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tew??" r <o? feesh A: ,i an Ml j|n^ M **ist\ K:(it ji.? rrTT. lu A CJHOICt JUST KE AND P O R SALE I AT P. S. S3 MAIN SI February fd, 18&0. Tax-Collector's KOTiOEI. rpYli subscriber will attend ih? different Stations , ,A the following times, for tho purpose of Re* coiving the Returns and Collecting the Taxes for ISM: At H. E. Lyneh'a, Thursday evening,... 9th Fcb'y. " Marietta, Friday,....,,... 10th " ** Absalom Rlythe't) Saturday morn'g. llth 44 " Cleveland's Mills) fcVoning same day. " Hodgeh*, Mondaynuuii.iii 13th " MoKinnoy's, Tuesday,:;. 14th " < *** Dlekoy's, WodncadHy morning ?15th " < 44 John Campbell's, etching same day. j "** McMahin's, ThunH(h.y,ii.;.t.ii.?mn?..Hth " 144 Gross's. Friday,...uu 17th " 44 C rot well's, Saturday morning, 18th 44 44 MeDanial's, Monday evening 20th 44 44 Brook man's, Tuesday 21st " 44 MsNeeiy's, Wednesday morning, 22d 44 44 J. K. Stone's, evening same day. " Robert Peden's, Thursday morning) t8d " *' Cedar Falls, evening snmu day. *4 J. C. Sullivan's, Friday morning 24th " \ " Win. Dovanport's, evening same day. " Cel. McCulloagh's Saturday moru'g, 25th " " J. A Smith's, evening same day. Allen MuDavld's, Tuesday 4***th " CeL Ware's, Wednesday morning 29th " It. Charles's, evening same day. OvwveStatfon, Tbui.*day morning,... 1st March. Thou. Msjrldd'i, Friday morning,... 2d " " J. H. Ashmere's, evening snme day. " Shock ley's, Saturday morning, 3d " 44 Court llonse, Monday, Tuesday and Saturday of . Court; also, Salo-day in May, at which time the Boohs will be closed. Returns must be mado by the first Monday in or Doubio Tax will ensue. Physicians, Magistrates, Clergymen end Taxpayers, are notified that a penalty of Ten Dollars is imp-wed for each offence in failing or refusing to comply with the requisition of the Registration Act, foi returning to the Collector ail tho Births, Deaths and Marriages which may come within their notice, which said amount may be recovered by suing before a Magistrate. The number of births and deaths of both whites and Macks, with tho dales of births, and the erases of deaths, Ac., are required to b<? returned. All failing to comply with tho requisition of the Act, may expect to incur the penalty. Clergymen. Physicians and Magistrates are required to mako tho same returns do me of tho KouTax Payers in tboir respoetWo neighborhoods. A. R. Mr-DAVID, t.c. a. ?. Feb 2 39 I j Fresh Garden Seeds, * 1* J. H. DEAN'S DRUC STORE. Jau SO 3.S 2 A LARGE AS80KTMENT OF 1 DRUOS, or TIIK ?KST %1'ALITT, MEDICINES, &C? JU8T KKCKIVKD AND FOK BALK L.OVV FOR CASH, AT J. II. DEAN 8 DRUG STORE. Jan 26 98 2 Notice. TIIK uoderaigned has placed hi* Notes, Hooka and Account*. in the hands of K. P. JON KB, bit Attorney. Person* indebted will please call and a?Ule. ' ALEXANDER GREENFIELD. Jan 26 38 tf ROOFINC3-! ROOFING ! THE rainy season has come, when it u very unpleasant, indeed, for those that havo Leaky Roofs, Chimneys, tfattors, Ac., and being aware that there ate a great many Roots of Tin, Bhintlea, Ac.. ibm are in a leaky coMlitim in this vicinity, I have | taken up my residence hevc among v<ni, for the purpose of carryiagen a QENXUAL ROOKING BUSIN BBS, with Lcslcr'i Sheet Rooffluf, An article Jwtiiad t* ?upeered* Tin, ShingJes, and other material now ntoi for that purpose. It has the resemblance of shcot lead, with ae good qualities aa that material, being both Are and prater proof, and very durable, and what i? very much needed here, an article that is cheaper in all respect*. It ia not only adapted for Ilonses, bat Railroad Care, Cabas Steamboat lleckt, Me., and can be used to walk up. on, an when it ia pet in and Aniehed, it become* Very ( * hard and smooth. It ia aleo Are proef. We have it ( in uee on Locomotive Oaba, Steamboat Deck*, Ac., where Are is constantly, dropping upou it. It docs not affect it in the least* I warrant all Roofs water tight, and not to blow j off, or I make no charge. The Cement that is used with the Shoot HooAing, is also made for old Tin or Iron Roofs, and when painted with twogoat* of this J material, t warrant perfectly tight, or no charge . made, and will last for year* after. It It mneb better than anything else used, as the contraction or stpansion of Tin or Iron trill not affect it, neither the heat or eold. Those having Roofs to cover anow, or old Tin or Iron ones to be made tight, will please give me a call. They shall be satisffed that what I say is correct. Letter* addressed to me at Greenville, or order* a left at the Mansion House, will meet with prompt attention. G. W, CASTLE. Jan 26 68 tf The Subscriber Keeps on Hand ABUPKRIOR ASSORTMENT OF MEDICINES, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS, tnoet of the popular PATENT MEDICINES, BRANDIES, WiNW4, WHISKEY. RUM end GIN, for Medicinal purpoeea. Aa he ptirpoeea selling for CASH, Re offers hie Articles at LOW PRICED. Please cell and examine for yourselves. 1/ J. U. DEAN. f | Jen W *t spqkks arc Cumber WANTED I loo."00 Whit, J Oak end iliukovy SpOKf-H,for which they | * ill pay a liberal Prie?, if delivered hy 'he first of U-iy m xt, ... iAIAij, tiit A Jarg<* lot of A ah. Illekory, White Oak., and ; f?riou? other kind* of PLANK, nil of U>c Ill'.sT j QUALITY. wanted, for which we will i?uv a f?i>- I prk>? for oil thai otftrn, bKASOK Kl> LUMliEll pr*f*rM, QOWKK, CO*. M\RKLE* * CO. Jan IS 80 tf THE Sub?orlber informs the public that he has associated with hltrf in the Tailoring Business 'his son, MILKS 11. BKKCO/ ?nd will conduct the saute hereafter under the P#M? sf A. HKECO A pQIf. TLrtf fih^it *iu be fo*?*l In the building on the eeat aide of Ifih Cnurt *1?*?'e, where they will be pleased to see their friends and pntsuii^Hire us a call, and we will endcaeor to din' yob WORK in the latest stylos and upon the most reasonable terns. A. bBKCO A HON. Jan 13 ?? tf m ip m ' wb 03 5? f ^ ?. ?r-?-^==f=^=y?= rrivals. x? >r lot of : x 3t .a rxxaweap; 1 ? i LOT OB1 ? i -bet* bet* j?3 3b3 9 * ceived, -ear low fou c atph, p " PITH'S rREET. 89 .- ./ tf I COTTON WANTED. 1*^11 R Subscribers wont immediately 300 DAGS OF COTTON, for which , LhcV will pnv tlio hiuheto, market prices SULLIVAN A 811UM ATE. ' i'nn 8ft 68 tf CAKTHITS SPANISH. MIXTURE! 1 FOlt the cur* of all Diseases arising (Vom an lm-" J puro state of th? Blood. It cores all Skin I>isuasos, such as litt.lche?, Hite?, Iling or Tetter Hor#i, Scald llead, Old Sort*, t'liiiceri, />j?. peplia, Palpitation of the Heart, hirer Complaint, J H mkurtt, Cain* in the Hark or Head, Inflammation nf Kidney*, d c. &&}- Prioc $1. Try a Bottle. "TfcR Bold only by LONG A 111 ItN 11 AM, Dealers in Pare Drugs and Medicines. *1 Jan 26 38 18cow Dissolution. IS Tl! R Partnership heretofore existing between R0- ^ BERTS A SHUMATti, is this day dissolved ?? by inutunl consent. The Httsiness will hereafter bo *' eondnctod by T. B. Roisrtii. f* T. B ROBERTA u W, T. 8I1UMATJS. January lj> I860 37 3 E. P. JONES, ~~ n ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. J orhrsyim.n, r. c. J' Offlco East sido of Court 1 louse SqUiUre, whore ho may bo found daily, from 0, A. M., to 2, P. M. Jan 19 J17 I? HOUSE, Sl(,'\, ! rpHE subscriber inform* tho public that ho i* prc1 pared to do House, Sign and Carriage PAINT- ~ l.\t) on short notice and at reasonable rutcx. Person* desiring nrork in lii* line, will find that ho will *' do it in good style, at cheap price*. A share of pa- * tronage solicited. Persons at a distance can address mo at Ore envillo Court House. w. a. bridwell. ? {4.. Shop in tho reur of lieattio A, Pulliam's store, ou Avenue street. 3S?-tf Jan 36 c on' SFnoSo? H , OPPOSITE MANSION HOUSE, GREENVILLE, S. C., Respectfully inform* the public that ho ha* just received a largo stock *>f j. Confectioneries of all Descriptions, . COMPKUIXfl, IN PART, Orange*, Lemons, and a fine assortment of Fancy Caudic* for wedding and other parties. Hunch ltai- ^ ins llr, Piir, Parnnl, PU... VI 1 1 inon liurk, Cloves, Xutuicgs, Dates, (Hugcr, Soda, Ac., Ac. F Fresh Fruits in Cans?Strawberries, Tine Apples, H l'mrlins TuiutiH'*. |; French Pruuea in jars, English Prunes in casks. ( Pino Apple anil Western Cheese. | Sardines, Codfish and Holland Herrings. t ^ Rose, Crciue D'Anis, Hummel, Raspberry, Blackberry and Cherry Cordials. Jelly's, Preserves, Cooking Wine, Brandy Poaches, . Brandy Cherries, Worcestershire Banco, French * .Mustard, Pepper Sauce and Pickles A variety of Nuts always on band. Also, a well aeloctcd stock of Toys. Fine Perfumery and Toilet Extracts. Extracts for cooking purposes. 1 ?S0AToilet, Shaving and Castile Soaps. WITH MANY OTHER ARTICLES HOT HEREIN MENTIONED). s Jan 19 ST tf_ 'THE ANNOUNCEMENT.' r rpilE sahfetibors respectfully call attention to the I following CARD, conveying the information to the citfien* of Hrcenville and the Bistiwt that, they have purchased the entire stock of _ DliUGS tfe MEDICINES or JDTRa 5S3MHJ?. nnil intend to continue the business at theolil stand. " It is their intention to enlarge this brunch of Trade N iu Urccnvillo, and in view of this, have ordered a largo stock and si vorv coinnlcte assortment ,?f ??? ? I Article usually kept in Rrng Stores !*i large cities. _ Mr. F. A. Waltxr, Jr.. (to whom the responsible charge or preparing ami dispensing Medicines is entrusted,) is a young Mnn in whom they have every r coufiileuuo. Educated to the business, familiar with the German Language, nod with considerable cxpfc- ^ rience in all the Pharmaceutical branches, they trust, t< although a stranger iu this community, he may M- r cure the confidence of the people, and ashare of the k, putronage of the citixcns of Greenville. The former patrons of this establishment may rest assured that every regard will continue to he manifested fur their interest in the purity and cheapness of every artiela sold. They invite, very respectfully, a visit from all. F181IKK A IIKINIT8H, r I'harinacuutist* and Druggists. June 2 4 tf ri itlrf Wlnslow's SoolhlMg Syrnp, A TT'OH CHILDREN Teething. Fur aale at X; F1811ER A 1JE1MT8H'8 Drug Store. Kerosene lllnutlnntlng Oil. T U8T received and for sale cheap at | fj FISH Kit A 1IE1MT8II8. DIAMOND CEMENT, >011 joining broken China, Glass, Earthenware, J< Metals, Wood, Cabiuet Work, and all Fancy Articles. For sale by ., FISHER A IIKINIT8II. ? Pnr. P.t.nk. VBI-. P Jk u* w V?V?IV V1U?V| v? iorf sule by T\ X fISiiKR 4 liKIAITSII, i Dee 8 81 Me Bee's Block. s "S1I.V BR SOAP," * (^OR ClenDiuic nlxl l'oli?liltig Sliver, I'Uted t< and lii ttmi si .a Wares, Mirror* Marble, Tin, <v- I' r cl.nrting lluui* 1'alnt, Window Glass *1 :ii'! ('.h i iagc MotintiiiKb it i* invaluable. For sale tl by Fi&llKR A IJEINITOII, o Mc Bee's Dlock. bi'c 15 82_ tf _ " FAR 1NA CRACKERS," ITMtkXll, jusl received and for sale by * 1 FISUEK A riKIMTSn, MeBee's Block. Dec 15 82 tf ' Silver Gloss Slarcli." A FA K anjierier Stnreh, both in quality and strength, than any other in Ore. Far solo . by HSllfcR A llKINlTStt, q Dec 16 82-lf McBee's Block/ K LYCE KIIV E SOA V, Olyoet . Cream. and Camphorated loo, I^ulv iKift?niih( and beautifying the complection, and it mre preventive of chapped Nil 'U **d Bp*/ and for rale by t FISH KB it HKtXlTsIT, < Druggist* and Ckr*Wt I>CCl i tr ^joINW. SRA6Y:;" -Am tet? 1to tJooM, RBAft-Y MA DK CLOTH ISO, HOOTS A XD 380*% jkwks^AM) St A tio.VER Y, jmn/te A ormsrvirtx. hard. 8??ttsr-3 , ? .. QUA IX, cars TUT PRODUCE, So., * i4o?fr* fc** <c*w etaw* liortt, bt VMir ttiirr, o .T3 GKEEN?ILLE, JS, C. Jh TT 87 ljr I* f i -it * ! j /*. J. KRAUS'S )YSTER & EATING SALOON 19 OffcN AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY, MJT> VNTfL LATE TN 'rtlE EVENING. Fresh Norfolk Oysters AtWaVs ready to be served up. iv - i uuaicipum uigor uccr. Alo and Fortor. ' t MOOTS* JJU^ A ?f Ofle l>oor abors Long It Born ham'a Drag ItoM MAM STREET. SOOTS AND SHOES, OF tHE BES1 MATERIAL AND MAKE, AT REASONABLE PRICES. HARRISON 8c LONG, Respectfully return tu?ir tunnk* to the cititcns f Greenville an<l surrounding doug y, for the fory literal patronage Atthtd ffom ictn during tbo paat year, in the lloot nnd Shoo rade. Their etorts to accommodate and please leir customers aro still nnabated, and a continued n?t increased patronage from tho public is respect, illy solicited. la their present stock may bo >?nd Something Tine and Durable. They rail particular attention to a few of the styles ow on hand. liADXSS' HfcPARTMINT. Kid Calf, Morocco and Ooat HOOTERS, rith and without liccls; Cloth and Ki-|, ffjff I AITEKs ; with a variety of other styles aud qualtlffh , . , ? OBNTS' DEPARTMENT. They have Men's, Youths' and Hoys' SHOES, in rcat variety, of tho host quality?warranted^? and f Southern Manufacture. TV* A WITW A ror*rnw?t/-< /ill *jr rtVlU (till *jr For making Boots nd Shoe*, they havo <?ti hand be best of material, and afe prepared with good V'orkmon to execute nil order* with neatness and cspnteh, h tho latent style*. Nothing but fhehest 'rcuch Calf-Skin, and good material generally, in sod in the manufacture of their work. Orders for ork solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed. CAM. AT TIIK BOOT AND SHOE SIGN, l Door above Long <? Burnhain * Drug Store. Jan 12 3G tf TSfl^MU^T, rHK Subscriber lots remove^ to liin NHW BRICK STORE. where lie ban opened a Fell-Seleated Stock of IRY m imCEIS, MOM, fit. Vhksh he will soil on VERY REASONABLE "ERMS. Among ! ?* Stock may be found toady-Made Clothing, Broadcloth*, Cashmeres, intiacts, Tweeds, ltrown and lileneltodSblrting*, Ihnsched nod Brown Drillings,Tickings, Flannel*, hebeges, Wool DcLntuca, French Mctinoes knnhnzitics, Alpnccns, Black and Fancy Silks lurccllinc and Florence Silks, Dress Trimmings Embroidered and Marseilles Set*, Embroidered Crotchet and Marseille* Collar* Iosicry, Glove*, Ribbons, Ac. MAYS AMIPJ. <OAt9?ft Client*' Boots anil Shoe*, AOLES1, MISSES' AND .CHILDREN'S 8AHERS, booths 1nb bhocs, Farmer#* and CuirruPere' Toola, awa. Angers, Chiaets, t*liMn and Dravrlng Knives, Paris eFa Mill Nail*.Trace Chains, Steel lloes, Axe*, Ames' Spades'* and Shovel*, lucket*. Keetera, Toha, Crockery, Coffee, fee, Crushed, Pulverised, Olariwed nai BVown Sugar*, Sperm. Ad*tlmantlne and 1'tlluV Candle*, Jt Iridic*, Saddle Wallet*, Wagon and Carnage Whip*. | J He i* -?on?tantly receiving new addition* to i* Stuck, to which he invites the attention of ia customers and the public* ircncrnllv. T. B. ROBERTS. Dee 29 34 tf * NOTICE. rltE Copartnership existing hetween PRtCK A McJlJMvIN, in the publication of Tiik otnmcHM EvTKiii-Hias," haa teen dissolved t?y muiml consent. Those indebted to the Firm are t-q nested to come forward and settle up. Payjents may be mude to either of the Firm. W. P. PRICK, C. M. MoJUNKI.V. January 2, 1830. copartnehbhip. rHE undersigned have formed ^'Copartnership for tiie publication of "Tftf Sournts* ExKramr," under the name and style of MoJPNKIX i BAlLhY. C. M. MrJUNKlN. J. C. BAILED. January 2, 1860. FAIR VIEW SCHOOLS, ?RIMARY AND ACADEMIC, WILL he opened for tliu reception of I'upil*, (male and female,! in sugar ate builillnj,, on the Nrciinil Monday in Jtinuary, 18(40. The Primary IVpartmcnt, under the care of Rev. C. it. HTKWART ; Ac Cla**ieaL Ac., under the earo of Re*. K. V. IYI>E. Kui'ahlo assistant teachers will bo omloved, if necessary, in eitlicr department. These scho">1* are located atTalrview, (Presbyte lan Uliurch,) in uwi renrrv <>t a community highly idiinguuhosi fir '.t<< moral rim I religion* character, ud remote from those pernicious influences usually >und in district town*. Several families within convenient distance offer > board an low ns good boarding can bo HTortfed. The Scholastic Year will be divided into two ?caiona, twenty week* each. Fnpils ean enter at any me, but it la deal ruble that they enter at the find f tho Heacion. Katk* or Trtrior* from ti to 412.4# per Session. Tho Hoard of Tmeters tako pleasuro in calling lo attention of the public to fbeao Schools, Tuition, ml especially to the Tewchore! and flutter tHeaaDirca that they will b? extensively patrotiixcrh W. A. II AKUISO.V. Sep 2? 2f-(h?ow* Chairman U. T. W. H. Hovry Ac Co. PERSONS knowing thcmaclrra ?o bo indebted to the above Firm, (which wn* dissolved in June, t?57.) will save coat by giving IMMEDIATE ATKNTlON to th? same, oa no farther notice will ho iven. W. If. HQVKY. Jan 1Z .10 *ra 1UOM:Y ! lHONEVI A LIj persons Indebted to the auherrthef, up to lll? l"1 January, ISfitl, t?l?o w|?h (o save cost, an do go by enlliiYg and settling thidr indebtedness, A word to tho wise I* infiMefft." ft. S?. tf. Jau 1t i? 4 i " m VH.ILAV HAVE concluded'fa'nllow CA complaint has been utadc Establishment 1\! GRE and everywhere else. Boing not* entire Stoek of WINTER GOO] gard TO COoT, I HAVE ( that all the Goods be marked do nfford a eiinnee to sufferinc hnmi - - 0 their hard earned money. As it CARR T i , in ft short time, to lay in Soring , of Winter Goods is unusually hi rest assured of procuring Goods fl tilhms than can j>ossib!y be done TOI January 12 *v\v\.v** MALE & FEMALE SCHOOL. matitm. this new institution of A LKAKNIXO, located In a most beaudM (iful and pleasant part of tho village of Greenville, will go into operation on Moudaf, Cili February Next. The Trustee*, iu presenting it to Iho public, feel assured that the inaiiagvincut of the SCHOOL will ho such as to secure for it a liberal patronage from parents. In selecting Teachers for the different departments, they have had particular reference to (pialifieations and suitableness. The Male Department will be under the management of Hkv. J. S. WILLDAKK8, as Principal. This gentleman is a graduate of Krskino College, and has hod several years' experience as a teacher. In tho Female Department, tho services of Mas. M. M. I'll ICE, a graduate of tho Georgia Female College, at Madison, have l>een secured. The high character which the nboro institution bears throughout the South, ami the testimonials of proHcicncy which she bears, the Ttustccs feel warranted in reeomtuemliug her as a person well qualified to tako charge of the Female Department of tho SCHOOL. Tho Principal in tho Male Department will bo assisted by Mas. W II,HANKS. Additional Teachers will be supplied by the time tho SCHOOL begins. MS'33 sir run grauti:k or tax weeks. Primary Department $ 4 00 The above, with English Grammar, History, Geography and Arithmetic 7 00 HIV ui?ui-r iintovucioi r.ngium, including Latin and Greek ? 10 00 Music . 10 00 lino ?( Instrument.... 60 Modern Languages, each, 6 00 Incidental Expenses, 25 The Test Hooka will bcaunouiidoil at an early day. Hoard can be secured for Pupil* from a distance upon reasonable terms, in families residing near the School. It is earnestly desired that all Pupils, who can, should begin with the Session. Upon the opening of the School, (on Monday, tith February,) a Literary Address will bo delivered by Iter. T. S. AaTlll'lt, of Urornvilla. The public are respectfully requested to attend. T. EDWIN IV A UK, Chairman,) W. K. B AS LEY, BENJ. (5ASS, A. McBKK. T. C. UOWKR, 1 S WUITEFOORD 8MIT1I, 2 J. F. KEARN, H L. 1). CLINK, V. P. Fit ICE, Secretary, Jan 6 35 5 Soqil) Csi-oliflQ?6re?nbMe SisMct. 8HERIFFS SALES. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Facias, to me directed, I will sell, before the Court House door, at the usual hours of sale, on the first Monday in FEUMIAKY nest, All Defendant's interest in a Tract of Land lying in Wreouvillo District, whereon Margaret l'aris Uses, adjoining lauds uf J. A. and W. A. Townef, at al., and 3 large MuTes; as tho property of Moses J. Tarts, at the suit of V. Mcllcc, ct el. Oae House and Lot, in the village of Greenville, as tho property of Alexander Greenfield ; at the Suit of Thomas J. and C. H. Moisc. AH Defendant's interest in 20 Acres of Land, adjoining Miles Southern, et al.; as the property of L. Ik .1 -a at-- ta - P T ? _ ?' ' ? nwiuiuiuiiuiiif iu iiiv run 111 ilium u . iirn'iy. 1 Grey llorsc ; us the property of Daniel Mnytield, t the suit of Gower, Cox It Mnrkley. ISO Acres of Land, inure or less, lying In Grectivillo District, on Oil Cuiup Creek, adjoining hinds of Jones, Cleveland, ct ml.; as the property of Harvey Carter, at the suit of It. F. M.-culdin, survivor, vs. 8. F. Long, Administrator. 130 Acres of Land, wots or Icsst as llio property of Wesley Payne, deceased, at the suit of 8. A. Tonnes, C. E. U. 1)., vs. ftumuel Payne, Adm'r. 100 Acres of Land: as the property of William Evans, at the suit of Chores C. Montgomery. I Black Marc ; as the property of John T. Henury, at the suit of John Hursey. All Tyre Johnsou's interest in 330 Acres of Land, more or loss, lying in Greenville District, on the waters of Mush Crock, adjoining lands of Barrett, Miles and others ; at the snit of Jaiucs It. Johnson. Two Borrel lioncs, 1 Claybnnk Horse, 1 llark and Harness, I Two-horse Cnrriago.g?th^f rerss, 2 DwgSies ami Harness; us the prgMt^Ewf Joseph W. lariison, at the suit of Ksluy ll.dMh". By virtue of an order from tbo^Cdwrt of Common Pleas for Greenville District, I wiH sell hefofe the Court House iluor, ow the first Monday in February next, 1 Negro Man nauied I* wis, 3 Horses, I Kocknway and Harness^ I Old CiuviagVpand I Saddle and Bridle ; attached as the property of J. Duncan. Jr., at the suit of Prince A Greer. T tit MS CASH. Purchaser to pay for titles. It. 1IOKB, 8. O. V. PlwrifTs Office, Jnn. 11, I860. 36-td TO BENT, From llio' I'iritl of Juitiitii v. IRfiO. TIIK VERY D^IUABLE' ' Besidenco on Buncombe St., OCCUPIED during the past year by A. C. Suitu, K*?j. The House contain* fifteen It oom* and eleven Fire-places. The Lot ei>ni|>rii?ei< eight Acres of ground, willi n Iirunch of Water running through It. The promises are located adjoining the Pcmalo I'ollcgo, and arc altogether moat favorably adapted for a first class Private Hoarding House, Apply to 8. 8. C1UTTKEDKX. Pete 15 32 tf Wotico. ALT. persona having demands gnam*t the Estate of the late Dr. W. II. '.T.l.KN. deceased,are n on tied to present the., duly attested, to tho sub. scrilier. Persons indebted to tho said Estate aro notified t'. make iniineiliato payment. A. 11. McpAVllt, iptalified Kteewtor. Jan 13 a# tf Dank Slock. T)T Pfd"' tho Court of Ordinary, I will sell, JLj for cash, to tho highest hidAc^ on sale-day in Feornnrf ftegt, f'nrty-Sijr o/* ikr At/vek of iht /VOHJS . ?' ami .tfcoA ??/<-?' hhoil- ?>/ t'Ani/cs/oa Ue? tonghig tor tho Dstateof Mrs, M.mY J ?*p rfcceiWd. r>. ?. Dim.'.*, rUeehtef. Jail 12 U < r~ coMMrfrtE RR to sell as elienp.ns ere t* though i Vf Ills underselling itvutv otiiek mm ' determined to CLOSE OUT the 3S at ant ruicE, without any re ORDERED wu to its original cost, and Urns unity to rectivo the full value lor is the intention of 0 LEAVE Supplies, and as the present Stock rgo for this season, the public may it C ARIL'S on moke advantageous at any other Kstublishment in m *8 tf AT SUMMERS' BLUE STORE. rpiIIS great sale will commence the FIRST Of I JAfi l.'A RY, j .SCO, ami will last until the First ok MakOii. 1801), nnd is mado in order to dispose of the LARGE STOCK OF WINTER GOODS Now on liaml. ami to make room for the coming SPJUKU GOODS. Therefore, all "who may be in want of c1if.ap and handsomely-selected Gonna, will do well to como and prico toy Goons before purchasing. as I am willing and want to sell off my Stock at more REDUCED PRICES than I A<??.? d'fr offered them before, such as Ladies' Dress Hood? ; Shawls and Cloaks ; Rod and White Flannels ; Table Covers ; Worsted and Llueu ; Hoops, (warranted steel.) for Ladies Misses and Children ; Lindscya and Srtipcd Domestics ; Shirtings and Sheetings, 1, ij, 2 and 2) yards wide; Towels A Napkins; Ladies and Children's Hose; Ladio's A Misses' Shoes Needle-worked Collars and Hands; Combs and Perfumery, etc., etc., etc. ? a ID 11? If1 LI JCV G> a AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Shirts and Uudcrshirts, Socks and Cravats, Hoots. Shoe? and Hats, Trunks and Curpot liags, Knivci and Pistols, Bealu's new Repeaters, Table Cutlery and Notions, etc., etc., etc. GROCERIES FOR SALE. Priiao Uncon (Aides and Shoulders. Prime Rio Oof fee* and Sugars, Molasses, Candles, Soap, Soda, ' Butler, Tobacco aud Segars, etc., etc., etc. SALT FOR SALE, At Summer*' llliiu More. GRAIN FOR SALE. 200 CORN, -'00 Bushels PKAS ? ^ ^ ajj A. pviU.?inn?. ALSO, 1 HH 15 vns ?MP?'tt??e Wheat FLOUR, 10 Bag> 1 vU Frtth Buckwheat FLOFR. For ?*lc kj A. BOMMKUS. _Jan 5 It tf STATEMENT CHARLOTTE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. * Clf AltLOTTK IxRURANCK OmCI, ) 1st January, 1860. j A MOUNT Property Insured, $020,105.65 Bills R., (B. Notes well secured,)...fl 16.078.60. " l.oaucd on call 3,424.22. Cash in Bank of Charlotte, 49.83. " " hands of Agents, 648.89. Assets, $120,101.54. Losses unadjusted, and losses not due?none. A. CL STEELE, Pres'L E. Nt? IIltuiiisox, See. and Treas. StATK or North Carolina, ) Me<KIKNIILRO CorXTT. J PERSONALLY appeared before me, C. Overman, nu acting Justice of the Peace in and for said County, A. C. Steole, President, and K. Nye Hutchison, Secretary nnd Treasurer of the Charlotte Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and made oath, in due form of law. thai the above statement of t'ic condition of said Company,(on the 1st January, I860, is true, to the best of their knowledge and belief. C. OVERMAN, J. P. January 2d, 1SC0. JOHN W. GRADY. Agent. Greenville C. 1I? S. C. Jan 12_ 36 4 LINK CRKKK a e A i* K miiv I I THE VinHT Cranio:* of thin MALE 1 ?j?JLU(Z/\\U ?K.MALE 8CHOOL, for lK#o, . ttwti Ji/ will open the Tirenty. Third of Jiinua{ ry, instant, under the aupcrinteadcnco of lUr. A. C. STEPP. PriDciptl/ TUITION ranging from $5 to $12 per scwion. BOARD Oati he had In re*|*;etnble l'umiliet upon fentonahlo terinr. Those wishing their daughter* to take Mfltfc, ear 1 honrd them with the Principal, where they will be under the inatrwvlivw of an excellent lnatrnetrees. Jnnb 3* M FOIt SALK ()R KENT. A WELL SITUATES FARM, CIOXTAINJNU TOO Acre*, the largrtt portion in ) Woodland. On the place la a dwelling with six upright roouw, all l*tb?4 and plastered ; a go< d ; Barn and Out-lmildiitga; 26 A< res ol Branch Button i a good Orchard of Penoh, Apple and Cherry Trees; also, n good selection of drupe Vine*. This place it situated on the road firm tlie town of Orccnville to Willintnidon, directly on the lluilroad ; a 1'oat Office and Depot within two aud n half miici of the plteo, On the place ia a good IMai Ktmilh hliopAny person gulling to engage in the Wagon and I Blacksmith business. Would lind this t? good neigh i borhood. 1 will tell, with the ptaco, 3 NEUUP | MK X, one a good Hinitli? for further Information. tti^nde of ^ ^ Il/Urt iHAKIVLRI, Ororr Stat!"*, .ST. C.f ,.r Grrr*r>itlr C. IT. If n?t sold by tl|o middle ol January, it will b for r?nt, Deo 15 *2 tf SpRttldins'ti I'ro^rcd <alii USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE. F,lJTD, and ready for mo nil the time, and i strong ?s Cabinet Makers' glue. pe boit'e and brush, 2i cc*l?. I'or * .le bjr J. IV ;sil I.JIXia.V, Agort. 1 17 tl ^ 0 !1 gg ? lAELWBuIm, A ND get a D?f jcne> pftrxnt.Or tk* Valvar and xV House-keeper, containing on Alanine, Interest Table, Thhte of Counterfeit Money on Routh Carolina llaiiki, Calendar of kUturrt Court* far tho Wntirn Circuity useful 1?? < ij>cs, nu<l Illustrated and Dcscriptiro Catalogue of Articles kept r?r sal* by J. 11. 8HKRMAX, Agent. STOVES !~?TOYE8 I J v ALAROK Assortment of Oooktif, 0#?, Parlor. Churcb, 8bop, Sheet Iron, Self- Regulating, and all other kiudi uf Stores, always kent ok baud iuiI t"r mI? by J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. pumpsTpumps. n i bii A LARGE Asst rtiiiiuf of Forcing, Lifting, Ciati ra am! Dgcp Well PUMPS, always on hand. nml put up in the best style. They are n<ueh more convenient, and cost less in > the end, tlion the old-fashioned windlass, buck o ?. and rope. J. 11. SHERMAN, Agent. KEROSENE OIL.. THE rapid increase in our in our sales of Kerosene Oil, have enabled us to order in large i quantities, l>y which we get a reduction in price, so , that we can sell it by the pnllon, at $1.25 for cash, > ami $1.50 on credit. The OIL is now better than it ever box been. We keep none but genuine Oil. i Counterfeit Oils barn bndlv. ami will explode. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. OF all kinds and sizes. J. 11. SHERMAN, Agent. WALL PAPERING. A GOOD Assortn ont of Wall Pupcring, Bordering, Window shade*, ami fine Screens, just received by J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. SEWING M ACIIINES. FOR ALL ORDINARY PURPOSES, 4b sAiKiais'tf ARE THE BEST. w E furnish thorn nt exactly tho name price that t t luCji hen lor in aNcw i ??rk, anu charire no freight. J. n. SHERMAN, Apm. Gl^^C)X3^Sf. T^EI(lllT-t>AY Alnltn, and tlit) famous DoIUr _J And a Quarter Clocks, n 1 trh?? on hand. J. 11. SilEHMAX, Agent. supplies constantly received. JlN J. It. SHERMAN, Agent. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. WK kocp a FULL STOCK of (bono. J. D. HUE KM AN, Agent. ram & sTimpic ?m AOOOD dUPM.Y. J. 11. SHERMAN, AgentRIP VAX WINKLE MANUFACTUBKI* iii the good nl?i t!?i<i of North Carolina. This is nhont ?s pretjr, unit will lust throe times ns lonjr, ?s the No*.hern article, which brings threo times tlx* money. Price, 60 cortts per yardv J n. tMr. Agmt, O Ti'" JJ rf??len M^JJf^fcnnned War?, i , ' fftm, Iron Wnrf, hi two IlonackMp-' >ui? *m? ' atriuiug lino, in kept a* ? SHERMANS. On'y oik priw ?t SIlKllMAX'P. * Ten per rent lii.noonnt for curb purelmaera < * f $2i', bikI fitc p'o. eeiii between <20 nixl AT PjlKllMAX Ii ID* fcoodj.1 etot a'o AT SHfrfi MAN'*. r.feeautH; you get your inoney'<t wnh AT SilP^MAN' I when yon cofnc to thV.i, rail at r *,l , SlflRji \ Whbther you IraJo or '?t, at ' . SiJ-ii'v.'lAK I J*p ? v