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mr f '= agg! ' J....j.. ? ?! i "Jb ??S X ^^SrwitiSnBSit^ era opportunity to let you knough as how I bud a spell of tho aignr, and j does hope (Wm foe lines may find yon enjoyin' the j same God's Blessin'I Why don't yew only rite a sweeato line to tell eutFerin Kathrun all about her sweate Charley! Oh, my Charley?my turtle Duve?my pidging?my deer deer Charley?how my pore ole ia ioogin for to beer yer sweats voyce. I think I heer him singin Ynnky Dudle as be eutns from his plow now. Oh, my charfey. do com ool nnd let's get married. No j more at present, but remain yer lorin KaTORUN AN TtMIILKBUZZAIU). To my swceate Chvley. P. R.?Part wtkiind Jeem Blasieet has razed a nuo house and 8all$ does live so snug, she files him sumtifncs when he's leetle antony over. My weate Charley, let us kcape honse, and if ew luve me 1 wont whip yew indeed : now i won't ik>ok at anybody else, to I won't.? Daddy sex as how I must get mart ied, oceans I have mo 2 long alreddy. so no more at present. ff K. A. T. P. S.?Part Thurd. my pen is bad, my inelc is pnle, my luve to yew shall never fsle, for Charley is my own true luve, my pidgin, duck and turtle duvc. ao no more at present. KatiircxP. S. Notty Becny?Muthcr'a ded, and Timothy are got the fever. o no more at present from your lovin WwftpgilA lv Al il'U n An. TTotty Been v 2?I forgot to say that old Brin's got the hollow horn, and them korns on my tows don't hurt like they use to | did. So wonce moor your wife as is to bee scende U ki?ees aud sei fare wcl.? Yours, til delh do us pnr t K. A. T. Ankcdote.?A Washington correspondent of the Cleveland Plaindealer, under date of Febnarv 4, noting a visit to the White . House says the President did his full share of joking and telling anecdotes, among which he says he related an anecdote of an eminent lawyer of Pittsburg, which was well told and will bear repeating. James Ross was fitted first for the minis- i try, and being about to preach his trial ser inon, which ho had committed to memory, , he went to the woods alono, as he supposed, < for the last rehearsal. A venerable old pa triarch of the church, Father McMillan, sus- J pecting Roes' intention as well as his piety, followed at a safe distance, and creeping up behind the ninbitious youth, stood secreted behind a tree. Ross spread hiln.-elf, and finally wound tin with " Amen ! I'll liaitnmM if that won,t just suit oM McMillan," mid i wheeling on his heel, old McMillan stood berore liim. - No, Annies Kosr," said the old man, " that does nut just suit old McMil- i Jan, nor will you do for a preacher." lloss reviewed the evidence of his calling, and con eluded that the law was "just the thing for . fci.ri." .. ' ? Traveler dismounts at a tavern?Halloa, landlord, can 1 get lodgings here to night! . Landlord?No, sir. 1 Traveler?Can't you even give me a blan. Let, ami a hunch of shavings for a pillow in yoif barroom ? Landlord?No, sir, there's not a square foot of space unoccupied anywhere in the house. Traveler?Then I'll thank yon to shove a pole out of your second-floor window, and I'll roost on that. . A Married woman was telling a staid single lady, rather on the wrong sido of fif ty, of some domestic troubles which she in part attributed to the irregularities of her husband. " Well," said the old maid," you have brought there troubles on yourself. 1 told yon no to marry liiin. I was sure lie would not make you r good husband."? 44 He ? not a good one to he sure, mndnm," replied the woman, " but ho is better thun none." Sensible.?An old farmer in Texas, about leaving borne on a visit to the states, asked of his Dutch overseer, Peter, what kind of a woman shall I bring back for you to marry 1 44 1 does vant," replied Peter, 44 a Dutch voman mil a foot fourteen inches long and five inches broad, init a big leg coming right down in de mittle, so she can stand hard on the ground to Irive oxens trugh te mud." A TOP so man visiting a prison in Maine, inquire.! of some ot the prisoners the cause of their being in such a place. At last he a?ked n small giri (because of her. being in prison. Her answer was " that she stole a saw-mill, and went back after the pond and was arrested." The young man left immediately. Somebody once remarked, that tire En glishman is never happy bnt when he ia miserable ; tire Scotchman is never at home but when he is abroad ; and the Irishman is never ?t peace but when he is fighting. A litti k one, after undergoing the disagreeable operation of vaccination, exclaimed, " Now I will not have to l?c baptized, w ill I, mamma !" , , A Yakkkp. has invented a machine for ex tracating the lies from quack advertisements. kavma of 1 lions ? /? mama. ~ ~ ? a ? .xiuic mo imcr reen Hiier entering the machine, as only the truth comes out, 44 Awr thing to plea?e the c&itd," m the nurse said when she let crawl out | at the third-atorr window, , - 44 On* extreme follows another," as the ri liitlewtog said when he Hew round after his J own tall. Tub man who waited for an opportunity _ line gone on ; and the man who was fired witl^iudignfttion has been put out. ? J->Wr 'trpf to leave when a tobrg-Taift* \ M n?k* yoy jfit ishii dangerous to Lc out ;*ie. <a. At nlghth alone i , ui > ? si 11 Ei:-ri:< ri i iJA' in!-rni* ho^ki i juat received aWifllock of WhlMMoWMt oftMk-r Candies for wedding and other parties. liuucb Rai- * sins, Dry Figs. CurrauU, Citron. Macoaroui, C'innaC g Fresh Fi?fta tn Cans~-&tratobcrrie*, PineiApplas. Peaches, Ttpf*?es. anfe* mm, MP I French Prunes in jari, English Primes in oasks. Sortwlknd IlolblSTlierr^s.-* I Rose, ClSBC I) j uiaanol, R:i.?|ibarrj, Illxek- | *-* 1 ?iis3KS,^|y!w^!T^'L Tr "" '! Fine Perfumer/ Hud Toilot Extracts. Extracts * fur cooking purposes. , j _ .4 SO A /'.V.?-Toilet, Shaving anil Castile Soaps. ( *-<?r W akhoius MOT KMIR WEWTfPMFtr. '?i' 'I si v (ij\-r ir.-ij ?? !l? 5 7f S's if JF J.f <g* 33 11 *$ i I M a HU 5 J g**f al . ??r? i &##H Siis- S-^fii s 3 3 fp 5 ? fli'S I ? fat. ' "5s-3- i riff e 7* H ,; ?5lt? ? W?* g ; -??&<*> = ;??'?wsi 52 a ?3ff. * * ssi | si! iSsiSi Ig^Z if 1 I !ls^3 ? ? = M ? " 9 en % *r ; s if 1*1* c^3? WMrLANGSTON, MATTRESS MAKER, WILL REMOVE. ahont the 15th April neit, to I Greenville, and locate permanently, For the purpose of MANUFACTURING MATTRESSES AND WHIPS. Ho i? totally blind, hut i$ enabled to work at tho ahoye business. lie ean Furnish the Pert testimonials as to the durability and excellenea pf his work. He refers to Itev. T. 8. Annu a. Rev. j I. C. FrttvAx. Nath av AVnimtan, Esq.. and other gentlemen of Greenville. lie respectfully ask* a iliare of patronage. 41-2m Feb 16 Notice. ALT, persons having demands against the Estate of the late Dr. W. II. ALLEN, deceased, arc notified to present them, duly attested, to the subteriher. Persons indebted to the raid Estate are notified to make immediate payment. A. R. McDAVlD. Qualified Executor. Jan 12 lift tf S|>aul?liiig'S Prepared Caluc. U8EFUL IN EVERY nOUSE. I .'ALUID, and ready for uro all the time, and a? .? stronns Cabinet Makers' glue. Price, per Kittle aud brush, 2it cents. Fur sale by J.**n. 8HERMAN, Agent. 1 17 tf JAMES FLECK, tir?t'Cn a *' ?-v > . uv/Dnti "f 1'1'JK) Papor ll.iiuor stud Glazivr. GUKENYILLK. S. C. WILt. FAlTMH t.LT tXHTTK AtX WORK KJtTlll'RTKT* r T<? IIIM. Relatione* on Anjfrt?ta Street, nrnr I>?pot. r Feb 23 42 1y v 10,000 Negroes % 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly. Saved Yearly. Planters Take Notice, Planters Take Notice, ;F Jacob's Cordial Jacob's Cordial Is The Only Sure ? Is The Only Sure "et And Positive Remedy. And Positive Remedy * Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, s Diaiijiooa,/ .r , Diarrhoea, j And Flux, And Flux, It Never Fails. It Never Fails. r. Packages of Half Doz. ,J Packages ot Half Doz. u A 11 t nl i ui up expressly ?pl; Put up Expressly , For Plantations. For Plantations. ] $1 per Bottle. K $1 per Bottle. For S iU in GretHirUU by Aug*? IG-ly JOHN W. OBADT. m notick. pilR mtlctcifrnoil noiiti-all [mrsont ha1 det>tc4 t . him, t,i a liii A"<dlr?, V??L-- wn<| At I in fh? han't4 of K P. .fOKRB, hh? AW^P ' y, for collection. Call aud scttlo without cost. JAMEri It. HIMI>ee 3 21 If ? -i. ? fnlr DrmlNf mid Rhavln|. r 8I RPIT>OF continue th? TOlfAOIUAI, h?i?ltips* at hi. Old Stand, in Beattlc's Tlriek or oltdine. ithsw he is rends-. dnrlng the day and Tl i> t" -''rive f' > TN-nrd end Out Hair and ?l" li .m|Hio the I Irwl. Hti tfnliy n.?k* a cofttln- | itlaii of I'-ttronn^c. I.' j 21 O.1 1 i "u3TC3^?3RADY, KKALXR IX tmpiie sfAmssi qaodp, BEADY MADE CLOTBlSq. BOOTS AA'D II-AU?rTLE/i v. n ooi>>rro*m m m court book, ox hain trun, CiREEN VILLE, S. C. .<?& lap iy MAKING TNTMUTAIRINII. I"MIE 5Ul>arfi6rrS rcH|.rctbll)T iuf.R* the iMiUk) that the* intend cniyying on (he bustneM oi WAGON MAlUPACTl it?y. ?>?d ud UUGOY REI'ATOWMJ, inTbo UiwifnWlwcniBl ttiofccatof Tlmhor will b? wnl. end the workwtr M?fW to ce XMtlWhwr ' jW^TOOL, who will xnperlcaiiXT^ic't>i#liie ?? u^tr tho^bc#t vor^mcn At LIia r?rri?tr? 1^111'fnfv of \IpMm Hnwftr Jo*. M?r^ley A Co. All work will be done upon lie most rr.isouablc terms, an<l on short notice. A t^^^^sssss^ "a lot'or SKAS()Ni:i> I.r.MHKIi wanM. for vh'tch a f^if price Will bo paid. i iff* T J.; A.' T0WNB8. PT P. POOL. W. A. TOWN KB. Greenville, February 2, 1360. 30 tf rillv ASSEMBLY JIOLSE, On* Sqytnre tPr<rf *>/ ihe Pt* i? rc? a\ x ?e<r o w ia sa s* sp , COLUMBIA* S. C. rHIS well known Establishment has been thoroughly re-fitted and Improved, and is now vrmanently opened for the accoui in relation of the 'ublio. Every attention will be given to supply the rants and comfort of Patrons. Rates Moderte. U. T. MASON, Proprietor. Doc ? ? SI t f J. KRAUS'3 3YSTER & EATING SALOON IS OPEN AT ALL HOURS OF THE CAY, AND UNTIL LATE IN THE EVENING. Fresh Norfolk Oysters ALWAYS READY TO HE SERVED UP. 5W- PhUaWlphia Lager Beer, Alt and Porter. Hi Jan 10 37 tf REED &. GOODLETT, TTTQRMEYS AT LAW, AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. IW Office next door to V. F. Benttie Co. flFl GREENVILLE, S. C. . P. PREP 8. p. OOOnLKTT. June 4 4 tf 1 a 1=2 S 5 i-.g ^3 n tiifjjjSssS: 5SH3 W g=' xt & ? B. 5 r"* M L V^p FOR SALE. riu-. SLJ1SCIUBKR offers fur sale, a traek of r.AO AOREs OF LAND, situated on tho State ?ad leading from (irccnville Court House to Asheille, N. t'.. two mi lies below Hmlsw, in Oreenrille listricU On the plaee is a comfortable Dwelling nd Out buildings, and the best Water that can be tund anywhere. It would be a desirable place for summer residence. M. D. DICKKY. ?U..O * 4 tf OUNOEO1852. ^ located Corner of Baltimore and Charles Streets, BAI/riMftttK, MP. [^IIE I.argost, Most Elegantly Tarnished. and l'oDiiler Commercial Co Urge in the United tatos. Designed expressly for Yonng Men drsirIg to olituin a Thnrnngh /'mcticn/ /Ihh'mii Ettnra iit in the least possiMe time and at the Icostexpense. A Large and Beautifully Ornamented Circular, vitaining upwards of Hit Sgxmrt t'rrl, with spcoi icon 01 rsitiuamhip, and ik Large Engraving, (the nest <>f the kind over made in this conn try,) repre nting (lie Interior View of the College, with Catloguo Mating term*, Ac., will bo sent to every onng Man on applieatten, /rot nf ch'ifjf. Write immediately and y?n will receive the pack-, je by return mail. Address, E. K. 1,015IER. March 1 43-1y Baltimore, Md. addlo & Harness Manufacturer, kit old St?u I, o? .Toin Strict.' a Continue* to furnish all kind* of HAR^ANlX.'t, of hi* own manufacture, upon the r ^ mox I reasonable, term*. His 8took of Marials is now very largo, embracing every article ted in his Line. All perron* indebted to him by Note ?r Aenioi are requested to come forward and pav up. tJKOKOK 11KLDM A N. Feb 0 40 11 Dissolution of Partnership. rllK PARTNERSHIP heretofore rsistlng hetween the subscribers, under the Firm of J. P. ciOL A CO., is tl?ie day dlssolvsd by mntnal connt. Tbe Notes and Accounts due tbe Firm will ) found in tbe hamle of Mr. C. P. 1>1LL, who is itimrizcd to rceeivo all money* due and receipt for e same. Tbe business will be continued by J. P. SOL. . d. 1'. POOL. 11. P. POOL. Tab J. , 80 3m IT. N. novcy At Co. )KRRONS knowing themselves to he indebted to the above Firm, (which was dissolved in June, \?>7,) will save cost by giving IMMKDIATR ATKKTlON to the same, as no farther notice will be ven. W. II. IIOVKY. Jan 12 JA fas S I T A V I N O. Inlr Tri in in in if, OrcMiigi Drlnu, AND RAZOR SETTING ANL> MIAMPOOINO, ' At Tit it . , , , , Second Door Above Mr. McPherion'fl, WILSON* COOK. May t 39 TOWN TAXES. tTREET KXKMPTI0N8, and all other Taxes ) now due, will have to be paid immediately, defr.iilirrN wilt 1*f HaMo to k "DOI*BT.K TAX. iose interested imnW do. wel! to call rpns the tilt of Conneil and settle the name. W. P. PRICK, Town Clerk. ? IV. 2 f? if j ?E lis iS: W i :^;: :JBSSi::i:;E^\3 Otw, World, mmw pmhurm j lOo,?*K> r?eka$?a MM (? (iro^^am^mMM iirnlln* | >?M In Uraffta and (tonikCaratliui - I Mai In Owrgto and KoulhCarelln* SE Ku rT?^1" m So?rtm?mt?T >?ll In rontlnu Nonlbi. In Itartnn Months. < In Voontata MooUn. In IWtahia Months. In fftwncn Months. It I* Warrsntol to l/sn It is WtriSNM to Cut Sfr&ESSSSJs: It ta Warranto) to Car* II Otreetlons art Mlnmi .. It DMtdltwt an Followed. A It INrset|en? art Foil m i mAv If Dtrertlom are Followed, If D( rest to ns are Followed, Anjr Case ot Dyspepsia Anjr Can of Dyspepsia? l,,u[ Aa.L r.nn n? n.a.JL.1.4 Any Cm* at Dyapepeta I A-ijr Cm* *t PfiptjnU U?W DIMM, IJvtr DtMOM, I.lrfr Dtttain, AJR<Htw UlaoM*, Urrr DImm, ovSqESjFut t-vxo, JaaiHlta*, , Janudka. JfitllldlMa It la Kepeelally Adaplrd to V , I It I* (especially Adapted la It la Ptounlally Atlnpt^rt t* It la Kapeclally Attn pi ad to It U Kapeclally Adapted ta Kcinnlc Complaint* I . ftaaai* Complaints Re male Complaint*] Ktmalc Complaints I .. urss?zc;"X v *' It Piednce* Rotundity ot Partn a ft Pradaeca Rotundity af Fnna Jt Piadgre* Rotundity of Parato t Prodarta Rotuiwttty ot Pona In Pwaealea at a Thin anal (fart Habit In Pottoalca of a Tliln anal A pa re llaMt In Pemalsa ot a Tliln anat Spare Habit In P*u?ai*? ot a Thin anal Kpajro Habit In Pattoalra of a Thin anal Hpar* Habit Bead a ltMtnga Stamp to (be Proprietors for their raayotot oa ? Ms?u* of ftnanarh ho* llo*el*." W. W. BLISS At CO., Proprietor*, 303 Broad way. Hew leek. For Salt in Greenvillt Iy Arg 55 Ift-ly JOUN W. ORADY^ NEW GOODS. I AM RECEIVING m* SPRING andSTTMMER ( supply of GOODS, consisting of a general | Mock of ( Fancy and Staple Dry Goods* .< And Men's and Boys' CLOTHING, Hats and Donntts, Hoot, and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery. Drugs < and Dye-stuffs, Carpeting aud Matting, Woodcu aad *] Willow Ware, Wall Papering, Powder, Shot, Blast- ] ing Pttsc, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Salt, Ac., all at which will be sold at LOW PRICES. Thankful For past furors, I solirit a continuance . of the ante. JOHN W, URADY, i Opposite the New Court House, on Main Streak ] April II 4ll , HOW ARI >" A SSOCIATION, ; PHILADELPHIA, ' A Benevolent Iastitntion cstahlisbod hy special En- J dowinunt, for the Belief of the Sick and Distressed, l afflicted with Virulent aud Epidemic Diseases, and I especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual | Organs. t MEDICAL Advice given gratis, hy the Acting I Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a j description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,} <uid in casus of extreme poverty, I Medicine* furnished free of charge, ] Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on tho Mew Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent tp the afAicted in Sealed letter envelopes, free of rharge. Two or t'jrcs Stamps for Postage will be acceptable. Address, DR. J. SK1LLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon,-Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, l'n. liy order of the Directors. EZRA D. IIRAUTWKLL, President. Geo. FAtncuiLD, Secretary. Teh 0 40 ]y ~THE WORLD oijT PONTE! THE MEDICINB CA&TJSD " Inflammatory Ftlirpattor," AinilCn was sold during Court in this place, la If now on sn'.e, hy J. W. GRADY, of Greenville. It cannot now be longer doubted bat this I Medicine Is the most efficacious remedy ever in this ' place, for Kidney Diseases. Piles, Neuralgia. Lang Diseases, Dyspepsia and Uhcumntisin. Numerous eases of the above discuses have been cured this ' present week. Headache, To.thaebe,. Earache, Sprainr., and all Bowel Affoetions, disappear before it as if by the touch of magic. Try it, and keep it I r ill? f- >- 1 > im ;<IU| immuci, lur luvanc.s GOIUC. WUCD )'OU least | I ttpft it, J. W. (! KAIJY, /(jcnt fnjr Grocnrllle. 8. C. t Dr. i R. HILL, Wholesale Agent at Colombia. Also by all Wholesale Druggists in Charleston, 6. C. (i. W. DAVIH, Proprietor, ^ Box 152(?. New York Post Oftce. i wot * w 26 tf B LACK S MITHING. ^525^ The rbnrcrn ?t T0WNJJ8 A HAWIWH busing boon dissolved by mutual ' &2(fi2fc?*!3fooni?ent, the httsincaa will boaarriedon at the saute bbup by the undersigned. 1 0. W. RKMt& t January, 4*9. J. L. HAWKINS. i NOTICE. I TIIE undersigned having transferred Ms interest in the Blacksmith Shojfmear Williams' Store, to Messrs. Brooks A llAWKiaa, takes pleasure in I recommending them to a share of puhlte patronage. They will be prepared to attend promptly and satis- ^ factorily to all calls in their line. They have cxpe- ' rienced nud skillful biaiUi* in iioraeshoeing, Kepair- ' tag and Ironing Wagons, Plough Work, and all other ordinary work of a Blacksmith Shop. j January, IK59. ?7-tf O. F. T0WNE8, Now Confeetionory and la(tf,u hef.u sat .orb-nt MOUUIS 8A)LVKLUkw pleasure in informing hi* friend* mid the paldic generally, that he ban lately returned from Charleston, and la prepared to furnish hie customers with all that the heart ( ran desire of rvivui BON MOTS, Preah and Doliriona Confectionery. Any kind of CANDY that ia In demand, I have for m*!? and am constantly receiving Supori r and Hsnwl Oranges, Lemons, Nate, and idany oth-r good things for the Inner man, too nnnacrona to mention. Borne fragrant cigar* and something to eat, " What more does a reasonable man nee! ' Ah! not to forget, a tparltling glass of beer, May AUo be had at any time here. Be ing thankful for paat custom, I rronld respectfully solicit a further patronage. MORRIS SAMUEL. Wo* V / i H ?, e. p. jo\i:s, ATTORNEY at I,AW AND SOUCUVR IN HIUIIV. nnaRariLi.g, s. c. J&" Office Fast aide of Conrt House Square, where 1 he may be found daily, from 0, A. M., to 2, P. M. m f* ^ M T DEJTTAL OPfcRATIOUS. mm DR. JOHN ANDERSON WOULD rerpvtfolly inform the dbieni of J Uieeprlllo that lie haatakeaa Dr. At i ?'a s it all ike brnneW with dispatch. Tbow reeiding iMte country wltl due notice before coning" o a* to evoid being disappointed. Odl 20 24 / illlEr so?W#TO,SP!|)?. rW\Hl* aala wtt awaaeaca the FiBST OK X ^ATi^y, IWO, and Will last until th? Fimt or March, M?60, and ft wrti in ankr U. W??D8 Vow on bawd, and to make room for tbe coming Therefore, nil >ho n?T l? in rant Of OH BAP and handsomely-.?olcctod (loons, rill do well to come and price my Grton* before mrchasing, as I wm willing and want" to sell off mj Itock mt more 1:EDUCED PRICE? than I >nt< rrer offered them he/ore, Stich itx Ladies' Dress floods; Shawls and Clonks; Hod "1 and White Flannels; Table Covers; Worst- *>' ' ed and Linen ; Hoops, (Warranted steel,) for Ladles Misses and Oiildren} Lindseys and Srtipcd Domestics; - : I Shirtings and Sheeting*, 1,1}, 2 and 2} yards wide; TOwols A Napkins; r aJi.. ..j m. :i.i - ir t - ?. m*. 1 uitvRi ?uu vuiiurcn iiubc j unnic h a iuishcb ^tlwo j Needle-worked Collars and Bands; Combs and , Perftjmerv, etc , etc., etc. <9 It,<D wiinX5T<E>a AT 6REATLY REOUCED PRICES. Shirts and Vndcrthlrt*, flock* and Cravat*, Hoot*, ?hoe?and Mat*, Trnnk* and Carpet Bajt*. Khire* tnd Pintols, Reals'* new Repeaters, Table Cat lory and Notion*, etc., etc.,' eta.1 GROCERIES FOR SALE. Prime Bacon Side* and Shoulder*, Priiue Rio Coffeei and Bazars, Molasses, Candle*, Soap, Soda, Butter, Tobacco and Segara, etc., etc., etc. GRAIN FOR SALE, onn BUSHELS CORN, 2dt Bushel* I'KAS. C\J\J By A. SOMMbUS. ??. ALSO, 1 HA BAGS *o per tine Wheat PLOUIL 10 Bags X v/U Frttk Buckwheat FLOl'R. For *ale by A. SOMMKltfl. Jan S 14 tf ililiill TIIK perfection ?f scientific nrrangement and mechanical simplicity is attained by the GSflM & EAEEH'S SEVIie MACHUE COMPANY, : IN Til Kilt ^ - | r IMPROVED NOISELESS MACHINES. They hare tho following advantages orer all others i They haro no pad* to keep lb order j no Bobbins to wind ; no tangling or wnite of thread ; no tiling the thread or work ; no tool cheat atocked ritla wrenches, pliers, pickers, leather. A A c. |j The directions aro simple, easily understood, and easily explained by the instructors. There is no taking apart cleaning or rolling. They require about ten drops of oil per day, when in coustant use. They make no more noisa than a common slock, Ten when making fifteen hundred stitches per minute. They run easy?A ehlltl lea years old con trork thom to full speed. They run fnst or slow srithnnt any danger of altering the Jcpgtli or tightness of the stitch. Thev will Hcts, Fill, bather, Bind, Hitch and Embroider, in so superior a ni;in ! ner that we challenge comparison. The same Ma- { ^hino will sew pavilion gunse and ylfintatinn gooitPL Tho seam is as clnstic as the most elastic fabric. and sill not break in wai4tHtg Wr Ironing. The same Machine runs silk, lincti thread and common spool jot ton with equal facility. The ..eedles are shorter, ?nd, therefore, stronger than any other higher InwAriccd Mnchino. That they ar? superior to all oth rs, la evident from tho fact of there having lien hirty thousand Machines made and sold, In com- ] netitlon with others already in successful operation. The question it no Idlhger which is the best maker, >ut which of the numerous patterns of Cuovkr A Baker shall I tsiic. 1'ftlCKS, $50 TO $130. H. W. KINSMAN, j Agent for the ifile nf their celebrated Machine*. aaQ aajxesra OTpfasaw. CHARLESTON. S. C., 1>. B. UASELTOX, Manager. , Ifor 24 20 tf \T pw r> A i)i> I;T ct/\?i? huh jLil 01UI\Ei. IMPORTER, OTTOIM, AOT, B2LA031 IX ALL KINDS OF | BUGS, FLOOR OILCLOTHS, WINDOW BHADES, CnRTHinSQrEVERY BlSCIlFTiei,; tox). a?A 3KiiSSitf swiiUiuiaiifj, ! CHARLESTON, S. Cn Ann1 J. U. Bailie Ac Rio., 205 Broad Street. Aumiata ( " I not 14 n ' ,4y 1VOTIC3E3. rlfR Kubacribers having sold out their entire fto^ll or C'L'KTA IXS to Kr. II. \V. K1XPdAN. tronld respectfully solicit for biin acontinuaioo of Umi patronage so liberally beMowed on them n that department. ROBKIIT A 1)0 KK A CO. CURTAIN GOODS. Th^s Stock is the j LARGEST IN THE SOUTHERN STATES, Comprising Bieeatcllca, ^itdiDrlseri, Rare nod dual in OrtaiiiA, Coruiree, IMor ami Bands, Drapoy Taarela and Loops. ? \w sa w /a a s? a MADE AXD 1'CT VP in the LA TEXT ST YL EX. II. W. KINSMAN, 223 Kimo Sfurrr. Nov f4 20-Cm Clmrlrstrti, 8." C. I. L. TALK A CO., ?* -.? mT.HI, DE.WJCBK w Ocntlemen'i Fnrnuhinp Goods NO. 205 KINO BTBEET r CIlARCfcsTON, s. XX tW Manufactory mid Wliwlaaala Warehouse 4 i'tr Stbkkt. S,w York. |Sr* All OMvw promptly attended to. ffl Nov 24 29 \f C. F. J A CKHON & CO. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, WIIOLB4ALE ANt) KKTA11., ' NO. 19JWINQ STKEET, CllAHLluSToX ad 2J 20 Jy, 3 R R & PR ICE. VTiaRUtYS. AT t A Wo GREENVILLE, 8. C. *V? T . ARB.. . V.TI? i ' ",7* ttiiillt; vikmiii A VERY OEKKfJPt^A^IoKyjiKKT ?f fine & r* ??? jkwklky J. 5i s; 2i"T, ^*.*1, m^" u' oHrr him,,, M any other article rcntihed in hi. hoc. ' RCTAIlMNO faithfully dot. .tirf Sixty yard? eaat of the *l<| Cnnrt Ifonre. ? _ _ . * H. RANDOLPH,7 Ortene.lJe, .?. C., *t,\ IS, ]*39. 1 i "mmammap ' j MutMetne, KnoWitOhdfcp) *pvwao<f fcJNUI thhl h^p sw4 t*. and i. how a?^r?iii?>irww|QhT*-agil-?h. t? ??1 tSia dltcuee nli* '* ' 1'-j?r-*~*"r jrhtn thutail nrr-VihiW who had gtveh ?v .11 *\^%tZEg352Z inr nm ii.i'i lli iin it in IIP illnTl 1? > ' p>wh?u how. < ' ! ut*&3' | .'I ."tpnhhA *i The <)n*e mutt br ? ? yi'CS|t?d to (be ? >|?II<WP of the individual taking Q.M. on* **& M' thh qnutilictM tofll Let tbi^ctntutftgyoul Si^^A^eut^^de JU^ in the ufte of tboLiTKR In-J^IvioonAaon, and it Will cure I.ietr Bitinv* Attarlm, Jtyrpep. tin, Chronim t)i<\rrtn*a,Wjrl 8}ip> + ? n Votnjiaintl, Dyentery, Drt,p*y, Sonri Stomach, habitual Cot' litrnetm, (hotfr, CTMdt.l W'Aofcra AforiUftMaIf Infantum*, flatulent*,'*? Jannth'rt, FrmUft DVtrh Nrmt, and mny he ured'Jf*1 tUeeewfUliy aft nn OfJi nary Family JMWJf.lBjlt *ill ftttt' (Kekf/WM, nd? (?? thousand* can 'U1 tcatify.) fit tter^fyHltA uttt, if ftre or three Tea "<&rO "JoVraf af | commencement 'bf^ntt Jtaek. 1 AITwhOtM* It are giving |Jielr tjpti^jmhny Mi Ht Ihrvd* "??voa % tqi.\ i ailTl III 1UC niuuiu W1VU VUO IIlTlJOritor, and mrsllow both together. iWn V*1 vL^ RAVFOKirs ,?*8?. FAMILY gt^A&W1Htf coitrousnKD FRO* Furo^Veottnble Ejclrnr\e, <itni //ul tip in GLASS CAfitk), Air Tiyht, and Kit I Jcrrjt in <niy rtimytfju* TMK FAMILY CtohAfcV?^ TILL ?3* yelftTe,'nutaetlve Cathar| IHc, wlH>h the propffiFto# has used in hi* practice1^*'more than twenty year*.* The constantly incrca ?'Hny demand frwW ^oM * * who have lofty tlsedthc'mS Fill*, and the satiifaetion Which all express in1 S regaTd to their ae*i'ftia induced uieto place thein'P'i within the rcaeh of all. The Profe Msian w?U that dUm-nt Ca"liter onca to this well establish Q'od Hot, been niyXiall cd from a variety of the ^Ipareet ' Vegetable Salt traets, which act alike on - .everypartef Ibealimew- I tary canal, and are nnnd P and ntf* ta all MMtn where a Cat bar tic fenced gj od. rak as mrwtt of the Stomnrh, f Mirrpinrot, Pain* in lit f . j ftark wart f.uinm, (Wirc ^ ?n>, l'aif and Horedtet 1 nrrr the trhnle body, from M'audden cold, whirlrfW. . I aucntty, if neglected, end P in a lonp course of Fever o?n y Apjyrtite, a Creep jt i'ny ^onnliwi of Cold nrrr thr bo'iu. Hr'tlc*- . nttr, IlmtHtrhc or rovil ?? *> hrmd.'Jtt /n/inm < n,nf?ry tXmJrh, WoZUl in Children Or AdntU, ^ Hhnematiem, ayf*at/'?a i ri/irrif/'the fllnuH, and! imany diseases, to wtiejf^ J flesh Ja heir, too numerous to lutuition iu this adver tfeemcnt. Zb>?o?L lo 8. ,-j PRICK T1IRKK DIMES. i i, ,a The Hirer Thru/orator alid 1'omily.Cnthttrtie Pitt* arc retailed hy Druggists (fcvtcrally. and sold wholesale by the Trad? in all die large towns. ' a . 8. T. W. 8ANF0RD. If. D., fvi I MantifV'tnrer n?H Praptioinr, SS.'? Proailwar. New Y#i4r. For aalc Ljr FISUEIl A I1EIXIT8H, Circenrille. ? July 14 _ 8m THAT OREAT RKMEDT, \ that great rkukdv, / THAT GREAT Riar&T, *iTHAT ORRAT KEMKDY, *' ? '* i T1UT GREAT REMEDY, i : t 8ANCHIZ' 8TBOT1C, ? 1? ' ? flAKauy.' hi vine, ; - < -esagaBre SANUU' inane, | the only rorrrm: cure <??,. J this only fomriye cum , i >, thk onlt postotb cure thk. only i1wtivk 0i1uc tub only 1 villivb clue ga^ SBK. t' - MUKE TI.E IIBPOKK TUB I'UumJb ila uhb tub iboitsi ton goxorswea anilciest, ' :"' ; TUR RUNOKRH0CA ANU OIJAT, ' pdr gonorri:<e.v and "5 tacit, tor oon()kkii<k.a and aim VUR OONuKiUKEA AND tiUOT saves a nto nonws MIX, _ : AVd A BW DOCTOR'S MU , , HAVES A lt!G IXXTORW BHli saves A BIO DOCTOR'S BlliMT SAVtU A BIO DOCTOR'S BILL, *? 5SS5883; "^VT is easll.y taken, >* is kami.v TABAN, * i M KASdLY IAEXN, has ko ead taste, HAM no BAn TASTE, has no bad taste, HAS NO BAD TASBiA _ , HA8 NO BAD TASTE. WTU. mm A CORE > ItlfQ WILL OTBCf A CURB WIU EKTEPT A CURB .l.i I < 4 will effect a icurb 1 WILL BETEL? A CCKB f , , WITHOUT LOHS or TIME without iamb or TIM i ! ' SSiSSiSSSS .jSsoWtormrt. OR CM A NCK OF DIET, : u >j OR CHANOK or DINT, ( r4 OR I IIA NOB or DOT, Oft CHANGE or DD.T, wrm ixas TRouEkjL "gattKsa - KaisssKa.k more sncEnn.r, f ?YPKE tS'KBKLY, .* *<>-< ' '>> * X Mi S-TO11.T, HOx 1* MOKK ..wuaur, ' ' ' A*D PBniAKI&frLT AND PKKKANKNTLT^ - | I THAN ANY KNOWN tintEDY. THAN ANY KNOWN KKMKI.Yi <C / t r .} If Iff THAN ANY KNOWN RKMKDT " THAN ANY KNOWN HKMKDY. fax I THAN ANY KNOWN RKMKIIY. .VT KANTOTZ WKCTVIC CAN UK KENT BY UAtU 4X For Hale in GretnvilU by Angiil6-ly JOHN W. OKADY. V XL TT U V V : .1 i LOVUAnf's' buaolte^reenvllu, 8. IS* j RESPECTFULLY inform* tho public *on .rally that ha ha* on hand a tna mmiIwiiI of BootB, Shoes, Brogans, Ac. WELL ADAPTED TO Till MARKBT. / In tba a.?s<>rtinrn? will ba foand I.adic*, Aliases' and Children'* (Jailer* and 8li of uiany kind*. .JSJ^ Gentlemen'*, Youth*' and Boy*' Boot*, (Jailer* ami 8 boa*. i ?. I Ditcher'* Boot*, an excellent Brngnn* of all ?he* and most dnrahle make. In fact, a* fnll an nesorlmcut of Article* ia hia I lino a* can be found in any asta^Uahment la a Iowa of tktUDWiUe. Ho ?1?o fn*pcctfollj aA* an enminaUaa of hi* Price* for fatli, ntiiltd that hi* flood* an otWrod At the Lowest Possible Figure. Person* in want of anything of tha kind wBl pit atfw giro mm ? call. AIM), O* ITAXB, A Good Slock of Leather 1 BOOT AMD! SHOE MAKUHft Jl I Tbi? branch of hia 1>nainc*? |a dill carried on tailor hU p?rin>iial Kti|>?i vuiea- an'I ere jy car* 111 be | taken to nwinuiUs* ikU*fa|tI|? to (koae wko patrov- I tc? hiip, Mori# Jf-y ,, r"?MiVm'i8irai""" I J WANTED. -?^"0 I Oftk fl f)n 11'rk 3 r^?Hf for * will [*y a liberal 1'riM, <f delivered fey rib* Ank a of May ?*??. ? I ALSO,.... A large lot of AaK, Hickory, WJilto Mti ? fai ieua other klnda of I'l.AMv, oil of the lUirtT tjt'AI.ITY. %Muted. Cor whiek we will nwj oMK- <1 prL-e for all ifcat tfm .shASO.N Kl> LLMllEU , preferred; ! t iiOWER, COX. MMtKLEY A (XV lau 12 26 If . * 1 ^?V-/L PB