University of South Carolina Libraries
"V # Later from Europe. Urease. June 8. vi rnW o/ tk& jtngio-amxon.?The Anglo-Sax on haa arrived at Unchcc, with Liverpool date. to tile 8th iqatatfk s- ? 17.000 baieg of cotton wet* mIi] for the thrt?o dara previous to the steamer's wiling, the raar ket closing dull. Some report ? decline of Jd. It i? reported that * blood/ battle bad been fought between the Austrian* and French. Skcomi> Dictoatoh.?'In Liverpool, breadstuff* were dull and declining. Consols 03J to ?8|> In the bnttle( which occurred near Milan, the Austrian* were defeated, with a 104# of 30,000 killed, disabled end prisoner* Tt.. W< 1. 12,600. Tli?? Austrian# hire evacuated Milan. Third Dw*ti:?.?"flw battle fought was at the town of Magenta. Napoleon's despatches claim a decisive victory, anrt ~eay that lie took MVti. iiioiosuu ptlsoucra ?nu p>?ccu i?,000 iu a disabled condition. Three-. cannon, and tn-o standards. w?r? captured. lie estimated his own lots nt 8,000, but it was rumored in Paris thot the French had lost from nine to twelve thousand. Tlve, forces engasred ore. reported ta be from 160,000 to 180,000 Austrian^ and 100,000 to 130,000 French. The Austrian accounts differ, and speak of the battle with -varying successes. It was still undecided on the night of the 0th of ^ June. Great losses on both siilea arc reported. Gen. Uess commanded the Austrians, and Napoleon the French, Ou the receipt of the news, Paris was illuininntod. Oen. Espeuassa was s killed. Canrobert was mortally wounded. Five French Marshals and General# were wounded. Gen. MvMnlion has been creates! Marshal, and Duke Magenta and Barngiioy d' superceded l.v f..i-..v f.,u.- a. ? . - - "j* nuu live staff otKeers ??ero \m?ndcd. Milan revolted, ami declared in favor of Uid King of Sardinia. The Anstrrairs retired from Milan,-hut the French had not, occupied it. Later minora detract from the French victory, niul it. is Relieved proposals for peace would follow the entrance of the French into Milan. AUOKHT.I, .Tune 20. Further hi/ the Atifllo Saron.?Napoleon says among the trophies taken in his victory, were Austrian musket*. The municipality of Milnn hnd presented an address to Victor Emanuel in the presence of the Emperor. The King proposed enterincMilan on Tuesday. The Austrian official Bulletin says the conflict was desperate between the first and third corps, and that the ciu'iny were in considerable force, and tlint the contest remained undecided. On Sunday our troops threw themselves on the enemy with an ardor and perseverance worthy the most glorious feats of the Imperial army. A Vienna despatch in the Frankfort papers says that through the opportune nrrivnl of Count Clnin Callus corps the Austrian* were victorious, j after a hot fight, and the French woro thrown back ovtr the Tie!no. The London Times says that the absence of late telegram via Paris, was not considered indicative of Freucli successes, and that the opinion was strenotlfipning in London that the French were defeated, though the rapid movement of the Allies across the Ticinn. compelled ti;o Allstrains to accept of the battle. Napoleon was present, but did not command. General llorourn becomes, provisionally, Aliti ister of War. O^llnrnla V..1I or.,I U.M.I ? - 1 * ~ ..... ..... ...?. aiiMimivu Ul V nuill IU I1HVC been woninlpil. Garibaldi had quitted Loeen, and Durban had retreated to Monaco, whcro Guiibaldi is suppos od to bo marching. In the British Parliament D'Israeli bad annouucad that. the reform question would bo postponed until the next session, and that the Foreign policy of the Government wohld be for pence. Kossuth proposed leaving England on the 7th for Italy, with three hundred of his countrymen, whb had returned from .America. Fears were entertained that the French crops were damaged from the prevailing rains. In Russia, Oortschakoff had issued circulars to the Envoys of Russia at the Courts in Germany, declaring that if Gerinnny aided Austria, the political equilibrium was destroyed. Dispatches from Darmstadt say that the President of both branches of the Legislature delivered speeches in favor of the war ngniuat Napoleou. ? - i-w The Georgia Dkmocuatic Coxvknttox.?By a private despatch to the editor of this paper, we are enabled to give the following succinct account of the proceedings of yesterday : lion. John lb Walker, of 3lorgan, was chosen President of the.convention, and George D. Phillips, of Habersham, und Edward J. MeGehee, of Houston, Vice Presidents, .lames A. Pringle, ol Houston, II. J. Williams and Tomlinson Fort, of Buldwin, were chosen Secretaries. Strong efforts were made to renominate Governor Brown, and to ovoid endorsing Buchanan, and after confusion the following resolutions were adopted : I. Re*ofvr<l, That the Democratic nartv of Gear gift eontiuues to adhere to tlio nrindplct nnnotiiicvtl l?y the National Convention of Cincinnati in.1850, mul its determination to insist upon tlieir l?ini( carried out in the administration of the Federal Government. 4. H'ioh>eH. Tliat vre have confidence in the ability and patriotism of James lluchuoan, the President of the United Stnte*. J5. Rrtohvut, That the Democratic nnd Xntionn1 principle* sot forth in his inaugural address, and annual message* on the subject of slavery, piccta the approbation of the Georgia Dcmocra*tjr. 4. Rewhtrd, That tho honesty, fidelity and ability which Joseph E. Brown has manifested a* Governor of Georgia, entitles him to the confidence of the whole of the State, and we hereby nominate him l>v acclamation as the candidnto of t he Democratic party of .Georgia for the next Governor. Governor Brown in person accepted the nom inotion, nnd Convention (hen adjourned in harmony. The attendance was very large. [AnyMia Dispatch. fontNTmc Fourtabt.?From nn Article in the l'iiil lj.lii.i Press, on the late Dr. Ij*r<lncr, wo extract the following protliHion and proffer: " When tlio Liverpool and Manchester Rnilroad (the first experiment on a large scale) was ]iropi?gd, various objections were made against it, and some witnesses stilted, before a Committee of the House of Commons, tlmt it. was utterly absurd to imagine tbnt passengers could l>e drawn l>y locomotive engine.* at such an excessive rate of speed as twelve miles an liour. Dr. Lnrdner, in particular, affirmed that "c&rriaffoa could not. goat, ally thing lilcfe the contemplated speed ; if driven to it the wheels would merely spin on their axles, and the carriages would stand stock #t.Hl." At tlfosamc time, by the way, the present, j Raid of Derby declared, that if any locomotive j ran ten miles an hour, lie would eat one of the > wheels for his breakfast. The locomotives do run fifty miles un hour in England, every day, hnf Lord Derby, who is now Crime Minister, hasnev .... i... ..iai? . Orv., Senator from Minnesota, bad a public reception on his arrival home, at Furii >110 If, and mi ill in hi* spocclu " 1 infid? my piU-emption. as yon ail know, on 4he Faribault prairie. I paid for It with my own warrant, the warrant wliieh I received for my Servian* in Mcx'ieo, the only bouniy which I ever received fro n tho flovarament of the United States for those service*. And I will venture to Shy thnt, ! am the first, (tonernl of the United J State* army who ever mode his own pre-emption ' with his own warrant. Now this, 1 think, is u j liotne to he proud of?a home which I hold sacrod, because I purchased it with my blood " ? S?S> ? W.iajutifiTov, June 16, /VoiJf 0?n. Hjts*.?General taiss publishes | nn oiiieiiil latter this morning, explanatory of n previous one in relation to the French eonsorip i ion of naturalized AiMcvienma, showing Ihntthey e>in not l>e enrolled in France unless they had been drafted or were l:i the army At the tunc of ( t heir emi<?rfttinn to America. .. .. III J.11 ?LJ? 1 #e ^frfrist. WILirU M P. PBIGT5, EDrroa. Our BCotto?" Equal Right* to AU." okeSnvYllk, a "OT* Thursday Morning, Juno 23,1890. Royal Aroh Maaona. The Companions and visiting brethren are requested *o meet at the Lodge room to-nibut, for tlic purpose of conferring the Royal Arch Degree. Commissioner of Deads. Ilia Excellency Gov. Blows, of Georgia, has appointed W. P. Pbick, Esq., of Greenville, Commissioner of Deeds for Georgia In the State of South Carolina. Fine Pictures. Do yon wish an elegant Ambrotype or Portrait of yourself? If so, call at the gnllery of Rev. C. II. L.vnnemi, who has just re<urned home. His work has always received the highest commendation from the public. Look to it. The advertisement of Messrs. Roberts <fc Duncan is a seasonable hint to all those indebted to tlinm nn.l n'Ktali ol.oul.l 1?a 1 --1 a xui^ niiu ? miv ? diivuiu uv j?l v|ivi hivciiut'u iu. Something can be Saved by giving heed to their uotice. New Floor. The editor of the Enterprise returns Ins thanks to Mnj. E. Ai.EXA.MtrR, for the present of a sack of most excellent flour, made of fine now wheat. It was manufactured at the flouring mills of Mr. V. McHek, in this place. The reputation of these mills is already extensive, and under the management of our friend Alexander, can never be anything but a good place to procure the best article that is manufactured. Panorama o 1 tho Life of Christ. This celebrated painting is to be exhibited ut this place on Tuesday evening next. It has been highly spoken of by the State press wherever it has been exhibited. "It is a vast painting, far above the ordinary class of Panoramas. Its subjects illustrating the life, urc taken from tha works of tlie greatest artists, such as Kaflaele, "C'orregglo, Ac., with many lino and original designs, and it is painted by ttiose well-known and eminent artists, Kyle. IVoyle and Dallas. Every act and affecting incident in the life of Jesus, is grandly portrayed, and ' othing can exceed the absorbing interest of the Tableaux, ns they increase in intensity towards the crucifixion and ascension." Dcsilver's Map of tho Seat of War. Wc acknowledge tho reception of a copy of the above Map. it embraces a full Map of Europe and complete Maps of Sardinia and Lombnrdy, Austria and Italy; tho whole errtlnxlled in one super imperial sheet, size, H6 by 44 inches, furnishing such reliable geographical information as cannot be procured from Any other source.? This sheet also contains statistics, carefully coin piled from the latest reliable authorities, giving the strength of the armies and N a vies of the powers of Europe, with brief accounts of the lenders and Generals of the opposing armies, in the present struggle. Also, correct and handsome port raits of Louis Napoleon III, Emperor of France; Alexander II, Emperor of all the liussins; Francis Joseph I, Emperor of Austria, and Victor Emanuel II, King of Sardinia. This splendid Map will l>c furnished at tho following low prices: Hnndsomoly colored Incas.>?, *l 00; handsomely colored in shecis. 50 hnndosmely colored, mounted on rollers, $2 00. Published and for sale by Charles Dkmi.vkr, No. 714 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Also for sule by J. C. P. Jeter, Greenville, 8. O. Tho Excursion of the But ler Guards to Chicks' Springs. At an early hour on Friday morning last* tho Butler Guards, of Greenville, in accordance with previous arrangements, commenced their march to Chicks' Springs, for the purpose of spending a day or two at that place iu. the enjoyment of friendly intercourse with each other, and to improve themselves in the various duties which go to make up the true citizen soldier. If it be right and proper to perform military duty, it is necessary thut It should be performed in n prompt and orderly manner, and we trust that the self-imposed ta->k which this ettvicnt corps took upon themselves, has resulted in muck good to them?not only in a physical point of view, hut in a knowledge of the many details belong ing to the military service. The annexed list comprises the names of all those members who composed the Company upon its visit to Chicks'Springs: Officer*.?Capts II. Lac Timrsro;* ; Lieutenant* A. D Hoke, A. Isaacs ; Sergeants R. C. Poi.i.laM, W. II. Harrison, W. P. I'bick ; Corporal Ti.omas J. AUSTIN. ~ V Private* ?Joseph Carson, W. A. Ciianplrr. 8. \ D. Dkarman, L. M. Goodlktt, I. Grioley, Wm. Hoi land, John Harrison. C. T. Hammond, W. M. Kowku., Wm. IltmsoN, 8. V. Long, W. G. I.ono, C. 11. McJunkin, B. P. McDavio, John Martin, G. W. Parkins, G. Poor. P. F. Scorn th, Waoov Thompson, Williams Tiiomp*on, Robert Watson, wllmam wmsn ant. 'rim Irlinnla wewt i>u<nrtail out nf K?. iV. University Riflemen, under the command of Cnpt. John II. Lanxkad. This net of courtesy was highly appreciated l>y the officers and members of the Guards, and is one which will he Kindly reciprocated whenever an opportunity presents itself. The two Companies presented a fine appearance ns they marched through Main and Buncombe Streets, on their way out of town. The Guards wore their undress lint* and uniforms, whilst the Riflemen appeared in full dress, and rnltdo a handsomo appearance. The two Companies ware preceded hy the Greenville Brnse | Band, which performed most elegantly. The j Oreenville Brass Band always play well, bnt on tho present occasion they re -moil to exceed nil former efforts, ' J j 59 ITM1|H TSBBSBU town, tha Riflemen flanked to the rigti^Hhd die Quardsi Itf |MMag thew, received the uahelumn* piimeotary sain union#. The route ?top we* then taken and ateadtiy kept' ap until they reached the neighborhood of the Spring*?e distance Of ten where they were again formed Into line end marched to the Hotel, Where they wehe kindly received by U# IIknkbt, the proprietor. Of the Bpriug^ and distuiaaed to tbcic respective cabins, to reet until ordered out, at 5 o'clock, P, M.? Tbo distance was accomplished without any accident. and. notwithstanding all Were unttied to that mode of traveling, the loek was performed with great cheerfulness aud the utmost good feel. 1d8- ' v ' - . An elegant, us well ne-ei;i>et?niiai dinner was prepared for them at the Hotel, which received the hearty and undivided approbation of the entire Company. After partaking of dinner the Company dispersed to seek amusvnirnte?each uuo-fo hid using. oonic toon lo ?lei'p, some to playing billiard*, soma to rolling ten pirns some rolling one way and some another. This indie criminate enjoyment was kept up until the drum warned them to pre|mre for (Mirade, which was promptly responded to. An hour was then devoted to drilling, during which time many intereating evolutions were performed, which reflected much credit upon the officers and members. A complimentary supper was given lo the Guards, by Mr. Hkmkrv, tbo proprietor of the Springs, which wui?, indeed, a very elegant affair, and reflected the highest credit upon the good tnstc of himself and lady. We regret to mention the fact that tlie Guards were not Iron orod by the presence of us many ladies as they had reason to expect, which was, indeed, n source of considerable confusion in the matter of selecting partners for the dnnce. However, this difficulty with easily obviated by jx-ocuriug partners from their own ranks, and from what we learned, wc would say that nil tbo little ecceutricltice and peculiarities of the dnncc were performed by them after the most approved style of modern flirtation. At.a late hour the party broke up, and all who Could, weut quietly and peacefully to bed. Ou Saturday morning the Company marched from their quarters to the Springs, for the purjtose of frying their skill as marksmen. Four prizes hod been gotten up by the Compfloy for distribution. The target was erected at a distance of sixty yards, and the firing was to be off hand. The shot* were to l?e averaged?the three best average shots to take the first prire ; the three next best, the second prize, and so on till the fourth, which was n prize for the worst shot?a leather medal. The names of the'members were called alphabet ienIlv. and after thr?*e rouud* hud been fired, the foliowiug was declared to be the result: First Prize, a Silver Medal?Private Joesrn Carson. Second Prize, a Silver {leaded Walking Cane? Private Charles T. Hammond. i Third Prize, u Silver Cup?Sergeant RobkhtC. PULUAM. Fourth Prize, n Leather Medal?Lieutenant. A. IsAACO, The shooting was the heat ever yet done hy the company. Notwithstanding the little practice which had been done with the rifles. but very few ehots missed the target. Out of sixty -six bullets (fired, only six failed to niiae the board.'-Three [ members made centre shots, or what is more commonly called hit the " Hull's eye." These shots were mode by 11. C. Pcluam, \V. II. Harrison and C. M. McJvnkix. Wo d>>uht not that It Is the be.-t exhibition of skill in marksmansbip which has been made by any military cgin|>any in the State Tor some time, and when it is remenvboFed that the guns are new nud untrained, and, with the exception of n very few, the members are unaccustomed to the use of tire nrtns, except upon occasions like the present, we venture to say tlm* the display of marksmanship, above alluded to, is unsurpassed by any similar corps. The Guards had the pleasure of entertaining as guests during their stay at the !">|?riugs. Lieut*. J. J. Adams Charles DavaSt and John C. 1>avant, of the University Uiflcm<ii, whose clever coiupn ny added much to the pleasures of the trip. Also the membcrsof the 'trass Huml, whose delightful music seemed to make the hours fly pleasantj 'y h-j Alter partaking of dinner, the Guards nrei.nred for their return mnrclt. The huggugo wim all 1 Hindi' ready, And soon tlie coiii|Muiy with on the i march to Grceuville. Tho ti n mild which separated them from their home* were walked over in an almost incredible short time?l>eing made . in about throe bourn, including one or two sto|>The trip to Chick's Springs will long he remembered by the (lairds. A thousand pleasant things were said nnd done, And many interesting associations are treasured np, which will be food for phutdnut thoughts in days to come. The , 1 Ouards arc a wholo-souled, generous and kind| hearted set Should duty ever call them to the I tented field, the State and country can sufely rely upon their patriotism. miscellaneous news medley. The Mayor of Columbus, On., offers a reward of $3,000 for (he detection of thu.pArtlee who set tire to the cotton in that place recently. The hanks where the wild thyme grows baa declared a dividend of ten "scents" to the elini'c, The notorious I>r. Iliues, who has ligur.d ill m ninny courts nud penitentiaries, lis* been arrested in Memphis, Tcnn., on n charge of obtaining good* on false pretence*. "" A French photographer tin* discovered a process lor obtaining photographs of red, green, violet, or blue Color. Ink stains will be entirely removed front cloth by an immediate Hppli'-ation of common salt. I)r. Chnrgt B. VVinship, of Boston, is said to be the strongest man in the world, lie can raise a weight of Uiti pound* Toplinm, the strongest man in England, could raise only 8t)0 |muiids. The negroes of New England have called a eon volition, to be held in Hueton, on Monday, August 1st, 1869, to take into consideration the subjects connected .lit il.~ -I -?. i _ ? u.c iiuvi?>t>ii nun |?>iivhhi eievminn 01 the colored race, in Ne\r England nnJ other State*. The Ttavenport (Iowa) Democrat mya tl?At an official letter front KoMiith to An Hungarian exile, at that place, he* Iteen react? r?l, requesting hint to make immediate itcps to ward embarking for Hungary. Front the tenor of the letter it would npjK-ar thnC Koaanth waa engaged in raining an army. The Part* Mofiiteur annooncoa that the French Ooxernment doea not intend to recognise eoal ax contraband of war. It in now said to ba |>od. t vely axrortninc 1 that there ix no truth in j aboTt be^lbjeat aboatV The venerable Mr*. John C. Calhoun 4s now at. the hous* 4t her eoniadaw, Peof. Clcm^on, at ' 'adcnsburg. ' '*-*"Gen. PHroo arid Kls wife W?re in Vienna, Ma,y. ST. llo Ww well, bnt Mra ' Pierce's hoojth was net improving. In Bangor, Maine, while Michael Whelen *U at I tlie bottom of a well thirty feet dfop, a brick fell from the top and struck him oh the head. | Whelah'a head was not broken, but the brick waa. The Abbeville Banner aiiy?; " We have been shown the prospectus of .a new. paper vo be bbtkieu ,?i GwcuoWood, to Li called the ' " Greenwood Times;" subscription prieq, f 1.60. ; To be published by P. N. Wilson. When the " Times," and one more pnper Is started, will then have six journals published .in Abbeville, which will be quite enough for one District.f Mr. Ilanry Dexter, the sculptor, h?e- rc- i ceived no order from number of Mr. Buehan?n'? friend* In Button, to mnk* a mar Wo btist of the i'rrildrnt and hna gone to Washington to execute the commission. The Greenville DUtrlot Bible Society. On Inst Thursday evening our community was favored with a literary repast of no ordlnury character. The Rev. T. A. llojt, of Abbeville, addressed the Biblo Society of our Town and District in n lecture of profound learning and | most finished scholarship. It would l>e doing injustice to this earefitlly prepared discourse to Attempt nu abstract of It here. Let us hope, that on some future occasion the Reverend lecturer, may be induced to repeat it, for we nre certain that no attentive hearer could go away without I a higher sp]>reciatton of the Holy Book, or renewed xenl for ita extension and distribution. On the following morning, the Kxecntive Committee assembled for business, the Rev. F. A. Mood in the Chair. The Secretary and Tcasnrer, Mr. L. B Clihe, reported the reception of the first instalment of Bibles from the Parent Society On motion, a distributing Committee was appointed. with whom the Bibles should lie deposited for distribution and sale. The following gentlemen constitute that C-onimiUee: T. CGower, Dr, J. P. James STopherson, Col. W. II. Campbell. J. Bursey, Wro. M. Thomas. Esq.. J. A. David, Col. D. llokc and G. W. DulVe, The (Vimmltbee then proceeded to make the usual arrangement# for the coming > nnivfrsury. iSeternl gentlemen were appointed to deliver ad ircsses, wjiii regard to whom the public will be dulv advised in proper time, 'flu* Anni veranry exercises wore appointed for the Wednesday evening of the week of the Call Court in July next. A communication was read from the Iter. li. A. Holies, the Agent for the American Bible So elety in South Carolina, notifying the Kxecutive" Coininlttee of the annual Bible Convention to as soluble in YovkVillc on tlie 2nd August. Tlie Hove. 8. 8. Gail binl, T. 8. Arthur, niul F. A. Mood, with -Messrs. T. M. Cox and Ikiijiunin Gnta, were elected Delegates to represent this Society In the Convention. The Committee then prnceeded to nominate s ticket for Olticcrs for the ensuing election nt the Anniversary, after which the Committee adjourn, ed to meet at the call of the 1 hair. - ? ?r Missts?irM.?Tire county Democratic meetings held in varioua sections of Mississippi, indicate that the people of that State are alive to the l ights and interests of the South, and express a determination to maintain the one nud protect the other. - The following are three resolutions of a series adopted at a meeting in Laurenoe county: jieitolmls Hint if the people of a territory. l?v non action or otherwise, fail to protect procerty in slaves, it la tlie duty of Congress to nlford ad necessary protection. liraotvrj. That we utterly repudiate the doctrine of squatter sovereignty, and fully endorse the positions of Senator Broxvn and Davis in the "great debate " of the J8<l of February. litmdvcd, Tlint we honestly desire the pfeaer vatiou of the Union, but tbink it will be right, proper niul expedient to "quit the gonicern" whenever the Federal Government falls iuto the hands of sectional Black Republicans. ? ? -44^^ ? ^ Hon. IIowki lCoub.?We extract the following paragraph from the Washington correspondence of the Philadelphia Press, under date of June I Stli: " Mr. Secretary Cobb is pre|>aring a letter, shortly to bepntdished, widen will define bis position on the slavery question, I n wait this document with some interest and anxiety. Mr. Cobb baa a good many tldftgsto explain, and selie is an ambition* and ingenious man, Will, no doubt, do UU best" By way of refreslung his memory, I would ad- I vW him to re-rcad hU ?nMih delivered at Witt IV, in Haptcinher, ltb'O, and also the letters he U re|?orted to have written to Ocorgin arid to K.xiinm, cnlling upon his friends in<l the I officials of the Government to sustain Governor Walker in the course which he took against Calhoun and the frauds of the minority in Kansas, Tiik Nbxt ffot'sa ok RerinotKNTATivea.?The A'anhiitgton States says: The strength of the Republican part v in th? n< xt House of HspamtitativHS will rcacn over one hundred and thirteen m.-nil.its. I wing aix less thnn a majority. To argtie from this strength a Hepublican organization of the House, implies either a union with thuin of the Smith Americans or aix of what are commonly called anti-Lccomptou Democrats. The lormer dare not Insult their constituents be such a course, whilst, the latter wnnhl for oit every claim they have to he regarded as of the Democrat in party, by so revolting a condition. The organization of Uie next House will be Dctnoeralic, unless a reckless betrayal of their trusts should etfeet a onion of six member* outside of the Republican party with k for Uiat purpose. *Low Dowx Sotmi Gahousa Naoaom.? A gang of twelve outlandish negroes were In town on Monday, said to he from the rioO swamps of South Carolina, destined for tile plantation of a gentleman from one of the upper connties.? They were very intelligent, and looked alick, black and fut, but, Hka all the uegroes from that region of country, did not understand much En glisli. Wo learn that there are several hundred near Savannah, soon to be put in the ecttou fields of Alabama, and can De bought mighty cheap.?AV/wia (Ala.) jScwUntl. Szaiors Aocioknt ? W# lvarn from an esteem ed Mtlsicriher In the Hark Corner that one dav luM. week, while two younjt men were en^ag cd In blasting ro?k In a well, an exptouio.. took place, I?y which they were <lr. adft.lly mangled and hurut. Their name* are ifctxU-r and Jerry Hyde, fr?an Oreenville Itiefrict* The physician eui of opinion that they would recover in a ehdrt time.?Antlcrtm (JnztlU. " Tun Wiwhlnjftoft HtaU-e rayi: "Private aceounu from Kentucky reprice at that the clee tton of Mr. Hyeokinrirtga to the Senate of the United Stato* is almost posiveiy certain to ?- j mr," rX? jat'"g *? ^ uu 1>n? dc K bw JfttsKT MM>rur?rm}RBA'r-fifRw J?n*y ranks tha fifth ftt^te In the Vhwin pot^jf manufacturing in histry.' Tha WUpltrr of efiihlishmente wHMn I he State,>1a started. at 4,*01, emptojing * capital of #22,308,2*8, hsVpc raw material of the valne of #22.011,871, employing SO.bOS'malaa, and ?,vei feiutt'n*, Uib AvnUif whps? labor per art num, la f9.Stl4.l4t>, and ptodnA* manufactured article*.estimated at a total value of f89 861,2b6. 'XWI ? '-iy 'tu?btty#n?# Ftuo.t Coixkajl?The Carolina Spartan mention* tlint I>r. Joseph Oroea has resigned the presidency of the Female College at 3p?i faul?unrt to accept a similar position in some CoflAge lit Texas, and tlwt't Prof. Blake, of North Carolina, has Accepted an appointment aa lits successor." Thk Bio Unit.?We have a bio hell?arrived lust in time,to ring up the Hailroad men last lliursday?ean ba heard eight or ten miles? weighs 8<R> pound*, <Ynd is a real" "buster"? wnkes up Uio ^echoes in the mountains around 'Ike?like?like the French Brand Hailroad will soon do.?A sJtevillf AW*. ' * ? < m?_" 1^' " N"xw York. 3c ne 14. Government Claim Againtt the Gartfnrr E*tatr. The Government ha*recovered the claWn of $180,0<Xt against the estate of Gardner, the fofger of famous Mexienn claims The money hat been paid over. * Rvarirav?The free boy Bam Oglrtby, who Is now In jail under sentence tt> be hung on the 24th instant, hn? been respited by Gov. Gist.? The first Friday In November has been lived upon as the day of execution.?Kemott Courer. pAT?NT.-r-The Washington Constitution announces that letters patent, bearing date June 14, have issued to Mr. EH Moore, of blab Town, S. C., for improvement i:: ploughs. : I -J-. !V~ , w: List of Cofisigneet, I'EU G. A C. R. R.. FOR W KKK Ending Juxk 22. V MoBce; .1 Powell;, j B May*; Si RBingleton; T Bennett; M B Fori*; J B Sf G. C. M A Co; J 11 Pyntt; I) K t M I. West; SAC; PS; W T Ei vin A Co; R C "Evans; J F Kern; R Stuart; E Hal son; E A Knox; G D A Co; B T Brockman; W Bates ?tr Co; Miss Mary Gaines; A W Cutmuings; W P Poor; Dr Foster; R urofl; Bcsttie A P; F M Smith; P Cobb; A C King; J T Heliery; J A Glidsden; Whltted A Al; W F A M M Miller; M Swandale; D E linger; li E; C A T Anderson; Miss A Cohman; W 11 Watson; F N' Marrlao; A Johnston; C J Klford; L W; J-A Paiton; J W Gradv; T C. Wingnte; J Kraus; J H Hnrrison; W Lowndes; M C King; E Reed; I C P Jeter, J A finger; R P Goodlvtt; W Thompson; T Hampton; G J Oherle; J MeCorter, J Gatio; J H McCdllough; 0 1' Brown; R E llolconibe; C J Uaskell; J ('aidwell; A B ll:?mnn?; [WJ; B L Trenbolin; J C Uoyt; MeKeo A*G; E G Williams; J L Mowell; K J Aston; Patton 4 P, D U Westfleld, W II Morris; R W Folgev; J U Gordon; McK John stbn; P Carroll; S law; 0?C Pinckney; B B A Co; W G Johnston; 11 T Farmer, 11 Samuel; E Montgomery; A li Seabroofc; >1 b GoodleJA JOHN MoKAY; Agent. MARiurn. on Ibc morning of the 21?t by Prof. Win. Roy all, Lieut J. Jl? PATRICK, qf the Ajwit'ii Academy, Columbia. 8. C., and Mi*s M. LOUISA, ehlcst (laughter of Col. R. P. Goodlett, of Orecnvillo. " JBV The printer* return many thank* for the handtomo " foe " raeeived on the above, and roepect*' fully tender their beet wlehc* for the happineaa of tho newly married couple. 1>iko. in Greenville, on the 16th hiat., Mr*. MART J. ROBERTS, relict of the lute Rev. John M. Roberta, in the 4*d year pf her age. In the death of this excellent lady, the Buptirt Charch In thi* place, and the community at largo, have curtained no common l??*a. Uil'ted by nature with the moat amiable itnd attractive qualities, hud wearing. in an eminent degree, the higher adornment* of grace, ahe lived only to be ttaefal to other*, and baa loft behind her a memorable' example of faith, <4* patience, and of charity. The connotation* of religion, which *u?taincd her through life, were largely Touchaafed to her lu death -, and ahe died, a* aire had Hvod, " atrong 111 taitn, giving glory to Uod." " Previous iu the sight of tho Lord Is the (tooth of his saints." H- FDik?. st Piokuna C. II.',-on the 14th in St., JAMKS PRJtSTOJf, infant Son of Mr. and Mrs. Goo. W. Kiug, aged IS months ami 7 days. Thia child wan indeed a promising and lovely boy. and only a few toys ngn liin little climbr wi n glowing with the roseate hue of hcaftb. Hut Dentil! uti|iitying. unrelenting Death! has laid his ioy hand upon him, and he now quietly sleeps in the family burial ground at Pleasant Grove. Yes! little Jtxxtr. is dead 1?the household pet of both parent and children has gone to rest. Thus around us, every day, are foiling the young and the lovely ; lot us, therefore, endeavor to in oct tin-in above, where parting will be no more. Happy infant, sweetly rest! Boll and trsnqail bo thy breast; Thou canst slueii secure from harm, Gnardod by a Father'* arm! Softly sleep, tbon lm>ly boy, Thon wcrt all thy mother's joy, And tb'y soft, unconscious ?Utile, Sweetened all hnr care and toil. Three others dear, in mercy given, Have regained their native heaven? Bhig their Maker's praise above; Ring their Fat Iter's holy love. _ ' Oli, may we choose the bettor way, Think on Tbca, and wacch and pray; Study to bo good and wise, Aim at heaven, aud win tho prise. ' a. e. B. i I I? i ii AVMVBR8AHY ORATIOW. TUP, TIlfUD ANNIVERSARY ORATION of I the UNIVERSITY RIFLEMEN will bo delivered i.v Iiiki r. J. J. ADAM8, of Louisiana, ?t the Now Court House, o? Mouduj/, tk fourth of July, at 10 o'eltwik, A. M. The Public ore respectfully Invited to attend. CHA8, DAVANT, . J. C. DAVANT, Committee D. O. MAULDfN, of Y. J. POPE. Arrangement*. T. P: HAINES, ) June 23 7 2 Greenville District Bible Society. I1Y ordur of tb'c Executive Committee, the Hiii kh that bare been reeeired for DISTRIBUTION and 8ALK bav# Keen plaeod in the liende of tbe following gentlemen : T. C. (lower. Dr. J. P. Hill house, Ju*. MrPhcrson, Col. W. II. Campbell, J. Homey, W. W. Tbmnas, Kmj., J. A. David, Col. D. Hoke and O. W. DuPr.v Any ra**s of Bible destitution, If rsperted to there j gentlemen, will receive'prompt attention, and thejr , I will cin e, fully supply any one in tbe Town and IMs- 1 trict who wfab to piitrhtn Tl{1d?a. , i L. II. fLIKK, See. and Tarn. June Ti 7 | I ^ ^n"{m^nSi ^* st* '^viifi^' ^UM) i86s? CtTM an- r? H w?l^a*Suj.S?* Boom ^flO'Dr'^ltH"^ A. M; wht^tkfWuiM will jxrc9oti i. After the AddrtM, *%> > ** ." Goodlett ltouse,** to the Members ?*.tb* Order. Masons attending the celobratloft wiii W !* ' '* ?.(ii tin RallroiS-fti? -rr^/r^" ' " ,,??.. *'v; v :.n > JAME* ffl. ALLEN,1 s g > ' ".' *0. A, PICKLE. :?>s|> B. A. GOOPLETT, 8 ? k<- , ? CM. MoJUNKIN. j? "J< GrevuvilJu, 5?aj 25,~1869. 3 9 MASONIG PARTY. A MASONIC COMPLIMENTARY PARTY will bo pi von at MoBeb'h I???.l and the Lcnda R<k>k . oh the Evening of tfeo 24th of Jnxi, WW.' ' * ? Gentlemen not member* pt tl?? Order may procure V Tiukota of Mr. O. A. Ptokuc, at Henri. Djer A r teaiv a nwro? " Committee of Arrungdmeota. O. A. MOKLK, WM. P. PRICE. ALKX. M'nKK, DR. X. OANTT, col. x. v. jos'xa, c. m. m'jcnkik, THOMAS HALL, DR. A. D. HOKK, dr. vr. r. Jokes, r. o. hat. Qreeftt illc. M?y 26,1869. 8 6 TB BOB BAT fi N OH SB H?M fi D *. ' MR JAMES CI.ARKER CELEBRATED PEMALK PILLS. TlilH invaluable modicine is unfailing it) the ot*re of ell those painfkil and dangerous diseases incident to the female constitution. ' It moderate* all excesses and removes all ohetruetionD, from whatever cause, and a speedy euro may bo relied on. +r TO MARRIED LADIES It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring ou the monthly period with regularity. CAFTIOJt. These Pills should not be taken by female* that are pregnant, during the rinsr tbh howthh, a* they arts sure to bring on Miscarriage; but at every other time, and iu ever' other case, they are perfectly safe. .In all eases of Nervons and Spiab! Atfeeilona, Puin in the lJack and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertions. Palpitation of the Heart, Low bom ui spirits, Hysterics, Sick Headarhe, White#, ami oil tho painful diseases occasioned by a disordered system. There Pills wHl effect ? euro when all other means have failed. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. A bottle containing fifty pills, and encircled with the Government Gtamp of Great Britain, eaaC'l e sent post free for $1 nod fi postage stamps. Sold by K. KVtitch. Greenville, Havlland A Chichester, Wholesale Druggist, Charleston. May 4 62 lyeow ? i s r? Cut This Out ann Stick -It in Yon? Hat.? Wood's llair Restorative will cbntige gray hair to its original color, stop it from falling off, and cause it to grow on bAld beads, and us a cosmetic it has no e<|u*l. Pimples and Wood's Hair Restorative cannot exist together. Caution-.?Beware of worthless Imitations, as several Are already in the mnrket, called by diffen-nt names. XTse none unless the word* (Professor Wood's Hair Restorative Depot, Kt. Louis, Mo., and New York) are blown in the bottle. 8old by all Druggists and Patent Mcdiuiite dealers, also by all Famy and Toilet Goods dealers in the United States and Cannda. Junq 0 6 lm Timely Notice. THOSF, indebted to the latu Firm of ROBERTS, DUNCAN A CO., and especially where it has boon of long standing, are notified that eoeta will bo added if they do not pay up. Longer indulgence cannot be given. Jnne 23 7 tf ? - ?' - | . . . . , ,1 , I,,, , ?ei Cadets of Temperance. riillK M KMUKKB of Greenville Section, No. fi, 1 C. of T., ore earnestly invited to attend the regular weekly*meeting of tho Seetiou on BamitOAr Evrsixo skxt, a* the Office re for the cnauiug Quarter will he elected. Preparation* will alao be made for attendiug the Temperance Colehrattnn. Let every ono attend. T. L. MOOKK, Secretary. June 23 -f 7 1 tinnTng, guttering and ; ROOFING. THE Subscribers inform the Public that they have i mi roll ii*e<1 the TIN MANUFACTORY of Mr. R. OUKBNPIELD, in the Town of Greenville, and intend carrying on the limine** at the name Stand. All kin^a of Tin Work, Guttering and Hoi if. nit will be DONE CHEAPLY AND PROMPTLY. They will take, in exchange for their Work, Rage, Old Pewter, Conpcr, Race wax, Ac. They respectfully bespeak a ahare of pabllo patronage. . ? LOVELAND * CHANDLER. . June.>8 . ^ ff 1 . IfTHE SACRED & HIGHLY ARTISTIC PANORAMA or tn* y|| ?? ?MBIST > Will be Exhibited at Greenrille l- FOIt THBEE DAYS OSLT, COMMENCING ON TUESDAY, JUNK 9S. r.$r Tiokct* 60 cents. Children and fterrants half price. 0. B. MITCHELL, June 23 - 7*1 * Manager. AMBROTYPBS. AND ALL OTHJCR KIND OF TTPM1 O. H. LANNEAU . RESPECTFULLY ?nn?aneea to hit frienda ud I further patron*, that he hM returned to Greenville for the cummer. and ran aiw*yahe fomndat hla former Konm In MoDijt'a IIau. A GOOD Ambrotyjie, NHATLY ENCASED, ran be iMifchtiited tor the lowprirt of ONE DOLLAR. \l Every variety of TYPE can be obtained to hla Gallery, that can he hail in the city of L'karlfio? or A'rne York, and equallr aa PINE. bngiitrnotTpM of Jf*e*t**H poraOBK Photorrnpbcd ami enlarged to LiPg SIZE and Painted in OIL Juoe 23 7 4teow KTEtW 8TORB AND HEW GOODS AT 11. A. OIIAY'S, Near Monro* P. O., 10 Mil** aixi** L>i**rcn*riU?, 3 C. WM. M'NEKIY & sons ARK now receiving and opening a complete and VfcfteA STOCK OF GOODS at tbla place, and atan at Funntnlii Vaaea dim* i i ' aai-. -. ? OIWU* ? /< (<) And by the 9th in (tent will exhibit a WMfli and axtenahre acaortmcut of Oooda at each of Uw ebora place*, to Which tba attention of (fee public la re peotfully invited. Wo will not prom lac to pirt aifoy UooJt, hat we do promlM to Milt at very abort, pronto fur CAHff, or on nhort time to punctual payara. The patronage Of tba public Ingeucrut m ?Mw>" aatljr aolk-ited, and eapacially la tbo Stum at Mutrnw, where jifr. JT*. POWHH wiU W a I Way t In attcmlaucy to wall an ovary eel), ' ' Thanhfnl fcr phot faroro at h*uH"teia Ipo. we. hoittfrUf ao?lc',t a oontltniapie tjntUa ** . froliucu af all btnda will be tukao iu cacbaoira forGix*^ w both place* (itah a* Cora, Judder, OaU, Wheat, I DoUwb, Obtckene, it Kg a, Rag*. *c., do, | alao wl|C a diaaonnt In tit. falT V WM. MrMJSSLV 4 ROOT. June V> > f &