University of South Carolina Libraries
. ? WHERE YOI ' At THE LOWEST P PALMETTO FAMILY IIAMS , FRrWfc SHOULDERS r, F'KESH SODA BISCUIT " ' PLAIN find SWEET CRACKERS CrosKed, CUrHM Mjd tJrowu SUGARS MOLASSI'S - - ' . pitlED a?pUW nod PEACHES '< , RlCE, OOEFRK, TEAScandies; raisins, nuts ' , SMITH IS CONSTA1 FRESH SUPPLIES?f Aukts: AND the WILL FIND IT TO T1 MAIN STREET, OPJPOSITJ Jll)T 14 10 ^ANPORD'S^" T Never Debilitate*. It IS COMPOUNDED KNTIUELYfrotn Gittffl, 1 and hu bocoino ut> established fact, a Stundard I .Modiciuo,known and up * proved by all that have weed It, and U now ro Qj sorted to with confidence in all tho diseases for wbich It is recommended It has cured thousands ? within the last twoyoars who bad given up all hope* o(rclicf, as the numerous unsolicited cerlif ofi icatca in niy possession ulnar. The dose most be adap On ted W> the temperament of the individual taking Q'it, and need in inch quantitiee a* to act gen rV'ly ?n tbe Dowels. Lot the dictates of yonr^jjudgutcut guide yon in tbe una of tbe Id view fit ** vworator, and it will cure hirer Complaint*, ^ Di/inn* Alt %rk?, fh/*pep*in, Chronic Uiarrhtea, ^Summer Complaint*, Jlyeentery, it ropey, Sonr Stomach, Habitual Cuetii'cares*, Ckolic, Choirra, j ) Cholern iiorbue. Cholera Jn/nnlutn, flatulence, eg Jaundice, Female Weahneeeee, and may bo used l^Iisuccessfully as an Ordinary Family Medicine. W.It will euro Sick Jfeadache (as thousands can testify,) in twenty minute*, if tiro or three Ten M epoonJ'uU are taken at commencement of at tacit. AU who use it aro giving their toeti i"*|mony in itk favor. /iT Mty water in tbe mouth with tho Invigojm tor, ami swallow both tagethor. rjtfOE 0>E DOLLAR l'EU BOTTLE. . At.SO, , SAN FORD'S FAMILY CAiHAKTIC PULU, ' COMlHtUSI'KD IMS Purr Vcrjstable Kj-tracfe, auti put ap in GLASS CASKS. Air Tight, nnd dill keep in any climntc. THK FAMILY CATHARTIC PLLL 48 A 1 gentle, bathotiveCathar; ti<, whiphthe proprietor has uwd ia his practice * more than tweuty fears. 1 The constantly incn a,~ sing demand from those 1 who havu long ased the M Pills, and the aatisfaotion which all express in a regard to their use, has induced me to place them ^ Within the reaoh of ail. 1 The * Profession sreU-.* * know that different Cathartics act oa different.^ portions of the bowels. The family Cathartics \Pili has, with due scfer- ) ? iov to this woll establish Q <td fact, been componnd- ' ed from a variety af lit w purest Vcgctublo Ex- ' tracts, which act alike oa - every part of tbaalimen- J tery canal, aad are yood C* and emj'e in all oaeea ! w here a Cathartic is aoed p* ed, such an Derange- * menu of the Stoonnh, Sleepiness, Pain? in the Back and Loins, Pain and St/reness , orcr the irhols husly, from hrt ?u<Idun cold, which fre<jucn tly, If neglected, end in a long course of Pot or. J L?e of Appetite, et Crcrp Iny Srneation of Cold f oter the body, ttesdess y'??a. Ifradarhr or ictiaht f in the head, all Infant ^ unitary Diseases, Worms in Children or Atht/fs,^ Hheumntism, a great /W riper of d? Blood, an41 liaany diseases, to which flush is heir, too numerous to meutiou in this advertisement. Doss?1 to 3. , PRICE THREE DIMES. The Liner Inviyoratnr and Family Cathartic PilU urn retailed by Druggists generally, and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. B. T. W. 8ANPDKD, M. D? Manufacturer aod Proprietor, , 335 11 roadway, New York. . For salo bv FlSIIHlt A JlKlMTtSU. Uroenvllle. 1 July 14 .JO 3m THE WOOL CARDS A T McUKE'S MlL.L8, ?cveu wile below UroenI\ villu, have just boon duksskd u{> for waking K<jLI.8 < (As Jest manner, July 7 0 3 VI CUBS I VOBIC&RBSI TilK tiuWriksr,having just finished grinding and tilling up bis Wool Cards and Burr Moohine in fine order, Is sow ready for business. Ho warrants his Machinery to furnish as good ROLLH as can be furnished in the State, and foaling tluinkful to his old customers for their kind patronage, he invites thorn, and the public generally, to call and got their Wool Carded nodor n warrantee at good Hulls. His Mills and Wool Cards nrc lft miles below Greenville Court llouse. on Herbin's Creek. JESSE K. STONE. July T 9 A AN OHDlNABfCE ~ ?K IT OKOAIKBO by tbo Town Council of f 1 Greenville in Council assembled, That froiu u .J aftor Monday, tbo 12th inst., H bull bo unlawful for any Goat to ran at largo within the corporate limit* of tbo town of Grocnville; and tboTown Marshals am hereby empowered to take up and Impound e/ory Goat so round running at large, and to publish the aaiae for two daya at the Court llonae door, and if not reclaimed by the owner, or owner*, within Hint ( time, and paying the aura of Fifty Cent*, tbo said ( Marshal*arc authorised to ox pose the Goats so taken, ( and the amounts derived from said sales to go into the Treasury of tbo Town. Done and rattled under the corporate seal of the , Town Council of Greenville, this 6th day of * July, 185ft. A. MoBEK, Intcudant. - W. P. fmcm. Town Clerk. jniy 7 ft a ; Patriot and Mountaineer copy 9 tinea TIN N rNcVoiJrtERlKG ASl) . HOoFINO. 1 rmio a..i ii l_r . ,l . d'..iii. .i _, ,i - | 'mw tMiiiwrii'vrv iHcwiiii iiir I ?l)|W UHlt m?r JL . buvupnrahaitedihaTlN MANUFACTORY ^ of Mr. h. UUKBNFIKM). in the T?wi. uf Or* nvlllo, And intend o&rryinp an th* at Iht M'nf tiiatui. * AH kind* ?>? Tut Work, 8tut*-ring | nndJ^o^Ug wit! be i>ONK CHEAPLY ANU j ;f7.rtyfg?rk' iWTSj^1^ly *K,,k *mt* *puW" ^ LOVE.LAN1) A CHANDLER, fi dune 23 "fj'i. If 1 PglVATfiHOARDINd I J* ^rilE Bubacriker U prepared, at all times, to aem X imdifMi gaatlaafen with BOAIU), either by the day, ?*, or month, af reasonable rales. JJuyiaf Court We?*. twpfra of Alton gentlemen 1 can be furnished with JKnjto<t?ipjn?iib at 74 cents nor day, or M Mot# per peal. JV03Xi^tmh?Tf'*9tM^ J una SO 8 If rn^OddlndakXpd to |ba Ufa fir* af ROBERTS, X vvycxv 4 <58.. anTeaoeoMy trbare it baa , STftfetuKS x # if! Itsif mm V CAN BI V, ^ RICKS, FOR CASH, > ... - ?, ,>?? ?;? , .'A/ f MADEIRA. TENEKIF.FFE and PORT'VnifES CITRON, GHOTttI?ATi; . ? -,v " V . LAGER REKR. \ CHAMPAGNE, rORTF.H, ALE RRAKDY rEACFIKt*, BRAXDY CJ1EHR1FS , CORDIAL**. LEMON SYRUP - Woreeetershlrv and Pepper SAtTOK '? ' PICKLR*. SALMON SARDINES, t'Al'l.US, 4o. 4c. NTLY U EC HIVING "-FAMILY GROCERIES,! IKIR ADVANTAGE TO CALL ON HIM. 3 M DAVID & DUNCAN'S. ? ? ., ? 'THE ANNOUNCEMENT? THE luburrilwn respoctfnlly call attention to the followiug CARP, conveying the information K> tho oitiseua of Urcoutrille and the District that hcv have purchased tho entire atock of DRUGS & MRDICINES a>au aamxjiJasiawip^ciHii, tod intend to continue tho badness at the old stand, [t is their intention to enlargo thla branch of Trade n Greenville, and in view of this, hare ordered a argo atoek and a very complete nasortmant'of every Article usually kept in Drug Stores in largo eitiea. Mr,P. A. WaI.trh, Jr., (to whom the responsible -liargo of preparing and dispensing Medicine* ia en- j .rusted,) is a young hiun in whom they have every 1 ?onfid?roec. Kducatcd to tlie btiaincaa', familiar with the German Language, and with Conetderpble experience In all the Pharmaceutical Hranchea, they trust, ilthough a atraugcr in this community, be may ae:uro the confidence of the people, and a aliare of the mtronago of the ottlaona of.Onocnvlllo. The formor patrons of thiw establishmeat may rest assured that very regard will eontinno to be manifested for their interest In the purity ahd ehenpneae of every article told. ' *' ^ ^ . . iut-j iuvim.-, i i'rj rui>jii-i-uuiiy, I vigil ironi Rll. FISIIEK A 1IKIKITSII, Pharmaceutist* nod Drujfgists. June 2 , .4 If aT GREKNYI7.LE, 8. C. A. New Firm in Greenville I! A New Store, Drugs & Medicines!! A New Wholesale Drug Store! 1 A Now Retail Drug Store!! A New Stock of EverjUiiiurt! A New Variety o! Family Articles ! A Choice Selection of Toilet Articles !! A General stock ef Drums. Foreign and Domettic, rill always lie kept on hand. Alttb, " CMotnienl*,'' Ptr/un?ty, Point*, IVAi/c Lend, Oil*, Vnru?Kee, f'ttitit Dmthoo, Vnmirh Ilrnthe*, Ola?, and oro.ry ;lllng usually kept in a Wholesale and Kotail Drug store, ilfticf, HrM?i and Jlruudiet, for medicinal us. Also, . DrH{(? at Wholesale, is cheap as they can bo bought In Charleston or Augusta. expenses added. Thoy particularly call the { it tent ion of Dealers and Merchants, who desire to eplenish their stock, to this fact, and to put the natter beyond the possibility of a doubt, let thjjm tall and examine the price and the Articles, AT THE 01,D STAND Or Dr. Evil Ktiutco, June i 4-tr , iirttnvillr, X. l\ GREENVILLE . ll- THE subscriber* having bar] the usiay&aac.fortune to lose, by the Ore oT the 29th Janlory, the titcnui Mill and Machinery connected with their Coach Factory, in GreeiivHfe, take thin method if apprising their friends and patrons that they still londuue business .as heretofore, without change in Lboir Firm, or abatement of their exertions to please. They have NOW ON HAND, and ore CONSTANTLY FINISHING, all the varieties of Carriigos, Buggies and Wagons Ivor made by thcin, to which they invite tho attention of purchasers. They take pleasure in.correcting an impression that their stock of SKA SOX ED LfJUHXE was lost with the Mill, and would say that, hi quantity snd quality, their Lumber las iiceer bieri bettor*' The generous patronage hitherto received, warrants the conclusion that their efforts are appreciated, II it itlmilllbl thcrt, tn Til it If ill tr frtrllwr rnrl tin, ,, rhelr experience will enable tbctn to select and oporate the moot approved Machinery, with advantages not snrparscd by any niauuf&ctttrers either North or South. GOttETt, COX, MARKLEY t CO. Greenville, 8. C., April 7, 1869. 48 ly NOTICE. A LL persons indebted' to the Estate of LAU/\ HENCE I1H0CK, deceased, are requested to Dane payment; and tboao having demands against ho Katato. to hand them to R. U. DUNCAN, Executor, Laurence It rock, deceased. May 3 1 tf FORSAIX " ?TFIK Suhecrlbors ofTur*for sale their VALUAltLE. Tit ACT OF LAND in Ureo iville District, lying five and a half niilof north of OreenvilluC. H., on the road Leading from the latter place to Chick'* Spring*, containing Three Uonirtil and forty Acre*, ninety acre* of which are dnerod and in pretty gopd farming order. The l>a)gnc? i* well timbered, and lies level. On the Place la a large Orchard, containing about 700 young Peach Trace, of the mo.t choice selection, all la a SoOriehiug condition. A good UKIMT MILL, and i llrstrate Doable Ockred SAW MILL, capable of i,00C- feci of ppr -tt*, with tho ?ilontion of only one baud. Only half of tbo Saw Mill will bo sold. i For further particulars, address either of the pro prictorf. Wif. WICKLIFFK. Ju? Diamond Ilill P. O., Abbeville Dist., or ISAAC W1CKLIFFK, ' Pickens C. H., S. C. May 12 1 T 2 am 3 in mmiLui pswnre ; CALL Family t and 8 Fancy S BIT 2 BBOEISYIS v; ja store* TO KINO GAMBHiNUS! GLORIOUS MsWSlt GreemmilU Delivered tt( Utet. Judging fruttt the Unppy faeee to be met iritV T.A0T5K BEKR IS AT TllRBOTTOM OF IT! MUKBIB SAMUEL koetw on k*a4 a fall supply of tfaat rwfrosbinr nnd inrirotatlng BoVsrum, of tfco BM>st eclohrsUid Droworlss in Phtlsdflnhi*. Do koops oonstantly Pnwrnwi Or?tor*? Lohsterft, Mkimi, SsxiitM, Pickle*, Hsgtn, To meoo ou<i CuoAt, nuMivotitcr Ar|lc1?s u>o uubmr?M W? monttno. jfi* M?xr Doom ro D*. M. B. li*Ut ' sWIjr April 7* - S *> 2*JIT H s i H wrtorx ^17^=2^=^^=41 mmitBI m?&< OBAXTMBO ?* TUB STATS OB QHCROUk : CAPITAL KgJ^E 5P.OOOJ. T I OKETS ON I- Y #10. Wo?d, Eddy A to.,'HlRnKevs, svcccmosa to.b. aw an a < o The following Schema will be drawn by Wood, Eddy. A Co., Managers of ths Sparta AcademjTLottery, in each of tbiir Single Ktimber Lottcriea for July, 186V, at AUGUSTA, tiiu, In public, under the superintendence of CoBijnissidnCfl! /' 1 Class 27 draws Saturday, July 2, I860. Clams 28 draws Saturday, July 8, 186V. * .Class *29 draws Saturday, July 10, 186V. Class 80 draws Saturday, July 28, 185V. Class 81 draws Saturday, July 39, 186V. On the Plan of Single Numberi. *.' 60,000 Tickets. , * dj, Fire Thousand Foot Hundred And Bljlity-Fiee PrlsesAmWjt One Prite (o. every Mine Tiekett t MAGNIFICENT SCHEME, t? BR DIWtWR E A C // S A T U Jtt D-AY IN JULY. 1 Priseof............(50,000 1 Priio of....... $1,500 1 Prise of 20,000 50 Prlzos of 500 1 Prixeof 10,000 100 Prises of 400 1 Prixeot 5,000 100 Prizes of....... 300 1 Priso of 4.000 100 Prices of.....'.. 150 1 PHtoof 3,000 100 Prizes, of 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prize* ol $(00 Approx.4o$50.000 Prize are $1,600 4 " " 300 " " 20,000 ? ? 1,200 4 '* 250 '. ? " 10,000 " " 1,000 4 " " 225 " '? 5,000 " *' 900 4 ?? " 200 " " 4,000 " ?. $00 4 " ? 150 " " 8.000 " " 000 4 " ? 100 " " 1,500 " - 400 5,000 " " 20-arc .......100,000 5,486 Prizes, amounting to $320,000 Wnot.e Tickets, $10;,$5; Quarters, 2J. Remember that every Prixo in tlie above Scheme is drawn, fend payable iu full witdoUt i>eductiox. Cehlftoates of Package* will be sold at the follow lng rate*, which Is the risk : Certificate of Package of 10 \Ykol4 Tlckcta, $80. " 10 Half ? 40. X ? ? ? "10 Quarter '? 20. " " " " 1$ Eighth " 10. ? SPARTA ACAPfi.HV I.OTTERT. Draw 1YEDXESVA Y. JUL Y ill*, 1850. Ox thf. Three Nrwnr.u Seventy-five Numbers?Twelve Drawn Ballots. NEARLY ONE PRIZE to etbhy TWO TICKETS. A Grnud Prixo of f?S.OOO. 1 Prize of $16.0001 4 Prises of $0,000 l " " lo.oool a ?.? 4,060 1 w ? w,ooo| a <? ? 2,000 <? < ., dr., dc., dr. 27,914 Prizes Amounting to $013,180 ! Whole Tickets, $10; Halves, 5; Quarters, $2.00. * . IK mtDKKrtn T CKKTH OK CEKTTVICATLK, Enclose the money t<vmir address for the Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. . . The list of Drswn Numbers Sod will be sent to purchaser* immediately nfu<r the drawing. Purchasers will please wrilo their signatures plain, and give thoir Post Otftee, Cauuty and State. jf tf* All prises of $1,000, and under, paid immediately after the drawing??otbcr prizes at the usual time of thirty days. NOTICE TO CORKESPON DF.NTS. Those who prefer not sending money by mail, can use the An vur Kxrarss COmcakv, wherohy money for Tickets, in sums of Ten Dollars, and upwards, can be sent us a 1 our ri*k and ejrpmef. from any city <jr towu where they have an office. The money and order innst lie enclosed iu a " Oortmmrnt fu*t Office tamped cucelopr," or the Express Company caunet rcceh e tl|em. ' AU communications strictly confidential. Orders for Tickets or Certificates, hy Mall or Express, to be diructcd to . M OOD. EDDY A. CO., Augusta, Ua. or, WOOD, EDDY A GO., Atlanta, Ua. or. WOOD. EDDY A CO.. Wilmington, Del. ip4r~ A lift of the numbers that arc drawn from the wl>??'l, with the amount of tlio price that each ono is mitltW to, will bo published after every drawing in the following papers: Angusta (Ga.) Constitutionalist, Mobile Register, Nashville Oasctte, Now York Weekly Day Book, Richmond Dispatch, Paulding (Miss.) Clarendon, and NuW York licrald. July 14 10 1 in GOLDEN GROVE PLTotATION FOR SALE. ' pillS PLANTATION, pne of (he meat valpnblo 1 and desirable in the Dlstriot, situated npon the Uoldcn Grove, six miles beb-w Greenville C? II., will bo sold on the First Monday in Foes tuber next, unless previously disposed of st private sale. The PLANTATION oootainsaboutSEVENHUNDRKD ACRES OK LAND, one half cleared and under fonco, the balance very beavily Gtgberod, and so sonvouiortt to the Railroad (tlio wobdland run. 'ing within a few hundred yards of it) that it is believed a steam mill, constructed for the purpose of sawing up cross-ties, and judiciously managed, would pay for thu plaoo in one year. Near tho ftcsiderive la an unfailing fipRING of pure and coolest freestone Water, unsurpassed by any in this section of country. A yonng and thriving ORCHARD of choice Varieties of Fruit, embracing Apples, Pears, Peaches, English Walnuts, etc.?might bo made another souroe of profit to a purchaser. Tho LAND is fed, of the belt quality known in this ragittu of country, lies woll, and of the portion now in cultivation, (bore are some thirty acres of Bottom. For Terms?which will bo accommodating?and further particulars, anply to liASLKY A THRIT8T0N, June Id HV-lo - Greenville C. H. JOtt" Patriot A Mountaineer copy every other week till first November GENERAL ROOT & SHOE STORE. THE subscribers have received, and will constantly on hand, a large and well selected stock of Men's Boys' sod Children's BOOTS A SHOES, f every variety. Also, Ladies' Misses'aud Infants', from WMiw,M to oMj,?i u>?. Likewise, a good lot of Men's, Boy?' and Children's cioiltltig and Utile. We call particular fittcntion to our MANUFACTURING DopnrUpciiL W? wish to supply one and ult with llomo Manufacture, from the common 11 roll an up to anything ywtt may wish in tha Boot qtrd Hboe line. We would respectfully UPcrm the publio that wa have made arrangements to furnish from I j to 20,(100 pair of the boat Rrngan and Plantation Uk?. ,.f...k ??Ill ?i .. .... II. i? ? Wo bavo also, a gottd lot of *' * GROCERIES, such u Uo1mkv?, Cub#, Muscovado, Orient), and Florida yyrup, Cofloe, Ftigars, Tlaeou, Lard, Hire, and a variety of other Artiolee, which w0 trill soil low for Cash or Uarp-r. Brooks, Scruggs 6 OtbMii. Juho 2 it if Atrnw Wnntwl. TIIK Bubs'-ribcr isdcidrnluofpurchaeHiK'TBAtr wither in the hulk or by the Idas), for which be will pay a fair price, Person, having straw to Sell will please ?m>lv at nty Store, In Otwcoville, or at (ho PA Pit It BILL. AVngo nor Wan toil. HE also desires to procure the aervleea of a ateadv and indnatflcMB man aa a Wawotaer. Apply as above. . . f Thrcahltig Bscklss. "TT K sronld also triform the publie that his Threah(J. ing Machine is so* to Sne order. Threshing trill be done olthor for the Straw or Toll, at In Paper Bill. B. ?K?KNP1RLIV 1 B Iff w m 1fi ti. <4 .VJ . k" v,i ?^Bvvf?5 I trav j| "*'?"' " c,,> *S> fJr ?rot,,? a?<jD',fn" Olotf T Sstar *!,u'tt? 1/ <"0 Ov?^ne Clot/, l&Mi p? I 100 ft r/"J 9?r|^J II ty" -J 7/ SJssa& *?* ** ' // I * -'> . f, '" '" // - 1??N t() h/e Oppo * .4 7 /( Ju?? JO ?"*.>' ill ffccir |? -r '' r./ij purje an^ | f MS JPS?M AT POWERS! TIIR Pimi in ARR He^pp/tjutt r v ivrnm "sTOC ST1 ASONAE - #r ALMOST nVMRV DCS DRY GOODS, CLOTI SHOES, HARDWARE. CHINA, C WITH A LARGE ASSOK' WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT TE ALL KINDS OF P E1TIIKR FOR CASH OR K AH I ask is to eall and examine my eteck before r "ipjaai jpra?j?i Jhnt1} . 4-tf Tlu- Orciil?"<( Novelty ot tin- Afcc. ifiVx THE Snbeerilioee, having been appointed Sole Agents in thin District for tlic sole of the atnivc-tiumed in valuable FL Y TJtAl', rorpec tfully invito the attention of the community to the sumo. STEEX & EVANS, Wholesale and ItutAil Grocers, ? Under Me Bee's Hull. JEAT- Those having left orders, will please call for the flnlne. Churn*! Chum* | ALSO, in receipt of a Iptendid Lot of CliUltXS, both liriets and Iron bound-. For ante low, by STKEN A EVANS. OR A NGES AND LEMONS. WE keep, at all times, a splendid nssorthl^ot of the ubove Article*-, imjsnr+nl ilit ert, and for sale low by STEF.N A EVAKS, Wholesale And Retail Grocer#, May 31 4-tf Under McBceh, Hall. SUPERIOR TEAS J TEAS! ~ AVEKY Superior lot YoUng Hyson Tea, ?u (.Or per IK. A very choice Gunpowder Ton. at $1 per lb, An extra Imperial Tea, at #1,25 per lb. ALSO. An invoice of Tory superior London ttnd Hitbliti Porter; Jeffrey'* Edinburgh Ale; Campbell'. Scotch Alo, in jugs : Imported Lager Beer, direct; Philadelphia Lager Duer ; together with an assorted stock only tube found its a flrst Class Grocery and Provision House, 8TEEN A EVANS. LAttDi La Rbi | i'XdfX LBS. of flrst quality prime t>eaf Lard, ! ,UUU at 15c per lb. . 8TEEN A EVANS. RACONT BACON! 3/V W\ LBS. cboica llams. Shoulders and Sides, for sale low f<?r cash, by 7 6TEEN A KVAN8. CIGARS! CIGARS! Q AAA CIGARS, of vurious brands, fall ^t/|UUU approved,) for xalelow forenshby * __ STBKN A EVANS. CRACKERS! CRACKERS! A FULL and FltF.SH supply of Soda. Butter, Boston, Ltfbon, Ginger and Wine Crackers, just roccivud from MilLAr's Celkcratkp Baulky, in Charleston, and for sale low, by STKKN A EVANS. BA KEIUS cllOCOL A TE, C10C0A AND FRENCH CHOCOLATE. A larg? / supply of the above articles, for sale at Charleston prices, by SfHEN A EVANS. CUBA MOLASSES. 2AAA GALS. of tho ahovo for sale at 45 cts. ? UUU per gallob, by ST FEN A fiVAftB. CORNED BEEF TJ1R0M Fultou Market* N. Y.; 1 ij Ifhls. Mackerel | J Z? Uoxee Kuiofceo Herring*: Baimon, pK'klvil itiid fresh ; Sordines, hi ttlndo, naif and quarter Boxes. For sale, at CbarloStnn prion", by r &TEUN A EVANR, Wholesale and Retail Qrooerrt May ft 62-tf Voder llaMt HOIJSK ANDteOTFOtt HALK. wnht THE fM.BSCRlBKR offers for eele bis RKi'-ira IflDRNCB W the tn*d of Afoenkillo. It U 4HP desirably loeatod in a cetttraMinftjnn at tr.wu a oar the Presbyterian Chnrehi The l,?t eohtivini one Aerc of grows*, and Ofxtn the premise* wifl be fntwl eeerf ewreslaaca?a Well of goad water, a )art? Clstefa, Stable* add Oni-bouses. Tho plaeo will H? ?old noon the moet reasonable IjMUb. InqtflfO of C. J. Elfonl, Sr tho fin+rst-nrd. - A. OREKNFIEU>. Jnn.t 9 ft _ * tf WWOPdHHALE. ANKORO WOMAN, wVo Is a good Cook, Washer and Irene*, ran ha puretiMpd upon reasonable terms. For fhr her parUcaterS enqi I to of tho Iktttor of the Bntorf rtee. Jane 9 ft tf K , * ? * m mm v, ; * ft 8 88* 5 ? . : * ' i i v, ?^rm- r-*sa ~ " Vrj^-" , ? " N r. " Yomprm^T" " as*-*, fUti8&~co l1fT- ? J|| jjgb. ^ATb. *? t ONT A Ts Cost JMivtn Cost' V'CSTV,; - AT C<?f ^ fLSTl Uo AT f'rv. JL JmS. ' . AT COST jjx+ath, at cost' DRY IF**7' a+ COffT Mm ??(>DS, f7 COST u?1-asseh at COST' sALT, ' AT (xw I yfsp-?.?.?. ^Jl ,s'? ?mwE<," OI.D STAND. MED THAT 1 HAVE JU6T OPENED A LAltGE K OP ;liu goods, criptio.v, consisting ov 1IXG, IIATS, BOOTS, JLASS AND CROCKERY WARE, rMENT OF GROCERIES, J CE LOWEST POSSIBLE PEICES! r RODUCE BOUGHT IXCilANGGD FOR OOOD8. i Hibiiooiu^ QicuiTUUIVt I VNKNVI 1UC C I\i ^ r,^S?(S S3W^B>a5a.w A. L, LEVY. n. i). lono, m. D. n. BrnNnAx, m. d. DR8 LONG & BURNHAMv OFFKll tbelr Professional Services to the Citiisens of Greenville end snrrouudlng country. Office at their Drug Store, on Main Street, recent- r ly occupied hy Dm. Mma A Loso. ' May 12. 1 If n. D. LOXtl, if. O.W..V v..IllCItAKI) ot:hnuam, M\ Di DBS. LONG A BURHHAE, APOTHECARIES & DRUGGISTS* . AT T?B OLD STAND OF MJM8 A LONCt, WILL KKKP soustantly on hand a full sup. yw ply otCUBK Dttl'US, Modi cities, Paints, Oils, IX Varnishes, Dye-stuffs, Ac., Ac. Alao, a splendid ftSsortmclii of TOILET ARTICLES. vis: Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes; llair PoVhailes, many varieties j Tooth Heaps and Washes; Washing Soaps, every quality and price ; Fine Shaving Soaps. Fresh Hairnets for flavoring, vis: Rose; Vanilla, . Pine Apple; Htnivrberry, Lemon, Nectarine, Ac., Ac. I We have a eery superior article rif URJSAIA TEA, the best in GrecuVilleWe haVe for Hale all the popular Patent Modicinen Physicians Supplied on i.ibrrAi TERMS. Our long connection with the Drug Business, (one hcvort, thi dtber ten years,) and both being graduatcs of tlio Medical College of the Btate Of South j Carolina, will, wo thitik. he a sufficient guarantee of our ability to dispense Medicines properly aud accu| rutolv. Our arrangements are such that one of the ! Firm will be at tbo store and ieitf attend to all pre- 1 I ecriplion* personalty ut any hotir of tbo day Or night< May 12 1 tt GKOKaE heldman. ] HARNESS MANUFACTURER, AND DMAI.BR IN M i ntiim.v HUiitt *\e trt/rnm. e.rt HAS en band an extensive assortment ijMMk of the BEST MATERIAL ttaed in the 1 Manufacture of HurncM anil Saddles. Thankful for the patronage given bitti fot the last . ton years, he solicit* a continuance of the same, J Orders iVotti a distant*) promptly attended { to. -tirt Persons Indebted to him aro requested to call and pay up. 5l-ly April 28 j >etil h ?qirciino?6r<?enbille JlisilricV, IN EftUlTY J. C. tfoyt, vs. M. D. Diokey, and the neir* 0f Qarrao Lankfordi?Bill for Partition and jtelitf. IT appearing to mv satisfaction tha' ,b? heirs of Dr. Curran Lank ford reside out <>4 n,0 limit* of this State : It is Ordorcd, That tv.c3 do plead, answer or demur to the Bill in Uii', ease within throe months from this date, or Urn ?0 mo will bo taken pro confcnto against them. S A. TWVNES, C. fc. O. b. Ootnmtssioncr'a Offioo, kprll tl,18&9. l9-3m - NKXf GOODST JAM RECKIVlflO my BpRtXG knd SUMMER 1 supply of U00D8, cdntfttlig of a general oi k of 1 Fwtcy iind Staple Dry Oeods, I And Men's and Roys' CLOTHING, Hats knd Rota ] utw, .IlarUwan) and Ootlory, Drug* | and Itye-atufTa, f'arperhig and Matting, Wooden and Willow War#, Wail Papain*} Ponder, Shot. BlaatI in:; Pd.ic, Sugar, Coffee, MoTokso*, Halt, dc.? all of < nnlch will be sold at 1 LOW PRlCEft 1 tbhnkfbl for ptttt faVora, I A continuance of the t??0. JOHN w. ORADt, 1 Oppriatte the Now Codrt Houao, on Main Street. April U 49 tf L A It D FOR 8 THE RURSCRlfllfK ocr.l-a for .ale, a track of 8>0 ACRES OF LAND, aituatod oa tba State road leading from OrooaviUo Court liouac to A?b. villa, N. C., two BtUiaa below liodfM, id Oreenvill. I)i*tnet. On the plaee ie a bbmlertabte Bffallim | and Ont-baildinga, and the ben Water that eaa b fotitld anyWbere It Wotild be 4 drgirable #? ?', * - i a tuBAwor rosidtaee, Jf. D. tow'-**'" , JnZT* i - ***} [ ,1 I I *&/** * "rlS i'Jjf ~ JW N9MK, * ' * , ? 07 BT8&T VAfclfcTT. f J* ' " "J ' - 4* v w NBATI/T PONE I. 11 ?T THB j immj? win I os 'I SHORT NOTICE, f AND AT tEASOXABLEPRICES XB* Wc respectfully uk aebaa* ?f ablio patrouejje. nucE a MoJUOTtnr. "kerosene OIL. KEBOSEXE OILS, for liurniag, tad ?lw far Machinery, alnnya on hand. J. II. SIIK1IMAV, AgmX. inaUrvNMM ! T HAVE received an Invoice of MATTRESSES, I made iu a superior inuntr and of the W Materials, which arc offered at moderate prices. The assortment comprise# Hair and Palm, Moss and Palm, Cotton and PaJso, Cotton and Shuck, Cotton and Straw Mattresses, of various sites. Orders for other sites and quaiitica will be promptly attended ha. J. It. ^UERMAX, Agent Ornmncutnl < a?l Iron Wark. RAILINGS, Gates, Posts, Stairs, Fountain*, Vases. Statuary, and every other variety of tru amenta! Castings in Iron. Orders received for Wood A Perot, Philadelphia, he best house of the kind in the United States. Engravings of Patterns, and Catalogue of Prions, aar he seen on application to J. U. SIIKRMAN, Agent. Jn*l Rvcclved, A BEAUTIFUL assortment of Pot?s Kettles, Skillets, Frying Pans, Smoothing I too*, Andruns, Mortars, Cauldrons, Bootjacks, ltd other Hastings. J. 15. SHERMAN, Agent. Unll itiid Rift? ITTOOD t PEROT'S Supcth PortfoiH DrawW ing* of Ornamental Oast trou WVd-k. It is rell worthy of inspection to a trork of AH. B. SHERMAN, Agent. cashTcashI IN order to encourage a Cash bushf^, a discount of fire per celiR frotn regular^ 'prices will be nado On all cash sales from $6 to ffty ; and a disottnt of ten pet YAmt on all cash **tos over 93d. J. B. P HERMAN, Agent. Til? Eronokniit, rHE host Cooking Stove in the world. Soon to arrive. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. April 21 5d if lijOTWimT 25,828 PllIZES! More than One Prize to every Two T' GEORGIA STATE LOYTERT. roa iha BKvr.rir or * ui. MONTICELLO UNIP,N ACMittHT. Of J sapor Count y, G.?orgiau Attfhoriied by Special Act of tha LegUtttaree. McKlNXEi A CO., capital. p 'rft/ m aaai ? u ?_# 9 VW^H/WV TICKETS ONLY ?10. ULTMj Ql'Af.TIIS, .AND KiailTHB IN PlU>r*MIMi> TO BE DRAWN KA CU S;A TURD AY IN JULY, 1 B59m Ifk tbo City of Si-, v an nub, Georgia. Cua as 26 to bk drawn JtLT 2, 1869. clans 27 TO B /. drawn Jcly 9, 1869. CtAis 28 to ua draWJi Jht 16, 1869. CLASS 29 _<> BB drawn JdIY 28, 1869, Class 30, x0 uk drawn July 30, I8MK MAC fiiFICteNt SCIIEMHb Prise fto.DoO is'00,000 5 Pris. oi 1,000 tM 6,000 _ " ? 20,000 fi JtU,000 10 ' " 50*8 " 6,000 " " 10,Otw 1s 10,000 2 * v? 400 " 800 I / * " 6,TOO Is 8,00ft 2 ? " fflV n 600 i " " 4,000 is 4,000 2 <* '? 200 M 400 1 " " 8,000 is 3,000 60 " u 180 " 7,600 1 " I 2,000 is 2,000 100 " " 100 "10,009 1 " 1,600 It 1,500 100 " * 06 - 9,500 1 " " 1,11)0 is l.loMlOO v< .n 85 ft 8,500 APPKOXIMATION FHtZES. 4 Prises of $200 Appro*, to $60, tfl 0 prise are $ 800 4 " J 50 ?? " 20,*000 ' " 606, 4 ? " 196 ft * 10,000 " " 60* 4 ft " 100 " " 6,000 ? ? 4Mn 8 '? ft 80 * ft 4,000 " " *6c? g ? < 60 " ft 9,000 ft ft 400* g " " 50 " " 2.000 ? ft 4001 g ? " 40 ? " 1,600 ? * MO% 100 " " 20 " " 100 ?? * 8)000* 76,000" " ...V^.^_200v000o 25.828 Prises. Atnonntinir tn aaee <"* CfSRTiricAT?ft Ar Packaokk will be sold ah the. rnlloWiB* n.V-*K which is the. risk : Certlfiteet* oT Packages of 10 Whe* Tlrtrte* JW. " " 10 ir ? so. * " " 10 Quarto* " U. " * " 10 Eighth *? T.60L i* onwraiNQ reran* ?t mimrtm. Enclose tho w oney to o?r mMkm for it* Weheto irderod, on roonipt of wbieh tiny will ha fwa*wh< >y fertl mail. Purchaser* fwt ben* ticket* isdhg in any figure they stay ctadfhatc. Tho lint of drawn nunf^fs and prises wfTf ha Mat to purohaai-r* immediately after tho drawing. Notice to OorreapondenU. lor Tiokotg, In mIM of Teh Dollar* and u?- - can ho anal ds At OrA fciak Akt> **? ,. <yLj*T?Z ei|y ol town What* titefa (a an "* . ril> 'na.. sr v - ?*?; 3* s' *<;' *??* * >' <*> *?1W? ?E ' * oannot roeelro them. All eoaamwalnetiona MHotle oenfideaUn), Order ft?r Tickets or Cu*Wff<-n?<s. he Wall er Ka. preaa, to he directed to McKINMY A CO.. Jtwe 50 fi-tm '^wrawnwH, C/O.