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jpsp.. " w a' * r -':..*. 'Oak. .. . * ' "f .? *i/ tti-i' *% Tv'r. Looa>* "b?|?*?JCroa* 'v-Wft ?r? defctW to a *enrt*m?a con fleets With the Atlanta Medical College fdr-q copy of Dr. LogndYlhtroduetnvy 1<ect\u?e to the present o1?m. Ill D?ruanl hu? afforded us much pletisnre, f?i M *? room, ho this oe^ieiuit^ite would ho plnMQ to furnish our ijcailerSa synopsis for their esprcial ben (.'lit. We hir? ttijlrd tic following, which We think will be read with Interest: " We Imve In o?r rank*. everywhere, and it is admitted with sorrow end shame, those who, from end rice, ?re a disgrace, to our calling?those who are better acquainted with earis,. billiards and dice, than with Anatomy.. Physiology and Materia Medic*; those who And the saloons of vioe and infamy their congenial spheres; ? (? who, ee Zimmerman says of iMcWnrs in C'hilir 4 Blow about their patients, and think Mrs fmo*> enow/A when they Know low to " ' i?h?M oko, 1- -i.:n i ?- - ? inj raill IB m COTBMg up tliI'll* ignorunce, an<] cunningly thrutfing I more conscientious and laborious professional brother, by hinting that it ia not well to be too ?rimtijic, and at ill others wjio pursue the many devious J by-Stays suggested by corrujit liuuimi nature.-^-" But, gentlemen, these are the fbnl fungi clinging to the surface of the lofty onk, the baruaoles upon a noble ship,.|he scullions and scavengers of tha Siadical Profession, whose counterpart ia found in all the professions; in the pettifogger of the Law, and in the ignbrant atpl often ui.principled expounder of Sacred. Tfuths." StfXATOn HaMMON? AXI) Cot. Outt IX IxDIAXA.? A correspondent' who signs himself " Rambler,'1. writing from Chicago to the Spartanburg Ex press, oomnmnienfes the following; " 'Spanking of politics, (if 1 may judge from wliat 1 see mid hear about ludinnupoli-,) I do not find Judge Douglas finite as strong in'Iudinna as 1 expected. From What 1 could Icarq. Gen. Lane, , of Oregon, a nnti\-?, and for many years a citixen ot that. Slate, seems to bo the favorite of the "Indianu Democracy." Qenntof Hunter, of Virginia, lias some friends there, who will press his elaiins for the nomination; There arc a "great number of the citizens of Indiana who are from Kentucky and Virginia families. I-find also that two of our ciliwtie are well known to the people out here?Col. Orr and Senator Uiftti* niond. 1 doubt whether any. man in any State of tn? c nton. nt any time, ever, in so short a peri od, achieved such n wide spread fume, as ha* Keuator Hammond, since his election. He holds in his hand* a mighty powef, which, if wielded judiciously upon thy dominant party ot tl?e country, ns 1 douht not it will he, nmy tell for ages upon the pence nnd prosperity of the country. What we, iu SoulltCarolitta, know as his " burn well speech," is known hest out here by the name of the "cotton speech." ? Coct.dn't Iykfp Away from -tiir Gram.?The follow l.n? is related of " Qhl Buck," while on n recent visit to the University of North Carolina It iiimv he prot?er to remark that. 0?v vl!t? ! ?. been married less than a venr:"' "The tiuin being behind tl?e time, it wns con'eluded not to stop for congratulations at llnutsville, one station from" Raleigh. As fortune would have it, the crowd assembled there was large, and was loaded by about twenty young Indies?no one of whom could not. lay a very strong claim to the adjective ' lienutfful.' This, however, did not seem to operate with Governor JEllis, who, in the moat hard-hearted manner, merely appeared with Mr. Buchanan on the plat form, and said, ' l.adies ami gentlemen, 1 have the honor to present to you the President of the United Mates. As the train is behind the time, he will not have time to go among you, and ' 'Oh, yea, I will, though,' interrupted the bachelor President, and leaping from the cor, he was soon among the pretty maidens, who blushed and laughedT\ great deal at an incident showing ao clearly that red cheeks and bright eyes nre certain death to time tuhias." Bkwake op Straxok I,t<ji'oet?Wr learn that a ten gallon keg of brandy \V(Ts found a week or so ago in.the Uniun Railroad station at. Indian apolie. It was unmarked and unclaimed, and had laid in tile station so long that the oldest in habitants thereof did not know whence if came The ten gallons had uot even a "traditionary history." A prying Individual employed about the station, bored a hole in the keg and drank. ?i?d pronunced the contents line old French briui-" dv, wilh a peculiarly rich flavor. The editor# of tfio pirpere, noting nronnd in search of items, found tips keg; they drank and pronounced the Ihjuor good. The Union station was well attended l?v the editors during an entire week.? But.nine! thi-re must he an end to all sublunary things?the brandy " gine out." The empty cask was rolled out, in which the head dropped out, and lo! inside were tin; remains of two deformed bnhies, united together Siamese fashion! The ' peculiar flavor" of the brandy was accounted for.?Madison (hid.) Courier. -? IJaoKr Jail.?John Jonas, alias John Able, who was arrested and lodged in jail some weeks since on a charge of stealing a saildlc from Mr. Jno. 1>. MeConnoH, made his eseaph on Saturday night lost, lie cut through the ceiling of hia cell with a knife, broke off the plastering, passed out into the passage, nnd descended to tnc ground by means of blankets. Without doubt, Able was furnished with the knife by parties on the outside, and also assisted to make good his oecnpe. Before leaving the jail, he faruUhed sonx4 half-dor.en papers to a negro belonging to Mr. J. II. Faulkner, and it was bis intention to assist the uegro to make his escape,; but finding lie had no time to lose, "left liitn alone in hie"?cell.? Yorkvillc Enauirer. ?f w ? Horrors of War.?" I see women to-day," says a Paris'letter writer, "half mad running about Paris to know what has become of their huahAiia* nn<i brothers. They who have relatives in Me Motion's division are distracted with anxiety, and hang about the Ministry x>f War witli a horrible apprehension. The hmporor lets Clio telegraph toll no tales bnt what he likes.. No priV ite connnjmienlions from the sent of wnr are 'lowed. The first a wife knows of the loan of a Husband is from ' official' sources. I sro Unit the Piedmontere 1 livision engaged at Palestra, when repassing through Novarn, marched with fi o companies out of ten under sub otlicer#; the others remained on the field of battle." hnirn or a Booth?The Troy (JC Y.) Whig, says a man named Warren Johnston died recently At. Pitwobn, front tile effects of brandy, lie fell in company, at a tavern, with two "railroad men," one of whom told Johnston that be would pay for his liquor if lip (Johnston) Would drink what he should jionr out, Johnston agreed to this, and (lie lailioad mail turned out a tumbler full of br'inrft/. This was drank by J., when he was asked if he would-driuk another. Johnston snid he would, nnd drank the gecoud tumbler full lis soon became senseless, was carried home, and died on AIoikJnv - vd- ' ? A Urate I'lutni.? the elmnlnlns who h?v? lu?t been appointed to the army in Itnlv f? the Rev. Father Puraberc, who distingui had hims-if in tKc Crimen. In one no'ion, in which he was bv the side of OeR. Canrobert, Ills horse wim killed tinder turn "That. Rev. Sir," said' the f?enei;(ll; " is nh'-acfijJeiit tOitlioni reiinsily. 1 cannot pet, yriu-ahotlu^Tifltv., t>q.nri^^vpiA Hut Father FafWifTjc^Uirtn^hC it Hl? tfntyj.tV'V^J'tree. III III till; Oonil.lit, ?frd sceityi?C?|lWfegjj&nncli, 1 ffi>li'iry ~v<r n tiint innnnfr inlo tlTSouJet d^n^pil^Jwtiere he ed lite wounded and ftdird^MUictl religious consolation to the dying. ** A Torso scholar has recently' diseovefed in Madrid the Mh of a IctjL'r written by the Spani h Embassador in Pan*. on the very day pre. ee tijif the rnaseftmwlTT St. Ilnrtholnmew, of a letter written by Hillip 11. tirChsrlrs IX, to oonifretnlnte him orHho snoreroful perp-trntion of that massacre, of Ptoeairra' narrative of the l?nt? tle of Pnvin, n lettep'oii the death ??f Henry IF. ^ written bv a Madrid ,Je?uit to a Jeenit In Paris, r . * m ;,y MB - i "f f ** t.i ? 'J .. |.^.~ I , i _Tr r , - . _ - ; . ?" ? Cjft ^trafytra (gnttrprise. .*1,1^, ' ':: , 1?? r----.?=rr-V--. v'a ^b| ' w i LX f aIvi p 7 p rice, EDITOR_ Our Motto--" Equal Bighfa-to All." GREEN V1LLM, S. \i. - Thursday.Horning, July 7.1869. I . I . ?? To Correspondents. "EtlKt Lm. OR TIIR SIUD>|* ON TT1E IIKART,*1 has been received, an?l will have the earliest attention. 'r -i ? " Pioneer,'' Texas.?Your letter has been turn ed over to a gentleman who will, no donbt, be pleased to eonamuuieate to yon all the information you nek for. The Ootn Crops. We hnve cheering accounts' fhim all part* of the District respecting the Corh. The present appcarnnces indieato a lnrge yield. In passing through a section of eighteen or twenty miles, a fow days since, wc were plerfscd to learn, from all With whom we conversed, that the Corn is doing well. Even in those places where th<-y have bad no raiu for several weeks it' nevertheless looks green and prosperous. , Fine Vegetables. Wo thank out* young friend, Lewis <Moomk, cf our town, for a basket of the largest".Irish potatoes we have seen this season. They are some which he, says he "grabbled" with his own bauds. Having partaken of them, we.pronounce in CPAnpnT n? irnrwl ni th?v Innhiu) to be. It will be seen that we have (rtctitis among the little fellow* as well as among 'tKe larger ami fairer portion of our eomttjunht}-. Speaking of " lino vegetables," we eanrtotTorbear noticing, in connection with the aWve, tlir repeated tokens of friendship fiotn our jinntedi ate neighbors. They have sent ua, the earliest and best, fruits of their gardens, for whieh we kindly rcturh oilr most grateful thanks. "What a glorious thing it is to have clever neighbors! ?- ... ?? The Female College. The examination of the pupils of this institu lion clpscd or. Thursday last. We rcicr-i with pleasure the unauimous approval of the Board ol Visitors in all til at was done.- The fidelity with which the Faculty have discharged their several duties, lias been abundantly demonstrated by the exercises whieh have just closed. The young ladies, in the different branches in wliioh they were examined, evinced a great ileal of stildv nml application, ntid that tlieir lijne had been profitably and proyorly employed. Their deportment, ' too, deserves the highest commendation from the lionrd of Visitors. It was throughout, " decorous, graceful and lovely."? They distinguished themselves for gentleness and modesty, and .when requested to go to the blackboard they did so with an ease and self-sufficient confidence that elicited admiration. We would not he willing to sacrifice substantial improve inent to the mere tinsel of superficial and fashionable education, but we do delight to see polish and refinement of manners blended with the higher attainments of intellectual and moral o ilturc. These arc happily blended in thV promising young institution. There was a Concert by the Junior Class oti Thursday evening, which we did not attend A correspondent has furnished nn an account, which we publish in another column. The Fourth in Greenville. The observation of tLc Fourth, by the citixen* of our town, was not general. liueiness, with a few executions n.-nl on ?? oaaml ?n/t l.?t ft.? the military, "the day we celebrate" would have passed away without any demonstration whatever. .? The Fourth being tho anniversary of the University Riflemen, (as well ne that of the Declaration, of Independence,) arrangements had been made by them for a proper observation of the same. Accordingly, At about 9 o'clock in the morning, they made their appearance, under command of Capt. Joux II., and were met by the Butler Guards-Sunder command of Capt. VI. L. Thruston?near tho foot of Main Street, and escorted to the Itew Conrt House. The exercises here were opened with prayer hy KeV. Riciiako Furman, after which tho Declaration of Independence was read by ytr. G. 1*. Axobikon, a member of the Riflemen. Lieut. J. J. Auams, of Louisiana, also a member of tbcKifleuien, was then introduced, and delivered the Anniversary Address. .It was listened to throughout with much attention by the large audit nee of lAdics and gentlemen present, and at its close was heartily applauded. The Benediction was then pronounced by Prof. H. A. DuxoaN, and the two companies again repaired to the street, and, respectively,.to their usual rendezvous, af ter performing x few evolutions. Kueli corps acquitted itself handsomely. The Brass Hand enlivened the occasion witli fine music. The party at rdglit, at the Goodiett House, wo did i.ot have the pleasure of Attending, but understand that it jmesed off most agreeably nod pleasantly to all parties. , Cadets of Temperance. At a regular meeting of Greenville Section, No. <5, Cadets of Temperance, the following officers were elected for the ensuing quarter: II. C. Ghaut, A. W; I*/Hexxjxg, W; J. Y. Goodi.ktt, u ; B. A. Martin, G ; W. Smitii. A. 8; J. Cox, 8; M. K. ItaHro, A. T; W. W. Twitty, T; N. P. II kn nino. V. A : J. C. Ball.XV. W. A : H n Mailoin, Chaplain. The SotrrijKRM Ciiv?ii*it?.?The New Orleans correspondent of the-Ohnrleetnn Courier says that Bishop Polk has succeeded in getting ten gentlemen of hie diocese of the Kpiaeopal Church, to snl>e-ribe fHOo.OOO towards the establishment >>f h great Southern University. One gentleman, formerly If. H. Senator-from Georgia, and. ml frequently Governor of Louisiana, the Hon. Mr Johnson, has subscribed *4>?,0<W. m -? W ? > - .. I.. ' To prosper, ho diluent and frugal. lltL'MUy.' " ..iW'Hijj.j -? i 9 ? TI8.I > w.iiv ,!- i-f "*> " i*":V ? , ... t e .-.a; Tenptrwki OaWatKm. * The Fourth of Jwly.was cv1?i>r*ud at Hawaii L Church, near Cedar Kails, iu this District, by w large procesehw vf Hit fc^nns of Temp^rHneo.-? We Khd the pleasure of being pre*eat, end e?w ; gmtifvd to see n> many of the sitiaens in attendance. As might have Inteii eapeeted, the ladies were out in full fore?>-ci?couraglug the stronger ; a>x wi^h their approving smiles an<l delightful j oompany. - The prwruinii??niuhtl?g el' the members of lEutorpria, Antloeh, lleeah gad Endcee IHvUions, with a sprinkling of tVins fi?dtn other Divisions, and a few ('mints froiu Green ville, in all about-*oue hta? dred?formed at the Enterprise Division room, and mnrdied to the stand, We should not forget to mention, in eon-, nection with the. procession, the large number of the fair Daughters of Ten?j?erone?-j who jwrnded with the Sons and Cndeta on the occasion. -The.^ mother and the daughter, the. sister and the sweetheart, were all there, and in that large uumtfer we saw no face that waf not radiant , with joy. Long may. they Wear the some joy-' on a smiling countenances?unclouded by a pin. gle sorrow. * . ,.v |^? "?.w?cM?r iiiutci uii Hi'Mmiu, win*ru e??Hi? furt^iie if?t? km) hcen pn-pHcwT umWr awning* ao<l the ovcr-shadnwing trees. Here tl}? exer- j cisc* were opened hy the singing of an ode, and a fervent prayer by Rev. W. L. Bau.akk. We were thcu introduced sspne of the speaker*. ami endeavored,to-discharge the honor which had bejn conferred ujxm no. The Fourth of July we regarded As.a fit pnd proper dav 4o speak of the auhjemt of fceraperaiioe?that if- vim m dnv not oifly de?r to the patriot, hut ijear totheyhi- '! lanthropist and'Chflstian. Those" who had guth < crod themselves together conld say that tlie\ .1 were not only politically free, hut free from the .1 galling chains of intemperance. We hope to -ee the time come when the natal day of ?tir country's independence will not he desecrated hy 'lie song of the drunkard, hut regarded as n Christian hoHdny?a fit and proper day, hh it is, to discu^a those virtuous prineiplea which lend to <. . raise us in the scale of Jimunti being*?the practice' of which would make us better, "hoth n* 1 men an?l dttMs Itev. M. L 11 K.NDKtisoN followed us, and made 1 an excellent speech, liiis gentlentan has al s ways, we bell?v?v bevu a follower of tcinperanae. and whilst he has made hut. few temperance' speeches, he has, in verth< less, done much good1 as a working man. He is connected with, tie Baptist deiionritiation. and has fought , long nml enlonsly in tile good cause, lie sjaikr earnest-, ' ly nml feelingly, and fearle-sly attacked those viees which have cr< |>t into nnsifty, and ev-cii in to the Church, and whlcl), we are atrty to sa\? go too often nnrehnked. An hour'*-intermission?was ?ir?u nfl.-r Mr. iiksomsov had concluded, which wus devoted ' to friendly intercourse, and the pin taking of '' good things, with which the p< opto had Ixnuif)1 folly supplied themselves. The cn'Wi^iiifiiiii repaired to tjle stood, where they were mldtcl-ml hy Rev. C. H. fttewabt, who walks into the sub: ject like one. wlto is familiar with all itsdiffer cm bearing*.. Mr. fc*TKWA*T is a minister of the Pres hyterian deuottiiuation, and mueh ndinlred hx nil who hove the pleasure of his acquaintance. His effort on this occasion, we think, did m<rah for the good of temperance. It is truly gratify' ing to sec so many of tile clergv Inking the lead ' in the temperance movement; it is the thiqg it ' has alt the time needed, and, with Hie nid of these good men, it cannot Jail of Success. We want the assistance of more minister* of the > gospel. They are with the cause in Ift-uit?let int'iii viiioiu nge u wiiii their j^vst-nee. We want in aoo the " ain of intemperance * prea>di< ?><1 nmiiiipt more it iw. A rra-'ii on this' object will do "more good Mum n l> ?tqr>>. we 1 ihink, and, therefore, urge the-miniatrx tlnongb1 out the District to lend I heir nid in the umv. ntrnt to drive iriiemji*'atiee I'roni our midst. We did not Irnni Mm exact number of. tbn*?who gave their nntlie* to I he different Division* for membership. We presume. however. Mint there were sotn'e twentv-tive or thirty, besides those who signified their inleitiion to -connect themselves with' the cnuae at *11 enriy day. The bflScerd.of Enterprise Division, for the present quarter, were pifldiely "IniOiM'ed. after the speeeh of Mr. St*wa*t wiis soiielthled. wlien the crowd dispersed to their rerpeetivy .home* Nothing occurred to mar the harmony of the occasion. The utmost deeorutu and goisl feeling ex irted throughout the day, and we trust that much good ha* been accomplished. , roa tiik aot' km krfhiatu It hnving been our good fortune, Mr. R-'tor, to attend the ('on cert of tlie young ladies of the ' Female College, we have concluded to irive vnnr ?-- - jr many rfiidi-ra. who conlil not ho present on thoccMoioji, some iy?uiinl of what we l/ittt and'turr hoard and saw. The uMiininuiion of the vh rions classes hail been going on for some du\s previous, and those who were present, with ofie voice concur in saying ilml tha-eXamination 'was alik' credible to thc-youiM Indies and I'rnfctntm This was expected, froiu the well-known a'dlitT' and faithfulness of t|mtu- who have th morn) and intellectual training of ihr'girlt in disiitf We 1 have reason to hopa and l.elieve thai this Col' lege will do honor to the IH-hwntioWlion and the 1 State at large; and that e*?ry good citiaeii of J Or*< nville will hare cause proud that it fa. j lo-aud in our pi- asunt v Huge. Who of us can | even conceive of the limtiV rent 1.1?i ?J I. j -.jbtin* Female Collate will- eventually confer upon our people. '1 lie thought of what it will iiccomplisb," till* the heart of tin- philanthropist and patriot With feelings of pride and pleasure, and it. is a cause of rongrit illation to all. that the i 1 liapti?t> ?f tlu* -Mate h ive at. last founded an in* stitntiou of learning to which the -laughters of all may repair ami drink deep of the fount of knowledge, it is a lamcntQide fact, that female education -has been too much neglctrd in our State, hub we trust that the dawn of the day ol learning and intellectual jaiwer lias come, him thnt.tJn- sun of I. now ledge will shine blighter, uu'il every one whocluiuir t lie name of Carolina will at least have the rudiments of au Knglisb edueatioii. Let us returu to the CenVert. Thursday evening Inst was the 'appointed time, and hi an early hour the commodious Chapel of the j ^College waif overflow ing with an array of beau tiful women and spirited hum. Tin- evening wa-^.TItiOier warm, ami the Chn|tel Js.o tnueh crowded to be verj comfortable ; hut the heat mid crowded room wefe soon fmgotten. ut the sight of happy girlhood roleil In tin- garb of jmrity and tiinoscence. W hat can -be more lovely than the fleliooVgirl dressed in white, flitting lllte a bright vision before tjje eyes, of man. The , old man looks upon the eoone, and the pearly i m i i J-.TJLW dow. il* >h7?k"at'ir <* ???* , which alHMie^fmn hia fancy, The piaao souita* *pd tfeeoliVu of our thoWgflk is -broken?the music has cum mrnced. K kronhl be invidious to mske dlsti notions where fclhacqglttedthemselves s6 well, and, consequently, we will' not particularism, hut only give the Usince of n>nic of the songs which struck our fancy, si having hceu supg wtth"spirit and pathos: " My Willis's on the Dark blue Sea'1 - "My Ojd Cabin lly*?"The Blossoms on the ill"ok Thorn "?" Ye Shepherds Tell Me"*? " I hsve Frtn'v L ^Isvr Flowery." -These songd were sting J>y the jroung ladles to whom they were nssigned," with much beauty and feeling, and were appreciated by the audience, if continued applause Is a fair criterion by which to jn-rgc " Queen ??f My " was played-on tlx guitar, sn?l sounded very sweetly. The young ladles who performed this piece, yiinwd grout proficiency, considering the time they-have been engaged in taking Ifssone upon tbkt. instruhu-nt, " My Mrand Ma's Advice" sung by pne o? the young ladies, was received with' tuniultnoui applause, " gently Sight the Broexe," sung by the Misses McDsnic), closed the performances yf the evening. This ipst piece was sung with a degree of sweetness and melody which added great ly to til* hiUo-rtoxonviaMc reputation of these young ladies. Tlio exercises throughout were pleasant and agreeable; and every one went home delighted and convinced that the musical department of the College la tinder tKc eupervi ion of able and efficient, teacher*. One thing. howeVoiv tnrprlaed us, which ie?that, notwithstanding the time and labor and expense of ac quiring a knowledge of tnuaie and other ornamental branches, yet in at-signihg the young Indies tlu-ir respective pfpitlons in the class, thes< are not taken into consideration. There seems to he no justice in this, as it gives the young lady, who does not study these branches, an advantage over those who arc compelled to practice, or be damerited. if this be the cause, what' inducement is there to acquire proficiency, in these studies. It requires as inueh skill and study to bo a fine.performer on the piano, harp or guitar or to be a fine frVench scholar, ns to Ipe a proficient In Botany, Chtmittry or Moral PhHonophy and in niAking distinctions, it would be but an act of justice to give the young ladies credit fof their skill and proficiency in the ornamental I ranchfe. Tliis is dohe in most of our Female Vol leges? why should it not be done iu this ? We suppose the Faculty have good and sufficient rcnSbns for doing as thev have done, and, theretore, we question not the propriety of their verdict. In conclnsion, Mr. Editor, we think the night ol :50th of June will long be remembered, it* A lit iirVit xiuit i?i tint mAniilnttmu lif?? tl?? school girl. , t (JYEftTON. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS MEDLEY. Ale*. C. Walker, reoeotly nominated for Conitrc.t a* successor to Mr. St -[then*, of Georgia, refiuu'ft t-i accept the nomination. There it u negro woman iy Frmiklin county; V*., that it n grandmother ut '26 yoara nit). She gave birth to a ^leiiiiilf child at the age of 14. The child huimproved njKtti the example ?>f the mother, and itiytu birth to n child ut 11 year* of age. liornec Greeley, of the New York Tribune, hni .roue Ut Pike's l'ouk. What for, vre arc not in' formed. He confirm* the repotted riclmcsft ol the mines there. The order of Odd Fellow* in thu (J. S., lit* now two hundred thousand member*. vTlte payment* in 1868 for relief ??< *iek xaeinl>ers were *:!/)< ?,?) *>, and for cdneatioii of orphan* 12,000. A St. Louia dispatch Siva that in the case of Mis* Carstung again*] -dinar, in wbicfii the lady had obtained a.verdict of n hundred. thousand dollar* for breach of prom U . n n?W trial hn? been granted. ** Fhilli) .Melunert?, in New "York, petitions for a divorci fidiu hi* wife, oa the ground, among other*, that she beat? him with a stick, and lo-lng very weak and sickly man " he cannot abind the dis' eiplino.- Some U-n daya ti?p> a cat in Capt Eiirnbelh had a Utter of four kitten*, one ol which i* minus a tail, and instead of fore p?w< these limb* resemble the hamla of a little child, whhdt are slightly covered with hair. It al*t walks Imekwuids, ThCy had a dance I hs ether night At Madison. Wis. for the benefit ol the ehtireh. ' The Sentinel *np[w>*es it wa* n reli ktiott* ' / '* ' The l.oiii*vill* pnjter* note the .death of Victor F Ward, aged twenty year*, lie wa?, we believe, the boy wlio wsi ?bi|>pcd by Hntler, the school teacher, which n hippi >g was thu first,?ct in th? Mat Ward tragedy. ' C The National Teacher** Association announce their'*<-0oiid annual linn-ting for the loth of Allgust, Ut be held at Washington, Dc 0 lion. John Letcher ha* been elected Gov eruor of Virginia, by a majority of 5,<K)1. ? Mr. P. Walker ha* perfected an *utomntaii eheu* player, wbieb the leading men of diets in S'-w York have examined without tieiny aide tr riWovcr ill wrret. * Kite sisters of th? \Yuahl*urii fatally of Stafford, -Ct, met a hurl ti lit* si nee to rrkliiult! the nntul ilav of line ol the family, and tlipir united ages were 422 year* The annual conrno pcrinvnt of the Virginin I'uiveraity. look place on tlia ittttb pit. Thew w>-ff 1 wo hundred and richly-five graduate*. * * Jenny LinJ rewnll/ ^avr a charity euMrrt ir Ijondoii, which' waa no* advertised nhd only Hit aristocracy mtc admitted hy Hpi-eial invitation The receijita Wfri1 fShe was in full health and lAQf with nil her old power. * '," TliO Co hi ubifl ftUHrdiaii anva: Mr*. Johnston. wife ol Mr. Holly Johnston, waa alrnek l?y lightning or Saturday la-t ami inatautly killed. Shu waamit in the yard at the time whyn the fatal hohatfuel her Mr. N. R. Rushing waa-ldtt>-n hy t rattlesnake, at hU place, near Giliiaonvillr, S. 0. ami died in eight hours from the writs of the wound. The amount in the U- "* Treasury, auhieet. to draft, is lU.fcfln.oOO. Tlie liar riafinrg (Pa ) Patriot My* that hnV p era (i Hurry, pnfM acorn will k'H it In a single night ' An English coroner'* jurv has recently returned m verdict of " manslaughter " against an owner ol pleasure I oat*. for letting them out la an unsafe condition, liv rciison of which one. of the party hiring It ??? drowned. TU?* grnash-ppert tit certain part* of Virginia have taken to chewing toUcra Thty have ulso commenced depredatiotia upnrf the wheat, corn, Ac. It in Mated that Mr. *nud Mr*. Charlin K<*an have received an offer of ?lHWKt U? make a theatrical to'lr in the United State*. ' ' The I'ittdtcld Eagle cay* that a yooth of teventeen, living in titia, recently loat hi* reason from grief at tiie death of Ida ncitlgr, and committed suicide by shooting himself through the heart. Mother and ami were buried in one grave. tiro. Hani Howaton ha* been nominated p? an independent candidate for Oorer/ior of Texas " " - 1 ' ^*dh5s Iliad legs winter, aB^^w rur. "about on hi* front leet with u much *e#e and precision a* the other lam be of th? floeV.on II foyrs. He ia fat And fa nice XontHtien, and fcW body ia thrown forward loaato balance. 1 The Cincinnati Commercial telle of a rattlesnake being lately Jtillsd at a place called Ramsay, twenty mile* west of Terre Haute, whieb waa . over twenty-one feet long, and bad ona hundred r and eleven rattler., showing it Id be 108 years old. Miss Maggie .Mitchell, said to l>e a charm ing little actress, was presented with a valuable riding- horse a few days ainoe by bar admirers lit Richmond, Virgin**. She has Juat oonclnded i a brilliant engagement, and returns to-New Vork to enjoy ths pleasures of borne. -? An 'vAnti-Cumi?g Club" bijs beha formed at Grits* Valley, '<Jn).,-tha members of which aro lined twenty Ave ceht* fnr"tevery ofith, tbo rnowsy to be ap^ropriated to some worthy purpose front time to time. At the last account* the club had cursed enough Co biiy a pew, -anti, there was a balance onhaud. T^s publishers of Webster's Dictionary have issued a pictorial edition, in which email cute Tepreaent tq the eye the slgn:?oaitgn' of the appended word. / Ttie honorary degree of"IX I >. wan conferred upon H?v. J. P. Boyoe, of South Carollaa^attiie iwmunl commencement of Columbia (I) (J.) College, on .Wednesday lash. United States* Senator* Seward, Cllngman, and Surtmer were all in.Paris a few* weeks since. Also ex Senator Fish &pd ^Ira, ex-Governor Marcy and daughter. ? Rev.-J. S. Pressley la- contributing to'the Due West Telescope interesting sketches of deceased ' ministers nnd. pioneers of tits Associate Reformed Churches in South Carolina," ? The Mississippi Penitentiary has within its walls-at present, between 160 and 160 convicts, by far the largest number ever incarcerated there within any one year. yh* The York (Pa ) IVotoctioni*t says that "nA less than two hundred and thirty, three bushels of cherries were shipped from that plaC* last week, to Baltimore. The oldest preacher in ItiWadelphia is RoV. Geo..Ghandlor C Me has married three thousand one lindred and sixty-six couples, hUd performed funeral services >, over five thousand persons. An-exchangc says: The warm weather suggests cantion In i the u-e of fruits and Vegetables. Unripe fruits , nnd green vegetables, both lucking ths* quality I of freshness, are likely to l?e found fn th^ markets. ' They are a common cause of smuttier diseases and too great cure caupot be exercised in regard . to them. * * . TixowNKn^?We learn through a highly esteem!: cd eorrt*?|H?tident writing to tfttw o/Pce fr?mi Concord under date of t37tl? iilk. that a negro man (John) the property of Mrs. linden, of Davidson county, and who vrns employed no the If: <". Ituilroa.l, w?? drowned at the It. U Bridge, nckr CotftuM, on . Saturday last. No one was .with him at the time. His body was found in the , er<-.-k On Sunday morning. It was supposed by the jury of inquest, that he either had an attack 1 <> cranio, or got Into iL?eiwr water.than h.. ?? |x utcd, and was strangled.?Charlotte bulletin. I srna??ok Fvihexce or ViWArtTV.?-Peter Yrrdinr, a convict in the isthte prison, the other day, i c<?>Uy and deliberately laid his finger on a block, and look an nxo and cut it. off el<>Se to the hand ; rolling rlie finger up In n paper, he gave it to hie r. keeper, raying to hnn, " K>?d it. to the Governor as an evidence of the troth." tft had been eoi deavoring to get pardoned, and, being fearful the Govcrndr would not believe nil that waa eyt f "f-nth in Ids petition offer<Hl this strange evidence i of vcrHoity.-i-ifariUon (Mich.) Citizen, 16th'Ult.1 The Porp a Pwttovxil?Tho Tfew York Hernld I *sys the head of the Roman Catholic t'bnreh is virtually n pr'soncr at Ilomr, and the Roman Catholic oigan of New York, ih^nn article eup1 pofe^lc W twain the pen of Avchhiidifcp Hughes, i' line on. intimation to th<- same effect. Tbs Pope it is raid, has expressed u w i-h to go to Austria, tint the French General in Komo hie. In a polite manlier, interposed objections which tlig sovereign. pontiff hue perceived to he insuperable, ^ f ' "fat** lay1* Tf.?Politeness goes * great ways. , Henry W?fd Beeelier sav ft, ,lan impudent clerk enn do almost as mueh injury to hia store as the neglect of the projiriHor to advertise his gooda" ' Two undoubted and significant fkcts. which cvi cry ono interested will please hear In mind. Shout ns life is, some find it long enough to , outlive their characters, their constitutious, and I tlicir estates. t' * , ^ ' 'M' " ' i>i: e.\ ktkd ibis life, at tlur residence of bis father, i near Fork Phualr, Greenville District, on the 1st of , July, 1660. Mr. JAMEP 1IKMUHK FORD, in the 21 year of Ids age. The subject of thus notice was ' ajtfod turd obliging brother, a dutiful and obedient > sou, and inneb loved and reported by nil his associates ; hud although believer attached himself to aay ' branch of tho Christiau Church w',.-n interrogated ' on the subject of death, he expn ssed a desire tt> lira. . 4>wt felt assured that >M bis friend. Tiioi hi Inn passed away, leaving a fathof, mother, -brother, riatar, and many relative* aud friend*. Ufgnuurn hi* loaa-^-Vxit they (pel comforted by^tbo Hope that theif !<>*? i* hi?.eternal gain. J. U. II. i r>inr?, at the traidenoa of P. A. Willborg, Id AVilliamaton, Anderson I>i*trict, nn'tbe 1 Ith June, 1B69, Mr*. KMiCA ANN WlLLHOltN, consort of Kobort WiUborn, in thu.l9th year of her age. Although she , wan young, and had en]oyvd fine health during the greater portion of her life, ehe became the eahjoet of dieeafu *ix month* previous to hurdoceaee, andgrad' aally full into the arm* of death. Though Severely I* affil?lud. *hu hpru it all with-Christian.fortitude, and when the anhjeut of religion and tho beauties of h?a von went named In her prdattnee, nhe became perfectly 'c-ontnured, and longed to be Hie re, where sllh i would lie released from pain and suffering. She Attached he reel f to the Baptist Churoh when (|wito young, and liwotl a worthy and eoneistont meinbur of the same up to the day of her death. She loft a kind husband,'an infant ijanghter, a loving father, brothers, *i*tore, with many relative! and friends, to mourn lt?r lo?s, but they are eon*oled by the happy , tlioncht that thn In ,v??-- --a*1- ?- - n ? mm* miu H|0 1|I?|W OI ^ gloriou* rrnurrt eti??n. . J. 11. II. 1 Dim. at the rpnijLnco of her hneband, in Cam. r County, (Jc'iwin, Mnv 29th, 1909, in the :?VHh year of her age. Mr.. MART f. A. McBDKOY, ?Ue of r Ror. W. B. M? Elroy, ?ml daughter of Jiunc* Alei . under, foltnorly of Ufomtill# District. 8lio was born and raiaed In Groenvlllo District. After her marriage ?bo emigrated with her hunhand to Ca?? County. Q*. fcho was the mother of sis children, two of whom m? dead. 8ho wm wvenir aMieted, luring ivlm<?t helpless for tire month* bafofe her death, hut bore it all with meekness M?d resignation. Rhe hmt been Worthy find consistent member of the Mftb<wliKt Episcopal Church (J>r a number of year*, ami died s gloriou* and triumphant death, in full afsurance of ? blessed iiuruoTiiulty beyond the If rave, fthe left a, kind ami loving husband, four children, a father ami mother, two sister*, and no mirwn IrUnib and relative*, to inonrn her loss hut Hii v do pot mourn its thasir who have no hope, feeling comforted, by her own testimony, chat aheie eejoying the wit |<rtj-ercd tor all (lud's jaw,pie. ' ' , -J. II. II. ; fiW The Pnlrjftt and Mountaineer, and Anderefta G a/otto, are renor-dwd to wpy tho shove nwviroe. > >>**%*:!* . ?V: The Annual fc-erraou before jb? Youog Men'e Mir ioHary Heeioty, if the tjhirwitf, *RI he delivered o* Tuesday night preceding ihe Comaeeeeifaont, by the Be*. J. K. KfW*?o.e; of Aegeat*. fibu I Od WedueiWi^irttftepioen, wr Addr?ea will be de. I I livered before the Alumni of the, tTwivpreiiy, her the' R*r. J< <*. 'WILUAHB. A. II., of BtfeuAwt, ? if. TJyi Annuel AtiOrcM before the ^BdAwy So&etlee will bo deliretodjeh Wedne*Uy nlglit, hy the Hon. J. .B. Ksbsda^ , of Ctundyn, fi? O. The Common cement of tiiv FKMALEC0JUI4tUBr I will take p'nco ?n '7'/lurt'iay, The Annuel A?ldroS* before.tho (Wanting Um will bo delivered by Jt. fkt Cxnitoui, K*i? ot Charliy ton, . The Ant Term of the ncxi Soho)??U? Y??r will beginon Krtdey, tbe fifth of Augfiet. T ? OmoriHc, ft Co Jeue Mtb, .1999. * > ^ Proto the Now York IMVL -- ' "-**> Noruiso since the foundation of the .CHft ?f M*w Yhrk ha* produced.ftie exelWniOnt nwonjf all classes that Prof. Wood's llalr Restorative has .lone.? AH ?la#aos from the ofay and bald-bpiidt-d cire, "and the silvcr-Uoired matron, down & the sprifgntly I youth and beautirtil aiatdou with berglossT ringlets, are erbwding tbb Depot at No. Jill Broadway ; the former to do permanently restored,* ami tho latto* t<s possess themselves of that which will prweni the in. road of envious time, tta cause the appoarancv of youth and" beauty to linger to the greatest Age.? Ucaidea.all the popular Druggists in tbautoqwtry are constantly .engaged (in dealing out the Rsttoratlva to thoir customers, "and the cry is ?tHl thby Ooma." Cactiq*.?B<-nam oi' worthless imitations, as ssvcrai are already in tho roarkot, villed by different names. Uso norio unless the wotda^i'mfctwor Wood's Hair KosUrotivo Depot, St. Louis, Mo., and New York) are blown in tuo bottle. Sold by all Druggists nod Patent Mejlicino dealers, also by id] Fancy aad Toilet Uooita dealers in tho Utiiud States and .Canada. July 7 9 lm the oTbai r,nalish bTmidt. hill JAMKS MARKETS CELEI1RATED jnBMAL.ll PILLS. . , THIS invaluable modiuino is unfailing iu the euro of all those painful and diiugcrous diseases .incident to tho female constitution. . ** It moderates all excesses and removes, all obetruclions, from whatever caustf, and a speedy euro may ^ be relied on. *v ... * TO MARBISD LADIES It is peculiarly suited. It will,-in a short time, hriug ou tbe monthly pcruxLwjth regularity. CAITTIOW. These Pilts should not be taken -by foxholes that arc pregnant? during the rtusr raxa wo*thk, as thoy arc euro tu bring on Miscarriage; bnt at every other fimo, and iu every other cose, the* mio perfectly safe. *- In all cases of Ifefvon* and Spiaal Affections. Pain In the Back and 'Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertions, Palpitation of the Heart. Lowncss or spirits, Hysterics. Kick Headache, -Whites, and all tho painful diseases occasionedby a disordered system. Those Pill/i will effect ? cure when all iithnr mranu liai-u failrwl Poll direction* in the pjuuplilit around each package, which should bo carefully preserved. A buttle cotitipniog flfty pillf, and anfdrelad with the Government Stamp of <}?e.\f Britain, can bo Kent pott ftco for $1 and 6 postage etAinps. . Bold by Er Krutch, Greenville,* Ilnviliuid 4 Chichester, Wholesale Drayifist. Charleston. * . *lay 5 52 ' ' Ijtaow. * .' * CANDIDATES^ . SHERIFF.?*Wo arc aullvamcil t<> announce M. O. DICKEY da a Candidate for Sheriff of Ovcearllle District. at the enduing Election. SHERIFF.?The friend* of JOUN X. McDAhTIEL moat respectfully num.unco hiai aaa Candidnto for Sheriff of Urocbville District, at the ensuing Election. - TAX COLLECTOR.?JAMES B. PKAH60N -announces himself n Candidate for Tax Oolkutor, at ' tho cumiing Election. . - * ; . ISdr* See advertisement of Pr^ finnfmd'i Eirtr furiyorrrtor, in another column. . TS ~ TUK WOOXTCAH DS"^ AT M- BEE'S MILLS, peVeo miles bclew Oreenville, have ju?t been osssatjn np for making "ROLLS 7* the boil woi*Kr. " . ' . ?Lily 7 0 8 * PATENT MEDICINES. SAKFORD'B LIVKJt lNYIUORAfoR, - ' | . Barry's Ti iconlierous, Oxygenated Bitters, ? * . , ' Mustang Lineament, ' li " " ? lldufland's German Rittqrr, ./ .J? \ Mra. Allen's llalr Restores, . Effluncc Jatnnfoa Winger, dyer's Cherfy Pectoral, " r Ahd nil oik er J'nirnl Htdiciutt, For sale at low prlocs; bv Dita. JLONO A.BDRN'lf AM. - npomeoiir>cs and Draggist*. July 7 ? tf PRIME BUTTER and EGOS " CORB MEAL and GRIST :*? HOBEY and APPLES A RB to ba had, at LOW fRICIW T?* PA0U. at A cheap Jt7!,W, Joly^T 4M -Mais Smutty. ^ viiWtMm THEMibucriber, having ju?l finished grinding and fitting ap bin a ? * Wool Cards and Bnrr Machine r , jn Ana order, i? now rawly for bimiuoe*. Ha warranto hit Machinery to furniib a* good |<01LH aa can be fttrniehoddn thu Slate. and feeling lliankl'nl to hit old customer* for their kind patronage, he Invites them', and the |>ub!io generally, to enfi mm'A >( Mflr Wool Carded Ondef ? warrantee of good Holla. Jil* Mills and Wool Card* are -14 mile* below Mreenville Court Qoiw, on Dvrbin's Creole. 1 1 JK88K K. STONK. Jul/ 7 ? s . ? AN ORDINANCE * vi,rjDA\W0. BK IT OltlUnCKI) b) the Town Ooawatt of (Jreonvjlle in Council assembled, Thai flrone aud after MutxUy, the 12?li iuafc, it aball be unlawful for any float to run at large within ther<>n?>ra4e I unit* of the town of <i reea villa; and theTdwn Marshals are hereby empowered to lake ap and impound p' every float ?o found running a* large, and to publish the earn* for fwo day* at the Court Koaae door, a ad if not reclaimed by the owner, or dWnert, within that time, and paying the mini of Fifty Onto, the said Marshal* are authorised tooipoerrtfcc Ooptseo taken, and the amount* derived from said salon to go Into the Treasury of tb? Town. * * . Ltonoaud ratified un<lt>r the corporate eoal of (be Town Council of Greenville, tbia Hb day of Jnly, JHS9. - A. McIlKE, In Undent. W. P. Pairs, Town Clotk. Jnly T ? . * Jpir Patriot and Mouataifleer copy .1 times. m 11 RA UlttJ aktkrb. n , > ' , V?io*?.SL, Juno ?46?. i "\T0TIC8 to b?rc%JT **** 0??* " I th? ?ov?reM?i ("t Arirw, ?hivU U n?ftd? tyruagh 1 tun ..flic? of i>+'*ut and luKjMWter Wfrr^j Ti" ^ggg* ttllleM Mrt W>?tjn w* Aiyjwot MI'I lltfmur (Mr I ?r?l. J****" ^ F U t>USOVANT, Aiiat|*l and Iiiftpcetof Q?natal, j *?ijrT ? i f *?.' ' '. ' *** **{* A"*' ' ' V" > * - * ?> * ? f'. f y ? . * I *