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V#. " ' M ,..t, ? ? . r, .. ISnmnriafa <?>lia. :.,*- t A Bad Practice and a Bad Habit.? Cobbct, who lived more than A J?*r at T.uii? TuUnrl imm) aAmalinm ia I tall laughable itoritu at the expense of the QiiHkera, some of whom live*! in lite neigborIkkxJ there. The author of u Reoolrcflon of Ifr. Jay," a Bath Clergyman give* the following aa received from Cobbet'e own lip* : I waa aquainied with a well disposed young gentleman of large fortune whose only fault waa swearing?such a habit that he of ten declared he woold give half hia fortune to get' rid of it. The desire came to the ear* of a Quaker, who theroivpnn had an intend** with the young gentleman, and mUL ? I can cure thee of that bad habit. Whereupon the youth caught hold of the Quaker's hand an<f gave it a harty shake, **-'lfow can you perform this miracle !" I The reply was, " I can tell thee, I have heard that thou art going to travel for a period of six weeks, thou art just my size; nobody will know thee : thou shalt come to my house, put on the cocked hat, coat without buttons, the knee breeches, and the shoe buckles; and tbou will find that the strange ness of the dress will have such an effect on (lira whnn ttinn Art rrrvincr In Inllr tliat will restrain thee from swearing- a# tliou perhaps kuowest, my good frienJ, that we Qua kers never swear.' Tbo young man clieerfully assented in the proposal, and acctnpanied the Qnaker to his house, where, after changing his clothes, he took bis departuro in the garb of a Quaker and went on his way rejoicing. The poriod of the young gentleman's tout elasped, the Quaker all anxiety to meet him, he said, "Hast thou sworn so much with that dress on thee !" The young man rubbing the sleeves of his coat, replied, 44 Certainly not; but I feel a d?d inclination to liel" A Novel Idea.?"Every neighborhood has its man to tell big stories, and we are not behind in that respect, says an unknown correspondent. " Old John M is known to all this neighdorhood as one who delights to " astonish the natives by bis recollections." On one occasion when the crops had nearlv all failftl mini txvinln Imxvaii In lnllrnfKonl i 1"~ b ? * ? ' timed, old John being in company with several of hid complaining neighbors, thus consoled tbem : 44 People have little cause to grumble nov * days, when we recollect how ii used to ybe. When I was yet in the old country we bad a famine that was one. 44 Why," contin ued he, "hundreds of my neighbors actually starved to death; and on opening their bodie* it wns found that they had been so pressed by hunger that they had nctualy filled themselves with grass." 44 Why," inquired a bystander, " were the bodies opened after death ?" "Why," replied he, " to find out what they starved to death on, of course." A decent looking Irishman, stopping at a hotel to warm himself, inquired of the land lord, 44 What was the news, The landlord, disposed to run a rig upon Paddy, replied : 44Tiiev say that the devil is dead !" 44 An sure," quoth Pat, 44 that's news indade." Shortly after, Pat stalks up to the bar and depositing somo coppers, resumed his seat. rih. - l jl l - ? * i ne inuuioru, always reaciv lor a cuiloiuer, asked hint what lie would take. 44 Nothing at nil," said Pat. " Why did you put down this money ?" asked his host. 44 Och, an' shure, sir," said Pat, 44 its the custom in my own country, when a chap like you loses his daddy, to give him a copper to help pay for the wake !" Landlord stood treat all round. Somk young ladies, feeling aggravated by the severity with which their friends s|h*cu j lated on thier gay plumes, necklaces, bracelets, rings, dec., weut to their pastor to learn his opinion. 44 L>o von think," said they,44 that there is any impropriety in wearing these things ?" 441iy no means," was the prompt reply, 44 when the heart is full of ridiculous notions, it is well enough to hang out a sign." A* olJ toper, in the Inst stages of tho< drnp*y, was tuhl by his physician that nothing would save him hut being 41 tapped." ITis son, a witty little shaver, objected to this operation, saying, "Daddy, daddy, don't submit to it, foryo" know there never was anything tapped in our liouoO that lasted rooro than a week." r An Iiith soldier called out to his companion : " Hallo! Pat, I havo taken a prisoner." " Liiing him along, then ; biing him aloajr!' " Ho won't come." 44 Then come yourself." MHe won't let me." Tiiky have got a new plan in operation ? yown &??,' ror tne demolition nl bugs. ! Il U done by steam. Ot.o wheel catches them by the nose?Another draws their ' teeth?while a neat little piston rod punches ! ' threo grains of arsenic down their thioats. A merchant in Tiurlington, Vermont, j having nunk his shop floor a couple of f-et, i announces, that " in consequence of recent , improvements, goods will be sold consider - j i ble lower than formerly i 1 " What is the meaning of a back biter ?*' sahod a parson, at a Sunday school examine^ lion. This was a puzzle. It went down the class until it came to a simple urchin, who said, " Perhaps it be a flea j" * i4* Am I not a little pnlo ?" inquired a lady ( t w ho was short and corpulent, of a crusty old bachelor. " You look more like a big tub,'' j was the blunt reply. j * i * Are you a Christian Tnrlian V a?-ked n I " person of an adherent of Red Jacket, at the . settlement near Cattaraugus. ' No/' sai l | 1 the stnsdy savage, 4T irhi*k{/ Indian." r y T HI ?1 1 V OMBIESTDN ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW CAKPET STORE ' ' IMPORTER, I JTOaSSS, AMID IMEAlUSai IN ALL KINDS OF Jtuaa, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, W IN D O # SHADES, a*d CffflTAlB GOODS OF EVERY BISilllFffl, EST^>. asastfissipi&iaiai'tf, CHARLESTON, S. C., AND J. Cr. Itailic 6c Rro., 205 Broad Street, Augutta, Go. Not 3-4 2'J 1 y NOTICE. e TUE mhscritiim having gold oat tholr entiw Stock of CCJtTAfA'S to Mr. II. W. KINSMAN, would reupcctftiUy solicit for him A continua tion or (be patronage so liberally bestowed on then in that department. ROBERT ADOER A CO. GTKTAIN GOODS. This Stock is the LARGEST IN THE SOUTHERN STATES Comprising Brocatelloe, Snten itcLnncs, Lace an. Muslin Curtains, Cornices, Pius and IIinula, Drapo ry Tassels and Loops. & w iA w a a s? 0 MADE AND PUT UP in (h? LA TES T STYLES H. W. KINSMAN, 223 Kimb Sturkt. Not 24 29-Gm Charleston, S. C. Jmm MACHINES. THE perfcelion of srientific arrangement an. mcrhiuuoal simplicity is attained by the G1TO & MKEi'S SEffiffiK E3ACBIS1 COMPANY, IN THEIR IMPROVED NOISELESS MACHINES. They have the following advantages over all oth ore: They have no pads to koep In order ; no hob bins to wind s no tnugling or wusto of tbrend ; n. oiling the thread or work ; no tool ehest stockct with wrenches, pliers, pickers, leather, Ac., Ac. lhe directions arc simple, cosily understood, nn? easily explained by tbe Instructors. There is n< taking apart cleaning or rolling. They requiri about ten drops of oil per day. when in constant use They utalto uo more noise than a common clock eveu when making ftftcou hundred stitches per min utc. They run easy?a child ten years old rai work tliem to Bill speed. They'run fast or slo, without any danger of altering the length or tight ness of tho stitch. They will Jlein, Fill, Gather Bind, Sitch and Etnhroidcr, in so superior a man iter that we challenge comparison. The same Mu chine will sew pavilion gttasc and plantation goods The scam is as clastic us the most clastic fabric, am will not break in wishing or ironing. The sami Machine runs silk, linen thread and common apoo cotton with equal facility. The needles are shorter and, therefore, stronger than any other high Or low priced Machine. That they arc superior to all others, is evident from the fact of thcro having beer thirty thousand Machines made ami sold, in com petition with others already in successful operation The question is no longer which is the best maker hut which of tho numerous patterns of Gttovnu <S Bauer ahull I take. PBICKS, $.'>0 TO $130. H. W. KINSMAN, Agrnt for the tile of three celebrated Much met. aaa asitssKU- STPi&auasp. CHAKLBHTON. ft C.. D. B. IIAflSLTON, -Manager. Nor 21 29 IT GREA T SOUTHERJf GIFT BOOK STORE! GOLD JEWEL?Y G'VEN AWAY AI 304 KK^G ST.J LU All LEXTOX, S. C. APHKRENT worth from 60 cents to $100 wil ho given, immediately after the sale, to oacl purchaser of a Book, for which wc receive $1.00 oi more, without tiny additional expense. Our itiincitsc Stork, of Books, The largest ia extent and variety to bo found in the South, presents rare uidttecun uta to tho rending coiumtisiity, comprising n? arly ull tho Classical, rare and slaudurd works of uneiout and modern Literature. The Gift Beck Business Is so well known and deservedly popular, that it needs no words from us iu its favor; the fact that nearly one-hull" the hooks sold at retail in our large cities are sold upon tho tiifl principle, thus securing to purchasers nearly double, and ij/lsu t?a timet in catne over what they would p reivo 1-y the Uiuul course of trade, under the old fogy rules. Country mcrelinnis, and nil cash purchasers, can buy I tattlen ami St?ti??rry, IIniche* end Jetrelri/ from us at Now York wholesale prices, (with addition of freight and insurance on heavy goods.) Our facilities are such that we can and trill otTer inducements worthy the attention of each and every class 01 onvtr.1.. Evkmno at Auction will he lici-1 during the months of December, January, February and March. Catalogue* raw be obtained by culling at No, 301 Ki'ig Street, Charleston, S. C. J. fHII*BKICK'S SOUTflVRN filFT lb.OK STORE. Dee 1 *30 _ If C. V. jack SOX & CO. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, WHOLESALE AX!) ItETAIL, NO. 1W) KING STEERT, C11ARLESTOX, S. C. Not 94 29 1y* I. L .FA LJK & C O . 7 AND RET ATI. t>KA LERH IN c?x_.c>Tia;iisrc3-, AM> Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, NO. 905 KINO STUKJET, CHARLESTON, S. C. tw Mnnufneti.ry and Wholesale Warehouse, ill Dev Struct, New York. ^ tar All Uhlrn promptly attended .to. Jk.1 Nov 24 29 ly # TO KENT, From tli?* Firsl oK Jittnini y, 1SGO, TI1K VEliY MvMUAliLK Hrsidence on Buncombe St., CCUPIKD during the puet /ear by A. C. 8 mitn. K The House contain* Aiken Houtnx and ileven Viro-pineei. The Lot eom|iriwi eight Aero* if ground, with a Branch of Water running through t. '1'hu premises arc located adjoining the Fount1* College, and are altogether moiit favorably adapt, d or a firnt cla&s Private Beat ding Hour*. Aptdy to 8. P. CU1TTXKDKN. Dee 15 32 tf ORR 8L PRICE, UTQRNEYS AT LAWp OKF.KNVILLE, S. C. AMsa i- oan. w. r. rnirt. May >3 1 if *I>n?il<!iiijr'? Pi*<*|?:i *<><! Ciluc. BSiSI'UL XN BVUBY HOUBE. r7M?l*ID, and ready for ore all the time, and a* strong as Cabinet Makers' glue. Price, per lottlo taud icuib, 2a cent*. For stdo by J. li. HUKRMAN, Agent. 1 17 ? 8 8 0 THSR 1 yALUABLB PROPERTY, H?mt Ure?uirlll? Tillage, FOR SALE. amp^. steers? i|p|d^ ing the following Property, rii t I,oca;?d one and a half mile* from Gecenrille rH- 1 lege. on'tbe Anderson road. The Lot contain* 20 of Land, nearly one half of which ia 'cleared land, the remainder excellent Woodland. On the proiniM* in a Good DtccUhty Home, Kitchen. three A'egro Hontom, in good condition, Smoke /font*, | Carriay? llntttr, and other Out-bailding*. Also, a One ycyi% Orchard. This place it well watered. Also, A TRACT OF 138 ACRES, Located on both aide* of'the Greenville and Columbia Railroad, three miles from Greenville C. II., adJoining lands of Col. Campbell, Aaron Thompson, Jesse Dean and William Jacobs. Of Ihe above Tract, thirty acres are in a good state of cultivation, and abont eighty acres in origiual forest. On this Land there are two Springs of eacellent Water. He also offers for sale his HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, all of which is of the very best manufacture. Mr. A. M. GILREATH, at Greenville 8. C., is his authorised agent for the sale of any of the above Property. Persons desirous of purchasing are referred to him, who will make known tho terras of 1 sale, and any information wbloh may be desired. The terms will be mode easy. SMITn L. DAVI8. ' Dec 1 80 3m , New Confectionory and TiAGER BEER SALOON. MORRI8 SAMUEL takes pleasure in iuformiug his friends add the public generally, that he j bus lately returned f-vm Charleston, and is prepar. ed to ftirniah his customers with all that the heart can desire of various CON MOTS, Fresh and Delicious Confectionery. Any kind of CANDY that is in demand. I have for sale mid am constantly re colving Superior and Sound OrtnrM, Lemons, N'nti, and many other good thing* for Ine inner man, too numerous to mention. 8ornc fragrant cigars and something to cat, What more does a rcaaonablo man nerl ' Ah! not to forget, a sparkling glass of bear. May also he bad at any time here. Doing thankful fur past custom, I would rtspoct4 fully solicit a further patronage. MORRIS SAMUEL. - Nor. 10. 27 4 tf 5 BLACKSMITHING. The concern of T0WNE6 A nAWKIN'S having been dissolved hy mutual SSESSSivonsent, the business will bo carried on at tbo isuio Shop by the undersigned. O. W. RROOKS. * January, 1859. J. L. IIAWKINS. NOTI( E. 1 rpjJE undersigned having transferred his interest i JL in the Blucksniith Shop nenr Willinins' Store, r to Messrs. Brooks A Hawkins, takes pleasure in >. recommending tlieui to a share of public patronage. , They viH he prcpnrcd to attend promptly and satis factorily to all calls iu their line. They have oxpeii rieneed and Smiths in Horseshoeing, Rcpairv iug and Ironing Wagons, Plough Work, and all other - ordinary work of a Blacksmith Shop. , January, 1859. 37-lf G. F. TOWNES. ON SALE. . \ VERY GENERAL ASSORTMENT of fine l\ and other JEWKl.KY may be had of the ' Subscriber, who makes t > order Engagement Kitty, ind any other artioly required in bis lino, j .JT-4V REPAIRING faithfully donc.-tfcj ' ?va Sixty yards cast of the old Court llonto. J. II. RANDOLPH. Greenville, >S? C., Sep. 15, 1350. lll-lf BARGAINS TO BE HA O. DESIROUS of elosing out our wdl selected ard cheap Slock of IWillrncry Goods, vro respectfully inform our friends and the public generally, that, after this date, wo will Sell at Greatly Reduced Prices, fof Caah To any perron wishing to engage in the abov? business, tee Ieill net! the entire STOCK A T COST. fli?r~ Tlioso having Accounts with us, will please pay the sutuo immediately, us we need the money. MRS. PAillS A MISS GORDON. Oct 0 22 tf LAND FOR SALE. I ''piIE SUBSCRIBER oilers for sulo, a tra-lc of ! I 350 ACRES OF LAND, situated on the State road leading from Greenville Conrt ilonso to A sheville, N. O., two initios below Hodges, in Greenville District. On tho place is a comfortable Dwelling and Out buildings, anil the best Water that can be tound anywhere. It would be a desirahle plarc for n rummer resilience. M. D. DICKEY. Juno 2 4 tf REED & GOODtETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW? A Wfc SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. Office nrrt door to V. F. Ilea It ie Jb Co. GUEENVJLLK, S. C. j. v. rekd. .... ; s. p.<r June 4 4 tf TTJAT GREAT REMEDY, THAT GREAT REMEDY, THAT GREAT REMEDY, THAT GKEAT REMEDY, THAT GREAT REMEDY, raxctjtz' ppmnr, SANCHEZ' tt'ECIMC, RANCHES' 8HEC1H0, SAKCHt-z* mxine. SANUUZ' bPECUTC, TTTE ONLY rOTTTCE CTRE THE ONLY PUbil'IVK CLUE THE ONLY HUHTIVK CUR* TnE ONLY POSITIVE CTRK THE ONLY lAteJTIVE CURE TUTORS TTTE TOOTLS RFIORK niE PEOPIJi, BKPORK THE PBOPMC, BEFORE THE PEOPLE, UEKUKK THE I'Ai ,>'i J. FOR GONfRRWYA AND GUTT, FOR iRKHOCA AND OIJAT, FUR CONi KKH'KA AND OIA*T, F>)R GONt.KKHUCA AND ClJi.T, FOR GON JRKUCEA AND U1AET < SAVIN A BKJ DOCTOR'S BTIA, HAVES A DIG DOCTOR'S BILL, RAVES A BIO DOCTOR'S BILL, sssi#*?\ U.Ss'JS- f|gV?\ \ x c^l \ ^-u"' fl^s^Y \ f^S5'\ \ ?t??n- \ o Kt)V. ^ Vj #**&*?* Tor**** C,XL + jo*# \ ; V *** 81 ? 8-it # mm ? A. P. BROTH 0?CA3 LHJ rN THEIR NEWLY ARRANUtD A"N1> \ mtMMrn SBAHI HlIH OPPOSITE HASEl STREET, A Very Full Stock ?I i la all the uoweet tvUUm. Also Eva'uing Drew A CLOAK AND 8K Especial snperintMnlcd hy ladies, with a full ri Now Uooda rccclriue each week. A PLANTATIOr On the second and third fltnrlee, ftiilr stocked wit 8TRIPK8, DENIMS. FLANNELS, J LANS, TWt lowest market prices. A FULL STOCK OF Shirtings, Sheetings, Osuaburgs, Long Cloths, A< QRQiERS PROMPTLY MB ( a. : A. F. BROWNINO A CO. inrito a close Inspect!, in all the Departments, and at the lowest market pi November 24 ?.Ti. H ov &YT rn-.rRiKTom or THE IA DIBS' 8T0RB, DEALER IX FANCY ASD STAPLE DRY GOODS, RTCh DRESS GOODS, BONNETS, HI DROSS 110 USEE EE PI SO G 00 US. READY DADE CLOTH ISO. ASD I AD J A RURHER GOODS, GREENVILLE^ 8. C. N. B.?Orders accompanied by the cash, for Med ice!, Law or Library Books, Musical Instruments and Sundrios?promptty filled in New York and do Hrered at his counter on shortest notice. Jan 1.1 30 ly 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes Co tr/\rl V JilVVU 1 fitl . Saved Yearly. Planters Take Notice. Planters Take Notice, Jacob's Cordial Jacob's Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux, And Flux, It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of 'Jalf Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Put up Expressly Put up Expressly For Plantations. For Plantations. $1 per Bottle. $1 per Bottle. For SuU in Grtentillt by At K as 1?-Iy JOHN W. GRADY. fTburty LOVEIANI'S BUIlDlt.C, GREEMMUE. S. C? RB PECTFULLY informs the public generally that he lis* on hand a flue assortment of Boots, Shoes, Brogans, See. WELL ADAPTED TO Till MA KKET. ?sL In tho ass rtment will he found Ladies, Misses' and C. ldnn's Gaiters and Shoes of mvv Viodf Gentlemen's, Youths' and Boys' Boots, Gaiters an<l Shoes. Ditcher's Coots, an excellent article. B regno s of all sites and most durable make. In feet, as full an assortment of Articles In hli lino as can bu found in any establishment in a town of tho g.une size. Ho also respectfully asks nn examination of ldi Pricos for Casti, satisfied that his Goods are offered At the Lowest Possible Figure. Persons in want of anything of the kind will plcaso give him a call. A I.SO, OX I1AXU, A Good Nlfick or Lrnilter AT WHOLESALE AND UlfTAIL. BOOT AMD SKOE WAKING. This brnnch of his business is still carried on under his pcrsouul uimrvision, and every rare will b> 'ak<-n to guurantoo satisfaction to those whopaito*!xu him. Nov 10 27-tf DE NT A L. OPERATION S. DR. JOHN ANDERSON WOULD respectfully Inform the uitisens ol Greenville that be has taken Dr. Ai.lkVh Hooks, and is pfup*rcd to attend to his Profession, .11 all tbo branches, with dispatch. Those residing i(* lin U'linurj will ^?TW UU? HUII9V uoium OUIillDg, to m to avoid being disappointed. Oct 20 24 tf Saddle & Harness Manufactory. r . TUT. euWriber would respectfully inUM^form Ike public generally that he continue* the above iiiuincii, Tirn Jioori abort thr fJrtmrilU Haiti, and i? prepared to furnirh ratlom 'N with any dencrlption of HOME MANI'VACri'KKD SADDLES. Carriage, Huggy and Wagon KAHNEdft made to order, and in Ike beat etylu*. IlltlOI.ICS, WUTPH, Ac., on band, and for **J?C1IKAP. JUT" Saddiee aud llarnei* REPAIRED at ebort notice. A. M. GII.KEATH. March ? ** 1v ;i nri, KING & COi, JTOM, St- 0.?vr VELL LIOflTEr* AN1) ENLAUC.KD STQkE,?r?3 MB'jt nos SIGN OF THE "THEE BOX." the Richest Drew Goods, Good* in all style*. . awl department, ri,tv of LADIES' GARMENTS of all kind*, with ? tHAl ^department, h all varietio* of PLAINS. KERSEYS. BLAXKET8, IED3, SATINETS, Ac., that will be oUorad at the "domestic goods, }., FOR CASH, A T FACTOR 1* PRICES. JAREFUUY ATIEN0EPJ TO. P. BROWNING & CO. an of their STOCK, which will be found well supplied ricos. 29 tf g h kee viel, e v v^/ v v? v xz? ^oc w w THE subscriber* having had (ho rnjseJ-ySiflfortune to lose, by the fire of tbo 29th Jan' unrv, tho Stonm Mill and Machinery connected with their Coach Factory, in Greenville, tako th!? method r of apprising their friends and patrons that they still continue business a* heretofore, without change in their Firm, or nhutcmont of their exertion* to plcnsc. They have NOW ON HAND, and are CONSTANTLY FINISHING, all the varieties of Carriages, Buggies and Wagons ever made hy thorn, to which thoy invito tho attention of purchaser*. ' Tbev take pleasure in correcting an impression " that their stock of SEASONED LUMBER was lost with the Mill, -nd would say that, in quantity and quality, their Lumber hn nertr 6cm letter. The generous patronage hitherto recairod, war-' rants the couoiuxion that their effort* arc appreciated, and stimulates them in making further exertions. Their experience will enable thorn to select and operate tho most approved Machinery, with advantages not surpassed by any manufacturers either North or South. UOUTER, COX, MARKLEY A CO. Grccnvillo, 8. C., April T, 1869. 48 ly I AM RECEIVING ray SPRING and SUMMER supply of GOODS, consisting of a general a took of Fnncy mid Mnpln Dry Goods, And Men's and Uoys' CLOTHING, Ifats and Ronnets, Roots and Shoos, Hardware and Cutlery, Drugs and Dyo-stiiUs, Carputiug and Matting, Wooden and Willow Ware, Wall Paltering, Powder, 81iot, Ulnsting Fuse. Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Salt, Ac., all ol which will bo sold nt LOW PRICES. Thnnkful for past favors. I solicit a continuance of the same. . JOHN W. GRADY, opposite me now court Mouse, 011 .Main htreet. April 14 49 tf Jiouil) C^lrctluq?6ir?nbilJe jjlatnc). IN COURT OP ORDINARY. John C. Garrison and O. W. Garrison, Administrators of the Estate of David Garrison, deccksM, applicants, n<r?i 11*t Mary Garrison. Widow, Francis Cos, l'eter Harrison, Edmund W. Harrison, J. C. Harrison, Charles Harrison, O. W. Garrison, N. W. Harrison, Joed 11. Harrison. Martha Harrison and Nnnoy'Harrison,' dcicuduuts.?Petition far Final &rlt/rmn<t anil Decree. IT appearing that Peter Garrison nnd Edmund W. Harrison, two of the defendants, reside beyond the limits of this State: It is ordered nnd decreed, that they do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to be hidden at Greenville Court 11 on si;, for Greenvillo District, ?? Monrlay, the lib A 'lay af Mareh next. at lit o'rloet. A. M., to ,?lievr online, if any they linvc, why a Anal ctt'.oiucnt of the Estate of Darin GauiuMOM, dceeascd, should not be made, ai.d a decree given thereon ; and also to render in whatever advancements they may have received in the lifetime of tho Intestate. Given under my hand and seal, at Greenville C. II., this 27lh day of Pcccmlicr, Anno Domini, lHo'.t. ROBERT Men AY, 0. G. D. Dec 29 31 3m SotM Carolina?fireeubille jQisirict. BAYLI8 K. MIDDLKTOE, Vho D in (lie eustody of the Sliuriff of Greenville D'u trict, by virtue o? u writ of fiyiini md utii/aricntlum, at the suit of TolTIver Traminell, having filed in my oDice, together with a schedule, on oath, of his ottatc and effects, his petition to the Court ol Common Pleas, praying that he may be admitted to tho benefit of the Act of tho General Assembly made for tho relief | of insolvent do I dors : It is ordered thai the said Tol livvrJl'rHiiiiui'11, and all others, the creditors, to whom * the sniil H?\ li.? K. Middleton Lx in anywise indebted, bo. and they tiro hereby, summoned, un<l have notice to appear before the Raid Court, at Greenville Court | Hoiue, ou tlio/anrlh Mumlay in March next, to shew cause. if ouy they can, why the prayer uf tho petition aforesaid should nut be grunted. W. A. McbANlKL, c. c. r. * o. a. Office Court of Common Pleas, Greenville District, Jauuary 6, 1860. it 11 South Cqrclii q?tireenbillc district. IN CHANCEHY. George It. llurgcs and Patience Buries vs. James Ward, Susan Ward, et far Partition ?/ Ural Pnlatr, ifr. rpHE Coinpluina:its Laving (Hod their Bill in the 1 above stated ease with tho Commissioner in , h?4<iity. fur Greenville District, anil it appearing that William W. Ti:rmiir, one of the Dufcndants, I re-rides without and bynid the limit* of this State: 0:i motion of K. P. Junes, Complainants' Solicitor, it is ordered, That the s.-id Dvloiiilnnt do plead, answer or demur, to the said Bill of Complaint, within i throe months from this publication, or the same i will be taken pro ecn/??*o as 1st him. H. A. TOWN?3, C. E. fl. D. | Greenville, 8. 0., Dec. I, 18611. 39-Sui South t'qrolinq fimnbilfe iDislrict. AUSTIN BRUCE, who is in custody of the Sheriff of Greenville District, by virtue uf a writ of capiat ml talir/akirntlatu, at the suit of Obediult A. 1'ickle, bovine filed in my office, together with a schedule, on oath, uf bis estate and effects. DM puuuou ?o me *,o..rc 01 * Iiliinum I'lees, pruning that he may bo admitted to tho benefit of tho Act of tho Ounernl Assembly nisulo for the relief of Insolvent debtor*: It la ordered that the said Oiiodinh A. Picklo, aoil ail others, the creditors, to whom ' the said Austin Bruce is ill any wise indebted, be and they are hereby summoned, and have uuiieo io appear, before tho said Court, at Qreemrillo Court Itouao, <>n the fourth Monday in Mnrrh urjrt, to shew cause, if any they can, why the prayer of the petition aforesaid should not be </rnntod. W. A. McDANIEL. C. C. P. Office Court of Common Picas, Uroouville Ids, trict, Doe. 20, 1U5V, 33 3m South Carolina?Srofobille J)i?lrict. RODERICK w. OODDARD, who is in tho eastody of tho HhoriflT of Greenville District, by virtue of a writ of fipint ad matit/nrirmdnni, at the suit of Will',am P. Price, having filed in ury nfnre. together with a schedule, on oath, of hit estate and effects, bis petition to the Court of Common Pleas, praying that he may be admitted to the benefit of the Acts of tho General Assembly made for the relief of insolvent debtors. It is ordered, 'hat the said William P. Price, and all other creditors to whom tho said Roderick W. Goddard is in anywise indebted, be, and they are hereby, summoned, and buve notice to nppcar, before the said Court at Greenville Court House, on the fourth Monday in March next, <o sbww cause, if any they ran, why the prayor of (ho petition afoivr.ahl, should not lie 1 granted. W. A. McDA KIEL, C. c. p. ( Office Court of' Common Picas, Greenville Dit- i ' trirt, 1Mb December. 18'>5>. >2 3m i i R g, X hii become aai established fsct, a Standard that War. ueod It, and la now ce Of sorted to with confidence ^s^tebas S^WHcrassES who had given nfi"Ktt*w hopes of relief, a* the numerous unsolicited csvttf ^ lent ? in my possession show. Xty Jose wist be ; p'K tedte th? trn^Mst of the Individual taklngj? it, end uadin sieh >tunnt*ti?? M to act gen tir on the Bowels. ' Lot tho dictate* of your judgment guide you in the use of In it" vigorator, and it wiil cure Lirrr C<im)dain&,y> flliit:** Attack*, Dytpty. tin. Chronic l>iarrh<rtr,\? Snm n> tr Comftiutnti, Dytcnhtry, Vro/tty, .Sum-irJ StuataoK l!mbH*nt)*ot. ft ranees, Chotic. Choi cm,\ Ckoitra A! orb**, i hohm ftrfmmtw)n, J-'lntnlencvJad Jattndtce, Sennit* H'rnjfc nsaeee,mid may be need JT successfully as or Ordi nary f~n::>ily Mtdici-t,JjS It will cure Sick Headache (as thousands c-vn'K, teslifY.) im twenty minute*. if two or three Ten , . tuoomj'nlt art taken at commencement of at|^|tack. J&T" All whouse U are giving their teeti (h^|ai<iny in tte favor. J .py Mix water In the month with the Iuvigorator, end a wallow both together. PRICE ONE DOjLI.AU I'Ett BOTTLE. ?t.*o ? SANFOHD'S - :m>K FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, p, :?< ? iv. -; ooMTorvDib rtto'j Pore Vegetable Krtraof, and put Hp in GLA .9.9 CASES, Air Tight, W trill keep in any climate. T1IE FAMILY CATHARTIC PILL,/a A gentle, but active Cutharj Itic, which the prh^nMor baa used in bia practice! * more than twenty Tears. Tho constantly inc realising demand floin thoee who hare long Used the pj Pills, and the satisfaction which all express il>|> ^jicg.ird to their nee, has induced mo to place theifl'^j within the reach of all. Tho Prufiuiiiun web .** know that diflertnLfCathartica act on different portions of tho how els. The JhimiVy u-iihortir] Pill has, with dne roftrcnce tothis wcll^tnblish ^ cd fact, been compounded from a variety of thtj,^ purest Vegetable Extracts, which act alike oa _ every part of the alimentary canai, and are t- and is/r in all cases whoroaPuthnrWoi*nood'g?| ed, such as DtAtmjftmenf of the Sinmach.t Slcepineee, /hist A* the Hack ami Loin*, Cut/twl^! tot, Pain and Sarttttro over the trhale body, from1 em sudden cold, which frequently. ifnvglcetcd.cnd ' ^ in a long course of Fever Lost a/Appetite, a Crr.p W >'?.?/ S'mixtion of Cold over the body, It**tUt* scse, Headnche OX t IM flkie head, all /s^orii^ motory Disc****, worms ill Children or Aar'fr*.1^ Mhenutntiem, W great ^Wrijltr uf the IIUhkI, and! many diseases, to which flesh is heir, too numerous to mention in this advertisement. l>o*t?2 to 3. PRICK THREE DIMES. Tho Liver Inviyorntor and I'auriltf Cafhnrli* A7I? are retailed by Druggist* generally, and aold wholesale by tho Trade in all the large town*. 8. T. W. SANFORD, M. P., Manufacturer and Proprietor, fl.'iii Broadway. Near York. For rale by FIoIIEK Jk 1IEINIT8H, Urcenrilla. JU'7 14 " 10 - ' to Iheworl^TDOWE ! TUE MEDICINE CALLED Infl?i?nta?s?ry frialirieitfor," WHICH was s?hl during Court in this place, ia now ou rule, by J. W. CRAPY, of Ultwville. It cannot now bo longer doubted but this Medicine in the most ofR.-scions remedy crar In this pines, for Kidndy Diseases, Piles, Neuralgia, Lung Disease*, Dyspepsia and Rheumatism. Numerous cafes of tho aborc diseases bavo boon cured Ibis present Week. Headache, Toothache, . Earache, Sprains, and oil Boseel Afleetions, disappear before it ns if by the touch of magic. Try it, and keep it in your families, lor sickness comes when yon least expect it. '"ft J. \Y. GRADY, Agent, for Greenville, 8. C. ; t)r. E. P" \L, Wholesale Agcut at Columbia. Also by all V? uoleaalo Druggists in Charleston, 8. C. (I. W. DAVIS, Proprietor, Jiox 4k2t?, Not? York l'ost Office. Nov 3 . 26 tf, Bits.* rtvspepllc tlrmnlv ' Bit s' ttfup' |i to Ittmsxly It!I.a* )>y.|>?]>tlr ItelMrrly ^ Bliss' Uysj>c|<ilc lt< niMljr Bliss* t>jr?|wptlr Itemedjr line tlir I.urges* Hslt lis, the t.aigcsl hale , lias tlas, l.nrgrst "uls Has the'st flats Has H?' L#nrgrst Kale Of any Unit' Ine In ttie World. Ot any Mtdlelnc In Its* World, Ol any Medicine In lit- Worlil. Ot any Medicine In tits World. Ol any NritMnt tu tlsr W'orUk OMI.OUO PiieVages UN) O'Hl Purl, ages Ha),(asi I*..cWages IWU.ISIO I'ArltSK'S ItM.OOU Package* Sold fit ntorxla and Noirttifsrslhis fluid III (IrorslN and floilllWarallna old In ruirt maihCumllna Rolil In OrorRla and SuatkCinalliia old In tiroegt* and n?uil.C aullua In Puanifii Months. In Knar I em Naulha In Paarlcrn Month*. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Month*. It U AVarraMted Intuit It la Wmranted tat'uro * It la Warrant**! to Curt It I* Wariantrd fol'nro It la Warranted to Coro If Utrrrtloiia are Follow**!, If Directions arc Followed. If threetlmis ura Follow eti. If Directions aie Followed! ' If Umtliaiait Fallow**!, Any Cut* of Dyepepela Any Cna? of Dyepe |?*ia. Any t'aa* of llyi|ir|Kla Any Im* ol Dysprp*la Any law ot l?? tpepala l.trcr 1)1 I.I vrr IMeoaao, llctr Dtwnss, Uvtr I)l*ruw, Uvtr IHontt, / J a and too. Jaundice, Jtuudlrt, Jaandlrc, Jaoadlrr, It U Kspeelally Adapted to It ta IC.|H?lntl)' Adapted to It la Ktprclally AuaptvU to It l? F.ipt*-lnlly AIjuImI to X It U U? pot-tolly Adapto<l to 1 F* ma I" t'iH*t|d> Intel Female Complalnto Female 4 mil plain to | Female Complalnle | Female Complaint* | It Prolorti lint uiidlfy ot Fa ma It Frodaca* Rotundity ot Form It Pnalttrct Rotundity ?f Fotut It I'rodmr* HuluuiUlf ot Form It Hi-udui'r* Itotnndlly ot Kuiiu In Fvmolm ol o Thin and xgiti* I'tUt In Fan**lot of a 'i Inn and t?pa.e Ilobkt .(' In Frmaiea of a Tldn ami *p ra llaMt In Pruwlrt ot a Thin and Spur* llalrlt In Frntalca of a Thin and Spam HaMt Ptad a I'lMlnya dump t? die I roprictnre ft?r their Pamphlet on " lumw* of ftowach uad Uowaia." W. Wi A CO., rt?.| ilnora, 303 til i.m (I an), At W Ittlb Fur Salt in GrttnxiHt R JOHN W. ORADY. tTiFassejiblyh^se; One .S(fn<ir* B'ul of (he PoM O/Ree, i? iu aii xv w Tf ia j* a , COLUMBIA, fit c. fTMIIS well known liiutmtlnnont baa heps thc#> X oujfhly ro-flUtxl and iinVroveil, and ia nop* permanently opened for the aeeoinnindoUap of the Public. Every attention wjll be pivu:i toaupply ltd wants and oomCuit of Patrona. yri^Ratti Jfodarate. 0. T. MASON, Proprietor. Dee fl 31 it SHAVING," lair Trimming, Dr?Mlug, ftyltf 4XI> T[ RAZOR RETTING AND SHAMPOOING, at th* Second Door Above Mr. XcPhereoa'a, WILSON*' COOK. May 2 20 Hair Droului and RhnTlag. BURKIDOK continue* th? TONSOIMAL hnstiic?s At hU Old Si. nd, in Bwtlk't Brick limldlug, win re ho It ready, during th* day and ivoning. to Hlurvo Itm Board and Cat Ilalr and 'haanpon tlio Howl. H? Mftotfitlly atkt n MnOtala'ion of patr"urgr. ?f-t *1 Od 1