University of South Carolina Libraries
?** ... * 'V ' - y, J liij jgniBBrtafa (!>ltu. / Blowed tfp.?'The steamer 8??v commanded by Captain S , exploded t-eve ral year* since on one of our Southern rivers, with terrible effect, end burped to the w? ter's edge. Capt. M? ? ??<i?iown into the air, alighting pear a floating bale ?>f cotton, upon which be ilualvtl uninjured, but much blackened and muddied. Arrived at a village several miloa below, to wliioh the news t f the disaster hnd preceded him, he was accosted by tlia editor of the village paper, with whom he was well acquainted, and ea- 1 ger for an item. .* I aay. boy I is the 8 blowed up I*' i u Yes." / " Was Captain S killed !" " No; I am Captain 8? ( "The thunder you are 1 LIow high was von blowed.r* " High enough to think of every mean '"ing 1 ever did in my life before I come dow n." The editor started on a run for his flice; the paper about going to press, and not wishing t>> omit the item of intelligence for the next issue, two weeks off, wrote as follows ! " The Steamer ??? ha* hurst her oil er, wo loom from/Captain S , who m?_?k i> : was blown up long enough to think of < very moan thing he ever did in hi* life before he lit. We suppoee he was up about three months." The poxt issue apologized for the above tLtttt '* a We meant to say the boat was .thiee months old. and not the Captain ; who is. of ittrse, worse nor what we said iu our last ; <p*r." A Western Memdrr.?Johnson, barely f age, was elected to the ludiatia Legida11. re. Rays* he: When I got near Vinecnnes 1 began to think what a sorry figure I, a green counter ! nl, would cut in an assembly of the wisdom of the State, and it required all my ; solution to keep roe from turning back ? Somehow or other I managed to get through tlie swearing fn process, and sneaked away * ; ? a seat, from which I hardly ventured to I >ok up until the Uotise adjourned for dinner, , On returning lu>>?4 I wit* rather gratified to find that I was to lm?e a room male a brother member, who. as In* 1 had made at least six speeches during the' forenoon session, I naturalU regarded a* one of the great men of the House. After dini er lie came up to our jj'int room, and ?Hre full * closing the door, nulled out of Ui* pock ei an eiioiulous, old fashioned buli * eye i:eh. and ii a riled it to me with this re[ : '* Uncle 1 .ke told ine. just as I was start *.ug, that I ought to hev a watch, ami loan d tire this, hut ( don't know how, to bcrnr the thing up; do you P I walked in'o the legislative hall that af fernorjn with the most unlimited confidence iii my*ability to disehnige ail duties iucumbent oii tue as 4 legislator. A vbkdant looking chap sat down to take " some fillin," as the iinmorlal Joe Pruii would say, and iu duetiioe h waiter ' resented himself tCl the back df our hero's "chair < und inquired ? ** Tea or coffee, sir T" " Tea," he answered. 44 Wliat kind of tea, sir T" Greeny looked up in the waiter's face, and f.l _ ' i li. i ! !j . wiin conrmerauie empnasi*, sam ; 44 Why, 4 store le?,' ofcourse; I don't wannone of your blamed sasiiafrae stuff." Kat* L. E., writing on the sulject of kis* ing, say*: , * I am vain enough to pride myself on be- i ing a girl of sense, and dearly love and h|> predate good kissing; indeed. 1 should a? ' lief have a nice sweet kiss as a Cashmere.? | It is to ine one of life's ?weete*t enjoyments; some ..f tiiy happiest momeiits have heen .-pen. in kissing. A rich hearty ki*?. fn 111 plump, rosy, inustachod?or untnusiached? lit**, will last one day." A Mktiiodist ex hotter, once n resident of the Wolverine Slate. upon a certain occasion bantered a friend of hi*, something of a wag and a poet, to write him an epitaph ; wlier upon the following wao got off improuipiu : llera lie* Jmdm I>. Potter, Who lived m lie hadn't orter . But M a Methodist exhorter, IVm a regular ring-tail snorter. * Will or an Ihishman.? " I will and Ik* queatli to my beloved wife Biidget, all in\ property without reserve, and to tuy *J?b*?t ron Patrick one half of the remainder, and ..? l?onnia, my youngest son, the reM. ll anything i? left, it may go to Terence MeCart v. su sweet Ireland." *7 ? * ' * . r An tfilnmHn writing fn?in Citlifurida aava : It's anilbgai.t eountliry. The lied bugs are a* big as dinner pot*, while the lb ;w are ut-ed (or crossing c?Vek* wi!h*-??ne j Imn an' Uier ard over with two on iheji i bucks. " Mr name is Somerset, t am a misers | ble bachelor. I cannot many ; f.r how could i hope lo prevail i>n any young lady, possessed of the slightest delicacy, to turn a Homme rut." u What are yoo looking after mv, dear ?n M'd a very affectionate mother to her ilmi^h .or. Tito daughter looked around and replied, " looking after Hloll in-law for fatlici." That must have been a very tough fo<>siwli'h'lt itlti'l living Ihi||in| two home, . d Iicii ladi g pel in a pot >?ith potatoes, ke then, all Ollt. Jo Colli, on Ix-ind tiil t I wltn. he should do if lie were hniiishetl to the woods, replied that ho " thought he should split.** Cam a shoemaker he said to he an infidel because lie dou'l believe in the iminoi lalily of I he $ot? t a. Smith, the hogs are getting ia vonr corn field.** Never mind Hilly, I'm sleepy. Corn won't hurt 'em.** What ladv of historic renown married a f?idcp?r ltd uiaae ??*? ??u;wiou 1j \*. . t?v t - - jS .f& yt?i^y! f *' jb'i -jTS : AtirlrMMmnnend-a Ftoinclimnn ?w?ro4<>-be hupg. .together. The Taller was strongly affi-cu-U by his situation, while 1'addy took i( vtiy en?v, ami toSu his companion to keep up hi* spirits, lor if was- nothing at nil to be li.ngi.l. "Ah, by ^arr.saya the Fronehmi.411, there bo von grand dillerer.ce between you ninj me; you Irishmen^?re use to iuw A Jkw was observed noticing vorv intentiy n prodigious tine ham. " What are you saying to that haip, Masl.r la'n..)> ?" **, 1 was Maying to it,' thou almost pursuadc.-t me to be a Christian.' " Tom and Joe were talking over their travels, when Tom asked his chutn? " Were yon e\tf in Greece I*' .11 V?? "No,"" replied Joe ; " hut I once fell into a ihundering big tub of soap.*' chariest n advertisements. nkw carpet store! IMPORTER, tfDKBn, AHX) IDlEMilEIE IN ALL KINtffc OF via* BUGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW bLUDES, cbst&ih eocriscf every descriftibs, ss>o. smui aaccf <a ?waaa'tf, CHARLESTON, S. t\ AMD JT. ii. Itailie & Ilro., zuo uroaa nireri, A uyu*la, Ua. Not 34 tV ly NOTICES. r|"M!E subscribers having wold out their entire I 6toclc of Cl'IiT AIXS to Mr. H. W. KINSMAN, would respectfully solicit for hltn a continuatlou of tbo patronage so liberally bestowed on them in that department. ROBERT AIXIER A CO. Gl'IiTlINaOODS. This Stock is the LARGEST IN THE SOUTHERN STATES, Comprising Brocntcllcs, Paten DcLance, I, nee nud Muslin Curtains, Cornices, Pins and Bauds, Drapery Tassels arid Loops. Qj \u la w a a & MADE AND PCT UP iu ik* LA TEST STYLES. II. V. K1X8MAN, ' 223 KiSrt Stncivr. imov z* zv-oui Charleston, H. C. SEWING MACHINES. rj ; (> * i ii -f )0>!?) ' PllE perfection of scientific arrangement and 1. mechanical simplicity is attained by the GR0VE& & BAKER'S SEWING MAUI COMPANY, IN TIlKIfl IMP OVED NOISELESS MACHINES. They have the following advantages over all others: They have no pads to keep in order;-no bobbins to wind ; no tangling or waste of thread ; no oiling tho thread or woni; no tool chest stocked with wrenches, pliers, pickers, leather, Ac., Ac. The direction* am simple, easily undorstood, and easily explained by the instructors. There is no taking apart cleaning or rolling. They require ah.aU ten drops of oil per day, when in constant use. Thsy make no more noise than a common clock, even when making fifteen hundred stitches per piip-, ute. They rtib easy?k tbfld ten ye*re old'- can I work them to full speed. Tlioy run fust or slow without any danger of altering the length or tlght....... ,.r tv...,i. ti _:ii 11 is:11 .1-.1 " ?"v ? in, Biud, JSitoll and Embroider, in so superior a manner that we challenge comparison. The same M?i hine will sew pavilion guaso and plantation goddai The seam is as elastic us the most elastic fabric,and * will not break in washing or Ironing. Tlio sutuc ' Machine runs silk, linen thread and common spool button with equal facility. The needles ure shorter, snd, therefore, stronger than any other high or low- j priced Machine. That they arc superior to alt othrrs, is evident from the fact of there having been thirty thousand Machines made and sold, In competition with others already in successful operation. The question is no longer which is tho best maker, but which of the numerous patterns of (Isoves A Baker shall I take. 1>KICKS, >50 TO >1.10. ft W. KINSMAN, Ajent for the sill of three celebrated Machine*. as*) )Kii;c5/ct> CHARLESTON. 8. C., D. 11. 1IASKLTON, Manager. Nov 24 aa I. I if GRSAT SOUTttKRy o r ir^ V\ m * * v jrv m r\ < v >*ir*rv i i liirr iJUUK. 8TUUJS! GOLD JEWELRY GIVEN AWAY AT 304 KING ST., CHARLESTON, S. O. A PRESENT worth from iO cent* to *1*0 will be jriven. immediately altar tlic mile, to each purchaser of n IlooU, for' Which wc rcccivo *1.00 or more, Without ntijr additional expense. Our Immense Klut k of ilookn, The largest in extent and variety to bo found in the South, presents rare inducements to the reading doinmmiity, comprising nearly all the Classical, ruru and standard work* of ancient and modorn LiUrutur*. The Gift Book Batiqeis fa so well known and deservedly yu|>ufar, that It !nu>iU lift Wfirtli frixtn, n? in if* fntrnr titn elm* tn srly one-half Ike l*>ofc* k"M at retail in eur lurge etlioe aro sold up?i I in- 0 ifl principle thus lueurjng to pu A tilled f*'tlcK>ly WoS/ifr, nntf oJftrH f'lt timrt in rh/ut over what tin y wunM receive hy the usual e?nrw of Ihult, auder the old fogy roles. , Country merchant*, end all ruh purchaser*, ean hay littnlm and Stationary, Wnteht* mil J rat try from u* at New York wholesale priae*, (with addiliutt of freight and insurance ou heavy goods.) Our facilities aru such that wo com and trill offer inducements worthy the attention of ouch aud every class of l.u vers. Evttvtso Sai.k* at Acctjo* will be held during the month* of Oecemhor, Januury, Ifcbruary and March. Catalogue* can ho obtained by calling a'. No. 301 King Street, Charleston, ft. C. J. Plftl.DRICK'S 8ocTitMftx Otrr Book Stork. f>ce 1 30 tf C, P. .JACKSON 6c CO. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, wholesale and retail NO. 199 KINO STEEHT, * cii AUI.kston, ?. a Nov 24 2? ly* I. L. FALK & CO., WIHiLIHAMI ASK BKTAIL KKALFW IX AMU ' Qsntlemen'i Furnishing Goods, NO. 265 KINO STREET, CIIAKLESTON, s. C. tw Mini^Mtorj *nd WIioIpmI# Warehon**, ' 34 I iky StHRirr. New York. ' -J?T All Order* promptly Attended to. J|1 *or 21 Ti i y rTeTFTTs . y. VALUABLE PHOPEUXV, Ncur UredlTilk) ViUttf^. FOR SALM^ ^ Looted .UK' iin.lo lmlf rmles fri^m Urcvuviiio viU I lage. on the Anderson road. #ih|UBt cofttAink M Acrtt of Land, nearly ode hafr ?f "which Is cleared land, the. o<Mar?flt jtrdflUlPI. On-t^e r pr.-inisonTl m ilbdd^DieerTiti;/ Ffout*, XltcXfn, three ' Nryro TTow? AT g*>d c<*dRiofc, HMojfr Hfifir, Carriage //ij?fJ|nn|oth^r ?ur balding* Alfcf, a f flue young *el5K Th> jilnco is. wen watered. A TRACT OF 138 ACRE8, Located on both hides of tLc tlMtnTills and bin Railroad, three milc? m>BI tire e affile t\ f ] joining lands of Col. Catnpbell, Aaron Thompson, Jesse Dcfcn and William Jacobs. Of tbo abort Tflirt, tliirtv nrrsa ar? in n rrniul itnln nf ouliiva. tion, aiul about eighty acres, iu original forqft. On thia Land tketw art) tie?? S|ikingw itlVxttWnflViUr. { lip alio iifToH for tale hit HOUSEHOLD FUltN-4 i IT I'UK, aU of winch i> of the very beat inanufact tar*. . tt .V >im?ir vl?b m oi ? - Mr. A. M. (-ILHEAT1I, at Greenville 8. O, liis authorized agent for the aale of any of theadtove Property, Pctsoua deainma of pnrehaaing aro referred to him, who will make known tho terms of alo, and any information which may bo desired. The tortus will be made dasjr. SMITH L. DAVIS. Deo 1 SO 3m BUS1NESS SOHOOL. A SELECT SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN. LOCATED AT WOODRUFF'S, ^ iiDUSie^ 8? '"1M1I8 SCHOOL, for tho cnauing yenr, will be ro1. ruined on the lltb of Januarys Bcholaatio ' Year, Ten Muntfia, 111 elded in two tcrtns of. five ? uiontha each. Thtt School offers to Young Men the advantages of a Practical and Business Education. Location, plrniant and healthy. Charger, including Tuition, Board, M*usbing dc., $G0 per. Turn.? For further iuforination, address li. F. DAVIS, Principal. Dee 22 33 11 ] W . T >? T ~ ??*? ! **?wri Setilb OoMina?6l*ccnt>IHe Jiisihef. 4 IN COURT OF ORDINARY. John C. Garrison ami 0. W. Garrls ?a, AdniiiiiM- ' tors of the Estate of D*vi<l Garrison, deceased, applicant*, against Mary Garrison, Widow, Fran- ' eis Cox, Peter Garrison, Edmund W. Garrison, J. ' C. Garrison, Charles Garrison, C? \y. Garrison, N. W. (Jhrrifcon, Joel B. Garrison, Martha Garri-. ) aon and Nancy Garrison, defendants.?Petition for Pittal Settlement anil Pierre. IT appearing that Peter Garrison and Edmund | W. Garrison, two of tho defendants, reside beyond the limits ot this State : It is ordered ami decreed, that they do appear at n Court of Ordinary, to be bidden at Grccnviilo Court House, for Green- j viic District, on Munthtjf, the 1 ith tin if'of March 1 nc.fl, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to shew cause, if any they bnVo, why n final settlement of the Estate of Davip G\utiiso*, dt^eeSol, should not be made/ and a douras Riwn thereon ; fuitj also to ruudor in ?hat- ? ever ad\aiiecmcntM they ntuy huvo received in the 1 lifetime of the Intestate. Given under my hand and seal, at Greenville C. 1T? this 27th day of December. Anno Domini, 1859. ROBERT MtKAY, 0. O. D. Doc 20 34 3m STA TE OF SO UTHC $J}OLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. ? |3 AY LIS E. MIDDLETON, who is in tho custody Jj of the Sheriff ttfGRMttivsilo^Diilritt, by virtue of a writ of cajn'11* ail entit/ocivHitnm, at the suit of . Tolliver Tram moll, having fikd in my ufiico, togcthcr with a schedule, on oath, of his estate and effects, his petition to the Cnnrt of Common Pleas, prayinR that be may be admitted to tho benofit of tho Act of the General Assembly made for the relief of insolvent debtors : It is ordered thul the Said T"'- ' liver Trnramcll, and all otliars, tbo cro<lifcrs, to Within ' the said liavlis K. Middlatftn is in anvwis* indehti d, ' t.A a.,.I I. K. 1 1 > to Appear Injure the said Court, nt Greenville,Court House, on Uio/"vrrJt J/.?n</<?y ?* .1 fnrt% nc.rf, to shew 1 cause, if any they <-no, why tho prayer of tho pcti* Hod aforesaid should not he granted. W. A. McDANIBL, c. e. p. * n. a. Office Court of Common Pleas, Urccuville District, * January 0, 1SC0. 36 tj l^j 'j Jown Property Near the Female College 1 FOR ?AI,E. Till-! undersigned having deter* I i " /v uiiucd to remove to LouUiuua, offert \ r*y his HOTTKK and HOT for sale. The I S3 > premises are desirably located, on | Iiuncutnho street, near the Female i College, aud will he Sold upon rcouyuufcl* terpis* i The House is comparatively new. Possession given immediately. If (Mired/ ' For further particulars, appiy to Mr. T. Tl. Ttoakrts. D. 1*. Sl'AitKS. Jan 12 a, !, 36 ',y 11 REED & GOODLETT, ATTORNEYS AT EAWS AND ' | f 1*1} OAT TfYTTlATl ft tM TlATt TttW OUL1U11UAO JlXV LUUllI, Office next door to /! F. Henttie^A ?<?. ftl GKEENVILLK, 8. C. 1. P. It KEt>. *. D. aOODtKTT. June 4 4 , If Kpauldii^g't Prvpami Ctluc. USEFUL IN EVEHY HOUSE. "T71LUID, and ready for wso all the limo, and ly J strong ns Cnliinol Makers' glue. Price, po* Lottie and brush, 2i cents. For suleby J. I). SliFKMAX, Agent, tw t 17 tf TEAS! TEAS!! AYKHY mijh rior English Drciiklust Tea, tiunpoWder, Hyson, Impernd Oolong, Hu^ecior Oolong, and Souchong. The above Tent weru selected in New York Ly one of the P. rut, and are recommended as very fine. For sale by Nov M 2U-if STB En A KVAXS. ORANGK COUNTY BUTTER. JL'ST arrived, direct froin Orange County, Now York, a very superior Article of thu ubove iiuttcr. For solo Ly PTKKN k KVANS, Wholesale and llctnil Grocers, .Nov 24 2D -tf Mc Uec'a Hell. 8MOKED HEHRING, T>ICKl.h'l> 8AI.MON, No. 1, 2. and 3, Mackerel, ?, Codfinb Mini Haddock, anil Pickled Shad. AM' aolcctod ami for aulo by Nov 24 2V-tf 8TEEN A KVAN8. IKrw Ittiialiis! nrraii((! C'lfron ! J t'flT received, 75 Boxo* of Kaisiu*, new crop, nn<l very fine, put up in whole, halve* amj quarter boxen. Also, a rpluuitid Article of Citron uud Currant*. For stale by STEE.V A EVANP. Dec 8 31 tf I?K A Rl7 STARCII. QA BOXES of the above STAUU^kJpit arrived, sv' ' uuil for nalo at 10 cuaU per pontid, by Nov 21 20-tf 8TKF.N A EVANS. ITALIAN MACCARONI. m 1 A MOXKP ju*t arrived, and foraale at M m#H JU per pound, by BTEKN A KVANP. Nav U n tf Ooshen and English Dairy Cheese AVKRY choice Artielo of the above CJIKKMK. For ealo by PTEEN A EVANS. Nov 34 fi tf SHAVING, Hair Trlinmftug. Drmiug, Dylni lik RAZOR SETTING AND SHAMPOOING, AT Till 8econd Door Abore Mr. KePheraon'i, . wilson"cook. May 2 2Q PUflU laia ifH ? 'zm nak fii cirttma HwtLstofTT. SH~ s?SS^^i^?4SW3gE-JR'*'""" *""'" A PLANTATI <* On tlifeftccnwl uoJ third Slorio*. fujlv Mocked wil] A FULL STOCK OF Shirtinga, Shooting*, OunabuTf;*, Long Cloth*. Ac Q.KGERS PROMPTLY- R.MB t A. : A. F. BROWXIXQ A CO. invito a close inapootlc n all tha iKpai tiucut.s, and at tbe lowost market pr 11 F. BURTY. LOVELAND'S BUILOIKG, GREENVILLE, S. C., RE PKCTFULLY Informs tha public generally that ho h*? on hand a fine assortment of Boots, Shoes, Brogans, &c. WELL ADAPTED TO Till MA UKKT. Tn the assortment will be found Ladies, Misses' and Children's Gaiters nml Shoes, of many kinds. 3enllctnen'*, Youths' and Boys' Boot*, Gaiters and Shoe*. " ?|f 4 f it | **. " Ditcher's Boots, an excellent article. Brogaus of all sites and most durable make. In fact, ns full an assortment of Article* in "his inc a* ran bo found in any establishment in a town >f the samo sire. Ho nlso rcSpCctfttlly nsfc* an examination of his Prices for Cosh, satisfied that his Goods are offered At the Lowest Possible Figuro. PcrsohX k> wiuit of anything 'of tho klud will dense give hiia a ealL AUIO, OX KAXD, A Ciood Stock of Vscnflicr AT WHOLESALE AND It ETA II* BOOT AND, SHOE' MAKH$G, Tins branch of bis business is still carried on tinier bia personal supervision, mid every care will bo Mikcn to guarantee satisfaction to those alio patron';B^:n.'uoTSrK ,' ritoriumou or THE LADIES' STORE, 1IKAI.KK IX r .1 .i i # /liW l.r, OKI (JIIUIIM, KU'ri juivsx goods, Jio.wvt rs. muhons no< > /;/;/;i:ru\<; goods, uuady MAD/: O/.UTJ/fXG. AMP IXD1A IWDHl.H GOODS, GREENVILLE, S. C. N. B.?Order* accompanied by the cash, for Mcdr*|, lav ofi.ibrurjr BookM Md(h-at Instruments, ina Su nil ri as,"pfo?:i fitly filled In Ifcw York oud doivhrutl ft bin cotuitfr on short* (t notice. Jan 13 30 1y STATE OF SOUTH OAHOlI^'A. ORKEN VII.I.K DISTRICT. IN CHANCER1?. Qeorgo K. Burgee nnd Patience Burgee vs. .Tntne* TWarft, i -.m Kktt, ct ul.? JIM for J 'million ?/ UE (VAuplnitatM* having filed their Bill in the above stated rime with the Commissioner in Equity, for Greenville District,. and it ni>|te:iriug that WiLi.ijtw W. Tritjntn, one of the Defendants, resides without and bcyoud the limits of this Slate : On motion of E. P. Jones, Compjaitwifttf' Solicitor it is ordered, That tlio said Defendant no'pl'ean, answer or demur, to the said Bill of Complaint, within three months frjuu this publiention, or the saint will 4c take-atari c#n/Mo as to him. 11 I i '** TOWNKS, C. E. O. D. flreenviile, 8. I., Doe. 1, IttStl. 30-3in DENTAL QPK It ATI ONH. AW. ANDERSON t\yl0l"*n r*)F"'<l",ly inform the citizens o If J tiykt lie linn taken Dr. AI.I.BM*! Kooms, ana u prepared to attend to hi* Profession in all the branch**, with dispatch. Thosy residing in it* country will giro duo notice before coming so as to avoid being disappointed. Oct 20 21 tf f HI^ASSF; M HI AH <")T: S lv . ... 0+t Square HVi( of (he Poet Office, 2> Iff ;.\ )C :<>( if ? ,,V "COIsUMBIA, S. O* rpiIIS well known Establishment has been tlior I oughly re-fitted and improved, mid is no* porinaneutly opened for the accommodation of thi I'uhlie. Kvcry attention will be given to supply tin wants and comfort bf Patrnfi*. jr#" Kates Moder ate. U. T. M.iBON, Proprietor. Dee 8 SI tf -t L A N D FO It S AL K. TMIE SUTlPrillltEfl oflTcr* for aalo, a track c 1 S30 ACHES OP (.AND, situated on the road leading from Orconvillo Court House to Ashe viHc, Nr. C., two mil it** below Hodges. in tlroonvill District. On tho place is a comfortable Dwellinj and Out-buildings, and tho best Water that tan h fonnd anywhere. It Would be a desirable place fo a summer residence. M. D, DICKEY. Juno 2 4 tf House* and Lolo for Sale. /jjWK TDK subscriber otfcis for Mia TWO DOT, fffjtjl in the town of Orccnville, situated on 1'cndlc Adrth. ton treof, and within fivo Iniuutcs' v.,iIk c tbo Kail road Depot. Each Lot he* a Cbftngo oft il Fino Wells of Wak-r and convenient Out-house* ar on the premises. These Lot* will be Sold tigvthe or separately, oa eery reasonable terms. For fui I Tier pariwiUurs, as to the site of tbo Lot. term*; An apply to Ij. ML WAHTON. Feb 10 40 Now Confootionory and i iAitj-i it ? a i -oon. MORKIR SAMIIEI. fake* pleasure in inCuriainj hit friends add the public generally, Mint li baa lately returned from Charleston, and is 4 to fhrnuih Ids customer* Nrifb nil that tho hear gpn denr* of varied* BON MOTH, Fresh and Dell Ami* Confectionery. Any kind of CANDY that I |n demand. I have for salo and am constantly re ' Orlng Superior :n?d Hoitud OratA*. UnHkfMtj and many other (foe | thln^r fot tnfe inrtcr, to Miacroiia to mention. j I IJaW Honiu ?ru?r.yii vuffl" an J something to eat, lYh&f more iiwSf ?T6aSittiahlc ipau an t' Ahf not to f ryet, a sprsrtlinjj rl(*** of beef, May also l>e had at any rtine tiera. lie iii^ thankful for past custom, I would respect fully solicit a further patronage. . MURIUM 8AMITBL. Not. 10. ST tf orr&prToeT ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. C. jaw en t. nan..., w. r. rahi M*> 18 1 tf + ???? 1 1 t ^YflAfla .W MXOli JTON, S. O., i PKLL LIGIlTEft ARD INI/AROFD STORE, 1 ?a- wbi , |ri i , SIGN OF W"TftE? BOX." <jL > I lie Richest Dress Goods, , qood' in - -/ a y;? 7jsr > ^WL DEPARTMENT, J W " fktoJ- s I DEPAafMEfNT, J .* ... . . , t t . _ f UUIVltij I l<J UiUUUS, FOR CASH, 4T>?A(JTqilX J ? lAREFUlW ATTENDED. TO, j F. BROWNING & CO. . m of their STOCK, which will be found well supplied ices. 29 tf 1 Cj6^5?JP TDK subscribers having bed the mis- 1 s2??55^.f?rtune to lose,by the Are of the 2Vth Jnn- t unryi the StCnra Mill nnd Machinery connected with i tlicir CoaohFneUi^.Ji) Greenville, take tju" uiutUml of apprising thfcfr friemt* ond patrons thrft they Mill t continue busiuesn im heretofore, without change in their Firm, or abatement of their exertions to please. < The/ have NOW ON HAND, and are CONSTANT- 4 LY FINISHING, nil the varieties of I Carriages, Baggies and Wagons \ ever made l>y them, to which they invito the atten- , tion of purchasers. , They take pleasure in correcting an impression < that thoir,st4>ek of fWASOXED LVM RER was f lost with the Mill, mid Would My'that, in quantity j fcml quality, tbclr Lumber Mat merer hem btttnr. , The generous patronage hitherto reccivud, war- i rants the conclusion that tlieir efforts are uppreciiited, i 1 and stimulates them iu mukiag further exertions, ? Their experience will enable them to select and ope- f rate Hie most approved Machinery, with adrnn- t ' tages not surpassed by any manufacturers either North or South. GOITER. COX, MARK'LF.Y A CO. ' Greenville, S. C., April 7, IM9. 48 ly NEW GOODS XAM RF.Cfcayifctt invFPUlNG andStlfMER supply of CU0D3, consisting of a general A block ot' Fancy and Staple I?ry Good*, ' And Men's and Roys' CLOTHING, lints and iion. .nets, Hoots and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, Drugs and Dye-studs, Carpeting and Matting, Wooden and ' Vfillow Ware, Wall Papering, Powder, Shot, lllastiug Fuse, Sugnr, Coffee, Molasses, Salt, Ac,, all ot Vrbich rfiU Jifc ruM at LOW PRICES. Thankful for past favors. I solicit n continuance of tlio same. JOHN W. (iUAIiY, I. Opposite the New Cpprt^IiMisa,an Mmiii Street. April 11 4V ' ' tf M VJc?A? i"?" :&T.iT* ST i if1; jPWJ > 111 pot'iT.tis Ann naii.aHfii* I. 1 watc h es; Iv itf JEWELRY AND CLOCKS, JS+Z2&&5** No. 323 KINO STREET, tlo COa Watches 3c Clocks Uepatrcd warranted fbr one yea Fell 1? ^ . ,.t, AO 1^ G. S, f0WEH, Manufacturer of and Dealer in -* "?(& FURNITURE of every description. | Oil ALUS of every etyle, j FISK'S CELEBRATED METALC BURIAL CASES, irapo'Uf f??LOnmK< JloUSf, I Fob 4 COLUMBIA, S. C. 80-ly 1 GRElWltXt MARBLE "l ARB rCHE Subscriber baring purchased the interest of I Mr. JAM hiS 1>. (MI ALMKK8, ho will continue i the MAKDLK UlISIXEBS as heretofore, at the Old . Bland in the rear of Mr. Kctchuia'a Store. He feci a thankful fur the patronage which has Won extended to the Firm of I'nALiiRM A Aitkf, and hopes, bv attention to business, and promptness, to merit a continuance of the same. Oct 7 . 22-tf JAB. M. AI.LEX. AGENCY FOR N. C. INSURANCE COMPANY. the AsiiinLLE f Mutual Insurance Company , TT AVrNO complied with the legal re?|tiisition ot , ; IJL this Slate, in relation to Agencies, atid hnV> 5 ! inga ppointctl the undersigned as their Agent for thl! place, ho is now prepared to take RISKS on LIFU j or PROPERTY. JitllN W. ORADY. I Oreenville, S. C., Feb. 10, 1858. 40 tf the world outdoxe! Til E MBMCINE CAT.LFD " Iitfliimniniorjr Rxtlrpntor,"j ATTlflCII was sold during Court in thia place, U ; y\ now on sale, by J. W. GRADY, of Orccn. ' ville. It cannot now bo longer doubted but thia r M cdieino i* the inoat efficacious rcutedy <jv'er iu tbia P i place, for Kidney Diseases, Pile*, Neuralgia, Lung 9 r Diioaaea, Dyspepsia and Rheumatism. Numerous i . i caaos of tho above diseases bavo Keen cured thia present week. Headache, Toothache, Kuraohc, Sprains, and nil Bowel Affection*, disappear before - it us if by the touch of magic. Try it, and keep it in your families, for sickness comes when you least ! f expect it. o i J. W. GRADY, Agent for Grecnrille. R. C. ; Dr. . E. 81 LI,, Wholesale Agent at Columbia. Also by ' . ai a Doa 4630, New York Post Office. ( r Nov 3 S3 tf TINNING, GUTTKRING AND HOOFING. rfMIE Subscriber* inform the Puldin that, they ^ I have ttnr#,^./ theTl N JI UFA CTOR Y j of Mr. It, < K1.11 \ 1 in t|i*s Tow n of (ireen* j villc, ftnd intend cafruii,on thr Lu*iur?* at tht t, a s/roie Stand. All kinds of Tin Work, Guttering r ^npd Roofing wi'.l l>e DuNL CUKAl'LY AND li'l'i tf . q\Uiiiri|i'r ,, They, will tnke, in fxdmffe for their Work, ( Hntr\ OKI I'ewtiT, Copper, B^cswjix, <te. Tlicy respectfully in .peak u Aire of pnhllc patronage. LOVELAND ?fc CHANDLER. J Jnnc 28 7 kf i ON SALE. A VERY OKNKKAL AKSOnYMITXT of fine and other uiey ha had of tho hut i< r b?r, who inukt# frwdir w#/rriy^fi< Iliuj9f {and nity otbM article rebuild in hi* line. , ,TSO~ KKt'AlllIXtf faith tally done.'tKf, t%8iny yard* mm of the old Court lloucs. 'I J. II. RANDOLPH. k OrueariUe, S. C., Sep. 15. 1 Mt. llh-tf aEORGE H ELD M A NT~ * HARNESS MANUFACTURER, jLUVW#'?vitipsj *0 ev A HAH on hand an exton.lro ii??orfmcnt TmTOT u'? ,,KST MATERIAL u*c<I in flie Menvffttethre of llnrnnas and Coddle*. ThanfcfMI lor the patronage fix en bint for the laet ten year*, ho pnfcoite a rettHanence of the mm'. fm"' Ord.'MT-fr?hn trrli.hwa inrvmJHljr attended U to. 'tttTC Person* indebted to hiiu are refjnetted to j lall'and pay up. 61 ly April 28 HI mrnmrnm^mmmm?m . . - * WiWIJMET ^ r. J T 13 CO tJ ltbas<uredthousniida'W within the la*t two year* rbo bod fifMi ef> tU^h hopes of relief, as thewunerons auMlkikil Mrtifl^M intu in my pMwika how. jjj The doso mast bo adnpjCS ted to the temperament >f tbo individual takingly it, end need in sueh : |unatitics as to act gcii'.? tly on the Hoaen. ure Liver Complaint*, ^ Bit inn* Attack*, Dy*p*f' i??, Chronic Dinrrhrra, <jf, S u m m e r Cmnjptarnfe, Oyeontery, T)r op-y, S'rttr rj* Stomach, Habitual frt? ichhi, Choltr. Chirlera, Cholera M'rrbn*, Cholera ' * rn/antnm, Hnhi/ruee, g< Jaundice, female Wrafc * \etoe?, and may be owdj* sneccsaftiHy aa an Ordi iary family ifedibi'ie. iW It Will cure Sick IfradirAe (ns thousands 'can ^ testify,) in trrrnty miotic*, i/ttra or three Ten ^ tpoernfnfa are tnkht at 'ominenccnient of atl -J tack. All who uae t arc Riving thoir tcsti^jmony in its favor. Mix water in the month with the Invigoreor, and swallow botli together. FlllCL ONE DOLLAR l'ER B01TLE. A I.SO SAXFORU'S tkMW CATHARTIC Wilt, comfouxdko rno.v r"nrc Vegetable Extract*, and put up In GLASS CASES, Air Tight, and trill keep in any climate. THE FAMILY CATHARTIC PILL 18 A pftitle, butactiro Catliarj j tic, which the proprietor in* used in bis practice' *juiore than twenty yearn. The constantly increa'~";sing demand rrotn those vho have long nscd tht j Pima, and the satis facion which aH express in w,regard to their M, has nducvdtuc to place them ^ within the reach of all. The Profession well know that different Calm r tics act on different f^'portions of the bowels. The Family Cat halt l/Vfl lias, with due refer-. Mice to this will cstoMtsh TJ ed Ijtct, kedn compotimini from n vnrfoty'of tbe'^ purest Vegetable Ktiraets, which sct alikoon - erery part of theaiiaaene f ary canal, and ore and *af* in all easen vlicrc a Cathartic is need gjJ cd, sueh as Derangement* of the ,Stamneh,i ,1 Siopiiwm, /'aim* in the Uarh ami Lome, (Vw.'irej^i uew, /'(?'? ami Serene** irer the fchoie body, from m sadden cold, which freiiienUy, if neglected, cad in a long conracef Fever ha** of Appetite, a Creep Semealivn of Caltl irer the Lady, /{retire* ( iicss, 1/rtnlache or freight ii the head, all latlnm, ''^mntory Dieeaee*, H'ormi n Children or -Aai/fr?,!^! Jlhee ?iati*m, a great I'm- i ijier of the lilovti, and| juiany diseases, to which lesh is heir, too numerous to mention in this adveriseueuL Date?1 to 3., P1UCE THREE DIM ICS. The Lirer Inrigorator and Family Cathartic Pill* ire retailed by Druggists generally, and sold wholelulo by the Trade in all the large towns. 8. T. W. "fANFORD, M. P.. Manufacturer and Proprietor, 335 Broadway, .New York. For sale by FISIIEU A HKIMTSH, Greenville. July it *r? 10 3 m HOWARD ASSOCIATION, f&ILADBLPUU, 4 Firneroient Intlitntinn, eetablithed 6/ Fpeeial Ft diarmrnt far the Helief of the tick and di*tre***d, afflicted >rith i'irjdeni and Epidemie Di**a*t*. rllK HOWARD A8SOCIATION, in view of the awful destruction of hutnau life, caused by >cxnn! Diseases, and the deceptions practised npon lie unfortnnnte victims of such diseases by Quacks, icvoral years ngo directed their Consulting Surgeon, ts a charitable art worthy of their name, tmopen a Dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseases, B all their forms, nnd to give medical advice yrati* So all who apply by letter, with a description of their londition, (age. occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and u case or extr-me poverty, to fnmi*h medicine*free ?/ rktirnf. If ia n^Ptllnaa f?> tulsl th?a* ?!??* la^!on ;otnmnnd* the highest medical i*kill of thb age, Mid Hill furnish the mi?t npprored modern treatment. - The Directors of the Association. in their Annual Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, tiirCsa the highest satisfaction with Uie success which ins attended tho labors of their Surgeons in the euro >f Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Upoprrhern, [licet, Syphilis, the vice of Onanism or Self-Abuse, liwswi of tho Kidneys, Bladder, Ac., and order a soniiutinncc of the same plan for the ensuing year. The Dircr4ort. on It review of the past, feel assured that their ialtofs in this sphere of benevolent ulTort have keen of groat benefit to the afflicted, especially to tho young, and they bare resolved to do vote tbcmselvPd, with renewed xcal, to this very important and mueh despised eanso. An admirable lloport on Sperniatorrhosa, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism or 8eM?Abuse and other diseases of the bcxunl organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, wilt be sent by uiail (in a sealed onvelopv.)/'rer of ehnrye, on roeuipt of two iliwipi for poatage. Other Reports and Tracts on tks nature and treatment of ScXuai diseases, diet, Ac., are constantly being published for gratuitous distribution, and will lie sent to the afflicted. Some of tha ucw remedies and methods of treatment discovered daring the Inst yenr, arc of great value. %-it~ Address. forReport or Treatment, DR. J. SKI l.LIN 11OUG1IT0N. Acting Surgeon, Howard Association. No. 2 South Ninth Stroet, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Director*. EZRA D. HKARTWELfc, President. Gr.o. Fairciiii.p, Secretary ;j 39-ly e :t BOOTS AND SHOES Wis 5V!? &QSW iPiMSaS. . BROOKS. SCRUGGS & GIBSON aa_, 1IAVE ON HAND and receiving one of fiWfflf ' largest Stocks of HOOTS A SHOES ever brought to Greenville, and which they are determined to soil to the eitir.ens of flfcenville and surrounding country na eheaiply as such articles can he purchased in COLL' M HI A, or elsewhere in tho Stkto. Men's, Boys* end Children's BOOTS & SHOES, of every variety. Also, Ladiss' Misses' and Infants', from common to *upo~fiite. Likewise, a good lot of Men's, Boys' and ChiUrou's Clothing and Ifuts. We cull lmrticule? attention fo out MANUFACTUUlN(I*pi|)tii t^icnt? M'o wish to supply one end all with Homo Atnoufacture, from, the common Brognn up to anything rod may wish in the Boot and Shoo limj. We would respectfully inform the public that wu have made arrangement* to furnish from 15 to 20,"ffl><l |utir of the best Brogan and Plantation Tors, which \v< will sell at nnusually low prices. Wc have also, a good lot of , UltOCEKfEK, such as Molasses, Cult*, Muscovado, Orleans end Florida Sjrup, Cof.oc, Sugars, Bacon, I.erd, Rice, end u variety of other Articles, which we Will sell for Cash or Barter. ( , jOTS?a"o8' , BLACK? mit hi NO. ^Vn.Tff* 1U<5 aoucurn of IOWJSfeS A fiAWJ? K !">? S haVlu* been dissolved by mutual tvfi&n A ?5s3< <i!i*ent, the business will be Carried on at the Mine ghop by llie undersigned. i" 9 O. W. BROOKS. / January, I3i?. J. L. UA\YKINb\ NOTICE. rpifE undersigned baring transferred bin interest 1 in the Blacksmith fUiop near William*' Store, 4<> Messrs. I'.iiookr A II aw kins, takes pleasure in recommending them to a share of puhH* patronage. They will be prepared to attend promptly and satis-* factorfly to nil rails in their iiae. They have eiperieueed and skillful Smiths in Horseshoeing. Repair* lag and Ironing Wagons, Plough Work, and all olbtg onliusry work of a Blacksmith Shoa. January, 1 S3?. 3J-tf W. ?. TOWN KB. UAICl. AIAM TU HK HAD. TAKHIKOUS ofelueipg out our well selected and \) eliMp- s Mock of HUlcncry Cr*o<h, vtm mpectfully inform our frienda and the pnblia generally, tluit. after this date, (re will Sell at Greatly Reduced Pricey for Cash. To any person wishing to engage in Uia abovo MfinrM, rf trill irtf rJt. eefire RTOl'K A T COSf, jKi-HitWIrjriBj: Aceuuata with ae, wilt plena*. J pny the VnAai'fcntt diatrlv. a* wo weed the money. * ' Mil.-?. 1*ARI8 A MISS GORDO*, Oct 6 $3 K m