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*? V , , ] ? *^V\ i%? tl^? '^V >V ?l'. *? ... _ ^ ^^, 1. i , i i y* , ' *y "''^'fiP'" '"it'r' . ; " 1 1 >?:- -v *?? : ? li JT REFLEX OF POPULAR EVENTS. M M >?J-.n?.t i I'.;!v ...? i? > .<< I . Jttnilt mv-ft" J|>< |. itvaa i 1 *'" ' " ! f'"it : ( > i? >' ..'. t "* "? ' ". ., - . ; . , , .. , . , p.M ^^fQjmmmmmm^mmmmmammm*m~mmi^mmmmmmihmmmmmmmm~mmm~*^mmmm*mm**mm*mm^mni mi ml ,< , n i ?? ? n ??? :: gsuat^rl to progress, the Rights of thg ?outh, ami the gijfusioft of Useful Unoal^dge among all glasses of Wlorjtiug ^tl?;n. i_ *> * i < 11 i nm < i * ? > * ' . ? ! >....., < ' , . . , . , , ... ??? - -r. ... t VOLUME VI. ~ GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA, tHURSDAY MORNING,'JANUARY li 1800. NUMBER 36? . . '?"!"! J- ' 1- ' TUB SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE 1? Im?? Ersry Tkaradaf Morning, br M'J,UN^^AILEVO. X. MoyonWa. . . . \ John O. Bailey. SI a Tear,*in Utum; 11.00, If delayed 1 111 I?lLuLLi!?LL?J "r $tlrrtrt ^Brtro. ?=>' ..' , . ' ? Suffering ? nm tub okriian or babtmak. 1 Trial when It weigh* aeverely, Stamp* tli'e Savlonr'a image clearly On the heart# of all his friend*; Jn the frame hi* hand* have moulded, la the fntnre life unfoulded Through the offering which ha Mode. Suffering eurbe our wayward pnaefona, Child-like t?mpcr* in u* (adiioti, And our will to Uim tubdnee; Thu* hie hand, ao soft and healing, Eaob disordered power and feeling By a bleaaed change renew*. Buffering keep* the thought* compacted, That the aoul he not dlatracted By the world'* begulllag art. Tie'like *ome angelle warder, Ever keeping aacred order Id the chambers of the heart. Buffering tune* the heart's emotion To eUrnlt/t devotion, And awakes a fond deaire Tor the land where psalms are ringing. And with paahne the martyrs singing Sweetly to the harper's eholr. Suffering gives one faith aasnraaee, Makes us patient in endurance. Suffering 1 who is worth thy pains t Here they only sail thee torment? Thire t)iev call tlw a Widch not every one attains. Though in health, with power* unwasted. And with willing hearts w* hasted To take up war Saviour's Cross; If through trial our good Master Should refine these powers the foster, What good Christian count* it loss I In the depth of Its distresses, Bach true heart the closer presses To his heart with ardent lore; Brer longing, ever crying, O, conform to me thy dying, Th*t I lira with thee shore 1 Jfiisttllonrmra H railing. First ?nd Last Visit to a Dram Shop. Timothy Truesdell is the name we ehall assign to a very worthy, industrious and thriving mechanic ef New York, who became a burden to himself,? curse to his family, and a nuisance to society at large. A writer, in strong language, aays of him, that during his devotion to strong drink, " he would have uncorked the bottle amid the quaking# and thunders of Mount Sinai, and ! drained it hy the crater of exploding Vesuvius." Yet this miserable and abandoned drunkard waa cured?cured hy a woman's love mingled with a woman's independence. Timothy Truesdell bad a wife and fiva beautiful children; yet he neglected his work, squandered Ms earnings, which dally grew smaller, and spent his time at the pothouse, till the night prostrated all hi* faculties, or the distasteful words m no more trust 1* warned him to ssek tha shelter of bis wife's ear# and protection. His children oonld not go to school beeanse learning was dear and rum wae cheap; the landlord dunned for his rent Mrs. Truesdell was obliged to keep at home, as she had no drese fit to appear in, having pawned the last to pay a fine impose^ upon her spouse by the polios court Misery, utter destitution and famine, stared tha unhappy family in th? face. It U impossible to ?xag*mU the picture, arm if we had room and inclination. Mrs. T. wee a heroine, though not of rougher, She loved her worthlcaa husband, I and bad borne hia neglect, the tears of her children, the gripe of famine, and the railing of the drunkard, without repining. Never had her ex* ertlona slackened?never had a ha rah word escaped her Hps. At alght when ahe put her children to'sleep, ahe wept and watched for hia coming, and when he did eome, drnnk, aa usual, ahe nndreectf and assisted him to bed without a m?rufur of reproach. At length, her courage well nigh exhauttpd, she resolved upon one last, 4e*per?be effort. At night, having disposed of her three oldest j children, she took the two youngest by the hand, and 1)0*4 fe?* jfepa to the groggery her husband was accustomed to frequent She looked into the friodow, and there he sat, in the midet o* his boon companions, with hia pipe in hia mouth nil wm |UM to hie hood. Ho woo evidently exeited^ though not yet drank. Greet wee the ee toniehment of fhet bed eotnpeey, end enortnoue Mr. T.'e dUmey end confueiun, when lile wife, pele ee merble, lending two tettvred end herefooted beber, eteppej up to the bur, celled for three gU<H* ot brepdy toddy, end thee mt down by hie fide "Wfot bring* yon here, Me<71" eeid he, moroeely. ?'t ' I ' M It ie very loneeoine et home, end yonr bael neee eeldom ellowe you to be there," replied the peek .wile. " There ie nn eeaipeny like youte -p |ou eennot come to me, I meet come to yon. ? MT> ? T?ur P????uree ee well ee gone www' ^ - Bat to ?on? to t^ch 4 p1?c? m tkleP ?xpo* , "Bo pioco coo bo improper where noj hutbond 1 is," said poor M*r;. " Whom God hath joined together, tat no man pot asunder." Hhe look np the gists of spirits. i i j* Surely you are not going to drink that f waked Tim, in bnge astonishment. " Why notf You say you drink to forget sor row, and if brandy has the effect, I am sure no .lining creatnre has so good an excuse for drinking as I. Besides, T have not eaten a monthfuI to day, and I really need something to support tfc* eanolVi " ?9 - # t " Woman 1 woman ! you are not going to give the children such stuff as that!"?cried Tim, sa mUJl ? ? *-S ?- ~r ,i 1 -# u W WW?f? W ll?|liOr. " Why nott Can children have a better example than their father'* V Is not what in good for him good for them also? ft will put them t? sleep, and they will forget that they are cold and hungry. Drink, my children; this ia Are, and bed, and food, and clothing. Drink?you can tee bow much good it does your father." With seeming reluctance, Mary suffered her husband to condnct her home, and that night he prayed'long and fervently, which be had not dona before for yna)|lk'ur %-~"? The next evening, as be returned homeward with a steady step, be saw his oldest boy run into the house, and heard him exclaim, "Oh,mother, here comes father?he is not drunk!" Tears coursed down the parent'* eheek, and from that hour he has not tasted strong drink. He has ever been vicious or unfeeling, and as soon as bis emancipation froni the thraldom of a debasing appetita became known, friends, employment and prosperity returned to him. As for Mrs. Truesdell, she is the happiest of women, and vutuM. (iwiw juj bhu gmuiuae, 01 ner first sod last visit to the dram shop. The Feet in the Winter Time. No parsan osn be well long, whose feet are habitually eold; while securing to them dryness and warmth, Is the certain means of removing a variety of annoying ailments. The feet of some are kept more comfortably in winter if ootton is worn, white woollen suite others better. The wise course, therefore, is for each one to observe for himself, and act accordingly. Scrupulous cleanliness is essential to the healthful warmth of the feet; Itenee all, especially those who walk a great deal out of doors durlDg the day in cold weather, should make it a point to dip both feet in cold water on riming every morning, and let them remain half ankled up, for a minute at a time, then rub and wipe dry, dress and move about briskly to warm them up. To such as cannot well adopt tbla course from aay cause, the next best plan ia to wash them in warm water every night just before going to bed. vanitig um prrxmnHHi Ml UTJ IflCITl Oy Iflft Tire moil thoroughly before retiring: this, besides keeping the feet clean, preserve# t natural #oftne#a to the skin, and ha# a tendency to prevent and cure corn*. Many a troublesome throat af. fectien, And many an aonoying headache will be cured if the feet are kept alwaya dean, warm oft and dry. The moment the feet are o'neerved to be cold, the peraon should hold them to the fire, with the atocking# off, until they feel comfortably warm. One of the several decided objection# to a fursiace heated house. Is the want of a place to warm the feeC, the registers being wholly unsulted for our purpose. Our wealthy eitizens do themselves and their families a great wrong, if they fail to have one room in the house, free for all, where a Are is kept burning from the first day of October until the first day of June, on a low grnte, on * level with the hearth; for the eloeer the fire is to the hearth in a grate, or to the floor in a stove, the 'more comfortable is it, and the leas beat is wasted. This Is one of the delights in the good, old-fashioned wood fires, the very thought of which carries so many of us away to the glad scenes of childhood and early homes. It ought to be known in New York, where hard or anthracite coal la burned, that with one of the grates named, filled with hard eoal and a few pieces of Liverpool or cannel pnt on top, nearly all the advantages of a wood fire ars secured, at least as far as cheerfulness, comfort and warmth are concerned. Some feet are kept cold by their dampness from incessant perspiration ; in such eases eork soles are injurious, because they soon become sat iawu, *bu msai uiniii it mumur? lor A long limO. Soak a cork Id water for a day or two and see. A batter plan is to eut a piece of broadcloth about the eice of the foot, baate on it half an inch thickness of eurled hair, wear ft Inside the stocking, the hair touching the aole; remote it at night and place before the fire to dry until morning. The hair titllatee the akin, thereby warm ing it some, and eonduele the dampness to the 4loth. Scrupulous cleanliness of feat and stockings, with hair soles, are the beet means known to us of keeping the feet warm when they are not cold from dseidad ill health. A tight aboe will keep the feat " as cold as ice," when a loose- fit ting one will allow them te be comfortably warm. A loose woolen sock over a loose shoe n. Ill - a.... . I V. Ik.. Ik. <u:.i I aole tight fitting boot. Never (tart on a journey in winter, nor any other time, with a new shoe. [//a/fa Journal of Health. Ladim Siioclo Rkad KKwarAFsae.?It in one great mUtake in female education to keep a young lady'? time and attention devoted to only the fkebionabie literature of the day. If you i would qualify her for conversation, you moat give her aometking to talk about* give her educa tion with the actual world and lU transpiring event*. Urge her to read newspapers and W come familiar with the preaent character and improvement of our race. Hiatory la of som<, hut the paat world Vi dead, and w< have little comparatively to do with it. Oui i t lionglit* and our concern* should he for the pre* ent world, to know whst It is*. and Improve its condition. Let her have an Intelligent conversation concerning the mental, moral, political, and religious Improvements of our times. Let the gilded annals and poems on the centre table be kept a part of the time covered with journals. IA?t the family?men, women and children?read the newspapers. Doctor Franklin. The lending property of Dr. Franklin's mind? great as it was?the fsculty which niada him remarkable, and set liim apart from other men, the generator, in truth, of all his power?was pood setter?only plain good sense?nothing more.? He was nut a man of genious; thera was no brilliancy about him ; little or no fervor; nothing like poetry or eloquence; and yet, by tha sole, untiring, continued operations of his humble unpretending quality of mind, ha came to do more in the world of science, more in council, more in the revolution of empires, (uneducated?or selfeducated as he was,) than five hundred others might have done, each with more genius, more fervor, more eloouaaee. m?r* - -1 Ha was born of English parents, in Boston, Massachusetts, New England, about 170?, we believe When a lad, be ran away to Philadelphia. After a long ooarse of self-denial, hardship, and wearying disappointment, whioh nothing but his frugal, temperate, courageous good sense carried him through, he became to be successively, a journeyman printer, (or pressman, rather, on account of his great bodily strength.) in a London printing offlee; editor and publisher as home, In Philadelphia, of many papers, which had prodigious influence on the temper of his countrymen; agent for certain oolonies to this government; an author of celebrity; a philosopher, whose reputation has gone over the whole of the lenrned world; a very able negotiator; a statesman, a minister plenipotentiary to France, of whose king he obtained, while the Bourbons were in their glory, by his great moderation, wisdom, and republican address, a treaty, which enabled our thirteen colonies of North America to langh all Ilia power of Great Biitain, year after year, to s?.orn ; yes, all these things did Benjamin Franklin by virtue alone of Ais good common sens*. He died in 17M, " fnll of years and honors,'" the pride and glory of that empire, the very foundation of which he had helped into the appointed place, with hie own powerful hand. He was one of the few?the priesthood af liberty? that stood up undismayed, unmoved, while the ark of their salvation thundered and shook and lightened in their faces; putting their venerable hands upon it, nevertheless, and abiding the issue while the declaration of Independence went forth like the noise of a trumpet to the four corners of the earth. He lived until he heard the war-like flourish echoing through the genera' solitudes of America?the roar of battle on every side of him?all Kuropein commotion?her overpeopled empires riotous with a new spirit?hie eountry quietly taking her place among the nations What more eould be wished f Nothing It was time to give up the ghost. He was a great, and of course a good man.? Wo have but few things to lay seriously to his charge, very few ; and after all, when we look about us, recollecting, as we do, the great good which he Itas done every where; the little mischie^ he has done, the less titan little that he ever meditated anywhere, in all hla life, to the cause of humanity, we have no heart, we confess It again, to speak ur.kindly of him. The evil that Benjamin Franklin did, in the whole of his fourscore years and upwards of life, was, in comparison with hit good works, but as the dust in Uis bells nee.?Blackwood't Magazine. Scenes at Monterey. Tlie follow ing scene was described to me by an officer commanding a regiment in the 2d Division, at the battle of Monterey. I give it, almost in his own language, as he spoke of it, the day after it occurred, (24th September.) lie has declared often since, that it " made hltn feel sentimental every lime he thought of it;" and I am sure I never thought of accusing him of weakness, for it gave me the blues to hear him tell the story: " And this," said he, in speaking of home, "rem^jpls me of an affecting scene of last night. I was ordered by Colonel Chiles to take a company of my regiment and break in the doors of a row of houses In the second plaza. I had gone nearly through, without seeing a soul, when, for a time, the efforts of my msn were exerted in vain to get into one that seemed barricaded with eare. As the hinges of the door were about to give way, a tremulous voice on the inside be seeehed me not to break the door down?it should be opened. When unlocked, I rushed in, as well as I could, over beds, chairs, cushions etc., etc., and, to my surprise, found the room occupied by aboot twenty-five women I As soon as they saw me and the soldiers following, they ran around ma and fell on their knees, the elder beseeching, in tones of deep distress, my protection, and to have thei^iives spared ; the younget begging timidly not be injured. While tliey ware thus kneeling, and I assuring them that no harm or injury should befall them, a pretty little woman slid into the circle and knelt close to my feet. ' Benor,' soid she, in a soft, quivering voice. ' for the love vou bore vour mother for tli? love jou have for your wife, for the tender flection your heart holds for your children, oh? i spare tlda, my poor little habe.'?holding up a bright eyed, dimpled?clicekc^ little boy, about a year old. She sever asked for hrrttlf. In spite of me, b-ars rushed to my eyre, and I could only I speak with a full heart, as 1 told her to rise and ; assured hrr that she and her child were perfectly safe. Be the Holy Virgin, captlng,' remsrkr^ed a rough Irish, soldier, wiping away a tear wltb the back of hie hand, 'won't the oultl Seventh purtect them f ? "That night I watched over tliat room, which was sacredly kept from intrusion. The next day, wc were blessed by these females in tlieir attentions, for the protection we had given tliem, for they gave us of what they had to sat and drink, and we were nearly furnished. Poor creatures, how much they were distressed! The young mother will ever be painted in my mind's eye, as the devoted guardian of her babe. Her httsj band, I learned, was an officer, and was then fighting us in the city. She could not have known whether he was alive or not. and I have noi neiiru of iiiiu." Many secnee, very like that ded^|t>ed above, j took place in the city. I did not hear of a single outrage being committed, where women were in the question, but heard of many instances in which food was furnished to our men and pnid for, even when the fight Was going on. Hate Not. Hate not. It is not worth while. Your life is not long enough to make it pay to cherish ill win or nnrn inongnu toiurd any om>. What if that man has cheated yon, or that woman hns played you false ? What if this friend hns forsaken you in your utmost confidence, your warmest love has concluded that he prefers to consider and treat you as a stranger ? Let It all pass. What difference will it make to you in a few years, when you go hence to the " undiscovered country!" All who ill-treat you now will be more sorry for it then, than you, even in your deepest disappointment and grief, can be. Do not commit the folly of hating, of feeling revengeful toward the frail beings for whom, If you are a true child of God, youaaonl is yet to yearn in agonizing pity, or to burn with quenchless love. A little while, and nil misunderstandings, differences, and heart burnings, are to be over forever; and how yon will then regret that you had an nnkind thought of any hnman being. When one, who is your enemy, or worse, your ungenerons and nntractabie foe, refnaes to favor y?u, or makes a thrust at your interest or your feeling*, if you feel the motions of that revengeful tiger that has his lair in every heart; if he lift himself np and shake his fierce head and say, " Beware ! 1 have it in my power to bring you forcibly to terms, or at least sorely to punish you," hold tint tiger down. lie is a child of the devil, and his business is to tease you, and to drive you to rend and destroy. Listen not to him, but look upon the one he asks for his victim, and say: "lie is but dust nnd aslies us I am. His heart has its own hardens and sorrows though hiflyea now have that hard and steely light, and though their glances are cold as ice when they turn on me, yet they have wept tears of anguish, and they will weep again before they close forever. He will have enough to bear ; let not me torment him. When we stand in judgment before God, if his doom is to go into banishment, how thankful shall I be that I forgave the wrong he did me, or that I did not add a feather to the trouble of his life; and if he and I are welcomed to the Holy City, surely, then, I shall rejoice that I avenged not myself against him. It may be hard now to love when I am not loved, it may be a struggle freely to forgive, but it is not worth while to do aught else; for the dying should never contend with the dying, nor be anything but patient and pitiful with each other. And verily, we are all worms together, and soon we shall be hidden together in the earth." A few more smiles, a few more tears, some pleasure, much pain; a little longer hurrying and worrying through the world, some hasty greetings, and abrupt farewells, and our play will he " played out," and the injurer and injured will be led awa}*, and ere long forgotten. Is it worth while to hate each other??Nrte York JBwaprflit. Two Kind* or Prkaciiinu.?Tliere U one kind of preaching which draws attention almost exclusively to the preacher himself, and, with n certain class of hearers, comprising generally n large majority, he it held in very high admiration. Their recollection, indeed, of his sermon, it very vague and indistinct, nnd less hnve they any definnble purpose to obey the truth ; neither do they get any vivid conception of Christ; somehow he is kept in the background, being overshadowed by the towering form of his embassador. When the people retire, it is not to weep nnd pray, but to talk of the preacher. "Magnificent man!" A "real Beechert" " Chmpln himself cannot aurpaaa Jiiiu!" "Lofty thoughts!" " Burning eloquence I" Such are the commend ations that fail alike from UniverealUts, Spiritualists, Formalists, half-ulivo professors of religion, and men of the world. One class alone arc silent and sad?the praying members of the Chureh?the bnrden-hearers before the Lord. There is another kind, in which the preacher is almost entirely lost sight of The congrrga | tlon are arraigned at the bar of conscience, and confronted with Ood. For tlie time being, they are in the midst of the realities of eternity.? Each unconverted hearer is searched l?y the truth, ia the secret chambers of the soul, and many are led to inquire, with deepeet concern, " Whal shall we do to he saved f' Christ is most eon spiouoos, walking among the golden oandlestiek*. His voice, full of sweetest encouragement, i< heard saying unto the believing. " Pmce he unto yon," and to the fearful, It is I, he not sfrsid." In tones of mercy it falls upon the ear of a re pouting sinner, saying, "Thy sins arc all forgiv, en the*.'' The skeptical and proud are startled into fear or rage l>y tlie awful words, " Except ye repent, ye sUull all likewise perish." [ Exchange. Livr. for a purpose, and be ever el'igent. \ M arm auk*.?Marriages i# defined as the jointing of one uian and the Mine quantity of femalitjr for life, for better or worte, "for ever and ever," till death do tliem part?Amen. Who, to attend a wedding party, would, for evtn one aeeond, suppose that the happy bride and ecstatic groom would be into eaeli other's hair and eyos before the expiration of a quarter? Who could Imagine that loving, blooming mother in-law, would be stirring up the nioet outrageous family quarrels, and unniakeupable domestic fights in less than a month Y And who would dream that the "happy couple " might possibly be fighting over the children, and toeing for <li* vorces by uie end of two years, hating each other like cat and rat, and attempting the one to ruin the reputation of the other? What causes such astonishing and confounding changes?? Well, they do say the mother-in-law is a curse to the marriage state. She, on the son's side, "does tip " the jealousy for the husband ; and she, on that of the daughter, stirs up the idea of neglect in the wife. Then comes the demand for explanations; the grand exhibition of independence and scorn ; coldness from the head of the house, and sutkinesa from the other side, to which succeed imiiuea osuis irom mm, oceans 01 tears and regret* from Iter ; slamming of doors ; ferociousness of looks, slapping, l?air polling, tea cup throwing, furniture smashing, and a general liuila balloo that " Beats the Dutch." Happiness and peace have departed, and misery and mother's in law have arrived, and the only hope remaining, is that these personages will fight themselves and kill each other, or get married again, and move to the city of Jericho. Independent of these canses, late hours on the part of the hushand, and negleet of home by the wife, tend greatly to make it unhappy; and where there is distrust and cruelty from him, joined to hatefulness and gabble in her, there will alwaye he sufficient racket and hang kept up to cause the ears of the uninitiated to hum till the crack of doom. * Oh ! wouldn't you like to marry f" Hvnncv Deaths.?Dr. Hall, in his journal of Health, says that very few of the sudden deaths which are said tp arise from diseases of the heart, do really arise from that cause. Tonscertaiu the real origin of sudden deaths, the Doctor says the experiment has been tried in Eurtqte and report. cJ to a scientific congress held at Strashiirgh.? Sixty-six eases of sudden death were made the subjects of a pn*t mortem examination. In these cases only two were found who died from disease of the heart. Nine out of the thirty-six died from apoplexy, while there were forty-six cases of congestion of the lungs?that is, the lungs were so full of blood they could not work, there not being room enough for sufficient quantity ol air to enter to support lifel The Doctor goes on to enumerate the causes that may produce com gestion of the lungs. They are : cold feet; tight shoes; tight clothing; costive bowels; sitting still until chilled through after being warmed bv labor or a rnpid walk; going too suddenly from a close heated room into the cold air, especially after sj>enking, and sudden depressing news operating on the blood. These causes of sudden death being known, an avoidance of them may serve to lengthen out valuable lives, which would Otherwise be lost under the verdict of a heart complaint The disease is supposed to b? inevitable and incurable, and hence, men may not take the pains they would to avoid sudden death, if they knew it lay in their power. Yoca Momn was Mv Fuirxn.?N. P. Willie writes as follows, from Boston, to the Home Journal: " I could not bnt feel yesterday, as I walked the streets of Boston?a stranger on the thorough' fare which, in former days, 1 had trodden daily ?that some provision should have been made, it the well considered laws of civilised politeness for the claiming, from the present bearer of anj recognised type of beauty or expression, ever when a iren<rntion Iias nnmptl w?v ?I?a ? quaiiitnnce one had enjoyed with the previoni gmsseseor of that face and that expression. Tt meet a fair young creature?as you would walk along, after years absence, the streets of the city? you have never before seen, who is advancing towards, you, to know well from what heari (now still in death, perhaps) the life-blood ol her loveliness was drawn, to see in the child' face the mother once known?yet be compelle< to pass b}* as a stronger! Should there not bi an entail of life's tender memories f Might it no be eonsistent with good breeding?an etiquett, of the heart?to approach with offered hand, ant claim a greeting (even from a fair one who* own eyes have never before rested on you) wit) tho brief introduction: Your mother was my friend!" A Nodi-k Sentiment.?Some true heart give, expression to itsgeneroua nature in the following beautiful sentiment: " Never desert a friend when enemies gathei around him ; when sickness falls on the heart ? when the world is dark and cheerless, is th< time to try a tiiend. They who turn from tht scene of dittrtu, hetray llieir hypocrisy nn< , prove that interest moves tlx-ni. If you Imvo i friend who loves you, and studies your interes and happiness, he sure to sustain him in ndversi ( ty. Let liitn feel that hie former kindness is ap predated, that his love is not thrown nway.> Ileal fidelity may lie rare, hut it exists in th heart. Who has not seen and felt its power fThcy deny its worth who never loved a frieui I or labored to make a friend happy." A nn is like a pretty wohiao?neglect it ii the least, and your reliance upon it is gone. Tuk some tire that softens the wax hardens th ?lay. A BicAtrrirvt Natubal Law.?No finer proof of provident legislation and benevolent design. In the arrangement of the laws of Nature, can be named, ?*>? i'ua Bnrlou Transcript, than is afforded by the method by which ice is formed.? By a law of the physical universe, water condenses and grows heaiier, and as it becomes chilled at the surface, sinks to the bottom umier influence of eold. Whenever the temperature is not below 40 degrees, the coldest water is found at the bottom pnrt of a vessel or stream. Numberless good effects are produced by this condensation. But if this law was not modified,, it is plain that freezing would begin at tlie bottom nf pondst streams and lakes. In this ense the summer's heat would not do away with the effects of the winter air, and in process of time every northern river would become oongenled and useless for navigation?the polar waters would bo 1! j c ? 1 " * * -* wiuc mini unu? oi ice, ami the temperature of the world Buffer n disastrous change. But, as if to remedy this evil, and make the skill of infinite benevolence more exquisite, and 8"?8e91 to us palpably the Creator's wisdom, this law is modified. We find that when water reaches a few degrees of the freezing point, instead of continuing to condense, if the cold increases it suddenly expands, even beyond its temperate density. The heavy cold strata which had sunk to the bottom, rise again to the surfaeo and expand still further when they freeze, so that ice is lighter than its element, und must always float. In this way, though all the beneficial results of contraction arc preserved, every bad effect is obviated. Thus, by the sudden reversal of a In*-, at a certain point, in favor of the interests and comfort of mankind, dangers that might prove n final barrier against, commerce, are averted, and the temperature of the globe is distributed in its present moderate alterations and healthful variety. I A IIeboinc.?Mrs. Mary H. Richardson, of Hampton, Texas, writes to her brother in Waynesboro,' Tenn., as fo'ilows: "On the 4th of September last, the Indians came in among us, and after doing some other mischief paid me a visit. My husband was from home on business, and I was alone with my five little children, two miles from any other house. I sent my two oldest (Mary and John) to drive up the cows, and did not suspect that the Indians were lurking near. They espied the children about three hundred yards from the house, and chased them towarks home, where they fled for protection ; and little was the protection that I, alone, a timid woman, whs able to give, against eight savages thirsting for blood and plunder, i Mary (the oldest) made good her retreat, hut oh 1 imagine my feelings when I saw them overhaul little John and beuin to stall hlirv ?.i?k - ? f I WR9 much frightened, and expected he massacred together with inj children. I thought of my gun at that critical moment I took it down and tired, and kept firing nntil assistance came . to my relief. The Indians (as 1 suppose) thonglit , there were men in the house prepared to reecive ! them, and fieri, and left my child alire, hut severely stahhed in the arm, and in the right side, lie has recovered from his wounds." Prkttt Wo vet.?A pretty woman Is one i ofthe "institutions'-of thecountry-an angel in dry i goods and glory. Bhe makes sunshine, the hlne i sky and happiness wherever Bhe goes, ller path i is one of delicious roses, perfumes and beauty.? , She is a poem, written in rare curls, and ehoice calico, and good principles. Her words float around the ear like music birds of paradise, or > the chime of Sabbath hells. Without her, society would lose her truest attraction : the church it* firmest reliance, and young men the Yery host of comforts and company. llcr influence a ml generosity restrain the vicious, strengthen the weak, raise the lowly, flannel shirt the heathen, and i strengthen the faint heart. Wherever you find > the virtuous woman, you also find preside, l>o7 quels, clean clothes, order, good living, goutlo ? hearts, music, light, and model institutions gene rally. She is the flower of humanity, a very ? Venus in dimity, and her inspiration is the > breath of Ileaveu. Marriage for Profit.?Mrs. Childs it is, we 1 believe, who said she never saw a marriage expressly for money that did not end unhappily. ^ This is, we fanev, the experience of all close ob* servers of life nnd its ways. Yet managing moth ' ers and heartless daughters are continually playB ing the same unlucky game. Mrs. Childs thinks 1 that men more frequcatly marry for love than 6 women, perha{>s. The former have a free choice ' ?the latter have not mostly. How large a j>or9 lion of women mnrry only because they think 1 they will never have a better chance, and dread ui-oo-ning oepcnoem.. ino AiunorrH wo lmr? quoted is right when she says, " If I may judge by observation, marrying for a home is a most 8 tiresome way of getting a living." No van ever became suddenly debased and r corrupted ; as, in the moderate drinker, hnhit* of " tippling beget an almost unconquerable desire ! for deeper draughts, so does a periodical associa' tion with vice infatuate man with its sieie ' ty, that he becomes uneasy and restless when 1 even temporarily removed from the sphere of its * influence. Like some tale hulftold, vice excites * the ourioaity of its votaries, hut to feed and ii. * flame the desire for more complete knowledge of ~ its dsvions and winding paths, as they loom up c like some distant ignus futons, beaming with the - seeming light of man's true inteisat and eni-o d ment. llevare then, of its first visit, since it but eomea to fix a valae upon j'otir soul, and to i , ? its net around your feet.? CrnmtUn Journal. a m Trfk Ecokovt.?Check no man who A AflslliK iu 1 Its* tsir Tits. L Aol? - i ? "" I " *"VM ? I nothing.