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* l II I 11? ^ r T ' *? , - Itamoriaffl <fi>fia/ IHPtMC: mi . (i? i " i' J 1 A Toifh Story. I it record* the veruict or a "Coroner ? inquest, end in otbor particulars benre a strong reeemblino* to some of the tough stories which hsve beet) circulated in Califonia : Dr. Tush maker was never regularly bred ^ physician or surgeon, but be possessed, naturally, a strong mechanical genius ana a fine appetite, and finding bis teeth of great jflgfiee fn gratifying the latter propensity, he OOnoladed that be could do more good in 4be world, and create more real happiness therein, by putting the teeth of the inhabitant* in good order, than in any other way. So be became a dentist. * He was the man that first invented the method of placing small oog wheels in the back teeth, for the more perfect mastication Of food, and he claimed to be the original discoverer cf that method of filling cavities with a kind of putty, which beooming hard directly, causes the tooth to ache so grtevAAiialtf thief iff lint t/i Ka miltdwl lltAroKv rril infr tb? jatitiiu two successive fees for the mum job. Tush maker was one day seated in his office in the city of Boston, Mass., when a stoat old fellow named Byles presented himself to have a back tooth drawn. The dentist seated his patient in the chair of torture, and .opening his mouth, discovered there an enormons tooth on the right hand side about as large, as he afterwards expressed it, 44 as a small Polyglot Bible." "I shall have trouble with this tooth," said Tnshmaker, but he clapped on his heaviest forceps and pulled. lr didn't come. Then he tried the turnscrew, exerting his utmost strength, but the tooth wouldn't come. 44 Qo away from here," said Tushmaker to Byles, and return in a week, and I will draw that tooth out for you, or you will know the reason why." Byles got up, clapped a handkerchief to his jaw, and put forth. The dentist went to work, and in three days he invented* an instrument which he was confident would null anything. It was a combination ot tno lever, puuey, wneei ana axel, inclined plane, wedge and screw. The castings were made, and the machine put up in the office, over an iron chair, rendered pertectly stationary by iron rods going down into the-foundation of the granite building. In a week old Bylos returned; be was clamped into the iron cbair, the forceps connected with the machines attached firmly to the tooth, and Tushmaker stationing him. self in the rear, took bold of a lever four feet long. He turned it slightly?Old Bylee gave a groan, and lifted his right leg. Another turn, another groan, and higher went Old Byles' right leg again. "What do you raise your leg for!" asked the doctor. u I can't help it," said the patient. "Well," said Tushmaker, 44 the tooth is bound to come now."' lie turned the lever clear around, with a sudden jerk, and snapped Old Byles' head clean and clear from the shoulders, leaving a space of four inches between the several parts! They had a post mortem examination? the roots of the tooth were found extending down the right side, through the right leg, and turning up in two prongs directly under the sole of the right foot. " No wonder," said Tushmaker, " that be raised bis leg." Tha inrv ihoiiarlit so Inn hut llipv fnnml the roots much decayed, end Ave surgeons wearing that mortification would have ensued in a few mouths, Tush maker was cleared on a verdict of "justifiable homicide."? lie was a little shy of that instrument afterwards ; but one day an old lady, feeble and flaccid, tJame to have a tooth drawn, and thinking it would come out very easy, Tushmaker concluded, just by way of variety, to try the machine. lie did so. And at the first turn drew the old lady's skeleton completely and entirely from her body, leaving her a mass of quiv* ering jelly in the chair I Tushmnker took her home in a pillowcase. She lived seven years after that, and they called her the " India ltubber Woman."? She had suffered terribly with the rheuraaatism, but after this occurrence never had any pain in her bonee. The dentist kept them in a glass ease. After this the machine was sold to a contractor, and it was found that a child three years of age could, by a single turn of the screw, raise a stone weighing twenty-five toaa. Smaller ones were made on the same principle, and sold to tho keepers of hotels and restaurants. They wero Advantageously used for boning turkeys. v There is no moral at all to this story, and it is possible that the circumstances may have become slightly exaggerated. Of course there can be no doubt of the truth of the main incidents. A gentleman on board a steamboat with his family, was asked by his children what made the boat go, when he gAve them a minute description of the machinery and its principle*, in the following words : "Yon see, my dears, this thingumbob here goes down through that bole, and fastens on the jig* maree, and that oonnecta with the crinkuracrankum, and that man, he's the engineer, you know, kind o' stirs up the what do-youeall it, and they all shove along, and the boat goes ahead." Ma, didn't the minister say last Rnnda)r that sparks flew upwards I" "Yes, my dear, how came yon to think of it f" " Because Ieaterday I saw cousin Sally's spark stagger* ig down the street, and fall downward." " Com* here, my dear, I want to ask you all about your sister. Now, tell me truly, hes she got a beau t" "No, it'e the jaunders; tbe doctor amy* eo? Why is an auctioneer like a man with an ttgly cowntiaance! Because he is always forbidding. i Mir # A NDwettancw rear's present,for the Farmer and -1 ahidi^iSBPB^SSSt ' na Banks, Calendar of Return Days and Conrta nt ! 1 by J. B. fiHKHMAN, Agent < 8TOVE8 r~8>CYfe8 ! ! ' ** * 1 ffiinittfM ,VA ' 4 1^ ? J ! j?? w 3 T'i",|?T J A LARGS Assortment of cooking, Omen, rar> Jl lor, Church, Shop, Sheet Iron, pelf-Regulat- 1 ing, and all other kinds of Stoves, always kept an 1 JS~mA . PUMP8, PUMP3. { i 'II A LARGE Assortment of Forcing, Lifting, ClaJ~\ tern Mid Deep lVell PUMPS, always on hand, nod put up in the boot stylo. They in much more convenient, and coot I*n in I tbo end, tban the old-fashioned windlass, buokot | and ropo. J. B. SHKltMAN, Agent. KEROSENE OIL. THE rapid increase in our in our oaloo of Kerosene Oil, havo enabled. n? to order in largo quantities, by which we get n reduction in price, oo that we can sell it by fhc gallon, at |1,U for cash, and $1.60 on credit. Tbo OJL Is now better tban It erer has boon. Wo keep none but genuine OIL Counterfeit Oils burn badly, and will explode. J. B. SlIKHMAN, Agent. OF all kinda and sites. I J. B. SHERMAN, Agent | WALL PAPERING. AG001> Assortment of Wall Papering, Bordering, Window Shades, and fine Screens, just reeeirod by J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. | SEWINCi MACHINES. ; 1 lj| ft T^i (Jf / Bly ft AJk \\ X Br '' FOR AT.L ORDINARY PURPOSES, <& a^iKi|a^0 < ARE THE BEST: WE (brainh them gfcoxactly the came nrleo Hat they mII Tor in New York, ami charge do freight. J. B. RHEUM AN, Agent. T^EIOHT-DAY Alarm, and tho famoua Dollar I 1 and a Uuarter Clonka. alwava on huii. J. B. RIIRItMAN, Ajenl. NEW supplies constantly noolrgd. J. 11. KlIEltM AN, Agent HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. WB Beep n NULl RTOOfc or these: J. It. SliKRMAN, Agent mi & line ran / AUOpD BlJPl'LY. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent RIP VAN WINKLE OAJRPSTma, "II ANlllAOTtlHRI) In the good old Stale o ATM. North Corollas This )t shout as pretty, and will last throo times as long, as the Northern article, which brings three times the money. Pries, 60 cents per yard. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent OF Tin Ware, Wooden Ware, Japanned Ware, Main, II room a, Iron W*?, in the Housekeeping nod Farming line, || kept at HHKRMAN'g. Only one price at RIIERMATf'fl, Ten per cent dineonnt for ea*h purchasers erer $20, and fire per font between $20 and $k. AT 8I1KRMAN'<L Jt iea good place to trade AfBUmnijll' When rou nome to town, call at sngRMAirs, ' Whether you trade or not, at BHKRMAN'S. Jan $ 24 IT ! '? y T KTl M f6r sale. . . . ? T88 enbwrfcef, having Jemored from Greenville, ti deiirout of nII Qwdd Rif tb? following Property, viat SHNfcviM Mtlilcad Place, Located ono and a half mllea from Greenville Tillage. on the Anderaon road. The Lot contain* 30 Airi?L**d, neaidy one half of whleh I* cleared land, the remainder excellent Woodland. On the prentice* in a Wood fitcrftinfr /lottir, Kilckm. threo AVyro /jmny, in good condition, Smoi? dtrrfaye M>n*?, and other Out-hulldlngs. Alao, a I"*"** *"? PU* watered, j A TRACT OF 188 AOREt, |H|l*d dUbth MKflR' the Greenrille and Colum btiTtaUrokd, lb rob mlTcs.froni OrecpTllle C. H., adNnioffTaai# of Cot." tBunpbeif. Air on Thompson, Jew, P?M? ud William Jacobs. Of the above ?kW? Mnu urn In a rood state of cultivation, and a)x>ut eighty acres (n origin si fbfcsi. On this Land there are two Springs of excellent Water. He also offers for sale his HOUSEHOLD FURN1*11*1* aleftthkh Is irfithe may?!! JH n fcfcA. M. OTLRBATn, at areenrllle S. 'C, Is bis anthorised agent for the sal# of any. of theahoro Property. Persons desirous of purchasing are referred to him, who will make known tlic tcrtns of isle, and any information which may he desired. The terms will be mads easy. SMITH L; DAVIS. Dee 1 SO Smjl SEW carpet "store. IMPOftfER, ^ ^ jroaaaia, ATO 9NEAJME& IN ALL KIHD8 OF ft' RUGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, ? WINDOW ^'riADJEJS, AilD CUTHIIHSIITIV18Y IHREflfflH CHARLESTON, S. C, AND J. CJ. Bnilie St Rro., *tu M^wrfbers having sold fat ^JicTr tfnHr* X St'HJk Of OURTAIXS to Mr. II. W. KINSMAN, woahl respectfully solicit fur him aeontini?Lion of tbo patronage so liberally bestowed on them n that department. ROBERT ADUEIt k CO. GITRTAIN GOOD8. This Stock is the LARGEST IN THE SOUTHERN STATES, Comprising Drocatalles, Ha ten DeLanes, Lare and Muslin Curtains, Curnieesj Pins and Bands, Drapery Tassels aud Loops. owaw^aws UADK AMD DVT UP in thr LA TEST STYLES. II. W. KINSMAN, 223 Kino Htuket. Not 24 29-6m Charleston, 6. C. C. F. JACKSON & CO. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, NO. 199 KINO STEERT, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Not 24 *1) ly" I. L. FALK & CO., VIIOLHALK AMD RKT.WL DBA LlCltS IK OLOTHINOJ AMD Gentlemen's Famishing Goods, NO. 200 KINO STREET, OlIARLKSTON, ?. C. fy Manufactory end Wholesale Warehouse, 14 1>kt Stmkkt, New York. fST All Orders promptly attended to.. ffl Nov 24 20 ly REED a GOODLETT, \T TURKEYS AT LAW, AMI SOLICITORS IH EatTITY. far Office netct door to F. F. lhalti? db Co. Oct (.kKKN VILLK, 8. C. . r. RKKD ft. D. eoODI.ktt. June 4 , 4 *? r " ? .4 4 ~~ ORB A PRICE, ' LTTORREYS AY. LAW, OltEENVlLLE^pt). : IBB | AVFft l 011 w. p. trick. May IS T ? tf < THAT (TREAT RKKSET, / If | THAT SRSAT RKMCDY, / lit THAT 0REAT REM EOT, ' I THAT GREAT REMEDY, Til AT IlUPif Dl lll.'HV J BANCTIW nunc, " * cNNcHtt' wwivic, I' BiMuriHOIK, TH1 PHUT TOPmVK CUR* ':|i ' | T1IB ONLY fUtftlTK CCKJC the mtr*r i-oemvc cvkb < asssssrassfi < -/. > < '-SBSSST?aS?L " mXlTHRlffiSS; aouu mc raurut. roR coNonRnatA and eixnr, nm ooNcntRiiatA and ollkt, ; roR (JONoNKlKKA AND GI?.T. *>R GONORRIUKA AND ODH, FOR OONOftRIlUU AND OI13CT ' f ' 1, tAYM A HKI nofm)R?S BTYL, sxvbM a bio doctor* mix, juviw a no doctor* mix, RAVK A OKI DOCTOR'S R1U ba v w a mu doctor* dux, IB HARIT.T tAKFN, ? KAWI.Y TAKKN, M KAN1I.Y TAKJCN, IX EA.M1.Y TAKKN, M KAhlLY TAKEN, NAB NO BAD YANK, Nab no bad tartk, HAM NO RAD YANM, HAS NO BAD TABTK, . HA# NO BAP TANK, WILL BJTNCT A CUB* wrtj DTB"f A (T'RK wn j mm a curb 1 WUJ. DTNCT A CUB* will kmur A cork wnvocr un or ma ft* ? j"* without uxw or timk # without t/m or rani wmiuc* low or tow or ciianok or dirt, >. ok chamuk or oicr, or chanok or owrr, i ? . or chanok or mct, " w ckamob or cut, J wrm um nootia with ijmh tkovmx with ibm tftourijc, with ijqm tkoomijt, mors 8na?r wmiuwmooulk, noshrwnfljl - " '? w hr wkkini.v, m??k ' ktkkutly, muu.>nkm.rt amd fmufairarrly f ES aljo rulmanmmtly, than amy known kkmtoy. yuan aky known kkmkoy-. than any snows kkmm>y than any known rwotky. wan any known rmmrdy. ranch kz wtbcutc can wt hint ry nail For Salt in QrtmvMI by abb l'i 10-1 jr john w. orady. m\-m l jib.! -iin. i j i>" i r ji j ^ISftSMS" "IDBV ? A. P. ltUOW O 33C 3RL L 333 UST THEIR NEWLY ARRANGED AND * OPPOSITE HASEL STREET, Full stock on' In lU Am ow'it variaUaa. AU? Evening Draw A CLOAK AND SHi Kapwlally superintended hjr Udios, with a full ra New Goods receiving each week. . A PLANTATION On tba secondand thin! Btoriei, fullr ttocktil witl STHhPUB, DENIMH, FLANNELS, JEANS, TWB narvn* taaaVai ??Ua? A FULL STOCK OF Shirting*, 3 Ji citing*, Osnaburgs, Long Cloths, Ae QRBERf PROMPTLY AND) C A. ] A. F. BROW NINO A CO. Invito a oloiw inspect it. in nil the Department*, and at the lowest market pr November 24 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly. Saved Yearly. Planters Take Notice, Planters Take Notice, f " Jacob's Cordial Jacob's Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, i jjiarrnoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux, And Flux, It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Put up Expressly Put up Expressly For Plantations. For Plantations. $1 per Bottle. $1 per Bottle. For Sale in GrttnvilU by Ang 25 16-ly JOHN W. ORADY. New Confectionery and LAOER BEER SALOON. "|IM"0RRI8 RAMCKLtako* pleasure in hifnrming ill bis friends add the public jrcticrally, that be us. lately returned from Charleston, snd is prepared to furnish liia rustoiuors with all that the heart can desire of rsriuei l)ON MOTH, Froah anil cious Confectionery. Any kind of CANDY that la in daniMiL I litre fur sale and am constantly receiving Superior aud Hound Oranges, lemons, Nut*, and many other good things for the inner man, too numerous to mention. Somo fragrant cigars and something to oat, What more does a reasonable man ?rrf' Ah! not to forgot, a sparkling glass of l>o?r, May aity be had at any time Lore, lie ing thankful for past custom, I would respectfully solicit a further patronage. MORRIS SAMUEL. Not. 10.. 91 tf BLACKSMITH INQ. The concern of TOWNE8 A IIA WKINS having been dissolved by mutual BS consent, the business will be carried on at the tsmo Shop by the undersigned. (?. W. liROOKB. January, I860. J. L. HAWKINS. NOTICE. fPHE undersigned having transfcrrad his interest I la tho Hi ark smith Shop near Williams' Stora, to Messrs. llgOo~e A Hawxtxa, takes pleasure in reoommrnilirigSham to a share of puklfc patronage. They wiR be prepared to attend promptly niul tat isfaeU>rily4o all cntl* in tboir line. They havo experienced and skill Pi I Hmitbs in Horseshoeing. Repairing and Ironing Wagoha, Plough Work, and all other ordinary work of a Blacksmith Shop. January, 1859. 87-tf <>. F. TOWXM. From lira First ml Jgngnry, IMO, TIIE VERY DKS1RABU Residence on Bnncomno St., /OCCUPIED during the pastycar by A. C. Smith. Es^. The House contain* fifteen Koom* and eleven Kire piece*. The Lot comprises eight Acres of ground, with a Branch of Water runfling through It. The premises are located adjoining the Vernal? Collage, and are altogether moat favorably adapted for a first class Private Hoarding Ifonse. Apply to 8. 8. CRITTNEHBN. DeeJS M tf DENTAL OPERATIONS. I)H. JOTIN ANDERSON WOfiLI) respectfully inform the eitlsens of Greenville that ho has taken Dr. Am.iss's Roovs, and is prepared to nttend to his Profession, in all the branches, with dispatch. Those residing hi Its eonntry will giro dno notice before eomlnft, so as to avoid being disappointed. Oct SO 24 tf Saddle A Harness Maunfactory. A THE snbeeriber would respectfully in. hM^forn the public generally that he conUnwee ttfn ahore Busill-ss, Pro /Mori ribnre lib Gr+mrilU ifotef, gad is prepared to farnlsh customere with any description of lloMK MANUPACTtTRBD RADDLEH. Carriage, Huggy aad Wagon HARNESS made to order, and in the heat styles. BR IDLER, Wilt PR, Ac., on hand, and for sale CHEAP. AMP-Raddle* and Harness REPAIRED at short notice. A. M. OILKKATH. March 3 43 ly S? SB? " ? & CO., si tout; S? <5., ITELL LIGHTED AND ENLARGED STO&& ?" BiTK-WLaHSJESTC-, SIGN OF THE " TR|E BOX." O! . . he Rieheet Drew Ooodt^My <*' 0<>o4? i* *11 ?tylo?. X^L DtRAFm*ENTf riety of LADIES' GARMENTS of all kind., with . >*?. MuO **i*1 Jlt.d'1* jiiiitf Ol ?""" * ' -i. l.'iS !? ovy \mm ti v?li HtM I DEPARTMENT, I all rarlcVlo* of PtAlNST, KERSEYS, BLANKETS, EDS, SATINETS, Ao., (hat will t? offorad at the .vi <?V DOMESTIC GOODS, ., FOR CAFU, AT FACTORY PRICES. rAREfUHY AlTEHill TO. F. BROWNING & CO. >u of their STOCK, whtoh will be found well supplied loos. tt , If W. H. HOVEY, ^ ,li> rauraiRTon or THE LAMBS' STORB, PKU.KH IV FA NC Y AND ST A PLK DHY GOODS, UlCh I) It ESS GOODS, HONNKTS, DIM DOSS JlOt SEKEEDING GOODS, HEADY A!A UK CLOTHING, AND INDIA HUBHEM GOODS, GREENVILLE, S. C. N. II.?Ordora accompanied by the cash,for Med' ioal, lutw or Library Books, Musical Instruments and Sni>4rics,*prou>pt1y filled in Now York and delivered at his counter on shortest notico. Jan 13 M ly ORBEEVILLi T1IK suhserlltcri having had the misfurhnip to lose,tar the fire of the 2tfth Jan uary, tho Steam Mill and Machinery connected will their Couch Ifactorv, in Urocuvillc, take this nacthos of apprising their friends and patrons that they stil continue busiuess as herotofurt), without change is their Firm, or ehaiomuut of llioir exertions to please They bavo NOW ON HAND, and are CONSTANT LY VlNfSIltNU, all tho varieties of Carriages, Buggies and Wagons ever made by them, to which they invito the attention of purchasers. Thoy take pleasure In correcting an Impression that their stock of SEASONED HIM HE It war lost with Iho Mill, and would say that, in quantity and quality, their Luinltdt bi< never been better. The generous patronage' hitherto received, warranto the conclusion that their efforts are appreciated, and stimulates them in making further exertions. Their experience will enable them to eeleet and operate the most approved Machinery, with advantages not surpassed by any manufacturers either North or South. _ UUWKK, U1JA. MAKKLiEY * CO. Greenville, 8. C., April 7, 1859. v 48 ly ~1IWgo6D& I AM RBCBIVING my SPRING andSUMMEk supply of GOODS, consisting of a general Stock of Fancy and Staple Dry And Men's and Roya'CLOTHING, Hats and Bonnets, Hoots and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, Drugs and Dye-stuffs, Carpeting and Matting, Wooden and Willow Ware, Wall Papering, Powdor, Shot, Blasting Fuse, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Suit, Ac., all ot which will be sold at LOW PRICES. Thankful for pust favors, T solicit a continuance of thu cmnc. JOUN W. GRADY, Opposite tho New Court Huuee,on Muiu Street. April I t 49 ^ tf Soijji) CqiroliiYQ?6**cnobiUd Strict IN COURT OF OltDlNAUY. John C. Garrison and 0. W. Garrison. Administrators of the Estate of David Garrison, deceased, applicants, against Mary Garrison, Widow, Francis Cox, Peter GatrTison, Edmund W. Garrison, J. C. Garrison, Charles Garrison, 4. W. Garrison, F. 1ft Garrison, Joel It. Harrison, Martha Garrison and Nancy Gkrrinoii, dofendunts.? Petition for Final iicttli mrnt nod Decreet >?' IT nppcurinjt that'Peter Garrison a (Ml Edinund W. Garrison, two of the defendants, reside beyond the limits of This State: It is ordered and decreed, that they do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to lie hidden at Greenville Court House, for Greenville District, oa Monday, the IVfA Hay of Marrh nrjrl, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to shew cause, if any they have, why a float settlement of the Estate of Daviii Garhisou, deceased, should not be made, and a deereo given thereon j and also to render in whatever advancements they may have received in the lifetime of the Intestate. Given under my hand and seal, at Greenville C. II., this 27th day of December, Anno Domini, 1859. KOHKKT McKAY, 0. G. D. Dec 29 M Sm Souli) CqJrolinQ?6irccr)bliie^3&i^llrict. J.JN UUAJNtJJtiWY. George H. Burges ami Pstienoo Hurgus vs. James Ward, Kusnn Ward, at ai.?biU /or Partition oj Rml E'tntry iff. TALK Complainant* hating filed their Bill in the above stated cane with the Commissioner in Ki|?iiy, for Umnvill* District, and it appearing that Wii.liak W. Ti bxhii, one of the Defendants, resides without and beyond the limits of this State < On motion of E. P. Jones, Complainants' Solicitor, It Is ordered, That the said Dofoudant do plepl, answer or demur, to the said llllt of Complaint, within three months from this publication, or the sem< will be taken pro con/fo as to htm. 8. A.TOWNES, C. E. 0. D. Greenville, 8. ?., Dee. 1, 1S59. 30-3m P. BURTY. LOVELAND'S BUILOtMS, 6AEENVILLE, 8. C., RE PKCTFULLY informs the publie generally that be has on hum a uitm assortment of Boots, Shoes, Brogans, &c. WELL ADAPTED TO Till MARKET. ^ Tn the assortment will he fnnnd iwiiv>, mm v^Diinrun i uattora anil Hboea, of many kind*. (lonlli mon a, Youth*' and Boy*' BtVota, 0 altera and Bbora. Ditcher'a Boota, an exltellont article. Brngana of all alr.ea and moat durable make. In fact, an full an aaanrtiaeal ?f Art idea in hit lino a* can bo found In any oatabliakmont In a town of (bo name aiae. Ke alao rc*poetfhlly ??V* an examination of hk Prleea for Caah, aatiafled that hla Oooda an offered At th? Lowest Possible Figure. Penona in want of anything ef tho kind wlH pleaae giro bine a call. , . . , . . a ran, ox ntxn, A two oil Slock or Leather AT WUOLB4ALK AMD RETAIL. BOOT AKC SHOE' NtARtKG. Thin branch of hia buiineaa la atill carried on under bic peraonal auperviiion, and every care will tw taken So guarantee ratirfaation to tboao who patron| lae hlaa. Mar ie XT-tf A VERY an peri or let of Havaxa cioana.'foi aale low, at tfTKKM A BY AHA Jrib X 39 If w . ..v..,. t . . r.rrv.:a t< < ' <<"???*? r X' 1 and boa become an e?tabli?bcd fack a sEandard JlidJcfcie, known and ap ? proved by all llf(l Ma i irStottoB g x&ft&sSs: ifilSfcftftfSsrK I ' raorous unsoliciUd c?>*tlf j.^ icafu id wxf win I "hTba?o?4Wm.t V >> OS ted to tbe tep^oMment of the Individual taking Q it, and uaod in ?U*k <m?ntitlc* an to act gm fly on the BnwcV. ' Lof tbedictate* of/our ^ judgment guide you la ; tke um or theLivr.n I>c J"* vioobator, and i^will COro J/irer w and may bo need |J* Bucecfsfnlly at an Orrf* nnryilTttmiJy Jlnlicin^ It.-wilkcurf dbbjborfi arA4 ^a* iKtiulnndx gntf tcjtUyf) tf (w|w*^wta commencement or at j5|4iS7'Af?wh? uee tor, and mrallmr both t?nctW. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. auao, ImMMT SANPORDH3 1 I 1MB SS2!92!*-Pi Pur* Veyciable Eflraety and jint up in GLASS CASKS] Air Ti'/b), ana teitl keep in any climate. . Til* FAMILY CATHARTIC PlJ.t Mh A gentle, hut native Catbar (tin, fthtoAtlW jMtdktor '"TXiteJyesa ntetiarsRS; who have long used 'the ^ PiI.i..h, and the aatUfac- ; I tioi^wtjoh all iujj>qejs in ^irvgard t? thartles act on- different 0j portions of the howels. The Family Cathartic\ j PHI Up*, withtemfrronceto this Well osfnhlixh rj'cd fitot ,'boefe Cofftpotinded from a variety of the ^ pufreid Vogttnhfe'-f**traets, which act alike on r ^evyyy-BMhof tbealimontary canal, ami are i/wnt P* and nif* fC an rases where a Cut hurt to is need ed, rtfcV as Dcrang*i iocs'" nf the iShw?dl,1 I Atepiswi, Pain* in thu , Hack and Loin*, Co* tire ^vmc*", Pain nud Sorcntnt orrr the tcholc budy, from m sudden cold, which frequently, frnof^Oc'ttd, end ' "jin a long course of Fever A Lot* a/ Appetite, a Creep ^K:'Vv Scnnution of Cold orer the body, Hcetlct* J^i iic??. Headache or weight 1 in the head, all In/torn "isn'ory Di*?n?e*t H'orms ia Children er Adult*, HI" nmatinu, a great rifer of the Jilood, anil! !many disenecs, to which flesh is heir, too numerous to inontion in this advertisement. JJo-c?1 to 3. I PRICE THREE DIMES. I Tho Lirer Inriijorntnr and Family Cathartic Pitt* I are retailed by Druggists generally, and sold wholel sale by the Trade in all the large towns. fl T w a a VLwtiiw. u n , ? * ?? ill. l/.t Manufacturer and Proprietor, 335 Broadway, Niw York. For sale by FI8HKK A HKINITSU, Ureenville. 1 July U 10 3m 1-HM WOHLI)'OUTDQWET I THE MEDICINE CAT.I.ITO "Itifhunniutory Extirpator,** WHICH wm Hold daring Court iu thin pJoco, la Dow on aalc, by J. W. GIIADY, of Green. , villa. It cannot now )>o longer doubted but thia Medicine ia the moat efficacious remedy ever in thia I place, for Kidney Diaoaacx, Piles, Neuralgia, Lung biietwu. Dyspepsia and Rheumatism. Numerous ' ctiei of the above diseases have beep cured thia present yoci. Headache, Toothache, Karachi, PpjftutV, and i}U Bowel Affection*, disappear before it aa if by the tonch of mngic. Try it, and keep it in your families, for sickness come* when you kail expect it. W *1 * J. W. GRADY, Agent for Greenville, 8. C. ; Dr. K. PILL, Wholoaalo Agent at Columbia. Also by ? f all Wholesale Druggist* ia Charlcstoa, P. O. , k rj G. W, DAVIS, Proprietor, Ki Box 4520, New York Poet OAoo. Nov 3 *2# : If Rltsa' nr>|N|>tlc Itemedv HIS Bll-s' l)yap<'|i>k KMnMlf UIIh' n>'a|N>|tilc tUrnnty Btloe* Oy?|wpMe Itemedjr BUM' Dyupcpllc Remedy Maa ttar laugrat Sal* I T , Haa the latrgni Sad* Una the Largest Rale ' Itaa the Largest Sale Haa the Largest Mate 1 Of any Medicine In the World, / Of any Medicine In the World. Ot any Medicine In the World. Of any Medicine In the World. Of any Medicine hi the World. i 1UO.OUO Package* loo,oou Package* 100,000 Paekagee letMHMI Packagea ? , lOO.OOO Packagea old bi ?c?|i? uid 8o?lhU9?a? ua Hold Tli Georgia and Hont hCaroflaa ' Bald Ir UMr||U and loatkOaMllM i J ItM In Georgia Mid KnulhCuMUa ( { In l^artMn HatiUw. , In Psarte?n Mom ha. In Fonrleen Month*. In Kourtciii Honlhi. | ^ In Poarteen Month*. It la Warranted to tar* . It la Warranted to Cora It Is Warranted to Cur* 1 " It U Warranted to Cora It la Warranted to Cora N Directions are Followed, It Directions are Followed. ? It Directions are Fallowed, II Dtrwllom are Followed, If Directions are Followed, Any Case ot Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia; Any Case ot Dyapepeta Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Cess ot Dyspepsia Urcr Disease, .. Uvir Disease, User Disease, User Disease, User Disease, i ?U J a and lea, . . l Jaundice, , .,/? r Janiidloa, , Jaundice, ' Jaundice, *' It U Ei|iil>llt Adopted f i * ?A It la Hapestally Adapted to It la Bspeclally AuapU-d la -n. It D Bspeclally Adapted te It Is Bspeclally Adapted to '? "u Kcntnlc CumptitlnUi '> I Wnuit Complaints ""*? WKUUI CcmyliilnMI .jt Kcuuile t oiiiplaliite t Vwule CoinpUInU | It Rotuiwllty of fans It PrMlMea RoluiMiltf ( Pmtm it PiwImm Hot uitillly of Pant n It Prodafea Rotundity ot P?m ^ It Frotlace* Rotundity ot Form In FmmIm of ? Thin and Hparo lUMt , In FVmnlra of Thin Mid Sparo HaMt In Fawaatoo ot n Thin aixl Hp?r? HaMt ? In Female# ot a Thin and Hparo HaMt i\ An Fruinlea ot a Thin Mid Hparo HaMt y Bead Pmbign Stump to the Proprietor* tor their Ffcmphtel on " IHMMnes or Stomach at?il Howe la." W. W. DMAS & CO., Proprltlera, 3?3 Broad w ay, Now TaHh For Salt ?? GreenvilU In / t Aug 2'dlft-ly JOIJN W. OKADY. ?<< THE ASSEMBLY HOUSE, One Nquare West of the Pott Office, COLUMBIA, s. c. TIIIS well known Establishment Iim Won thftf- t onghly re-Atted tuid improved, and in now , 1 permanently opened for the accommodation of Ikt 1 Put.lie. Every attention will bo given to apply tbn Wants end comfort of Piitron*. yfT-ftatea Mcdnr' ate. U. T. MASON, Proprietor. 1 Deo 8 Si tf SIEVING, ~ Hair Triiwuting. lirtsMiuf, Uylai a.iD . ' RAZOR SETTING AND SHAMPOOING, L AT TUB Second Door Above Mr. Mcybcrten'e, . WIL80N1 COOK. May 8 20 , rw.'1' Ilnlr DrtniHg uutl ihttrwM A BUKRIDUK continues the TONHORTAL nesa at hie Old Stand, ia Ilcattie'e Hi ' building, where lie in ready, during the day and ? evening, to Shave the Heard and Cut Hair and Shampoo the llrnd. lit) respectfully aaka a centtn. uatinu of patronage. tf f Si Oct I