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^tprrWMtetnacVf 4 : '< -.'at % i?*?i|q* ihtta'+ifT .ft ? **<# ittli a ** (^i-wtn Mi-? i? "* *>^rl-?j ?-??<l fc?il *%- .. ; j "K-iii k|,.?i " ? y*^ \& ? ?? * .. "JT . -?-- : '"I -rtfMi J<4 ,|# . I I ??.? ,?l t* >vjV?i ??rll - x? *<|J Mortal.*0/ y?f. tarlt mat -Ha??fe"? j^K^VogBI^Ml " ... . 1 -O JO .1 l'^ " W-n - 1 ' fsw* .??!? ? I 1 I l-v? pi IPP MH Iim .M. .in ? ?,h "' ?* ,*JHlo^ RlftTtlNli | M .*??*>* TlmttMi iM *?J L?o* n?i!to?a ** * >%** .? *?? '/ ->14 ' -a? ?* ?tfT tirf ?<n ^woi n? 1?, , ? ^ .. ?< <*< & ? H . ti?6l5S?8EW^^Bap2BH OF POPTILAH ICVffiJSTTS. y * * I ???>*?? W"1" ?*T< ta.iw'wl, lWwi^4?lny*1Ml?WM ?M ..... wi ?.?->>- ?:?i. w?? ' "' ?aiw? li 'L. 1| "? ,'LJ' " ' > ,1" ?' ) >! Ilil I J" I . . - - .Hi. '-' B .'I nil! ...nil .III H .? a? geeotiyt t,o J)rogr(w>r?, Hie Sips ojj tlic jsouth, and the Difusioit of ?scful |inmulcdge among all (Masses of Nothing $fleit. ?.?y?TB w*i fc . ?;f ^ ti)f *. "i ^>y : i. i1.^ 11, ) Mr :'.: ^irr'n '?.!^it,:? n ;)? ; -rr.r_ ; .i ?. 3 m? 1 ?fr'./l .l,i.'JUl Hft tkitttn.nn l.'M* in b unmOr .' | F"t*g ,M T/j / T 7 1 '. I W -? ?- ' VOLUME VL; nor OREKSyitlX -SdCI^: iCAfil(ttSjrTHOlfcSffAT MORNING, APRlt,^, I860. NUMBER 48. _h_~t " - - ^-ui?i -Mriv ?v,i?jf i* " "BIBSOUTH EKN ENTERPRISE ! U flWHl Brer* Thnredmy Memlag, ?jr<vr?l.? ? ?l#JUNKIlsr <& BAILEY. nBjr 01 K. MeJuKMn. V*i*V l ^th b. Bailey, tl a Tor, in advance; SlAO^f^cIayod Jtjtrtrt ynrtni. ' farewell to Hove. V \ I . ^ ka%ty nntire Ittntf, yuorf-nijit''?BTt#5(i -ei.'i.'' ' ? ' ) !' - * .. -oiA. farewell, my homo ! the tcenes I lore . r Are fWUnjc from my view, AM wrf hill, end every grove, vV^ ?eem echoing back adieu. But yet, wbe&'er my lot thall be, My heart shall send a sigh to theo. c Farewell, my homfl jA ? ^ Hp/Yr*^^"^fk3>r"#? < l r I i T^thfl What most niy soul held (Ukr, i ^ And quell the storm which grief had made. * Meet he that tear ! tor iu it fell, "?J 1 It MeiiM to say to tne, farewell. ^ ^ Parewell, my home! that tear shall l>e A porting token of rejtiK ? if j ) wf ' The fount may d/ythat Sowed for thee, ' Yet nerer will my heart forget. For all my paradiao on earth la that land that gave me birth. Farewell, my home ! friends of my youth, , * For you shall heaTO my heart's laat sigh, The panga of absence hope shall soothe, And fancy paint my nativo sky, ( f No more within tliy bowers to dwell, t< My own, my father's home, farewell. ? * ^rlrrfrh ?>fnrit From ArthurV ITome Mngnzlne. tl A THORN IN THE MEMORY. IIiHl?ty bancroft wis, lit the gmefnl newphiJ ' tion of the term, ft kind-hearted man. His feeling* were easily reached, and these gave, usually, a ready Impulse to his actions, But qiiivlc feel- *1 ing lias, in most coses, a two-fold range, warm- (> ing iow into kindly emotion, aud now horning with sudden anger. Yonr so called kind-henrt ^ ed men are often betrayed into cruel words, nnd ?r?o cruel actions. But there is this merit about them: ^rliek (lie lieat of passion aubaitea tfley repent,^nd sometimes aeck to hkol whafre they c Hare W*m4c<i 1 J 4 Rueh a W?W was fTnrtley Bancroft. While the current of event* rnn smoothly along, the surfane of his life reflected the unvarying sunshine, r' but a very little oUstruotion auflioed toiijipl# the B water* and then their aspect darkened, 1 > One day Mr, Bancroft urn# titling at liie desk, o with a j>ilc of chtclta and bills before him, the li mm of which he was taking preparatory to a deposit in Bank. It wn lute in the day for him d to be figuring np hU account; but lie had unu- h anally heavy payment* to nmke, and the amount r< necessary to lift his notes had been obtained with difficulty. Mr. Bancroft felt both hurried and B worried, aa his quick, nervous movements allowed. Just at this inauspicious moment, a man enter- w ed the store*an<J vfalkcd quickly 6. cl< Ic/whene w Mr. Bancroft was sifting. is " Oood^ay, Mr, CnrtwrighL" ol Thefre was not a verv cordial tone in the voice n of Mr. Bancroft, although the other we* a cut toaMtr who bad bought of liU gondii freely. a " Good day." There was an embarrassed air bout Mr. Cartwrigbt "fH can I do far you I" lb was only a form tl of speech on the port of l!niiaro%,' or rather n h new form of aayiag, " Dou'fc ask n?e for any- ?i thing." ( Now it happened that Mr. Carlwright whs, on tl that day, la a very " tight plaoe," as it is willed. ? It wae two o'olock, and nil of his elforte to get l.v the full amount of money be needed had failed. M Several notea had matured, and among them one tl of aeven hundred dollars given to Mr. Bancroft. All but thU he had succeeded in lilting, and hi now, frightened at the aspect of things, he hud ooroe very reluctantly to hie creditor, wlftxn he e< only knew ae a kind-hearted man, to state the; J eitremlty of hie case, and ask a check for the mount of hie note, as a temporary loan. al "I am short seven hundred dollars. Can you til help met" c hi "Nol" was the answer, made in an emphatic qt lona.Aal.wiOi a letting of the brow*. m Mrt Brauaroft noticed that his words scorned st to stagger the applicant for money ; ha also no o( ticed that he grew pale, and tiad a look of sin- C gular distress. But Mr. Braaeroft was too inueh tl excited and annojed for these things to hare up- w on him at the time anv riirht influonu hi " Tb*h," Mid Mr. Certwrijtht, " you will have ' ti to withdraw my note from the Bonk. I cannot gl lift it" rf> m " I eliall do no sock tldnjrangrily replied si Mr. Bancroft *' Take up your aote u 1 fake up pi niinc.M If"' .tfja"? *' , " I *he? failed in aB my efforts to get money"! and if you do ool ^ifhdraw note, if will be in protested.*'* Tftr.*fca?#wrffc$?t thi#*vAy^?-? ^ liberate! j, ^Cltl'W* jjClfcTih k< a face like aahe*. fo - ^1^ Hie unyielding answer, "let It be protected, theh. If you can' bear the ope- ? ration, I think I ciyiJb 0&-*' .it is Coldly, aln^|sa e|jn|l^ yaa jhyeojruel ec store ofkia unyielding creditor, Soaryely ba<l w he paascaieJK?Tthe~Belt. r" nn n ture of WM Into .<^?ee(^(|fyry, and be regp*t*L?f bjp uokindneaa. 1V %vl, . ^ " William 1" he called to a clork. The y&nnfc nnen came instantly. " Make this dcj>ojit, William ; and at the same tint* vrtthdrsw Mr Oarlwrlghtfs ttbte.*due today. Mondy* hnrd ic> get jOB.t' iio^r, ah<t l?i. U burdened with heavy,, pnpiiifnt*. . V? ?Wr ?*?* him a helping hand. The merchant spoke kit*]lyr <*? frrtfaHy. tW flirted U\th the Bank-book and a check of sWficjfcpt /tttiount to lift thd1notes thnt were due. . ilr., Bnpcroft retrained-sitting st his desk, nod from Ids atlitud* and the aspect of Jiit'eouqlcimflpf, it urfls^dnlu thai aelf-a|>proVal w*i not Uac |Maasant state of mhtd in Wldch he wisihdnl^tng. Thetell if no'tnentit-y Ingry excitement warf. mo y <$,??<! low, plainly before the eye* of hia mind, stood lis liutulde and distrmsed debtor, townrd:Whom iota single impulse of'kind feeling haft stirred, lie tried to find a rcflige from 'rfelf pfibf'Minng n the fact that be bad done ail liis debtor asked ?tho note was withdrawn. " Ye*," said n voice within liiin ; "yon have :sst a bone, with curses, into the face of a tx-gfsri" V '-s **' ? U. * < n>?| Mr. Bsnewft started "np hnrrhxlly from hfa leek, walked the length of Ids store, returned, nil sat down again. Along, dorp sigh-parted lis lips. 1 j? i " What could have possessed me that I so far nrgot both duty and kindncaal I would give wicc seven hundred dollars to recall this act, rere it possible to do so." Drawing a sheet of paper beforo him, Mr iancroft took tip n pen and wrote-? 'Ma. tfnwAiirt CAKTwntont: " My dear sir?HiaVe withdrawn your note, 'orgtve my rough klndhoss. I wu worried bout money matters, and hndhnt. jnst made ti[* ty own lkink account. YVe arc not alwaya >roof against petty annoyance*. They sotneinu-s disturb more than larger thing*. Come in D-morrow, and we wiil arrange for the renewal f the note, if you desire it, making the time to uit yourself." Mr. Bancroft signed this apologclie letter, and cspntched it forthwith. lie felt tnofccomfortala after that. Still, he Buffered soino pain from aving given pain, and no little humiliation for lie unaniiahle weakness he hnd manifested. 1 " Did you see Mi*. Cartwright!" he inquired f the lnd who had taken the note. " No, air; he whsn't there," was answered. * You left my note f " "Yes, sir." Tlie l?or looked agitated. lie tood a moment, as if wailing for further queeions, and then said? " They were ju<t drivi^luui away in a car-, i.~~ ? " What !" Mr. Bancroft tumid pnlc. " They said lie had broken * hlood vessel." Mr. Bancroft started to his feet with An exIflmation of mingied surprise and pain. "There was blood on th? floor." Mr. Bancroft groaned aloud. After reflecting >r a moment, he took his hat and went out hurcdly. A walk of Jive minutes brought him to 10 store of Mr. Csrtvvright, " What was the cause of this?" he asked of no of llio clerks. "Did he fall?" or was he fling anything I" " No," was answered. * lie was sitting at his esk, resting his head upon his hand, when I card him call in a quick voice, and turning >und I saw the hlood flowing from his mouth," Had anything disturbed him ?" asked Mr. anorofl, ' ' " Money has hedh hard (o get during the past cek," the clerk answered, "and Mr. Cartright's payments were unusually large. There one note not lifted yet, and it is a few minutes f three o'clock." The clerk pointed to a Bank otiee lying on Mr, Cnrtwright's desk. Mr. Bancroft loaned over, and ?#w that it was notice of the.note due hiuj. " That is withdrawn from Bank," said he. " I am glad to hear it," ref lied the clerk. " I link it was your note that did the harm, lie ad taken up the others and went out two hours go, after having been all the morning on the root, to try and get the sum required to lift is one; btit he failed; and the consequences ere more than ho had strength to look at cglm'. lie is a just man, and a kind-hearted man, [r. Bancroft, Wo who live with him can bear int testimony." ,r Mr. Bancroft stood nearly motionless for a ng ?hw. " W'hcfg docs Mr. Cnrtwright live ?" he ioquir1, at length. < Af ?' P.*?a u??, ? *?w MWMiwa ? a IIWJOII*!> KTVIXQb To the daubing of Mr. Cartwrlgbt he wont in II liaate. lie found every thing there to oon< rm Ms worst Apprehensions. The hemorrhage td been veiy profuse, Already so Urge a unntity of Wood had been lout that the sick an was reduced to n state of insensibfllfy, srfid III the Weeding continued. The family were, ' course, in the deepest distress. Ha saw Mrs. srtwH?ht for a moment, And in' thai mtftnent ic impression of her while, grief-stricken faoe as transferred to a page in memory'* book that ? after event eonld dim or obliterate. A beaufu) daughter, jus* en the verge of womanhood, llded past him once, and her face ot terror rerun, d to hnnnt hhn for life. Ife raw Ihe phyeian, and to his inquiries received no hopeftil is w err. j ? Wlion Mr. Boncrpft left the liouee i?f orrow,. ? want forth ulniwat vUmUbily, and with a f??lg of gtiik in hia hearts "T 'I ?" ' My w?>rV ! my worVP n mire within MW i>pt repeating ; and, <|o what Jie .would, he timi it iiitpoaaibla to aibnoe tha aaaiaung apiriU * I ant naaer flrtrglae mymdf if l>? ahottld <Ha'' id * *. Hnhcrt.fVtn hhnself. " Oh 1 what evil "iroafiuie* wrought by pn^ion io an wn-nnrd I moment! Why did 1 aoi think bafora *poakJ|*??'l1 "b *dl ? '*?? ?r?,i *' -*w?.a? 1i tint! the dregdM evil earnr.' Mr. 'Banefirtft a at h* ?(<ire ou hour cat iter than uaual an tha rxt naming. t> , a . : -??!a " llava yon heard from Mr.- Cartwrfghtl"'!*# T&XF***' ? j < "Ilowh he?" a i t"i " l>ead." or two,<n if a etreug Jiaodwere bearing ftfain?t ihin<; v' ?? Hi* j-iiu.i' l?ii? a i " Yc?, Mr. ITo d!.><l.nt icTcd evenpjnpcr Biiye." M urf Y*ia->?# ? Mr. Bancroft Mghelhoovilv; nnd tken walk? ,ing-bn<rtrDd hfe Jwk, m(ifovh. and rtfvmlneil hi trohbtfrd thought for it long time. There wn* only .. finite iis|.,rt of the catC tbnt gave liiin nny rtliaf, and Uii? wh* Ilia probable ignorance of every one but himself <4 the Immediate ?ii?f of Mr. Cnrlwrlglit's <]enMi^> He hnd not., it wn* prevumed, mentioned the unfeeling rVjTtiinn wldeb iic hhdH^yedtfi* (IHnV, una m. (i resort, hc?]?pd gohr^ .'on^ nfoin whom he had confidently. a*i>ected 'notonly kiud consideration, butrpminpt relief; nnd so the secret HMD flltsd wMrl.hh. Xf^ Bancroft did not visit the bouse of njourn%g? - Ue could nol look upon tbc distress whioh bis own qpsisctsnce ehnrg.-d him with orlgfnntiug; hut his heart was \gjjf4 >.n gloomy shadow? . W kmXk There was no. one to represent Mr. Cattwrighl In his business, which hnd to bs closed. *An hctive, Juijrd-Working merfchahtj lie hkd succeeded, through ninny disadvantages, in estnbiishiug n trade that, prosecuted with industry fur a few years, would have given his family n moderate fortune. But he was stricken down in an inaus, picious moment. Serious losses occurred in the settlement of his affaire, and when all his debts | were finally paid, there fM nothing over for his > family. " Poor Mnry CartwrlghtV said Mra Bancroft to her husband, one day, about six months after Uie death of Mr. Cartw right; M I sow her at Mrs. Marvin's to-day. She gives music lessotis to her oaugnter llClen. How changed slic was!" Mr. Buncroft made no reply, and his wife w*t in Homo doubt as to had really heard her remarks. " Shf says that her moth** has never been out of the liotM* si nee her father ts death." Still Mr. Bancroft made no response. But how the wqrds 4id smite him! Ah I there was a thorn in bis memory that time could never extract. "There was not a dollar left for the family from poor Cartwright's estate!" said a fellow merchant. VSo I have heard." " ^ * Mr. Bancroft answered with seething indiffcr-' ence, but his heart quivered as if a blow bod been given. , , t i " It is said that the failure to rslse money to lift one of his notes killed him l^safd another. " People will say almost anything," replied Mr. Bancroft, witli assumed coldness. Time moved steadily onward. The seething spot on the surface of t.ra?fc,- where Mr. Cartwright went down, was obliterated by the on ward-moving current*; ami he wns scarcely re memberfcd in Iho business circles where once his busy face was a familiar object. But there was one who conhl never thrust aside his Image; one in whose memory hjs presence was a rankling thorn. Many times had he tried to pluck out this thorn by secret acts of kindness.(o the family of Mr. Cartwright But the effort only scented to make the anguish more intertscj'for the little he offered by stealth contrasted eo poorly with the all-sustaining lifodeedt of a husband and father, that lie waa shamed hack into impotence. . The case was hopeless. That single act of unkindness, so fatal in its consequences, wns done forever. It had gone beyond his utmost reach, and there was no surgeon skilled enough to ex-i tract the thorn it bnd left to rankle in his memor;-. j' ^ ^ r . s. a. A Prastitn Pursier ax.?Dr. Fernean of Suffolk county, was called a week or two since to visit a Canadian bricklayer, living pi Cold Spring, ai.d who was suffering from an attack of pleurisy.? Dr. F, ordered him u> npply a poultice to the part affected, and also left a potion 1o he token internally. The suffering Oanndinn, thinking lite outside aplicnlion more palatable Uiau the powder, reversed the physician's directions, and the next day found himself restored to health. On his rotmds the next morning, llio worthy physician callod t<> s?e his bricklayer patient, and was., surprised as well as pleased to And him np and at work, and attributing his recovery to the remedies he hnd proscribed, approached him with n <jVery? H8o lio! you arc w?li already, are you f" 'Oh, yeea,l* replied the patient, beaming on the Doctor with an expression of gratitude. *' I swallow dc poul fTce and rub ah do pot$ dart on de'rih, ahd feel mooch bet-tare good !" I Vhe puzzled physician satisfied himself that anch was rca'-ly the case, and then drove off whist Httg. Vanr Tjke a Sweet Woma*.?A beautiful ( young Taay, Miss L , of Mobile, hnd qnke an adventure jn one of the New Orleans oipuihoses the other dav- Just as site had luillud tlia Mring Hud hm in the act of getting out of the vehicle^ * ninft rifting near thff floor, snatched her jmrsc from her l^and and ran off with it.? The young lady, with great presence of mini), prang oat and ran after him. The their in attempting to dodge into the crowd, alipped and feH, when tho lady; etooptng down, gracefully enught ffrtld of htfn by the collar and raid In tho Wcctckt tone imaginable: "Ah, you nadghty man, ain't ybif ashamed tb tale iny pnfwj; gjvi it back to pit <il Kti "tho U?fU was jwrfectfy rahduod, ai.d handed or er the puree to the yanng UJv. who not tinlM then removed he* tiny, J# wclfd baud from hie antler. tv int-in--! " 'Trr don't yen com.! after cold rictoaN na nana! t" enfff a' lady ? *4>ny"<rbo MoT /or' * fbWg timo b*en ? dail} ?i?H?r foe that epeetre of ehardi*. 1'Father has jaieed the -Tefftperaaen ?j(fcei? ety, and we have warm eietiiala now," wae the' reply. Mstfllaiitmw--Untiling. i *-*"nr'*^v','-T -xr '"? b i . .pi * ? Mrs. Smith'* Economy. 1 ' Mrs. Bmilh ** "W wving vomitn. Bh? war * not mean?she. tjrfca envinjj. Mr* Smith bonglit " a pew i*rpoWiW W* ?Uppo*e, twelv# p i -aliillings ft ynr.l, perhapa fourteen. With nH dim. v !oor? h? tmytng an exact onaotity, there wit* n ' rcmnnnt HOI of. ??e ahoujit*o\)1 aorfrtwli^re be- '' r?<ii MaV t>v . 4 , i, 'A t*e<-? one ,yard ana a yard and a half. Of S eonrse it wna not only KHrcl, but carefully hml 1 ?Wav. Occasionally, in the course of the nctt* 1 .two or three'yonrs, Snnth m? the remnant of ? Mr pet oy\ fur an airing. \ bright iden at length ptruck her Ur make something out of it. * Among Smith's customers was n Journeyman Cl cnl>in? t maker. 'who torrd to come in of an ebeti*' ^ ?"'i iijov i? insiu 01 goo?i uiu cciiu-11 winsty I'tiiich, and have a chat and n amok*. Jiow, the bright i?K'ii of Mia Smith wav thfct ?l?e Would get Boh, the cabinet maker, (o make her a pair r< of foot>tools, ottomans, 6r Mrtiitliing else?little non-deserlpt things that ladies have In parlors, noithoif oljalr,'bench or stooV^-goo(J for nothing to sit on, and of no acoount for anything clue, except to stumble over. A j>air of these she wnfild e have made, nnd that would save the remnant of *' klio carpet. r' Bo she called liim in and told him what she m wanted, and showed hini the piece of carpet ^ rave? so long, and now to be at length npproprintej to a profitable purpose. "Yea, it will make very nice tnpa, nnd there w Is plenty to make a large-sired pair. "Will you ? h?v<5 fhrtn of uiuhognny, black walnut, or roeewood V' * She was not particular; she wanted them niee. ^ ml tie might make them of anything he pleated ?" any rcmnAnt that ho could pick up about the hop." ^ l' Mrs. Smith asked?no, ilio told Jicr husband? cl about the arrangement, and lie eaid: " Jnet nt yon lihq; I don't oare." Time wore on. Robert drank, and smoked, ? and wortftd. ITo worked slow but ho worked sure ; for by the-by, he brought In the new article of parlor furniture?-tlio contrivances for saving earpet remnants. Mr. Smith thought them ] good looking, and sent them up stairs. Mrs- r' Smith was delighted with them. *' " They were lienutiful?just the tiling?exact- ^ ,lj what she wanted?snch a match to the parlor 11 eprpnt?she was really pryud of them." And we ^ may he allowed to say, proud also of her oeono- n my of housekeeping. "Some folks would hare ^ wasted that earpet or let the moths eat it, or let it lay around loose of no use." P ' By-and-by, business over in the shofK Smith r< came up. -Smith must go and see them; but C somehow liS could trot see quite so mnoh heanty ill tiiem as liis wife did ; no, fn fact, they did not ^ look near so well as they did when he first saw them, and as for the economy of the thing, that * he couldn't tea a bit of?but he looked and said nothing. HS thbhjrht, " "Well, they arc a womini's liaublo, bought and paid for, so let It go; but '' 1 liope there are no more little remnants of car M pet round the house to he saved." But he said, ** ....?I .n.. ?- *' xwwuc#> niiswur n> me (|ui'mon ; " Yes, they look very well." * " Oh, they are perfect gems! Now I hopeyou never will laugh at lua again for being to aav!ng." h " No, he thought he shouldn't." "Bythe-by, Mr. Smith, how much did Bob charge for the jobf" " Eighteen dollar*," B ' " Eigh " .. llcr jaw fell before the other syllable would come out, for she saw by $iuith'a face that he *' was in earnest. It was no laughing matter. It never has been since, but it lias been a standing lesson of family ceonomy. and will probably de- ' cend to the urtct generation a* sueh. '' "VToums" ox tub Facr.?An English editor *' informs a correspondent?who signs himself "A " Troubled One"?as folloWa;"'" " Jatfle blaclr specks are occasionally observed ? upon the nose and forehead of soine individuals. These specks, when they exist- ii? any number, art n -eanse of ninch nnsightfineSR They are " minute corks, if we may use the term, of coa?u- 111 latcd lymph, which close the oritices of the pores w or cshnlent vessels of the skin. On the skin, Immediately adjacent to tiffin, being pressed a..- :rl ?t- ?i.- - e? ^KII <; migcr iurii% IUVCM; 1'iin ui cnRQ|{nin[ta g; lymph v ill come front it in vermicular form. _ TUey art vulgarly onIIel " fli-th wornan," ninny p persona fancying them to be living er^ntwv* cl These mny be got rid of, nnd prevented from re- fti turning, by washing with tepid water; by proper friction with a towel, and by the application of n little cold erenm. The longer these little ^ biles tire permitted to reninin In the akin, the tl more firmly they become fixed ; and after a time, g, when they lore their moisture, they aro converted into little bony spines, as dense ae brlatiee, tl and having much of that character. T They should be tlioroughly but cantioualy b aqaecxcd, aaya another author, and on ratiringto b rest, n paste should be applied to the part effectad. llecipe for the naste: Tnkc one ounce of - powdered fritter almond*, and one ounc4 of liarla, flour, nnd enough lioney to raako the above A: ingredient* ?to |?tU, Thero M another and *tnl more ?tai|rie remedy trhleh yon may piwfor. Hatha the appta ae*>ral time* a day with hike- n Warm water and aapunge; rubbing the eponga T | over a p?aa< of yellow ioop. There i? a healing U power In ?o?p dirtioet from it* eleanaing pro- 0 per tie*. " " i<f t '??'* -1 r~- ?7 j! Diflfp nwcurr.?Oaa quart cf ?ifto?l flour, one h tadapoMkfut of aalt, ana Imatea egg. aaa amall ?, trrtepoanftil of aodn, dkwolva id a IfctH hot -water, h flne capful rif cre^rtf t*ro ewptful hf iOnr milk, and a epqonful or two of white atignr. Stir .thoroughly to a thick batter. * Drop with a < apooh on buttered tin*. Bnkc in a quick oven. el Bather too Bough tor Him. In AUroj'B I'mijie Traveler, w? find the ( allowing aiming Instance ot Indian iucredul- c l3": . . .j : - { Black Beaver had visited St. Louie nnd tlx c mall towns u|>on the JH*souH frontier, and prid- c d lijmself not n little upon ..his acquaintance 1 rith the customs of the whites, and never seem- 1 d more happy than when opportunity offered to * Isplny this knowledge in presence of his Indian v orttf>aitfi.n*." It ho happened, hpon ?fto occasion, * hr?l | had a Cmnnnclie guide who bivouaced. at 1 he aame firo with Heaver. On visiting them ^ ne evening, according to tttf usual practice, I 0 jund them engngod In n tcry earnest nnd not n 0 erjr amlcftffle conversation. On enquiring the ^ sitte of this, Beavet- answered: " Tve hoop telling fids Camnnche what I seen nong tiie white folks." I said, "Well, Beaver, what did you tell him !" "I tell him 'bout the steamboats and the rail*. * jads. nnd the heap of houses I see in St. Louis." " Welf, sir, what does lie llilnk of that 7" c f lie My I'z? il?d fool." * What else illdi jon Ull him about 7" '' " 1 tell biro the world iaround, but lie keep nil ' time ny, Hush you fool! do you 'spose I'xe ll liildl Unun't 1 got eyes, enn't I oee the prnli? T You coll him round T He any, too. may be * > I tell you something you not know before.? " 'ne time my grnndfather he mnke long journey * mt way, (pointing to the Went.) When he got n big mountain, lie eeen heap water on t'other (| do, jret so flat he oan be, nnd he aeen the sun n n right straight down on t'other ehle. I then u :11 him nil these rivere he seen, all 'e time the ^ -ater he run; 'spose the trorhi flat he stand still. t lay bs so lis not lielieve root" p 1 told him it certainly looked very much like j, . 1 then asked him to explain to the Camanche ? to magnetio telegraph. He looked at me earn- ? itly, nnd sai<l: ^ " What you call that magnetic telegraph ?" I p I said, "you have heard of New York and >j c* Orleans!" ^ "Oh, yea,", he replied. " Very well,; we have a wire connecting tliese wo cities, which are about a thousand miles ^ part, and it would take a man thirty days to n ide it upon a good horse. Now, a man stands L one end of this wire in New York, and by tuching it a few times lie enquires of his friend l New Orleans what he had fbr breakfast. His a iend in New Orleans touches the wire, and in tea linntee the answer comes back?ham and eggs, 'ell him tliat, Beaver." |. His eountecance assumed a most comical egression, but he made no remark, until I again y equested him to repeat what I hnd said to the !atuanche, when lie observed: '' No, captain, 1 cannot tell him that, for I don't '' elieve that myself I" Upon mv assuring him that auoli was tl?? nd that 1 had seen it .myself, ke said : " Iiijr.ii not very smart, some say he's big fool, * nt he holler pretty loud; you hear him maybe nlf a miJo; joa say klerican man he talk thou- ' ?nd miles. 1 spect yon try to fool me now, cap- v tin ; winy be to yon lit A" " Always Singing." e While tnlking with a neighbor, I heard a t, greet, plaintive voice singing that beautiful e ymu: * " Jesus, lovor of my soulI" e The child was up stairs; 1 knew it was a t liild's voice from its silvery softness. I listened j while, and then said, "That child has a sweet voice." "Yes, she has," returned my friend, "she is 0 I ways singing 1'' ^ Always singing. j, Sweet, happy oili 1>J! Bird of angel wing I? ^ i'ho would not envy Ihcc that gu*hing flood of v appiness within thy soul I A soul strong to j rill and to do; n soul lighted with the smile of ^ usus and ancliored on the surest hope; a soul tat with more than a uhihl's strength shall part te dark waves as it goes down the surging tide f r .1 ?i i nunin, ^ Always singing I * c I passed that way again. Summer was here |, I hop fullness, strewing the earth with flowers j( lid the sky with stars. The same sweet voice ^ as thrilling on the air, n " Oh, hart I wings' lfkr a dove, I would fly !" * Tli'is lime the little singer was in the yard. I ued upon the spiritual softness of her features -the fcweet eyes like "brown birds flying io the f ^ht * the fine expressive Hps, the dark silken k aria ; I felt that, she would soon have her wish b nswered, and " find a refuge in Heaven." Ii Always singing. d Autumn came; the wild swan was turning 10 u ard tlie South ; the lenvea were dropping from t! le trees, aud spears of froet glittered in the raaa. A strip of crnpe fluttered irom the shutter of b te house wiiere my little singer lived. Her s< oice was elotbed in death, and trembling hands v oouuu mute truant tresses around Iter wliite ! row. ? lly the great while throne, by the river of eter n >1 gladness, alia waa striking her golden limp, nd singing in the gnalilng fullncaa of itnpcrisbblo glory.?Arthur'* Mom* hfmyiuim. b Vcai. ri*?a? tha frequenters of rcatanranta ^ 'ell know?has an equivocal reputation at beet f, ha renowned Sain W?llcr once said " weal pie j i weary wall van you know it a'nt kittens."? , ine of onr compositors, of a facetious turn of ilnd, dining with a friend who preferred the itli above alluded to, improved on the elder i swivel's philosophical remark, and asked his r ?mpanion, when be hud oomplutad hiaineal, " if i a didn't fcel mewsioat." t ?^ ?-?wei 4 Tni tnnn who eonldn't trwat his feelings, is apposed to be doing bu?lnea> on (he cash prhi- 1 Iple. * i " Vatican."?Many wlio see this wont may n??t mderstnnd its import. It ia a pile of bqildiairs overing a space of one thou-and one hniulnul ect In length, and one thousuud feet in breadth, n one of the seven hills of Rome. The site was nee the garden of the barbarous Nero. Early n the kixth century the Bishop of Rome oreel-d here an humble dwelling. This has been added O by one Pope after another, until it is now one f the most, spacious and magnificent of palne?s. illed with paintings, statutes, books, and nntiquiies of the rarest kind. "The thunders of the Vatican," are those anathemas or denunciations if the Pope which have proceeded from thence ; ften, indeed, ridiculed as they deserved to be; >ut oftener producing dismay and suffering. A Toast.?At a celebration nt Port Jervis, the allowing sentiment was given by Joseph Gibbon: Ititei/IUerance.?The errant ? ? r? "?portability to Kuin?Mankind the only freight -ih Devil is superintendent??*hc*Bonid of ]"*iso its Directors?Kuimeilers iti Eng'neera and 'om'uctors?Tippling -Shops its cars?Distilleries Is Loco:noti\e*?l'risons and In; a c Asylun.s I s )epo s and Slot ion-houses?its ttock built on iroken hearts and ruined fortunes. With the >elp of a just God, and the Maine Law, we'll mint the chrraoter?discharge the Engineers nd Conductors, reverse the steam, and save the "reight. A laiujk merchant and importer says, th"i in he United States, we are paying more duty on rtificinl flowers than on railroad iron. As an fleet to this, a strong-minded woman informs us h$t men spend more money for tobacco than hey do for tea, coffee and sugar, not to mention lie sums they throw away upon " sherry cobilcrs" and such like "flowers," which alone rould keep the country in bouts Hie whole blespd time! Guess the J'strong-minded" have the est end of that yarn, anyhow 1 But wliene's al 1 lie gold we got from California? Oh, hush!? 'list's n yarn of a diffcreut texture?to be exlained fifty years hence. Things Yof Must not IV.?Never abuse one rlio was ouce your liosoin friend, however hitter low. Never insult poverty. Never speak contemptuously of women. Never blow your nose between your thumb nd finger. Never eat a hearty supper. Never stop to talk io a church aisle after service i over. Never smile at the expense of your religion or our Bible. A Modimt Loykr.?Some years ago, a eraekedrninert man, who was slighted by the females, ery modestly naked n young lady "if she would it him spend the evening with her." "No,* alio angrily replied, "that's what I ron't." " Why,** replied lie, " you needn't be so fussy; didn't mean this evening, but some stormy one i lien I can't go anywhere else." A Youso Pablia!uki?takian.?The present page f the Speaker of the House of Representatives, irst appointed to office by Speaker Boyd, is said o be one of tlie best Parliamentarians in the ounlry?knows perfectly all the tulea of order nd the routine of business, is acquainted with very member of the House, snd is very* useful o the Speaker in the discharge of liis duties, Ie is a lad only nineteen years of age. After the battle of Monmouth, on the night f the memorable conflict, Washington laid down n his cloak under a tree, in the midst of his rave soldiers. About midnight an officer aproacbed cautiously, fearful of awakening bim, /ben the chief called out, " Advance, sir, and eliver your errand. I lie here to thint n?A ? tleep !"?Recollections of Washington. Sksd Conx.?Preston Earle, of Pennsylvania, ays that lie lias been in the habit for several cars of soaking bis ?ce<! corn in a solution of opperas and saltpeter, and he has" nevsr had its corn injured by the worms lie believes it i an effectual remedy, and if every farm^fwould lo so we would not hear so much complaining bout the worms. It is a good plan to give the cod corn a coat of gas-tar; no bird will eat it. Browixa out a Caxm.k.?There Is one small set in domestic economy which is not generally nown, but which is useful as saving time, trouble and temper. If the cnudlo ho blown out lohliug it above you, the wick will not smoulder lown, and may therefore be easily lighted again ; nit if blown ujmiu downward, t!:o contrary is lie c?s?.?Scientific Artisan. With a true wife, tho husband's faults should e secret. A woman forgets what is due to herelf, when she condescends to that refuge of reakness, a female confident, A wife's bosom Itould he the tomb of her husband's failings, nd his character far more valuable, in hsr estimation, than liis life. Womrit Knowing.?" Gold ore#," or fever listers, n? they are sometimes called, can be prorated by applying a piece of saltpetre to tha (T? ctod place, wlien the feverish sensation is first ult. Simply moisten the Up aud apply the saltpeter. It is a enre if applied when the bnrning cnsatlon is first experienced. 0*i.kan Kmivso.?Ths most simple and best way i to rub the brick dust on them with half of a aw potato. There appears to be soma virtue ii the juice of the potato which aids in eleaoing hem. ? - * To* beloved of the Almighty are the rich who inve the humanity of the poor, ami the poor vho have the magnanimity of the rich,?