University of South Carolina Libraries
* Swittj jgy Bl Mtft* the Court Jtouii 3W. ? th# Ma) fcmw of?H WtfceimtWona^ H'SKK fc|USr* TiwHifcrdVoh el AT: ft* .tup pi'ftpefty rff Thottnw B. I Cox. at tlift ?rttt of ft. ft. 1>u?ic??. Assignee. At Def?n<Utn'V resMohfce, on Tuesday after SaletUt.T i" lift!' i Hnreau< 1 Sideboard. 1 Clock, J lioMtinJr ft'#'1* *. War<h-oKot T Red* and Bedding, ?t> fRlai^r.' 1 Trrtnk. 1 Chest', 1 ftl.te Saddle. 8 Boxen, 9 TtrtrcH. } Sottoc; 1 t>e?k. 1 Lantern, A Withstands. 8 IVWAfc Ttnxrri. 1 Borf, 85 Vol. Bnokt.t Coffee ?k..a.t- . i A tv. ? ' (V.ilnw A .. a M rnr , .. i" w -r yimuirniioBB, * mmiwi O- ii ?> ?. ? t'rtrHIc Standi. I Tables. 1 Riding TV< t? 111 'Isltor. 5 ftodatcwda. 2 Axes, 1 Crow Bar, i SUn-'.'f ' Ra?het*. ? .Tow. ft Jars. 1 Cupboard. 2 Rn.Tr Cvir, tMJdadjge Voeklne and Htuffer. 3 Busb?tsM. n a^*'Ilajn'nor*, 3 Drill*. 1 FrankUn T'^- T"?Br R.-oi 5 Oii Can a, 1 Pair Balances, 1 Pi.'.* ?'vVl Wofehta, 1 doran Candlo MoMlds, 3 TT I.'kj I R?*e, 1 Spa '.". 2 Rhn\ alt, 1 Mattock, ft Tuba. 111>j old Iron*, J. Cbiun. 1 Window Weights, 1 W ?< b ' ' 1 W *. :. and llarnca, 1 Wheelbarrow,'2 old Wagon Wheels. 1 imaJI lot lumber. S0(? fl. of Inch l'ln?? Plank. 2ft Pictures, 1 Ladder. 2 p?ir Shrvrel oud Tonps, T l'*lr Firr^JToits, 1 Store nnd Pipe, 2 Shot Guns, ft Smoothing Irons. 2 Shouts', I I'vjhrclln, I Dinner Bell. 1 Rhcct Iron ' Tfbtler. one-half burrol Cement, on<-hnlf keg of Nails, ' 1 Work Pftnu; n* the proporty of R. W. tloddard, V th'o stilt Of W.P. Price, fts per schedule rendered. AH Defendant's Interest In tl"0 Acres of T.and, more or lets, lylnt In Greenville District, on wutors " 'of Mush Creek, adjoining lauds of A. A. Neaves,0. Barret,t ct at.; as fbu properly of Tyre aud James ' Johnson, at the sttit or Jamas B. Johnson. ' lift Acres of T.and, mete or less, lvlnj: in Oroenvlllo District, n<yoinin7 lands of B. F. Perry of al. ; n? the property of William Plsfior, at the suit of T.loyd nod John Heqson. TKJlilS CfASTI. Purchaser to nav for titlea. I " J. T. McDAVtfcL, 8. O D. | Sheriff"* Offlca, Af.rU 10th, 18?0. 49-td \ Q 1,Z3B!T EJt' ?? CHALLENGE ' Jp sewing uicmm M'lllCU, FOB. BKl'ATV, AND SIMPLICITY OF CONSTKCCT40N, AND fc'FYlCIKNCY IN WoltlTNO, AH# UNEQUALLED BY ANY. I o_ A Few of the Maitf Uotttam WHY TL1ESE MACHINES ARE REFERRED ABOVE All OTHERS. 1. are *' remarkably uimpU is their conv?.i ii,.-.. A eWal ?'? operate them and undert in. i* tr.> t I'.i- 4- iin-jn: H.w'nitf Macline* m*>l? u. 1 'ij >sib.? to break or got tUm out o. > r ?: ? ?wi>e in their operation; finishing k 'I .1 uoitoruily perfect meaner. "( icy malic ? lock ctitck, alike on both - to* tiiu work, which cannot bo unraveled. 4. Thoy etitcb, hem, hind, fell, ran and gather, Ki' beating. a. They row equally waU the lightoat and beev1. at fabciua. J, Hbey eo*r over the hoauieet aeama without cbaugiug the tenaiou er breaking the fluent thread. s. Tliey uae any No. of Cotton, Thraad or Bilk, directly from the apool. ?. Thoy uu a atralgbt needle; curved onee are liable to break. ^ 14. The needle haa a perpendicular motlfn. Thie is abeelntely noeeeeary for heavy work. 11. They bave a wheel feod ; none otbera are in ^onetant contact with the work. 12. They run eaaily and are almoet noiaeler*. 13. They are not liable to oil tho tlroee of the operator. 9 14. Thoy do not require a rcrew-driver to act the needier. 15. They do not have to be taken apart to ell or ? clean. lii. Tb?y Oo^Rit fbrtn rid/psa on tho under aide of Oir woik, aor ravol out, nor am they wasteful of )n< j??i. ** U the liM with all ohuin-stitching mah.Ljg. ? i . Tory ??? capable of doing a greater range of ? auti i:i * inulo manner than any other Maehlnv., ' vt i.,' ihwc Ma<-hin?a, and vouch for the . '.if t .'Si. abnvo. UKKKNVILLE, 8. C. &0 ly '- vri-r-., fiutlery, &c. 'l-AV a t fi'h f.!! A I. u.NMtrLznant of Table^flV " f J.< CVTKKKlf. togother with5^* Jh/ . . . ??,?orinttone '??' KUKLF HARD -otn'r V. t i ?i thle market. Alan, Area, i..r ?c ! Ui iu Seythee, Rrioatba. Cradlea, and d?.?p'. V. j, tSpadoa nod rihovab, Roping, Trace 'name. Nails, Ac. Just reeoivnd and for aale by jobs w. quad?. April ft 11 tf sprincT animsbmmer1 0003DS, FOR I860. rl^ IIR subscriber respectfully informs his frietida I JL and ruxv'uuvj ? that he i? now rocotving AN ;:.Mn:K new stcm-k of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, coxhistimo or Fancy and 8tanlo Dry Onoda, lionnote and Flats, IIAte and Caps, Boata and Sboea, and Lota of Clothoa, Hardware, Crockery, <Jro 1.. s- a All of which willh? ioTdi a?tlheTo WEST PRICES. Pieu* call and hi amine before purchasing tWT, CHA8.ME.tI.Rli. ^ F w SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, JUST UKCEIVED. \IT R toko jflcaeuro in informing our frier.ds ami Tf tlio public jjommily, tlml we are now foj wrhn^.a largo nud w oil-selected STOCK of SPRING GOODS, A :tving Wen selected with cero, and under more . d<.-A?y iHlrwtogtl, we are enabled to offer . ; l laccuienU than ever before, or rt stock or *?fi< ?.' Itrcoii tioodnt virt.'ty, slni of the lateat an<l moat at .Uv/ff DRESS TRIMMINGS, Mfl.KNIWD ftTYI.K* Of LAp,!t?.? COVtRtMC?, Aild ?? ?Uganl Assortment of wra. iii^ &c ,/Jtr- Call and una for THE ITOM Of atNUfMt"'? fUWI8MIM tOOIS, K2AOV-MA't35. OiOYMMsfiQ, BooU, 8h?f!?, ]?**. Capt. Ia larg? ami eoupu't*. Ali?, a full Awortiimtl of tfaniwacs. Oattary. Croaksry and. QUmot**, fdrtA WO. CM A IIS, 4H6CKRIKX A-r. Sir* Country ProAwa hi ?xckat?>r? for ?.' Cul it-i'ol for C' lrn anA n?<v>i?. * R. f. OOOpLRTT A 80*. , , *?>*" la mod M Door* Wo* Oondhm Hmrm. #*ii * 4 Jfy \MmtF ^ . MILLINER &MANTOA MAKER XT AS received I.or SPRIKO STOCK of WOODS, If to wblvb iho luvlUs tho attention of tiio Ladiaa, thanking thorn fbr tholr lib*ml patronage, and hoping that aba will stiU oontlnnr to pleaM tf am. Among her St<>?k la I ho varv latest style or IMPORTED HATS, Oonoiating of CEIP. IMFEWM, CHIP. MTU. ENGLISH AND STRAW, Doauliful Assortment of French Flower's, Head Drosses, ILLUSION CAPES, DRESS AMD PLAIN: CAPS, Bridal Ac MoHrning Veils, Alto, ? ItaHutiftil Asenrt incnt of NEW RIBBONS. *?* Bonnets CImdwI and Trimmed at the shortest notice, and Cat in the latest stvle. DRESSES CUT ANI>BASTEI>. nr. B.? Vil Order* from the Couutry prompt- j ly uttendod to. Mr*. W. will open, Tuctrloy, firtt tiny of Moy, a Nen and Handsome Stock of Crape and Illusion Bonnets, extremely cheap. April 12 49 4 MILLINERY. mx as. la.svaxii 4% ?iv95s nx?>5tf fHAVE rotumed from New York with ? largo and complete assortment of HANDSOME HOODS, which they WILL OPEN ON Wednesday, the 11th inst., and to which they inTite tho attention ?f tho ladioa of Ureenrille and AmanK their stock may ho fonnd the Clotildc, Adelaide and Dore-Capc Hats; a great variety of Misses' Fancy Ilata; Bertha Capca : Head-Drosses; Hair Plaits ami Curls; Eugenia Magpie, Bridal and Mourning Veils. A large stock of lllbbons at rov'^cod prices ; Hats clcaucd and trimmed ; Dresses cut hi. ' posted. April b 48 tf SM83S8 ???BS FO.i I860. I AM reeeiviug a Largo Stock 2tfc GOODS, ^ suitable for Spring and Summer Trado.^^?^ which will bo Hold at Very Low I'ricte. Am inapoc- | liou of tba Stock U invited. JOUN W. GRADY. April 4 48 U Fancy and Staple TT>X ^ . JUST rewirvd, a fall lino ot DIIK8B GOODS, for ladies and gentleman, embracing all grades, I rem a very common to tfao beat Fabrics kopt Id this market, among which in many of the novelties of the day. Also, a good line of White Goods, Kinbroideries, Lace Goods, Ac.; Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ac; Bleach'd aud Drown ShirtiiigR and Sheetings, Drillings, Tickings, Ac. For sale by JOHN W. GRADY. April 6 48 if READY-MADE CLOTHING. A FULL Assortment of HUM MBit CLOTHING, Coats, Vesta, Panta, Shirts, and Under Garments, Collars, Cravats, Stocks and Tics. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. GRADY. April ft 48 tf BONNETS. /a A FULL Line of Trimmed and UntrimliONNETRand FLATS, Unobe. FlowwC? erf, W reaths, Ribbons. Ac. Just received and for sale by JOUN W. GRADY. April 6 4k tf HATa AYRRY large Stock of Dross, Soft and Bummo* HATS, for Men and Roys. Just reooived and for sale bv .TOltN ff ntlAltV April 6 ' 48 " if " WRITING PAPGIt, BLANK BOOKS. &C> LETTER and Cap Paper, Blank and Meiuoraiidum Books, Spelling Books, Ink*, Hold end steel Hens, llounst Boards, Ac. .lust received and for sal* by JOHN W. URADY. April & 48 tf CA RPETS, MATT INUS, ' Oil Cloths, Ac. SOME bandsoins Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Attomana, Ac. Juet received and for ale by JOHN W. OIIADY. April ft 48 tf WALL PAPER, 2P^C\C\ 1* 1KCES new and handsome patterns ^ V v'U of Wall Paper, Bordering. Window Shades, Fire place Screens, Ac. Just received and for sal" by JOHN W. OKADY. April ft 48 tf WOODEPT WARL C F.I) A It, varnif.'h painted Buckets, Well Buckets, Tuba and ]\ sclera, Corn Brooms, Ao. Just I received and lor ale oy JOHN W. Oil AD Y. April ft 48 tf drugs" amV dye-stuffs, WIN now GLASS. Putty, PalnU, Oils, Ac. Y2T Just received and for sale by im. JOHN W. ORADY. April 5 48 tf GROCERIES* ?TAVA and Kiu Coffees, Loaf, Crashed nn<l Brown Sngars, No. 1 mid WmI India Molasses, Teas, Candle*. Candies. Markerel, ?c. for sale by JOHN W. GRADY. April 5 48 tf ISTEI-W7SPRING_GOODS. WIS S ffj THE Subscribers beg leave to eall JlWwX lJ.lfl <h? attention of thetr friends and ros1.Ill) tonn-rs, and especially tbo Ladies, to TllEIR BEAUTIFUL AND EXTENSIVE STOCK OF GOODS, A'om rentljf for inrptellon. Printed Lawn* and Jaeonct Muslin* Organdies, Swiss and other styles In great variety Print*, Gingham*, White ami Colored Brilliant* Bareges, Plain and Satin Striped 8-4 Black and White Bcrcffo* Crape Merets, Black and Colored Mtfn and Satin Strijied Silk Grenadine* mw'K OIM1 uxinrrn C1IK* Black Chelle and Bo?barine? A large line of White Oood* Embroideries, Linen llaiidkorrhlefh and Irliih Linen* H-4 Bleached end Brown Tnble Drnnwki White Munlin Curtain* Thomson'* celebrated Hoop Skirt* LadUV Covering* in ((rent variety Hosiery. Glove* and I)rt *? Trimmings Black French and Kngli?h Drab d'Kto Black Wellington Cord*, Plain aud Figured Parmer'* Bat in Summer Caenimeree, Linen and Cottoned**, tod , other style* for Slen and Boy*' wear READY MADE CLOTHING* A LABOR STOCK OP HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, HARQjWAfce AMD CUTLERY? And all other QOOW asnally kept iu tho country. Onr Ht >. V is very large and *ompI*te. aad trill be < Isold a* low a* any Oond* brought to the country. BKATTJB 4 F I'LL! AM. | dyrfl I 4? ? | 1. II EjL-igS 5 rrrrfij; ft'. .w=s*sy-?njl ??-^4=ig=? I.OOKJPE. W* hart JCBT KBCBtVKDr * fin* Stock Of STAPLE A\T) JAiVfiT I DRY GOODS, ? Which, fDr ? QUALITY AND CHEAPNESS, (Wo think.) CANNOT DE SURPASSED. - o tf you with to aecura tha greateat ItAROAINS *' we have ever offered, " CALL EARLY, i We drt not consiuei1 U neee?wy to anuinorat* ' Article* or Prioea, a* every body know* thai we keep l< alwnye ' A URGE IB! SELECT STJK IF MS, in our line, nt a* MODERATE PRICKS an can be u(lorded. Therefore we *av, COME ONE! COME ALL!! And ekatnlne, and noe if what wo lay be ao. o 1 We havo alno for aale, J A 0 Octave Iflclodron, in perfect order! a ? OCTAVE PARIS MADE ALEXANDRE PARI.OR OR CIIURCH OROAX, j.? aud two good aocoud-baud PIANOS. W. H. HOVEY. K April 5 4$ if jjj A. SOMMERS * WOULD roapeetfully invito the 61* L J^StVUnXIVs tontiow of hi* cnntoiiiern and tbo pub- 8' Wn iLlXl) 1 in generally to tbo fact tliut ho re- t. cently had bin STORE enlarged, and hua junt re- E ocivcd and now oflbra for aule, TB? laromt ASP BUST SKI BCTKD 01 STOCK OF r SPRING ft SI'MMIiR tOOllS lie ben ever before exhibited in this market, eoueinting, partly, of Slimmer Silkn, Prcnoh Or^nndicn, Chaliioe Munliua. Joconotn, Prints, Long Cloth* Lobe*, Baraga*. Paranoia, Dtintors, Hoop* Bunnell, Plata, and Black .Silks And a variety of U001)8 generally kopt in Dry Goodn Stores. Ir A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GENT'S AND YOUTH'S J' lE'JJAlDY-MAD18 (B&COTIEH? BOOTS AND SHOES, H4TS AND DAPS, J rp-pj TTTVTTg jqt anpiAwas, cnmJ&Y,,{ ETC., E l C\ ETC. \v CHOICE! FAMILY GROCERIES Hi HIVfiUR . ojiaa as asa,s mw, A. SOMMERS'. 1 jsar-CASU PAID FOR ALL KINDS Of " ntoDi'CE.-*/!: 01 April 6 48 it r f & ? -1 * o h 9? ? ??2 1 % f) ? 5 S g m '-i ^ilsS?8w p r" d ' =*= 5 5 6r-?;A5?5?gt=5 L r" U5SS^SS < " M 8 ^3 ^ 3 2 5 O ^ (?< t-4 C- ], ffi ?9 g " JP? o POMADE 1)EVINE, " J710T Chapped Hand* ami Lips, Burns, Soalds, , Bruises and Sores. fluid at '1 FISTIEIt A IIElXlTPU-fl. ?ek 0 40 If ' DumoulliiN VKUITABIaE LIQ,UI1) GLVK " rpilK only reliable Olue for momling broken c< A K'aa*. earthen-ware, wooden-ware, shellwork, f<i and manv other articles, too numerous to itientiou. For sale at V18UKR A HEI.VIT8JIS, l>rug Store. Feb 9 9 tf The UnivQranl Cou|h Remedy, A 8Un* remedy for ehronieor common Coughs, 8lirfl Throat. ?nA ??th?r mlnAr TK?a*? ?\sv??a I plaints, ao often, by neglect, tbe forerunners of consumption. For aalc by FISTIER k HRIXITSII. Feb 9 40 if TOLII ANODYNE, A SURE and safe rcmody for Ncurnlgie, Jfcrvous Headache, Tontbnobe and coiuiiion nervous debilities. For sale hv Fisher a heixttsii, l>rnggists and ffbeinists. Feb 9 40 11 ^ l?lrs Wiiislotl's KooIIiHik Syrtip, r "I^OR CHILDREN Toothing. For sole at j X FlSIIER k HEINITSH'S Drug Store. |" ??? di Pare Catawba Ginger Wine, j I^OR sale by < FISIIER .1 IIKIXITSIf, I t". Dee ? SI M. Boe'.i Cluck. , Keroaenc llliinilHutlug OH. JUST received and for sale cheap at ?l FISH Kit k HEiXITSH'S. i? Fab 9 40 ? K 1,1 LlmBER WANTED. XO.OOO FEET .1 PINK \V K AT IIKR BO ATI I) I Xrt wanted, IX ?X- th CHANGE FOK AIAltliLE WOKK. Apply at the (htenvUie Marble Yard, Oroeii villo, ft. C. in Fob !? 41 tm [ PRIVATE BOAKI>IIV<;. ' rnnv . i. ? . . a .KB raum-niKT ? |)r<'|>nrc(] l>> ( CiilllllllMlllla tCYX erat YOUNG GENTLEMEN with BOARD ?f ami LODGING. His nriddence Is within 100 yards g of the Theological Hctninarv. anil eonvonient to the business portion of town, being about 200 jnrd* act of the Const House. Families desiring Hoard an also be accommodated. Rates reasonable. Feb 9 40-tf R. W. STONE. f BOOTS AND SHOES. ' J, A WKI/L assorted Htook ot I/ndios', Miss- ; _ aflilV0* 0"d Child's Boots, Gaiters, ilue.kskift I and Btippenr, funded and anhusfof, Glen's, Boy's, and Yonth's Boots aiirf Sheds of Srcry rarioty. J Just rcceired and for sale by I u JOHN W ORADY. I April A 40 HI g I Tf ll SO UTI1 KUJTTN UEVE^IDENST !~ Ux>k WelTto thi South! ; t - .' i> .. - o-'** ? . f Withdraw your Horthatn Patronage! A KD 7011 oHjci more lima all the a|?ceches mwt# V in Congress, mid trill online Abolitionism, UlTM*i*. F?n?ticlmtMd nil (ho other l?m?, to feel, lid tlmt seriously. too, their dependence en HoutUrn Commerce. nnd will ofloot ? rndlenl chengo toonr nnd more powerful thnu nil Ijio political harangue* i Christendom. tinconregc Southern Industry, outbera Knterprlee, Southern Manufactures, nud, bore nil, Southern Independence, nnd call on D. F. West & Co., And Ton can get ticodn VERY LOW FOR OASTT, nJ on very re aeon able nnd accommodating term* obi prompt paying customer*. We ni ?ew rscvirlfig N? Charleston a large ad* it ion to our present ttoqh, comprising a general as nuutiik VI every using mmiii/ >cpi in a country lore, which wo offer to sell on the moat reasonable irmi. Ww will take Produce, as woll as Cash, in [change for our Oood*. I>. P. VT KST CO. Plain, Greenville, 8. C.t April 2d, 1600. 48-tf BOCK 1BOO*. NEW SPRING GOODS. J. Ketchum & Son r) KRPKCTFULLY inform their frionds and eusLv (outers Uiat tliry have lately received a large ud beautiful stock of NEW SPRING GOODS, i which they invito attention, among which may be und itpcr Blno.k CJro I)u Rhine and Tlroeadc Dress Silks legant Barege, Grenadine and Organdy Robes rench Dress Muslins and Lawns lack Barege. Flounoed Robes, Black Cballa, Illack Crape, Marett and Alpaccas for mourning legant Valenciennes and Maltose Lace Sets, beautifully trimmed, see and Kmbrold'rM CndcrSlbcves. already trimmed ivlss and Cambric Embroidered Collars iucn and PiquO Breakfast Collars legant Linen and Lawn lletn and Plain Bordered Cambric Ilaudkcrchiels honuil and other new styles Ladles' Head Dresses eautiful Bash and Bolting Ribbons homasoti's Crown Woven Iloop Skirt, Boll Shape ami Skirt Supporter . 'Into Jaconet, Nainsook and Swiss Muslins [ilenilid assortment of Dress Ginghams -4 Colored Dross Muslins, at 12 and 15o iuest quality English Calicoes " " French Calicoes and Brilliants " " Richmond Calicoes nd other styles, selling at <5, 7, 8, 9. 10. 12 and He ipor Black French Drnp d'lttu. Kentucky Jeans, Colorod Single Mill Freuch Cusaiinercs, at the low price of #2c isli Linens, Scotch and Bird-Eye Diapers. White and Brown Table Diapers, Napkins and Doylies O.M.I n 1. 1 i/iiiiiihk nii'i i/[i>|n r; luiinnnr, i<>r v? matin Curtain*. Black Lace l'oint* and Mantillas " getlier with Brown and Bleached Sliirtinj;*. and >ng Cloth*, at 6, 6, 7, 8, 0, 10, 12, 16. 18, 2'J and 26c. Cornor Brond A ITlnln Slrcolt, March 22 40 3tn rho Subscriber Keeps on Hand VBI'PBRIOR ASSORTMENT OK M*:iH ClNfH PERFUMERIES, .SOAPS. inoat of i? popular PATENT MEDICINES, BRANDIES. rtNFS, WHISKHY, HUM nnd DIN, for Medicitl purpi^a. A* lie pnt-poae* arlling for CASH, ? olfar* lii? Article# at Lu\V PltlCl^. i'leaae eall and examine for Voureclve*. J. II. DEAN, Jan 20 38 tf Dissolution of Copartnership. rllf COPARTNERSHIP herctoforo ealitlngbetween 8TKKN A EVANS, la thia day diailecd by mutual eonacnt. Tbe Ruaiiicaa of the lueeru will be settled by Tnoxaa Stbks. T1IOS. ST KEN. E. U. EVANS. Maroh 2?tb, 1800. NOTICE. rnK undcraigned, baeinc puroliaaed the ontiro interest of E. <4. EVANS in tho abore #>n>rn, will continue the aame on hia oSSn aecouut. r THE OLD ST A ED, umiftr Mcfl*.'. Hall. TIIOC QTITV March 34 4? if SADDLE D HARNESS M A N U F A G T O It Y ? THE subscriber would respectfully inform the public generally that ho continue* the above Business, Two Jioori abore thr rtrnvilU Hotel, and it prepared to furnish custom's with any description of HOME jlANl'FACUUKD SADDLES. Carriage, Buggy and Wagon ARNESS inade to ofdor, and in the bett style*. KIDLES, Willi's, Ac., on hand, and for tale HEAP. . pat- Saddles and Harness UEI'AIKKD i short notice. A. M. OILKKATH. March 2V 47 ly Battalion Order*. o. ? I^llE SAL1TDA BATTALION is hereby ordered to appear at Bates's Old Field, oil Thursday* le 26th of April, I860. The TVOKH BATTALION will appear at Boar's Old Fiold, on Saturday, the tVth af April. The Cotnmiwtioned and Non-commis.ejonod Ofttrs, Regimental Staff and Band, the days precious, r Drill and Instruction. By order of (1. P. FOOL, Mh 29 47-4 Col. 1st Regiment S. 0. M. c 111 :k( ) id RiLM i:DY^ an cnfailinq crnr. for (f> D ill ttrt A ,\U ALL UI5t/\5tS> Uh I Hfc UHiiMAKY tHGANS. I'M! IS Remedy cures when nil oilier preparations fail. ll is entirely unlike every oilier comiund ; cnntiiiiiiiiK no mineral poison or nauseous rug ; s? it ?? prepared solely Iron. IV>oW, Harks id la-aves, and litis been handed down, from one incration to soother, by the Cherokee Indians. It offered to the public on its oven intrinsic merits. ! performs its duty i|uickly aud thoroughly, Tho itortainuto, of eithor sex, ifill bo repaid by utrinti lis lleuiedy. instead of placing themselves at the ere7 of some Quack or Professor. This Rcinsdy rikes st the very Root of tho disease ; its tendency not simply to suspend tho poison, but to rcmovo le cause on vVliluh it depends. Pull directions in imphlel fbrru, accompany each bottle. The s)>ocdy id permanent relief afforded by this Keuiudy, all rases of flotiorrhoen, (licet, flravel, trieturc, Fluor Alhus, (Whites in Females,) and 1 of the l'rinnpv Ofcfun* hna usf.?.?i-lv../l ic moat noM-ntifto men of the ate. Thii Remedy >t only eradicates all poison from tho system, but rigorates the moat delicate "oiiftittition. It does ndt affect the breath or interfbtv with any as* of business, or refjoiro any deviation from the null diet. It ro<|nirca no assistance from any other medicine. And what enhance* it* value, la the ciftire nl.fence ' all nauaeoui taate, being a |>iensant anddelicioua mp. % Prior fS.pcr Botllo, or three Dottle* for $5. POTTED A MED WIN. 8ole Proprietor*, Rl. Eouis, Mo. &S~ Sold in Oreenvillo by Fisher A lloinitah ; an Bchaack A Qricrson, Charleston, Wholesale (tenia, and all responsible dealer* in Medicine* in ? Koafh. April 12 40 ly Crockery <ind<>lmiswarf. 4 PITI,I< assortment of China? OraaMe and Common Ware, Olasswafls, Ac, JOst racoiff- ; i and for aele by .TOUN W. OKAftY. I April 6 411 K \ M|l ?| ? 'Wp?nn I ? <'*f\ 11 ? l 5 5 q " FOl A VAST AMOU Can be Saved March 542 ar? i>2 S 11 i HLff AXlXr St' OPPOSITE JOIII ALL. KI: GROC1 AT LOW PRIG r?TTIt ANKPUL FOU PAST FAVORS, I SOL Mnr?li I & Drugs and Medicines. I WOULD inform my pntruim, tmiiliopuWicunrorally. that I have recently laid in n fresh supl?iy of DIll'MS, MEDICINES, am) all other Articles usually kept in n Drug Store. Having made my purchases in person, I have u select slock of tlio best qiisllliM of Drugs, Ac., that ooulil be obtained in Market. I intend to SELL FOR CASH, and as t bought on good terms, I nut enabled to tell on such terms as cannot fail to pli-nee purchasers. I would invito Physicians of the country to give me a okll When lln-y visit to buy their Drugs. I I will insure satisfaction, both iu regard to prices and fluidities of Drugs. 1 have constantly on hnud all the most approved PATENT MEDICINES. A select Stock of DIUICS & MEDICINES. Castor Oil. hy the Bottle or Gallon. Sweet Oil, by tho Dottle or Oallou. Best Salad Oil. A select stock of the hest Soaps. Concentrated Lye, fur makiug Snap. A line collection of Pcrfumerias. Hair Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Tooth BrutAea. Ac Shoulder Dracca for lloys. Girls, Gouts and Ladies. Flavoring Extracts? trosli. Cooper and Cos's Ucllutiuo. Htnrch, Bluing, Ac. Tiuiuow mass ana rutty. One hundred Trusses?all sorts and alios. No. 1 article of Alcohol. Sdina|i|Wi heat London Porter, Brandies, Wines, (Jin, Huiu and Whisky, of tho beat qualltios, for Mwdicinal purposes. A good uaaortmcnt of t)ental Forceps; Lancets ; every variety of Syringe; ltrcnat l'ipos) Nipple Shields; Nursery Bottles, Ac., Ac. All Low roit Cash, at J. If* DEAN'S DHVO store. tr CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. Feb '2 39 tf EiCiBME IB CiillCE 1 LONG, GOODLETT k CO., RESPECTFULLY inform the c Si sous of (irssnvillo District, that they are now racoiring a Full STOCK OF UOODH in their line, all of which were PU&CHABED IB CHARLESTON, aid which tukt will. hull at Lower Price* Than Usual! The Block eousists, in part, of Bleached aud BroWn Bhirtinga and Shketingf A largo variety of Prints, of direct importation, from 6 (3, 12^ cents per yard Linen and Cotton Diapers, Linen Drills Fancy Caaaiincres and Cottonadcs Plain White Swiss and Dotted Muslins Solid llnregcs, Mohair Lustres Black Silk Mautillas. Euilir.ii.lera.l flnll*,. Barege Mantillas, white and colored Hoop Skirts, of various kinds, among which will he found some of T Springs, 65 cents; 90 Springs, $2.60 And all thd other Articles necessary to comprise a general stock of Dry Goods. A1 SB, OTmub ravtablr ?is1 HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, G OCERIES, HARDWARE, (BlEDfB&illRT, ft&ASSWA&X, <fcC., &G. We arc confident of the fact that #e can afford to soil our Woods at prices that Will command the attention of the public, and wo respectfully solicit an examination of our Stock. LONU, OOODLETT k CO. March 6 44 tf BUTT EM KB, f I ^ 11K subscribers inform the public that they will continue the above Ilusincss at tho Stand lately occupied by LOYKLAKD A CHANDLER. Ali kinds of rMTXlBr B*. 4 MMDSttUtt & (feurnmnffc, will ho done cheaply and promptly. They will keep constantly on hand a superior Assortment of r2? d idi \W & 1& id for Wtiotcsale and Retail, and will take in exchange for tlicif Work. Country Produce, Hags, Pewter, Old Copper, Beeswax, Ac. They respectfully bespeak a share of the public patronage. J. A. PEARSON A CO. 11 /*.- n.?ti \ \ vi tvw me uwuuu'u JA%/X13C,J March 15 7 tf pn? u 41 i? THREE III Mi LOTS, a jK^i -VN WHICH are eligibly oituatcd, and paying n (food in forest?ALL H'TRtiriiMK NEW?may ho had on Tery reason ?if?*nj|Mti aide tonus, if applied Tor soon. The owner wishing to inreat the proceeds of sale in other huiincM he is engaged in, is the only reason why ho has a disposition to dispose of the proporty. Also, for sale, a VACANT LOT. Khfpiire at this OIRco for particular*. March 9 44 if YOUNG STEELE. rpnrs tiiopottohbrei) stallion win I stand the ensuing Season at tho following places, Tis : Comincnemp at Prince A Hreer's StaMe, tfrneiivillo C. 1L, March 10th, Uth, and 12th; at I>r. Manning Austin's, 13fh and T4tli ; at J. T. Bennett's, 15th and Ititb; and John Charles, 17th and 18tb, and will attend regularly at each place cVcrV ninth day. f*?? Bills. *. h. A 1. L. WESTMORELAND. March 46 ?f FOR RENT. UNTIL tVo flrat day of January next, at (200 por annum, THE STORE HOUSE on Main Mrcet, Greenville, 8. C., recently occupied l>y Mautm* & Low*. C. A. MA-tfJ.MN, Arim'i, t(t buxi* n#w, of 8/ Maftldfo, dec'tf. Marel. \ k * -* ? ' oj * 4 m 1 V U' "" v1 "*" " "'TfflMKMMil fiffiS" '- *; NT Of SPECIE by Trading at m?WM? sim StOIU. 'I'iff.HUiJ'XV w w ap Am7,<i .1 1.1 VJl Xlil JL/ L > NDS OF ES FOR CASH. 1CIT A CONTINUANCE OF TilE SAME 45 ...... T. W. DAVIS, Praotical Watoh?aker & JcwrV i. G KEEN VI U.K. S. C. pjj IIE call* Attention to lii* M>> i . took of WATCHES And .1KW U.IA IC / 'MR Which is of the very he?t dnest Article of \\ i?.t'-'; dE?2&U^^Wrthat has ever l>cen offered for so"-: this market, and his stock Comprises the fin* t > glish and Swiss Chronometer, nnd also the fnn i> ic Watch, and the celebrated Joseph John.*' ' . and the Julius Jurge risen Wntch, and all oil ntiikcs. The ahove Watches are in fun: '5?dd ;. Silver Cn-vp, Hunting, and Open Knee, all of v he will warrant to keep the host of time. JEWBLnT . Ho ha* a great variety of JEWKLUY. ?: latest styles. He deeuis it needless to meiitir n tl artulc? of Jewelry, but says he ha* got every t' . yon need. llo will keop soon, Silver and Platod Ware, cuuaoie io me market. REPAIRING. All kinda of HE PAIRING done in Wntohca. Clocks nnd Jewelry in a workmanlike manner, at the shorter: notice. ftt>~ Ilia Shop may be found at the Goodlett. IloiMc. Feb 25 42 tf JACK AND JEANTOTTI; HOW THEY COME TO WEDf! WITH THE OLD MAN'S ADVICE. BY Ik CAUR. Author of " Remember Where," Ac., Ac. T I aft) going far away, Fat away, ?ly dear .Icanncttci And Ibcro is no onu to remember, and you too un.y forget; Aut if you'll select for Bie a snit of Cl.itliiup, y CAHH'S Store, It wilt assist mo to remember, and forget yon . more, It will assist the to remember, and forget yon i.ex > mors. 2 You'd better, ttty dear Jack, y<> to Curr'm yonrtrlj. And select for uie that pretty Dross 1 aaw upon bis shelf; And when JTon hare Wandered far?gone to a foreign shore, It will assist use to remember, and forget yob ueror more? It will assist ins to remember, and forget you ncvot mors. 3 Yoa'd better, my dear Jeannotto, whom I so mtsc adore, Come and sit down by my side, Whilo rid'ig to t. stora. So with the gtingen th their pocdtcts, t'.e tliair Tlicy were closely .foamed together, wh'V i they took a ridi? They were closely join ill Oil together, > ' they took a rid*; . 4 When to dreenTille they di4 cou;< i tremendous yell A little monkey shooting, " Any thiii). How wi*cly they did answer, " With y< o more, For the only place to gotbargaihs, is at Cm? '* Cash Store. For tlio only place to get bargains, is at CarrV < . Oath Store< I 5 When she adjusted her Uonnct, and he hie They embraced each other?hut why spcaiAt the next eom-akar*ing there was torn . afor That Jack and Nctte got spliced in the <". bought of Carr? That Jack and Nctte got spliced iu the (,"; !I> < bought of Carr; a u Day* hare piumcd, and sunk into doHtf, And Peter's growing old?liis hair is turning i i. His parting admonition wilt bo, frticii Jordan passes o'er, Whano'er yoo go to tiracnvilto, stop and trade a* Cavr's Store? TTheneVr yon go to OrOenTiUe, Stop and trad at Carr's Store. Oreenritlo, 8. 0., Mnreh 21, I860. 4fl-t L. B. ATTSTIN, A M & IR ? IT Y IP 3 & IT, RESPECTFULLY intorms tbo citiaons of Ua. vitlo and surrounding country, that bu h:i> lAKtN KUUM3 IN M'BEE'S HALL, Where he in prepared to take r? XOTtr n m iin ?r*ory style of the Art, and will bo happ.v to w on all who dneire to possess one of his Beau* Specimens. Being taken on French Gloss, tl.?M not aubject to mat, and are warranted not to Call at onco, and procure a Pterins. wnrrat give satisfaction, an hi* stay ) limited.' Amhrotypos in Brooches, Medallion*, B'.n ? inacrtod at short notice. Rooms open at 8 o'clock and close at & .'e dally. March la 4ft-' FORSALE, A NI MHKRof JATKHand .TF.N' all of imported stetk, and " ve aH?iAi more than *1* years old, n)| .. healthy. The* afc offered At prisaltfduy In May next, ah which 4tt old at nwMfc oAtcry. tor " ''* ' > fie*. March 21) x * ?a ?? o ^ it