University of South Carolina Libraries
f^WHT OR TBIf ACERB OV LARD, under l"i Afti ^RE vtllRRA. ?ko?t ^ ^ Sooinnvo f noovTNo s TBI raiajr wmii has conic, whoa It m vary nIndeed, fow thoee ihul bftTt Liosbjr Hvvfc, Cbla^i, Ustters, Ao., ud belay aware that thaw aw a great many Rooft of Tin, Shingles, to., that aw ta a leaky condition la this vicinity, I bare taken up nr residence here among yon, for thenar, pew ?f carrying on a GENERAL ROOFING BUSINESS, with Lefler'i Sheet Rooflnf, Aa article destined to supersede Tin, Shingles, and other material bow nsod Tor that purpose. It has the reeemblaoee of sheet lead, with as good qualities as that materiel, being both Are and Water proof, aad eery durable, mud what is very much needed bore, aa article that Is eheaper in all respects. It is ivt v?ij inbu'cu iwr iiuminjh, uui i\uiir<*uu t ars, taui, Steamboat Dock*, Ac., mud ou bo used to walk upon, as wbnn it k put in and finished, it becomes rery hard and mootb. It I* also fire proof. >Ve bar* it in use on Leeomotlve Cabs, Steamboat Docks, Ac., where fire is constantly dropping upon it. It docs not elfect it in the least. I warrant all Roolb water tight, and not to blow off; or 1 make no obarge. The Cement that is used with the Sheet Roofiing, is also uiado for old Tin or Iron Roofs, and When painted with two coats of this materia), f warrant perfectly tight, or no charge made, and Will last Tor years after, it W much better than anything else used, as the contraction or expansion of Tin or Iron will not affect it, neither toe beat or eotd. Thoee basing Roof* to cover anew, or old Tin or Iron ones to be made tight, will ploaac give me a call. They shall ha satisfied that what I sat is correct. Letters addressed to me at tireenvflle, or orders left at the Mansion House, will meet with prompt attention. O. W. CASTLE. Jan 20 38 tf DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C. WE would call particular attention to all preparation* made by us, such as Tixctcaks, St rri, Solutioxs, Ac., Ac. We will guarantee them of an uniform strength, and made from the purest material possible to obtain. COLOGNES, Pmni-Ji anil American: Fine Toilet W?ten; Labia'* Fine Extracts ; Glenn'* Extract* and EiMnrei; 8molllng Salt* and Sachet* ; Hair Pomade* ; genuine Bear's Oil; Baudoline Rose Oil; Anr* tique Oil?many varieties of all. Tooth Powders, all kind*, and a large assortment of French and American Toilet Soaps, including the finest known, besides a large lot of the cheaper Soap*. A fresh lot of good Scidlits Powders, Yeast Powders. A superior lot of Bath Bricks for cleaning knives; Potash for making soap, Ac. MBS. ALLEN'S Hair Restorer and ZylobaUamnin, Wood's llair Restorative, Ayer's Cherry Poctora', MUchol'e Xye Salve, McAlister'* Ointment, Bateraaa's Drops, Godfrey'* Cordial, Dolby's Carminative, Essence Qinger, Pain Killer, Harlem Oil, Hay's Liniment, Mnstang Liuiment, Arabian Liniinent, Opodeldoc, Porry's Dead Shot, Hollo way's Worm Confection, Mo Lane's Vermifuge, Balsam of Life, MoMunis' Elisor of Opium, John Bull's Extract Harsaparil la. Sand's Sarsaparilla, J udkin's Ointment, Trask's Ointment, Jew David's Hebrew Plaster, Park's Prickley Plaster, Jacob's Dysentery Cordial, Carter's Spanish Mixture, Tarrant's Aperient, Uadway's Ready Relief, Hooflund's German Bitters, Thomson's Eye Water, Sanford's Liver Invigorator, Churcbhiil's Genuine Ilypnphoaphite Lime and Soda f?r Consumption, Jloury'* Maguosio, Husband* Magnesia, Citrate Magnesia, Hasting'*Comp. Syrup N ant ha. Grceu'a Oavtceuatod Bit tor*. Ilembold'* Kx tract Bucliu, T?r*n('? Kltmvt Oi^mivw ml Cube l>*, Nerve I'oeiw, CiMuxiiltiou, Winter'* llulnaui Wild CLcrry. Bachelor'* JIair Dye, llelm of * Thou end Flower*, Ueuuine Cod Liver Oil, limy Hum, Burnett'* Coooaine,. Harry'* Tricopheruua, llollowey'a Oiutment at the maker'* price PILLS. _ Peter'*, Pan ford'* lieek worth'*, B randrcth'*, Cook'*, 8tron(('* Mr La ne'e, liolloway'e, Jayne'*, Ayer'*, Lyon'* Pill* to kll Rata and Mice, Helmitek'i Liver Pill*, Wright'* Indian Vegetable Pill*. The aliow embrace* only a portion. Call a*ti ?t* Jar yoxrwfrr*. WE OFFER* AT REDUCED PRICED, Bi Car. Soda. Waahiag 8?de Salcratu*, Kp?nm Felt*, A Um, Sulphur, Iiluoetoao, Copperaa, Madder, Saffron, Indigo, Starch, Sago, Tapioca, Corn Starch, Borax, Wbitiug, Chalk, Magneaia, Lampblack, dlue Patty, Large French Picture Ulaaa, CopaL, Daraai and Leather Varniehc*, Litharge, Stone Ochre, Verdigri*, Turkey Umber, Chrome tJreeo aad Yellow, l)ry White Lead, Red and Hlack Lead, Rotten Stone, Yanff inn II #<l a rirl Mimnialt flrown i 'raatM nf Tartar Camphor, Hops, Cantor Oil, Saltpetre, Sweet Oil, Lamp ami Train Oil, Spirit* Tarpentiue, lied Sander*' llratil aud Nicaragua Wood, Logwood, Ac., Spice*, Cinnamon Bark, Cayenne and Blaek Pepper, Clare*, Ginger, Mace, Mustard, Nutmeg*, Spice, Coriander, Ac. Brushes. Our stock of Brushes consists, in part, or fine Hair, Tooth and Sharing llrunhc*, Whitewash, Camel'i llair, Counter, Cloth, l)u*tiug, Flesh, Horse, Scrubbing, Marking and Shoe Brushes. < LONG & BTJRNHAM, DUUOOISlH Jan 26 ItS if SCHOOL NOTICE. MISS E, FOWELL will rciume the Exercises ol her SCHOOL, on Uuncomba street, ou 30tb January, 1800. Jau 19 37 2 Dissolution. THE Partnership heretofore existing between ROBERTS A 8U1JMATE, is this day dissolve.! by mutual consent. The Business will hereafter be conducted by T. B. Robkrts. T. B. ROBEBTS. W. T. SHU MATH January 17,I860 37 3 ~ E. P. JOXRS, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. aaRKXViLi.R, a. r. SJft- OBre East side of Court House Square, where be may be found daily, from 9, A. M., to 2, P. M. Jan 19 37 ly NOTICE. A GOOD ASSORTMENT of LfQUOHH, of reliable quality, (Brandies, Wines, Rum, Holism! Gin, Ae.,) for Modiciual purposes, low for cash, L II J. H. UK A N S J'n 5 33 4 Drug Wore. fiON'^ertoio'R, PFPOSITB MANSION HOUSS, GKKKN Y1LLE, 8. C.t * *SF*CTFU1LY lufonna the publie that he hai JL'V j**1' rae?We?l a Urge atnck of Confectioneries of all Descriptions, Coai-Riaiao, ta part, Orange*, tatov n*, .'?? R Sne assortment of Fanrj Cnn<|i?? fojr y?<Miug ??'?< fc'Uer partiea. Jtunch Hai }#rjr itiga, t'urranU, (Jllroit, Marcnroni, Ctnna |U?on llark, D)w<i, AiituMf*, I>aU<a, (linger, 8o?la I I >ke., 4e, "* J'rwh Fruit* )n Pa^n-^SIrMrWrlea, *"?>? Apple* Pwrtu, Thm?*Aec?. flitch Prune* in Jar*, KoxlUb Pimm* In cuki. pine Apple mid Vreatcru f'hvrnr. Panlipca, Codtlali ?iid Hollaed Mcrring*, Itoiv, <'r? w? I)'AIlia. KuiubkI, UaapbiTiy, Blaek tie*ry nn?l C'beprJ toruialf, J ill#'*, Prenorvoa, Couklm Wine, Bftn Ay p.acho* Brandy t'herriea. Woroneleralilre Sauce, Pre act Muntard, Pepper Slauce and Pitkie*. A rartely <>f Nut* alteay* en band. Alan, a well aelrrtpd aturlf of T?y*, Pine Perfumery and ?<AUi Entrant*. Eitraeti for ending pprpi>#ei( .VO^rST-r^oilet, Shaving pml f agtlle Soap*. WITH OfUhli 4HTICLKS HOT HtRIIM MCttllOKEQ, Jan 19 3T tf I 4P Til 1 JOHN W. GRADY, FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS A ED SHOES, BOOKS AND STAT/ONEB Y, DRUGS A DYEATUrrS, HARD* WARE* CUTLKBY, WOODEN WA RE, GROCERIES, GRAIN, COUNTRY PRODUCE, Ac., orromn Tint ??* court hours, oh xaik nun, (jREENVILLE, 8. 0. Jm it 3V \J %XYB!WRm ? 1 .1 ITD AII090 OYSTER &'EATING*SALOON 18 OPEN AT ALL H0UB8 OF THE DAY, ANI) UNTIL LATE IN THE EVENING. Fresh Norfolk Oysters ALWAYS READY TO BE SERVED UP. IMiilalclpliiu Lager Beer, Ate and Porter. "S-X Jan IV 37 tf Come nnd Settle. ALL persona having Open Accounts with me are hereby notified to call and settle forthwith, either by Cash or Note. A. M. GILItEATll. Jan 1? 87 3 Owe Door above Long Ac Bumham e Drug Store, MAIN STKLET. BOOTS AND SHOES, OK THE BEST MATERIAL AND MAKE, AT REASONABLE PRICES. HARRISON & LONG, RESPECTFULLY return their thanks to the oitixens of Greenville and surrounding country, for the very liberal patronage received from them during the past year, in the Boot and Shoe Trade. Their efforts to accommodate and please their customer* are still nnahated, and a continued and Increased patronage from the public is respectfully solicited. In their present stock may be found Something Fine and Durable. They call particular attention to a few of the styles now on hand. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Kid r.lf -J n?.l imOTIfl'O _ with and without heel*; Cloth and GAITERS ; with a variety of other ctyle* and qualities GENTS' DEPARTMENT. They hare Men'*, Youth*' and Boy*' SHOES, in (treat variety, of the best quality?warranted?aud of Southern Manufacture. MANUFACTURING. For making Boot* and Shoe*, tliey have on hand the bc*t of material, and are prepared with good Workmen to execute all order* with neatne** and dcapateh, in the latest style*. Nothing but the best French Calf-Skin, and good material generally, is used in the manufacture of their work. Order* for work solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed. CALL AT THE BOOT AND SHOE SIGN, 1 Door above Long (t Damhant't Drug Store. Jan 12 30 if MALE & FEMALE SCHOOL. jJSTilH. THIfi NKW INSTITUTION OF AJmUW LEARNING, located in a moat beau3K3ID7 tiful and pleasant part of the village of Greenville, will go into operation on Monday, 6tM February Next. The Trustees, in presenting it to the public, feel assured that the management of the SCHOOL will be i such as to secure for it a liberal patronage from parents. In selecting Teachers for the different departments, they have had particular reference to qualiftrations and suitableness. The Male Department will he under the management of Rav. J. 8. WILLBANK8, as Principal. This gentleman is a ' graduate of Erskine College, and has bad several years' experience as a teacher. In the Female De' partment, the service# of Ma*. M. M. PRICE, a graduate ef the Georgia Female College, at Madison, havo been secured. The high character which the above institution hears throughout the South, aud the testimonials of proffciency which she bears, the Tnutw. feel 1- II 1 a* a prrnuu well ^Mlilotl to take charge of the Female Department of the SCHOOL. The Principal 1 in the Male Department will he aniilcil by M it a. 1 WILIIANK8. Additional Teachers will be supplied bv the time the SCHOOL begins. a&sa? Tsvusnsia, PKH Qt* ARTKR OK TKN WK.KKS. Primary Department, $ 4 00 The above, with Kngliah Grammar, History, Ocography and Arithmetic 7 00 The Higher Branches of English, including Latin and Ureck, 10 00 Music,.., 10 00 Use of Instrument, 60 Modern Languages, each, 5 00 Incidental Expenses, 26 T The Text Hooks will he announced at an early day. i Board can l>e secured for Pupils from a distance upon roasouable terms, iu families residing near the School, It is earnestly desired that all Pupils, who can, should begin with the Session. Upon the opening of the School, (on Monday, 0th February,) a Literary Address will l>e delivered by Kev. T. H. Autium, of Greenville. The public are respectfully requested to attend. t unwrv winv <n.-i?? ? W. K. KASLEY, RKXJ. <1 ASS, , A. McBEK, T. C. MOWER, | WIIITEFOORD SMITH, 2 J. P. KKAK.V, H L. n. CLIXE, W. P. PRICK, Secretary, Jan i 35 S W. H. Hotc)' Ac Co. PERSONS knowing themselves to be indebted to the above Firm, (which wax dissolved in June, l?A7.) will eave coet by gtviug IMMEDIATE ATTENTION to the lame, ai no farther notice will be given. W. H. 1I0VF.Y. Jan 12 36 3m ! MOM BY f ALL persons indebted to the inbecriber, np to the lxt January, 1860, who wish to save coet, can do no hy calling and settling their indebtedness. ' ' A word to the wise is sufficient." W. R. JONES, M. D. Jan 12 36 4 Notice. ALL persons having demands against the Estate of the lelu Dr. W. II. ALLEN, deceased,are untitled to present them, duly attested, to the tubr soriber. Persons indebted to the said Estate are notified to make immediate payment. A. K. McDAVID, Qualified Executor. , Jan 12 86 t f Patriot ami Mountaineer eopy. Bunk Stock. -|)Y Order of the Curt of Ordinary, I wRl sell, 5 for cash, to the highest bidder, on sale-day in K.-i,rn. " next, forff-M's H5nret n/ lis AbeeA- / fA? # _ .A I/ssUutff' Hunt of (tknrlftnn he nainiv ? ? ?- v ? loqxinK t* ?h? Mrs. Mur Ja*? Robkkts, ' <We??i?4. R. ? DUNCAN, Kxeoakor. 1 i?i || M 4 ! ZEPBYB WOOSTED. AN ASSORTMENT Ot COT/IRS JUST HRC?IV?D AT Hovsrrs< J*o i j 94 ? ? i ? 1 T 1 B 1*1 SMF VBB M OKI mvjni csaca lAMUal CAN BE No. 1 A T?rr> a Ai FRESII BU No. 1 Article Afc 19 AT $1.00 PI 'THE ANNOUNCEMENT.' TOE aubacribera reapecttally call attention to tbe following CARD, conveying the information to the eitiaena of Oreenville an<l the Diatrict that they bare pnrrhaaed tbe entire atock of DRUGS & MEDICINES or TrftTrJ TBTKTtlir. IWUimrpriOTr C.WLIvn unuucMjn u^uuo and inland to continue tho business at the old atand. It ia their intention to onlarge tlila branch of Trade in Greenville, and in view of this, bare ordered a large atoek and a very complete assortment of every Artiele usually kept in Drug Stores in large cities. Mr. F. A. Walter, Jr., (to whom the responsible eharge of preparing and dispensing Medicines ia entrusted,) ia ayonng man in whom they have every conlldenoe. Educated to the business, familiar with the German Language, and with considerable experience in all the Pharmaceutical branches, tbey trust, although a stranger in thia community, he may secure tbo confidence of tho people, and a share of the patronage of tho citixens of Greenville. The former patrons of this establishment may rest assured that, every regard will continue tube manifested for their interest in the purity and cheapness of every article sold. ' They invite, very respectfully, a visit from all. FIRMER A IIKINITR1I, Pharmaceutists and Druggists. June I 4 tf " SILVER SOAP," |.X)R Cleaning and Polishing Silver, Tinted I- and Britannia Wnres, Mirrors Marble, Tin, Ac. For cleaning House Paint, Window Glass and Carriage Mouutings, it is invaluable. For sale |,v A UVIVITVtr UoUce'i lilock. Dec IS 82 tf "FARINA CRACKERS," FllESll, just receive! and for sale by FISHER A HEIK1TSII, MoBee'a Block. Dec 15 82 tf ' Silver CIom Klarrh.1' AFAR superiar Starch, both in quality and strength, than any other in use. Far sale by FISHER A II El NITS! I, Dee IB M-tf McBee's Block. fliMRlNprmsi THE Subscriber informs ths pnblie that he has associated with him in the Tailoring business his son, MILKS K. BRKCO, and will conduct the same hereafter under the namo of A. BKECO A BON. Their Shop will be found in the building on the east side of the Court House Square, where they wilt be pleased to see their friends and patrons. Give us a call, and we will endeavor to do you WORK in the latest styles and upon the most reasonable terms. A. BKECO A SON. Jan 12 36 tf I THE VIGIL AVI nAVE concluded to allow CA] complaint lias been inude Establish ineut IN GRE and everywhere else. Being now entire Stock of WINTER GOOI gard TO COoT, I HAVE II that all the Goods be marked do afford a chance to suffering hutm their hard earned money. As it i CARR Tl in a short time, to lay In Soring of W Goods is unusually lai rest assured ot procuring (.voous a terms than can possibly be done TOY January 12 STATEMENT CHARLOTTE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Clf ARI.OTTK IIf HIT It A Hen Omri,! 1st January, lsOo. f ^^MOtJNT Property injured,... $620,406.66. Hill* R., (B. Noted well aectired,)...$110,0*8.00. " Loaned on call, $,424.22. Ca*h in Bank of Charlotte 49.8.1. " 44 banilt of Agent*, 048.89. A due to $120,101.84. Lok?c* unn<ljui(e<l, and loarea not due?none. A. C. STEELE, IWL E. Nvr Htrrciiieox, See. anil Treaa. Srarit or Noimt Caromna, ) MarKi.aitB!)ao Cot'irr. J PERSONALLY appeared before me, C. Overman, an acting Juatice of the IVneo In itnd for raid County, A. C. Steale. President, and K.Nye HutcliL on, Secretary and T rendu re r of the Charlotte Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and made oath, In due form of law, that the above ?tuU-mertt of the condition of aaid Company .fun the I at January, 1860, id true, to the beet of their knowledge end belief. C. OVERMAN, J. P. January 2d, i860. JOHN W. ORADY, Agent, Greenville C. 11? S...C. Jan 12 66 4 irwtl ANO LUMBER, WANTED. THK SnhderiLera want l$#,$<Ki beat White Oak and Hickory SPOKES, for which ihey will pay a liberal Price, if deliverod by the bret of May next. ALSO,.,,, A large lot of Aeh, Hickory, White Oak, and variooa other kinda of PLANK, all of the BFMT QUALITY, wanted, for which we will pay a fair price for all that offer*. SEASONED LUMBER preferred, (DOWEH, COX, MARKLF.Y <fc CO. Jfin U 80 tf I'alriot ami Mountaineer copy, i est bum ra's ilSEIlf,! FOUND T1 ckwheST i i) A " ( > Hyson Tea, i !R POUND. fj-tt ExCi'lilor's Notice*. I ALL persons hkrinf dcmtml* ngaiiiHt the E?t?t? of ZACIIARY MW.NRON. deceased, are noli. Hoi to present them, duly attested, to the nuhorrilwr. Persona Indebted to the aaid Estate are notifled to ^ make immediate payment to PllEW li. BENSON. Qualified Executor. Jan IS 36 3 r NOTICE. TIIE Copartnership existing between PRICE . A MiJlTNKIN, in the publication of "Tiik South win ExTKnraisit," hna been dissolved by mutual consent. Those indebted to the Firm nre I requested to coine forward and settle up. I'ay1 lueuts may bo tuude to cither of the Firm. W. P. PRICE, |, a M. McJUNKIN. h January 2. 1860. COPARTNERSHIP. TIIE undersigned hare formed a Copartnership for tie publication of "Tn* Soittmkhx Extkprisk," under the name and style of McJUNKIN , A BAILEY. C. M. McJUNKIN. > J. 0. BAILEY. k Jnnunry 2. I860. f Mr* Winslow's Noothlnfr Syrup, j TT'OR CHILDREN Teething. For sals at d X FISHER A HKINITSirS Drug Store. Kcroacitc llluiiiiimtf ug Oil. > JUST received and for sale cheap at FISIIKR A llEINITSH'S. ^ DIAMOND CEMENT, J FOR joining broken China, Ulass, Earthenware, ^ Metals, Wood, Cabinet Work, and all Faney e Articles. For sale by FISHER A JIEINITSII. Pare Catawba dinger Wine, J710R sale by ? FISIIER A nEINITSII, Dec 8 31 Me Bee's Block. GIACERTNF/SOA p, 1 Glycerine Cream, and Camphorated Ice, I^OR softening and beautifying the complection, and a sure preventive of chapped hands and lips. Prepared and for sale by FISHER A HEINITSIT, Druggists and Chemists. Tow. 1* ? ? ' <= TO HIRE, ? NEORO BOY, ELEVEN YEARS OLD. FOR SALE, . ANEORO OIHL, about 10 years old. Enquire J at this Office. Jau 5 35* 4 f COMMITTEE < [IR to sell as cheap as ever, though of his underselling every other ENV1LLE Jnnrl fA PTHfiF ATTT *h? tsiuavva ?vr vuv/UAJ V/ U 1 VI )S at any i'kice, without any roIRDERED ; wn to its original cost, nn<l thus mity to receive the full value for is the intention of ] 9 LEAVE : I Supplies, and ns the present Stock go for this season, the public may t C A IlK'S on MOKE ADVANTAGEOUS at any other Establishment in VN! I Sfl If Souli) Cftfolinq?t?rcci)biiic SHERIFF S SALES. TYY virtue of sundry Write of Fieri Facias, to rue I J) directed, I will sell, before the Court House door, at the usual houra of sale, on the first Monday in FEBRUARY next. All Defendant's interest in a Tract of Land lying ' in Orecnville District, whereon Margaret Paris lives, 1 adjoining lands of J, A. and W. A, Towncs, et al? and 2 large M ulcs : as the property of Moses J. Paris, at the suit of V. Mctlse, et all One House ami Dot, in the village of Orecnville, as the pfopcrty of Alexander Greenfield; at the suit of Thomas J. and C. II. Moiso, All Defendant's interest in SO Acres of Land, ad- J joining Miles Poutliern, et al.; as the property of L. D. Westmoreland, at the suit of John W. Grady. i 1 Grey Horse ; as tbo property of Daniel Mnyfiold, ' at the suit of (lower, Cox A Markley. s ISO Acres of Land, more or less, lying in Greeu- I ville District, on Oil Camp Creek, adjoining lauds of a Jonas, Cleveland, ct al.; as the property of Harvey s Carter, at the suit of II. P. Mauldin, survivor, va. s 8, F. Long, Administrator. \ 130 Acres of Land, more or less; as the property ? of Wesley Payne, deceased, at the suit of S. A. C | Towncs, C. K. (I. D., va. Sumuul Payne, Adin'r. 100 Acres of Land; as the pro|>crty of William I Evans, at the suit of Chevca C M, I . ? | 1 Mack Mare; as the property of John T. llsncrjr, | at the suit of JoMBurney. j All Tyro Johnson'* interest in 8.10 Acres of Land, more or less, lying in Oreenvillo District, on the water* of Mush Creek, adjoining lands of Barrett, Milts and others > at the mil of J nines H. Johnson. "JtgwBorrel Horses, 1 Clayhank Horse, I Ms-k And f Harness, 1 Two-horse Carriage and Harness/2 Rug. Be* ant Harness; as the property of Joseph W. arrison, at the suit of Eslev It. Bates, I By virtue of en outer from the Court of Common | Plea* for Oreenville Diatrict, I will aell before the Court Monro door, on the fir*t Monday In February next, 1 Merro Men named lewia, 3 lloitrf, I Roek*' away and llarneaa, 1 Old Carriage, and 1 Saddle ami Bridle ; attached a* the property of J. Duncan, Jr., at the auit of Prince A (I reer< { TKMUH CASH. Pure barer to pav for title*. ft. HOKE, 8. 0. fL * Sheriff* a Office, Jan. 11, 1830. M-MI 1 JOB WORK J NEATLY DONE AT THIS OFFICE, AT BAAHuXTUrf. KATtK i " .4 K I S S a ?llfSFii7| rllE Aulxcriticr luu remored to hi* NEW ; BRICK HTORE, where he hee opened i Vell-Seleoted Stock of j iiTeKtiiaiiKiiiuvm.&t i Vhleh he will sell on VERY REASONABLE HUMS. g Among liP Stoek mar he found Leady-Made Clothing, Broadcloth*. Cniwimerea. atincta. Twecda, Brown and Bleached Shirting*, II cached and Brown Drilling*,Ticking*, Flannel*, tabeges, Wool DeLainea, Wench Merinoe* ? louibazines, Alpaccns, Black and Fancy Silks larcelline and Florence Silks, Dress Trimming* Embroidered and Marseille* Seta, Embroidered Crotchet and Marseilles Collar* Ioaiorv, Qloves, Ribbons, Ac. IrOAY^ AM? ?AP3, Gents' Boots and Shoes, i ADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S GAI1ERS, BOOTEES AND SHOES, Farmers' and Carpenters' Tools, aws. Augers. ChWIs, Planet* and Drawing Knives, Parker's Mill Nails,Trace Chains, SLumI linos Avna Ainna' Mtva.luu ?n?l Shovels, tucket#, Keelers, Tubs, Crockery, Coffee, Ten, Crushed, Pulverized. Clarified nnd Brown Sugars, Sperm, Adamantine nnd Tallow Candles, Iridic#, Saddle Wallet#, Wagon and Carriage Whips. lie ia constantly receiving new additions to is Stock, to which he invites the attention of i* customers nnd the public generally. T. B. HUBERTS. Dec 29 84 tf AT iommeks' blue store. rHIS great sale will continence tho FIRST OF JAXUARY, I860, and will last until the | ''hint or March, 1S60, and ia made in order to , isposc of the LARUE STOCK OF WINTER GOODS tow on hand, and to make room for the coming 'PR! NO iSOOUS. Therefore, all "who may he In i rant of CHEAP and linndsomely-aelccted Coons. | rill do well to come and price iny (loons Wnr. I , urchasing, aa I am willing nnd want to sell off my < TOOK cit more REDUCED PRICES than J bare ( rer offered /Arm before, audi as Ladies' Dress Goods ; Shawls nnd Cloaks; Red and White Flannels ; Table Covers ; Worsted and Linen; Hoops, (warranted steel,) for Ladies Misses and Children ; Liudscys and Srtiped Domestics ; Shirtiugs and Sheetings, 1,1$, 2 and 2$ yards wide; Towels A Napkins; ,ndica and Children's llose; Ladie's A Misses' Shoes; Needlo-workcd Collars and Hands: Combs nnd Perfumery, etc., etc., etc. ?1&? tfiaa w(D, AT GRFATIV RCniiPcn PDIPCO Shirt* and Undershirts, Sock* and Cravat*, Hoot*, ihoc* and Hat*, Trunks and Car|>et Hags, Knives nd Pistols, Urate's new Repeaters, Table Cutlery nd Notions, etc., etc., etc. GROCERIES FOR SALE. Prime ltacon Sides and Shoulders, Prime Rio Cofses and Sugars, Molasses, Candles, *? ?, Soda, tuttcr, Tobacco aud Sugar*, etc., etc., etc. SALT FOR SAKE, At Moiumcrn' ISIiie klorc. GRAIN FOR SAKE. D/A/A BUSHELS CORN, 200 Iiushcls PEA8. C\J\J By A. SUMMERS. ; AKSO, 1 BAOS superfine Wheat FLOITR, IX) Bags 1 UVJ Freak Buckwheat FLOUR. For sale by A. SUMMERS. Jan A 14 tf MWlElfSTOUULS HALE A FEMALE SEMINARY. RKV. T. J. KARLK, Principal, Assisted by - * in the Music Department. THE Exercises of this School **111 rotnmetli-c ?U the Jirat Monday in FebrnlsR"' Tqrfp HATL'S OF TVITIOX, pan session, as rot.t.ows: 'riinnr v Branches .. $ > #0 ligher English Branches 7 60 Vdvuneed English ltranehes 10 00 liglicr Mnthemutical Branches 10 00 ,atin and Greek Languages, 12 60 tuiiri?iiui..?.ii.,nuiu> 10 00 BOARD can be bad in the neighborhood at reaonalde raten, It is desirable that students wishing to enter the ehool he present at the <>|>cningof the session, so as o join the regular classes. For further particulars tpply to the Principal, or to R. BOW DEN, Chairman B. T. (jotcentville, S. f\, Jan. 2, 18110. .16 3 KINE CREEK wiy/jpjf THE First Skrsion of this MALE { f f# I I FEMALE SCHOOL, for I860. SKiubF will open the Twenty - Third of Janna y, instant, under the superintendence of Kiev. A 3. STKPP. Principal. TUITION ranging from *5 to $12 per seaaion. BOARD Can be bad in respectable families upon rcasonade terms. Tbose wishing their daughters to take Mdsic, can >oard them with the Principal, where Ihey will be - ? "> lumiwuuu oi an excellent Instructress. Jan & 35 tt | I'Olt SALE (lit KENT, ' 4 WELL SITl1 ATEO V ARM, C10NTAININ(} 70tl Acres. the lafgrltt portion in ) Woodland. Oil the place is a Dwelling with ix upright rooms, all lathed arid plastered ; a goi d tarn and Out-huildings; 25 Acres <>f Branch Bottom ; i good Orchard of Bench) Apple and Cherry Trees: dsn, a good *ele?tiflh of llrnpc ViiteS. Thia placets ituut'd oh the foftd Ifotn the town of Oteenville to iVillinmston, directly on the Railroad t a Boat Office mil Depot within two and a half tnileS of the place. )n the place is n good niackMnlih LnV pef.*on wishing to engage in the Wagon and lliw'ksniitli business, would And (his a good ncighlorlfood. t #ill soli, ttith the place, 3 NEUKO WKK, one n good Sfnith. For further information, inquire of JOHN M ARK LEY, Grore Station, S. or firrrnriltr ('. If: If not aold hy the middle of January, it will he or rent. Dec 15 32 tf TO K KNT, a ?... ? - * - m- | viBI !">? ?l .KiltiHill > . I I TUK VBUY HKSIUABLK Rosidonco on Buncombe St., OCCUPIED tliirinx tin- past ycnr l>y A. C. Smith, Khi|. the House contain* fifteen Rooms mini ilcven Kire place*. The Lot comprise* eight Acres >f ground, with i* Itrsnrh of Water running through t. The premises are located adjoining the Fvmaio 'ollegc, und are altogether most favorably adapted* or a first class Private Hoarding House. Applv to 8. S. CRETTXKDEU. Dec H 'Vi OL I ?* 4k - r-'- I*" -v''v*- *,?vr*> * ?? * **1* % -...??r ::.. . : " , ...mM GAIL AT 8H8HMAN% AN D iret a M? years present,for the Ftrawr and Huaso-koeper, enalalnlnx aN Almanac, Interval l abia, Table of Coaaterfeit Money on Hvatli Carotins Hanks, Calendar of lletura Days and Courts for Lhc Western Circuit, nacful Reci|?ce, and Illustrated an-' Descriptive Catalogue of Articles kept for ante by J. B. 811KK.MAN, STOVES ! STOVFS ! I i LAROR Assortment of Cooking, flfflce, ParJ V lur, Cburch, Hlio>, Sheet Iron, Self-Regalatlay, and all other kindi of Stoves, always kept on Uouii and for sale by J. B. 8IIEPMAN, Agent. PUMPirPUMPS. A LARGE Assortment <vf Forcing, Lifting. Cistern and Deep Well l'f'MPS, always on Mnil, ami pnt up in the best style. They nre much inoro convenient, and cost less ? i he end. thnn the old-fusbloned tiinlUw, bucko ind rope. J. II. SHERMAN, Agents KEROSENE Oil*. r|MlF, rnpid increase in our in our sale* ef KcroI sene Oil, have enabled; us to order in large quantities, by which we get a reduction in price, ?>> that we can sell it by the gallon, nt $t.2.Y for caeh tnd $1.50 on credit. The OIL is now bettor than it >rer has been. Wc keep nono but genuine Oil. Counterfeit Oils burn badlv, and will expftvfe. J. H. SHERMAN, Agent. OF nil kinds and sites. J. D. SHERMAN, Agent. WALL PAPERING. A GOOD Assortment of Wall Papering. Bordering, Window Rhodes, and f ne Screens, just received by J. II. SHERMAN, Agent. SEWING MACHINES. FOR ALL ORDINARY PURPOSED asaowiam & aAJKja??s ARE THE BEST. ^st3fer "V\7"E furuistli I bom at exactly tho same price that y y they sell Tor in New Y?rk, ami charge n<? freight. J. H. HIIKKMAN*, Agent. OLOCBLS. T^ETOHT-TiAY AWw.- ??.? HAW .......... ? ? iuu imumin l'Oiiar I 4 aud a Ijud^tcr Clock*. ahvnv* on hand'. if. 11. SHERMAN, Ag?nt. l^T" RW supplies constantly received*. IN J. R. SHERMAN, Agent. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. WK keep a FULti STOtk of these. J. B. SHERMAN, A Rent. SfEKCIS UTEBOlPiC VIEWS. A GOOD SUPPLY. J. H. SHERMAN, Agent. RIP VAN WINKLE CA.RFBTI1VO. MANUFACTURED in the good old State North Carolina. This is ahout as \ felly, ami will Inst three tiroes as long, as the Naa-ibem article, which lit-ipg* three times the money/ Price, 50 cent.* per yard. ,T. R. SIIERMAtf, Agen:. OF Tin Ware, \V ..mien Ware, Jap.r.ncd Usto, Mats, Rrro.nja, Iron M'nie. in ti House'.,.. p ing and Fanning line, is kept nt SllEiiMAST. Only one price nt SHERMAN'S. Ten per cent/discount for en.-li purchaser* over $20, and five per cent between SJO and ftv t, . . , ... AT fiHF.R.MAM.w It i* a goo?l place to tra In AT 8IIKK.\IA.N\\S Ihx auae you got your money'* worth .... . AT SUJJMttAH.S. W Hon you come to town, cull at ?K.(. . , . R1IET13CA.X*S, Whether you triulo or not. at , sur:wtA.\"s\