University of South Carolina Libraries
* Ric-MfONp, Vs., February 17. Virginia Stale Convention.?In ilia Democratic State Convention, lato last night, n resolution wiis adopted admitting member* of the I-egiidature from unrepresented counties to seats in the Convention. To-day the proceedings were more orderly.? A resolution was introduced, 'stating the Hoo. Henry A. Wise was the first choice of the people of V Hydro a, for the Presidency of the United Btatea. -^.substitute was submitted, stating that the Democratic party of Virginia would support the nominee of the Charleston Convention, and also disclaiming any right to instruct the delegate* as to whom they will at pport at Charleston. Another resolution of nearly the same tenor was introduced, but it was replete with sound national patriotic sentiments. Tha resolution* and amendment! wero discussed at considerable length. Kicimdxft, February 18.?The Convention was hoisy a'tid tnrbulent, and nothin*g yet has been Heated. * The resolution deeming it inexpedient to declare their preference for a Presidential candidate wee still pending. The Convention took recces until 4 o'clock. ^ . second despatch. Bioivond, February 20.?The Convention adjourned on Saturday nighty but expressed no Eeforenee for the Presidency. The majority of e delegates favored a general Southern Conference Maes Meeting. The Convention subsequently adopter! resolutions fnvornhle to South Carolina's proposition for a Conference. Gen. Starke, the Mississippi Commissioner, arrived in the evening, and made a speech, which was greatly cheered. Taoroaen Visjt of State Leoi?latt*nr?.?A let ter wns received. Tuesday by John W. Oarrelt, E?r , President of the Baltimore and Ohio Bail road, from a-prominent citizen of Boston, inquiring whether no would give free passage on the Washington Branch of the road for the Legisln tores or Virginia and Maryland, in ease they abonld pay n visit to Boston. The letter arya: We have made application to all the other mads, making a similar requtffet, nnd have' reoeived a reply from 8. M. Felton, Esq., President of the Philadelphia and Baltimore fiailroad, offering the free use of his road, provided the other roads did the saine. Before* wo wrote to any of the companies we were assured by leading members of the Legislature that as soon as a free use of the roads could be obtained, they would pass a resolution of invitation, nnd offer the hosIdtnlities of the State to the bodies both of Maryand and Virginia; nnd further considered it desirable that the arrangement should be made In time to the end that the honorable bodies should make on the 22d the visit, nnd proceed to Bunker Hill and Lexington. In ease -they should come, the roads will be made free from Boston to Concord, N. II., nnd to any other |M>int* to which the visitors might desire to go. Should they agree to come, the Legislature of New York will also be hero, whilst the Legislature of Pennsylvania yrill also be invited. In reply to tbc letter, the authorities of the road stated that in case the Legislature of Massachusetts invited the Legislatures of Virginia nnd Maryland to visit them, the rond would be at. their service.?Jiichmond l)i?patch. Ordsnvillk Baptist Fkmalk Collfgf,?The Catalogue of this flourishing institution is before lis. Attached to it is a beiftitiful plate of the central building, and the grounds around lb This College is well officered and grows steadily in public favor. One hundred and twenty nine young ladies were enrolled as pupils, last year. TTlie institution is patronized by all denominations in Greenville, the College falling heir to the valuable property of the old Greenville Female Academy. Never can we forget that old Academy, and the glorious spring I hut pushed ftaira the rocks nt the foot of the hill. Never can we forget the sweet faces of the sweet girls, who listened to one instructions, in I he old brick building, nearly fourteen years ago. We see tbem now, crowding around their delighted teacher, at recess, with bright smiles and gift* delicious. We feasted in those days, dear friends; our desk was daily filled with the fruits nil'd sweet things, the darlings gave us.. And row, while we write, in spite of us, a large tear falls upon the paper before us. Let it fall, for suine of those ?1enr children nre r.ot now. The eyes that beamed witli hope and love and happiness, are closed forever; the warblers of the old grove on-the hill, ore with their winged sisters, the angels, now, singing the melodies of Heaven. In looking over the Cntalogne before us, we ee the names of inanyTair young friends of '61 ana 5'<4. Blessings on the rosebuds and the roses. * [Pee Dee Times. . . Cuarlkstown, February 7. Trial of Hazlett, the IIarpnJs Ferry C< >?*pi fata r.?Mn?{ witnesses were examined to day, and their testimony was conclusively to the point j that Hazlett was one of Brown's party. The on ly difference in the testimony was as Jfe the color of the prisoner's hair, some stating Tm;t it was red and others that it was a light, color. Ilis ! hair at the present time is rather dark, though it ; has the appearance -of being colored by a linif dye. Amongst the visitors in attendance ot the court I to-day was Iter. Mr. Newton, of Vermont, who hasbueu before the Senate Investigating Commit* tee. The nnmber of witnesses summoned for the commonwealth amounts to about forty, but all 1 will not be examined. CiiAHLKfcTown, February 8.?A large nnmber of witnesses wefts examined in the case of Hazlett. Nearly all of them were satisfied as to his identity. Major Ball's testimony is regarded as rather favorable to the prisoner. He could not recognize him as one of those on guard. Several others testified that they did not see Hazlett in Shenandoah street. The defence was ably managed j by Messrs. Butts and Green. Tn* total eclipse of the snn, which will (nice ' place on the 18tli of July of this year, will be a , very important one to the scientific world. It will commence in California and terminate on the borders of the Red Sea. Passing along about j the 60th degree of latitude, and quitting the American continent at Hudson Strait, it wili cross the Atlantic to the Spnn'sh shore, and for some minutes something like one fourth of Spain will be in total darkness. The shadow will continue Its oourse over Africa, crossing the Nile to the north of Dongoln, and finally quitting the earth in Ethiopia. During the eclipse the planets j Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn, wilt he visible together, arranged in the form of a rhorn- ' boid?an occurrence so rnre that some centuries | win einpse i>ei??ro snoli n sper-toolo can be wit- : nessed ognin ; indeed the eclipse itself will he of Ik ohnrMler that will he unequalled (luring the present century.?iVeio York Courier. Quit* an incident occurred, yesterday, 1" the House. In regard to voting upon n motion of the j Democrats to postpone the election of Printer, between Hon. Roger A. Pry or, of Vifginin, nnd Hon. Laurence M. Keitt, of your Stale. lYyor wns sitting nt one of the tables writing, when [ Ills name was called with Jho yens nnd nays; I Keitt .was stretched nt. full length npon one of the sofas by Pryor'* side. When P.'a nnaie wns called, he did not know what they were voting for, and, turning to Keitt, said, " How must I , vote P* Keitt, roused, us lie was, from ft sort of \ stupor, fbrgol himself, nnd told P. to vote "no;" j then recollecting (Pryor in ike meantime called out "no") himself, said, " I voted " aye.' 1'ryorl" j Then Pryor voted "nye," hut ho voted the luet | Itme a nttle too late ; so he had the honor of Voting once, at lenst, with the Republicans. Til* 0.1ww Cas*.?The Supreme ftonrt^ the j United States has decided hi favor ct the legiti j maey of Mrs. Cfttines, and we suppose ehe will be put fn possession of )i<r father':! large edfute without (farther litigation. t A. .TBI * ?.... _i". , . -.zu!? a. .-rt \st Imrtjjtnt Cnttqirint. WILLI A M P. PRIG E, EDITOH. I Our Motto?" Equal Bights to All." * GREENVILLE, 8. C. J Thursday Morning, February 23, 1860. c NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. All letters on business connected with the Em '< l asi'kiRK Office, should be nddressed to the Pro- b nrit-Lors. McJi xkin A TIaiihv All communication* for publication, should be addressed, " Eorroa Enteri-risk." ^ A Missionary Mass Meeting r? Will be held in tlie Baptist Church, this even" ? ing at half past 7 o'clock. fr Several addresses may l>e expected. a Tlic public are invited to attend. pi |5f~ Senator Hammond will please accept our di thanks for copies of Congressional papers. N el Twenty-Second February. ?' The anniversary of the birth of Wasuinoton ' was duly celebrated on yesterday by the Butler 01 Guards of this place, under eoniraand of Capt. H. ?' Lkk Turuhton. The annual oration was delivercd in the New Court House by T. Q. Donaldson, ci Esq., a member of the company. The exercises P' of the occasion were opene<l hy Rev. 8. J. Hill, wlio offered up to the throne of God, a most w beautiful nnd fervent prayer. After which, the gl orator of the ?lny was introduced. His address, which was chaste and elegant throughout, wns th listened to with the utmost attention by a large in auditory cf our citizens, llis remarks were w?dl- 1* timed, very appropriate, nnd delivered in quite T a pleasant manner. G At the conclusion of the address the conqwiny repaired to the Academy Spring, where the target firing took place with the following results: First prize?Silver Cup?Awarded to Private ( W. A. ClIANDLKR. j Second prize?A Plume?Awarded to Private W. A. Hudson. h r Villatce Improvemonts. tl Tlie beautiful side-wulk 011 the west side of r Augusta street, lending to the passenger depot, h has been very much admired, and is, wo think, ^ one of the most handsome and enduring improve- (l ments which our town authorities have made d for some time. The land on which it was con- I ^ etructed, was generously donated* and . tlie Railroad Company to the Council for the pur- ^ poses of a side-walk, in consideration for which c the Council had the work constructed. The \ grading and entire work was superintended liy Joseph I'owkl, Ksq., who contriliutcd his time and labor very generously for the public good. We f trust that other of our citizens, in the localities 1 where streets arc narrow and crooked, will likewise grant to tlie Council as much land as will enable that body to make such improvements ns ? are necessary to the beauty and regularity of the * town. j, Correction. ' We mentioned lust week, that Howard II. 1 Caldwell was dead. It is gratifying to us to ^ announce that such is not the case, although he is quite low. Wc quote with pleasure the follow- ] ing from the Newbery Contervalist, which paper first announced the fact: " While we were misled ourselves, wo very ^ m ich regret that we have misled others, anuounei ur tlmt It..? ?V.I M IVI.I~.-II ? - -o .......... w fir* Ul-flll, I lie t report of his death did not startle us nt all, knowing, as we did, tlial lie was regarded by hi* physicians as barely ulive for several days pre | vious to our last publication ; and we believed the truth of the report nil the more implieitly, that i was brought from Columbia, that very day, ^ by a gentleman who bad been so informed on the eve oi bis departure. We reiterate our regret that we should have heard so unfortunate a re- ? port, and sincerely trust that he may recover < from Ids present languuhing, to shake hands' with his friends who thought him dead, but roj dee to know that he has not yet departed from among us." Ewart's Florida. A brief outline of Florida; its climate, meteorology, faee of the country, soil, productions, natural and artificial, geology, miuerulogy. Flora and zoology,* rivers and railways, general resources, <kc. Communicated in a letter to Chan>eellor Johnson, of Newberrv, 9. C? by David Kwart, K#q. Published by W. J. Dnflie, Newberry, 9. C. Copies by mail for 30 cents. We are indebted to the publisher,(Mr. Domi, for a copy of this interesting little pamphlet.? Persons desirous of procuring reliable information in regard to Florida, and more narticnlarlv that section in which Orange Spring is located, 1 should tend for a copy. , Pickens District and the Bine Ridge Bail* road. Public meetings are now being held throegh 1 out Pickens District to take into consideration j the propriety of a District subscription. A meet- I ing was held at Pair Play on the 16th inst, at '< which the following resolutions were unanimous- i ly psssed. We copy them from the A'eours Cou- j rier: lletolvtd. That the senses of this meeting cordially approve of the proposition of a suWription of $50,000, by Pick#ns District, to the capita! stock of tlie Blue Ridge Railroad Company, provided the rttntc makes furtlier appropriation. h'rtolvrd, That tlie Board of Commissioners of llouds be requested to make tlie said subscrption, and to submit it for ratification to the voters of the^Legielatnre. Itmolveff, That we will notohly support tlie said subscription, but u?? our btnlinflutoro to induce , our follow -citizen* of tlic District, also to support it I ItftolvrJ. Tlint. we tender oar thnnlcs to Mr. Z. ('. Polliam, Krq., for his active endeavor* in s behalf of the enterprise, and recommend him and i , the statistics ottered by him in support of the , Mime, a* sufficient to induce nil who hear him | to approve like* Ue of the raid subscription.? , Published by order. ( -? ??> I W AMinwro*, Feb. 1?. < Peat A of P. Ruth Flmpl.?The Hon. P. J Utah J Ffoyd, a brother of the Secretary of War. died in this city very suddenly last, night, of disease i of the heart. He resided at Wythcviile, Va. 1 + e 111! I ( Jl ^ " I a V ' I OOBgrmtcnri. We hare Intelligence from Washington up to he 30th last: TW proceeding* in the Senate, to day, ware inlmportant The death of Mr. Goode, of VI r;ini?, was announced, eulogies were pronounced, nd the Senate then adjourned. In the llousc, Mr. Lovejoy andnavored, bat iiilcd, to introduce resolutions to appoint a comlittee of inquiry into the expulsion of Abolitionits from the Southern States. The death of Mr. loode was announced, and eulogies were deliverd, and the usual resolution* offered. The fortification bill waa introduced, and rarrred to the appropriate committee. It Involves n expenditure of nearly $000,000. MISCELLANEOUS. The Lanrensville Herald records the death of >r. W rn. Irby, a distinguished citizen of that Dieriet. He died on Hiuraday last. The same epersays that Rev. D. Wills hasaeeepted a paa?ral exll from the Presbyterian Church at Msoil, On., and that he has received permission to onneot himself with tha Georgia Presbytery. Tha Lancaster Ledger aaja a movement >r rnnrunu irom mai place 10 Ltmaen, IB eluding a great deal of attention In that District. v Tho citizens of Columbia are preparing a nlmetto stick, to present to Mr. Kdtnntidson, of 'irginio, for oaning llickmnn, of Pennsylvania. Slick to 'era "?that is right. Tho Chaiw Gazette learns that a most brutal murder was xnmitted in Anson county, N. C., about 13 miles om that place, on the 11th lost, Mike Knight, free man of color, was the victim. The suspcted parties have fled, but will be pursued. Bethel Poet-offiee, York District, has been continued. ^Gen. A. C. Garlington, of ewberry, has accepted the nomination for reection to the State Senate. Mr. T.* J. iimner baa declined the position of President id Superintendent of the Spertanburg end Uni1 Railroad. He will continue as Superintendent ' the Charlotte Road. Measures are on ot for the organization of a " Bums dub," In linrlceton. Spurgeon, in a recent letter lblished, nays that he will not spare our nation regard to slavery. lie might as well, for he ill add nothing to either liis present or future ory, by waging war upon slavery. It is id that eleven out of the twelve delegates to ie Clim-lceton Convention from Connecticut, are i favor of Douglas. According to the re?rt of the Assessor, the population of Knnsas erritory is 69,960. Samuel Stephens, exovernor of Maryland, died on the 1th lost. FOR TtIC SOVTtl KRN ESTKRl'RISK. At a late meeting of the Executive Committee f the Greenville Baptist Female College, the foliwing Resolutions were unanimously adopted: It'rxo/vrd, That the Executive Committee of te female College have learned, with profound egret, that, on account of the stato of his health, he Iter. H. A. Duncan has been compelled to esign the position of President, whiclt he ha* eld from tlie establishment of the College. lietolved, That, ir. accepting the resignation, re do it with a full consciousness of the extent T the loss which the College endures in being leprived of the valuable services of such an oficer. Resolved, That, the regrets which we feel are ncrensod by the remembrance of those estimable |ualitiea of mind and heart which have not only nnided liiin to perform his duties so satisfaetori y in relation to his pupils, hut have endeared lint personally ?o the Committee In bis official utercourse with them. Rcaol**ed, That, a copy of these Resolutions he orwarded to Mr. Duncan, and he puhlirhed in he Greenville papers, and in the SoiUlurn Bapid. Masoxtc.?The Ornnd Royal Arch' Chapter of louth Carolina, has been in session at tlie Mnonio llnll, in tliis city, since Tuesday lash The ession was closed at IS o'clock, M., Thursday, rith the election and installation of the followng officers : A. G. X1ACKEY, M. D., of Charleston, Grand ligli Priest. It. E. VVILEY, of Lancaster, Deputy Grand Iigh Priest. J. J. BRABHAM, <>f Barnwell, Grand King. W. T. McKl'WS, of Orangshnrg, Grand Her (he. Rev. REN J. JOiLKSON, of Abbeville, Grand Chaplain. n i? itrvanv -i / ?i?1...? o 1 ^ v. vi vunrivBion, urana i rOMif>r. K. THAYER, of Charleston, frr.ind Secretary.. C. C. LANGSTON, of Anderson, Grand Capt lost. ' K. J. WADDEL. of Chernw, Grand A. C. W. B. THOMSON, ot Charleston, Grand Scnin?l Tlie attendance wn# the fullest ever known nt in annual eon vocation in this State, nineteen out >f twenty-three Chapter# being represented. [Charleston Courier. Houston on tub South C'abomna Rrsmrno*#.-Jovernor Houston ha# sent the South Carolina osolution# to the Texas legislature, with a long nesange. The Galveston New# eays of it: * The message of Gov. Houston, in relation to he Sonth Carolina reeolution*, ia such a# every >ne expected. No pro|>oMil was ever yet made or the Southern Slates to take any ineaeures whatever for their own defence, or even for a onsultatlon among them as to what measure# ihould be taken, whtch Gov. Houston ha# not lppoaed. The only measures which oan be lamed that he has not opposed, is that of unconlitioni)l submission to abolitionism. Tlit# is the v*m-i iiinniim^ m w inn n? chii* conservaimm, and ?ny thing else with him is disunionism. It is on Jn* gromul (lint he now charges the resolutions >r South Carolina as aiming st ? dissolution of ;hc Union." Skrvkd IIim Right.?Our friends st Bamberg are letermined that no suspicious characters shall nrry long in their midst. A correspondent., writng fioni that place o few days ngo, says: "A nan who says hie name is Ihin, (a blacksmith hy rude,) nnd wlio appeals to he about thirty years >)d, made his appearance in Bamberg on the 7ll> nat,, and when called ii|?on l?y the Vigilance Committee very promptly confessed that he was ispolled from Kogelieid Court House a few days igo for hnvittg been rather too familiar with the legco population of that place, wliercu|>on the itizens of Bamberg informed litin that if lie did lot leave in one hour they would apply a thick roat of tar and feathers to his head, one houderd ashes to his oak^d body, and fly blister* to hi* feet ; and Dim, knowing it would be done, started >ff in a run." [Barnwell Sentinel. flw. Wwr hah a Hacairr a!*i? kkkps it.?In l?i* speech at the complimentary dinner given him in llich'mond the other day, referring to tho Harper's Kerry affair, the ex Oovcrnor said : I have now said ail I have to aay on the anhjeet, and 1 shall guard myaelf partiealarljr through life not to aay all I could aay upon it; ruhiea would not win ma to tell all tho facta of the raid of John Brown. I will not tall to the world either all the facta in mi poaaeaaion ; or ail my opinions on the subject of that tragedy. I liave told the world enough for the justification >f my action in (ha caae, and there la yet much niitoM, which 1 will never disclose, for the reason that I would eonaorvo the peace hctwaau the North and the South, and tell nothing which would unnceasarlly agitate and distract either section." I IITKtP TO* TNI aoOTSMR UfMPHUi f My Child in Smthl The following IIom war* written after mm toting dispensation of Providence. Three eoptoe Mto given to valued and sympathising friends, at the solicitation of ono of whom they are published. It was not intended that thoy should be made pnblto. They were almply for tho writer's own heart, the mother of his thtld, and s few friends whose hearts, he belie rod, woeld grieve with him in eorrow and afOietion : Lovely was my darling child, As an angel meek and mild | Beauteous as the short-lived Cower, > Blooming for * single hoar! How my heart with joy woeld swell, And my eye with rapture dwell On Ik, luuulU. Ik.l kw? Whore tbo ac?l of death ro?U new ! Hard both pressed tbo band of God 1 Low she lie* benoath tbo sod. Biceps tbo aloep that know* no waking, Whoro no atorma of oarth am breaking I Oh, how bard it ia to part With the troaaurea of the heart I Oh, what bitter tears wo abed O'er tbo graves of loved onea dead I God looked down with tender love, Called thoe, dearest, bone above, There to grace the angelic train, Ere the world eould leave a stain On that spotless aoal of thine, Fitted beat In Heaven to shine. Would we have thee here to stay? Keep thee (tin from Heaven away T Where God's choeon ones are found, There, in glory, thou art crowned 1 Where the brightest angel* stand, With the just at Ood's right hand. With the throng who ever sing Glory to the Immortal King, There, my child, shall be thy place, 'Ecath thy stuiling Saviour's face 1 Canst thou visit this dull sphere? Como in dream* our hearts to cheer t Then to tne in visions fly, Kiss me wliilo f sleeping lio? Piimn wi'll tKw ntionltn aKawma J I Nestle in these loving arms! Oh, how heavenly would it seem, Though it were a flitting dream ! When in dust this body lies, [ Shall wc meet in Paradise ? When this sinful life is o'er, Shall I roach that happy shore, Where, in glory, thou art singing, And the courts of Heaven are ringing, Whilst the rapturous, glowing tide, Swells the praise of Him who died? When thou liest in Jesus' breast, Sweetly taking heavenly rest, Intercede, my darling one, With the Pathor's woll-lovod Son; Ask of him that I may be In that happy land with tbee, And, with thee, may ever rest, In the dwellings of the blest! Ask, my child, and thou It prevail, ?. r u ' ' > u?? wis jpinjon vi uinu wmiiiii mil; Kneel Wforo the throne ol (Iracc, i Where Archangel* veil tho face? God, for Christ, will hear thy prayer, lie my erring soul will spare, And we'll moct upon that ahoro, Where we'll part?no, never more ! Soon will come that day of meeting? Boon will cotno that Heavenly groeting, And thou'lt cheer iny happy soul, Whilst eternal ages roll! Father, thon, for this I'll War All my load of grief and care; That will cheer mc as I go Thro' this valo of grief and wo ! From thy throne, oh, God! on high, Thou canst hear the mourner's cry ! When Wncath our grief we bend, Thon to us canst aid extend ' Lead us through affliction's tide, To the blessed 8arlour's side I In llis glorious, Heavenly seat, Grant we may our loved onoa meet! Tho' I own " 'tia thee, oh, God !** Tho' I bow beneath tby rod? Btill I'll mourn, my child, for thee, And tby raomory hallowed W ! In my heart's recesses deep, Where my sacred memories keep, Thon sbalt (111 its inmost core, Till that heart shall beat no more ! Then o'erflow, my Ailing eye? Iloave, my breast, the deep-drawn sigh? Give me not uuwianed relief, From this sacred, cberishod grief! 'Tis, my child In Heaven, for thee. Kindling ftoeh thy memory? 'Tin the tribute poured upon The gravo of thee, my buried one ! w. H. C. Greenville, S. C. Aim for Roueht.?Wo learn thai Mr L. M. kidgway, of Clarendon, war, a few day* einoe, arrested In that District on a charge of perpetrating a high jvay robbery npon a man, a school teacher we believe, named Hanks. The valuables of which he was robbed, as we learn, consisted of money in gold to some amount. and a watch. These, we also learn, have been reeovered. Other particulars concerning the matter have reached us, but aa Ridgway ia now la confinement awaiting a judicial investigation of tba facte, we will withhold them. Ridgway was tried find convicted at tha last term of onr Court, for the liberation of prisoners from this iail. and sentenced to six months im. prison me lit, which was remitted by the Governor.?Sutnier Watchman, Richmond, Va., Feb. 1?. Virginia Dnnorralir Convention.?The I>einocratic Convention, as yet, have only effected a temporary organisation. The indication* are that a majority of the delegates favor Wise for the Presidency. Adjourned until evening, on account of the death of Mr. Floyd. Richmond, Feb. 1*, 10 P. M.?There I* great excitement between the Wise and liantee delegation, almost reaching a personal collision. Gen. Robert Hunks bee been chosen a* President of in* uon??niiun. Ai orsTA, February 14. Arrett.-? Andrew J. Kodgera, hailing from Helena, Arkansas, *m arrested in this city today, on lha charge of abducting free negro* for the purpose of celling them into slavery. The arrest was made on the complaint of a police officer from Maeon. Go., in whose charge ha woe conveyed to that place for trial. Dktalcatio*.?The disappearance of a cashier and book-keeper of on* 01 our merchants is nocounted for by a defalcation of 98O00 to >4000 in the balance of ktia books. II* is reported to have squandered the money on a wanton, who aaenm pauted him in hi* flight, as far as Branehvilla, where she contrived to elude him by taking the return train to the city. It is the old atory?*4fce ruin sud disgrace of a dupe.? Chat. Yn (prm 4 e t R ! S ?' q Sranrinava?.?-Whilst our friend* in burg are discussing tha ways and means np??r sa ry to eecurctho Extension ofthe Greenvilleand French Broad Railroad* 1?e lytve-bccn looking at the may. 'with reference W tb? future of our raH- / road system in the Smith. Hst/ikeeu* that ^J*rUnburn occupies an enviable place front her geographical position!" Situated at the foot of the mountain*, ahe has a climate remarkably healthy ' in summer, and mild and plenaant in winter.? ' Her institutions of learning are rii-iigj fast, and | her mineral and manufacturing resources are being rapidly developed. - * Spartanburg is. loo, directly on the Air Line front Atlanta to Richmond; and at no distant j day may have another railroad mna'iip front Greenville, through Spartanburg and VortviUe, to Charlotte. It is a) meet a direct litoe* and has before now beCn spoken of by those familiar with 1 railroad matters as an enterprise that one day ' i will be accomplished. We hope it inav, and that ! [ at no disUnt any.?A th evil It (AT. C.) fiew. A Good Resolution.?At* public meeting of the citlsens of Buncombe comity, hold In Aahevlllo, N. C., liwt week the following resolution, among other*, wna unanimously Adopted* | " littolveJ, That for tliree year* we will purchase no good* for the w?*r ot the male member* of onr families that are not manufactured in Buncombe, or some other portion of tlio Southern States, except snoh neoessary articles as cannot be made Itere: Provided that this do not apply to goods now in store by our merchants." OW? Married, on 5th inst.. by the Ror, Wm. Thomaeoa, Mr. JOSEPH M. TflOMASON, to Mias K. J. ALLEN, both of Milton county, Georgia. Died, on Sunday evening. l*2th of Feb.. 1860. Mr. ISAAC NEWTON LOVELAND. aged twen ty-four years, one month and three days. The Enoree Association WILL meet in Convention at Enoree Baptist Cliureh, twelve miles north of Greenville C. IL, on Friday before the first Lord's day in March next. Brethren composing surrounding Associations, arc respectfully invited to be with us ou that occasion. Done by order of the Body. Fob V 40 " 8 From the Lorain Co. Eagle, Ohio. Maxy kimls of Tonic are advertised that we are assured will strengthen the hair, and prevent ita falling out. but none tbnt we have seen need does all that it promises; save that of Trofesaor 0. J. Wood. This we know is good front having tried it, and witnessed in several cases ita truly beneficial effects. Dr. Wood was kind enough to send us a couple of bottles, and after finding that it prevented our hair from fallingout we presented a hottlc to a friend who had been Imld for at least thirty years; it has restored his hair entirely, and it is now as thick and glossy as when he was.twenty-five. This we say in all sincerity, and we shall l>e glad to have our friends try it for themselves, as we believe it is just what It professes to be. Cautiox.?Beware of worthless imitations, as several are already in the market, called by different names. Use none unless the words (Professor Wood's llair Restorative, Depot, St. Louis, Mo., and New York,) are blown in the Ikoltle,? Sold by all Druggists and 1'uUnt Medicine dealers, also by all fancy Toilet Goods dealers in the United States and Canada. " R EhlEF IN TEN M IJN UTES. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WATERS. Ths most certain and speedy remedy ever discovered for all Diseases of tho Chest and Lungs. Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Consumption, Bronchitis, Influonxa. Hoarseness. Difficult Breathing, Rore Throat. Ac., Ac., Ac. THESE WAFERS give the most instantaneous and perfect relief, und when porscvurcd with according to directions, never fail to effect a rapid aud lasting enru. Thousands have been restored to perfect health who have tried other means iu vain. To all classes and all constitutions thoy are equally a blessing and a cure?none need despair, no matter how loug the disease may have existed, or how severe it may he, provided tho organic structure of ths vital organs is not hopelessly decayed. Every one afflicted should giro them an impartial trial. To Vocalists aid Pcclic 8i>kakrra, these Wafers are poouliurly valuable ; they will, in oxs day remove the most severe occasional huurApM* ; and their regular use for a fVw days will, at nTVTTmes, increase the power ami flexibility of the voice, greatly improving its tone, compass and clearness, for which purpose they are regularly used by many porfbssional vocalists. JOB MOBES. Sole Prourletor. Uu?h?slsr. W V Price 25 c?nU per box. For salo in Urocuville by E. K HUTCH. May 19-oowly I. O. O. F. MOUNTAIN LODGE, No* 16> L ?* ?* * ?mwU Krtry Tkartday Evening, at 7 o'clock. JAS. BLUU, Secry. Feb 23 42 ly LAST NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED toU>* ESTATE of ROGER LOVE LAND, deceaaod, arc uotified that, unlea# the tame la paid before Return Day, poraona to indebted will ho (mad indiscriminately. 1 MARTHA LOVKLAND, Executrix. Feb 23 42 4 j SPECIAL NOTICE. Mrs. Paris & Miss Oordon RESPECTFULLY inform the Lad lea of tlreenviile, and eirrMiHMt rounding country, that, having '?ft t"r ^cw York, for tbe pur^sggFj^gyyflyypoao of laying in a STOCK of MILLINERY, | They will retnrn again in about one month, with a FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT, And would invite attention to the name. Thoae indebted to tliem will plc.we nail and nettle their account# with Mr. W. T. SHUMATE, who haa been rcquoatcd to collect for them iu their ab anen. Fob 23 42-tf. LOOK OUT! THE HOMEY MUST COM21 ALL those indebted to the late firm of LONG & GOODLKTT, by Noto or Account, must make immo diate payment on or by lioturn Day in March next; otherwise, the same will bo handed out fur collection without regard to persons.' LONG & GOODLETT. Feb 23 42 tf ~ MONEY W ANTE I). All persons indebted to the firm i Of LONG, GOODLETT A CO., up to the first of January, 1SG0, are notified that we want money, and there fore, call upon them to pay up. LONG, GOODLKTT & CO. Feb 23 i J tf mmmmmammmBBSsssmmmm T, W. DAVI8, Preotioal WatohBtktr * Jew?l.r, U QREJSNVIJLLJE, 8. C. ^ *gf? HK culls attention to his splendid /55^fr stock ofwATCIIKE and JEWELRY, Ic. J^mSL which is of the very beat aaality. aiv " JB Hw lias the finest Antfclo of WatcbM KauMi^thet has ever been one red for aalo in this market, and his stock comprises the finest Baulish and Swiss Chronometer, and also the flaa magic Watch, and the celebrated Joseph Johnson Lever, and the Julius Jurgonsen Watch, and all otbor loo makes. The above Watches are in Ana *?old and h.u;viic?r,Uo""K'Xte ?*?&?' no wmi WRrrnnt vw itvtjt mv vi miwv? ?J Hi W JilLR-Y. -lie has a great variety of JKWBLRY, of Iks latest styles. He deems it needless to naentloa the articles of Jewelry, bat says he has cot ererytklac Tob need. . , He will keep eooit, jfl f Silver and Plated Ware, ^ Suitable to tbe market. REPAIRING, All kind* of REPAIRING done In WatcW. . Olueke end Jewelry in a workmanlike maafrer,#1 at tbo shortest notice. JM" Ilia Shop may be found at the GeodleM Rouse. rob 88 11 * SfOTICB To Del)1or? and Creditors. ALL pereorfs indebted to the' Eetate of L H. LOVELAND, jdeceased, or te the late Firm of LOVELAND A CHANDLER, are requested to make immediate payment to tbe undersigned. Those baring demands agaloat aaid Estate are requested to present them, duly attested, for payment. MARTHA LOVELAND, Feb 13 41-1 Executrix. Patriot and Mountaineer copy 1 times. JAMPg yrvpy HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, Paper Hnugnr aud ClAaaler, GREENVILLE, 8. C3. WILL FAITUFL'LLY KXKCLTK ALL WOXK XNTHJSTXO TO IIIM. Residence on Augusta Stroot, near Depot. Fob 23 41 . 7TT ly h * ? 3d SS n Mg li> v;s S* If 8 JJ -J- ^ o 3 fj ? 2s;i?a OOe 5 M* O.S a J) P3 . mt C* t? ? ? km ? 5.?< ? P.J * '*,** 2 s? Ifl 8 g M .ctrS-5f ? B? =t ? b g 6SS|! I 8 p: p - gg g PP a 5* Z * ? ? S" St ? V*1 ^ srr i ? < ? * 3 fe* iiJJi3S_ SALE. WILL UK SOLI), at Oakland Farm, aix mite* below Greenville, on the Greenville and Columbia Railroad, ?*? WKDNK8DA Y, 29TH FKBRUA it Y, . Stack* of SHUCKS, STRAW and FODDER. 11008 and CATTLE. A (food rnUASIIKL nod FAN. FARMING T"o*i8 and HUN DRIBS. Fob 10 41-td JOHN MA UK LEV, " LIMBER WANTED 1 XO.OOO PEIBT 1)1 NK M KATHKRBOARDING wanted, IN KXX CHANGE FOR MAKHLK WORK. Apply at the fireenciUt JJarLic Yard, Greenville, R.<3. Feb 16 41 Sm Notice. ALT. pcranno indebted to F. F. DEATTIK A CO., and to tho subscribers, for Book Aceountaan4 Mote*, to January 1, 18C0, are earnestly requested to call and nay the same. BBATTIB A PULLIAM. Feb 14 41 ,4 TAILORING. THE subscriber respectfully Inform* the pablie that (the firiu of A- BKKCO A SON having been dissolved by mutnal consent,) he will con tin? the TAILORING UU81NEPR a* formerly, and eo| licits a share of patronage. Catling, Making and Repairing done promptly at reasonable rates. Hie Shop is on tho east corner of Court House Square. Give me a call. A. BBECO. Feb 1? 41 If WM. LANGSTON. MATTRESS MAKER, WILT. REMOVE, about the 15th April next, to Greenville, and locate permanently, for the purpose of MANUFACTURING MATTRESSES AND WHIPS. He is totally blind, bnt is enabled to work at the above business. He can furnish the best testimonials as to Uit durability and sxeellanaa of bis work. He refers to Rev. T. 8. Amain, Rev. J. C. Fubman, Nathak Whitmibe, Esq., and other geuUcmsa of Greenville. Ha respectfully asks a VI pwn'Hii|ii. ei-zm F*k K Dunonlia'i VGRITABLK Ll<i(JIDGLUB THE only reliable Glue for nendtag broke* glao*, earthen-ware, wooden ware, (ball work,, and raauy other article*, too numeroq* to mention. For *ale at FISHER A UEIXITSIPS, JUrug Store. Feb 0 0 if ? POMADE DEVTMET I70R Chapped tiaada and Lipa, Burma 'Imldi . Bruise* and Sore*. Sold at FlSnBR A IIETNITSH'S. Feb 9 40 * If The Subscriber Keeps on Hand A SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OF HUN. CINFM. PERFUMERIES, SO AIM, mod of ! the popular PATENT MEDICINES, BRANDIES. WINKS, WHISKEY, RUM and OIN, for Modlel| nal purpose*. A* ha purpoaee Helling for CASH, , he offers bi* Article* at lJL)W PRICKS. * ! Ploa*c call and examine for youraelveo, I J. H. DEAN, Jam irt 8A - tf' GARDEN SEEDS. JUST received, a splendid assortment of Thar* hum'1 Melcctad by an experienced GarI daaar. For *ala by STKKN A EVANS. I Feb 2 80 11 Notice. ALL pot-son* having demand* againut the RateU of the 1*1., Dr. W. M. Al.l.KM, dooeeeed,are notified to jtreeeat thoin, duty alteeted, to tfee wheeriber. Pmoni indebted to the mid Katate tre notified to makw immediate payment. A. R. M( DAVID, Qualified Bcemater. Jan 12 fid ?r Plri WlMlfiwI iMthldf lyrny, TjlOK CHlI.DKKN Teething. For aale at r k'lSllKK A H K1 N ITfill'H Drag Stove. Pnr? Catawba Ginger Wind, * T"J01l aale by 1 FltiHBR a HWIWrrun, I itoa * ai Me Dee's Bloefe.