University of South Carolina Libraries
i >i'lf ri'<i?*'ly%f"v , ' r ' "' ^ JT . * ? mi; JTv s? The Merrv lanik. \X lor? to hoar a uiorry laugh, ^ Oat-ringing wQd aad free, ^ A* float* the mu?ie of the wind* ? Aero** tbe *0*07 no The merry laugh goo* Wad fat hand ?T With happiaeu and Mirth j - Aad atitu ?Uv?ry.*an4d command Joy noetic* round each hearth. The metfj laugh bespeak* ? heart With noble feelinga ?=F"* Ono that will io ?u P*<fc la iiim' in or in atoim. th moeio of a merry laugh 8ota aged heart* aglow, i j| # X'uo aallei) cleain o'er the wrinkled brow. Like mid light ok the snow. Then let the merry laugh ring out Upon the balmy air, , And let its gladness pnt to rout The bold in trader?Care. ~ , JJJ ? Unntnrist'a (Dlio. FOB TUB SOUTHKRN KNTJCRTRIBB. Capt. Peter Plug- Ugly and the Wolrea. Mr. Editor?Did you ever see a wolf t If you never saw one, you had better be prayin' never to see one like I did. You see as liow I was down in Florida this summer, looking out for land speculations I had one of the pertest nags that ever lifted a hind foot, or bent a fore ana sne was quickertn not iat on a sore akin, and could climb a saplin' without spitting on her feet. So one day, when it was very sultry, I pulled off my drawers and hung them on the horn of my saddle?kinder tied a knot in the legs. It would have reminded you of a negro preacher, with a white cravat on, going to officiate. Well, I were riding along in a hammock, when, all at once, and afore I could say Jack Dobbins, I was hanging up by the armpits, about ten feet from the ground, turning round now and then. Where Swamp Rat had gotten to I didn't know. All I knowod about, I felt something ahold of my breeches legs, and all at once I left the sad die. and went un in the air like a ekeered froir pitching into a mnd hole?legs straight out behind. Well, when I caine to my understanding, I looked kinder down, and saw about four feet and a half of my main dependencies, in the shape of a couple of poller, brown-looking legs, sticking out of my breeches ; and occasionally I could feel something touching my heels?it felt like cat whiskers?but for a tarnal little vine that was around me, in the same place where I choked a dog out once, I couldn't look straight down. I thought about being hung?that was too much for me, a man of character; you see, I'd been in the newspaper business a longtime? tliht gives a man character?aud I never knew one hung, aud I didn't want to be the first I ever saw. My mind grew very active during my suspension. I couldn't loose either hand from that little vine, that was trying to stop my wind, to get nay knife?old "Simon Pure." At Inst sometlkjt^; broke loose over my cranium, when I eon Id look about at more ease. The first thing I saw was my mare's tail, more'n half of it hangiug on a limb. Ruined Iter, I thought; nothing could hurt me worse. About ten steps further I saw one saddle skirt hanging on a knot?ruined now. Next 1 looked down to see what caused my legs to run so fur through my brcecheaand what do you reckon 1 saw I 1 wo wolves, sitting down there, licking out their tongues and smiling, and now and then drawing their long, slioi, red tongues across their old rusty mouths, to keep their jaws from watering all away ? Then I thought maybe I'd better been hung than feed my live carcass to two such mean looking things. They both were sitting down ; every once in a while they would look down; -each one had a few feet of my breeches legs lying before him. i I tell you, this wos on uneasy time with the Captain. I thought about all the little things | editors tell?you can spell it with three letters, but my case, 1 feared, would take an s to fill the bill, that would he four. I concluded I had something to do, so 1 thought if I could plant nay old yallera about ten feet behind the old black rascals I'd give them a race for their .1: it t ? ? uiaiuci, it vti%ij ib m. Bwung up unin my shadow looked shout forty yards long; my knee joints appeared to he loosened, and felt just like they wanted to he used. How to make the awful leap was a query with the Captain. My two ' oompnnions were waiting patiently, except an occasional whine, which sent their anxiety all through my frame; I could naturally feel my hide split all about, and kinder tear, rip and bu< t At length, I got hold of old death in the case, on it stamped " Simon Pure," Thought I, "Simon, if you will just get me a way from here, with a pure bide, you shall always he at lihert*_m Kvervthinir was readv mv 1,'Ja l>n 111.. it would crawl over my head in spite of me?it began to cover my eves; I began to think I was "skinning the cat," but, at lost, it lost its hold .. somehow, and I dropped back into my skin. I stack one of my old yallers as straight up in the air as possible, and the other in a different direc* 4 (ion, and when I cot the vine, I swapped legs before I struck the ground, that sent me just f about as far as I expected to go, bat my right plantation popped on the top of as old gofer. which gave mo a aiide, and sent my left about " -<ve feet into the old gofer'e hole?my heela were I >?t about nine feet apart then; old "Simon Fur* " took liia flight about the time I was swapping legs. The black demons pitched on to me quicker; one was swinging to my linen coat tail? ?no of tlie new fashions that come about this spring; ' the tail of It hit me abont the middle of my eilvea, while the other was making holes io my hide fasterin' rain ; all this time these things of mine, what a fallow hugs his wife with, were tnorlog like winding blade*, At last I got tralgkt out of my hole, and found oat there was 1 no nae in slapping the temal things?I must yoke in. I made a grab at the Kids chap, and he slipped through my fingers like a greaeed eel nutil his tail was about half gone, and rile there I took dead grip; then he turned on me, end the way he scratched sand backwards into my eyes was kinder forked. My ooet partod just about six inches below the waistbend of my pants; so this other ?hap of a black raseaf lit on nsej with tail holt in my left hand, I succeeded 1ti getting the other gentleman by the same extremity, Then I turned then* round end round go fast ea I eonM, till I got them so " tito" that they would turn over on their bnckr, and com ' f sfitlpi'-i t~ 11 .n ytt is rta TtS : mence rmmtng when I would lay-ffccm do** I had it thorn then. f??l n?d ; 1 was determined to phy them for my breeches end coat, mers's Uil ated saddl* skirt I tied thsir toils together, and found a limb, ud swung them across the limb by thsir talia, and cootmsnscd spitting tobacco juio* In thsir eye* and month. I got thsm about half crsay and dead, when I heard tba awfoleat nobe?llhOjJCT thousand doge and lorty Ua?W ?.V ^g|g^raoiA*liow don't know bow it waf, but tbe Brat thing I knowed, 1 waa chawing mile* all to pioeoa with toy hwlt I cut tbem up into larg?r chunks than aver happened along there. After I had destroyed about six milev I reached the top'of a hill, and saw, over a piece ahead of me, a whole team of men, and a mint of gala, and old women and little toe headed ohlldreo. AfWr looking awhile, I eawin their midst something like Swamp Rat, and then I aaw one of them lift np one of the drawer*1 lege That is her, thought L I began to get in a good humor then. I went op?it is tiHie-I looked kinder ashamed? with my missing breeches-legs and coat'tall, but I ventured up; they at once concluded that I was the man they supposed had had his legs tied around the horn of his saddle by tbe regulators, and torned loose the animal, and she run so ?sst that his legs had slipped out of bis drawers. I told them 1 saw nothing of regulators?twolegged ones. Ons impudent gal said she thought something had regulated my clothes beautifully. T * -v/J Cmamrv Da* an/1 won* nn mv WAV PA. joiclng. Yon will never hear of this child again with hia drawers off. I thought this worse than a cold. Caft. Petkb Plug Uoly. Tiik Dsomtos iw Caufounia.?Tn thia city thetfe are at present two young gentlemen, twin brothers, who resemble each other so closely (especially the oldest one) that the most minute observation is necessary to detect or distinguish one from the other. They are known in the little circle of their err. uv.pinintance as Terry and Owen, and the many mistakes that every day occur to one of them on the other's account would tiokle the riaibles of a stoic. On one occasion, some six weeks ago, one of the brothers was walking np Coramcreial-stroet, near Kearney, about 12 o'clock at night, when his neck was encircled by two strong arms, in a manner that nearly took his breath away, and caused him to shout " Gurrot era" at the top of his voice. It turned out, after a few mutual explanations, that the fair yriiHte had mistaken the unfortunate wight for his brother, whom she loved to madness. But Inst even ing it war the otliei twin's turn to oreate merriment to an unlimited degree, in a fashionable saloon, next door to the U. 8. Branch Mint. It seems that he had been in quest of his counterpart the entire evening, and in the course of his Krambulations had visited all the temples of icclius in the city, and consequently had imbibed frequently. Unable to find the object of bis search, who, like Frank McLaughlin of yore, bad only left ench place five minutes in advance of his pursuer, he come down to the Opera House, where he blistered both his hands applauding Miss Avonia Jones, and than left the theatre to pursue the chase of his fraternal relative. Arriving at the Magnolia, he walked in and called loudly for a glass of win*, which was handed him ; but just as he was abont to put the goblet of neotar to his lips, he canght sight of his reflection in the mirror, behind the bat-, and mistaking bis own form for that of his brother, exclaimed : " Why, where the d?1 did you come from ? I've been hunting you all night," [Aon Francitco Spirit of the Time*, a iMsAn oimm) lover, aown laieiy nunc himself with a string of onions. Why is n young lady like a bill of exchange I Because she onght to be " settled " when she ur rives at maturity. "Sam, don't lay" up treasure in hcaben." "Why sor "If you do dot you ncber sec 'era no more." " I mean to abandon ray habits of life," said i dissipated gentleman. " Are you sure, sir, thei nre not abandoned enough already ?** asked hi friend. " Ark you near sighted, Miss," said an imper tinent fellow to a young lady who did not chocs, to recognise him. "Yes, at this distance I cni hardly tell whether you are a pig or a puppy." The latest and most wonderful cure effected bj a patent medicine recorded, is the following: " A boy had swallowed a silver dollar. Ai hour afterwards the boy threw up the dollar, al in small change, principally five cent pieces. A harmless, half-witted creature was accostei by a saucy fellow, who thought to make trainee him?" I say. Jack, lad, dost want a placet Man ter wants a fool."* " Ay, indeed," replied Jack " wants a fool, does he T Then ore yon going L leave, or does he wAnt a conple f Oven a bridge in the town of Athens. 6a., i posted the following notice: " Any person driving over this bridge in a pae faster than a walk, shall, if a white person, b fined live dollars, if a negro, receive twenty fir lashes, half the penalty to be beeloteed upon the in former f* Mrs. Paris & Miss Gordon, MAIN STREET, WILL OPEN, on Saturday lflth inst., a handsome assortwcn 1?W? MILLINARY, C03ifllS7IN? or Freneh, Chip, Fancy, Silk, Pa mela and English Straw BON / / F1 NBT8, Misses' Hqueatriana, V?a thers for Head Dresses, Lace Setta, Illusion Capei Bert baa. Fancy Hair Pins, Hoop SklrU, Cor acta, an a variety of Articlea auitahle to tha season, selects by Mini Gordon from the largest and beat Franc houses in New York. * PRESSES in ado at tha shortest notice, and Press tnnktxg attended to as usual, to which we respeel fully invito the attention of tha Ladiea of Oreenvill and iU vMnity. 4?-tf April It *r/\newcrr* J1UA1VJ0M DURING m? ntcmwr or (Midfnttl tbwnct my (Vlend, Col. DAVID HOKK, who la m; lawful Deputy, will attend to illjterwini baring an; business tranaacUona.wltb the office of the Commit alonor. 8. A. TOWNES, C. K. O. D. March S 4% If ~ LAW NOTICE. TUB nnderalgned will derote himaeTT entirely t the praetlee of Lnw and Equity on the Wcat ern Circuit. Mr.. PRICK i? liis partner for Oreen rill* District, and may be fonnd at his office ii Greenville. JAMES L. OUR.' March SI, 1859. 47 tf mTDAVIDA Ie EPSTIM OOt IMPORTBRa AltD VRALKRB IN IPSQ WATCHES, it-7 3m JKWELRY ARB CLOCKS Ho. 82ft XINTO STREET, (3IHAU&ftrf^(iP'2>3&9 S3- @ Watches k Oloeks Repaired warranted tot one few Feb 10 40 ly 1 SHAVING. Hair Triainioi, Dreaalaf. IFylm , a wd RAZOR SETTING AND SHAMPOOING, at im S-econd Boor Abort Vr. ICcVherson'i, WIL80N COOK. May 7 *> tf k Sf0T?8?I t';';i'f't.1.' 1 ' " . -%-#v t,wi=* 5IIP1P an )m 1IY 6WDS flF 1 NOW O! " BZit ) 90 wlHICH the Attention or Pnrcl fi litIM tuimUndWith WE\T nod CHOICE G( HBK&XXI?t very low price*. OUU UNKIVM.LED STOCK Of PLANTATION GO^DSis so* ready *>r Inspection, to whloh the attention of our Country friends And Factors is invited. \ ' * HOUSEWIFE LINENS And FAMILY DRY G00D8, for the present and approaching seasons, in large varieties, 6f the most approved makes. Particular attention Is called to our present stock of. LONG bLOTHS, At 61, 8, 10 and 1*1 cents, and the finer makes, all cheap and excellent Goods. Foil slock of French and English Long Cloths .Best ipakea Bleached and Unbleached Cotton Sheetings?all widths?always on baud. Heavy Brown Shirtings, at 61, 8 and W cents. Superfine Brown Sea Island Shirtings, At 81,9, 10 and 121 rente. Extra 8 oi. Cotton Osnaburgs, 8 oa. Btnpcd U. Osnaburgs. Bine Denims, Hickory Stripes, Apron Cheek. Marlboro' Stripes, ho., ho. CLOTHS. CASSHMERES. TWEEDS, AC., Fo> Spring and Summer, in new styles, for .Gentr and Boys, now receiving. operior French and English Drap D'Etc, In heay makes, for Pants. \ . Extra, heavy English do., tn Black, Green, Browc and Blae, for Boys and Servants' wear.; with A full assortment of Linen and Cotton Pant Stuffs Linen Coatings, Flannels for Gents' Sacks, Vestings for the season, he., he. Materials of various kinds for Children's wear, Servants' Coatings, Vestings and Pant Staffs. * H1EW BY BPi March 17 44-tf 243 KINO, OPPOf Soyib Gqroliijg?Greenbillc Sislrici IN CHANCERY. Nancy Raines, vs. James Ward, Susan Ward, et a] Bill for SnU of Load*, <C-e. TIIE Complainant having this day filed her wil in the above stated cause, and it appearing t< my satisfaction that Witliam W. Turner, one of th< Defendants, is absent from and without the limits o this State, so that the process of subpoena ad r**pon drndum cannot be served npon him I Upon motioi of K. P. Jonos, Complainant's Solicitor, It is, there fore, Ordered, That the said William W. Turner d< appear and plead, answer or demur to the Complain ant's Bill, within three months from date, or a De croc will bo taken pro o*/e??o upon said Bill, a against the said William W. Turner. 8. A. TOWNEB, C. E. O. D. Commissioner's Office, Much lb, ISit. HR-.lai Soulb Cqroiinq?Girecnbiile Disiricl IS EftUITY. Nancy Ilawkina, I sham W, Hawkins, David 1 linrtou and wife Cassander E., Paschal JIawkini ft nl.?partition of Rent Ettnle. 1111K Complainant having filed her Dill in Uil suit with the Commissioner in Equity fc Greenville District, and it appearing that the D? fondant, lahnm W. Hawkins, resides without an beyond the limits of this Btate: It is Ordered, o> motion of 8. D. Goodlett, Complainant's 8olieitoi That the said absent Defendant do plead, answc or demur to tho Dill of Complainant within thr? months from this publication, or the said Uil! wi be taken pro coa/csso as to him. 8. A. TOWNKS, C. E. G. D. ! Greenville, 8. C., April 14, 1859. April 14 49 3m Soul!) Cqlrolinq? (urecnbiile Sijsilric: JN TflK COl'BT or COMMON I'LBAS. Order for Extra Coart 1 TI111E business of the Term not buing disposed o J. it is ordered, That an EXTRA TERM < i court oi common new o? ueiu n ttreenviiie lou House, for Greenville District, on TUESDAY, ll 1 '.IfA day of July next, to be continued the rcmaii ing days of that week, and the cutiro week suceect inj;, if necessary. It is ordered, That juries be drawn at tho preset Term to serve at the Extra Tcfm, and that emir issue to compel their attendance in manner an x form prescribed by luw : a panel of furty-cight pci f* sons to serve the first five days, and a like panel I servo tho succeeding week. It is further ordered, That tho Clerk give propt not ice in the newspapers of the District, of the si ting of the said Extra Court, by a publication < at least one month preceding the Term. 1 J. N. wiiitner. April 2, I860. ^ A true copy front tho journals of the Court. W. A. McDANIEL, C. C. P. O. D. j May S 62 td Soulb ?6ireenbiile 3}?3tric f XfKWTON BRAMLETT, who is in custody JL i the Sheriff of Greenville District, by virtue i a writ of tnpias ad tatiifaxienlnm, at the suit < William MeNeelv, having died in my office, togctl 9 cr with a schedule, on oath, of his estate and effect bis petition to the Court of Common Pleas, prayis that he ntftf be admitted to the hcneAt ef tl.? Am of the General Assembly made for tbe relief of Idm vent debtors. It is ordered, that the raid Will la '' McNeety, and all other the creditors to whom tl e said Newton Bramlett it in anywise indebted, h " and they are hereby summoned, and have notion >- appear, before the said Court at Greenville Cou House, on the fourth Monday in October next, , shew cause, if any they can, why the prayer of tl petition aforesaid should not be granted. W. A. McDANIEL, C. C. P. Office of Common Pleas, Greenville District, 8 day of June, 1859. & 8m 1 House* mid Lot* Tor Sale. ' aa THJJ subscriber offers for sale TWO LOI KljJ in the town of Greenville, situated on Pnudl ton Street, and within Bee minutes' walk !*. the Railroad Depot. Each Lot has a Cottage on : * Pine Wells of water and convenient Oat .houses a " on the premises. These Lots will be sold togetb 'j or separately, on very reasonable terms. Vor fu , ther particulars, as to the sise of the Lot, terms, !' apply to L. W. WATSON. b P.,h in sn *r Valuable Lands for Bale, O ON TERM8 ACCOMMODATING Tu PURCHASER ATRAC? containing B30 A^rei, 408 of whiaTC gddUf MvaViiy T tiMUV*VM| Mi4 U tJvvrjt'i Crrok *'pland. The Tract la located , IMckon, District, on the road from Oroenville v Pendleton, 8 mil. s from Uk> former place, y AUo, a TRACT 1a the aame neighborhood, oo taining 370 Acres. SOU Acres are heavily Tim here On the Tract there are .'>0 Acres best BOTTOM. For partioulan, apply to W. K. EA8LKY, Oct 28 20-tf Oroenville, 8. C 0 Do You wish to Buy Seal Estat IN QRKEN V1LLK t rplIR Subscriber la Agent for the aale of tb? f< X lowing Town Property : 1IOUHK AND LOT on Baoeombe Street, oppoel the Female College, owned by Mr. B. J. Jaudon. nO(T8R AND LOT of Mr. J. N. Feaater, near tl , Railroad Depot. One of the inoet desirable plac In Oreooville. 1I0U8B AND LOT of Mr. If. R. William, < 1 tbe Augusta road, and near the Depot. " AUo, several other places. The above Property will bo noM upon tbe mo wwvii?iii? Mruii tw . r. r. Jan 20 ST it ASENCY FOR N. C. INSURANCE COM HAN' r THE ASHEVILLE Mutual Insurance Cornpnrv TT AVINO romplM with the legal reqntelti'a XJL (Aia HUt*, In relation to Areaeiee, and ha lag appointed th* WMleretgnad m Ueir Agent for tb place, he I* *<> prepared to Uk? RISKS ? LTV or PROPERTY. JOUR W. OIIADY. (IreonriUn, S. P., f?k. It, IRil, 40 t v * ? . * * I Mere U Invited. Oar DBPARTMKKtS an all na%r >0D8, which will be aold for Cash or 4&tj Acoeptanoe - '* * '<t '. . ** >y**N / *x*~ v. * ' NSW yrftlNO CALICOES. Now Spring. Frvnoh Cambrics ' Now Spring French Brilliant* ' Furniture Calico a, Pnrniture Chtati V Super Undreescd Furniture Chtatm , Furniture Dimity, do. Fringa, Bullion Fringe Summer Marseille* QttllU Allendale and Maifbberter Quilte, da., Ac. '. EMBROIDERIES, LACES . And White Goods, in bow styles tad largo variety, i at low prieoa , 1 : Bordered Linen Cambric Handkerchief*, all prieee Heme (itched and Embroidered -JL- 0. Handkerehiefe, for Ladiee and CblldrtMB. sriunu iiiiua uvyuo^ In now- style Bilks, PUin nad Printed Challles, i Summer Poplin*, 4c., juat arriving. RICH BILK ROBES AND CHALLIE ROBES, In now styles for tho kuoq. Now style Silk and Muslin Robes. WHITE AND COLORED STELLA SHAWLS, At ell prices. Superior White Stclle Men tills . Shawls. Pull stock of Spring Mantillas, to eixire by next ste enter. . SKIRTSt 8KIRT9H SKIBTSltl , For Childrnn, Misses end Led lee. We ere how prepared to ehow the very best article of Ladies' Extension Skirts crrr made. Alee a large assort| meat of aaedhun and low price Skirts. Our stock o< HOSIERY. SPRING UNDERSHIRTS, ACL. For Gepts, Ladies and Children, it now well assorted. VWLY ABHlSfc, ATP - A. F. BROWNING'S, 'ITE HASELL STREET, CHARLESTON, & C. ~ EMPORIUM OF .VJL'SRlOHo ' "TIT'S HAVE NOW IN STORE on Elegant AsJ Yt ?ortmenl of r Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, SHCH AS i FRENCH CLOTHS AND CA88IMERE8, of all colors and qualities, (which were manufactured tc i) order.) - TWEED8, VE8TINGS, SHIRTS, TIES, HOSIE - RY, GLOVES, Ac. a' Cassimere, Moleskin and For HATS, for Dress one Business wear. . ALSO, . PICCOLOMINI CAPS, " A good assortment of ? virtu IT ins For Gentlemen's wear. '' Ready Made Clothing, . SUCH AS . . vimn, tunmrre, xwi-ooi,, Aipaca MU vr*i " DEte COATS, PANTSaud VK8TS, wliieh we wil soil low for Cub or to prompt paying customers. n TAILORING DEPARTMENT. . r? We are prepared, with the best of Workmen, t< r CUT and MAKE UP CLOTHING in the Into. * French and American styles, and npoa the most re a 11 (tollable terms. DYER A PICKLE. Copartnership Notice r?^HE undersigned have entered into Copartner X ship for the purpose of carrying ontho MKR i CHANT TAILORING BUSINESS, under the nam > style and firm of DYER A PICKLE. Tfaoyrcspset folly ask attention to their Slock now on baud, ant refer to their former customers for their ability t picnic. Tbey hope to receive a liberal share of pub lie patronaga. G. n. DYER, ?' April 20, 1859. 0. A. PICKLE. rt 0 i A CARD. j, nnHE subscriber would return bis thanks to hi 1 friends and customers for the very liberal shar lt of patronage which tbpy have bestowed on lftui, am pJ would respectfully solicit for the new Firm of Drai |(j A Pickli a continuation of the patronage wbiel has heretofore been extended to him. ? Aprii 21 50-tf G. B. DYER. .r GOWENSVILLE < MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY. jf THE 9rat Session ef this SCHOOL .flfiKA-, for 1859, will open on tbe First Dai iHQflpSor February, under the diraetion o IRV Ror. T. J. Karlo, as PrincipaL Ar The Rates of Tuition, per Session o five months, arc as follows: Primary Branches,..'.. i $ 5 0 Higher English Branches. J 6 llitrh.r MathnmatiesJ llr.n.l.A. 11 (1 i, Latin and Greek, 12 6 of This School pouomci advantages in it* loeatioi r equal, if not superior, to any in the State. It U ait a{ nated at Gowenarille, Greenville District, in th j. midst of an ezeellent neighborhood, where the youn ' are not exposed to those temptations common to Til leges. Besides being at a post ofllee, it is within ? few hundred yards of Bowdeu's Sulphur Spring, a ,j. fine mineral water as any in the upper districts. m Mr. Barlo, the Principal, is an experienced teach ]e er and good disciplinarian, and the Trustees flat:* r themselves that they may export for the School J liberal patronage. *rt Good Board may be bad in the families of th to neighborhood at aix and seven dollars per month. I,, For further particulars, appjy to the Principal, ? to Dr. Wm. Mooney, or to R. BOWDBN, Chairman B. T. th If. B.?Arrangement* bars been made to socui the services of a yonag lady well qualified to giv _ instructions in Mwsio, Needle-Work, Leathcr-Worl Drawing, Grecian Painting. Ac., Ac., at prieas I proportion to the above Rates of Tuition. '8 We would invite the special attention of parent - and gnsrdlans to this addition to the Interest of ou School We shall be able to give instruction in an lt- of the higher branches of Female Education, M prices within the reach of all. er Go wens v ill?, 8. C., Nov. 2 A, 1858. r- Jan * 87 tf B., > BLACK 8MITHINQ. ? The concern of T0WNTS8 A HAW KINS having been dissolved by mutui n MHBSconsont, the business will be carried o at the same Shop by the undersigned. t>h G. W. BROOKS, p January, issti. J. L. iiah aiAH. NOTICE. THK undersigned having transferred his into rot in the Blaoksmith Shop near Williams* Star **' to Messrs. Baooxs A Hiwim, takes pleasure i recommending them te a share of pnbHe patronagi Tboy will be prepared to attend promptly and satii faotorily to all Calls la their I toe. Tboy have-esp* rienced and skillful Smiths Hi Horseshoeing, Repch ^ ing and Ironing Wagona, Plough Work, and all otb* ordinary work of a Blaekamltn Shop, il- January, 1850. 37-tf O. F. T0WNK8. ? Town Property Hear the Female Colleg FOR SALE. eg TUB undersigned, having detai mhsed la remove to Louisiana, offer )n hUHOUftBand LOT for sale. Th V. J IOWN, O h??i?u rlrmt, near the Femal ?t Collar#, and wjll bo ?oW apoa reasonable Urtai The Honae M comparatively new. Foaeeatloa given Immediately, If dvdred. For ftirther particular., apply to Mr. T. B. Boi 1 ^ t>. P. 81'ARKH. '* Jan It M If 'XOTICE/ ^ T)KRflOW? Uatobtod to tba Into Fir* off. II of JL HOVF* A CO., ean aettle tbe mmm a* taw ol r- ton an nooa, or they will tad tbnir Notoe and At to noonto to ?h? hand* of an Attoniay Air noltortioa K ooagwr Indatgonea cannot be given. The businer L tba Finn mnit bo *ettlod. W. fi. UOVKY. f ofFeb IT 41 tf V 1 . A . J * g v . , - " " _ .J m' ^ i ".Vj^^5-"'.'"''1 Marqh 24 it ly I ^ ***"1 '-^ "* ???Awia??iai >t ? Saddle & Harness Manufactory. <Wf-; The BuWrlber wonV&reapectfhlly fonn tbo public generally that he continue* the abore Bnaine**, 7W .Door* A6o*etA? (?reran/ft Hottl, and Is prepared te fumUh customer* with I any description of BOMB MANUFACTURED 8ADDLES. Carriage* Bag^r apd VTgggta MAR. NEKS tnado to order, end in me best stylet. ?K1DLE8, WHIPS, ACT, on hand, and for sale CHEAP. j0c Saddles and Bnrnese REPAIRED at abort notice. * "J* . A. M. OILRBATtt. Mch 3 48 ly e ^ ^*<a* i-w ? ? ?*~^* i, mm n .? n ,* i m.i swa*-.>' te' ^ * ?. H. HOVEY, piopairroa or THB umw STORE, deals* w fancy and staple dr y hoods, rich dress goods bonnets, ribbons, housekeeping goods, ready made clothing, and india rubber goods, - * 1 GREENVILLE, S. C. N. R.?Order* accompanied by the caab.fcr Medical, Law or Library Books, Musical Instrument*, and Sundries, promptly filled in New York and delivered at hi* ooun'or on shortest notice. Jan 13 86 ly JOHN~W. GRADY, dsals9l, ist FANCY & STAPLEDRY GOODS, ready hade clothing, roots and shoes, books and sta t/oner y, drugs a dyestuffs, hardware a cutlery, wooden ware, groceries, Drain, country produce, <6?., opposite ttik new oocrt house, on main stbklt, ! greenville, 8. c. (j I rntllB Sobacriber eontlnne* to ORNAMENT with J. FINE GOLD every variety of HAIR WORK to order, *nob a* Hair Broackc*, do. Finger Ring*, do. Feet, 'Fob and Guard Chain*, do. Necklace*, Bracelet*, and, in fact, EVERY ARTICLE IN THE BRAIDED HAIR LINE. Makes, of fine Oold, , Engagement Ring*, (with Inscription thrown in,) Solid Oold, Site**, Collar, Botom and child** Ballon* ; Engraves Medal*, Seal*, dr., Plat* of every kind, and makes all articles in Brass, Silver or Gold j Repairs neatly all Jewelry brought, ia; takes all old j Gold or Silver, at fair valuation. f-&- Office sixty yards east of tho Old Conrt House, Greenville, 8. C., and near tbe Enterpri** Office. j. Ii. RANDOLPH. July 1 ly t Boot, SUoe and Leather Store. fTlIIK Snbeeriber has on hand an excellent nesortX meat of BOOTS AND SUOE8, of bis own manufactnro. Also, jnit rjoeived, a fine assortment of . LADIES' ^nOES. SLIPPERS* Gaiters, Ac.; Aliases and Children's R^u-^^*Shoes,all sizes; Gentlemen'sSlippera. j Also, s "large stock of BR0QAN8, Shoemakers' Tools, Leather Findings, Thread, Laee, Ac. 0 He has also on hand a largo stock of LEATUBRi which be will sell at WHOLESALE or RETAIL. Having in his employ excellent workmen, he is prepared to MAKE the finest article of BOOTS and SHOES, at tbe shortest notice. 0 All of the above Goods, together with articles of bis own manufacture, will bo sold at Ute most rea, sonnbl* prices for cash. If. JBURTlTe In Mrs. Lovhland's Brick Buili>in?i. . April 16 49 tf Wi THE Subscriber having purchased the interest o Mr. JAMES D. CHALMERS, be will continue ' tbo MARllLE BUSINESS as horotofore, at the Old 1 Stand in the rear of Mr. Ketchup's Store. lie feels thankful for the patronage which bus been extended to tbo Firm of Chalmers a Allen, and hopes, by attention to business, and promptueer, to merit a continuance of Ute same. ? Oct 7 12-tf JAB. M. ALLEN. I HOWAJRI>^SS^OCIaATION, " A Benevolent InHitutkm, eetaklieked bg Special K?dutcmeut for ike Belief of tkt tick end die*retted, n filleted tcilk Virulent and Kptdemie Dilea tee. \ rjfUE HOWARD A880CIAfION, in view of the I twhl destruction of burnnn Life, canned by Boxunl Diseases, end the deception* practised upon the unfortunate victims of tneb dleeaacs by Quacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Surgeon, " aa a charitable act worthy of tbeir name, to open a ' Dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all tbeir forms, and to give medical adcire grot it to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of tub, Ac.,) and ia case of extreme poverty, to fttmitk medieineefret of charge. It is nSedless to add that the Association commands the highest medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. The Directors of the Association, in their Annaal Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex' ureas the highest satisfaction with the sneeesa whieh has attended the labors of their Burgeons in the ears of Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphilis, the vice of Onanism or Self-Abuse, diseases pf the Kidneys, Bladder, Ao., and order a j eontlauanea of tha same plan for the ensuing year. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured that their labor* In this sphere of benevolent effort have been of front benefit to the aflieted, espactally to the young, and they have rnsalved to devote them selves, with renewod weal, to this very important and much despised cause. r? Aa admirable Report on Spermatprrhcss, or 8cmH in'.r Week noes, the vioe of Onanism er Self-Abuse, n and other diseases of the Sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, will be gout by mall (ia a sealed cnvelopo,) fret of charge, on niejpt of two stamps wf jjMMMtgw. vurar usyvii* sou tracts so the nature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, Ae., are constantly being published for gratuitous distribution, and will be sept to the attleled. Some of the II new remedies and methods of treatment discovered ' during the Inst year, are of great value. * SS* AiMrra, ti, P,nnH *p V\W V K 8KILLIN HOUGHTON^ Aetina Surgeon, Howard * Aiaoclatfen, Kp. * South Ninth Stroct, Philadelphia, * Pa, *m*Bf ordw of tbo Director*. RZRA D. IIKARTWBU* ProoMrat. * Obo. Faibchiud, Secretary. ?-ly FI * MHV ITB1BT, NEXT TO THE MANSION HOUSE, A RB prepared U furnUh Qntitmw wiUt nw * J\. AwwTor ; FASHION ABLE CLOTHING t pwitable Uf tbo kmm mhI nooeooarjr to the comfort , and decent appearance of tbo o?Ur ma*. Abo, an rioellcat aMortinent of BOOTS, 8H0B8 AND IIAT8, with a variety of FANCY ARTiCLKH . and a choieo lot of 8B0AKH AND TOBACCO. - OetJl H U ri,?- "gin -- m a.^.UO\VEH, Mmuftotartr of and D?*ltr 1b L /? fURNITIIRK of every description. " CHAIRS of ovorj atvlo, - mmm , FWI'8 CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASES, t * OppotiU tkt Conga rd //mm, **'' Fob 4 COLUMBIA, ?. O. f?-W i> l f | ? rriHESE MACHINES MVr from t?oip?tfa, upw1 chased ffotn the Aon, Squiring no m-winding of thread. They Htm, ?eU, Gather and Stitch to a sejw*^? IMP by their owa operation, without recourse to the hand-needle, u la wquiredhy other machines. Th*/ will do hcttarand cheaper sewing -than a seamstress edn, etftn if she works for oraom A x wont, and are, eo question ably, the aasr Machines in the Market for fUmay Sewing, on account of their simplicity, durability, eaae of management, hnd adaptation to all varieties .? er family sewing, executing either heavy or fldc work With equal facility, and without special adjustment. A? evidence of the unquestioned superiority of their Muehlhee, the Grortr it- Bak?r 8?i*g Maehin* Uomp*n9 bog Wars to leepootfhUy refer to the ibitowlug - TF.ST1M01TIALS. II * Having had one of tirorrr A Baker's Maohlnec In my family fur. nearly a year and ? half, I tako pleasure in commending It aa overy way reliable for , the nnrpoee fo* which U la designed?family sew- j tag/'? Jfre. Joehutt Learit, wife of .??*. Dr. Uaril, 1 F Mifor ^ JT. K Independent. * "I confess myself delighted with your Bowing Machine, which baa been in my family for many months. Tt baa alwaya been ready fbr duty, inquiring no adjustment, and la easily adapted to erery variety of family sewing, by simply changing the spools of thread,*'?Urn. Elitnbelk Strickland, wife of ffev. Dr. Strlekkmd, Editor of If. Y. Ckrietiaa Advoeate. "After trying seveial different good machines, I preferred yours, on aceount of its simplicity, ?ud tlio perfect ease with which ?t is managed, as well at tho strength and durability of the seam. .After long experience, I feel competent td speak In tbis manner, aba to confidently recommend It for every variety of family sewing."?Jfrs. E. E. Spooner, -{ft of the Editor of Brooklyn Star. " I have need a Grovcr A Baker Sewing Machine for two years, and hare found U adapted to all kiuds of family sawing, from cambric to broadcloth. Garments bare been worn ont without the giving way of a stitch. The Machine is easily kept in order, and easily used."?J/r?. A; B. Whipple, wife of Ber. Oeo. Whipple, Bete York. " Your Sewing Machine has been In use in my family the past two years, and the Indies request me to give yon their testimonials to Hs perfect adapted- * I nets, as well, as labor-saving qualities la the performance of family and house hold sawing."?Robert Doorman, Bete York. " For several months we have used 0rover A Baker's Sewing Maehine, and have come to the conclusion that every lady who desires her sewing beautifully and quickly done, would be most fortunate in possessing one of these reliable end Indefatigable ' iron needle-women,' whose combined qualities of beauty, strength, and simplicity, are invaluable."? J. W. Morrie, dannhter of Qen. Geo. P. Morrie, Editor of the Home Journal. Extract of a letter from Thoe. R. Leavitt, Esq., an American gentleman now resident in Sydney, New South Wales, dated January Iff, 1868 : 44 I had a tent made in Melbourne, in 186S, in which there were of Gruver A Baltcr'/Mschinos, mad % tingle acam nl that k|i outstood all the double kM? tewed by tailor* with a needle and twine." " If Homer could be called up fro hi bl* murky bade*, be would ting the advent of'Ororer A Baker aa a more benignant miracle of art than waa ever Vulcan's smithy. He would denounce midnight shirt-making as 'the dirvfal spring of Woes unnutube red.'"?Prof, /forth, * I take pleasure in saying that the Ororcr A Baker Sewing Machines have more than sustained my expectation. After trying and returning others, I hare three of them in operation in ar different places, and, after four years' trial, have nfl fault to find." iJ. //. Hammond, Senator of South Vary limn. " My wife has had one of U rover A Baker's Family Sewing Machines for some time, and I am satis- ? fled it is one of the beet labor-saving machines that has been invented. I take inueb pleasure in recommending it to the public."?J. (2. //orris, tfeecmer of TVunseece. "It is a beautiful tiling, and put* everybody into an excitement of good humor. Were I a Catholic, I should insist upon Saints Drover A Baker having an eternal holiday, in commemoration of their good deeds for humanity."?Cattint if. (May. 441 think it by fhr the best patent in use. The Machine can be adapted from toe finest cans brie to the bsaviest eamimere. It sew* stronger, faster, and more beuatiftdly, than on* can imagine. If mine could not b? replaced, money could not buy it."?Mrs. J. O. Broom, tfaehrille, Team. ' It is speedy, very nest, and durable in its work; is easily understood and kept fas repair. I earnestly irecommend this Machine to sH my acquaintances and others."?-Mr*. M. A. Fonreet, Afemphie, Tenu. "We find this Msehine to work to eat satisfaction, and with plensnre recommend it to tk* public, as wo believe the Drover A.Baker to be the best Hewing Machine in use."?Lbarg Brother*, Atlieomia, Trww. "If aeed exeluaircly. for family purposes, with ordinary care, I will wager they will lass one 4 threescore years and ten/ and never get oat of Ax."?John Erekine, Nathvillt, Team, "I have had your Machine for several weeks, and am perfectly satisfied that the work it does is Ike best and most beautiful that ever das mad*."?Jfepgu Aimieon, MoehvilU, Ttnm^ "I use asy machine upon eoata, dross making, and Ana liuen stitching, and tka work la admirable?far better than the head-sewing, or aay other machine I^bava ever seen."?Lueg B Thompooa, Bath*Hit, " I And the work the strongest and meet beautiful I have ever scan, mad* either by hand or machine, and regard the Grorer A Baker Machine as one of tka maUal KI-.-la.__ I- ? II U-- - ? .? Hb ?I ay tor, S'tukuUU, Ten*. , . s "I hare one of drover A Baker'* Machines in ? la bit family, and Ind it Invaluable. I roa dcntfy rocoinmcod it to oil miwm la wont of a M? chin*,"? 0. T. Tkompton, Natknillr, Ten*. "I take pleasure la MrtU^hi| to tko utility of the G rover A Baker Bowing Mwblnot. I h*T? pawl ot.e on almost every deaorlptloa of work for month*, and And It much Woofer nod hotter la on-ry rveptct than work dooo by baod."?Afrs. D. H . Wk*titr, Na,k,ilU, Torn*. "I would bo onwilling to diapoee of ngy drover A Baker Maebii*e for a largo amount, eoald I not replace it again at pleasarO."?Mr*. U. a. Seovit, Afathwiii,, Ten*. .? . " Oar two Machine*, purchased from yon, d? th. work of twenty young ladles. We with pleasure r. com mood the drover A Baker Bowing Machine lo be the beet la use."? N. fftiliman A Co., Mrt*yki?, Trmn. "I find the Machine eaeily managed, vary dura- W hie, and take plearui* la recommending It to oil who I wiei* oonreoieaoo, eeoaooiy oad pleasure."?Mr*. T. Tim,, jr,*,vki,, Ten*. March It . ; 44 tin NOTICM." | ALL penon* indebted to me for the reere 18*4, '67 end '*8, by BOOK ACCOUNT ?r MOTS, u? mqueetod to come forward m4 P*J op, m /Wrd*r indutmtnc* ?mmot to tri?m. 4 Feb S 8t~tf . F. BUKTT. RSJEO A OOODLSTT, ~ AmIIKEYS AT LAW. - - . ' 4MB - " BOLICIT0K8 IV SCtUITT. %M~ Offlcc net* door to P. jr. M?ilim Jt Cm. J0k GREENVILLE, 8. C. ^ 9m f? tIKD. n i mM A i OF ^ MObHTT. June 4 4 i( "-i i ?? M, m >nww>> ..yri^emM ?m'. *... ORft A PRIC6, 3T JAMB It Ato iKiooivxitlli A UN* ? bltotr Orewiul Meed, lie renpectfotlr Mke % oo?tta?*ttow' ?f to. * <0