University of South Carolina Libraries
fm \ ggagggggHBeai ' |M |M?|, |, _ . _ vimter, Jfc nu .fti 111> ai C.BJ * A* ik?r|Hft jtaNMi Om?.a*lm *r * H8M? Biay mi thi*Car J?? mnim ?naa? MM yV4|ii by Wr ?cbM W?ph?, to rain jb> tkmmmmmd dmllmrm for Um 4 rtfiUtiM at At Wilt. lWt?|b Um AottioM Whl? SoeiHy. is ftwigt tMktntt Tb? atdmipfd war* ap fiirtil W*il>i i I* addrem the Bute at Imp ? thi* imp urinal wMwL 1>?(Mti?likb irnrtB tU? wwteloa. mJ m? form the tad* W Una uml, an a* follow*: Jmfrnfhmimcm km betm pri?r hr fk* Pmrtni Society that there are km m Caw plaru im thm Weal la3l?^ in Bpaanh mad (WUfna America, where the Bihle uo b* pnfcably circulated. to Um i alitor al of taprnli U?t and error, and the aalration of aonba Am appeal mm Itttalu from France for aid , fa nvu " ^ BaKJh Amu #La ana mm tli mum - wkn m rr 1 ready to kmit* ft Evbt or tea tWatid wltn art won tod far thie fi?U alone, by the Aa>r<m BIMe SotMi'm Fr*nee, with 11 bar twfieements ud anh-rbr eiriTkatioa. aetb aad now aake far the Itable ; abaD we reraw it T Germany, too, we are creditdy inforta d, faraiahee aa important field for taw w<?rk. The load of Lrrman aeke for the Bible. Fr< a ContUntiaople eoeaee ap a moot urgent demand for the pare ward of God. Tranelatiooa. requiring at leaal |l4,<tOQ, are waated In the modern Armenian, Arm<- Turkish. and Bulgarian lanpaifa Hde, then is a "wide and effcctaal adoor' art epea for the entranee of God* aancii l^iitf w?rd Here, in the eery heart of the Maa, bowiuedau Km 1.1 re. multitudes are arking for the ' pure truth of Jaw. Nowhere, we are assured. I M the BIMe abre desired or Wtter need. la Syria, too. aa Arabte Bible la nearly ready | for the preaa. and widely called for. ladia and Seam are wUit f->r the everlasting word, and now Cbiaa and Japan, with their untold millione, hare been opened by a miracle of Proridenee tor the free and unobatmrted spread of God'e merciful truth. Here the epiritaal slumber of epe ie to be broken, llow may I hie be do-ae. but by the light and power of Code quickening worst The great question cornea np, ihtD three vide fields of gracious o|?portunity be omipieil or oo ? Men. pitiful, immortal men. are asking of n? the bread that came down from heaven, and which we. under our Father'* bounty, have and ~ to u?re." . Shall we deny it ? shall we eaat before them oaly the (tone of our unbelief? The whole Mioiootn' world is bow arranging itself fur the fulfillment of that glorious prophecy. " The Earth dall !> full of the knowleage of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." What hall be ?Wtr relation to this grand result ? The Bible Society of South Carolina has al- I ready answered the question before God. It has pled ed this State for frt thousand dollars to- ' wards this great and blessed work. Christians of South Carolina, we ask now your eo-operath-s la raiaiag this amount. We look tor a reasons ble response to this esll for the Bible, reaching us front every quarter of our globe. Let us in gratitude for our own distinguished mercies a* aa enlightened and Christian people, give **lh word of the Lord free course." Let up scat c broadcast this peed of life, as the ploughshare of Ifivioe 1'rorideuce prepares the aay. Then shall a harvest of righteousness and peace soon ?**un?nuj wTrr ine whip hpmib cm cmjt humanity, tod God'* prmwd kit^plooi ferae with power. Respectfully. B. JOI1XSON, of Kpi<?optl Church. T. A IIOYT. Piv?l>vtrri?ii. C. MLiUHlsON. kfubodia. W. R. HEMPHILL. Amo. Reformed. E. A. B<?L' Rl, Ltithmn. K. B.?A collection it respectfully and urffently dewirfel from fetch Confcrtcalion of the State before the Cooventicn of our State Bible Society, August Id, at Yorkville, 8. C. Later from Europe. ARRIVAL OF TliE STEAMER HUNGARIAN ANOTHER BATTLE FOOOHT. Qccbec, July 8. The steamer Hungarian arrived at this port today, bringing advices from Liverpool to the 29th ultimo. Gr.\mi IvraxiocxaE. There are no movements reported on either ade since the battle of 3tth June, the detail* of which havs not been received. No estimate* of Ware given. Both the Austrian* and Sardinians admit that they have been cxtranrdinarilv heavy. Napoleon says that the French hare taken 6<>oo pi isonera, a* well as three flags and thirty piece* of artillery. The Austrian* have re crossed the River Mineio. Gen. Ilea* has been appointed Commander in Chief. The latest accounts report that the French had erwdfd i he Miiicmv Soco?ti Ditpmtch.?A dispatch from the Emperor to the Empress, dated June 24, <ari: * The enemy hare withdr??n. Last night I slept in the room occupied on the morning previous by the Emperor of Austria. iWs. Mel is , appointed a Iftr^bal of France. The Anatrians crossed the Mincio, for th? purpose of attacking us with their whole force, hut were obliged to abandon their positions and withdraw to the left bank of the river, after blowing up the bridges at Goito. We have taken thirty cannons and some seven thousand piisonera." Private dispatches say that the Austrian* had thirty-live thousand men pi seed hart du coudxU, and hot sixteen flags and seventy five pieces of artillery. No edomUkntisl account of the battle had reached SPSris. Private telegraphie dispatchea state that the French army had suffered so severely u tebs unable to re?mue offensive operations. Vague rumors place the lows of the French at twelve thousand in killed and wounded. The battle waa fought at Solferino. The Aust nana are preparing for another battle, aaiar the lead of Gen. I leas. The Austrian* acknowledge that they were compelled to retreat, after suffering extraoroina 1 rily heavy hoses. The Einiierar waa constantly found where the battle was aort hotly eon tested. The Austrian K?|i?ror haa returned to Vienna on important buan??i Large reinforcements are daily lea ring France. An attack on Vienna van expected to be made on the 28th J a urn. An Austrian reserve, numbering one hundred and seventy-five thousand men. was on its way to itair. they are represented to be toe flawer of die army, and are all veteran troops. Five Kreseh Weoerals were wounded at the battle <t? Solferino. Thc li/4cst s?l vires date that the French army crossed th? r*er Mincio uninvested. jt ^ , ~>orUd that the Austrian Kmperor would shortly hae interview with the Priuee Regent of i rve- a. Tl.a Atl.nli* T?tc<rra..b Company have i*eued pr >pueel? for outMcriptious t<* h "new loan. V?Tctiuut> CtraiM n Tv.dill?TJi? New Orleans CnweM My* SianMaua Den>brent_>. )Xt|v? of Bohemia, aome vein since employed in a commercial bou?. in J vie city, hot lately en j;?s;nl ia hone trading in Mexico, turmd to hie native aonntry recently, u? h* kit parent* and bring them over to thw country. I! hau scarcely reached hie native village, when he wee ar rotted and required to do military dnty aa an Austria* nliprt lie pleaded that He waa a Mtiaen ?f the Unit- d Stale* (having been for eo*i?n Una naturalized. \ aad waa lengbe-i at, tie wae required to ohowld*r a musket, or nay aix hundred guilder* for the prweuratkm cd a snhCitnte. He paid the ZMrv, end left with hie pjrrnU 'w this cm airy. Three particulars we gut free* the LoatiaaaStaet* Zritong. Daowrm?Kogcoe fuller lor away yeava aoaaeoted with the pre- f Sew (Hum, waa loat overt on*4 from the aMetiw.vp Empire CSt*, on ivcr If', unp from HtriM. 1" *" * hrotht at the celebrated lCargsrct Wlw, Count em jfttmoli, wfie, i> *U Ik reaoAeeuf vu aleo dnr* n*?d p ?... "* J > Batwr* ?f fir. A lfaker ham km mihr?J from Pfc-JhA^ fail at AdMMvlbvtk M. IBM. Bt wae ifal to fan Cnwiy fa (wo or tkm work* from Ikn tim, wtnliwy to pom tkn?*k ftormaav hI Kfaaad. aad to urifi in ttii* witfj by tk? ad of J?me or oortjr io July. He on: "I liooo aeree bod moonfifagiiim aa to fa utility rftto iiwny: IW moeb tomgw for the work, aad am mm that! oo? aow,j?erforta it ritk awt mora ittUfatiwi to mym?( and that fa rrraH will Viadfaato Wlf fa wia dam of the nam, Ifall allow hereafter. to iatarijBw "with my devotion my fall ? eiwr to tbe labor* before too, la umamtioa witb tbe Xew TfatameaC "la pooMO|r ikMOgk Western Kwopc, I shall make it a ijedal ol.ioct to collect a ceo rata information in regard m the effort* now *wniiltawonwly m ide fa oo many aifftmi quarter*. to revise the tranalationa of the Srritttam, whieb oprung up la the traia of the PhifaUst Reformation. It will be my object, also, to form pereoaol aeqaaint- I ROO wUk RiUli ?i aoKitlara in f?o nuan r frnii PhlT land. wboM t<NM?l tad eorrr?|>oad<iiM way Ktwtfttf aid me in taj nndcrtakifac. Tbeae col lateral benefits of the journey will hare a raloe which it ia hanllr possible to over estimata. *'I risked Macedonia during the winter,ahiefly in order to see Philippt. and settle wa? qae* tiona of interest in relation to that place and Keapolia. A a tliey both lie considerably aside from the ordinary route of traveler*, they bare Seldom been visited, except b\ thoae attracted to ih -to aa places of Biblical interest. I are* able to make sons* observation* which wi'l^^of value. I trust, .to the canst of Biblical Had ice? t?a the same tour. I visited Thi iwlufiica; so that 1 have seen, w th my own eyce slnset every one of the place* from which, or to which, Paul addressed the epistles of the Sew Testament written by him." A copy of a modem Greek news paper whose name, in English, is "The J?tar in the Fjut," has been sent to us conta'n>ng an article from the Chruaicle translated into the vernacular In an article on the character and value of the mod em Greek, the editor says: " l>r. Hackctt eaaae here for the sole purpose of studying our language, aad thus qualifying himaclf mure fully for the great and noble work of translating the New Testament into the English tongue. <*nd we doubt nek that the con tinuoua aad unremitted study of it, to which he has devoted himself with Toothful ardor from the time of his arrival here, has placed him in a more favorable situation than that of many < there for judging of the worth and utility of oar Uopngr."?Aim York tJkrooicU. Wiuujdtox Srtoot?We fit-d in the Montgomery (Ala.) Con led ration, of the X6th t?il_ the folio win allusion to t be itaTe favorite r wrt? I It occult In a letor dated at Columbia, and written by a regular correspondent of that journal, who lias lately been in these rurta: Within aeren hours travel of Columbia, all the way Ht rail there is one of the finest waters ing places in any of the Southern State*. These springs are situated st Williarust on. and are reported to ly the invalid, and lb? Itrsuly and fashion of South Carolina and Georgia. The medicinal qualities of the water have been fully te-tcd. an J found ex remely benefieial to invalids* especially to those afflicted with the gout, 'y.p-jpepsia and dn-p?jr. Tlie hotel is a very fine one, accommodating eotufoitabiy five hundred g lests, the surrounding scenery is rnagniuc iilaii-l the climate salubrious. Not wilhrtstiding nil theae advantage* 1 doubt if the Sfo-ings put humt id the utoilxif it* propnrtom. whfreas, luid Uiey born situated at the Surlli, they would coin moia'j. Why is U so? Shame to ?i v it, bat the reason !?, Southern proprietors lse'i ? .Urpn*e. They can spend thousand* of dollars in building a fine hotel and adorning the da, wliilr they refuse hundreds iu bringing th?m to the notice of the pttole. They do cot advertiac in the newspapers, nor nsploi persona j to write tht-ca into notoriety, na prvpiietnra of similar |daera at the North do. In the North- I rrn periodicals and newspapers you will find j *! ? ? uig description* of their wab-nng places all [til for, besides numerous others whose dutio a.e to " era. k t?|\" (as they phrase it,) the gr.-at medicinal an 1 other advantages of thia or that spring. ^ ^ amw: tto Potso* nacolvov HI.?We take the ollowing extract, from the letter of a cor re* I-rodent of the Providence (II. I.) Journal. dated Flor euce, June 10th. The story may l?e true or ma; not?at all eteuta, it will be new to our reader^ o I we give it for what it ia worth: * A French officer here tells the following atory. lie say a It haa not been printod in the hreneh journal*?and certainly we have seen no account?bnt tlie fact la known lo (he army, an<1 j tlie story U true: On Good Friday. if at no oth- j er time in the year, all good Otbolics partake | of the communion. Oo that day, the il?t of : April laat, according to hia hal<it. the Emjh-ror ! waa to receive the eonwerated wafer ia the chap- ! el of the Toileriev. Before going to the cba|>el, he waa told that tie tuuat not eat the holy partiele that waa lo be offered him, aa it had bee a prepared with a suMIe and malignant |?inn for i the porpoae of destroying hi# life. The informant was a party to the dUtvlical -eeret. but horror of eonacieuce and reverence for the ?mperor, led him to betray the eonsplraej-. Tlir tin- j perur knelt at the altar during the onus hut did ' not eat the bread. When the office was finUhed, the offi-iating priest waa invited i. to the apartment of the toipreaa to partake of a collation, while the wafer waa aulmiitied to ehemieal examination. It waa found to contain, as the in formant had mid, a concentrated poison. The | prirat ia now in a fortreee in Algeria. Tlie sol dier aava that the priest was an instrument of the Jesuits; bnt a bether in Italy. Austria. France or tjiglaud, is not understood. 80 much for the story." _ _ t A.v luronTsjrr I)t> bws.?Tlie Darling*00 Flag ?> : . . At the late session of onr Court an action against the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad Ghu- j pany for a lost trunk was tried. The value of . the contents was proved to exceed five hundred j dollars; this company have an endorsement op- 1 on their tickets which, among other thing*, de- 1 e.area that they will not be responsible for lost Itaggage to an amount exceeding one hundred ' doliara. This endorsement was rcB?-d nj-on to ' limit the liability of the Comjany in this panic- ' lar case. His Hooor ruled, and so charged the Jnry, u??i common cam rs cvhkj nov iuup nimv Iimr liabilities. He dwelt ujhhi the injiwtioe which would rorult if the endorsement upon the tick- te referred to wm taken and considered a# ? eon 11ad, to which tlie passenger waa lewunol to tu have assented. The Jury found fvr the plaintiff to the amount of the content*, as proved. We leirn that tlie defendant# bare *|?pealed. If we hmj preame to expreea aa optuion, we thiafc the views take a by hie Honor are rorr?e?, and bare bill hule doubt aa to what wHl he the decision of the Appeal Court. This is an im- j pori ant q-ieetioo, both as regards the traveling I public and railroad rotwpanies, and wa are glad j aa opportunity baa arisen for the final adjodiea | tion of it by the highest tribuusl know n to our , i m i Qtx. Vamwctoi'i Bm?ts*Sl?We saw today, t! Green d Brother's factory, whither it had'been sent Ssr repairs, (sajt the Alexander Sentinel of Im ftslat,) iat liadetead on phieh , Gea Washington died H U s eery plain tester, the foot pants of mahogany without foot board, and the head posts of a sycamore, with poplar h. sd-bosrd. The |<au* arc alight, and the rail* inserted low. This interesting relic is the prop- ; city <>f CoL Lee. who married s dsnghtcr of the late Mr. Cost!* Tnc next IQeetoral ColUge. shesew in Movent her. 1W\ to mo t in Wewrr, lit I, will, if Kansas should he admitted at the apt row-King session of Cutlgi ess. eons is of IM votes IM of which will ht nss sssiy for S choice for Press dent. The non-sUvehoMinr Htates will hove I ^1#* rledcyo, and the sfittfcoMlmr "fate* lf?. | T *SPJ ... . ... Cljt ^mrt^ra CnirrjiiB. ? ' 1 - ? ' ."* y ' - ." \ ^ T' '<? cavt WILLIAM PTPRICET ^ EDITOR. ? Our Motto-" gqoal BU?hta to JUL" GRREAV1LLR. & C. Thursday Morning, Jaly 14. 1809. Personal. We were pleased to rffrite a ri?it, on yesterday. from fri?-nd Kotm. of the Audi r??a Gwntt*. He is looking the personification of good beahh, and report* the Guxrilt in like condition. We wish onr IrienJs of that paper a pruaperoo* career. The Bible Society. It will he seen, by a notice in another column, that the Greenville IHilnet Bible Society will h"W an Annlrfrwry meeting in the Pmbtierian Church in thk place. on ff cdocela/ evening next. SOth iqst.. at vliicb time an addresa trill be 1 delivered by Ree. T. S. Aanrv*. The public ia reapeetfully invited to attend. The Weather. To-day (Wednesday 1 the weather ha* been exceedingly warm. Tin thermometer, vt are told denoted 90? in the shade at noon. Juat aa we A/* c?iinff tn iLoai iiT a )irv cIaiuI ia ( unrig ever im, promising fine rtio and cooler atmosphere. Both are desirable. Equity Court. Tbia Coart is ni?? in session at this place? J-?a Johs-t >.v presiding. The business of the Court is briny dispatched in a mod satisfactory manner. The Kill ltoeket eomftriaed seventy oae causes, and the number of petitions thirteen. All of the latter bare been disposed id, and several of the former bare likewise been diepatched. The excellent and satisfactory manner in whieh the business of tbe Court has been brought up by the ConmisM'mir, is s matter of congratulation, and it is with much pleasure we record the fact that tbe office of Commissioner ia Equity has not, f ?r many rears, been in Iwtter eoadition ; and to the promptitude with which all p*|?r? hare been produced, ntay be attributed the |>mgrras which the Court has made thus Car / ia disposing of the business of the present term Several important eases are yet to be tried, and we are unable to say wbea the Court will adjouru. The Chancellorship. , A eorre?pon<leat of the Colmubia QtarJian nominates U B. Bortstou, of Fairfield, for the vacant Chancellorship. Mr. B. is the Chairman of the Judiciarj Committee in (be House. Tlie writer says that " this gentleman's eminent legal ability and attainments, hi* thorough arquaint?;?k iks ?oh. ,./ ?t- r>?? ..i his 1.11 si new and administrative talent, and kit high order of intellect, indicate him aa the man. " )lia being a young roan may, with some, be an objection. but qualification, in spite of jouth. is, with the thinking, the high.*! r?-c tauiondalioa. History can furtiiah few exceptions to the proj*>wtion? that no man ever attain* greatueaa iu any sphere upon which he doe* not cuter when young." The Hart well Measen per. We have received the first number of the above paper, published at llartwell, Geo. The press ami fixtures are the same aa formerly employed on the - PendJrton and i? till owned by Mr Fj>*a?i> Svams, who ia asaiated in the editorial management by Wiittci I>. Wiuo, Esq We wish our friends of the Jff*e-tfrr sn inerca*ed patronage and an acers rion of many friends in their new home. A Couple of Strange Facta. It will be rem em tie red by some of our readers that old Hilly Sot-niKauxD, who was joint proprietor with J axes Keith of a well knewa place in Pirkens Ikrtriet, called Pmapkintowa', died wniif . line* imwi is it. i/urin^ in? rearm * *?!< ?n 01 he Court of Equity for that IHurid. it vu w ; rMtiinrtl that the two families of Ktn iu<i ' Sjitimumi bod mi*!?d in the nine house for I the space of forty yrare, and was never known | to hare a tingle quarrel. A mora remarkable ; inalanee of "dwelling together in unity" can- ; not, we think, be produced in ?ny country. The spectacle of a female with two small ehildren confined within the walla of a jail for sixteen months for debt, ma)- serin strange to some of ua. But strange as It mar appear, there is ease of this kind in Plekmt I Harriet. A sad . commentary, indeed, upon the humanity of the Courts and the justiee of our laws. ZWT Read Harm s. Dr. Pimi'i, J. M. Wuaov's, Mrs. M L Oioo.x's, ami the other new advertise Hients to be found in litis issue. Loo*. Mm or tub Socrw!?The Sew Hampshire Patriot, the old Pieree organ in this State, and the organ, " by authority, of the present Administration, ha/given its cordial apptovai of : the following resolution passed by the iMilion . isrd Democratic members of the Maine Legists- ! ture: ^ - lie no! red. That we hold it to be the sound and unexceptionable doctrine, that if the rm-pt* of a territory are in favor of slavery they nave a i right to msks law* to establish sad protect it; | ao<l ir Hi?-y are npjw^ra to aiarerr. t?fv d?t? i* ; equal ri/ht to make law* to e\rh>.te it. If the people of the South MRdio* atieh doc- . IritM*. thirT rhonld a? ao candidly, and not im pane iipoa their friend* the burthen of nippurting doctrine* [eMertirc of their right* in the Tend- ; lorien, when ther da not ihemerlvr* anpport them. [ Cmmtmri {M H) Drm-*r*t? titon4*r4 Wats the eoAn eotUisiw the body of Oen. E-pina?e waa carried oa )?aid tbcataan frigate which eoarejed it ta France, the >Vrek waa crowded with Auetrian jehoaeri On a *i|pi frum their oflhm, they all fell into line, and hy 1 their attitude, in tUeWiae of anna, renders) ; military hoo?.r? to the mortal naaaini of their brave adversary. TV. fnut.?A prirate letter Ann Haiti more. Jane tl.aaja: "HMflTaHer hapti?ed Me yauag eat daughter two t^nhuha ago. She h a very interna log el.W.I af twelra jeara of age. Thaae who urftaamad H, aay K waa a moat interacting bapthan. The IV. waa peculiarly happy in M* remark" tt tit: creation." e* , I . . eggBMBMHa J 9D THB IB1HM ' V?*p aot fer W(! B?t ifM *m H< iMAy, '! " no *n abtoe baaotiM ted Wtgbt; Ub ! ?Mi ftal tow"wmk arbat lllmto; um? ? ( Maba*. rtirtil oortb afpabr bcht; Lit* WHit a??U^ e'er a wtoim lib Wbile ecbo answers freto tbe Sectory brefca, * . \ if Ht bt kr. VopMtfarbr! BW AM to ?riy /calii, Em bope baa Hat iu rUh natutia b?ss And earth Kill (Hew jd witb bcaaly'i talhM 4cm. Hw wn ptim*Mc4wt to tiajt tk*i fncn; Her wimi of tUe waa aot rta to tb Hea: f . Weep wet tor bat. . Weep act far ber! By beet or d*? decay, It never (tiered ber boam'i core to mark The plaj an ef ber childhood cut away, Her ptecpeets wither, aad ber bnpcc graftr 4hL Translated by bar Hod, wttb eptrito abrtren, She paafccd, m't were, en nail? from emcth to Ilea ran: Weep act fer bar. Weepaot far bar! It rw mot har'c to feel Tm niurtir* tbat eorrode uuitu{ jtcmi, 'Otioit dmuM of UM bites the heart to steel. To wu<hr sad down age's Sale of tears, As whirls the withered tans fr* friendship'* tree, And in earth's wmtsy world alone te be i Wasp not for hsr. Weep not for her! She is an Angel now. And treads the sapphire floors of Paradise. . All darkness wiped (Von her refulgent brew ; Sin, sorrow, suffering, banished frees hsr eyes. Victorious over death, to her appears , __ The virta'd jays of Ilearcn's eternal years: Weep not for her. W eep not for her ? Iter memory te the shrine Of pleasant tbowgbta, soft as the Meat of Sowers ; Caba as, on windless arc, the van's deelinr. Sweat as the song of hi'rd* among the bowers, Rich ss a rainbow with its baeo of light. Pore as the moonshine of an Antama night t Weep not for hsr. j Weep not for her?there te an eaose of won? Bnt rather aerre the spirit, that it walk Unshrinking o'er the thorny path below. And from earth's low dedlessents keep thee back. So when a few fleet swerving yean hero flown. Shell meet thee at Hesren's^ata, and tend thee on: Weep ant for her. ' a a Ansrw Frsntw.?Rer. T. A. Reid, a TU prist Mmmomtv, writing from Ore. (Africa ) on the 17th April, to the Christian Index, of Macon, Gn, says: - "A few wonts about the death of the late King. * When he wat crowned n num'terof men and women were i-stsllcd nritb him. who took upon themeelves a aoletun row to die when their matte did. In accordance w%>i that row mam hare dttne wo. Tk*? luire their graw s dug and (hen dance and sing around them sometime, then driuk a rv?twi>a that wauld son put thrm to slerp ww Oi. v pall if Ttidr vap# fht-n ifrfArrntl ww waah ? pn?iWf. Sonn- of the King's were d?m|>iuud iB'i their l?lo?d *(irinlM ilonf the raid over which the come <>f the King mukm. A*soon tt the Ki?g died his hm! was taken ott, end will be preserved U<r bis successors to worship. Ilis body, like a criminal's, oai not allowed interment in the town, but was de|>oaitcd in the nl>ork How many more will die ><efbre the Itinera 1 rihs are completed is uncertain." Co.vnntrr or (Vichy.?By referring to the pr? cMlimp of U?e Court Konm on Saturday mora nc, it will be seen that the ease of the Mate r? Fraiiei? Mitchell, charged and cnntiHnl ?i ne<n> Ibslisft will be carried Cr? the C?wt of An l?aW. C. B. North rpp. Esq.. one of the counsel* for the prisoner, in urging the appeal lefcJudge Wither*. stated that he h.-?d heard from a reliable source, that the jury had been subjected to nuid>l* influence. I'p.n hi* Honor demand ing an affidavit of the fact alleged, the sworn <l*t.-meet of the Sheriff'e 11?-forty and of thefon taldr in charge of the jniy were laid before the Court. These affidavit* distinctly declare that unlawful means were used to induce the jnry'to arrive at the verdict they fouud. The parties implicates! in this grace charge, have Wen summoned to appear before Judge Wither* this morning. We pnrpoaely refrain from broader statement and comment at (>rv?eut. ? Charleston Cotrirr. Tuk Knee or S sudma Dcnxryo his Posmov? The I'iedinantese journals give the following as the words of King Victor Emanuel's declaration on the lhetatorsliip of Bologna being offered to him: " Ynn will iilease In inform the mlrv>li of Rn. lo^na that, in lh? tireiinwUirim, any iaromid^h rt#por resolution mistht ujnre th-flute of lhdp|?DdelMe. Kurof>e nw<t not h??e aav reason to amix me of beia^ actuated by pertvwil ambition. and of mUtitiiunx Picdmoutese alaorptio.1 for Austrian otiprctninn. The Holy Fatlirr. the reiterated chief of the faiti.ful. remains at the brad of hr* peo|4e; he has not, like the Sovereigns of Parma. Mndeaa and Tuscany. laid down bt^ temjtoral authority, which ":l i* oar duty not only to respect, nut In strengthen; I shall therefore diaeoantenanae any Mtb?er*ive act contrary to joatiae and iejeriom to the canse we nerve. J^el us not forget that lias IX. is an Italian Prince." Arcno* at th* ?ht or W?t?Xwthr Ruffa lora custom hoase, writes a war correepoadeet. there was an enwrtnona pile of knapenrka, cartridge Itoxca and elothca; Zouaves' tui hanf, Tymleae green rests, grenadiers' litar skin caps, bins easts, white roundabouts, red pantaloons They were all sold at en?lio?. A white mnatabotrt, with y eliuw or bloc collar, fetched sixteen ' sous; it is true there was a hole in it and a I large I-rown ?j ot all round the hols; a pub* of | red pantaloons for twelre sous; not taoch. to ba i.ra Ian* If ta lorn li?r wratia TVs ra as n 11 tal- as ' everything. IVm who bar* na uoirj thrnuflid ia the km|V All 'he km opt*, and the modest fort one of the eldicr thrown to the four wind*! How many letter* wrtt scattered over the ground! A Krai tk? Pram #*???.?Her. J. W Rick*, of PUor rauhU, California, k?? lent conricti d and fined H) lor marrying Ml- R MdlpntM to John Yale, without the tot :est of her parenta. ?he being under age. - We think that thU waa a penalty properly imposed. The praetiee baa hewaa too general ?H uniting ia wedlock parti, a who are under age, who thu* reeUte the ?a net inn of the Church. It ia lad pi , on if h when the <n agist rate thmka Mmaelf justified in wndraiiug the anion of (wch par tia, ae entering into a civil eoatraet?bat when . T . ? * f iat _1_a.I1 _ II ? f'uvctwm Djf rr>ljpon n kxiumi ih- neni *? an ofTruce meriting I [n??Hf."? L%mrlntm JVmml r?wr?Tile Coart c/ Koniljr for tb?? Chancellor Jobwnnn preaiding. Iu? bc*? in aee? >? thta week. ilia Honor ri<*psl?k?d the bmiam of tl?* Ura in * fin*. dignified and impartial manner. There were m lit* docket* otct fiftj (u??, which will girt our reader* aw idea of the iairmi of the lawiai ?f the* Oa>l Order* were toad* ia ararljr all of lk>-* by the Chancellor, who ia lahwiam in <!i*r(Minting his dotj. a* well ? atria* a ad able la kta raliog and Jrota Ilia li?ae left aa oa Wed am day ' morning.?IHeiern* Vmtrier. No aaaaa of jrtBaw fever bare rah ho-t reported at New Orlaatn ? . f " p-xiixk l*H?r ik? dbo^M^ 81m Is s IraMM U an?vmm, ssd *s istfHigest as ordtMry thiMmi ;?f k?f M<>, he* S good W for uuuie, sad is fcssUby.- ft hrre ?. JUrnum! : r^jgU<<l? ((We * ' - * *?? r-i-' , Ms. Botck.?The Gsjbdea Journal. thus spesk* of Cm |M*iinti Oa .osr blttw^ttu ?r|^fB>ji?a?{VT " We sre pleased to |oo* U*st the pasUfeo of o?T dM.inglU?h?d lHMMISt?<l\tWtlM?UO>MfB side of the qoesSe tm O. K. He is dead a* in?* the Dnoglsn doctrine of Squatter sovereignty, and itpsdiiUt Dooclai far President. He la gmiosed to tha Charleston Natioaal CaartaliiM, sod doss sot mess br moderation thst wm are to submit tnouJy to it1 sliii inl I n in bat to usito sit osr Southern strength far s firm and decided re nwftocf so ue ?||i mnuii ? wc . Mirmnr*1! A?nn;-TJ?e dji(| ?d*ic? ol Prince MeUemich to Pranein Joteph. ja w4*Hoo to Dm present w, U mid tohave bw?! * Dd?it is not dMraedoo?4 fuitfw may be rebuilt?an Eupin never. . Listen to no advice, hearken to no proposition* of pence?aad, altove all, enter into no treaty whaMver, either with the Bonn pan en be the Home, of yaroy." The woman who oeglreh her hushan?Tn shirtfront in not the wife of liia bnnufh. ' Lift of Ceuiffm, Pu O. AC It- R.. roa *n? EMtne Jilt 11 JTO Wtlhar; J M Crotwell; Ah-under A R; L( O. (I X A O; J 0 Snwjer; K R Hereon A Ron; J P E Ilardr; Jwbon t K; J II ^ht-ewan; J AS; N?e-?H?, X A Co; A Terry; J G Liadner; J L N???rell; E J A-ton; PTFuwt ler; R Greenfield; S Swandale; W; P Hawking C Barring W II Prrcv; C J E'f .rd; P CaM* L William*; MeBrrer A J; ft W A J L MeMinn; J Ixrng; II A D; B. ? A G; H T Ik J M Blair; J A Pattnn; J Oarmanj; W W MrDor 'I; J Krao* A W C; R J Smith; T P Snddoth; I> K Hager; PhttnnA Co; KB Bacon; W Goldsmith; Gain*. D A to; Sieol A I; i S Hanekle; lleReo A G; J F Terrv; M B Earie; BeaUie A Pj Kteen A F; U I'giihir; W Thompson; J P Pool; W Bute* A Co; P Rnthdge; V hlw tt; B F P'TIT; R Sowmem; RHmith; bS Wearer; U Morn*; I J; P; J W Grade; Me Da rid A IV, R V Welch; Pool. K A Co; T O Lowndes; J II Randolph; B II Wilaos; J P ROTfr; P T H?.try; M R Sii.jjiriw.., G Tjprry; McK Johnston; B II Seawetl. McKAV, Agent GREEWUE DISTRICT BILE SOCIETY. T11E ANNIVERSARY MEETING of tbe Grctmrt'/if Dimtritt BMt Sftt*f will be WM ia Ike Pre* bileriaa Chwreh, a? VTodnreitj Evening, 20th in?t The AS'XIYBXSAJtr A DURESS will be fett ered by R?. t. 6. ARTHUR. Otker AdditMM may be ex pee led. After Ike Addrrea as Shetitn will be keM for Olrrre for Ike (twing year. Tke pnblie generally are invited t? attend. L. R. CLIME, See. ?arf W Jaly IS" 10 .1 SUKDAY SCHOOL GELBBRATIOH. THERE wilt be a UNION SABBATH SCHOOL CELEBRATION at WUliametea on rfe JOr* Jmlg. fmaiamt. Sabbat k School* of all DaaamiaaUon*. and Ifmijlrn generally, are reaper l fully invited la attend. Addieae** are expected from aevrrai gentle men of piety and talent. Perron* attending will be ex pealed to provide their own nfrvAawti, na no public provision will be made. An extra train will be ran for the aceommodal km of tkoee deairou* of attending the Cek-bration. B. E. MAULDIN, Chairman. J*ly M it I OF THE PUPILS Of M. PIERCE'S SCHOOL WILL take plane oa-FRIDAY NEXT, bcgiaaiag at $i o'clock, A. M. The Potioot and Friend* of the Bchool are invited to attend. The following gentlemen ara reapertfully invited a* a board or Tisxrou ajtd bet. t. a. ARTtua, >ju. a. r. rtnr, col. c. r. josb, >u a l. theustun, da. t. o. caorr, i m'bke. p<t, dr. a. ct'-rr, . w'ai a. mt, ??* It- a. DCSC.VS. t a datid, rW. M. W. !>???, V. M_ Knott, raor. c. a. twittt, r. a nc.vcv.v. pq., ra??r. ?a ioiau, r. a toacen, ixt, *?. cHotca, n. a a utix, rtu?r. ttnia. haul. a. r. ddmca*. , mai. a 1 Towsta, w. m. thubaa, o. ?. rouses. rxr, t I. ixman, c^, od. *. e- (Atuv, i ml a a caoOK, Mai. a ?. sooMjrrr, v. q i-walmix, dq., ixa. a p. ooodlrt, w. p rttrt. aat, paor. a B.tcon, ml wm. bttlim, EET. a I'l'bktt, MAI. w. A. MDA.VtXL, r. p. bkattic, boo., bt, a watsox, bet. A p. Bitit, oou D. soke, a p. clkteuabd, dq. . bet., w. bboobs, COL. BT. IL CA Mr a ELL, C. M. D OT La CEX. w. TUOMCBOM, fl. o. MABKLET. There will h? so EXHIBITION IX DECLAMATION AND COMPOSITION on the evening of the '? * day, to which the Lad if* are especially invited. 10-1 July U jtJS See advertm ment of Dr. Snn/orlTt Lit*' tnriynrmtor, la another column. From the New York New a Nothing aineo the foundation of the City of Now York haa produced the eEciteiaeat among all classea that Prof." Wood's llatr Reetorative has done.? All elms see from the gray and l>ald headed sire, and the silver-haired natron, down to the sprightly youth Bad beautiful maiden with her akssjr ringlet* aro crowding the Dcpvl at Na. All Broadway ; the former to he permanently restored, aad (he latter tc possess themselves of that which will prevent the laread of eaviews uac, and reuse the appearance ol youth aad heanly la Bsgcr to (he greatest age.? Besides all the popular Druggists ia the country art eewstaatiy engaged ia dealing out the Restorative to their customer* "aad the cry Is still I hey come." n' mpv. ?BaWsn cf wstAlu ;? $?*. oral are already in the market, called hy diffcrvoi names. Cm aoae uolea* the wards (Profcssor Wuod'i Hair Restorative Depot, Bt. Loup, Me., and New York) are hlown la the tutth. Sold by all Drwggiata aad Patent Medicine dealers, also by all Wmaij aad Toilet Uoods dealers ia the Ca^ed tits tea and Canada- Jaly 7 1m RELIKF IN TEN MINDTUB. BITA1T PULhCOVlO WAX MS. The moat certain aad speedy remedy aver discovered far all Disss sua af the Chest aad User, Coughs, Colda^Astbma, Consumption, BronsikUu. lolaeusa, HoUreooees, Difficult Kesatbiug, Sore Throat, Re- t ?C, Mr. T IIER WAFERS give the most iasteataneoui an-I p?-T'?e4 rritof, tai wbaa farwrarad dttli acaording to diraattawa> artar tad to *tl a rapid and lasting ni*. TbMOiidt batre (>ooa itiloM to perfect boaltb wb* bar# triad Mfer aaat ia rain. It all It ail and all imttotati tbay art tftiDj I Maaaing a ad a ?** ?aoao a?cd despair, a* maid i bow loag the Utiaa say bar* ufabd, or baa aovoro it aijr ho, frorliad tko ovgaate drailwi of fti vital organe la not bnaalaadljr daoayad. Kv?r< oat tCirted aboatd |i?? then aa impartial t>Ul To Ttcititri in Trcuie Priiftn, tbaaa Wafora arc yoaallarty vaiaaMa ; tbcy will, ia an oat remove Iba Moat eevero aooaaioaal boanaaaaa i aad their regular a as for a few d?yn>UI, ?> all ttmaa> iacreaaa the powar aad SestV.iit j of the vofea. greatly my raw lag iu toaa, mbiw aad cfearataa. fct wbiab yarpoaa tboy at* regalatly ntad by m*ay ft i lima I votribig JOB MOA8A, Safe Ptmibtoa Horbtritfe W. T. T.-tao 14 aaata far boi. F~r udo ia fiiawttli V? I . KBITCH <.t Ife elj .i ~ 4*7 ^ v3 *?r ? - - , # . r # . * # . r > j if?* ^ a.Ai.. ^ m i fif1 " V^5Stirt?5?f^.?i ' W?+umtw$, tks third mf Attftm*. I ionar/lioeietj. of tit. C??rw2fe2ttV<Smw4 ?a Tmmhmy might Vt?m*m9 ?UC by tfce Ber. J. B. RtCliMS, ?( Alj**, Ga. I On W><?iiiUy Amoikw, ta R4itw vffl b? dmiirmnAJgAf Am Almaat of tbc ITniwarty, by thm I lUr- J ?. Wju.tain, A. B.. o< BcMfbr^B-CLt . ? I Xh>jUaa^AMnuMiHifei4ler?rr8?<MiM' will ?? Mi??nd ? ?|kl, by tfet Km. J. B. Kcmiiv, mi(* !> , ft, C. [. Tb* CnuBtmnnral of the i'tSHhLB CQIXJUi Kr will take place on Thwndmg, tS* fmmrth mf Amgw*. The Annual Addrra. W?re |be Gra4n**i*g daea frill ba.4eH???* & B. R. wt. Chfiliiitin, & C'~, v i, " . Tb? Sr?t Ten of tbe ae*t ? iKiiKt T**? ?iU ? I faegM en Friday, the ?ftfc w A?s%fC : V ? ' UitMf%U C, June Ml*, !?>?. M ~ CAHDlDATtff. I SHERIFF.?We an aatborised to V. P.mCKBYua Candidate for Sberif of Given*ilia I DUtriet. at tke essaing Ueetioa. J SHERIFF.?The friend* ofJOHH T. MrlM*'- 1 IK I. most ra^acthlly announce bits as a Candidal* | for fikertt ot UIUUIVUW iwwn, w wmrnm I m Election. . % . TAX COLLECTOR.?J A MK8 B. PKAR86X utaoanrM himself a Candidate for Tax Collector, at the tanta; EWtkia. mconminuii dAa THE neat renlu rwiTwdw# of this Chapter will be held <mMONDAY-EVENV**-1 ISO Mil, Jaly 18th, Naawtwg at S o'thrk. The Companion# are eeHeiki It bo panctwal in attendance. Bjr order of Ok 3f.\ E.-. II.-. P.-. - W. PIERCE. .Vrcftwy. Jalr U 10 1 Copal and Coach Body Varnish. JC8T roeeieed, a St J artiele of FCRNITCBB VAtSIPH. Also, a awpertor gnnlitr of COACH BODY VARNISH. Per mtr. aa uvd. at low prices at FISHER A IHUNITSH'8 Drwgatore, McBcc'i Block. Jmly 14 . I# If ^ . ' i I.. <. I.. 4 . Duckworth's Extra Porter, JUST received and for rata at , fisher a heiiemtir* Dnptm, McBec'a Block. July 14 M tf ^ . . ICE CREAM. Ie? lemonade. Soda Water, Philadelphia I.aper Deer, Ale, tondoa Porter, Aaavrted Pop; Strawberry, Sarvaparilla, I.wmi, Ginger, Pine Apple and Lcaaon S vrup. I hare juat received a large atock of ORANGES and LEMONS, and a large atock of CONFECTIONERIES. JOHN KRAI'S, At the Gr**mrM* Cwa/rdint/y, Jnly 14 10-tf Oppoaite Miiwioa Kuwae, Amhrotvnes. Melainotvoos. &c. ?r ? ' " * V ' J. M. WII.SON WOULD re*pee (fully inform Om eititnu ?f Ihia plan, ?u'l wnoWHliiij consttV.tbat be has optucd a GALLERY over J. C. P. JetarV Book?t'?rr. whew ha la |?t|)(ml to exoente tha a bare is the beat of styla. Likenesses inserted is Pin\ Rb(k, Udct^ At. Haste away u> his PWwi Gallery. and pel a lifelike liktatM, before the beauty fade*. Rly rvltb a yerfeet likmu*' ar anpay. IMf Ally 14 H AIR BRAIDING, OF EVERY STYLE AND I'ATThRX. * *C- )!*> <m&?>3S RESPECTFULLY inform* the Ladles and 8**. ItWHO of (bit place, thai aba baa rrtamed to (Irnorife, where aba l? piepataif to aurab ardm for her sea* sad unique sty Wa of HAIR BRAJMJCG, ol every banlplioa sad pattern. OvVd Muuntiaya of all kind* always on baud. Sptekl at tret joa paid t<> Interhraidiup tha Hair "of deveased friends iaU Mmrnlof and Keepsake*. of any pattern ikusbsdWork left with Mr. Randolph a ill be promptly attended to. W4* Mr 14 ? a ... t il em ,-T i Administratrix'* Sole. BY v Lrtae Of an order ftowr-tho Court of Ordinary, Ibr OrteotiUe District. will htroM, at Grerwrule Court U'xtsa, ?a> the First Moo4mm is Aoovmt next, s likely SYOHO BCY, shoal 14 or IF years oM, beltagiag tw the Estate of B. E..Pasn, darCfedftd. TERM?.?A audit until the ?tl? of May, 18M, with iakrtit from day of aalc. and appro red aoeufftr. NAKCr 11. FRjmcitJa'j 14 10-ui Admiaiatratrx. 5cu1b Carina?&r?nMe ftUtrkt. SHERIFF'S SALES, BY virtue ?f ?n?lrj Writ* uf Fieri Facia*, to ma di reeled. 1 will kK, hrfcw Ik* Court Jlunaa door, at (be usual bran ?f sale, oa tba trot Monday id Al'OrST next, , M Aero* or Laiul. mora or leu, adjoiniar land* of lleury Fowler, WifH* Butler, et a), t as the property of P. e. Fowler, a* the suit of P. V. Rant Us, > Co- et aL . 2M At re* of Land, abn or tern, adjoining land* of Jacob Rccw, Th??. Farmer, ct al.{ a* the prop1 erty of Perry 8. War*, at the rait ad T. A. IVnttt and other*. ill Actm of Land, more or leaa, arQoiaiag lands of Will faun McKtnney, Barrett, et aL : as the neon city of J. R. Shell, at the nrit ol Roberta A Daaua nil other*. -v All DcfcuJrtl'i in terrat in 15 A"" of Land, More or Was. afjotnisg lands of Miles Senilism, M *1.; aa the property ufU l>. Westmoreland, at th? suit ' of J oho W. Ormdy. TERMS CASH. Purchaser to pay for title*. D. HOKE, 0. fl. D. j Sheriff"* Offfee. Jaly It, !? . 10.1* H EAI "> QUARTERS 1 lot Brigade 1*1 DlfMffff S. C. M, 0RKEXY1LLB, ?. C-, JrLt Sva. JTT order of the CooMwin-in-Chief, tin f tj> Hninti comprising the let brigade 1*0 ! Q . Diviaioa 0. C. M.. will PARADE, for RKI TIKW and DRILL, at the Mteelag time* and place#: w3J The 4 th Regimest, at llayuia's, m 8atmIff IM1, loth Anneal. ' 1; /I Tho 4^* Regimcal, ?t Miaten's, en Taea> raj' day, l?th Aeguet. ' j The 3d lU^iawst,at UaU'e, eo Thareday, j 16th Angnri. ' j ' TV* 6?J* K*(iB?at, el Ilanur't, ok WibuhV, I MtV Amil. Tbo M Rcgiiarot, at Toorj'*, w Taifcj, Hlh Aomt Tbo tat Begiaarat, at Bratoa'a, oa TVwt?y. tat V ^. p TV* OS?n n4 Ku-r?aaiailt**4 Olaata wlQ . atarnhl* tb? Hay before It* Rtritwicf llwtrmpai) tt?f Mrfta*aH, Cor Drill u4 Iaatnartlaa. V oluntaer Cam pea tea will U toi|iat>4, aa4 It* book* of Beat Ctiatpeaire Inkkri. Brigade Staff will report at Aatferooa C. H. aw Friday, lilt Aagoet. Coloaela off JUguaeate will aitt Itar nlnat at r Ik* Boviaw. -.J* _ by erArr. W. K. RArtMfY, Ova. H. baa Taat aro, Brie. Ma*. Jaly It \4 " r Paper* ta ,'bo Brigade wW *??? PATENT MKDICim QAAFoKU ? MVKR l> VWOKATOR, . o Bwry't liiwijawrti, M hi tan g ' far ??a ? low f.rirr*, ty C W WINI A BVftXBAlt. t ?wrV * ' r - ** w* I * * ' *P ^ #