University of South Carolina Libraries
OOTHKBfl ffiPEPEMDEKCEl ~ LiUk "Well to the South! Withdraw yWr JTorthern FatronAfe! A BID you 4nI Ooft tkn ?tl tb? iptHkH mk)? A ta Comnh Ami ?riN caum AboUtiobiM, CU troiMa, VmmMIMi Mill all Um other Ima to Mt fed that MctoMljr, too, their depeadoaco oa Sooth, ooa O?ttn. aad ?UI effect o radical ehabffo aooam mdme#aae*affkl thaa all the polities! banegaM u Chrutonaouii tineourac Southern Iixlmtrjr, Saathoaa Bat?rpfta?j Southern Manufacture*, aad, ahoro all, tenth *?m Jadopeodoute, aad call oa S. 7. West & Co., And you can get Qcodo ernntr * /viir art VJ&IW LUW ruu l Aon, mJ mi rtrf reasonable ?nd accommodating tcifn* bva prompt paying customers. W? are receiving from Charleston a largo ad- . dition to oar prusont stock, comprising a gemotal ?wrtaast of every thing usually kept ill a country Hits whisk we offer to sell on tha moat roasooable tSims. Wo will take Produce, as wall as Cash, in Kkasas for oar Goads. D. F. WKBT CO. Flaia, Greenville, 8. C., April ?U, 1840. 48-tf iraisrieiis - FO&ueo. I AM receiving a Largo Block of S GOODS, SJm suitable for 8pring and Sumntr Trade which wilt ha sold at Very Low Pricee. An inspection of the Block is invited. JOHN W. GRADY. April 4 48 U Fancy and Staple OR.Y QOODS. JCST received, a full lino of DRESS GOODS, fi* ladies and gentlemen, embracing all grades, from at racy common to the best Fabrics kept in thin market, among wbich Is many of the novelties of tha day. Alsat a good lino of White Goods. Embroideries. Lace Goods, Ae. ; Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, As; Sleaek'd and Drown Shirtings and Shootings, Drillings, Tickings, 4e. For sale l>y JOHN W. GRADY. April & ' ? tf READY-MAMS CLOTHING. k A FL'bT. Assortment of SUMMER CLOTHING, /% Costa, Veeta, Pant*. Shirts, tnd Under Garments, Cutlers, CrtriU, Stock* wri Tic*. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. GRADY. April ? 48 tf ';'1 BONNETS. /A A FULL Line of Trimmed and GutrinBONNETS and FLATS, Rnciies Flow.WU ere, W re at be, Ribbons, Ac. Just received and for sale bp JOHN W. URADY. April A 48 tf H^Ls^jl* isi ? AVERY large Stock of Drew, Soft and Summer HATS, for Men and Boy*. Juit received end for sale by JOHN W. QRADY. ? April a - 48 tf WRITING PAPER, BLANK BOOKS, &C. T KTTER and Cap Paper, Blank and Me mo ran' Jj dum Books, Spelling Books, Inks, Qold and bteel Pens, Bounet Board*, Ac. Just received and fer sale by JOHN W. GllADY. April J # 19 U BOOTS A PC 1> SHOES. A WKLL aaaprtvd Stock of Lndie*', MissvAVHW''" and Chil^T Boots, Gaiter*, Bucket n and Slippers, healed and unhceled. Mtn'i, Boy's, and Youth'* Boot* and SbocY of every variety. J net received and for sale by JOHN W- OBADY. 1 April i 48 U_ Hardware, Cutlery, do. 1 (3Dt k OBNERAL assortment of Tablef^SV VViml Pocket CUTLERY, together witb'Vl 1ST all description* of 81IELF HARD- ly M'a HE usually kept in this market. Also, Axes, Grain and Grass Scythes, Sncaths, Cradles, and Keaphooks, Spades and Shovels, Hoping, Trace Chains, Kails, Ac. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. GRADY. April A 48 tf_ ! Crockery and Glassware. A FULL assortment of China, Granite and , Common Ware, Glassware, Ao. Just reeeiv- i ed and for salo by JOHN W. GRADY. . April A 48 tf_ , CARPETS, MATTINGS, Oil Cloths, &c. OMR handsome Carpets, Matting*, Oil Cletbs, O Hugs, Attomans, Ac. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. GRADY. A nail * J a ' r' ? * ?? VI WALL PAPER. 2CTITI PIECES new ud handsome pattern* jtAA/ of Wall Paper, Bordering, Window flhaiiti, Pire-plaoe Screen*, Ac. Just received and for sale by JOIIN W. ORADY. April i 48 if WOODEN WARE. CEDAR, varnish painted Buckets, Well Buckets, Tuba and Keelers, Corn Brooms, Ac. Just - revelred and for sole by JOIIN W. ORADY. | April 5 48 tf DRUGS AND DYE-STUFFS, j WINDOW OLA88, Putty, Paints, Oils, Ac. TW Just received and for sate by ^ x ift JOIIN W. ORADY. , Aprils 4A % tf , GROCERIES. BJAVA and Rio Coffees, Loaf, Crushed and Brown 8agnrs, No. 1 and West India Molasses, Teas, Candlee, Candies, Mackerel, Ac. For sale by JOHN W. ORADY. April* 48 tf DOST OR MISLAID, A DUE RILL, given to *'*. Jacobs by J. W. Bnhacs, for the sum of Ninety-two Dollars and Fifty Cents, dated about the first of Oetolwr, ! *#. April * 48 1* FOR SALE, ANUMBKItof JACKS and JENNETS, VB all of imported stock, and five of them iwl .Hi more than six years old, sll sound snd healthy: They are offered at private sale until enledsy in May ne^t, at which time they will be sold at public outcry, For Terms, apply at this Office. March 79 '47 5 NOTICE. rjlUK Mheoriber U A3 LOCATED at MILFORD X POST OFFICB, in Greenville Di.irict, aad ontri hi. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to the _ elliiMi of tho turronnJing eointrj, aad hope., b; , atrkt a&enetaa to bueinee*, and hie .kill la tbekeallag art, to merit a share of patronage. ' 8. KING 0ID80N, M. D. Merck 29 11 ? J More Nice Things. RAISINS, Almonde. CarreeU, Citron, Miliar'* extra flavored filtpr Nate. ALMA, Uoooaaat, Vanilla aad 8trawherry Frait Cream Caadte* j Candle, and Oast Drop*, mixed, la gilt paper., all from Stewart'* celebrated Manufactory. J mt reoetved and for tale by BRYCR SMITH, H i : Opposite T. ?. Robert*' Now Store. Orange* aad Coeeanute axpeelod to day. March & 4? _ I? ? Ths Bnbscriber Keeps on Hand A SUPERIOR AHRORTMKNT OF MKDI CINES. PERPU MF.RIW, SOAP*, m-.?i of . the popular PATENT MEDICINES. BRANDIES, WiNW, WHISKEY. RUM and 0|N. for M-dl. Inal pnrpoera. A* he parpoera selling for CAbli, ' he offer, hie Articles at low PRICKA. J Pleaee call aad examine for you reel re*. J. n. DEAN, .fan M n If . , u . w 1 TM ? mew sratw ntii! J. Kfltohom A Son ' RB8PSCYFULLY inform their friends end nw Xniw tkat Ik*; have laJcly n?lr?4 a largh ud beeatifol stock of NEW SPRING GOO OS, to which they Invito aUuntten, to?,?UlkS; be ftold ^ . 8 a per ffieck Qro Da tibiae ad ft re eg An DmiSUki Elegant Bwr*|?, Grenadine gad Organdy Robes French Dress Muslins and Lawns Black barege. Flounced Robes, Black Cbella, Black Crane, Marett and Aipaccaa for MviiSiij Elegant Valencietincs and Maltese Lace Bets, beautiful! y trimmed. Lace and jhabrvidVd L'odersleeves, already tritamed Bwiae and Cambric Embroidered Collars I.I... ...I t>: f-n Elegant Linen and Lawn Hem aud Plain Bordered Cambric Handkerchief* Cbonnil and ntbor new atyle* Ladle*' Head Draaaoa Kcaotiful Saab and Belting Kibbona Tbomaaon'a Crown Woven lioop Skirt, Bail Shape and Skirt Supporter White Jaconet, Kelneook and Swiaa Mnalina Splendid aaaortmcnt of Drcsa Ginghama 4?4 Colored Drcaa Mnalina, at 11 and 16e Fineat quality Engl lab Caliooca 44 - French Caliooea and Brilliant* " M Richmond Caliooea And other atylcti eelling at 0, 7, *, V, 10, IS awUlde Super Black French Drap d'Ete, Kentucky Jenna, Colored Single Mill French Oaaaimrrea, at the low price of 62c Irieh Llncna, Scotch and Bird-Bye Diapere^ White and Brown Table Dinpcra, Napkin a and Doylies Colored Dareaak and Drapery Muallna, for Window Curtain*. Black Lace Point* and Mantillas Together with Brown and Bleached Sbirtinga, and Long Clotha, at 5,0,7, 8, 9, 19,12,15,18, 29 and 25e. Corner Broad 4 Mala Streets. March 22 46 Sn Dissolution of Copartnership. THE COPARTNERSHIP heretoforeeStatihgWtween STEFft A EVANS, is thia day diaaolvcd by mutual content. The Buaineea of the concern will be aettled by Thomas Brunt*. TllOS. STEKN. K. Q. EVANS. March 24th^l860. NOTICE. THE undcratgncd, baring purchneed the entire interest of P.. G. EVANS in the nbore concern, will continue^ the same on hie own account, A T THE OLD XT AM), under Mc fleet Hall. Til OS. 8TEEN. Mirch 24 47 tf SADDLE & HARNESS MAN UFACTOKY. THE subscriber would rcrpectfttlly inform the publics generally that bo continues the above Business, 7Vo Doari above (he Greenritte Hotel, and la prepared to furniab rustocjera with any description of HOME MANUFAOIDKKD SADDLES. Carriage, Baggy and Wagon HARNESS made to order, and in the bent a It lea. BRIDLES, WHIPS, Ac., on band, and for sale i CHEAP. Saddles and Harness REPAIRED at abort notioe. A. M. OILREAT1I. March 29 47 ly FOR SALE OR HIRE, A SPLENDID PIANO- ! FORTE, In rood condition. sTrSaiW ApplyiV T iMifriWll s- M- MURPHY. I?11/ March 16 46 4 Battalion Order*. HO. rplIE SALUDA BATTALION is hereby ordered L to appear at Bates's Ola Field, on Thursday, the 76th of April. I860. TheTYOER BATTALION will appear at Bomar's Old Field, on Saturday, the 28th of April. The Commissioned and Non-oommissioned Oftcera. Regimental Staff and Baod, 'the days previous, Tor Drill and Instruction. By order of G. P. POOL, Mh 29 47-4 Col. 1st Regiment 6. C. M. K-..4L P.u.lV. u!ll . v/tjrviiifii?urctifuiue <4jt$iriCI. Prince A Oreer, ts. J. Duncan, Jr.?Declaration in Foreign Attachment. WHEREAS, the Plaintiffs did, on the 22d day of March, 18C0, Ale their declaration against the Defendant, who, it is said, is absent from and without the limits of this State, and has neither wife nor attorney known within the same, upon whom t copy of the said declaration might be served. It Is, therefore, Ordered, That the said Defaudant do appear and plead to the said declaration, on or before the 23d day of March, which will be in the (rear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and lixty-one, otherwise Anal and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. W. A. McDANIEL, C. 0. P. Clerk's Office, Greenville, S. C., March 22, I860. Maroh 22 46 le3mly LUMBER WANTED,"" 10,000 FEUhrr PINE WEATHER BOARDING wanted, IN EXCHANGE FOR MARBLE WORK. Apply st the Grttnvill? ilarblt Yard, Greenville, 8. C. Feb 1? 41 3m YOUNG STEELE. T^nis THOROUGH BRED STALLION will et.wrl tke aweseUw O -A #-ll plum, vi> : Commencing at Prince A Oreer'* Stable, [ireenrHie C. II., March 10th, 11th, and 12th; at Dr. Manning Austin'*, 13th and 14tb; at S. R. Westmoreland's, lith and 16th ; and J. T. Bennett's, Rsa., 17th and 18th, and will attend regularly at Mten place erery ninth day. See Bills. J. L. A Z. L. WESTMORELAND. March 15 43 tf 2 ^ S SB S ' ?a.'5wS?(|Bip=' J^OiSssSi ce M n 3 3 ss a* a I a# g * ^ cj I Dnmonlln1* 1 HERITABLE L.IQ,UIDGL.UE rUE only reliable Olue for mending broken glass, earthen-ware, wooden-ware, sbellwork, I kid many other artieles, too numerous to mention, j For sal* at FISHER A UKINITSH'S, J Drag Stor*. Fob t if POMADE DEVINE, FOR Chappod Hands and Lips, Barns, Scalds, Braises and Sore*. Sold at 1 FISHER A UKINITSH'S. Feb 9 __ 4# tf ( Tlw> ' ulwaeanl < /> tr ! MaswaAe. A 8U KK remedy for chronic nr common Congha, . /V &>re Throat, and other minor Throat Com. I >iaiDt?, # often, by neglect, the fore ranis era of eon- I umplioa. For aaie by VIAII BR A HBINIT8H. , Tab 4ft tf I TOLU ANODYNE, ! A Bl'RK and anfe rimaiiy for Neomlgia, HercY. 'MM lleideehe, Toethaeko sod common aeroua debilitiea. For ante by FI8IIKR A HKIlvrrSH, Itn((liti and Chamltli Feb 9 4ft ?f t . i , o e t h e r a CAST ITKl PLANTAITOH HOES, \f ANUFACTUREb expnwly tor J.TJL ti?, and to patterns famished by ourselves. They are made, blade and shank, 00% of ono piece of the verv best quality and temper of Oast Steel, and have strength of blade and length of handle to suit our Southern farming. The success of this article lias brought various. IMITATIONS into the mark et, but The Genuine Cast Steel Hoc IS SOLD ONLY BY i J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. GARDENING TOOLS. SPADES. HOES\ HAKES; TROWELS, PRUNING SHEARS, LINE RhELS, and everything else in this line, on hand and to arrivo soon. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. sraiM'-Bsss. We aro manufacturing Elliott's Celebrated Spring "Red. They are all that can be desired. Comfortable, cheap and durable. Call and see them. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. ?*???? A largo lot of those fhst-rate IronWheol Wheelbarrows, jnst completed. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. ^ THE ORIENTAL m COFFEE-POT. 8-g We aro mannfucturing, under 52 authority from the Patentees, THE ORIENTAL. s ?????s-m9 SS which beats the Old Dominion, and all other styles, M clear out ol sight," while it is sold at but lit m tic more than tlio common coffee 5S pot. PP If yon love GOOD COFFEE, try an Oriental. 52! J- I*. SHERMAN, Agent. PICTURE FRAMES. We are prepared to put up all kinds and styles of Gilt and Rosewood Picture Frames, as cheaply as they can be purchased in Charleston. J. B. SIIEUMAN, Agent. FURNITURE. We are constantly ro ceiving additions to our Stock, end have just effected n r rflniroiTionto w%?l. ? ? ?1?-? nun Oil UAU-IIblVC Manufactory, \vliicl> will enable us to offer it at much lower prices than ever. We intend to keep as good an assortment as the market demands, and to sell it lower than it can be procured from either Charleston or Columbia. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. WHliuEK warranted to keep good time, and to wake yon up at any time of the night or morning that you wish. Price, $1.75. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. WALL PAPERING. JIA.NDSOMK ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPERING, BORDERING, FIRE SCREENS, WINDO IK SHADES, &c. just received and for sale by J. JL>. SHERMAN, Agent. STHBSSCOFESilTEBSOSCOnC TI1WS. A good assortment of Stereoscopes, tome as l(5w as $1.50, and a ver v large uid unusually choice selection of Views just received. kerosenFlamps. We have just openod a new lot with in Improved Bnrner, :he best we have ever had. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Everything in the Housekeeping ine, frotn a $100 Choking Stove to a ive cent Tin Cup, may be found at the Jtore o# 1. B. Sherman, Agent, GREENVILLE, 8. O. Uar*h 1# 47 U 0 sB=fmsms UJ8 IF* BUT l H 9 FOt A VAST AMOU Can be Saved : eni'i March 22 !" *. ion 8 h ? II > TVT ATTST s OPPOSITE JOH1 ALL KI QROCI AT LOW FRIO rtT*THAKKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, 1 SOI March 15 Drags and Medicines. m I WOULD Inform my patrons, and the public generally, that I hare recently laid in a (Vesh (tipply of DRUGS, MEDIC INKS, and all other Articles usually kept in a Drag Store. Having made ray purchases in person, I have a select stock of the beet qualities of Drags, Ac., that could be obtained in Market. I intend to SELL FOR CASH, and as I bought on good terms, I am enabled to sell on such terms as cannot fail to please purchasers. I would invite Physicians of the country to give me a call when they visit to buy their Drugs. I will insure satisfaction, both iu regard to prices and qualities of Drugs. I have constantly on hand all the most approved PATENT MEDICINES. A select Stock of DRUGS & MEDICINES. Castor Oil, by the Bottle or Gallon. Sweet Oil, by the Bottle or Gallon. Best Salad Oil. i A select stock of the best Soaps, f Coneeutratcd Lye. for making Soap. A fine collection of Perfumeries. Hair Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Ac Shoulder Braces for Boys, Girls, Gents and Ladies. Flavoring Extracts?fresh. Cooper and Cox's Gellatine. , Starch, Bluing, Ae. Window Glass and Putlv. One hundred Trusses?all sorts and sites. No. 1 article of Alcohol. _ Schnapps, best London Porter, Brandies, Wines, Uin, Hum and Whisky, of tho beat qualities, for Medicinal purposes. A good assortment of Dental Forceps; Lancets j every variety of Syringe; Breast Pipes; Nipple Shields; Nursery Bottles, Sc., Ac. All Low roa Caa?, at J. H. DEAN'S ]>KUU MOKE. CT"CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. FTb a 89 tf MMilTiEinSlMElCE! LONG, GOODLETT & CO., T> ESPBCTFULLY inform the citixona of Green* IV ville District, that they are now receiving a rull STOCK OF GOODS in their line, all of which were PURCHASED IN CHARLESTON, Lower Prices Than Usual! 1 The Stock consists, in part, or Bleached and Brown Shirtings and Sheetings i A large variety of Prints, of direct importation, from 6 0$ 121 cants per yard Linen and Cotton Diapers, Linen Drills Fancy Casaitnercs and Cottonadcs Plain White Swiss and Dotted Muslins Solid Bareges, Mohair Lustres Black Silk Mantillas, Embroidered Collars Barege Mantillas, white and colored Hoop Skirte, of various kinds, among which will be found cottte of 7 Springs, 64 cents; 30 Springs, $2.40 And all the other Articles neceasarv to comnrla* general atock of Dry Goods. iuo, A\ TOiHj STfcJIPlPII.'flr (D1F HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, (DA0(Dssanr. SH-asswalaii, &o., &c. We are confident of the fact that we can afford to ell our Oooda at pricea that will command the attention of the public, and wo respectfully solicit an examination of our Stock. LONG, GOODLETT * CO. March 8 44 tf l.b7austin, 1 T> KSPKCTFULLY informs the citWena of Green, It. rille and surrounding country, that he has TAKEN ROOMS IN M'BEE'S HALL, Where be ia prepared to take PIOTUREIS in every style of the Art, and will be happy to wait on all who desire to possess one of bis Beautiful Specimens. Being taken on French Glass, they are not subject to rust, and are warranted not to fade. Call at once, and procure a Pictchk warranted to give satisfaction, as his stay is limited. Ambro types in Brooches, Medallions, Rings, Ac., inserted at short notice. Rooms open at 8 o'clock and close at 5 o'clock, daily. * March 16 46-If TIMHIHQo BUTTERVNGT, ?333 assmaaa. THE subscribers Inform the public that they will continue the above Basinets at the Stand lately occupied by LOVKLAND A CHANDLER. All kinds of iRDoyrn? & wnBaunlft, will be done cheaply and promptly. They will keep annslanilw a. k.?.l . a....i ! A se?>t ? a W a i? m for Wholeeale and Retail, and will take In etching* for their Work, Country Produce, Rage, Peurter, Old Oopper, Beeswax, Ac. They reepectfklly beap?ak a than of the public patronage. J. A. PEAR80N A CO. , (4 Doort below the Goodlett J/oute.) March lft f * FOR RENT, UNTIL the A ret day of January next, at $200 per annum, THE STORE HOUSE on Main itreet, Oreenvilie, 8. C., recently occupied by MiDLPit A Lone. C. A. MAL'LDIN, Adm'X, d ftonta noa, of 8. Mauldia, dee'd. | March 1 43 tf kerftMM HlMMlMMtlMS Oil. JUST received and for ade cheap at PISUMR A HKIKITSJl'S. Feb I M ?f 4 R I S B . ? , ^ I " T*- 1 . ?T ' ' . * = rniD. NT OF SPECIE by Trading at SS63R8. ranri STORE. TR-FIBT, ST W. GRADY'S. NDS OF CRIES, ES FOR CASH. .ICIT A CONTINUANCE OF TOE SAME. 4& tf 9IBlHLa9ELKLj?li9lBL\SEICiri9ElB^s J\P,K Aim 'jRAiMwrn. VUVM iiiiv vuillliiu JL 1 U H HOW THEY COME TO WED! WITH THE OLD MAN'S ADVICE. BY L. CARR, Author of " Remember Where," Ac., Ac. T I nm going far away, far away, my dear Jeannette, And there is no one to remember, and yon too may forget; Aut if yonll select for me a suit of Clothing, at CAKR'S Store, It will asaiat me to remember, and forget you never more, It will aeaiet me to remember, and forget yon never more. 2 I You'd better, my dear Jack, $to to Carr't yourttlf, And select for me that pretty Dress I saw upon his shelf; And when you have wandered far?gone to a foreign shore, I It will assist me to remember, and forget you never ] more? It will assist me to remember, and forget you never more. 3 You'd better, my dear Jeannette, whom t to much adore, Come and sit down by my side, while riding to the store. So with the gungci-s in their pockets, the jug by their side, They were closely jammed together, while to Carr't they took a ride? They were closely jammed together, while to Carr't they took a ride. 4 When to Greenville they did code, they heard a tremendous yell A little monkey shouting. "Any thing to sell?" llow wisely they did answer, " With you we trade no more, For the only place to get bargains, is at Carr's Cheap Cash Store. For the only place to get bargains, is at Carr's Cheap Cash Store. 5 When she adjusted her Bonnet, and he his Cravat, Tbey embraced each other?but why speak of that? At the next corn-shucking there was rumor from afar That Jack and Xctte got spliced in the Cloth they bought of Catr? I That Jack and Xette got splioed in the Cloth they ! bought of Cart, 6 ; Days have passed, and sunk into decay-. And Peter's growing old?his hair if turning gtfcSr ; i His parting admonition trill be, When Jordan he passes o'er, Whene'er yon go to Greenville, stop and trade at Carr's Store? Whene'er you go to Greenville, stop and trade at Carr's Stor^. Green Villa, 8. C., March SI, 1860. 46-tf 1*1Hi WlhiUW'i Snnlhlng Syrnp^ T^OR CHILDREN Teething. FoV sale at r FISHER A IIEIMTSH'8 Drug Stord; Pore Catawba Ginger Wine, FOR sole by FtStlKR * ttKIXITSlt, Dee 8 SI MeBee's Mock. T. W. DAVIS* Practical Watchmaker A JtWelef, GREENVILLE, ^ CPfrQ HE calls attention to frts Splendid stock of WAtcilKSdnd JEWELRY, tC J TSSk Which is of the very best quality. ,Ji\f Jjn He has the finest Article of Watches d*^alMw^tliat baa evor been offered for aale in thia market, and bis stock eomprisea the finest English and Swiss Chronometer, and also the fine magic Watch, and the celebrated Joseph Johnson Lever, and the Julius jtttgetieen Watch, and all other tn? makes. The above Watches are in fl?e Oold and Silver Cases, Hunting, and Open Pace, all of Urhiek he will warrant to keep the best of time. He has a great variety of JEWELRY, of the 1 latest styles. He duetts it needless to mention *ke articles of JoWelry, but says be baa got everything you beed. He will keep soon, Silver and Plated Ware, Sait&ble to the market. REPAIRING. All kinds of RKPaIRINU done in Watches, Clooks and Jewel iy in a workmanlike miaeef, and at the shortest notice. Ilia Shop may be found at tRe Qbodlett House. Krh 23 42 tf FOR SALfit THREE MB & LOTS, ? -vv WHICH are eligibly situated, .V Mid paying a good intereat?ALL ?tnay Mi had on very reason ?b,? u,rnfl?. if applied fhr soon. The vwuer wianiag to invest tha proceed* of tale in oth? ir hnaineaa he is engaged it) la the only reason why be baa a disposition to dispose of the tttoneHy, Also, fbf sale, a VACANT LOT, Knqhire at this Office for parUrnlhrs. March I U tf Drs. Long & Burnhsun, fpIlKKfVt (Mr Ai fcM ?T (Mr x MmM for lb* |Mt /'?, w??14 iiiihH?iiB> oimU Um nMi tar lUpmaet. t wltatap t* *y GENUINE ARTICLES, , would do wall to ?*)1 Mt tlir'" Ml fttodk of DRUGS, MEDICINES, FAINTS. OILS, VARNISHES, DYE-STUFFS. . PERFUMERY, BRUSHES. Fannj Artietf*, St, OfCK DOOR BRLOW HABBI80H A IXWO'B IHOS BTOBX. IF YOU WANT Fine Shaving Soaps, WashingSoap*, Glycerine Soap, Brown Windsor Soap, Colgate's Soap, French Soiips, Opodeldoc Soap, Castile Soap, Thorn peon'* Soap, Lubin's Soap, or any other kind of Soap, or a Box of Potash, to inak* your own Soap, YOU WILL FIND It At Long ft Buraham's Drug StoroIF Y0U~-VAST Ka# CO LOON KB, Fine TOILET WATERS, n of Glen * extracts and es8fncb& Hair to ma deb. HAIR 01L81 _ ERtttjHKti, Or My priptrotlon for improving tbe llair, Too (It or Skin, CALL AND LOOK AT Long ft Burnham's Assortment. IF Y0U~WANT TO BUY AIY FATEBT MEDICI OOII. You can get it, at the maker's price, from LONO A DURNHAM. * IF YOtTWANT A GOOD ARTICLE OP Bread Soda, Cream Tartar, Starch, Indigo, Madder, Saffron, Borax, Whiting, Glue, Sulphur, Alum, Copperas, Linseed Oil, White Lead, Train Oil, Lamp Oil. Sweet Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Alcohol, Seidlitz Powders, Y east n 1 t no j uunuviD, -t-atr^e tv inuow ViJass, rutty, Rotten Stone, Bath Bricks, Oil ANYTHING ELSE Uin?lly kept in a DRUG STORE, you cm buy II At A FAIR PRICE (rum our Establishment. We call Patio ul ar Attention To all Preparation* made by us. We make then* of an uniform strength, and from the PUREST MATERIALS. Country Physicians will finA it to their ad ran tag* to call and examine our Stock and Prices. LONG & BURN HAM, Ox a Door Asovk C. Merrick's Stork. Feb 2 39 if ROOFING ! ROOFINO ! THE rainy season bas come, when it is very unpleasant, indeed, for those that have Leaky Hoofs, Chimneys, Gutters, Ac., and being aware that there are a great many Roofs of Tin, Shingles, Ac., that are in a leaky condition in this vicinity, I have taken up my residence here among you, for the purpote of carrying oh a GENERAL ROOFING BUS* INESS, with Lester's Sheet Rootling, An article destihed to superscdo Tin, Shingle*, and other material now u?cd for that purpose. It haa the resemblance of sheet lead, With as good qualitiesas that material, being both fire and water proofs and very durable, nhd What Is very much needett here, an article that is cheaper in all respects. Itia not only adapted for Houses, but Railroad Cars, Cabs, Steamboat Decks, Ac., and can be used to walk upon, as When it i* put in and finished, it becomes very hard and smooth. It is also fireproof. We have it in nse on I.ocomotiVc Cabs, Steamboat Decks, Ac., where fire is cohxtantly dropping upon it. It doest not nflTnnt U ir? !?.??? I warrant nil Roofs water tight, and not to Mow' off, or I make no charge. The Cement that is used with the Sheet Rootling, is also made for old Tin or Iron Roofs, and when painted with two coats of this materia), I warrant perfectly tight, or no ehargw made; un.l will last for years after. It is much hotter than anything else used, as the contraction or expahftlnto of Tin or Iron will not affect it, neither the heat or cold. *Iht>Se having Roofs to cover anew, or old Tin or Iroh ones to be made tight, will please give me a call.. They shall be satisfied that what I say is correct. Letters addressed to me at Greenville, or order* left at the Mansion House, will meet with prompt attention. G. W. CASTLE. Jan 26 88 tf Gonorrhoea and Gleet ( are, ft?- m Tint very best remedy In the world fbr tho cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Ac., Ac. W Eat and drink what you please. ^ Full directions, with a short ae^ count of the disease, accompany each S g bottle. g W At the some time " mic cvrk * is a moat excellent remedy tu Chrome ^ Colds, Coughs, Ac. ft yr It does not produce Rick Stomach, 55 ^ or injure the constitution in any way. t? | 44 The Cure " U entirely Vegetable. ^ ^ Manufactured Anil for etle by 3 I M J. D. BBUOB ft CO., I O Newberry, ft a Q I v/u 3 | C For tale In Greenville by I O P And by ell respectable Druggists throughout the State. Feb 9 40 tf jh. ? '9411,1 )99|0 Vtltl ?flbl|4<ION0^ si '9 PRIVATE BOARBIMGi tfMiti Sttt>scrtbev4k Bfcpared to acoomniodatb WVX ?ral Y0UHa OfcltTLttMEft ?Mh BMAkD and LODGING. lfi* tetirtbnee it MtBItt 1?0 yards f the Theological Seminary, ant) eduVchient to tha buaineM portion of town, befog aHotit 200 cant of the Court House, Families desiring bwid can also be accoln modeled-. Hale* reasonable. Feb 0 40-tf R. W. ST UK Jk. N*tire. TUB undersigned has placed his VsiM, locks and Accounts, in the bands of &. p. JQNK9, his Attorney. 1'srsons indebted will phtase call and settle. ALEXANDER OKKKN FIKLI\ Jan 31 M %