University of South Carolina Libraries
frn. - v?v ggaftaggm i ? i . asagai '1 ' LAjJ'' -' ] 9mm froar$ '' " To fc brunkfin */ hush**!* 'tWM for UMO x l#ft , v ' M? own, U, iw; homo; Par tha* t loA ?> *n<t^ W; With thoo ia Joy 4q r**~} -- >* >v ' Awl where ere ell W Wy Ydwe, " The truth, the lore, the irush - The* won my heert??*11 Mattered now, And tramytsd ta the dual. X lered thee ?>u lev* uuiold, And when I stood be.ide 1 " Thy noble form, I joyed to think I wes thy ehoMn bride. 'J ' ' x * , They teld me ere I wee thine own, Row end my-tot would be; h ^ . I thought not of the ftitnre, then? I only thought of thee. I Mi tey home, my happy home, A sanny-heerted thing, . Forgetting that my happiness A ehedowing oioad might bring. The sanny eide of life is gooe, Its ehndowi only mine? . And thorns ere springing in my heart, Whor? blossoms ased to twine. I do not Memo thee for thy lot, I onW are* for thno. That thou may'st from tho tempter's power (Oh, joyful thought!) be free; That thou may'st bend above my grave, With penitenoe sincere, * And for the broken hearted one, Let fall a sober tear. jBomorfofg dDlia. Georgia Court?A Rich Scene. Alter a well known Georgia Solicitor General had administered the usual oath to the grand and petit juries and bailiffs, he turned to the presiding Judge, and remarked: Sou?May it pleose your Honor, I do not remember any form of oath to be administered to the lobby bailiffs, but by your permission, I think I ean frame ono, that wiU be satisfactory to the Court JurxiE.?Proceed, Mr. Solicitor. 8ou Gen'u?Put your hand on the book.? "Whereu|>on a tall, lean, vinegar-faced son of Anake? stepped up and promptly grahfiad the book. Sou?You do solemnly swear IB presence of this Court and us lawyers, thnt you wilt take your position in the lobby, and there remain with your eyes skinned, during the entire session of this Court That you will not aiiffer any one to peak above a low whisper, and if any one shall dare do so in presence of your royal highness yon will vociferously exclaim, "Silence in the lobby I* ana h oPdor is not immediately restored, you further swcnr that yoa will, by one ponderous blow of your fists, planted between the peepers of the offender, knock him down, Ail of this you will do to the best of your skill and knowledge, so help you God? The bailiff took the position assigned him, and immediately after the Court was organized, Tom Diggers, who looked as green as young gourds, walked into the room wearing brogans No. 11, and his hands thrust deep in his pockets, and enquired, " Hello, fellows, where in the thunder is Jim Snellinsf " Silence in the lobby 1" roared the outraged official. Brogans.?You must be an nllfired tarnal fool, nnd ef ye jest open that bread trap of vour'nagin your mamma won't no ye. Whereupon Jim Jarvis, the bailiff, let fly the dogs of war, and greeny fell flat of his back, with his pedestals at an angle of forty degrees in the air. He grabbed greeny by the seat of his trowscrs, and dragged him wrong end foremost into the presence of bis Honor, the presiding Judge, and said: "Mr. Judge, here's that darned infernal fool, John Diggers, what wan't never in a court house afore, and he undertook to run over this chicken, but 'cordin to my oath I fetched the tarnal critter up stoodin, by given him a jerk atween the eajy? 'cordin to law. and now say the word, and JT^rmll the dogwood juice outen him afore you kin wink yer eyes twice." Judge.?Turn him Ioobc, Mr. Bailiff, and accept the lhAnks of the Court for the prompt die charge of your official duties. Exit Greeny with eyes large as saucers. The Prince and the Barber. A great tnanv years ago or somewhere thereahouta, when the people of this country were at loggerheads with England, and warlike feeling was tuned up to the highest notch against the British, by some means or other, it so fell out that the Prinze of Wales {afterwards William the Fourth, it Is probable) being in the English fleet off New York, thought he-would step ashore, take a tramp around, ineog., of course, and see what was going on, The Prince was a "high lark," fond of fun and fashions, and finally found himself in Boston, where he would have been a glorious "speo" for some one, had they known ' and nnbbed his royal highness. The prince stepped into a barber's shop?-the building yet extant upon Hanover street, although the dramatis personam have all made their exit->to get shaved, just like other metropolitans. The barber was out, buxom and prepossessing wife was on hand, and took off his royal highhess's beard in as feady a manner as could any barber or valet in town, The operation over, the jocular prince gave the woman a guinea, and she was about to nand over the change, he laughingly said j "O, keep it, woman, keep it all, by the laws! it's worth twenty gninea9 to be shaveid by a lass, and such a pretty one, too!" and throwing his arms about the neck of the barber-ess, bis royal highness vouchsafed her a most natural and oomcly kiss. Tho woman of course blushed and re- 1 pis ted, and looked very awkward and wrathy. "O, never mind that, my pretty shaver," said (ho royal customer, " and when your husband returns tall him you've been kiaeed by the Prince of Wale*. But the embryo king, upon facing the door to make his.cxrt, was met by the barber himself, who, hearing what the prince said, raised his pitbian toot, and retreating highness, a moat formidable kick, exclaiming: "Yea, sir, and now, when you get home, again, please to say that you were decently kicked by a Bottom barber. A* HonestThett.?Fred, Dooglaaa, the darkey orator, tells the following: " When he was a slave in Maryland, he observed that an old negro, named tMndy, had the appearance of being always well fed, and looked very fat He asked dandy if he would explain < how it happened so, 44 4 Wall,' aftyl Bandy,41 steals it* v pouglaas remonstrating with Sandy on this point, Handy replied, (pointing to a nig.) ' i/v i see dat ere animal dcre ?' , "'Ye?,' " Wall, dot dere am nwM*'i property, en' I am mRw'i property; dcreforu put dat dare prop erty into die property, an* ita ail right.'" ' Mr lad," said a traveler to a little boy whom ho met, clothed in panto and email jacket, but wi'hout a very necessary article of apparel, " my lad, where ia your shirt T " Maminy'e waahing it" " Have you no otherV "No otherI" ox claimed the urchin, in aorpriee, " would you want a boy to bare a thousand shirts!" > " Never put off till to-morrow what you can do to-dav." snid an advising mother to her child ? " Welt fhen. mamma, let us eat the cranberry pie that's in the safe," was the child'* precocious rei\r . 4. S5559S^95Silfi88E96S!55fl8j^^^6^^^^^^^^^^B89Si885^BI ??s/a&ss^s^s^ eaeedvte of Mr. Spurgaofc that la too Mod to be loot The groat preacher hod for hie theme, one day, the power of indMdufl, pereoonl effort, and to Illustrate it he told a aV>ry of " Yankee," ae Mr. Utiugion tailed him, who boasted that he oould whip the entire English nation hfaneelt? "And how .eculd you do Itr aaid a by-stande*. "Why," aaid the Yankee, "I would take ooa Englishmen at a tiihe, I would whip Mm, and then 1 would Uke another, and eo I wOuld go ioeg till I Kad whipped the whole nation, ft At the eloae of the sermon. Mr. Spurateoa, the re- 1 later of the aneedote, aad eeverai friends, retired to the reatry. Soon there eame In a. tall, lean, long faeed, eoletno looking nan, who balled from the State of Maine. He preoented to Mr. SpurEat a letter of introduction, and was welcomed the preacher. Soon Mr. Bourgeon addressed new 6om?T by spying: " Well, ray American friend, how did yon like my il!astra?ftn of fndi. vidual power, drawn from your countrymen 1" "*0," aaid the member from tho Pine TVee State, 1 " 1 waa quite well pleheed with it, becaueeit was so true, and -this waa eaid with the utmost solemnity of tone end gravity of manner. " do true, no true," aaid Mr. 8,, " what do yob mean, sir T "I knew of a-Yankee that did that_onee," Waa the reply. " Aqd wliat Wae ms name r jbp. opurgeop asked?to which the Yankee answered, " The name, eir, was George Washington, per- . Mips you have heard of him 1* Mr. ttpurgeon was dumb for a moment. Ho then joined in the hearty laugh, end allowed that the " Yankee**" was too mnob for him. Mas. PalmKofoN eaye that, jnst before the last war with England, " circumstances were seen around the moon nightly, shooting stars perambulated the earth, the desk of the sun wjm covered with black spots of ink, and comments swept over the horizon with their operlo tails. Everybody said it prOfligated war, and cpre enough it did come. Its costiveneas was felt throughout the land, but the bravery of General Jackson expitated the American citizens, and foreign donominees soon became a by-word." A Goon Jokc.?A little wee specimen of a bhy was placed upon the witness stand yesterday, at the Police Court, to testify In a case of ssssult and battery: " Do von know the nature of an oath, my boy," inquired the Judge. " Yetb, thir," lisped the urchin. " If you tell a story where will you go to 1" " I shall go to the witcb house, promptly replied the urchin.?Cincinnati Commercial. TRANCKNDZNTAUbM.?" You know, madam that you cannot make a purse out of a sow's ear." "Oh, sir, please fsn me. 1 have intimations of swoon. When yon use that odious specimen of vulgarity again, clothe it in refined phraseology 1 You should say, " It is impossible to fabricate a pecuniary receptacle from the aurieular organ of the softer sex of the geuus Hog." A F*KNOTt masristrale. noted for the love of the pleasure of tho table, speaking una day to a friend, aid: " We have just been eating a superb turkey ; it was excellent, stuffed to the neck, tender, delicate, and of a high flavor. We left only the bones." "How many of you were there V said his friend. "Two," replied the magistrate, " the turkey and myself.". ^ Patriotism.?A person entering the House of i Commons when the Rump Parliament was sit- I ting, exclaimed: "These are goodly gentlemen, i 1 could work for them all my days for nothing." " What trade are you, my good friend ?" " A ropemaker," replied the other. Tiikrr is a man up in Delhi, New York, who boasts that he never took a newspaper, and the same knowing " critter " says that Santa Anna, if he persists in his struggle with Russia, will be sure to lose all the territory of (be Bosphorus, and be excluded from the navigation of the Amazon sea. " Jamie," said one Irishman to another, the first time he saw a locomotive, "what is that snorting bnsteT" "Sure," replied Jamie, * I didn't know at ail unless it's a steamboat splurging along to get to the wether." A panot in Broadway, New York, wishing to be witty accoeted a young bell-man as follows: " Yon take all sorts of trumpery in your cart, don't yon 1" "Yes, jump in, jump iu.' "Ah! my dear, how eame you so wet?" in* quired an affectionate mother to her son. " W by, uia, one of the boys said I darsent jump into the crack, and by goeh, I tell you I ain't to be dared. " Sally, what time do your folks dine?" " Soon as you go away?-tbat'a missus' orders." v.. ju u:.. n?j ? iutoi jl atto u> iuioo uuiuviif MAIN ST It SET, WILL OPEN, on Saturday, 10th Inst., handsome Msortineut MILLINERY, /tsbg/vconsihtiko or French, Chip, Fancy, 8ilk, PaJM tnela and English Straw BON// fl NETS, Misses' Equestrians, Feathers for Head Dresses, Lace Setts, Illusion Capes, Berthas, Fancy Hair Pins, Hoop Skirts, Corsets, and a variety of Articles suitable to the season, selected by Miss Cordon from the largest and best Fran oh bonnes in New York. DRESSES made at the shortest notioe, and Dressmaking attended to as usual, to whieh we respectfully invite the attention of the Ladies of OteeavUle and its vicinity. 49-tf April 14 DISSOLUTION THE Copartnership of P. F. BKATTIE A CO. has expired by limitation. All persons indebted to the Firm, by Note or Book Account, are requested to call and pay the same at an ?vl^ day. February 16, 186*. R. C* PULLIAM. ? New Firm. THE subscribers have formed a Copartnership, and will continue the Bnsinoss at the Old Stand, under the Firm of BEATTIB A PULLIAM. They oxpeet eoon to receive a fine Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, and will be cleaned to oo thoir old friend* and customer*. F. P. BKATTIB. Feb 17 41-ffm R. G. PULLIAM. Town Property Near the Female College FOH SALE. THE undersigned baring deterlyflMCY mined to remove to Louisiana, offers dererjBgrfia bis HOU8K and LOT for sale. The B premise* are desirably located, on saiair" ' ill?* Buncombe street, near the Female College, and will be sold upon reasonable terms. The House is comparatively new. Possession given immediately, if doahrod. For further particulars, apply to Mr. T. B. BosBBTS. D. P. SPARX8. Jan IS td tf MENCfTOT'N. C. IN8URANCE COMPAMT. THIS ASI1KVILLE Mutual Insurance Company TTAVIWO complied with the ltgll requisition of I 11 thin 8 to to, id relation to Agencies, and having appointor) th? undersigned as their Agent for this place, he is now prepared to take RISKS on LIFB or PROPERTY. JOHN W. ORADY. Greenville, 8. C., Feb.dO, 1868. 48 tf I*AW NOTICE. THE onderalgned will devote himself entirely to the practice of Law and Equity on the Western Circuit. Mr. PRICB is hie partner for Creenv|lU District, and nay be found at his ?Wee In Greenville. > JAMES L. OP.R. Match 31, 1880. ' 47 ' U shaving, Hair Trlinnlhi, DrestlBf, DylSi * ' . a*I? . RAZOR BETTING AND &HAMl?OOING. AT THi ^ Seoond Door Above Mr. lfdT>?rson'?, wilson cooi, \, M#y ?ft i tf 1 .* ? nil mnmlwfiflllj " ' NOW 0:1 iMSDSl TO WHIOB tkt tttesNw of Pnrohi Jmw?uypll?i with NBW and CHOICB QO< wBUXLlai th7 low print. !/ . . OUR UN RIVALLED 8TOC* Of PLANTATION GOODS to now roadjr for la. wpoctioiV-to wbloh the attention of our Conntty friend* and Factors U invited. HOUSEWIFE LINENS And FAMILY DRY GOODS, for thO present and approaching season#, la largo rartoUfO, of the moet appYoved makes. . Particular attention to oallod to onr pruias monk ? ' VT ;Z ' : LONG CLOTHS. At It and 11| cents, aod the titer makes, all heap and excellent Goods. Fall stock of Yrepob and English Long Cloth* East makes Bleached sad unbleached Cotton oseotap?all wldtH*?always on DaM. Heavy Brown Shirtings, at OL 8 and 10 espta. . 8up?rth# brown Son Island Shirtings, at flj, B, W snd Iff conii? Bxlrs 8 os. CottoO Oanabnrgs, 8 ox. 8tripod fl. Osnaburgs. Blno Denims, Hickory 8tripos, Apron Gbook, Marlboro' 8tripos, Ac., Ac. , /. ^ CLOTHS. CASUiMRRBS, TWKED8, AC., For 8pring sad 80minor, tn now stylos, for Goats sad Boys, now toooiving. r nperior Frenoh sad English Drop D'Eto, in beay makes, for Pants. Extra heavy English do., in Black, Green, Brown and Blno, for Boys7 and Servants' wear | with A fall assortment of Linen and Cotton Pant 8tuff#. Linen Coatings, Flannels for Gents* Sacks, Vesting* for the season, Ao., Ac. Materials of various kinds far Children's wear, Servants' Coatings, Veatings and Pant Stuffs. HEW ???IDS ?Y WSt MSjf . ^ a] March 11 U-lt 243 KING. OPPOSI SOMETHING NEW! A OIFT Snurpritr conducted upon a Literal and Impartial /Han/ Endorsed by the entire Prseeofths city of Baltimore. ' H. E. HOYT & CO.'S . OKKAT OUTHKMN .. WO. 41 BALTIMOWW STRUCT, iBAifi.waflfl<s>aaj? ME?. DEUiqauTni vow southkrn and vnrtu ou>m - Write for * Catalogue for 1009. It contains the Largest List of Useful, Ornamental and valusririe GIFTS ever published. Greater inducements to Agents than ore- before offered by any other establish man t in the United 6 tales. A OI1.T worth from ' A FIF1Y CENTS TO ONE HONORED DOLLARS, AOOOMI'ANISS BVRT BOOK. * . Postmasters, Country Merchants, Booksellers, Librarians of Universities, Academies, Private and Circulating Libraries, Schools, and all others whose business will enable them, are fospectfallY solicited to become onr Agents. Any person can, by collecting a few Clubs, obtain a valuable collection of Books in a short time, without sny actual cost, save a few moments' leisure time. Wo have Agents lu ail parts of the .country, who, besides supplying themselvos with valuable Libra riot, are realising handsome profits from the sale of Gifts, accompanying their books. V Catalogues, giving fall parti an lark, mailed free to any address. WHAT THBPBES8 SAY. They have a magnificent assortment of Books, had have prepared themselves with innnraerabie elegant Gifts to be distribnUd among their 44 troope of friends and customers at large."?Baltimore Sun. Not only may a selection be made of soy choice work, bnt with it the purchaser is ?sn to receive some article of jewelry, which, in many esses, prove quite valuable.? Baltimore Daily Exchange. They make no promises that are not performed strictly to the letter, and by thus punctually canceling their obligations, have rained the entire oonldenoe of not only our citisens, but the country abroad.?Baltimore Patriot. A young lady acquaintance of ours purchased, for 91, a book at this establishment, a few days since, and reoeived a double-cased gold watch, valued at one hundred dollars.?Baltimore Clipper. The success which attends the Gift Book Housf of Messrs. II. B. Hoy t A Co., has no preOedeats is the annals of Gift Enterprises.?Republican A Argot. Call and See them, and our word for It, you will not regret jour visit.?DitpatcK, Baltimore. The inducements to the Southern sad Western people to make their purchases from Messrs. Hoyt A Co., are much greater than can be offered by any house of the kind in the country. Freight from Baltimore to any Southern point is leas, and the immense order bnsineee done by this firm Is a guarantee of thsir fulfilment of all promisee?Family Jam-mill. It is, in a moral, getting books for nothing aad being paid to take thorn away.?El ma tor. AU orders will b* promptly sad impartially filled, and forwarded within one day after being reoelved. The lifts, in all eases, will aoeompauy the Books, with a written oartileata to the person sending the order. ++* Remember, no Gifts distributed of less rains than 50 cents, or mora than $100. Address, H. B. HOYT k CO., No. 41 Baltimore St, Baltimore, Md. April 14 49 . Jn* Booms and Lois Tor Sale. mTHB subscriber offers for sale TWO LOTS in the town of Greenville, situated on Pee dietan Street, and within fire minutes' walk of the Railroad Depot. Baeh Lot has a Cottage an It Fine Walls of water and convenient Out-houses ere on the premises. These Lots will be sold together Or separately, en very reasonable terms. For further particulars, as to the six* of the Lot, terms, Ac., apply to L. W. WATSON. . Feb 10 .40 11 Valuable Lands for Sale, ON TERMS ACCOMMODATING TO PURCHASERS. A TRACT containing 490 A ores, 444 of which . are good, heavily Timbered, and first-rate George's Creak Upland. The Tract is located in Pickens District, on the road from Greenville to Pendletoo, 8 rallrs from the former place. Also, a TRACT in the same neighborhood, containing 370 Acres. 200 Acres arc heavily Timbered. fin i."n? -r- -vA V~.? Por particular*, apply to W. K. BA8LEY, Oct 38 26~tf OreenrtUe, 8. C. Do You wish to Buy Baal Estate IN ONSEN VILLM t THE Snbacribcr ii igtol for the ult of the (W* lowing Town Property : -HOUSE AND DOT on Buncombe Stmt, opposite die Female College, owned bj Mr. B. J. Jaudon. HOD# AND LOT of Mr. J. N. Peaeter, near the Railroad Depot. One of dpi ami desirable plane# in OteeaTllle. HOUKB AND LOT of Mr. n. R. William*, oa the Atpiot* road, ud mw the Depot. Alto, several other pUtM. The above Property trill be sold tpog the Meet ronton able terms. W. P. PRICE. Jan 20 , 17 ' If M. DAVID & I. RPSflW, jSSfc _ litpearaea Aire dxaliu u? '% fpriQ /WATCHES, Jsr X JEWELRY AHD CLOCKS, dS&fttfPp Ko. 8R8 KINO 8THBET, oik&jr;UiTU&wvicHg 0. cgm . wetches *_Oloeka Brptirtd warrantee iar one rear PebiO " AO ly NOTICE. T\UHfNO My neeeeaeev or seeideatal absence, J\J my friend, Ool. DAVID HOKE, who It my fawfal Deputy, wiH alien<1 to tllpeiMM harhpaay 1 bntMM transactions with the office of the Commit siener. 8. A. TDWEK8, C. R. O. ft. j Match 2 43 tf < >. ? T.Z1^ P* JMBpTHjBBjjf^jBBpf** /1LI. I, . l ? *~ IVMUU lt>nit%MMfcblk *n oorairM uiain vtaono HiiMiiUfiiii^ mi pnow 0hM wtoLw?!tlalS5S^^^S?^^i .SPRING DRESS GOODS. In mw style Silks, Plain aad Printed Challies, 8uuMr Ptpttoi, do, Jut Hrlria|. 1\ ; "a RICH SILK ROBES AND OHALLIK RQBES, In new style* for Ui? leuon. Nsw style Silk and Maalin Robe*. ^77 * - j . > WHITE ANI) COLORED STELLA 3HAWLB, At all prions. Boperlor White Stella Mantilla Shawls. Fall a took, of Bydag Mantillas, to arrlrs by Mit steamer. SKIRTS! SKIRTS J | SKIRTS til . For Children, Misses and LadMh We are bow prepared to shew the yCtt best article of Ladies' Extension Skirts erer mads. Abo a large assortment of medium and low price Skirts. Oar stock of HOSIERY, SPRING UNDERSHIRTS, AC., For Gents, Ladies and Children, is now well assorted, MY SffBAMBB, AT A. F. BROWNING'S, TE HA8ELL STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. a THE LITER PBBPAXBD by Dk aawroan, , COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, TB one of tbo beat PURGATIVE nod LIVER X Medicines now before the public, that acts as Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic but a JUtcr maody,-anting list on the Liver, to eject its morbid matter, then on the Stomach and Bowels, to .carry oS that matter, that accomplishing two purposes effectually, without any of the pain (hi feelings experienced in ike operations of most Crttkartir* purge* U; end wh?ntak? daBy in moderate donee, will itmgtkM end MM II up with uwul rapidity. The Liver is one of the] * rating the atomach, canprineipal regulators of ring food to digeet well, the human body | and M purifying the blood, gi?. whan it p * r f o r as a ita ^ lag tone and health to the function* well, the pow- W whole maehinery, remoera of the Arlttm an fol- O *l?g the eanae of the diely dareloped. The atom- fag enae?etiecuug nradieal aoh la aim net , on re. pendent on the healthy * Btlloue ptlaefc* are aotiou of the Liver for car*d> and what la bet- , tho proper perforatanee tar,. prevented, by the of ita function*; when occasional naeof the Li* > the Lantech ia at fault, m rar la rigor* tor. .. \ the bhwaU ape M lhmt, m One doe* after eating and the whole ayaiota auf ^ ia suflMetttm relieve the (bra ip eonaeqoenoa of ^ atomaeh and prevent the on* organ?the Livep? food from riaing and having oeaaed to do ita he* eon ring, duty. For the diaeaaea Only on* doaa taken of that orgaa, ana of the Q before retiring pre Ten la proprietor* haa made it m Nightmare, hi* atndy, in a praatioe S Only on* dona taken of more than twenty ^ at night, looaena the year*, to And some rem*- pa bowels gently, and oatiea dy wherewith to oountar J Coativenuaa. sot the mapy derange- One dose after each monte to which it is Ua- rjt> meal will cure Dyspepsia bie. ?. One dose of two teeTo proTe that this rem- A spoonafnl will alwayg reedy is at last found, any llev* Sick-Headaohe. person troubled with Li- K On*bottle taken for fever Complaint, In any oTQ mala obstructi'n removes forms, has but to try * , the eaua* of the disease, bottle, and eonvistton ia W and make? * perfect cure, certain. ' Only one doae itnmedi Tbeee Owns remove ?< atelyrelieves Cholie,and all morbid or bad matter ZJ One doee often repeatfrom the system, supply- ? ed ia a sure our* for Choi lag id their piece ft heal-l lore Mortons, end ft prethy flow of Mle, invigo-' IrenUee of Cholera. Only ?e bottle U needed to throw out of the system the effect* of medicine after a long sickness. One bottle taken for Jaandioe removes ell nellownefte or nneolnral eolor from the akin. One done taken a abort time before anting gtvss vigor to the appetite, aad makee food digect welL One doee often repented cure* Chronic Diarrhoea in Me wont forms, while Summer and Bowel Complaints yield almost to the Ant does. Ooe or two doses sores attack* earned by Worms to children j there In no sin si, safer, er syiidisr remedy in the world, as it never foils. A few bottles onrsn Dropsy, by smiting the abHorbcntS. . v i ^ - ' .? ' . We Uke pleasure In rsoommsnding this medicine as a preventive for Fever and Afne, Chill Fever, and all Fevers of a Billions typo, ft operates with oertsinty, and thousands are willing to testify to Me wonderfol viitnis. All who nee It are giving their wash Imp? testimony in its favor. jm* Mix water in the month with the Invigorstftf Anil KWaIIa* kftili litwnllftAO The Liver lavlgenUer la a aclentiAe medical dltooTeij, and U daily workin* cure* elm cut to* great to believn It cure* aa if by magi*, ?*?* It* fir* dooo giving Mooofit, aad Ml. dom aon than ode bottle la required to oar* aay kind of Liver Complaint, from the worat Jaumdio* or Dgtpepoim to a common HrodtuJn, all of which Me the reaalt of * Dimaeed Liver, it* Prioo eae dollar per bottle. DR. HANFDRD, Proprietor, 245 Broadway, New York. Retailed by all Drnggieta. Sold alao l.- E. KauTcn, Oroeovilie. 49-ly Ap 14 " e*1'*' *e w **- >*e#ve? ^ ? " GOWEN8VILLE MALE ASD FEMALE BEMIHABY. THB Ant Seaaion of tkia SCHOOL, AjM^for 1829, will open on the Fiaar Oat , "afjor FiiiviiT, under the direction of ^9aF B?v. T- ' Baric, PrineipaL 4BF The Rate* of Taittoa, per Seaaion cf Ave months, are aa folloira:. Primary Branches, eeooeaeaaeedeeeeeOo* eooopa * ?> $ ft 00 J Higher English Branches,....... 7 50 Higher Mathematical Branches, 10 00 Latin aad Greek, IS M ?r^u Sshr,3? reai'r ad??u>taee# in ita location equal, if not au peri or, to any in the Btale. it n equated at Gowenxvtll*, Oreenville District, in the midat of an exoellentjeeigkborhood, where the yonng are not expoeed to thoM temptation* eomaaoa to village*. Beside* being at n port oHem it la within a few hundred yard* o? Bowdeti'. deipOar Bpriog, a* fine mineral water aa aay la the upper district*. Mr. Barie, the Principal, ta aa aapartaaaad teach f op4 good di*o ipliuariaAi Mid %h% XnuUN ftsittr fb. iMM.ive* that they aaay oxpeot for the Sehooi, a ^SCKky bo had ia the familiea of the neighborhood at aix and aoven dollar* per month. For further particular*, apply to the Principal, or to Dr. Was. Mooaay, or to A. BOWDBW, Chairman Br T. H. B.?Anangementa have beaa mad* to aooare the aerriee* of a yonng lady wall qualified to give Instruction* i*Node, Nee*6e- Work, Leather-Work, Drawing, Grecian Painting, ho., Mr., at prieoe in pUjaHftlae to the above Rate* of Tuition. We won Id Invite the speeial attention of parents i aad guardian* 4o tbia addition to the interest *f oar School. Wo chnB be able to fhro Inxtruntloa la bay of the higher' branehee of Female BdncaMon, at price* within the rooeh of all. ' Ooweoavlll*, 8. C., Nov. SA, ISM. Jan SA II tf NOTICE, T>BM0NB Indebted to the late firm of W. H, I MOTET A CC., can settle the aaaM at my office vary ?ooo, or they wSf Aad their Note# and Aejf? VraS f^jbeVhrm meat hT223od. *W tL HdSSr ?W = - ,J u , ? * ' NWS m~U to ordtr, Md UTUm tort rtjU. v9Mt> DltSB, WHIPS, *e.,oahaad, Mid for eale CHKAP. V. fl. HOVEY, TUB LiI)lB8r8T0RI, :r 0 l ' v ."M11* t* ^ *V FANOT AND STAPLE DRT GOODS, RICH DRESS GOODS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, * " HOVSKKEKPING GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, AND INDIA* ROBBER GOODS, s, GREENVILLE, S. C. N. B.?Ord?w MooiBp?nl4d by the o??h, for Medical, Law or Library Books, Moelaal InatromeoU, sad Bond riot, promptly Oiled in New York nad delivered at hie oonnter on ehorteet notion. " Jaa IS ? - k 36 ?" // ' ljT P7 JOHN W. QRADY,. Dtuucn nr FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES BOONS A HI) ST A TtOHKR Y. DRUGS A D YESTUFFS, HARDWAR* A CUTLERY, WOODMR WARE, GROCFh'/ES, GRAIN, COUNTRY ' PRODUCE, A*., MTQMTB TH? W*W OOU*T HOCM, OJ? MAIM llttn, Ju(6BBBllT^IJS,g.C. lr TBI SibMrtW eontinuoa to ORNAMKNY with PINK GOLD ersry tmMy of HAIR WORK to ordsr, tnoh M Hair liroaclt??, So. Fingrr Ringr, do. V*M, fob mod Guard Chain*, do. Ntrklaett, RraooUu, ud, in tot, RVBEY ARTICLE IN THK BR AIDED HAIR LINK. Mokes, of too Gold, Engagomtnt Ring*, (with Inscription thrown in,) Sotid Gold, Ann, Collar, Jinn and Chimin* Bottom* ; Horrors* Modal*, Soul*. 4a, Ptau of %rm kind, im cooks* oil articles in Bra**, fllrir or Gold j Repair* neatly all Jewelry broaght in; toko* all old Gold or (Hirer, at fair ratoatioO. fAR- Offloe sixty yard* seat of the Old Court Room, Green rills, 8. 0., and near the Entotyr*** Ottos. J. H- RANDOLPH. |y \*:?x lT _ Boot, Shoe and Leatfror Store. THE 8ub*erib*r ha* on hand aasxssllsnt assortment of B00T8 AND 6HOX8, of hi* own man u lac tare. Also, just rsosirsd, n fin* assortment of W\ ' wiusts Pijirrtuw, V . Galtera. Ad.; 2d I wee and Children'* aiiea; Gentletnen'eSlippem. Alio, * Urge *toek of BEOGANS, Shoemakers' Tool*, Leather Findings Thread, Laos, Ac. He ha* also on hand a large (took of LEATHER, which b* will *eU at WHOLESALE or RETAIL. Having in hli employ exoellent workmen, k? i* prepared to MAKB the flneet article of BOOTS and SHOES, at th? short**! notice. AM of the above Goods, together with article* of hi* own manufacture, will bo sold at the most reasonable price* for eaah. Jf" BURTY. In Ma*. LoViuii't Buck Building. April 16 49 tf GREiWyillllvARBlE Y ARE) the MARBLE BUSINESS a* heretofore, at the Old Stand In the rear of Mr. KetohWm'. Blew. He feel* thankful for the patronage which ha* mo nwwna w ui run or viuiini * .Audi, and bop?*, by attention tobaatnaaa,andproanptnaas, to mrit a Mttauaw of tba same. Oct 1 M-t/ J AS. M. ALLKN. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, raii.Ai?i.riu, ^ ^ ^ fye bli$h*d JDn* yW ill It * lisf of lib fioi ih'cOJ wtli FtraltiuW Mfidmmit A'nom. rffTHB HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of tba X ?*fcl daatrnsU? of human Ufa, eaaasd by BojcunJ Diittioi ajxl (lio doctptioDi prwiiMd upon tba unfortunate vbtia* of nob disease* by Quacks, several year* ago directed thai* Coo rolling Surgeon, a* a tkaeiimkU act worthy of tbeir name, t? opan a Dispensary for tbo treatment of this class of disss us, in all tbeir form*, and to fire m4di*al adoioe armUt to all who apply by lettar, with adceoripUon of tbeir condition, (oca, occupation, babiU of life, Ac.,) and iq eao* of extreme poverty, to fmrwU* otodioin** fm o/iiaw. It la nsedieaa to add that tba Association command* tbo highest medical thill of tba age, and will fnrniab tba moat approved moderfl treatment. . The Director* of the Association, in tbalr Annaai Report upon tbo treatment of Sexual Pjaeaaea, ?. pre** the bigbaat Malefaction with tba success wbiab baa attended the labor* of tbalr Surgeon* in tba care of Spermatovthma, Seminal Wettkneas, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphilis, tbevlce of Onanism or 8elf-Abe?e, dlaaaaa* of tba Kidneys, Bladder, ?*., and order w oonGnuanoa of tba aame plan far tba ensuing year. The Directors, on a review of. tba past, foal assured that tbeir labor* in this sphere of benevolent effort have been of great benefit to the agio tad, especially to tba young, and they bare reeolved to devote themselves, with renewed seal, to this vary Important and much despisedcanse. An admirable Deport on Spermatontma, or Seminal Weakneu, tba viae of Onanism or Salf-Abone, and other diseases of tba Sexual organs, by (be Consulting Surgeon, wlU be Sent by mail (in a sealed envelope,) Jr? of cWys, an receipt ef M? iSasgn for pc-sf- je. Otfoor Report* ?a?d Treats on tba nature and treatment of Sexual dismsts, diet, Ac., are constantly being published for grain!ton* distribution, and will be sent to tbo afflicted. Some of tbo new remedies and methods of treatment discovered daring the bet year, **s ef great value. Jfflr Address, fbr Report or Treatment, DR. J. 8 KILL I fi HOUGHTON, Acting Suraeon. Howarrf A?ao?i*Uon, Ho. 9 8o?Ui Htatti Ata?yP)ili*M*lyhta, P*. ?r+u of th* I?irooU>r?. BZRA I>. HKARTW8LL, PrMidoot. OWklMtopa*) B*mUiy< H-lf ft MAIM ITSUT, NEXT TO THE MANSION HOUSE, I4 El I* farntok flMtfuMn ?Uk ?*?7 FAHHIOKABl.K CMmiINO Ml tab)* to th* hum t* Ik* wafcrt moA of Ota <wW n*aa. Alio, m exooHent u*ortmeut *f BOOTS, RHOKft AN O fJATS, with* r*rt?ty of FANCY A RTICLS8 ohota* lot of BBOAE8 ANJ> TOBACCO. ^ o. s. bowbh; KtB?ft6t?r?r ot tti Diiln Is nmm nrwirruut ot *r,-ry JJJF HAJB8^t^M,K FIH'I CEIEWATEI MCTAiB M^L CASES, I Oppooit* th* ' <>? MVM Hm?. P<M COLOMBIA, Ik C. ft Ty . | . . . ? f -? t? w? ^ > *V* JW b A ( ?, * e??m of management, ? * adaptation to *H wi?tlu the roliowfcg * ^1PIWT0fO5MLS,' ^ "Hart*. had on# of Oror.r 4 Btk.r'. Machine,, tft B? family for nearly a y?w and ft half, I Cake pfcaanm to commending it a* erery way reliable for Ike purpoee for which it U deelCn?d-family eew?Jfrt. JotKro Lomril, rtif* of Dee. As "iTeonfeer myeelf delighted with your Sewing If achiae, which hae been ia my family for many month*. II hae a!way* been ready fur duly, requiring no ad- i juaimcnt, and la eaaily adapted to. every, variety of family eewiag, by (imply changing the spodm of thread."_ Jfr*. ?li,9b3t Mrieklond, *if, of Rtr. Dr. Strickland, Editor of N. Y. Ckriitiam Acfvocott. 44 After trying eevoral different good mac hinec, X preferred yoere, on acoount of it* eiraplioity, and tb* * perfect ejjrtrA which it U managed, a* well aaaha 1 strength 4m d durability of the Man. After long experience, I feel Competent to apeak in this mttw, and to eouMenUt recommend It tor ororj variety of family owing.w-i-Jfr?. E. B. Bpormrr, myfr of tXs Editor of Brooklyn Star. "I have mad a Grocer M Baker Sewing KmUm t>r two years, and hara found it adapted to all kinds of fhmily sewing, from cambric to broadsloth. Oarmen to bars baa* wont oat without 4b* firing way of a stitch. The Maohino it easily Kept In order, and easily used."?Mr*. A. 'BWhipple, toifs of Boo. Goa. Whipple, ifow York. f M Toar Sawing Machine baa bean In asa in my family the past two yean, and the ladies reqaest mm a to give yon their testimonials to Its perfect adaptedneas, as well, as labor-Baring qualities in the perform i.nca of family and household sewing."?Bokort Boot-man, Jfsto York. " For sereral months wa hara asad Grorar ? Baker's Sowing Machine, and bare come to the conclusion that eVeiy lady who desirua her sowing beautifolly and quickly done, would bo most fortuuato in poasoasiag ono of these reliable, and indefatigable iron needlo-women,' whoso combined qualities of boauty, strength, and simplicity, an MrahsaMocf*J. W. Morris, dnofklsr M.Om. Geo. P. Morris. WAilor if Iks Moms formal, Kztraot of a letter from Tbos. R. Lear it t, Ksq., an Amorioan goutleinan now resident in 8ydney, Haw Sooth Wales, dated January 12,1868 s "1 bad a Uut made in Melbourne, io 1853, in which there ware over three thousand wafri, of ualn, .Itk --- ot Drover A Baker's Machines, a single esam of thai baa ouUtood all the double mafMiad by ailora with a needle and twin*." _ "If fliHMr oonld ba aaOad op ftroja bit mnrky had?, ha would ring lb? advent of Ororer A Baker m a mora benignant miracle of art than wa? mr Vulcan'* smithy. Ha would denonaoe midnight shirt making M * the direfbl spring of wo? annua bared.'"?Prqf. Jfortk. "I take pleasure tn saying thai the 0rover * Baker Sawing Machine* hare mora than sustained ?y expectation. After trying and returning ?there, I hare three of them in operation in my different places, and, after four years' trial, hare no (Vnlt to And." J. H. Hammond, Senator of SomtX Carotin*. . * 44 My wife baa bad one of Orover A Baker's Fa?- ? I ity Sewing Machines for some time, and I am satistied U is one of the best labor-saving mashlnot that has been invented. I take much pleasure fas rseossmonding it to the public."?J. O. IfarrU, fldiirsu of IkUweetrs. ' * ? . "tt Is a beautiful thing, and puts everybody iato an excitement of good burner. Were I a Catholic, I should insist upon Salute Oroter A Baker having an eternal holiday, in eom?smoratton of thois good deeds for humanity."?Canine Jf. Clay. " I think it by far the host patent in use. Tko Machine can ha adapted from the in est earn brie to tbs heavies t ea?ltnera. It ssws stronger, fhstor, uad more beautifully, than one eau Imagine. If mine could not bo replaced, money oould not buy tt.*-? Mm. J. O. Browa, NatkvilU, Than. "It Is speedy, T?y neat, and durable in Its work; is easily andsrstool and kspt In repair. I earnestly MH. nwsiM w Ml HIT aeqtnintanrei ud other*."?Mre. Jf. i. Forrmi, Jdempkit, Turn. k M>lfe tad thU Maohhte to work to ehr tatiefnotion, esd with pleaeure recommend it to the public, no wo believe the Ororer A Boker to be the beet Stwing Machine {a one."?.Deary BroiKtrt, AUimmtm, Ttmm. \ "If need exclurirely for familyperpoeet, with ordinary c?re, I will ?H*r they will loot ooe ' three core year* end too,' end never get vot oft*-"?M* Brtktnt, Nat brill*, IhM. "I hero hod fomr Meehlae for several week*, end em perfectly aatisfted that the work it doee ie the beet end moet boantifnl that erer was made."?Jfa*fit Aimittm, JfutkmilU, Tmm, , tji'-* ' ?* "I nee my neeekiao vpon eoata, dreee making, and tee Unen Hitching, end the work ie admirable?far better then the hand-eewinr, or nay other machine I have ever eien.*-?Away B. Tkomp+m, JfrntWB*, fwe " I tad the work the diWffd and meet tfoaetifel I have erer Been, made either by head or machine, and regard the Grove? A Baker Machine we one of mm (iweu dmmiom to tu tel."?Mr*. Tnmlor, NmekwilU, Tmm. "X Woo oMtTflmrr * Baker"* Ifaeklwaa k> ?oo' la bit family, ami find it teralaatto, 1 in ?Udontly movwDd It to all pen?M la want of a Machino."? <?. T. Thompson, NmkeilU, Tnn. " I tako ptoaaaro In eertifying to tbo utility of tbo Onw A Bakor Sowing Machine*. 1 km word oao on altaort ?T?rj doaorfpUoa of work for awntbo, and ad.U ?ih stronger and hotter la erory rooyort than work doao by hand."?Mr*. JO. |V. WJrester, NtukeiUe, Term. -I woald bo Mtwilliag to dfapow of ay Orever A Bakor Maokiao fn a largo- amount, ooaM 1 ate wplaoo it again at pMnoaf? Jfrr. If. 0. Aral, JfeuMUe, Ten*. " Car two Maohlaoo, poiohaood fMk yon, do tk> work of twoaty yoaagCadieo, Wo wink teiaontara* commend tho uroror I Bakor Bowing Machlte to to tbo boot la ate."?AT. mMmom A Co., MempkU, Term. \ MX find tbo Maokltti warily managod, vary dorablo, and tako pleamro lit jeoomwokdTng It to all who wtak oonrenleaoo, ooogo^y and ploaoara."?Mr*, f. I TW, W > ' I Marob 10 ^ U tea i ' " ??" - ? A .. A-Tnsngysanasjaaa * ? ? ' -/' m? 8?-tf y. BUETT. iT RE6D * QOO0LSTT. "t itTABUftV* A? 4A*ii* ?%i ivnoci* HI |?AW* SOLICITOR s"lK tttTOY. v .' Or ^ ??< ixr (* X f.B?ttUJk 0?. Jt% GREENVILLE, 8. C. 9* J. ABA*otti -? ?? ?,? *? !. WOftttTf' rBalr JDreMfnt MMlRKr gU**rD 8