University of South Carolina Libraries
# . ^ ? v. \J * . > v- > frlcririi ^nrtnj: * - i " The Hdad and Heart. * - ?r joh* ?. saxb. . . ' . Thp Ucw} is stately, calm and Wise, And bears a princely part*, . And down below, in secret, lies I - The wans, iinjtubrive Heart. The lordly UcsXkU sits above, The Heart that beats below,' ' ] Their several uBoe plainly profe, Their truo relation show. The Head erect, serene and cool, Endowed with reason's art, I Ww guide and rale The throbbing, wayward llcart. Aud from the Head, as froiu the higher, . N Comes itll directing thought; And iu the l|eart'a~ transforming Are, And aoLIer*de4d? are wrought. Yet each hf beat when both unit* To mako the man complete? What Worn the heat'without tho light f The light without tho boat? The Gradual Soale. viiou tuv. ?e?jlajt or rverrBi.. A sparrow caught upon n tree, A fly, so fat, his tusto grew stronger t His victim struggling to get free, Begged but to live a little longer: Tim miinloror or.-l < Tim.. ......1 T..II Fur I an) great and thou art small." A hawk beheld him at hit* feast, Aud in a moment pounced upon him; The dying sparrow wished, at least, To know whivt injury bo had done him; Tho murderer answered?" Thou must fall, For I am great and thou art small." Tho eagle saw tl?o hawk below, Aud quickly on tho gunnaud seises? " Ob, noble king ? pray let uic go ! Mercy ; thou peckest tuo to piocos." The murderer answered?*'Thou must fall, For I am great and thou art small." lie feasted, lo! an arrow flew, And pierced the eagle's bosom through, Unto the hunter, loud screamed ho, " Ob, tyrant, wherefore murder mo T" " Ah ' suid tho murderer, 4' thou must full, For 1 am great and thou art small." Jkmnrbit's $lin. Rktraotion.?The WIowIiik anecdote is told of. a distinguished lawyer of Ma<Mcliu?ett?, who, but n few years ago, went " the, way.of all flesh " 1I? bad been engaged in n certain cause in Roxbury, wherein ho believed the jury hud done Injustu^tu hi?,client. Declaiming against the vcr idiot, he said: "The whole of theru might have been bribed for a jieek ?>f beans 1" , " W hat is that ?" w\id the Judge. " Yon dis | honor jour elf and the court, as well aa the jury by such an Impeachment." ' ' " 1 meant no disrespect to the court, your honor: and as for myeelt " You. will seo the propriety, Ihopo,of retracting tile words." " With all duo defercnco to yotiv honor, I can ] not see the propriety of unsaying \elmt is true," , " I?o you intend to aggravate "the offence bv repenting it? mo tell you, Mr, this is Dot "to be suffered, and nuloss you retract forthwith, we hall deem It necessary to stiike you from the rolls ot the court," - i ' Well, since the court insists upon it, I sup- 1 pose 1 can do no less than retract. "Ami in very ample tortus, too." . 1 " Cortiinly. your honor; and on second llionghi I do it will) great pleasure. I am convinced now. that I wronged the jury in paying *li? y could he hrihed for ? peek of beans; and thus 1 open I* ond publicly, 1 retract- the assertion. 1 1 hope the jury, and court nre satisfied." They expressed themselv -a in the affirmative, < when the lawyer rejoined: " Dnt, may it phase the court and jury, hod ! said a half a bushel instead of a peek, I would have been hanged before I would have retracted." A Jimcr. is a Dii.kmma.?An awkward affair, which once occurred to one of the Judges on the "Western Circuit lins been the subject of much mirth. It appears that tlio piousjudicial, having finished his labors, nnd having cast off his forensic wig ill- his lodgings, had retired into the next I room to wait for life brother Judge, whom he xvu- ! alstut to aceomjiHiiy to souie of the local aristoe- 1 racy to dinner. The fyituxle servant of the home J had entered the hed ebnmber hy n side door, and not knowing the Jmlgo was in the next room, hi a frolic arrayed herself in the judge's, wig. Just J at the Tioment when the fair Mousy was admir-. , ing herself in the looking-glass, the judge unexpectedly entered the taom, nnd poor Mousy, cateldng a sight of the stern epnntenanco looking ( over her'shoulder in the glass, Was so alarmed that she fainted, and would have fallen to the ground if the learned judge, impelled bv bit- ( inanity, bad not caught her in hisnrhis. At this critical moment his brother judge arrived and opening the dressing-room door, with a vi w of seeing if bo was ready, discovered hi' learned brother with the fninfing maid in his nrms. Not | wishing to interrupt what he thought to bean amour, ho quickly attmuptad to withdraw, xvli'-n j his brother judge vociferated, " For heaven's ?ak<-, \ stop and hear this matter explained." "* Never . mind, uiv ilear brother, the matter explains If- ? self," and lie left- hi* learned brother to recover the fainting maid as ho cuuhf. [ A nrcdolc* of the Bench and Bar, R.ATUM Tin*.? V lnilis?Mii iimiitont a this winter, at " Woodliwn " on the lihiominjrdole road. Jones' hotel of that place, is orna men tod with on hostler, whose fun is as fearless | as his face is ?f<ly. One day in January, .while I twenly or thiHy fast gentlemen were standing ( on the front haleony of the hotel, an individual 1 rode up thii path* on the thinnest horse mortal eyes ever looked upon. .Leaping from his pbnn-. toin steed, the equestrian ssiJ, turning to the * bonier! " Here. John o>ve mv- horse some water." . ' Sir V' said John with a look of nstonishment. " (Jive my horse wane water 1" thnndered the atranfly. " Vour hortt /" ejaculated John, still m< re surprised. * ."Ye*, you f?o1, my h/rr>a f and the vt.ranff r 'J looked ?nvngH)y i?t hitn, and commenced draw- ,r Inx the lash of >?* wl?ip through Ida hand. pi ?fohn walked to war is liim as lUoti^W he would 01 demand an f.xpl?n?tiiin and lind taken about six tep<> when he suddenly stopped like one surpri-od -beyond expression, * . BU-sa my soul!' save he, " T ax'Tonr pardon, sir; but yy?r was a tfstkihs' ana /ins willi that ?re M'trhinij poal, mil I didn't se* him f? ?' Tlir owner of the spectral beast tried to frown, but n roar from the balcony made liim change his mind. , ' A girl "showing her little cousin (a hoy ? about four yarn otaged a star, said ; "Hint star you ace up there Is bigger than this world," . flays he. " no it ain't." ? Ye* it is." . "Than whv don't it keep the rain off?" eald ?hc fittlo fellow." . TUB S "* '" . ' * iMI'CtNSStON at flrst Sight?This snhieet being l>r ntirht up at the supper table, wnsgottiug "talk- ' sd over ;" when tli?- lady who predded^" o'er the i-ups and tea." raid " die a)wave fortaed-*n idea i?l a person at first sight; and that idea she found . was gont-mllt a correct oae," . 1 " Mamma." said her youngest sort, in U3 altrHJ voice, that attracted the attention of all present. ;. " W ell, rily dear," said the fond mother, 44 What ik> you wauVr*44 1 waut to know," said young America, V what you thought when yqu limt ww met" There was no* answer to this query: but wa lo?ru a general titter prevailed, and thai " Ohnfli*" wits taken into the kitchtn immediately by the servant. - . Patrick asd nt* Priest?44 Patrick, the Widow Malony tells n?e that you have stolen one of her fluent piga Is that sol" *' Tie yec honor!" 4 What have von done with it?" ^ Killed It anil nto it, yer lionor 1" 44 Oil, Patrick! Patrick! wheu you are brought face to face with the Widow and her pig on Judgment Day, what neeount will yod lie aide to givetif yourself, when the widow accuses you of theft ?*1 1' Did you say tlio pig would be there, yotir rlver>ncel" "To f-c sure I did I" ? "Well then,.ycr riverence, I'll'say, Mrs. Maloney there's your pig." m*kin or tub AMin."?i ni> p<litor of I ho Jf W Orleans Advocate says, oufvenerabl''father in twael, lie v. Kbenezor lUarn. of the Alabama Cojfe.-ence, visiting the city recently, gave us at it dii?tieiMa'de tli? following incident: Bistmp Asliurv, somewhere in Tennessee, wits preaching-a funeral discourse in memory ol Bishop Coke, from the text, " lie was a good uinn, full of the lloly ft host and of faitlV' etc. He ended his account of Dr. Coke with the following remarkable sentence?"Po much for n man, who looked like a 6o.v, spake like a ?coinan, and rame out of the at/iee !" A visnr Ignorant, hut Very foppish young fellow, going into a bookseller's shop with a gelation, who went thither to buy something he wonted, seeing his cousin look into-a particular'hook, asked why that made 'him smile. "Why," answered the other, "this hook is dedicated to you,cousin .lack." " Is It so t" said he, " pray Jot ine see it, for 1 never knew that 1 had sneh an honor done me." Upon which taking it into his hands, lie found it to he Perkins'Qatechism, " dud* cuted to all ignorant persous." ? A tag ahono,'looking fellow?bnt with some' w t, neverlheless-?-was hrougiit before a magistrate at Tourbrioge, on the charge of "stealing turnips. After making some droll remarks, lie was ask< d'liv the magistrate : - " But didn't you take the turuips found In yout pocket ?" I'risoner?" I. your worship I'Certainly not.? I went to steep in the field, among the turnips n-I t In* three you fodiul in my poeketgrew there whilst [ slept?the h<-ut <rf my body causingthetn 10 shoot up raster tliiin ordinary. I steal turnips, your worship. I'd scorn the idea!" "What are yon writing there, my hoy?" naked a fond parent, the other day, of his hopeful son, a shaver of ten yenrs." My cnmpothitjiion, thir." " iVhat-is tlig subject Y" " Intefmitiotnil law, thir," replied the youtliful Grot ins. " Hut, really, I shall l>e uuahle toeonfcnti ate mj hlcas ami give them relation, if I am onthnntlv interrupted iu tlnth manner by irrelevant inquiries." . The greatest instance of impudence on record' is tlntl of a Yankee, who iu an Italian city, stop' (red n religious processing, iu order to Jight his igar from one of the holy candle* Ere tho procsiion recovered from its astonishment the minacious smoker had disappeared. An old stick savs: "I have seen women so lelieate that tJe-y were ufraid to ride for fear of ilie lio^se running nwny?afraid to sail for fear I lie lioat. might upset?afraid to walk for fear !.,>? ,t..~ r?u i-.-? ? ....v . ..V XI' ?T .111^.11. inn Win. 1 UU V C-I" DUW one I luit was ufrnid to .get married. A rarson reading the funeral service nt n grave, forgot the sex til the deceased, and naked una of lie mourner*, an Kmernidcr, '* is this a brother >r n sister ?" " Nnthir," replied Put; " only n cousin." Mrs. Paris & Miss Gordon, J/.l/.V STREET, Wll.L OPEN, on Saturday, /sWfc1 Oth inst., a haudsuiuo assortment ' 31 JI^liINERY, Froneb, Chip, Fancy, Silk, Pa* nieln and English Straw 1JON' / jn NETS, Misses' Equestrians, FeaIbnrs for'ilesd Dresses, Lace Setts, Illusion Capos. Rerthns, Fancy Hair Pius, Hoop Skirts, Corsets, and l variety of Articles suitable to the season, selected )V Miss Oordon from the largest and beat French louses in New York. JMtESfvEH made at the shortest notice, and Drepsnaking attended to as usual, to which we respect- ! 1 uuj aKiKi hid uuuunuu oj mo iiiuiici ol (irovnvilltuid Us vicinity. 40-tf April 14 . DISSOLUTION. TIIK Copartnership of F. F. BBATTIK <i CO. has expired by limitation. All persons iudebtMl to the Firm, by Note or Book Account, arc requested to call and pay the same at uu early day. F. F. BEATTIK. February 15, 1S59. * R. C. FULL LAM. Utiw Tirol. TpilF. subscribers havo formed ? Copartnership. I and will continue the Business at the Old Sta id, under the Virus <if ATT TO A Pl'LLIAM. Thoy ex poet, soon to receive it tins Htock of .Sl'Jt/X(i \ XI) SUAIMUIl QOOJIS, and will be pleased to loo tbcjr old friend* aud customers. , F. V. DBATTIB. Fob 17 41-flra * R. 0. PULI.IAM. Cuwa Property Near the Female College FOR. SAFE. TlIB undersigned having deterA yf)4rl h>'nt''l I" reinoVe to Louisiana, offers , llo! SK and LOT for sale. Tbo BlyflJwidfc- r un-..- urn desirably located, on Buncombe street, near the Female ^otbnu, ? wilt he sold u|>on reasonable terms. The House is comparatively now. r?Mt>8!fion Jfivcp immediately, if deetfrd. For further particular*, apply to Mr. T. D. Ron:rtk. D. P. KI'ARKS. J*n 12 3? tf iGENCY FOR N. C. lf8URANCE COMPAQ. THK ASllEVILIiE Mutual InsuTanco Company f I WTNil eouij.lifd .ritii the IothI rctjuirilion of I 1. t,|l' 8t?to. iu relation to Aycncie*, and j>? v"['poliWd the ttnderehftied alt their Ae^nl for tbi? 1 lac*. of?i i">w prepared to take RISKS pn 1.1PB r HRWHRTY. JOHN W. ORADY. Greenville, 8. C., Feb. 10. 1*5*. 40 tf ' LAW NOTICE. ~ ' rHE undnr*ijfiiNl will devote liiineclf ontirrlv Jo the practice of itrfrf (Canity oi> the Weitrn Circuit. Mr. PRIOR le his partner tor Grcna ille Rixtjict, and way be found at hie office [n IrceavilU. /AMErf L. ORK. March SI, KM, 47 tf ^HAVINCK ' lair Trimming, Drying, lYyins A?ti? ' , RAZOR flETTIRO A*ND ^HAMPOOINO. i *T W' Seoond Boor Above Mr. MoPhorton's, WILSON COOK. * Mart 20 tf % "ftC ?r-.?',-4 .? * v s; ^ t. %*s bsw spsiae! NEW yPRlSK* CC STAPLE AID ?A1EY BiY GBuDS OF J , . , JSOW OJ TO WIlICHdlie attention of Purcb frMftrrriS supplied with NEW nud CHOICE OO %i I 111 1 ivt very low prices. A * OUR (.^RIVALLED STOCK Of PLANTATION 900D8 ii now ready for in?p*otl?n, to which* the attention of our Country friends and Factor* is invited. . v tlOUrfE \ IKE LINENS And FAMILY DllY GOODS. for tiro present and approaching seasons, in taiVe varieties, of the roost approved makes. Particular uttontlou U called ty our present stock t?f * ? . . x LONO CLOTITS. At SI, $, 10 and 12^. cents, aud the finer roakes, all uuc??|> Him wcoiiciit \ioga?. Full stuck of French nod English Long Cloths . - best makes. lllesoUotlSuiid UDoivuvuvd Cotton Sheetings?nit widths?Always on baud. JI envy Brown ShirtTngs, at 81, 8 and 10 cents. Superfine brown Sea Island Shirtings, at 61,'J, 10 and 124 cents. Extra 8 os. Cotton Qsnaburgs, 8 os. Striped C. Osnahurds. ltiuo Denims, Hickory Stripes, Apron Check,' Marlboro* Stripe*. Ac.. Ac. . CLOTHS ? AS8IMBRES. TWEEHH; AC., For Spring and Smnmor, in. new styles, for Uents and Un.vjfc now receiving. " .. upurior French and English Drap D'Ete, in beay makes, for I'ants. Extra heavy English do., in black, Orcen, Brown and Blue, for Boys' and Servants' wear; with A full assortment of Linen and Cotton FatjtSfnfTs. Linen Coatings, Flannels for Ueute' Sacks, Vesting* for the sooson, Ac., Ae. Materials of various kinds for Qhildren's wear, Servants' Coatings, Veeliiijfs and Pant Stuffs. wrw md m -nry m Man-It 17 44-tf 243 KING, OPPOS SOMETHING NEW! A GIFT Enterprise rumilietetl ttpiM ? Liberal rind Impartial Plan I ? Endorsed by the entire Press of the city of Baltimore. H. E. IIOYT Se Ct ?.'S lillK.\T W?I TH^uN NO. -11 U.U.TIV'HIC HTKRKT, s/Ait.u'aiMo asUp UKAIHltTAKTKUS KOR SOITIIKUN AND \VKSTt.ltN oltDKRH. Write for -a Catalogue for 1959. It eohtuiiiA the Largest.List of Useful, Oraatnental and valuable UJFTS ever published. (Jroater inducement* to Agents than over before of. fcrad by any oilier establishment in thu United Slutoi. A HILT WOltTH ritoM FIFIY CENTS TO ONE HU. D3E0 DOLLARS, AO-oMPANIKS KVKRV -BOOK. Postmaster*. Country Men-bout*. Bookseller*, Librarian* Of Universities, .Academies, Private and Circulating Libraries! School*, and nil other* whoso business will enable them, are respectfully solicited to bccdmo our Aynls. Any person run, by collectin# n few Clubs, obtain a .Valuable collection t?f" Books iu a abort lime, without any actual oust, save a few mutnents'-leisuro time. We have A soots iu all parts of the country, who, besides supplying themVelveft with valuable Libraries. are rcali/-.itig Imndsoutts profits from the sale of (lilts, accompanying tholr books. Catalogues, giving full particulars, mailed frco to any address. WIIAT THE FHESS BAY. They have a magnificent assortment of Books, anil have prepared themselves with innumerable elegant ... 1..1 i ? .i._.?- ... '? UI>?|? uuuiru ivuuisx UUllMlg OICII ~ iroupe ui iriuiitl* Hiul customers at lar;{?."?HaitiniQre Sun. Kot only may a selection ho made of any choice work, but v(ith it the purchaser in mirt to receive Souic aitii'lc of jewelry, which, in many eases, prove unite valuable.?/lultimort lJuilij iixch<in<jr. They make no promises that ure not performed strictly to the letter, and by thus punctually canceling their obligations, have gained the entire confidence of not only our citizens, but the countrp abrooil.?Ithltimore Patriot. A younjf lady .acquaintance of ours purchased, fi?r $1, a hook at this cstahiixbmopf, a tow days since, ami received a double-cased gold wateh, valued at one hundred dollars.?-hnttiutorc C'li/tjicr. The success which at tends the (lift Book House of'Messrs. It. E. Hnyt A Co., has ho precedents in tho annaiaof Gift Enur prises.?Ji?j>nbJi* au A- Arju*. Call and see them, and our word fur it, you will not rennet your visit.?IHipntrh, Haiti m-nr. Tho inducements to tho Southern and Western people to make their purchases from Messrs. Hoyt A Co., are much greater than can )?e ofTered by any house of the kind in tho couutry. Freight from Bat-, (imore to iiny Ijontheru point is less, and the immense order business done hy this firm is a guarantee of their fulfilment of all promises.?Pnutiljf Journal. \ It is, in a moral, getting books for uothiug auvl being paid to take them away.? Elevator. ' All orduta will he promptly and impartially filled, and forwarded withiu one day after being received. The Uifla, in all eases, will accompany the Books, with a written certificate to the .person sending the order. *0* Hmneiuhcr, no Gifts distributed of less value than 50 cents, or mote than $100. Address, H. K. IIOYT A C0? No. 41 Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. April 14 49 3m* lloilNCM nntl I.Ota l?r 4iufi? mm Till* subscriber offer* for o>Uc TWO LOTS jSj'jj in lli.- town of Greenville. situated on Poiidlcfl'ia ion Street, and within five inUnite*' walk ol the Railroad Depot. Encli Lot hits n I'uttaKu on it. Fine Well* of water uui) convenient OuLhouses nre on the promises. These Lots will l>v sold together or separately, on ^ very reocouttMe terms. For further particulars, as to tlio wise of the Lot, t?i uik, Ac., apply to L. W. WATHOJf. Fuh 10 10 tf I Valuable Lands for Saio, I ON TERMS ACCOMMODATING Tu PURCHASERS. A TRACT containing OHO Acres, 400 Of which tiro jfood, heavily Titnhercd; end first-rate (ioornt's Greek Upland. The Trust is louated ifl" Pickens District, on the mini fr.un Greenville to Pendleton, R miles from the former place. Also, a TRACT in tho snnir neighborhood, containing .17" Acres. 200 Aofes arc heavily Timbered. On the Tract tbero are .10 Acres best BOTTOM. For particulars, apply to if. K. KA8LEY, Oct 2d ,2i-tf Greenville, 8. C. Tin Van tti'oh tc Unn !>??! - avu n uu iu viiy 1WA1 JMWIV ui bRKsyviiLer. Til K Agtul fur the aalo of the following Town Property : ' II0U8K AN 1> LOT ort JIuncomlie Street, opposite the Pctuule CullnK'i owned by Mr. It. J. Jaudon. irOt'SK AN1> LOT < t Mr. J. N. Pearler. near tbe It . ? i I ? i.?>t. * One of the mnit <lo?irable place* in Orcentllle. HOLrili AST) liOT of Mr. II. R. William*, on (he Augtncta road, and ncer the Depot. AI?o, ?cror?l other plaoo*. * The above Property will he #old upon the mott roneonahlo tenne. W. P. PRICK. Jon 2<* ST I - tr M. David & i. EI?stijr, OOt ? mi'onTKnre Ajin nrti.r.m it watch r,8< JM JEWELRT AMD CLOCKS. |TI mm' No. 398 KINO STREET, rm MR'U MMeiDWfs Watch.. Ac Oloelu Repaired warranted for oae year SSI# - ' * ly NOTICE. ^ DT7RTNO my neee<*arr or accidental abeepce. my friend, 0?l DAVID IIOKK, who la my iW^ul De|>nty? w|ll aMeit-l to pllperMtn* bavin* any u.Inert* trdn.action* with tbe ofliee of the Coouui*Irmer. 8?*. TOWNBP, C. E. O. D. Marrh S * 43 ' K ? MtBSS, )VEH1^IN.0S, AND uirnKWRUTimsusii.' *KN IN G , users !a Invited. Qui DEPARTMENTS sre all bow ODS, which will bo sold lor Cash or City Acceptance ? NEW SPUING CALICOES. % Now Spring French Carubrios ; Neet Spring French BrllliaBtc * / \ Furniture Calicos, Furniture Chints "Bupor Uudroe'scd Furniture ChtnIS f'-.T Furniture Dimity, do. Fringe, bullion Fringe V Summer Marseilles Qnilt* Alluudulo and Manchester Quilts, Jtc., Ac. EMUKOIDERIKS, LACKS And White Goodg, in new styles and largo variety, at' low,-price*. bordered Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, all prices " Hemstitched and Embroidered L. C. Handkerchiefs, for Ladfos and Children. ? 8PHINO liiifiSS C.GODS, la now 'style Silks, Plain And' Printed Challies, Sumuior Poplins, Ac., just arriving. RJCH HlLK ROUES AND OHAJLtlfc ROBEfc, Iii neif styles for the season. Now style 811k and ^luslin Robes. -? . " \ WillTE AND COLORED STELLA SHAWLS. At all jpr?cc?. Superior White fckella Mantilla Shawls. ? | Full stock of Spring Mantillas, to arrive by next strainer. . * SKIRT*! SltlHTS11 SKIRTS!!! , For Children, Misses and- Ladlos. Wo arc now prepared to show tho very beet article of Ladies' Extension Skirts ever nimlc. Also a large assortment of medium and low price Skirts. Our stock of HOSIERY" SPRING UNDERslIIHTS. AC., For Uents, Ladies and Children, Is now well assorted. " r&ja* swy&wm, aw . A. F. BROWNING'S, ITK HASELL STRl KT, CHARLESTON, S C "7" THE LIVER' vts. <? FJBKPAReu BY DR. SAVFORP, COMrOLfcDiiD ENTIRELY FRuM GUMS. IS.0110 of the best PURUATlVfc and LIVER Medicines nose boforo the public! that acts as a C'.ithartic, easier, milder, and more effectual tbau any other tuedioinu known. It is not only a Cathartic but n Liver remedy, acting ffrst on the I^iuer, to ojoct its Jftorbid matter, then on tho Stomach and Rowels, to carry off that matter, thus accoinplikhing two purposes effectually, without any of tho painful feelings experienced in tbo operations of most Cathartic*! It strengthens the system at the same time that it purges .it;- and when taken daily in moderate doses, will struugthen and build it up with unusual rapidity, | Tho Liver is olio of tho | rating the stomach, cnu- ! principal regulators of !ain|( taafi. '? digest wtll. the huninu .body ! and|_.jpurifying tlie blood, girwhen It performs its ^;iug tone and health to tho functions-well, tho poWaj? whole machinery, rerilocrs of tho system ara ful ? v'nK 'ho cause oftlie dis- I ly dvruloped. Thetftoui- C^.case?effecting a radical ttch Is almost entirely d?-1 Vjjeuro. pendent on the lieulthy \ llilions attacks arc action of th? Liver for Q?. cured, and what ip bettlie proper purforinnuce ^lte'r, prevented, ' by On, of its functions; when occasional use of the Lithe stomach is at fault. C5 vcr luvicorator. the Itowols aru at fuult.sJ One te after eating niid the whole system sof'^ji* sufficient to |>cH?va the fors In coneeiiiicneo of'^ (stomach ami prevent the or.o organ?the Lircr?? J^jt'ooil froin rising unit having ecOKO?r to do its wf souring, duty. For the di*eua& ' Only ono doso taken of liint organ, one of the hefbro retiring prevents proprietors made it m'Nightman*, tiii study, in a practice ^ Only ono doso taken of more iha 11 twenty i^a( night, loosen* th< years, to And some rente- * howelsgvutly, and eurody wherowith to connter J Costlvencss. act the many derange- One doso after each meutstu which it is lia- meal will cure Dyspepsia hie. ?- I Olio-dv*? of two tcaTo prove that this rein- spoonsful will always reedy is at hta> found, a fly.ilievq 81e.k- It . arfaens. parson troubled with lji->5 Onehottle token forfe vor.Complaint, In any of? mu'.c ohsti urtFu remove*-] forms, has but to try nVitlu* eaule of the disease, hottle, and conviction is J?' and makes a perfect dure certain. * j!5j Only oucdowc iiniacdiTheSC Gums remove Ir ately relievos Che lie, ami all morldd or bud matter Ono dose often repeat from the system, supply-!? ed is a suru cure for Choiing in their place a heal-| era Morbus, and a prethy flow of bile, invigo- 'ventivu of Cholera. -' . Only ono hottlo is needed to throw out of- tho system the etl'cots of medicine after a long sieknoss. One hottlo tuken for Jaundice removes all sallow ness oraihnatuvul color frotn the skin. ' Ono dose taken a short tune before .eating glVes vigor to the appetite, und makes food digest well. One dose often repeated cures.Chronic I)iarrUarn in it* worst forms, while Sojniner and Bdwel Complaints yield almost to the first dose. Ou?i or two doses euros attacks caused hy Woruis in children; tlrvro is no surer, safer, or speedier remedy in the world, an it never fails. A. few buttles enrca Dropsy, by exciting the absorbents. *'* >' We take plen?nre in recommending tfiis medicine as a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, and all Fevers of a Billions type. It operates with ocs?tainty, and thousands are willing to testify to Its wonderful virtues. Alt wlio use it are giving tliolr unanimous testimony in its favor. . * ix watc.r in the mouth with the Invigora tor, and swallow hotb together. Tlit! I,iv?*r I it vigorulor Is a scientific modioat"discovery, and is daily working euros almost toe great to believe. It euros as il by magic, ersn tit Jh?t dose giriny henrjit, and seldom Piorc than one bottle Is requited to euro any ; kind of I.ivcr Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or lJt/ a common Hendnche, all of which are I the result of u Diseased Liver. fir Price oae dollar per fettle. DR. SANFORD, Proprietor, it ti Broadway, New York, i Retailed by all Druggjsta. Sold also by U. Kiu'vcn, urvTiiviuc. 4V-IJT A |* 14 GOWENSVILLB HALE AND PEMALE SEMINARY. TlIK And Session of this KCllOOL, fllr ^"r "'I' <H?n t'>0 Fikrt I>av or FK?l?Ca.*r, under the direction ol Kuv. T. J. Kurle, u Principal. Cbr The llatu* of Tuition, per Session of Ave uioiitlis, are as follows: Primary (tranches, $ 6 00 Higher English Branrhes,... 7 50 Higher Mathematical Branches 10 00 Latin and (Ireek,...,, 12 50 | This School possesses advantages in its location c?|ur.l, if net suporier, to may in the State. Jt is situated at t)owon*villa, Greenville Biatrict, in tba midst <?f an excellent neighborhood, where the young aro not exposed to those temptations com mop to villages. Besides being at a post office, Jt is within a few hundred yards of RoWden's Snlpbnr Spring, as fine minora) waur as any in the upper districts. Mr. Earfe, the Principal, experienced teacher and good-dlscinlinarian, and the Trustees flatter thcrasclres that they may expect for the School a liberal patronage. flood Board may he had in the families of the neighborhood at six and ss-;?n dollars per month. For further particulars, apply to the Principal, or to l)r. VTm. Mooney, or to R. BOWDKV, Chairman B. T. N. B.?Arrangements have been mede to seeore the service* of a younr ledy well qualified to give Instruction's In Music, .Needle-Work, I/eather-Work, Urawing, <?wimi Painting, Ac,, Ac.. at prioea in proportion to the abovu Katea of Tuition. We would invito tin cpwlal attention of parenfa and guardian* to tlita addition to the interval of .mr ' Mi'iiodl. Wo ihbll bo able to giro ludlruetlon in any of the higher branehca of Fotoaio Eduonfion, at prioea within the of all. Oowcnaville, S. 0., Jiov. 26, 1866. Jan 20 ' ?1 %t NOTICE^ T>ER?K>?|I indebted t? thp late PiUN of W. II. X HOVBV ? CO., can eeitto tbe um? at my office vorjr d m, or 'bey will find thehr Note* and Accoutre in the bund* of an Attorney for coHosHon. Longer indulgence cannot be gtveq.' The huaiocaa of the Wrtji mnat be settled. W. I#. flOVBT Feb 17 |1 tf * Jewelry & Silver W-alre, J SAMUEL W. BIHEUICT'S, EVERYTHINQ "8F*lHt 8E8T "QUALITY, WIRE . AND WAJBAIfTED. \ V Ord rm ftr anything In thia Una will be oar*- . 1 foUr attended to, anddoUvered a fewdar*ftfl#?n<$tlc? .J - Batng aaeoola *d *nh $y Ifcthar enable* mo to popooro tb* above art cle* Ui New York Oity of the boot f *17 1m, and at low prio*?. >. - * ; 1>?L. EVEDICT, t AT JLEVV^ M?W SlOtbfi 1 Marolu24 4?- ly ? ?? ? '? - - Jkwi'j ?? s J Saddle & Harness Manufactory. ? fQ?d Til* Subscriber would r??poctl\iUy inform ! Mh the public generally that ho continue* the- ( above Iluidncpft, TiOoJ>n<>ri Abov the Ur*m~ f riUe ft*t*I, uod 1* prepared to fornUh cuntoiabr* with , any dooriptioh of IIOME MANUFAGTURKI) * 8ADDLS8. CarrjaJtb, Bugjfy and-. \V agon HARNBtJS made to order, and i? the bent atylc*. "SRI- a DLES,-W?IP8, do., oirhand, and for *al*CHEAP. , Saddle* and Harness REPAIRED al short notieb. . AM.- UlLKEATHi Mch S ' - 4 74* ' \ ly .-a ? *?* ? ew-?eww^?4?aav??.^.l>a>m>.*4m>^w'aa*l J ?. H. 1I0VEY, J -. . ru"PRirrojt <St. ' ' 1 THE MDIESV STORE, . DEALER IN | FAXC V AM) STAPLE S>RV a PODS, TtlCIl j D It ESS (fOODS, BONNETS, liYniiOXS, < n oragk'Eispwa goods, ueadv . *t HADE CLO 77/7 _V (7, A XV INDIA _ - J unnltvt/ /:nri 1.o -* V GREK-NVliLtBT's. C. ' - i " - . i N. p.?OM;n aeootupanle J by the oo?h, fur Med- I teal, -Law or "Library Books, Musical Instruments, ( it ml Sundries, promptly fillctl In New York and dc- * llvered at "bis counter on shortest notico. ( Jan 18 -< ' 88 ly J 70HNW.GRADY, ? ? *dkalkh ih . FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, ' HEADY MA DE CLVTIffXQ, HOD TS AXU \ SHOES, HOOKS AMD ST A TIOXEB Y, DRUGS d DYESTt.PFS, HA RDTt'.t RE As Cf.'TL ER Y'h WOOD- \ E SAY A HE, - GROCERIES, OHA fS, COVSTHY \ 1'RODUlHi, Ac., - 1 J OrPOdlTE TOR VKW COUNT HOUSE, ON VAIN ITMIT, GRGRN VOitE, S. Ct * i Jan fl Hi IT * THE Subscriber continues to.ORNAMENT with , PINK JIOLP every variety of HAIR WORK Iti order, such M J fair ftroackrt, do. Finger King', ' do. YrM, Fob nod Guard Cbainr, <lo. Xrrklace*, n.oc.Uu, and, In fact, KVKitY ARTICLE IN TIIK BRAIDED HAIR LIN'K. Maker, of flnO, Oald, J Fngaifmrtu Hix'j', (with inscription thrown in,) Sol- K id Ucdd, iSVerre, Collar, Ho'Om and tHimier Hntiott' ; * Engraves M'dolt, Heal*, dr., Flair of every kind, c and giakcaall articles in Urass, Hilver or Gold ; He-' c pairs neatly all Jowolry brought in; takes all old 1 . Uold or Silver, at fair valuation. x 1 Jit' slaty yards east of the Old Court House, Groenrills, S. 0., and near the- EaUrprite 1 Office. J. H. "RANDOLPH. - s July 1 6 ljr 1 Boot, Shoe and Loathor Store. 1 * * f . ? fJAIlK Subsvribcr has on hand en excellent assort- 1 1 incnt of BOOTS AND SHOES, of his own man- ? ulucluro. Alfeo, just received, a fins a^portment of 1 LADUJS' MRJE8. RLIPPKRS, c V \v Caltwrs, Ad."; Mlsoes and t hiUlren's J V^~^^as'10t'S>nll?iars;t)entletiicn,sSii)>|)ei>. Also, a Urge stock Of RKOG'ANS, ShoCm altera' ^ , Tools, licatbcr Findings, Thread, Laee, Ac. lie has also on hand q largo stock of LEATHER, v " ' , ! which he will eoM at WHOLESALE or RETAIL. Uirving in hi* employ excellent workmen,,he is" * prepared to MAKtf tpe finest urticlo ef BOUTS and s -^HOES, at the shortest notice. ? A)1 of tRe above Goods, together with articles of lii* own. mahufactare, will be sold at the tnosl roa* unable prices for cash. Jt\ BU RTY, > In Maa. LovKLAvn'a Buick liciLpixo. ) April Id . . 49 tf ? RRFPMAHI I R MA fit*!! fc V/>Bn j ?w-i*w<w,SW * I'lTllWWk I JIUV. 1MIE flubscribor huving purchased the interest o ' Mi". JAMES l? ( llALMERfi,h? v.-Ul eontlnwa ? i ? MAKULK HI.SINK8S m heretofore. at the Old titlftS in the raar of Mr. Kctcbain's Store. He Tenia thankful for the putronage which baa a ' been extended to tho Finn of Cmalmkhs A Allbn, b an<l hopes, bj attention to business, and promptness, > to merit a continuuuco of the same. . Oct 7 22-tf JAS. M. ALLEN. j H O W ARD ASSOC1AT1OUT* ) . t- PHILADELPHIA, A Jicneeotent /a?t?/t??T?it, ettnblimkcdbg SjtCciai }.* a doiptMHl foe rh* Ktlief of (be ticlt abd dietrcaacd, ^ iifffirted rill 1 irulcnl and Epidemic Jjiecaeet. " < rplIE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, iu view of the J. awful destruction of human life, capsod by . >. anal Diseases, and the deceptions practised upon fi [ the wnfhrtunato victims of snob diseases by Quacks, k sevcrnl^jroar* age directed their Consulting Surgeon, i as a chm italic net worthy of their name, to open a 1 Dispensary Tor tho treatment of this claw of diseases, iu all their forms, and to give medicuJ adricd* gratia 'j to all whe apply by latter, with a description of their a I condition, (pgn, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and t in easo of extreme poverty, to /omitA medicine* fret I of charge. It ia needless to.add that tho Association I commands the highest medical skill of tb* ago, and < wi|1 furnt.ih the most approved modern treatment. . The Directors of tho Aasociation, in thair Aunur.l o Report upon the treatment Of-Sexual Diseases, express the highest salisTaction with the success which has attended the labors of their Siir,nmuin ?K? sum t of Bpcnnatnnhqsa, ^tuinitl Wt^NoH, (tonorrhaia, J llkrf, Byphilis, the vie* of Onanism,or 6elf-At.u?o, ' rfiNtMi of the Kidnoys, Bladder, Ac., aud order a 1 contiuuanco of tbe mioo phfh for the Mtaiqji ynr. * The Direetnrw, on a review of the past, feci u' Hurod that theb labors tu this sphere of benevolent 1 | effort have been of groat benefit to the afflicted, ea- J pecially to the*young, and they hpv# rosotved to de- i I vote ilicuuolvee, with renewed seal, tu thii vary imI portent and macli despised. cause. t , An admirable Report on dponoatorrhena, or Beta- 0 [ inal Weakness, tbo vice cif Onanism or BeH-Abuse, t and otbor diacaaes of tbe Btxusi) organs, by tha Consulting Burgeon, will be soufby wail (in a a. sled . envelope,) frtr uf ckartfe, on receipt of tu-o' ttamy for postage. Other Jtcporta and Tracts on the na- . ture nnd treatment of Bcxual diseases, diet, Ao., are constantly being pnldlabed for ^gratuitous distribution, and will l>o sent to the afflicted. Borne of tbo ' new remedies ahd methods of treatment discovered during Hie but year, are of grcfe value. faff Aiiiirew, for Report or Trcatmeirf, DR. J, J BK 11.1,1 N llOUttliTON, Acting Burgeon, Howard * Association, No. 2 Booth Nioth Btyeet, Philadelphia, Ha. % By order of tbe Director*. K'/HA V. 11 KARTWK1.L, President. Oko. Faikcimi.d, Secretary. 3?-ly * F8 MAIN BTRKET, NEXT TO THE MANSION HOU8E1 , ARB prepared to tarnish (ientlemen with ?rR]f ArtUd* of , . F1MKIONABLR CLOTHING ' KtnuUr to tlie mmoii and ncec?e?ry U> the oomfwrt .. and decent ap^iearanoo of tk? on tor man. an rsralldiit assortment M BOOTS, 8HOKP AND DATS, willi avaeiety of FANCY AKTlCtES ' I and a chotr? lot of SKlfARS AMD TOBACCO. # Oct 3i u .. - tr J "oTsrgQ^u; '4 If anqfaeturer of and Dealer in v* FURNITURE of ?rery <!?*crir.-tJon. , CIIAIRS of every style, 1 -JkMm .> J FIST'S CELEBRATED METALIS BUMA& CASE8, J Oppo*itr tAeConp. rfy 7/otw*, | || ?V> \ COUUMU1 A, " C ' (r T ' rI!?g?kACIirKK^ WW Cr?'Ui tirotfoj^r^r^ <ti*?d from the tfore, requiring U dhrutui. .They llcnt, ;rs? equifedby otbct xpmMvta'.s. fl>heyw.Ill<U>tt?iiand WmV ftwipd ^hia^* KMitKM Mtm $?> 55ft? ?awn^1ES .r family se*ing. executing either heavy t5sS0kBS^sisff^ps&' ^r&Kass ^vr? " u?jkf ~,*&fra3\j farncnHy y?H w4 * Tffi Lift,! > leisure in comnieodin? it as every way raiUblc .he purpose for which it Is lc?VK."~Mn. Jo.knaLeaeiL ~\fc of B*vyj>r. Alitor Of S: V. IwUpindcot. " I eonfoss tnysMf delighted with your 8&?ing V*^ shine, which bus boon in my ftt?tiiy for many H?"0lh3. [t has alwHysbocu hiad^'for tMtyf>rs<lulf''D?' no a<'UHlmeDt, and U easily adapted .Uw every variety of apiily seWiug, hy aimply changing the spoote of AprHotii, iw/t of Brr. Or. Strickland, Editor c/ iV. F. Chrietia* Adpoeatr. <" After trying several- different good machines, I ircferrcd /onra. on account of 1U almpliolty, an?| the lerfoot ease with which It ia u>unn^cd. a* well a# the tr, ogtb and durability of the scant. Afterl'm* ?x?rience, I feel competent to speak in ihTs manner, d to 'confidently recommend it for pv?ry variety ?>f rally oewing.''?J/*?. B. B. Spooner, wife ?/ Bit Vditor of Brooklyn Stur. ' # J _ " 1 haro used a tlrover A BaVq^Httf ^f u'hino br two years, and feavq found it pdaptpd to "u.U kiVds >f family sewing, ftoih.ea rubric io broadcloth-/0a> nents have bfeen worn out without (be giving why >f a stitch. The Machine it easily kept in order, md easily used."?,Vr*. A. If. Whipple, trij'e of Urn . W. Wkipplh, AVia "York. " Your Bowing Machine has hedh iv use in my fanily the past-two years, and the i?uiic* roquest mo 0 give you their testimonials to its perfect iwlnptodtess, as well, as labor-saving ijualiflcs id the per'ormanco of family nnd household sewing."? Robert Doorman, Mew .Yuri. ^ "* - " For He vera! months we haro used OroVor A Bater's Sewing Machine, and hare come to tho c'oorlnlion that every lady who desires hvf sewing heanti-. ally and ({Uickiy done, would be' most fortunate ia xisscsstng one of these' reliable and indefatigable iron uoedlc-womsn,' whose cqynbincd" qualities of itanty, strength, and simplicity, ore invaluable."? 1 II' Mf ?- J '.1, .* rf /!.- i, *#\ 1. ZJ-, r. iv . .To/frre, amiurMcr i/r?? WCW. A ? ^uorru, /'? lor q/ lA* Hvme^JuHfhaL * ?, Kxtract of a letter ffom Thot. B. Lsavlli, E? Vmcrican gentleman now roaidcntln Bydncy, New tooth Waloe, dated January 12,1848t. " 1 bad a taut nade in Melbourne, in 1858, in which Cbtrrc were >ver throe thousand yartls of wing doup with one if <1 rover A linker1* Macbinoa, and a logic ream ot bat ha* oulatood all the double seams rowed by lailors with k needle and twine." If Hotter oonld he called up flrmn hi* murky indt**, ho would sing the advent of flrftvw A Baker is a more benignant miracle of art than was irir r'ulcun'* smithy. He , would denounce midnight birt-uinking a* 'the direful spring of woes uuuuui>ered.'"~~J'rof, JVortl. " ' *v ; "I take prrnxuro in paying that the Orovoe A Bator .Sewing Machines hdvc more than sustained mv xppctution. . After trying nnd returning other*. I iavc three of them it^ operation in my dlflbronl pl.ivs, and. after four year*' trial, have no fault to find." r. 1/. UtuiimortJ, Stnatoro/ .VoalA Curo/faa.' " My wife ha *-h ml one. of tJ rover A- R;ik?C*? Prunly Sewing Machines for route time, and I urn satiated if is ?no.Of the heat lubor-anring machine* that as been invented. I toko much ph-aaarc iu ntCulnuending it to the public."?J, O. ii<uri?, u?remv f Trnnemcr. * "It i| a beautiful thing, And lmts everybody into u excitement of good humor. Wore I u Cathode, I hould insist upon Saints tlrorer A Baker having an tern*! holiday, in commemoration of tlurts good oecta for huroaujty."?Ccioin* JI. t'/oy. "I think it by far the beet patent in use. The lac bine can he adapted from the finest caipbrlr to he heaviest cn-' rirm rc. It sews stronger, taiter. Mid tore beautifully, than one can imagine. If mine ould not bo svplitcod, money ooujd not bay it."? frt. J. 0. //reiet,, SankvtfU, 7V*u. ' ' /' "It is speedy, very netu, and dnrnblo in its work; i easily understood and kept In repair. I earnestly on... ml this Muthinu to all inv acquaintances ltd others,"?Strt.' Jf. A. Fttrr'ttl, itfiupkU, Tea*. " We find thiaMachine to work )o our satisfaction, nd with pleasure recohiuichd it- to the public,<is tre elieve the <1 rover A Baker to he tlie best, Be wing tacbino in use."?Dmty ltrothert, At/term*, Tram " IT used exclusively for family purposes, with orinary care, I wilf wager they will last eue 'three roro year* and tea,' und never get-out of fix.'?-JoAa trikinr, ?Vo?A,. Teaa. k n?c umu, your .uarnino for several weokt, and tn perfectly *ati*f?ed that the Work H dv?? is the cat end moit beautiful lhat ever trMmCde."?J/oyH Aimhon, A'a$Sn'lle, Tup. ' "I use titj machine upon coat*, dreea-making, and me I'mJU atitchiug, and tho work U admirable?far irttcr thin the baud-sowing, or any other machine have evet even."?L*ey B. TkumjuiMt, S'tuktUlt, re**. " I Add the work the strongest and hi nut beautiful have ever actpt; made either by hand or machine, jtd regard the timver A Baker Machine ae one of be greatest blreetngi to our iw."?Jfri. Tngtor, VturhrilU, Tan*. ( "I have one of f>rover A Baker's Machitiea In uec n cty family, -and Pud it havaiaoble. I can oonb U-ntlr recommend It to' all poTUotti la want of a Mabine."?fit. T. Thorn purm, jfufh*it/<, Trrnt. " 1 take ploaeure in certifying to the utility of the 1 rover A Baker Sewinjf Machines. i have used one >n almost every description of wotk' for months, and Ind U -ihuoh stronger and better in ev?.ry r?op? el ban work done by hand."?Br*. It. If. H'AWc,, Vrt?An7/?, Tttn. , " I would-be uuwHUug to dispeee-of tor 0rover A laker Machine for & Urge amount, oould 1 n??i rtdace It again at pleaaurS."?.Vra, //. tj. Hcwii. Vwlri/ie, Jean. t " Our two Machines, purchased from yon, do ktio rork of twenty young ladies. We with ldrarilfu r? nunran uie wiovor A Oakt-r Pow'idk Mat min- u>bo bo M io una."?A*. $ti(h?a? <L '< V. Ten*. "I M the Machine (i^ljr tMD^ol, wjr role., ajiil take pluaaurv io rof 'toiiKHMlintf it to all wb? rich convenience, eeouupiy and pleasure."?Met. / ntu; JtimykU, JVkn. March 16 44 tiu ~~ NOTICE. 4 I?L person* Indebted to ?io for the yenra 18A4 t\. '67 and 'M, by HOOK ACCOUNT or NOTK. r? rtNjnealod to come forward and pay up. ee / ?'\er indulgence ooaavf Ac oiWm. Fob a ?#-* T . V. BURTY. 1 p , 1 c j _ t'w a 1 1 a 111 i 1^ 1 ? 1 ? ? ? 1 * i 1 ?r no ?1 fc 1 ?./ 1 ' 1 a ? *^?i r* ?11 REED A QOODLETT, VTTQRHUS AT UW, ^ \ gOLICITOJli III BaWTT.> OJiee nt*i door to Ft F. Co. OKBKNVILUI,:-?rO p. ?*en June 1 4 . . ' I ORR A PRtOE, m% * ^ ??ir aS2.fc.TlHg. t*re ?he ll,i .i'wd fji ;uir*nr<it ? *.!. ||i. rr?<M>(<(fol(v ft?k? a con;lunnMAu ?4 ? onwre. M lft QM t