University of South Carolina Libraries
? -? 11 i|L JSamorisri <?>Iia. The Sequel. Qur readers have nil heard (lie story of soaping the clergyidhd'i tiu horn nt a camp meeting, *o thai when he went to call the congregation together, he blew tbe " soft soap " over bis brother clergymen, and how he exclaimed : "Brethren, I have served the Lord thirty years, and in that time have never uttered a profane word, but I'll be d?d if T cnn't ?*Kin the man that soaped that horn 1" Our readers., we say, hare all heard this, but perhaps have never heard (he sequel as given to us yesterday by a gentleman pres ent Some two days after, a tall, Rwarthy, villainous looking desperado strolled on the grounds and leaned against a tree, listening to the eloquent exhortation to repent which was being made by the preacher. After a while he became interested, finally affected, and then look a position on the anxious seat, commenced groaning in "the very bitterness " of his sorrow. The clergyman walked down and endeavored to console him.? No consolation?ho was too great a sinner, he said. Oh, no?there was pardon for the vilest. No, he was too wicked?there was no mercy for him. " Why, what crime have you committed P said the preacher, " have you stolen ?*' " Oh, worse than that !" " What ! have you by violence robbed female innocence of its virtue !" " Worse than that?oh, worse than that!" " Murder, is it f" gasped the horrified preacher. 44 Worse than that !" groaned the smitten sinner. The excited preacher commenced " peeling off" his outer garments. 14 Here, brother Cole!" shouted he, " hold my coat?I've found the fellow thot soaped that horn P* Canink Sagacity.?During the summer of 18?, a gentleman by the name of 44 Old Moss," who was considerably of a wag, was traveling on a steamboat up the Mississippi river, lie had with hitn an ugly cnr, that he called 44 Major." Old Moss was seated with a number of men in the cabin, and as was usual with him, was boasting of what he could do. The captain, who was stand ing near, remarked that what he said might be true, but be did not believe it. Moss replied lliat he would belhiin the treats for all the gentlemen present that he would make his dog do three things by telling him to do them. The captain took the bet. Old Moss then opened the door and went out on the guards, followed by the captain and gentlemen present, who were quite anx ions to see the sport. Moss seized his dog by the nape of the neck and tossed him overboard. As soou as he touched the water, Moss yelled out: 44 Swim, Major, Swim." The dog swam, of course. Moss kept his eyes on the dog. As soon as Le perceived that the dog could touch the ground, he yell ed out: 4' Wade, Major, wade." Major waded until ho landed on dry ground, when Moss shouted out: 44 Shake yourself, Major, shake j'ourself !" \g t l I ' major shook uimseti. ajoss turned lo the captain, who, with the gentlemen present, were convulsed with laughter, and exclaim ed : " There! hy the eternal living boots, I have won the hot." It is useless, perhaps, lo say that the captain paid the treats. Chuck Full or thk Rjdlk.?Not long ago, we heard a letter to the youth of a Sab bath school read, in which the writer told of a gtMKl hoy who went lo sea?perhaps he was the cabin-boy. One of the counsels which his pious mother gave him when he left home was Never drink a drop of rum. The sailors used strong drink several times every day. When it stormed they thought ihov must use it more freely to keep from taking cold. So they offered it to the boy, f ii the same reason they drank it themselves; but lie refused to drink. During a severe storm, when lliey were all very wet, they urged the lad very hard to drink. They wete afraid he wouid take cold and die. Dot he declared that ho would not. Finally, one of the sailors, who had never tried his hand at making the little temperance hero drink, said that he knew he could make him take a dram. So he went to the brave lad, and did his best to induce him to take a Utile, tint lie would not touch a drop. He (old the fin saiior 01 ni? nioiuer h counsel?XVever drink a drop of rum ; and he quoted Sciiptore to ?how that lie was doing right, for he had been a good Sabbath school scholar.? The sailor never heard so much Bible in his life scarcely as the little fellow poured into liU ear. All he could reply was, " Your mother never stood watch on deck." lie gave it up, however, as a bad job, and went back to his post. On l>eing asked how he succeeded, 44 Oh," said he, 44 you can't do anything with him, for he is chuck full oj the Bible. Badly Ofk.? A New York mercantile house held an unsettled claim of long stand nig against a lame duck "out West;" and hearing he was becoming " well-to-do," sent their claim on to a Western lawyer to collect. In due time they recieved a reply, which ciliectualy laid any hope they might have en tertained of receiving their money. It ran in this wise; " Gent*?You will never get any spondulic from Bill Johnson. The undersigned called upon him yesterday, and found him with nary tile; bis feet upon the naked earth ; and not olf||MI enough upon liiin to wad a gun J*" Lovb fitoxs.? In Ilaly.a lover plaocs two fingers on hi* mouth, which signifies to a lady : " Vou are very handsome, I wish to speak to you." If she touches her check yvilh her fan, and lets it gently drop, that signifies, 44 I consent," hyt |f she turns her head, it is a denial. At a hall \n Paris, to take a lady ont to dance with her is only indifference ; to place yomself near lier is iniere-1 ; i?u\ tp'Cpllpw her with your eyes iu the dance, is lovo,u T H B ' CHARLESTON ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW CARPET STORE. IMPORTER, aoraiBm, AMD bihajlieir IN ALL KINDS OP BUGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, AKD C1TMI GOODS OF EVERY DKEIBTIBI, UUAKLESTON, s. cn AMD J. O. Bailie Sc Br?., 205 Broad Strert, Autpttla, G*. Nor 34 - 2V ly! NOTICE. rFMIE nuhnPtilwrs having mild out their entire L Stock of CUKTAtXS to Mr. 11. W. KINSMAN. would respectfully solicit for him a continuation of the patronage so liberally bestowed on them in that department. ROBERT ADUER & CO. GURTMN GOOD8. This Stock is the LARGEST IN THE SOUTHERN STATES, Comprising Urocatelles, Satcn DeLanes, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Cornices, Pius and Bands, Drapery Tassels and Loops. MADE AXD PUT UP in the I.A TEST STYLES. 11. W. KINSMAN, 223 Kino Strkkt. Not 24 29-6m Charleston, S. C. ?BWL\G mcniw??r rpilK perfection of scivntifie arrangement and X mechanical simplicity is nttaincd by the GRQVER Si BAKER'S SEWIHR MM company] " IN THEIR IMP' OVED NOISELESS MACHINES. They have the following advantages over all others : They have no pmls to keep in order; no bobbins to wind ; no tangling or waste of thread ; no oiling the thread or work ; no tool chest stocked with wrenches, pliers, pickers, leather, Ac., Ac. The directions are simple, easily understood, and easily explained by the instructors. There is no taking apart cleaning or rolling. They require about ten drops of oil per day, when in constant use. They make no more noise than a common clock, even when making fifteen hundred stitches per minute. They run easy?a child ten years old can work them to full speed. They run fast or slow without any danger of altering the leugth or tightness of the stitch. They will llem, Fill, Gather, Hind, Fitch ami Embroider, in so superior a manner that we challenge comparison. The same Machine will sew pavilion gunsc and plantation goods. The seam is as elastic as the most elastic fabric, and will not break in washing or ironing. The same Machine runs silk, linen thrcud and common spool cotton with equal facility. The uocdlvs are shorter, and, therefore, stronger than any other high or lowpriced Machine. That they are superior to all others, is evident front the fact of there having been thirty thousand Machines mnde and sold, in com (ionium wun others already in successful operation. The question in no longer which in the bent maker, hut which of the nuiucroiiN patterns of (inovKit A Dak Kit shall I take. PRICES, $50 TO $180. If. W. KINSMAN, Agent for the xtle of three celebrated Machine*. CHARLESTON. S. C., D. B. 1IASELT0N, Manager. Nov 24 20 U GREAT SOUTHERN GIFT BOOR STORE! GOLD JEWELRY GIVEN AWAY Af 304 KING ST., Cll AI IL US TOM, S. C. A PRESENT worth from 50 cents to $100 will he given, immediately after the sale, to each purchaser of a Hook, for which we receive $1.00 or more, without any additional expense. Our ImitieiiMC Slot h of Rook*, The largest in extent and variety to be found in the South, presents rare inducements to the reading community, comprising nearly all the Classical, rare and standard works of ancient and modern Literature. The Gift Book Business Is so well known and deservedly popular, that it needs no words from us in its favor ? ih?? IV#.? ?...? nearly one-half the books sold nt retail in our large cities arc sold upon the Gift principle, thus securing to purchasers nearly doable, and a/ten ten timet in value over what they would receive by the usu?l course of trude, under the old fogy rules. Country merchants, and all cash purchasers, can buy Jloi.kt ami Stationery, Watehee ami Jewelry from us at New York wholesale prices, (with addition of freight and insurance on heavy goods.) Our facilities nre such that we com ami mill offer inducements wurtky the attention of each and every class of buyers. ^0* Evknixg at ArcTio!* will ho held during the months of l>cccuibcr, January, February and March. Catalogues can be obtained hy calling a'. No. 30 1 King Street, Charleston, S. C. J. PI1 ILHEICK'S South mum Gipt Book Storp.. Dec 1 30 tf C. F. JACKSON & CO. FASHIONABLE FLOWING, WIIOLKSALH AND llKTAlL, NO. li)0 KINO STEERT, CllAKI.IXTON, S. a Nov 24 29 ly* I. L. FALK&CO., WllotP.?Ai.K A3D RITAtl. ?KAI.F.KH 19 CLOTHING, AND Gentlemen's Famishing Goods, NO. 265 KINO STREET, I'llAKLESTON, S. C. tW Manufactory and Wholesale Warehouse, | 31 1>kt Sriirrr. New York. All Order* | iv>i 11 11y attended to. flrl Nov 24 2S> ly REED A. GOODLETT, AJT0 RHEVS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN EftUITY. fty/rYe nrjrt door to F. F. lirallxr it Co. . (f] til;KKNVILLK, 8. C. i. I*. I!RK1? . D, OOOM.rTT. June 4 4 tf in JSIN ESS SCHOOL. } A SELECT 8CH00L FOR YOUNO MEN. IOCATEO AT WOUDRUFF'8, tflLVA) R if/iVflJO 3U/IR? UDiiflm, 0. ?. ! r I^IIIA SCHOOL, fur tbo ensuing year, will l>e re1 suiucd on the 11th of January. Scholastic Year, Ten Months, divided in two term* of live months eaeh. This School offer* to Young Men the advantage* of a Practical and Hnsinrss Kdneation. I I.oeation, pleasant and healthy. Charge*, uiclnd Iing Tuition, Hoard, Washing Ac., >60 |>er Term.? Por (Wilier informati(?n. address K. P. DAVIS, Principal. Dee 11 33 11 ItlTllll VALUABLE PROPERTY, Near Ureearfflle Village, FOR SALE. __ THE subscriber, having removed from Greenville, la deairoue of aell jHTepAa ing the following Property, via: KlffiigTlic Hoaenlead Place, Located omo and n half miles from Greenville Tillage, on Urn Anderson road. The Lot con taini 20 Aerm o/ Land, nearly one half of whieh U cleared land, the remainder excellent Woodland. On the premises la a Good Dtcellieg Ranee, Kitchen, three Negro Hon net, in good condition, .Smoke Home, Carriage Rome, and other Ont-bnildinga. Alao, a fine young Orchard. Thia place la well watered. Alao, % A TRACT OF 138 ACRES, Located on both aides of tho Greenville and Colombia Railroad, three miles from Greonrillo C. 11., adjoining lands of Col. Campbell, Aaron Thompson, Jesse Dean and. William Jacoba. Of the abore Tract, thirty acres are in a good state of cultivation, and about eighty acres in original forest. On this Land there are two Springs of excellent Water. He alao offers for sale his HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, all of which is of the very best manufacture. Mr. A. M. GILREATII, at Greenville S. C., is his authorised agont for the sale of any of the above Pronorf V. PlTMftni (lasirnnu t\f niircKnaio? ? ' fcrred to him, who will toako known the terms of sale, and any information which may l>o dc.drod. The tonus will be made easy. SMITH L. DAVIS. Doc 1 SO 3m Soulb Cqlreling?6recpbiil? IN COURT OF ORDINARY. John C. Harrison and O. W. Harrison, Administrator* of the Estate of David Harrison, deceased, applicants, against Mary Garrison. Widow, Francis Cox, l'ctcr Harrison, Edmund W. Harrison, J. C. Harrison, Charles Harrison, O. W. Harrison, N. W. Harrison, Joel B. Harrison, Martha Harrison ntid Nancy Harrison, defendants,?Petition for Final Settlement and Decree. XT appearing that Peter Garrison and Edmund I W. Harrison, two of tho defendants, reside beyond the limits of this State : It is ordered and decreed, that they do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to be holdon at HrccnviUo Court House, for Oroc 11 ville District, on Monday, the 1 \)th day of March next, at 10 o'clock, A. J/., to shew cause, if any they have, why a final settlement of tho Estate of David O.tRmsos, deceased, should not be inadc, and a decree givon thereon ; and also to render In whatever advancements they may have received in tho lifetime of tho Intestate. Given under my hand and scnl, at Greenville C. II., this 27th day of Decetnlier, Anno Domini, I860. ROBERT McKAY, O. O. D. Dec 20 34 3m Souib Gaoling?Gireenbille 2)isiirict. QAYI.I8 B. MIDDLETON, who is in the I 1 of tho Sheriff of Greenville Diitrict, by virtue of a writ of capia? ad aatiafacirndnm, nt the suit of Tollivcr Trammel), having filed in my office, together with a schedule, on oath, of his estate and effects, his |>ctition to the Court of Common Picas, praying that he inny be admitted to tho benefit of the Act of the General Assembly made for the relief of insolvent debtors : It is ordered that the said Tollivcr Tratnmell, and all others, the creditors, to whom the said Itnylis E. Middlctou is in anywise indebted, be, and they arc hereby, summoned, and have notice to appear before the said Court, at Greenville Court House, on the fourth Monday in March next, to shew cause, if uny they can, why the prayer of the petition aforesaid should not be granted. W. A. McDANIEL, c. c. r. * a. a. Office Court of Common Pleas, Greenrille District, January 0, 1860. 36 11 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. . IN CHANCERY. George R. Ilurges nnd Patience Purges vs. Jaincs Wurd, Susan Ward, ct al.?Dill fur 1'artitiuH of Ural K'tatr, d'c. ritHE Complainants having filed their Bill in the I above stated ease with the Commissioner in Equity, for Greenville District, and it appearing that \Vit.1.1am W. Trnxnu, one of the Defendants, resides without and beyond tho limits of this State : On motion of E. P. Joucs, Complainants' Solicitor, it is ordered, That the said Defendant do plead, answer or demur, to tho said Dill of Complaint, within three month* from thin publication, or th? same will be taken pro ron/roo a* to liiin. 8. A. T0WXE8, C. E. O. D. Greenville, 8. ?., Dec. 1, 1859. 30-3in Houses mid I*ot* for Sale. ?*. T1IK subscriber offer* for rule TWO I.0T8 j? in the town of Greenville, Minuted on PeudleJL ton treet, and within five minute*' walk of the Railroad Depot. Each Lot ba* a Cottage on it. Fine Well* of water and convenient Out-houses are on the premiuc*. These Lot* will be sold together or separately, on very reasonable terms. For further particular*, as to the siseof the Lot. terms, Ac., apply to L. W. W ASTON. Feb 10 40 LAND FOR SALE. THE ECIiSClUIIKR offer* for sale, a track of 350 ACRE8 OF LAND, situated on the State rond leading from Greenville Court House to Ashevillc, N. C., two milies below Hodges, iu Greenville District. On the place is a comfortable Dwelling nnd Out-buildings, and the best Water that can l>e found anywhere. It would be a desirable place for a summer residence. M. D. DICKEY. June 2 4 tf THAT GREAT RKMRllY, THAT GREAT REMEDY, THAT GREAT REMEDY, THAT GREAT REMEDY, THAT GREAT REMEDY, ranches? sramo, RAMH?Z' WW1K1C, RANCHEX' RPBCDTC, RANI HEX' smUTC. sanchez' specific, THE DNI.Y POfnTVK CCRK THE ONLY POwmVK CURE THE ONLY POCmVK CCKK the: ONLY fuotivic CliRK the ONLY kmrive LURE BEFORE THE mfflJC wmi* ion rioriA, BBFORE THE rWOWJC, BKPORK THE PROFLS, . BEFORE THE I'DUFIJE, FOR OONORRIRKA ANNOLFTT, FOR GONORRHOEA AND OIJ.ET, PoR GoNoRKHlKA AMD GUlT, FOR GoN<iIOUIOCA AND GIAET, FOR OoNURIUREA AND GLEET SAVES A RIO DOCTOR'S BILL, RAVES A BIO DOCTOR'S BII.I., HAVE* A BIO DOCTOR'S BIIA, RAVIN A BIO DOCTOR'S BIIJ,. RAVES A BIO DOCTOR'S BIIJ-, IS RA?n Y TAKEN, IS KasIi.l taken, IS KASII.Y TAKEN, IS EASILY TAKEN, IS EASILY TAKEN, HAS NO BAD TASTE, HAS NO BAD TASTE, HAS NO BAD TASTE, HAS NO BAD TASTE, HAS NO BAD TASTE, WIIJ, EFFECT A CURE WII.I. KETEXT A Cl'RK WIl.l RKE'EiT A CORK WIIJ. KEFWT A CORK WILL EPttLT A COKE WITHOUT LOHB OP TIMK WITHOUT U*M OP TIMK WITHOUT |A*? OP TIMK WITH (KIT LU?4 OP TIMK WITHOUT LOSS UP TIMK OR CHANGE OP DCCP, OR CHANGE OP DIET, OH CHANGE OP DIET. till' \ r^^iv *?#!&?&* \ ss..-* l&sgsSs85'\ *>tu \ T&S Vft lS5ft ^ **** \ N? ?*KV)V ' \ ^iSr ?**1 j?u* \ ?r ^X1 \ K?t *5 I ERtllf ?sma iM? w A. f. BBOV" IN THEIR NEWLY ARRANGED AND W OPPOSITE BASEL STREET, A Very Full Stock of tl In all the newest y arte ties. Alao Evening Dims C a cloak and sh* Especially uperintended by Indies, with ft full vftri New Good* receiving each week. a plantatio"n On the aecpnd and third Stories, fully stacked with STRIPES, DENIMS, FLANNELS, JEANS, TWEI lowest market prices. a r~i 11 Aw*\ir ? r ull o i \jui\ vr Shirting*, Shootings, Osnaburgs, Long Cloths, Ac., QRUERS PRQMPTLT AMD) C A. I A. F. BROWNING A CO. invito a close Inspection in all tho Departments, and at the lowest market pri< November 24 W. H. HOVEY, rn-?rnirroR or THB inmw STORE, DKALRK IN FA NC Y AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, RICH DRESS GOODS, SONNETS, RID/IONS I H O t'SE KEEP IN G GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, AND INDIA RI'IIBER GOODS, GREENVILLE, S. C. N. B.?Orders accompanied by the cash, for Medical, Law or Library Books, Masicat Instruments, and Sundries,"promptly filled in Now York and delivered at his counter on shortest notice. Jan 13 30 1y 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly. Saved Yearly. Planters Take Notice, Planters Take Notice, Jacob's Cordial Jacob's Cordial Is The Onlv Sure ^ _ / Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux, And Flux, It Never Fails. Tf T7U:i~ xi xicvci rails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages ot Half Doz. Put up Expressly Put up Expressly For Plantations. For Plantations. $1 per Bottle. $1 per Bottle. For S.le in Greenville hy Aug 25 I ft?1 y JOHN W. GRADY. F. BURTY. LOVELANO'S BUILDING, GREENVILLE, 8. C., RK PKCTFULLY Informs the public generally that he has on hand a fine assortment of Boots, Shoes, Brogans, &c. WELL ADAPTED TO Till MA KKET. In the assortment will be found Ladies, Misses' and Children's Gaiters and Shoes, of many kinds. Gentlemen's, Youths* and Hoys' Doots, Gaiters and Shoes. Ditcher's Roots, an excellent article. Rrogan* of all sixes and most durable make. In fact, as full an assortment of Articles in bis line as can be fouud iu auy establishment in a town of the same sixe. lie also respectfully asks an examination of bis Prices for Cash, satisfied that his Goods are offered At the Lowest Possible Figure. Persons in want of anything of the kind will please give him a call. A, ox nxxn, A <*ood Slock or Lritlhcr AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BOOT AMD) SHOT MAKING. This branch of his business is still carried on under bis personal supervision, and event care will be taken to (guarantee satisfaction to those who patronise hiin. Not 10 27-tf Till-; ASSEMBLY HOUSE, One Square Weet of the Poet Office, IP ib a u ar 0 IP m ja m w 9 COLUMBIA, 8. C. THIS well known Kstahlishnient haa been thoroughly re-At text and improved, and i* now permanently opened for the accommtutation of the Puhlie. Kvery attention will be ftiren to supply the wants and cotnfort of Patrona. ftT*itit(( Moderate. U. T. MASON, Proprietor. Dee 8 81 tf _ DENTAL OPERATIONS. DR.JOIIN ANDERSON WOULD respectfully inform the citiicna of OreenTlUe that ha haa taken Dr. Allk*'s Roowa, and la prepared to attend to hia Profession, in all the branches, with dispatch. Thoae residing in Ita country will give due notice before coming, so aa to avoid being disappointed. Oct 20 24 If ffi 8 S E o spiMiiir mm & co., S. O., ELL LIGHTED AND $HLAIIGED STORE; SIGN OF THE " TREE BOX." K ? iic Richest Dress Goods, KkhU in all styloa. iWL DEPARTMENT, icty of LADIES' GARMENTS of *11 kinds, with DEPARTMENT, all rarictioa of PLAINS, KERSEYS, BLANKETS, CDS, SATINETS, Aft., that will *bo offered at the DOMESTIC GOODS, , FOR CASH, A T FACTOR Y PRICES. AREf ULlLY ATTENDIQ) Id, \ BROWNING & CO. i of tboir STOCK, wbick will be found woll supplied ;c?. 20 tf t t -?r? JLtlJULi -1 X J -1 J t'j r^HpMLK> TIIK subscribers having had tho n?lsaykj*W ?fortune to lose, by tho fire of tho 29th Jnnuary, the Steam Mill and Machinery connected with their Coach Fuctorv, iu Greenville, take this motliod of apprising their friends and pnlrous that they still oontinuc business us heretofore, without change in their Firm, or abatement of their exertions to please. They have NOW ON HAND, and are CONSTANTLY FINISHING, all tho varieties of Carriages, Buggies and Wagons ever made by them, to which they invite the attention of purchasers. They take pleasure in correcting an impression that their stock of SEASONED L I'MUEli was l,,?l wi??. ?-- Mill ?j -? ? - ...... ,Uv ....... ...hi .Twain niiy iniii. in quantity and quulity, their Lumber line neeer been belter. The generous pntronagc hitherto rcecived, wnrratiU the conclusion that theircfTorts are appreciated, and stimulates tlieiu in making further exertions. Their cx|wricnec will enable them to select and ope. rate the most approved Machinery, with advantages not surpassed by any manufacturers either North or South. GOWER, COX. MARKLKY A CO. Greenville, S. C., April 7, 185?. 48 ly NEW GOODSr 1AM RECEIVING my SPRING and SUMMER supply of GOODS, consisting of a general Stock of Fancy mid Staple Dry Good*, And Men's nnd Roys' CLOTHING, Hats and Ronnets, Boots und Shoes, Hnrdwure and Cutlery, Drugs and Dyc-stuflV, Carpeting and Matting, Wooden mid Willow Ware, Wall Papering, Powder, Shot, Blusting Fuse, Sugar, Cofl'ce, Molasses, Salt, Ac., all ot which will he sold at LOW PRICES, Thankful for pust fuvors, I solicit a continuance of the sume. JOHN* W. GRADY, Opposite the New Court House, on Muiu Street. April I t 48 tf Now Confectionory and EAOEli BEER SALOON. MORRIS HAMl'EL taku* pleasure in informing bis friends add the public generally, thut lie has lately returned from Chr.rleston, and is prepared to furnish his customers with all that the heart can desire of various BON MOTS, Fresh nnd Delicious Confectionery. Any kind of CANDY that is iu demnn^ I have for sale mid tun constantly receiving Superior and Sound Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, aud many other good things for the inner man, too numerous to mention. Some fragrant cigars and something to eat, What more docs a reasonable innn neel ' Ah ! not to forget, a sparkling glass of beer, May also be had at any time hero. Be ing thankful for past custom, I would respectfully solicit a further patronage. MORRIS SAMUEL. Nov. 10. 27 tf THE WORLD OUTDONE! THE MEDICINE CALLED " liifluiuinitlory Hxtirpator," w 11 it'll was sold daring Court in this place, is | , j u?w un saie, oy j. tv. UKAl'I, of Urccnviilo. It cannot now be longer doubted but thin Medicine I* the moot efficacious remedy ever in this place, for Kidney Diseases, Piles, Neuralgia, Lung Diseases, Dyspepsia and Rheumatism. Numerous cases of the above diseases have been cured this present week. Headache, Toothache, Earache, Sprains, and all Dowel Affections, disappear before it as if by the touch of inagic. Try it, and keep it in your families, for sickness comes when you least expect it. J. W. GRADY, Agent for Groonville, 8. C. ; Dr. E. SILL, Wholesale Agent at Columbia. Also by all Wholesale Druggists in Charleston, 8. C. O. W. DAVIS, Proprietor, Box 4620, New York Post Office. Nov 3 26 tf GEOllGE HELDMAN. HARNESS MANUFACTURER, AXH I1RALRR IX SADDLES, itlllULRS, WHIPS, AO. rs?a HAS on hand an extensive assortment L^ggVof the BEST MATERIAL used in tlio r Manufacture of Harness and Saddles. Thankful for the patronage given him for the last ten yenrs, he solicits a continuance of the same. ,?i3" Orders from a distance promptly attended to.~ tfek Persons indebted to him are requested to call and pay up. 51-ly . April 26 ON HAI.R. Avery general assortment of fine and other JEWELRY may be had of the Subscriber, who makes to order Enjnt/eaient Jlimji, and any other article required in his line. ZIP REPAIRING faithfully donc.-Tk-lR 0*0 Sixty yards cast of the old Court Honse. J. II. RANDOLPH. Greenville, S. C., Sep. 16, 185V. IV-tf BARGAINS TO BE HAD. DESIROUS of closing out our well selected and cheap Stock of llillrncry Ooodn, we respectfully inform onr friends and the public generally, that, after this date, we will Sell at Greatly Reduced Prices, for Cash To any person wishing to engage in the nhove business, ire will eell the entire STOCK A T COST. Those having Accounts with its, will please pny the same immediately, as arc need the money. MRS. PAltlS A MISS GORDON. Oct ft 22 tf AGENCY FOR N. C. INSURANCE COMPANY. THE ASMEVILLE Mutual Insurance Company HAVING complied with the legal requisition of this State, in relation to Agencies, and havinga ppointed the undersigned as their Agent for this place, lie is now prepared to take RISKS on LIFK or PROPRRTY. JOHN W. GRADY. Greenville, 8. C., Feb. 10, 1868. 40 tf W. DAVID A I. EPHTIN, cq mronTms *sr pkai kiis i* WATC H ES. Jk 38 ?WELRY AND CL0CX3, No. 32B KINO ftTRXBlT, (j9KI&W?i:.??* !(9. batches a Olocks Hepalrod warranted for one year. Feb 10 40 I sakfords u?t% Never Debilitates. JT IS COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY from GUMS, and has become an established fact, a Standard ediciuo, known and up I . proved by all that have used It, and ia now rc gj soiled to with confidence in all the diseases for>wa| which It ia recommended It has oured thousandswithin the laat two year* wot ua nnn up til r nope*ni relief, m tba numerous unsolicited ccrtifj^j ioatik in 017 potmiitn how. 7j The dose mast b? ndup P5 ted to the, tctqperpiaaat of the individual taking !q it, and used in such quantities a* to not gen lb" on the Dowel*. Let the dictate* of your ^5 judgment guide you in tho use of tho Livkr Is J"* viooratok, and it will cure Lirer Oompiainte,^ Hitiou* Attacke, Dypeptin, Chronic Diarrhoea, 8a m m *r Complaint*, Dy*cntcry, Diopy. Sour, Stomach, Habitual Cotii tenet*, Cholic, Cholera A Cholera Morbnt, Cholera Infantum, flatulence,'*4 Jaundice, female Weak nteee*, and may be uscdjLJ successfully a* an Ordi nary family Medicine. 1W It will cure Sick Headache (as thousand* can'^ testify,) in tteentyminuIcm, %f 1,to or three Tett.^ tpoonful* are taktp B commencement of at * tack, AD who ?M P ? it are giving their testlj*^ inony in it* favor. Mix water in tho mouth with the Xnvigorator, and swallow both together. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. ' ALSO, SAN FORD'S FAWLT CATHARTIC PELLS* COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extract*, and put up in CLASS CASES, Air Tight, and ki'U keep in any climate, TDK FAMILY CATHARTIC PILL IB A gentle, but active t'atliarj Itic, which the proprietor has used in hi* practice' *'moro than twenty year*. Tho constantly incrcaj^jsing demand from tfaeao who have long used tho 1', and the aatiafhetion which all express ini -v regard to their nee, has induced mo to place thein|^| within the reach of all. _ Tho Profession woll^Jknow that different Ca ttmrtics net on diHe-rcnt portions of the bowels. Tbe Futility Calhartiet /'HI has, with doe reference lo this well establish ^ e?l feat, been compounded from n variety of the ^ pnrcst Vegetable Kxtrnot*, which nctalikoon _ lovcry part of tbe alimentary canal, and 9^ good F*jand sa/e in all cases where a Cut hartieTs need pgj ed, such as Derangement* of the Stomach,, f Slerpinr**, Pain* in the Muck and Loin*, (7o*tu-?|^ijn?M, Pain and Sorenee* over the irhole body, front m sudden cold, which fret|uently, if neglected, end - in along course of Ferer Lout of Appetite, a Creep ? ( iny Seueation ef Cold orcr the hotly, /(entire* . ?ie?v Headache or neeigkt in the head, all In ft mm mutiny Uimett**?, Vt'omt* in Chiltlren or Ailulti.'Q Uhmmatiem, a great Puri/ier of the 11 load, and) many diseases, to which flesh is heir, too numerous to mention in this advertisement. Vote?1 to 3. TRICE THREE DIMES. The I.irer Jnvigorator and Family Cathartic Pitt* are retailed hy Druggists generally, and fold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. 8. T. W. BANFORD. M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor, 335 llroadway. New York. For sale hy FISIIEU A 1IKINITSH, Greenville. July It 10 3m BLACKS MI THIN The concern of T0WNE8 A HAWKIX8 having been dissolved by mutual MBSS1 consent, the business will be carried on ill t!i* Dflnin Slum l?v !?? 'o.^ W.' BROOKS. January, 1869. J. L. HAWKINS. NOTICE. rpHE undersigned having transferred hi* interest I iu the Blacksmith Shop near Williams' Store, to Messrs. Brooks A Hawkins, takca pleasure in recommending them to a share of public patronage. They will be prepared to attend promptly and satisfactorily to all jealls in their line. They have experienced und skillful Smiths in Horseshoeing, Repairing and Ironing Wagons, Plough Work, and all other ordinary work of a Blacksmith Shop. January, 1859. 37-tf O. F. TOWNKS. TINNIN G, GUTTERING AND ROOFING. THE Subscribers inform the Public that they J. have purchased the TIN MANUFACTORY of Mr. 11. GKKEN FIELD, in the Town of Greenville, and intend carri/ing on the Jiutin< ** at the ta'iie Stand. AH kiuds of Tin Work, Guttering and Roofing will be DONE CHEAPLY AND PROMPTLY. They will take, in exchange for their Work, Rags, Old Pewter, Copper, Reeswax, Ac. They respectfully bespeak a share of public patronage. ? ? LOVELAND A CHANDLER. June 28 7 tf |> ui Id ntrily 1111m' l>y?|M-)i?lr II >?<-<!y Ull??* Krmrdx MUm' lli mtdf Una lli? Urnnl Male Una lite L>oi'K?*st Hale Una tlic Iar)|tal Main Una the laargtet Bale Una the larKnt Bale Of any Medicine In the World. Of any Medicine In the World. Of any Medicine In the World. Of any Medicine In the World. Ot any Medicine In the World. ltm.OUO Packages ltlUjOOU Pack a gee luujttuo Packages I On. on O Packages lOU.OOO Par It ages Bold In (.corgis and BouthCamflna Mold In (Jrorgta and BoulhCarollna Bold In Ueorgta and a watt ht'a rattan Bold In Ueorgla and BoethCsrollna Bold In Georgia and kouth Carolina In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Moat he. lu Fourteen Month*. It la Warranted to ( are It Is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It le Warranted to Cure It to Warranted to Cure If IMracUoua are Fullowed. If Directions ere Followed, If Directions are Follewed, If Dlrectloiia aie Followed, If Directions are Follewed, Any Caee of Dvaoenata Any Case of Dy?|M|Mla Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Cam of Dyspepsia I.Iver Disease, I.lver DUease, Uver Disease, 1.1 ver Disease, LAvrr Disease, J a oodles, JssimUm, JssMHes, Jisnrilts, Jsaixllce, It Is Rsperlolly Adapted to It Is ICspeelally Adapted to . It Is Rspeclally AoapUit to It Is Kepeelslly Adapted to II Is bspeeiaiijr ts female Com pi? Ints i female Complaints female lorn plaints t female Complaints | female Complaints! It Produces Itotmndlty at form It Produces Hotundlty of Form it Produces Itotundlt y of farm It Produces llutundll/ ot farm It Produres Rotundity ol form III Females of a Ttdn and apare HsMI Id Prmatoa ol n Tliln M|? r? lli.Mf Id Prmalia <>< ? TI?lo ? >? N|>nic il?M< Id Prmal?? of ? Tlild no<l K|M>r?- Halili Stu?t a Um|> to il?i" I r?|>rl< t?>r? lor Unor <ki " UkMMMM of tlwnacti und liowoU." w. w. ni.i** Ato., ri( | ?i< Fi r .*>aU in (! " ' ' Aug 22lft-ly JOHN W. ORADV. ORR & PRICE7~ AT TOR. KEYS AT LAW. GREENVILLE, 8. C. JAM KA U OR* p. r*tc*? May 18 1 It H H AViNO, " Hair Trlnipiliif? Drmal*!, 9yl?| AMD RAZOR RKTTINO AND MIAMPOOINQ. AT Til* Second Poor Above Mr. MdPfcereon^ WIL8ON"* COOK% May 3 3D ,