University of South Carolina Libraries
K ' i t, WAS* OMtanaSMi*. 8 c-AM-Shrirtfafe AA.O.M* M4 f?pjt?io.. M-S ? PBOJS I ~fOR SALE OR RENT," ! AWELIrlLECTEDFARil, /SflWTAtSrryo Tt? Aores, the largest portion b? ". ; Woodland. On the plaua la a Dwelling with fx upright rooms, ell lathed and plastered; a good Barn and Out building*) J6 Acres of Brataoh Bottom; a good Orchard of Peach, Apple and Cherry Trees; also, a good selection of Urapo Vines. This place is situated en the road fromfUe town of (Ireenrille to IVillUtnston, directly on the Railroad ; ? f?i <#?ts nnd lK'pot within two and a half as tie! of the place. IL Ou tho place is a good I Blookinitlh Shop. Any person wishing to engage in the Wagon and Blacksmith business, would find this a good neighborhood. I wiii sell, with the place, H NEOKO JUH, one a good Bthilh. j?ur turujir luionnanon, inqntre 01 JOHN MARKLKY, Grorr Si niton, S. O., or (Jr?utiUt C. H If not *ol<l by the middle t>( January, it will be for nut. Dec 15 32 tf i, .1111 iOfl.1 i || .. 1 i. ,, u. w'iwi .... -.-r' SHERIFF'8 BALES. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Far in*, to me . directed, 1 will sell, before the Court House lo*>r, at tWnsunl hours of aale, on the first Monday In JANMTARY nest, 1 Black Mare; ai the property of John T. Renery, at the suit or 'Jehu Bursey. 1 Twe-horse'Hack ; a* the property of Kli MeMahan and John T. aery, at the suffer Lab an Johnson and Waehiacten Johnson, Executors of John f Johnson, deceased. Two Sorrel ll.irscs, 1 <71 ay bank Horse, 1 Hack and toaass, I Two-horse Carriage and Harness, 2 IJttg' K'?* "U?d Harness; as the property of Joseph W. - ?-'->* Bates. ~ All Defendant*' interest 'In the Tract of Land whereon' Defendants' new live,containing 20# Acres, more or less, adjoining land* of W. A. and J, A. Townes, et at.; as the property of ThoWas H- Ports and Margaret Paris, at the suit of Franklin Wil' llama. 'AH Tyre Johnson's interest In 330 'Acres of Land, more or less, lying in Ureonritle District, on the waters of Mush Creek, u|)oiniuy lands ofj&arfeU. Mites and others; at the mit of James 1). JVtbnson. 50 Arret of Land, more Or less; an the property oT Hsrr?r Waldmp. et the nh sf John T. Pool. All DefenHnnC* interest on three certain Tracts of land, lying h??flrecoviUe District, on the waters of Brushy OreJk, as follow* ; 1*1 Tract, containing 1 i<$ Avrcn, adjoining lanas 01 n . nniirr, lluawuu. Knocking, ( si; 2d Tract, containing 14<l Acres, aijjulninf* If. Moor*, Noes. Hudson, *t *1.; 3d Tract, contain ins Aorec, adjoining land* of 11. Rains, Ross, ?t at. ) as the property of Nancy Rains, at the so it of James Wsm, et a)., for costs. TKUilH CASlI. Purchaser to pay far titles. 1>. HOKK; P. ?. ?. Sheriff** Office, Dec. 8, 1859. ill-id SITUATION H lMisiii, 41V a i-ouuj? gentleman, who bos bad ^SfjHwwtSiv euperie~?r?-of dn?r roars in TeachhiK, Ttngy9tof (food character and industrious babt^QVita desires a SITUATION, either ae <?3LJr TEACHER. CLERK or OVERSEER. Tie Is a native ef Greenville District. For further information, enquire at this Office. Des 8 31 tf I NOTICE. THE undcrsigaod gives notice to all persons inI debtcd to him. that his NOTES. BOOKS and ACCOUNTS arc in the hands of E. P. JONES, his Attorney, for collootiao. Csli and settle without coat JAMES B. HILL. Dec 8 . 34 " tf , THE ASSEMBLY HOUSE, ' One 8t/u<tn W**t *y" iht JVs# OjJSc*, s> ib&asr s ie jr xa la w ? COLUMBIA, 8. C. mills well known Ratahliahmeni km. knew 4kor. i tmgbly re-fltted and improve.!, and ia now permanently opened for the accommodation of tho Public. Kvory attention will be given to supply tbe wanta and comfort Of Patron*. Jf<#~Rat?s Moderato. G. T. MAftON, Proprietor. Dec? SI If H?w Bniiinvl Carrsutii Citron! JCST received, 75 Bone* of Raicins, new crop, and rery the, pot Up, In whole, halroa aud quarter boxes. Also, a splendid Article of Citron . and CnrmoU. 'Por^ale by- ' * ? v; * . 8TKBN A EVAN A ' Dec 8 SI tf A 7V?w Article. ARROW ROOT BI8CU ITS, JU8T rcecirod, direct and (Vesh from tbe Bakery, and now for the first time introduced Into Uroenvillr. They, are highly recointnmded l#r invalids and children. Por sal*, tn any quantity, by A 8TEEN A KVAN8. D|c 8 31 tf ~ BACON! BACOf! A CHOICE Lot of AasflntutfewaJtileetad with J\ o?tp, Mid for ?ifcWiow f<>rJMfe) Wy Dec ft :n k' ( UaftBsgSr* Ball. Mr* WimloW* Ko?lbhf %rnp, For CHILDREN TcMHYntt. P#r?al?*t ^ 1 Fl.SliKH A 1/KINir.^H S DrtiQs rtiarc. Ker*??tte 1 ?Tu^^tpWOil. JUST roeeired and for Aide tbrap At t'i FISHER if JlhllN ITS II S. VPlAMOWDCEMEWTi FOR jojnln* brokun Cbimt, Olaaa, Earthenware, Metal*, Wood, Cabinet Wort, and all Fancy Articlea. For rale by , * JTI^HKR * JIEINITSII. .. Tw Ginger Win*, JC FISM BR. * HBUinnii, De?8 31 MoBee'a Block. 'TBE AMOGNCEliSf.' fflHE lubierlbrri reapeetfully call attention to tb? JL* , following CARD, conveying tha information to tbo aUUea* of Oreen rille and tba DUtriot that Ihov bare DUfchaeed tha antlrn atnok of ; i>buas & medicines a>au ano&ww M<l Intend to continue the bvainnaaat ttwold aland. Jttt their intention to enlarge tbia branch of Trade in Ureonvjlle, and in rlow of tbia, bee* oMcmd n r> largo itook mm) nary oompMe aaaotlraent of e*ery '>3 Article <i welly kept in Drug Atom* In 'nfe'lfjlifi Mr. F. A. Wait**, Jr., (to whom the roeponaihle ' 4toft of preparing end dUpenaiag Medicine* too*, t muted,) to a young man ia whom they hero or toy oouQdenee. Educated to the baeioeee, familiar with the Gorman language, and With considerable oxpertoooa In all tbo FharwaMwUoal bran. hv tVy treat, although a atrenger In this eomaranlty, bn may *o m tbo confidence of the people, and a abate of tbo patron aye of the dtlahna of GroenrUla. The former pair una pf tMn eatebtwhinent may mat eatuiad that jtrery rogm'4 wfll continue to be Manifoated furthcir in to root in the parity and eboapnoM t(f erory article * Tbey intito, oory J11* PbarmawntUta and DnSJtot* Jane 2 __ ! "f* , f f &iim? *4 ' AH? ?SAILEIR %* C?St%, KtfOH, TLOQR OIL (SLOTHS, WINDOW HBADES, CUHT41I GOOSSflPEMY BESEIIFTIQB. wo. asm asJiKsriBO'tKSiiisait'. CUABLESTOlt, S. " .y ... ' w? I. ?. Bailie 4c ltl?o.. . 40} BrontJ Slrtrt, Anyu*ta, Go. Not U 2'J ly , r- ^TZZZ^ZTu Z um - - i".?**'- .'" ; wr OTICEJ. npiIK mbttrilwM baring .sold oat their entire ** v ?r^ ?ae ? * ?<7? . * b#,. . t# ' ?*f tr r ?T it L moo* ?i jRdw^n?u w J5t. - u. ??. KImSv MAN, would respectfully solicit for hiiu a continue* tion of the pntrouage an liberally bestowed on them in that department. KOllBRT ADUER A CO. V CtRT1IN S00D8. This Stock is the LARGEST IN THE SOUTHERN STATES, Comprising Broeatailel, Saten DeLanes, I,oee and M >i - i 111 Curtains, t'oruiocs, l'ins and Bands, Drapery TusscLs an J Iaiepe. . <3 ts? sa ?u? & a ss a It AVE AND l'l T VP isiif LA TEST STYLES. '. ^ H.W. KINSMAN, ' > J2J1 Kixo Strkkt. Not 24 22-dm Charleston, K. SBWINft^ACHmBS. THE perfection of scientific arrangement and mechanical simplicity D attained the | Ml & BRER'S SEfllG HACHIIE ( UUMFANY, Itf TUCTR IMP OVEO NOISELESS MACHINES. They have the following advantages over all other* : They have no pail* to keep In orfler t no bobbin* to wind; no tangling or waste of thread ; no oiling tho thread or work ; no tool cheat stocked with wrenches, plier*, picker*, leather, Ac., Ac. The direction* arc simple, easily understood, and easily explained by the instructor*. There ie no taking opart cleaning or rolling. They require about ten drops or oil per day, when in constant use. They make no more noise than a common clock, even when mnkiug fifteen hundred stitches per minute. Thoy run cusy?a child ten years old con work them to foil speed. They run fast or slotr without any danger of altering the length or tightness of the stitch. They will 11cm, Pill, Gather, Blnd.-fMlch am! Embroider, in so Suuorior a manner that wc challenge comparison. The qsiuu Machine will sew pavilion goose and plantation good*. The acorn is a* elastic as the most clastic fabric, and will not break In washing or Ironing. Tho same Machine run* silk, linen thread and common spool cotton with equal facility. The needle* art shorter, and, therefore, stronger than any other high or lowpriced Mschise. That they are superior to all oth] cr?, is evident from the fact of there having been I thirty thousand Machines made nud sold, in competition with other* already in successful operation. The question is no longer which is the best maker, but wbicli of the numerous pattern* of Unoviclt A Baku* aholi I toko. PRICES, 4*0 TO 41.10. it. n. ivmamAIN, A^tfnr the aalr af tkrtr eetehent?<t Machine*. aim issuer? s<5KSL?a?F. CHARLESTON. 8.C., B. B. I1ASK4.T0X, Manner. Nov 94 99 tf TAX ORDINANCE To JLai&e Supplies lor the Tear Ending October 1st, 1860. BE IT 0RI)A,|NED, by the ]nteixlant and Wardona 'of the Tuwn of Greenvlllo, in Council assembled, ttd by tha. authority of iho same, That a TAX, to.ouyp* tha period from the first dnv of October, one tight hnndrod and fifty-nine, to the first day of tytobw. one thousand eight hundred I and aiity. for the auma; and in the raantier hereinafter mentioned, ahull be paid into the public treasury, for the use and *crvii? thereof. - tAX ON REAL ESTATE. See. IX. That * to aay, ten rente on every hnn- I dred dollar* of the nttoed vnlue of the Real Estate lying in raid Town, to bo paid by the first day of February aexU GN NfeOltoSS. S'?<\ 2<f. That ifty cent* par head shall be paid on ,-alt Hlave* hot ween the ages of sixteen and fifty years, 'by the ilret'tlay of January next. ON GOODS, WARES AND MERCHANDIZE. Sec. 3d. That ton cents on every hundred dollars of sales of <j >U.K Wares and Merchandise, in tho Town of Greenville, front the first day of January, 18J9, to the first day of January, I HttO, shall be paid by every Morcbaut or Shop-keeper in said Town, by the first day of Februofy next. ON CARRIAGES OMNIhU9E3, &<fi 4tk. That three dollars shall be paid on eheb and every four-wheeled Pleasure Carriage drawn by two or more horses ; two dollars for eheli Otic-home Carriage, Barodche. Gig, Sulky at Buggy, kept for Pleasure and not for Hire; ten dollars on aachKdurhorse Oinuibns er Haek ; fixe dollars on aacb IInek or Carriage drawn by two horses, and ran for conveyance of Passengers or Hire; throe dollars on each Buggy ran for Hire; five dollars an each Ptrtrhorae Wagon ; fivo dollars on each Two-h<>r?u Wagon or Dray) and three dollars on each One-borse Wagon er Dray run for Hire, payable by the first day of January next. v road And street tax. $*r. btki That the Annual Tax for Road and Street Exemptioes, for the ourrent year, sb?U bo the sum of two dollars, u? be paid by the first day of February next. PATROL EXEMPTION!*. fire. M. That the sunt of two dollars and fifty rents be, and i? hereby, ordered to be paid by earn and erery person liable to perforin Patrol duty, for Exemption (tout said Patrol daty for the year end-, ing the first day of Ooteber, W?0, payable to tb? Town Clerk on or before the first day of January BILLIARD TAfcLfctf AND fh'N MX ALLEYS. S't. Ilk. That the ium of fifty dollars be levied upon each end every Billiard Tahlo, ttnd fifteen dollar* upon eaeh and every Ten Pin Alley in the Town of Oreenville. used by Ibo proprietor for put-' poses of profit. Maid Tax to be paid by the first of , 'dpfiwwy next PENALTIES. X#e. 8th. And be it further Ordained, That if anjA person or person* ahall fail, neglect* or refuse, to make trne return, 6n oath, to the Cterk of Council, of all hia, ber or their taxable property, and to pay the tax (hereon lerted, the Clerk is hereby authorised and required to issue execution therefor, immediately on sdfib default. fli And be it further Ordained, The# if any person or persons shall run for hire any Vehicle Retain mentioned, without first paying the tax thereiKftll it taw flow aank <!n v kst ahull to offend, too annual Ih for which aoeh Vehicle to aabjoot to thla OkKomm* Dom and ratified under too corporate cool of the < Mid Town of (JrMnrftle, on the 6tb dnv of [h. ?.J Ilecember, la the year of oar Lord One th..u(?nd lirbt hundred end fifty-nine. ALEX. McBEH, Intondent. W. F. Psict, lota Clerh. Dee A . ?t 4 pgh Patriot atjd Mountaineer copy i. time*. J ITAUAPf MACCAROIVI. 4 /> HOXKS juat arrfvoJ, ond aoter at u cento IV per pound, by 8TVBX * BVAKP. ' J?** , L? ?? ! PRr**-' t . :v *// , ?> J r # ?tr *. $r * d *** ' - .. JJ 9?.TWltl ?Ii wImt^wIh S.TOCK or HEADY-X 1DB CLOTHIH0, Laj ^ ^ JPOH OBNTH AKD yOuTBW.T. . BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, X tr*: xxise x^srsftxsa , tMnka It btjchly cmxittftl ... Muti??,t tho hujlpg ' otftamnnUy with itu- fn.-t tlnu. nltliough lie >1 a- coa?ptl anlllnv n* ?> -a?? '* - =-? ' l - _ 9 ... .. . . y nun lur nm OI mti DtOUU^ lie hw now Axed ?<> very wall a per rentage oil Ink now entirely N?W ami ilumlsomelv-Soleotcd tftock of FALL ANJ> WINTER OOOJ>, that he has wo? the least doubt that poisons, who willefcainiue tome of the Goods refbrmd to Wow. will And the difference from the fteuerol prices m prominent, that it will require no pcmiisivo, but merely showing of the Goods and uaming of the price, to ensure their sale In vast quantities. As.U is frequently the case that, in * lafjj? community, there will be some persons who are luctiucd to doubt facts,'ibo subscriber wdbld most humbly solicit a call from those persons more particularly, in order to satisfy them that ibis Is neither an o*atfuoratioo er an impossibility, but that Goods really can and most positively shall l>c sidrt. low for CASH. at. A. SUMMER'S, Delnu I)r. Durlr'* Dmy Slvrt. To the Ladioa of Greenville and Vicinity. HAVING bought a large Lot of Heavy Black SILKS low, the subneriltcr now offers ihciu at a great discount Please call and examine them. A. SUMMERS. NOW ON~HAND, I7lA.PT COLORED PRINTS, from 6} toJOocn?s| Hj. Fast snwer. Prints, from hi., i) cents) Fast extra 1'rintS, (Kfffrlleb,) from li t" 12 cents; Metlinin DcLaities. 12 rents. FinenflcLnioes, 30 cent*; Extra DcLnines, lb rents ; Superior Poplins, (plaid,) from 25 to 30 cents; Variety of Paramattas and vonurgs, iroir> I a ro 2S cents: IIlack Alpacoal, all <{n?litics ainl prices. For sale at A. SOMMEK'8. ALSO, KERSEYS, Jeans, Wool Plains, Cloths, Osssiincros. Satinets, etc.. etc. Also, a well-assorted Stock Of Negro Clothing, llata, Shoes and Blankets. Low for cash, at A. SOMMEK S. __ Ort^l3 f? tr GREAtSOUTII RUN GIFT BOOR STOHB! GOLD JEWELHY GIVEN AWAY AT 304 KING ST., CHARLESTON, S. C. A TRfiSENT worth from 50 cents to $100 will _a.'V. *** R?Ton, immediately after the sale, to each purchaser of a Book, for which we receive $1.00 or more, wiUiont?ny additional expense. Our linmeiiMl Stock off Books* The largest in extent und variety to he found in the South, presents rare inducements to the reading community, comprising nearly all tho Classical, rare and standard works of ancieut and modern Literature. The Gift Book Business Is so well known and deservedly popular, that it needs no words from ns in Its favor; tho fact that nearly one-half the books cold at retail in our large cities arc sold upon the tlift principle, thus securing to purchusers nearly Honblr, am/ nftcn ten limrt in inine over what they would recsiro by the " ?l course of trade, under the old fogy rulos. C'eontry merchants, and all onsh purchasers, can buy iio'iir aw?i unit /"rrf/Jf from us at New York wholesale prices, (with addition of freight and iururance on heavy goods.) Our facilities, arc such thilt Wc e<tn aiul iviH offer indtioeineuts worthy the attention of ench and every class ot buyers. J5tr K vkjhxu SaLk? Atciios ijirt Its Sold during the moiitlis of December, January. February and March. Catalogues can he obtained by culling a'. No. 304 King Street, Charleston, S. C. J. PJULBItlt'K'A SOCTtlMRN tilFT Book StORK. Due 1 _ 30 if C. F. JACKSON & CO* FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, NO. 1*39 KINO STREET, CHARLESTON. 8. C. Nov 24 39 lx* I. L. FALK 4c CO., wnolmat.k axi> skt4il i>>". \lf.r8 ix CLOTHING, AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, MO. 365 KINO STREET. CHARLESTON, S. C. ty Manufactory an<l Wholesale Warehouse, 84 1>kt Stbfet, New York. VfT All Orders nrotntdlr attended to. Sk\ Nov 24 29 ly New Confectionery and LAGEHBEER SALOON. MORRIS SAMUEL take* pleasure in informing hfa friend* add the public generally, that he ban lately returned front Charlenlon, and Is prepared to furnish hi* customer* with all that the heart can de*ire of variotM BON MOTS, Freeh itnd I>clicioui Confectionery. Any kind of CAN BY that I* in demand. I hare for ealc and am ^onetantlv reeeiriug Superior and Sndnd Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, and many uihhr good things for the inuer man, too niMtorotifl to inontlon. Some fragrant eigitb and something to eat, What more doe* a reasonable man urrt ' Ah I not to forget, a sparkling giaaa of beer, May also be had at itny time here. Being thankful for past custom, I Aodld respectfully solicit a further patronage. MORRIS SAMUEL. Nor, to. 27 _ _.JL Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALL person* indebted to the Estate of MAltY TAYLOR, deceased, nre requested to pmke twyriient at dnce to the undersigned. Those having demands are requested to present them duly attested. OLIVER BARRETT, Oct 27 25-If Adminietratoh ORANGE COUNTY BUTTER. TUtJT arrived, dhreet from Orange County, Now J York, a Very superior Article of the ahore miter. Fot sale l>y PTE EN k IjVANS, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Nor 24 39-if MfHe.'i Hal). PEARL STARcri. O/A BOXKH of the abtrre STARCH, just arrived, ivy and for sale at io cent* per pound, by *?* J* M-if . HTKKN 4 KVAwa. Goshen and English Dairy Cheese 4 VKKY ohoteo Ariiclo of the alx.vo OHBKSB. J\ For safe by BTEK.V A *V?x8i Not 24 29 tf Fire Crackers 1 Firo Crackers!'. f? A BOXKS J4?< kmItmI, and for ?al? at Charlwvf\y t?n priooa, rAitPar iNci.raaD. by Mot 24 !HI KTHEN * KVAEN. ~ tea?TTkisii AVERY Mporioc English IlrenVfaet Too, ftanH powder, Ilyiot, imperial Oolong, Superior Oolong. and Ponobong. Tbo abero Te*? wefa <?lect.xl In No* York by on* of the Arm, and am moommonded m rorjr fine, For sale l?y Nov 24 2#-tf HTKK.V A RVAN8. Spmilding,i frc^ared OIim. 08EFUT, I1V IYUY HOUSE. Ff>On>. Mil rowdy for Mr all tho timo, and M atruag aa Oahinat Makers' glue. Frier, por bottle and hrn?h, ft eaau. Far Ml* by /> SHERMAN, A font. 1 IT ?f |r .* i H T i' l f* ' - WtlVaflS P U B LIO SALE'. lUE' LAHOKSALE ON TUESDAY, aOTH DECEMQER, 1859. 41 tbo nbeeribcr'k Farm, two and a half ?Um Owfu Greenville, oil the HatherfWd road. Ill.Y of MIME HUE If ttMARTS, A Man, hi# wlfc and seven OlILllRES. from ?u to tweniy-two years of The three eldest stool , B?;f fiw? 14 <o 11 ff* oW, and fwBr Qlrla, fPow - 5 m# 13# the Stcthet hair every qualification thai eaoatit?t?* a Br?t-rnte House-keeper, bglraBtM I and Pa*try Cook Washer, trotter, MtOntrMt, Cut n"u t, Ac. I?<>, at the iumuo time and place, the entire I CHOP of Corn, Fodder, Shucks, Oats, Hay, Wheat Caiilc and Ho** Some first-rate Milnh (!?? wt.W ? r*', fat Oiw Two-llvw Wujron <>no ('tni*X?i nearly now Morses, Ae. One Bogardns Iron Mill, exoollent for grinding Men and Hnmony, witli water power Sundrjl Artlrtes, uot mentioned. Tkrms ov 8a/.*.?Twelve months credit, will interest from day of sale, for all sums over Ave dollars ; there of Sfs delltr! and. "nitr. muli j wiU two approved securities. The Negroes cadAiti treated for and bought any time between now and the day of sale, JOllN CRITTENDEN. Nor Si 99 td VA LrTBLfi PROPE ftTY, Ifvnr tirreuvillc Vllluge, FOR ALiF . THE subscriber, hnvitig rcmovo<l A/Sfjt-from tirecnrille, is desirous of sallfl|SV|e*srtgL ing the following Property. Tit: KS^AcTho H?metlca4 Place, Located oho nnd a half miles from Oroenville village, on the Anderson road. Tho Lot contains 2M Arnu <>/ Land, nourly one half of which is cleared land, tho remainder excellent Woodland. On tho premises Is a Good Dm tiling lin iltr, Kitchen, threo A'rgro Hnnttt, In good condition. Smoke ffunw, I'nrriage Home, and other Out-bnOdingr Also, n flne young Orchard. This place is woll watered. Also, A TRACT OF 138 ACRE8, Located on both sides of tho Greenville sad Columbia Railroad, three fnllcs from Greenville C. II., adjoining lands of Col. Campbell. Aaron Thompson. Jesse Dean and William Jacobs, Of the above Tract, thirty nercs arc in a good state of cultivation, and abotit eighty acre* iu original fofest. On this Land there are two Springs of excellent Water. lie also offers for sale his HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, all of wbich is of the ??? !" ?? ? ??? ? lure. Mr. A. M. QILRKATII. at Greenville S. C., i* hi* authorized agent far tbe Male or any of the above Frojierty. Persons desirous of purchasing am referred to bitn, who will ninke known the terms ol Halo, and any information which may bo desired. The terms will be made easy. SMITH L. DAVIS. Doc 1 30 :'m mil ill mm imuifnl FOR SALE. WILL be Bold, at public outcry, on Tuctilay, 27th Drermber Hrxl, at the rCnidoncC of Alhsaudcr tJrccnticld, in the town of Ureeutillo, a Lot of HOUSEHOLD & KITCHEN FURNITURE, co*?i8ti:?a op Beds, Bedsteads, Mattresses. Bureaux, rhairs, Sofas, {settees. l"onking-Gla?sc*, Wardrobes, Marble Stand Tables, tYhat-Nols, etc., ate. Carpets and Matting Kitchen Furniture. All or any of the aboro Article.*" may be I rented for at private aalc. TKKMS.?-A credit of sis month*, with interest from dale, upon all sum* of and over live dollars. All sums under that amount, cash. ANN GREENFlfcLP. Nov 3 26 td LAND FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER oflfors for salo, a track of ns)0 ACHES OK LAND, situated on the State road leading from Orcenviilo Court House to Ashcvillo. N. C? two miliex beloW Hodges; in Greenville District; On the place is a comfortable Dwelling and Out buildings, and the best Watcf that ean be found anyWhore. It would be a desirable place for a summer residence. M. D. DICKEY. June 3 4 tf Town Property Near the Female College FOR SALE. THE undersigned having deterk tnined to remove to Louisiana, offer* Ills HOUSE and LOT.for sale. The Jt iare desirably located, on 0 I 1 *iEKMi3- Buncombe street, near the Kenlalc College, and will be sold upon reasonable tortus. The House is comparatively new. Possession given immediately, if desired. For further particulars, apply to Mr. T. B. iioakkts. D. P. 8PAKKS. Jan 12 SB tf Valuable Lands for Sale, ON TERMS ACCOMMODATING TO PURCHASERS^ A Tit ACT eontainiug 680 Acres, 400 of which are good. heaVil.y Timbered, and first-rate George's Creek Upland. Tfio Tract is located In Pkdtous' District, on the road from tlroenville to I u o ~r? 1 14 uiniHMuuf u union uuin iuc lutuirr |)lut'Ci Alurti A TRACT In th? snmo nuiKlilwrhodd, containing .170 Acres. 200 Acres Are heavily Timbered. On the Tract there arc .'>0 Acres best BOTTOM. Fof particulars, apply to \V. K. EA8LKY; dot 28 2S-tf Oroenvillc, 8. C. Houses and Lot? for Sale. mTHfi subscriber offfcrw for rale TWO LOTft in the town of tirecnvUlo, Situated on Pundlfeton fit root, and Willi in Ave minittca' walk of the Depot; Pik-Ii Lot ha* a Cottage on it. Fine WiHS of water and convenient Out-bouse* era on the premises. There Lots will bo (old together or separately, on very reasonable terms; For furthcr particular!, as to the Sire of tbo Lot, terms, Ate., apply to L. W. WATSON. Feb 10 40 HOUSE AND EOT FOR SALE. TDK HI* BSC it I HEM offers for rale his RKPiiiil 'n ,'10 ,own ?f DrecnviHes It is AnsJkilesirably located in a central portion of town ?near the Presbyterian Church. The I>ot contains one Aero of ground, and npot*, the premise* will be found every convenience? a Well of good water, a large Cistern, Stables and Oubhnascs. The plfsbci will be sold mton the most reasonable ivruiN r.mjuiru vi v. v. nm>rui ?IJ MIV uuucrpipruua. A. GHBSNVIKIib. Jnn.i 5 tf DOWN NOW, "_=" AS LOW AS &1Y JflDY CAI ASK IT. THE RAPID INCREASE IN OUR. SALES OF RSB?SSB5 ?31, have enabled us to ORDER IN LARGE GUN TITLES, bv which we okt a *?ducm? m mke? sothat wk can sell it by the gallon, at *1.93 for cash. -t iMKk |1.0O ON CREDIT. 1"h# Oil ie Dttw belter then it ttrr he* bee*. wkkekp none but aaasaaaia ?a&. VfT (Counterfeit oil* burn bedlv, And will n PLObt. f. fc SHfcRtoAjr, Afent. Oct JO J* tf PI PR NR * ,> jJJt ' R 8 l a r mm W ?i 1. r. BHOW! OHARLBS ' ftt 1HEIR NKWL3T ARRANGED AND W1 OPPOSITE HASEl STREET, S A Very fall Stock oi' ih ?( In alt tlfe newsst raffotiM. AUo Evening Dross Gi A CLOAK AND SHA Especially Mrportnlondeu t>j loaiuf, wiik m full ? ?n ? S*w Gmtdi rMeiriug each wu?k. A PLANTATIOTT I On lb? sccrfnd and third Stnrlc*. fully Htoehed wltb STRIFES, DSN IMS, FLANNELS, J BANS, TWEE Lowest nuirhel price*. wtulb , A FULL STOCK OF I Shirtings, Sheetings, Osnaburgs, Long Cloth*, Ac., : 0RQERS AM? CA A. F r A. F. DROWNING A CO'. lirUe n oT*o Tn.ii>cctlon in nil the Departments, ami at the lowent market pr?< November ?4 Is Court of Ordin&ry "Vf?"llt!lV!i6, a paper, purporting to be the Lat : V V Will and To*tninont of Lmunnce Brockdadcascd, Iim been filet in this office, ami admitted to Probate in common form, by the oath of one of , the subscribing witnesses; and, whereas, IV. I). Duncan, the Executor narticd hi mid Will, has filed his petition praying " that h4 tnajr ha permitted to i prove the said last Will and Testament of LAURANCE BROCK, deceased, iu duo form of law, in i the Court of Ordinary for Greenville District," Ac. i It appearing that George Brock, lieirs of Walker ] Brock, deceased, heirs of Elizabeth Waddill. deceusi ?d. heirs of Polly Duncan, deceased, heirs of Ava- ( rilia Hawkins, deccasod, heirs of Juliet Burns, deceased, und John Brock, reside beyond the limits of this State: It is Ordered and Decreed. Thut they j do appear at a Court of Ordinary to W holden at Greenville Conrt House for the Disllict of Green- | villa, ?ii TaAWfllk. ihr Jfrnt <lay of February, t A. D., Itmo, at 19 o'clock, A. }(., the day appointed for proving the same! j Given under my baud and seal of o(Hra, at Greenville Cssrt Htitlis, this !? *? day of October, Anno Domini, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine. ROUT. McKAY, 0. G. D. f Oct 13 23 3m STATE* OFSOUfll TJATIOLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. r IN CHANCERY. George R. Burgcs and Patience Bitrges vs. .Tunics Ward, Susan Ward, et al,-^BiU for Partition of Rrnl Ketate, <tr. (j THE Complainants having filed their Bill in the t above stated case with the Commissioner in i | Equity, for Greenville District, and it appearing that William W. Turxur, one of the Defendants, / resides without and beyond the limits of this ftale : * On motion of E. P. Jones, Complainants* Solicitor* it is ordered, That the Said Defendant do plciul. tin- T safer dr demur, to. the said Bill of Complaiut, within three tuonths from this publication, or the same tl Will be taken pro confe?a aa to him. H R_ A. TtlWNHS. C V. a Tl firecuViilc, 8. !., l)rc. 1, 185V. 80-.1in ti BARGAINS tO BE HAD, t" DKSIB0U8 or cloning out Our well selected and Cheap Mock of lTlillcncry Goods, we respectfully inform our friends ami tue public generally, that, after this date, we will Sell at Greatly Reduced Pricea, for Cash To an^ person Wishing to engage in the above n business, ire trill ief( the enters STUCK A T COST. y>Hx~ Tilo?e having Accounts with us; will please pay the same immediately, as we ncod the nioucy; . MliH. PARIS A MISS UORDON. I1 Oct a m tf 11 PIJBLICN OTICE. THE undersigned gives notice that the Partnership between himself and Dr. E. P. PETTY was dissolved on th?. \?tdn? <>/ Jonnart/ Inn, at which time the interest of the said Pitrrv iii the liook* of AccoUrtt of said Firm was assigned to hiiu. This s notice is to waru all persons from paying any Note or Account due the Firm of ANPfcPSON A PKT- . TV, nulcss to the undersigned, who is the only person authorized to roceivo the same. A. J. A*l?fcRSON. Daciisl illc, fickcn* J>i?trict. 18-tf Aug 4 REED & QOODLETT, ATTORNEYS; AT IAW, < ASn _ i ft OICITORS IN EatJtTY. Office next door to F. F. Heetltie dc Co. AO OKEKNV1LLE, S: C. j. p. nfcfcn... i.., i;..; 9. d. ddbnunT. June 4 4 tf ~~GMK O It IIELI) M A NT. HARNESS MANUFACTURER, Ajtt PKAI.KII IS SADDLE.*, It It IDLES, WIT /PS, <t-C. ?a HAS on hand mi extensive assortment f MHknf the BEST MATERIAL nscd in Ihe 1 Manufacture of Harness and Saddles. Thankful tor the patronage piTen him for the last ten yeara, he solicits n continuance of the same. ?J&- Orders from n distance promptly attended J to. Persons indebted to hiui are requested to call and pay up. Al-ly April 28 ^ Saddle & Harness Manufactory. . The Subscriber would respectfully Inform MBkinr public generally that he continues the j above Business, Two /)<?.,? Abort the (frerntille Hotel, and i* prepared to furnish customers with any deacriptiuii pf 1|?MR MAxVFACTURBD " SADDLE-*. G'nriiftgh, Buggy and Wagon HAH- 3 NKB8 iuado to order, and In ihb beet stylo?. BUI- c 1)1,liS, WHIPS, Ac., on hand, and for sale CtlKAP. V&T- Baddies abd Hatneaa RRPAIRK1) at short notico. A. M. OILftEATJI. Meh 3 43 ly # ON SALE. Avery general assortment of anc and othor Y may ho had of the subscriber, who makes to order Engage*ilnil Ring*, and any other nrliole required in bia line. JOtr REPAIRING faithfully doue.-fe; I Sixty yards eaet of the old Court TlouSo. f . J. H. RANDOLPH. Oreonville, 8. C? Sep. 15, 18!H>. IH-tf LAW NOTICK. , rpHE undersigned Will devote himself entiroly to ' 1 the practice of fiart and Equity oil the W estern C'lreuiti Mr. ERICK Is his partner for Ureen- ; viUe Diatriol, aad may be found at his office iu UrcMkrilte. JAM KB L. OUR March 31, 1850; 47 tf ^ A Notice. I LL persons having demands against the Estate of WEST A. WILLIAMS, deceased. must I present them to the undersigned before the first day of January next, aS a Settlement of said Estate must be bad. *. C. OOWER, W. B. MI li. wee, 8' pi fi J0--3wt Administrators. Hair Dressing 8n4 Shaving. } Tb LRRIDE continues the TQNSORIAL business J3 at ids Old Stand in Beatlio's Brick Building, wQere he W ready, during thq flay and evening, to | Shave the Beard aud Cut Mair and Shampoo the Head. He fetpeotfully asks a continua||flDfeaafrenage. t*-t ** FOR 8ALfi OH RjHF THE HOUSE now occupied KRTCHUM, n#?r the old Wore lh? fifet of Jaornu v, it will n^WToni. Enquire of W. P. I'llifE. | v!3r ? tt ' A Ml ?r % .' in , . mmrnrnmwmmmm MSDSi. to & 60., TON, m ILL LIT.JiTKt) AND FJHLAR?Xt) STORE ? ? 1 ril. IGN OF THE "mi BOX." ? Hlche?< OreM floods, uoili in kit stylec. WL DEPARTMENT, i> if LADIES' GARMENTS of all kind*, with "department, ai varieties of PLAIN'S. KER815Y8/DLANICI5T8f D8, SATINETS, Ac., that will W offered at tho 3QME8TIC OOOD9, r vn vajs.H, A T t A UTOH Y MICKS. ?REf ULI.Y ATTENOH TO, . BROWNING & CO. of their STOCK, which will bo found well supplied :th 29 tf F. BURTY. LOVEUND'S BUILDING, GREENVILLE, S. C., RB8FBCTFVLLY lufornm the public gen orally that he hus ou band a ftuo assortment of Boots, Shoes, Brogans, &c. WELL ADAPTED TO THIS MARKET. In the assortment will be found [.ailics. Misses'and Children's Gaiters and Shoeffj of many kinds. Jcntlomon's, Youths' and Boys' Boots, Gaiters and PHoCS. Ditcher's Boots, an excellent article. IrOgans of all sices and most durable make. In fact, as full on assortment of Articles in kit ine as can he found in any establishment in a town if the sumo aire. lie aleo respectfully asks an examination of hi* 'rices for Cash, satisfied that his Goods arc offered At the Loweat Possible Figure. Persons in want of anything ?f the iiiuu will ilcnee give bim a call. Al.SO, OX HAXV, A (wood stock of Leather, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BOOT AHft SHOE MAKING., This branch of his business is still carried on nn. ler his personal supervision, and every cafe will b? aken to guarantee satisfaction to those who patron* re him. v?? in "? " 41V. 4V 4<-H iREENVaiE MARBtl YARR rllE Fut Jjril cr bav'nj; r.u -chased (ho interest o Mr.JAMKH D. CHAI.MER8, he will eontinuo be MAltBLE BL'SlNElSK us heretofore, at the Old land in the rear of Mr. fcctebutn's Store, lte feels thankful for the patronage which has con extended to the Firm of CMAt.MKR9 A Ai.i.r.x, nd hope., by attention to business, and promptness, o merit a continuance of the same, Oct 7 22-tf JA8. M. ALLEX. DENTAL OPERATIONS. iraeA DR. JOHN ANDERSON IY7"OtTLI) rospectlhlly inform the citicena of W Greenville that he has taken Dr. Allrx'S iooHs. and is prepared to attend to his Profs??lon# rt dll the hrauohee, with dispatch, Those residing n its country will give due notice before coming, o an to avoid being disappointedi Oct 20 24 tf SMOKED HERRING, PICKLED SALMON, No. 1, 2, ar.d 8, Mackerel) Codfish ntui Haddock, and Pickled Shod. All elected and for sale by Nov 24 29-tf STEEX A EVANS. Smoked Beef and Tongues. A NEW Supply just received, and for sale by /\_ 8TKEX A EVANS. Nov 24 29 tf PATENT MEDICINES. AN FORD'S LIVER IN VIGOR ATOR, ^ Barry *8 Trico|>iierou?, Ot,VffPUats<l Hit Ij?r>2 Mustang Lineament, Jloofland'p German Bitters, Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer) Kssence Jamaica Ginger, AVer's Cherry Pectoral, Ami ?U other Potent A/rdiciner, For sale at low prices, by I)as. LOKtt A BUftXRAlt Apothecaries and Druceistr. Jnly 7 0 tf MT. DAVID & I. EPSTINt ISPOKTEM AND nRAI.KRS Id /ffikQ Watches, It JEWELRY AND CLOCK* SSatifl*5, No. 328 KINO STREET. &eh s? Watches k Clocks Repaired warranted for one year Feb 10 40 1 S. BOWER, ffanufacturer of bhd Dealer 1& ^*5gap FURN1TURR of every description; <T" CllAlUS of every style. ISK'S CELEBRATED METAL1C BURIAL CABES Opponit? thrCnngaree House, Fob 4 COLUMBIA. 8. C. 8d-ly iGENCY FOR N. C. INSURANCE COMPANY. THE ASHEVIIJiE Mutual Insurance Company HAVING complied with the legal reqttieition of thin State, in relation to Agonteles, and haviiga ppointod the nnderKigne^ tut Ihelf Agent for thin i'ace. he in not* prepared to Uika lllSKB on LIFE ir PROPERTY. JOHN W. OR A DY. Oreenvillc, 8. Q., Feh. 10, 1808. 40 tf ORR & PRICE, ITTORREYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. C. lAMica I, nun W. p. rutr*. Mar 13 1 tf r,* * im.l il. - mm* x mm 5 i '.! I J At 3 Family ? Fancy ; 1 I T 2 adCSEBY! 5 ,I Store. SHAVING, HMlrT?iHintiH|, Itrmiiifl, Hi Axn RAZOR SETTING AND SHAMPOOING, AT Til K Second Door Above Mr. MePb* ?r WILSON COO K Mayl 2<\ T " -4 tr- -