sex, will lie repaid hy using this Remedy, in-tend of placing themselves at the tttrr.-y of soms <iua> k or Professor. This Remedy *4r?1 tit the very Root of the disease ; its tendency is not ' Mr ?o Oi?s-iit the poiaon, h??t to remove the cause on which it depends. Pull directions In pamphlet form, accompany each h*ttlo. The speedy i end permanent relief afforded by this Remedy, in oil cases of fiooorrhiEa, (Jlrct, (travel, 4 1 ..1 i?ri Vlnmr Sites /VPUls? ?- ? - - ... - y.. ...vr? in remote*,) kn<1 II diseases of the I'rimrjr Organs, hits ostonishod i'ir mmt scientific men of tho sge. This Remedy not only eradicates ell poison fmin the system, bat invigorate* the most delicate con*titution. It does not affect the breath or interfere with any clw* of business, or ro?|uiro any deviation from the naval <lict. It requires no assistance from any other mcdiolnc. * And what enhance* its value, is tlic entire absence of all nauseous taste, being a pleasant and delicion* <tv row. a* Price $2 per Bottle, or three Bottle* for (3. _ . POTTER A MKItWIN, Sole Proprietors, Ht. Louis. Mo. Bold In Oreenvillo by Fi*her k Ileinitsh; ;o Hvheack A Orlsrsnn, Charleston, Wholesale' J, u-nt#, and all responsible dealers in Medicine* in i b< South. April IS 4V ly PRIVATE BOARDINO. rpilK Awbserlher is prepared toeeeojninodate *er"1 oral YOVN? (1KNTLKMRN with 110AR1> id I.OPOINO, His residence 1* within 100 yard* of the Theological Betnlnary, and oonrenlcnt to the nstnoM portion of town, being about 200 vafds a*t of the Coart House. Fauiilies desiring Board 1*0 also be accommodated. Kate* reasonable. j Ml ** ? H W. ttTOXE. j lb _ ^ i # fl T HIi fm&* NT OF SPECIE by Trading at ?s? ip vyr (jj# S* ? TR"E3BT, * W. GRADY'S. KDS OF i?M (^fia { HBESB -i5aSA?2 SXUES) ES FOR CASH. ICIT A CONTINUANCE OF T11E SAME. 4ft tf T. W. DAVIS, Practical Watobmnker & Jeweler, GREENVILLE, S. O. nr? HE calls attention to his splendid ^VQ'to'k of WATClfKS and JEWELRY. (r / which is of the very host finality. '. jgiH" has the finest Article of Watches that Las over been offered for sale in this market, and his stock comprises the finest English and Swiss Chronometer, and also the fine roadie Watch, and the celebrated Joseph Johnson Level , anil the Julius Jurgcnsnn Watch, and all other fine makes. ThA above Watches aro in flno Cold and Silver Cases, ITuntine. and Open Faco, all of which ho will warrant to keep the host of time. JEWES3L.R.Y. He hie a (treat varioty of JKWKLRY, of the latest styies. He dooms it noedlrsa to mention the articles of Jewelry, but snys.h# has got everything you need. He will keep soon, ISilwAe on fl DlntnJ V17 *% MI1TU4 CVJL& M A iaivu YT UlU) Suitable to the market. REPAIRING, All kinds of REPAIRING done In Watches, Clock* and Jewelry in a workmanlike manner, and ' at the shortest notice. ~-f!~ His Shop may be fonnd at Ihc Ooodlott Houso. Feb 23 42 tf E.lVJO\KS, : ATTORNEY AT l?AW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY,, a. c. Office East aido of Court Ilouae Square, where he may be found daily, from 9, A. M., to 2, P. M. Jan 10 37 1y orrT&T priced ATTORNEYS O LAW, GREENVILLE, S. C. J*Urt T. OR*.... ...W. P. PRICK May It ' 1 . tf REED &. GOODLETT,ATTORNEYS AT LAW, iXI) SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. {IT Office next door to F. F. Beattit db Co. GUEKNVILLE, 8. C. j. p. used ,b. d. eooDLrrr. June 4 4 tf * h sr J * rt n' 2 era ^2 8' r| 8 jfg?' ? ^ o ? * . S>? ? S ?*3 2 9 2?z ri. o H - 5 ? w ilk S 9 ah I 1 ?4 |s4m 3* S Is.f? ^ i .~t S 6k?i| h 0 ts C5 3 g ^ W fjS| O * *!!?8 h;jO SSfff ? *41 35>l? ? S = * ?. 3 _ If 111 ? -5?1"^ 3 fcaj ^ I f?2 2 y f | | g; - t^i .? ~s' 2 ? . ? a P/?k ? - 5 ~ ? - g ' sr PNotico. ALL perron* having demand* nrninit the K-tot? of i)i? late I)r. W. H. ALLEN, notified to pri-eent them, duly nttOHtcd, to tho ?ub- | eoribor. Perrons" indebted to tbo said E*lato are notified to make immediate payment. * A. R.McDAVID, t^uuiified Executor. Jan IS 36 tf ^pnmldiiiK'n I'rt pniTd USEFUL. Iff EVERY HOUSE. ITS LI'ID, and ready for uac all'the time, and aa ktroug aa Cabinet Maker*' glue. i'riee, pgr buttle and trush, 23 cent a. l-'nr aalo by J. it. SHERMAN, Agent. 1 17 tf TlIir]\SSKMBi.Y 110USK, (Mr S,pmrr Writ of (Mr Pont Oflict, IT /*\ it \>r 85 :i' ia ia i* tf , COLUMBIA, S. C. THIS well known K*tab|i*hment has been thoroughly re fitted and improved, and ia now permanently opened for the accommodation of the rublie. Every attention will lie given tornpply the tt'antd Alltl ( -f f? .* ? - " ?XI I ?mm?. ,^viiaies Modorate. O. T. MASON, Proprietor. Dee 8 3) tf DENTAL, OPERATIONS. DR JOHN ANDERSON WOI.'l<I> respectfully infnrm Hie ritiaene of (lreonTille that ho baa taken Dr. Aluk'ii Hour*, ami la prrpnrod to attend to Ma Profeaalon, in all the branches. with dispatch. Thoae residing in lie country will giro duo notice before coming, ao aa to avoid being diaappointed. Oct 20 24 tf TOWN TAXE8.~ STREET EXEMPTIONS, and all other Taxes now due, will have to ho paid Immediately, or defaulters will be Itahlo to a DOl'BliK TAX. Thoao interested would do well to eall upon the Clerk of Council and aettle the name. W. P. PRICE, Town Clerk. Peb 3 30 tf rpiIR undersigned giro* notice to all peraona lnA dehted to him, that hi* AW?. flunk* and AeeoNafr are in the hende of R. p. JONKH, hia Attorney, for collodion. Call and aettlo without mat. JAMES D. II11,1,. Dee I 91 tf 'f~ * '* * ' V' 'M v ' " *. -14?j j' j& i' ...J- -lii SII?IS I I V V % ? TV f.. -: 'T C CAST STEEL PLANTATION HOES, Tl MANUFACTURED expressly lor JyA ; us, and to patterns furnished by ourselves. They are made, blade and shank, *out of orto piece of the very best quality and temper of Cast Steel, and liave strength of blade and length of handle to suit our Southern farming. The success of this article lias brought various IMITATIONS into the market, but The Genuine Cast Steel Hoe IS 80LD ONLY BY T IJ CII17PU1AT k. i? V. MJ. UllJUlViU/111 , GARDENING TOOLS. SPADES, HOES, HAKES, TRO WELS, PRUNING SIIE:A ItS, LINE REELS, and everything else in this line, on hand and to arrive soon. J. B. SHE KM AN, Agent. Wo are mnuufrtetnrinc Elliott's Celebrated Spring Bed. 1)hey are all that can 1>? desired. Comfortable, cheap and durable. Call nnd 6eo them. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. A large lot of those first-rate IronWheel Wheelbarrows, jnst completed. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. THE ORIENTAL m COFFEE-POT. <5-=? Wo are manufacturing, under ?52'authority from the Patentees, m THE ORIENTAL 3 e?fPiE-P!)T? which beats the Old Dominion, j e=g and all other styles, " clear out of [Higlit," while i4 is sold at but litm'tie more than the common-coffeeggi^lf you love GOOD COFFEE, ?=5 i try an Oriental. gg| J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. PICTURE FRAMES. We are propured to put up ull kinds and styles of Gilt and Hosowood Picture Frames, ns cheaply as they, can be purchased in Charleston. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent.' FURNITURE. v vtw y.? arc con9trtntly re ceiving additions to our Stock, end have just effected arrangements with an extensive Manufactory, which will enable us to oner it at much lower priceg tlmn ever. We intend to keep as good an assortment as the market demands, and to sell it lower than it can he procured from either Charleston or Columbia. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. wtxr r a n ted to ALARM CLOCKS. warranted to keep good time, and to wake you up at any time of the night or morning that you wish. Price, $1.75. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. W ALL PAPERING. a n\nr*OMF, assortment or WALL PAPERING, BOUDERISQ, FIIIK SCJtEEXS* WIN J>0 W SHADES, ! just received end for sale by J. 13. SHERMAN, Agent. STliiSCIFES UTEBiSMFiC VMS. ' A good assortment of Stereoscopes, some as low as $1.50, and a verv large and unusually choice selection of View* just received. K EKOSEN?~L AXFS. "We have just opened a new lot with an Improved Sliirncr, the l)eat we havo ever had. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Everything in the Housekeeping line, from a $100 Cooking Stove to a five cent Tin Cup, may l>e found at the Store of J. B. Sherman, Agent, GREENVILLE, S. O. March 19 47 IT >j . m Lit ii . - -rfrir?if-?-i'f - r mn n nn i n m i iwy, i f "e H T?VF Drs. Long & Burnham, THANKFUL for the kind patron aga of tlielr Oieodi for tha post year, would reapactfUliy solicit tba same for tbapraaanL Parsons wishing ta buy GENUINE ARTICLE8, would do well to?call and examine our Stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS OTLB, VA ItNJWlKS, D YE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, Fancy Article*, Ac. 'ONE DOOR BELOW HARRISON A LONG'S SHOE BTORS. IF YOU WANT Fine Shaving Soaps, Washing Soaps, Glycerine Soap, Brown Windsor Soap, Colgate's Soap, French Soups, Opodel* doc Soap, Castile Soap, Thompson's Soap, Lubin's Soap, or any other kiud of Soap, or a Box of Potash, to make your own Soap, YOU WILL FIND IT AT Long* & Burnham's Drug Storo. IF YOlfWANT Fine COLOGNES, Fine TOILET WATERS, Labin or Olen'e EATRACJS and ESSENCES, HAIR POMADES, HAIR OILS, HAIR BRUSHES, Or any preparation for improving the Hair, Tooth or Skin, CALL AND LOOK AT Long & Burnham's Assortment. IF YOUlVANT TO I3TJY MY PATENT MD ESOWI. You can get it, at the maker** price, from LONG A BURN'HAM. IF YOU WANT A GOOD ARTICLE OF Bread Soda, Cream Tartar, Starch, Indigo, Madder, Saffron, Borax, Whiting, Glue, Sulphur, Alum, Copperas, Linseed Oil, White Lead, Train Oil, Lamp Oil, Sweet Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Alcohol,*Scidlitz Powders, Yeast Bowders, Large Window Glass, Putty, Ilotten.Stone, Bath Bricks, OR ANYTHING ELSE Usaslly kept in a DKL'U STORK, yon can. buy it it a FAIR PRICK from our Establishment. We call Particular Attention To all Preparation* uiade by u*. We make them of an uniform strength, and from (ho ' PUREST. MATERIALS. Country Physiclaps will find it to their advantage to call and examine our Stock and Prices. LONG & BURNHAM, Okk Loon Above C. Stohk. Feb t 30 tf ROOFIIVC^ ! ROOPINO ! THE rainy season has come, when it is very unpleasant, indeed, for those that have Lcuky Roofs, Chimneys, Onttars, Ac., and being aware that there ara a great many Roof* of Tin, Shingles, Ac., that are in a leaky condition in this vicinity, I have taken up my residence here among you, for the purpose of carrying on a GENERAL ROOFLNU BUSINESS, with Lester's Kliect Roofllng, An articlo destined to snperscdo Tin, Shingles, and other material now used for that purpoee. It has the resemblance of sheet lead, with as good qualities as that material, being both fire and watot proof, and very durable, and what is very much needed here, an article that is cheaper in all res|*ects. Itia not only adapted for Houses, hut Rnilroad Cars, Cabs, Steamboat Berks, Ac., and can he used to walk upon, ns whon it is put in and finished, it becomes very hard and smooth. It Is also fireproof. Wo have it in use on Locomotive Cabs, Bteamhoat l>ecks, Ac., where fire is constantly dropping upon it. It does not affect it in the least. I warrant all Roofs water tight, and not to blow off, or I make no charge. The Cemuiit that is used with the Sheet Rootling, is also mad* for old Tin or Iron Roofs, and when painted with two ooaUof this materia), I warrant perfectly tight, or no charge made, tun! will last for years after. It is much bet tor than anything olso need, a* tlie contraction or expansion of Tin or Iron will not affect it, neither tho heat or cold. Those having Roofs to eovor anew, or old Tin or f roiaonee to ha made tight, will please give me a call. Thoy ahull be satisfied that what I sue ia correct. Letters addressed to me at Greenville, or orders left at the Mansion llouso, will meet with prompt attention. U. W. t'ASTI.K. Jan ?6 2? tf (Jonorrlicra and Gleet Cnrc. 8B m Tii* very best renfedy In tli# world for the cura of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Ac., Ac. , -p.# J-i-i?i -i ^ ?..?? miu unuft ?imi yon pienaf. q > Full direction*, with a ?hort ae^ count of the disease, accompany each ? ^-4 bottle. g W At the sem? time " rna cvaa " is a H>1 most excellent remedy iu Chronic Jje O Colds, Coughs, Ac. Q ^ 1 H It does not produce Sick Stomach, i or injur* the constitution in any way. j " Tli* Cur* " is entirely Vegetable. ^ I ^ Manufactured and for sals by pri 1 ?5 J. D. BRUCE * CO., ^ O Kuwbsrry, S. O. Q o For aal* In Greenvill* ky . o r3 A nd by all respectable Druggist* throughout th? State. Feb ? 5a Z-fa MUJ puu vuqj40a0|!| "shaving^" Hair Trtminiug, Drcwii|, Dying, AND RAZOR SETTING AND SIIAMrOOINO. At TUN Second Door Above Mr. McFherton'g, M;yjWlU80r? COOK. llulr Dremlng aud Nlinvlng. BURRIDUE continue* the TONSORJAL bnaine?a at hi* Old Stand, In Heat tie'* Brick Building. where he I* read/. during the da/ and evening, to Share the Beard and Cat Hair and Shampoo the Head. He reepertfull/ a*** a oontlouatieu of palionaf*. tf J Si Oet i ?19 e. , . " P. BUSTY. LOVELAND'8 BUILDING, GREENVILLE, 8, C., . T) KSPHOTFAI I.liY iafonui the public Miienlly XV thai he hH on hand tan assortinSnt of Boots, Shoes, Brogans, &c. WELL ADAPTED TO Till MARKET. && In the assortment will be foand Ladies, Misses' and Children's Gaiters and Shoes of many kinds. Gentlemen's, Youths' and Boys' Boots, Gaiters and Shoes. Ditcher's Boots, an exoellont article. Broj^ans of all sisos and most durable make. In fact, as full f n assortment of Articles in his line as oan be foand in any establishment in a town of the same slse. He also respectfully asks an examination of his Prices for Cash, satiafled that his Goods are offered At the Lowest Possible Figure. Potions in want of anything; of the kind will rvln?s. - tl ? ALSO, OJf IIAND, . A Good Slock of leather, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ea?T aso shoe making, This branch of his business is slill carried on under his personal supervision, and everjr care will be taken to guarantee satisfaction to those who patronIre him. Nov 10 27-tf JOHN W. GRADY, ~~ DEALER IN FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, RE A n >" .VA DE CI. O THIS ft, HOOTS AXD SHOES, HOOK'S A.\l> STA TtOSEK Y, DRt'GS A I) YRSTUFFS. HANDWARE A CUTLERY, WOODEX WA HE, GROCERIES, OR AIX, COUXTRY PRODUCE, Ac., orrosrrx the new court hot-sk, oj? maix aTa?rr, CiltEENVILLE, S. C. Jan 10 37 ly ft o-a ZL, ?.?whbj? 2 r I, . , 1 fSlS ? = H C- . ' JD lr-^%2 2, P5 *i 11 _ [ I a imMS 3 | * 5SES5 pps ^ t[j| ^ 10? ges ? i ^ fees W ?5 J 2*jps* &H! |3 WAGON MAKING AND REPAIRING. TI1K subscribers respectfully inform tho public that they intern! currying on the busini'sw of j WAGON MANUFACTURING, and WAGON and I BUGGY REPAIRING, in tho town of Grounvillo. Tho beat of Timber will bo used, and tho work wai*ranted-to be well done. Mr. POOL, who will superintond the work, is a workman of considerable experience, having learned the business under the host workmen at tho Carriage Factory of Metiers. Gower, Cox, Markloy A Co. All work will be douo upon tho most rcasonablu terms, and on short notice. A share of patronage respectfully solicited. WANTED. A lot ef SEASONED LUMBER wanted, for wbtoh a fair price wiil be paid. J. A. T0WNE8. W. P. POOL. W. A. TOWNES. Greenville, February 3, 1880. It BLACKSMITH ING. b The concern of TOWNES A IIA W1 lAy* KIN3 baring been dissoleed by mutual K&jm?aMk3''nusent. the business will be carried on at the same Shop by the undersigned. <1. W. BROOKS. | a January, 1853. J. L. UAH KIN8. NOTICE. THE undersigned having transferred his interest in the Blacksmith Bhop near Williams' Store, to Messrs. Brooks A Hawkish, takes recommending them to a shire of public patronaKe. They will he prepared to attend promptly and qatiHfactorily to all citlls in their line, ,'fhey have expeYienced and skillful Smiths in Horseshoeing, Repair* iug and Ironing Wagons, Plough Work, and nil other ordinary work of a Blacksmith Shop. January, 1?59. 37-tf O. F. TOWNIS. w~ n c- -i!? ' iiow uuuiocuoDory ana LAGER TJEER SALOON. I "Vf OKR1S BAM UKL take* pleasure in informing > IT 1 hi* (Vieuds add the public generally, that he lid* lately returned Irom Charleston, and i* prepared to furnish hi* customers with all that the heart can desire of varions RON MOTS, Frcah and Dclioious Con feet louery. Any kind of CANDY that is in demand. 1 have far sale and am constantly receiving Superior and Sound Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, and many other good thiugs tor.the inner man, too numerous to mention. F Some fragrant cigars and something to eat, What more docs a reasonable mau not ' Ab I not to forget, a sparkling glass of beer, May also he had at any time here. Reing thankful for past custom, I would respectfully solicit a further patronage. MORRIS SAMUEL. Nev. 10. 17 tf SPOJtES AMD? tUMBERWANTE . TIIF Subscriber* want 100,0#0 best Whit# Oak and lllckory SI*OKKS, for which th? y will pay a liberal l'rice, If delivered by the first of May next. ALSO A large lot of Ash, Hickory, Whit# Qak. aed various other kinds of 1*1.ANK, all of the BEST QUALITY, wanted, for which w# will rmv - fair price for all that offer*. tSliASONLI) LUlltfKI'. preferred. IIAIUI'D CAT " '" ? ... * ? viV<iu?, VUA, n \i>rvLr. l <* Cl>. Jan U 80 tf Dissolution of Partnership. THE 1'AKTNKKPlfIP bcratoforo oxi.Mnjr hotwM? tlif uuhacribora, under th? Firm of J. P. POOL A CO., ia thia day dissolved hy mutual consent. The N'oloa and AeeouuU duo the Firm will ba found in the hintlt of Mr. C. P.' I?1 LL,?wb<> ia autboriced to receive ail money* due and receipt for the aaine. Tha business will bo continued by J. P. Pool. * J. P. POOL. II. P. POOL. Fab 5 8t 8m ox s v i.i:. Avert general assortment of fin# and otlior JKW.Jll.RY may bo had of the Subscriber, who makes to ordor Rugngrmtnt Ritujt, and any othor article remind in hi* line REPAIR I NO fnHl.nilly a-Vn.."^ Sixty yard* raat of thn old Conrt House. J. II. RANDOLPH. Greenville, S. C.. Sop. 15, 185?. 10- tf J AMES FLECK, HOUSE ANDSIGN PAINTER, Paper Hanger and tiilaxftvr* OREKN VILLR, 8. C. vnt r*mm u.t xxieritr. all work x^trwtki> to iii v. Residence on Augusta Sirect, near Depot. | Feb 23 12 1 y a. j = mmm mghST TUB perfection of selentifle arrangement tad niechasioal slmpl'uily U attained by the gbofeb & mm setqii; mm COMPANY, rs THErn IMPROVED NOISELESS MACHINES. Tlfey have the following udvantagos orer ell others : They liave no pads to keep in <>r<lor t no bobbins to wind; no tangling or waste of thread ; no oiling tho thread or work | no tool chest stocked with wrenches, pliers, pickers, leather, do., do. The directions arc simple, easily understood, and easily explained by the instructors. There is ne taking apart cleaning or rolling. They require about ten drops of oil per day, wlion in constant ueo. Thoy make no more noise than a common olock, even when making fifteen hundred stitches per minute. They run easy?a child ten years old can J work them to fbll speed. Thcv run fhst or ?ln? without any dnnnr of altering the length or tightness of the stitch. The* will llem, Kill, Osttier, Bind, Pitch and Rmbroider, in so superior a man- . ncr that we challenge comparison. The same Machine will sow pavilion guose and plantation goods. The toam is as clastic as the most elastic fabric, and will not break in washing or ironing. The shicc Machine runs silk, linen thread and common sp<-->l cotton w)th equal facility. Ttfe needles are short; r, and, therefore, stronger than any other high or low > priced Machine. Tha^thcy are superior to all others, is evident front the fact of there having l-ccn thirty thousand Machines made and sold, iu ciinpetition with others already in successful operation. The question is no longer which Is tlio best m.ik- r, hut which of the numerous patterns of Gnorr.a A Baker shall J take. PRICES, $60 TO $130. U. W. KINSMAN, Agtnt for tht unit of li?M ttlrbralrd Mac/lint*. sat) a^vca.owaaiai'ir. OilAULKSTON. S. C., I>. B. HASKLTON, Manager. Nov 34 20 tf IMPORTER, mkouiie, mm m-'AtL'm IX ALT. KTNOS OF 4 RUGS FLOOR OIL CLOTH*. * ' W I N 1} O W SUA I) E S . I . ama w;o?piry bkcrihisf.. jar o. atwi: tcr^ro >: spJsl *vv CllARLKSTOS. S. C., 4IO J. R. Etiiilio <1 Ww>.( . 2t?6 ISTfutd ''Ireef, Augusta, Co. Nov 34 20 , , / notice;. rpilP. MsWncril-er,.. I.H'irv In uiil t heir* eutiri X Stock of CVftTAlNS to Mr. H. W KfN.> MAN, v?i>u!(l ro.?p- tDllly tor hur, ? forums tion of the pntr'Kijgo *? h?n?i|,re<l on there in IhHtiiepnrtnicRt. KOUKRT ADl>1K .I CO. CURTAIN GOODS. This Stock is the LARGEST IN THE SOUTHERN STATES, Comprising Hrorntellcs, Kitten !,>? ? ?nd Muilin Curtain*. Cnmirrs, Plna an<l Hand*, Drapery Tiuauls ami Loops. <g term TP a :< rc*r r MADE AMD PUT Cf'Jn it,. t.A TEXT STYLES. ~ H. W KIN-MAN, 223 Kiso Sraaar. Not 24 29-6in ' Cfinrit-Atoo, (*. C. I~L. TALK & CO., WI|,>I.C*A[.R AMU RATAll. IiKALKRM IN OLOTHING, AMU Gentlemen's ?urni*htt>g Goods, NO. 205 KINO B1BEIT, CHARLESTON, s. C. Manufactory and \N hnleaale Warehouse, 34 1>rt Starrr. New York. AH Order* promptly attended to. *1 SI a ? " n?T ? ljf C. F. JACKSON A CO. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, NO. 199 KINO STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Not 24 . 29 ly? HOWARD AOS8CIATIOJI, I'M ILA DELPHI A, ' A Benevolent Institution established by special Endowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. 1 MEDICAL Adrlce given gratis," by the Acting burgeon, t,j Cll who apply by letter, with a | description of their condition, (age, occupation, hsh[ it* of life, Ac.,) and in canes of extreme poverty, I Medicines furnished free of charge* I Valuable Reports on 8permat< rrbrea. and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Re meaici empioyou in tn? Dispensary, eent to the afflicted in lealed letter en volopos, free of charge. Two of three Stamps for Postage will he acceptable. Address. DR. J. 8KIM.IN HOUOHTON, A-hr* Burgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 800th Ninth Street, Fbiladrlphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HKARTWKI.L, Promdent. flro. Faircuild, Secretary. Feb V AO ly THE WOltLB QUTPOKE ? THE MEDICINE CAJ.LKD ** I??flitiiinittlory l^tirpnlor,1' WHICH war Roltl dnrtntt Court in this (date, is now on Ride, by J. W, ORADY, 01 Oreen! eilio. It MBBtt ix?w he ionj<ir doubted hut this ' Medicine is the most eft. acmnR remedy erer in this place, for Kidney Di?ca*ci, PtU?, Neuralgia. plrcaoR, Dyspepsia and Rhiutri.iiicru. 'Nnweron cines of th* ah?v? (tifc|RRH bare be?-n eirful 'hia Present week. ileadafh', Tr-ittirche, Enno'-a, Sprains, and all Itowcl Atl> ciion;., disappear b?'.>r? it ?R >f by the louoti ot" tnugic. 'i r-j it to 1 beep it iii your families, for aiders* coati1* ^rlrcn y>.u luent * expert it. J. W. f?R\pV'. Ajcof for Acithnllt, 8. C. ; Dr. E. KIM,, WholfRel. A vent at Colnwo ... A'v, i all Wb' I.-.-a'c |> iat* <1 > ; ?r - ; . >. 1 . II. \Y DAVIS, Proprietr,, R'.e New Yorfc P V Dffr?. Nov 2 - tf I /CyT f OUiNDtl) 1852. " l I i.O?ATi'.r> Ooruor\>i 1 itimofe and Cb.mee StreMe, UALTIMoKK, Ml>. TF!E Largest, M??l Klogeniiy Furniehj'l, aid Popular . Commer't*! Collect* in the lh>it??l Plate*. bcnigncd ev|>re*aly fur Yi n:i.' Men <\?.-iring to obtain n 7'Aa<o><jfA Ait^iVA /' htcnlion in theluaat poMilda lime atol at ilic leant *-?|>eiia?. A Large anil Beaetlftdly Ornamented Circular, containing upward* af Sir .Waaro >?< /. with apeoimen* of Pvniuauahip, nntl a f.nrg? Pi er.?vlng, (the flnent of t^o kind ever aiu'le In th.? - uotry,) reprc> nenting Ike Interior View of llie College, with Catalogue dialing K-nna, <Ve., will bo aent lo every Young Man on application, frt* ?/ chnfy. Write'immodietcly antt yoiuwill receive tie package by return mall. AddreM, F.. K. LOP IE*. Mareb 1 U-1y Baltimore, Md. ^ -a. * <B *