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dgggi-- :. . i ? IJmnor&fs dSftMU i : ? r-- -"' :" TV*"^ ?t\ -> r ttf " Sktkt day, pU ldng afneS, the accommodation twit. fi*QfO Cleveland to Colum bua bad. a eon vie ton board, vfbo ?m beln? taken by an officer to the penitentiary located at the last twined place. Tb*- prisoner was covered _ with ? cloak wkjoh concealed from jVfcw the shacklee upon ?s wrists Bo rot?slightly bowed?looking very glum, aud probably reflecting upon the rather Wftw proapeel before hirn. A liew England Yankee on the train had Ma oprinaity particularly excited by what be interred to be a considerable Weight on the spirit* of the ioOQb; ao ho approached hiro with tbe intent to elieit? if poositde, such Information a* would gratify his eurioaity. The followlog are tbo questions he propounded, an<l ilio answers thereto: " Gwin ter Klnmbos T" i " Yea" (crufHy ) - ' Ooln' enny farther I" " - Na" " Coin' ter atop in Kliunbns l"i " Yea," " (loin' ter see aany friends there f* "Ho." " Goln' ta da ettr.ykljid ?V w??*V than?r* - No." (loin' tu start bucineaa on your own hook " No." " What are ye (join' there for?** " Uoio' for seven years." The Yankee's curiosity was almost satisfied. [Cleveland Pluindtaler. A Biter Bit.?A resident of Northampton, Mass., who bush* himself very energetically In the suppression of the sale of spirituous liquors, railed a short time since at a drug store in Amherst, and with a significant look, asked the proprietor "if he kept any tiling." " * en tsjiin the druggist, " I do. " Let me have * little brandy," said the other. The bottle was handed htm. and tho tetotuler helped himself to a little and drank it?putting down a five dollar bill, which the druggist mimediately (rocketed. The tetotuler, after wai<i tig* some moments, asked if lie was Dot going to have any change. " Oh no," said the druggist, " 1 don't sell liquor, 1 give it. away, and accept what is given to me to help pay for it" It is said the victim will retain as a lasting re membrttuce of the incident as if it hnd been murk ru Willi I1IUVIIVI-. Iiin, Ike k, rt-A >twuiw,tiil knew his man, which the lutter did not know. ABoxcoMmtFiwcc.?Lawyer? 'Now,Mr. A?, was the fence alluded to a good strong fence?" Uncle Will?" Yes sir." Lawyer?" Well, what sort of a fence was it?" Uncle WW (holding in)?" It was a Buncombe fence, sir," Lawyer (tltinking he had cornered the old gent)?"Now, Snuire, will von oblige the Court By giving your definition of a Buncombe fence ?'' Unole Will?"A Buncombe fence, sir, is h fence that is bull strong, horse high, nud pig tight r Uncle Will was dismissed from the stand, nud retired with dying colois. A LAUan \Bi.r. story is told of an old miser, *hf, being nt the point of death, resolved to give nl his money to a nephew, nt whose hands he experienced some little kindness. "Sam," sniii he ?for that whs Ids nephew's name?"Sum, I nn? shout to leave the world, and to leave you nil my money- You w?ll 'hen linve two hundred thou and dollars'?only think! Yes, 1 feel weak ( er and weaker; I think I shall 'Me <n two hum-*. Oh, yes, Sum, I'm going 1 give me I wo per cent, and you may take the money now I" " Mas* Tom ! Mass Tom I Oh, Mass Tom, howse I gwine l<? get. down dis ladder 1" " Come down the same way yon went up, you blockhend !" replied the master, running up to see what was the matter. " L>e same way as I come up, hassTom ?" "Yes confound you I nnd don't bother mo any uiore." " Well, if I must, I must!" And down came the little darkey head foremost* A court.? of Kenlnckinns lately visited Button, and sat down to dine nt the It eve: e House. Codfish bulls were served at the table, nml one of the Kentnckians taking them for corn dodgers, proceeded to breuk one iu two. Getting I he scent of it. he turned to his partner, remarking In the most, solemn manner?" Something dead in that, Tom !" A ni'il parson cornered a farmer, whom he sol doin saw at his ministration, by asking him directly, after u little reproof of his sin of oinis | rion? " Shall we see yon at chnre.h next Sabbath?" \ " Y-e-s." he replied, slowly. " Yes, I'll go? or *<nd a hand.." Pait. Pnr eanying a man who was digging in a large pit, and being disposed to rully him, asked him what, he was digging. " A big hole," was the reply. " And what are you going to do with such a big hole ?" said Paul. "Going to cut it into small holes, and retail them to you fellows to set fence posts in." Witkx ft Wisconsin girl is kissed, sho looks surprised and says: " liow could you 1" To which the swain replica: "It will give n?e great pleasure to show you," and he proceeds at onee to give her a duplicate. To an impertinent fellow, whom Jerrold avoid en, ana wno ituemplMl to introduce himself by saying a Wight thing. Jceroid said, sharply, turning ujiou the intruder: " You're like lead, air, blight only when you're aU." "Jr there i* anybody under the canister of h- nven that I hatf in utter exerocsence," said the amiiihie Mrs. Partington, "it is the slanderer going about like n boy constructor, circulating his calomel -among honest folks." ' On, dear!" hlnbhered an urchin whohadju-t had an application of the hirch ; ' oh, my ! they tell mo forty rod* make a furlong, hot I ve just found out that one rod makes an acher (acre.) " What's o'clock ?" inquired a traveler.? "Next to nothing" answered his companion, with great confidence. " What do yon mean ?" asked the traveler, " Not quite one, and it follows in ooursc that what isn't one is nothing." " Mr dear, why is vour neck handkerchief like the real estate yoor fallier ha?<" ' Itnn'i duett." " because, love, it is a good proper lie.'* (property.) A bystander though! lie distinguished something like a kise after the dialogue ended, A l.rrri.r. girl, nino years old, having nttended a soiree, heing asked hy her mother, on r<-turning, how she enjoyed herself, answered, " I nrn full of happiness ; I couldn't he any happier nnlew I could grow." A Tocxo lady, who had lost or misled her bran, was advised lo hang np her fiddle. She said the ndviee did great great violence to her heart til ing*. A mam whose appearance indicated thai he was laboring under the weight of a hrick in his hat. being asked if he was a Hon of Temperance replied : " 111c?no relation." A nof-toa's wife attempted to move him by bar tears?" Ah !" said he, " tears are useless. I have analysed them. They eontain a little phosphate of lime, some chlorate of sodium, and water." A or.STi i mas |>r(;<ented a laec oollar to tin* ject of M* adoration, and. in a jocular way, s^H " Dp not. let any one else rumple it," "No, ddflH said the lady, * 1 will take it off." " All! Joe. si nee you've been to the city hlnek ox died, without any notice whatever.'^? 'Gracious mercy J" replied Joe, "how fas* we are all passing away f" Wny does a door generally stand in the stfM Innetive mood? Because it is mostly woodjfiiHI should be. ~gj| 4MS??tffc&?& uary, the Steam Mill and Moohmetye ' !"*?*!*? their Coach Factor*, lit bt apprising their ft-Wrfds ?<!patrons that thoy stil Mliuur busing as hMptolW ?lfb?ot. cbaove if tbeir Finn, o* JthnlMnbui hftteir bxciUoAa u>>please z^^sic^8^ Carriages, Buggies and Wagoni ever made by then*, to which they invite tlie atten tion or parehaaers. - - r ^ They tnhe jhiiure in correcting an impressioi that their stock of SEAEOAEV. L Villi EH w?i lost with tbo Mill, and wogld my Unit, in ({iiantitj and i|U.nlltjr, their Lumber kai nrr-r hern better. The jtneronn pnt rnntige hitherto, received, war rants the conclu <ion thut their efforts are approbated and stimulates them in hanking farther exertion* Their expcrionco will eiiuide them i?> sulci't slid ope rate the wet approved Machinery, with advan tages not surpiweod 1>J any manufacturer!! oith^ Xorth or South. .J ttOWKR. COX, MAUKLKY * CO. . Greenville, 8. 0., April 7, 1MK. .-j,ly If ww^Ls?^^is 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly. Saved Yearly. Planters Take Notice, rvi . i" x ? * rianters lake Wot ice, Jacob's Cordial Jacob's Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy Before The People Pnfrvi?n Tli n PnAnlo V * v/ M. A AAV A. \/ In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux, And Flux, It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Put up Expressly Put up Expressly r or Plantations. For Plantations. $1 per Bottle. $1 per Bottle. For Suit t? Greenville by A118 2210-ljr JOHN W. GRADY. Notice of Eloction. STATE OF KOETI! CAROLINA GREEN VI l.LK DISTRICT. Omra Cornt or tl. 8. A C. P. I\V. A. MrDAXIKL, Clerk of the said Court ^ in pursuance of the direction* of nn Act o i ue Legislature, in Mich case* iniiilc and provideil do hereby give public notice that an Election fo CLE UK for tjrcoii villo District v. ill be hidden 01 Monthly, thf 'Jth thty oj' January mst, being the Bee ond Monday, at the usual places of election through out the said District. Witness my hand at (hcenviile, this 7th day o November. A. !>.. 18AW. W. A. Ml DANIEL. C. 0. 8. A C. P. Nov. 10. 21 td Notice of Eloction. STATE OF SOUTH CAT.iOLIAA ( R KEN V1LLK 1) IST11ICT. Offtcr. C'ocrt or (I. 8. & P. P. IW. A. McDANll'.L, Clerk of the said Conri , in pursuance of the directions of an Act c ' the Legislature, in such case* made anil provider ' do hereby give public notice that an Election fo I SHERIFF fur lirccnville District will be hidden o ' Monthly, the Vth tfap ./ January nrjrt, being the*ei 1 oud Monday, at the usual place* of election throng! 1 i?ut thn Mttiti Witness my bend, at (irconville, Ibis 7th dny ( November, A. D., 1859. W. A. McIXAXIKL, C. 0. 8. A C. P. Nor. 10. 27 td Mw (iUI)lKS. Im AM RECElVIXtl my 8PRINH nndgRMME supply of <lO<)D8, consisting of a geuuri Block of Fuucy and Maple Dry Good*, And Men'# and Roys' CLOTHING, Hntl and Uoi nets, Boots ntjd ghoes, Hardware and Cutlery, Dm# and Dye-stuffs. Carpeting t?nd Mutllui,, Wooden an Willow Ware. SVull Piyednj, Powder. Shot. Bias ing Fuse, gugar, ('otTco, Molusses, gait, Ac., nil i I which will he sold at LOW PHCIES. Thankful for past fnun, 1 solicit a continuant of the same. JOHN W. t>RAJ>Y, Opposite the New Conrt House, on Main Htrect. April H 49 tf BLACK SMITHING. S.'"-"wl# Th* fonecrn of TOWNE A HAW KIN having been-dissolved by mntu .Jc'Vk*<*w3 con sent, the husinee* will bo carried < at tbe name Shop by the undersigned. (1 W. BBOOy<? January, 1850. J. L. 1IAWKIN8. NOTICE. rTMIE undersigned hiving tranaferrcd Til. InfefA JL i" Hfc Black<mith Shop near Will,urns' Sinr to Messrs. Brooks A Hawkins, takes pteaswre i ; reemnuteiidlng thorn to a share of public patronug ! Ti ry will bo prepared to attend promptly and satii j facterily to all calls in their line. Tlmy have axpi ricnced and skill''?d8tnltlts In llnrscshnciujc. ftopoi ! ing and Ironing Wayini. Plough Work, and all othi I irrdinnry w<>rk of a Blacksmith gimp. 1 January. 1*59. .17 tf 9. P. T0W.NE8. THE WORLD 6TTDON E! THE MEDICINE CALLED | ' fiafltt minatory I'xtirpntor," j ^ir II If II was sold during Qotirl In this place, * 1 lV How on sate, by J. w. GKAlIV, of fliwti i vil'e, Tt cannot now be longer doubted but th 1 Medicine i.? the most efficacious rein- dy ever in th 1 foT Kidney Diseases, Jltes, Netirnlgla, Luti Amyous* , >1,1 P.brinnntism. Num > "f tho above dl?eft*cit bpv.- h?n row .1 th tmn1 week. llnarlarliu, Toothsdho, T?nrneb HBr. and all l!nw.i?aar??i J^H'i _ ^ iv.iwMr, !iw?i iprnr JWim lEMW1* >h.'.' to""'' "><*?? Try it. Hiiti keep VmP^t xWkntM coin?* when y.m leu <!r^r>>V A ""'" i'"r f:^'"vil|(-. g. r. ; n 5i w! ," Awnt * w*l?t>i?. AI?. h i? I>n?<'tfiMi> in Cbitrlestoft, P, fl. II. w. DAVIP. Proprietor. ^ r 4 _ B"* ''<20. New York Post rtllW. ^.Vwt 3 21 if v I /V O TT "f JUGS loaeo to taforra tils customers ami Uio public x> y?-rjr-h?rn? and well-selected assortutout of ' HovHiPii mm? ; ... ??arsa?1*! r Toilet Seta, very olegnnt; Dressing Case* < ' Crumb Hruslra*. Knife Trays, KpittaOb* - Table Mitts, bnnternii, Kgg-Betttcrs, CuUemlars . ^ Nat Crocks, Carpet 11 ion !ur?, Cork Scrowa . i Paste Jl|(gan, I)u>t JL5ru*lu?ra,.Lniiip Brorbci '" - Crimping Machines, Fiutiug Irons . - P-ilUhiug Iron*, Carpet Hammers, Fobt. Be rapes* r Scivcs, Mortars and Pestles, Scale* ami Weights Coffee junta, Brass, Tin, Japan, Iron and PlcUd ttMBafchft. ^ . .'? '.<k*? '* Cocoa'Dippcrs, Aibatn Dippers, .Kenton Squeezers K illing l'ins, Bath Bricks, Foot Stores Wash Boards, Butter Prints, Oh auto is ?kins f Soap for. Slltrer. Clothe* I'ins, Towel-Itijllers " Hair and Btmir Brooms, Clothe* Hampers Towel SLaml*. liuttor Trnys^ilcarili Hrooms Flour Pails, Feather Dusters, Fire Iron Stands WOODEN, JAPANNED, PL OTHER STYLES OF HOD .*? *% <-v -'-k * -v* r v . T- . * ?' lie lias purchased mid nuido arraUguntonU in New - :maia06a-?f, wi Bureau*, Bedsteads, ttuffcs,* Lounges, Dining T*y? Pentiv Tublcs, Piilt Tallica, Curd Tu'dea ^arletle Tabid", Wtorlt Table*, Credits, Crib* Ilia arrr.nci'UJL'ufc" for niauiifacturiug, packing, an*1 undo, and he exports to sell uli Urtielva or thil kind a k broken" About Slty different varieltea of KtanJ. llaruiicj. I] rant 8tvk-? ; aiiMug tboiu the i'AHAtiON UU UN Kit stovks! mv'i \ new supply ok office, pa i<\\rmtng a full supply krp'l safss 'I A1 It, I'ALM, < OJTOX. SKA OH A (ill STYLES WILI HE Fl SEW IN tTii HlOVEll & BAKEB S. bent the woi: front !j>50 I ? ? :o: \ heel Harrows-, Wire Safes Bathing constantly manufactured of the bet ner; Pumps in all varieties; 11 \ Piping and Water Works fun ilVE 113 A CALL, km Oct 2U 5 'wmt&k * VANISH EI) have (ho curly hlushe* of the bright] the euaim led fields ! An<t the beautiful tints of 1 kens of swift dcray ! Again grey-bci-.rded Boreas eo 1 drop, one by one, on the way-aide, tr> clumber on r Faded leaves scattered lie, i Uko whiapcrod warnings 1 Chilly morning* and shivering nights portend that an the outor. na well a* the inner man. must be t>rovide?i loudly c*li?, wmm i It U at tliic Haaaon of the your, wbuu Autumn leave , maguitied. Evon the birds t?f the uir, which m Winfeh, and build their neat* either higher or lowor, instinct. Man. whose eotufwU, necessities, and caisi t. the mighty Dollar, how very important fur him in it I jl where business in transacted on term* not to ho excel the quality of tioods. And who does not trade with And doer nut pronnuneo hitn " one nnwngst ten thou rttrlngx.J O. ye uohte licarte, yo mighty men of Ore have cliiubcd up yowr wagon tope to your chickvn-i barrel*, your ytnger-eake in your hand and the dituei f'j with patient expectation to mitDE mi ^ Ah<l when yon ?nw your Oootlf wrapped tip, and tbc universal eliout of joy, that made little fioedy Rirt CAKK'S unbounded philanthropy ring on horconeav IP FI LL AND COMPLETE CONSIST!" G, nt Urad^lndc Clothing, Dry lints, Capo, Hoots, Mh?e?, li< ; Whisky, B um, ?ta, Urn J\,. Clocks, Anils, Flour, ff And n wholo lot of rigmarole, for which it iroitld rc?i to iu?J tbut I Intend to lot the wlNtlir ?H<U iU ASTONISHING 1 j* T am fully awnrn thnt rimlry an?l e?wipeH?ion bci l.ut tliuj ar all ji'.n ?, !>:< ui u ?t1i<> luivr brought nit tliclf rr.fTcf* Ml.' lint tu> the loiigaat pole jjete tbo h?| j und dclirntinntlon to nell s CHEAP Ell THAN ywjjmmp Q w*** t To aTaliethr dead bout* rattle in ?bc valley of llina< i*y. that - W . , . i CARB'S is the only plat really be had for REAL ( 0*M?r IS 'j - -Jt '" * "" ^jj fV^r-? SyfcK & :' *'. 5IST^'' '' ;: ^ ?f"**,b" ""JO" " **fiR ' * ? M?M ISCRffTWN, toc-o ?if ShoVflls, toOK* soil P?ker?, Umbrella Stands Tfnt Stuud*. Kit-gout Walter* And Tray* " *?< ?,..- . lWah Corora, Wt Pot*. Wafer Iron*. Spoyn Boxea Tl.dlowa, Fdndi-rt, l>txjr State, Ifall Mat* - >*" Motufise* Cnp?rPlaUd ar*4'lMMenl? Caateta -Floor Predjt??, Ptata Cover*, Barrel-Co vara , ' . Plated Hp<>on*, Plated Fork*. Knife Sharpetaaaa Soup Ladle*. Ham Knives. Clothe* Basket* Mpps, Ca.jtct Snreipcre. Batter l>i*bc*. Cake Boxea Sngar Box.;*, Knife Waiht-re, Steye Ppllab "t, Du*l Pail*, Ckafiur; IM*kt?*. Hnfting Hpeon* * Pudding Box;1*, Jelly Mould*, Cake Pan* ' Pudding piahca, Prying Pane, Milk Bklaawi RovoTnnjr Churns. 1'ea and Dinner Bells Rnatncl and Tinned tenure-pans, Toasting Fork* Heeler . <, Pails, Wash Tub*. Baskets, I'i-mik Snftp Boxes, and tanamerablo other Articles of ANISIIED. I'LATKD, AND SEKEEPiKU ARTICLES. SfitiUIML Turk for tka tnauaftminro of a large Stork of ii&TM is? ?AX Kt uteres. Wash Stands, Hocking Chairs l'arior ?hairs, Elikjr Chairs, Footstools Cane Scat, Winiisur, Wooden and .other styles of Parlor, Uockiog aud Children's Chairs. I freight on Furniture, have been Tory favorably it extremely low prices. PTAMPS. loll, Pafl.or sad Kitchen LAMPS, omre of vsr^ ala. which defies vORipetition. isTT STOVES!!! RLOlt AND COOKINO STOVES. f~TooLS. ' AIAVAYS ON HAND. SS AND STRAW EXTRA SIZES JRNISI1ED TO ORDER. A CHINES. Id; they are made of various 6tylcs, *. - Aia.r I** <u-v. 1 Tu'tw, nnd aiiv sryies of Tin "Ware, jt materials and in tl e best tnandraulic llama and all kinds of lishud and put up promptly. L30X AT OUR STOCK! m tr Hainmor morn! Heaped if (bo golden grain from hojasnilne wreathes are failing font, and gi?? In rid (<vii/ciiIm the rii-i^rlitjr waters. und tbo frag'to Plovers iturc's holy broast! HarUi grows barren, nnd and rtisllo to the tread, 0 the slumbering dead! WiJK| Is clone at band, and reminds ono that 1 for; uud of course the "still amull S CARR! s? are falling faat, that the wattle of the human race 'ither tail m>r labor, provide for the pinching tiiuo of uo<-nrding to the prngnocticaiioe of (heir unerring touee, nrv concentrated in thacmalt clrcuuifcreuce of Lo know that there ii each a place m led by any other bonse, eilhrr in regard to prices or CAKK ? Spunk I And who ii it that dec* sand. mid altogether lovely?" (llnr]> of aThnuMand rnwllle, know I not that many a time, and oft, ye i-oop? and water-melon pile*; yea, on your whinky in your pockuU, and there mot, tho lire-long day, imvv tn n ytn <tt BARGAINS under your arm, have yon not made a >r treuiMe underneath her Fall* to hear the echo of o choree? OCK OF \m &00B ; IN ALI. ITS RltANCiiKS, I IN PART, OF | fi!oo<t?, firoccrieft, Crockery, iioir>tklrta. Mhirla - -j M 1/ 1 ^J tuily, Jrwcir), WalcliM, Pc??, orn, Ronncti. uiru an electric ]>?i to deecrihe. Ii in but fcoceesary low FIGURES, 5ftS#? 'oieally rtef<<n<l?\ory ?lcp in Ihc gladiatorial arm*; ?ny home to II < inc. mix) ffkumi rnRRin ill'l Klmst puretKmoT), I nm oonlhluDt UtCtwUKtbe .iliility | i{gj& CHEAPEST, ?m, mm) oou*ii.f? (be |>c?>plo gf Greenville ami vicin ,e that Beal Brrgains can! 7ASH! * ? 1 I ' * I v; > ?"??uHto j gx$:s^iBKK " Anytoiwynyqi Vwt'' Any 0>M <rf m->)K|i?t?j Any Vu. of Dy^rpMa' Any Cm* <X Oym^pSm vv; a y^s?sr^ Hwr g"**. Urcr ItUpw, Jan..dlc?; diUlliMi Jnundkr, It U K?p?cl?lly Ad*pl?( t? It M Hi|x?Ull)r Adaptad It it It R.pMltllr AntpM *. I* U ICapaelaily Adtpltd U li 5B BipttSally id-p'-l ? Waiala I'tiiiplntiiui Parnate Coiuptalitta Female Cotitplaliilt) Female CtiupliiluU t fftauto CtwpUlnUi Vt Prwlncu Rotm.rtlty of Pm It Prodocfi ltot nudity ?t Korm ? It Prodarr* Uotaiifllty of Porn It Product* Rotundity of Form . . It Prodbcc* Rotminify ?t Form In IVniolet at Thin and Spare Habit In Vtntltt mi > Tteln nod Spare (I*Ut \.Iw P?m?i?* ot m Thin and Byoiln jgaAAt In iltBalM el ? TliIn and Spare Ilnblt In Pttvjiln of n Thin iuh! Spare Habit Head a Poetaffe Stamp to the Proprk-tora tor their Pampmeion umo* v. r W. W. BUM It CO., PropHrlon, MS Brood way. New Ink. for Salt in Greenville 'y Aug 25 I6-!y JOIUS W. ORADT. a. n. i.nrn, *. d. n. tirtKSAV, a. n. DRS. LOEG ft BURNHAM. OFFER their PrMcsfdomtl Fervioa^ to Iha ClUitans of Qi rctlvillo and surrounding country. Orrica at their I'rnir Store, on Main .Street, recently occupied by lira. Mien A Luxe. May 19. 2 tf a. n., a. i? ...ricifARD a. d. DRS. LONG & BTJRRHAM, APOTHEOAHIES A- DRUGGISTS, AT THE OLD STAND Or M1MB It LONG, mrr'i WILL KKKP rmuuhtly on hand a full anpyy ply of Pl'llK LRU 15 8, Medicines, Point*, Oils, cat Variiikhca, Dye-stuff?, Ac., Ac. Also, a splendid assortment of TOILET ARTICLES, , >. upu| iwm iuiw iioii uiii>Sv~; iiuir ronaae?, j winy ntrirtirrt ; Tooth nod Warmest vTushiny Soap*. tr< ty i/utiHly n,n/ price ; Fint Shi*ring Mhpf. Freah Extract* for flavoring, vi* : How, Vanilla. Tiiif Apple, Strawberry, Lemon. Ni#t?rlbi, Ac., Ac. We have a r-e/y *nWo^ ui lick of GUEEN TEA, the hcst in tlrccuville. We hnvo for (//< n.11 the popular l'at*nt?cbicinea. Phrsiotiuir supplied on mbriiAL ttkmb. Our long connection with the Drug llu*ine*i, (one sevco, the other ten yean.) ami hetli being graduate* of the Metliml College of the State of Sooth Carolina, will, we thinV, he a offielunt guarantee of our ability to dispense Medicine* properly and accurately. Our anrungemeuu are such that one of the Firm will be at the store aud wilt attend te all pretfWiifi'iin perianal ig at any hour of the day or n Ight. May 11 1 tf W. H. II O V E Y^ rmirmgrnn or TUB LA DIBS' STORB, pkalkk im FANCY ASD STAPLE I>11 V GOODS, RICH DRESS GOODS, RONXETS, RIRHOXS HOCSKKEKPINO GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, ASD INDIA KVRHEU GOODS, GREENVILLE, S. C. N. B.?Orders accompanied by the cash, for Medical, Law or Library Hooka, Musical Instruments, and Sundries, promptly Ailed In Mow York mid delivered at bia counter uti aborted notice. Jan 13 U ly JOHN W. GRADY, fl'" ** ' IiK.Vt.KK IK FANCY & ST A PL E MY GOODS, $SADY MA HE SLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HOOKS ASD STA TIONEK Y, DMfGS tt JD I.STIFFS, HARDWARE d- CUTLERY, WOODI EN WARE, GROCERIES, /_* MJ A 1 v l tvtti. lt wii/ii.i, i n i l>Rt>t>llHL +c.r I OlTOMTF. TBI! Niw ("OUST IK>r*K, OJ? MAIN 0TBBVT, jw CREENVJ^LE, S.C. BOOTS AND SHOES BROOKS. SCRUGGS & GIBSON 1IAVB OS HAND and rcetirlof; one of lnrgsst gfcxke of BOOTS k SHOES ever brought to ttreenville, and which they or* determined to cell to the tiliwnt of Greenville ami surrounding eonntry n* .-hnauly a* such articles cuii l>e purchsscd io C<?H it IK A. or elsewhere in the Stale. Men's, l}oy?* Mid Children's B00T8 & SHOES, of every variotr. Also, Ladies' Missos' and Infants', frupi eoimnou *U> superfine, Likewise, a food let of Men's, Beys' and Children'* * Clolhldtr and Hate. We call particular attention to our MANI7PACTI'HlNti Dfpnrtiuent. We wish to supply one and all with lfomo Manufacture, from the common Krogrui ui> to any tiling j<ra may wish in the Boot and Shoe line. We would respectfully inform the puMIr | that we have made arrangem' nts to furnish from 15 to *2?,tKM> pair ef the beet Brogan and Plantation flboes, which W? will s?4l at anusually low prices. We have also, S good lot of t; HOC Kill EN, sueh as Molasses, Cul>a, Musorvude, Orleans and Florida flrrwp, Toffee, Angara, Bacon, I,ant, Bice, and a variety of otLet Articles, which we will ael) : lew foe Cash or Barter. - flfWKS t Brooks, Scruggs & Gibson. . I Juno 2 4 If TINNING, GITTTKRING AND - ROOFlNOtTlIE Inform the l'ublic that lhaj l.iiv,. pfircliiutcd thaTttf MANUFACTORY erf Mr. U. fi)lEESHKi.r>. In' the Tnwn of (Jr??n \ ii!c, uf?l intend rarrj/iny <>? the JiutitHi* ai ftAt m*? Stand. All klioU of Tin Work, (1 uttering and IteKTfUtt will UI*>*B (JILKAI'LY ASH PHOMFFIA. Ttoj rill t*kr, in ^/-bnnre far, Sfcrir Wrrk, HhU-onngc. AoVELAXfi A CtlAlTDI.EH. Juns ?B t N * ' I acte (M tbouMtniJt feMi!b^ju?tff>,) t? Hgrn tm ^ 3feC"3e3f^f r ? **- '-- ?j? ""lib Wllh tli<! Irn\iirorA torfand ewatlew both A. -J 4 . P1UCK OSE IX^AE PSR BOTOX. ? "* t ?!? ? AWO^m??I? jjlCr? ** FAMILY CAHtARTll HLlt, * OOMTOCMPEB vtou Air* YefttoMe Bxtrantn, nml put *p tV ULASS CASKS, Air Tijkt, an<l trill Irrj, in oay rUmole. THE FAMILY CATHARTIC TILL 16 A gentle, but ?c4t? Cnthnr. HUs which the proprietor hw need in hi?- practice' * tnorc than tweuty year*. The constantly, iuerca^sing demand from those who have long nedd thc jJ 'Pin.*. and the *AtInfection which allsxprcs* in] regard te tboir tuo, haa induced iuc to place t liem. * ' within the reach hi nil. . The Prufemtion well know that different Cathartic* acton different'gL portion* of the bowel*. Too , I!>: ". hn?. with '? .:* r-fereneetothl* well est*blish Qjed fact, been compnundcd front a variety of the* ^purest Vegetable JB*. tract*, which nctnlikcun _ .every part of theulimsntgry canal, and are j/oodP; and *q/e id ?ll where a Cathartic I* uec.1 ed, such a* berunyemr nit of the Sb'trttrjt, SUcpiarto, Pain in thn ftnrk and /sjAii, .^5 m??, frtin nn{l Sornnem orcr thr. whole lofty, Trout tee snddon cold, which freqaentlj', ifnoglcoUd.ond *** in olongenursoof Faecr Joonm of Appetite, u Crop in-f KcitntlfifrW of Co',/ iivcr fAe body, lirMtl*n\ i went. Uraduehn orwiyAs tn the heitd, all /,/<?m I in a 10r If' Pitfttsee, Worm* In Children or Adult*, ^Jfllrnmutitm, a great /'?riH, e oj Me tftooii, ana; lIBany Iliiwswr, to vcm ii flesh ie heir, too numerous to mention In this advertisement. Dime?1 tt? 3. - ' * '**" PRICK THREE I>1 MI S. The Lirer Jnniyorutur and Fvmily Cuthartle Pill* are retailed l>y Druggists generally, and iold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. H. T. \F. 8AXF0RD. M. D., Manufacturer ami Proprietor, >' 3.15 Hrn*ilwn.v, Jw?T'?k. For salo by FISHER A 11E1NITSH, Orranrille, Jnly If 10 ' : 3m HOWAflDASSOC lATIOX, PHILADELPHIA, A tfrtierol, nt fuetltnti<>n. etinblithrd byjipeel<tI T.ndoirmenlfo the Hrlief of the niflc uod diet reined, led mtfk Yirtdtnt oud' Epidemic Dinennen. rpllH UtrtVARD ASSOCIATION. in cictt of the swim m-Mnicnoii 01 niiumn wo, o*U>M I)/ Hexunl l>irw flies, ami the deceptions pnio.tixed.npon the unfortunate victim* of #nrh diseases by Onset <, several year* ago directed their ConsultingSurgeon, M B ularilublr art worthy of their name. to open * DwpenMrv for the treatment of thisela** of diseasr.*, M. in all their form*, au'l to give mtilicnl nitrite grotii to nil who r.pply by letter, with a<W?criptiun of rtiuir 1 condition, (age, occupation. hiihttr of lifo, Ac.,J ami in e*? of ertnina linrcrtt. to /ariiii* M?MilNi/rrg of ekiiryr. li is uc <11 ?*? l<> ;.hl that the Ascosiaticn command* the highest moiikitl -hill of the age, and will famish-the most approved modem trsnfatf nt. ~ ' > Tito Director.- of the AMoektiim, in their Annuo! Report upon tho treatment of Bexnal *pre;; the hie-best abiitftcllon vrith tho xoecoea which hud attended tho Inborit of their Burgeon# in the car* of M onuatorrbrra. ^euiinal Weakness, tfoaorrhesa, (fleet, Hyphilis. the vie# of Onanism or Belf-Abu#*, iltieuM of tho Kidney;, Rluddtr, ke.. And order a e n inunuco of the san>c plan for th# ensuing year. The Directors, on A review of tho part, feel assured that tbmdfalinrs in thin sphere of heuevoleot effort have Wen of groat benefit to the afflicted, espeeiaily to the young, and they have-resolved to <!< I vet* thounwlve*, with rtnsned real, to this very important and much despised eanee. An admirable Report on SSpermatorrhcea. ox Reminal Weakness, the viae of Onanism or tkif-Abaa, and other disease# of the Sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (In n sealed envelopo.) frre of clary*, on receipt of fiso Hitmp* tor postage. Other Reports and Tract# on th* nature and treatment of Sexual disease#, diet, As., are coodtantly being published fir gratuitous distribution, and will I hi sent to ttie afflicted. Borne of tho new remedies end method# of treatment discovered (lurinr t hf? Iam t womr nra rtf ?*mo* \ Q*a;**0^ IfS^ f??Sl V ncf0**ri* 1 IV < p*?"" V \ <KiSfSSS? "SI *$l?' , \ ffi wL??aagdfe \ VaSSS?^ ** ,gst??S^6\fe \ *?* Vflflji flSft i \;' SS"?BU' sSSs*" i OR ?U*<?R or IHKT, oi CHAWiK Of IMKT, ' Ku * 0& CBAKOK <fr WkT, MORS RPKtm.T, RORK KJ'RKIill.Y, JjlA , u i:?i./" . K 4K HP?J>II.Y, mymi.v. I HOK? . >K>jni.Y, * - - - - * '- . . . _ i f ^* " - -?? *i1 . i ^ > r