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*?-- 11 "?' ,J*' 1 ?1?* Opinions op Judqi Batm'i The Louisville Journal sat* of Mr. Bulael avowal in regard (o the extension of slaver? in hie letter to lUe Chicago delegation from Missouri : This cover* the whole Republican ground. It settles the position of Mr. Betes decisively. He U a Republican, and nothing else. lie li liltt fla oriw) f%r Ktt/1 ? AM Saw. ard or Chase or Lincoln is. He is a Repub licau, pure and simple. As such, of course, the constitutional Union men of the South -will scorn to touch him. He hiu, by a single blow, severed every tie of confidence or of simpathy which connected him with the Southern conservatives. Tna Way Speaker Pbnjukoton Enter tains ins Friknijs.?As an evidence that Speaker Pennington is up to the times in doing the elegant part to pave his way to the White House, he has taken a fine mansion in Fifteenth street, and holds his levees with as much pomp and ceremony as characterize those given by the President. This evening he gave a dinner, at which were present Senators Crittenden and Fen Eyck; repre sen*atives Nelson, of Tennessee: Gilmer, of North Carolina; Adatns, of Massachusetts; llaskin and Carter, of New York: Morehead and Scrnnton, of Pennsylvania, and Dunn r\f Tn^isnn [ Washington Cor. N. Y. Herald. M Set Down One and Caret Two."?A goo<l slory is told of the towns of Lisbon &nd Lyman, New Hampshire, at the Isle election. Lisbon is a Republican town, and Lyman has been Democratic. The Democratic leaders in the latter town thought they could spare twg or three voters, so as to carry Lisbon for Iho* Democrats, and they accordingly moved 6ome two or three just long enough before the election to entitle them to vote. The result was that Lyman elected a Republican representative, and Lisbon two, much to the dismay of the astute managers, who hnd thus overreached them selves. Piccolomini Married ?Ry tho following paragraph from an English paper, it will be seen that the fascinating little prima donna lias gone the way of all crinoline : " l'iccqlomini is married. She sang on Sarnrdav week at the Crvstal Palace, and then loft for Dublin, where the knot was tied. The happy possessor of the fascinating sing ing bird is an Italian Prince, n Roman by birth, and a relative of one of the Cardinals, lie does not, as in- many instances, marry for ?he round sum rcnlized by the vocalist, but as ?m?tn of some fortune?for Italy." Gab T.igiit fou Yokkvillc.?We learn from the Vorkville Enquirer, of the 20th ol timo, that a gas company has been organized at that place. The Company has entered into an arrangement with Messrs. Wateihou-e A: Bowes, at a cost of $16,000, to complete the work and furnish the necessary apparatus, The Enquirer also sa}**, that the buildings are to he fire proof, and will be ..t... ...v, J".., "Hi. n Kn*onieter capable of holding 10,000 febt of gas. Okk TiiorsAND Dollars per Wekk.? A friend informs us that he made application al Charleston for accommodations, and that the prices asked were $1000 per week for a parlor, three bed-rooms, and dining room for six persons. In another case, $50 per week was asked for two looms without furniture. Washington States. A Real Ri.ksmnu.?A man, speaking of a place out West, in a letter which he writes home, says that it is a perfect paradise, and that though most all folks have the fever sugar, yet it's a great blessing, for it's the only exercise llicy take. We never thought of that boforo. The number of Mormons in Utah is put down at .18,000. Of these, 4,927 men have 20,000 wives. Petrified Bodv.? Dr. A. W. Bivingt informs us that in exhuming some bodies at a family grave-yard near his father's residence, Crawfoidsville, lately, the body of a woman, buried some twelve or more years, was found a petrifaction, with each irrticle of dress perfect. We shall give particulars next week.? Spartan. Color Blindness.? Professor G. Wilson has submitted a paper to the British Association of Science, in which he stales that out of eleven hundred and fifty four persons of all occupations, he found one in fifty-five color blind? that is, unable to distinguish the colors, retf, brown, green and blue. Neouokh ooino to Canada.?A party of twenty-nine negroes crossed the river froip Detroit on the 2nd inst., en route for Canada, constituting tbo first instalment of the Northern emigration of free negroes from tire Sourthern States which have pasaed enactments expelling them from their jurisdiction. Turner Lecturer.?Jolm Brown. Jr. son of old Brown, lectured at Giiatavnt, Trumbull county. Ohio, on the night of the ]5th nit. lie delivered a lecture on" The Inthience of Slftveiy." His brother, Owen, Drown, who was at Harper's Ferry, made boino remarks after the lecture was over. Lbxikotoj* Moxdmint.?The Ponton Journal tay1: "The first contribution for tho new monument at Lexington has been .made l?v Senator Hammond, of South Carolina. who h?* scut bit chuck for $o0 to the unsocial ion." Some interest I* growing up concerning the location of the Branch of the Hank of the State of Smith Carolina, amhorixed Wy the Act of 18o0, for ttie Northwestern part of the State. Abbeville and Anderson, we believe, are it? competition. Tnr Prst.ic Pitiwtixo ?The contract for t-iin in<? the poxt otlice blank* hae Ufco <!?-d <? (), y. S. Tliomae,gt P-fJ |>ercw?f. Jc#a >li m t!t? previotm price*. ') js tvi!) he a t m in of *30,000 jver annum. T II 1 i'. m,i i n ?m i m n lii iii a ; ljt Ctttrrjnrin. - I < c=c* I f j?gS5(Y / \ - ?VlLLIAM P. PRICE," EDITOR. Oar Motto?" Equal Blfhta to All." GREENVILLE, a a Thursday Horning, April 5, I860. NOTICE TO COBBESFONDSNTA All l-i. 1..?I .-J ?;.u .v_ - lEirkisit Office, should be addressed to tha Proprietor*, McJi-hkik A Dailkt. . All communication* for publication, should be ddrcMed, " Enrrou Ennrim." H. Raxdoltr. Jeweler, hu removed to hi* New Stand, three door* below lb* Goodlett Ilonee, Greenville. I Another Appem. We again appeal to thoee indebted to a* for Advertising and Job Work to pay the Mae daring , Court Week, and hope that our request will met be in vain. Hundred* of dollar* are due uc in small ( urn*, and we abail expect them to be paid. During our long connection with the bu*ine*e, we have nover yet had to *ue a solitary patron, but w* skull make no promiee respecting this rale unless we receive more money. PRICE A McJUNKIN. March 22, 1860. Court Week. Our Court adjourned on Saturday afternoon last. Rut one case on the Issue Doeket, of any Importance, was tried, vis: Chapman cs. Coolky for trespnea, which he* been at last decided in favor of Coolky. Tha trial of tha caa? occupied three whole day*. It will be remembered, that this cue waa heard once before, but reeulted, after consuming three days, in a mis-trial?the jury being unable to agree upon a verdict. It is estimated that the coatain tliia case has amounted to about five thousand dollars. We learn that the plaintiff has appealed for another trial.? Messrs. Sullivan, Stokes and Henderson appeared for the plnintiff, and Messrs. Pkkby and On* for the defendant. The following are the most important sentences: Geo. J. Oberlk, indicted for assault and bat tery with intent to kill, six month's imprisonment and fine of fifty dollars. IIarrold Wtllts, for eireulating inflammatory publications and writings, one yenr'# imprisonment. There were other cases of minor importance, which were duly disposed of by His Honor Judge WuiTNsa, but which wa do not deem of sufficient importance to mention. One of the most important events of Court Week, was the burning of several copies of Helper's Book, a key to Uncle Tom's Cabin and other abolition work*, which wtr< found in the possession of IlAkBOLR WtuTi. The burning took place in front of the Court iiouse, on Thursday afternoon, at 8 o'clock, in the presence of a large crowd of persons. The pyre, on which the books were placed, was made up of contributions by citizens of Greenville, Pickens, Anderson, Spurtunburg and Lnurens Districts, and the whole was lighted up by a colored citizen of Greenville, who begged the pleasure which such a task would afford. Considerable feeling was manifested, but as no Abolitonist or Black Hepublican was on the ground, "that any one knew of," the occasion passed away without any remarkable demonstration. One peculiar feature, which was noticed at the time, was, that iub oouui widu men mowing. a rove the imoke and ciudera that went up from the flame*, in a most direct Northerly course, in which course we hope they are still going. It ia well for Ublrxn or Gkkklt, or any other foul-mouthed abolitionist, that he was not present at the time, for if he had been, he would have received enough information on the subject of slavery to have lasted him his life time. An extra.term of the Court for this District, has been ordered by Judge WiiiTXxa, to commence on Tuesday, 17th July next, to continue for two weeks, if so much time be necesaa ryjto finish the business now appearing on the dockets. The Greenville Merchants. By reference to our advertising columns, it will be seen that most of the merchants and business men of our town arc alive to ;heir interests and active in their efforts to do a good Spring trade. They have laid in handsome atocks, and aak their old customers, and friends generally, to give them a call, inspect their goods and ascertain prices. This request we are sure will not go unheeded by purchasers. We bespeak for them all a liberal patronage. We would call particular attention to the advertisements of Messrs. Bkattik A l'ui! us, W. II. Hovkt, Joint W. Grady, and J. Kktcuum A Sox, to be found in this issue. New Millinery. Mrs. E. Waltox j? now receiving her Spring .4~..L. ?/ \Clll... A- a ?.f.L -t- f ? - ?"?* vi mnuucry, ac.. u? which ine inviiei uie attention of the ladies. Care lias bean taken in the selection of the stock to proenre the latest, must fashionable and best styles of goods in her line. Advertisement next week. > ????? tr Oitr reader* in the vicinity of riain, in this Itistriet, would do well to read the advertisement of D. F. Wist A Co., in thU issue. tr Attention is called to the advertisement | of Mrs. rants A Gonnov. They will open a new j stock of Millinery on Wednesday next, tr See the advertisement of A. Sowns, in another column. Lova Rules ?'"* Coust?A jury in Texas lately acquits, d a man t>.l"i*ht up on the charge of korse steak eg, although the crime waa clearly proven against hi*?, simply bcr*ose he stole the norse to elope with his sweetheart I, who was present in the t'onrt during the trial, gad waiting to scarry Film, K aequitud. The jurors hssd nrotv ahly ail hern in Iwva thcnvclves at ane bsd or another of th?-ir Usee, and there waa i.ot one per" hap* of them hot what would have done the same thing, in their younger duye, if tkey <0ukf Pot 1 have got tbeif wlv.a without doing so. i 8 Y R SKI 1 if ; m . i -it r An o? Lass o* Vaumu Paomnr.~B?t*?n tlx hour* of1 w4 | o'clock. Sunday moinf. tlx Steatn Mil's, liluittd littu mux than Rm MIW ?* ia'n U?w?, w?r? uwiu>?rM to be on fro. A dlf brtru wao blowing at tho Urn*, and ttrrjr ?furt mwii to aave tlx bnlMing wao unavailing,'notwithstanding tharc had b*?n ooasiderable rain that day. There it no doubt that tit* lira was ths work of an Incendiary. Tha building caught in the meal room, where fire is nrntr earned. and it being Sunday, no one who attends to tha Mills had be?a at work ia tha horn*. Our aitisrna ennnot ba too eareTul or.too suspicious of prowler* around tbair premiers from this liinu forth. This is ths second firs that has occurred about our town within ten days, aud both of them were unquestionably tha work of incendiaries. Tha Steam Mills consumed on Sunday night, together with lumber, flour and grain, wars the property, we believe, of Messra Anil A Caldwell. The lose is estimsted at betwsan $7,000 and 10,000?nearer tbs latter amount. [JfistiiTjf Conmr+mtitt. Poisovs n* I.Kjcona.?Tha extensive adulteration af liquors offered in the market as pure, and tha introduction of poisonous ingredients into those which are pronounced healthful, may well axelts alarm, and call for the attention of our Legislature. Whv tliern ahnuM he ba mneh brain fever, Jrliriuu (mmi, and so much sadden death among our young men who indulge at the bar, eanaot l>e explained upon any common principles. An expert eheiutai of this city bought of an importer a bottle of what they called genuine champagne. Analization proved it to contain one quarter of an owner of emoar of tea JI The same gentleman analysed sixteen samples of wines?Port, Hlierry and Maderia?in which not one drop of the Jute* of the grape was found. The base of the port wine was diluted sulphuric I ncid, colored with elderberry juice, with alum, stigsr and neutral spirit*. The basis of the sherry wine was a pnle malt, sulphuric sold from bitter almonds, with a percentage of alcoholic spirit* from brandy. Ihe Maderia wina was a decoefloa of hop*, sulphuric acid, honey, Jamai ca spirits, ?fcc.?Ar. Y. Commercial Advertiser. cowwmskxt for Negro Stsauxo ?An individual, who passed under the names, " James 1). Barry," "Jordan" and "Martin," and representing himself as being from Mecklenburg county. North Carolina, was committed to jail in this place on last Friday, on charge of stealing a negro l>clonging to Mr. James Gaston, living near Reidville.? The circumstances and cause of his arrest have been related to us as follows: "Barry, alia* Jordan, alias Martin, saw the negro boy on Thursday, and prevailed on him, by certain promises mads to him, to consent tw meet him at a certain place, with a horse, that night. The negro disclosed the fact to Mr. Gaston, who, with several other persons, coneealed themselves at the place of meeting; at a signal from the negro, upon his arrival, Barry appeared, and Mr. Gnston ami his friends also made their appearance, secured him, brought him to this place on the next day, and had him safely lodged in jail for trial at the approaching term of our Court.?Spartanburg Express. InrBovrwrxT* in the manufacture of "instrument* of death," have tended to diminUli rather than increase the horror* of war. They make nation* more respectful to each other. Hodman'* ounnon then, which is de*eril>ed below,, we judge, a " eharitahlu institution "The monster cannon designed l?y Major Rodman, United States Artnv, and recently cast at the Fort Pitt Works, 1'StUbtirg, is now being bored. The gun weighs soma forty-eight thousand pounds. It hus n bore of fifteen inches diameter, and thirteen feet nine inches in length. It haa twenty-five inches of solid metal at the breech, tun king its extreme length fourteen and a half feet. At the breech, the outside dhiraeter is fourteen feet; at the niuzxle, twenty-eight and nine-tenths inches. It will project a ball of four hundred and twenty-one |>otuid*, a distance of live or six miles, with a tolerable accurate range of four miles. No gun approaching it in sice or weight has ever been east. The largest English guns are made of iron staves, banded together. Some brass pieces of greater length have been cast, but no gun of more than twelve iuch bore." Sxakk Killixc.?Another exhibition of tbe skill of the mongoose in killing snakes took plare in tbe Melbourne Hippodrome, on the 24th December. Tbe snakes were all large, in full vigor and most tenacious of life. Tbe instinct of the mongoose was displayed immediately upon being placed in view of tboir quarry. Without a moment's hesitation they each utnde for their respective snake's bead, fastened at once, and spito of all the writhing* and convulsions of the reptiles, maintained their grip untii they bad annihilated tbe power of using the poison fangs. Rotue unbeliever* amongst the spectators ventured to impugu tbe venomous properties of the snakes, which were then and there removed, examined before witnesses and found not wanting. One gentleman took a handful of them home with bint, but whether for culinary or scientific purposes is not stated. The relentless hatred borne by tbe mongoose to the snake was admirably exemplified when the dead reptiles were removed. Both tbe incbneuinons followed the man who took them away, and sat up with nose erect and ears pricked, for some time, in expectancy of another feast. Neither of the little creature* was tbe least hart, although between them six or eight venomous snakes were destroyed.?Australian Mail. MtunarAt Eixerro!*.?The following is tlie result of (lie election held, yesterday, for Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Columbia: For Mayor. Dr. J. II. Boatwright, 263 Dr. T. J. Ooodwyu, 20fi Jaint-s D. Tradewell, 194 A Idrrmen. Ward No 1.?R. I). Senn, James Jone*, J. 8. Ouignard. Ward No. 2.?W. H. Casoon, R. Anderson, 0. Z. Bates. n nro ao. ?,?u. r. aicixonaid, w. T. Walter, W. K. liaehman. War J S?. 4.?James A. Kennedy, J. II. Well*, E. Hope. [Carolinian. A Slave* carnjaxd.--The bark Virginia baa arrived at this port, in charge of Lieut*. Brown and Tyler, II. 8. N., and a prixe crew from the const of Africa, Having been captured by the U. 8. sloop of war Portsmouth, Capt. Calhoun, at the mouth of Congo river, on the 10th of Fehru ary, under circumstances warranting a belief that she was engaged in the slave trade. Although the bark had not received any slaves on board, there were live or six hundred of them waiting on the beach, and prest ations making for their embarkation. On the way home, the crew of the hark are said to have attempted a mutiny, in which they were joined by one of the men from Portsmouth. They were soon overpowered, however, and put in irons. The bark was commanded by Capt. Matthias I.j nn, who, with ?ii? >ui'tJ vm i j|u miu mi a men, cumpuvru nCY roIIed rqulpage, and ir? now prisoners on board. [Aorfoik Herald, March 29. Sorrow ranntJi f? forum.?The editor of the Savannah IC? publican, traveling in Southwestern Georgia, write# as follows : "On my way down (throngh Lowndes Co.,) I nntieed several sugar-ImLers, and learned liiat nearlv all the sugar consumed Is made l>y the planters. It is raid to he quite profitable, and thought by some to be a better crop than eotton. It is not sold by the potn?d, but by the barrel. It is first peeked away in Aotir and whisky barrela, then set aside to drip; after which a flour barrel full ef soger commends fifteen dollars, and a whisky barrel twenty dollars. Some arc very expert, and produce an article not far behind the best samples ef new sugars we see in our market. The syrup is vary good, and sells from thirty seven to fifty cents per gallon. Hies, I Hod, is also raised in suffleient quantities to supply all horns wants, and jp quite ftf jpqcb pf article ef frr A ae wbh 14" l 1 ^ ' lariir Tn CiuiTtAM in Flsmm.?Hi? mount of Odw Mnfad Ihwi tks onaat of FlorMn, to How York, Mkn up is tbo aggregate no Hole bnaineaa In thot tin*. Mr. &T ???*?>. * the Meoar*. Rneeell, of Mow York, oioite our ?ooat annually, bring engaged (n Uio purchaee of Coda r, fur six or eeven montha at a time. Sorrn veaecla from tbo hooee above referred to, hove oome out thU eeaaon for Cedar. Mr. Vaughon,agent for another largo Cedar bovae in New York, apends moet of tbo Winter and Spring here, in the aamo buaineee. Thla article of export afford* constant employment to manr of our eitiarna on ?' const, who cut and raft It, and then aell it to ne agent* at different price* according to the m?.ket, It ie very prof itable to them, aa Cedar bring* a large price tn proportion to the labor expended in procuring it. Ked Cedar, we ore informed, i? made op into land pencils, pails, cloeets, and a great many oth r uaea. The inoet of it ie shipped to Germany. [Odor Key* T*ltgraph, Rit. Wumrowo Smith, D. D.?The Spartanburg Express says: " The friend* of Dr. Wbltefoord 8mith la onr town and District will be pleased to leara that he will return to Spartanburg on the first of Oatober next, and resume the duties of the position he vacated last July, as Professor of English Literature in Woflford College. TRi committee appointed by the Hoard of Trustees, at tlieir last meeting, to seleet a suitable person to fill the vacant chair, learning of Dr. Smith's resignation as President of the Columbia F male College, wrote to him again tendering him the position, and he has signified hie acceptance." BexAxtxo.? A correspondent of the Charleston Courier says the rich men of New York city are falling throngh with a crash. Barsaparihalownsend was once a millionaire, but all at one# he has disappeared from the ranks of nabob-don. llnrnura burst ed, and great was the breakage thereof. Genin collapsed twice, and has man aged to save none of the pieces, and a long list of others, ending with Downing, the negro.have made money and lost it?been bubbles for an hour only on the surface of our changing, troubled society. Fiat in Mario*.?A Lady Burnt.?WeWind the following shocking incident related in the Marion Alar nf ttia lllli nil We )? *? thai on Wednesday ImS, the house of Mr. D. W. Lorrhnore, in the lower pert of tliie District, tree destroyed by fire, end thnt hi* wife perished in the flame* Mr. Larrimore wee ab?rnt et the time, end hie children were et echool. It i* thought thet Mra. L , who w*s*uhj*at to fit?, we* teken with one end fell into the fire, her clothing communicating the flames to the furniture. ller bone* only were found in the ember*." Paeunotok Court?Extra Tn* Onn*a*n.? The Spring term of the Oourt of Common I'ieas, for Ihie District, adjourned on le?t Saturday evening. An extra term hae b? en ordered, to begin on the second Monday in July next, to continue two week*. Extra terms for thie place, hitherto, have been of more expenee than profit. Some of our citizens auggeat the propriety of hev ing a Judge appointed expresely for Darlington Dbtrict, who shall preside every week day the whole year round.?Darlington Flag. Millrdokvillk, March Sltli. Withdrawal of Hon. JJnwell Cobb.?A letter ha* been received here from lion. Howell Cobb, in the course of which he say*: I must withdraw my name unconditionally from the eanvaaa, and this letter i* written for the purpose of announcing to all who may feel an interest in the matter, but particularly to lite delegates from Georgia to the Charleston Convention, that 1 hare done so. a v c c_.? T-l.- .1J J?i _? n Aiftw k-vwiHftK.i - a >? uiu JPI *yrrv w forming ( n?w Slate of northern Mississippi, Wftlern Tennessee, end the extreme western point of Keiitncky, he* been revived, and the Tennessee Legislature has given its sanction. The proposed State would be bounded by the Tennessee river on the east, through the States of Kentucky and Tennessee, and by the Mississippi on the west, and would contain a population of about 700,000. ? -4^^ Amkniuxo TiixCossTmmow.?Ex Governor McDonald, of Georgia, writes to the editor of the Macon Telegraph, urging the necessity of so amending the Constitution of the United States as to provide greater security for private property, and remedy evils that are found to exist in tne present political arrangements of the country. He desires the Georgia delegation at onee to introduce aucb amendments in Congress. i ' ? ? Massachusetts Militia.?Onr readers are aware that Gov. Banks vetoed the trill passed by the Legislature, proirosiiig to strike out the word " white " in the Militia Enrollment Acta. In the Senate the BUI was taken up, and the question having been taken on agreeing 10 the Bill, it came within one of being passed. The vote stood 21 to 11. Paihino Orr.?The Republicans and Democrats in the Senate and House, it is said, are pairing off for the Conventions at Charleston and Chicago, so that if Congress refuse to adiouru ten davs Fur each Convention, it it evident that there will be no quorum lor the tranaaetion of bueineea during the session of the two bodiee. Congresa, therefore, will be virtually adjourned. Tit* Richest Coctrry m m* Uxrrxn Stat**.?It U probable that Brazos county, Texas, ia the rieheat in the Union in pro|>ortion to the number of it* imputation. According to the laat comptroller report, if the property of that county should be equally divided among its voters, there would be something mora than fix,000 to each man. A Cnixoi ix tub Unit tin States Lkoatiox to Pabih.?The Paris eorrespondent of the New York Express informs that paper that on the 8th of March, Mr. John D. Wilbor, Jr.. was removed from the post of Assistant Secretary to the United Stales Legation at Parity no cause being assigned for the removal. Boston, March It. Slaver Condemned.?The bark Isla dc Cuba, seised as slawr several months since, has been condemned as such by Judge Sprague, of the United States District Court, alter a lengthy hearing. Dividends.?The Farmers* and Exchange Bank have drelarcd a semiannual dividend of ons dollar per share, payable April 2. Tne Fireman's Insurance Gonpany have declared a semi-annual dividend of sixty cents per share, payable April %. Tax End or Hearsa's Fxaav.?The last of the aailltary fores at Cbarlestowa, Vs., ths company of Capt. J. W. Hovbd, which has boom on duty since lbs 17th October, wae dismissed from service oa Friday laet. Hot of the army of soldWrs wbo ware on duty at Charle.'towa, but one death occurred, that of a soldier from Alexandria. Tn net profits of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad f?r the month of February, as appears from an official report, amounted to ffMi.48t.48. This ia eertelnlv unexampled bv anv Railroad in th? United tilate*. P?Dicnoit,?The K?w York Time* predict# that th? Baltimore GtMral Convention' wilt nominate Judge IUl? for President, and that the Chicago Contention will do the tame, la wbteh mm, It fiirtkor predicts bis election. kftosorat.?If tlic Governor of Miooonrrl shvnld aign the now Kailroad Bill jnrt passed by lbs Legislature, the public debt of the Hut# will reach the constitutional maximum?10 millions. I Posrvn has ksss aaasidersd the gnardiaa divinity of {nolo; and ska to very kind to helping those who eannot help thsmsol*ea T^B Rt*sla*tji*u Bs***,?In the Unfc ?d State* Siprcm Coin, oa Friday, osee 80S was called as follows: \ No. Mt. Anson A Co, tpptl' loots, M. the lllue Ridge Kail Rood Com|? 07. Tito motion to dUtni-s this sppesl wn argued by Mr. Phillips, in support thereof, oad by Mr. Reverdy Johnson, in opposition thereto. Sals e r a Von?A ssrel esse of Mbwjr hsa recently b*n doided by U>? iipriei wort of Vor sieat. The fee La are as fellows: A man went to ckh of hU neighbors, belonging to the Opposition party in polities, who was owing him, and offered to discharge a dolt oftlU if ho would use bis Infineon to bare h'm sleeted town representative, and ht should be so sleeted. The bargain pas carried oat, the vote was thrown and decided the election. Th< oourt held that the contract was illegal, aaMtthi agreement to ditcharge the debt invalid. Uiimsk Bimm Law.?Petitions, ntimer onsly signed, are pouring into Oongrees from all ports m the eountrj, praying for s uniform bankrupt law. A number have been presented by Mr. Bsrr, of Mew York, which were referred to the Judiciary Committee. The indication! are uiii r.-ivsnms uui, wmen in?iaaf*gtvioii nd creditors, will. If porper aotion ii lud, betnmt law this session. The feeling ia Congress is deeidedly ia far or of It - Sutra LnanLATioN ix Maxtlaku.?The Mary, land Legislature Itas enacted that, hereafter, nc slave or slaves shall be manumitted by deed 01 last will; with a proviso excepting from the sp eration of the act tboae lor whoa# manumission Cviaion la mada in willa of deceased persons the period fur taking effect not having ar rived. The set nil provides- a mods by whicl free negroes may select masters and go into slav ary, if the wish la voluntary. Danxsvama) Coarusrsr.?John Latliroj Motley, of Boston, author of the " History of th? Kiss of the Dutch Republic," haa been chosen corrrspoding inembsr of tits French Institute, If The department known as tlia Acmdemi* dt, Science* JdoraJr* tl Politique*, and in I ha placi made vacant by the lamented death of Mr Preecott. A Womax Fiod.?The cook of the Martni Hospital at Ballintore, was arrested on Tuesday morning, under the ehargc of attempt to poitor the inmates of that institution. The powder wai discovered in the coffee and bread she was mak ing for breakfast, and the infernal design wai happily frustrated. A ComsMtS B.tcitxtoa.? A fellow was *r rested iu Oineiunali last Sunday, for insulting Indies in Ilia street, lie elnted with unbloahinj boldness in the course of hie examination, thai he was prompted to the deed by the bitter hatred be bore fur all womnriLind. DauMwxra.- A hill has been introduced into the Tenneseee Legislature to tax outside drummers and merehauta who pass through that State selling goods by samples, so as to put tliem on sa equality with Tennessee merchants, who pay taxes to tlis State for vending merchandize. Tnx Vktobia Barnes.?The fire companies ol Montreal have voted to turn out la full forcr, on the occasion of the Victoria bridge celebration, to offer pi ices for the beet engines^ and to have a torch-light procession and a ball. Two companies are expected from the United Stales, with steam fire eiieinM iikatbens in piiladilnu.?In a debate oa million? in lb* Philadelphia Cuuference of lb* Methodist Kpiscopal Cburcb on Tftursday lait, Ror. J, B. McCullougb raid tboro woro tbroa hundred thou odd persons in Philadelphia wbo never ntlendc<l cburcb at nil. There are about four bundrod thou and for whom no church acooaaaaodationaare made A Lima from St. Lo^fcbays the Roman Oath olica bava by far tba moat church property tbera and are more numeroua than any other denomination. It ia aaid tbeir church, eominary, and chariti property in that eity, which ia not taxed, ia worti $30,000,000. It U Mid that a gang of professional pickpockets ia organizing in New Yoik to viail Charleston during the holding ol the Deuao cratic National Convention. Rlokdin is getting his tight rope raedj at Niagara Falls for the summer ??ason, ant and hoi>es to have the l'riuce of Wale among his cpectatora. Xor Yom, March 35. Mr. A. T. Stewart, a dry goods merchant of tliii I city, lias been taken loan iuexneasylum. Mr. H | it well kaown all over the United Steles as tlx proprietor ol one of the largest dry goods he use in New York. * COMMERCIAL. CaiRLUTor, 8. C-, March St. t'uiivi* i?? ? dn? i uo invnvi wh Trr much neglected to-day, the sales having been llm ited to about 800 bale*. The transaction! corapris 8 bales at 7); 79 at 10); 028 at 11); 110 at 11) 18 at 11) ; 81 at 11); and 28 bales at 11) cents. WE are requested to announce Ma. KLIAI DILL, as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the nex Election, JAMK8 R. PEARSON announces blmss as a candidate fer Tax Collector at the next election pM~ See advertisement of Dr. Sawroan'a Lira Isvioouatoh and Family Catmautic Pill*, L another column. RKLI Kv TN"TKN HI;N OIE8. BBTAH'I PULMONIC WATERS. The most certain and speedy remedy erer discovers for all Diseaaes of the Chest and Langs, Coughs, Colds, Aatbma, Consumption, Bronchitis, Influenxa, Hoarseness, Difficult Breathing, Kore Throat, Ac., Ac., 'Ac. THESE WAFERS give the most instantaneos aad perfect relief, and when persevered with areoi ding to direetiens, never fail to effect a rapid an laating cure. Thousands have been restored to pei feet health who have tried other means in vain. T all claaaea and all constitutions they are equally blessing and a cure?none need despair, no matu bow long the diseaae may have existed, or how a |, v. i j-j .1 j- . . wwrm ?% w, pivimu in? urj(iinir iiruciur* oi lh vital organ ia not hopelesaly decayed. Kvery on afflicted shcsld give them an impartial trial. To Vocai-ltTa and Pt'clic spkakxrs, th?M Wl for* ara peculiarly valuable ; they will, in oaa pa re mora tlie moat acvara occaaional hoaiaauaaa j an Ibair regular u?e for a few daya will, at ail times, i? creaae too power and flexibility of the voice, grca ly improving iU tone, compaaa atid clearness, ft which purpoee they ara regularly uead by many poi fasaional vocalists. JOD M08E8, Sola Proprietor, Rochester, If. T. Price 25 eenU per box. For eale In Oreonville h K. KRCTCH. Mar 19 aowly Mrs. Cunningham's Suicide, At 21 Bond afreet, would not atertlethe worl ta a greater degree than the astonishing effect < Wood's Hair Tonle upon gray, dry. La rah an thin hair Try It, reader, and one bottle onl will convince yon that th*e article te not to t cleaned among the worthless nostrums of the da; Professor Wood himself Is a living illustration < the value of hie own article. He was gray i thirty years of ags, and now his hair ia ar bias and gluaay as the raven's wing. Cavtio*.?Beware of worthless imitations, i several ara already in the market, sailed by di reroai names, u?? none un lam* the worda (I'r< frMur Wood* Hair Restorative, Depot, 8?. Loul Mo., and New York,) in blown In tJ?? bottle.bold by all Droggiau and Patent Medlein* dea arm. alao by all faiey Toilot Ooodm daalan la lb (Jaitod States and Canada. foraaJa ia GroeaelJI* by Dn. Ion h Bra? i iiv, Dnfthii. Marabtt 47 4 . d At Pirn Bet?1T 111 Awul kit. '** ahnk IS AM V Patriot A Mountaineer Mff. 1. O. O. F. . ~ MOUWTAfW LODGE, 1H. jrj flvJH* it, L o. a i, *mh AM Thmrwdmg iiw?n?l><,?Mi 1 JA8^ bem; vw^r. *?? li ___?.FOUND, i O OMKTIMR SINOS, near the old Biptiet Cbort-b, I jj a GOLD PENCIL, which the owner HI bar* , by calling at tliii Office, aad paying far tkia arfveri liMawt. Apr 4 48 P NOTICE).' 7T ATY WIFE. MARTHA MATILDA. ha? laftM, ' 1U bad and board, without provocation, aitdP zs'ifznz zzzi t ns^Jw codkkin py ner. 40U*rUM^?f. 1 Apr * 46 X '*1/ MILLINERY. maus. wsssaa n d^anxDsr ? ^dldk with t tare* and com plot* MMrtnwat of IIAND80M 8 G00D8, which they ' JMB WILL OPEN ON i Wednesday, the 11th inst , ?Ir and to which they ifirUe the attcnJ JI lion of tho ladles of Greenville tad 1 Among their stock mar ho found tho Clotilda. ' Adelaide and Dove-Cape Hale; a groat variety o? Mlssos' Fancy Hato; Bertha Capos; Hcad-Prssoss: . Hair Plaits and Curia; Eugenia Magpie, Bridal and Mourning Veils. A large atock of Rihhono at 1 reduced priooa ; Hate cleaneo and Irlnped; Dissses 1 eat and basted. [ April 8 48 it W 1 NEW SPRINGGOODS. ' iWli > IB THE Suhacribcra beg learo to enH i Mil |.. Td the attention of their friends and eaei ddti I I 1 I 1 tomcre. and especially the Ladies, 8? . THEIR BEAUTIFUL AND EXTENSIVE 8T0GK. OF GOODS, Vote ready /or inspection. Printed Lawns and Jaconet Mnalina I Organdits, Swiss and other styles in groat variety Prints, Ginghams, White and Colored Brilliants Beregcs, Plain and Satin Striped .8-4 Black and White Beregcs Crape Mcreta, Black and Colored i Piain and Satin Striped Silk Grenadines I Black and Colored Silk* Black Challa and Bombasines A Targe line of White Goods Embroideries, Linen Handkerchief* and I.'iah Linens M Bleached and Brown Table Damasks White Muslin Certains f Thomson's celebrated Hoop Skirts Ladies' Ceveringa In great eariety Hosiery. Gloves and Dress Trimmings Black French and English Drab d'Eto 1 Black Wellington Cords, Plain and Fignred Farmer's Satin , Summer Cassimcres, Linen and Cottnnade', and other etyles for Men and Boys' wear > READY MADE CLOTHING, A LARGE 8T0CK OF HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, 1 HARPjWAM Am CUTLERY* And all other GOODS usually kept in the country. Our Stock is Ttry large and complcU, and will is sold as low as any Goods bronrbt to the country. ' DEATHS A PCLLlAMi , April 5 48 0 LOOK HERE o Wo karo JUST RECEIVED a fins Stock ot STAPLE AND FANCT DRY GOODS, Which, for ; QUALITY AND CHEAPNESS, (wo think,) ' . CANNOT BE SURPASSED. ! ... o If you wish to secure the greatest BARGAINS we hare orer offered. - CALL EARLY. Ws do not consider it necsssary to wirsts Articles or Prioes, every body knows tbot wo keep I always s i urn ui sun niK van ) in our line, st ss MODERATE PRICKS no ess to t afforded. There fere wo say, " , COME ONE! COME ALL!! And ozaaslno, and see if what wo say ho so. ?O Wo have also fur sale, A 6 Octave Mclodeon, = in perfect order; a ft OCTAVE PARIS MADB ALEXANDRE PARLOR OR CHURCH ORGAN, and two good second-hand PIANOS. W. H. HOVEY. d April ft ___ 4ft tf A. SOMMERS KljUli) WOULD respectfully Invito the aft* '* JRfnfTtH tontion of bis eu?toners and the pahr* ftKSLlxJj lie generally to the fact that ho mll eently had his STORK enlarged, and has J mat ro[' eoivod and now offers for onto, it. ... . a * liMIlt AWB BXST IILICTlt w HTOCK OF :WNG& SUMMER GOODS He has ever before exhibited in this market, snnstot j Bummer Bilks, French Organdies, Challioo Muslins, Jaconets, Prints, Long Cloths Lobes, Borages, Parasols. Dusters, Hoops Bonnets, Fists, and Black SUks " And n variety of OOODB generally kepi in Dry Goods Stores. j AdL&Q, A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GENTS AND YOUTH'S A most ? mvvew ? J BOOTS AND SHOES, y HATS AND CAPS, " THUIVKA z EIFSAftSIB, dOTOMT, t ETC., ElC., ETC. " OXXOXOE1 ii Mill UltilllU ill niftSHBL ' ? Jkffl ?0 <31?>3 is*? vst A.SOMMERT. am-cash paid ron ail ktirim or rkodrck.'wk April ft 48