University of South Carolina Libraries
& . gggggg?gggg~g ,, ., gssg ?? ' V v * * ; ' V ./ *W. M. WATSftS, - ONE OuOR SOUTH OF J< ICETCHUM, . Hear Uowcr, Cox, IHnrklvy * C?< . , ; aajuaar swi&iaara?# 1 .. . 18 now receiving a Fall AssortBPTRjawtrf "dBaSDSpring Dry Goods, &c TOOLS appertaining to every variety nf mechanical operations, uf warranted quality when selected by himself. BOOKS, Ac.; Musical, Mathematical and Optical Instruments; superior Varnish, Oils, Paints, Pun oils and Brushes ; Artist*' Colors put up to order j Labor saving Machines, via : Morticing, Boring aud Sewing. Notwithstanding these Articles, for the Most part, sure being purchased in Charleston, 8. C., the ProCitor fsels quit* ablo to meet fair competition. He tcr* himself that his long experience is well knt vn not only in procuring tho oxaot article, but at the lowest price, onahHug him to deal in many varieties of Ooods not usually kept, llis terms being most a Tutor l. Y cash or notes due on delivery of Ooods, enable him to soil any thing as low as can b* purchased South or North nt retail, lie respect , fully solicits an examination of Stock. Apr Ul# 60 J? . SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN LOTS In fcudletoia. . Soutt) Cprollnu?ftiifersoo ?)Isllric1. IN EQUITY. \Vm. Van Tfyek and wife Lydia Ann. vs. Samuel A. Maverick and others.?'Hill far Partition <>j Krai B'tatr, , rdrluc "I ?t Decretal Order to me direct?' *>ntn 11 tho Court of Equity, I will expose for sale, on Wednesday, the Oih day of May utxi. In Pendleton Village, * TWENTY LOTS In said Village. These Lots are all eligibly and desirably situated, and most of tbcui being in ami near the business portion of town. ^WFor particular description and Terms of snh sow Anderson Gnzutt*. A. 0. NORTHS, C. E. A. D. Commissioner's OfiJcc, April ltl, 18(10. 60-3 ScrofUla, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, l>y which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it Crvudc* the whole *bouy, and may burst out discuc on any part of it. No or^nn ia free from it'atlacks nor is there one which it may nt?t destroy, 'flic scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and,. above all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its oiigin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, I will visit the iniquities of tho fathers upon thejr children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or idccrous matter, which, in the lung', liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands swellings; and on the eutiaoe, eruptions or sores, lids foul corruption, wliich c< nd. rs in the blood, depresses the energies of life, 10 that scrofulous constitutions not only suffer from scrofulous com plsinti', but they have far less power to withstand the attacks of other diseases; consequently va t numlxrs pcrbh by disorders which, although not scrofulous in tVxnr nature, re niill rendered fatal by this taint in the ay?t< m. Most of the consumption which de c unices the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive discs as of the liver, kidney*, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs arise from or arc aggravated by the same cause. - One qiyvrter of all our people are scrofulous; their per ons aro invadtd by this lurking infection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and insri<orarc it by healthy food aui exercise. Such medicine wo aupply in AVER'S Compound Extract of Sarsapnrilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical Skill of our times can devise for this everyw heje prevailing and fatal malady. It is combined from the most active remcdials that have boon discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the ey.rtcin from its destructive consequences. Hrncj it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affections which arise from it, such as Eruptive and 8xi* Diseases, 8t. Amthont'b Fihr, Rose,' of Erysipelas, Pimples,, Di otcht.s, Boils,Tumors,Tetteb and Salt'Riikvm; Scald Head, RiKowonu, itilbimatikm, Syphilitic and Mekcuhial Diseases. I)uiir*T. Dvspcpmia. Dkmimty. and. indeed, AI.L COMPLAINT* AlUKlNO YMOH VlTIA- I to or liLoon. 'fhe popular belief in impurity of the blood " la founded in truth, I for scrofula u a degeneration of the blood. Tlie particular purpose and virtue of this Kar.saparilla ia to purity and regenerate thi-? vital fluid, without width Round health ia impossible in contaminated constitutions. -/ , Ayer'p' Cathartic Pills, red Ail THE FURFOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, are my composed that di*ea*e within the range of their action ean rarely withstand or evade them, their penetrating pro|>ertics acarch, and t-loanae, and invigorate every portion of the human organism, correcting its diseased action, and rvatoiing it? healthy vitalitiea. Aa a conncqucnce of'these pro|H!rtic*, the invalid who ia Uiwed down with tisiii or i.l>v aiea] (Uliilitv ia aatamished to Mnd hia (x-alth or vr.ergy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the avery-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dancrroas dlwased. 4 he agent below named is pleased to funiiaw gratis my American Almanac, cont-iituiig cerliflcatesuf thc<r cures and direction* for their u?e in thn following complaints: Coetivenc?$, /ft irtburn, Headache aritiny front disordered Momach, A a u sea, Indijesiton, i'tia in and Morbid 11, net inn of the itowc/t, Flatulency, Lose of Appetite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low slate of the body or obstruction of its functions. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral roa.TlIB RAPID CORE OP '.Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup Drouchitifi, Incipient Conauinpjy tloa, nud for the relief of Consumptive Patients In ndranced stages of the disease* So wide Is the field of its usefulness and so numerous are the eases of its cures, that almost every section or country abounds In person* publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lung* by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medtoiip: of its kind fa too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, t|ie public wo longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affection* of the pulmonary organ* that aro Incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the Mmmaaltr have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the ?(flirt rd thr'v can never forget, and pro " duaed nm too numtrmn and too remarkable to be forgotten. PRF.PARED BY BR. J. C. AYKR Sc CO. LOWELL. MASS. fo-fnr iale to Orrenvllle by J. If. MAN and )l, B. SABLE, and by Drngirtete ond dealer* in Medieine everywhere- April M . Al-le^wly NEGROES FOR SALE. mWO LIKELY OU> NEOaOBS WILL BE 1111 100,0000 lb*. K?v? Wanted AW J. A. PEARSON & CO.'S TIN SHOP, GREEK VI1.LG. a C. WE will exchange Tin Ware. Delineation, Prints, 8hnes, Ilata, Ac., for It AOS at cash prices. Thankful for past patronage, wo hop* to merit a continuance of tbu same. J. A. PEAR803T k CO. April 19 60 tf '""W'HI'EKUESt AWILSOW9EW1NC) M1CI1INK1. 5 ^ w *v w^ ^ P iv ^wWWH ??-I * 'pilKSK Machines hare taken Ui< premium al all I Fairs. when tbero hu been any competition, and In Ft. Louie, last foil, recciv< d the higlieet prize or useful fuinily iuT?ntk>ns, a Silver Picbvr. Ilefi r to Kcv. J. A. Broadus, and Rcr. Jamn P. loyoe, Groonvillo, 8. 0. PRICES. tewing Machines, Plain Centre Table $ 50 HO " " " Extra Finished 80 Oil " " half Cneo finished, 00 00 " Full Mahogany Case, 105 Oo " " Rosewood " 101 Oil " llommcrs, 50 60 Prices uniform, with charges for freight from hartcston, 8. C., only. Needles, Thread, und Meillic Spools on band to suit purchasers. EDGEItTON, HICIIAHD8 A CO., Agents fcr South Carolina. W. 11. WATSON, Agent for Qreenvillo, 8. C. April 10 60 10 ^EB-STEto J9, % ^ CHALLENGE 8.5 WING M1GIIINE8, WHICH, FOIl BKCATV, AND SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION, AND KFF1CItNCV IN WilHKINO, A UK UNEQUALLED BY ANY. u A Few of I lie Many Rcnaons WHY THESE MACHINES ARE ' REFERRED ABOVE ALL OTHERS. I. They are no remarkably aimpU in" their eonruction. A child can operate them and undor;and their mechanism. 2. They arc the i>ir<>nye?l Sewing Machines made, t is almost impossible to break or get them out of ider. 3. They are ??re in thoir operation; finishing . rork in a uniformly perfect manner. 4. They malic a lock ttitch, alike on both ides of the work, w hich cannot he nnrareled. 6. They stitch, hem, bind, fell, run nud gather, vilhout basting. 6. They sew equally well tho lightest and heav: st fabrics. 7. Thoy sow over tho heaviest seams without ranging the tetpdon or breaking the finest thread. 8. Tboy use any No. of yotton, Thread or Silk, directly from the spool. tf. They use a straight needle ; "curved one* arc iable to break. 10. The needle hns a perpendicular motion. This s absolutely necessary for heavy work. II. They havo a wheel feed ; uone others are in onstant contact with the work. 12. Thoy run easily and are almost noiseless. 13. They arc not liable to oil the dress of tho op: rat or. 14. They do not require a scrcw-driver to set the eedlcs. 15. They do not have to be taken apart to oil or -lean. 141. Thoy do not form ridges on the under side.of the work, nor ravel ou^ nor aro they wasteful of thread, as is tho case with all cliuia-atitchiug inaLinos. 17. Tbev arc capable of doing a greater range of work, and in a more perfect luutincr Ibuu any other Sewing Machine. * We wurraut thcsl Machines, and vouch for the recommendation of the above. DYER A PICK Is53, A*l?, GREENVILLE, S. C. April 19 50 _ ly Notice to Stockholder*. Bxckktaky's Officm G. A C. H. R. Co.,) Columbia, April 18, 1860. f THE ANNUAL MEETING of tho Stockholders of tbis Company, will 1?? held at their Hall, in Columbia, on THURSDAY, the 3d May next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. All Stockholder* will be passed free to^and from the Meeting. Original Stockholders, or thoao who have inherited the Stock, owning Ave share*, wilt t>e permitted to take his wife and children residing with him to the Meeting and return free. Those who were not Stockholders in the beginning, but hare purchased the atock, in order to entitle theui to take wife and children to the meeting free, arc required to hold twenty-flve shares of stock and to have held It six month* previous to the mooting. The privilege of passage will commence on Tuesday before the meeting, and expire on Monday following. ? During the time that the Stockholder* are allow e<] the free passage, as above, tbo passenrer Maine will stop only at tbo regularly established Stat'ons. Stockholders will be required to show to tho Conductors their Stock Scrip. C. V. CARKINOTOJf, April 19 50 4 Secretary. =3 ? g| ? * 2 & fc?i ~ g w . to as ? S i?i > w ?J ? CTl < ? ^ . -J 5 ^ ? W w C3?0 Hfr-( ps| S3 ft <?, a Q ^ 2 = ?.5S2S? 3 33 ?3 H 3. e _S2_ H ? PninonIlN'* VERITABLE LIQUID GLUE THE only reliable Olue for mending broken gits*, earthen-war?, wooden-war?, ahellwork, and many other article?. too numerous to mention. For tale at FISHER A HEIN ITSH'H, Drag TBtore. F?H? I? ' ? BOOTS AND SHOES. A WRI.L aiKirted filwliof LeiH??', Ml?^PK?i and Child'* Ro?te, (ialtere. Ituckvkin and Slipper*, healed and unheeled. Men'*, Bny'e, nnd Touttr* Boot* and Shoe* of every variety. I Jast mciud and for eal? hy JOHN W- ORADV. I April 5 4* K * t ripwiri :y.- . ~MH?. B. WllTON, t MIUJNEK & MANTUA MAKEB Sf AS received her BPBIKO STOCK of GOODS, L to whleh sbe invites the Attention of the Le, thanking them for their liberal patronage, ud hoping that she will dtill continue to plceee them. Anjong'hcr Stock I* the very latest style of < IMPORTED HATS, Consisting of CHIP, IMPERIAL CHIP. UTAH. ENGLISH AND STRAW, Beautiful Assortment of French Flowers, Hond Dresses, QRESS AND) PLAIN CAPS, IBriilal & IfloiirninK Veils, Al*o, a foiuiiFal Assortment of NEW RIBBONS. Bonnets Cleaned and Trimmed at the shortest i ot oe, and Cot in tlie lnteat style. DRESSES CUTANDBASTED. . N. B. " All Ordera from the Country promptly utteiulud to. Mrs. W. will open, Tu*?day, Fir*! Day ?/ May, a New and Hnndaome Stork of Crape and Illusion Bonnets, extremely cheap. April 12 4? 4 MILLINEEY. M?(3 <fe i><"a;an3?OT HAVE returned from New York iCvwa with a largo nnd complete assortment of HANDSOME GOODS, which thoy WILL OPEN ON Wednesday, the 11th inst., and to which they invito the attcni jlV * ",e 'n'''e" ol Greenville and Among their stock may he found the Clottide, Adelaide nnd Dove-Cape Hats; n great variety ol Miaaea' Fancy Hats; Bertha Capos ; Head-Dresses; Hair Plaits nnd Curia: Eugenia Magpie, Bridal and Mourning Veils. A large stock of Ktkhonn at reduced prices; llala cleaned and triuiuied \ Dresses cut and basted. ? April 5 .48 tf FO ct i860. ^rfvN. J AM receiving n Large Stock of ss goods, ss ^^C^suitablo for Spring and Summer Trade whiob will be gold at Vtiy f.oic /'rice*. An inspection of the Stock ia invited. JOHN W. GRADY. Aprils 48 tt Fancy and Staple 3dry oqodb. J'UST received, a foil lino of DRKSS (100DS, for ladirs and gentlemen, cmbrueing all gradca, from a very common to the beat Fabrics kept in this market, among which ia many of tlio novelties of the day. Also, a good line of White flood*. Embroideries, Lnrc Good*. Ac. ; Handkerchief*, Hosiery, Ac; yieach'd and Hrorrn Shirtings and Sheetings, Drillings, Tickings, Ac. For sale bv JOHN W. GRADY. April S 48 tf ready-made clothing. A FULL Assortment of SUMMER CLOTHING, Coat*, Vests, Pant*, Shirts, nt>d Under Garments, Collars, Cravat*, Stocks and Tie*. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. GRADY. April & 43 tf bonnets! A FULL Line of Trimmed and Untrim/<^mcd BONNETS and FLATS, Ruche* FlowWreaths, Ribbons, Ac. Just received and for sale by , JOHN W. GRADY. April b 48 tf ttatsT r AVERY larirc Stock of Dress, Soft and Sum- I mcr HATS, fox Mcu and Roy*. Just re- . ovived and for salo by JOHN W. GRADY. April 6 48 tf WHITING PAPER, BLANK BOOKS, &C. JETTEH and Cap Paper, Blank and MomoranJ dum Hooks, Spelling; Rooks, Inks, Gold and bluel Pons, Ronnot Boards, Ac, Jnst received snd for salo by JOIIN W. GRADY. ' April 5 48 tf CA RPETS, M ATT IN G S, Oil Cloths, &c. SOME handsome Carpets, Mattings. Oil Clotbs, Rugs, Attoiuans, Ac. Just roceivcd and for sals by JOHN W. GRADY. April 5 48 tf W ALL PA PER. 2/T/^YY PIECES new and handsome patterns JvJVJ of Wall Paper, Bordering, Window Shades, Kire-placo Screens, Ac. Just received and for sale by JOIIX W. GRADY. April & 48 tf W OODEN WARE. CEDAR, varnish painted Buckets, Well Buckets, Tubs and Koelers, Corn Brooms. Ac. Just received and for salo by JOHN W. GRADY. April 5 48 tf WKUua AA i; iFi^-sitrrs, gti WINDOW GLASS, Patty, l'uints, Oil*, 4c. i *7 Just received and fur sale by iJI JOHN W. GRADY. April ft 48 tf G ROC E RIES. JAVA and ltiu Colfoes, Loaf, Crnolicd Pv" Aj ntid Drown Sugars, No. 1 and West India A-'itnilPl>Mclasses, Teas, Candles, Candies. Mnekcrol, 4c. For sale by JOHN W. URADY. April ft 48 tf NEW SPRING^GOODS. ^THK Subscribers bag leave to call the attention of their friends and customers, and especially the Ladies, to -THEIR DEAUTIPUL AND EXTENSIVE STOCK OF 6001)8, Sow rtndjf for iarptction. Printed Lawns and Jaconot Muslins Organdies, Swiss and other styles in great variety T?-:-.- u: 1 U'Lii. ..J Beregcs, Plain and Sutin Striped 8-4 Black and White lJercges Crape Mcrett, Black and Colored Plain ami Satin Striped Silk Grenadine* Iilark and Colored Silka Black CI ml I a and Bombasines A large line of White Goods Ktnbrnideriea, Linen Handkerchiefs end Irish Linens 8-4 ltleaohed and Brown Table Damasks White Muslin Curtains Thomson's celebrated Hoop Skirts I/sd'- V Coverings in great variety Hosiery. Gloves and Dress Trimmings Black French and English Drab d'Ele Black Wellington Cords, Plain and Figured Farmer's Satin Summer Catsimeres, Linen and Cottonadss, and other style* for Men and Boys' vroar READY MADE CLOTHING, A LARGE STQCK OF IIATS, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE Atftt CQUERY, And all other GOODS nsually kept in the conntrv. Onr Stock is very large and complete, and will be sold as low as any Good* brongbt to the country. BEATTIK k PULLIAM. April 3 <A v A % " f' 1 / SITIIP ?. o ? * W# bavettJST RECEIVED a fine Stock of STAPH? AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Which, for* QUALITY AND CHEAPNESS, (wo thick,) CANNOT BE SURPASSED. o? If too wish to wears tho greatest DAR0AIX8 wo have over offerer], CALL EARLY. Wo do not consider it necessary to enumerate Articlos or Prices, as every body knows that we keep always ft LME m SELECT STUCK if GOODS in our lino, at a* MODERATE PRICES as can bo Therefore we say, COME ONBf COME All!! And examine, and sec if what we say bo so. O Wo have also for sale, A 6 Octare Mcloricoti, in perfect order i n 5 OCTAVK PARIS MADK ALEXANDRE PARLOR OR CIIUUCH GROAN, and two good second-hand PIANOS. W. H. HOVEY. April 5 4S tf jnew SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, JUST RECEIVED. WE take pleasure in informing our friends and the publi" generally, that we are now receiving a large and well-selcctcd STOCK of SPRING GOODS, . And having been selected with care, and under more than ordinary advantages, wo arc cnublcd to offer much greater inducements than ever before, new stock op I-nsliPH' I> Roods, Is in great variety, and of the latest and most attractive styles. RICH DRESS TRIMMINGS, SI'I.K.N'lflD STVI.r.S OP LADIES* COVERINGS, And un elegant Assortment of BMMWECTMiailUe. Call and see for yourtelrct. "ti^ TIIE *T?H*K OP utmi Ltrvitiva runisionir u h ;uus, REA?Y-MA(D? ?LOYJtIOK;?, Boot,, Shoes, Hats, Caps, 1* large and complete. Also, a full Assortment of , Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery and Glnaswaro, TOBACCO, CJ(JA Its, GROCERIES, At. ?fl~ Country Produce taken in exchange for Hoods. Cash puid for Com nod Boron. R. P. (JOODLKTT A BOX. 1st at 1(1 2d Vourt brlotp (l> odletl Hums. April 12 49 4 jut *.<: "mw SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, FOR J8G0. njlHB subscriber respectfully infoyms his friends 1 nnd customer?. that ho is now receiving AX ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS, cojtsisTiNd or Fancy and Staple Dry Ootids, Bonnets and Flats, llats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, and I.ots of Clothes, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Ac., Ac., All of which will ho sold at the LOW EST PRICES. X*- V lease call and examine purchasing elsewhere. CH AS. MEKIUCK. April 12 49 tl SHERIFF'S SALES~FOR MAY. HY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Facias, to mo directed, I will sell, before the Court House door, at the usual hours of sale, on fho first Monday in MAY next, 100 Acres of Land, more or less, lying in Grcenvillo District, adjoining lands of $. K. Stone, J. Richardson ct al : as the nroncrtv of Thomas I?. Cox. at the suit of K. It. Duncan. Assignee. At Defendant's residence, on Tuesday after Raleday in May next, 1 tlurrnu, 1 Sideboard, 1 Clock, 2 Looking Glasses, 1 Wardrobe, 2 Ileda and Bedding, 20 Chairs, 1 Trunk, I Chest, 1 Side Saddlo, 2 Boxes, 2 Barrels, 1 Settco, 1 Desk, 1 Lantern. :t Washstauds, 2 Picture Frames. 1 B"X, 76 Vol. Books, 1 Coffee Parcher, 10 lbs. Cotton. 4 Candlesticks, 2 Mantel Ornaments, 2 Candle Stands, 2 Tables, 1 Riding Bridle and Halter. 5 Bedsteads, 2 Axes, 1 Crow Bur. 3 Buckets, 6 Baskets, 8 Jugs. 5 Jars, 1 Cupboard, 2 Sugar Cans, 1 Sausage Machine and Stuffcr, 2 Bushels Lime, 2 Sledge Hammers, 2 Drills, 1 Franklin Fire Place, 1 Bench, 5 Oil Cans, 1 Pair Balances, 1 Pair Reah-s and Weights, 1 doxen Candle Moulds. 2 Hoes, 1 Bake, 1 Spade. 2 Shovels. 1 Mattock, .'I Tubs, 1 Box old Irons, 1 Churn, 7 Window Weights, 1 Wash Bench, 1 one-harm Wagon and Harriets, 1 Wheelbarrow, 2 old Wagon Wheels, I small lot lumber, 300 ft. of inch Pino Plauk, 20 Pictures, 1 Ladder, 2 pair Shovel ami Tongs. 1 pair Firo Dogs, 1 Stove and Pipe, 2 Shot Onus, 3 Smoothing Irons, 2 Shoals, 1 Umbrella, 1 Dinner Bell, 1 Sheet Iron Boiler, one-half barrel Cctncnt, one-half keg of Nails, 1 Work Shop; ,?s the property of It. W. (loddard. at the suit of W. 1*. Price, a* per n hedule rendered. All Defendant's interest in 3.10 Acres of Land, mure or less, lying in Greenville District, on waters of Mush Creek, adjoining lands of A. A. Nonves, O, Barrett ct nl.; us tho property of Tyre and Janies Johnson, at the suit of Jsines II. Johnson. 180 Acres of Land, mora or less, lying in Orccnvillo District, adjoining lands of B. F. Perry ct al. : as tho properly of Williutn Fisher, at the suit of Lloyd and John Hcnson. TERMS CASH. Purchnser to pay for titles. J. T. Mt DANIEL, 8. 0. D. Sheriff's Office, April 10th, 1880. 49-td Hardware, Cutlory, &c. A GENERAL assortment of TahleQJ?JC 'Wand Pockot CUTLERY, together with v ' |j y / all descriptions of SHELF HARDWAKE usually kept in this market. Also, Axes. Graiu and Grass Scythes, Sncaths, Cradles, and Rcaphooks, Spades anil Shovels, Roping, Trace Chains, Nails, Ac. Just received and for snlo bf JOHN W. GItADY. April 5 48 tf AMil UltlMJlVAKA ?' ?>! nt~r J mDinnn ni \ A FULL assortment of Cbina, Granite nn<I Common Ware, Glasswore. Ac. Just received an<1 for sale by JOHN W. GRADY. .April 6 49 tf Auditor A Treasurer's Office, G. & C. R. R. Company. AN INSTALMENT OFTEN PERCENT, ofths principal i?f the Assessment of tbo Stock of this Company, will t>? paid at this Office, on and after the 3.1 Mny next, on presentation of the Assessment Cort ideate. J. P. SOUTHERN, April 19 99-4 Auditor A Treat. R 8 S o ^UTHERNIK DEPEN dencei Look Well to the South! Withdraw your Northern Patronage! AND y?u effect more titan all the speeches uvlt in I'ogmn, and will ranee Abolitionism, 171iraism, Fanaticism, and all the other lams, to feci, and that seriously, too, their dependence on Southern Commerce, add will effect a radio*! change sooner and more powerful than all the political hnrangup* In Christendom. Encourage Southern ludustry, Southern Enterprise, Southern Manufactures, and, above all, Southern independence, and call on D. F. West & Co., And yon can get Goods VERY LOW FOR CASH, anJ on very reasonable and accommodating tonnn from prompt paying customers. We are now receiving from Charleston a 1 urge addition to onr present stock, comprising a goncrat assortment of everything usually kept in a country store, which wo offer to soil on the t.-ost reasonable terms. We will take Produce, as well as Cosh, in exchange for our Goods. D. F. WEST CO. Tlain, Greenville, B. C., April 3d, 1880. 48-tf I860. * I860. NEW SPRING GGGBS. T l>- d O ABtUUUIU VJy OU11 RESPECTFULLY inform their friends nml customer.* tluit they base lately received a large UliU beautiful stuck of NEW SPRING GOODS, to which they invito attention, among which may be found Super Dlnck Oro Du Rhine and Brocade Dress Silks Elegant Barege, Grenadine and Organdy Robes French Dress Muslins and Lawns Black Barege, Flounced Robes, Black Challa, Black Crape, Murctt and Alnaccaa for mourning Elegant Valenciennes uud Maltese Lace Sets, beautifully trimmed. Lacc attd Ktnbroid'r'd Underslccvcs.already trimmed Swiss and Cambric Embroidered Collars Linon and Pique Breakfast Collars Elegant Linen and Lawn Ilem and Plain Bordered Cambric Handkerchiefs Chonuil and other new styles Ladies' Head Dresses Beautiful Sash and Belting Ribbons Thuninaon's Crown IVoven Hoop Skirt, Bell Shape and Skirt Supporter White Jaconet, Nainsook and Swiss Muslins Splendid assortment of Dress Ginghams 4-4 Colored Dress Muslins, at 12 and li? Finest quality English Cnlicoes " " French Calicoes and Brilliants " " Richmond Calicoes And other styles, selling at 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 14c Super Black French Drop d'Ete, Kentucky Jeans, Colored Single Mill French Cassiincrcs, at the low price of 62c Irish Linens, Scotch and Bird-Eyo Diupefs. White and llrown Tnhlc Dinjwrs. Napkins uud Doylies Colored Datuork and Drapery Muslins, for Window Curtains, lllaek Lace Points and Mantillas Together with Brown and Bleached Shirtings, and Long Cloths;at 6. 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, IS, 29 anj 25c. orurr Broad A Alain Street*. March 22 40 3m a so aim u m m f?/ vr 1.1 m. I.tx M -A a. % e?/ ) J1) WOl'L? respectfully invite tlic nt-M'TTIFl tention of liis customers and tlic pubt'^SfcXi-TCxJ lie generally to the fact that he recently had liis STOKIi enlarged, and hue just received and now offers for sale, THE LARGEST AX D HF.HT RE! KCTED * ^TOCIv OF SPRING & SUMMER GOODS lie It** ever before exhibited in this market, consisting, pjrtlv, of . Summer Silks. French Organdies, Chnllics Muslins, Jaconets. Prints, Long Cloths Lobes, Parages, Parasols. Dusters, Hoops Pommels. Flats, and Plnrk Silks And u vuriety of GOODS generally kept in Dry Goods Stores. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GENT'S AND YOUTH'S 'm&BY-WA'm (D&OTflOT? HOOTS AND SIIOKS, HATS A A' D ('APS, TRTTMISLB, * MWA?mm9 vmmu, ETC., KIC, ETC. CHOICE FAMILY BiiiEiilES AID PMiSIOIS, 33,33 33 3S3.3 3.ST A. SGMMERS'. f> /> i c it rid rn rmm a r r r- ? /v r* yy.-V ? /inn mil/ i l//i j\ i* u a /i? i/?j i/r I'kliDUVE.'^S^ April 6 48 tl" Dissolution of Copartnership. rpilB COPA RTNEUSII11* heretofore existing heI twccn STEKN A RVANS, is this Any Uisgulvnl l?y mutual consent. The Business of the concern will be settled by Thomas Stern. Til OS. 8TEEN. E. U. EVANS. March 24th, 1SC0. NOTICE. undersigned, having purchased tho entire i iqterost of E. (>. EVAN'S In the above concern, will continue the same on his own account, AT THE OLD STAND, nmfer MrHrr, It,,It. | 1 11 OS. 8TKKN. March 24 47 tf Tho Subscribor Koeps on Hand VSl'PEKlArt \S80WTMKNT OF MEDI t lNKrt, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS, ?f the popular PATENT MliOKMNES. BRANDIES. W RhS, 'A 11ISKEY. HUM ?n<l tilN, lor Medicinal purposes. As he purposes selling for CASH, he olfer. his Articles ill. l.oW Pit ICES. Please cull and txuinine for yourselves. o. ii. Jan 2r, 88 if SADDLE & IIAKNJESS " M A N U !?' A C T OHY, T1IE subscriber would respectfully inf,,rul the public generally that ho continues 1 the above Business, Tun Door* nhore the Uretnrille Hotel, and is prepared to furnish customers with any description of HOME M.VNl'FACTURED SADDLES. Carriage, Buggy and Wagon HARNESS in.lde to order, and in the best styles. IIHIDIiEii, Willi's, A?., on hand, and for sale CHEAP. JUS" Saddles and Harm ss REPAIRED at short notice. A. M. OILREATH. March it 47 ly ft of ice. fTMIB undersigned h?s placed his Notes, Boohs JL and Accounts, in tlisrhands of K. 1'. JONES, his Attorney. Persons indebted will pi. use coil and settle. ALEXANDER GREENFIELD * Jan. Jrt 8J tf imM 'mm. lO.OOO 3?13E2]E3T PINK WKATHKRUOARD1XO wanted, IN EXCHANGE FOR MARBLE WORK. Apply us the l/reenvitlc Marble Yard, Greenville, S. C. Puh 16 41 8 in Krrosctit' llliiiiiiiiatliitf Oil. JUST received and for sale cheap at F1S11ER k llEiNITSli'8. Feb 9-4,0 tf ^ A V * - 0 u 1*. ' niWUNp j| v" -., *a ,'. ;. ' ,'B- i ? Drugs and MtiBicinese ^andtbeptfeWMo'' rally, that 1 have recently laid hi aftviaSapply of DftUUS, MEDICINES,andall olbSr Ai^eha . usually koj|)t in a Drag Store. HavidR wade asjr " purchases in porsob, I hare a select stock of tba Mil . % qualities of Drugs, Ac., that could b? obtain*4 ) ? Market. I intend to ^ tk RELL FOR CASH, \ and as I bought on good tens.', I sou enabled to sell on such terras as cannot fall to please purchaser*. " I would invite Physician* of the country to giro mo a call when thoy visit to buy their Drug*. X will insure satisfaction, both in regard to prices and qualities of Drugs. I haro constantly on hand all the most appro red PATENT MEDICINES. A select Stock of DRUGS & MEDICINES. Castor Oil, by the Dottle or Callow, Sweet Oil, by the Dottle or Uitllon. licit Salad Oil. A select stock of the hest. Soaps. Concentrated T,ye, for making Soap. A fine collection of Perfumeries. Hair Dmshcs. Shaving Brushes, Tooth Brushes. A? Shoulder 1 truces for Boys, (lirls, (Junto and Ladiea. Flavoring Extract*?fresh. Cooper and Cox's tlolhiliu*. Starch, Bluing, Ac. Window Olass uud Putty. Ono hundred Trusrcs?all sorts and site*. I V* l.snlsl? ?f *a<a*i - . Schnapps, heat London Porter. Brandies. Wines, Gin, Hutu am] Whisky, of the bent tjualitica, for Medicinal purposes. A good assortment of Dental Forceps ; Lancets every variety of Syringe; ltrvast Pipes; Nippls Shields; Nursery Dottles, Ac., Ac. All Low ro? Cash, at J. II. DEAN'S 1>UU<? STORK. tw CALL AND SEE FOK YOUKSELVES. F?l> 2 3# tf TmMMmimitf IMC, COODLm k fflv RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Green- ***ai ville District, that they nrc now receiving a bull STOCK OF GOODS in their liue, all of which wore PURCHASED IN CHARLESTON, AND WHICH TIIKY Wil l. BKLI, At Lowor Pricoe Than Usual! The Stock consist*, in part, of Blenched and Drown Shirtings and Sheetings A largo variety of Prints, of direct importation, from 6 @ 1 'J4 cents per yard Linen and Cotton Diapers, Linen Drills Fancy Caseimcrc* and Cottonadcs Plain White Swi*s and Dotted Muslins Solid Bareges, Mohair Lustres Black Silk Mantillas, Embroidered Collars Barege Mantillas, white an I colored Hoop Skirts, of various kinds, among which will he found some of 7 Springs, 05 cents; 30 Springs, $2.50 And all the other Articles necessary to comprise a geucrul stock of Dry Goods. A I. SO, A ?5\?/IP2?IjE.7T ?5? HATS, CAPS, IIOOTS, SHOES, G OCERIES, HARDWARE, BBDOi&siinr, ftLASsw&ax, &c? &c* Wc arc confident of the fact that we can afford to sell our Goods at prices that will commaud the attention of the public, and-we respectfully solicit an examination of our Stock. LONG, GOODLETT A CO. March 8 44 tf L B. AUSTIN, RESPECTFULLy"informs the citizens of Greenville and expounding country, thut he has TAKEN ROOMS' IN M BEE'S HALL, Where ho is prepared to tako T=3> nr r~~+- tnsn ~b~t rj tt? a in every stylo of the Art, and will bo happy to wait on ull who desire to possess one of his Beautiful Specimens. Being taken on French Glass, they are not subject to rust, nnd arc warranted not to fudo. Call nt onee, and procure a Picture warranted to give sat is fact inn, as his stay is limited. Ambrotypes in Crouches, Medallions, Rings, Ac., inserted at short notice. Knouts opi u at 8 o'clock ar.d closo at 5 o'clock, daily. March 15 " 45-tf FOIt SALE, fry A Nli.VllKlt of JACKS and JENNETS, uS:?/! all of imported stock, and five of them AjLa^Unioro th-,n six years old, all sound and healthy. They are offered at private salo until salcday in May next, nt which time they will he sold at public outcry. For Terms, apply at this Offico. March 29 47 6 m NTN Q 7 G U T T E RTN G7 A'333 f |M1E suhsorihers inform the public tbat they will 1 continue the above Business at the Stand lately occupied by LOVELAND A CIIANDI.ER. All kinds of p rH,lI A' TOnTlTPTKMH, A. WV l/Vli -*.l J VU tU V ik d VKJ y will bo done cheni>ly and promptly. * Tbov will koep constantly on band n superior Assortment of W U EST WASSS for Wholesale and Retail, and will take in exchange for their Worl:, Country Produce, -Hags. Pewter, Old Copper, Beeswax, Ac. TfTcy respectfully bespeak a share of the public patronage. J. A. PEARSON A CO. (4 Doors Mow the Goodlctt House.) March 15 7 tf FOIt SALE, * THREE HOUSES & LOTS, .r .. _ WHICH are eligibly situated* ftm' Pny'n* * interest?ALL rj jNEW?-may !? Iiad on very reusonL? able Urms, if applied for soon. The owner u tuning to invest the proceeds of sale in other business be in tngitgcd in, is the only reason why ha has a disposition to dispose of tlio proporty. Also, for sule, a VACANT LOT. Enquiri] at this ?Cite f..r particulars. Murch 8 44 tf YOUNG STEELE This TiioroEon-BRED stallion win stond tlio ensuing Season at the following places, vis: (o;ntaoitehjgct Prince A Grot's Stable, tireeiivilio C. 11.. Msroh 10th, 11th, sud 12th ; at I>r. Manning Austin's, 13th and 14th; at J. T. Bennett's, 15th And Ifth; and John Charles, TTth ami ISth. and will nttenJ rerularly at each place every tinlh day. See HUD. J. L. A fc. I?. WESTMORELAND. Mmkll if ^ FOR RENT, UXTITi tbft ftrjt day of Januar/ nctt, at $200 per amum, THE STORE HOUSE nil Main Hired, OiennyiUo, S. C., reoonlly occupied by M*n.i>n A Loso. 0. A. MAI 1 DIN. Aditi'x, d>- Lunit Non, of 8. Maul*.in, den*fl. March i 43 ft {