University of South Carolina Libraries
I - I. 2v ...V- '.')?*:< ; V '< ' ? . ' ,1v - . Ths Kiss iu School. Ths following Incident in a district school, do* scribed by Mr. William Pitt Palmer, of New York, In as address before "the Literary Society," in fltookbridge, Maes., his native home, will take many, Whose heads are now streaked with silvery hairs a Journey back to boyhood and early lift i BfcjWM; -A aisiriv; .cucc!, 3C* fer sway, 'Mid Berksh^p hills, one winter's day, Was hamming with its wonted noise tthree-soore mingled girls and boys? me ftw upon their tasMt intent, But more on fhrtive mttchicf bent) * Tbe while, the master's downward look Was fastened on a copy book, Rose sharp and oloar a rousing smack i As 'twere a battery of bliss r^( nST In ... 1,1.. I " What's that?" the startled muter oriel. "That, thir," a little imp replies, " Wath William WUHth, if you pleathe? I saw him kith Th.'thaniiah Peatho!" With frown to mako a statute thrill, The master thundered, " Hither, Will I" Like wretch o'ertaken in his track, With stolen oliattlos on his back, Will hung bis bead in fear and shamo, And to that awful presence came? A great, green, bashfal simpleton, The butt of all good-natitrWdShw? With smile suppressed, and birch upraised, The threat'ner falterod?" I'm amased That you, my biggest pupil, should Be guilty of an act so rude i Before the whole set school to boot?? What eril genius put you to't ?" " 'Twas she, herself, sir," sobbed thelad, " I didn't mean to be so bad? But when Susannah shook her eurls, And whispered I Wns 'fraid ot girls, And dursn't kiss a baby's doll, I couldn't stand it, sir, at all t Hut up and kissed bor on tne spot, I know?boo boo?I ought to not, But, somehow, from hor looks?boo boo? I thought she kind o' wished me to !" Unmarist's" (Dim. Blondln Nowhere?Outdone by an Editor t The local of Lite Cleveland Democrat takes oil' theacoountof Mods, lllondiu's " rope walk" over Niagara, In the folio wins rich style. Those who have read the particulars in lite papers will appreciate it: On the morning of the Fourth, the local editor of a prominent evening daily paper in Buffalo accomplished a feat which plaoes Mons. Blondin's tight-rope act at Niagara quite in the shade. He crossed Main street., the principal street in Buffalo, on a cross walk, without stepping off.? When it is known that the aforesaid local had unu <uihiu}iu 111 dvviiiu kite oia rourut ot July out and the new Fourth ot Juiv in, some idea mar be formed of the magnitude of the undertaking. The cross walk chosen for his daring feat lead* from Thomas' saloon to the Terrapin Lnnch. The side walks on each side of Main street were crowded with spectators, by far the greater number being on the side on which the Terrapin is located, they being sustained and soothed by an unfaltering trust in his ability to perform it, and his willingness to treat when be ?ot over. Numerous Btar-Siwnglcd Banners were jrlrtg In tne ?tr, sort mtmervim hnndrwvni pl?jing tne air of the Star-Spangled Banner, while a Calithumpian band were nutting on airs generally. At about 8 o'clock toe local emerged from fhoinas' Saloon, and was greeted with immense applause by the crowd on the other side, who were impatient to have hitn come across nn>l treat. It was really a treat to come across suck enthusiastic fellows. Before attempting to cross, he performed numerous wonderful feats, such as telling the time of day, walking a crack in the side walk, seeing a hole through a ladder, do. The coas walk was aKauI tKIalu foaf It* ? 4" -J ???". ? ? ?r make it steady, he had taken about thirty glasses of buck beer as guys, thus affording one guy to each foot, without mentioning the "Guys on the opposite side walk, who were standing*by in expectation of a drink. Like many other performers, be was dr-rscd in tights?having been tight for two weeks before, in preparation for his feat. Only once did he betray the slightest irresolution, and that was when his eagle eye look in the immense concourse on the other side waiting for hint to treat. Scorning a balance Kle, he ateadied himself a moment against a np post, and then, iiinid the brenthh-se attention of the apcctiuorsy eomuienaed his terrible walk- When about half way across he produced a bad of twine from Ida pccket, and retaining one and, threw the boll to the other side, where it was caught dexteriously by Mr. Terrapin, (author of Terrapin Lunch,) who attached a bottle of cherry bounce. This the performer drow to him and arank andd thunders of applause, ,the Callthumpians, meanwhile, playing " A Little More Cider,* T1?e font was successfully performed, the latter portion being accomplished on all fours, thus heating Mr. lilondin all hollow. Ho was caught up at once on the shoulders of ths frantio multitude, headed by Colonel Lum Smith, and as he disappeared in the Terrapin he was heard to exclaim, with a wink so intense it gave one side of bis face the appearance of a horrid paralysis, "Pxall right (hie) hoys." A Maaav Youth.?Last week tho "Swamarot Doroas Hewing Society," held their annual meet? log. and on motion it was resolved, that onr parson waft on Toney Jones, and ace if nothing oan be done to correct the manners of Tonoy. Hie next day ths Parson waited on Toney, senior, and informed him respecting the object of Ills yieik Toney listened patiently, and then replied: " Person, I'd let Toney go to meetin every Sunday sf J only know'd y.>u was a coin' to preach ; but, pgrton, thar ain't a boy in the city ot Swsmscot what's got more manners than my Toney, and 1 oan oonvlnce yon of that in just a minit?" " You see Toney out there a skmuln them are differs!" Ths Parsoa nodded assent "Now, see, IH eail." And raising hi* voice to ths highest piUb, ho shouted, "Toney." The reaponan wh quick and equally a# loud? I 'Sir." . " Don't yon hear that, parson.!** said U>? old man. " Don't yon call that manners f That iaall very well," said the parson, "? far as It goes." ' What do yon menn hy as far as It goest H?nt boy, sir, always speaks respectfully to me when ) eall him," and raialng his votee he again called, MToney." Tlie response "81r," was equally loud and prompt. Again the old man eajlctl? " Toney r 4 The boy dropped the half-dressed fish and eomt lk*r* in /wo tninui^s and mmnl you lik? h?lL" The Person was astonished, the old man was diseoneorted for a moment, bnt instantly recover? ? himself, be tapped the parson on the shoulder, "5%. see, parson, my hoy has got grit as well as meaner* That chap will be an ornament to yoqr eooiety one of the** days," 1 need not add that the luirton incontinently irtiJEr "Taw world ia all a fleeting show," mid a piles* to a culprit on the gallows. "Yea," waa the prompt reply ; * but if you've no objection, I'd rather see the show a little longer!" *JKf ' "Away out in Miawurl"they live on the primitive system. People sleep, as well as eot, IO companies, had in many of the hotel* there are three to a dosen beds In each chamber. Ou a cold winter's night, a weary and foot-worn J traveler aiming at one of thcee caravanserais by the road-aid a. After stepping Into the bar-room and taking** iwnrisis* nsmbw or "?Hsk./k he invoked the attention of the accommodating landlady with this Interrogatory: "I say, ma'am, have you got a considerable number of bede In your house r* Yes," answered she^ " i reckon wo have." " How many beds hsve you, about tills time, that alo't noways engaged V - * " Well, we have one roomnpsta'rs with eleven beds in it." p "That's jnet right," said the traveler, "Til take that room, and engage all the bade, if you pi Att ack w The landlady, not expecting any more company for the night, and thinking thnt her guest might wish to do alone, consented that ho might occupy the room. Bnt no sooner had the wayfarer retired thAn a large party arrived, and df?manded lodgings for the night The landlady told them she was very sorry, but all her rooms were engaged true, there was one room with eleven beds in it and onlv one gentleman. " Wo must go there, then?-ere must have bed* there." ihey accordingly proceeded to the chamber with the bed*) and rnppcdf; no answer waa returned. They essnyoa to open the door?it wu looked. They shouted aloud, but received no reP'T* At last, driven to desperatUm, th< y <! cidcJ upon bursting ui*cn ... Uj?A np sooner done ?o, than tbey discovered every bedstead in the room empty, and *11 the beds piled one upon another in the oentreof the room, with the traveler sound asleep on the top. They with some difficulty aroused him, and demnnded what In the world ne wanted with all thoee beds. "Why, look here, stranger," said be, " I hain't had no sleep these eleven nights; so I just hired eleven beds, to get rested at ones, and make up what I've lost I caleulnte to do up a considerable mess of sleeping; I've lured til these beds, and hang me if I don't hnvo sloven nights' sleep out on 'em before morning." . T?. yesra aat>. when the Order of tbe Sons of Tempcranoe overrun the land, my friend Jim O'Wright found himself a citizen of Kentucky, whither he had wandered from Virginia. Jim was a " character," hod great versatility of talent, and was withal an excellent) jolly fellow, and prime bottle oompanion. Jim contracted the Temperance mania naturally and with great enthusiasm ; so much so, that he soon became a conspicuous and shining light in the urger. rrom n popular lecturer >m? soon rose to the dignity of G. W. P. of the State Division. la due time after this hoist in life Jim was called to preside over the Division of the City of L and was " on hand," in all the glory of tinseled regalia, with a chosen lot of congenials about him. At his hotel Jim kept * open house" lo the initiated, albeit his hospitality was not oondueted upon strictly Temperance principles ; and I am afraid much of poor Jim s eloquence and fervor wero drawn from divers "bigbellied bottles," whose rubicund visages were kejrt modestly concealed by the drapery of his " The hour for the meeting of the Division arrived. Jim preeents himself at the do?r of the Division room, and gives the usual " signal."? Hack fljes the sliding pannel, and the space is filled with the head of the "inside sentinel,''a squat, carroty-headed Irishman. Jim gives the password, and stalks in. Business begins, proceeds, and ends, Jim presiding with great dignity. Pet, meantime, has scarcely, removed hie gaze from Jim's fsce, but devours him with agaze in whistl awe and mirth are strangely mingled. Presently Pat approaches the great man, and timidly pluoks him ashle. *Sir-r," said he, " an' yoa are Misther O'Wlght, the Gbrand Worthy Patriarch of the Slbate of Khaintccky, I do be afther belavin." "Yes," said Jim, " you era perfectly right, my friend ; but why do you ask tua Question T" H To tall yes the tlirutli, thin, tttr-r, an* ?Kam? the divil," and Pat, "ycz do ba havin' the right pau teor-rd, Sir, for-r a Son of Timneranee, intirely ; but bjr the Howly the bleeaod Saint I'athonuk, yet are got the %erong tekmell!" " Pat had stuck his 110so through the pannel Instead of hie car." Dp. Dodos ajsd the IanmxAtr.?When Dr. Dodge, Eclectic Physician lectured through this State on the laws of health, and particularly on the evils of tea and eoffce, he happened to meet one morning at the breakfast table, a witty eon of Erin, of Uie better claaa. Conversation turned on the Doctor's favorite subject, as folio we: "Perhaps you think I would be unable to Convince you of the deleterious effects of tea and coffee I" " I don't know," eaid Erin, " but I'd like to be there when you do it." "Well," suid tho Doctor, "if I convince you that they are injurious to your health, will yon abstain front their use 7" " Sure, and 1 will eir.' " llow often do you uao coffee and tea T" asked #.!?? i s/salit# " Morning and night, sir." " Well," Buid (bo Doctor, " do you ovor experience a oliglit diuinosa of the brain on going to bed t" " I do, ind. od I do I" rf|i)iud Erin. " And a sharp pain through the teinpleo in and bout the eye*, in the morning f" "Troth, I do sir." "Well," eeid tho Doctor, with en air of confiding in hi* manner, "that is the tea and coffee." ' la it, indeed t Faith nnd I always thought it vm the whisky I drank I" . Tho company roared with laughter, and tho Doctor quietly retired. He was beaten. Tub Oioucotter Nowi telle the ?tory of a boy in one of the aohoole in that town who ia an'Inveterate rhymester, and who laughed, one morning, during prayers. at the right of a rat being asked why no laughed, lie replied-: " I saw a rut upon the stairs, Coining up to hear your prayers." Being told that lie must immediately make Anther rhyme, or ho flogged, he quickly answered, " Hare I stand before Mian ttiodgcit; She's going to strike, and I shall dodge it and tchis seat, the whole school being in a roar of laughter. A root jilted blade says: Woman's love is like Scotch snuff, You get one pinch and that's snougli. Whereupon a darkey, of more sense aa wr)l as son!, responds : Woman's lub, Hlte ingy-rubber, It stretob ds more 4* more you lub her. Ax Irish patient of some distinction, that eras teasing Psttsr Pindar with his symptoms, and who had nothing scarcely to complain of, told liirn he had frequently an itching, and begged to know what he should do. Scratch yourself sir,? replied I'ster; which laconic advise lost his patient, Bot (with tin box passing through railroad ear, aud calling out) "tlom drops? Gum drops ? ' * UllAllllflfr Oil. Ill (WIWI J iii ?. no teeth, and oan't chew them!" Boy.?"Yes, you ean, mister; they're www drops,"?Spirit of tM 2\r*et. A? urohin In a country school was reading ths rsrss in ths Now Testament wkleh rtads thns: " And hs saw Abraham afar off with Ixuarus in h|s bosom." Ths boy gravely spelt it out thns: " And he-eaw-a-broom-a-far-off- with leather earsIw-Bwtoa," Ax Irishman in company, few nights ago, seeing the lights so dim as to ouljuwndsr the dirkness visible, called out lustily, "ffere, waiter, I bring ns a couple of dnyoent caudles, just that I j may sac how the others bura." y v< *N)**. ft bw ^tiatj N NEW SPRING Ok stifu ui inn uim! im fillU *0 WHICH Ue Attention of *nrjf JEflHTOsupplied with NKW and CHOICE?* W*1 111) at very low prtoos. \ OUR UNRIVALLED STOCK i I Of PLANTATION GOODS la Bow ready f? ln-1 pectlon, to wblah^fltaKUautiou or our Ountrvl fricuda and Factora^^^HtooT 1 IIOUsfl^PK LINE2& L And FKM1LV DR? UOODS, for the pgllfit and KHgu'rv) largo varieties, oflbo ttogt *~"kes. Particular attention U oalled to our present stock of / LONG CLOTHS, I At 6}, 8, 10 hnd 12J oonta, and tho fiiar maker, all flioup and excellent Good*. ., J ' *; Full stock of French and English Ting Clotba ", I Beat makes Bleached and Unbleached Cotton Sheetings?all widths?always oa baad. Heavy Brown Shirtings, at 01, 8 nftid 10 cents. Superfine Brown Sea Island Shirtings, at 01,9,10 and 121 cents. Extra 8 or. Cotton Osnaburgs, 0 ox. Striped C. Osnabarg*. Bine Denims. Tlickory Stripes, Apron Chock, Marlboro* Stripes, Ac., Ac. CLOTHS. CAMS I ME RES, TWEEDS, AC., I For Burins 'Mid SfMHinsr tn th? ?*j*cc, f<? n <tJ ,"y? T?'>A new- rrSelvToK y jRS^i8r^5^*nelidLDI** DKte' ^ h?*"l Extra heavy English do., in Black, Oroen, Brown and Bine, for Boys' and Servaats* wear ? with 'A full assortment of Linen and Cotton Pant Stuffs. Linen Coatings, Flannel* for Ucota' Sacks, Veatings for the season, Ac., Ac. Materials of varions kinds for Children's wear, Servant*' Costings, Vesting* and Pant Stuffs. HffiW ???ps anr an March 17 rflNO> OPP06 j i'eft . . * ?-i . ' EMPORIUM Ot - m m &- & sya ma o WHH E HAVE NOWIN STORE an Elsgant Assortment of ? >- .' Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, CCI1 AS FRENCH Cl.OTHS AND CAflBTMERKS. of ?H colore and qualities, (which ware manufactured to TWEEDS. VHM*l?<Hfc SHIRTS, TIES, HOSTW RY, GL0VE8, Ac. CnoxiAoro, Moleskin and Fur IIAT8, for Drew and Business wear. alio, i PIOCOLOMINI CAPS, A good assortment of Ji ? w? 8* a if an# <&???>?,For Oratlrneg'i wear. Ready Made Clothing-, I V Hca AS Cloth, Casslmero, Tweeds, Linen, Alpaca and T>rth D'Bt. COATS, PANTS and VESTS, which we will soli low for Caah or to prompt paying cur turners. tailoring~o?e7artment. I We arc prepared, with the best,of Workmen, tr>' CUT and MAKE UP Ctt>TJJ2N(? in the lat*t French and American styles, and upon-thc moatrftsonoblc torms. DYER 3. PICKLE, ' Copartnership Notice. T1IR undersigned bara entered into Cops^J11**- I ship for the purpose of carrjtf? oil ANT TAILOulXa iiUrflNi'-??/ under the nauj|| style and Arm of DYHK A PICKf/E. They respeOt^ fully ask nttention to their Steck now on hand, and refer to tholr former eastomera for their ability to please. They hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. G. B. DYER. t April 20, 1550. ^ 0. A. PICK LB. ' A CARD. f f^HK subscriber would return hit thanks to his X friends and customers for tho vory liberal share of patronage which thoy have bestowed on him, aid would respectfully solicit for the new firm of Dran A Picklk a continuation of tho patronage whisb has heretofore been extended to him.. April 21 60-tf O. B. DYKR. gowenFville MALE AND FEMALE SEMINAHY. 1 TUE first Session of tbU SCHOOt, Jtf^^-for 1859, will open on the FinRT DiF 'wflHSiir FrnatiAKV, under tho direction p jVyV Rev. T. J. Karlr, as Principal. i no nam hi iuiuuii, per Dtilion (I fivo month*, arc a* follow*: Primary Branches,. f i fit Higher English Branches 7 fc* Higher Mathematical Branches,.: 1 CLtV Latin and Greek, 12*olr Thi* flchool possesses advantage* In it* location equal, if not superior, to any In the State. It is situ it ted at UowonsvUte, Green villa District, in the midst of an exeoilont neighborhood, where the young are not exposed to tho*o temptation* common to village*. Besides being at a pout office, it U within a few hundred yard* of Bowden's Hnlpbur Spring, M fine mineral water a* any iuAhe upper dfttrl^*, Mr. Karle, tho Principal, i* an eiporicuecAtaacher and good disciplinarian, and the Tiustec* flatter themselves that tucy may expoet for the School a liberal patroungo. Oood Hoard may bo had in the families of the neighborhood at sjx and Mrcn dollar* per month. For further particular*, apply to the Principal, er to Dr. Wm. Mooncy, or to H. BOWDEN, Chairman B. T. N. B.?Arrangement* have been made to sec we the eervicoa of a yonng lady well qualified to give Instruction* in Music, Necdlc-Work, Leather-Work, Drawing, Grecian Puiutlng, Ac., Ac., at prices in proportion to tho abuvo Rate* of Tuition. We wonld invite the spec in I attention of parent* and guardian* to thi* addition to the interest of ewt ftcho >1. We shall be able to giro iustruotion in *gy of the higher brunehe* of Pemalo Education, jit pr?? u Uiaiu the roach of all. Gowcnsville, S. 0., Nov. 20, 1859. Jan 20 _ * gy , Mrs. Paris & Miss Gordon, MAIS STREET, WILL OPEN, on Rgtordsy, /ifeyjMMBlfitb insL, a handsome iiasostuunt 'f MIUJiVKRY, ;. Preneli, Chip, Fancy, Silk, PayjflM mcla ami English Straw B0NKKTS. Misses' lVpieetrians, Veatiter* f?r Head Dresses, Lace Setts, Illusion Capes, Berthas, Fancy Hair Pin*, Hoop Hkirt*, Corset*, and a rarloty of Article* suitable to the season, selected by Mis* Gordon from the largest and best Preach house* in Xew York. DKKA8XB mage at the shortest notita,and Dressmaking atlondod.tems usual, to which we respeelfnlly invite the sttaffHcn of the Ladles *f Greenville and it# vieiutty. ' 49-tf April 14 i Valuable Lands for Sale. ON TERMS ACCCMMO0ATIN8 TO PURCHASERS. A TRACT eontoining 630 Acre*. 460 of which are good, heavily Timbered, and first-rate George's Creek Upland. The Tract Is Ismiifi in Pickens I t is tr lot, on the road from Greenville to " " - - " ?r..Pn... ?j? - ** Aim, i i ^WniBg ?7? Kmrt*. 869 Aena TMAoiwl. On the Trnni ihw ?? > M Awn b*H BOTTOJJ. For MtkiiUOf W'7 10 W. IL EARLflT Ooi 28 2 V-tl' Aflfwcr FOR N. e, IN8URANCE COMPANY. THE ASHEV1LLR VjEuiual Insnranco Company HAVI1C0 eornjifW trHh tbo tW nMW?M e? ?Mr auto, ia irt.tiun toAt.n^MJ Uylog opnoinud Uie ndonifnM it tneir AtfmfTwUl* plw. n* It ??>?* prepared to take RIHKB an IIM or PKOJPKUTY. JOHN W. <JRApY> I Oreoavillr, t. C., Trb. I#, 1848. W if I I SBi'il Milss. iVERUNOS, AND immmnmwm *5 N 1N G , imh U Invited. Oar DEPARTMENTS an *11 no )OB, whkrh will ?> *?ld for C**h or CHj AccepUac u L-iV - ? uaif WTAinU VAJUU)&)> Now Spring French Cambrics *. % r, ' New Spring French Brilliants Furniture Calicos, Furniture Cbints Super Undressed Furniture Cbints FuMHnra Dimity, dov Fringe, Bullion Fringe Summer Marseilles .guilts Allendale end Manc$<t*ttrgailt*, Ac., A?L KMBUOlD?Mtfc> ?A(J?/? And White Goods, ill now styles and large variety t low prices. Bordered Linen Cambrid Handkerchiefs, all prlee Hemstitched and Kiubroiuereu L. G. Handier hlefs, for Ladios and Cblldren. SPRING DRESS GOODS. In now style Silks, Plain and Printed Cballics uminer l'nplins, Ac.. Just Orriring. IICII SILK ROBlihi AND CUALLIK ROBES iln new styles for the season. NeW style Silk an< usliu Robes. ^WHITE AND COLORED STELLA SHAWLS, |^A^1 telle 11an tills 13 '^'SKIETSt SKIRTyn SRUCiWlil |Kor Children, MHftl and Ladles. We ere no* I pared to shoUr-thrYErr beat artiela of Ladlee tension Skirts ever made. Also e large dasor* nt of medium and low prico Skirts. Our stoOk o IOSIERY. SPRING UNDERSHIRTO, AC., For Cents, Ladies end Cbildren, is now Well as ted. *W' . I !EY STSAlfliem, AIT , . A 1? nnfiu;MTMr<?."' ? * W1\V/ TT illliu Oj ; HASELL STlUiET, CHARLESTON, a C. - SAN SORB'Storn? l*UV?r uoonaiuiea. T 18 COMPOtfNDHD ENTIRELY from 0U1IS .and bu beoomo an established fact, a 8tandar\ odioine, known andap ijproved by all that hav< i?d it, and is now re pjjj sorted to with confident* -all the diseases for which itis recommends* It has cured thonsands ? (within tholast two year bo had given up nil fcN'hopos oftollef, as tho nn luroun unsolicited oertlfl^Iicates in my possessioi The dose ma si bo ad ap'.CC ted to the temperamen f tho individual taking'Q it, and need in suol Ln*ntltios as to act ^genLjtly on the Bowels. J^et the dictates of yon r|**, judgment guide yon ii pa use of the Livnn la vioon.vTKii, and it wil aire Liter C.rN/dninN.'p OWon. Attack,. Dyepep isin, Ch'ronie Dinrrheed,\^Su m m e r Oumplaintt ?>MtOi<tty* Drr>n*m, fkrmrHabitual Cot tiwsui, Ii?lieka'l)<>ra,Pi(;tshM Morbut. Choltr Infantum, Flatnlenee, n* Jaicn&iee, Vtmale H'm nesses, and may be nsedlK sueceeefully as an Or a nary Family itfsdicix^ldl will curt Sick Head ache (as thousands can^] testify,) fa ttcmty mis utes, \j two or three. Peill^ja^oos^ksr- totem s j commencement of atj Jtaek. ^0* All whom lit are giving their teat*,l"wloony in its favor. Mix water in the mouth with the Invigori i tor, and swallow both togother. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE ....V* ALSO - SANFORD'S tmrt CATH ARTIC lilll ObMreVNDKD moil l\re Vegetable Ertn*rt?,-Omi put mp in O LAS . *?-A4fA^- ACr^Dmkl, "?<i mill keep in omycUmoto. * TltB fAUlLV CATHARTIC PILt. IB gentle, but active Cathar J _ltlc, which the prnprleti nv used in hte practice! " more than twenty year The constantly toe real1*' sing demand from tho who have long used theU Pills, and the satiafa Hon which all express in ^ regard to their uae, hi induced me to plaoe them H within the reach of ail The. Profession well ^ know that different C thartic* act' n different;portions of tho bowels The Family fhdadie Fill has, with dne refc once to this woll establish q ed fact, been oompoun ed ftrom a variety of thc'^ purost Vegetable E tracts, which act alike on _ every part of thealimc tary canal, and am good E* and toft in all car where a Cathar tic is need q? ed, aneh as Derantj meats 6/ iks StoiHur h, jSUepinesv, Paiiu in I Back wid'ZsVM, Cottier Pain and Sorem over tke whole It^tly, from ma sudden cold, which ft uucntly, ifneglwctcd.end ^ in a long course of Fev< " left* of Avmktlak a Crisp ing Sanation of Co over Iks ypdy, fleet leu Jncee, Headache or irriq is Ike hetUf, all Inflatn ^ ' matory Diveavvv, H'ori in Children or AdulU..^ Rheumatism, a great f rifcr of therBlood, and] {many diseases, to whi flesh is hei*) too numerons to mention In this adv< tLssaisnt. Dove?l to S. PRICE THREE DIMES. , _Tha Liver fnrigorator and P"~*ily Cathartic Pi sire retailed by DrwggisU generally, and sold whol sale by tho Trade in all tho large towns. S. T. W. SAN FORD. M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor, S35 Broadway, New York. For sale by FISHER A HE1N1TSH, Orconvil July 14> 10 Sm HOWARD ASSOCIATION PBlLiDBtPHlA, A Benevolent Institution, established by Special E dotcment for the Relief of the siek and distress* afflicted with Virulent and Kpidcmic Diveavev. rpHE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of t a bwiui destruction 01 numu lile, muniI Sexual Diseases, and tbo deception* practised up the unfortunate victims of such disease* by Quad several year* ago directed their Consulting 8urge< M a charitable art worthy of their name, to open Dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseas in all their forms, aud to givo medical advice era to all who apply by letter, with a description of th condition, (age, occupation, habit* of life, Ac.,) a in case of extreme poverty, to furniih medicine*/ uf tkarpr. It Is needle** to add that tbo Asacoiatl commands Uie highest inedionl skill of the ago, a wULftttnish the moat approved modern treatment TVtfbf;nufc?ia of the Association, In their Annt ^ttaftoftgbosClS sassfcs1 Jmf has attended the hUMgaef their Hnrgeon* iu the ci of Spermatorrhoea, nominal Weakness,' Oonorrhc (Heel, Hyphills, tbo vice of Onanism or Belf.Abu diseases of the Kldnoya, Uladdcr, Ac., and ordei continuance of tho same plan for the ensuing yea The Directors, on a review of tha past, fool i sured that their labors in thia sphere of benevoh effort havo boon of great bonuflt to the afflicted, nfrlffl.ll V to Votin tr nn<l Lltfflw have roanlwa/l - rote theoaeelvea, with renewed teal, to thia very 1 porUnt and much deapiaed oauae. An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Se inal Wcakneas, the vioe of Onauiem or Self-Aba and othor dlaeaaes of the He*nul organ*, by the C? julting Surgeon, will bo aent by mall (fa* a aea envelope, )/r#e of rtHrgt, on receipt of im> Ham for poetage. Other UeporU and Traeta on the i tare and treatment of Sexual diacaaea, diet. A*., i eonatantly being publiabed for gratuitous diatril tioa, and will be aent to the afflicted. Some of I new ramodlea and mothoda of treatment Aiaeorei during the laat year, are of great ralne. X-O- Addreaa, forReport or Treatment, DR. SKLLLIN lIOUtlHTOk, Acting Surgeon, Ifowi jfada notation, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Phi lade lpb pa, ?#* By order of the Direetorx. p EZRA D. I1KARTWKLL, Freaident t Ggo. PiiRCitin, Secretary th-ly F 1 14JVM """ ?~ T>KIU?ONS indebted to the lata Firm of W. J IIOVKY A CO., can *etiU the ansae at mjr floe rery toon, or IIH7 will find their Notec and J coo ate la the hand* of aa Attorney for eelleeti Longer Indulgence eaanot bo given. The hualn of tfe Finn lavet bo *ettled. W. II. JI0V1T Fob IT 41 t NOTICE, T-VUMHQ my neeeaenry or aooldewUI abeen 1 " my Mesa, Col. DAVID UOKK, who U \ lawful Deputy, will attend to altjwraona baring* huaineae transaction* with the office of the Comit fewer. 0. A. TOWNES, C. 0. D MarcU | 44 ? .-ft . t ' ' 'j**1 ft ^ ir. ' NEW GOODS. T AM RKCRIVINO my SPRING Mid StXMMB X rapplj of 4001)8, oonsisting of a gcuer J 8 took of - Fauor ?md Btlfetto Drr Good*. And Men's and Boy*' cSWhiNO, H.u and Roi BOU, Boot* Mid Shooo, Hardware Mid Cutlery, Drag Mid Dye-stuffs, Carpeting Mid Matting, Wooden Ml Willow Ware, Wall Papering, PoinUi^ Shot, Blaat tbg Fun, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Balt^Bfc *11 c w which will bo sold at S LOW PRICES. .1 Thankful for paat favors. I solicit a oontinuanc of the sawc. JOHN W. GRADY, Opposite the New Court House, on Main Street. AprU U 4? tf mWMEImr owoiry oc silver Ware, " JRHft ?i'guk SAMUEL W. BENEDICT'S, S New York. EVERYTHING OF 1HE BEST QUALITY, PURE AHO WARRANTED. Orders (or urtbtni In this line will be very Mrs. fuUr attended to, and delivered a few days after notice ' Being associated with mr father enables me to procore the above articles In New York Olty of the besi etjrlee, nod at low prieee. , Del. BENEDICT, AT LEVY'S NEW STOKE. March 34 46 ly ^ ' jSjflKtho public generally that ho continues the abcre mdMiik Am Door* Abort (At Greent rille Hotel, and is prepared to fttrnilh oustouors Witt ? Tny description of HOME MANtfFACTURKt 1 SADDLES. Carriage, Buggy and Wagon 1LAR f NESS made to order, and in the best styles. BRIDLES, WHIPS, do-, on hand, and for salo CHEAP, m- Saddles and Harness REPAIRED *1 shorl " nouST A. M. UXLREATH. Melt 3 43 , IT ot~ u it n tr v v n . ix u w r ci i ) rROPRIKTOB Of THE lunm- STORE, dealer in FANCY AND STAPLE PRY GOODS. R(fL V it If an trwwvo, 2C$NZzT, SI9B0N8, , HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, READY I HADE CLOTHING, AND INDIA ? RUBBER GOODS, | GREENVILLE, S. C. ' N. B.?Order* accompanied by the cash, for Med. " ical, Law or Library Books. Musical Instruments and Sundries, promptly fillod io New York and uc lirercd at his" counter on shortest notice, j Jan 13 3ft ly s JOHN W7~GRADY7~ 1 DEALER IN ; FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, RE A11Y MADE CLOTHING, BOO TS AND ? SHOES, BOOKS AND STATIONER Y, * DRUGS* DYESTUFFS. HARDf WARE * tUTLKHY, WOOD" ./ EN WAR#, GROCERIES, GRAIN, COUNTRY PRODUCE, *tu, io orroaiTK the new court house, on main strsei i- , GREENVILLE, S. C. Jan ft 35 * ly Boot, Shoe and Leathor Store. THE Subscriber has on band an excellent assort ment of BOOTS AND 8I10ES, of bis own man w ufacturo. Also, just roccirod, a fine assortment of tf W LADIES' SlIOF*. SLIPPERS Hi N. . Gaiters, Ac.; Misses anil Children1 A ffcr a H sines; QenCketwea'sSli ppew it Also, a lirm atn?k ,,f llRflllAXS Khnrnoknn Tools, Leather Findings, Thread, Lace, Ac. * 11 a has also on hand a largo stock of LEATHER, which ho will sell at WH0LE8ALK or RETA11 a. Having in his employ excellent workmen, ho prepared to MAKK the finest article of BOOTH at jj.. 81IO118, at the shortest notice, d. AU of tho above Goods, together with articles his own manufacture, will be sold at the most re son able prices for oash. BURTYi C(1 In Mus. Lovelaxu's Brick uuildino. April IS 49 tf Z ~ oreenvili.e " - . Ad TUB subscribers having had the ml ,?( Pff'fflB'l.foitane to lose, by the fire et the 29th Js nary, the 6team Mill and Machinery connected wi ^ their Ooaeh Factory, in Greenville, take this snothi olj of apprising their friends and patrons that they st )r_ continue business as heretofore, without change their Firm, or abatement of their exertions to pleat They have STOW ON HAND, and are CONSTANT lu LY FINISHING, ?U the varieties of ? uarriages, JtfHggies and Wagon ever made bv them, to which they invito the atte tlon of purchasers. Thoy uke pleasure in oorreeting an improssii that their Stock of SKA SON ED LUMBER w lost with the Mill, and would say that, in quanti _ and quality, thair Lumber bat never been better. The generous patronage hitherto received, wn I 9 rant* the conclusion that their efforts are appreciate and stimulates them in making further exertion 'a- Their experience will enable th?-n> to select and op td, rato the most approvod Machinery, with adva tages not surpassed by any maugj/tyfturers eith he North or South. '? by OOWKR, COX, MARKLEY k CO. on Oreeaville, 8. C., April 7, I860. 48 ly >n' 8ou1b ?fiilrcenbilie 2)i$fhc tH "IVTEWT0N BRAMLETT, who Is In custody JLx the Sheriff of Oroonville District, bv virtue ejr a writ of capiat ad tatit/aeiendum, at the suit ad William McNeely, having filed in my office, toget rev er wilh a schedule, on oath, of bis estate and effce lon his petition to the Court of Common Pleas, prayii ad that bo may be admitted to the benefit of the A( of the General Assembly mode for the relief of ius< rent debtors. It is ordered, that the said Wlllii McNeely, and all other the creditors to whom t Urn ?w>"*?a u?f?'-'y U in airyri'x indebted, 1 lre and they are hereby enttunoned, and bare notice P. appear, before tho said Court at Greenville Cot BC Ilonse, on the fourth" Monday in October next, . ^ shew cause, if any they can, why the prayer of t - petition aforesaid should not be granted. W. A. McDANIEL, C. C. P. ,at Office of Common Picas, Greenville District, 8 e<_ day of June, 1859. & 3m i: lafi)f6rsale. THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale, a track 850 ACRES OF LAND, situated on tho 8t< se, road leading from Greenville Court Honee to Asl ,n- villo, N. C-, two milies below Hodges, In Greenri led District. On the place is a comfortable Dwelli p* and Out-buildings, and the best Water that can ia- found anywhere. It would be a desirable plaoe . ailmma. M.l.l.n.. U TV ?u- 7?m t 4 II SS REED & QOODLETT, x ATTORNEYS AT LAN ?rd and SOLICITORS 1H EQUITY. XM-Ofic. next door to F. F. BeaUie A Co. _4I ; GREENVILLE, 8. G. ? i, r. unKmuMMUiC ? ooosu ?--J * J 4 vll IT. . f- ORR A PRIOE, ? ATTORNEYS AT LAW *" GREENVILLE, 8. O. f JAitm v on. w. r. m ? May IS 1 H . / NOTICE. A LL persona iiuluhU-d U? ma for tAa years 18, iV '*7 ??** 'A*. ?>y BOOK ACCOUNT or NOT ,!*, are requested to t?nt forward and pay op, aa /i r I lA?r iMr/u/jMM c "??Oi Aa ghen. f II < }*-? F. BCKTY V ii r -ii :'4|vv44i > . i. -im; _ . '* QUO VERA. BAKER'S B ' OBUKBBATKD - '*'& 5 FlilLY Slliii IU1HII NEW STYLES--FftJCES FROM W 10 $126. !. MXTBA CEA?Q?Of l? JOB MKMMil 495 BROADWAY .......NEW YORK. ^ 223 K?HO STREET, CHARLESTON. J AS. 15. SHERMAN, An? , v,... .GREEN ViLLK. N . THE8J? MACMIIM sew-from two rpoeia, ax bbt ? ehased Um store, requiring wo rewinding ol thrsad. They Hen, Pen, Uatkn twl BtMok in m superior style, flitishlng each seam by their o*rw oporation, without i "ooonse to the hand-needle, ee in required by other niaobine#. Tbey will 4* better aad cheaper sewing than a seamstress ea?, even * ah* works for one crnr Kit ifotUr and are. emqoeitionnbly, the best Machines '? the market for faoitiy I sowing, on aocount of tL'eif siseptieity, daeakUtty, ease of maring-mont. nnii k dnptalmwto all vssfatte* of family sewing, executing either bea*y or In* eswi with equal facility, and withouf special arfjasteaenti. As evidence of the unquestioned supOelesWy sf their* c. Machines, the Owwr<St Baker Sewing .V?rAv*? Cam- ' JX'?y beg leave to respectfully refer to thr> /eRowing; TESTIMONIALS. "Having had one of Orover k Baker's Machines in niy family for nearly a year and a half, I takepleasure in commending it as every way reliable for the purpose for which it is designed?family seta>"K ?'Vn. Jotkna J.cavil, wife of Rev. Dr. Lcavif, Editor of ff. Y. Independent. " I confess myself dolighted with your Sowing MaJ? v 3- ben in aj family for many months., t family sowing, T6y sifilfo/"fti<lftte'iny,'ttt*'iqiJV>^d? thread."?Mrt, Elizabeth Strickland, toife of Rev. i Dr. Striokiund, Editor of N. Y. Chriztian Advocate. ' "After trying several different good machines, I preferred yours, on account of its simplloity, and the perfect ease with which it is managed, as well as the strength and durability of the seam. After long ez' poricuco, I fool competent to speak in this manner, and to confidently recommend it tbr every variety of fhraily sewing."?Mr*. E. B. Spoon er, wife of the Editor of Brooklyn Star. "I bare used a Urovcr k Baker Sewing Machine for two years, and have found it adopted to all kinds of ftunily sewing, from cambric to broadcloth. Garments havo been worn out without the giving -way I of a stitch. The Mochino is easily kept in order, and easily used."?Mrz.A. B. Whipple, wife of Rev. ^ Ore. Whipple, A'eio York. " Your Sewing Machine has been in mm in m* f? roily the past two yearn, and the ladies request mo to giro you their testimonials to its perfect adaptednets, as well, an labor-saving qualities in the performance of family and household sewing."?Sober I Doorman, Xeie York. " For several months wo havq used flrover k Baker's Sewing Machine, and hare cone to the concla[ sion that every lady who desires her sewing beautifully and quickly done, would be most fortunate is posseasing one of these reliable and indefatigable 'iron needle-women,' whoso combined qualities of beauty, strength, and simplicity, are invaluable."? J. IF. Morriit, daughter of Gen. Geo. P. Morrit, Editor of the Home Journal. Extract of a letter from Thos. R. Lea v it I. Esq., an I American gentleman now resident in Sydney, New South Wilier, * ? ' J---arv 12. lHSB : " I had a tent fcsade in Melbourne, In 1S63, in whlcn mere w?>? orver three thousand yards of sowing done with one of Orover A Baker's Machines, and a sipglo seam ot that has nutstood all the doablo scams sewed by sailors with a needle aud twine." " If llontcr could bo colled np from his murky > 'liadcs, ho would sing the advent of Orovcr k Baker ' as a more benignant miracle of art than was ever Vulcan's smithy, llo would denonnce midnight ? shirt-making as 'the direful spring of woes unnumbered.'"?Prof. Forth. "I take pleasure in saying that the Orovcr k Baker Sewing Machines have mora than sustained my " expectation. After trying and returning others, I '* havo three of them in operation in my different places. and, after four years' trial, have no fuult to find." //. Hammond. Senator of South Carolina. wife has had one of Orover k Baker's FsmS lly Pewing Machines tor some tfsiayww* >* r fled it Is ono or the best mem suing ?h?a?? that has boon Invented. 1 take inuoh pleasure in recommending it to the public."?J. U. Ifarrie, Governor of Tr-nnrmce. [,, "It is a beautiful thing, and rmts everybody into it an excitement of good humor. Were I a Catholic, X ,j should insist upon Saints Urover A linker having an eternal holiday, in commemoration of their good 0f deeds for humanity."?Cattiut M. Clay. a- " I think it by far tho host patent in use. The Machine ean be adapted from tho finest cambric to the heaviest cassiuicre. It sews stronger, faster, and more beautifully, than oue can imagino. If mine could not be replaced, money could not buy it."? Mr*. J. G. IIrown, Xathrille, Tenn. . "It is speedy, very neat, and durable in Its work } is easily understood and kept in repair. I earnestly ** frecomn end this Machine to all my acquaintances and others."?Mre. M. A. Forrett, Memjthit, Ttnn. ^ " We fin 1 this Machine to work to onr satisfaction, HI and with pleasure recommend it to the pnblic, as we jn believe tho Orover A Bakor to be the best Sewing Machino in use."?Deary Brothert, Altieonia, Tenn. X- "If used exclusively for family purposes, with ordinary eare, I will wager they will lost one ' throescore years and ten,' and never get out of fix."?John ** Ertkine, Xathville, Ttnn, n" "I have had yonr Machine for several weeks, and am perfectly satisfied that the work it does is the Jn best and most beautiful that ever was mode."?Mag*' fit A i mis on, Xathrille, Tenn. "I use my machine upon eoats, dress-making, and r. fine linen stitching, aud tho work is admirable?far I have ever seen."?Lucg ft. Tkompton, Mathvillt, *; Tenn. d- "I find the work the strongest end moat beautiful er I have ever aeon, towio either by hand or machine, anc^regard tho Orover A Baker Maehine u one of the grvntost blessings to otar to*."?Mr*. Taylor, Xathuitte, Tom*. " "I hare one of (Iroeer A Baker's Machine* in n?a f ia my family, and find it inralnable. I ea? ??nfi* dently recommend it to all peraoas in want of a Mt?J chine."?O. T. Thomptom, Xa*kriUe, Team.' "I take pleasure in eertifyiog to the utility of the jj Grorer A Baker Sewing Machine*. I hare need one on a!mo*t every description of work for mouth*, and ' find it mneh stronger aad better In crery rsspert than work dono by lumd."?Mr*. V. W. WkeeUr, A'aekeilU, 2'enm. Lin "I wonld be unwilling to dispose of my Grover A be Baker Machine for a large amount, could I not rexs, place it again at pleaaure."?Mr*. //. Q. Scovil, to Naekvitle, Team. irt u Our two Machine*, purchased from yon, do tbo to work of twenty yoang ladies. Wo with pleaaaie rebo commend the Grorer A Baker Sowing Machine to ha the beat in nee."?N. StUlman A f/o_, Memphi*, Team. "I find the Machine easily managed, very durable, and take pleasure in recommending it to all who wish eonvenicnoe, economy and pleasure."?- Mr*. F. film, Mrmpki*, T*ha. ^ March It 44 fim Z SWEEMmiE MAMLE TARB rflHE Subscriber having purchased the interest o r, X Mr. JAMK8 I>. ClI A LMKR8,he will eentinae " r the MARIiLK BUHINBSrt as heretofore, at the Old ^ Stand in the rear of Mr. Ketehnm'a Store. lie feels thankfnl for tho patronage which ban been extended to the Firm of Cralmkrs A Ai.lkk, and hopes, hy attention to hasineas, and promptness, f to merit a continuance of the same. 1 9 e*t7 22-?f JA8. M. ALLEN. I nouses ana i?ti? wr s?ie. m'g m Til K anbaeriber offer* /or aale TWO LOTS in the town of Oraenvflle, aitoatod on Pendloton Stroot, and within flr* minutoc' walk of r it* JUUroad Depot. Kaob Lot ho* ? Cottage os ik ? FTno t< >??? of wmw Tr I minim V tomn ere on the premiee*. Theaa Lot* wTTl ho jKdiTWjjetlieh f or ?eparat*iy, on rvry rvoaonable torn*. For farIt iher particular*, 4* U> the oiae of the Lot, torn*, oppl* ta L. W. WAT80ST. ? ftV ? 40 tf B*n _ LAW NOTICK. TUK nnderalgned will devote bimaelf entirely tot the pructioo of and Equity on the Writ. 'K, em Circuit. Mr. PRICK i* hi* partner for Ure??i#/*. villa District, and roiy ba found at hi* office i? Greenville. JAM KS L. OBR? March 31, I860. 47 tf