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>l|frig m i - - ~ * cA^sntf } PLANTATION HOES, \TANTJFAOnJRED exprewlj for AUL at. and to patterns furnished by ourselves. They Are made, blade and hank, out of one piece of tho very beet quality and temper of Cast Steel, . and have strength of blade and length of handle to suit our Southern farming. Tho success of this artielehas brought various IMITATIONS into the marka4 UMS KV) UUli The Oennine Cant Steel Hoe IB SOU) ONLY BY J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. GARDENING TOOLS. SPADES, HOES, 11AKES, TRO WELS, PRUNING SHEARS, LINE REELS, and everything else in this line, on hand and to arrive soon. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. SMNM B50Sq We nre m#nnfaptnrini? F.lli'nH'.rial. ehratcd Spring Red. ^hey are all that can be desired. Comfortable, cheap and durable. Call and see them. - J. B. SIIERMAN, Agent. A largo lot of those fii st-rate IronWneel Wheelbarrows, just completed. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. 3S| THE ORIENTAL ]? COFFEE-POT. ?~sj Wo are manufacturing, under authority from the Patentees, THE ORIENTAL s SSWM-HT, which beats the Old Dominion, :and all other styles, " clear out of >ight," while it is sold at but littic more than tho common coffee| pot. g2' M 3"on l?ve GOOD COFFEE, ^3!try an Oriental. S J- B- SHERMAN, Agent. PICTURE FRAMES. We are propared to put up all kinds and styles of frilt and Unsnwnnd Picture Frames, as cheaply as they can be purchased in Charleston. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. FURNITURE. Wc are constantly receiving additions to our ^^^^^ Stock, and have just effected arrangements with an extensive Manufactory, which will enable us to offer it at much lower prices than ever. We intend to keep as good an assortment as the market demands,, and to sell it lower than it can be procured from either Charleston or Columbia. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. AL&BH CLUCKS, warranted to keep good time, and to wake you up at, any time of the night or morning that you wish. Price, $1.75. J. B. SHERMAN, Agont. WALL PAPERING* A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPERING, BORDERING, FIRE SCREENS, WIN DO W SHADES, &c. just received and for sale by 1 T> OIIVDAf A V A - 4. u. ji. oiiDivaixiii) iiguut. ST?REflSeflPls?lfEBioSCQPIC VIEWS. A good assortment of Stereoscopes, bom 16 as low as $1.50, and a very large and unusually choice selection of'Views just received. KEROSENE~LAMPS. We have just opened a new lot with an Improved Burner, the best we have ever had. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Everything in the Housekeeping line, froin a % 100 Cooking Stovo to a five cent Tin Cup, may be found at the Store of J. 2, Sherman, Agent, GREENVILLE, S. 0. M?r?h 47 tf vm mi i.i i \nrni ^ij ' ICI unrri mil urn - |i in miTil 8 Drs. Long & Burnham, rriHANKyUL for tho klad pottonogf ?f ???ir I k X moa for the put y*ar, w%M moNUnll; olicit lk? mbu for the prount. Pertona with lug M GENUINE ARTICLE8, 1 would do well to ooll oud exam in* our Stock of " DRirCT MEDtOtNMS, * *?""" *? P AIM'S. 0/Ztf, VAMMIRUM8, C BYE-STUFFS, PERFUMER Y, 1 BRUSHES, '1 A?cy d rticlct, dec. ONE POOR BELOW HABBIBON A LONG'S SHOD STOBB. IF YOU WANT ' w??i.: ? i ^ me uun iwuaJ-?o, u naiiinguunjJB| j Glycerine Soap, Browp Windsor Soap, Colgate's Soap, French Soaps, Opodel- ? doc Soap, Castile Soap, Thompson's fl Soap, Lubin's Soap, or any other kind of Soap, or a Box of Potash, to inako your own Soap, f TOU WILL FIND IT AT Long & Burnham's Drug Store. if youlvant Fine C0L0GNE6, Fine TOILET WATERS, Lubin or Olen'e EXTRACTS and ESSENCES, HAIR POMADES, HAIR OILS, HAIR BRUSHES, Or any preparation for improving the Hair, Tooth or 8kin, CALL AND LOOK AT Long & Bumliam's Assortment. if yoITwant TO BUY AfSY PATENT MEDICINE KNOWN. You can get it, at the maker'* price, from LONG A BURNIIAM. if yoiTvvant A GOOD ARTICLE OF Bread Soda, Cream Tartar, Starch, Indigo, Madder, SaflVon, Borax, Whit- j ing, Glue, Sulphur, Alum, Copperas, Linseed Oil, White Lead, Train Oil, Lamp Oil, Sweet Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Alcohol, Seidlitz Powders, least Bowders, Largo Window Glass, Putty, Rotten Stone, Bath Bricks, 1 OR ANYTHING ELSE Usually kept in a DRUG STORE, you can buy it at a FAIR PRICE from our Establishment. We call Paticular Attention ? To all Preparation* made by us. We make them * of an uniform strength, and from the D PUREST MATERIALS. Country Physicians will find it to their advantage to call and oxamiue our Stock and Prioes. 4 LONG ?fe BURN HAM, Ose Door Above C. Merrick's Store. 1 _ F?b_2 _ 3# tf J THE rainy season baa come, when it ts very unpleasant, indeed, for thoae that hare Leaky Roofs, Chimncya, Outtera, Ac., and being aware that 1 there are a great many Rooft of Tin, Shingica, Ac., thai are in a leaky condition in thia vicinity, T have taken up my residence here among you, for thepnrpoae of carrying on a GENERAL ROOFING BUSINESS, with Lester's Sheet Rootling, An article destined to supersede Tin, Shingles, and _ other material now uaed for tbat purpose. It has the resemblance of sheet lead, with as good qualities aa that material, being both fire and water proof, and very durable, and what is very much needed here, an article that is chcapor in all respects. Ilia not only adapted for Houses, but Railroad Cars, Cabs, Steamboat Decks, Ac., and can bo nsed to walk upon, aa when it is put in and finished, it becomes very hard and smooth. It is also fireproof. Wo have it in uso on Locomotive Cabs, Steamboat Decks, Ac., where fire is constantly dropping upon it. It docs not affect it in the least. I warrant all Roofs water tight, and not to blow off, or I make no charge. Tbo Cement that is used with the Sheet Hooding, is also made for old Tin or Iron Roofs, and whon painted with two coats of this materiul, 1 warrant perfectly tight, or no chargo mane, un.t will last tor years after. It is much better than anything else used, as the contraction or expansion of Tin or Iron will not affect it, neither the heat or cold. Those haying Roofs to cover anew, or old Tin or Iron ones to he made tight, will plsasn giro me a call. Tbey shall be satisfied that what I say is correct. Letters addressed to me at Greenville, or orders left at the Mansion liouse, will meet with prompt attention. G. W. CASTLK. Jan 26 S8_ tf^ Gonorrhoea and Gleet Cure. S- ? Hp THE very best remedy In the world for tho cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Ac., Ac. Pj* Eat and drink what you please. q p J Full direction*, with a short ae- ^ ^ count of the disease, accompany each 2 H bottle. . 2 U 5 a At the same time " tuk rrsx " is a fcij most excellent remedy iu Chronic ?> O Cohls, Coughs, Ac. Cv It does not produce Sick Stomach, ^ or injure the constitution in any way. U ** " The Cure " is entirely Vegetable. 2 W Pi 2 Manufactured and for sale by pn W J. D. BRUCE A CO., O Newberry, S. O. Q ^ 3 O Eor sale in Greenville by W o r3 And by all respectable Druggists throughout the State. I reu ? 40 tf m w *aju;> puu ?a)i(.MOuo?| REED 8c GOODLETT, ATTORNEYS AT UW, " AXt> r SOLICITORS IN EaNITY. r %1W Office next door to F. F. Heal tie 1' Co. <> GREENVILLE, 8. C. ? j. r. nrr.o ?. p. ooopi.rrr. June 4 4 tf Notice* 1 rilllF. undersigned he* bis Notes, Book* J 1 and Account#, in the bands of E. P. JONES, B bis Attorney. Parsons indebted will piaaae sail and * settle. ALEXANDER <?HKEXPIKI,r> S Jan. 24 34 tf V -LLJ~U1L-L M i II UII 11,111IItIIII 5DN PBCTlOTiB R, OPPO?IT* MAimiOH mOUBH. OUEENVILLE, a C., / % RK8PECT FULLY inform. the public that be hu just received a Urge stock of Confectioneries of all Dotcriptiont, COMPR1SIMO, IN PART, Oranges, Lemons, and a fine assortment of Fancy "aadiee for wedding and oOier parties. Bunoli Ilaiins, Dry Figs, Currents, Citron. Maccaroni. CinneE?*?*g*, lW?, OUtpr, Soda, Fresh Fruits in Cans?Strawberries, Fine Apples, 'eachee, Tomatoes. French Prunes Injars, English Prunes in casks. jrine Apple and Western Cheese. Saldino*, Codfish aud Holland Herrings. Rose, Crem? D'Anis, Kummel, Raspberry, Black* iciry and Cherry Cordials. Jelly's, Preserves, Cooking Wine, Brandy Peaches, irandy Cherries, Worcestershire Sauce, French duslard. Pepper Sauce and Pickles. A variety of Nnts always on hand. Atso, a well elected stock of Toys. Fine Perrumory and Toilet Extracts. Extracts or cooking purpose*. SOAPS.?Toilet, Shaving and Castile Soaps. WITH HANY OTHER ARTICLES *0T HEREIN MENTCUREi. Jan ]? 37 tf nv ? j'?> M ! 1 5 2 D p P 3 Q ;;'s J ||?. s I M eeS " t? ? O? ? - C eSSM | B p'Z ? ? fc* g k." > m ffl ?-S B o n.% R y J? e I 5- s ^ J1? I o w tr** S * ? S = ^ 2 > B"o i> ? ,A 3*1 ^ H " ? JTw & ^ Ml ffj c' Op ^ W A, fJ s ? | l g ? ?*? ? 14 1 e ': s 7_ ?r i i t| t<? * ? g- P- o# I I^R AIIQ'Q )YSTER k EATING SALOON 18 OPEN AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY, AND UNTIL LATE IN THE EVENING. Frcsli Norfolk Oysters ALWAYS READY TO RE SERVED UP. R?~ Philalelphia Lager Boer, Ale and Porter. "T?S5, ^Jan 1? 37 tf Notice. 4 LL persons having demands against the Estate r\ of tho late Dr. W. II. ALLEN, deceased,arc o titled to present them, duly attcstod, to the subcriber. Persons indebted to tiie said Estate are lotified to uiako immedi.ite payment. A. R. McDAYID, Quulified Executor. Jun 12 3d tf Spanldiiiff't Prepared Glue. USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE. FLUID, and ready for use all the time, and as strong ns Cabinet Makers' glue. Price, per ottle and brush, 25 cents. For sale hv J. H. ? HE It MAN, Agent. I 17 tf JAMES FLECK, IOUSE A WD SIGN PAINTER, Paper Hunger and Hluxlvr, GREENVILLE, S. C. triLt. rAintrrLLY exrci'tk am. work entrusted to ii1m. Residonce ou Augusta Street, near Depot. Tcb 23 42 ly 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly. Saved Yearly. Planters Take Notice, Planters Take Notice, Jacob's Cordial Jacob's Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux, And Flux, It Never Fails. It Never Fails. r*. .1 . /? tT_i?? rv^ _ racKages 01 nan uoz. Packages of Half Doz. Put up Expressly Put up Expressly For Plantations. For Plantations. $1 per Cottle. $1 per Bottle. For Salt in GrttntilU by Aug22 l?-ly JOHN W. GRADY. NOTICE." rHK ondcralgned fire* notice to nil peraona indebted to him, that hi* AHook* and Ac>untt are in the haada of R. P. JONKS, hia Altorey, for eoUeetion. Call and aettle without coat. JAMKfl B. HILL. S A1 If Hnlr Dr??lH| and IhavlHf. BURRIDOR continue* the TONSORIAL btiainaaa at hia Old Stood, in Beattie'a Brink luilding, whore ha ia ready, during the day and vonlng, to Shave the Beard and Cat Hair and h*capon the Head, lie ro.peetfblly aaka a rontinalioa of putronugo, tf-f g| Oct 1 I RKTIII I C H 8 E H P HM Mw IiSI?*?klfr assuisssss: j, as&isisxsa: ' asfE^RSslrar. figBEES&@ 1WO.0IIU PachafM i ?SU22J 190,000 PncknKti 100,000 PMham M4 In and BoalhCtroUn* Id tk Onrjtn knd SoalhCarollna Id In Georgia ond MouthCarollna old 1m Oioigin and SnuthCerollna old In Georgia and bonthCerollna Y In PsnrUoii Hontlu. In Prnrtwa MoiiUu. Ik Prnrtorn Mom (ho. In Fourteen Month*. In Paurtoan Month*. It la Warranted to taro It la Warranted to Cnra It la Warranted to Cnro II la Warranted to Gore It U Warranted to Core It threat lone are Followed. It Dtreetiene are Followed. It EM recti one are Followed, If Dtroettono at o Followed, If Directions are Followed, AuyOaaeot Dyspepsia Any Cats of Dyspepela; A ay Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case ot Dyspepsia Direr Dlseasi, Direr Disease, '.i* Direr Disease, ^ ^ Direr Disease, ' . V- Direr Dleeaao, / tV Jaondloe, tA. Jaundice, yw" Jaundice, * Jaundice, Jaundice, ? ? It Is Bspeelally Adapted to It Is Mepeotally Adapted to It Is Bspeelally AaspUa 10 It Is Bspeelally Adapted to It la Bspoelally Adapted to Female Complaints t Female Complaints Female Complaints| Female Complaints t Fsnsalo Complaints | It Prod ores Rotundity ot Form It Prod aces Rot nudity ot Farm ft Produces Rotnndlty of Form It Prod noes Rotundity of Form It Prod noes Rotundity ot Form In Females of a Tl?ln and Spars llaMt In Females of a Thin and Sparo HaMt In Females ot a Thin and Sparo Habit In Females of a Thin and Spare itablt In Females of a Thin and Spare Habit Read s Posugs Bump to the Proprietors tor their Psatyhlst on " Dtseasos of fatomach sod Bowels." W. W. BDiaa A CO. , Proprietors, 383 Broad way. New York. For Sale in Greenville let Aug 25 10-ly JOHN W. GRADT. J O H N W. G RADY, DEALER I* FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, BE A D Y MA DE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOKS AND ST A TIOSER Y, DRUGS A DYKSTUFFS, HARDWA RE & OUTL KR Y, WOODEN WARE, O ROCK R1ES, GRAIN, COUNTRY PRODUCE, dV., OPPOSITE TIIE NEW COURT HOUSE, OX MAIX 8TB*FT, GREENVILLE, S. C. Jsa 19 *87 1y WAGON MAKING AND REPAIRING. rl^llE subscribers respectfully inform the public L that tboy intend carrying on the business of WAGON MANUFACTURING, and WAGON and BUGGY REPAIRING, in the town of Greenville. The host of Timber will be used, and the work warranted to be well done. Mr. POOL, who will superintend the work, is a workman of considerable experience, having learned the business under the bust workmen at the Carriage Factory of Messrs. Gower, Cox, Markley A Co. All work will bo done upon the most reasonable terms, and on short notice. A -hare of patronage respectfully solicited. WANTED. A lot of SEASONED LUMBER wanted, for which a fair price will be paid. J. A. TOWNES. W. P. POOL. W. A. TOWNES. Greenvilte, February 2, I860. 39 tf fBYHtrtiVrJfA\*1 tflTsHfTft**,r /a r.xr ?4uu?/u.tvMUO tWiniv p Saddle & Harness Manufacturer, At kit Old .Stand, on J/uia Street, ?ft Continue* to furnish all kinds of JIARNKSfi, of his own manufacture, upon the J^^^*most rcasonablo terms. His Stock of Materials is now very large, embracing every article used in bis Line. yaff- All persons indebted to him by Note or Aooouut are requested to come forward and pav up. UKOltUK I1ELDMAX. Feb V 40 11 Dissoiution of Partnership. THB PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the Firm of J. P. 1'UOL A CO., is this day dissolved by mutual eonsent. The Notes and Accounts due the Firm will be found iu the hands of Mr. C. P. DILL, who is authorised to receive all moneys due and reocipt for the same. The business will be continued by J. P. Pool. J. P. TOOL. 11. P. POOL. Feb 2 .19 1m stores ANFIWBMT WANTED. THE Subscribers want lOO.OCO best Whita Oak and Hickory SPOKES, for which they will pay a liberal Price, If delivered by the first of May next. ALSO A large lot of Ash, Hickory. While Oak. aad various other kinds of PLANK, nil of the BEST /tfT A I fTU a -J + * ? - * i i, wniiii'ii, lor which we will nay A fair price for *11 that offer*. SEASONED LUMBER preferred. GOWER, COX. M\RKLEY A CO. Jan 12 ' 86 if E. P.JONES , ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. OHKENVII.LIS, S. C. jutf Office East aido of Court House Square, where he may be found daily, from it, A. M., to 2, P. M. Jan 19 87 ly DENTAL OPERATIONS. r>H. JOHN ANDERSON WOl'LD respectfully inform the citixens of Greenville that he lias taken Dr. All**'* Rooms, and is prepared to attend to his Frofcsslon in nil the branches, with dispatob. Those residing in lie oountry will give duo notice b?for? coming, so as to avoid being disappointed. Oct 10 24 tr THE"ASSEMBLY HOliSEi On* fiqwrre W'it of the Pott OffU*, IPO.AMW Si if 18 jX 'if ? COLUMBIA, S. C. THIS well known Establishment has been thoroughly re-III led and improved, and is now permanently opened for the accommodation of the Public. Every attention will be given to sepply the wants and comfort of Patrons. Rates Moderate. 0. T. MASON, Proprietor. Dec I 21 tf TOWN TAXES. STREET EXEMPTION*, aad all other Taxes now due, will bars to be paid immediately, or defaulters will be liable to a DOUBLE TAX. Those interested would do well to call upon the Clerk of Council and settle the same. W. P. PRICK, Town'flerk. | Feb 2 29 tf fW M M ' ' 1 9 S E q tOVEUND^WftOING, GREENVILLE, t C.i RESPECTFULLY Inform. Ik* publle b*nerelly f, i that b* baa on hand ft An* tnvrMm of Boots, Shoes, Brogans, &o. I WELL ADAPTED TO TUX MARKET. Tn Ik* MMrtnUnt will b* found 1 Ladies, MIsms' and Children's GLaiUrS and Shoas* of many kinds. Gentlemen's, Youths' and Boys' Bool*, Oaitara and Shoes. Ditch or's Boots, an excellent article. Brogans of all sites and moat dnrabl* make. In fact, as full an assortment of Articles in bla line aa can be (bund iu any establishment in a town of th* same sise. He alto respectfully aak* an examination of bis Prices for Cash,, satisfied that hVs Goods are offend At the Lowest Possible Pifore. Persons in want of anything of the kind will please give him a call. ALSO, OX BAXD, A Good Stock of Leather, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOT AUDI SHOE MAKING, This branch of bis business is still carried on under his personal supervision, and every oare will be taken to guarantee satisfaction to those who patronise him. Nov 10 27-tf r HOWARD ASSOCIATION, t PHILADELPHIA, J A Benevolent Institution established by special Endowment, for the Relief of theSiok and Distressed, afflicted with Virniantand Epidemic Disoascs, and specially for tbe Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL Advice given gratU, by tho Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in caeea of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of tho Sexual Organs, end ou tho New Remedies craployod in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in scaled letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for Postage will be acceptable. Address, DR. J. BKILLIN HOUGHTON, Acting 8urgoon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. liKAKTWKLL, President. I Qeo. Faircdild, Socretary. Feb S 40 ly THE WORLD OUTGONET THE MEDICINE CALLED ** Inflammatory Extirpator," WHICH was sold during Court in this place, is ' now on >!< hv .1 W rtllAItV nf vllle. It cannot now be longer doubted but thie Medicine in tho most efficacious remedy ever in thie place, for Kidnoy Dieeaece, Pilee, Neuralgia, Lung Diseases, Dyspepsia and Rheumatism. Numerous caeca of the above diaeaaea have been cured tbia present week. Ilcadncho, Toothache, Earache, Sprains, and all Bowel Affections, disappear before it as if by tho toneh of magic. Try it, and keep it in your families, f?r sickness comes when yon least expect it* jTw. GRADY, Agent for Greenville, S. C. ; Dr. , E. SILL, Wholosulo Agent at Columbia. Also by 1 all Wholesale Druggists in Charleston, 8. 0. 1 G. W. DAVIS, Proprietor, i Boa 4520, New York Post Office. , Nor 3 ?f \ i.ooATrn J Corner of Baltimore and Charles Streets, BALTIMORE, 1(D. TIIE Largest, Moat Elegantly Purniahed, and Popular Commercial College in the Luitod States. Designed expressly for Young Men desiring to obtain a Tkomu-jh IS-aelicnl /tiiriuui Education in the least possible time and at the least expense. A Large and Beautifully Ornamented Circular, ( containing upwards of Six Sou are ftrt, with specimens of Penmanship, and a l.nrge Engraving, (the finest of the kind evur made in this country,) representing the Interior View of the College, with Catalogue stating terms, Ac., will be sent to every Young Man on application, free of charge. Write immediately and you will receive the pack- 8 age by rctnrn mail. Address, E. K. 1,OSIER, March I 43-Iy Baltimore, Md. ?? n gSBS o r " fesS H . iri?G sw sa C ! ^ ^ r I i p fees W g= j p ?^2 g*? Jg *? M[ BL A CK SMITHING. Tb? eoneorn of T0WNK8 k. HAWK INS having been 4iHolf?4 by mutual HHBcooMBt, the buaineas will be carried on at the eame Shop by the undersigned. O. W. BROOKS. January, 18S?. J. L. HAWKINS. NOTICE. THE undersigned baring transferred Tiis^ltorcst in the Blacksmith Shop near Williams' Store, to Messrs. Brook* A Hawkins, takes pleasure in recommending them to a share of public patronage. They will be prepared to attend promptly and satisfactorily to all call* in their line. They bare csperieneed and skillful Smiths in Horseshoeing, Repairing and Ironing Wagons, Plough Work, and all other ordinary work of a Blacksmith Shop. January, IS59. *7-tf O. P. T0WNK8. New Confectionery and LAOER BEER SALOON. MORRIS SAMUEL takes pleasure in informing his friends add the publie generally, that he has lately returned from Charleston, and fa prepared to furniah hit customers with ali that the heart can desire of various BON MOTS, Fresh and Dellclous Confectionery. Any kind of CANDY that is in demand. I have for sale and am constantly receiving Superior and Sound Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, and manv other rood Lhinn for ti.? inn.. I numerous to mention. Borne fragrant cigar* and something to eat, * What more doe* a reasonable man smI i Ah! not to forget, a sparkling glass of beer, May also be hail at any time here. Be tag thankful for past custom, I would respectfully solicit a further patronage. morris samuel. Ner. 10. 27 11 ON SALE. Avert general assortment of one and othor JK WEI.ll Y may be had of the Subscriber who makes to order Engnf*m*nl Kiuy, and any other article required In hts lias. REPAIRING feiU.fnlly done.-*-* ? Sixty yards east of th* old Court House. j. h. randolph. Greenville, ft. C., Sep. 16, 1069. 19-* | o rr a~prTc eT ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. C. ? jambs v. nan..., w. r. rave May li 1 tf | ? 1 1 " ?ywwwp ll COMPANY, IK THEIR IMPROVED NOISELESS MACHINES. Thy have ths following advantages o?> nil otb. rat They have go pads to koep In order; no bob. Ins to wind > no Angling or wnata of thread ; a, iling tho thread or work | no tool cheat stocked rith wrenches, pllora, pickers, leather, As., Ac. Tho direction# are simple, easily understood, and all; explained by the instructors. There is, a, eking apart olaaning or rolling. Tkay rcqnlra bout ten drops of oil per day, wbon in constant -?*. 'hoy make no mere noise than Ananon clock, ren when making fifteen hundredIntakes per minite. They run easy?a child tan years old caa rork them to foil speed. They ran fast or slow rith oat any danger of altering the length or tight* ?*? of the stitch. They will Hem, rill, Gather, Hud. Sltcb and Embroider, in so superior a maa- . ier that we challenge comparison. The same Ma* btne will sew pavilion gnaae and plantation goods, Che seam is as slasUc as the most slastle fobrit, and rill not break in washing or ironing. The same daehino runs silk, linen thread and common spool aIIam with * #.a!1U. Tha maaiHas smsLa^.. uvwii mvu mfun ihjiiii/. rwwmivp mviavinr, ad, therefore, stronger than any other high or lowtriced Machine. That they are superior to all othire, la evident from the fact of there having beea hirty thousand Machines made and sold, in com"tition with others already in successful operation, rhe question is no longer which is the beet maker, >ut whteh of tho numerous patterns of flsoTid I Bakbr shall I take. PRICES, *50 TO $180. H. W. KINSMAN, Agrnt for the safe of theee celebrated Mackinee. aao nsw&a* swims??. CUARLESTON, 8. C., D. B. IIARELTON, Manager. Nov 24 2 J tf NEW CARPET STORE! I ^ I PORTER JOTIBIBIEo AH? ID'iAHiffilR IN ALL KINDS OP RUGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHAD.ES, and Mill GOODS OF EV1IY BESCHIFTI68. asroi)- asm asasyo swiRiaiaiiiv CHARLESTON, S. C.t and J. G. Bailie A Rro,, 205 Broad Slrerl, Auguxta, da. Nov 34 2V ly NOTICE. rHE subscribers having sold out their entire Stock of CURTAINS to Mr. If. W. KIN8dAN, would respectfully solicit for him acontinunion of the patronage so liberally bestowed on then* n that department. ROBERT ADOER k CO. BCRTAIN 6001)8. This Stock is the LARtCST IN THE SOUTHERN STATES, Comprising Brocatelles, Baton DeLanee, Lace and dunlin Curtains, Cornices, Pins and Bands, Drape- . y Tassols and Loops. <y iy; us "H* /is. if im SJ. HADE A SD ri'T UP in tk? LA TEST STYLES. II. W. KINSMAN, 223 Kino Ktkkkt. Nor 24 29-6m Charleston, A. C. * X. L. >.?#&to., wholesale and retail dealeus in CLOTHING, and Gentlemen'* Furnishing' Goods, NO. 306 KINO STB2BXT, CHARLIWTON, 8. C. [JT Manufactory and Wholesale Warehouse; 14 1>by Street, Now York. |39~ All Orders promptly attended to. Not 24 89 1 y CTF. JACKSON & CO. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, W1IOLK8ALE AND RETAIL, NO. 199 KINO STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. a Not 34 89 ly* THAT OREAT REMEDY, THAT OREAT REMEDY. THAT OREAT REMEDY, THAT OREAT REMEDY. TUAT OREAT remedy, RANCHET groana, sanchez' BPECiriC, sanchez' sroanc, Sanchez* sroanc, banouz' sroanc, TTIE ONLY POfTTTYE CORK THE ONLY POSITtVK CURE TUB ONLT POSrnYR CURE THE ONLY HWUVE CIIMK the only TOSniVZ cure v krone trk none boorjt the rfeonx, before thk people, before me neons, before tin num. TOR GONDRRHOU AND Oljcrr, TOR (XlNoRRHOU AND UIJJ.7. tor oonokr't cora and sleet, TOR OONORRHOCA AND JIJXT, TOR OONORRHOCA AND GLEET RAVES A BiO DOCTOR'S BILL. RAVES A RM DOCTOR'S BILL, HAVE* A RIO DOCTOR'S MIX, BAVM A MO DOCTOR'S BtlX, RATES A BIO DOCTOR'S MIX, ib easily taken, 18 easily taken, IS EASILY TAKEN, Id EASILY TAKEN, b easily taken, jus no ead taste, has no bad taste, has no bad taste, Has No bad taste, HAS NO BAD TASTE, will dteci a cure WUX wybct a cure WIU ekeicct a cure will umm a cure will ?mn a cure without mrs or tim* without un or time wnwoei urns or time without loom ot timr without loth or iuit or change or racr. or chxnq* (it duct, or change or wrr, or chanoe or oner. OR chanoe or out, wtth uebb troon** with ias trouble. wrm ucas trouble, wiffi uchh troubl*. _ wi1h i ash trouble, momotmir, nor* 8peeoilt, k he wkkd1i.y, mokt rtkewlt, mor* result, and pwbranentlt nHUWBWKi THAN ANT KNOWN RKK1DT. THAN ANY KNOWN REMKOY. THAN ANY KNOWN REMJOnr THAN ANT KNOWN RKMHDf. TR/N ANY KNOWN ftKMVDY. KANCHKKwracmc can at ?nt wr mah. Fur SaU in OrtenvilU hi , Aug JOHN .v. urady. "shaving, llnlr Ti luiiutiig, l>r?wii|, Dflvf, AND . RAZOR ftETORG ANP 8HAMPOOIKO, Second Door Afore Mr. KePkmnX m>>jW.L80N COOK.