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0 uZ^^g^^*pri"*ht,,J^oo^<.^ilTeoTwhJohi?a*? Virc-plneea. Aleo, Pftnnriet, OHdr,Tia**isnnd PorJtodefe On the Lot i*>a Brick Kitchen, Bwoko trjjoilM Ado Woodou 8 lied, wooden Servants' Houwi, 1 Urge Add convenient 8 table, and a Very superior Wed atac, Sw outUiega afe mwt!? and ^Tblf isdoeidcdtv one of the tnoet docirablo places Tantia ?*A oretlR of one and two year* in equal annual InsUlfnodta, with intoroxt from date, upon bond with pertonal security, and a mortgage of tbe >r,iOTM The place will be shown on application to Mr. JlhiM B. Bbormaa, at hie Store adjoin lag the pretnises. * " 8. P. PERRY, Assignee. -i,:. Jane 16 / ..6 8 GOLDENGjJGVE plantatioii FOR SALE. rpilTS PLANTATION, one of tbo moet valuable I I and.desirable in tlm District, situated upon MAw Golden OrOrs, si* miles below Greenville C. II., Win M join on rn< r triuijoii/iay in SVavmbtr utjct, ' iudIsm previously disposed of eX private sale. * , 'ffherLANTA'flON contains about 8KVKN HUN* DHED ACRBS OP LAND, one halfcleared and under fence, the balance very heavily timbered, and ao convenient in the Railroad (the woodland ran* . wing within a few hundred yard* of it) that (t J* lettered a stein) mill, constructed for the purpose <af cawing up erose^ties, and judieiously managed, esrauU pay fur the place in one year, ' Vear the Residence is an unfailing PPRTNG of glare and eeciaat freestone Water, unsurpassed by way ta this section of country. A young and thriving.i?RCHARD of choioe varieties of Fruit, eashrhelpg Pears, Poaches, gun w rnnuu, Me.?mi?ui w <hm? anouior mvc* of ynlt to * jiwvbicr. The LAX I) is rid, of the beat quality known in ' this region of country, lie* well, and of tb? portion no?r In cultivation, Urn are Ion* thirty acres of Bottom. For form*?which will be aoeosnmodating?-and k farther particulars, apply to JSASbBY A THRIT8T0N, Juno 1* 10-15 t i ri-"ii villi? C. If. Patriot A Mountaineer copy every ether week till 11 rat' Xovoubtf. WiLLIAMSTOYsPRINGS M HOTEL. THK Proprietor* ot tbia large 1 a#d coomodioui HOTBL take plea \ AnikLu SQrc announcing to tho public iSSflRtSB that It-lmtioW open for thereceptlou ffliMff 'Jefli "nf complby, anil ia under tbo management of ffi. w- iPvsrswiiBSS'p one of ita Prnprietora. The liotc) ia now completed, and many oeinfnrta and amusement* added over the laat season. The'Hotel ia capable of accommodating 50.0 persons, and the Proprietors can eay with confidence dial for largo and well ventilated rooms, i? cannot he varpasooil at any watering place, and every effort will be made to moat the expeetatSona of both the seekers of plcasare and of health. Ac to the medleinal qualities of the water, we can ray that we know or no Invalid who hiu givoo it a fair trial, hot what has gene away believing that they Were greatly benefited. There in a good LIVEJi Y STABLE In connection with the Hotel, whore good Horses and Vehicles ean be bad at all times. ', Tho facilities for getting to and from Will lains ton are, perhaps, better tha>| any other watering place in the fionth, being situated immediately on the Greenville and Columbia Railroad, witbiti 16 hours -travel of Charloeton, 8. C.,?nd Augusta, Ga., 7 hours of Columbia, 1 hour of Greenville, throe quarters of an huur of Anderson, and ouo and a half hours of Pendleton village. H. T. TUETBN, > . BXOCIf NELSON, } Proprietors. \T. G. WILSON, j r -* June 9 6 4 otrayedor STOLEN, KHOM tho sulmrrtber, about the first of June, TWO MARBMULES?ones Sorrel, mUm 3 years old, tho other a Black, 1 year old. lio pnrtlenWT tngrks now recollected, A Reward of FIVE &QLLAR8 will h# given for their rccov ry. Auy Information eagijbrDlng thorn will U thankfully received. Add res* the subscriber at Sterling Grove, Greenville District. P. O. CHARLES. June 10 0 tf V- JlO^KWARD. STOLEN, of Strayed, from my rcsidenoe "TmST^st Greenville, 8. C? on Sunday, 0th Inst., (S t\.a brownish bay HOUSE, about 0 years old, 10 or 10 hands high, trot* and cautor* j no marks remembered. It*Is supposed that bo may bar# been ridden away by a runaway negro who passod through this place a boat that lima. The above Rowara will bo paid for the delivery of the Hotno to me at Greenville. a J. fcLFORD. Jane 10 0 $ I PTEGROFORSALE. . ANKGKO WOMAN, wbe is a good Cook, Weaker and Ironor, oan he purchaaeJ upon reaeunable tertbs. For further particulars enquire of the Cditor of the Enterprise. . Jane 9 A tf * *? -- - dtl V . i.iw > ; ^ ICte CREAM, TO BB nAD EVKRV DAY AT THE OH EES VlhhK CONFECTIONER T, Opposite tbu ansion House Jane 3-4-4 JOHN KRAU8E. Sotffl) Cqlroiioa?Sreenbiile ?i&1iric1, SHERIFFS SALES. : BY virtao of-eandry Writs of Fieri Facias, tome directed, I will sell, before tho Court House door, at the Usual boars of tale, on the first Monday it, JI7T.V ?avI MO Aores of Lund, more or<hi% adjoining lendi of Jacob Reese, Thos. Farmer, et al. j #9 ifec prop crty of Perry <*. Wore, at the suit of T. A. Phrretl ShYltl OttlOTB* * * ^ m j' ' til Aeres of Land, moro or lees, adjoining Igddi of William MeKiuney, Uarrctt, et el.) oe the property of J. 0; Shell, ot the cult of Roberto A Duncan .Md others. 15 Acrea of Load, moro or lets, adjoining 1oo<Ih o' lire. Coleman, H. 'R. Williams, et al.! oe the property of M.' 8. Anderson end M. Anderson, ot th? ealt of John W. (lr?dy end others. All Defendant's interest la Pi fly Aores of Land wore or less, adjoining lands of I. Dill, O'Shields | AH Defendant's Interest in 15 Aores of Land more or lees, adioininir lands of Mila? ? ?i 1 m the property of L. D. WwtmmUii<l, M the *ul of John W. Grady. OM Tract of Lend, lying -in the lower part o GroecriKe District y. a? tho property of If- T. Da run port, at the suit of B. V. JtfanldU, for cost*. 1 Blind Horn and 5 Head of Hau ; a* the prop erty of M. A- DaronporV at tho rait pt Garllngtoj Oofcer, bearer. At Defendant'* residence, on Tuesday after Bale* day la Jaly, 1 Baggy and Heroes*, 1 Watch am Chain, 1 Bureau, I StenU Tebie, 1 flett Chaire, 1 Trunk, t pair thjn Dog* and flWel and Tonga; a the ^nperty of t J- Clary, at the rait or Wlllian TKHMH CASH. Pomheeer to pay for title*. r?. iioSfc, a o. d, #heetTi Ofloe, Jane *, 1SM>. 6-lm -i ^ , . ?i> Jt *' * 0ASDJDATB8. v?J 8ffHRIFF^-'\fp are auMxwiaed to anaowaee M P. DICKKY aea Candidate for Short* hf Green rill DUtrict, at the ensuing titration, SHKMJrF.?The friend* of JGHN T% MoDAtf U6L wot reepeetfullv anaounoo Kin* a* a Candidal fr>* bhertfl of tixeonville District, at the onsuiiii TAX CO/.hECTOH.?JAMBM B. PKAKflO! announce* himself a Candidate tot Tecs CoHeetor, a the enmring KWtion. Z? - j : S, " 1 j?*<L f' I and htoBi ^ bnrine*. *t tin- old aland. It te tbeir tpKmtton to enlarge this branch of Trade In. < Iteeu ville, and Tl?w dt U?f?/ hare ordered a ; 1 MMAI-llte, Jtf.lttb whom the rwponaible .* t-hargo of preparing and di*peu#ln| atodUHnea ia eaK, WIMMl,) la a ycatsg toan in who*,they bare ever* | oonfldtxioe. fediiMle.! id the ?>W?U#. fntrtilW with ' the fldiHiitt VMitguegc. and irith o^.sidqrabto VP? I rianoe in all the Pharmaceutical bronchee, theytYwat. although a sirftuger In this eonnnufUy, bo tmiyaeW Utrs tfco coaSiEitSi. iff '.be XZxgt fcf Mspatronage of the cit?#ei?a of Greenville. The former patron# of thl# establishment way roat assured that otdty regard wlH continue to be manifested tor their [ interact in the purity'and cheapness of ovary article told. They Invite, very respectfully, n riglt from nil, 1-; ^ V FWHJSIl & HKIN1TSH, Pharmaceutist* and DruiririaM.' 4-t ~~tf aHBiiimas,?. a A New Ffrua in Groenvillo!! A New Storej Drugs & Medicines 11 A New Wholesale Drug Store! !" A New Retail Drug Swire n A New Stock of Everythingf! ' A Now Variety ot Family Articles I A Choice Selection of Toilet Articles ! I A floneral stock of Onroa, Fortiyn ami DomeHie, will always be kept op band. Also, PketAtenU, Perfnmtrg, Paint*, IKAifo Lead, Oil*, Varniak**, Pttint Orumkf, Varniak Hr^akea, (Jlmatf .and every thin* usually kept in a WJio|o?ai? and KeUill l>r?K Store. S/iirr*, it'iMM and Brandt**, for medicinal nao. Also, Drugs at Wholesale* as cheap as they can bo bodghtiH Charleston or Art' i gusta, oxj>eii*o? addod,, They partUuUri.v coll the irontioo or isomer* ana Merchants, who desire to replenish their stock, to this fact, and to pat the matter beyond the possibility of a doubt, let them call and examine tho prices nod the Articles, ^ AT TUB OUb 8TAND ^ Or Dr.''Bun, Kntirctt, June 2 4-tf QfHMn7/f, S. C\ ^ J FLI ID," i CHKAP LIGHT, ahd a good Light, always /\ fresh, assy be bed ? . * F1S11KR k HEINITSH'8 Drugstore, McUee's Hall. June 1# tf " The Auitk'iafKi Drftinledi" rPUB strength of a people It ostifnatcd by their A itmik, The French pay rtriet ?tt?nik>n # regimen, cleanliness, bathing, excrciao, Ac. ; they are active, impulsive, vigorous. As helps we rocoiamond the SPONGE HATH. Vine Sponges may be obtained at FISHER k HKINITSUS Apothecary Store, under McKeo's Hall. Alee, all the nice little and big articlos useful In a family, at a very low price. Call and see the yarious things at FISUER A UEINITSirS Drugstore, at McBoe'f Hall. June It 8 tf " GBNEHAL in /\ r\ cwa n iua rv . > oo a n JtRlUT & 8UUJB 8TU11E. TIIE have received, and will mt^mfSSbcofi constantly on fraud, n largo and well soleoied stock of Men's Hays' aud Children's BOOTS & SHOES, of every variely. Also, Ladles' Mi sees' and Infants', from common to super fine. Likewise, a good lot of Men's, Boys' and Children's Cl?l)liu| itiul Hals. We call particular attention to our MANUFACTURING Department. Wu wish to supply <?or and all with lhtmo Manufacture, from the common Brogttn mu to anything yon may wish in the Boot and Shoe line. Wo would respectfully inform ths pwlilie that we have mads arrangements to furnish from 1& to 20,000 pair of tho best Ilrogan and Plantation Shoe*, which we will sell at unuaaally low prices. Wo hare also, a good lot of . v GROCERIES, I snch as Molasses, Culm, lifuHcavado, Orleans and Florida Hyrup, Codec, Sngars, Bacon, lmrd, Rhe, aud a variety of other Articles, which we will sell low Tbr Cash or Barter. Brooks, Scruggs 6c Gibson. June 2 4 tf ORANGES ANO LEMONS. ~ RECEIVED THIR DAY, a splendid assort meat of tho above Article*. iu>yurtr*i direct, and for Halo low by RTEBN A EVANR, . Wholesale and Retail Grocers, May SI *4-tf Under M<-Bee'a Ilall. CIGARS! CIGARS! c\ c. r\t\r\ cigars, of various hr?..<t* r.u approved,) for nolo low for ctvh by 7 pTKKN A KVAN8> T . v ' Wholesale and Retail (IrttceriH June 2 t-tf : Under MeBce's Hall. i T UBPI LAUD) 1AAA LBS. of Brat quulily prime Leaf Lard, a\/\/vr at l$e per lb. 8TKJOT A EVANS, Wholesale and lieUil Oroecr*, _ Jane 2 i-it Uuder Mi-Bee's IIall. B ACONTBACON ! * 3A1IA LBS. ehuico flams, Shoulders and Sides, for sale leer for rash, by 7 STEKN a EVANS, Wholesale and Re'all Grocers, June 2 d-tf Under MoBse* Hall. SUPERIOR TE AS! TEAS I i A VKHY superior lot Vootjjc Hyson Tea, at 00e 1 ./jL P?r A very choice Gunpowder Tea, at ' jSl per lb. An extra Imperial Tea, at ffl.2A per lb, ALSO. An Inyoioo of very superior London and Dublin [ Porter t Jeffrey's Edinburgh Ale; Campbell's Scotch Ale, in jags: Imported Ugat ijeer, direct; Philadelphia Larar Beer ; togethor with an assorted stock ouly to be found in a Brat olaee *Hroocry and Provi; siott House. 8TEEN A RVANS, Wholesale A Retail Otneors, f June 2 4 If Under. Me Bee's Hall. , UKAUKfcU?: I JfAl ivKKNI A FULL ud KIlKSll supply of Sodn., Butter, -/\ Boston. Loin on, Ohigur and Wino Crackers, Just received from Mu.i.Aa's Oai.K.CRArsb DakkrY, ! iu Charleston, anil for sale low, hy STRKN A tiVAJt*,., IV'aoieeiuo ?uu ? ?'> j May 5 ftfr-tf Under MrBoe's Hall. BAKER'H CftOCOLATE, , /~tOOOA AND FUEJtcn CHDCODATH. A largo supply of the above art town, for sale at Charles , too prises, by HTKKN A BVANt*, ' * . Wholesale and Retail (IniOdn, ? M*y * 53-tf Uudor MrBoe a lfall. CtiOAMOLAsim , Cy OAIA of the above for sale at 45 cts, J iv ,UUU per gallon, by I 7 HTBFN A RVAN8, Wholesale and Retail Qrocers, IMSL 5 52~tf IlitilM Mctleo'l Hall. . ~ CORNED BEEF . FROM Fallon Market. N. Y.j lfli M*la. Maekerol; 25 Doges Smoked Herrings ; Palpjnn, pickled ami fresh; Sardine*, In whnlo, hair and quarter Boxes. For sale, at Charleston prinea, by ^ - V STBK.V A KVANS, i Wholesale and Retail QrOAers, 52'tf TTndor ,McBoe's Hall. : BOH I>E A HXA LWONDH. P^r\( k LB? of the above soft sholl Alipnnds, at * 1<* cu. par U>. M>5 lbs. PeojMi, BaMer and Rnglisb Wulnpts. Fed sale loss by * ? RTKT5N A JSVANS, it ? Whote?Oe and JUtall Ureters. May 3 52 tf . Cnder-JBcBco? HaH. ? * ? * ?' V*" - 1 Jm4 / tv *v " ?v ' . ;" Mcu,'ift tkoM who moy visit Qmiivtlh to witness tho PROCESSION of the CroUrnily, that bo wrlll dlspoeo of ' that splendid slock of most tfholo* Goods ON-THE most astonishing terms; and will begin, wlthpftt foil, oo th? 9/iTII AT? THWl? a- 1 A 1JL UI 0 V 11 I to sell off tbl entire stock for the accommodation of Ik* brethren, ud the public generally, AT COST. I WILL START : with the motto : f*y down as you go down, settlo up as you go'up; and no Goods shall go FROM j this establishment unhonorcd, unsung, or unpaid, for every article bought bore shall bo Worth thrUo IU value, aud thus vOtabUsh for ' ;-k I CARR'S STORE a rotiown that sta*l cause a rattling of the dood bones, and gnashing of the teeth at all credit stores. TO THE Trade. or those who buy to sell again, Carr will not only sell Goods cheaper than they can bo got etsewhoro at Ureonvillo COURT HOUSE, but at much lower figures than they, can bo obtained n North, or an/ WHERE ; la this country or foreign markets ; and Iho public may net assured that ? -- carr will do all that he can, even to the utmost of hia ability, to give entire satisfaction, aa the tlooda were purchased direct from the Importer*, and selected with an economical eye to the wants ol? his customers. tiie brethren and the public generally must ease wp their dimes for Carr, as no where . 1 alse are auoh brilliant inducements held out, and no matter what you wish to buy he It Clothing, Dry floods, flroeerics, Boots, Shoes, Bonnet*. Yarn, Salt, Indigo, Molasses, Kails, Jkc., e< rvferos, this is the place to procure good and cheap goods. L. CARR, Agent. June IB , tf HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. as*. TUK HUPSUIIIUKR offers for sale his KK nliR?n*rvrw t?. ??? -r n?*. i Ulill desirably located iu * control portion of town ?noar the PreabytorUu Church. The Lot contain* one Acre of ground, and npon the premise* *1)1 he found every eonveulonoe?a Well of good Water, a lutvc Cistern, fitnhles and The place wilt be sold upon the mml reasonable term*. Enquire of C. J. Etferd, or tbo underaighed. A. OllKEN FIELD. June 0 6 . tf LAND POR salb. . THE 81'liSCUlHKK offers for tale, a track of :tM) ACRES OR LAND, -.Hunted on the .State road loading from Greenville.Court Huuao to, A*hcvillo, N.C., two miiioa below Hodges, in tlreenville District On the plane i* a comfortable Dwelling and OnUbnildinge, and tho boat Water that can be found anywhere. It wphld be a desirable place for a rummer real done a. M. D. DICKEY. June 3 4 " tf* Straw Wuiilt'tl. ! rpHR Subscriber Udeairou* of purchasing STRAW JL either in tho balk or by the load, for which be ; will pay a fair price. Persons having atraw to Mil will plea.*: apply at my Store, in Greenville, or at the PAPER MILL. . Wagonor Wnnttid. HB also desire* to procure tho service* of a etuady and induatriou* uutn aa a Wagoner. Apply aa above. Thrcnfctiiu Machine. HE woula also inform the public that his Thrush* ing Machine ia now in line order/ Tbreaking I will be dode either for the" Straw or Toll, at the > Paper Mill. ' R. URKKNF1BLD. I May ft ' " ^f OKOKGE HELDMAN. HARNESS MANUFACTURER, Attn bKAi.nn ta SAbDt.FH, nttlDLKti, W/TIPft, *C. /^..a HAH uji hand an aatenaivo anartticit ' L|g^of tbe BEST MATERIAL used in the Manufacture of Harnea* and Saddle*. Thankful for the patronage given him (br the laat ten year*, no solicit# a oouiinuanco 01 trie name. f-ir- Orders from distance promptly attended to, Pcrsoim (o biro afo requested to call and pay tip. *l-!y April 2? NKW GOODS. 3r AM REOKIVINO my SPRINO and Sl'MtoBR L supply of GOOB8, consisting of a general took of Fnnry mad Static Dry Gwoda, And Men's and Boya* CLOTHING, Mat* and Hon neta, Boot* and flhooa, Hard wart; and Cutlery, Drug* and I>yr atufft, Carpeting and Matting, Wooden and Willow Ware, Wall Pa|x>rinn, Powder, Shot, BI anting Fnaa, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Bait, Ac., all of wltjclt will 1*> ??ld at M>W PRICED , Thankful for paat favors, I sotiait a contlauanea of Uto rnmr, JOTlF W. GRADY, Opposite the Few Court lloaac, on Main Street. April H 4? tf ijL i l i^inui i H'ii 11 j.a in ftn vii m I AT POWERS' [fBR rvBuc ARE KSATKirmyLiar rtmjR|| SEASONAB tV" I or ALMOST HVKRT DCBCI DRY GOODS, CLOTH 8110GB, HARDWARE. OUINA..O] WITH A LARGE ASS0R1 WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT TH ALL KINDS OF PI EITHER FOIl CASH v ft II F 11 X ask is to call ?nd examine my stock, before p "srsua ipasctwps J?ne 8 4-tf A. II. l.OSl), M. p. R. Bill* HAM, v. p. DR8. LONG & BtfRNHAM. OFFER their Professional Services to (lie Cltiiaena of Urecnvtllo and surrounding country. OrriCK at their Drug Store, on Main Street, recently occupied by Dm. Mims A Lotto. May 1?. 2 , tf ?. D. LOXO, M. p MICIIMin ll'llltuta, M. P. DR8. LONG & BTJRNHAM, A POT II EC ALUES & DRUGQD8TS, AT THE OLD STAND Or HUMS ft LoNO. WILL KEEP constantly on liand it full supTn ply of PIJRK DRUtlf?, Medicine*. Puiuts, Oils, A Varnishes, Dye-stuffs, A v., Ac. Also, a splendid assortment of TOILET ARTICLES, ri?: Hair, Thoth and Nail Brushes; ilnir Pomades, hi.iiiy rurirtte* ; Tooth Soaps and Washes; Wn -liin; Soaps, errry quality and price ; Fine Shaving Soo|ia. Fresh Extracts for flavoring, via : Rose. Vanilla, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Ixnnon, Nectarine. Ae., Ac. Wo baro a very mperior article ?f GHEES TEA, the best in (Ireonville. We have foreale all the popular Patent Medicines. Physicians anpplied on i.iUkiiai. trans. Onr long connection with the Drng Kindness, (one oven, tho other toll yenre.) and both l?eiug graduates of the Medical College of thu State t?f South Carolina, will, wt> think, be a suBcient gunrnntee of our ubilitv to dispense Medicines properly and accurately. Car arrangements ore aueb that ope of the Firm will bo at the store and will attend to all jireicription* jtertnunlly at any hour of the day or nigbt. May It 1 ~ # KEROSENE OIYj. KKROSKNK OILS, for Burning, and also for Machiucry, always on hand. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. i*la(lrt'*KC9 ( I HAVE rceelvod an Inroiw of MATTRKR8KR, made in a superior mahocr and of (lie best materials. which arc offered at moderate price*. The assortment comprise* Hair and Pal in, Mum and Pului, Cotton and Palm, Cotton and Shuck, Cotton ami Straw Mattresses, of various sixes. Orders for other liiiw and qualities wtlt he promptly attended to. J. n. SIIKRMAN, Agent." OmntitcnlMl Cnat Iron Work. RAILINGS. Gates, Posts, Stair*, Fountains, Vases, Statuary, and ?very other variety of Uinuincntnl Castings in Iron. Order* received for Wood A Perot, Philadelphia, the bvst house of the kind in the United States. Engraving* of Patterns, and Catalogue of Prices, i i may bu seen on application to J. B. SHERMAN', Agent. Just Ktecvivcd, ABBAUTIFUL assortment of Pots, Kettles. Skillet*. Frying Pans, Smoothing Irons, And[ irons. Mortars, Cauldrons, Bootjack*, and other Castings. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. Call uud Hon TVTOOl) A PEROT'S Snpcrh Portfolio of Dr?wI f? ings "f Oruaincutal Cast Iron Work. ' It is well worthy of Inspection aa a work of Art. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. CASHTCABII! IN order to encourage a Cusli business, a discount of Ave per cent, from rcgulur prices Will he made on all cash sales from ?o to $20 ; and a discount of ten per cent on all cash sales over $20. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. The Eronumitt, rklUB best Cooking Stove in tbo world. Soon to I arrive. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. April 21 M) tf [' ' QUEEN VI I.I.E TUE subscrilier* having hail the mi*. ?5=ES_('>rtuue to lose, hv the tiro of the 2Hth January, the Steam Mill and Machinery connected with their Coaeh Factory, in Greenville, take this method of apprising their mends and patron* that they still continue business as heretofore, without change in their Firm, or abatement ofthoir exertion* to please. They tin yo NOW ON HANI), and are CONSTANTLY FINISHING, oil the varieties of Carriages, Buggies and Wagons ever made by them, to Which they Invite ti>? attention af purchasers. They take pleasure In correcting an impression i liiiu their i" took or l>l'.V It Ell was! lust with the Mill,-and would say that, In quantity and <|<iallty, their Lumber *? ?mr ht ih i'ltrr, Tho flwlerou* patronajre hitherto received, warrants the conclusion that their efforts nro appreciated, and stimulates them In making furtlier exertions. Their vlperienco will vnahlu tln-m to select nod operate tho most approved Machinery, with advantage* not surpassed by any innnul'acturcra either North or South. OOWKR, COX. MAUKI.F.Y I CO. Otroeuvillo, 8. C., April 7, 18ifl. 4ti ly SMITH'S sl?M = SMITH'S a: I ALL r a.; : Family ? I and " Fancy 2 BUT 2 mmu* = Store. BLACKSMITH ING. The oeneern of T<>WN>;9 A IIAWKINK having la-en dissolved hy mutual SMCSSSieonaeiit, the business will be curried oh ! at thu same Hhop by the iindi-ttlioitd. (>. W. BROOKS. I January, 19(0. 3. L. IIAWKINH. I * * NOTICE. Tlfft undersigned having transferred hla interest hi the Blacksmith Shop near Williams' Store. I to Messrs. Brooks A 11 awkiSm. tskes pleasure in feeomtdchdlnft thcr.i to a .hare of public patronage. | They will bo prepared to attend promptly and rati* tacioniy to on cim* in wieir lino. may nave expo' Monood and rkillful tfmiihr in H<>r***b<>?lti?, Kcpniri 1m and Ironing Wagoni, Work, and nil other ordinary Work of a Ulack*tuith Shop. January, 1HM). 37-tf <?. P. TOWKKft. . KOTICIC. ALL pc-.'jona iiiiinhtoil to tlio Estnto rtf IjAVRfidpl! BHOCK, <to<'caae<l, #fo rt>tnr*ie<l to Make payment! ami tboae having dfcinanrtn apninet the Hrtate to band tbem to *. B. DUNCA*. Mjecntor,, 1 . Lanronao L'tock, deccwwd, I May!? I ?f Rise. . i'.' * .' '? .r~77?>v-v-?^j? L.? ?'S STORS* ois^' st?AM r>. 2| I ED TIIAT 1 11 AVE iUSTomXED A LARGE or LB GOODS, mrriox, comis-rixa o? IING, IIATS, BOOTS, LASS AWD CROCKERY WARE, [KENT OF GROCERIES, E LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! &0DUCE BOUGHT XOIIANORD FOjt GOODS, urohasing elsewhere. Plr.vsu obskhvk the Bigs i,335?S '' ; A. L. LEVY. EMI'OKHIM OP FJLSMI^Ho WK HAVE NOW IN STORE an Elegant A?aort incut of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, ? . gCCH All FRENCH CTjOTHB AND CASSIMERES, or nl colore and qualities, (which were manufactured t< orilcrA TWEEDS. VE8TINOS, SHIRTS, TIES, II08IE RY, GLOVES. Ac. Casstmerc, Moleskin and Fur HATS, for Dress an< Business wear. also, PICCOLO MINI CAPS. A good assortment of ? TJT FHTHM? &???S, For Gentlemen's wear. Ready Made Clothing, seen as Cloth, Onusimcre, Tweeds, Linen, Alpaca and Drat D'Kte COATS. PANTS ami VESTS, which wo wll sell low for Cash or to prompt paying customers. tailqrin^eTartment. Wo are prepared, with the l*est MOwV ?**??, t< CUT. and MAKE UP CLOTHING in the lutes French and American styles, noil upon the most rca sonablc tonus. DYER A FICKLE. ' ... ? I" Copnrluornliip Notice. npHR undersigned hnvo entcreil into Copartner J[ ship for the purpose of carrying on the MKR CHANT TAILORING HUSIN ESS, under the nam I style and flnn of DYER A PICK I.E. They respect fully ask attention to their Block now on hand, cm refer to their former customers for their ability t< please. They hope to rueeivo a liberal share of pub lie patronage. G. H. DYKlt. April 20, 1869. 0. A. l'ICKLK. A CARD. rPllK subscriber would return his thnnhs to hi Jl ftitwh t)i^<uiWn<n tor tbc very liberal shar ofpn Iron age which they have bestowed on hiin. am woubl respectfully solicit for the nuw Finn of livr.l A Pickui n continuation of the patronage whirl has heretofore born extended to him. April 21 60-tf G. D. DYER. &!$> Cgiroling?tl^eeflbllle ?)islhct 1KMUKL JACOBS, who is in tire custody of thi _j Sheriff of Grecnvillo District, by virtue of i writ of enfiitit m( ?rill?/ucirntltimt at- the suit of Thi State, having filed in my office, together wit h a ached ulo, on on til, of bis estate and effects, his petition t< the Court of Cotmnou Pleas, praying that be uray b< admitted to the benefit of tho Acts of tbo Genera Assembly made for the relief of insolvent debtors It is ordered, that the said Plaintiff, and all otho tbo creditors to whom tbc said Lemuel Jacobs is ii anywise indebted, be, and they are hereby summon od, and have notice to appear, lutfore the said Oour at Greenville Court House, on the fourth Monday ii October next, to shew cause, jf any they can, wli; the prayer of tin? petition a foresaid should not b granted. \V. A. Mt DANIEL, C. C. 1\ Office of Common Pleas, Greenville District, 2(5tl day of May, 1,850. .1 vim Soiiib Cqk-olin^?Girecoblile IX TIIK COURT OK COMMON l'LKAS. Order for Extra Court. IT IIK business of the Term not being disposed ol a it in ordered, That an JiXTltA TKltM o Court of Common l'lcas bo held at (Jrccnville Cour House, for flreenville Dirtriot, on TUESDAY, tit 1 \)th day of July next, to bo continued tlic rem Hill iug days of that week, and the entire week succeed ing, if necessary. It Is ordered, Tbat juries bo drawn nt the prcsen Tortu to servo at the Extra Torui, and that ivNtn issue to eouipcl their attendance in manner an form prescribed by law : a panel of forty-eight per sons to serve tho first five days, and a like panel i serve the succeeding week. It Is forther ordered, That the Clerk give prope notieo in the newspaper* of the District, of the alt ting of the said Extra Court, by a publication o at least ono month preceding the Term. J. N. WIIITNER. April 2, 1859. A true copy Arom tho brumal* of the Court. W. A. McDAKIKL, C. C. P. ?. D. May 3 52 td SotM Cqfollpq-Glfecribilie Sislrid IN EQUITY, Nancy Hawkins, vs. Ishntu W. Hawkins, David 1 Burton and wife Cossandcr E., Paschal llawkin: et ol.? Partition of h'rat Kntolr. PIT HE Complainant having filed hor RiP in tbi 1 suit with the Commissioner In E<|nity fc Ureenvilhs District, and It appearing that the Dc fondant, Ishaui W. Hawkins, resides without an beyond the limits of this Ktate: It is Ordered, o motion of ft. D. (loodlett. Complainant's Holicitoi That the said absent Defendant do plead, answc or demur to tho Bill of Complainant within Hire mouths from this publication, nr the said Bill wi he taken tiro con/t'ta as to him. S. A. TOWN Eft, C. E. O. D. Urecnvillo, S. C., April M, 1859. April It 4V 3m SaiiI h f*!oV?ol i an ! - 111 , i ?viiiniutiit (*41011 it, IN EQUITY. J. C. floyt, vs. M. It. DicWey. und the Heirn of Cm ran Lankford.?Hill for I'nrtition and RtHrf. | f appearing t? uiy *?iis? thai ilsc heirs ( X !>' CorMii I/Miikford reside oof of tho!imila>< Hii? Stain : It i.? Qrdcrrd, That they do plcnd, iu *wer or dolour to the llill it) this caao within thrt months fr.nnr this date, or tbo same Will bo token r, oonfrmo against them. P. A. TOWNKfl, C. E. O. D. Cowmlsnloner's fKBrc, April 11, -iC-tln Somb Gqrolina?GrcenbMe &islric IN CHANCERY. Nancy Raines. rn. Jnme* Word, .susnn Ward, of a Rill for SnU?f f.nn'l?, <Ct. flMlR Coin|daiua(it having this day died her wi I in the above stated ewM, and if appearing I my satiafiwtion that William W. Turner, one of U Defendant** is absent from and without the limits i this St*te, no that the pfoooas of subpoena ad rnpm dnodom cannot ha nerved npnn him : Upon laotir of B. 1*. Jonen, Complainant'* Solicitor, it in, than fore. Ordered, Tfinl the oaid William W. TfTTner ,i xtppcar and plead, answer or demur to tlw Complnii ani'n llill. within three month* from ditto. or a lii oltn will bo taken pro r<,n/> * <# upon said llill, ? agatnat the suid William W. Turner. B. A. T0WNK8, C. E. (.1. D. Commissioner'* Office, March 14, 1M60. 4* 'Tni IlUASKS.?a Urg* ft of BUM. PRC^ X# mii5 printed .uid foi .jie a' this O.'licc. JT* II?m i . Ill ' l! 9 - -V ?> > a"* ?- ' . ->' .. ?' /-" /' * ' -' ' * ?6?2H PJKIZEM! FIFTY TBOUSAITO TICKETS! M?*+dka* Ont Pri*+tp ertry Situ TUkMt. Whoik TtoKark, 910: UalvCB,96; ^cartccb, 2}. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY, Foil THE BKJ*>:riT lW THM M 0 NT ICE 110 UNION ACADEMY, ttihart med by Op.cUl A.CI of Ls#i?iat?uo McKINNETTOO., MAN40MS. . CAPITAL PRIZE, *$0,000. TO IIX PUAWN EA CH$A TURD A Y J.V JUNE, 1850, In Ut? City of tiuvuouiili, Ucotkmi, , class 22 to dm bmaw.s ji nb 4, 1s69. , Class 22 to be dkaivn Jr*s 11, l&frtf. Class 24 ro bk oh awn june 18, 1*66. Class 25 to bk oeawn ji ne 25, 185v. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. 1 l'riic of 6O,0o0 is 60.000 6 l'rlt. of 1.0O0im-6,0< 0 1 " ? 2U,o0o is 20.0OO 10 " ? 500 " 6,610 * I <* " 10,00ft is 10.00O 2 " " 400 ? BOO .1 " " 6,000 is 5,000 2 ? A 300 ? 60W ^ i ? " 4.000 is 4,000 2 ?? " 200 ? 400 1 " " 3,000 is 3,000 60 ** " 160 " 7,600 1 " 2.000 is 2,000 iOO M " 100 ?Hi(000 1 " " 1,600 is 1,6001100 " ?? l<5 " 0.600 1 " " 1,100 U l.WMlOO - - 86 - 8,500 A IT UOX1M ATI UN FltlXB*. 4 Prises of $200 Approx. to $00,000 Price arc 3 8P0 4 " 150 ?< " 20,000 " " COO 4 " ? ?' 125 *? ? JO.OOO ? iio 4 " " 100 " '? 5,000 ? ? 400 8 " " 80 " " 4,000 " " 640 8 " " CO " " 3,000 < 480 8 50 " " 2,000 ?? ?? 400 8 " " 40 " " 1,500- " ? " 320 400 " " 20 " " . 100 ?? " 8,000 25,000" " 8 ? < ?.200,000 t 25,828 111*0*, amounting to...,'. , $:I(0,MO CjSUTIFICATF.8 OK P.VCKAGHS will be Hold ill lllO following rates. which in the risk : Certificate of Packages of 10 Whole Ticket*, 800. 1 " * " 10 llitlf " 30. " " " 10 Quarter " 15. . " " " 10 Bight* " 7.50. IN OKUKRINti TICKKTR t>a CKUTIflOATKO, Enclose the tnotiey to our address for tho ticket* ordered; on .receipt of which they will ho forwarded by first mail. Purchaser* can have tickets ending ' in any figure (hey may designate. The list of drawn number* anil prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately ater the drawing. All communications stritlly . oiifldential. j Orders for Tickets or Certiorates. hy Mail or ExI press,"to be directed to MeKINXKY A CO.. May 20 * 3-tlU Suruiitmh, (J a. WOOD, EDDY & CO.'S ; SIlfiLl UMBER LQTTEB1ES. CHARTERED BY THE STA1E OF Or-ORCJiA. CAPITAL PRJZK $50,000! : TICKETS ONLY $10. ? Wood, Edtly A Co., Mnungcrtt, 1 BU0CKS?OkH. TO 8. SWAN A CO. The following Scheme wiU Iks drawn hy Wood, oun; a v<>.. iiiunngiTfi 01 the Hjivto Academy Lottery, in cuclt of their Single Number Lotteries for June, 1R59, nt Aftl USTA, (1ft., iu public, uudcr the superintendence of Commissioners t g Class 23 nitxws 8atvri?Av, Jike 4, 1859. e Clash 24 mtans Saturday, Jink 11. 185'j. j Clash 25 ututrs Saturday, Jink 18, 1859. u Class 26 draws Satuhday, Justs 25, 1859. l? ' On the Plan of Single Numbers. 6O,t>00 Tickets. Fire Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Fire Prizes. A'crtr/y One /Vi';e to crery A'inc Tickrt? ! MAGNIFICENT SCHEME, C SO BE DRAWS - E A C 11 S AT U li DA Y IN J UNE. I 1 Prizoof.....*. .$50,000 1 Prize of. $1,500 J 1 Prize of. 20.000 50 Prizes of. 600 1 Prizoof 10,000 100 Prizes of 400 1 Prize of 6.000| 100 Prizes of 300 I Prizoof 4.000 100 Prizes of 160 1 Prize of 3,000,100 Prizes of 100 [ APPROXIMATION PRIZES, a 4 Prizes of$!O0 Approx. to!?50.(100 Prize arc $1,600 Y 4 ft* 300 " 20.000 " " 1.200 e 4 " " 250 " ? 10,000 ? ? 1,000 4 ? " 225 " ? 5,04)0 *< ? 900 li 4 " " 200 " . < 4,00(1 ? ? 800 4 " ? 150 '* " 3,000 " " 600 4 ? " 100 " " 1,600 ? " 400 6,000 ? ? 20 are 100,000 6,485 Prizes, amounting tu $320,000 \ Wiiolk Tickets, $10; Halves, $5; Ot AkTBits. 21. i I t I &&" Remember that ovory Prize in the above a Scheme is drawn, and payable in full WlTHODT I>K. SUCTIOX. Corlifleutos ?>f Packages will bo sold at the follow ing rates, which in tho risk : Certificate of Puekago of 10 Whole Tickets, $S0. a ? " " "10 Hair ? 40. d " " " " 10 Quarter " 20. " ? ? "10 Eighth " 10. O .* ? ?- t ? ?? - , r SPARTA ACADKfflY LOTTERY. JW?.-. t Dram, WJSDJfKSitA >', J USE IWth, 1359. O.V the Tit REE KlIMBRIt 1*1.AN. Seventy Jive Numbers?Twelve Drawn llallot*. NEARLY ONE PRIZE to every TWO TICK NTS. 1 (jiruud Prixc of 1 Prize of $I9,17'JI 4 Prises of $2,000 2 " " 10.000 20 ? " 1,000 "2 " <? ty.lOOUilO " " 230 ?$<*., etf., . ??< ., <lr. 27,ff 11 Prises Amounting to $513,100 ! ' Wuvi.eTickets,$10; 1Iai.vek,5; Quauteiis,$2.50? ?, _ ; in ordkttixn Tt.-Hirrs or. certificates, r Enclose the money to our addr<%* tor the Ticket* _ ordered, on rccoipt of which they will ho forwarded (l hy first mail. n Tho list of Drawn Number* and Prizes will he sent to purchasers immediately alter thd drawing. ' Purchasers will pleaso write their signatures plain,. and give their Post Office. County and State, jj All prisVs of $1,000, an ! under, paid tvjuie dintely after tho drawing?other tvisoe at thfi. usual time of thirty days. NOTICE TO COURTS PON DENTS. Those who proffer not stniding nonet by mail, enn -* use the Ar?Aus'Kxmtu%s Comtasv, whereby money | for Tickets, in sums of Ten Dollars, and upwards, ' can he sent us '<? ,,nr r!?k nml r.r/n nur, from any oily or towh whero they have an office. The money and r- ordor must ho enclosed in t\ " fr'wcm.miit f'u?< Of)|c? Ktnmptd, nirtlopr," or (bu Express Company cannot 5f rceefv*' t. >f All cwmmutiicutioiis strictly confidential. i- I Or.(Cm for Tickets or Certificates, by Mail or Kx'0 i pre**, 1? ' ? directed to ? WOOD, KWPY A ro.t Anjjuata, flu. or, WOOD, EDDY A CO.. Atlanta, Gu. or. WOOD, EDDY A CO., Wiliiiiugton, Del. , A lirt of . Mir numbers that an drawn from - the whoel, with the amount of the (irito that cm h t one is entitled to, will bo published alter trfcry drsw' ing in the following papers: Augusta (On.) Constltutionalist. Mobile Register, Nnrbville (huetto, New j York Weekly Day Hook, TUiibsnnud I>irpateb, PattkU ing (Miss.) Clarion, nitd New York Herald. n May 2ft. 3 lm J TO KING OAMBII- MPK > 9f , al.0BJOO? NEW3!! 'n Owiicille /)</.'i-""v /n?l, Jnttijipfl/row thr Ftnj<i,a p Face* to br mot it iti>. \6 LAOBJt BKER IS AT TilE BOTTOM OF IT' T^ TOKKIH KAMFKL K?*'ps 011 h?nrf u fiii! fiti[> v i* Iff. of tliatroTre?hinffiui?i Invigorating BevcrneM, Irpni one i?I toe moHttOThM Hmeniw in Philu(Irlnhin. He kwfa'MUlMtlr I'reevrvgil t?vr. ILobfltore, Salmon, .-'nniinon, I'iohlv*, Mtstfiira, *i'??> ?> - eo anil Cumly, null many otlioi Article* too mm reiin to mention. J Ni.xr Pool: to lln. <h. U Etirr.fc. 51-1 jr April 2*1 Vr