University of South Carolina Libraries
-T . ??? k ' ' . ' * *~ -Qtvi &tB3ggSBS?EE?5&S3SS?SSE~SB?S SOMMERS' h \ t: ? t , OWING to tU? cbang? In business abovo nnnoun Greonrille and surrounding country, to the fa 'f STOCK OF SU] Bought of my lute predecessor, AT ACTU AL without (fidinit the expense of importation. Knowl old end experienced dealer, 1 feel fully satisfied that least one Article among tho many, at ?? l??w a price, ~~~K ~ At?T8 ' > "**r "r'l ?*! STEEN & EVANS, immu-ill RETAIL GROCERS. * ' UNDUE McBEB'8 HA.LL, GKEEKVtLLE, 8. C. MRS. 6. B. MILLER'S FIRST QUALITY SMOKING TOBACCO, Fihe Cut.?Jnet arrived and in Store, a fine, fresh, Lot of the above TOBACCO, in veribu* aired package*, together with an extra article of first quality Spat)in!. TOBACCO. For kale by ~3S,. . PTEEN k. EVANS. ' The OrcateJt Norelty Of the Age. Td /#\ sra r<ri?fffrn cut u/ mm A irmitaiwu' uwa TUB Subscribers, baring Won appointed Sole Agent* in thle District for the sale of the above-named invtlnahlo /'I ? TfiAP, respectfully invite tba attention of the oomiavnity to the same. KTERN A EVANS. Jfltt" Thoso having left ordure, will please call tor ' the same. . - ' " . ? Cttvram! Cliiirual A L80. en receipt of a splendid Lot of.CHURN8, J\ both Brass and Iron bound. For nalo low, ?y STBKN A EVANS. ORANGES AND LEMONS. "^rCTTK tr ?*a*ti. *? *11 timed, a *i>1endid aAAOrUnent ol ff tbo above Article*, imported direct, and fo? ale low by STEKN A EVANS, Wheioeale and RptaU *n_ * a M" Xindor McBee ? H^tV. SUPERIOR TEAS! TEAS! A VBRY aupcrior lot Young Ilvson Tea, at 90< jtA. per lb. A vory choice Gunpowder Tea, ?1 ? ?1 per lb. An nM imperial Tea, at f 1.24 pcrlb. ALSO. ? An Tnvoloe of very superior London and Dublin Jpnrter ; Jeffrey's Edinburgh Ale ; Campbell's Scotch Jtle,.In jugs 1 imported Lager Beer, direct; Phila delphia Lager Beer; together with aas assorted rtocb only to bo found In a first Class Grocery and l'rovi -alott House. BTEEN A EVANS. i. - . LARD! I4AKD! IAAA LBS. of first quality prime Leaf Lard sUvU at 16c per lb. * ;S1EEN A EVflNS. -5 nfin^SMfecJ^ouMcW aoJ O.V/VV/ Sides, for sale low for cash, by , * _ __ STSKN A EVAJfg v?Uiii(aji;ji>AKs: OHO CH1AE8, of various brand*, (aH JV fJ ,UUU approved,) f>>r dale low for cash by 7 __ stken a kvanfl._ BAKER'S CHOCOLATE, Cocoa and French chocolate, a large supply of the above articles, for salo nt Charleston prices, l?y 8TKES A EVANS. t Frenh I'rnU all thte Year Ronud. YEOMAN'S FRUIT BOTTLES, Arthur's Fruit Cans, Oilmicr's Fruit Vans, and the new patent lever tops without cement or wax?the very best jret out?lust received. N - J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. For Ylcnlfti and Comfort. BATHINO TUBS, Hip Baths, Shower Baths, and Sponge Baths. Manufactured and fot sale by J. B. SHERMAN, Agent Cllptlc Spring Dedtlcad. f "VECIDKDLY the neatest, most comfortable am] 1 W cheapest spring bedstead ever aanx.facturcd Just received and far sale by J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. Tyler's flund Corn Mill, "J^IOR grinding Orlte or Meal. A very imperial 1 and convenient article. Price, $8. For salt by J B. SHERMAN, Agent. | Hoarakeeplni Ware*. JELLY MOULDS. Bake Pans. Toilet Sots, Vcg otable Boilers, Pea Ladles, Flash Forks, Mill Okimmora, Enameled Fruit Kettle* anil Saucepans and a multitude of other things in the rooking Hne For > by J. B. fill HUM AN, Agent. , v*V : WIr?; Safes. AVERY handsome, durable, nnd convenient or ticlo. Manufactured and for aale by ' J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. CASH~!?CASII I IS order to taoonrage a Caah business, a diaeonni of fire per eent. from regular price* will fx made on all caab a alee from W to 916; and a dia count of ten per cent on all caah aalea over $20. [ 9, B. fill Kit M A N, Agent L, Julf 21 >11 tf ~ R E FHESIIMKN TST TCE CREAM, Icc Lcuionudo, Soda Water, Phila I dolpbia Lager Beer, Ale, London Porter, Aa sorted Pop ; .Strawberry, Barsaparilla, Lemon, Uln get, Pine Apple and Lemon Syrup. )<? w is ? in 1 a I bare jnat received a largo a took of OR ASOF.! and I.KMOXS, and a largo stock of CONFEO TIOXERIKS. JOHN KUAIJS, Al ike Qreenrille (Jf>*/rrtin*rry, July it 10-t.f Oppnaite Manaion Houac, NOTICE. k LL pcraona indebted to Mrs. MARY JAXf J\ 110UKRTS, deceased, are requested to male }>?>*Hentf ?ixt those baring arty demands again* the Estate will hand them in, without delay, to R. B, DUNCAN, Executor. Jaljr 21 II tf Town Property Near the Female Collect FOU SALE. Tift; undersigned having deter tnioed to remove to Louisiana, offer his HOUSE and LOT for sale. Th nr*n?Ur.? are desirably located, 01 lliineoiahe afreet, neur the Kcinal College, ami will ha aold upon reasonable termi The Hutu* |a T-iiianaTaliet<)r new arru*~~**~ L " Bo." wwfiwi ^enim?idlatel?, If-desired. For further particulars, apply to Mr. T. B. Boa D. F SPARKS. 3d Hair Dronlvf naid HhnTlng. TJUrRIDB continue* the TONSORfAL husines . . *? JU at bia Old Stand in Beattio'a Brick Building ] f?h?re b? la ready, during the day and evening, t< tX j, ! Stare the Beard and Cnt Hair 'find Shampoo th< -j. Mead. He reepeetftilly ask* a continuation of ap ywa^r i/-t ft Oct l f & d of-?3f entire ?tock 'of G00D8 to *Mr. ADOI.PH. loet eluoere tbankr to the oKU#*u't>f OwMdvUM' and' aolieU cooUnncneo of the mm for *>y .?booe?(?or, for m good^aeil^^^^^^tofore *??? OF'OCTOB? T ] it XYTTI O nn/^ri TT* >: iLUJCi oivjnJii. i ' si' W ??? ti cod, I with to coll the attention of tho Ladies of tl ut that I will Mil the eutiro now and saleable b SMEE GOODS, Mr. E. Souweua, of Charleston, j, ;w YORK COST, 1 BE that the aiook was m6st eareTblly selected by an person, who will honor me with ? ??" *tU {J*'1 *<; * that It will prove economy to pusefaaeo, whether tho ( ton ypWtlHltl.VKX. 1 i*?-12 ' BniwMjrtfg? ^T??TN nouncemIFIV 1MIE subscribers respectfully call attention to the I following CARD, conveying tho "in form at. ion to the eititeiis <>T UreouVfllo and tho District that t they hare purchased the entire atock of , DRUGS & MEDICINES ' s>isu jasaixjci j and Intend to continue the business at tho old stand. ( It i* thoir intention to enlarge this branch of Trade , in tfreenville, and in view of this, have ordered a | large stock nnd a very complotc assortment of every ( Article usually kept in Drug Stores in large cillca. Mr, F. A. WAL.fitn, Jr., (to whom tho responsible 1 charge of preparing surd dispensing Medicines ia entrusted,) is a young man in whom fhey hnvo every J confidence. Educated to the business, familiar with the ticrmun Language, and with considerable expo- , rtence in ail tho PbariuncenUcal branches, they trnat, although a stranger In this community, lie may ee- , euro row luuuuuu,, iu? hn.ui.1,, -<t.1 ? >"! ?7, -f the patronago of the oitiscn* of Qroenvllle. Tho former , patrons of this establishment may rest assured that ] every regard will conVnuo to be inaulfcrtWd lor thoir interest in the purity and cheapness of every article sold- j They invite, very respectfully, a visit from all. FISHER A HEINIT8H, pharmaceutists and Druggists. [ Janot 4 tf GREENVILLE, S. C. A New Finn in (Greenville!! ^ A New Store, Dings & Medicines!! ? A New AVItolesale Drug Store!! A New Retail Drug Store!! A New Stock r?t' Pvopvtliiont t _ ? i 1 A 'Now Variety ol Family Articles! i A Choice Selection of Toilet Articles!! A General stock of DRros, Foreign anil Domeitir, Tri!! ilirsys bs J:cpt hniid- A!?o, " CI? !??;<? " Perfumery, PaiuU, While LeJhi, 0H?, I'armiehrt, i Mm Drwhee, YnmimU ifruehc* \ ? n**, and every I thing osnally kent in a Wholesale aipl Ilqtuil Drug Store. Spice*, li'tnc* and JJruuelie*, for taedieinal ; auo, j Drain nt WkolApIe, 1 W eheap a* they ran Ho bought in Charleston or Au gfULa, expense* added. Thoy partlrttlarly oall the sttculion or Dealers and Mcrehants.'who desire to replenish their stock, to this fket, Hhl to put ths i mutter beyond tbe-possibility of a doubt, lot them i call and examine the price* and the Articles, i at the old .stand Or Dr. Knit. Kntm-n, . Juno 2 4-tf Oreenritlr, A*. C. (STATE C>E SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. ' IH EQUITY. I Esli TV. Hudson, et al., vs. Thomas P. Hudson, ot , al.?Ritl far Partition of Hen! Eetnle, rf-e. I IN ot)udione9 to tho Dcorco of tho Court in this case, ths Cbtritnlssioncr will sell at public auction to tu? highest bidder, on S credit of one and two years, with interest from date, except so much as may be j necessary to pny the costs of suit-^ at tlroanville Court Ifouscyon mh-n'sy in At'/' TKM it Ml aejrl, ATT TT1TI nn > T T'oni . mn AJLilj llin UCiAii OOlAlft , ' of Lundslord Hudson, deceased, situate, lying and being in the District of Greenville, Arc or six miles from Greenville -Court House, consisting of four separate Tracts: J | TRACT No. 1?-containing Three Hundred ?*m<1 Thirty-nine Arret, on Rocky Creek, adjoining lands of Matlicw Hudson, James Watson, John Watson, and others. TRACT No. 2?containing One Hundred nnd Ninety-tiro Arret, adjoining lands of Mathcar Hudson, Tinman Ross, Pleasant Hudson, and others. r TRACT No, 3-?containing One }Tnnd red nnd ' Ticenljf-ttren Aeret, adjoining lands of Mathew Hudson, and others. TRACT No. 4?containing One Hundred and Seventeen and One-fonrth Aeret, adjoining lands of William AA^ttfcJMatbew T. Hudson and others^, i There of encta Tract which will becltti, bited on tin day of sale. 8. A. TOWNBR, c. r. a. o. Greenville, July 15, 18&9. 11 7 PATENT MEmCINEST" SANF0RD8 LIVER INVIOORATOR, * Barry's TricoiiherOu*, Oxygenated Hitters, Mustang Liueament, Hooftand's German Bitters, * t Mrs. Alton's Hair Restorer, Essence Jamaica Ginger, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, _ And nil other Potent Medicine,*, Pur caJu at low price*, by Dm. LOXO * JUTRX1IAM. Apothecaries and Druggist*. July 7 9 If NOTICE. k LL persons indohtcd to ih? Estate of LAtT/\ RRNCK BKOCK, deceased, are requested to make payment; and thoao having demand* against the Estate to hand them to y It. B. DCNCAX, Executor, Laurence Brock, deceased. May? 1 _ tf VALUABLE LAND FOR BALE. A WTt-T. TtR SrtT.IV to the highest bidder, at Oreenvlilo C. II., ou SaleJ*T'*RS?SR day in September next, on a credit ' Kfct>. "ttll"' of one and two years, with interest from day ot aaie, that desirable FAllM. formerly the'residence of Dr. Edward Oantt, lying directly on the lin? of railroad, Ave .ntlcs below the village, and containing four Hundred find f'!/lit-tirn Acm. On the Placo is a comfortable l> W'F.l.l. ISO ; HOUSE, and all necessary Out-buildings, with a Spring of pure, cold Water near the llonse. Tbo larger portion of the Tract is uncleared, and re* uinrkably heavy timbered. The cleared land is * in a good state of cultivation, with about SO Acres of Bottom. The Tract has a bold Stream running n through it, on which there is a good site for a mill. B The purchaser will b? ??, gtre two go<Kt '. securities. and a mortgage of tbo plaee. if doomed necessarr. A- B' DUVPAN Ex'r of Lawrenoe Brock, deaeiieoU. JnlySl 11 id M. DAVID & I. EPSTIN, tXt _ mMRriim axu nKAf.aita i* WATO H EH. \ Jfrjm jewelky and clocks, ' jflflll " HPT No. 88B KINO BTREBT, S s. ?? ?. . Watch** * Olooks Repair*.I warranted tot one fear F*blO 49 ly sfj v A .V,'v.; J . : ' J ??r^ I t t h^^ a* iu roughest clothing ; Jt -*? ill neither injure tli-fn rio> or brojk % buU<??; "t<A]l tubbing by maoloe. r batul. Is wrong, .fafifcuots on t ho supposition i?t I 10 elotttns ?rp soiled unly on the -anrfcoe, ntadj wt 3C dirt must bo rubbed off as one would joRs .a onnl. Thoro arc a. number iu use in Charlonp, "> it??ii?nir li>'4Nuulnr. Tim reason oily ucccm Is'o^tng to"thaHt wMhM by stria nir the water through tho eltfthcs. ft i* f the PeWlng Machine la woman i Wcndd?>b.iarlor, surely this Machine must be thcpr*s<H|r f life lu tba 4?tie? ?f *'>e kltchem Mo x&szs&ss ssw? sst 4* 'Tmo^X"0??r?T.W JOHX:w.o?4 Vgsnt, or in Charlo?*?n bjrT. W. Johnson, Ac4t or tho Bute of Houth Curollna. Tho .?oiAb Pbarlcaton nf*"' i >|T1 'illlllY^'e. >13. V 4 aWT/fr" ?iff**' 12 \ ~yff GOLDEN GBOVjE PLANTATlffc THHIS PLANTATION, one of the most yhU.Ic iiml desirable in tho District, situated i>on :he Gulden Orovo, six miles below Greertyille <i?, irill be sold on tAc A'ir?f Monday in Xorrmber -rj, jnlcss previously disposed of private sale. The PLANTATION contains about SEVEN l'JfiDUKP'ACUES OF LANi>, one half cleared pn?nler fence, the balanco very heavily limhertxLni io convenient to the Itnilrearl (the woodland nvilng within a few luipdrcd yards of it) Utah ft icllcved a steam mill,' constructed for tho purine >f sawing up eross-ties, and judiciously maun;,!, yonld pay for the place In one year. ]. Near the Roiidenua is an unfailing SPRINtaf nrro and cooled freestone Water, unsitrpasscilby kny In this section of country. 4* A young and thriving ORCHARD of oholoe*?rictlcs of Fruit, embracing Apples. Pears, Peau-s. Ruglish Walnuts, etc.?might bo made antier onroe of profit to a purchaser. 1 I'Ue I,A.HI* IS rca, m liio ocst qtiniiiy inrwiip this regionxif country, lies well, and of the po/on now in cultivation, there are some thirty acjp of Bottom: For Terms?whioh will be accomtnodiiTmgSW rurthcr particulars, apply to - BASLEY & THRUSTON, I June 16 16-15 Greenville OIftf T-Zt' Patriot A MnanUuncer copy cveryAiUsr !f??k till #r?t Nnvnwihor. tinninc;, KQ&*fji*ev ? - r"\ "HIEHtibRSHbera triform the Public that the! J. havepurchasad the TIN MANUFACTORY )f Mr. R. GREENFIELD, In the Town of Grtrn rllle, aiui intend carrying on the Burinee* at .tL iwne Stand. All kinds of Tin Work, OutteH'f snd Roofing will be HONE CHEAPLY ANtf PROMPTLY. ^ ' They will lake, In exchange for tlieir YVor^ Hags, Old Pewter, Coppar, Ilecswnx, An. They respectfully bespeak a shave of publr patronage. . > LGYELAND A CHANDLER, June ii 7 ii STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ORKKSv 11.1.K m^riilLT. ^J| Robert Mr Key, r?. R. J. Jaudoa.? Bill to Foreel* Mortffay, itc. IN obedience to the Decree of the Court in this com the Commissioner will soli to the highest hlddc at public auction, on taU-rftiy in Sm'TKMlit'-> *ejtt, at Greenville Court House, on a crodlt of fit aonths, the >. . ' ?. HOUSE AND LOT, n the village <if Greenville, f filiate uud being *? lluncombo street, containing Thrie-fvnrtk* of as Acre. On this Lot there is a good.Dwelling Iloitsi mil nil necessary Out-huildinga in good repair. Tbt hot was conveyed by Robert McKay to 11. J. Jnifc Ion, and is sold to foiyclose his mortgage of ilq mmc. The costs of the suit will be acquired to b| paid in cash on the day of sate. P. A. TOWNES, c. it. o. n.u Greenville, July 15, 1860. _11 7T STATE OF SOUTH CA&OLIALM GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. 4 I Samuel Payne, At, Ac., and Grady A Goodlctl, vl John Griflitb, et al.? Hilt for Soli of J?y?itu(>| Intercut in It ml Estate, A-e. IN ohedlenec to the Decree of the Court in thl*c*| the Cotnuaissionor will sell at nutdic auction o I lie highest bidder, at Greenville Court House, op tale-Hay in SEPTEMHEH next, on a credit of si] months, except so much ma may bo necessary to paj the costs of tbo suit, all that TRACT OF LAND conveyed by William Griffith to Aaron Payne-, on tnining Onr Hundred and Five Acre*, more or led being the Tract of Land ou which tho Defendant John Griffith, now resides, situate, lying and bcinj in Greenville District, ata the waters of Reedy Rivet six or seven miles below Greenville Court llnust There is a Dwelling House and alt necessary Out buildings on tho premises, and a portion of the lam in cultivation. 8. A. TOWXES, c. e. c. n. Greenville, July 15, 1850. 11 7 STATE OF SOUTII CAROLINA GKEEXVII.LV DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. Mary Pool, Stephen II. Pool, et si., vs. Ann? Stepju Joseph N. Wulch, et aL?Hilt/or Partition u/11*4 Ettntr, dr. IN obedience to the Derreoof tho Court in this ma the Commissioner wilt sell to tho highest Ml dor, at Greenville Court House, on finle-Hay in SEI TEUHEH next, on a credit <<f twelve month*,?! eept so much as will pny the costs of suit, witb iuU rest from day of sale, the following TRACT OF LAND, situate, lying and being on wntcrs of Mush Creel known as the Welch Lund, containing On* Unndrt and Xintiy Arret, more or less, adjoining lands < Dr. Miles, Joseph Chustiiin, Westmoreland, Karl and others. The purchaser to give bond, with go> securities, and a mortgage of the premises, to socui the payment of the purchase money. 8. A. TOWXES, c. n. s. n. Greenville, July 16, 1859. 11 7 STATE 0*~SOUTHI CAROUXA GK&EN Vii.i.K DISTRICT, IN EQUITY. Samuel Payne, At., Ac., and Grady A Groo<Jlett,v John Griffith, et al .?-Hill /or Hate of E/nitul/ hit,a eel in hand, d r. IX bodieneo to the Decree of the Court in th ease, the creditors of tho Defendant, JhbiTtlri bib. are ordered to prove their demands hvfuro t! Commissioner within three months from tho ?w en lit day of July Instant. 8. A. TOWNES, c. *. a. A. Greenville. July 15, 1859. 11 11 NEGRO FOR SALE. " t ANKiiUo WOMAN, who Is a good Con Wnshor and (roner, can be purchased upreasonable terms. For further particulars eaqul of the Editor of the Enterprise. . June 9 5 tf Ot. S. BOWER, Manufacturer of and Dealer i / TvU FURNITURE of evory description, C1IA1US of every ?tyl?, nan FISK'S CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASE OpporiU tkeConqaree Ifmut, Fob 4 COLUMBIA, S. C. SC-ly (J L 0 S i if 6 If T T tf wwus?p close out Lin<k? aud Marseilles Coats, Alpacca a l)rAp D'Ete Coats, Cassi mere Coats, t \ Traveling Dusters, an assorte< \ also of Shirts, Ilats, Fit \ Looking Glasses, Croc a large Stock ol Molasses, S WITH A GREAT MAN1 /fop NUMEROUS AT COST! i CALL AT ONCI a?r is '; 15 AT POWERS' < THE PUBLIC AltE RESPECTFULLY INFORM* STOCK or almost debchi DRY GOODS, CLOTII SHOES, HARDWARE. CHINA, GL WITH A LARGE ASSORT j WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT THI / AL1 KINDS OF PR | EITHER FOR CASH OR EI AU I ask is to call and cxamin-vmy stock before pu ^ June 2 4-tf J i r. n. i.okg. *. ?. * nvrrst as, m ? DBS. LOKt* & BHRBHAM. w Orricii at tluJKl'rng fltore, on^lfaln'Su^^rrtontly occupied br Dr*. -Miea A Lu.vo. >, May It; 2 tf J R. n. UXS, V. RICHARD BtTRXIfAW, V. B. ( 1 DBS. LONG & BnnwlCA*, XTOfflKUAKlES tfe DRUGGISTS, < AT THE OLD STAND OF M1MS A LONO, ' , WILL KKKP constantly on hand a ftill gupi TJf ply of PURE DRUGS, Medicines, Paints, Oils, I r Varnishes, l>yo-stnfT?, Ac., Ac. Also, a splendid assortment of ' TOILET ARTICLES, I vis: Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes; Hair Pomades, many r aritliet; Tooth Soaps and Washes; Washing | [ Soaps, every quality and price ; Fine Shaving S o s ps. Fresh Extracts for flavoring, vir.: Rose, Vanilla, Pine Apple, Strawberry. Lemon, Nectarine, Ac., Ac. 1 | We have a very superior article of Li It IJA'.V TEA, tlio best iu Greenville. We have for vale all (he popular Patent Medicines. Physicians supplied on mr krai, truss. J Our long connection with tho Drug Business, (one seven, the other ten years,) and both being gruduj,atcr of Oio Medical College of the State of South ~ ^Carolina, will, we think, bo a sufficient guarantee of , oar ability to dispense Medicines properly and aeru- i L rately. Our arrangements are such that one of the Firm will bo at tho store and trill attend to all pre criptiosa personally at any hour of tho day or uight. May 12 1 tf GENERAL 1 ; BOOT & SHOE STORE.; THE subscribers have received, and will I ?u<Sw^8liteop constantly on hand, a large and well I * selected stack of Men's Boys' and Children's \ BOOTS & SHOES, of every variety. Also, Ladies' Misses'and Infants', from commoh to superfine. Likewise, a good lot of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing mid llali. We call particular attention to our MANUFACTURING Department. We wish to supply one and all with Home Manufacture, from tho common llro . ku" "I' "? niijiuiii); jo?u m?jr wnn in me iioih nn?i ^"8hoc line. We would respectfully inform tho public V that wo have made arrun<fcnionts to furnish from ip 16 to 20,00(1 pair of the boat Brojcan ami l'laiiUUioji ; fihoee, wfcioh we wtu '* hir prlt-eT^T 5 Wo have also; ft irood lot of *1 GROCERIES, such as Molasses, Cuba, Muscovado, Orleans and Florida Syrup, I'olTcc, Pu^nr*, Bacon, Lard, Rice, and a variety of other Articles, which we will sell low f?r Cash or Barter. Brooks, Scruggs & Gibson. 4 Juno 2 4 B& If ffimilcriMim _ K; . / 5 I ALL * flu ? k' Family > and 3 Fancy ? BUY 2 Upiimi = Store. ho ilOITHE AND DOT FOR SA hK. ?. TI1K SUBSCRIBER olTera for sale his BRill' I>HN0K in the town of Ureotivillc. It is BUfc dusirably located in a central part ion of town I -war the Presbyterian Church. The Lot contains ?V die Acre of ground, and upon tho promise* will bo m Atbad oeetr ooWireofcme**? a Well of ci.nd water, a in.,...., etmre* otwr -our-nouses. on r TU plt.oo will b? ?o!d npon tlio moat reasonable ira VIM. Enquire of C. J. Elford, or tho iinilcnigimL A. OKKKNFIKLD. '* Juna 9 6 tf |7"'; SHAVING. _ CUbir Trlinutiug. On ^iiig, Dying l AMD RAZOR SETTIXO AND KHAMrOOINp, s. at Ttir _ ISecond Door Above Mr. McPherion'e, ?f B* fc WIL30N COOK. W.3 30 A * 1 If A ? mSNT^Ck J, ' - . . ?. -'^r.i.J- * ' " E< to THE PRESENT STOCK, 5 WWSSS& ; 0 nd Italian Cloth Coats, Crotun and Superfine Cloth Coats, Overcoats, l lot of Pants and Vests, its, Boots and Shoes, kery and Jewelry, J f Dry Goods, alt, &c., f OTHER ARTICLES.1 TO MENTION, AT COST! E AT CARR'S. M sf md>; 3LD STAND. :D THAT 1 HAVE JUST OPENED A LARGE OF j L.?3 GOODS, IPTIOX, CONSISTING or ING, IIATS, BOOTS,: i ASS AND CROCKERY WARE, 1 MTTNT OF GROCERIES, 2 LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! ODUCE BOUGHT CC HANGED FOR GOODS, rchasing ?l?cwhcro. Please odsf.hvi: tor Sign A. L. LEVY. TO KINO ^UMRRlNUS ! \ QLOBIOUS SEWS!! ' 1/rernvlUr Dctivrrrri nt f??i, Jiulijinn from thr. flmiTru % -v - t j*0frtpV- " "-y,r LAOER BEER IS AT THE BOTTOM OF ITf MORRIS samuel keep* on ban<i.a mil supply of that refreshinff and invigorating Beverage. ?o? of th? mort celebrated Breweries in Philadelphia. lie keep* constantly .Pxtworvud Oysters, l.ofostpr?, Salmon. Sardines, Pickles, Sugars, Tobaon> Ami Candy, and many other Articles too numerous to mention. ^jhK'KXT Doott to Dit. M. 11. Kaule. 5l-Jy ? ? APril 2S ^OKOHO iTlLE 1.1 MAN. HAKNFSS MANUFACTURER, am) dkaler is SADDLES, 1111 IDLES, WHIPS, AC. /fj HAS on hand an extonilvt assortment ?f ''lf> BEST MATERIAL used in tho Manufacture of Harness and Saddles. Thankful lor tho patronage given him for the last ten year*, lie solicits a continuance of the snmo. jpil" Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Persons indebted to him are requested to call anil pay up. 51-ly April 28 B L A CK SMI THIN G. 0OI,cern TOWXES ft HAWjMBr' KINS having been dissolved by mutual fltt^KSBconsent, the business will bo enrried on at the same Shop by the undersigned. 0. W. BROOKS. January, 1S59. J. L. HAWKINS. NOTICE. HE undersigned having transferred hi* interest in the Blacksmith Shop near Williams' Store, to Messrs. Brooks & Hawkins, take* pleasure in recommending them to a share of public patronage. They will ho prepared to attend promptly and satisfactorily to nil calls in their line. They have experienced and skillful Smiths in Horseshoeing, Repairing and Ironing Wagons, Plongh Work, and all other ordinary work of a Blacksmith Shop. January. 1859. 37-tf 0. F. TOWXES. Do You wish to Buy Roal Estate /A' OREEKVltLEt rpiIF. Subscriber is Agent for tho sale of the fol1 lowing Town Property : HOUSE AND LOT on Buncombe Street, opposite the Female College, owned by Mr. B. J. Jaudoti. HOUSE AND LOT of Mr. J. N. Fcoster, near tho Railroad Depot. One of tho most desirable places in Oreonville. . units'" * * 'ci i on ?a. wiiiin.,.... the Augusta mad, nnd near tho Depot. Also, several other places. The above Property will bo sold upon tho most i#i*onablc terms. W. P. PRICK. ^JanjlO _ 37 Souil) Cqirolioq?Greenbllle district. JOHNSON GOODWIN, who is in the custody of tho Sheriff of Greenville District, by virtue of a writ of capiat ad *ali?/aci?Hdam, at tho suit of John Cooper, having filed in my uffieo, together with a schedule, on oath,, of his estate and effects, his petition to the Court of Common Pleas, pray log that he may lie admitted to the benefit of tho Acts of tho General Assembly made for tlic relief of insolvent debtors. It is ordered, that the said William McXeely, and all other tho creditors to whom tho said Joshua Goodwin I* in anywise indebted, Im, and they arc horohy summoned, nnd havo notico to appoar, before tho said Court at Greenville Court House, on the fourth" Monday in October next, to shew caoso, if any thoy can, why the prnyor of the petition aforesaid, should not be granted. W. A. MoDANIEL, C. C. P. . Office of Common Pleas, Grecnvillo District. 8th day of June, 1859. 5 3m Soulb Gqioliqq?Greenbille I" EML'EL JACOBS, who is in tho custody of (lis State, having fitod lb my offioc, together with a schedule, on oath, of his estate and effects, his petitiop to tho Court of Common Pleas, pnyyiug that he inay bo adniUod ta tho benefit of tho Acts of tho Geneva! Assembly tundo for tho relief of insolvent debtors. It f? orde^.d, that the said Plaintiff, nnil all other tho creditor* lo whom the said Lcmtiol Jacob* ia in anywise indebted, bo, and thoy ore hereby summoned, and have notice to appear, heforo tho said Court at Oroonville Court House, on tho fourth Monday in Oct<d>er next, to shew oiiuso, if any th-r enn, why the prayer of the petition a foresaid should not lie granted W. A. McUANIKL. C. C. P. OfficAf Common Pleas, Groonvlllo District, 2Cth day of l?69. J i' ?' J 'h.i, win issafm woodT^pV.& co:s <4g mi mm uTTints 1 JHABTERED BT TBB STATE OT CJLOBOXX. % 4 CAPITAL PRTZK #50.000! J MCKET?tO_NLf '#10; Wood, Kddjr 4\ Co., IVaaiBfCH, . A SUCVKSSOHt. S. SWAM A CO, 1 Tbo following Rolu mo will bt drawn bjr Wtyd, Idy A Co., Man agora of tbo Bpartn Acadt tny Lot. ry, in ewrli of thoir SiugR Number Lotteries for uguot. 1859, at AUUUBTA, Oa, in P9feti<-, ??d?r Z i? superintendent, of Couiniissionera: R ^t. ass 82 hra%h HartiuftAT, Arocsr 0, 1869. kraxt^Batcrday, Acsvit 13, 1839. - "a ,*i.ash 84 DKAWa HATTjrday, A('4CRT 29, 1869. JLAHS 36 draws 8 vTt'RpAY, Aagi st 27, 1869. . -j Mil I l ! n the Plan of Single Humbert. IB 60.000 TiCKKra. Thonaand Four Hundred and Eighty.Fire frizea. r5j A'early Onc Prize to every Sine Ticket* I MAGNIFICENT SCHEME, TO BK DM AWN MVA/tir O A w 77 & n a \r r\r a jrr* Trcm v/ivji ?jiii i/ Ai/a / /iu CTl/Oi ? J Prizoof., $50,000 I Prize of. $1,500 1 Prize of 20,000 50 Prize* of 600 ^ Prize of 10,000 100 Prizes of. 400 Pritcof 5,000 100 Prizes of...300 Prizoof 4,000 100 Prize* of....... 160 PrizSof 3,000|l60 Prizes of.,..,,, 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of$400 Apflrox. to$50,000 prize are . 1 ? twu* * - i?.o?o *- i.aoo 4 " " 250 ?? " 10.000 ? " 1,000 4 " " 225 " ?? 5,000 " " tOO 4 " " 200 " " 4.000 " ? 800 4 " " 150 " " 3,000 " " 000 4 " " 100 " " 1,500 " " 400 ? V" ' ,,000 " ? 20 are 100,000 ,485 Pri.c-s, amounting Jo . *322,500 Jjt Thome Tickets, $10; Halves, $5; Qiautkrb, 2). JO* ltomcmbcr that every Prize in iho above Ichcmo is drawn, and payable iu full WITHOUT dkIfCTIOX. CcrtifiOntcs of Pnekngcs will bo sold at the follow nit rates, Which is tbo risk : Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tlckots, $80. ? ? ? "10 Half " 40. " " ? " 10 Quarter " 20. " " " " 10 Eighth " 10. SPARTA ACADEMY LOTTERY. EST?* am, Dratei WEDXESVA V, AUGUST 31st, 1859. Ox TDK THREE NUMBER I'lAN. 78 Numbers?13 Drawn Ballots. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO F.vert TWO TICKETS. 1 Sruu?l I*rizo of 0.10,000. Prizes of 4rTTtfSs bX $2,000 ' Prize cif' 4,000(207 Prizes oi 329 dr., dr., dr., dc. 32,390 Prizes Amounting to $578,177 ! IVnoi.E Tickets, $10; Halves, 5; Quahtkks, $2.50. IK ORDKMXG TICK CHI OB CKRTIFICATM, Enclose tlio money to our address for the Tieketa ordered, on receipt of which they will bo forwarded by first mail. The list of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after tbo drawing. Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give thuir Post Office. County and $tate. jgafiP" All prize* of $1,000, and under, paid immediately after the drawing?other prizes at tbo usual time of forty days. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Those who prefer uot sending money by mail, can use the Adams Express Company, whereby money fuf Ticket?, !.u auuv* s5 Ten Dollars, and upwards, I can be sent us ot o??r ri*lc UmL trpen?c, from anv city ?rto1wu tl,0T f"m r -'tffiTTi iihIViW V"""'ivjft"d *tamp*d rnnr/ttjte," of tho Express Company cannot receive them. All communications strictly confidential. Orders for Tickets or Certificates., by Mail or Express, to bo directed to WOOD, KbJtY A CO.. Augusta. Go. 015 WOOD. EDDY A CO., Atlantn, Ga. or, WOOD, EDDY it CO., Wilmington. Del. A list of tbo numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with tho amount of the prize thnt each one is entitled to, will be published alter every drawing in tho following papers: Augusta (Ga.) Constitutionalist, Mobile Register, Nashville Gazette, Uiobmond Dispatch, Paulding (Miss.) Clarion, and New York Times. July 28 10 lin liEOIliilA STATli UlTTEIiY, POR TilK BKKBP1T OP T1IK MONTICELLO UNION ACADEMY, Of Jasper County, Georgia. Authorized by Special Act of the legislature, 25,828 _PR IZES! Jlore than One Prize to every Tiro Ticket*. McKINNTSY A CO., CAPITAL PRIZE, $00,000. TICKETS ONLY SlO. IIai.Vks, Quarters, Asn Eighths i* Proportion. to rk drawn Each SA TURl) A V in A UO UST, 1859, In the City of Savannnli, Georgia. Ci.ass 31 to nr. brawn* August 6, 1859. Cl.ass 32 to uk draws At'gust 13, 1859. Ci.ass 33 to bk draws August 20, 1859. Ci.ass 34 to bk drawn August 27, 1859. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. 1 Prize of till,(100 is (10,000 5 Priz. oi l,000 ure 5,000 1 44 " 20,000 is 20,000 10 ? " 500 " 5,000 1 44 44 10,000 is 10,000 2 " " 400 " 800 1 44 44 5,000 is 5,000 2 " " 300 44 f.OO 1 44 44 4,000 is 4,000 2 " 44 200 44 400 1 44 44 3.000 is 3,000 50 " 44 150 44 7,500 t 44 44 2.000 is 2,0001100 44 44 100 "10,000 I 44 44 1,500 is 1,5001100 " 44 95 9,500 1 " 44 1,100 is 1,100)100 44 44 35 44 8,500 > mrm*r 4 Prizes of $200 $00,000 Prize are $ 800 1 44 44 150 44 44 20,000 44 44 600 4 44 44 125 44 44 10,000 44 44 600 4 44 44 100 44 44 5,000 44 44 400 8 44 44 80 44 44 4,000 44 44 640 8 44 44 60 44 44 3,000 44 44 480 8 44 44 50 44 44 2,000 44 44 400 o 4 v 1,500 ? ? 320 400 " " 20 " " 100 ? " S.000 25,000" " 8 . 200,000 25,828 Prises, amounting to $36(5,0-10 Cr.uriFifATKR or Packaokn will be aold yt tho following rates, which is the risk : Certificate of Package* of 10 Whole Tickets, $00. I " " . " 10 Half " 30. " " " 10 Quarter " 15. I " " " 10 Eighth " 7.50. IN ngpRRiNO tickets on ckbtiFtc atea. Enclose the money to our address t?>r the ticket <i ordered, on receipt of which they will ho forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. Tho list of drawn numbers and wili Latent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Notice to Correspondents. Those whogirefbr not sending money by mail, can use THE EX I'll ESS COM PAX IKS, whereby moneyfbr Tickets, In sums of Ten TtoHflfs nnd '_'fXJMtlt'l. where there iy an Kxiirraa H>.? money nnd order must ho cnolOsod in a (/fttri unirnt /'??t (ijfflcr. Stampfl Kitvrlnpe, or llm Express Companies cannot receive thctn. All commnnieationa strictly confidential. Order* for Tickets or Certificates, t -- - i wiu or ivv pre**, t<> lie <lir<?cto<l to M? K L^;.V K"Y A CO., July 21 11-lin SurnnnaK, Oo. Timely Notice. T II OS It '.ndehtp.l t? Ti.o Into Firm ofHOPERTS, I?CNf A C0?, and wl.t-ru it Iih? ' ?rn of )onf? Mtinilinn, ar? unfilled that coif* will k I Added If thov rjo not pay up. Longer iudulgt no*} i-aonot bo uivou. Judo 2r. 7 a.