University of South Carolina Libraries
> a. ^^Ij^^Vjndor thT*?upoHotomi?i>c* of Rkv. A. TUITWgr nuttfng from $4 toV?? {** wKi?i BOAmi -, Can bw-W be rwiMMtahU (fcMiUoa vpon niwnt>?U Umi. J n f ^ t . Those Wiihina their Aattghtcr* to Inko M\\tfcj, p?ii beard theft. jitf the l*rihttpaj, where Hw/ will be under th? laaUtictlon of an excellent Ih??ructre??. Jwi . . ? tf ";; itwiiMii---Me&nAiiinm A MVtlWJil r jrtiMttL. Tnts N$W INSTITUTION Ofr alwilflr1 * " ' "Vl v" located in li most boeuyDDF plro?uit i>ut of the villago of oSSiw?U go inlo operation on H?ai4?]r, Otla Pebrurjr Ne&(< The Trustee*, In presenting It to tho public, feel aaaaiad that the management of the SCHOOL will be sack aa to aecure for it ,p<vhroi^M ftwm pa-J I rents. luacleoteng-iTaa^liers for the different departments/ tbry' halro had partlculnr refercnoe to -qaalifleationa and suitableness. Tho Male Depsrtniaut wi)l be under the management of Kkv. J. 8. WILBANK8, aa Principal. This gentleman la a graduate of Brskino College, and haa had several jttra' experience aa a teacher. In tho Female f)epartweut, tho aervlcea (if Mrs. id. M. PR ICR, a .graduate of tho Georgia Female College, at Madison, hart been secured. The high character which the abora Institution bear* throughout tho Routb, and the testimonials Of proflclcncy which eho bears, the Truataefe feet warranted In recommending her as a porrotv w?ll Qualified to take eharim of ??>- I natli Department of (bo SCHOOL. Tbe Principal , 1a tbe Male Department will be assisted by Mm. WIl.UANKS. Additional Teachers will bo supplied by the time tbe SCHOOL begins. I stress ?? Vmn&QBS, ran qI'AWTar* or ran amass. Primary Department... ,t $ 4 00 Tbe above, with English tl ram mar, History,-tisogrupoy am Aritfcnctic ? 00 The lligbor Hraflebw ef English, including ^ a I.atln and tlreeV,.... r . 10 00 MusM 10 00 Dm of Inatrament, 60 ; Modern Language*, each, 6 00 Incidental Kxprmea, 26 The Teat Books will be announced at an early day. Board can bo secured for Pupils from a distance upon reasonable terms, lu taiuilfos residing near the School. It Is earnestly desired that all Pupils, who can, should begin with tho Session. . Upon tbs opening of the School, (on Monday, 0th Psbruary,) a Literary Address will bs delivered by Her. T. 8. Ahtiii s, of Orconvilio. The public arc respectfully requested to attend. T. KliWIV WAtiV Ok.: v yr. k. kaolby] ' r T. C. GOWBUi b'* .f M WHJTKFOVKJ* SMITH, ? J. F. KKAHN, H I* B. CLI^Kf , W. P. PRICK, Seerctary, ? ' Jan ? ti t Patriot it Mountaineer copy till 1st February. l" HOT ICE. Till? Onnartn-mhlp existing between PRICE * MrJUNKIN, iu tlie publication of "Tnic SovnixaN Entkhi^U*," has been dissolved by mutual eonwnt. Those indobtol to Uto Firm are requested to ?oa?? forward and settle up. Payments may Ue ntada to aitker of tlia Firm. W. P. PRICK, 'la; 14 (i M. Id oJ I) 3 KIN. January % 18 CO. copahtnkrbhip7 THE nnderalgned have formed a Copartnership for the publication of "Tua Houtiiebm KsTaraiaa," under the name and style of MeJl'NKIN A BAILEY. a M. MoJUNKlN. J. C. BAILEY. January 2, I860. r SOMMFUS' R1TTP QTARI? 1/juu jj kjiylllit THIS great sale will rommenct the FIRST OF JANUARY, mo, and will laat until the Tiaar or Marcii, 1800, and la made in order to di*po*e of the LARGE STOCK OF WINTER GOODS Now on hand, and to make room for the coming STRING GOODS. Therefore, all 'who may bo in want of CHEAP and haodaomely-aclcctcd Ooona, will do well to come and price my Goonx before purchasing, aa I am wilting and want to aoll off my Stock at more REDUCED PRICES than / have ever offered them before, atich aa Ladies' Dress Good* ; Shawls and Cloaks; Red and White Flannels; TaldoCovers-; Worsted and Linen; Hoops, (warranted steel,} for Ladle* Mbjse* and Children ; Llndseya and Srtipod Domostics; B -ShR-tings and Sheeting*, 1,1J, 2 and 2) yard* wide; Towels A Napkins; Ladle* and Children'* Ho*e'; Ladio's k Misses* Shoe*; Needle-worked Collar* and Band*; Comb* and' Perfumery, etc., etc., cte. o a. ? waTn ssr ?? AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Shirts and Undershirts, Socks and Cravats, Boots, Rhoea and Hats, Trunks and Oarpct Bass, Knives and Pistols, Beale'a new Repeaters, Tame Cutlery and Notions, etc., oto., etc. GROrRHIKM win ftif p Prima Bmo* Sldoi and Shoulder*, Prime Rio Coff?s add Sugar*, MolaaacM, Candle*, Soap, Soda, Batter, Tobacco and Scgara,'etc., etc., etc. SALT FOR SALE, At Soaawera' Bine Store. ; GRAIN* FOR SALE. onn BUSHELS CORN. 200 Ilushela PKAS. jC\J\J By A. SUMMERS. ALSO, T Aft BA08 raperllnt Wheat FLOUR, 10 Daga A UU frttk Dock wheat FLOUR. For aale by A. SUMMERS. Jan ? II tf GLVCEHWE SOAP, (Glycerine Cream, and Camphorated let. 1jX)R aoftening and beautifying tha completion, and a anre preventive of ehappad hupda gpd Una, Prepared and for rale l?y JBHER * IIKIXlTSir. pruggtata and Chemist*. Poo u n if 1SUAKUI IfUAIllJn mTKB Sabscrtber respectfully mnmiieN to the public generally, that be U prepared to furniah By Mi &qy, Werk or Jfonil, on the moat reasonahle tense. Person* attending the Cosrt* and other pnblta occasions will ftnd It to their advantage to call on him. A J 'J** e Apply IdO yards east of Old Court H'wp, on bUrket Street. IV. W. BTON H. Dee ti J? Im SMOKED HERRING, PICKLED SALMON. No. I, *. and 3. Mackerel, ^..dflsh and Haddock, and Pickled Shad. All Wed and fos sale tjr . _,rf AVAft'aupeHnrfitdtoL. U>Ui In qtthJHj and att fiSSrjK' -u ptt l? ?t-tf ?1?1: 1/ f m + . o ; jTXAVE aSMi* ULX complaint has boon made ^Establishment "ii IN (SB and everywhere else. Being now entire Stock of WINTER GOOl gard TO (JOo'lY I it ; 11nm 11 tlmt all the Goods be marked doi afford a chubce te suflfermg ti^mr their hard-earned monav. A? !r i ?-??. > o< w . ttti"" " , , ?<ii t t '? ?.?.>/ . j/ i>t CM Tl hi '.i iti ft short time, to?)ay 111 Spring of winter goods id unusually lai rest assured'Af- ptocuring Gobds n terms than can possibly bo done TO'i g ,m,w Jrtnunry 12 ? ? ' . - *? I to hirk, neoro boy; eleven years old.' for 8ale, An euro oirl, at,out 12 year* old. Enquire at this oseo. Jan 5 85 4 _ v'l i - - * ?t &?*?,7 TIIE Subscriber* will remove to their new BRICK STORE on Thursday, the 89lli inst., where tliejr will open * W?ll-8elejt?l Stoek of DAY tHIQDS. fifiOCEKISS. B&BliVllBE. &C. Which they will sell on VERY REASONABLE TERMS. Among their Stock may b? found Ready Made Clothing, Broadcloths, Casshneree, Satinets, Tweedy Brown and Bleached Shirtings," Blenched and Brown Drillings,Tickings, Flannels, Debeges, Wool DoLnlnos, French Merinoes Boinlmr.incs, Alpnccas, Black and Fancy Silks Marcelline and Florence Silks, Dress Trimmings Embroidered and Marseilles Seta, Embroidered Crotchet and Marseilles Collars Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Ac. !H1AY? AND ?AP3, Cent*' Boot* and Shoe*, LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S GAIIERS, BOOTHS" AND SHOES, Farmers' and Carpenters' Tools, Saws. Auger*. Chisels, Planes and Drawing Knives, Parker's Mill Nails, Trace Chains, Steel Hoes, Axes, Ames' Spades and Shovels, Buckets, Keelers, Tube, Crockery, Coffee, Ten, Crnshcd, Pulverized, Clarified and Brown Sugars, Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles, Bridles, Saddle Wallets, Wagon and Carriage Whips, We ore constantly receiving new additions to our Stock, to which we invite the attention of our customers and the public generally. ROBERTS A SHUMATE. Dec 29 84 tf 'THE ANNOUNCEMENT.' THE subscribers rospeetfully call attcntloneto tlio following CARD, conveying the information to the citizens of Ureenvillo and the District that ttiey have purchased the entire stock of DRUGS & MEDICINES or idhu aaaait. asrawipc^ifi, and Intend to continue the Lupine** nt the old stand. It is their intention to enlarge this branch of Trndo in Greenville, and in view of this, havo ordered a large stock and a very complete assortment of every Article usually kept in Drug Stores in Urge cities. Mr. F. A. Waltkr, Jr., (to whoin the responsible charge of preparing and dispensing Mcdtoiucs is entrusted,) is a young mau in whom they havo ovory confidence. Educated to the business, familiar with the Gorman Langnago, and with considerable experience In all tlie Pharmaceutical branches, they trust, although a stranger in this community, ho inny secure the confidence of tho people, and a share of the patronage of the eitisens of Ureeuvillc. The former patrons of this establishment may rest assured that erery regard will continue to be manifested for their interest in the parity and cheapness of every artiole old. They invite, very respectfhlly, a visit froni ail. F1311EK A 1IEINITSII, Pharmaceutists and Druggists. June 7 4 tf "SILVER SOAP," FOR Cleaning and PolDbiug Silver, Plated and Britannia Warea, Mirrors Marble, Tin, Ac. For cleaning House Paint, Window Glass and Carriage Moulding*, it ia invaluable. For sole VfC! II LMI A- lirivinv.t. rioiiriiv a 11 r.i c* iirMi, McBees Block. Dec 18 82 _ tf "FARINA CRACKERS," F RES 11, just receive*! and for snle l?y FISHER A H BIN ITS IT, MoBee's Block. Dec 15 82 tf "FOR SALE OR RENT, AWHii-mmDFAitii, CONTAINING 700 Aoros, tbo largest portion in Woodland. On the place is a Dwelling with six upright rooms, all lathed and plastered ; u good Bam and Out buildings ; ii Acres of Branch Bottom ; a good Orshaid of Peach, Asp's and Cherry Trees; also, a good selecflonof Grape Vine*. This plnceix situated on the road from the town of Orecnvillo to Williemston, directly on the Kailrooil; a Poet Office and Depot within two sud a half miles of the place. On the place is a good Blnckmnllh Shop. Any person wishing to engage in the Wagon and Blacksmith business, wonhf And this a good neighborhood. I will sell, with the plaoe, 3 NEGRO MRN, otic a good Smith. For further information, inquire of JOHN MARK LEV, (?r?p? Station, S. V., or OrtrurilU C. //. If not sold by the inidillo of January, it will lie lor roof. Dec 13 32 If TO KENT, From the Flret of Jnunary, 18CO, THE VERY DESIRABLE Residence on Buncombo St., OCCrPIKD during the peet year l?y A. C. Hmitii. J?*q. Tbe liouac contain* liflrcu Kooiun nnd ticTM Fire-place*. Thu Lot enmpri?u* figlit Acre* of ground, with Branch ?f Water rnuiiing through R. The premier* are located adjoin iug the Fcuialo College, and are altogether moat lavomhly ailaptoil fur a Arat elaea Privato Hoarding llotiae. Apply to 8. ?. CRITTXKDKX. Dee 1* 33 ^ ' * RR to sell as cKeap as ever, though of hie underselling evkkv othkk f ^ aj 4 I1NVILLE??. determined to CLOSE OUT? the )S at any imuci^'Nvtrttotft any reimii ivn to its original cost and thus inity to receive the full value for is the intention of ? LEAVE Supplies, and as tho,(present Stock rm fir\r 1 l?!o Aij? >v?. viii<j oriwt/ii, ure jmiMic may t CARR'B on mork AnvANTAOEonn at any other Establishment in TUT | Vl\ 2 ; :.? 1 - *l ' 30 tf ? j . .. i ..." -I. > '"V i. . NtRtfOLfl. MARIETTA HIGH SCHOOL, 14 MILES ABOVEJIREENVILIE C. H. DR. W. PIERCE, Principal. COURSE OF STUDY. Clamilml Department. FIRST CI.APS. KA/Mi?million* l.ntin Grammar, II is tori* Sarin', Viri, Roiiuv, Caisnr, Cicero, Arnold'* l'rose Composition. CHEEK.?Ureck FonnS. HtffcoND CLASS. LAffX.?Sollnrt, Virgil commenced, Arnold's Proso Composition. (MEEK.?Jacob's Creek Reader. JUNIOR CLAS& LA F/JV.-?'Virgil continued, Cicero Do Sonuctute, llornro commenced. GEE EE.? Xcnophon's Anabasis, Homer commenced, Arnold's Pros* Composition. SENIOR CLASS. LAT/X.?Horace continued, Livy. (JHEEK.?Homer continued, ThucydldeS, Plato, Arnold's Proso Composition. Tbo French, Italian snd Spanish optional. Enfflish Department. FIRST CLASS. Reading, Spelling, Writing, History of the United States. Algebra, Composition, Declamation, Elocution, Pantomime. SECOND CLASa ' Reading, Spelling, Writing, Bullion's English Urainmar, Mitchell's Geography, modern and ancient, Grecnlcafs Arithmetic, Colburn's Mental Arithmetic, Composition by Qtiackenboe, Declamation, Analysis, Elocution, Pantomime. JUNIOR CLASS. Algebra continued, Geometry, Universal History, Natural Philosophy, Logic?-Hodge's, Astronomy, Composition, Declamation, Elocution, Rhetoriu. SENIOR CLASa Logarithms, Plane Trigonometry, Mensuration, Chemistry, Geology, Mineralogy, Integral Calculus, Conic Sections, Shades and Shadows, Physiology and Anatomy, Moral Philosophy, Intellectual Philosophy, Evidence* of Christianity, Essays oud original Speeches. Combe's Constitution of Man, and Spursbeim's Dissection of the Intellectual Faculties, Constitution of the United States. I'riinnry Department. FIRST DIVISION. Rending, Writing, Mental Arithmetic, Elementary Geography, Stage Pantomime, Lectures on Elocution. SECOND DIVISION. Reading, Spelling, Writing, Stage Pantomime, Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar, Lectures on Elocution, Latin Forms, Composition, Declamation, Rook-Keeping. UtNtKAL UUittiVflUAJK*, Tho Academic Year is divided into two sessions: tiio first begins on tho first Monday in February, aud tho second ser.ion on tho 14th of July. EXAMINATION AND EXHIBITION. At the closo of tho first term, Dramas, Dialogues aud Declamations before tho public. VACATIONS. There are two vacations in tho year?from tho first of July to the !4th, and from the 14th December to the flrat of February. BOARD. Several families near the School have opened their houses for Boarders. Boys can get the very best Boarding in tho village for sis dollars per month. In tho Classical, boyd may read any of the (ircek or I.atin authors required for graduation in any of our colleges or universities. EXPENSES *OF TUITION. PRIMARY DEPAKTMKT. First Division.. Six Dollars per Session. Skcond Division Eight Dollars per Session. ENGLISH DEPARTMENT. Twelve Dollars and Fifty Cents per Session. CLASSICAL DEPARTMENT. Sixteen Dollars per Session. Tho Academy T^located at Marietta, 14 miles above Greenville v,. mi. vcuiTcyiMicc iroui mo village can ?e procure<l at any lime. The Academy ia 76 feet by 42, with three fire places, a largo Declamation stage, and a piaxxa running the length of the building. Water furnished by pipes for bathing. A full tlymnnaium, for physical education oi boys and young ladies. Dee 20 34 tf %*The Spartanburg Express, Abbeville Banner, Anderson (Saxetto and Newberry Sun will please insert three times, every other week, and forward accounts to W. Pierce, Marietta, Orccnville District. C&&VF8BBSV1LLB ACADEMY. Spnrlanburf Uiatriel, . TflR Kxerrtses of this SCHOOL wil' ho rem mod (D. V.) on the Fourth JtSUi'"*' 'foaMory, lHftO. The Seliolnstic Year is divided into eflkv two terms, twenty weeks each. Tuition, i* Knglish Course, per Term, Tuition, in Classical ami higher Mathematical Course, per Term,...*..... $15 OOOI) BOAKD can be obtained within conrenient distance, at $d.0<> per month. S-iT- fltadeut* Wisliing to enter, will please address WILLIAM C. HYNDB, or J. D. HIVING*. Kan.. 1 Dee 22 34 I CutwfordavUle, 3. C. f * 1*91 f 1 8|lPI' tuti it fcmiM 4 N P (?t ft new Teip-'a pre*cot,for tbo Fanner wil JK ifftnfta-kfteper, ooruiming ftp Alntnnftft, Intcfbut fBC5^y Ce^U-rfcU Moiiry on South CaUdi- , on Bull, vfticnriur of Retntu 7?*}m ssi Um Weftom Circuit, uaeful Recipe*, ami II lu.t rated end Wftcrlptito Catalogue of Article* kept for ftalo By - r " J. B. 611 BBS!AN, Agent ^f^VES f~8TOVE8 ! ! I MB rn a ? * ' j3 ISM MS m M t ALARCE Ansortmcnl of Cooking, Office, Parlor, Church, Shop, Sheet Iron, Belf-Regulatiog, and ?U other kind* of Stove*, nlwaya kept on hand and for iato toy ?'"/< f \ J. B. SllKUMAN, Agent. 1^ PUMPS, PUMPS. A LARGE Assortment of Forcing, Lifting, Cistern and l)oou Well PUMPS, always Jon band, and put up in the best stylo. They are much more convenient, and cost less in the eud, than the old-fashioned windlass, bucket and rope. J. 11. SHE KM AN, A gout. KEROSENE OIL. THE rapid increase in our in our rnlcs of Kerosene Oil, havo ennblcd^us to order in large quantities, by which wo get a reduction in prioe, so that we can sell it by thu gallon, at $1.25 for cash, and $1.50 on credit. The OIL is now better than it ever has been. Wo keep none hot gcuuine Oil. Counterfeit Oils burn badly, aud will explode. J. II. SIIEKMAN, Agent. ^ . ' OF all kinds aud sines. i. B. SHERMAN, Ag?nk WALL ^APERWfl. A 0001) Assortment of WaII Papering, Bordering, Window Shinies. nnd'Anc Screens, just received by J. u. SllKUMAN, Agent. SEWI1VO MACHINES. f|3r W J i | UK 1 FOR ALL ORDINARY PURPOSES, ?raccDw^ia <&:mAi?LaaL?g ARE THE BEST. WE furnish thorn nt exactly the samo price that they sell for in New ^ ork, and charge no freight. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. r^T .r^rNTar *=* j^r.rcli r I> \ Y A Vn mi'" ^ till- fmn 'Hi* Itollar Jj aud a Quarter Clock*, ahvnv* on hand, j J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. j I New supplies constantly rccolved. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. w* kocp a FULL STOCK of thcxo. TT J. H. HIIKKMAN, Agent. STEROSE0PES & STER0SC0P1C VIEWS. AUOOI> SUPPLY. J. I). PI IKUM AN, Aganl. RIP VAN W I\KLE CA-FLPBTINO-, MANUPAUTI.'UKI) In the good old State of North Carolina. This i? shout ax pretty, mikI will last throe time* as long, an the Northern article, which hringx throe time* the money. Price, ft# cent* per yard. J. n. PIIKKMAK, Agent. ^VVlk\P| OV Tin Ware, Wooden Ware, Jnpannod Ware, Mnta. ])rooti>.i. Iron Ware, in the Uenwluwn. ing and Fanning lino, ia kept at flffKRMAN'S. Only one price at SHKltMAN'S, Ten per cunt discount for ca?h purchaser* orer WO, and Ave per cent between $'.'0 and $5. AT 8HRKMAN'*. II iaagood place totrado AT SHKRMAN'fH Uecauao you get your money'* worth AT UHKRMAK'S. When you come to town, call at 811 HUMAN'S, Whether you trade or not, at SUHKMAK'S. Joa # "** St U I A H > I . --crrr n LAND AND HOUSES J ? FOR9ALB. I WILL oifcf for V*e, )o ?*,ev k'r'"*' bidder, on Thurtdag, lfce~}yLXT\ JQiOaXlili of January nrjci, at my ru-fN A.A. J sidunoo, at Fairviow Poet Office, Two Tract? of Land, ? fl@ | No. 1 contains Tiro Hundred and TVenfy-tAree iwN, adjoining lands of C. I). Stawail, Wu, Choice and other*; has about twonty-iro acres of Woodland on it, about tb* earn* hi cultivation, the balance in Jitne old fteld. No. 2 contains Out Hundred and .VinWjr fine Arret, adjoining lands of Jaa. SfcDowcl, J. Abncr Nash aurf others ; twenty-flvu acres in cultivation, the remainder Woodland. stoou or MOKNES, CATTLE 6c SHEEP, And Mirh other Property p I do not need to keep. Terms in tide known on day of sale. ROBERT FEDEX. Dee 22 83 4 EXECUTOR'S SALE OP 24 LIKELY NEGROES, AND OTHER PROPERTY, AT GRKKNVlLLfc, 8. C., ?0 iUedncsdoy, J8ii) ^nuairy nat. ilTILIi BK SOLD, to the highest bidder, at the W Carpenter Shops of tho late JOAB MAULDIN, deceased, at Greenville, 8. C., nt It o'clock, on Wednesday, the 18th of January next, the following NEGROE: GEORGE, about 33 years of age, & first rate Carpenter, and a man of superior Intelligence and character. EI,IAS, about 39 years old, a first rate Carpenter. JEPP, about 25, a good Carpenter, with his wife, JENNY, about 25, a good Cook, Washer. Ironer and <a ?j .. . -- - u?w>htu, sua meir two children, JOHN, 4, ami HARRIET, 2 year* old?an uncommonly likely and valuable Pamily. FRANK, 2ft, a good Carpenter. T1TIT8. .15, a good Carpenter, with Ins two children. DAVID, 7, and THOMAS, ft years old. JOB. 35, a good Carpenter, with his wife, CIIANEY, 30, ami their children, ROSE. 12, CA ROLIN K, 10, CHILLIS, 6, at.u WILSON, .1 years old. HARRY, 17, been working some time at the Carpenter's trade. JACOH, 16, been somo time at the Carpenter's trade?uncommonly likely. JIM, SO, good Ostler and Carriage Driver, with his wife, AMELIA, 30, a good Cook, and their children. DOLPU, 4, and TOM, 2 yours old. RILL, about 12 years old. MARIA, abont 12 years old. 1 Tho ordinary CARPENTER'S TOOLS of the above named Workmen will bo sold with them. 1 THERE WII.I. ALSO BE SOI.P, Several Hundred Thousand Feet of First Rate LUMBER, of all kinds. A great portion of this is .Yellow Pine, of unusual sixes anil lengths, from "Frost's Mills, near Columbia. To tie sold in lots. A quantity of Yellow l'lnc 8111 NO LKS, \ A fine Assortment of CARPENTER'S TOOLS, of excellent quality. * A lot of LATHS. A Pour-IIorsc POWER, with Shafts, Bands, Whip and Circular Saws, Ac.?complete and in good order. 2 Two-Horse Wagons and Harness. 1 Cart. i 1 Two-IIorse Carriage and Harness. 1 P?i"f first rate and well-broke Mules. 1 Orey Pony. Some CATTLE and HOOS. ALSO, A large Kiln of well-burnt BRICK, to be sold entire, deliverable as it stands, about two miles IVoui town, on the Pendleton Road. TKRM8?A credit of one year, with interest from date, on note with two approved securities. N. B.?The Brick Kiln may be purchased at private side, and any information in rcsard to th? ..tb cr Property obtained, on application to C. J. ELEORD, Attorney, Greenville, 8. C. 11. P. MAULDIN, Qualified E.tccutor. NOTICE. ALL persons having demands against the Estate of the late JOAB MAULDIN, deceased, are notified to present them, duly attested, to the subscriber, or to C. J. Klford, Esq. Persons indebted to the said Estate are notified to make immediate payment. All the Notes and Accounts due the deceased, ns well as those due the I late Finns of 8. MAULDIN A Co. and MAULDIN A LONG, will tie fonnd in the hands of Mr. W. T. | Shumate, at Roberts A Shumate's Store, until the 15th February nest; at which tluio those remaining unpaid will be placed In tho hands of C. J. Elford, Esq., Attorney for the Estate, for immediate collection. U. F. MAULDIN, J Dec 15 32-6 Qualified Executor. Carolina?Gf^nbilla Ditfricf. IN COURT OF ORDINARY. John C. Garrison and 0. W. Garrison, Administrators of the Estate of David Garrison, deceased, applicants, against Mary Garrison, Widow, Francis Cox, Poter Garrison. Edmund W. Garrison, J. C. Garrison, Charles Garrison, O. W. Garrison, N. W. Garrison, Joel 11. Garrison. Martha Gurrisou ami Nancy Garrison, defendants.?Petition Jor Final Sctlh mt ami Decree. TT appearing that Peter Garrison and Edtnnnd 1 W. Garrison, two of the defendants, reside beyond the limits of thi^itatc : It is ordered and decreed, that they do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to be holdeu at Greenville Court, for Greenville District, on Morning, the VJth dug of March nu r, ?f*10 o'clock, A. .If., to shew cause, if any they I have, why a final settlement of the Estate of David Gahkisox, deceased, should not he made, and a decree given thereon ; and also to relidur its whatever advancements they may have received in the lifetime of the Intestate. Given under mv hand and sent nt C.:n? r> it this 27tli day of December. Annu Domini, 1859. ROBERT MoKAY, O. U. D. Dee 29 34 3m The Slate of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Roderick w. goddard, who is in the tody of the Sheriff of Greenville District, by virtue of a writ of cnpins ad natin/acirndum, at the suit of William P. Price, having filed in my office, together with a schedule, on oath, of his estate and effects, his petition to-the Court oi Common Pleas, praying that he may be admitted to the benefit of the Acts of tho General Assembly made.for the relief of insolvent detdors. It is ordered, that the suid William P. Price,and all othcrthe creditors to whom the said Roderick W. Goddard is in anywise indebted, bo, aud they arc hereby, summoned, and have notice to appear, before the said Court ut Greenville Court House, on the fourth Monday in March next, to shew cause, if any thoy fan, why the prayer of the petition aforesaid, should not be granted. YT. A. M.DANIEL, C. C. P. Office Conrt of Common Fleas, Greenville District, ]6th December, 1359. 32-3tn Dee 15 KOTICR. THE undersigned gives notice to all persons indebted to him, that his NOTES. BOOKS and ACCOUNTS aro in the hands of K. 1*. JONES, his Attorney, for collection. Call ami settle without rost. JAMES D. 1ULL. l>ce 8 31 tf hauun: KAI'?I? : A CHOICE Lot of fine Middling*. aolectcd with i c?ro, ami for Halo low f>r <n*n, l>v 8TKEN A BVAlfS, Doc 8 31-lf Undpr McBoe'a Hall. ORANGE COIJNVY BUTTER. j U8T arrived, direct from Orange t'oMijr, Now J York, a very superior Article of the above Butter. For ?alo by 8TEEN A EVANS, Wholesale oad Kvail (Imcer*. Nov 24 20-tf Hall. TEAS! TEAS!! AVERY superior English Breakfast Tea, Hunpowder, Hyson, Imperial Oolong, Hupeeior Oolong, and ftonchong. The above Tear, were to-* looted in New York by one ?f the (Inn, and arc re- i commended a* very (Inc. For rale by Nov 24 2'J- ti 6TEEN k EVANS. 1 I fin u ~-"Ln,|jri"'iitnini?- ifiM m i Wwn miuw CHARLESTON ADVERTISEMENTS. ??W CAMET JSMJ. t 1 IMPORTBR, ' l Jpsasn, Aim wnsAivm '55^ . JN ALL KINDS 0? RUOS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, Y < WINDOW SHADES, A*D cvbt&ii enoissfm&y Biscurnn. us &a auassv# CHARLESTON, S. AMD J, a. Bailie A Rro., 103 Broad Strert, A ujpitfm, Gm. Nov 31 2? ly NOTIOB. rpiIK ubscribcrs having old out their entira JL Stork of CURT A IXSUt Mr. II. W. KINSMAN. would respectfully solicit for him continuation of the patronage so liberally bestowed et? them in that department; llOBERT AllUEK A CO. CURTAIN GOOD8. This Stock is tho LARGEST IN THE SOUTHERN STATES, Comprising Uroratolles, Saten 1>?-I.aires. Lace and VI..-II.. n?n-?1 - ?.?iu vuiimui, v/orniqcj, i*iu s una Kiuidii, Dray?ry Tassels and Loop*. ? \tj IfL W H OT S3 MADE AS D PIT UP in the LA TEST STYLES. II. W. KINSMAN', 22.1 Ki*o fit* hkk>t. Not 24 2D-Cm Charleston, B. C. Ill MchinbsT THE perfection of scientific arrangement and mochanical simplicity is attained by tho mm & mm siwise miceuk COMPANY, IN THEIR IMPROVED NOISELESS MACHINES. They havo tho following advantages over all othits : They have no pads to keep in order; no bob' bins to wind; no tangling or waste of thread ; no idling the thread or work ; no tool chest stocked with wrenches, pliers, pickers, leather, Ac., Ac. The directions are simple, easily understood, mmI easily explained by tho instructors. There is no taking apart cleaning or rolling. They about ten drops of oil per day, when in constant use. They innkc no more noise than a common* eloek, even w hen making fifteen hundred stitches per minute. They run cosy?a child ten years old cau work them to full speed. They run fast or slow withunt any danger of altering the length or tightness of tho stitch. They will 11cm, Fill, Bather, Iiind. Bitch and Embroider, in so superior a manner that wc challenge comparison. The name Machine will sew pavilion guaso and plantation goodsThe scam is as elastic as the most clastic faBrle, aud will not break in washing or ironing. The same Machine runs silk, linen thread and common spool cotton with equal facility. The needles are shorter,and, therefore, stronger than any other high or lowpriced Machine. That they arc superior to all others, is evident from the fact of thcra having been thirty thousand Machines made and sold, in competition with uthcrs ntri-ajtv in j ?|<v..u?n. The qnrflion is no longer which is ine beet maker, but which of the numerous patterns of Urovku <fc lUkKH shall I take. PRICES, $50 TO $190. If. W. KINSMAN, Agent for the tale of three celebrated Afavhinee. asussca . CUAKLESTON, S. C., D. B. IIASELTOX, Manager. Nov 24 29 tf GREAT southern GIFT BOOR STORE! GOLO JEWELRY GIVEN AWAY AT 304 KING ST., CHARLESTON, S. O. A PRESENT worth from 50 cents- to $100 will bo given, immediately after the salo, to each purchaser of n Book, for which we receive $1.00 or more, without any additional expense. Our ImmeDM) Stock of Hooks, The largest in extent and variety to be found in tho South, presents rare inducements to the reading community, comprising nearly all the Classical, rare and standard works of aRciant and modem Literature. Ths Gift Book Btninesi Is so well known nud deservedly popular, that it needs no words froui us in its favor ; tlio fact that nearly one-linlf the hooks sold at retail in our largo cities arc sold upon tho tlift principle, thus securing to purchasers nearly double, ami often t?a limn in value over what they would re?eivoaby the usual course of trade, uudur tho old fogy rates. Country merchants, and all rash purchasers, can buy Honk* anil Stationery, Watch'* anil Jewelry from us at New York wholesale prims, (with addition of freight and insurance on heavy goods.) Our facilities are sUch thut we can and will offor inducements worthy the attention of each and every class ol buyors. ipitr Evening Sales AT Auction will be held during the months of December, January, February and March. Catalogues can l?c obtained by ealli ing a'. No. 304 King Street, Charleston, S. C. J. IMlll,BRICK'S Soi TiiMitN Gift Book Stoke. Dec f 30 tf C. F. JACKSON CO. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, NO. 109 KINO STCEIlT, CllAULEHTON, S. C. Nor 24 20 1y* I, L? TALK & CO.," WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAI.KRK IV CLOTHING, ANU Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, NO. 205 KINO STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. i ??T* Manufactory iwid Wholesale Warehouse, .14 1>kv STRUT, New York. tar All Orders promptly attended to. NF1 Nov 24 29 ly ,U rs WiHNlow'a l**thf?| lyrap, f.tuH CHILDREN Teething. For sale at JL1 FISHER A HEINITSII S Drugstore. Keroaenc IlluininatiiiK Oil. "TUST received and for sale cheap at *J FISHER A JlEINlTSlI 8, DIA MON fTcE MKNT, T.10R joining broken China, Glass, Earthenware. JP Metals, Wood, Cabinet Work, and all Fancy Articles. For sale by FISIIBR A HEINITSII. Fare Catawba Ginger Wine, T7I0R sale by J1 FISIIER A IIEINTTSir, Dec ft 31 M.Bee's Block. PEARL- STARCH. OO of "lc "hove STARCH, just arrived. ?ncl for ?alo at lu cent* per pound, by Nov 24 29?tf STKKN * KlAHS, Goshen and English Dairy Cheese AVKKY choice Arlitrie of ?{?? nhovo Clli'l ?K For Halo by HTEKN A E\ AN.Nov 21 2'j u ?