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%amorisffl tlNto . "1 ^ J-. . ' ,- ! Lyltiowidl?ii. 'Uf r The following will be sworn to when re- | quired. Action for Work and labor done in cutting ditch on defendant's land*. Plea: Payment gpd eel off, in beoon and' corn meal. ' Piainlifl's eon ow stand?recollect* the ditching perfectly, but eeema to forget about the bacon. " i & i?iV ?-f l_ _i . ii v _j_ I V/Oi. ?. i^r aeienunm iuu n?; dnddy did all tide ditching! Do you know what he got in pay for it I" Witness : 44 lie never got nothing, as ever I hearo on?that's what lie never got." Col. B.44 Didn't your daddy get corn and bacon from toe defendant in pay for that ditching t" Witness: "Never beam of bis giting no com nor bacon." Col. B. 44 What did your daddy and bis family live on that summer f" Witness: "Vittels, mostly." Col. B.44 .What sort of victuals ?" Witness : 44 Well, meat and bread and some whiskey.". Col. B. " Where did he get that meat and bread !" Witness : 44 Well, fust from one, and then fust from another." Col. B.44 Didn't he get some of it from defendant !" WtlnM*' M ITit mrmrrlit w Col. B. 44 I know he migh t, but did he ? that's the question." Witness: w We!!, he motighi, and then agin you know, he nought n't." Col. B. "(With considerable excitement, and in tones of thunder.) 44 Answer the qustion, sir, and no more of this trilling with your oath. Did your daddy, or did he not, get core and bacon from the defendant for ditching 1" Witness: " Well, now he mouglit. It don't occur adzaetly, you know." llere his Honor interferes, and with a stern judicial frown, addresses witness thus, 44 Witness you must answer the question, or the Court will he compelled to deal with you : can't you say yea or no ?" Witness: 44 I reckin." Court, 44 Well, then, answer yes, or no; did or did not your daddy get corn and ba con from the defendant at the time referred to?" Witness: (Now fully aroused and conscious of his danger,) 44 Well, Jedge, I can't ndzaclly nmember, you know, seeins' as how its all dun bin gone and eat up; but, (planting himself firmly,-as one determined to out i %?IUI II,j IU UIC uvni UI IIIJ i iv. nuirvliuii( t'l inv memory serves me right, he mought, and then again he moughtnt" The plaintiff saved his bacon. Verdict accordingly.? Ashville Sjiectator. A Neat Sell. One day, after an exciting contest between Spread Eagle and Doctor Syntax, a little fellow with a sharp physiognomy, offered to bet one hundred dollars that he could run half a mile on foot, and beat any trotting horse in harness, provided the driver would drink a pint of ale from the word "go," giving him that much start to begin with. The knowing ones in homecraft knew there was a catch somewhere, and nibbed at the tempting offer suspiciously. Again and again was the little fellow called upon to repeal again the particulars of the bet. The horse wise shook their heads. At last one of them, the Solomon of the turf, thinking he sate the point, and the hundred dollar^ safe in blown pocket, accepted the challenge. The terms were, he to sit in his sulky, reius in hands. The challenger to biing him a pint of ale from the neighboring tavern?good ale?no mixture?in an ordinary pint nnig. The little fellow at tlie word "go!" to hand him the mug of ale and run. All understood?money up?" bring forth the horao." The horse was brought; " in truth, he was a noble steed." Solomon gets into thesulky ?ribbons in his left hand?and now the little fellow bringethe ale, from the tavern, in an ordinary pewter mug. Expectation is wrought up to the highest pitch ; at the word "go!" he hands the mug by the handle, to King Solomon, and is oil' like a shot. All eyes were now upon the driver, for there the secret is. lie lifts the tankard to his lips, pauses nn instant, puffs off the froth, and says to his nearest friend? " Bill, run and get some ice 1 This ale is as hot as blazes !" It is said the little fellow, at the first Quarter post, turned a summerset, made sun ry gyratory motions with his thumb and fingers at his rival, ran the last quarter stretch backwards and won. Sckn0.?(Grocorv store, lady purchasing codfish, a young limb of the law standing near.) T U T\ _ 1*1 1 L 1 II if 1,AUY vo JOU iik6 CCKIilMl UilllS, Mr. II.?", Mr. II.?hesitatingly?44 I reilly don't know, madam?1 never recollect attending one." " My gracious," said Ike, " if some fairy would give me a pair of wings, wouldn't I go round among the planets, though I I'd go to Mars, and Venus, and Jupiter " 44 And Satan," interrupted Mrs. l'artington : *and I'm afraid you'll go there without wings." An Irishman being asked, on a late trial, for a certificate of his marriage, took his hat off, and exhibited a huge scar, which looked as though it had been made with a Hie shovel. The evidence was satisfactory. An Irish gentleman lately said to another: 44 I called to see your family, but they were not at home; and I suppose they had gone to iide in ft carriage wliich was standing at the door." 1 A convict who was about to be sent to the House of Correction, was told they would act him to picking oakum. " Let em try it," said he, * I'll tenrthe thing to pieces I" " Excuse me, madam, but I would like < to know why you look at ine so savage i" j " Oil ! beg your pardon, sir, 1 look you for my husband P* u I know every rock on the coast," cried an Irish pilot, when a ship bumped, "and that's one of thctn." - "" TUB 8 Near ilreearl|le VtHamt fl } FOR SALE. r " , THB enbscribcr, baring removed (ton Greenville, < d?rir?n of eoQ lnl following Property, rl?: Kaiaift Tka Hanettead Place* Located mm Mad half milee from Greenville Tillage, an the Anderson road. The Lot con tains 20 Aerroo of Lmm4, nearly oaa half of which U cleared land, the remainder excellent Woodland. On the I x. 2. _ /) ff n II.* KM mr.'A^K at- ? . 5v<ir# Horn tee, la good condition, Smakr Ho mm, I. Carriage Haute, and other Out-building*. Also, a flue Jvting Orchard. This place is well watered. AU?' A TBACT 0? 138 AC&E8, Located on both aides of the QiwotIII* and Cohpnbia Railroad, thrro miles from Oreourille C. If., adjoining lands of Col. Campbell,^taron Thompson, Jesse Dean and William Jaeobs. Of the above Tract, thirty acres are in a good state of cultivation, and about eighty acres in original forest. On this Land there are two Bpriogs of excellent Water. He also offers for sale his HOUSEHOLD P0RNITURE, all of which Is of the very beet pmaulkc. ture. Mr. A. M. OILREATH, at Greooville 8. C? is his authorised agent for the sale of any of the above Property. Persons desirous of purchasing are referred to him, who will make known the terms of sale, and any information whioh may be desired. The terms will bo made oasy. SMITH L. DAVIS. Dec 1 SO Sm STATE 7>F~S0UTH CAROLINA. GREENTILLE DISTRICT. IN CHANCERY. George R. Burgcs snd Patience Buxge* vs. James Ward, Susan Ward, ct al.?Bill for Partition of Ural h'*taie, ito. THE Complainants having filed their Bill in the above stated case with the Commissioner in Equity, for Greenville District, and it appearing that Wii.liam W. Trie*n it. one of the Defendants, resides without and beyond the limits of this Stato : On motion of K. P. Jones, Complainants' Bolicitor, it is onlorod, That the said Defendant do plead, answer or demur, to the said Bill of Complaint, within three months from this publication, or the same win do taken pro eoi^/eto as to Inm. 8. A. TOWNES, C. E. Q. D. Greenville, S. 0., Dec. 1, 1859. 30-3m DENTAL OPERATIONS. am DR. JOHN ANDERSON ~V?7~OULD respectfully inform tho citizens of T T Greenville that ho has taken Dr. Allex's Rooms, and is prepared to attend to his Profession, in all the branches, with dispatch. Those residing in Its country will give duo notice before coming, so as to avoid being disappointed. Oct 20 24 tf THE ASSEMBLY HOUSE, One Sqvare We it of the Poet Office, i? a. a ssr s sp la m m w , COLUMBIA, S. C. THIS well known Establishment has been thoroughly re-fitted and improved, and is now permanently opened for the accommodation of the Public. Every attention will be given to supply the wants and comfort of Patrons, Rates Moderate. U. T. MASON, Proprietor. Dee 8 81 tf LAND FOR SALE. rpiIE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale, a track of A 350 ACRES OF LAND, situated on the State road leading from Greenville Court House to Ashevillo, N. C? two milios below Hodges, in Greenville District. On the place is a comfortable Dwelling and Out-buildings, nnd the best Water that can be found anywhero. It would be a desirable place for a summer residence. M. D. DICKEY. June 2 4 tf ?uses ana i^ois cor sale. ?Sj*h THK subscriber offers for sale TWO LOTS ?|E in the town or Greenville, situated on PendlenBlton troet, and within five ininutts' walk of the Railroad Depot. Euch Lot has a Cottage on it. Fine Wells of water and convenient Out-houses are on tho promises. Those Lots will be sold together or separately, on very reasonable terms. For further particulars, as to the size of the Lot. terms, Ac., apply to L. W. WA8T0N. Feb 10 40 Town Property Near the Female College FOR SALE. THE undersigned having deter1 Ay mined to remove to Louisiana, offers his HOUSE and LOT for sale. The nremises are desirably located, on ^bi-LCI'AM Buncombe street, near the Female College, and will be sold upon reasonable terms. The House is comparatively new. Possession given immediately, if desired. For further particulars, apply to Mr. T. B. Roberts. D. P. SPARKS. Jan 12 30 tf . HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. MTHE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale his RESIDENCE in tho town of Orecnville. It is desirably located in a central portion of town ?near the Presbyterian Church. The Lot contains one Aero ol ground, and upon tlie premises win be found every convenience?a Well of good water, a largo Cistern, Stable* and Out-houses. The place will he sold upon the most reasonable terms. Enquire of C. J. Elford, or the undersigned. a. greenfield. Juno & tf GEORGE HELDMAN. HARNESS MANUFACTURER, | AMD DKAI.KR IN SADDLES, HUIDLES, WHIPS, AC. ? ?? HAS on hand an extensive assortment 1 of the ItEST MATERIAL used in tho '' Manufacture of Harness and Saddles. J Thankful for the patronngo given him for the lost 1 ten years, he solicits a continuance of the same. ' Orders from a distance promptly attended to. "IS-Si Persons iudebtcd to him are requested to call and pay up. 61-1y April 28 1 ON SALE. ; Avery general assortment of fine and other JEWELItY may he had of the subscriber, who makes to order Euynyement Itinyt, t and any other article required in his line. y??r REPAIRING faithfully done.-%$ ? * Sixty yards cast of the old Court Honse. J. II. RANDOLPH. ] Greenville, S. C., Sop. 15, 1859. 19-tf ' New Confectionery and ' LAGEH BEER SALOON. I MORRIS SAMCKI. takes pleasure in informing his friends add the public generally, that he p lias lately rotnrned from Charlestou, and is prepared to furnish his customers with all that the heart can desire of varions BON MOTS, Fresh and Delicious Confectionery. Any kind of CANDY thut is . in demand. I have for sale and am constantly re- * ceiving Superior and Soond Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, aud inuny other good things for the iuner mau, too ~| numerous to mention. Some fragrant cigars and something to eat, ^ What more doc* a reasonable man ueet > Ah! not to forget, 1 sparkling glass of beer, May also be hod at anv time here. Being thankful for pn*t"f*i*tom, I woold respect- j| fully solicit a further patronage. MORRIS SAMURL. Nor. 10. 27 tf ? A Slew Article. * ARROW ROOT RISriIITS. JUST received, direct end frcah from tho Bakery, and now for the Ami time introduced into irqpnville. They are highly recommended for in- 1 ralid* and children. For vale, in any quantity, by 8TEEN A KVAN8. Dec A At tf ? ItlLIAlf MACCAROlrie 1 1 ( \ BOXKS juHt arrived, and for aalo at 25 cent* l\/ per pound, hjr STEEN A EVANS. Nev 2* 29 tf | > n fi ii t, r n a i ??T* BM Wim Mf ? SP A. F. BROW IN Til EI R NEWLY ARRANGED AND ?/ OPPOSITE HASEl STREET, A Very Fall Stock of tl In *11 the newest varieties. Also Evening Dress < A CLOAK AND SH/ Especially superintended by ladies, with s full var New Goods receiving each week. A PLANTATION On tbo second and third Slorics, fully stocked with STRIPES. DENIMS. FLANNELS. JEANS, TWE1 lowest market price*. A FULL STOCK OF7 Shirtings, Sheeting*, Osnaburgt, Long Cloths, Ac. ORDERS PROMPTLY A.NO Q A. 1 A. F. BROWNING A CO. Invito a close inspoctiot in nil the Departments, and at the lowest market pri November 24 NEW(JOODS. I AM RECEIVING my SPRING and SUMMER supply of GOODS, consisting of a general Stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Ooodn, And Men's and Boys' CLOTHING,~llats and Bonnets, Boots and Shoes. Herd ware ami Cutlery, Drugs ana Dye-stuffs, Carpeting ana Alattiug, Wooden and Willow Ware, Wall Papering, Powder, Shot, Blasting Fuse, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Salt, Ac., all ot which will be sold at LOW PRICES. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a continuance of the same. JOHN W. GRADY, Opposite the Now Court House, on Main Street. April 14 49 tf T n Art.", vr jlu,uuu negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly. Saved Yearly. Planters Take Notice, Planters Take Notice, Jacob's Cordial Jacob's Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, A 171 jljliiu. riuAf And Flux, It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Put up ExpresslyPut up Expressly z For Plantations. For Plantations. $1 per Bottle. $1. per Bottle. Fur Salt in Grttnville by Aufl 2216-lv - JOHN W. GRADY. THE WORL.P OUTDONE! TIIK MEDICINE CALLED "Inflammatory Hxtii-pn for," WHICH wiis ?ol?l during Court in this place, in now on sale, by J. W. CJRADY, of tlreenvillc. It cannot now be longer doubted but this Medieino is the moat efficacious remedy ever in this place, for Kidney Diieoaea, Piles, Neuralgia, Lung Diseases, I fysjiopsia and Rheumatism. Numerous jaaes of tbo above disenscs have been cured tbi.x ircsent week. llond ache, Toothache, Earache, Sprains, and ull Howol Affections, disappear beforo t an if by tbe touch of magic. Try it, mid keep it a your families, for aiekncaa cornea when you loaat iipoct it. J. W. GRADY, Agent for Greenville, S. C. ; Dr. E. SILL, Wholesale Agent at Columbia. Alao by ill Wholesale Druggists in Chnrleaton, 8. C. a. W. DAVIS. Proprietor, Box 4520, New York Post Office. Nor 3 26 tf riNNING, GUTTERING AND HOOFING. THE Subscribers inform the Public tbnt they hovu purchased the TIN MANUFACTORY >f Mr. R. GREENFIELD, in the Town of Greenrille, and intend carrying on the Iin*itir*? at the a>ne Stand. All kinds of Tin Work, Guttering iiid Rooting will be DONE CHEAPLY AND ?ROMPTLY. They will take, in exchange for their Work, tags. Old Pewter, Copper, Beeswax, Ac. They respectfully oespook a alinre of public intronage. LOVELAND A CHANDLER. June 28 7 If iipniihlinr't Prepared Uluc. USEFUL IN IVXBY HOUSE. I71LUID, and ready for u?> all the time, and at strong at Cabinet Maker*' glue. Price, |>er ottle ond brusk, 23 cent*. For mIo by J. H. 811EHMAN, Agent. 1 17 tf lew RiiMiift! Curraiilii! Citron ! 1 J UST received, 75 Ito*o* of Raisin*, now crop, ] and very flnc, put up in whole, halve* and aartcr bo*ea. AI?o, a splendid Article of Citron nd Currnuta. For aalo by KTEKN A EVANS, | Doe 8 ' 81 SHAVING, fair Trimming, I>re*?ing, f>ylug RAZOR SETTING AND SHAMPOOING, AT Ti?r Second Door Above Mr. MoPherson'i, wilson" COOK. I Hay 3 20 I an ^Mi mm pSFSTsSBST1 nS^A oo.r ITON, S. O., 'ELL LIGHTED AND ENLARGED STORB^ OB- M O.T3 SIBN OF THE " TREE BOX." he Richest Dress Goods, lood, in nil stales. * kWL DEPARTMENT, icty of LADIES' GARMENTS of nil kind*, with I DEPARTMENT, nil nriotic* of PLAINS. KERSEYS, BLANKETS, BUS, SATINETS, Ac., that will b? offered nt the DOMESTIC GOODS, , FOR CASH, A T FACTOR Y PRICKS. lAREFUIlY ATUHUEUI HI, ?. BROWNING & CO. a of thoir STOCK, which wiU be found well supplied 2" = = tf F. BURTY. LOVELAND'S BUILDING, GREENVILLE, 8. C., RESPECTFULLY informs the publio generally that ha has on hand a fine assortment of ! Boots, Shoes, Brogans, &c. I WELL ADAPTED TO Till MA RKET. , UIn tho assortment will bo fonnd Ladies, Misses' and Children's Gaiters and Shoes, of many kinds. Gentlemen's, Youths' and Boys' Boots, Gaiters ami Shoes. Ditcher's Boots, an excellent article. Brogans of all sizes and most durable make. Iu fact, as full an assortment of Articles in hii line as can he found in any establishment is a towt; of the same sice. lie also respectfully asks an examination of hii Prices for Cash, satisfied that his Goods are o(Terc<i At the Lowest Possible Figure. Persons in want of anything of the kind will please give him a call. *, ox HAND, A Good Slock of Leather AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOT AMD] SHOE MAKING, This branch of his business is still carried on un< der his personal supervision, and every care will b< taken to guarantee satisfaction to those who patronise him. Nor 10 27-tf "^HETETevilleTHE subscribers having had the misS^3c.f?rluno to lose, by the fire pf the 29th Janiinrv tho St on in Mill wnJ \(iuihino?w ?.2*1. s, ? . ,.v,?iuuku Trim their Coach Factory, in Orecnvillc, take this method of apprising their friends and patrons that they still continue business as heretofore, without change in their Firm, or abatement of their exertions to please, j Thev have NOW OX HAND, and nro CONSTANTLY FINISHING, all the varieties of Carriages, Buggies and Wagons ever made bv them, to which they invite the attention of purchasers. They take pleasure in correcting an impression that their stock of SEASO.XED LL'MHE/l waa lust with the Mill, and would say that, in quantity and quality, their Lnmlier ha* titter been brtter. The generous patronage hitherto received, warrants the conclusion that their efforts are appreciated, and stim dates them in making farther exertions. Their experience will enable them to select and operate the most approved Machinery, with advantages not surpassed by any manufacturers either North or South. (IOWBR, COX, MARKLEY A CO. Greenville, 8. C-, April 7, 1869. 48 ly BlRfiAINST()BEHAD. DESIROUS of closing out our well selected and cheap Slock of IWillcnery Goods, we respectfully inform oar friends and the public generally, that, after this date, we will Sell at Greatly Reduced Prices, for Cash To any person wishing to engage in the above business, we wilt tell the entire STOCK A T COST. J/L-&- Those having Accounts with us, will plcaso pay the same immediately, as we need the money, MRS. PARIS A MISS GORDON. Oct # 22 tf PATBJf T MBDIOlNBg. SANFORD' LIVER INVIGORATOR, ^ Harry's Tricophcrous, Oxygenated Hitters, Mustang Lineament, Iloofland's German Hitters, Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer, Essence Jamaica Ginger, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, And all other Patent Medicintt, For sale at low prices, by Dux. LONG A BURNIIAM. Apothecaries and Druggists. July 7 9 If M DAVID & I. EPSTIN, ^ IMPORTER* AJfP DKAI.KR9 IN vv a to h eh, iv ffl jewelry and clocks, jai ' tmF No. 328 KINO STREET, out Oo Watches Jc Clocks Repaired warranted for one yea Feb 10 40 1 oTbTbower~ Manufacturer of and Dealer in / FUltNlTURE of every description. CHAIRS of every style, 'i'.TJ ....AND.... FISK'S CELEBRATED ME TALC BURIAL CASES, Opposite thrConf/aree House, Fel>4 COLUMBIA. 8. C. 8?-ly GHEENVIILEMARBIEY ARDi .Suhreriber having pnrchaeod the lntere*t of 1 Mr. TAMKfl I>. CI! ALMRKAv he will continue (lie MAItnLK BU8INK8S n* heretofore, at the Old Stand in the rear of Mr. Ketehnm'* Store. Ho fed* thankful for the patronage which ha* hecn extended to the Firm of CitAi.MKnn A Am .ex, and hope*, hy attention to l>u*lno**, and promptne**, to merit a continunnce of the fame. Oct 7 22-tf JAM. M. ALLS*. AGENCY FOR N. C. IN8URANCE COMPANY. TIIE ASIIEVIL.EE Mutual Insurance Company nAVINO complied with the legal rcqnieltion of thi* State, in relation to Agoneie*, and harinira nnoinkd the andarniiroed ?? A ....... f.... ?i-i pliM-r', lie in now f?K-parc<l to take RISK? on f.TPE or PROPERTY. JOHN W. ORADY. UrcOTtlU, 8. 0., Feb. 10, 1848. 40 'it swim *? HMiTirs 11 ALL <* & 9> Family > and Fancy 2 BIT 2 HlCHlT! 5 ? Store. MM I IIIJMI BSIU *Wm<SUmUmaamUSwmaUUB ( [ OUa Um I mftiM M* . > ? Mtn Um liftfgttl Hfjf Hm Um L?i?r<t Sato Hm Um Lurmt Ul* Mwg-IMMMlHtlMWwM. Of any Um WhM. CM My iMkMbi UM VMM. CM amy W.MlIm la Um WwM. Of auy Msdlcfne tot Um Wartd. old la ??? *? and *o?UiC?Mlln? laid Ira Utorala and So nth Carolina Said Ira Owrghi and MouthCaroltaa Bald Ira Oiw|b *md SeuthCaroMua Bald la 0?ar|t* aad boolbCsrollua r" In VMram Montla. Ka Mantiu. la g?artnra Hontlu. fn fourteen Hontka. la femrteeu Maatka It to Warranted ta car* It U War ran tad ta Vara It to Warranted ta Care It to Warren tad ta Car* It to Warranted ta Car* It OtraaUaaa are fallowed. It Dtrccttena era fallowed. If MiuMaw era followed. If Dfraattana are followed, U Ptreettona are followed. Any Care of Dyspepsia Any Case o Dyspepsia; Any Cass af Dyspepsia Any Caas af Dyspepsia I A?y Caas af Dyspepsia IJm Disease/ IJrer Disease, Urtr Disease, 1,1 rer Dlslue, Urrr Disease, J a oodles, Jaandtoe, r Jasndlc*, Jaundice, Janndlce, It Is K specially Adapted ta It Is Rapeetally Adapted ta ft Is Kspeetally Adapted ta It Is Especially Adapted ta It Is Kspeetally Adapted ta feasals Complaintst female Complaints female Cam plaints | female Complaints | female Complaints I It Prod aces Rotundity of f seen It Produces Rotundity of form It Produces Rotundity of farm I It Produces Rotundity of form It Produces Rotundity af form Iu females af a Thin and Hpatr IlaMt In females af a Thin and Spars Habit In females of a Thin and Spnre Habit i In females of a Thin and Spare Habit In females of a Thin and Hwn* Habit Bead a Postage Ramp to the Proprietors for their Pamphlet an " Pit nun or Stomach and Bow eta." W. W. BLISS A CO., Proprietors, 1 3U Broad way. Sew York, For Sole in Greenville f y 1 AuB tfi 1B-1 y JOHN W. GRAPY. unwiiin Aaanp.i atidv " " " ^ *P*H IL A"D EILY IA7 ~ ^ ' A ffcn'ro/?n( In*iitntiun, etlabliihed by Special Kitdo icnient for tkr Utlicf of the tick ami di*trr***d, afflicted with I'intleitl and Kjtidrinlc Ditto***. riiilE 1I0WAKD ASSOCIATION, In view of the 1 awful destruction of human life, caused by , Sexual Diseases, and the doceptiona practised upon the unfortuuate victima of auch diseases by Quacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for tho treatment of thiselaas of diseases, in all their forms, and to give medical adcict urati* to all why apply by letter, with udeseription of their condition, (age, occupation, hal its of life, Ac.,) and in ease of extreme povorty, to ftirnieh mtdicimet fret of charyc. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modem treatment. The Directors of tho Association, in their Annual ' Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, express the highest satisfaction with the success which has attended the labors of their Burgeons in the cure of Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphilis, the vice of Onanism or Solf-Abuss, diseases of tho Kidneys, liladder, Ac., and order a continuance of the same plan for the ensuing year. The Directors, on a review of tho past, feel as| sured that their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort have been of great benefit to the uffiioted, especially to the young, and they hare resolved to de rota tnemselvcs, wltb renewed ie?l, to tbii very important and much despised causu. An admirable Report on Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism or Self-Abuse, and other diseases of the Sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (in a sealed envelope,) free of duryt, on rcoeipt of tiro stamps fur postage. Other Rcportj and Tracts on the nature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, Ac., are constantly being published for gratuitous distribution, and will be scut to the afflicted. 8ome Of the new remedies and methods of treatment discovered during the last year, are of great value. T4T- Address, forRuport or Treatment, DR. J. SKI M.I X HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, So. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. *?*By order of the Directors. EZRA D. IIK ART WELL. President. Oio. Pairchild, Secretary 30-ly F 3 R. d. losc, M. d. n. si It jim AM, M. D DR8. LONG & BURNHAM, OFFER their Professional Services to the Citiiicns of Greenville and surrounding country. Office at their Drug Store, on Maiu Street, recently occupied by Drs. Mink A Lotto. May 19. 2 tf R. D. LOJIO, M. D RICHARD BURJUIAM, M. D. DRS. LONG & BURUHAM, APOTHECARIES <fc DRUGGISTS, AT THE OLD STAND Or M1MS A LONO, WILL KEEP constantly on hand a full supvlr ply of PURE DRUGS, Medicines, Puints, Oils, ZB Varnishes, Dye-stuffs, Ac., Ac. Also, a splendid assortment of TOILET ARTICLES, vis: Hair, Tooth and Nailllrushes; Hair Pomades, nmuy rarieti?f Tooth Soaps and Wnshesi Washing Soaps, every quality ami /trier ; Fine Shaving Soaps. Fresh Extracts for flavoring, vis: Rose, Vanilla, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Lciuon, Nectarine, Ac., Ac. We have a very eut,trior article a/ Oil EES' TEA, the best in Greonvillo. We have for tale all the popular Patent Medicines. Physicians supplied on i.ibkhal terms. Our long connection with the Drug Business, (one seven, the other ten years,) and both being graduates of the Medical College of the State of South Carolina, will, we think, ho a sufficient guarantee of our ability to dispense Medicines properly and seenratulv. Oor HrrHDMiaunLi Finn will be at the (tore and will attend to all preeeriplione personally At any hour of Ibe day or niyht. May IS 1 tf w:irHovEYr m?rnirroa or TUB LAMBS' STORS, 1 * i>RAi.r.n iw FAKCY AM) ST A CLE DKY GOODS, RICH 1)U ESS GOODS, D ONSETS, HIDIlOSS HOUSENEE/'/NO GOODS, HEADY MADE CLOTH! SO, AND J AD J A KVMIER GOODS, GREENVILLE, S. C. N. Tl.?Orders accompanied by the cash, for Medical, Lnw or Library Looks, Musical Instruments, and Sundries,^promptly filled in New York and delivered at his counter on shortest aotice. Jan 13 33 1y BLACKSMITH INQ. wd" " The concern of T0WNK8 A IIAWhaving been dissolved by mutual imKiaiSSciinscst. the business will be carried on ftt the lAin? Hhrin k? lk? ? - ~aTw7 niioojtg. January, 18J9. J. ?. HAWKISH. NOTICE. THE underarm*! baring trencferred hi* internet in the Blnckamitb Shop near William*' Store, to Metro. Bnooaa A IIawkiVb, ?ake* pleaaure Is recommending thrm to a aliaro of public patronage. Tlicy will be prepared to attend promptly and *aklefactorily to all calla in their line. They bare experienced and akillful Smith* in llnrevaboeing, Repairin;; and Ironing Wagon*. I'longb Work, and all other ordinnry work of a Blarkainitli Shop. . January, I860. 37 U 0. JF. T0WNE8. j BTrwrmmmmtvmmmmn -." m .-...i utt-.jl.'&.iflj'Lai. Lrf"i??W Ml 1m ? I TT IB C0^FOUN^S^Tli?L7^a.MP#I^MV 1 JL ??d hia Wcomo a* ? UhUabed fact, ? ft inanity. Medicine, knows and apt eljurorod by *U that iu>rl"" * H used it, m>4 la now ro ggj sorted to with eoutfdeMK^ I It hMMnd tbwuMdi Pj tiibili the U*l two years 4 I who had (iron ? ell.fc*.bojieaofmlledaa tfcennmerous nnaollefted oertlf [.^tlinatu tat nty yaaaabataw ? i I how. ' .^iR Thedosemnstbeadap Okftcd In ?*e tMppnt ofthe iadittfaal taUa*Wik and used In m?b quantities m to not (On!r?[Uy on the Bowels. '* *' Let the dictates of yonrj^Wt judgment (aide yon Hf' ' "?**/, the use of tho Liven IxF*| vicokatok, end ft will " V"S1> C euro hirer Complaint*, ?*| Uilintt* Attack', Dyprp Ml, Chronic Diarr?0? 1 tfj CamfUainte, " Dytentcrg, I) ropey, Soar iVfwwti, HuKtmH Coetireneee, Cholic, Ohdiera, I Cholera Morbem, Cholera ...? ??b? Mlf-I trnry f\tmilg .Vedici *. W, It will CUM Strk ifeeta- 4 jV ache (M thousands can ^ testify,) in twenty minuter, if tiro or three Tea [Jll epooufnle are taken ah ;Jk?\ & commencement of *tjj|to?k. \ . it um giving their twU^uony in its ffcrer. *?WC 1 ^*Mli wutcr in th* month with Urn InvigoM i? I tor, and swallow Woth hMbW. v; >0 ,?'|lhM?W THICK ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. I *u?, SANFORDW 1> F AWHT CATHARTIC PHIS, ' | COMTOUNDKD FROM 9 Pure Vegetable Extract*, and ijut up in GLAUS -T 1 CASES, Air Tight, and will keep in any climate. THE FAMILY CATHARTIC PILL IS A ','J J gentle, but active Cathnr! Itio, which the proprietor bu used in hie practioe "|mor? than twenty yearn. The constantly incren^oing demand from thoen who hare long used the^ Pii.i.b, and the satlsfae- *" tion which all express inj . reg ard to their nee, hoe ' t" induced me to place them ^within the reach of alL The Profosaion well,** know that different Co. thartics act on different ^portions of the bowels. . The Family Cathartic j Pill baa, with duo refer..' enee to this wullestablish fact, been oompeuadcd from a variety of the purest Vegetable JEx-, ( tracts, which actalikeon -every part of the alimentary canal, and are pood;8"',and eafe in all casee where a Cathartic, such as Derangemrnta ? / tkf Sti,nmrk .SVsrni'njua /'.nut *'n fU Back and Loin*, Co?tivmw, fain and ?r>r*MW aver Ik* wkolt body, from m sudden cold, which frefuently, if neglected, end in aloogoeuraeef Fever ,o*? of Aypetit*,a Creep ing .SV Mention of Cold ^ over Ik* body, Beet!*** ^ ????, He winch* or eerigkt t* in ik* k*ad, nil lyium " mnlorg i/mnwi, Fwis in Vkildr*n or Adult*, Q Kktmmaliem, n great /V- / rijirr of Ike Blood, and many diseases, to which flush is heir, too numerous to mention in this advertise meat. Bote?i to 8. . | PRICE THRKK DIMES. The hirer /nrigorator and Family Catkartie fill* are retailed by Druggists generally, and sold whole*' sale by the Trade in all the large towns. 8. T. W. 8ANF0RD, M. P., Manufacturer and Proprietor, 385 Broadway, New York. For sale l.y FISIIER A 1IBINIT8II, Greenville. July 14 10 In BOOTS AND SHOES ~ jits &s^sr fraasae. BROOKS. SCRUGGS * GIBSON fl _ HAVE ON HAND and receiving one of .^?39the largest Stocks of BOOTS A SHOES ever brought to Greenville, and which they are determined to sell to the citisens of Greenville and surroundiug eouutry as cheaply as such articles can be purchssed in COLUMBIA, or elsewhere in the State. Men's, Boys' and Children's BOOTS * 8H0ES, of every variety. Also, Ladies' Misses' and Infants', Oom common to supeflne. Likewise, a good lot ef * Men's, Boys' and CnilJren's Clelltiiiv and Hitto. We call narticular attention to our lllVltriS TURING Department. We wish to supply om and all with Home Manufacture, fro? tho common Br?- ? San up to anything you may wish in the Boot and boo line. We would respectfully inform the publio that wo bare made arrangement* to ftirniah from U ti 20.000 pair of the bast Brogan and Plantation Sheas which we will soli at unusually low prices. We hare also, a good lot of GROCERIES, -lt?V Vat?? O-V- i* ?* A 5^-3 A^ Bcra??* * * ?ot <>* %t?0*?t i??' 'iHi < cu^ ffiJja^SSga>a? ?gS'S||r|f ^vtganv. 1^1*8^ \ BEFORE THK PKUPLI. FOR GONORRHOEA AND G1J3TT. ? FOR GONORRHOEA AND GJLkX, FOR GONORRHOEA AND OIAST, FOR GONORRHOEA AND GUXT, FOR GONORRHOEA AND GLEKX SAVIN A TO DOCTOR'S BILL. ifiW ftl) J. " a . Wjli ~ fo D4? y|B, Jfe JS? ,? $** ft? *?ft? S8& ?4&*S ZsMzzZsia !~oi * t,f., , *M$ isTSS^i. ' X?f *s _.. " ORR *. PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LA?? GREENVILLE, 8. C. V jame* i. of*.. .. .w. ?. raari. J*9?.1! _ 1 ^<1 REED &GOOOLETT, ATTORNEYS AT U9/ a*l? ' SOLICITOR IH BatTITY. / tW* Offlw **x1 door / E E BhMU is C*. I' GREENVILLE, S. C. . i. p. reed i o. eooDtrrr^ .. Junt44 9