University of South Carolina Libraries
fe * ? * * ^ LQVELAND A OHAlfDLER. Jobo as v . tf private boarding. .y TpHf. 8oh>cr?tof is prepared, at aU tlroee, to a?X wmnudutt gentlemen with BOARD, evlbef by the day, week,-or month, at reasonable ratas. During *C3^rt Week, tbolve >r flfleep gent km un '/ . can be fafnisheil with Entertainment, at *76 eta to per dcy," or AO cants pey roeal, HI* rosidonou ie situated uho bundrtd jonls south> U *mt of the Cburt House. t. " K.*Vfc JSTONK. ' * "T .r Timely N^tke. J ^ I I rptlrtflR indebted to the lata Firm of ROBERTS, I X MO*CAN A CO.. and oepecUlly whertJt ban two of long standing, nro notiOod that co?ts will be * added If they do not pay up." Longer indulgence eannok be given. Juno y. ' - " tf I 2Sfr JELi"W jSTOfUdl I ? AND KBW GOODS I AT r. A. (r RAY'S, XcarMo+rv* f\ 0.r10^Vil^ above iavrmsvifle, 8 C I W M. M'JTEBLY & SONS I A RE DOW receiving nod verting t'coiapieto and ' varied 6'IOCK OFdJOODS at thieplace, arid I also at _ I-Li ' _ . r?*niam inn, urcenvuie put., And by '.tip 8th instant will exhibit a superb ami . txtMliw niuyrttuent of Goods at each of the above plarye, to whieli the attention of the public i?' rJ>speeWuily invited. W? wilf net promise to piY? own Goods, bub we do promise,to aell at very short profit# for CASlf, #r on short time to punctual phyer?. The potrona2e of the publiS in general la earnestly solicited, and especially to the new Storo at Monroe, wbero Mr. J.'M. POWER will' be always lit attendance to Watt on avevy <all, '.v * Thankful fhr post favor* at Fountain Ino, we hopefully solicit a coo'lnuiuicu or the same. 'Produoe of all kinda will ho Utken in exchange for Goods ht planes, snch as Corn, Fodder, Oat?, Wheat, Cotton, Chickens, Eggs,-Rags, Ac., Ac.; also with a (llsooont in-tfio fall. WM. MeNEEj.Y A SONS. _J?no 23* .Y. 7 , - , tf GOLDEN GROVE PLANTATION . FOR SALE. r J^IIfS PLANTATION, oao of the most valuable X and liesirable - in the District, situated upon j PN Goldon GrOvo^st* mtknahetow Greenville ?. H., wilt be sold dm lh*"Fir?t Monday (n Morember HtJd, unless previously disposed of at-private sale. The PLANTATION dbotalas'aboiitSKVBN HtN* DRED ACRES OP LAND; onehldfcisefed and under fence, the balance very heavily timbered, and *9 convenient tp tfio Railroad (the woodland run* ning within a few hundred yards of it) that it. is believed a steam mill, constructed far the purpose of tiawmg up crtMSK-tk*, and Xndiriously manured, . would pay for the place In one year. ' ^ Near thu Residence Li an unfiiliug SPRING of pure and coolest freestone Water, unsurpassed by any iu this section of country. ^ A young and thriving ORCHARD of choice varieties of Fruit, embracing Apples, Rears, Peaches,' English Walnuts, etc.-might be made another Sou ran of profit to a purchaser. The LAND Is red, of ths best quality knownr in thin region of country,.!ies woll, and of the portion' nog in cultivation, there are sosno thirty acres of BoMou, For Tsrtas?which gill hg accommodating?and farther particulars, apply to . . EASI.EY A TURDSTOV Juoo Ifi-lS * Greenville C." U. jJWF"1Patriot A Mountaineer copy- Cvery otherweek till first'Norember.. * i MWimiirFillF: A MB ROT Y PES, aFd all other kind or types i I c. h!Xanneait REKPKCTFUI/LY. announces to his friends.and' former patrons, that he baa ret wrued to tl rconviils for the sumnjgr, and caQ always be fonndathii former Room iu Mcliaa's Ham.. A GOOD Ambrotype, NEATLY KXCARKI), can be purchased fir the Joic nrtee of ONK DOLLAR. Krery variety pf TfPB oan bo obtained in his' Gallery, that can bo had in tbo city of Ckarlaiton or Ntie York, and equally as FINK. Daguerreotypes of Jrf 'eavd persons Photographed and enlarged to LIFE SIZE and fainted in Oil. , June tS \ .7 ? 4teow HOU SB^DLbTFOR SALE. aa THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sate his ?K jfijTjJ SIDRNCE in thu town of Greenville. It la JQJlLdesirably located ?n a central portion of town ?near Mu Presby teriau Chnreh. Jtw Lot contains one Acre of ground, and upon the promises will he feaud every convenience?a Well of good wgtof, a large Cistern, Stables ami Out-houses. The place will be sold upon the laost foasoitablo terra*, enquire or u. J. Milord, or the entftrsijrned. V - A. GH?BSiriKLI>. ' June 9 6 tf * GENERAL . ~ BOOT & SHOE STORE. V * ?. ? THE enbMribera hare rccoircd, end will radMkcp comdently on h?nd. lefgc Mil well elected'stock of Men's Boys' ?u<t Children V:v BOOTS * SHOES, of every variety. Aleo, Ladies' M wees' end Tnfen t?', fro* cunnon to supi rllnc. Likewise, good lot of Men's, Boys* end Children's " _ Clotbliag and Hoti. Wo pell particular attention to our M ANTCF A,CTURING itepertrnent. Wo wish to spppty onweod ell ifith IIouiv Meunfedturo, "from the common Bro, gen tip to anything you may wi?h In tbo Boot eml Shoe line. We would roepcctfttily Inform the public thet we here mede arrangements to furnish from 1* to 20.Ooo pair of the beet lliogaoend Plantation Hhoee >U.h ... ?ill ?15 -? .11. 1~? ?-S.? ??-? -j- . imi i .i|> hi # We have also, agood lot of GAOCERIR8, (Mich M> MoTaeeee, Cube, Masoovado, Orleans and Florid* Ryrup, Coffee, Rngorc, Racon, Lard, Rice, and a variety of other Articles, which wo will sell Ww Car Oaah or Barter. Brooks, Scruggs A Gibson. JunsiT _ . ,-t _ tf LAN DTORSALE. TIIK BUligORLHKll offers for sale, a track of 8M> AORKR Or LAX p. sttuatod on the State road loading from Ureenvtlle Court lltmse to AsheTilia, V. 0., two milios below ifodgoa, la tiroeaville District. On the place I a a comfortable Dwelling and Out-bbiMingn, and Uio bost Water that can ho found anywhere. It would be a dosirable place for a laomw residue. M. D. OlCKKY. i ' < ICR CBEAM, ffO BR IUP BVKRt l>AV ATfU*; X UHJCXSVtLLE COXrtiCTlOXBRT, Opposite the anatun Mouse June 2-jr-* 7^ ';f. JOJTB KBAU8K. i * ' ' Crow Wdut?^ rr\Q? Subscriber Is desirous of pore ha* ing STRAW X either in the huli^Qrhy the topd, for which ho win ymj * iww uj w, ?wv?.iK Rir?w LO gait wrtl plttaM ?pufy at mf Store, to Greenville, p^at the PA I'KR MILL. Mrmg**09. Wtnted. TTt *lt* ieelrwJ tv wwro tk? M(vioH of a aUaXX ilj >m<l induitriftas BSivii a* a Wagoner. Aj>pl/neebove, ' . ? * tkrcthlSTflhuvbiae. *T B aho inform the that bin ThroahIII * it) g Wnrfctne fp now in fine oritur. Thronhinff trflTW ?<? AM tot the Ptraw pr Tofl. y (he pa-eeHm. ' 5 n. 0*4KffFlkl.D. w-:. . * - | ~ r- * > : * /V5** 9 * - # fe'aS^IS&rt. SU,>y^ ' Fiaas^ * uiu>fl[Ta5i. ;. P+h*t **+ VuruUU UrMfeM; 1 V R-HY Ktp?rWt MiirtHeut of. Fine Ground XV. Paiat tad Va*ni?U Bruaho*. for aal? law, rt PJSlIKll A HRINITSH'S. 'Juno 30 , tf nllEANMlNCEMKNT.' rkijl K'aubferiWj rospootftilly call aUanltoit to ?h? 1 following CAHl), convoying tbe information to tbo citiaeus ?f Oroenrillo sod tho.Diatrict that they bar# pu;chA4?d Un? autins Mock of OKUG8 & MEi>lC*N ES - - A*L- * --.-a***"? A* * [ ? 'iKm 1 and intend to oouliuuw tic business at th<jold stand.' It is their intention to enlarge this branch wf Trade "in Gcoenvitlc. and in view of this, havo ordered a Urge stock and a refjr Complete os.'ortioMrt of croryArticle"yiiuivlly ttfept^n Drugstores in largq cities. J Mjr.F. A. WXltf.u, ft.. (to whom tbo responsible charge of pYepbririg and dispensing ModioW-sIs on tmbtad,) is a^onng man In whom they bavo evomr confidence. Educated to the Knstdess, familiar wttp the German Language, and with considerable cjiperienoo hi all ({to Pharmaceutical branches, thoy trust, although ? vt>augtfr in thia community, he the confidence of the people, nod a share of the patronage of tpbLcitiscns Of Greenville, The former patrons of this establishment may rest assured thdt orery regard will continue to be manifested for their interest in the purity and ChoapnosS of crrfry article Old. - . * ~ - They invite, very respectfully, a visit from alL , . flHHtfR ** UJSIKIT8H, < _ Pharmaceutists and Druggist#. Jonq 2 >4 tf * OREENVILLE, a O. . >? A New Firm in Greenville!! .* A New Store, Drug* A Medicines!! A New Wholesale Drug Store 11 A New Retail Dr'ng 8torel! A "NT?... c? i- ..* w?*?? J n lien Ul I^VOi Jllllll^ 1 I j A New Variety ot Family Articles! A Cboico Selectr(>n of Toilet Articles 1! A Ouncnvl stock ftf Dlit'OA, Foreign (tut! Domettic, erill always tic.kept on han't. Also, " (Htemirn/t, i Perfumery, FainX*. IfXftl' Lxtil, (file, I'arnithet, Faint Brnehe*, I'prnith /truth'-*. (Ha*, mil every thing usually kept in a Whole sale and Retail Drug Utore. Bpieet, It'iixs'lind Krondiet, for medicinal two. Alan, * ? . \? Drugs at Wholesale, m ehohp <v* thoy can bo bought in Charleston or Anguettt. expenses added. They, particularly call the attention of Dealers and Merchants, who desire to roplcpiah their stock, to'this fact, and to put the matter beyond tho-possibility of g doubt, let them <all aud examine the nrtaes ahd the Articles, AT THE OLD 8TA1JD, . . Or .Dii. Knit Kuvtck, June 2 . 4-tf (Jreenrilft, S. C. .13? Tip fisnm.. 25,828 PRIZES! If ore than "One Frit* fr> tverjf Ttce Ticktlt. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY. ron thi bbRbtit or tjif M0NT1CELL0 UNION ACADEMY, Of Jasper County,-Georgia. Authorised bf> 8p?cl?l Act of tho Legislature. McKINNEY A CO., MaxIqkrr. CAPITAL PuTzE, $00,000. TICKETS ONLY &IO. Haltbk, Qcahtrrs, and Kk.iitus 1'horontiox. " ' . fO li DRAW* EACH SATURDAY Iff JULY. 1850, In the City of Rnvanmih, Ooorgia. *" CI^ARH 26 TO bk DRAWN Jitly 2, 1859. CbiH 27 TO BR UJIAWX Ji-t.r 1859. Clash 28 to br dr^wx Ji ly M, 1869." CL.UA 2V to b? DRAWN jui.r 28, 1859. Clahx 30 to bk draw* Ji lt 80, 18.',V. MAGNIFICENT scheme. J Prito of 00,000 U BO,(Wilt 5 Prli. of 1.009 arc 5,000 1 " 20,OOOis 30.000 10 " " 600 ' 5,000 1 " " fO.OOO U 10,00ft 3 " " *400 " 800 1 ? >? 5,000 i? *5,000 2 * " 300 * " 600 1 " 44 4,000 it 4,000 2 ?' ??? 200 " 400 1 " " 3,00* la M?0 50 " " 150 ' 7,606 1 " " 2.000 it 2.000 100 ' " 100 "10,000 1 " " 1,600 it 1,500 1 00 ? " . 95 " 9.500 1 " ? 1 100 is 1,190 100 ? ?? 85 " 8,600 APPROXIMATION POTZfcs. , 4 Priaos of >J00 Apprnx. to$60,o0l> PrUo arc $ 800 4 " " ISO " ? 20,600 ? ? 000 A ? 135 " " 10,000 " " - 500 4 " 109 " " 5,690 " " 400 . 8 ? " 00 " " 4.000 " V 640 8 ?* ?? '00 ? " 3.006 ?' ? -480 8 " ? 60 " * 2.600 " 400 , " *11 ?. ' " .Till 400 M " 20 " " 100 \ " 8,000" " BTTa ...200,000 25,828 Priio*. amounting to, $388,040 " CitRTincATiiR <1* Packaqkh will be *o!il at tho folhtvring rates, which in the ri*k Certificate of Package* of 10 Whole Ticket*, $80. *. 10 lfelf " SO." " f , " 10 Quarter " 15. " " 10 Eighth " 7.50. 15* OtWKRtVO TICK km OK CIKTIFICATKP, Enclose the money to our address for tho ticket* ordered, on receipt of which they will he forwarded by firat mall. Purchaser* cau havo ticket* ending ia any figure tboy may designate. Tba Hut of drawn number* and prize* will be sent to purchasers immediately after .the drawing. Notioe to Correspondents. Thoae who preftf not nending money by mail, can V<je THE KXl'KBeiS COMl'A.NIKS, whereby money for Ticket*, in sum? of Ton "Dollar* and upward*, can be jout ? at ouk Risk ahp rxI'knrk, from any eity or town Where there ia an Kxprvea Office. The money and order nuit hi uncloevd tn a f/nrern?r?n/' Putt Ojfirr Stamped Envelope, or the Kxpru** CiiDlpanfo* cannot receive thorn. AU communications'strictly confidential. . Order for Ticket* or Certificate*. by Mail or Kxj>rr?3, to N? directed to M< Kl\hvEY A CO., June SO ? Sfltn _ Saronnah, (in. m.w goods. 1AM nECEiymo my 8PRINO and BUMMER supply of ROODS, eonaiitlng of a general block of Fancy nnd Staple I>ry GotxN, And ani"? inrt Any# OWITHINO, Ilati and Bonnets, Hootii and Shoes, llcrdwar* and ^oilory, Drugs and Dye-stuffs, Carpeting and Matting. Wooden and Wilk^w Ware, Wall Piporing, Powder, Shot, Blasting Fuse, Sugaf, Coffee, Molasses, Halt, Ao-, all or wkiob will bo sold at , LOW PRICES. Thankful fur past favors, I solicit a continuance fthosaine. . JOHH Wi ORADY, Opposite the Nsst Court House, on Main Blreat. April 14 49 tf a i ) i ;ge'hf,i,iVman. ~ HARNESS MANTTFACTTTRER. *. _ aid nr SApptfkS, KMbUSS, WHIPS, jr. d ^ I|AS on hand an often* Ira annnrtment Lfe^^uf tbo BKHT M ATMKf.M. u*ed in the I . M*nuf?ntar? of ll?nw?" and 8addle*. TbanVfui for the patronage git an him for the la*t ton year*, h* p.oH?|U a oontlnuanee of tbo miim. - 00- Onlare fratn a diatanrft promptly atUaidrri V?. 'M Per eon* indebted to bim are reqaeatod to call and pay op. April U ^HECmo FOR SAIaB. ^ ANKono woman, who it a go?<i cook, Waaheifand Irutier, aap bo pnrchaacd upon , reaaonalile U rmr. for further pattirulara eaaqutre i of the Kditof of the fctrtefprirc. June !? ?. ff * Thi* Uriattmt Kovellf ?^F lb*' Aje. lr wwx &&&$>? ff>U9 Nab*criUws, bavihg been applied *SvU X- Agents in thji IMstrict ftrr lb* ni*1 of the ibaTv-umw! Invaluable t'LY TXAl', riftpectfuOy Invito the ettofttjlou of the community to\the same. % 8tKF15t.A\YA*B, Wbulosala *tnl R?d)sO (trohcre. . ^ U?'?er McBce'u Ilu'il. JtSf* Those having loft orders, will please call for the sumo. rh?riw| riniru* f A LRO. In receipt of"* splendid X.ot of.CIIUItlfR, XL ?both Brass and .Iron bound. For sale low, by ^J3Tfc?N A_BVAN8._ ORANGES? AN I) LKMONS. WHK kevfi. at all timea, a splendid tupioAmotit of the above Article*, imuotteH direct, and for sale low by ' ' - KTKKN A KVA&8; V>'ho" jsulo and Retnil Urammrm. May 31 4-^tf ' ' - Under McW> Hall. SUPERIOR TEAS! TEAS! * A VERY superior lot Young By sun Yea, at 90c per lb. A vary choice Gunpowdef'Tcn, at 91 par lb. Ale extra"" Imperial Tea, at #1.25 per lb. 'ALSO. . ^ An Invoice of very superior London and Dublin Porter;' Jeffrey's Edinburgh Ale i-ihiuiphell'a Scotch Alt. in jugs: Imported Lager Beer, direct; Philadelphia Lager Iluer ; together with air assorted Mock only .to l>c found in a drat clim* Grocery and Ptovb ion Home. . STKBK 'A EVAJCW. ' LARD! LARD! 1'AAA LBS. of Br*t quality prime Leaf Lard, .'/V/V* at 10c per lb.. 7 i KTCEN 1 EVANS. BACON!BACON! LUS. choice llama,. Shoulders and . VUv/ Sides, fbr aalo low fer1" cash, by 7 . V STEEN A EVANS. ! cid ars iciOARsr Q?v CIUARS, of varioli# brand*, (all tJ a UVJv approved,) for safe low for caab by 7 STERN A EVAN'S. -CRACKERS! CRACKERS! AFliLL and FKKS1I stifelj of Soda, Mutter, .Boston, Lemon, Ginger and Wine Crackers, just received from Mii.i.ah's ('ki.kcrateii Uakrrv, in Charleston, and for Date low, hyv fJTEKN A EVANS. BAKE IPS CUOCO LATE, COCQA AND FRRKCft CHOCOLATE. A large supply of tho.abftvc article*. for aa)r nt Churlceton pripes, J>y - STEEN A KVAN8. CUBA MOLASSES. (Midi, of the aoovo for sale at 45 ot*. , UUU per gallou, by 7 STEEN A RVANS. CORNED BEEF INROM Fulton Market. N. Y.; 15jblili. Mackerel; . 25 Boxes Smoked Herring. ; Salmon, pickled and froah ; Sardines, in whole, balf and quarter Boxes. For sale, at Charleston prices, by STEEN A EVAN'S, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, May 5 5^-tf Under MeBee's Hall. ~ KEROSENE OIL. KEROSENES OILS, for Burning,'- and also for Machinery, always on hand. J. 6 .-HERMAN, Agent. nnlfresiies ! I HAVE received'an invoice of MATTRES8KS. made iu * superior jmurner and of tho licet inn uimii, w u it* n n ru unvrixi m immcr#lo pni'f*. 1 HO assortment comprises Hair and Palm, Moss and Pahn, Cotton and Palm, Cotton and Shuck, Cotton ~ud Strnw MaUrceec*, of various *l*o*. Order* for other site* and qualities will l>o promptly attended to. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. Ornamental ? n>t fron Work. RA I I.I NOS, (*.?t . l'oxtx, Stair*, Fountains, Vases, Statuary-, and every otbor variety of Ornalnental Castings in Iron., Orders roeciVod for Wood A Perot, Philadelphia, the best house of tho kind, in tb? United Statist, Engraving* of Pattern*, and Catalogue of Price*, may bo seen on application to J. p. SHERMAN, Agent. Jtut Hcccivcd, A BEAUTIFUL a**ortmcnt -of Pot*, Kettle*, Skillet*, F rying Pace, Smoothing Iron*, AndImum. Mortars, Cauldrons, Bootjack*, aud other Castings. J. 11. SHERMAN, Agent. , C!?ll aud kec WOOD A PEROT'8 Superb Portfolio of Drawings'of OrnainAital Cast Iron Work. It ia well worthy of inspection ax a work of Art. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. r AGIIt CAfiUt IV order to encourage a Cosh business, n <liscount of five per cent, frotn regular price* will ho male on all" cosh sale* from f j to $20; ami a discount of ton iier cant on all cosh shies over $20. ' J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. * The *.< ouomitl, rpiIE boat Cooking fttoVe in the world. Soon to 1 arrive. J, It. SHERMAN, Agent. April >1 60 v ' . tf Cafolin^-rSrwobiile 3)ii$1hcf. IN TUB COURT OS COM MOM PLRAH. Order for Extra Court fTpHE business of the Term not being disposed of, I it is ordered, Tbat on EXTRA TKRM ot t^iurt of Common Plea* Iks hold at (Irecnvillo Court I loose, for tlreenvHIo District,'on TUESDAY, lJU 12(6 tiny <\t -fitly tirj-l, to be continued tbo remaining days of that week, and tire entire week succeeding, if necessary. It la ordered, That juries bo drawn at tho present' Term to sorvc at thu Kxtra Turin, ami tliat issue te compel their attendance in manner and form prescribed by law : a panel of forty-eight persons to serve tlie first five days, and a like panel to serve the succeeding week. It is further ordered, That Uio Clerk givo proper noflce In the newspapers of the District, of the sitting of tho said Ktlrs Court, by a publication of at least one month preceding tho Term. J. N. WIIITXEU. Af ril 2, 1?59. * | A true copy frotn th? journals of the Court, t I W. A. McDANIEL, C. C. P. U. D. May 3 b} \_ td CUtEBNVJI.I.E' i^BTTX it. TllK subsq/ihus* baying had the nrisSBs=5&f'>rtej>? to" lose, by the firo of the 29tb January. the 8 Ion in Mill ami Machinery connected with their Coach factory, in OrfcenvBle, take this tnefhnd of.apprising tbeir friend* and patrons that thpy slill continue business as heretofore, without change in their Firm, or ahutctnont of tbeir exertions to pica.'#. They Lvc Nt>W ON HAND, ami are CONEXANTLi FINISHING, all tbo vurioties of Carriages, Buggios and Wagons ever n>a<l? hyythem, to whiclp they invite tho attention oT pnrclm-, r?, .* They take pleasure in correcting an improssinn that <Jit>ir stock uf {ifSASftA'&'/r LlftfftKU was lost with the Milt, and would say tliAt^in quantity and quality, their Luml>or Ao? tterer hrm brtft*. The generous patronage hitherto received, warrants the conclusion that their efforts are appreciated. Had stimulates them in making further exertion*. Their experience will enable them to select ami operate the most ajfpmved Machinery, with advantages not surpassed by pny manufacturers either NortH or South. tiOWER'. COX. MARKI.EY A CO. Oreenville, 13. C., April 7, 1?M). 4(1 ly TO KINO GAMHR.NU8I olorioos lrcwa?i QrrrntiU* Dc6W?/ at t<m, .h-d-jimf frotn t\e llapjty '* f??( to h w?l iri'lA. ' T.AOF.It BEER 18 ATTIlp BOTTOM OF TTI MURK 18 8AM TEL keeps on hand a full supply ..f .K.,1 r.. IV ...bin- ?.I? n -LA.: from aiio-of the mo*t celnhr?t?<l ftrwerern.' In I'hlU<I?lpliin. If? l<f*P* <f>n*1^n?hT Prt-jcrvc.I Ovlrn, I<ofaf?r?. Paltnon, Hardin?*. PpM*. ToSnrco wiA-Candr. iin.l mainr other Article* too numorn** to mention. JOT- Nr.*f &?m to Dn. M. ft. ?.t*i.k. ITT 1j April as .j^.* /? .,? > - ^ ? ~ * * ' '! * "***> ' r?iS I ktPUT M% ? *y^ lilXd very anxious -to clo, __i jB SOO Linen iui<1 M*will?? . JgL 600 Alport'* ami Italian tlotl , JBJJjO 260 Croton ?n<! l>r?p D'l'lto * 1 fltt ' 'uwimero ?, wf~ tOo Huperfiiie Cloth 4u0t?v'er I * 1500 Fair nesortwl ISOUyMpntetl - . ,: For traveling, 100 25 Cart* - . ICCtwf (MI.4MX9 . . . 3<M> ns?orte<l Rennets ami Looking Classes, Crockery and % A large rttufk ??f * j 4 6,000 Gallons SOO Sacks Tfie alxivu, tf ith inatty articles too nninc cation, ' A1 - As such a favorable opportunity Imrtllj <|ttustv(l lo put money in tSeirwpur*o uutl 1 June 30 V.,. - \ ^. - : ?S? 5>E?PI AT POWEIIS' THE PUBLIC ARE RESPECTFULLY INFOR! stdc SSASONAQ OP ALMOST KVr.RT DEN DRY GOODS, CLOTI shoes, hardware. - china, g WITH A LARGE-ASSOR' WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT TB ALL KINDS OF P Either for casTi or e A1! I ask is to call and cimtino my stock before | s?^K?a?i Jgiu> '2 . , . 4?if R. i>. i.oxo, h- ? . it- buuxiiax, x. d. dbs. long & burnhah, OFFER Ulctr Professional Strvicea to the Cit'u nens of Greenville and surrounding country, ?rncr at their Dm* Store, on Main Struct, recently occupied by Dm. Mims A Loxo. . May 19. ; . - ? 2 . tf It. r>. loxo, m. if... iiii-iIard bihniiav, w. n dbs. long & burnham, APOTHECARIES & DRUGGISTS, AT THE OLD STAND OF MIMS ft LoltO, _,wj( WILL KEEP constantly on hand ? fnll supvxT |>ly ol l't'ltE Dili tlr1. Medicines, Paints, Oils, iJL Varnishes, Dye-stuft's, Ac, Ac. Also, a splendid assortment of TOILET ARTICLES. viz: Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes: Hair Potitiwles, mu ay rrtrifltVi; Tooth Soaps and Washes; Washing Soaps, errrjf i/unliljf and price f Vino Shaving Soaps. Fresh Extracts for Savoring, viz : Rose, Vanilla, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Lemon, Nectarine, Ac'., Ae. Wo baVc a rrry rnprrior Article of (SHUES T&A, the host in Greenville. We have for rate nil the popular Patent Medicines. Physicians supplied on i.inr.RAl. Trims. Our long connection with the J>rng Business, (one seven, the other ten ycara,) and both Wing gradual?* of the Medical College of the State of South Carolina, Will, we think, he a sufficient guarantee of our ability to dispenac Medicines properly and accurately. Our arrangements are Auch that oup of the Firm Will be at the stoTc and wilf attend to all prercriptrone per round* at any houcot the <iay or night. May 12 1 tf Sogtl) .C^rolioa?turccnbiik' Strict, in Eauiry J. C. tlofL VI. M. I). DipkAY. anil iko Iti ira of Pur run Laukford.?Hill for I'nrtitiun and llrtirf. IT apf?nring to my satisfaction dhat the heirs of L>r. Curran Lankford reside out of the limits of tum State : It is Ordered, That they do pit nil, answer or demur to the Bill in this case within three months from this date, or the mtmo will be taken pro rottfrHH) against them. ? ' fi. A. TOWNEE C. E. ?. I). Commissioner's Oftice,-'April 11,1850. 40-.'iui BLACKSMITH INO. The eoueern of TOWWgS A HAW. KIN'H hairing been dissolved by mutual $SKj?%!3uoii*ent, the business will be carried on at the tame Shop by the undersigned. O. W. llROOKS. January, 1850. J. L. HAWKINS. . NOTICE, THE undersigned having transferred, his interest in the Blacksmith fhnp near Williams' Store, to Messrs. Brooks A Hawkiwm, takes piensftre in remmmanriing thein to a share of publie patronage. They Will he prepared to attend promptly and satisfaetorily to all calls in thoir line. They have cjfperioneed and skillful Smiths in llorsesUooing, Kiywilring and Ironing Wagons, Plough Work, and all other ordinary work at a Blacksmith Shop. Janaary. 1859. Sf-tf O. F. TOWNER. at tALIi * Family ? and * ,Fanoy mmm ;.*\l store. NOTICK. ALL jeraon* Iti4ekt?<l to I ho of LAUKKNt!K PROCK, d^otMd, ore requested to moke |>;iyinont j and thme bovine (feiniMiils .(tiiiiit tha Rotate to bond tbein to . * R. H. DUXCAtt. Kwntor, Loaranco Brock, dceeSafck Maya lv --if-i ' VsA-'-v*'^ t <N. ..*., ?a*,. v^s4k<v^* r <*si* *. > ?#r 2SKi f M 5y2pfc s&ir' ' - 4T ro?T . " -AT cro^r ' ?ATS -AT jvVSTJ?*** ^T ?tost' J AA'TH ' -AT cnw-r' VfN^; . - . Arg 'MT>;?,io.fe. - -*r?jS!' %&*' D$pr. " f If ' 5??' ;f^F> S?af s?Wiiir OL,r> STAND. MED TIIAT 1 HAVE JUST OPENED A LARGI K OF LE GOODS, cnirriox, coxsiimxo or IING, HATS, BOOTS, IL43S AND CROCKERY WARE, DIENT OF GROCERIES, X LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! RODUCE BOUGHT I X CII A N G E D FOR GOODS. >urt-bairing drcwhcre. Pleask OMKRTR the Biox o.aBi8 stir^)aia3tw A. X.. LEVY., EMPORIUM OF ?JLSai?M. WE IIAYR NOW IN STORE au Elegant As DurtUlCIlt of * Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, sren as FRENCH CLOTHS AND CASSIMKKES. of al color* and qualitioe, (which were manufactured tc order.) ? TntCPlia t- r-W TTV/l a ? ? ? . i.iwo, nunj its, nusiliRY, GLOVES, Ac. Cassim. re, Moleskin and Fur HATS, for Dress and iSusincss wear. At.srv, PICCOIMINI CAPS. A good assortment of For Gentlemen's wear. Ready Made Clothing, (VCI ah Cloth, Ca.?siincro. Tweeds, Linen, Alpaca and Drab IVKtc COATS, PANTS nnd VESTS, wl.ieh we will acll low for Cash or to prompt paying customers. TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Wo are prepared, with the host of Workmen, to CUT and MAKE U P -CLOTH I NO in the latest French and American style*. and upon the moat reasonable terms. - - DYEli A PICKLK. ' - - Pnnn rt llni'uli in a/ ? * 1 ? -? ?-/ ?r y m mm ^ .-1 ^ |r IFftlW rI~MIE undersigned have entered into CopartnerA ship for the purpose of carrying op the MERCHANT T A1 LOKlNO Bt'SIXKSH, tinder the nam* stylo and firm of DYKK A PICKLE. They respectfully ask ni tent Ion to their Stock n<>w on hand, and refer to their former customers for their ability t? please. Tbcy hope to receive a liberal share of publie patronage. ' (k B. ITVKR, April 20, lSifi. O. A. PICKLE. A CARD. f I"MIE suhseribcr would return his thanks to his 1 . friemls and customers for the cery.lihcral share of patronage which they have bestowed on him, and would respoctftilly solicit Tor the new Jfirm nf Oyer A I'icki.k ? continuation of the patronage which has heretofore been extended to him. April 21 60-tl O. n. DYER, Soulb Carolinr-fircenbiHe DiaJriet. N kwton bramlett. who i* in custody ot the HhcritT of tlroeuvillo District, by-virtue ol a writ of rn/>in? nil i(ili?^irtoirf??, at the Suit ol William McNcely, having died in my office, together with a schedule, on oath, of his estate and effects, his potiUori to the. Conrt of Common Picas, praying tin.I ho may be Admitted to the benefit of tho Acts or the tieneral Assumb'.y made for the relief of-insolv#?tvt (Jol.invo 11 : awAa*..(1 iV.?a ik- ?:.i U':iU-? i. ..?uviv^?i iuiv Hie nit in ' iiiimii M Nucly, anil all ytltrr the creditors to whom the -sahl Newton, Hramlett Is in anywise indeed, be, ami they nro hereby summoned, ami have n<4ic* l? n|>i>etir, before the said Court at tJrccnville fourl flonao. <>n the fourth Monday tn October neat, to shew rauso, if any they (it), why tho prayer. of th? petition aforesaid should not he granted. ^ \V. A. Mi DAXIKI./O, Q. P. Office of Common Picas, UrwcnrUlo District. 8th 4?y of Juno, |.85i>. ft Am St>iiiV) Carolina?ture<ot?ille Strict, is equity. "Nancy Hawkins, Vs. Ish?in W. Hawkins, David f Hurton and wife CmiBiht K., Paschal liar/kins ct a).?Aiftitimi (>/' /Few! K't<itr. . * Til K Cninplaiiinnt having Olod her P.ill in thi sujt with (he Commissioner in Equity fo1 OixuWvlTlo District, and it nppeariug that the Do fondant, tshnin IV. Hawkins, resides without am beyond fhe limits of this Htato: It is Ordured, 01 motion of 8. D. (loodlett, Complainant's Bolioitoi That tho said absent Defendant do pieail, answc or drmur to tho Bill or Complainant within thro months feiwa thi* publication, or tho raid Bill wil In. taken j?r*> tmt/eno as far hitn. w 8. K. TOWNKfl, C. E. 0. D. (trocarlHe* 3. C., A; ril 14. 1849. . AprH 11 W Sm 1 ~r, * *... v' s. - 3 r- i"i,, ^, fjgjr ?s mm, 'Hi - _ .-. *"x5i2^rd OP SVB&Y VARIETY, #* *; . ' NEATLY DONE II AT THK j h II I " SHORT NOTICE, H AND AT REASONABLE PRICES Wo respectfully salt a aliare of publio putron.ipo. PRIOR A MoJPNKIN. i wood. ei>r>y & co:s S1MLE UMBER LOTTERIES CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF O^OROIA. : CAPITAL PRIZL $50,000! TIC KETS O NLY $10. Wood, Kddy 4 Co., mauugcrs, SUCCKsKohS TA A SWAN A CO. Tl.? a-1 -1" < I >U< uMuniug ccninic win no UPOWn l)J l> ' Kddy <t Co., Manageru of the ttpafta Academy Lottery, in each of their Single N anther Lotteries for. June, 1859, ?t. A4J(JU$TA. (la, in public, under tho uperiuteiideiieu of Cumiulsiduncr*: Class 28 drams Saturday, Jvkb 4. -J 350, Class 24 DRAWS SATURDAY, J TOR 11, 1859, Class 25 draws Sattrday, Jrjitt 18, 1859. Class 20 diiawh Saturday, June 25, 1859. On the Flan of Single Numbers. 60,000 Tick uts. Five Thousand Foot Hundred and Eighty-Fire Prises. A'early One Pritt to ecery A'iue Ticket*! MAGNIFICENT SCHEME, TO UK It RAW 8 E A CII SATURDA Y IN JUNE. 1 Prtsoitf..: 1150,000 1 Prise of. fi.5<h? 1 Priscof.. 20,000 50 Prises of. 600 1 Prisoof 10,000 100 of 490 1 Prise of, 6.0(H) 100 l'riscs of 30o 1 Prise of 4,000 ,100 Prise# of 160 1 Prise of 8,000)100 Prises of. 100 APPROXIMATION PIUZK3. i 4 Prison of$400 Approx. t<>$60,000 Prise are $1,600 4 ?? " 800 " ?. 20.000 " " 1.200 , *4 " " 250 " " 10,000 ? ? 1,000 4 " ? 225 " ? 6.000 ? *< yoo * " " 4.000 " " 000 4 " " 150 - " 3,000 ? ? BOO 4 " ?? 100 " " 1,500 ? 400 I 5.000 - " 20 nro ?. 100.000 5,445 Priicn, amounting to ,.$320,000 Wholb Tickets, $10; Halves, $5; Qcarters, 2J, .J&r" Uemombcr that every Prirc in tlio aboro Beheme is drawn, and payable in full without i?kDrrTit)*. - Certificates of Packages will Wsold at the follow inp rates, wbieh in tlio rink 1 Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tiekctn, $80, " " " " -10 Half " 40. " " ? " 10 Qnartcr " 20. ? ? ? .. 10 Eighth ? 10. I SPARTA ACADCn? LOTTCRV. oixuStBS wax ma>g Draw WJSDXKSDA Y, Jl'XlE 2?ih. 1850. Os rna Tnnn \'innvn l>, * Seventy-five Numbers?Twelve Dr.nru R,-dints. NEARLY ONE PRIZE to rthit TWO TfcKETS. 1 Grand Prlac ol 836,000. 1 Prize of ?l'J.17?| 4 Priree of $2,000 2 " " 10,000 20 " " " 1,000 .2 " " 8,000(130 " " 230 (Jr., Ac., Ac., Ac. 1 27,814 Priace Amounting to $413,180! j WhslbTickkts,$10; HAI.vfs,6;Quart bub,$2.50. IV OBOKBIVO TTCKTrm OR CKRTIFIOATKS, Enclose the money to our address tor tbo Tickets ordered, on receipt of whiuh they will l>? foswsrded by tiTsl in nil. The list of Ifrawn Numbers and PriseswUl be sent, to purchasers immediately after the drawing. 1 Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, 1 and give their Poet Office. County and rite to. 1 All prixes of $1,000, and under, paid immediately after the drawing?other prkei at tho usual 1 time of thirty days. KOTITIC TO CORRFRI'OM>EXTS. Thoao who prefer not sending money l>y tnnil, ran use the Adams Expiiksh CoMi'A.X Y, whereby money for Tiekpts, in sums of Ten Dollars, and upwards, r ean l>o aont os ?t one rink oarf ej-pmm-, from any city [ or town where they hnYoan office. The money aud f order must bo enclosed in s? ' HornrmueiU I'vit Ojfi< ? Humped rn vet opt," or tho Express Company cannot. ; "receive them. All communications strictly confidential. I Orders for Tickets or Certificates, by ^ j;,.. press, to be directed to WOOD. EDDY A CO., \Wn..?e r? ?r' Knn' pVnv f mL^(C or, WOOD, EDDY / O . - - ? - U.I 11 UKTIIlgf<>n> I'l l. , A l??t- of the nui'.lir .3 that arc dcuwii from t)if wheel, with tho *rio,Jnf of the priie tblit cauh , one ii entitled to, vr'.l t,0 |uihtiehud attar every drawi injr itt the follawi'.g . papcra: Au^rnetlt ((in.) Cunetitutionnliet, MuKiln fttgikter, NnKhvlllts Utu.ctto, Now York Weekly l>.?y Bciok. Richmond* fHapriteh, PiitfMing (Miat* , Clarion, and New Yotk Jlorahl. May 1* 8 1m I SoM difO$W--dr<ct)bille 3)i*trid.. I IN CHANCERY. .1 Nauev ^ 1 ? # .......m?, rilDHIl ? |nl| Ct a!y , I Bill for Sale of i'O>o!?, ({v. I rpiIE (Vimplainaul having thin ilhy filed her vi ? i in the above stated cause, nt>d it *pp,tr,o I'mj satisfaction ibl?t William W. Turner, ouu ?t - Iiefondants, t* Absent from and without tho Him:> il this Htato, an that the process of snbpamu <id ?-e?/< i? dfuiiout c an tint ho nerved u^xin bitm : 1'pon mot > of B. 1*. Jones, Complainant's S.dkitor, it is, tip r fore. Ordered, That Uto aaid William W. Tani da ? appear nnd plead, aftsweroc dofciir to tho Coutpi n 1 ant'a Rill, Within throe months from ditto, or ? i < . ores will be taken }>ro roufetto upon said Hi.,. ?.? against tho raid William W. Tnmer. 8. A. TOWNK8, C. E. f?, 1) O-wmiwrimer's OtTtee, March 19, 1TI. 441 'hn it