University of South Carolina Libraries
** WmntN txp*?85lr fqr the enterprise^ remembfs where. '* _? I .uSBk? ^E3*w . y 4A*' ?; ' * AlK?" B* Omrq/kl Wbtrt you Spend ywr Dime*." 1 5000 LM. BACON, of North Carolina print, Am round aa dollar juat from the mint, 0I1EAP FOk CASH. AT CARE'S STORE. 2 fo Hhda. SUGAR, Whlta. Cn.iW mmd n?? wjwriof to any yva'U flud In town, CHEAP POR GASH, AT UARH'a STORE 3 fiO POTATOES, Irish and Swoot, Uood for planting, and good i? ?*t. C11KAP FOR CA8n, AT CARE'S STORE 4 CHEAP FOR CASH, AT CARR*S STORE 5 600 Bttohalo CORN?rioan and sound? Will bo aold by tho biuhol, or tho pound, CHEAP FOR CASH. AT CARR^i STORE 6 SO H.Ol'R, of superior brand*. Of Mollee's Mill* and Westmoreland** CHKATFOR*<AS!T. AT CARE'S STORE. 7 &0 COFFR. 10 Chaata ofT, Imported ia ahipa from beyond tb* m, CHEAP FOR CASH, AT CARE'S STORE 8 ?0 Ilbd*. Molasso* and Syrup, by thobbl. and quart, ulUr ai a pumpkin, and *woot a* a tart, ? CHEAP you CASH. AT CARR'S STORE. 9 50 Roigut, I'opekull, Redeye. Rectified and Prime, ' To drown eaeh eorrow, and drown each dimo, CHEAP FOR OASII, AT CARR'S STORE. 10 20 Cases Accordeons. Fiddles and Harp* to play, And chase the hour* of sorrow away, CHEAP"FOR CASH, AT CARR'S STORE, 11 20 Casea READY-MADE CLOTHING, of er'ry fashion, color and tint, That will mak? you look like a gentleman, even if you aint, CHEAP FOR CASH, _ , AT CARE'S STORK. Fab 1* M tf rr..,??!VATE BOARDING. 1IIK Subscriber ie prepared to accommodate ser K t\T~ F?UNO GENTLEMEN with BOARD JR. . IIl# ""'tenoe ? within 100 yard* of the Theological Seminary, and convenient to the business portion of town, being about 200 yard* east of the Court Houec. Families desiring Board 1 ? be accommodated. Rates reasonable. __40_tf R- 8TONE. 'I I ?=3 Sw ?= r, ? ferg 5* I ^ DO nig law*r Li", ass.w i== j f> g NOTICE. A LIi. K*"*"* ?B*rt,ted to the Firm of .-f\.cIiKA,JBAYN,! * C???,e notified ,*"7 I?,*"1 cora" forward and eettle their ACCOUNTS AND NOTES by the First J>?t of March next, they will then find them ia the hand# of an Attorney fer collection. WU ABX IW EAHNEBT. WM. BAYNE, Survivor. Feb 0 a Aft . .W - * notice. ALL parson* having demand* tpklmt the Estate of TII08. ALLEN, deceased, are notified to present theui, duly attested, to the subscriber. Permd* indebted to the said Estate are notified to make ' Immediate payment. A. K. McDAVID, Administrator. Peb 0 40 3 executors' NOTICE7 ALL persons having demand* acainetthe Estate of the lata SA'MIJEL (IIBHON, deceased, are notified to present them, duly attested, to the subscribers. Persons indebted to the said Estate will find their Notes in the hand* of an officer after the first of March, If not settled before that time. W. J. A 11. 8. GIBBON, Qualified Executors. Peb 0 40 3 The IJnlveraal Cough Kenedy, A 81'l'.K remedy for chrouio or common Coaghs, Bore Throat, and other minor Throat Complaints, so often, by neglect, the forerunners of consumption. For sale by FISHER A HEIXITSII. Psb V 40 tf TOisU ANODYNE, ABURK and safe remedy for Neuralgia, Nervous lleadacbe, Toothache and common nervous debilities. For sale by FISHER A UEINIT8H, Druggist* and Chemists. Peb 0 40 tf Diunonllir* VERITABLE LKtUIDGLVE TUB only reliable tilun for mending broken (lm, earthen-ware, wooden-ware, hrllwork, MM atany other article*, too nuincron* to mention. If or sale at FIS1IKR A IIKINITSH'S, Drug Store. Fab I t If POMADE DEVINE, rl Chapped Hand* and Dtp*, Barn*, He aid*, Bruiaea and Sore*. Bold at FI81IKR A J12IKITS1P8. Feb ? 40 tf The Subscriber Keeps on Hand A?n>nnu*u assortment of mediCINRA, PERFUMERIES. SOAPS, of the popular PATENT MKMCINFH, UK AN DIES, WiN KS, WlllrtKKY. RUM and WIN, for Medicinal pnrpoeea. Ae he purpoec* aelling for CAttll, lie offer, hie Article* at LOW PRICKS. , pleeec call and examine for yourselree. J. 1L DJCAN. Jan t? M tf % T.n 5 , s Brags and Medicines. B T WOULD Inform my patrons, and tha public g?. 1 orally, that I have jwmljr laid in n fresh supply of DKUU8, MEDICINES, and nil other Articles a an ally krpt in n Drug glow. Itavinn made my purchases in person. I have ? esloet stock of tho Vest qualities of Drugs, Ac., that could bo obtained in Market. J intend to SELL FOR CASH. and as I bought on good term*, [ am euabled to sail ?n each terms as cannot fail to please, purchasers. I would invite Physicians of the country to giro mm a call when they visit to buy their Drugs. I will insure satisfaction, both in regard to prices and qualities of Drugs. I have constantly on band all the most approved I PATENT MKDICJNES. A select Stock of DRUGS & MEDICINES. Castor Oil, by tho llottle or Gallon. Sweet Oil, by tho Bottlo or Qalion. Best Salad Oil. A select stock of the bpst Soaps. Concentrated Bye, for making Soap. A flno collection of Pcrftimeries. Hair Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Ac Shoulder Braces for Boys, Girls, Gents aud Ladies, Flavoring Extracts?fresh. Cooper and Cox's Ucllatiue. Starch, Bluing, Ac. Window Glass and ratty. One hundred Traiwti?alt aorta and liwi. No. 1 article of Alcohol. Schnapps, beat London Porter, Brandies, Wince, Gin, Hum and Whisky, of tho beat ipialilies, for Medicinal purposes. A good assortment of Dental Forceps | Lancets ; every variety of Syringe; Dreast Pipes; Nipple Shields; Nursery Bottles, Ac., Ac. All Low ron Ca.?, at J. H. DEAN'S DRUG STORK. ! ff" CALL AND SKF. FOR YOURSELVES. _F*b a 39 tf HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, A Bcnerolont Institution established by special Endowment, for tho Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Kpideinic Diseases, and especially for tho Cure of Diseases of tho Soxual Organs. MEDICAL Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to nil who apply hy letter, with a description of their condition, (ago, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in eases of extreme poverty, | Medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of the Soxual Organs, and on tho New Remedies employed in tho Dispensary, scut to the afflicted iu sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three 8tamps fpr Postage will bo acceptable. * Address, DR. J. SKII.LIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon. Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth | ?. vun?>. ? - m: unxiuipnia, ra. Iir <>r<lcr <if tho Director*. KZHA D. HBARTWBLL, President. Oko. Faimcuii.i>, Secretary. j__Fcb9 40 ly ~c?a?jaoa iyaiiQDffii^2Ssrp Saddle & Harness Manufacturer, At kit Old Stand, on Main Street, I *v_jl Continues to furnish all kinds of 1IARj of liis own inauufacttirc, upon the I ^^^loost roAHonnble term*. Hi* Stock of Materials is now very large, embracing every article used in his Line. All persons indebted to him by Note or Account arc requested to coma forwnrd and pay up. GEORGE 1IELDMAN. _ Feb 9 40 II AN ORDINANCE AGAINST DISCHARGING FIRE-ARMS WITHIN THE INCORPORATION. BE IT ORDAINED, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to Bre duns or Pistols within the corporate limits of Greenville, unless in cases of necessity, and any person sootfendiug shall, on conviction, be flucd Five Dollars. Dono and ratiBcd uudor the corporate seal of the Town of Grecnvillo, on the seventeenth day of April, in tko year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ftfty-soven. JL LEE TIIRU8T0N, Intendont. W. P. Prick, Town Clerk. Feb 9 49 3 p&r Putriot and Mountaineer copy 3 times. j h rj? (33 * o u ^ ? - S ?-51 = !?!:! t* rw 3 W m uSIS - Wl" ?" HI ^ g# S J?? ??> |30 REWARD. a 8TOLEN from the subacriber, on the J&rjTXnight of the 27th ult., t Bright Sorrel /"* ? <XMaKK, with a new Bridle end Saddle. Said Mare ia Ave year* old, and of medium aiae. No mark* recollected, except a aore in the left corner of the mouth, and that tho inano ia abort abont the middle of the neck. Said Mare was atolen by a man who called himaclf Smith. Smith ia about 5 foot 10 inchea high, baa dark hair and oyer, ia bald-headcdk and baa a atlff forefinger on tho right hand, and wcara a fine gold ring on the little Auger of the left hand. Suppored to be about 60 yearn otd. I win ? ? ?> -? " . .... _ .?wnr<i hi rnty iiouars tor the apprehension of tho Thief with the recovery of the Mare, or a reward of Ten Dollars for the recovery of tho Mare alone. Any information in regard to the wherealxiuta of said Mure will he thankfully received. My address is Greenville C. II.. S. C. J AS. il. AS1IM0RE. Feb J 39 tf Dissolution of Partnership. T1IK PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the eubscriberr., under the Firm of J. P. POOD A CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Tho Notes and Accounts duo tho Firm will be found in tlio bands of Mr. C. P. DII.L, who is authorised to receive all moneys due and receipt for the same. The businese will be continued by J. P. 1'ool. J. P. POOL. II. P. POOL. IttfS 39 3m NOTICE. AI.L persons Indebted to the Firms of Brooks A Hawkixh and Hah-kirs A Towner, for Diacksinithlng, are earnestly requested to call and settle, as we waut money. Call upon Mr. J. L. Hawkins. BROOKS A HAWKINS. Feb 7 *9 tf TOWN TAXES. STREET EXEMPTIONS, and all other Taxes now due, will have to be paid immediately, or defaulters will ins liable to a DOUBLE TAX. Those interested would do well to call trpon tho Clerk of Cuuueil and settle the same. W. P. PRICK, Town Clerk. Feb 1 SB tf NOTICE. iiinr. unaeringned (TtT?? notice to nil person* in- I I debud to him, thet hie iVotW, and Ac- j commf ere in the hands of K. 1*. JONKS, hi* Attorney, for oolleotion. Coll end settle without eogt. JAMK8 B. III?!,. DoeS __*! tf *lm WI??low'? hoothiMy iiyrup, FOR C1I11.DHKN Toothing. For ?M? at ? F1811CU A 11KI MTSII S Drug Store. Pure Catawba Ginger Wine, FOR sale by FIB HER k IIKINITPTT. Deo ? Si McBee'a Block. > : B B T H SR er FRESH Al A STJPFRIO ORtJBTTTlT), C AN! mncB-wnr m AlB A CHOICfc & JUST 11E< AND FOR SALE I ; * A1 X?. S. S3 MAIN ST February 2d. 1860. Gonorrhoea and Gleet Cure. ' fn , The very best remedy in the world for the eure of UonorrlKiea, Gleet, Ac., Ac. S Eat and drink what you please. i? ! ^ -Si t ^ Full directions, with a short ae- ^ ^ count of the disease, accompany each 2 H bottle. ?2 pa] ?' W At the same time " ma ruwa * is a Q moat excellent remedy in Chronic f> ^ Colds, Coughs, Ac. Q ^ r It does not produce Sick Stomach, ^ or injure the constitution in any way. Q <J "The Cure" U entirely Vegetable. ^ ' w S ^ Manufactured and for aale by p* ?5 J. D. BBUC1 * CO., O Newberry, S. O. O ! Q O For sale In Greenville by W O W FISHF.R A IIEINITRIT, And by all respectable Druggists throughout the State. * | _[ Feb 9 40 tf m ?-93 |; '9JII3 puu LM)q.uoaor>l, I Drs. Long & Burnham, riAHANKFUL for the kind patronage of their 1 frienda for the paat year, would rcnpcctfully colic it the same for the present. Persona wishing to boy GENUINE ARTICLES, 1 would do well to call 4and examine our Stock of DRUGS, MRDICINKS, PAINTS OILS, VARNISHES, < DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES; Fancy Article*, drc. . * ONE DOOR BELOW HARBISON A LONG'S SHOE STORE. if tow? want Fine Shaving Soaps, \V ashing Soaps, Glycerine Snap, Brown Windsor Soap, Colgate's Soap, French Soaps, Opodeldoc Soap, Castile Soap, Thompson'* Soap, Lnbin'6 Soap, or any other kind of Soap, or a Box of Potash, to make your own Soap, YOU WILL FIND IT AT Long & Buraham'a Drug Store. if yotHvant Fine COLO ONES. Fine TOILET WATERS, Luiin or Glen'* EXTRACTS and ESSENCES, BAIR POMADES, HAIR OILS, IIAIR BRUSHES, Or any preparation for improving tho llair, Tooth or Skin, CALL AND LOOK AT Long & Buraham's Assortment. IF yoITwant TO BUY AIY mm MEUE KIWI. You can get it, at tho maker'* price, lroin LONU A BURNIIAM. TT1 ir ATT TTT I vrm ir IUU WANT A GOOD ARTICLE OF Broad Soda, Cream Tartar, Starch, Indigo. Madder. Saffron, Borax, "Whiting, Glne, Sulphur, Alum, Copperas, Linseed Oil, White Lead, Train Oil, Lamp Oil, Sweet Oil, Spirits Turpentino, Alcohol, Seidlitz Powders, Yeast Bowders, Largo Window Glass, Putty, Rotten Stone, Bath Bricks, OR ANYTHING ELSE I Usually kept in a DRUG 8T0RK, you can boy it at a FAIR PRICK from our Establishment. We call Particular Attention ' To all Preparations ma<lc by us. We make them j of au uniform strength, *nd from the PUREST MATERIALS. Country Physicians will And it to their advantage I to eall aud examine our Stoek and Prices. LONG & BURNIIAM, Ors Door Above C. Merrick's Stork. Feb 2 80 _ tf PAINTING. . Understanding that it is reported that i hare removed from Greenville, i take this method of informing the public that such in not the J case. Having permanently located in this place, 1 shall continue the Business of HOUSE PAINTING, | And hope, by a proper execution of all Work en- , trusted to Die, to merit a continuation of patronage. < pgr Residence near the Passenger Depot. I JAMES FLECK. , Feb 2 89 tf CARTER'S , SPANISH MIXTITKK! FOR the cure of all Diseases arising from an Impure state of the Blood. It cures all 8kin Dis| eases, such as I'implel, lltotrhri, Hi lei, lliny or Tetter Worm. Neol.t Heo.t ft/J a /* ? S' v'" unnrrrf, "V?prpeiti, Palpitation of the Heart, Liter Complaint, \k rakneee, Paine in the If ark or Ifraa, fn/lnnimation nf Kidnrye, if-r. Jf&T Price $1. Trr ? Keltic. "Ifcifc a Sold only by LONO ft bt'KNIIAM, ,, Denier* in Pure Dru^a and Mudicinc*. Jan 29 X8 Ifteow Mfrwiene lllMmlnntlttg Oil. JUST Moaived and for aalo cheap at j, FISHER A 1IF.IMT8ITS. F#b 9 40 If * * ' I RRIV ALS ?a ?R LOT OF 3T i A nJFXJBP, D 0, ! LOT OF ar^ am am CEIVED, je$ L.OW FOR CASH, AATJbi'B TREET. 8? tf iabbpmG f ROOIFWC3. ! THK rainy kukhii has coine, when it is very unpleasant, iuilucl, for those Mint nave Lmkjr Hoofs, Chimneys, flutters. Ac., and being aware that .here are a great many Hoofs of Till, Shingles, Ac., hat are in a leaky eomlition in this vieinify, I have aken up my resident? here among yon, for thepur>ose of carrying <>n a ULNRKAL ROOFING BUSINKS S, with licMcr's Sheet Rooffln^, \n artielo destined to supersede Tin, Rhingles, and ither material now used for that purpose. It has :he resemblance of sheet load, with as good qualities is tlint material, being both tiro and water proof, and very durable, nnil what is very much needed lore, an nrticlo that is cheaper in all respects. It is lot only adapted for Houses, hut Ilallrond Cars, Cabs, Steamboat Docks, Ac., and can he used to walk upin, as when it is put ill nntl finished, it becomes very lard uud smooth. It is also fireproof. Wo have it n use on locomotive Cabs, Steamboat Decks, Ac., rlierc (Ire is constantly dropping upon it. It does lot affect it in tlio least. I warrant all Hoofs water tight, and not to blow iff, or I make no cliurgo. Too Cement that is used irith the Sheet Rootling, is also inude for old Tin or Iron Roofs, and when painted with two coats of this natcriuJ, I warrnnt perfectly tight, or no charge nade, iuid will last for yenrs after. It is much better than anything else used, as the contraction ol sxpansion of Tin or Iron will not affect it, neither the hent or cold. Those having Roofs to cover anew, or old Tin or Iron ones to ho made tight, will please give me a call. They shall bo satisfied that what I say is correct. Letter* addressed to mo at flreenville, or orders rfl nt ?!,? ? 11 - ? ? ? .-V m.uctvu nuuru, XT ill IllCUt Willi pro in pi mention. O. W. CASTLE. Jan 20 38 tf Ii. P. JO^KS, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. GRRKXVtt.t.K, H. C. JtfO- Office East siiloof Court House Square, where t?o tnsr bo found daily, from 9, A. M., to 2, P. M. Jan 19 37 ly On* Door above Dong is Bamhim'i Drug Store, MAIN STREET. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF THE BES1 MATtR'Al AND MAKE, AT REASONABLE PRICES. HARRISON &. LONG, RESPECTFULLY return their thanks to the citizens of Greenville and surrounding country, for the very liberal patronage received from them during the past year, in the Boot and Shoe Trade. Their cflorts to accommodate and please their customers are still unabated, and a continues and increased patronage from the public is respect fully solicited. In their present stock may be found Something Tine and Durable. They rail particular attention to a few of the stylet now on ha ud. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Kid Calf, Morocco and Goat BOOTKKS, with and without heels; Cloth and KidaMBBE! GAITER8 ; with a variety of other styles and qual itics. GENTS' DEPARTMENT. They haro Men's, Youths' and Iloys' SHOES, it great variety, of the l>cst quality?warranted?am of Sonthern Manufacture. MANUFACTURING. For making Boots and Shoes, they have on bam the beat of material, and are prepared with goo< Workmen to execute all orders with neatness ant despatch, in the latest styles. Nothing but thebes French Calf-Skin, and good material generally, it used in the manufacture of their work. Orders foi work solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed. CALL AT THE BOOT AND SHOE SIGN, 1 Door above Ixm<j Jt Jiurtiham't Drug Store. Jan 18 36 tf O". X5.RATT8, CONFECTIONER OPPOBITE MANSION HOUSE, GREBKYILUL * C, RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he ha just received a large stock of Confectioneries of all Descriptions, . coxrntsixa, ix part, Oranges, Lemons, and a fine assortment of Fane; Candies for wedding and othorpnrtirs. ltuueli llai sins, Dry Figs, Currants, Citron, Mnccaroni, Cinns mon llurk, Cloves, Nutmegs, Dales, Ginger, Sods Ac., Ac. Fresh Fruits in Cans?Strawberries, Pino Apple* Rtacllim. Tnmolrn.y French 1'runo* in jars, English Prunes in cask*. Piue Apple urn! Western Cheese. Harditics, Codfish and Holland Herring*. Hose, Crcme IFAnis, K online), Raspberry, Black berr.V and Cherry Cordials. Jelly's, Preserves, Cooking Wino, Branny Peaches Brandy Cherries. Worcestershire Sauce, Frencl Mustard, Pepper Sauce nnil Pickle*. A vuricty of Nut* always on hand. Also, a wcl "elected *tock of Toys. Fine Perfumery and Toilet Extract*. Extract! for c<".king pnrpoM*. SOAP&?Toilet, Sharing and Castile Soaps. WITH MANY OTHER ARTICLES HOT HEREIN MENTIONED. Jan 19 87 tf WAGON MAKING AND REPAIRING. * rf"MIE subscriber* r rpectfnlly inform the public I that they intend carrying on the business o! iVAUON MANUFACTURING, and WAGON and HUGUY REPAIRING, in the town of Greenville. I'ho best of Timber will t>e used, and the work war'antcd to be well dono. Mr. POOL, w'.o willsuperntend the work, is a workman of considerable ex?ei1oncc, having learned the business under the best "Turkmen nt the Carriage Factory of Messrs. (lower, Jox, Mark ley A Co. All work will lie done upon he most reasonable terms, and on short notice. A haro of patronage respectfully solicited. war . * ?. ?? .1 \ I I.J'. A lot of SEASONED LI'MIIKit wanted, for rhi?h a fair price will bo paid. . J. A. TOWNES. W. P. POO!,. W. A TOW MRS. OrecnTille, February 2, 1M0. 30 If gardkn seeds.JUST received. a xplendid assortment of Thnrbttm'? Hrtrl, He lee tod by mi experienced Onrjner. Por xalo by 8TEEN A EVANS. Feb 2 30 If new figs. A SPLENDID assortment jnat largo t\ and small Boxes, and lor sale by ST KEN A EVANS. Feb 1 39 , * ML Fail. ,.1 sag R 5 8 . i a 7 ?$$,%,! AT SOMMERS' BLUE STORE. Tdib cr*m ?we will (kmumim the FJAST Of JAM VARY, 1800, ?nd will iMt antil the FiMt or CIaach, 1800, ud U pa ado In order U dUpoee of the LAKGft STOCK OF WINTER GOODS Now on hand, and to inako room for the comma SfMiytTauO/fS. Therefore, aQ>hor?na7 he in want of CHEAP and handsomely-selected Goons will do well to eome and price my Goons before purchasing, ? I am Willing and want to nil off mj Stock or wore JiEDUCED I'RJCAjS tk?n I Aaw erer nfftrtd tkwn* brfnrt, such a* Ladiee' Dree? Good* ; Shawl* and Cloakst Red an<l White Flannel* ; Table Corer* ; Worried and Linen j lloops, (warranted steel,) for Ladies Mlfescs and Children | Lindseys and Brliped Domestic* ; Skirtings and Sheetings, 1,1 J, 2 ana 2i yard* wide: Towel* A Nankin*; L*c)ir* and Children'* llose; indie's A Mimcs' Shoes j Needle-worked Collars and Bands; Comb* and Pcrfitniory, etc., etc., etc. <9B^<Ds7uua KSTCB, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Shirt* and Undershirt*, Sock* and Cravats, Hoots, SVmk-s and liats, Trunk* and Carpet Hags, Knivei mod Pistols, Beale's new Repeaters, Table Co tier j and Notions, etc., etc., etc. GROCERIES FOR SALE. Prime Bacon Side* and Shoulders, Prime Kio Coffees and Sugars, Molasses, Candles, Soap, Soda, Butter, Tobacco and Sugars, etc., etc., etc. SALT FOR SALE, At douiuicra' Bine Store. GRAIN FOR SALE. * onn BUSHELS COllN, 200 Bushels PEA8. iCyjyJ By - A. SUMMERS. ALSO, "I AA BAOS superfine Wheat FLOUR, 10 Bagf A UU FrttK Buckwheat FLOU R. For sale bj A. SOMMERS. Jan 5 11 if " JOHN W. GRADYr DEAI.ER IH FANCY ft STAPLE DRY GOODS, LEA D Y it. I l)E CLOTHING. LOOTS AND SHOES. LOOKS AND ST A TIOS EH Y, DRUGS & D YESTUEES. HARDWAKE ^ CUTLERY. WOODEN WA RE, GROCERIES, GRAIN, COUNTRY / HUI/OXX, rt'O.j OrrOflTTK TIIF NKW COURT IIOUAK, ON MAIN STUB IT, GREENVILLE, S. 0. Jan 10 37 \y J. KRAUS'S OYSTER & EATING SALOON IS OPEN AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY, > AND UNTIL LATE IN THE EVENING. Frcsli Norfolk Oysters ALWAYS HEADY TO BE SERVED UP. i j/i&r Philalclphia Lager Reer, Ale and Porter. Jan 10 37 tf , HIJS1N ESS JS C IIOOl7. ; A SELECT 8CH00L FOR YOITNG MEN, ) LOCATED AT WOODRUFF'S, ; 0- o. rJ'MlI8 SCHOOL, for the entiling year, will l>o re 3 JL sinned on the 11th ot' January. Scbolasth YeaT, Ten Months, divided in two terms of fiv months each. This School offers to Young Men th advantages of a Practical and Busbies* Education , Location, pleasant and healthy. Charges, includ iug Tuition, Board, Washing Ac., #6U per Term.? For further iufortnation, address E. F. DAVIS, Principal. | Dee 22 33 11 SPQ1ES AttQ) UMBER" WANTED. j HpiIF. Subscribers want 100,000 best Whit A. Oak and Hickory SPOKES, for which the; will pay a liberal Price, if delivered by the fin of May next. I ....ALSO 1 A largo lot of Ash, Hickory, White Oak. an 1 various other kinds of PLANK, all of the BEH' t QUALITY, wnnted. for which we will nay a fai price for nil that offers. SEASONED LUMBEI r preferred. (jnWPU mv uinermr . ~~ v ?? mi*, ui \ ivj\ lhi x (s lu. Jan 12 36 tf NOTICE. '"I'MIE Copartnership existing between PRIC1 JL A McJUNKIN, in the publication of " Til Soctiikkn Knthiprihk," hna been dissolved by mi tunl consent. Those indebted to the Finn ar requested to conic forward and settle up. Pay 1 lueuts may be made to cither of the Firm. W. P. PRICE, C. M. McJUNKIN. , January 2, 1860. COPARTNERSHIP. TIIE undersigned hove formed n Copnrtnenlii for Hie publication of "Tint Soutiikrn E.i P twri**," under the name nnd style of MeJUNKll - A BAILEY. C. M. McJUNKIN. J. C. BAILEY. January 2, 1860. '' MAPES'S NITllOGENIZET) ISUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIMI - 'l.iOK Cotton. Tohneeo, Wheat, Corn, &&., eoi?pn< I od of Dried Blood, Jlouer, Sulphuric Acid: , Peruvian Oimuu mid Sulphate of Ammonia, i Testimonial* from hundreds who have used eleven yenr*. 1 Dock uot exhaust the land like Onano, hut pei mancutly improves it. i One hundred pound* of N itrogenired Super-Phot phate of Lime will equal in rtfcct and lasting powe ono hundred und eighty-fire pound* of Pernvia (! uano. Send for a emu pie and Circular, to 8TKKX A EVANS, Who are the appoiutod Agcata for tho sale of th 1 same. Fob 2 30?tf A Notice. ALL person* having demand* agninst the Ei tat of the late Dr. W. Jl. ALLEN, deceased, ar uoliAed to presoui them, duly attested, to tho suit ' aerilicr. Person* indebted to the raid Estato ar n..fiA..a s v.. ...nmj payment. A. It. Mc DAVID, (Qualified Executor. Jnn 12 SO tr H . II. ftflovcy & Co. PERSON'S knowing themselves to be indebted ti the above Firm, (which wo* dissolved in .lune 1*67,) will save coat by giving IMMEDIATE AT TENTION to the same, en nu farther notice wiil hi given. >T. 11. lloVKY. Jan 12 SO 3ia Come and Scllle. ALL pernon* having Open Account* with nie art hereby aolifietl to call anil nettle forthwith either l>v Cash or Koto. A. M. GILKEAT1I. Jan Dt 37 4 rioflicc. TIIK undersigned has placed hi* Vote*. RnoVi anil Accounts, in the hands of E. V. JONES hi* Attorney. Parson* iiihhtod will please call au< settle. ALEXANDER (I KEEN FIELD. Jan 2d 38 tf CIGARS. AVERT superior lot of Havana Pint as, foi sale low, at BTEKN A EVANS'. Fob 3 29 tf CALL AT sniuM&rs, AND get a new year's present,for the Farmer and House-keeper, containing an Almanac, (ntmri I, Table of Counterfeit Money on HotrtbCutH, na Hank*, Calendar of Itcturn Dajre and Cftklfci the Wee tern Circuit, useful Recipe*, and lUaetmted and Deecriutive Calulo/ue of Article* kept for aale ' by J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. STOVES f STOVES ! I AI.AROR A**ortment of Cooking. Office, Terlor, Cbtircb. Shop. Slioet Iron, Self-RegalMing. and all other kind* of Stove*, always kept en baud and for sale by , J. B. PI1ERMAN, Agent. I pumps7 PUMPS. A LARGE Assortment of Forcing. Lifting, Cistern mid l>cep Well PUMPS, always^on ' hand, and put up in the best style. They arc natch more convenient. and wet lean in tho end, than tlio oM-furliioncd windlass, bucket and n>pe. J. B. SllKHMAN, Agent. KEROSENE OIL. \ THE rapid increase in our in our sales of Kerescuc Oil, have enabled" us to order in lerge quantities, by which wo pet a reduction in prioe, so that we enn sell it hy the gallon, ut $1.25 for cash, and 91.50 on credit. The Oil, is now better than It ever has been. Wo keep, none but genuine OU. Counterfeit Oils buru bttdlv. and will explode. J. 11. SHERMAN, Agent. OF all kinds aud sizes. J. n. SHERMAN, Agent. WALI, PAPERING. A GOOD Assortment of Wall Papering, IIordering, Window Shades, and fine Screens, just received by J. 11. SHERMAN, Agent. ! SEWING MACHINES. I *r> ' FOR ALL ORDINARY rURrOSES, ?IS<S>^TS ii <& i3^maia?^ ARE THE BEST. WF faniiah tbni >t ttuHv tb? anmo prire (kit tb?y acll for in Now York, nnil chare* n<J * mnglit. J. u. SHERMAN, Agent. CLOCKS. n ^ 1 "I iETOllT-DA Y Alarm, and the famous Dollaf I \_j and a Quarter Clonk*, always on hand. J. IS. SHERMAN, Agent. NEW supplies constantly received. .1. IS. SHERMAN, Agent ;; HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. WE keep a FULL STOCK of tl.eae. J. IS. SHERMAN, Agent : STEKffi k STEROSCOFIC VIEWS. r A GOOD SUPPLY* n J\_ J. IS. SHERMAN, Agent. RIP VAN WIXKLE e c-A.XFtnE>iisaxBxisrc3-, * "AfANl'FACTl l'.EI) in the good old State o ?_ North Carolina. This is nhout as pretty# and will last three times as long, as the Northern '' article, which brings three times the money, i'rfee, AH rnl it t\nr wae/I - J 3. n. RllETlMAX, AftaL . or Tin Ware, Wooden Wave. .I?i>?nne/1 TT?.?. ^ / Mate, Itrooinn, Tr<.? H'nro. in the Hourekoap' inp aud Fanning line, in kipi at r SHERMAN'S. Only one price at SIIKKMAK'S/ . J"" P0''-1111 dir-onnt for cnnli ptmhaMre over **?i and five per coot between $20 arid $, >. Tt . , , AT SHERMAN'S. 1 It ian pood place totrado ATSII KHAIAN1B. Heraiinc y?u pet your money'* worth AT SHERMAN'S, ivbon yon con?o to town, call at *r? .. . , SHERMAN'S, r W hethcr you trade or not. at . . SHE R MAN'S. Jan A 24 g %