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"V r- * ' -flL /-i 33r.''- .4n!4wSS* ?fH ~ V v V V. TTflll* . ' * 'T * ' vfat ** ^1 ^ AnWl ?f tlw ftemmer VanderW^S ??* y??., AuJprn lb* steamer Yaaderblt, from Havre, Jrawnst ) R. bu arrived. Her general news and markf^ i*w W? anticipated. xigp following is Bj moat ImportonttdultiouDnt?lllg?ne? ah? bringffi The London Herald ha* reason to believe that ,y_ Mr. Dallas. the American miniater, has placed In HK the handa of Lord. John Russell a despatch from " Washington elating that onr privateering* thus QRc agreeing U> the maritime law as declared at the Congress 6f Paris io 1M?. ;mS The London Times Paris correspondent says -; ** W thht Persigtiy has ltfW'arjs for London. The harvest prospects of France were not con f?gj . unfavorable. Gen. Oaribuld has issued a proclamation, dated to the following effect: " BoHerw pontic*] affairs may tend, in present eirenni- | Mneei, it is H|? duty of Italians not only to lay down their arms In m?ypfiwl dim isirsrmtfnls but Mf' toswell thelMMMfsnd to show Europe that, guided by the neroio Victor Emanuel, they are ready again to confront, the vicissitudes of war." Garibaldi declares liis army ready at any mo- ! tnent to continue the war. The corresjxindcnt hf the London Times says that great dissatisfaction exists at Rome. The French soldiers alono kerp down n general outbreak. The Jesuits have been driven out of Forti, Faenza and Ferrara. The Bologna Gazette publishes a declaration that the Romagnn provinces have shaken off th& Papal yoke, never to return ag^nin, and that they desire au annexation to Sard! lis. Death ov Judge Umdeiiwood.?Judge Under. wood, a well-known member.of the bar In Up?? ? JannS'lffe'c^^r Coiu^rejg in tiie fifth ihst^S?vwS'll in Marietta on FrhWylast. The Judge bns for saveral years resided In Atlanta. He was wide ly known as well for his high legal attainments as for bis fneetious qualities, and up to the time of his death kept everybody in a good humor with liis sharp sarcasms and quaint oonceits.? Few men possessed finer legal talents, and with* out tho intense application with which moat men duwcoo, i>c wvu|uru u uign position at tli? bar. The death of the Jmlgo at Marietta, calls up a joke of his, which we must he pardoned for introducing?rather improperly perhaps?in connection witli this notice. Many years ago, when Marietta wa$ a rnstic Tillage, compared to its present -condition?the Judge was prejmring to leave town after a iong and tedions session of the court. Seated in his buggy he called to a brother member of the bar, now a distinguished lawyer of the place, who Was often boasting of the attractions of Marietta. " General," said the Judge, "1 intend to come to Marietta to die." Struck with the serio comic manner in which the remark wa% mode. General H. replied : " Then j'oir ha to changed your mind in roferUnee fo our own town. Judge." "No, General, but t do not know a plnee on . fill* tri'Pnn 1??- ?~A 1 --- v"' *' ?? * *^'niu m hvc Willi irw ro gref?' and with a gracious mod of adieu, he rode off amidst a universal laugh at the expense of the General. It is a singular coincidence that after a lapse of many years, the quaint prediction of the Judge should be literally verified.?Aiiffiuta Dinpatch. * A rnotrst aoaixst Tlrxxixo Wjsk ron Prkf*tf?KNT.?The Madison (Wisconsin) Patriot issues the following protest against Governor Wise be ing n nominee for the Presidency: " Every editor in the Union should protest against it?it would be rgin and destruction to the great body of the country printers. A man that writes a letter to a friend making twentyeight closely printed columns of newspaper matter, and is now sending out missives of this ponderous character at the rate of about one a week, upon every conceivable subject, would be perfectly awful on a message. No printer of ordinary means could sustain himself under such an 4 jfiflidtiun. Ji n? *howtl<i trrvtr refnttve proportions to Ill's letters, the tax of printing and of tune in rending would he more than the whole expenses of Government under ordinary circumstances. (Such a message would cost the country iporc than the purchase of Cuba, a Kansas war. or the subjugation of the Mormons; and the burdens of this enormous tax would fall more unequally than a proicftSe tariff?the printers, who are the least aide to bear additional burdens, would he the chief sufferers. For President give us a military chieftain, who will involve the country in war?an Abolitionist, who will dissolve the Union?a blockhead, who will do nothing; but save, oh, save us from a wordy man." Tiik UxsvEr.RTTT AnorrxD.?We have re- I dived reliable information in regard to the action of the Hoard of Trustees of Franklin College at their late meeting, to the effect that they have, by a threo-fourth* vote, adopted the University plan. Under this new arrangement, there will be four professors in the college, and three in the preparatory department, in which last will he Freshman and Sophomore classes, while the whole will be under the superintendence of one President. The gymnasium will be introduced as one of the new features of this ed iicauoiini sj siem. anu .uenical selioots will be established with snit-nt>le buildings and apparatus, and capable teachers. The proceedings of the Board will be submitted in November to the Menatus Aeademicus at Milledgeville for ratifiea tion. But we 1. nrn that they will carry their point by a sure majority. So Athens must prepare itself for the novel dignity of becoming the seat of a bona fide University. [Athena (Go.) Banner. The democracy of Wisconsin have called a State Convention to meet at Madison on the 24th inst., one of the most important objects being the appointment ot delegates to the Charleston Convention. The partisans of Senator Douglas, say9 the Milwaukee Wisconsin, consider that they have so planned Unit, the whole delegation, secretly at leasts will be pledged to vote for Douglas. The intention is not to allow tbe administration or any other candidate a single delegnte. ine pronnumiy is now nmi m? ouim convention will bo parked by the partisans of Doubles, and I hey will ride roughshod over the Administration deniocroev, and every other candidate who may he uamed in our State Convention. Of course, something cun be done during the ensuing three weeks, hut. the Douglas men are so confident, that they laugh contemptuously at what they deem the* puny efforts of tlie friends of the national administration. Amkofd Ccfk roa Fkver and Agck.?The fol lowing, brought fraro the Spanish Main, and raid io b? an unfailing cars for fever and ague, fa highly recommended by an exchange : *'Just before the chill comes on,* have a pot of very ^rnng coffee made ami keep it hot, and when"lne chill is felt, pour out about a pint and Sneeze the juice of a couple of lemons into it, d a little sugar to make it palatable, drink it off, go to bed and cover np warm. One trial of thin often cure*, whilst two or thee IriuU'never fall" A Dastardly Act.?Wo learn that a white man. named Bolt, attempted to obstruct the passage of the cars on the Blue Ridge Railroad, three miles this side of Anderson, on Monday morning last, by bnilding a rail fence across the track. Fortunately, thecars were not. thrown from the track, - - wrn ffltfnl-fafnf'wj'rctfi Wttft Un.ul nniitir car before the unheals rcn?hod it. No nde<|iiate punishment, we believe, is prescribed by the law for siiah ofiances.?Kcowe Courier. TrnNKt) to Btox*.?The Oxford (Miss.) Mercury #?y?: " Tlie body of a young man named Searcy, Who was hurled four year* ago, on Hurricane Creek, Ti?liomingo county, Mississippi, wAsexainJncd the other day j?nd found to he partially petrifled The hands, anas, legs ana thighs had turned to solid stone," i.." ; 'r ' = 'WILLI AM P7 PHIcirr EDITOR. Our Motto?" BquiU Bights to AIL" CUUH&NY1LI&I8. O. xuunuay suuruing, August XU, 1009. " ' "" W' " ' ' T~T~'~Tr'g::fc Agricultural Oration. The address before the Laurens District Agricultural Society, in September next, will bo delivered by Hon. John Bki.ton O'Ncall. Sommers' Store. We call attention to the advertisement of Mr. Soumkrs, in another column. It will be seen, thnt he ofTers lna present stock of goods at New York cost. Persons desiring good bargaius^ ore requested to eaTMWtd exiuiMiie his goods. Ttao School House and Lecture Room. The oontraet for constructing the above building has been lot to Messrs. IIknrt Wili.iams and J. C. llicxs, they being the lowest bidders for the same. The building, when completed, will be another attraction to our growing town, and add another to the already large list of educational Institutions in our midst, O'Noall Division, No. 78. The Division of the Sons of Temperance at this place, has been named in honor of Judge N'Ne.vjj. ?the distinguished champion of the cause in South Carolina. This compliment is deserving and proper, and we trust, that nil those who join it, will prove as " true and faithful" to their obligations, as the great and good innn has, whose name they have selected for tticir Division. The Division ia now organised, and already contains a goodly list of members; young men and old are cordially invited to join. The present effort to sustain a Division in Greenville, j wfl"lht*k, wJM certain 13- succeed. Ordination. The many friends of Mr. Jnaarai M* Hostick, who resided in Greenville for some time as a student in the Furman University, will he pleased to hear of his ordination to the Ministry.? The Presbytery consisted of Hevs. Josrrn A. Lawton, Jas. A. Lawto*, John G. Williams and W. B. Carson, and was convened at Robertville, Beaufort District, nt the request of the Black Swamp Baptist Church. We hope much for our 3'oung friend. Possessing a benevolent and Christian heart, and a mind filled with rich stores of learning, he is lilted to discharge the high station to which he lias been called. Ma3* the richest blessings of lleaven attend hiin. Iiirgs Psuhss. Wlien wo Qicrftioiimi etunrttliing about Inrgo peaches in our Inst issue, we were inclined to tlunk that they were certainly the largest to be found anywhere in the " regions " roundabout. But our neighbor* of tho Patriot and Mountaineer have been presented with one by T>r. tt. it. Jones, " weighing a little over 11 ounces, and measuring 114 inches in diameter." We are bound to give in to the weight, but we must insist that our friends fall a snake or two on the measurement. We regard it a little unreasonable?it must be a mistake. If, however, there is no mistake about the thing, l>y all means let the skin be stuffed. The Circus. This institution has como and gone. Different ] opinions are entertained in regard to its claims for patronage. To gratify nn idlo curiosity, and to return a complimentary ticket for which wc hud no other use, wt attended one of their exhibitions. With a few exceptions, it was the same ohUtliing that has been traveling for niouy years. The riding VM gOO(l IUO JOKCH OI lue tlUT.ii ?wv unu , in fact, he was not exactly what was expected. The singing was tolerable, and the dancing' was done aft t thc-niost approved style. Tbo music was rich, hut the animals attachud to tho concern were poor. With tho exception of the little horned pony, the menagerie was not worth seeing. We think that part of the show will soon die out. But whatever I the difTorenco of opinion may he respecting the merits or demerits of the show, all are agreed that they took away more money than tbey left. High Bates of Tuition. We commend tl?? following " terms" to those people who are forever prating ahout the high rates of tuition in our Southern female colleges. The extracts are taken from a letter of " E. T. B.," to the Laurentville Herald, front the city of New York : " 1 have jnst visited the great. Spingler Institution. and hud a long convcrsatipp with tho 1'riu. cfpal, Iter. (*. It. AO holt. I mink our College will compare well with it?as a building?as to course of studies?as to plans - and we have A'ofentort who are overy way equal to Its Principal, who. by the way, is an old traveling friend of mine. 1 will give von some of the prices of tuition and then hoard: ijoliege tuition per annum, ?izu, Aonaemy. ft 100; Primary, $75 ; Music, from $100 tp $2^0 per annum ; Vocal Music?individual pupil? from $10u to $200 per annum; 15onr?l (or nine months, $500. " What Would our people think of these price* ? Depend upon it, our Colleges at home are not only better for us, but greatly cheaper. Let us all rally around our own College, and let our i motto be?Excelsior." Herald of Truth. The ITrrald of Truth, a new religious weekly, published in the city of Kew York, and edited by Rev. Joiim W. Major, has been rceeived at our office. " Its avowed object is to disseminate the views of the leading divines of tlis various Eavgelical denominations as expressed in their j sermons, And to perpetual* a movement made ' 'artisn'i'ay ^ngtlnoi'gUf;fc,ii'pi,hcwi!8llii the Academy of Music, and other large bnild* inga.) to make the Ooapel nceemihle to nlL" Sermon* are, therefore, the great feature of the pa per, and four or fire ore to upptUi in each num. l?er. In the copy before tia are fire?two by the Rev, C. IT. Rrraosoa, of London, said to hare been preached to audience* ot about ten thou?and person*; one hy the Iter. T>r. Broiuxr, of ihc Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn, New ?L York; one, by the Rot. ftr. McflwKlik, of *fc< Methodist Episcopal Churoh of cily; and one by the Key; L**c?l H a ym* {deceased,] formerly of the Ceofcrcgational CIM of Ilab ' yr .My/ !imiu, i vrmufiK iue ju*iw?^ - ? it ? quarto, and is afforded for $2 per alum, |i for nix months, single copies 6 cent*. Arni?-h? ?bI taiasd of the N^r? Agents aajrbtaK^f application le made fca tlrap\ or wh?r<Bgte. are no News Agents, pcrsoda Yrlahing to bSertbe con enclose the price, and address oarfolYs: " Htrald of Truth" 130 ITaseua fttreeyKt York. I MISCELLANEOUS NEWS MDLEY. There is a firm doing buslnav in SI Louis under the name of " Livepoor at/Du-ricll A shark measuring thirty feet U> length!* said to have been canght at Halifayk few die ago.? He had just been making hir dlffher oltwo i\en and a small boy?in anticipation. '"r Hie in iinuiuiiiia 01 jsogmor, ft MMpon oi [iiecmpire ot Morocco, on the Atlantic Ocentfc bnl risen in rebellion, and establisheda repnblic. 1* Mr. Beanbloesom, living on ibo line of tliJojumbue and Indianapolis road, Jn Ohio, lias hflwo marriages twenty-three clftldj en, .'jU livil and at ho be. A Oerojm gu4hlM JJ'1 najrtbd Monroe, swallowed twenty-two^^edl An Theaday, and has digested the wlt^PlnunA- under medical care. .She intended 'to hill hAlf, but did not succeed. Alfrcstern Vi*nin ed? ' ilor Jivee^?V~*T pmiMpr; Toyn dull?nobody raQfljFjy?^l(f - tmvrj rcn- niv-itrtv? li .,arl:* JyV Sgvpt Black Tongue it said to bo prevailing ftng the deer and cattle in the neighborhood* Little Hock, Arkansas. A New York c&spondcot says thai ten millions of hooped* B-ts are manufactured in that city per ycalHIousea there innke more than three thousanA>r day,' and still cannot till their orders. * WMr A. T. Stewart, the Merchant Prince of Kb York, intends to build n large Home for Wi*-? and Indigent Women, nod endbw it mostlifidly.? If one million of dollars are not enougWie will appropriate two millions. A rnilly train ffnlnor nf. #K? nolo of ooi.a?4 ? <5?? ?'I--* % | O & - v. HillVB H nuur. "H? til*' Velocity UI* untf-luui ill tliub of kiiiimom bail. David Speck, of Augustalounty, Va,, felled on Saturday last, one of thMygest liickory trees in that country. It tne&sEd five feet in diameter at the stdmp, and wnsSithout a shoot for fifty -feet. It took /our y!^.wo hours to cut it down. At th? present time wo loarn, says Kr 2few V or If Evening roar, th/siAUains employs 8782 men; that it has 978 pnd that its messengers travel daily 40,152 n*ei| on railroad} and steamers?n distance equsrto onaej round the globe, Atid twiHlllrdr aiu)M second time. The Vickshurg Whig announces having seen a letter from General Walker concerning another emigration to Nionrfcgua in'a few week*. Parties wishing to go mnst ba in New Orleans by the 18th of September. They are building a monster hotel in Nev York, and a vertical railway (with stairs fortlpae alio prefer the old fashioned way) la being ailepted to Inking up and down passengers and luggage. The fourth of July was observed with much enthusiasm at every capital in Kurope vu Itol'fl f VoPA ? onn Amoatoana Poano W Field hoi returned from Ennv"ii?J he . baa aiio?Mi]i>il in m%M?g TO laying down another crtbla in six month* The I'npe has issued ft decroo, making Boston the li<*ndqt|ai*ters of the Catholic Church in this country. and the Archbishop of that dioccso henceforth takes precedence of others. -? The (JTiesler >lnnaara nru?i -indication Jrilj be made at the next Session of the Legislature, for n Charter for a Rnilrond to connect Ndwberry and Chester, and adds that those most interested in this very important enterprise, are vefry sanguine of Aticcess in securing the necessary meant to build and equip the ltoad. Nkw Oruians, August IS. Trxat Kleclion.?Returns from eighty tsocoun tics give Houston a majority of S.uOO votea Lub boek, the Democratic candidate for Lieiienant Governor, is probably elected. Frank N. White, Democratic candidsta foi Commissioner of (J en cm 1 Land Office, has t.OOt iiinjoiity In the counties heard from. In 1h' Second Congressional District, (len. A.-j* flnqiil ton, Opposition, is reported ahead of Ttios. N Wnul, Democrat. y Out of fifty four members of the next. Legisln ttire, twenty-nine ?re known t<y inv.irin** re-ciec turn of Gen. Sam. lionet on to a sent in the l'nitc< States Senate, and twenty are opposed to hiin. What Buhxiso Fluid iias I>ox*.?Mr. E. Mtri am. of Brooklyn, states that hetlns kept a reoor of deaths, injuries, nnd conflagrations, resnltin; from the use of enmphene end oiher bnmio fluids used for the purpose of illumination, sine .luiy 22, -185d. Since tlint. Atte he has reen'rdc the deathoof tliree hundred and seventy personi nnd the injuries of four hundred and seventy-set en persons, many of the la'-ter of whom the a< counts stated were not expected to survive th injuries they had received. The losses Up fir from the fluids he estimated at upwards of on million of dollars. Tiir. White Population or South CaroiUM.Tlie |)re?ent white population of South CnrUlini excluding St. Thomas, and St Pennie, and Brine William Parishes, from which there are ?.>'? nar?tiiriu.MSlii.J|4, III WAS J?i4,6? From this, it will l>?a?ien tln?t thu title .Xetn gration is on the wane.?South Carolinian. Tiie French General Beuret, killed at Moiit< hello, wss connected l?y Uinrringe with th# I a fayctte family, having married Mile. l<#t?r daughter of Gen. I^tort \killed in Uuwia, an step daughter of Cointe Victor do TrocyAsn) daughter of MsJiiua GeoriAn Wasliinutitn liefat ett e. I ^\ " ' QriTK a Msata?.-- A '.vittyVxchnngr ?er?es n iJih following queer IimIi to lips numerons rent ere, vix: V ' Unbustled ladiea, pure nnd un-jefiled Chri tiftiis, disinterested friends, <\>mninn hottest! sound pot a tore, first-mte biHterJiunwutcrtd haill aud rich printers?are scarce l"t We endorse it all?particularly the la$Ucta ArrotNTWKMT or Coxsirt,?'The\J'r?**ld??t lit appointed S. L. Gouveneur, Jr. K*jIL o^Cut sul to Foo-Choo, China. Mr. O. trllie ptnBllo of President Monroe and bis father yas pfffna ter of New York eily under Vas liu^n, afljrlM held position in the Department of Stele. Ir Jr., served as a lieutenant of artiHery in wxfc with credit ( \ l t /?tr tit a AiltieiKVkftflno iiuim i. ?A mo.t?li, (aaya tl?e Norfolk [\iu} Aruu?.) wL* hi used many remedies without relief, was Arise to take the oil of tar, aod acted aeeor<ftifely.1I? will considered a perfectly hopelej* i-AMC bt ths t?r oil has cured him completely. * Hep Bo hide and hearty. - njcw Ori.ksss, Angael^b' Abtcondrd.?A Tobias, a wholesale grfBr'i this city, has absconded. His liabilities mb>ui to about $100,000. '' th eeiebi^te# , induction olu*?e aarorm berenlU (n the foliating manner: Whaq the ma. having ?a? ed into ;r the eouthernJhsjoUph^itf ao longer haata *o F ? ?*?*. Jiiwi'^yige^yp'o" have aeeumelnua daring the eoratntfrjn thU t P??* of the etmoephere bwrin kin J of humid cap aaVelof&r the polar region# eaternh more and mora, andTaeilitates thepaesfge of tha eiectrieky aooumulalcd *i the ppper portion cT%o air. Bni In these rtavatedV 3 glons, and edjkelally at thi# period orthe year J the aotteoti# vapors must more /Vwpienlly pass Into the Btnta of minute particle# of ice or inow floating in llieVir, similar to thoea which give rise to the hnlos; they form, as ft were, a kind of semitransparent mi#t These half-fruscn fog# conduct the electricity to the surface of the earth, pear tjte pole, and are," at the same time, illumined by these ourrents or electrio discharges In faeL all oWrsors agree in asset tptg-.thjft the atiroSQtoreali* is constantly preceded hy a inlet, wbleh riant from the jwle, and the margin# of which lc#v!4h*e than tne remainder, nr<" colored the first; and indeed it I# freaucnt near the |>ole ih the winter months nod especially in those where there is abundanae of vapor in the air. ,a '+*: > i 4 i > A* EtjDcnvk Jumciarv.?Tlie system of electIng Judges by the f^pulnr vote, will, wc expect, he abandoned wherever it hail tieen adopted, after a few" more trials. The thing is becoming more distasteful in the quarter it was intended to flatter by a new exercise of power?the people themselves. The ih ore reflecting begin to think that there are certain, barriers between popular nu? Ynt.y irtyfth it \? not mifiitn thoso who fllT legislative and executive trusts-to jf genfisl suffrage, but tliat. thS selee\ion of (fit* vb" are t<> Interpret and expound the Itfwj ts Irnet placed in ono remove at leaA from the sphere of the popnlar passions, is among the truths which may be temporarily obscured, but which time will amply oonfirm. The Haitimore American says that " an Executive Jqdlciary is perhaps (jie most glaring error in tlie Constitution SfAlaiYlatui?Charutton Nev*. Major-CArims.?Some time since, says tlie Columbia Guardian, we announced that Major Ua pers had accept tlie superlntendeney of the Georgia Military Institute. Since then, the position has been pressed upon him, and he lias accepted ?it, "One of the reasons for his acceptance, the Charleston Mercury of Saturday " Major Uaptra feeis impviicu U> ??wpl u?? nltuation in trie Georgia Institute, from regard for his wife's health, which has become seriously impaired, and for which he hope# to find the dry nir of Marietta decidedly beneficial. Tie will terminate hi# connection with the Citadel Academy on the fiaLo^^a^otar, and will continence his duties at Marietta between that date and tho first of the followitig January." Toe Tf.Nneiusf. ELKrrron.?A dispatch to the Lynchburg Vqylnjap, fiyro Knoxrille, daUd^lhe Seven opposition Congressmen are oertainiy #*Tl'df %;'"^hl?i^ of four: Kelson, Mnynard BrahOTlii3tol^^l2uai**,ifl*tt?m *?d Etheridge. 'The Democrats elect Thomas. and Ayen*?the first two without opposition. "Harris, Democrat, is elected Governor by a {really reduce4 majority. Netherlands gains ave been large arid steady, but not enough to overcome 11,000. The Senate ia Opposition, the lower House Dt. cralic. it ia dountfui which l>arly have majority on joiut ballot. A Marrying Mais.?An old negro hy t-heaiame of David, at the Oltford (N. C.) Poor House, who was carried from South Boston to Little York, during the Revolutionary war, and was there existed as a soldier. and was afterwords wound ed.ln the .leg while In an cngsuernent, lost hts i mi iniyar ma ??nn.. sh. to ?.. M<I. of her age j he Is 10* years otd. SI* days after trifc burial of Dnvid'a wife, he was again joined in the holy bonds of matrimony, tfwan old negro, who is in the 96th year of her ag<', thus nssiingiug tlic sad bereavement, caused by the demise of liis former venerable spouse. A Asking to he Made a Slave.?A pel it ion has been filed, in the clerk's office of the circuit court of this county, by a negro named Win. Braxton, a tree man, praying that the court will consent to his being a slave of Mr. Samuel House, of this county. Braxton was manumitted by the last will snd testament of E'ljsh Unoeawell, deceased, of this county, and having enjoyed, for several year*. Pennsylvania freedom, has become disgusted, and returns asking to he made ft slnv??which blessing, of course, will l?< him.?Jiomney ( Fa.) Intelliffencrr, I>*ath a Noted Irishman.?Ilenry Grattaa, f tlio younger. It dosd. lie was once member o ) Parliament for Meatb, in Ireland, and only sur e viving son of the great Ilenry Grattan.' Thi iv event took place rather suddenly, on the Ifttl ' ult., at his residence in the county of.Wieklow Mr. Grattan was among the faithful few who ad t- hered to Mr. O'Connell throughout his stornv e career of Irish agitation. Mr. Grattan leaves m d male issues, his children consisting of two dnugh tors, both recently married, and who, It Is to b presumed, will inherit his large estates. d Titer nre manufacturing a new kind of bricl g In the town of Ihmville, Conn. The bricks ar g three or four times the site of the ordinary brick e and are mode of sifted gravel and lime mixed b d a certain consistency, and then pressed by a sim h pie and powerful machincv and laid in the stint cure. Iney hare an opening or mortice throng! !- them from top to bottom, say five incites Ion; e and one aod a quarter inches wide, so that whe c laid the air can circulate throagh the whol o wall. | _ In a IIcrry.?A paragraph, taken. It isbcliet _ ed, from the Sumter ((in.) Republican, state , thai a citizen of Cherokee County, in that SlaU ^ buried hia wife on Saturday, antf before bavin ,t tin" grave-yard, promised to marry another wc j man on Monday. It seems, however, thai i_ through the influence of fvinuda. ha waadatarra from couauminating hia vow until Tuesday, lh third day after the burial of hia wife I - ?" . A arvarkant.r instance of prima faeia ev I dince led to the detection of aorae burglars lai J week. While engaged in their depredations i a (tore, they upset a cask of indigo, with son .. of wliioh lively pigment adhering to their fee thav literally painted their way home in tli dark. How hlue they muat have looked whe p daylight and the othoera dawued upon them. J. - Hkvolctionabt.?Happening in at the rea dence of Cant. A. J. Daniel recently, we saw ui > on hia mnntle-piece a relie of the Revolution, t the shape of hullet moulds. Two pieces of soa| (tone, with nicely adjuatcd (aces, have fourtec 1 jfor bullet*. )?y which that nuinb< can be traat at onee. Tllia simple rnarhiaa wi tf Ingenious hMf that day.?Carolina Hpartan. ft ? " A Ma* Ct* CmaKo* His Nam*.?The Court * ** Common Pl?ai of Jfew York, decided, on Moi * day, tliat John Snook, a O arm an. who had ebani " ed hia name, on coming to this country, to Joh *' PikfJutd right to do so, as ha* every man wl ?< i1tg tr 'T B I? tifMMii I kill m j j. Uutlon to aid or commit fraud 5 Som or Malta.?A delegation from Cob,rub ? Lodtre. of this order, on Fridav and Saturday (m it opened new lodges at Rock fllll, York fJlstrU w cud At Cheater C. II. Tha order is spreadii rapidly.?Guardian. A WAMfMOroa clergyman, while stating a d? of eieney in the euIleeMona, remnrlred that aim at the inane of three cent pieces, the revenue of k V ohurch had declined nearly one haJfl .. y ' % ' ?T?' * ~ j And sorrow ' absent from my youthfal hlo*. Yon Morning Glory?see?it's fresh with dew, i $ Pure as tbe moaning of a stainless heart, ' * Whilst here and thcrC-=-uey, all around?I view, A thousand proofs, which doth to ra? impart, .That far above yon sapphire vault there lives One! who to them their life and beauty gives. .FY LADES. Charleston, August, I860. Tit* library of the poet Wordsworth, recently sold at auction, contained about 8000 volume* " 1 S > to" F'0"? *he Missouri Democrat. ? Vros PiCor. O. J. Wood, of St. Louis, fortune has conferred tho honor of having discovered a balsamic preparation, which not only promotes the growth oL and beautifies the hair in a high degree, bat restores it when it is(gone, or tarns it to its original color after it has .become gray, fastens it to the scalp and effectually destroys suoh cutaneous eruptions as may have been cngcnderM by tbo use of dyes, essential oils and other injurious applications. The many respectable testimonials ssbUh so offered In V^rlftFVn. - r*" ?? ilout)VH*n. Ii is supplanting all other specific* for th? hair, and enjoys a popularity which no other has ever attained. Bay it?teat it?and rejoice that your attention baa been directed to it. CAi)Ti05.~-Ilowaro of worthless imitations, as Sevcral are already in the market, called by diffcient names. Use none unless the word* (Professor Wood's Hair Restorative Depot, St. Louis, M?>., aad Now York) arc blown in Uio bottle. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine dealers, also by alt Fancy and Toilet Uoods dealers in tbo United States end Canada. Aug 4 in lm Tiie Great Engllah Remedy* \ SIR JAMES CLARKFTS CELEBRATED FEMALE FILLS. THIS invaluable medicine is unfailing in tbeenre of all those painful and dangerous diseases ineidont to tho female constitution. It moderates all excesses and removes all obstructions. from whatever cause, and a speedy cure may S>c relit* Sit TO MARRIED LADIES It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. CAUVIOM. These Pills should not be taken bv females that arc pregnant,, during tho must thit: moxthii, da they are guro to bring on Miscarriage; bat at every other time, and in every other oaae, they are perfectly safe. In n!! ??? ? of Kervnu* and Spinal Affection*, Pain In the Dock and Limb*, Iluaviue**, Fatigue on alight exertion*, Palpita^on of the Heart, LowiU dered xyxtcoi. Theee Pill* will effect a ear* when all other mean* have failed. ^aU. direction* in the pamphlet around eaeh packago. whicl) *houI<tt>e cajgffult.v-!* ? ?? od.' . ^ A hot tlet containing fifty 1'jUf, and enrireied with the Oovernment Stamp of (mat- Itritaln, can be sent poet free for $1 and A postage ftainjffe. Sold by E. Krutch, ftroenvillc, llavllond A Chichcgter, Wholesale Druggiat, Charleston. May & 52 lyeow "WHEH/FF.?Wo arc nuthoriled to announce M. D. inch K V as a Candidate fur aiiiou wf Urwuvilli District, at the ensuing Election. /THEJt IFF.?The friend* of JOHN T. McDANIEL most respectfully announce "him as a Candidate for BheritT of Greenville District, at the ensuing Election. the ensuing Election. TOWN ELECTION. A N ELECTION is hereby ordered to bo bold or J\_ MONDAY, the 12th dey of SEPTEMBER next, for an Iutendant and four Waniens of the Town of Greenville. Election to bogiu at 0 o'clock, A. M., and cloao at 3 o'clock, P. M. Q. B. Dyer, S. P. Long and R. C. Pullium, arc authorized tc act as Managers for said election. A. McBKB, Intendaut. W. P. Prick, Town Clork. Aug 18 15 td Patriot and Mountaineer copy till day. Regimental Order*. TIH HE FIRST REGIMENT is ordered to appeal at Bruton's Old Field, for REVIEW, on Thurs 1 Ouy, let of September next. Commissioned and Non-Cqmmisrioned Officers, tin Regimental Staff and Rand, will aoujuble the dgj previous for Drill and Instruction. By order of W. K. Kasi.ry, Rrlgedier General, f ORKKN P. POOL, Aug 18 15-2 Col. First Reg. 8. C. M. 1 rrtHE TRACT OF LAND whereon Dr. EDWAH1 I GANTT lives, late the property of Judg r tiantt, is offered for sale, on a credit of one, two an< ' throe years, with interest from the date. Bonds an good personal security will be required. The till e is indisputable. Persons desirous to buy will b uown me mna ny ur. f.uwurd uniilt. The Tract contain* Seven Hundred Acres, naor , or lets, lying on Grove Crock, adjoin* lends of Capl Cleveland, deceased, and Williss Benson. e Messrs. KA8LF.Y A TJIRU8T0N can be inform ' to as to the title, and are authorised to oontraet fo 0 tho sale. i- If net sold at privato sale, previous to the li o Monday of November next, it will be offered at put h lie sale. JOHN HELTON O'NEALL. g Aug 18 16 td e 8outt) Grceijbiile Di$1ric1 SHERIFF'S BALE8. BY virtue of suiniry Writs of Fieri Faeias, to m directed, I will sell, before the Court Horn Uoor, at the usual hours of sale, on the irst Monda " in SEPTEMBER next, It . , 60 A ore* of Land, more or less, adjoining land . of Henry Fowler, Willis Butler, st al.; as the pr< ; perty of 1'. G. Jfowler, at the suit of F. F. Beatt d A Co., wt at. 280 Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining lane of Jacob Hecse, Thus. Farmer, et al.; as the pro] erty of Perry G. Ware, at the suit of T. A. Perri i< and others. 't 100 Acres of Land, more or less, lying in Greei n ville District, on the Laurens road, near V miles fro le Greenville C. 1L, adjoining lands of Smith, Fowlc t, Baldwin, et al.; also, 1 two horse wagon, 1 bugg, ,e one black horse mule, as the property of Willia ,Q Manning Austin, at the suit of A. Y. Owings. C?v Houm Lot, Ij bs Uit Ardcrsoa .t-n. one milo from Greenville C. H., adjoining lands Mclleo, Gower, Cox A Markley, et al.; as the pr perty of Jano Casey, at the suit of Samuel Kc P" Administrator. n 80 Acres of Land, more or less, lying in Greenvil P~ District, at^oiniug lands of Parklus, Smith, Hick " ot al.; as the property of J. J. Farmer, at tho suit if the State, for Taxes. u 8)10 Auies of Land, more or less, lying in Oreo' villo District, on watfrsof Enoree River, adjourn lands of McBee, Guuter. et el.i also, all Defendant jf iotereat in 11 Aerea of &and Mid Raw AliU, adjoi . ing tb? *Im>vo TrMl; alan, <>u? Negro Men nm * Haw, about 30 /ear* old ; ej tbe properly of Willie *" K. Wirkliffu, at tile wit of V. t. Beattio, et .1. i!.2fa( *T?T*r "i* 1#M* *" ?iT property W. IT. Robert*, at lite ii|U of liowi ' tan Ac roe of Land, mn>n or leaa, tying In flree vilfo Dlmlot, on Reedy River nd Koody Fork, it, the fork of the miuc, near IB mllee from Oroeovil ig C. II., being the Tract whereon llefendaot'a Neg i Quarter ia located, iwijoinhig land* of Jeirkiaa, Max at al.; aa. the property of T, Row la Ware, ad ? fl- euit of the Laareo^ Railroad < owtpaay, and olhei ca TERMS CASit. PuWikft*cr te pay for title, tie p. HOKE, 8. (1. I>. flberHT# 0?ee, Aug, 15, *!*.<.?. Ib-td & ^ X * " V frmssgar? Blue Vitriol, in., Ae. For mU by FISHER A HBINITSIl, Aug IS IJ-tf DroggtrU. SOUTH CAROLINA INSTITUTE FAIR, TO BE HELD 1* At- - J[ C H A R L E S T <>N, November 15th. 1869. COMPETITION OPEN TO ALL. ^AJB FOB THE PBOMOTION OF ART, MECHANICAL INGENUITY ANO INDUStRY, [ At their Large and Commodious Building in I the City of Charleston, ft. C., . | commk*cixo os tuesday, Notbmbeb 15, 1859. *4 Tobacco, Corn, Wheat, Rye, Oat*, Potatoes^ and other Agricultural Product*. The Ladle*, to whom the Institate ( ?o much Indebtod, are respectfully informed that suitable Pre. mluw* will be providod by the Committee, and awarded for the best spcoimeur in etery department of Ladies' work. ^ t.- >. All Articles entered for Premiums,'must be sont in on or before fVtdtty, the eleventh day of November next, directed to the care of Mr. T?I0MA8 AIMAR, Clerk of tho South Carolina Institute, Charleston. Article* may be sent after that day for * exhibition only. Contributor* to l|a? Fair \ j Am respectfully requested to sond fhll descriptions of the articles* and such goilcral information as may be of use to the JndK*s, and suitable for publication. Evory attention will bo paid to all artioles sent for exhibition. A?t<t 11 11 *f Hiivh tho nnfreshliiK bhowertRc vlvcd tli^TlpnMT Oil, YES ! all those who know themselves to be Jadsbtcd to thmlate..Firm.of LONG A GOODLKT'1\ either by Xpte or A*cirsmt for 1868, must come forward and'liquidate the same by rash on or before Return Day for Fall Term, otherwise we will place thein in the hands of an Attorney for collection. LONG A UOODLKTT. Aug n u ^ , tf Greenville Carriage and Wagon Manufactory. " yfiftfTftrfhwff ftvtMWw i. |..-I u* to coll on all tboso having NOTES and ACCOUNTS past duo, to make immediate payment. li'e mn?l hare the Money. . rf, Aug 11 a0WJER' ''" M^K,'KY * C?i STRAYED, * ' A FROM the *ut>scriber, on Tuesday morojiaCNinK, two HOUSES, a Brpwn Bay and Dark -A. Chesnut and 'Sorrel P<>ny. Any person returning Grin a ball be suitably rewiintru. JAMBft C. FURMAN. AuUi : u U . A CLERKSHIP WANTED. A YOUNtl GENTLEMAN, who can bring the f\ best recommendations for qualifications, etc., u Uusinws ?f obtaining * niiuation in some tux anI last-named JSEg' Salary, reasonable. | Inquire of tho Editor of the Enterprise. Aug 11 14 _ tf_ " REGIMENTAL. ORDERS. tTHK Third Regiment, S. C. M., will parade for Review, at Toney'a Old Field, on TUESDAY, 30.4 in*.. The Com missioned and Nou-commissioned Officer* tho day previous, for Drill and Instruction. The Regimental Staff and Band will gttend the Review. By ordor of Brigadior General \V. K. EASI-ST. JAMES McCULLOUGII, Colonel Third Regiment, B. C. M. M. Atisriy, Adjutant. Aug 11 14 S HAIR BRAIDING^ : MRS. M. OLSON MAY 1>? found at Mr. Lamm's IIorr.i., at nil times, where ?h?I? prepared to execute nil kiuds of HAIR BRAIDING. She solicits the patronngo of the public. - Aug 4 13 8 , PUBLIC NOTICE. npilE undersigned gives notice that the Partner! _1_ ship between himself and Dr. E. D. PETTY was dissolved on the 1 at day of January tort, at which time the interest of the said Pktty in the Books of 0 Account of said Firm was assigned to him. This 0 notice is to warn nil persons from paying any Note or Account due the Firm of ANDERSON A PKT? TY, unless to the undersigned, who is the only per* sou authorised to receive the same. . A. J. ANDERSON. 'r Dacusvllle, Pickens Dietrich 13-tf Aug 4 lt " LANDFORSALE. " " npiIK Subscriber offers for sale a TRACT OF I LAND, containing about Two Hundrrd Acre*, all Woodland, located about six miles from Green ville Court House. It lies well, and is well wn> terud. Terms, very accommodating. ' W. P. PRICK. July 38 % 13 4 Z The Stale or Sonlh Carolina. y OKRF.NVIIXE DISTRICT. IN COURT 0? ORDINARY. Is M. G. Berry, Administrator of the Estates of Mary >. Horry and N. II. Horry, deceased, Applicant, ie against J. H. Machcm and Wife, Sarab, J. B. Henderson and Wife, Naouy, W. A. Beery, and others, n.r.n,i..t. i...i a l' Vtrrte. It TT ftppowing to roy satisfaction thai J. II. Macbctn 1 and Snruh, his wife, J. li. Henderson and Nmii-y, kit wife, ami W. A. Berry, Defendants, niida in l',u limits of this State : It is Ordered and r Decreed, That tliey do appear at a Court of Ordinary, ' to bo hoideu at Greonvillo Court House, for tlreonjij villo District, on Friday, rt? 21?f Uny of Ortober nrri, to shew cause, if any they can, why a Final , Settlement of the Rotates of M A it Y It Kit It Y and ?. II. liLi.-ll*, *, cV. ."td rr>t b* hisd, end a nf Decree K?>?n thereon, cr their consents, oa failing to attend, will be entered of rceord. Given under my hand and seal, at Greenville Court House, this 25th day of July, A. D. 1A39. le ROBERT Mr KAY, (i~ a.) s, ..Ordinary Greenville Dist. of July U IS 3m ?. ~~ BTOTICfil m fPHK Copartnership of THOMPSON A STAJjJv _1 Is dissolved by mutual consent. ,,JHe naipoof n- ttiu Firm will he ased by either in UqnbUtiaa only,. ' -d Parties indebted will please settle at an oiii-It <t?y. to *ao8. a; stall. n> July tt, *4?. 19 4 ? ?io rewahd. * T OUT, near thin plan*, a boat tba *i?Ui of June, % M i Large, White and Dlaek Kngliah HOJUiiJk. very large head, and pale yeJJoiy about tl?e wu?afci Apply at thi? 9<Hce. U-tf July U